Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 0 Form Divisions found the 2824 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

18143concept documentation 0.616-9-27/29
Guimarães, José Augusto Chaves; Oliveira Milani, Suellen; Dodebei, Vera (eds.). Knowledge organization for a sustainable world: Challenges and perspectives for cultural, scientific, and technological sharing in a connected society; Proceedings of the Fourteenth International ISKO Conference 27-29 September 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Lang.: eng). - 1st ed. ed. Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2016. pp. 599.(Advances in knowledge organization, 15). 978-3-95650-221-7.

Miranda, Marcos Luiz Cavalcanti de; Thiesen, Icléia . Identification Of The Principles Of Jeremy Bentham´S Utilitarism In The Building Of Knowledge Organization Systems (Lang.: por). - In: Informação: além das nuvens, expandindo as fronteiras da Ciência da Informação: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, (2014), pp. 740- 758. Available at http://enancib2014.eci.ufmg.br/documentos/anais/anais-gt2

16708bibliographies conferences 01;06
Herr, Wiebke; Hofmann, Andreas C.. Podiumsdiskussion "Kollaboration. Interaktion. Die Zukunft geisteswissenschaftlichen Bibliographierens" [Panel discussion "Collaboration. Interaction. The Future of Bibliographies in the Humanities"] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 40(1)2016, pp. 114-116.

16453general bibliographies 011
Menezes, Vinícios. O gesto bibliográfico e a modernidade [Gesture bibliographic and modernity ] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação&Informação, 20(2015)2, pp. 168-183. Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/23129/pdf_64

16524general bibliographies 011
Cadôr, Amir Brito . Bibliotecas, catálogos e coleções [Libraries, catalogs and collections] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação&Informação, 20(2015)2, pp. 205-213. Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/23131/pdf_66

109351990-1-001current bibliographies 012
Wellisch, H.H. Indexing and abstracting: a current-awareness bibliography.Part 8 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.16.No.4.1989.p.255-260.

122041995-0691current bibliographies 012
Wheeler, J. Indexing: A current-awareness bibliography, Pt.5 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 4. 1995. p.279-282. Arranged according to subjects the bibliography lists 79 references,mostly with terse abstracts

Wheeler, J.(Comp.). Indexing: a current-awareness bibliography, Pt.2 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.18.No.4.1993.p.247-258. Contains items no.303-562 arranged in the alphabetical order of 23 main subject headings, beginning with "Automatic Indexing" and ending with "Thesauri".Under each such heading the sequence follows the names of authors.The references have short annotat

Wheeler, J. (Comp.). Indexing: a current-awareness bibliography, Pt.2 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 18. No. 4. p.247-258. Contains items no.303-562 arranged in the alphabetical order of 23 main subject headings, beginning with "Automatic Indexing" and ending with "Thesauri". Under each such heading the sequence follows the names of authors. The references have short annotat

104211990-1-003bibliography of KOS 013
Veger, M.G.; Borisova, N.D., Vladimirova, A.V.et al. An annotated bibliography of the literature of the UDC, IPC, and subject authorities 1971-1985 (Lang.: rus). - Moskva, SU, VINITI, 1989. pp. 394.

109361990-1-002bibliography of KOS 013
Boyce, B.R. Book review of Chan, L.M.: Thesauri used in online databases, an analytic guide.Westport, CT: Greenwood Press 1988.288p (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.Vol.40.No.1.1989.p.71.

123721996-0001bibliography of KOS 013
Sharma, R.N.. Book review of Satija, M.P., Singh, A.: Bibliography of Colon Classification 1930-1993. New Delhi: M.D. Publications 1994. 129 p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Third World Libraries. Vol. 5, No. 2. 1995. p.86-87.

125411996-0746bibliography of KOS 013
Pack, T.. Electronic worlds: a word lover's guide to digital dictionaries, thesauri, and other cybersplaces (Lang.: eng). - In: Database. Vol. 19, No. 2. 1996. p.25-31. Covers general dictionaries and thesauri, specialized reference works, and resources devoted to word games, e.g. crosswords.

Bies, W.. Book review of Satija, M.P., Sing, A.: Bibliography of Colon Classification 1930-1993. New Delhi: M.D.Publ.1994. XI,129p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)4,p.237-238.

100381995-0002recurring bibliographies 015
Deutsche Bibliothek. Liste der fachlichen Nachschlagewerke zu den Normdateien (SWD, GKD). List of the subject reference works for the authority lists (SWD, GKD) (Lang.: ger). - Frankfurt/Main, Deutsche Bibliothek, 1993. pp. 134. ISBN: 09407308.

101431995-0692015, 43.218
Subject Guide to Microforms in Print 1995. Incorporating International Microforms in Print (Lang.: eng). - München, K.G.Saur Verlag, 1995. pp. XXIV,1652. ISBN: 3598112327. All titles are sorted according to subject fields. For subject arrangement the Dewey Decimal Classification, Ed.20 was used

9589bibliography of special indexing fields 016
A bibliography for indexing lives (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 147.

131081990-2-001bibliography of special indexing fields 016
Beck, H. Book review of Dahlberg,l.(Comp.& Ed.): International Classification and Indexing Bibliography.Vol.3: Classification and Indexing Systems:theory, Structure, Methodology, 1950-1982.Indeks Verlag 1985.XII,211p (Lang.: ger). - In: Zbl.Bibl.wes.Vol.104.No.3.1990.p.132-133.

132791996-0002bibliography of special indexing fields 016
Issak, C.; Katsch, L.. Kleine Bibliographie fachsprachlicher Untersuchungen, 20. Fortsetzung [Little bibliography of special language investigations] (Lang.: ger). - In: Fachsprache. Vol. 17, No. 1-2. 1995. p.81-96. Arrangement of the entries (some 400) in alphabetical order under 6 major groupings.

18215bibliography of special indexing fields 016
Bauer, Bruno. Medizinbibliothekarische Bibliografie 2017 [The Medical Librarian’s Bibliography 2017] (Lang.: ger). - In: GMS Medizin — Bibliothek — Information, 18(2018)1/2, Doc03. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3205/mbi000404

18216bibliography of special indexing fields 016
Bauer, Bruno. Medizinbibliothekarische Bibliografie 2016 [The Medical Librarian’s Bibliography 2016] (Lang.: ger). - In: GMS Medizin — Bibliothek — Information, 17(2017)1/2, Doc04. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3205/mbi000383

102591990-1-005bibliography of special indexing fields 016-355
Hypertext: An information retrieval system.Jan.1975-May 1989 (Citations from the INSPEC Information Services) (Lang.: eng). - Springfield, VA, NTIS, 1989. pp. 113.

104491990-1-006bibliography of special indexing fields vehicle science 016-77
Conseil Int.de la Language Francaise. Catalogue des Publications, Sept.1989 (Lang.: fre). - Paris, CILF, 1989. pp. 52.

O'Hara Conway, M.. Research in cataloging and classification. Methods and issues - A selective, annotated bibliography (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalog & Classification Quarterly. 19(1994)1,p.119-129.

Wellisch, H.H.. Indexing: a basic reading list (Lang.: eng). - Port Aransas, TX, American Society of Indexers, 1992. The items in this bibliography cover the technical aspects of writing an index for a book or periodical

Query languages. DBMS Expert Applications (Lang.: eng). - Springfield, VA, NTIS, 1993. This bibliography compiled from the INSPEC database (NERAC,Inc., Tolland, CT) contains citations concerning the principles, designss, and application of expert systems to database management system query languages. Optimization, natural language, data retrieval, and modeling applications are considered. Contains a minimum of 90 citations and includes a subject term index and title list.

Manu, A. . Bibliographic information of mono and multilingual specialized vocabularies, Bibliographies containing terminological literature, and Directories of acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations (Lang.: eng). - In: BiblioTerm. No. 55/56. 1995. 21p..Vienna, AT, Infoterm, The bibliography is arranged according to the UDC.

Sabourin, C.F. (Comp.). Computational linguistics in information science: Bibliography (Lang.: eng). - Montréal, Qc., INFOLINGUA, 1994. pp. 1047. ISBN: 2921173239 (vol.1); 2921173247 (vol.2). The bibliography covers information retrieval (2100 refs.), full-text (890) or conceptual (60), automatic indexing (930), text abstraction (270), content analysis (530), information extractio (520), query languages (1090), etc., altogether 6390 references, fully indexed. To order write to INFOLINGUA Inc., P.O.Box 187, Snowdon, Montréal Qc H3X 3T4, Canada.

Weinberg, B.H.. Book review (in-depth) of Sabourin, C.F.: Computational linguistics in information science: Information retrieval, Automatic indexing, Text abstraction, Content analysis, information extraction, query languages: Bibliography. 2 vols. Montréal: Infolingua 1994. 1046p. (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 47, No. 3. 1996. p.247-249.

Campe, P.. Case, Semantic Roles, and Grammatical Relations. A comprehensive bibliography (Lang.: eng). - Amsterdam, NL, J.Benjamins Publ., 1994. pp. VII,644. ISBN: 9027228116. Contains references to more than 6000 publications with a subject and a language index as well as a guide to the relevant languages and language families.

Expert Systems: Industrial Applications. Latest citations from the Compendex Database (Lang.: eng). - Springfield, VA, NTIS, 1993. The bibliography contains citations concerning the development and application of expert computer systems for industrial uses. The citations include references to inference logic, man-machine systems, and problem-solving aspects of expert systems. Industrial applications include flexible manufacturing, foundry practice, glass manufacture, metal working and machining. 250 citatins and a subject term index and title list.

Sabourin, C.F. (Comp.). Computational lexicology and lexicography: bibliography (Lang.: eng). - Montréal, Qc, INFOLINGUA Inc., 1994. pp. 1031. ISBN: 2921173042 (vol.1); 2921173050 (vol.2). The bibliography comprises altogether 5910 references: on dictionaries-production 1380, on thesauri 680, on term banks 680, on analysis dictionaries 1230, on transfer dictionaries 140, on generation dictionaries 60, on lexical database/machine readable dictionaries 550, on lexical semantics 780, on lexicon grammar 110, etc.

Infoterm. BIT. Bibliographic information on Mono- and Multilingual Specialized Vocabularies. Bibliographies containing terminological literature and directories of acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations (Lang.: eng). - In: TermNet News. No. 52/53. 1996. 20p..(BiblioTerm 55/56). The entries are grouped according to the TermNet scheme of International Bibliographies (BTs); within each bibliography, they are arranged in the order of the UDC.

Zgusta, L.; Farina, D.M.T.Cr. Lexicography today: an annotated bibliography of the theory of lexicography (Lang.: eng). - Tübingen, FRG, Niemeyer, 1988. pp. XV,349. ISBN: 3484309180.

Manu, A.. Bibliographic information on Terminology standards and Standardized guidelines for terminology (Lang.: eng). - In: StandardTerm. No. 35/36. 1995. 29p..Vienna, AT, Infoterm, The bibliography is arranged accoring to the UDC.

Infoterm. STT Bibliographic information on terminology standards. Standardized guidelines for terminology (Lang.: eng). - In: TermNet News. No. 50/51. 1995. 24p..(StandardTerm 35/36). Arrangement of the bibliographic entries of standards according to the UDC.

Isaak, Ch.; Katsch, L.. Kleine Bibliographie fachsprachlicher Untersuchungen [Little bibliography of special language investigations"] (Lang.: ger). - In: Fachsprache. 16(1994)3-4,p.174-192. This is the 19th continuation of a bibliography started in 1976 as an appendix to the monograph of Lothar Hoffmann: Kommunikationsmittel Fachsprache. Eine Einführung (Communication through special languages. An introduction). Berlin: Akademie Verlag 1976 and having been published in all its continuations in the journal "Fachsprache".

16155bibliography of KOS in 018
Sassen, Catherine. Indexes in award-winning cookbooks  (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 33(2015)2, pp.  71-76.

109371990-1-007conceptology systems theory 018-51/4
Berg-Schorn, E. Editions of the ICD and other health-related classification systems.A systematically arranged bibliography of works 1960-1989 (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.16.No.3.p.157-159.

20252000-0301bibliography of KOS in information sciences 018-82
Bibliography of 10 years International Society for Knowledge Organization / compiled by G.J.A. Riesthuis ; with assistance of W. Schmitz-Esser (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)4,p.203-260.

8961bibliography of persons 019
East, Harry, Adams, Amber. B.C. Vickery: bibliography (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp.223-235 (

18211bibliography of persons 019
Restrepo Fernández, María Camila. Aproximación bibliométrica a las contribuciones de Hope A. Olson en el campo de la organización del conocimiento [Bibliometric approach to the contributions of Hope A. Olson to Knowledge Organization] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire 24 (2018),1, pp. 91-101. Available at http://https://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/scire/article/view/4469

18758bibliography of persons 019
Hollender, Martin. Spröde Anmutung, goldener Inhalt: Personalbibliographien [Brittle appearance, golden content: Author bibliographies] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksmagazin, 15(2020)2, pp. 53-56. Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/pdf/publikationen/bibliotheksmagazin/bm_2020_2.pdf

18846bibliography of persons 019; 924
Reinitzer, Sigrid. [book review of:] Karl F. Stock, Rudolf Heilinger, Marylène Stock: Personalbibliographien österreichischer Frauen in Kultur, Wissenschaft und Politik. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2020 (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 73(2020)2, pp. 324-325. Available at http://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v73i2.4296

18893bibliography of persons 019; 924
Stock, Karl F.; et al.. Personalbibliographien österreichischer Frauen in Kultur, Wissenschaft und Politik [Personal bibliographies of Austrian women in culture, science and politics] (Lang.: ger). - 2020.0. pp. 914.0. 978-3-85125-760-1.

9831998-0359bibliography of persons KO historical persons 019;922
Keen, M. Cyril W. Cleverdon : bibliography (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 54(1998)3,p.274-280.

16119literature reviews 02
Gould, Elyssa M.; Nelson, Miriam. Rethinking Collection Development and Management. (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources & Technical Services, 59(2015)1, pp. 55-56.

16180literature reviews 02
Askey, Dale. Not a catalogue at all: Ist der Aufwand für Katalogisierung noch sinnvoll? [[Book review of] Catalogue 2.0: The Future of the Library Catalogue / Sally Chambers (Ed.). London: Facet Publ., 2013] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB – Forum Bibliothek und Information, 66(2014),7/8, pp.566-567. Available at http://www.b-u-b.de/pdfarchiv/Heft-BuB_07_2014.pdf

16288literature reviews 02
Oehlschläger, Susanne. Interview mit Simon Edwards [Interview with Simon Edwards [on RDA issues]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 26(2014)2, pp. 22-24. Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog20142volltext.pdf

16483literature reviews 02
Georgy, Ursula. [book review of] Beier, H., et al. (eds.) Wissensmanagement beflügelt: Wie Sie einen unbegrenzten Rohstoff aktivieren. Berlin, 2015 (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online, 18(2015)5, pp. 472-474. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2015-05-rezensionen.pdf

16497literature reviews 02
Plieninger, Jürgen. Blick in den Maschinenraum: [book review of] Lewandowski, Dirk: Suchmaschinen verstehen. Berlin: Springer Vieweg, 2015 [Peeping into the engine room: [book review of] Lewandowski, Dirk: [Understanding search engines]. Berlin: Springer Vieweg, 2015] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB: Forum Bibliothek und Information, 67(2015)8/9, pp. 558-559. Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/2015-08.pdf

16502literature reviews 02
Miljković, Natascha. Buchbesprechung: Why do we quote? The culture and history of quotation [Book review: Why do we quote? The culture and history of quotation ] (Lang.: ger). - In: GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information, 15(2015)1/2, Doc05. Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0183-mbi0003329

17388literature reviews 02
Caf?, L?gia Maria Arruda; Barros, Camila Monteiro; Borja, Renata Duarte; Machiavelli, Marieli . Anàlise conceitual do termo organiza??o do conhecimento em teses brasileiras [Conceptual analysis of the term knowledge organization in Brazilian theses] (Lang.: por). - In: Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documenta??o, 13(2017)1, pp. 82-113. Available at http://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/409/593

17271literature reviews mathematics 02-12
Freyberg, Linda. Die Lesbarkeit der Welt. Rezension zu 'The Concept of Information in Library and Information Science. A Field in Search of Its Boundaries: 8 Short Comments Concerning Information'. In: Cybernetics and Human Knowing. Vol. 22 (2015), 1, 57-80. Kurzartikel von Luciano Floridi, S?ren Brier, Torkild Thellefsen, Martin Thellefsen, Bent S?rensen, Birger Hj?rland, Brenda Dervin, Ken Herold, Per Hasle und Michael Buckland [The readability of the world. Book review of 'The Concept of Information in Library and Information Science. A Field in Search of Its Boundaries: 8 Short Comments Concerning Information'. In: Cybernetics and Human Knowing. Vol. 22 (2015), 1, 57-80. Short ] (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (2016)30. Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe30/freyberg/

17272literature reviews 02-911
Wonke-Stehle, Jens. Rezension zu: Ulrich Herb (2015). Open Science in der Soziologie: Eine interdisziplin?re Bestandsaufnahme zur offenen Wissenschaft und eine Untersuchung ihrer Verbreitung in der Soziologie. Gl?ckstadt: vwh [Book review of: Ulrich Herb (2015). [Open science in sociology: An interdisciplinary appraisal of open science and its spread in sociology]. Gl?ckstadt: vwh] (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (2016)30. Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe30/wonke-stehle/

17557literature reviews 02; 09.23
Wiesenmüller, Heidrun. Handbuch zur Regensburger Verbundklassifikation: Materialien zur Einführung; hrsg. von Bernd Lorenz. 3., überarb. Aufl. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2017 [[book review of:] Handbook on the Regensburg Classification System, ed. by Bernd Lorenz. 3rd. rev. ed. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2017] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 4(2017)4, pp. 268-273. Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2017H4S268-273

48092007-0001literature reviews information use 02;981
Markey, K. Twenty-five years of end-user searching, Part 1: Research findings. Part 2: Future research directions (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)8, p.1071-1081, 1122-1130.

Lancaster, F.W.; Elliker, C., Connell, T.H. Subject analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Ann.Rev.Inform.Sci.& Technol.Vol.24.1989.p.35-84.

Ibekwe-SanJuan, Fidelia, SanJuan, Eric. Knowledge organization research in the last two decades: 1988-2008 (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 115-121.

9768general reviews 021
Koltay, Tibor. Szükség van-e az osztályozásra a Google utáni korban? [(Review of) Hjørland, Birger: “Is classification necessary after Google?” Journal of documentation, 68(2012)3, pp. 299–317] (Lang.: hun). - In: Könyvtári figyelő, 59(2013)1, pp. 140-145. Available at http://ki.oszk.hu/kf/2013/04/szukseg-van-e-az-osztalyozasra-a-google-utani-korban/#more-7616

16167general reviews 021
Szostak, Rick. Cultural Frames of Knowledge (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 42(2015)2, pp. 129-133.

16168general reviews 021
Szostak, Rick. Theories of Information, Communication and Knowledge: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 42(2015)2, pp. 129-133.

18738general reviews 021
Langholz, Julia Elisabeth. [book review of] Alex, H.; Bee, G.; Junger, U. (eds.) Klassifikationen in Bibliotheken: Theorie - Anwendung - Nutzen. Berlin, 2018. [Classifications in libraries: Theory - application - benefit] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 22(2019)2, pp. 195. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2019-02-rezensionen.pdf

9769general reviews textbooks on KO general questions 021;07.21
Oberhauser, Otto. [(Book review of) Davis, Charles H.; Shaw, Debora. (Eds.) Introduction to Information Science and Technology. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2011. 272pp. ISBN 9781573874236.] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 65(2012)3/4, pp. 567-571.. The book includes: Chapter 4 Representation of Information; Chapter 5 Organization of Information; Chapter 7 Structured Information Systems.

52472007-0480general reviews state-of-the-art 021;182
Broughton, V. Classification and subject organization and retrieval. British librarianship and information work, 1991-2000; ed. J. H. Bowman (Lang.: eng). - London, Ashgate Publishing, 2006.

52482007-0481general reviews state-of-the-art 021;182
Broughton, V. Classification and subject organization and retrieval. British librarianship and information work, 2001-2005; ed. J. H. Bowman (Lang.: eng). - London, Ashgate Publishing, 2007.

9590general reviews history of KO in countries 021;199
Chang, Yun-Mee; Chung, Yeon-Kyoung. [A study on analysis of research trends about classification in Korea] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 24(2013)1, pp. 25-44.

8962recurring reviews 025
Gardner, S.A. Cresting toward the sea change: literature review of cataloging and classification 2009-10 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources and technical services, 56(2012)2, pp. 64-79.

9206recurring reviews 025
Gardner, Sue Ann. Cresting toward the sea change: literature review of cataloging and classification, 2009-10 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 56(2012)2, pp. 64-79.

108341990-0763recurring reviews 025
Stone, A.T. That elusive concept of aboutness: the year's work in subject analsis (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Resources & Techn.Serv.Vol.37.No.3.1993.p.277-298. The survey has the following headings: Theoretical foundations, cataloguing practices, subject access in online environments, and specialized materials and topics.It is noted that the Ranganathan anniversary year has resulted in much literature devoted to classification theory and faceted classification systems

115941993-0763recurring reviews 025
Stone, A.T.. That elusive concept of aboutness: the year's work in subject analsis (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Resources & Techn.Serv.. Vol. 37. No. 3. p.277-298. The survey has the following headings: Theoretical foundations, cataloguing practices, subject access in online environments, and specialized materials and topics. It is noted that the Ranganathan anniversary year has resulted in much literature devotedto classification theory and faceted classification systems.

17889recurring reviews conferences 025;06;196
Clarke, Stella Dextre. Knowledge organization—making a difference. Report of the Fourth Biennial Conference of ISKO UK (London, 13-14 July 2015) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)6, pp. 399-400.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 2. ISSN: 09437444

9405reviews in special KO fields 026
Hjørland, Birger. User-based and cognitive approaches to knowledge organization: a theoretical analysis of the research literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)1, pp. 11-27.

8963reviews in special KO fields 026
Lazzarotto Freitas, Juliana, Faustino Gabriel, Rene, junior, Santiago Bufrem, Leilah. Theoretical approximations between Brazilian and Spanish authors’ production in the field of knowledge organization in the production of journals on information science in Brazil (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 19(2012)3, pp. 216-223.

9770reviews in special KO fields 026
Zhang, Zhongqiu. [Progress of researchers and practices on classification and thesaurus in recent years in China] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library work and study, (2012)11, pp. 102-107.

111651990-2-002reviews in special KO fields 026
Biswas, S.C.; Smith, F. Classed thesauri in indexing and retrieval.A literature review and critical evaluation of online alphabetic classaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.& Inform.Sci.Res.Vol.11.No.2.1989.p.109-141.

125451996-0750reviews in special KO fields 026
Chung, Y.K.. Characteristics of references in international classification systems literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Quart. Vol. 65, No. 2. 1995. p.200-215. The study analyzed 5,302 references in 68 monographs and 352 journal articles indexed by the Classification Literature section of the journal International Classification.

130311990-0764reviews in special KO fields 026
Zerbst, H.-J.; Kaptein, O. Gegenwõrtiger Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen der Sacherschließung.Auswertung einer Umfrage an deutschen wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken [Present state and development trends of subject indexing.Evaluation of a questionnaire sent to German scientific and public libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst.Vol.27.No.10.1993.p.1526-39.

131621993-0764reviews in special KO fields 026
Zerbst, H.-J.; Kaptein, O.. Gegenwartiger Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen der Sacherschliessung. Auswertung einer Umfrage an deutschen wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken [Present state and development trends of subject indexing. Evaluation of a questionnaire sent to German scientific and public libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 27. No. 10. p.1526-39.

16218reviews in special KO fields 026
Morán Reyes, Ariel Antonio. Revisión del problema de Wiener o del estatus ontológico de la información [Review of the Wiener’s Problem or of Ontological Status of Information (orig.)] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología, 38(2015)1, pp. 65-78. Available at http://aprendeenlinea.udea.edu.co/revistas/index.php/RIB/article/view/21325/17733

16300reviews in special KO fields 026
Wolfer, Sascha; Hansen-Schirra, Silvia; Held, Uli. Verstehen und Verständlichkeit von populärwissenschaftlichen Texten: Das Projekt PopSci – Understanding Science [Comprehension and comprehensibility of popular science texts: the research project PopSci – Understanding Science] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 66(2015)2, pp. 111-120.

18303reviews in special KO fields 026
Kwak, Chul-Wan. A Study on Brown’s Subject Classification (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korea Society for Information Management, 35(2018)4, pp. 37-50.. Available at http://http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07590748

18737reviews in special KO fields 026
Langholz, Julia Elisabeth. [book review of] Dallinger, P.-M.; Hofer, G.; Judex, B. (eds.) Archive für Literatur: Der Nachlass und seine Ordnungen. Berlin, 2018 [Archives for literature: The literary estate and its arrangements] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 22(2019)2, pp. 194. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2019-02-rezensionen.pdf

18803reviews in special KO fields 026
Kuttner, Sven. [book review of] Gantert, Klaus: Handschriften, Inkunabeln, Alte Drucke: Informationsressourcen zu historischen Bibliotheksbeständen. Berlin, 2019 [Manuscripts, incunabula, old prints: Information resources on historical library holdings] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 7(2020)1, 2pp.. Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/5578

9591reviews in special KO fields history of KO in countries 026;199
Qiu, Junping; Lou, Wen. [Exploration of evolution and research focus of the index during past two decades] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)12, pp. 12-17, 112.

