KO events in Austria

2025-06-16/20    Vienna IC on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. 37
2023-09-13/15    Vienna Language, data and knowledge. 4
2022-09-13/15    Vienna Semantics in the era of knowledge graphs
2022-07-23/24    Vienna Formal concept analysis for AI. 10: What can FCA do for AI?
2019-10-24/25    Vienna Planned languages and language planning
2019-09-23/25    Graz Joint Ontology Workshops. 5
2018-09-10/13    Vienna Semantics. 2018
2017-10-21/25    Vienna International Semantic Web Conference. 16
2017-06-22/24    Vienna Theoretical foundations of terminology science and applications (ILKR. 2017)
2016-07-11/16    Vienna Lexicom: workshop in lexicography, corpus linguistics and lexical computing. 2016
2015-09-15/17    Vienna International Conference on Semantic Systems. 11
2015-06-03/07    Vienna International Society for Information Studies Summit. 1
2014-07-14/18    Vienna International Terminology Summer School. 2014
2014-06-18/20    Klagenfurt International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. 12
2013-09-04/06    Graz International Conference on Semantic Systems. 9
2012-09-05/07    Graz I-Semantics. 8
2012-07-24/27    Graz FOIS: Formal ontologies in information systems. 7
2012-07-22/25    Graz ICBO: International Conference on Biomedical Ontology. 3
2011-09-07/09    Graz International Conference on Semantic Systems. 7
2010-09-01/03    Graz Semantic systems. 6
2010-08-17/18    Linz Adaptive multimedia retrieval
2010-05-31/06-04    Vienna Information Retrieval Facility Conference + Symposium
2009-04-28    Vienna  Dewey goes Europe
2007-09-05    Graz  KOST: KO and semantic technologies

Additional information on events can be sent to webmaster@isko.org


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