KO events in India

2025-01-22/24    Bangalore Semantic techniques for data and knowledge representation. 2
2024-08-12/14    New Delhi AI and KM: academia-industry summit
2024-01-04    online Ranganathan lectures. 2023: Classification in the wider philosophical perspective
2022-10-17/20    Hyderabad International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. 41
2022-09-28    online Relevance of Ranganathan's approaches: announcement of winners at 9:30AM UTC
2022-08-12    online On 130th birth anniversary of Padma Shri Dr. SR Ranganathan
2022-02-23    uk What is living and what is dead in Ranganathan's contributions
2022-01-27    online Wikidata and libraries: faceted classification, bibliographic data and authority data
2021-02-22/26    online Semantic techniques and technologies for data and knowledge representation
2020-07-06/10    Bangalore SemTech: Semantic techniques and technologies for data and knowledge representation. 2020
2019-12-12/15    Kolkata Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation. 11
2019-12-12/14    Rourkela International Conference on Next Generation Libraries. 2019
2019-11-14/16    Coimbatore Transforming academic libraries: vision 2030
2019-02-08/09    Kolkata Recent trends in KO
2018-11-26/27    Hyderabad KO in academic libraries
2018-08-07/09    Bangalore 125th Anniversary of SR Ranganathan: Exploring the horizons of LIS
2018-02-21/23    Greater Noida IEEE International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technologies in LIS. 5
2017-10-23    Chennai Innovations in KO. 2017: Advances in KO
2017-10-23/25    Chennai KO, Library & Information Management: revisiting Ranganathan
2016-12-13/16    New Delhi International Conference on Digital Libraries. 2016
2015-12-09/11    Hyderabad Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration. 3
2015-01-06/08    Noida Emerging trends and technologies in libraries and information services. 4
2013-12-03    Bangalore Golden jubilee of Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science
2013-11-20/21    Bangalore Knowledge modelling and knowledge management. 2013
2012-12-08/15    Mumbai International Conference on Computational Linguistics. 24
2012-08-06/09    Mysore International ISKO Conference. 12
2012-07-10/13    Bangalore International Conference on Trends in Knowledge and Information Dynamics
2012-03-11/17    Delhi CICLing: Intelligent text processing and computational linguistics. 13
2011-10-10/13    Srinagar All India IASLIC Conference. 28
2011-02-14/16    Gurgaon Digital libraries and knowledge organization
2011-01-11/13    Kolkata Digital library management
2007-09-03/05    Bangalore  IKONE: KO in the networked environment

Additional information on events can be sent to webmaster@isko.org


© ISKO 2011-2015; last update 2015.03.17 by CG