16111reviews in special KO fields facets 026;225
Harken, Shelby E.. A Review of FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) Users: Summary and Case Studies (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 53(2015) 2, pp. 247-249.

18671reviews in special KO fields integration 026;287
Mochón Bezares, Gonzalo; Méndez Rodríguez, Eva María; Bueno de la Fuente, Gema . Conversión normalizada (SKOS) de sistemas de organización del conocimiento interoperables en la web [Normalized conversion (SKOS) of interoperable knowledge organization systems on the Web] (Lang.: sp). - In: Investigación bibliotecológica, 34(2020)82, pp. 53-86.México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , 2020. Available at http://doi.org/10.22201/iibi.24488321xe.2020.82.58071

7821reviews in special KO fields facet analysis 026;325
Fagan, Jody Condit. Usability studies of faceted browsing: a literature review (Lang.: eng). - In: Information technology & libraries, 29(2010)2, pp. 58-66.

7822reviews in special KO fields automatic indexing 026;341
Stanfill, Mary H. et al. A systematic literature review of automated clinical coding and classification systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 17(2010)6, pp. 646-651.

16104reviews in special KO fields KOS standards 026;413
Hearn, Stephen . A Review of “International Standard ISO 25964-2: Information and Documentation—Thesauri and Interoperability With Other Vocabularies—Part 2: Interoperability With Other Vocabularies” (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 53(2015)1, pp. 112-115.

15702reviews in special KO fields LCSH 026;448
Robare, Lori. (Book review of) Broughton, Vanda. Essential Library of Congress subject headings. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2012. ix, 278 p. ISBN 9781555706401 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52 (2014)4, pp. 457-460.

15701reviews in special KO fields bibliographic description 026;946
Balster , Kevin. (Book review of) Jones, Ed. RDA and serials cataloging. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2013. xii, 215p. ISBN: 9780838911396 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52 (2014)4, pp. 457-460.

18362reviews in special KO fields user studies 026;98
Tramullas, Jesús; Sánchez-Casabón, Ana I.; Garrido-Picazo, Piedad . Wikipedia categories in research: towards a qualitative review of uses and applications (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 490-500.

Winiwarter, W.. Bewältigung der Informationsflut. Stand der Computerlinguistik [Coping with the flood of information. Computer linguistics today.] (Lang.: ger). - In: Nachr.Dok. Vol. 47. 1996. p.131-150.

123731996-0003026.752, 752.242.026
Meikle, D.. Syndetic structure and OPACs: a literature review (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia. Vol. 21, No. 1. 1995. p.19-35.

16148reviews of KO in 028
Shuttleworth, Christine. Indexes reviewed (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 32(2014)4, pp. 178-179.

16149reviews of KO in 028
Coe, Mary. Where is the evidence? A review of the literature on the usability of book indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 32(2014)4, pp. 161-168.

9771reviews of KO in information sciences 028-82
Oberhauser, Otto. [(Database review of) International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO): knowledge organization literature] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 66(2013)2, pp. 373-379.

17697reviews of KO in multilingual IR 028;797
Dousa, Thomas M.. Julius Otto Kaiser: the early years (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Trends 62(2013)2, pp. 402-428.Maryland, USA, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. pp. 26. Available at http://http://muse.jhu.edu/article/540521

Xia, Huosong; Peng, Liuyan; Yu, Menglin. [A literature review on automatic sentiment classification] (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(2011)5, pp. 530-539.

17917KO glossaries terminology of special KOS online retrieval problems KOS-based access 03;037;751;756
Dextre Clarke, Stella G.. Origins and trajectory of the long thesaurus debate (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)3, pp. 138-144.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 7. ISSN: 09437444

Huber, J.T.; Gillaspy, M.L.. HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS-Related Terminology. A means of organizing the body of knowledge (Lang.: eng). - Binghampton, NY, Haworth Press, 1996. pp. IX,107. ISBN: 1560249706. After an introduction and instructions for use an index of domains and main headings is given and thereafter the terms in the order of the domains and their main headings. Concludingly some general subdivisons are listed as wll as an alphabetical index of all terms.

1311997-2-0130information sciences 03.78-82
Gould, S. Book review of S. Keenan: Concise Dictionary of Library and Information Science. London: Bowker-Saur, 1996. 184 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Management 18(1997)1/2. p.65-66.

100611996-0529information sciences 03.78-82
Keenan, St.. Concise Dictionary of Library and Information Science (Lang.: eng). - London etc., Bowker/Saur, 1996. pp. X,214. ISBN: 1857390229. Contains in the order of sections A-F (Information Sources, Informatin Handling and Retrieval, Computers and Telecommunications, Resource Management, Research Methodology, and Publishing) the definitions of some 3000 terms as well as an alphabetical index to all of them relating to the pages where a definition appears.

102281996-0528information sciences 03.78-82
Benito, M.. Diccionario Multilingue de Terminologia Bibliotecaria. Espanol, ingles, frances, sueco, alemán (Spanish, English, French, Swedish and German) (Lang.: spa,eng,fre,swe,ger). - Boras, Sweden, Ed. Taranco, 1996. ISBN: 9197010383. The main list is in alphabetical order of the terms in Spanish with their equivalents in Italian, French, English and German. It comprises some 430 terms. It is followed by 4 indexes for each language with their equivalences in the Spanish language.

7801998-0156information sciences literature reviews 03.78-82;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of S. Keenan: Concise Dictionary of Library and Information Science. London: Bowker-Saur, 1996. x,214 p. - ISBN: 1857390229 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)1/2,p.49-50.

29762002-0001information sciences literature reviews 03.78-82;02
Turner, A. (Book review of) Keenan, S., Johnston, C.: Concise Dictionary of Library and Information Science - 2nd ed London: Bowker-Saur, 2001 – x,214 p. - ISBN: 1857392515 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information World Review, (2001)175, p.66.

16749information sciences literature reviews 03.78-82;02
Oberhauser, Otto. [book review of:] Bemis, Michael F.: Library and Information Science: A Guide to Key Literature and Sources. London: Facet, 2014. (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 68(3/4)2015, pp. 668-671. Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1310/1146

Parker, D.J.. Glossary of basic CD-ROM terms (Lang.: eng). - In: CD-ROM Professinal. Vol. 7, No. 1. 1994. p.122-126.

15091999-0303general KO glossaries literature reviews 031;02
Barlow, C. Book review of Wellisch, H.H. Abstracting, indexing, classification, thesaurus construction: a glossary - Port Aransas, TX: American Society of Indexers, 1996. - 64 p. - ISBN: 0936547359 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1998)2, p.101.

39232005-32-1-0001general KO glossaries literature reviews 031;02
Hudon, M. (Book review of) Satija, M.P.: A Dictionary if know­ledge organisation. - Amritsar, India : Guru Namak Dev University, 2004. - 248 p. - ISBN: 8177701010 (Lang.: eng). - In: Know­ledge Organization, 31(2004)3, p.196-198.

17605general KO glossaries categories 031;125
Smiraglia, Richard. The elements of knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2014. Available at http://http://www.springer.com/gb/book/9783319093567 9783319093567.

17829general KO glossaries vocabulary selection 031;223
Abdel-Qader, Mohammad; Scherp, Ansgar. Towards understanding the evolution of vocabulary terms in knowledge graphs (Lang.: eng). - In: arXiv.org > cs > arXiv:1710.00232.Ithaca, NY, Cornell University, 2017. pp. 10. Available at http://https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.00232

17864general KO glossaries term standardisation KO metadata 031;992;918
Hider, Philip. A survey of the coverage and methodologies of schemas and vocabularies used to describe information resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)3, pp. 154-163.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 10. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Color Photograph, 3 Charts, 4 Graphs

99571993-0429glossaries containing KO sections 032
Watters, C.. Dictionary of information science and technology (Lang.: eng). - San Diego, CA, Academic Press, 1992. pp. 300. ISBN: 012738510X.

99691990-2-004glossaries containing KO sections 032
Burger, E. Dictionary of Information Science (Lang.: eng, ger, fre). - Amsterdam,NL, Elsevier Sci, 1989. pp. 903. ISBN: 0444989048.

99731995-0216glossaries containing KO sections 032
Prytherch, R. (Comp.). Harrod's Librarians's Glossary, 8th Edition (Lang.: eng). - Aldershot, U.K, Gower Publ, 1995. pp. 712. ISBN: 0566075334. The new edition (7th was in 1990) comprises 9000 terms used in information management, library science, publishing, the book trades and archive management

102271993-0001glossaries containing KO sections 032
Benito, M.. Bibliotekstermer. Svenska-Engelska, Franska, Spanska, Finska (Lang.: swe, eng, fre). - 1992. pp. 72. ISBN: 9197010324.

105091990-2-005glossaries containing KO sections 032
Schulze, Hans H. Computer-Enzyklopädie - Lexikon und Fachwörterbuch für Datenverarbeitung und Telekommunikation.4 Bde [Computer Encyclopedia - a lexicon and dictionary for dataprocessing and telecommunication.4 vols] (Lang.: ger, eng). - Reinbek b.Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1989. pp. ca 2900.

114721993-0428glossaries containing KO sections 032
Krommer-Benz, M.. Book review of Jung, H., Jung, U.O.H.: The dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations in applied linguistics and language learning. Frankfurt, etc.: Peter Lang 1991. 802 p. (Lang.: eng). - In: FachspracheVol. 14 No. 3-4. 1992. p.181-182.

131441993-0426glossaries containing KO sections 032
Logistische Fachbegriffe [Logistical terms] (Lang.: ger). - In: Materialamt der Bundeswehr (Informationsschrift). 1992. p.57-58.Sankt Augustin, DE,

131451993-0427glossaries containing KO sections 032
Bauer, Roland. Book review of Wennrich, P.: International dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms of electronics, electrical engineering, computer technology, and information processing. München, etc. Saur 1992. 960 p. (Lang.: ger). - In: FachspracheVol. 15 No. 1-2. 1993. p.85-87.

133361990-2-003glossaries containing KO sections 032
Bies, W. Book review of Sauppe, E.: Wörterbuch des Bibliothekswesens.de-en, en-de.München: Saur 1988.XX,428p (Lang.: ger, eng). - In: Lebende Sprachen.Vol.35.No.1.1990.p.40-41.

Olderr, St. (Comp.). Reverse symbolism dictionary: symbols listed by subject (Lang.: eng). - In: Jefferson,NC, London. McFarland (Shelwing,Ltd. UK distributor). 1992. pp. IX,181. Usually a dictionary lists words and their meanings. A reverse symbols dictionary gives the meaning of the symbol followed by the symbol itself.

130271990-2-006terms in special KO fields 036
Ferre, A.-G. Terminologie de l'informatique [A data processing terminology] (Lang.: fre, eng). - In: Meta.Vol.33.No.3.1988.p.427-438.

Diodato, V.. Dictionary of bibliometrics (Lang.: eng). - Binghampton, NY, Haworth Press, 1994. pp. 182. ISBN: 1560248521. It is said the dictionary contains 225 nontechnical definitions of keyterms from the field of bibliometrics - the application of mathematical and statistical techniques to the study of publishing and professional communication

Jung, H.; Jung, U.O.H.. The dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations in applied linguistics and language learning (Lang.: eng). - Frankfurt etc., Peter Lang, 1991. pp. 802. ISBN: 3631438672.

Rangra, V.K.. Acronyms in information science & technology (Lang.: eng). - Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1993. pp. X,325. ISBN: 8185689385. The book covers over 6500 acronyms with 7500 expansions in information science and technology covering processes, techniques, systems, institutions, associations concerning libraries, archives, information centers, computerized databases, systems and networks, management, etc. as well as related areas. (From review by S.B.Gosh in Ann.Lib.Sci.Doc. 41(1994)No.2, p.80).

Bakhturina, T.A.; Sukiasyan, E.R.. Contemporary cataloguing terminology: Glossary with recommendations (Lang.: rus). - Moskva, Russian State L, 1992. pp. 197.

Rusch-Feja, D.D. Book review of Sauppe, E.: Dictionary of librarianship.Including a selection from the terminology of inform.sci., bibliology, reprography, and data processing, de-en, en-de.München: Saur 1988.XX,428p (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek.Forsch., & Praxis.Vol.13.No.3.1989.p.401-404.

Expert systems and databases: a dictionary of terms (Lang.: rus). - In: MTA.Szamitastechn.es autom.kut.indez.tanulm.No.214.1988.p.103-121.

Kabdebo, Th.. Dictionary of dictionaries (Lang.: eng). - London, etc., Bowker-Saur, 1992. pp. 253. ISBN: 0862917751. Description or citation of some 6000 titles.

Delmas, B.. Dictionnaire des archives: de l'archivage aux systèmes d'information: francais, anglais, allemand [Archive dictionary: from storing in archives to information systems] (Lang.: fre, eng, ger). - Paris, FR, AFNOR, 1991. pp. 251. ISBN: 2124842218.

Dillon, P.M.; Leonard, D.C.. Multimedia Technology from A to Z (Lang.: eng). - Phoenix, AZ, Oryx Press, 1994. pp. 192. ISBN: 0897748921. This dictionary of multimedia terms includes also an annotated bibliography of works on multimedia technology.

Junge, H.-D.. Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence and Neuronal Networks. English/German. German/English (Lang.: ger, eng). - Weinheim, etc., VCH, 1991. pp. 238. ISBN: 3527279946. (Title also in German)

129571994-0690terms in KO applications 038-192
Michel, Jean. Glossaire simplifié de l'analyse de la valeur et de la specification de la qualité fonctionelle de produits et services d'informamtion [Simplified glossary of value-analysis and specification of functional quality of products and information services] (Lang.: fre). - In: Cahier de la Documentation. 2(1994)p.77-83. Extensive discussion and definition of 12 concepts in the fields mentioned in the title.

12061999-0001conceptology science and KO literature reviews 038-25/6;02
Dirckx, J.H. Book review of Rigg, J.C., Brown, S.S., Dybkaer, R.: Compendium of terminology and nomenclature of properties in clinical laboratory sciences (Recommendations 1995) - Oxford: Bl;ackwell Science, 1995 (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology , 4(1997)1, p.161-165.

117161994-0691terms in KO applications 038-731
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Glossary of terms concerning industrial property information and documentation (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information. 15(1993)1,p.21-39.

24792001-0137terms in KO applications information sciences 038-82
Concise Dictionary of Library and Information Science (Lang.: eng). - 2 ed. Munich, Saur, 2000. pp. 300. ISBN: 3598115083. »» Contains about 5000 terms in one alphabetical sequence, incorporating 6 themes (Information Sources, Information Handling, Computers and Telecommunications, Management, Research Methodology, and Publishing)

133051996-0752terms in KO applications information sciences 038-82
Berndt, M.. Book review of Keitz, E.v., Keitz, W.v.: Dictionnaire des sciences de l'information, de la bibliothèque et de la documentation Francais-Allemand, Allemand-Francais. Weinheim, etc.: VCH 1994- 323p. (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek. Forsch.& Praxis. Vol. 19, No. 1. 1995. p.125-127.

125461996-0753terms in KO applications 038-8228:138
McCain, C.W.. Book review of Diodato, V.: Dictionary of bibliometrics. New York: Haworth Press 1994. 185p. (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 47, No. 9. 1996. p.716-717.

100601994-0692conceptology science and KO 038-825/6
Keenan, St.. Concise Dictionary of Library and Information Science (Lang.: eng). - London, etc., Bowker-Saur, 1994. pp. 350. ISBN: 1857390229. The dictionary for students and practitioners explains some 3,000 terms in subject areas with an alphabetical index and a cross-referencing system.

101391994-0693conceptology science and KO 038-825/6
Sawoniak, H.; Witt, M.. New International Dictionary of Acronyms in Library and Information Science and Related Fields (Lang.: eng). - 2nd ed. ed. München, DE, K.G.Saur Verlag, 1991. pp. 511. ISBN: 3598109725. Lists more than 30,000 forms in 34 languages.

101221995-0013terms in KO applications computer science 038-83
Sydow, F.von. InformLex. Lexikon für Abkürzungen und Metaphern in Informatik und Umfeld [InformLex. Encyclopedia of abbreviations and metaphors in data processing and related fields"] (Lang.: ger). - Wiesbaden, Vieweg, 1994. pp. 376. ISBN: 3528053011. Contains 2587 entries (acronyms, letter symbols, etc) of the field of computer technology with many references.

101371993-0005terms in KO applications computer science 038-83
Junge, H.-D.. Dictionary of Information Technology, English-German (Lang.: eng, ger). - Weinheim, etc., VCH, 1989. pp. VIII,927. ISBN: 3572264302. (Title also in German)

105021994-0694terms in KO applications computer science 038-83
VNIIKI. Informatika - Informatics. Russian-English Dictionary (Lang.: rus, eng). - Moskva, VNIIKI, 1992. pp. 95. Russian-based dictionary with definitions and equivalents of the terms in English. Russian alphabetical sequence. English index.

119181995-0012terms in KO applications computer science 038-83
Board on Sci.& Technol.for Int.Development, US NRC. Technology Fact Sheets (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Development. 10(1994)4,p.288-291. Under this title the journal publishes in each issue one or more titles from a new series of fact sheets on informationtechnology produced by the BOSTID (the Board mentioned) of the U.S. National Research Council. Ten fact sheets have been published so far; they comprise an introductory sheet and a glossary of frequently used computer terms including also an Internet primer, navigting the Internet, Fidonet, CD-ROM, and desktop publishing. Here 45 terms are defined.

101601994-0695terms in KO applications communication engineering 038-84, 038-88
Bärwald, W.. Dictionnaire bureaucratique et télèmatique. Fachwörterbuch Büro- und Datenkommunikation. Office and telecommunications dictionary. de (Lang.: fre). - Berlin-Paris, Hatier, 1993. pp. 197. ISBN: 3861170183. The dictionary contains some 7500 entries and more than 10,000 references in the following areas: office technology, telecommunication services, networks, equipments, terminal and open communication systems.

105741994-0696terms in KO applications communication engineering 038-88
Ericsson Telecom. Eriterm (Lang.: eng, swe, fre, spa, ). - Karlstad, Sweden, Ericsson Telecom, 1993. This five-volume, five-language telecommunications glossary, containing more than 13,000 terms in each language is also available from TermNet Secretariat, Grüngasse 9/17, A-1050 Vienna, Austria.

12071999-0002terms in KO applications 038-915
De Bessé, B., Nkwenti-Azeh, B., Sager, J.C. Glossary of terms used in terminology (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology , 4(1997)1,p.117-156. »» Glossary in English, French and Spanish with definitions in English

15101999-0304terms in KO applications literature reviews 038-915;02
Bradley, P. Book review of Hartmann, R.R.K., James, G. Dictionary of terminology. - London ; New York: Routledge, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 0415141435 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1998)2,p102.

119981995-0217038, 487
WIPO. Glossary of terms concerning industrial property information and documentation (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information. Vol. 15. No. 1. 1993. p.21-39. The glossary contains the definitions of 153 terms. An appendix 1 has abbreviations, an appendix 2 gives a list of denominations of patent documents as published by industrial property offices. Appendix 3 contains examples of patent documents illustratin. g different kinds of patent families

17872terms in KO applications conferences 038;06
Gross, Tina. Naming and reframing: a taxonomy of attacks on knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 263-268.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444

17614terms in KO applications information science 038;111
Szostak, Rick; Gnoli, Claudio; López-Huertas, María. Interdisciplinary knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2016. Available at http://http://www.springer.com/fr/book/9783319301471 9783319301471.

16162universal classifications 04
Szostak, Rick. How Universal is Universality? (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 41(2014)6, pp. 468-470.

17690universal classifications serials 04;05
Ciapuscio, G.; Colín, M.; Correia, M.; Domènech, O.; Kilian, C.; Makri, J.; Santiago, M; Torres-Moreno, J.M. (Eds.). Debate terminológico. 2013 (Lang.: spa). - In: Debate Terminológico, 10(2013).Barcelona, ES, Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, España, 2013. Available at http://http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/riterm/issue/view/No.%2010%2C%20Nov.%202013/showToc ISSN: 18131867

17692universal classifications serials 04;05
Asundi, A.Y. . KO from libraries to the web: jubilee issue (Lang.: eng). - In: SRELS Journal of Information Management - History and Contributions: A Golden Jubilee (Review), 50(2013)5.Bangalore, IN, Informatics Publishing Limited, 2013. Available at http://http://www.srels.org/index.php/sjim/article/view/43806

100261990-2-008library classifications 041
Woods, W.E. Manual and list of subject headings used on the Woods Cross Reference Cards.6th ed (Lang.: eng). - Evergreen Park, IL, Woods Libr.Publ, 1987. pp. 132. ISBN: 091230409X.

100281990-2-007library classifications 041
Lang, R.et al.(Eds). Canadian Thesaurus 1988: A guide to the subject headings used in the Canadian Periodical Index and CPI Online.Thésaurus Canadien 1988 (Lang.: eng, fre). - Toronto, Ont, Info Globe, 1988. pp. 465. ISBN: 0921925042.

104191996-0531library classifications 041 DE
Lehmann, K.; Pohlenz, K.. Klassifikation für Allgemeinbibliotheken. Teil Tonträger/Musik (KAB/TM) [Classification for General Libraries. Part on Sound Carriers/Music] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, 1994. pp. 38. Contains an outline, the index to the subject headings and comments.Book review by Olaf Kaptein in Buch & Bibl. 47(1995)No.5, p.516-517

101611993-0430library classifications 041-de
Lehmann, K. (Ed.). Klassifikation für Allgemeinbibliotheken, Bd.1 Wissenschaftliche und Fachliteratur, Belletristik (KAB/E). Nachtrag 2 zur Ausg.1990. Alphabetisches Schlagwortregister [Classification for general libraries, Vol.1: Scientific literature and fiction. Appendix 2 to the edition of 1990. Alphabetical index] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Dt.Biblio.Inst., 1992. pp. 52. ISBN: 3870681527.

101921995-0014library classifications 041-de
Kelm, B. (Comp.); Wende, F.; Deutsche Bibliothek. Sachgruppen der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie. Leitfaden zu ihrer Vergabe. [Subject Groups of the German National Bibliography. Guidelines for Assignment.] (Lang.: ger). - 2.überarb ed. Frankfurt/Main, Deutsche Bibliothek, 1994. pp. 171. ISBN: 3922051618.

103681994-1151library classifications 041-de
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematiken 1. Allgemeines: Bibliographien, Nachschlagewerke, Wissenschaftskunde, Hochschulwesen, Buchwesen, Medien- u.Kommunikationswiss., Umweltforschung. [Shelf listings. 1. General topics: Bibliographies, reference works, science of science, universities, books, media and communication science, environm] (Lang.: ger). - 4.ed. ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 245.

105251995-0015library classifications 041-de
Bötte, G.-J.; Sickmüller, D.. Übersicht über die Systematik des Bandrealkatalogs der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen [Survey on the classification system of the systematic catalog (in bound form) of the State and University Library of Lower Saxony in Göttingen"] (Lang.: ger). - In: Göttinger Bibl.schriften. 3.Göttingen, Niedersächs.Staats- u.Universitätsbibl., 1993. pp. XIII,75,126.

104341994-1178library classifications 041-de-
25. Studentenbücherei: (O) [25. Student library] (Lang.: ger). - Erg.3. Aufl. 1988 ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 43.

102691994-1171library classifications systems theory 041-de-2/4
18,1. Allgemeine Naturwissenschaft: (TA-TD). [18,1. Natural Sciences in general.] (Lang.: ger). - Erg.4.Aufl.1990 ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 11.

102461994-1173library classifications 041-de-25/27, 522
20. Chemie und Pharmazie: (V). [20. Chemistry and pharmaceutics"] (Lang.: ger). - 6. Aufl. ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 104.

102561990-2-016library classifications 041-de-26/27, 522
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematik V: Chemie und Pharmazie, 5.Aufl [Classification Scheme V: Chemistry and pharmaceutics] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Univ.Bibliothek, 1988. pp. 112.

104631994-1172library classifications geosciences 041-de-33
18,2. Geologie und Paläontologie: (TE-TZ). Erg. d. 4. Aufl. von 1990. Geology and palaeontology. Supplement to the 4th ed. of 1990" (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 63.

104431994-1169library classifications geography 041-de-39
Geographie: (R). . Geography. 7th ed." (Lang.: ger). - 7. Aufl. ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 48.

104461990-2-018library classifications geography 041-de-39
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematik R: Geographie.6.Aufl [Classification Scheme R: Geography.6th ed] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Univ.Bibliothek, 1988. pp. 50.

103551990-2-019library classifications biology 041-de-41
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematik W: Biologie und vorklinische Medizin.3.Aufl [Classification Scheme W: Biology and preclinical medicine.3rd ed] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Univ.Bibliothek, 1988. pp. 222.

104671990-2-020library classifications ecology 041-de-46,-47,-49
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematik ZA-ZE: Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Gartenbau, Fischereiwirtschaft, Hauswirtschaft.3.Aufl [Classification Scheme ZA-ZE: Agriculture, forestry, gardening, fishing, home economics.3rd ed] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Univ.Bibliothek, 1988. pp. 67.

104761994-1175library classifications 041-de-46,47,446,59
24.1. Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Gartenbau, Fischereiwirtschaft, Hauswirtschaft: (ZA-ZE). Erg. Nachdruck d. 3. Aufl. von 1988 [24,1. Agriculture and forestry, horticulture, fishing, home economics. Supplemented reprint of 1988"] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 72.

103071994-1174library classifications systems theory 041-de-51/4
22/23. Medizin: (WW-YZ). [22/23 Medicine] (Lang.: ger). - 5. Aufl. ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 153.

103341990-2-017library classifications systems theory 041-de-51/4
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematik XA-YZ: Theoretische und klinische Medizin.4.Aufl [Classification Scheme XA-YZ: Theoretical and clinical medicine.4th ed] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Univ.Bibliothek, 1988. pp. 197.

104531990-2-009library classifications education 041-de-56
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematik D: Pädagogik, 5.Aufl [Classification Scheme D: Education, 5th ed] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Univ.Bibliothek, 1987. pp. 54.

104521994-1174library classifications sport science 041-de-58
24,3. Sport: (ZX-ZY) [24,3 Sports"] (Lang.: ger). - 5. Aufl. ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 53.

103861994-1165library classifications sociology 041-de-61
12,2. Soziologie: (MN-MS). [12,2. Sociology] (Lang.: ger). - Erg. Aufl. 1990. ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 29.

104861994-1164library classifications politics 041-de-62
12,1. Politologie: (MA-ML). 5. Aufl. [12,1. Politology: (MA-ML). 5th ed."] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 80.

103191990-2-011library classifications law 041-de-66
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematik P: Rechtswissenschaft.6.Aufl [Classification Scheme P: Law.6th ed] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Univ.Bibliothek, 1987. pp. 169.

103281994-1168library classifications law 041-de-66
Rechtswissenschaft (P) [Law (P)] (Lang.: ger). - 6. Aufl. ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1992. pp. 179.

103821994-1166library classifications military science 041-de-68
12,3. Militärwissenschaft: (MX-MZ). [12,3 Military Science.] (Lang.: ger). - Erg. 2. Aufl.1982 ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 28.

103221994-1167library classifications history 041-de-69
13. Geschichte: (N). [13. History. 6th ed."] (Lang.: ger). - 6.Aufl., Teile 1 und ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 175+224.

103411990-2-012library classifications conceptology 041-de-71/2
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematik Q: Wirtschaftswissenschaften.3.Aufl [Classification Schme Q: Economics.3rd ed] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Univ.Bibliothek, 1987. pp. 205.

102701994-1176library classifications technology 041-de-73
24,2. Technik: (ZG-ZS). [24,2 Technology - Engineering] (Lang.: ger). - Erg.3.Aufl.1991 ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 120.

104151994-1170library classifications computer science 041-de-83
Informatik: (SQ-SU). [Computer Science] (Lang.: ger). - 6. Aufl. ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 35.

103271994-1155library classifications history of systems construction 041-de-91/92
5. Allgemeine und vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft: Indogermanistik, außereuropäische Sprachen und Literaturen; (E) Erg. d. 3. Aufl. v. 1989 [General and comparative linguistics and philology: Indogermanistics, non-European languages and literatures. Suppl. to the 3rd ed. of 1989"] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 179 .

105171994-1179library classifications literature 041-de-92
Lehmann, K.; Pohlenz, K. (Comps.); Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut. Klassifikation für Allgemeinbibliotheken. Teil Sachliteratur und Belletristik (KAB/E)Gliederung, Alphabetisches Schlagwortregister, Kommentar [Classification system for general libraries: Outline, alphabetical subject index, comments"] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, Dt.Bibliotheksinstitut, 1993. pp. V,450. Book review by Olaf Kaptein entitled: Die neue KAB/E oder Klassifikation für's 3. Jahrtausend? (The new KAB/E or the Classification System for the 3rd millenium?) Buch u. Bibliothek 46(1994)No.2, p.196-198

103901994-1156library classifications 041-de-923
6. Klassische Philologie: Byzantinistik, mittellateinische und neugriechische Philologie, Neulatein; (F). Erg. d. 2.Aufl. von 1984 [6. Classical philology: Byzantinism, middle-latin and neogreek philology, neo-latin"] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 308.

103931994-1157library classifications 041-de-924
7. Germanistik: Niederlndische Philologie, Skandinavistik; (G). [7. Germanistics: Dutch philology, Skandinavian philology"] (Lang.: ger). - Erg. 3. Aufl.1987 ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 315.

104041990-2-010library classifications 041-de-924
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematik G: Germanistik, Niederländische Philologie, Skandinavistik.3.Aufl [Classification Scheme: German philology, Dutch and Scandinavian philology, 3rd ed] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Univ.Bibliothek, 1987. pp. 336.

103111994-1159library classifications 041-de-925
9,2. Romanistik: (IS-IX); Ostromania und Autorenregister. [9,2. Romance philology: East Romance philology and author index"] (Lang.: ger). - 5.Aufl. ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1992. pp. 160.

104061994-1158library classifications 041-de-925
9,1. Romanistik: (IA-IR); Romanistik allgemein und Westromania. [9.1 Romance philology in general and Westromance philology"] (Lang.: ger). - 5. Aufl. ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1992. pp. 344.

104081994-1160library classifications 041-de-926
10. Slavistik: (K). [10. Slavistics] (Lang.: ger). - Erg.3.Aufl.1988.1-2 ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1994. pp. 346+357.

103151994-1163library classifications music 041-de-93
11,4. Musikwissenschaft: (LP-LY). [Musicology] (Lang.: ger). - Erg.3.aufl.1988 ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 165.

103581990-2-015library classifications music 041-de-93
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematik LD, LP-LX: Musikwissenschaft, 3.Aufl [Classification Scheme LD, LP-LX: Theory of Music, 3rd ed] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Univ.Bibliothek, 1988. pp. 227.

104321990-2-014library classifications fine arts 041-de-94
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematik LH-LO: Kunstgeschichte.3.Aufl [Classification Scheme LH-LO: History of Art, 3rd ed] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Univ.Bibliothek, 1988. pp. 432.

104331994-1162library classifications 041-de-942
11,3. Kunstgeschichte: (LH-LO). [11,3. History of art] (Lang.: ger). - Erg.3. Aufl. 1988 ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 433.

104251994-1161library classifications 041-de-969
11,2. Klassische Archäologie: (LD-LG). [11,2 Classical archeology] (Lang.: ger). - Erg. 3. Aufl.1984 ed. Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 41.

104581994-1153library classifications philosophy 041-de-97
3,1. Philosophie: (CA-CI). Erg. d. 4. Aufl. von 1989 [Philosophy. Supplement to the 4th ed. of 1989"] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1992. pp. 58.

103791990-2-013library classifications christian religion 041-de-98,-99
Universitätbibliothek Regensburg. Aufstellungssystematik B: Theologie und Religionswissenschaft, 4.Aufl [Classification Scheme B: Religion and Theology.4th ed] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Univ.Bibliothek, 1987. pp. 287.

104131994-1152library classifications history of KO in countries 041-de-98/99
2. Theologie und Religionswissenschaft. Ergänzung d.4. Aufl. von 1987 [Theology and religion. Supplement to the 4th ed. of 1987] (Lang.: ger). - Regensburg, DE, Universitätsbibliothek, 1993. pp. 356.

17846library classifications journals 041;051
Catalogue & index, issue 189 (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue and Index 189(2017).London, UK, CILIP - Cataloguing and Indexing Group, 2017. Available at http://https://www.cilip.org.uk/members/group_content_view.asp?group=201298&id=707476 ISSN: '00087629

8258library classifications tagging 041;835
Zins, Chaim, Santos, Plácida L.V.A.C. Mapping the knowledge covered by library classification systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62(2011)5, pp. 877-901.

SCIS Subject Headings List, 3rd ed (Lang.: eng). - Port Melbourne, Vict, Thorpe, 11994. pp. XVIII,910. ISBN: 1875589082.

18916UDC 042; 348
Kragelj, Matjaž; Kljajić Borštnar, Mirjana. Automatic classification of older electronic texts into the Universal Decimal Classification–UDC (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation 77(2020)3, pp. 755-776.

18714UDC database semantics 042;727
Tomoyose, K; Arakaki, A. A Classificação Decimal Universal (CDU) na web semântica [The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) in the Semantic Web: analysis of UDC Summary Linked Data] (Lang.: port). - In: InCID: Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação, 10(2019)2, pp. 138-157. Available at http://www.revistas.usp.br/incid/article/view/161278/158779

52502007-0483UDC complete editions 042.1
Universal'naja destjatičnaja klasifikacija (UDK): T. 5: 61 Medicinske nauki [Universal Decimal Classification: Volume 5: 61 Medical sciences] (Lang.: rus). - 4 ed. In: Editor in chief Ju. M.Arskij. pp. 305. (Publication No: UDC-PO51)

52512007-0484UDC complete editions 042.1
Universal'naja destjatičnaja klasifikacija (UDK): T.8: 66 Himničeskaja tehnologija. Himničeskaja prom'išlenost' . Piščevaja prom'išlennost'. Metallurgija. Rodstvenn'ie otrasli [Universal Decimal Classification: Volume 8: 66: Chemical technology] (Lang.: rus). - 4 ed. In: Editor in chief Ju. M.Arskij.Moscow, VINITI; RAN, 2007. pp. 310. ISBN: 5945770310.

63782009-0498UDC complete editions 042.1
UDK: Universal’naja destjatiènaja klassifikacija. Tom IX: 67/69 Razlièn’e otrasli prom’išlennosti i remesel. Stroitel’stvo [Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): vol. 9: 67/69 Various industries and trades. Building trade]. 4th full ed. in Russian language; ed. Yurij M. Arskyi, et al] (Lang.: rus). - 4 ed. Moscow, VINITI RAN, 2008. pp. 270. ISBN: 9785945770379. Publication no: UDC-P052

7606UDC complete editions 042.1
UDK: Universal’naja desjatičnaja klassifikacija: tom X: 7/9 Iskusstvo. Sport. Filologija. Geografija. Istorija [UDC: Universal Decimal Classification: Vol 10: 7/9 Arts. Sport. Philology. Geography. History] (Lang.: eng). - 4th full ed ed. Moscow, VINITI RAN, 2009. pp. 187. ISBN 978-5-94577-055-3. Translated from English and edited by Ju. M. Arskij [et al].

9207UDC complete editions 042.1
UDK. Universal’naya desyatichnaya klassifikaciya: 4 izdanie na russkom yazwke, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe: Tom. 1. Vspomogatel’nwe tablicw. 0 Nauka i znanie. Organizaciya. Informacionnwe texnologii. Informaciya. Documentaciya. Bibliotechnoe delo. Uchrezenhya. Preparation of edition T.S. Astaxova et al. [UDC. Universal Decimal Classification: 4th Russian edition, corrected and amplified. Vol. 1 Auxiliary tables. 0 Science and Knowledge. Organization. Information Technology. Documentation. Librarianship. Associations] (Lang.: eng). - Moscow, Rossijkaja Akademija Nauk, Vserossijskij Institut Naučnoj i Tehničeskoj Informacii (VINITI RAN), 2011. pp. 286. ISBN: 978-5-94577-055-3.

105551990-0765UDC complete editions geography 042.1-en-39
UDC Auxiliary Table 1(e): Pt.3: Common Auxiliaries of place (5/9), Asia, Africa, the Americas, Pacific and circumpolar territories (Lang.: eng). - Milton Keynes, GB, Brit.Stand.Inst, 1993.

105561993-0765UDC complete editions geography 042.1-en-39
UDC Auxiliary Table 1(e): Pt.3: Common Auxiliaries of place (5/9), Asia, Africa, the Americas, Pacific and circumpolar territories (Lang.: eng). - Milton Keynes, GB, Brit.Stand.Inst, 1993. (BS1000: Auxiliaries).

105571995-0016UDC complete editions 042.1-en-397
UDC Auxiliary Table 1(e): Common auxiliaries of place (5/9), Asia, SAfrica, the Americas, Pacific and circumpolar territories (Lang.: eng). - Milton Keynes, GB, Brit.Standard.Inst., 1993.

105591996-0004UDC complete editions 042.1-en-397
UDC Auxiliary table 1(e): Common auxiliaries of place (5/9), Asia Africa, The Americas, Pacific and circumpolar territories (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, British Standards Institution, 1993.

104171990-1-011UDC complete editions 042.1-sh
Jugoslovenski Bibliografski Institut. Univerzalna Decimalna Klasifikacija: Prvo srpskohrvatsko potpuno izdanje [Serbo-croat Full UDC edition.Section 626/627 Hydrotechnology (contains an alphabetical index)] (Lang.: ser). - Belgrade, YU, Jugosl.Bibl.Ins, 1989. pp. 38.

49932007-0219UDC medium editions 042.2
Vukadin, L.J. Pregled hrvatskih izdanja UDK s posebnim osvrtom na prijevod srednjeg izdanja [Overview of Croatian editions of UDC with a special emphasis on the translation of the medium edition] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.1-18.

52522007-0485UDC medium editions 042.2
Universalioji dešimtainė klasifikacija (UDK) : lentelės mokslinėms bibliotekom [Universal Decimal Classification: standard edition] (Lang.: lit). - Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka, 2006. ISBN: 9955541563.

56242008-0169UDC medium editions 042.2
Coordinação Editorial: Regina Coeli S. Fernández. Classificação Decimal Universa (Lang.: por). - 2 ed. Brasília, Ministerio de Ciẽncia e Tecnología, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciẽncia e Tecnologia, 2007. pp. Vol 1. 1257 p. - Vol 2. 603.(Edição-Padrão Internacional em Língua Portuguesa). Vol 1. ISBN 9788570130754 - Vol 2. ISBN 9788570130747. Volume 1. Tabelas sistemáticas - Volume 2. Indice alfabético. - (UDC-P053)

63792009-0499UDC medium editions 042.2
Universal’na desjatkova klasifikacija (UDK): dopomižni tablici; tr. & ed. by M. J. Akhverdova at al [Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)] (Lang.: ukr). - 2, corr. and ext. ed. In: Kiev, Knižkova palata Ukraini im Ivana Fedorova, 2008. ISBN: 9789666470983; 9789666470990; 9789666471003; 9789666471010. 4 vols. (Publication no: UDC-P069) - Auxiliary tables and classes 0-6

7607UDC medium editions 042.2
Universalna desjatkova klasifikacija (UDK): Osnovna tablicja: 6 Prikladni nauki. Medicina. Tehnika: osnovni dilennja. 63/65 Silske, lisove, ribne ta mislivske gospodarstvo. Komunalno-pobutove gospodarstvo. Organizacija virobnictva, torgivli, ... [Main table: 6 Applied sciences. Medicine. Technology: general subdivision. 63/65 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and animal husbandry. Organization of transport, communication and publishing industry. Marketing] (Lang.: eng). - 2nd ed. Kiev, Knižkova palata Ukraïni imeni Ivana Fedorova, 2009. pp. 152. ISBN 978-966-647-155-3. End of title: ...transportu, zvjazku, poligrafiï. Buhgalterija. Reklama. Translated from English and edited by M. J. Akhverdova.

7608UDC medium editions 042.2
Universalna desjatkova klasifikacija (UDK): Osnovna tablicja: 66/69 Himična tehnologija. Himična promislovist. Rizni galuzi promislovosti ta remesla. Budivelna promislovist [66/69 Chemical technology. Chemical industry. Various industries, trades and crafts. Building trade] (Lang.: eng). - 2nd ed. Kiev, Knižkova palata Ukraïni imeni Ivana Fedorova, 2009. pp. 264. ISBN 978-966-647-100-3. Translated from English and edited by M. J. Akhverdova.

7609UDC medium editions 042.2
Universalna desjatkova klasifikacija (UDK): Osnovna tablicja: 7/9 Mistectvo. Igri. Sport. Movoznavstvo. Hudožnja literatura. Literaturoznavstvo. Geografija. Istorija [7/9 The arts. Recreation. Entertainment. Sport. Linguistics. Literature.Geography. History] (Lang.: ukr). - 2nd ed. Kiev, Knižkova palata Ukraïni imeni Ivana Fedorova, 2009. pp. 148.(Publication No UDC-P069). ISBN 978-966-647-155-3.

8578UDC medium editions 042.2
MDT - Medzinárodné desatinné triedenie [online edition] [UDC - Universal Decimal Classification] (Lang.: slo). - Bratislava, Slovenská národná knižnica, 2010. Available at

8579UDC medium editions 042.2
Universalioji dešimtainė klasifikacija (UDK): lentelės mokslinėms bibliotekoms. D. 21: 8. Kalba. Kalbotyra. Grožinė literatūra [Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): Schedules for use in research libraries. Vol. 21: 8. Language. Linguistics. Literature] (Lang.: lit). - Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka, 2010. pp. 135.(UDCC Publication Number: P083). ISBN: 978- 609-405-017-6.

9208UDC medium editions 042.2
MDT – Medzinárodné desatinné triedenie [online edition] [UDC – Universal Decimal Classification] (Lang.: slo). - Bratislava, Slovenská národná knižnica, 2010. Available at

9209UDC medium editions 042.2
Universalna desiatkova klasyfikatssiya (UDK): elektronne vydannia na CD-ROM: zi zminamy ta dopovnenniamy stanom na 2006 rik [Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): electronic edition on CD-ROM with extensions and corrections for 2006; tr. from the English by the Book Chamber of the Ukraine; ed. M. Akhverdova et al.] (Lang.: ukr). - Kiev, Knyzhkova palata Ukranyiny, 2010. (UDCC publication number P069 CD).

117171994-0697042.2 en
Williamson; N.. Book review of Universal Decimal Classification. International Mediium Edition. English Text, Ed.2. London: British Standards Institution 1993. 2 vols. Systematic Tables. Alphabetical Subject Index (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.103-104.

99751995-0017UDC medium editions 042.2-en
Universal Decimal Classification. International Medium Edition, ed.2 (Lang.: eng). - In: British Standard. 1000 M.Milton Keynes, GB, Brit.Standards Institution, 1993. pp. 2 vols. ISBN: 0580225534; 0580225542. Vol.1: Systematic Tables, Vol.2: Alphabetic Subject Index

99761996-0005UDC medium editions KO history 042.2-en-0/9
Universal Decimal Classification. International Medium Edition. Vol.1: Systematic Tables, Vol.2: Alphabetical Subject Index, 2nd ed. (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, British Standards Institution, 1993. pp. 316. ISBN: 0580225542.

100901995-0019UDC medium editions 042.2-fr
Classificatin Decimale Universelle: Edition Moyenne Internationale [Universal Decimal Classification: International Medium Edition] (Lang.: fre). - 2 éd. ed. Liège, BE, Editions du CEFAL, 1993. pp. 628. ISBN: 2871300372. The volumes contain as a Pt.1 the systematic tables of classes 6-9 and as a Pt.2 the index to these tables. In 1990 the Editions CLPCF in Liège had already published the auxiliary tables (1A-1K) and the systematic tables 0-5 as well as their index (ISBN 2-87130-024-0).

15131999-0307UDC short editions 042.3
Universal Decimal Classification : pocket edition (Lang.: eng). - London, British Standards Institution, 1999. pp. 288. ISBN: 0580330451. 18 cm. »» Ca 4000 notations; with introduction and index

33272003-0001UDC short editions 042.3
Classificación Decimal Universal (CDU) : Edición abreviada de Norma UNE 50001:2000 / tradución del Master Reference File realizada por le Centro de Información y Documentación Científica (CINDOC) ; adaptada por Rosa San Segundo Manuel [Universal Decimal Classification: abbridged ed. of norm UNE 50001:2000] (Lang.: spa). - Madrid, AENOR, 2001. pp. Xxxii, 779.

52532007-0486UDC short editions 042.3
Universal'naja destjatičnaja klasifikacija (UDK): Vtoroe sokraščenn'ie tablic'i [Universal Decimal Classification: Abridged Tables Editor in chief Ju. M. Arskij] (Lang.: rus). - pp. 150.

63802009-0500UDC short editions 042.3
Universal'naja destjaticnaja klasifikacija (UDK): vtoroe sokra šcenn'ie tablic'i; ed. Yurij M. Arskyi [Universal Decimal Classification: abridged Tables] (Lang.: rus). - 3 ed. Moscow, VINITI RAN, 2008.

7610UDC short editions 042.3
UDK: Universal’naja destjatičnaja klasifikacija: sokraščënnoe izdanie [UDC: Universal Decimal Classification: abridged edition] (Lang.: eng). - 4th ed. Moscow, VINITI RAN, 2009. pp. 186. ISBN 978-5-94577-063-8. Translated from English and edited by Ju. M. Arskij; T. S. Astahova; O. A. Antoškova.

7611UDC short editions 042.3
Universaluri atciladi klasifikacia (uak – UDC): shemoklebuli cxrilebi [Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): abridged tables] (Lang.: eng). - Tiflis, Georgian Library Association, 2009. pp. 114. ISBN 978-9941-0-1339-. Ed. Irakli Garibashvili.

8580UDC short editions 042.3
UDK: Univerzal’naja desjatičnaja klassifikacija: sokraščeennoe izdanie [UDC: Universal Decimal Classification: Abridged edition]. 5th improved and extended ed. Editor-in-chief: Ju. M. Arskij] (Lang.: rus). - Moscow , Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk, Vserossijskij Institut Naučnoj i Tehničeskoj Informacii (VINITI RAN), 2010. pp. 198.(UDCC Publication Number: P077). ISBN: 978-5-94577-048-5.

100911995-0218UDC short editions 042.3
UDC Consortium. Classification Décimale Universelle: édition abrégée [Abridged UDC edition] (Lang.: fre). - 5 ed. Liège, Belgium, Editions du CEFAL, 1994. pp. 223. ISBN: 2871300445. The volume has a preface by André Canonne

15141999-0308UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Revised UDC tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 19(1997)p.77-145; 20(1998)p.75-106; 21(1999)p.123-160. »» Contains among others a table for general auxiliaries of properties

26432001-0301UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Revised UDC tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 22(2000), p.77-181, 23(2001), p.69-154. »» Contains among others new or revised tables for religion, management, United States and South-America

52542007-0487UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
UDK Täiendusvihik. Online edition. Translated and edited by Katrin Karus and Sirje Nilbe [UDC update according to the Extensions and Corrections to the UDC 20 - 27] (Lang.: est). - Tallin, Eesti Raamatukoguhoidjate Ühing; ELNET Konsortsium, 2007. pp. 58. Available at http://www2.nlib.ee/ERY/liigit_marks_toimk/UDK_TV.pdf

52552007-0488UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Universal'naja destjatičnaja klasifikacija (UDK): izmenenenija i dopolnenija: v'ipusk 4. Prepared by Rossijskaja akademija nauk, VINITI. Editor in chief: Ju. M. Arskij [Universal Decimal Classification: corrections and extensions: issue 4] (Lang.: rus). - Moscow, VINITI; RAN, 2006. pp. 145.

52562007-0489UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Universal'na desjatkova klasifikacija (UDK): zmini ta dop.(1998-1999, 2001-2002). M. I. Ahverdova [ed.] [Universal Decimal Classification: corrections and extensions] (Lang.: ukr). - In: Kiev: Knižkova palata Ukraini, 2006.2006. pp. 199. ISBN: 9666470659.

56252008-0170UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Revised UDC tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC 29(2007), p.97-157.

63812009-0501UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Revised UDC tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 30(2008), pp.81-147. Contains, among other things, new or revised tables for language auxiliaries, geographical auxiliaries, literature and history

63822009-0502UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Library of Congress classification. H. Social sciences; prepared by the Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library Services, Library of Congress (Lang.: eng). - 2008 ed ed. Washington, D.C, Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, 2008.

63832009-0503UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Library of Congress classification. PJ-PK. Oriental philology and literature, Indo-Iranian philology and literature; prepared by the Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library Services, Library of Congress (Lang.: eng). - 2008 ed ed. Washington, D.C, Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, 2008.

63842009-0504UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Library of Congress classification. PQ. French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese literatures; prepared by the Cataloging Policy and Support Office Library Services, Library of Congress (Lang.: eng). - 2008 ed ed. Washington, D.C, Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, 2008.

63852009-0505UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Library of Congress classification. R. Medicine; prepared by the Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library Services (Lang.: eng). - 2008 ed ed. Washington, D.C, Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, 2008.

7612UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
UDK: Universal’naja desjatičnaja klassifikacija: izmenija i dopolnenija: vï’pusk 5 [UDC: Universal Decimal Classification: changes and extensions: issue 5] (Lang.: eng). - Moscow, VINITI RAN, 2009. pp. 109. ISBN 978-5-94577-044-7. Translated and edited by Ju. M. Arskij; R. S. Giljarevskij; T. S. Astahova.

7613UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Revised UDC tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 31(2009) pp. 51-159.

8581UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Universalna desiatkova klasyfikatsiya (UDK): elektronne vydannia na CD-ROM: zi zminamy ta dopovnenniamy stanom na 2006 rik [Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): electronic edition on CD-ROM with extensions and corrections for 2006] (Lang.: ukr). - Kiev, Knyzhkova palata Ukrayiny, 2010. (UDCC Publication No. UDCP069CD). ISBN 978-966-647-158-4 (PDF).

8582UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Chunakova, N. Ohliad zmin ta dopovnen do tablyts UDK za 2007-2008 roky [Overview of Extensions and Corrections to the UDC tables for 2007-2008] (Lang.: ukr). - In: Visnyk Knyzhkovoyi Palaty, 10 (2010), pp. 17-20.

9210UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Revised UDC tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 33(2011), pp. 55-243. Includes revisions to Area Table for France, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sudan, Brazil, Common auxiliaries of Time, 58 Botany, 592/599 Systematic Zoology

99501995-0019UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Extensions and Corrections to the UDC, 1993. Series 15, 1993. (Lang.: eng). - The Hague, UDC Consortium, 1993. pp. 129. ISBN: 00145424.

105761996-0006UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Extensions and Corrections to the UDC, Vol.17 (1995) (Lang.: eng). - The Hague, NL, Fed.Intern.Inform.Doc. (FID), 1995. In addition to miscellaneous amendments the new volume contains a completely new table for Computer Science prepared by Y. Nakamura, T. Ishikawa, M. Kubo, A. Buxton, and P.Strachan, a reallocation and adaptation of the current Class 389 Metrology, prepared by G. Robinson, and a reworking and systematizing of the special auxiliaries in the field of Arts (Class 7) prepared by I.C.McIlwaine with the assistance of the Tate Gallery, London and the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.

105821990-1-012UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Fédération Intern.d`Inform.et de Document.(FID). Extensions and Corrections to the UDC 1986/1988.Series 13, No.3 (Lang.: eng). - The Hague, NL, FID, 1989.

141561994-0698UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Williamson; N.. Book review of Extensions and Correctionns to the UDC, 1993. The Hague: UDC Consortium 1993. Series 15, Sept.1993. - 129p. (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.104-105.

108061996-0754UDC Extensions and corrections conceptology 042.5-cs-91/2
Kovac, T.; Vrhovsek, D.. Extensions and corrections to the UDC for linguistics and literature and to the common auxiliaries of place (Lang.: cze). - In: Knjiznica. Vol. 39, No. 4. 1995. p.115-149.

Mills, W.. Universal Decimal Classification for use in Polar libraries (4th edition, revised 1994) (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge, GB, Scott Polar Research Institute, 1994. pp. 162. A revised and adapted version for use in libraries on Polar subjects. The schedules are not derived from the UDC Master Reference File.

9211DDC 043
Dewey Decimal Classification: 200 Religion class. (Lang.: eng). - Dublin, OH, OCLC Online Computer Library Centre, 2012. pp. 289. ISBN: 978-0-910608-00-8; 0-90608-00-8.

16186DDC 043
Maibach, Christiane . Die DDC auf neuen Wegen: Verbale Sucheinstiege für klassifikatorisch erschlossene Titel [The DDC on new paths: Verbal access points for classified titles] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 1(2014)1, pp. 205-219. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2014H1S205-219 The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) is a powerful indexing tool. A rising number of libraries worldwide recognize the benefit of this universal classification. Since 2006 the German National Library (DNB) has used the DDC to index titles belonging to series A, B and H of the German National Bibliography. In 2012 100,000 publications were indexed with DDC notations. The benefits of classifications for indexing is widely accepted among librarians. However, library users take a different point of view. Mostly, they are not even aware that their library's catalogue offers a systematic search. Most library users prefer verbal search strategies. This is enforced by internet search engines, which have changed the search habits of library users. Therefore, the obvious solution is to create a verbal access to classified titles. The DDC does not only contain a relative index with verbal elements and class names, but also links to subject headings taken from the German Integrated Authority File (GND). These were established as a part of the CrissCross project. All of these verbal elements can be used to make the DDC accessible by words.

7831998-0159DDC literature reviews 043;02
Davis, S.W. Book review of Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification and relative index. 13th ed. / ed. by J.S. Mitchell. - Albany: Forest Press, 1997. - 1023 p. - ISBN 0910608598 (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Library Journal, 46(1997)4,p.423-424.

20262000-0302DDC literature reviews 043;02
Weihs, J. (Book review of) Sifton, P., Atkinson, T.: Workbook for DDC 21: Dewey Decimal Classification Edition 21. - Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1998. - 64 p. - ISBN: 0888022832 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technicalities, 18(1999)9,p.12-13.

17887DDC various universal KOS 043;048
Jia, Junzhi; Zhao, Jie. Mapping analysis of pre-coordinated classes in DDC and CLC (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)6, pp. 369-385.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 17. ISSN: 09437444; 28 Charts

17609DDC history of systems construction 043;192
Burke, Colin B.. Information and intrigue: from index cards to Dewey decimals to alger hiss (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press, 2014. pp. 384. Available at http://https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/information-and-intrigue 9780262027021. 7 x 9 in, 11 b&w photos

17843DDC construction methods 043;233
Conradi, Elise; Green, Rebecca; Kyrios, Alex. Crowdsourcing the Dewey Decimal Classification: when users become contributors (Lang.: eng). - In: WLIC, 2016 (Satellite meeting - Subject Access: Unlimited Opportunities).2016. pp. 11.

17815DDC mapping online retrieval problems 043;285;751
Lin, Xia; Khoo, Michael; Ahn, Jae-Wook; Tudhope, Doug; Binding, Ceri; Massam, Diana; Jones, Hilary. Mapping metadata to DDC classification structures for searching and browsing (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal on Digital Libraries, 18(2017)1, pp. 25–39.Amsterdam, Springer Netherlands, 2017. pp. 15. Available at http://https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00799-016-0197-z ISSN: 15737519

18709DDC subject analysis 043;32
Costa, Deniz; Miranda, Marcos Luiz Cavalcanti de. A Organização do Conhecimento sobre Umbanda e sua representação bibliográfica: uma análise exploratória a partir de registros bibliográficos [The knowledge organization about umbanda and its bibliographic representation: an exploratory analysis from bibliographic records] (Lang.: port). - In: Informação & Informação, 24(2019)3, pp. 154-182. Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/38731

17840DDC online retrieval problems 043;751
Cavaleri, Piero. WebDewey search (Lang.: eng). - In: aib studi, 57(2017)2, pp. 349-359.Roma, IT, Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, 2017. pp. 10. Available at http://http://aibstudi.aib.it/article/view/11644 ISSN: 22809112

Trickey, K. Book review of Comaromi, J.et al: Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, devised by Melvil Dewey, 20th ed.Albany, NY: Forest Press 1989.4 vols (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Index.No.95.1990.p.7-8.

Henderson, K.L. Book review of Comamromi, J.et al.(Eds.): Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index.Devised by Melvil Dewey.Ed.20.Albany, NY: Forest Press 1989.4 vols (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol.10.No.4.1990.p.105-108.

Sweeney, R. Dewey Decimal Classification - Edition 20 (Lang.: eng). - In: Outlook on Research Libraries.Vol.11.No.6.1989.p.4-9.

Danesi, D.. Classificazione decimale Dewey ridotta, ideata da Melvil Dewey, ed.12, ed. italiana (Lang.: ita). - Roma, IT, Assoc.Ital.Biblioteche, 1995. pp. LIV,876 . ISBN: 8878120286.

Béthery, A.. Abrégé de la Classification Décimale de Dewey. Nouvelle éd. à partir de la 20ieme édition intégrale en language anglaise [Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification. New edition according to the 20th English-language edition"] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, Ed.du Cercle de la Librairie, 1993. pp. 315. ISBN: 2765405158.

Burgess, M. A guide to science fiction and fantasy in the Library of Congress Classification Scheme.2nd ed (Lang.: eng). - San Bernardino, CA, Borgo Press, 1988. pp. 168. ISBN: 0893708275.

Library of Congress. Office for Subject Catal.Pol.. LC Classification Outline (Lang.: eng). - 6th ed. ed. Washington, DC, Library of Congress, 1990. pp. 47.

Derham, L.D.(Comp.). Library of Congress Classification Class KDZ, KG-KH: Law of the Americas, Latin America and the West Indies.Cumulative Schedule and Index (Lang.: eng). - Littleton, CO, Rothman, 1988. pp. 6642. ISBN: 0837701279.

Burgess, M. Mystery and dectective fiction in the Library of Congress Classification Scheme (Lang.: eng). - San Bernardino, CA, Borgo Press, 1987. pp. 184. ISBN: 0893708186.

31997-1-0003LCSH 044.8
Connell, T.H. Use of the LCSH systems: Realities (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly Vol.23, No.1 1996. Study how academic libraries cope with changes in the Library of Congress Subject Headings. Finds that many libraries are not consistly maintaining authority control and discusses the implications for satisfaction of users

17272000-0004LCSH 044.8
Library of Congress Subject Headings (Lang.: eng). - 22 ed. Washington, DC, Library of Congress Cataloging distribution Service, 1999. pp. 5 vols. - xviii, iv, 16, 6526. ISSN: 10489711. »» The new edition adds 6,000 new headings and their references; LCSH now has a total of 245,000 authority records (of which 185,000 topical, 37,200 geographical). There 229,000 non-descriptors. There exists also a cumulative Microform Edition (LCSH 17th ed. on Microfiche), distributed quarterly, a weekly tape update service and a CD-ROM version (quarterly).1992). Also, an LC Subject Headings Weekly List is available, an uptodate source of the latest subject authority information on new, changed, and deleted headings. (available on the Web hhtp://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/wls.html). Instructions how to use the LCSH in: Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings (5th. ed. 1996) with semiannual updates

8391LCSH 044.8
Walsh, John. The use of Library of Congress Subject Headings in digital collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Library review, 60(2011)4, pp. 328-343.

8585LCSH 044.8
Library of Congress. Library of Congress Subject Headings (Lang.: eng). - 33rd ed. Washington, D.C, Library of Congress Policy & Standards Division, 2011. pp. 6v.

102361995-0021LCSH 044.8
Library of Congress Subject Headings, 17th ed. (Lang.: eng). - Washington, DC, Libr.of Congress Cat.& Distr.Service, 1994. pp. 4 vols. ISSN 10489711. The new edition adds 8,000 new headings and their references; LCSH now has a total of 206,300 headings and references. USD 190 for North America and 230 for outside N.America. There exists also a cumulative Microform Edition (LCSH 17th ed. on Microfiche), distributed quarterly (ISSN 0361-5243), annual subscription USD 95/110 and Update Services (2 updates for 1994, also for 1993 and 1992). Also, an LC Subject Headings Weekly List (ISSN 8755-6146) (for USD 435/465) is available, an uptodate source of the latest subject authority information on new, changed, and deleted headings, distributed monthly.

100151990-2-027LCSH 044.8-519
Dickstein, R.; Mills, V.A., Waite, E.J. Women in LC's terms: A thesaurus of Library of Congress Subject Headings relating to women (Lang.: eng). - Phoenix, AZ, Oryx Press, 1988. pp. 221. ISBN: 0897744446.

100341990-2-028LCSH music 044.8-93
Bratcher, P.; Smith, Jennifer (Comps). Music subject headings (Lang.: eng). - Lake Crystal, MN, Soldier Creek P, 1988. pp. 323. ISBN: 0936996315.

102351995-0022LCSH 044.8-en
CDMARC Subjects (Lang.: eng). - Washington, DC, Library of Congress Cat.& Distr.Service, 1994. ISSN 10412956. The 4-volume Library of Congress Subject Headings are available now on one compact CD-ROM disc. It features a flexibla search mode - complete with keyword searching and full Boolean logic - and a browse mode offering a choice of six indexes. It also features a thesaurus-like LCSH display, as well as a MARC-tagged record display. Annual subscription: USD 360 N.America, 475 Outside N.America. System requirements: IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or compatible. 512 K RAM, at least 500K free RAM plus a 5MB spill file (free space) on a hard disk. DOS 3.1 or higher. CDMARC disks contain up to 680 MB of data in standard 9660 file format

34752004-0002LCSH LCSH 044.8;448
Library of Congress Subject Headings / prep. by Library of Congress. Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library Services (Lang.: eng). - 27 ed. Washington, DC, Library of Congress Catologing distribution Service, 2004. ISSN: 10489711. 5 vols. » The new edition adds 7,200 new headings and their references; LCSH now has a total of 270,000 authority records. Instructions how to use the LCSH in: Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings (2002 cumulation: 5th. ed. 1996 with updates through 2002 interfiled; looseleave in 4 vols.) with semiannual updates

1341997-2-0133LCSH KOS for special purposes DDC 044.8;489;043
Towsey, M. Book review of L. Winkel: Subject headings for children: a list of subject headings used by the Library of Congress with Dewey numbers added : Vol. 1: List of headings, Vol. 2: Keyword index. 146 + 330 p. Dublin. OH : OCLC Forest Press, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & Index (1996)120. p.12,11.

17908LCSH tagging 044.8;835
Vaidya, Praveenkumar; Harinarayana, N. S.. The comparative and analytical study of LibraryThing tags with Library of Congress subject headings (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)1, pp. 35-43.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 9. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Color Photograph, 3 Charts, 2 Graphs

Larrabee, J.(Ed.). LC Cumulative Classification Series (Lang.: eng). - Albany, CA, Livia Press, 1989.

100251996-00080448.489, 043.6
Subject headings for children: a list of subject headings used by the Library of Congress with Dewey numbers added. (Lang.: eng). - Albany, NY, Forest Press, 1994. pp. 146+330. ISBN: 0910608466. Vol.1: List of headings - Vol.2: Keyword Index - A book review of these subject headings by Lois Winkel appeared in Emergency Librarian 22(1995)No.5, p.40-41.

17658Bliss Cl. economy taxonomies 045;57
Viti, Elisabetta. Class T economics in Bliss Bibliografic Classification (Lang.: it). - In: Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, 1(2010)2.Firenze, IT, Università di Firenze, 2010. pp. 27. Available at http://https://www.jlis.it/article/view/4707 ISSN: 20381026

100621996-0532maths in KO 045.1-en-62/3
Mills, J.; Broughton, V., Neilson, C.. Bliss Bibliographic Classification. 2nd ed. Class R: Politics and Public Administration (Lang.: eng). - London, etc., Bowker/Saur, 1996. pp. 198. ISBN: 1857390776. The volume introduces first into the entire Bliss Classification and the Bliss Classification Association. The Introduction to Class R Politics comprises 14 chapters, explaining the scope and structure, facet structure and citation order, filing order, notation, alphabetical index, and gives classification examples. It is followed by outlines of and schedules for Politics including also auxiliary schedules and an alphabetical index to this class.

Bliss Bibliographic Classification. 2nd ed. Class AY/B: Science and technology and Physics (Lang.: eng). - Munich, Saur, 2000. pp. 150.(Bliss Bibliographic Classification). ISBN: 3598243308.

100631996-0009045.6-65, -664
Mills, J.; Broughton, V.. Bliss Bibliographic Classification, 2nd ed. Class Q: Social Welfare and Criminology. Rev.Ed. by Ch.Preddle (Lang.: eng). - London, Bowker-Saur, 1994. pp. LVII,139. ISBN: 1857391217. Contains an introduction into the Bliss Classification, an introduction into Class Q with 'Building Classmarks', a summary outline, and the schedule for Social Welfare and Criminology with 22 subgroups. The volume concludes with an extended index (p.89-39).

18349Colon Cl. 046
Giusti, Luca. The Penumbra-line: Ranganathan’s journeys and the genesis of the APUPA pattern (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 380-391.

9406various universal KOS 048
Teepell, Dana Aucoin. (Book review of) Fountain, Joanna F. Subject headings for school and public libraries. Bilingual 4th ed. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2012. pp. 414. ISBN 9781591586388 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)8, pp. 944-946.

103491990-2-038various universal KOS 048
Elazar, D.H.; Elazar, D.J. A classification system for libraries of Judaica.2nd ed (Lang.: eng). - Jerusalem/Lanham,MD, Univ.Pr.America, 1988. pp. 214.

100861995-0694various universal KOS activities 048-03
Berthelot, A.-B.; Bonhomme, D., Collombet, M.-F., Pasdeloup, M.-S. Thésaurus: secteurs d'activité [Thesaurus for activities] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, AFB Diffusion, 1994. pp. 93. ISBN: 2857390319.

49942007-0220various universal KOS formal sciences 048-1
Brenes, D.F. Classification schemes (Lang.: eng). - In: Sci-Tech News, 60(2006)3, p.44. Available at http://www.acm.org/class/ The article reviews the Web site Classification schemes ACM Computing Classification Systems from the Association for Computing Machinery

17698various universal KOS formal sciences 048-1
Boyack, Kevin W.; Klavans, Richard. Creation of a highly detailed, dynamic, global model and map of science (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 65(2013)4, pp. 670-685.Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013. pp. 15. Available at http://https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/asi.22990 ISSN: 15322890

105531994-0699various universal KOS standardization 048-18
Deutsches Informationszentrum f. Technische Regeln. Internationale Normenklassifikation: ICS [International Classification for Standards] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, Beuth Verlag, 1993.

104611990-1-016various universal KOS testing 048-19
British Standards Inst.(BSI). ROOT Thesaurus.Part 1: Subject display, Part 2: Alphabetical list.3rd ed (Lang.: eng). - Hemel Hempstead, GB, BSI, 1988. pp. 607+635.

48112007-0003various universal KOS physical sciences 048-2
Smith, A.G. (Book review of) ASIST Thesaurus of information science technology. 3rd ed. ; ed. by A. Redmond-Neal and M.M.K. Hlava - Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2005 - Xiii, 255 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information review 30(2006) p. 596-7.

106101993-0431conceptology systems theory conceptology KO history 048-21/4;-28/9
The Institution of Electrical Engineers. 1993 INSPEC Tesaurus (Lang.: eng). - Stevenage, Herts., INSPEC, 1993.

104281995-0023conceptology quality data 048-25/27
New and revised Chemical Abstracts indexing terms - 1992 (Lang.: eng). - Columbus, OH, Amer.Chem.Serv, 1992. pp. 42.

102851994-1182various universal KOS pure chemistry 048-26
National Library of Medicine. Medical Subject Headings. Supplementary Chemical Records, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: PB94-121993/WLI.Bethesda, MD, Natl.Libr.of Medicine. Bibliogr.Serv.Div, 1993. pp. 1325. The document contains records of approx. 23,000 chemicals which since 1970 have been mentioned in a significant way in journals indexed in MEDLINE, the National Library of Medicine's online bibliographic database.

104261990-0767various universal KOS pure chemistry 048-26
New and revised Chemical Abstracts indexing terms - 1992 (Lang.: eng). - Columbus, OH, Amer.Chem.Serv, 1992. pp. 42. The list is available free of charge from Chemical Abstracts Service, 2540 Olentangy River Road, PO Box 3012, Columbus, OH, USA

104291993-0767various universal KOS pure chemistry 048-26
New and revised Chemical Abstracts indexing terms - 1992 (Lang.: eng). - Columbus, OH, Amer.Chem.Serv., 1992. pp. 42. The list is available free of charge from Chemical Abstracts Service, 2540 Olentangy River Road, PO Box 3012, Columbus, OH, USA.

99961990-1-017various universal KOS electrical engineering 048-29
INSPEC 1989 Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - Hitchin, GB, Inst.Electr.Eng, 1989. pp. 518. ISBN: 085296479X.

9861998-0362various universal KOS astronautics 048-32
Nasa Thesaurus : Volume 1 Hierarchical listing with definitions (Lang.: eng). - Washington, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1998. pp. Xi, 1186.(NASA/SP-1998-7501/Vol1).

9871998-0363various universal KOS astronautics 048-32
Nasa Thesaurus : Volume 2 Rotated term display (Lang.: eng). - Washington, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1998. pp. V, 363.(NASA/SP-1998-7501/Vol2).

103591995-0220various universal KOS astronautics 048-32
NASA Thesauru Supplement. Febr. 1995 (Lang.: eng). - Washington, DC, Natl.Aeronautics and Space Admininistr, 1995. pp. 22.(NASA SP-7096, Suppl.1). A four part cumulative supplement of the 1994 edition of the NASA Thesaurus

104371996-0010various universal KOS astronautics 048-32
NASA Scient. and Technical Information Office. NASA Thesaurus Supplement 3. A fourpart cumulative supplement of the 1994 edition of the NASA Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - Washington, DC, Natl.Aeronautics & Space Administration, 1996. pp. 45.(NASA SP-7096(Suppl.3)).

104941994-1183various universal KOS astronautics 048-32
NASA Thesaurus, 3 vols. (Lang.: eng). - In: NASA SP-7096.Linthicum Heights,MD, Natl.Aeronautics and Space Administratio, 1994. pp. 908+408+162. Vol.1: Hierarchical listing, contains the introduction and the alphabetical listing of descriptors together with their concept field: Broader Term, Narrower Term (=GS), Related Term (=RT), Use = USE, Used for = UF. GS stands for Generic Structure. To indicate the position of a descriptor, the Generic Structure is repeated each time and its place is marked by a bold face type. The 1994 ed. includes over 17,500 terms and over 4,000 USE references. Altogether there are 167,000 BT, NT, and RT entries. Vol.2 the access vocabulary contains 42,000 entries of postable and non-postable terms, embedded terms and other entry terms. Vol.3 gives definitions, added to the NASA Thesaurus since 1976. Over 3,500 definitions are complemented by some 1000 USE references"

105181996-0533various universal KOS astronautics 048-32
NASA Thesaurus Supplement (Lang.: eng). - Linthicum Heights,MD, NASA Center f.AeroSpace Information, 1996. pp. V,48.(NASASP-7096(Suppl.4)). This is a four-part cumulative supplement of the 1994 edition of the NASA Thesaurus.

100271990-2-029various universal KOS geology 048-33,-36
Shimomura, R.H.(Ed). GeoRef thesaurus and guide to indexing (Lang.: eng). - Alexandria, VA, Amer.Geolog.Ins, 1989. pp. 744. ISBN: 0913312983.

104791990-1-018various universal KOS geology 048-36
Shimomura, R.H.(Ed.). GeoRef thesaurus and guide to indexing.5th ed (Lang.: eng). - Alexandria, VA, Amer.Geol.Inst, 1989. pp. 744.

100961995-0221various universal KOS geography 048-39
Thésaurus géographiques: noms de lieux et divisions administratives [Geographic thesaurus: place names and administrative division names] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, IBISCUS, 1993. pp. 157. ISBN: 2909994007.

103001995-0024various universal KOS geography 048-39
Geological Survey of Canada. GEOSCAN thesaurus/Thésaurus GEOSCAN (Lang.: eng). - Ottawa, Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, 1990. pp. 147.

16163various universal KOS biological sciences KOS in special environments 048-4;218
Martín-Moncunill, David; García-Barriocanal, Elena; Sicilia, Miguel-Angel; Sánchez-Alonso, Salvador. Evaluating the Practical Applicability of Thesaurus-Based Keyphrase Extraction in the Agricultural Domain: Insights from the VOA3R Project (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 41(2014)6, pp. 76-89.

17860various universal KOS biological sciences KOS in special environments 048-4;218
Martín-Moncunill, David; García-Barriocanal, Elena; Sicilia, Miguel-Angel; Sánchez-Alonso, Salvador. Evaluating the practical applicability of thesaurus-based keyphrase extraction in the agricultural domain: insights from the VOA3R project (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)2, pp. 76-89.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 14.

17861various universal KOS biological sciences KOS in special environments 048-4;218
Beaudoin, Joan; Ménard, Elaine. Objects of human desire: the organization of pornographic videos on free websites (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)2, pp. 90-101.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 12.

102571990-1-019various universal KOS agriculture 048-46
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux International. CAB thesaurus.2 vols (Lang.: eng). - Wallingford, GB, CAB Intern, 1988. pp. 1137 .

104851995-0222various universal KOS agriculture 048-46
AGROVOC. Thesaurus multilingue per l'agricola [Multilingual thesaurus for agriculture] (Lang.: fre). - Roma, ISMEA, 1993. pp. 800. The thesaurus comprises altogether 21,646 terms

107451995-0025various universal KOS 048-46, 796
Zentralstelle f.Agrardokumentation u.Information. AGROVOC. Mehrsprachiger Thesaurus für die Agrarwissenschaften. [AGROVOC. Multilingual Thesaurus for Agriculture"] (Lang.: ger). - 2.Aufl., Dt.Version ed. BonnDE, ZADI, 1992. The multilingual thesaurus of the Agricultural Research Information System is published by FAO, Rome. It was started in 1985 under the direction of Ms.M.Bonnichon, supported by Mr.R.Portegies-Zwart and specialists of the AGRIS centers of Spain, USA, France and FAO. Since 1987 a working group enlarged by specialists from Denmark, Portugal and Germany took care of its updating and translation on the basis of proposals from more than 200 AGRIS and CARIS centers and from other partners. The German version has now 14,714 descriptors. The AGROVOC thesaurus is also available in English, Spanish and French. A "Unified Agricultural Thesaurus", combining CABVOC and AGROVOC is planned. (From the book review by M.Scholz, in Mitt.Ges.Bibl.wes.u.Landbau (1993)No.49

102831994-1184conceptology systems theory 048-51/4
National Library of Medicine. Medical Subject Headings. Annotated Alphabetic List, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: PB94-100047/WLI.Bethesda, MD, Natl.Library of Medicine, 1993. pp. 1300. The document contains an alphabetic list of all subject descriptors used by indexers and catalogers at the National Library of Medicine. It includes: Introduction, with explanatory material and lists of new entries; Subject Headings; Cross-References; Gographic Headings; Non-MeSH Terms; Check-Tags; Tree Numbers; and Notes for Indexers, Catalogers, and Online Searchers.

105071994-1185conceptology systems theory 048-51/4
National Library of Medicine. Medical Subject Headings. Tree Structures 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: PB94-100054/WLI.Bethesda, MD, Natl.Library of Medicine, 1993. pp. 993. All Medical Subject Headings currently in use by the National Library of Medicine's indexers, catalogers and searchers are arranged in a hierarchical manner showing relationships between broader and narrower terms. Included are geogoraphic descriptors as well as annotations preceding each subcategory in the hierarchy.

105471995-0224conceptology systems theory 048-51/4
National Library of Medicine Classification Schedule. 5th ed (Lang.: eng). - Washington, DC, Anders Williams International, 1994. The 5th ed. includes revisions to selected schedules in need of updating and also integrates into the Classification's index MeSH descriptors used in cataloging but not yet represented in the index to the 4th ed. It comprises close to 4000 notations and. 18,000 index terms for both, entries and cross references. The system is available for USD 40 from Anders Williams International, 208, 12th Str., SE Washington, DC 20003

105691996-0757conceptology systems theory 048-51/4
MeSH Thesaurus. German Version '96 (Lang.: ger, eng). - Köln, Germany, DIMDI, 1996. The German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI) undertook a translation of NLM's MeSH. the machine-readable version is available from DIMDI, attn; Dr. E.Berg-Schorn, PF 420580, D-50899 Köln. The thesaurus contains 18,000 subject headings in medicine and related fields. It is arranged 1) alphabetically and 2) hierarchically. Both arrangements have a main list with the main subject headings only in German and two lists with German-English and English-German subject-headings.

106901996-0011conceptology systems theory 048-51/4
National Library of Medicine. Permuted Medical Subject Headings, 1995 (Lang.: eng). - Springfield, VA, National Technical Information Service, 1995. This is a computer-generated display of all terms in the alphabetic list of the National Library of Medicine and the Annotated Alphabetic MeSH. It lists all the MeSH terms (descriptors and cross-references) in which a given word appears. Selected word roots are also listed, along with all the MeSH terms in which such roots appear.

106911996-0012conceptology systems theory 048-51/4
National Library of Medicine. Medical Subject Headings Tree Structures 1995 (Lang.: eng). - Springfield, VA, National Technical Information Service, 1995. This publication presents all medical headings used by the National Library of Medicine's indexers, catalogers, and searchers. A hierarchical format is used which shows relationships between broader and narrower terms. Geographic descriptors and annotations precede each subcategory in the hierarchy.

106921996-0013conceptology systems theory 048-51/4
National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD. Medical Subject Headings Annotated Alphabetic List 1995 (Lang.: eng). - Springfield, VA, National Technical Information Service, 1995. In addition to the alphabetic list of all subject descriptors used by indexers and catalogers at the NLM explanatory material is included and lists of new entries, subject headings, cross-references, geographic headings, non-MeSH terms, check tags, treenumbers, and notes for indexers and online searchers.

17324conceptology systems theory 048-51/4
Liua, Ying-Hsang; Wacholder, Nina . Evaluating the impact of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms on different types of searchers (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)4, pp. 851-870. Available at http://http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2017.03.004

9881998-0364conceptology systems theory literature reviews 048-51/4;02
McCarthy, A. Book review of Pearce, H.J. - Thesaurus of disability index termss. - 2nd ed. - Gloucester: GUiDe Information Service, Gloucester Royal Hospital, 199 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 20(1997)4,p.219.

104621990-2-030various universal KOS 048-519
Leduc, S. Réalisation d'un thésaurus multilingue espagnol-francais sur le "Droits des femmes" [Establishment of a multilingual thesaurus on "Female rights"] (Lang.: fre, spa). - Paris, INTD, 1989. pp. 63.

104661990-2-031various universal KOS 048-519
Szpakowska, J.-K. Jeunes gens: thésaurus.Essai de systématisation des connaissances spécifiques de la classe d'`ge 13-25 ans [Young people thesaurus.Attempt at systematizing the special knowleddge in the 13-25 years old] (Lang.: fre). - Montréal, Qué, Univ.de Montréa, 1988. pp. 679.

107251990-1-020various universal KOS 048-519
Saffron, L.; Women's Health & Reproductive Rights Inform.Centre. Women's health classification scheme (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, The Centre, 1989.

100871996-0758various universal KOS 048-525
Thésaurus banque de données santé publique. Version 2.0 [Thesaurus for databases in public health] (Lang.: fre). - Rennes, France, ENSP, 1995. ISBN: 2859527826. 3 vols.,1 disk.The thesaurus comprises a permuted alphabetical list, a structured list and terminograms and alphabetical lists as microthesauri.It is available from ENSP, Ave. Pr-Léon-Bernard, F-35043 Rennes, France.

103851994-0700various universal KOS 048-528
Eisenhardt, O. (Ed.); Alonso, A.; Inst.f.Dok.u.Inform. Sozialmedizin u.Öff.Gesundhw.. SOMED-Thesaurus. (Lang.: ger). - 9th ed. ed. pp. 296+141. The 9th revised edition contains an alphabetical thesaurus and a stsructured one.

103841995-0223various universal KOS social sciences 048-528-6
Alonso, A.; Eisenhardt, O.; Inst.f.Dok. u. Inform. f.Sozialmed. u. Öff.Ges.wes. SOMED Thesaurus. 9th ed (Lang.: ger). - Bielefeld, DE, IDIS, 1993. pp. 296+141.

104951990-2-032various universal KOS 048-538
Bertrand-Baschwitz,; Vanderveken, M. Thesaurus specialisé dans le traitement de la documentation des Infections HIV etdu SIDA [Thesaurus for documentation of literature on HIV infections and AIDS] (Lang.: fre). - Bruxelles, BE, 1988. pp. 90.

105111994-0701various universal KOS 048-538
Classification Statistique Internationale de Maladies et Problèmes de Santé Connexes. CIM-10. Vol.1: Liste pour la mise en tableaux [International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. CIM-10] (Lang.: fre). - In: Genève, CH. WHO. 1993. pp. IV+1243 . The first volume contains the classification of the morphology of tumours, the causes of mortality and morbidity, definitions and rules for nomenclature and the report of the international conference for the 10th revision which shows the complexity of the revision process.

101251995-0225various universal KOS 048-5384
Wagner, G. (Ed.). Tumorlokalisationsschlüssel. Topographischer Teil [International Classification of Diseases for Oncology IDC Otumor localization key. Topographic part] (Lang.: ger). - 5 ed. Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 1993. pp. IX,125. ISBN: 3540568212.

100471995-0226various universal KOS psychology 048-55
Walker, A. jr. (Ed.). Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms, 7th ed. Twentieth anniversary 1974-1994 (Lang.: eng). - Washington, DC, Amer.Psych.Assoc, 1994. pp. XXV,343. ISBN: 1557982252. Total number of terms now 7,311

99971990-1-021various universal KOS education 048-56
Marder, J.V. British education thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - Leeds, GB, Univ.Press, 1988. pp. 426. ISBN: 0853161445.

100781995-0228various universal KOS education 048-56
Thésaurus MOTBIS [Motbis thesaurus. 4 vols] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, FR, Centre Natl.de Doc.Pédagogique, 1992. pp. 864. ISBN: 2240705825. Contains some 10,668 terms

102651995-0227various universal KOS education 048-56
FORMACODE. Thésaurus des domaines de formation [Thesaurus of educational fields] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, FR, Centre INFFO, 1992. pp. 115. 2 vols. The thesaurus comprises some 7000 terms

104891990-2-033various universal KOS education 048-56
Ministère de l'Education Natl., CN Doc.Pédagogique. Thésaurus MOTBIS.3 vols (Lang.: fre). - Paris, CNDP, 1990. pp. 868.

103651996-0534various universal KOS energy science 048-568-28
Fressoia, O.; Manfroni, M.R., Dell'Orso, F.. Thesaurus per l'educazione sanitaria [Thesaurus for Hygiene Education. 3rd ed.] (Lang.: ita). - Perugia, IT, SeNDES, 1994. pp. 237. Book review by Elisabetta Poltronieri in Boll.AIB 36(1996)No.2, p.211

102291993-0432various universal KOS labour science 048-57
Bureau International de Travail. ILO Thesaurus: Labour, employment and training terminology. 4th ed. (Lang.: eng, fre, spa). - Geneva, CH, Int.Labour Off., 1992. pp. 557. ISBN: 9220064294. (Title also in French and Spanish)

106981995-0026various universal KOS 048-572
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Dictionary of Occupational Titles (Datafile) (Lang.: eng). - In: PB87-194528ADR.Springfield, VA, NTIS, 1994?. This publication is a compilation of 12,099 coded job definitions classified in nine major categories, 82 two-digit divisions and 559 three-digit groups. 28,800 job titles are included with master titles and definitions, term titles and definitions, glossary terms, and 220 industry designation definitions. Each job definition is rated for estimated interests, aptitudes, educational development, vocational preparation, temperament worker traits, physical demands, and environmental conditions. (USD 240 inside USA, 480 outside). To order call: 703-487-4650. The "dictionary" is also available on magnetic tape

105301990-0768various universal KOS 048-573
CEDEFOP Library and Documentation Service. Multilingual thesaurus of vocational training (Lang.: ). - Luxembourg, CEC.Off.f.Publ, 1992. pp. XIX,313. The thesaurus which was prepared under the supervision of Martina Ni Cheallaigh in collaboration with members of CEDEFOPs documentary network with technical assistance of TermNet, Vienna, comprises altogether 7 volumes, one for each language used (es, d e, en, fr, gr, it, pt).The thesaurus has 1514 descriptors and 531 non-descriptors.Each volume has an alphabetical list of descriptors and non-descriptors with indication of the subject group to which a descriptor belongs.This is followed by an main pa art arranged in 17 subject groups, again in alphabetical order of terms in one language with their corresponding terms in the other languages.It contains also a permuted list of all descriptors

105311993-0768various universal KOS 048-573
CEDEFOP Library and Documentation Service. Multilingual thesaurus of vocational training (Lang.: ). - Luxembourg, CEC. Off.f.Publ, 1992. pp. XIX,313. The thesaurus which was prepared under the supervision of Martina Ni Cheallaigh in collaboration with members of CEDEFOPs documentary network with technical assistance of TermNet, Vienna, comprises altogether 7 volumes, one for each language used (es, de, en, fr, gr, it, pt). The thesaurus has 1514 descriptors and 531 non-descriptors. Each volume has an alphabetical list of descriptors and non-descriptors with indication of the subject group to which a descriptor belongs. This is followed by an main paart arranged in 17 subject groups, again in alphabetical order of terms in one language with their corresponding terms in the other languages. It contains also a permuted list of all descriptors.

1351997-2-0134various universal KOS social sciences 048-6
Schott, H. (Ed.). Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften : Deutsch-English. Thesaurus for the social sciences : German-English (Lang.: ger, eng). - Revised ed. Bonn, IZ Sozialwissenschaften, 1996. pp. 274. This bilingual thesaurus has 10.500 entries of which 6.900 are descriptors and 3.600 non-descriptors. It is available from the IZ Sozialwissenschaften, Lenn‚str. 30, D-53113 Bonn

1361997-2-0135various universal KOS social sciences 048-6
Schott, H. (Ed.). Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften : English-Deutsch. Thesaurus for the social sciences : English-German (Lang.: eng, ger). - Revised ed. Bonn, IZ Sozialwissenschaften, 1996. pp. 248.

1371997-2-0136various universal KOS social sciences 048-6
Basarnova, S., Magaj, H., Mdivani, R. Schott, H., Sucker, D. Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften : Band 1: Deutsch-English-Russisch; Band 2: Russisch-Deutsch-English; Band 3: Register [Thesaurus for the social sciences : Vol. 1: German-English-Russian; Vol.2: Russian-German-English. Vol.3: Index] (Lang.: ger, eng, rus). - Bonn: IZ Sozialwissenschaften / Moskau, Institut für wissenschaftliche Information in den Gesellschaftswissenschaften, 1997. Thesaurus in three languages for searches in INION databases for the social sciences. 3Vols

17282000-0005various universal KOS social sciences 048-6
Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften : Ausgabe 1999 / bearb. von H. Schott [Thesaurus Social Sciences: edition 1999] (Lang.: ger). - Bonn, Informationszentrum Sozialwissenschaften, 1999. pp. 2 vols - 316, 312. ISBN: 3820601279.

101541996-0759various universal KOS social sciences 048-6
Schott, H.. Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften. 2 Bde. [Thesaurus for the Social Sciences. 2 vols.] (Lang.: ger). - Bonn, Germany, IZ Sozialwissenschaften, 1996. pp. 300+342. ISBN: 3820601155. The thesaurus has 10.500 entries of which 6.900 are descriptors and 3.600 non-descriptors. The terms have also been translated into English. It is available from the IZ Sozialwissenschaften, Lennéstr. 30, D-53113 Bonn.

17355various universal KOS social sciences 048-6
Merkler, Benjamin; Thiele, Raphael. Aktualisierung einer Haussystematik am Beispiel des Fachs Politikwissenschaften [Department of Political Science - updating the internal classification system] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 51(2017)6, pp. 537-547. Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2017-0056

12091999-0004various universal KOS social sciences literature reviews 048-6;02
James, S. Book review of ILO Thesaurus: Labour, employment and training. - Geneva: International Labour Office, 1998. - 791 p. - ISBN: 9220072552 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review , 48(1999)1/2,p.104-105.

17712various universal KOS social sciences standards on concepts 048-6;09.12
Wallis, Steven E.. Abstraction and insight: building better conceptual systems to support more effective social change (Lang.: eng). - In: Foundations of Science, 19(2014)4, pp. 353–362.Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2014. pp. 10. Available at http://https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10699-014-9344-4 9783319064918.

99511990-1-022various universal KOS politics 048-62
House of Commons Library. House of Commons Library Thesaurus, 7th ed (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, 1987. ISBN: 002613541X.

107421995-0027various universal KOS 048-622
Caccia, I.. Human rights thesaurus (Lang.: eng, fre). - Ottawa, Canada, University of Ottawa, HRREC,, 1993. This thesaurus was elaborated within the Human Rights Research and Education Centre, Human Rights Internet of the University of Ottawa. It exists also in a French version.

100851995-0695various universal KOS finance 048-64
Briane, B.; Burnand, S., Crombez, G., Vallez, O. Thésaurus: banque, finance, macroéconomie [Thesaurus for banking, finances and macroeconomics] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, AFB Diffusion, 1994. pp. 252. ISBN: 2857390300.

100941995-0229various universal KOS 048-642
Ebrard, C.; Tallard, A., De Coninck, J. Thésaurus bancaire et financier [Thesaurus for banks and financial matters] (Lang.: fre). - Guyancourt, FR, CNCA, 1993. pp. 156. ISBN: 2900607051.

100421995-0028various universal KOS 048-652
Pearce, H.J.. Thesaurus of disability index terms (Lang.: eng). - Gloucester, GB, GUiDE Inform.Centre, Glouc.Royal Hosp., 1993. pp. 43. ISBN: 0952217104. The thesaurus of GUiDE (Gloucestershire Updated Information for Disabled and Elderly People) has been developed chiefly as a guide too the filing of reference materials and as a meansof retrieving information from them. It consists of five sections: person, condition, treatment, service, and equipment - with a hierarchical sstructure and an index for the location of subjects within them. Subdivisions within the sections are allocated a running number which is used both for filing and for cross-referral from the index. (From the book-review by A.McCarthy, in Indexer, 19(1994)No.2, p.143."

107271996-0535various universal KOS 048-652
Aitchison, J.. International Thesaurus of Refugee Terminology. 2nd ed. (Lang.: eng). - Geneva and New York, United Nations, UNHCR, 1996. The Thesaurus was compiled under the auspices of the International Refugee Documentation Network. The French and Spanish editions will be published in the fall of 1996. Future new editions will be available only in electronic form.

119121994-1186various universal KOS 048-652
R.; Fugmann. Book review of The Alcohol and Other Drug Thesaurus: A guide to concepts and terminology in substance abuse and addiction. - US Dept.of Health & Human Services. Rockville, MD: Natl. Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Inform.1993 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)3,p.163-165.

105231996-0760various universal KOS 048-654
The Marin Institute thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - San Rafael, CA, USA, Marin Inst.Prevent.Alcohol & other Drugs, 1995. pp. XII,91, 11 . The more than thousand terms are listed alphabetically and hierarchically and in rotated format. There is also a vertical file of about 200 subject headings whose suggested use is for pamphlet files. It is available from The Marin Institute, 24 BelvedereStreet, San Rafael, CA 94901, USA.

105101994-0702various universal KOS 048-657
Deutsche Stiftung f.Internationale Entwicklung. Thesaurus für wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung [Thesaurus for economic and social development] (Lang.: ger). - 14.ref.Aufl. ed. In: Bonn, DE. Dt.Stiftung f.Int.Entwicklung, DSE. 1993. pp. II,40+104. Vol.1 contains a structured part, vol.2 an index part with en-de, fr-de, and es-de equivalents.

24812001-0139various universal KOS law 048-66
Moys classification and thesaurus for legal materials (Lang.: eng). - 4 ed. Munich, Saur, 2001. pp. Xlvi, 554. ISBN: 3598115024.

29792002-0004various universal KOS law 048-66
Steer, M.J. (Book review of) Moys, E.A and others: Moys classification and thesaurus for legal materials – 4 th ed - Munich: Saur, 2001 - 551 p. - ISBN 3598115024 (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing Information, 8(2001)8, p.61.

106761994-0703various universal KOS law 048-66
Burton, W.C.. Legal thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - New York, NY, Macmillan, 1992.

106771995-0230various universal KOS law 048-66
Burton, W.C. Legal thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - New York, Macmillan, 1992.

105671995-0231various universal KOS 048-666
Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes. THECLA. Thésaurus multilingue des mots clefs des arrets de la Cour [Multilingual thesaurus of keywords of court decrees] (Lang.: ). - Luxembourg, Cour Justice Comm.Europ, 1990. The thesaurus is in the following nine languages: fr, es, da, de gr, en, it, nl, pt

103951993-0433various universal KOS urbanism 048-67
Ministerio de obras publicas y urbanismo. Tesauro de medio ambiente [Environmental thesaurus] (Lang.: spa). - Madrid, 1990. pp. 319.(Textos y documentos).

17292000-0006various universal KOS economical sciences 048-7
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Macrothesaurus for Information Processing in the field of Economic and Social Development (Lang.: eng). - 5 ed. Paris, OECD, 1998. pp. 436. ISBN: 9264160256. * Also publ. in French and Spanish» - » Contains among others a table for general auxiliaries of properties

105161996-0536various universal KOS economical sciences 048-7
Porstmann, R.. Eine universelle Fachklassifikation Wirtschaftswissenschaften: ein Entwurf für Bibliotheken, Dokumentatins- u. Informationseinrichtungen [A universal subject classification for economics, drafted for libraries, documentation and information centers] (Lang.: ger). - Göttingen, Schwartz, 1995. pp. V,137.

16258various universal KOS economical sciences 048-7
Segundo, Jose Eduardo Santarem; Manzoni, Gabriela Alves. Análisis de la presentación de la información financiera a los inversores por las empresas que cotizan en bolsa [Analysis of the presentation of financial information to investors by publicly traded companies] (Lang.: por). - In: Scire 21(2015)1, pp.53-58. Available at http://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/scire/article/view/4152/3803

16336various universal KOS economical sciences 048-7
Clermont, Marcel; Dyckhoff, Harald. Coverage of Business Administration Literature in Google Scholar: Analysis and Comparison with EconBiz, Scopus and Web of Science (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliometrie - Praxis und Forschung,1(2012), pp. 5.1-5.19. Available at http://http://www.bibliometrie-pf.de/article/viewFile/165/196

16337various universal KOS economical sciences 048-7
Schläpfer, Jörg. Das Handelsblatt-BWL-Ranking und seine Zeitschriftenliste [The Handelsblatt-BWL-Ranking [BWL = business administration] and its list of journals] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliometrie - Praxis und Forschung,1(2012), pp. 6.1-6.8. Available at http://www.bibliometrie-pf.de/article/viewFile/167/199

18459various universal KOS economical sciences 048-7
Vlaeminck, Sven; Grunow, Martina. Zwei Ansätze zur Lösung der Replikationskrise in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften [Two Approaches to Solve the Replication Crisis in Economics] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 43(2019)1, pp. 91-97. Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2019-2004

16298various universal KOS economical sciences information use 048-7;981
Schmidt, Thomas; Wolff, Christian. Genderspezifische Unterschiede im Informationsverhalten am Beispiel E-Commerce [The influence of gender of information behavior in E-Commerce] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 66(2015)1, pp. 65-76.

101191995-0696conceptology conceptology 048-71/2
Forstmann, R. Eine universelle Fachklassifikation Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Ein Entwurf für Bibliotheken, Dokumentations- und Informationseinrichtungen [A universal subject classification system for economics. Designed for libraries, documentation, and information centers] (Lang.: ger). - Göttingen, Schwartz, 1995. pp. V,137. ISBN: 350901670X.

103161990-0769conceptology conceptology 048-71/2
Informationszentrum des HWWA-Inst.f.Wirtschaftsf. Thesaurus Wirtschaft [Thesaurus on Economics.2 Vols] (Lang.: ger). - Hamburg, DE, Verl.Weltarchiv, 1992. pp. 1681. The second edition of this thesaurus was published in two parts: Vol.1: Systematic Pt., Vol.2: Alphabetical Pt

103171993-0769conceptology conceptology 048-71/2
Informationszentrum des HWWA-Inst.f.Wirtschaftsf.. Thesaurus Wirtschaft [Thesaurus on Economics. 2 Vols.] (Lang.: ger). - Hamburg, DE, Verl.Weltarchiv, 1992. pp. 1681. The second edition of this thesaurus was published in two parts: Vol.1: Systematic Pt., Vol.2: Alphabetical Pt.

105201994-1187conceptology conceptology 048-71/2
Dt.Industrie- u.Handelstag, Arb.kr.Kammerbiblioth.. Systematik für IHK-Bibliotheken [Classification system for libraries of Chambers of Commerce"] (Lang.: ger). - 2. Ausgabe ed. Bonn, DIH. Arbeitskreis Kammerbibliotheken, 1992. pp. VIII,146. System with a decimal notation and a keyword index. Available on paper, as an Allegro-C database and as a Word (5.0)file.

105681995-0029conceptology conceptology 048-71/2
Deutscher Industrie- und Handelstag. Systematik für IHK-Bibliotheken [Classification system for libraries of Houses of Commerce] (Lang.: ger). - 2. Ausgabe ed. BonnDE, DIHT, Arb.kreis Kammerbibliotheken, 1992.

104101995-0232conceptology classification problems 048-71/72
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris. Le thésaurus de III Delphes [The III Delphes Thesaurus] (Lang.: fre, eng). - Paris, Hauts de Seine/Saint Denis/Val de Marne, 1993/94. pp. 347+505. 2 vols. The French volume contains 5646 terms and the English one 5457 ones

100711996-0537various universal KOS 048-713
Thimann, F.A.. A classification scheme for intellectual property holdings (Lang.: eng). - London, Common Law Inst.of Intellect.Property, 1993. pp. 63. ISBN: 1874001073. A faceted classification system. Book review by Rachel Salmond in Australian Library Review 12(1995)No.4, p.439-440.

101021994-0704various universal KOS management 048-72
Pajona, P. (Ed.); Boldrini; M.; Bonanni; C.; Lecamus; C.. Business and Management Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - 2nd ed. ed. Fontainebleau, INSEAD, 1993. ISBN: 2950800904. Elaboration for the European Institute of Business Administration's indexing of books, periodicals, audiovisual supports and internal reports. Comprises 6500 descriptors listed in four areas: Management, Finances and economic sciences, Industry and marketing, and Fringe areas.

101031995-0030various universal KOS management 048-72
Pajona, P. et al.. Business and management thesaurus, 2nd ed. (Lang.: eng). - Fontainebleau", INSEAD, 1993. ISBN: 2950800904.

104711995-0031various universal KOS 048-728
US Office of Management and Budget. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual (Lang.: eng). - In: PB87-100012ADR.Springfield, VA, NTIS, 1994?. pp. 705. The manual provides the standardized codes used by the U.S.Government to classify businesses by type of activity. There are also microcomputer versions available. To order call USA 703-487-4650.

100691995-0697various universal KOS 048-731
Thirmann, F. A classification scheme for intellectural property holdings (Lang.: eng). - London, Common Law Inst.of Intellect.Property, 1993. pp. 63. ISBN: 1874001073. Book review by D.Brunt in Cat.& Index (1995)No.116, p.8

100701996-0761various universal KOS 048-731
Cornish, G.. A classification scheme for intellectual property holdings (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Common Law Inst.f.Intell.Property Holdgs, 1993. pp. 63. ISBN: 1874001073.

105661995-0233various universal KOS 048-731
Thimann, F. A Classification Scheme for Intellectual Property Holdings (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Common Law Inst.of Intellectual Property, 1993. Short description of the scheme by Ellen Gredly in World Patent Information 16(1994)No.3, p.181

106991995-0032various universal KOS commodity science 048-76
Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Industry & Product Classification Manual and Numerical List oof Manufactured & Mineral Products (Lang.: eng). - In: PB89-203772ADR. PB89-238042ADR.Springfield, VA, NTIS, 1992. The Industry and Product Classification Manual covers the industries of transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services, wholesale trade, retail trade, and services divisions. The Numerical List of Manufactured and Mineral Products covers the principal products and services of the manufacturing and mineral industries. They both describe industrial coverage of economic and agriculture censuses within the context of each SIC division; explain the Census Bureau's interpretation in applying the established concept; and include an alphabetic index to industries for various activities and products for each SIC division."

16195various universal KOS information sciences 048-8
Younghee Noh; Yang-Ha Park. A Study on the Improvement of the BRM Classification System for Policy Information Service (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 48(2014)4, pp. 135-171.. Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3538456

18589various universal KOS information sciences 048-8
Semidão, Rafael Aparecido Moron. Abordagens teóricas de organização do conhecimento: uma análise a partir do CSKOL da ISKO [Theoretical approaches to Knowledge Organization: An analysis from ISKO's CSKOL] (Lang.: por). - In: Dissertation.Marília, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2019.0. pp. 204.0. Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/semidao_ram_do_mar.pdf

104811990-1-023various universal KOS 048-817
NaTL:Inst.of Health.Dept.of Health & Human Serv. CRISP thesaurus.Fiscal year 1988 (Lang.: eng). - Bethesda, MD, NIH, 1989. pp. 774.

7841998-0160various universal KOS information sciences 048-82
Obodzinski, P. Tezaurus Amerykanskiego Towarzystwa Informacji Naukowej (Lang.: pol). - In: Praktyka i Teoria Informacji Naukowej i Technicnej, (1997)1-2, p. 51-54.

20282000-0304various universal KOS information sciences 048-82
Classification system for knowledge organization literature / compiled by I. Dahlberg ; revised by G.J.A. Riesthuis (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)4,p.192-202.

42202005-32-4-0295various universal KOS information sciences 048-82
ASIS&T Thesaurus of information science, technology and librarianship : Third edition / edited by A. Redmond-Neal and M.M.K. Hlava (Lang.: eng). - Medford, NJ, Information Today, 2005. pp. Xiii, 255. ISBN: 1573872432.

100371995-0033various universal KOS information sciences 048-82
Milstead, J. (Ed.). ASIS Thesaurus of Information Science and Librarianship (Lang.: eng). - Medford, NJ, Learned Inform., 1994. ISBN: 0938734806.

102711990-1-024various universal KOS information sciences 048-82
Gesellsch.f.Mathem.u.Datenverarb., IZ Inform.wiss. Descriptor list in the field of information science and practice (Lang.: ger, eng). - Darmstadt, FRG, GMD-IZ, 1989. pp. 123.

123741996-0014various universal KOS information sciences 048-82
Lancaster, F.W.. Book review of Milstead, J. (Comp.): ASIS Thesaurus of information science and librarianship. Medford, NJ: Learned Information for Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. 1993. 139p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.& Inform.Sci.Research. Vol. 17, No. 2. 1995. p.189-193. In addition to the review a response is given by J.L.Milstead.

43972006-33-2-0001various universal KOS information sciences literature reviews 048-82;02
Riesthuis, G.J.A. (Book review of) ASIS&T thesaurus of information science, technology and librarianship. 3rd ed. Medford, NJ. Information today, 2005. xiii, 255 p. ISBN 1573872431 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information today, 2005.

99941993-0434various universal KOS 048-822
Bibliographic Standards Committee (ACRL/ALA). Genre Terms: A thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing, 2nd ed. (Lang.: eng). - Chicago, IL, ACRL.Am.Lib.Ass, 1991. pp. 78. ISBN: 083897516X.

104931990-2-034various universal KOS 048-822
Swan Hill, J. Book review of: Binding Terms: A thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing.Chicago 1988 and.Provenance Evidence: Thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging.Chicago: Amer.Libr.Assoc.1988 (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.& Inform.Sci.Annual.Vol.5.1989. pp. 90-91.

111691990-2-035various universal KOS 048-823
James, St. Book review of: Peniston, S., Graham, T.: Thesaurus of information technology terms.London 1989.410 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review.Vol.38.No.4.1989.p.60.

100881990-2-036various universal KOS 048-824
Direction des Archives de France. Thesaurus W: vocabulaires normalisés pour la description et l'indexation des archives administratives locales contemporaines.2nd ed [Thesaurus W: standardized vocabulary for the description and indexing of contemporary local administrative archives] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, Dir.Arch.France, 1989. pp. 249. ISBN: 2860001654.

103131993-0008various universal KOS 048-826
Azgaldov, E.G.; Visochanskaja, O.A., Haskina, M.I.. Descriptor vocabulary in information science (Lang.: rus). - Moskva, VINITI, 1991. pp. 161.

105641993-0009various universal KOS 048-826
Canadian Workplace Automation Research Centre. Thesaurus of Information Sciences and Technologies (Lang.: eng, fre). - Ottawa, Canada, Canada Communic, 1991. (Title also in French)

134611990-1-025various universal KOS 048-826
Popowska, H. Databases - classification and typology.Pt.1 (Lang.: pol). - In: Aktual.probl.inf.i dok.Vol.33.No.5.1988.p.14-23.

100241995-0034various universal KOS 048-847, -867
Jones, K.; Moulds, M. (Eds.). FIAF Classification Scheme for Literature on Film and Television (Lang.: eng). - 2nd rev. enl. ed. London, GB, Int.Feder.of Film Archives, 1992. pp. VIII,115. ISBN: 0906973244.

17245various universal KOS humanities 048-9
Mazzocchi, Fulvio. Relations in KOS: is it possible to couple a common nature with different roles? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 73(2017)2, pp. 368-383. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JD-05-2016-0063

17735various universal KOS humanities 048-9
Weissenberger, Lynnsey. Toward a universal, meta-theoretical framework for music information classification and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 71(2015)5, pp.917-937.Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2015. pp. 20. Available at http://https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-08-2013-0106 ISSN: 00220418

17858various universal KOS humanities 048-9
Madalli, Devika P.; Balaji, B. Preedip; Sarangi, Amit Kumar. Faceted ontological representation for a music domain (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)1, pp. 8-24.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 17. ISSN: 09437444; 11 Diagrams, 7 Charts

16142various universal KOS humanities KO research in 048-9;188
Sassen, Catherine. Culinary indexers' reference sources (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 32(2014)4, pp. 5C-8C.

16147various universal KOS humanities KO research in 048-9;188
Watts, Gillian. Food for thought: the expanding universe of cookbook indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 32(2014)4, pp. 1C-5C.

18332various universal KOS humanities facets 048-9;225
Lee, Deborah; Robinson, Lyn; Bawden, David. Global Knowledge Organization, “super-facets” and music: universal music classification in the digital age (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 248-255.

107121990-0770conceptology 048-91/2, 213
MLA Bibliography Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - Arlington, VA, SilverPlatter, 1992. The thesaurus of the Modern Language Association is now offered free of charge on CD-ROM to the subscribers of the bibliography.A permuted list of terms is available for selection of terms as well as searching with broader, narrower or related terms.Th e address of SilverPlatter Information Inc.: 1005 N.Glebe Road, Suite 605, Arlington, VA 22201

107141993-0770conceptology 048-91/2, 213
MLA Bibliography Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - Arlington, VA, SilverPlatter, 1992. The thesaurus of the Modern Language Association is now offered free of charge on CD-ROM to the subscribers of the bibliography. A permuted list of terms is available for selection of terms as well as searching with broader, narrower or related terms. The address of SilverPlatter Information Inc.: 1005 N.Glebe Road, Suite 605, Arlington, VA 22201.

100831990-2-037various universal KOS 048-918
Verdooth, A. The written languages of the world: A survey of the degree and modes of use.Vol.3: Europe Occidentale/Western Europe (Lang.: eng, fre). - Sainte-Foy, Canada, Pr.Univ.Laval, 1990. pp. 672. ISBN: 2763772226.

1381997-2-0137various universal KOS literature 048-92
Negrini, G., Zozi, P., Aschero, B., Fontana, A.I., Zanola, R. Thesaurus di Letteratura Italiana [Theraurus for Italian literature] (Lang.: ita). - Roma, CNR. ISRDS, 1994. pp. 290.(Note bibliografia e di documentatzione scientifica ; 5).

8392various universal KOS literature 048-92
Hypen, Kaisa, Makela, Eetu. An ideal model for an information system for fiction and its application: Kirjasampo and Semantic Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Library review, 60(2011)4, pp. 279-292.

99911993-0435various universal KOS literature 048-92
Olderr, St.. Olderr's fiction subject headings: a supplement and guide to the LC Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - Chicago, IL, Amer.Libr.Assoc, 1991. pp. 147. ISBN: 0838905625.

99921993-0010various universal KOS literature 048-92
Olderr, St.. Olderr's Fiction Subject Headings: A supplement and guide to the LC Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - Chicago, IL, Amer.Libr.Assoc, 1991. pp. 160. ISBN: 0838905625.

102981994-1188various universal KOS literature 048-92
Aschero, B.; Negrini, G.; Zanola, R.; Zozi, P.. Systematization of the Italian Literature Field. Synthesis of the Italian version (Lang.: ita, eng). - Roma, Natl.Research Council. ISRDS, 1994. pp. 143. Lists in alphabetical and systematic order in each of the nine areas of the Systematifier the terms/descriptors occurring.

103831995-0234various universal KOS literature 048-92
Negrini, G.; Zozi, P., Aschero, B., Fontana, A.I., Zanola, R. Thesaurus di letteratura Italiana [Italian literature thesaurus] (Lang.: ita). - Roma, IT, CNR. Ist.di Studi Recerca e Doc.Scient, 1995. pp. 290 . This thesaurus has been structured in a faceted way according to the systematifier principle, however, the four different lists have not as yet been related to each other by a common notation printed out. After an introduction by G.Negrini the following. four lists present: (1) Descriptors by facets in alphabetical order, (2) List of descriptors in structured order, (3) List of all terms, (4) List of descriptors in alphabetical order with their entire set of relationships

105651994-0705various universal KOS literature 048-92
Canadian Literacy Thesaurus Coalition. Canadian Literacy Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - Toronto, Canada, Canadian Literacy Thesaurus Coalition, 1992. The thesaurus exists in a main volume and a supplement.

100171995-0035various universal KOS 048-921
Unreal! Hennepin County Library subject headings for fictional characters and places. 2nd ed. (Lang.: eng). - Jefferson, NC, McFarland, 1992. pp. IX,145. ISBN: 0899507336.

101621995-0036various universal KOS music 048-93
Schneider, Klaus. Thesaurus zur Erschließung von Musik nach Anlaß, Zweck und Inhalt [Thesaurus for subject analysis of music according to event, purpose and contents. 2nd rev.& enl.ed."] (Lang.: ger). - 2.überarb ed. Berlin, Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, 1994. pp. XXI,160. ISBN: 3870684607.

103701990-0771various universal KOS music 048-93
Friedrich, R.(Comp); Kommision fur Musikbibliotheken, DBI. Systematiken fur Oeffentliche Musikbibliotheken [Classification Systems for Public Music Libraries] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Dt.Bibl.Inst, 1991. pp. 251. The revision of the classification systems for music libraries was accomplished by a Working Group of a DBI Committee for Music Libraries in connection with the German AIBM-Group

103711993-0771various universal KOS music 048-93
Friedrich, R. (Comp). Kommision für Musikbibliotheken, DBI. Systematiken für ルffentliche Musikbibliotheken [Classification Systems for Public Music Libraries] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Dt.Bibl.Inst., 1991. pp. 251. The revision of the classification systems for music libraries was accomplished by a Working Group of a DBI Committee for Music Libraries in connection with the German AIBM-Group.

103511990-0773various universal KOS fine arts 048-94
Peterson, T. Art & Architecture Thesaurus.Supplement 1 (Lang.: eng). - New York, NY, Oxford Univ.P, 1992. pp. 221. The first supplement includes new terms, deletions, and changes.List of sources used to support the changes

103521993-0773various universal KOS fine arts 048-94
Peterson, T.. Art & Architecture Thesaurus. Supplement 1 (Lang.: eng). - New York, NY, Oxford Univ.P., 1992. pp. 221. The first supplement includes new terms, deletions, and changes. List of sources used to support the changes.

120051995-0235various universal KOS fine arts 048-94
Weinberg, B.H. Book review of Art & Architecture Thesaurus. New York and Oxford: Oxford Univ.Press 1994. 5 vols (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 46. No. 2. 1995. p.152-160.

107031990-0772various universal KOS 048-94.213
Art & Architecture Thesaurus: Authority Reference Tool (Lang.: eng). - New York, NY, Oxford Univ.P, 1992. The 3 vols.of the AAT published 1990 and its supplement are now available on two diskettes designed to function with such software as dBASEIII or IV, Paradox, and WordPerfect.It can be used as an independent tool or as part of an integrated system.An i thesaurus, a user manual, and a tutorial are included on the diskettes.Order from: Oxford University Press, Electronic Publishing, 200 Madison Ave., 9th floor, New York, NY 10016

107041993-0772various universal KOS 048-94.213
Art & Architecture Thesaurus: Authority Reference Tool (Lang.: eng). - New York, NY, Oxford Univ.P., 1992. (Diskette edition). He 3 vols.of the AAT published 1990 and its supplement are now available on two diskettes designed to function with such software as dBASEIII or IV, Paradox, and WordPerfect. It can be used as an independent tool or as part of an integrated system. An ithesaurus, a user manual, and a tutorial are included on the diskettes. Order from: Oxford University Press, Electronic Publishing, 200 Madison Ave., 9th floor, New York, NY 10016.

103461990-0774various universal KOS 048-961
Leech, R.(Comp.); et al. Thesaurus of Archaeological Site Types.2nd ed (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Royal Comm, 1992. pp. 213 . The Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England and English Heritage is the publisher of this informamtioon retrieval thesaurus, in alphabetical order.It lists over 3000 terms

103471993-0774various universal KOS 048-961
Leech, R. (Comp.); et al.. Thesaurus of Archaeological Site Types. 2nd ed. (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Royal Comm., 1992. pp. 213 . The Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England and English Heritage is the publisher of this informamtioon retrieval thesaurus, in alphabetical order. It lists over 3000 terms.

99611995-0236various universal KOS 048-967
Otchere, F.F. African studies thesaurus: Subject headings for library users (Lang.: eng). - Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1992. pp. 480.(Bibl.& Indexes Afr.Studies, 29). ISBN: 0313274371. The thesaurus comprises some 4,000 terms

99621993-0011various universal KOS 048-967
Otchere, F.E.. African Studies Thesaurus. Subject headings for library users (Lang.: eng). - London-Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1992. pp. 480. ISBN: 0313274371.

103481995-0037various universal KOS 048-9693
Leech, R. et al.. Thesaurus of archaeological site types (Lang.: eng). - 2nd ed ed. London, GB, Royal Comm., 1992. pp. 213. Contains ca 3000 terms.

8035various universal KOS philosophy 048-97
Japan Library Association Cataloging Section. Nihon Jushin Bunruiho dai 10han Shian no Gaiyo -- Sono 5 "Tetsugaku" no Bu [Overview of a plan for the 10th edition of the Nippon Decimal Classification -- part 5, "Philosophy"] (Lang.: jap). - In: Toshokan Zasshi/The library journal, 104(2010)9, pp. 625-628.

33282003-0002various universal KOS UDC short editions UDC 048;042.3;42
Frâncu, V. Tezur interdisciplinar multilingv pentru uzul bibliotecilor : Româna, engleza, franceza [Interdisciplinary multilingual thesaurus for use in libraries: romanian, english, french] (Lang.: rom, eng, fre). - Bucuresti, Asociatia Bibliotecarilor din Invatamânt România, 2003. pp. Vii, 402.(Biblioteca ABIR ; 16). ISBN: 9738596211. »» Thesaurus based on a short edition of the UDC

Miller, J. (Ed.). Sears List of Subject Headings (Lang.: eng). - 15 ed. New York, USA, H.W.Wilson Co, 1994. pp. 55+758. ISBN: 0824208587. The list is built up like a thesaurus with scope notes added were deemed necessary. The introduction deals with the following topics: Purpose of subject cataloguing. Determining the subject of the work. Specific and direct entry. Common usage. Uniformity. . Form headings. Classification and subject headings. Grammar of subject headings. Subdivisions. Geographic names. Biography. Language and literature. Nonbook materials. Terminology. References. New terminology for existing subjects. New Subjects. Record. ing headings and references. Bibliography. Headings to be added by the cataloger. Key headings. List of commonly used subdivisions. Checking and adding headings. Sample page of checking. List of canceled and replacement headings. Symbols used

VLB Schlagwortverzeichnis 92/93 [VLB Subject Heading List 92/93. 15th ed. in 5 volumes] (Lang.: ger). - München, K.G.Saur Verlag, 1992. pp. 10,306. ISBN: 3765716723.

UNESCO Thesaurus: a structured list of descriptors for indexing and retrieving literature in the fields of education, science, social and human science, culture, communication and information (Lang.: eng, fre, spa). - Paris, UNESCO, 1995. pp. XXXIX,705. ISBN: 9230031003. Book review by Anne McCarthy in the Indexer 20(1996)No.2, p.108.

Padirac, B.de. SPINES thesaurus.A controlled and structured vocabulary for information processing in the field of science and technology for.development.English-French, (Spanish) Portuguese 1988 edition of the 1984 revision of the original English version.2 vols (Lang.: eng, fre). - Paris, FR, UNESCO, 1988. pp. 1144.

State Rubricator for Scientific and Technological Information. Classification Headings Authority (Rubrikator GASNTI) (Lang.: rus). - 4 ed. Moskva, RECTOR Center, 1992. pp. 135.

Lang, R.(Ed.). Canadian thesaurus.2nd ed.A guide to the subject headings used in the Canadian Periodical Index and CPI Online (Lang.: eng, fre). - Toronto, CA, Info Globe, 1989. pp. 536.

ASB-Klassifikation (Lang.: ger). - Wiesbaden, DE, C.& E.Becker, 1992. The General Classification System for Public Libraries in Germany has been issued now on a 3,5 inch and 5,25 inch disk in the ASCII format

ASB-Klassifikation (Lang.: ger). - Wiesbaden, DE, C.& E.Becker, 1992. (Diskette). He General Classification System for Public Libraries in Germany has been issued now on a 3,5 inch and 5,25 inch disk in the ASCII format.

4641997-4-0465literature reviews 048.1;02
Gilchrist, A. Book review of Unesco Thesaurus. 2nd ed. Paris: Unesco, 1995. 705 p. ISBN: 9220031003 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of librarianship and information science 29 (1997)3. p.165-166.

Lehmann, K.; Pohlenz, K.(Comps.); Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut. Klassifikation für Allgemeinbibliotheken. Teil Kinderliteratur (KAB/K): Gliederung, Alphabetisches Schlagwortregister, Kommentar [Classification system for general libraries. Section for children's literature: Outline, alphabetical subject index, comments"] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, Dt. Bibliotheksinstitut, 1994. pp. 76.

100541995-0698049, 043-044,044-043
Scott, M.L.; Alvey, C.E. Conversion tables: LCC-Dewey, Dewey-LCC (Lang.: eng). - Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlimited, 1993. pp. 365. ISBN: 1563080176. Book review by J.J.Boll in Cat.& Classif.Quart. 19(1994)No.2, p.99-105 and in Techn.Serv.Quart. 12(1994)No.2, p.95-7

100561995-0237049.43.44, 282
Scott, M..; Alvey, Ch. Conversion tables LCC-Dewey, Dewey-LCC (Lang.: eng). - Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlimited, 1993. pp. XIII,365 . ISBN: 1563080176. The conversion tables are published in printed and in disk version, the printed version is available for USD 60 (78 outside of North America) and the disk version (2 diskettes) for 65 and 72 (outside NA). Book review in Cat.& Classif.Quart. 19(19994)No.2, p.99-105, 2 refs

143921995-0239serials 05
Curras, E. Concordance and discordance in knowledge organization of today and its intersection with the world of information (Lang.: ). -

143931995-0240serials 05
Marijuan, P.C. The social accumulation of knowledge: an interdisciplinary approach (Lang.: ). -

143941995-0241serials 05
Bernad, J.A. Knowledge analysis and representation: contributions from Cognitive Psychology (Lang.: ). -

143951995-0242serials 05
Esteban, M.A. Epistemological principles of documentary classification (Lang.: ). -

143961995-0243serials 05
Martin, B.; Cinca, C.S. Principles of artificial neural networks: hardware and software (Lang.: ). -

143971995-0244serials 05
Garcia Marco, J. Friendly interfaces for bibliographic retrieval (Lang.: ). -

143981995-0245serials 05
Esteban, M.A. The First Meeting on Knowledge Organization and Scientific Information, Zaragoza, Nov.1992 (Lang.: ). -

149681996-0763serials 05
Garcia, A.L.. Research in information science: towards an interdisciplinary adjustment (Lang.: ). -

149691996-0764serials 05
Aguado, P.M.. Expert systems and information retrieval: examples of applications (Lang.: ). -

149701996-0765serials 05
Colina, J.. An informetric algorithm for evaluation of search vocabularies (Lang.: ). -

149711996-0766serials 05
Esteban, M.A.. Documentary languages: from the organization of reality and empirical knowledge to Knowledge Organization (Lang.: ). -

149721996-0767serials 05
Galindo, F.; Lasala, P.. Methodology for developing juridical expert systems: the example of the ARPO-2 prototype (Lang.: ). -

149731996-0768serials 05
Garcia Marco, J.. Towards a model of intervention in knowledge transfer processes (Lang.: ). -

100971995-069905, 388-825
Le Saux, A. (comp.). Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France: Index 1956-1993 (Lang.: fre). - Paris, BBF-ENS-SIB, 1994. pp. 156. ISBN: 2910227030. Cumulative index in two parts: the articles and communications are listed in chronological order in part one and in the alphabetical order of authors and subjects in part two with reference to part one

RSWK Mitteilungen [Information Bulletin on the RSWK (German Rules for Subject Cataloging)] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Dt.Bibl.Inst, 1988. pp. 10 . The Commission of the German Library Institute for Subject Analysis and Catalogue Management publishes in intervals its RSWK Mitteilungen as an annex to its journal Bibliotheksdienst.So far 6 numbers have appeared sind 1988.No.6 is devoted to the treat ment of school-books and books for professional education schools

RSWK Mitteilungen [Information Bulletin on the RSWK (German Rules for Subject Cataloging)] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Dt.Bibl.Inst., 1988. pp. 10 . The Commission of the German Library Institute for Subject Analysis and Catalogue Management publishes in intervals its RSWK Mitteilungen as an annex to its journal Bibliotheksdienst. So far 6 numbers have appeared sind 1988. No.6 is devoted to the treatment of school-books and books for professional education schools.

102371996-0762journals 051
SCIRE. Representación y Organización del Conocimiento [Knowing. Representation and Organization of Knowledge] (Lang.: spa). - Zaragoza, Spain, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1995. pp. 138. ISSN:11353716. The No.2 of this new journal of the Spanish ISKO Chapter contains the following 6 articles after an Editorial by its Editor, Dr. J.Garcia Marco, each article has an abstract in Spanish and one in English:

105971994-0707journals 051
Knowledge Organization, formerly International Classification. International Journal devoted to Concept Theory, Classification, Indexing, and Knowledge Representation (Lang.: eng, fre, ger). - In: Vol. 20, Nr.1 - ..Frankfurt, INDEKS Verlag, 1993 - .. Until Vol.19, 1992, No.4, this journal appeared under the title International Classification. It is a quarterly and has become the organ of the International Society for Knowledge Organization in 1989.

106741995-0238journals 051
Garcia Marco, F.J. (Ed.). SCIRE. Representacion y Organizacion del Conocimiento [Representation and Organization of Knowledge] (Lang.: spa). - Zaragoza, ES, Libreria General, 1995. This new journal is published by the Spanish ISKO Chapter being thus the first chapter having a journal of its own. This first number contains an Editorial by the Editor, F.J.Garcia Marco as well as six articles presented at the first regional ISKO Confe. rence in Spain, Nov.4-5, 1993. It can be obtained from: Coop.de Artes Graficas, Libreria General, Petro Cerbuna 23, ES-50009 Zaragoza. Subscription USD 20 (personal), USD 40 (institutional). Editorial offices: Dr.F.J.Garcia Marco, Fac.de Filosofia y Letr. as, Universidad de Zaragoza, C/Pedro Curbuna 12, E-50.001 Zaragoza, Spain. The articles of no.1 are:

117181994-0706journals 051
Chung, Y.-K.. Core international journals of classification systems. An application of Bradford's Law (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.75-83. Core journals of the field between 1981-1990 have been determined on the basis of the literature evaluation found in the Classification Literature service of the journal International Classification.

136761995-0700051 es
SCIRE. Representation y Organizacion del Conocimiento [To Know. Representation and Organization of Knowledge] (Lang.: spa). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.94. Information on the new Spanish journal in the field of knowledge organization as well as also on the proceedings volumes of the Spanish ISKO Chapter

15151999-0309journals literature reviews 051;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Ranganathan Research Bulletin. Supplement to the Herald of Library Science (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.57. »» New journal devoted to Ranganathan studies

Cataloging and Classification Quarterly (CCQ) to establish a Home Page on the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22, No. 3/4. 1995. p.171. The Home Page gives the tables of contents, abstracts, editorials and professional news and helps users to order entire articles from the Haworth Document Delivery Service (HDDS).

105771995-0038newsletters 052
Williamson, N. (Ed.). Classification Issues for Knowledge Organization (Lang.: eng). - The Hague, NL, Feder.Int.d'Inform. et de Doc., 1995. This newsletter will appear regularly as a section of the FID News Bulleting 4 times a year in January, April, July/August and December. This first number contains the same news as also published already in FID/CR News 37 of Knowledge Organization 21(1994)No.4, p.229-230. Future issues will also contain news from ISKO.

102821995-0701serials for KOS 054
Rundbrief zu den Regensburger Aufstellungssystematiken [Newsletter on the Regensburg Shelf-Listing System] (Lang.: ger). - 1995. pp. 12. Published by the University Library Regensburg, Germany, Coordination Center for the Classification Network. This issue provides the following information: News on activities of the coordination center, Changes in the Classification System, Info on how t. o access the System by WWW, List of all the 34 volumes so far published of the Regensburg Classification System, and Bibliography of the special tools to work with the System

107071996-0538serials for KOS 054
Russian State Library. Bulletin LBC (Lang.: eng). - Moskva, Russian State Library, 1992. In October 1995 the first three issues of this new publication on the Russian Library Bibliographical Classification were distributed, beginning with No.1 in 1992, Nos. 2 and 3 in 1993 and containing information on the changes taking place in this systemas well as further information on its environment, such as its collaborators, its computerization, etc.

Dewey Decimal Classification. DC&. Additions, Notes, and Decisions. Vol.5,, No.5, April 1994 (Lang.: eng). - Albany, NY, Forest Press, 1994. pp. 54. The new issue contains a short description of the new DDC editor, Mrs. Joan Mitchell, an announcement concerning "Electronic Dewey", the new CD-ROM version of DDC20 (available for USD 400), and of 3 new publications (the DDC Workbook for Small Libraries, the DDC20 Teaching Tool, and the Guide for the DDC). Shows also teaching tools for children. Reports on the Editorial Policy Committee meetings working on DDC21. Also a feature of J.Mitchell is included: "Dewey behind the scenes" and other items. The update of the changes and corrections for DDC20 takes the rest of the issue."

Leach; A. (Ed.). Key Words. the Newsletter of the American Society of Indexers (Lang.: eng). - In: Vol.1, nr.1 -.Arkansas, TX, American Society of Indexers, 1992. ISBN: 10641211. The newsletter replaces the ASI Newsletter and is published (since July/Aug. 1992) six times a year. Annual subscription is USD 30. It is free for ASI members.

TERMNET News. Journal of International Cooperation in Terminology (Lang.: eng). - Vienna, Austria, TermNet, 1995. pp. 28. Starting with the June 1995 issue, the journal has a new editor, Prof.Sue Ellen Wright from Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA. It has also a new cover design and includes new features such as the Newsletters of the Association for Terminology and Knowledge Transfer (GTW) and the International Institute for Terminology Research (IITF). Further new additions to TermNet News include the insertion of the bibliographies Biblioterm (BIT) and StandardTerm (STT), here the Nos.BIT 54 and STT have been inserted with their own page numbering. BiblioTerm lists Mono- and Multilingual Specialized Vocabularies and StandardTerm lists Terminology Standards. TermNet News includes also the Infoterm Newsletter.

105541994-0708serials on special KO fields 056
Moore, N.L.. LISA Plus (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Bowker-Saur, 1994. LISA PLUS is the CD-ROM to Library and Information Science Abstractswith over 120,000 records from LISA which currently abstracts over 350 periodicals from over 60 countries and in over 20 different languages. Coverage is to increase in 1994. New disks cumulate information dating back to 1969.

138371990-2-040serials on special KO fields 056
Quirchmayr, G. Representing legal knowledge in information systems (Lang.: ). -

138381990-2-041serials on special KO fields 056
Zarri, G.P. Knowledge acquisition for large knowledge bases using nataural language analysis technique (Lang.: ). -

138391990-2-042serials on special KO fields 056
Black, W.J.; Johnson, F.C. A practical evaluation of two rule-based automataic abstracting techniques (Lang.: ). -

138401990-2-043serials on special KO fields 056
Neale, I.M.; Morris, A. Knowledge acquisition for expert systems: a brief review (Lang.: ). -

138411990-2-044serials on special KO fields 056
Yannakoudakis, E.J.; Ayres, F.H., Hugill, J.A.W. An expert system for quality control in cataloguing and document identification (Lang.: ). -

AXIOMATHES. Journal of the Center for Middle-European Philosophical Studies (Lang.: eng, ita). - Trento, Italy, University. Dept.of Sociology & Soc.Sci., 1993. pp. 64. From 1993 (vol. 4) the journal appears under the new name AXIOMATHES. Its editor is Roberto Poli. The Advisory Board has: L.Albertazzi, Trento; E. Morscher (Salzburg); J.Perzanowski (Torun & Krakow); G.Piana (Milano), K.Schuhmann (Utrecht); B.Smith (Buffalo); J.Wolenski (Krakow). Each issue contains an editorial, articles, critical notes, book reviews, free presentations, and information. The main directions are: phhenomenology, analytical philosophy, and Polish philosophy of the first decades of this century.

Quaderni del Laboratorio Thesauri [Issues of the Thesaurus Laboratory"] (Lang.: ita). - Firenze, IFNIA, 1990. pp. 118. The first volume of this irregular series is by Daniela Danesi on "Le variabili del Thesaurus. Gestione e struttura". It contains 8 chapters and some tables, presented by Milvia Priano. The chapters deal with the definition of a thesaurus, its nature and functioning, its elements, problems of software, its construction, its internal variabilities, its models and standardizatioon. It concludes with a bibliography of some 70 essential references.

Baird, P.(Ed.). Hypermedia (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Taylor Graham, 1989.

Expert Systems for Information Management (Lang.: eng). - London, Taylor Graham, 1989.

Terminovedenie [Terminology Research] (Lang.: rus). - Moskva, Moskovskij Licej, 1993. pp. 128. Review of the issues having appeared in 1994 by Y. Lyukshin in Neoterm (1995)No.25/6. The periodical was founded by the Russian Terminological Society (RossTerm) in 1993. It appears 3 times annually.

Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied issues in specialized communication (Lang.: eng). - Amsterdam, J. Benjamins, 1994. pp. 200 . Editors of this new journal (Vol.1, nr.1) on terminology are Helmi Sonneveld and Kurt Loening, both of TopTerm. Juan Sager helps as consultant. Two issues per year are planned, starting 1994, with a total of approx. 400 pages. Vol.2 has been announced for Hfl.208. The publisher's announcement states that this new journal will encompass terminology in general in theory and practice and in specialized fields. Each issue is to contain in-depth articles, research reports, short notes, reviews of new books and software, as well as reports on the activities of national and specialized terminology organizations."

Interpreting. International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting (Lang.: eng). - Amsterdam/Philadelph, J. Benjamins Publ.Co., 1996. pp. 250. ISSN13846647. Editors are Barbara Moser-Mercer (Univ.of Geneva) and Dominic W. Massaro (Dept.of Psychology, UCSC) with the help of an editorial board and 12 consulting editors. The journal aims at researchers, teachers, students and professional interpreters. It contains original articles, research reports, scholarly notes and book reviews. Online catalogue and order form available via gopher://Benjamins.titlenet.com:6400.

Journal of Internet Cataloging (Lang.: eng). - Binghampton, NY, Haworth Press, 1996. The journal focusses on the bibliographic control of Internet resources. In addition to descriptions of new programs and technology, and reviews of software, innovative Internet sites, and books, the journal publishes full-length research and review articles on topics such as: subject analysis and classification of Internet resources; managerial/administrative issues dealing with policy or planning; organizatinal issues treating methods for accessing networked electronic resources; and research on userbehaviour and on social theories of information organization and access.

107261990-2-045serials with bearings on KO 057
UNITARIO (Lang.: ger). - Bensheim, DE, Unitario Press, 1990.

107131990-0776serials in linguistics 058-91
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) (Lang.: eng). - Arlington, VA, SilverPlatter, 1992. This abstracts service is based on the evaluation of 2000 serials worldwide and covers not only articles but also books, occasional papers and monographs, technical reports and dissertations and citations to book reviews.The database was started in 1973 .It contained 120,000 records in 1992.A detailed classification scheme is used of 77 subject categories in 29 areas.The CD-ROM service is available from SilverPlatter Information Inc., 1005 N.Glebe Road, Suite 605, Arlington, VA, 22201, USA and 10 Bar ley Mow Passage, Chiswick, London W4 4PH, England

107151993-0776serials in linguistics 058-91
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) (Lang.: eng). - Arlington, VA, SilverPlatter, 1992. (CD-ROM issue). His abstracts service is based on the evaluation of 2000 serials worldwide and covers not only articles but also books, occasional papers and monographs, technical reports and dissertations and citations to book reviews. The database was started in 1973. It contained 120,000 records in 1992. A detailed classification scheme is used of 77 subject categories in 29 areas. The CD-ROM service is available from SilverPlatter Information Inc., 1005 N.Glebe Road, Suite 605, Arlington, VA, 22201, USA and 10 Barley Mow Passage, Chiswick, London W4 4PH, England.

125041996-0407conferences 06
Williamson, N.. ASIS Annual Meeting, Oct.9-12, 1995. SIG/CR Workshop on Classification Research (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 1. 1996. p.41-44. Extensive report on the results of these events.

132801996-0028conferences 06
Bies, W.. Das Kriterium 'Gebräuchlichkeit des Schlagworts' in der Geschichte und Theorie des Schlagwortkatalogs [The criterion 'useability of subject headings' in history and theory of the subject catalogue] (Lang.: ger). -

133681994-1194conferences 06
Albertazzi, LO.; Poli, R.. Modelling and organization of knowledge (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133691994-1196conferences 06
Catenacci, C.. Cognitive category and neurobiological dimension of knowledge (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133701994-1197conferences 06
Guarino, N.. Linguistic-ontological foundations for the conceptualization of knowledge bases (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133711994-1198conferences 06
Cellucci, C.. Models and methods of the organization of knowledge (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133721994-1199conferences 06
Piazza, M.. Mathematical logic, reasoning, and strategy of knowledge (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133731994-1200conferences 06
Cordeschi, R.; Giannini, M.. Some problems of classical and connectionist AI (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133741994-1201conferences 06
Trautteur, G.. Personal computers and categorization (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133751994-1202conferences 06
Marconi, P.L.. Hypotheses for an evolutionary theory of knowledge (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133761994-1203conferences 06
Ricci, F.L.. Analysis of data types as preliminary phase of conceptualization (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133771994-1204conferences 06
Luzi, D.; Valente, A.. Reflexions on the interaction between organization and acquisition of knowledge in expert systems (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133781994-1205conferences 06
Venerosi, P.. Representation of knowledge and technology. an experiment (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133791994-1206conferences 06
Cammelli, A.. Multiplicity of models for the representation and interpretation of legal knowledge (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133801994-1207conferences 06
Taddei Elmi, G.. Informatics and legal knowledge. The process of information and of legal decision making (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133811994-1208conferences 06
Tiscornia, D.. The organization of law and of reasoning on law (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133821994-1209conferences 06
Adamo, G.; Lamarra, A.. Lexical structures as instruments of classification of a database of philosophical language (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133831994-1210conferences 06
Potenza, R.. Knowledge organization in the earth sciences. Elements of a discussion (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133841994-1211conferences 06
Felluga, B.; Palmera, M.; Lucke, S.; Plini, P.. A multilingual thesaurus of general terms in the environmental sciences (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133851994-1212conferences 06
Failla, D.. Two multilingual faceted thesauri for Japanese lacquer art (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

133861994-1213conferences 06
Negrini, G.. Documentation and organization of knowledge (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176.

136911990-0783conferences 06
Liebowitz, J. The Feigenbaum Medal (Lang.: ). -

136921990-0784conferences 06
Feigenbaum, E.A. A personal view of expert systems: Looking back and looking ahead (Lang.: ). -

136931990-0785conferences 06
Forsythe, D.E.; Buchanan, B.G. Nontechnical problems in knowledge engineering: Implications for project management (Lang.: ). -

136941990-0786conferences 06
Long, J.M.; Slagle, J.R.et al. Implementing expert systems into ongoing data analyses (Lang.: ). -

136951990-0787conferences 06
Arai, K.; Yamashita, Y., Mizoguchi, R. A shell for signal interpretation expert systems (Lang.: ). -

136961990-0788conferences 06
Debenham, J. Expert systems designed for maintenance (Lang.: ). -

136971990-0789conferences 06
Fordyce, K.; Dalton, D.et al. Daily output planning: Integrating Operations Research, Artificial Intelligence, and Real-Time Decision Support with APL2 (Lang.: ). -

136981990-0790conferences 06
Krallmann, H.; Muller-Wunsch, M., Woltering, A. CASA: A knowledge-based tool for management consultants (Lang.: ). -

136991990-0791conferences 06
Bench-Capon, T.; Coenen, F. Maintenance tools for knowledge-based systems: The MAKE Project (Lang.: ). -

137001990-0792conferences 06
Rada, R.; Weigang, W., Birchall, A. An expertext system for collaborative authoring (Lang.: ). -

137011990-0793conferences 06
Pham, D.T.; Tacgin, E. An expert system for selection of robot grippers (Lang.: ). -

137021990-0794conferences 06
Morgado, E.M.; Martins, J.P. Scheduling and managing crew in the Portuguese railways (Lang.: ). -

137031990-0795conferences 06
Cantu-Ortiz, F.; Garcia-Espinoza, M.A. An expert system for diagnosing problems in boiler operations (Lang.: ). -

137041990-0796conferences 06
Prerau, D.S.; Papp, W.L. TARGET expert systems for analysis and trouble resolutions of remote telecommunications equipment (Lang.: ). -

137051990-0797conferences 06
Mikkelsen, J.O.; Bremdal, B.A., Hirdes, D. A computerized environment for the automation of form-based procedures (Lang.: ). -

137061990-0798conferences 06
Wensley, A. Expert systems and audit planning: Evolving research issues (Lang.: ). -

137071990-0799conferences 06
Miyoshi, T.et al. Management of uncertainty in LIFE FEShell Fuzzy Frame System (Lang.: ). -

137081990-0800conferences 06
Snaprud, M; Kaindl, H. Knowledge acquisition using hypertext (Lang.: ). -

137091990-0801conferences 06
Back, B. Assisting accountants in developing financial statements (Lang.: ). -

137101990-0802conferences 06
Buta, P.; Springer, St. Communicating the knowledge in knowledge-based systems (Lang.: ). -

137111990-0803conferences 06
Grogono, P.; Preece, A.et al. A survey of evaluation techniques used for expert systems in telecommunications (Lang.: ). -

137121990-0804conferences 06
Vrtacnik, M.et al. Design of an expert system for water pollution determination/prevention (Lang.: ). -

137131990-0805conferences 06
Colomb, R.M. Computational stability of expert systems (Lang.: ). -

137141990-0806conferences 06
Preece, A.D.; Shinghal, R., Batarekh, A. Verifying expert systems: A logical framework and a practical tool (Lang.: ). -

137151990-0807conferences 06
Chin, M.W. Disaster mitigation in the Caribbean using expert systems (Lang.: ). -

137161990-0808conferences 06
McLean, D.R.et al. Emphasizing conflict resolution versus conflict avoidance during schedule generation (Lang.: ). -

137171990-0809conferences 06
Turksen, I.B.; Tian, Y., Berg, M. A fuzzy expert system for a service centre of spare parts (Lang.: ). -

137181990-0810conferences 06
Jovanovic, A.; Maile, K. ESR - a large knowledge-based system project of European power generation industry (Lang.: ). -

137191990-0817conferences 06
Stephenson, G. Introduction: The CEC open information interchange initiative (Lang.: ). -

137201990-0818conferences 06
Welsch, L.A. Multimedia and hypermedia: model and framework (Lang.: ). -

137211990-0819conferences 06
Bryan, M. Standards for text and hypermedia processing (Lang.: ). -

137221990-0820conferences 06
Popham, M.G. Use of SGML and HyTime in UK universities (Lang.: ). -

137231990-0821conferences 06
Carr, L.; Davis, H., Hall, W. Experimenting with HyTime architectural forms for hypertext interchange (Lang.: ). -

137241990-0822conferences 06
Scheller, A. The Open Document Architecture (ODA) and its HyperODA extensions (Lang.: ). -

137251990-0823conferences 06
Soares, L.F.G.; Casanova, M.A., Colcher, S. An architecture for hypermedia systems using MHEG standard objects interchange (Lang.: ). -

137261990-0824conferences 06
Burnard, L. Rolling your own with the TEI (Lang.: ). -

137271990-0825conferences 06
Fromont, J. State-of-the-art regarding the various standards for contents related to text, still images, sound and video (Lang.: ). -

137281990-0826conferences 06
Fromont, J.; Creff, H., Marie, X. The AVI initiative: Functional requirements analysis and proposed framework for standardization (Lang.: ). -

137291990-0827conferences 06
Grieger, I. Future direction of SC24 standardization (Lang.: ). -

137301990-0827conferences 06
Pring, I. Video standards and the end-user (Lang.: ). -

137311990-0829conferences 06
Broekman, H.J.D. Effective communication with interactive media (Lang.: ). -

138991993-00481conferences 06
Gambier, Y.. Socioterminologie et phraséologie: pertinence théorique et méthodologique (Lang.: ). -

139561993-0445conferences 06
De Bessé, B.. Introduction: le Colleque de Genève (Lang.: ). -

139571993-0446conferences 06
Rey, Alain. Traduire, interpréter: les mots pour le dire (Lang.: ). -

139581993-0447conferences 06
Weibel, E.. La politique linguistique en Suisse (Lang.: ). -

139591993-0448conferences 06
Abdel Hadi, M.. Géographie politique et traduction juridique, le problème de la terminologie (Lang.: ). -

139601993-0449conferences 06
Voisin, M.. La culture, context inévitable (Lang.: ). -

139611993-0450conferences 06
Bergmann, H.. Traducteur, co-auteur, terminologue (Lang.: ). -

139621993-0451conferences 06
Le-Hong, Kha. Traitement rationnel de la traduction spécialisée: analyse, perspectives et développement (Lang.: ). -

139631993-0452conferences 06
Legros-Chapuis, M.. Traduction littéraire et terminologie (Lang.: ). -

139641993-0453conferences 06
Durieux, Ch.. La terminologie en traduction technique: apports et limites (Lang.: ). -

139651993-0454conferences 06
Rochard, M.. Le traducteur face ナ la terminologie: consommateur ou acteur (Lang.: ). -

139661993-0455conferences 06
Hanᅠkovᅠ, M.. Termes spécialisés: équivalences dynamiques ou de transcodage? (Lang.: ). -

139671993-0456conferences 06
Macedo, M.E.. Noms composés: traitement automatique, traduction (Lang.: ). -

139681993-0457conferences 06
Jorge, G.. Les expressions idiommatiques correspondantes: analyse comparative (Lang.: ). -

139691993-0458conferences 06
Moeschler, J.. Idiomes et locutions verbales: ナ propos de quelques bizarreries syntaxiques et mystères sémantiques (Lang.: ). -

139701993-0459conferences 06
Tagnin, St.E.O.. What's in a verbal colligation? A project for a bilingual dictionary of verbal colligations: English-Portuguese/Portuguese-English (Lang.: ). -

139711993-0460conferences 06
Martin, W.. Remarks on collocations in sublanguages (Lang.: ). -

139721993-0461conferences 06
Colson, J.-P.. Ebauche d'une didactique des expressions idiomatiques en langue étrangère (Lang.: ). -

139731993-0462conferences 06
Viezzi, M.. Medical translation from English into Italian. Observations and comments on Italian and English medical languages (Lang.: ). -

139741993-0463conferences 06
Birraux, D.. La langue administrative: reflet d'une mentalité. Remarques comparatives ナ propos du Grec moderne et du Francais (Lang.: ). -

139751993-0464conferences 06
Dancette, J.. La complexité de la langue économique et commerciale au Québec, les défis du traducteur (Lang.: ). -

139761993-0465conferences 06
Leblanc, B.. Phraséologie et marques du fabrique (Lang.: ). -

139771993-0466conferences 06
Parc, F.. Phraséologie terminologique dans les textes législativs et réglementaires (Lang.: ). -

139781993-0467conferences 06
Neuhaus, N.-P.. La phraséologie dans l'entreprise: marotte de quelques linguistes ou pain quotidien du traducteur? (Lang.: ). -

139791993-0468conferences 06
Hamilton, I.. Phraseology in translation at The United Nations: some examples (Lang.: ). -

139801993-0469conferences 06
Hohnhold, I.. Terminologisch relevante Phraseologie in Fachtexten: Erscheinungsformen, Funktionen im Text, Bedeutung für Textherstellung und -übersetzung, Nutzung als terminologische Daten (Lang.: ). -

139811993-0470conferences 06
Bocquet, C.. Phraséologie et traduction dans les langues de spécialité (Lang.: ). -

139821993-0471conferences 06
Moser-Mercer, B.. Terminology documentation in conference interpretation (Lang.: ). -

139831993-0472conferences 06
Giambagli, A.. Taxinomie et critères de sélection dans l'interprétation (Lang.: ). -

139841993-0473conferences 06
Snelling, D.C.. Taxonomy and simultaneous interpretation (Lang.: ). -

139851993-0474conferences 06
Marx, S.. Phraseologie und literarische Übersetzung. Eine italienisch-deutsche Fallstudie (Lang.: ). -

139861993-0475conferences 06
Sevilla Munoz, J.. La terminologie parémiologique francaise et sa correspondance espagnole (Lang.: ). -

139871993-0476conferences 06
Gréciano, G.. Priorités phraséographiques pour l'allemand et le francais (Lang.: ). -

139881993-0477conferences 06
Lewicki, R.. Phrasematik im Übersetzungstext als Trトger der Fremdkonnotation (Lang.: ). -

139891993-0478conferences 06
Eisele, H.. Retrouver le cliché en langue d'arrivée, ou du bon usage de cliché (Lang.: ). -

139901993-0479conferences 06
Riabtseva, N.K.. Metadiscourse collocations in scientific texts and translation problems: Conceptual analysis (Lang.: ). -

139911993-0480conferences 06
Schmid, Annemarie. Phraseologismen - Crux der Maschinenübersetzung (Lang.: ). -

139921993-0482conferences 06
Assal, A.; Gaudin, F., Guespin, L.. Sémantique et terminologie: sens et contextes (Lang.: ). -

139931993-0483conferences 06
Bühler, H.. Of terms and texts (Lang.: ). -

139941993-0484conferences 06
Goffin, R.. Du synthème au phraséolexème en terminologie différentielle (Lang.: ). -

139951993-0485conferences 06
Reinau, R.. Le défi phraséologique: stratégies lexicographiques et terminologiques (Lang.: ). -

139961993-0486conferences 06
Yallop, C.. Terms in social welfare: terminological and linguistic perspectives (Lang.: ). -

139971993-0487conferences 06
Blampain, D.. Traduction et écosystèmes terminologiques (Lang.: ). -

139981993-0488conferences 06
Brisson, H.. Le fichier de difficultés de traduction du Secrétariat d'Etat du Canada (Lang.: ). -

139991993-0489conferences 06
Goetschalckx, J.. Terminologie et phraséologie (Lang.: ). -

140001993-0490conferences 06
Reichling, A.. Le traitement de la phraséologie dans EURODICAUTOM (Lang.: ). -

140011993-0491conferences 06
L'Homme, M.-C.. Les unités phraséologiques verbales et leur représentation en terminographie (Lang.: ). -

140021993-0492conferences 06
Cohen, B.. Méthodes de repérage et de classement des cooccurrents lexicaux (Lang.: ). -

140031993-0493conferences 06
Béjoint, H.; Thoiron, Ph.. Macrostructure et microstructure dans un dictionnaire de collocations en langue de spécialité (Lang.: ). -

140041993-0494conferences 06
Heid, U.. Décrire les collocations: deux approches lexicographiques et leur application dans un outil informatisé (Lang.: ). -

140051993-0495conferences 06
Gouadec, D.. Terminologie et phraséologie: principes et schémas de traitement (Lang.: ). -

140061993-0496conferences 06
Budin, G.; Galinski, Ch.. Übersetzungsorientierte Phraseologieverwaltung in Terminologiedatenbanken (Lang.: ). -

140071993-0497conferences 06
Arntz, R.. Phraseologie und Übersetzen - Ergebnisse und Perspektiven (Lang.: ). -

140081993-0498conferences 06
Sager, J.C.. Future developments and research in phraseology and terminology related to translation (Lang.: ). -

140091993-0517conferences 06
Budin, G.. Knowledge, organization and modelling of terminological knowledge (Lang.: ). -

140101993-0518conferences 06
Cardenosa Lera, J.. Towards a clarification of concepts and terminology for KBS. An example: Production of user requirements documentation (Lang.: ). -

140111993-0519conferences 06
Czap, H.. Guiding principles for (re-)constructing concepts (Lang.: ). -

140121993-0520conferences 06
Gerstenkorn, A.. Synonymy and homonymy (Lang.: ). -

140131993-0521conferences 06
Oeser, E.. Theoretical principles of terminological knowledge engineering (Lang.: ). -

140141993-0522conferences 06
Rahmstorf, G.. Role and representation of terminological definitions (Lang.: ). -

140151993-0523conferences 06
Skujina, V.. Some aspects of the specific character of the semantic level in terminology (Lang.: ). -

140161993-0524conferences 06
Ahmad, K.. Terminology and knowledge acquisition: a text based approach (Lang.: ). -

140171993-0525conferences 06
Eisele, H.. Speed training via terminology (Lang.: ). -

140181993-0526conferences 06
Lukas, H.; Stockinger, J., Tjoa, A.M., Budin, G.. TONDONG: An example of multiperspective representation of ethnological alliance theory using hypermedia (Lang.: ). -

140191993-0527conferences 06
Quirchmayer, G.. Open texture and knowledge representation (Lang.: ). -

140201993-0528conferences 06
Schaetzen, C.de. The use of terminology to prevent failure in science and medical courses (Lang.: ). -

140211993-0529conferences 06
Schweighofer, E.; Winiwarter, W.. Refining the selectivity of thesauri by means of statistical analysis (Lang.: ). -

140221993-0530conferences 06
Wagner, R.; Kung, J., Starzacher, P.. Databases and knowledge bases: a survey on their acquisition aspects (Lang.: ). -

140231993-0531conferences 06
Bowker, L.; Meyer, I.. Beyond "Textbook" concept systems: Handling multidimensionality in a new generation of term banks (Lang.: ). -

140241993-0532conferences 06
Düsterbeck, B.. Terminology and product knowledge in enterprises (Lang.: ). -

140251993-0533conferences 06
Fujiwara, Y; Lai, J., Makino, T.. Management and advanced utilization of semantically organized terminology and knowledge (Lang.: ). -

140261993-0534conferences 06
Muraszkiewicz, M.; Rybinski, H., Struk, W.. MULTHES-ISIS: A flexible software for multilingual thesaurus building (Lang.: ). -

140271993-0535conferences 06
Toft, B.. Conceptual knowledge of objects as the core of an information system (Lang.: ). -

140281993-0536conferences 06
Wallmannsberger, J.. Navigating in lexical knowledge space: from hypertext to hyperaction (Lang.: ). -

140291993-0537conferences 06
Zhongshan, Wei. On fundamentals of information security (Lang.: ). -

140301993-0538conferences 06
Citkina, F.. Methods and procedures in comparative terminology science (Lang.: ). -

140311993-0539conferences 06
Gᄁmez-Pérez, A.; Juristo, N.. Towards a consensus on the English-Spanish translation of knowledge engineering nomenclature (Lang.: ). -

140321993-0540conferences 06
Klein, F.. The Infotrans Expert Translation and Terminology Management System (Lang.: ). -

140331993-0541conferences 06
Mayer, F.. Entry models in translation-oriented computer-assisted terminology (Lang.: ). -

140341993-0542conferences 06
Roumen, R.; Ster, Th.van der. Context: a new concept in computer-aided translation (Lang.: ). -

140351993-0543conferences 06
Walker, D.G.. Translation problems as they occur in everyday practice (Lang.: ). -

140361993-0544conferences 06
Dahlberg, I.. Faceted classification and terminology (Lang.: ). -

140371993-0545conferences 06
Jacquemin, Ch.. Representing and parsing terms with acceptability controlled grammar (Lang.: ). -

140381993-0546conferences 06
Ohly, H.P.. A social network layer as knowledge-based assistance for conceptual retrieval problems (Lang.: ). -

140391993-0547conferences 06
Roulin, C.; Cooper, C.. Bringing thesauri together: Terminological problems and interests (Lang.: ). -

140401993-0548conferences 06
Le Meur, A.. Tools for terminology data interchange (Lang.: ). -

140411993-0549conferences 06
Reinke, U.. Towards a standard interchange format for terminographic data (Lang.: ). -

140421993-0550conferences 06
Stancikovᅠ, P.. Information management system for international data exchange in terminology (Lang.: ). -

140431993-0551conferences 06
Stellbrink, H.-J.. Selling terminology at a price - the wrong approach (Lang.: ). -

140441993-0552conferences 06
Wright, S.E.. Special problems in the exchange of terminological data (Lang.: ). -

140451993-0553conferences 06
Ball, S.. The European Parliament's EUTERPE database: an introduction (Lang.: ). -

140461993-0554conferences 06
Condamines, A.; Amsili, P.. Terminology between language and knowledge: an example of a terminological knowledge base (Lang.: ). -

140471993-0555conferences 06
Dzhincharadze, A.K.. Terminology, classification, knowledge bases. Methodology and practice (Lang.: ). -

140481993-0556conferences 06
Zhiwei, Feng. A Chinese terminological databank: GLOT-C (Lang.: ). -

140491993-0557conferences 06
Fischer, D.H.. Consistency rules and triggers for multilingual terminology (Lang.: ). -

140501993-0558conferences 06
Heid, U.. On the representation of collocational phenomena in sublanguage lexicons (Lang.: ). -

140511993-0559conferences 06
Losco, P.; Chelyah, H., Mlouka, M.. GELEM, a multilingual lexicons management system (Lang.: ). -

140521993-0560conferences 06
Mヤhr, W.; Rostek, L.. TEDI: An object-oriented terminology editor (Lang.: ). -

140531993-0561conferences 06
Quist, Chr.. Knowledge management in the field of terminology: development of a PC application program (Lang.: ). -

140541993-0562conferences 06
Sindre, G.; Soerumgaard, S.. Terminology evolution in component libraries (Lang.: ). -

140551993-0563conferences 06
Srinivasan, V.. Developing terminology management software for translators (Lang.: ). -

140561993-0564conferences 06
Tasiemski, M.. Business terminology in multilingual vocabulary management systems for PC DOS (Lang.: ). -

140571993-0565conferences 06
Volkova, I.N.; Papaev, S.T.. Computerization and new information technologies in terminological activity (Lang.: ). -

140581993-0566conferences 06
Williams, M.. TERMIUM and LATTER: An update (Lang.: ). -

140591993-0567conferences 06
Kukulska-Hulme, A.. From words, through rhetoric, to knowledge needs (Lang.: ). -

140601993-0568conferences 06
Skuce, D.. A system for managing knowledge and terminology for technical documentation (Lang.: ). -

140611993-0569conferences 06
Teichmann, H.T.. International standardization of letter symbols to be used in electrical technology (Lang.: ). -

140791993-0783conferences 06
Liebowitz, J.. The Feigenbaum Medal (Lang.: ). -

140801993-0784conferences 06
Feigenbaum, E.A.. A personal view of expert systems: Looking back and looking ahead (Lang.: ). -

140811993-0785conferences 06
Forsythe, D.E.; Buchanan, B.G.. Nontechnical problems in knowledge engineering: Implications for project management (Lang.: ). -

140821993-0786conferences 06
Long, J.M.; Slagle, J.R. et al.. Implementing expert systems into ongoing data analyses (Lang.: ). -

140831993-0787conferences 06
Arai, K.; Yamashita, Y., Mizoguchi, R.. A shell for signal interpretation expert systems (Lang.: ). -

140841993-0788conferences 06
Debenham, J.. Expert systems designed for maintenance (Lang.: ). -

140851993-0789conferences 06
Fordyce, K.; Dalton, D. et al.. Daily output planning: Integrating Operations Research, Artificial Intelligence, and Real-Time Decision Support with APL2 (Lang.: ). -

140861993-0790conferences 06
Krallmann, H.; Müller-Wünsch, M., Woltering, A.. CASA: A knowledge-based tool for management consultants (Lang.: ). -

140871993-0791conferences 06
Bench-Capon, T.; Coenen, F.. Maintenance tools for knowledge-based systems: The MAKE Project (Lang.: ). -

140881993-0792conferences 06
Rada, R.; Weigang, W., Birchall, A.. An expertext system for collaborative authoring (Lang.: ). -

140891993-0793conferences 06
Pham, D.T.; Tacgin, E.. An expert system for selection of robot grippers (Lang.: ). -

140901993-0794conferences 06
Morgado, E.M.; Martins, J.P.. Scheduling and managing crew in the Portuguese railways (Lang.: ). -

140911993-0795conferences 06
Cantu-Ortiz, F.; Garcia-Espinoza, M.A.. An expert system for diagnosing problems in boiler operations (Lang.: ). -

140921993-0796conferences 06
Prerau, D.S.; Papp, W.L.. TARGET expert systems for analysis and trouble resolutions of remote telecommunications equipment (Lang.: ). -

140931993-0797conferences 06
Mikkelsen, J.O.; Bremdal, B.A., Hirdes, D.. A computerized environment for the automation of form-based procedures (Lang.: ). -

140941993-0798conferences 06
Wensley, A.. Expert systems and audit planning: Evolving research issues (Lang.: ). -

140951993-0799conferences 06
Miyoshi, T. et al.. Management of uncertainty in LIFE FEShell Fuzzy Frame System (Lang.: ). -

140961993-0800conferences 06
Snaprud, M; Kaindl, H.. Knowledge acquisition using hypertext (Lang.: ). -

140971993-0801conferences 06
Back, B.. Assisting accountants in developing financial statements (Lang.: ). -

140981993-0802conferences 06
Buta, P.; Springer, St.. Communicating the knowledge in knowledge-based systems (Lang.: ). -

140991993-0803conferences 06
Grogono, P.; Preece, A. et al.. A survey of evaluation techniques used for expert systems in telecommunications (Lang.: ). -

141001993-0804conferences 06
Vrtacnik, M. et al.. Design of an expert system for water pollution determination/prevention (Lang.: ). -

141011993-0805conferences 06
Colomb, R.M.. Computational stability of expert systems (Lang.: ). -

141021993-0806conferences 06
Preece, A.D.; Shinghal, R., Batarekh, A.. Verifying expert systems: A logical framework and a practical tool (Lang.: ). -

141031993-0807conferences 06
Chin, M.W.. Disaster mitigation in the Caribbean using expert systems (Lang.: ). -

141041993-0808conferences 06
McLean, D.R. et al.. Emphasizing conflict resolution versus conflict avoidance during schedule generation (Lang.: ). -

141051993-0809conferences 06
Turksen, I.B.; Tian, Y., Berg, M.. A fuzzy expert system for a service centre of spare parts (Lang.: ). -

141061993-0810conferences 06
Jovanovic, A.; Maile, K.. ESR - a large knowledge-based system project of European power generation industry (Lang.: ). -

141071993-0817conferences 06
Stephenson, G.. Introduction: The CEC open information interchange initiative (Lang.: ). -

141081993-0818conferences 06
Welsch, L.A.. Multimedia and hypermedia: model and framework (Lang.: ). -

141091993-0819conferences 06
Bryan, M.. Standards for text and hypermedia processing (Lang.: ). -

141101993-0820conferences 06
Popham, M.G.. Use of SGML and HyTime in UK universities (Lang.: ). -

141111993-0821conferences 06
Carr, L.; Davis, H., Hall, W.. Experimenting with HyTime architectural forms for hypertext interchange (Lang.: ). -

141121993-0822conferences 06
Scheller, A.. The Open Document Architecture (ODA) and its HyperODA extensions (Lang.: ). -

141131993-0823conferences 06
Soares, L.F.G.; Casanova, M.A., Colcher, S.. An architecture for hypermedia systems using MHEG standard objects interchange (Lang.: ). -

141141993-0824conferences 06
Burnard, L.. Rolling your own with the TEI (Lang.: ). -

141151993-0825conferences 06
Fromont, J.. State-of-the-art regarding the various standards for contents related to text, still images, sound and video (Lang.: ). -

141161993-0826conferences 06
Fromont, J.; Creff, H., Marie, X.. The AVI initiative: Functional requirements analysis and proposed framework for standardization (Lang.: ). -

141171993-0827conferences 06
Grieger, I.. Future direction of SC24 standardization (Lang.: ). -

141181993-0827conferences 06
Pring, I.. Video standards and the end-user (Lang.: ). -

141191993-0829conferences 06
Broekman, H.J.D.. Effective communication with interactive media (Lang.: ). -

141571994-0715conferences 06
Robertson, S.E.; Walker, S.; Hancock-Beaulieu, M.; Gull, A.; Lau,M.. OKAPI at TREC (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141581994-0716conferences 06
Jingjye Yang; Korfhage, R.R.; Rasmussen, E.. Query improvement in information retrieval using genetic algorithms. A report on the experiments of the TREC project (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141591994-0717conferences 06
Buckley, C.; Salton, G.; Allan, J.. Automatic retrieval with locality information using SMART (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141601994-0718conferences 06
Cooper, W.S.; Aitao Chen. Probabilistic retrieval in the TIPSTER collections: an application of staged logiistic regression (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141611994-0719conferences 06
Fuhr, N.; Buckley, C.. Optimizing document indexing and search term weighting based on probabilistic models (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141621994-0720conferences 06
Croft, W.B.. The University of Massachusetts TIPSTER Object (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141631994-0721conferences 06
Gallant, S.I.; Caid, W.R.; Carleton, J.; Hecht-Nielsen, R. et al. HNC's MatchPlus system (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141641994-0722conferences 06
Liddy, E.D.; Myaeng, S.H.. DR-LINK's linguistic conceptual approach to document detection (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141651994-0723conferences 06
Danowski, J.A.. WORDiJ: a word-pair approach to information retrieval (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141661994-0724conferences 06
Dumais, S.T.. LSI meets TREC: a status report (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141671994-0725conferences 06
Kwok, K.L.,; Papadopoulos, L.; Kwan, K.Y.Y.. Retrieval experiments with a large collection using PIRCS (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141681994-0726conferences 06
Thompson, R.. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141691994-0727conferences 06
Dunning, T.; Davis, M.. A single language evaluation of a multi-lingual test retrieval system (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141701994-0728conferences 06
Driscoll, J.; Lautenschlager, J.; Mimi Zhao. The QA system (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141711994-0729conferences 06
Kent, A.; Moffat, A.; Sacks-Davis, R.; Wilkinson, R. et al. Compression, fast indexing, and structured queries on a gigabyte of text (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141721994-0730conferences 06
Jones, R.L.; Sek Kit Leung; Pape, D.L.. Application of the automatic message router to the TIPSTER collection (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141731994-0731conferences 06
Evans, D.A.; Lefferts, R.G.; Grefenstette, G. et al. CLARIT TREC design, experiments, and results (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141741994-0732conferences 06
Jacoobs, P.S.; Krkupka, G.R.; Rau, L.F.. A Boolean approximation mthod for query construction and topic assignment in TREC (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141751994-0733conferences 06
Mettler, M.. Text retrieval with the TRW fast data finder (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141761994-0734conferences 06
Fox, E.A.; Prabhakar Koushik, M.; Shaw, J.; Modlin, R. et al. Combining evidence from multiple searches (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141771994-0735conferences 06
Chang, S.-C.; Dediu, H.; Azzam, H.; Du, M.-W.. Multilevel ranking in large text collections using FAIRS (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141781994-0736conferences 06
Thompson, P.. Description of the PRC CEO algorith for TREC (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141791994-0737conferences 06
Zimmermann, M.. Proximity-correlation for document ranking: the PARA Group's TREC experiment (Lang.: ). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992. - Gaithersburg, MD. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory. 1993. - (NIST Special Publ.. 500207).

141801994-0745conferences 06
Degez, D.. Le thesaurus dans la réalité de son utilisation: les maux des mots [The thesaurus in the reality of its use: the pains of words] (Lang.: ). - In: Le thésaurus aujourd'hui: Paris, 10 Janvier 1994 / Assoc.Franc.Documentalistes & Biblioth.Spécialisés. - Paris. ADBS. 1994.

141811994-0746conferences 06
Julien, S.. Les problèmes de fusion de thesaurus: exemple de RESAGRI [Problems related to the fusion of a thesaurus: The RESAGRI example] (Lang.: ). - In: Le thésaurus aujourd'hui: Paris, 10 Janvier 1994 / Assoc.Franc.Documentalistes & Biblioth.Spécialisés. - Paris. ADBS. 1994.

141821994-0747conferences 06
Krumeich, C.. Qu'est-ce qu'un thesaurus? [What is a thesaurus?] (Lang.: ). - In: Le thésaurus aujourd'hui: Paris, 10 Janvier 1994 / Assoc.Franc.Documentalistes & Biblioth.Spécialisés. - Paris. ADBS. 1994.

141831994-0748conferences 06
Masse, C.. Une vision critique de l'offre logicielle pour gérer les thésaurus [A critical review of the software offre for a thesaurus] (Lang.: ). - In: Le thésaurus aujourd'hui: Paris, 10 Janvier 1994 / Assoc.Franc.Documentalistes & Biblioth.Spécialisés. - Paris. ADBS. 1994.

141841994-0749conferences 06
Menillet, D.. Le thesaurus et les modalités d'indexation [Thesaurus and indexing modalities] (Lang.: ). - In: Le thésaurus aujourd'hui: Paris, 10 Janvier 1994 / Assoc.Franc.Documentalistes & Biblioth.Spécialisés. - Paris. ADBS. 1994.

141851994-0750conferences 06
Normier, B.. Outils linguistiques et thesaurus: construction, evaluation, évolution, utilisation [Linguistic tools and thesaurus: construction, evaluation, evolution, utilization] (Lang.: ). - In: Le thésaurus aujourd'hui: Paris, 10 Janvier 1994 / Assoc.Franc.Documentalistes & Biblioth.Spécialisés. - Paris. ADBS. 1994.

141861994-0751conferences 06
Reynaud, F.. Les problèmes de fusion de thesaurus: example d'URBANET [Problems related to the fusion of a thesaurus: the URBANET example] (Lang.: ). - In: Le thésaurus aujourd'hui: Paris, 10 Janvier 1994 / Assoc.Franc.Documentalistes & Biblioth.Spécialisés. - Paris. ADBS. 1994.

141871994-0752conferences 06
Roulin, C.. Du-delà d'un seule langue et d'un seul thesaurus: approche méthodologique [Beyond a single language and a single thesaurus: a methodological approach] (Lang.: ). - In: Le thésaurus aujourd'hui: Paris, 10 Janvier 1994 / Assoc.Franc.Documentalistes & Biblioth.Spécialisés. - Paris. ADBS. 1994.

141881994-0758conferences 06
Cochrane, P. A.. Elsinore revisited (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

141891994-0759conferences 06
Löckenhoff, H.. Modelling the order of knowledge: the quality paradigm (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

141901994-0760conferences 06
Sukiasyan, E. Information retrieval system: Systems analysis of the problem of quality management (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

141911994-0761conferences 06
Howarth, L. C.. Online access to classification numbers: Quality control in Canadian bibliographic databases (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

141921994-0762conferences 06
Brender, J.; Talmon, J; McNair, P.. Framework for quality assessment of knowledge (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

141931994-0763conferences 06
Jalkanen, T.; Juntunen, R.. A metrics evalution system for database quality (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

141941994-0764conferences 06
May, N.. A methodology for the measurement of quality of electronic databases - an interim report of work undertaken by EQUIP (abstract) (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

141951994-0765conferences 06
Dahlberg, I.. Domain interaction: Theory and practice (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

141961994-0766conferences 06
Olson, H. A.. Universal models: A history of the organization of knowledge (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

141971994-0767conferences 06
Garcia-Marco, J.. Knowledge organization in historical information systems (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

141981994-0768conferences 06
Hjörland, B.. Nine principles of knowledge organization (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

141991994-0769conferences 06
Jacob, E. K.. Classification and crossdisciplinary communication: breaching the boundaries imposed by classificatory structure (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142001994-0770conferences 06
Frohmann, B.. The social construction of knowledge organization: the case of Melvil Dewey (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142011994-0771conferences 06
Khelalfa, H.; Nouali, O.. SIGNAR: generating responses in a natural language query system (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142021994-0772conferences 06
Nakamura, Y.. A language for knowledge representation (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142031994-0773conferences 06
Ananiadou, S.. A computational linguistic approach to automatic term recognition (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142041994-0774conferences 06
Schipper, J.. Discourse in hypertext systems, knowledge organising structures and information strategies: some philosophical remarks (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142051994-0775conferences 06
Bech, A.; Navaretta, C.. MECKA: methodologies for constructing knowledge bases for NLP systems (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142061994-0776conferences 06
Kent, R. E.. Implications and rules in thesauri (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142071994-0777conferences 06
Sonnenwald, D.; Pejtersen, A. M.. Towards a framework to support information needs in design: a concurrent engineering example (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142081994-0778conferences 06
Hjerppe, R.. A framework for the description of generalised documents (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142091994-0779conferences 06
Endres-Niggemeyer,B.. A naturalistic model of abstracting (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142101994-0780conferences 06
Ohly, H. P.. Thinking in networks (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142111994-0781conferences 06
Johnson, L.. Maps as hyperobjects: an approach to knowledge (re)presentation in hypertext (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142121994-0782conferences 06
Bowker, L.; Lethbridge, T. C.. Terminology and faceted classification: applications using CODE4 (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142131994-0783conferences 06
Oernager, S.. The image database: the need of innovative indexing and retrieval (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142141994-0784conferences 06
Spangenberg, N.; Wolff, K. E.; Fischer, R. The knowledge of experts and the problem of communication and understanding demonstrated by a topic from psychoanalysis (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142151994-0785conferences 06
Christiansson, P.; Modin, J.. Communicating knowledge in the building industry: the CUBE system and its conceptual models (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142161994-0786conferences 06
Failla, D.. Japanese lacquer art and laquered furniture: two multilingual facetted microthesauri (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142171994-0787conferences 06
Cammelli, A.; Socci, F.. A thesaurus for improving information retrieval in an integrated legal expert system (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142181994-0788conferences 06
Pejtersen, A. M.. A framework for indexing and representation of information based on work domain analysis: a fiction classification sample (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142191994-0789conferences 06
Björklund, L.. The potential of using knowledge organising tools in collaborative system development (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142201994-0790conferences 06
Jarred, A. D.; Henderson, M. V.. Communication patterns of historic preservationists (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142211994-0791conferences 06
Bayer, B.. Knowing references (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142221994-0792conferences 06
Andersen, H. H. K.. Classification schemes: supporting articulation work in technical documentation (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142231994-0793conferences 06
Wolff, K.-E.. Conceptual control of complex industrial production processes (abstract) (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142241994-0794conferences 06
Efthimiadis, E. N.. End-users' understanding of thesaural knowledge structures and interactive query expansion (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142251994-0795conferences 06
Bosman, F.; Hollander, F. den; Maanen, Leo van. CoBRA/RUG: expert system for user queries (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142261994-0796conferences 06
Shoham, S.; Yitzhaki, M.. Classification systems and the online catalog (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142271994-0797conferences 06
Gopinath, M. A.; Prasad, A. R. D.. A knowledge representation model for analytico-synthetic classification (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142281994-0798conferences 06
Ishikawa, T.; Nakamura, H.; Nakamura, Y.. (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4). UDC number automatic combination system (UDC-AUTCS)

142291994-0799conferences 06
Lamirel, J. C.; Crehange, M.; Ducloy, J.. NOMAD: a documentary database interrogation system using multiple neural topographies and novelty decision (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142301994-0800conferences 06
Massimiliano, G.; Negrini, G.. A tool to guide the logical process of conceptual structuring (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142311994-0801conferences 06
Sedelow, S. Y.; Sedelow, W. A.. Thesauri and concept-lattice semantic nets (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142321994-0802conferences 06
Björklind, A.. An architecture for organizing dynamic information about space and time (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142331994-0803conferences 06
Jones, S.; Hancock-Beaulieu, M.. Support strategies for interactive thesaurus navigation (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142341994-0804conferences 06
Nkwenti-Azeh, B.. The use of thesaural facets and definitions for the representation of knowledge structures (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142351994-0805conferences 06
Pollitt, A. S.; Ellis, G. P.; Hosch, I.. Improving search quality using thesauri for query specification and the presentation of search results (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142361994-0806conferences 06
Busch, J. A.; Petersen, T.. Automated mapping of topical subject headings into faceted index strings using the Art and Architecture Thesaurus as a machine readable dictionary (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142371994-0807conferences 06
Riesthuis, G. J. A.. Conversion from precoordinated classified catalogues to postcoordinated keyword catalogues (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142381994-0808conferences 06
Williamson, N. J.; McIlwaine I. C.. A feasibility study on the restructuring of the Universal Decimal Classification into a fully-facetted classification system (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142391994-0809conferences 06
Fugmann, R. Representational predictability: key to the resolution of several pending issues in indexing and information supply (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142401994-0810conferences 06
Iivonen, M.. Effect of extending the scope of search concepts on the intersearcher and intrasearcher consistency (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142411994-0811conferences 06
Wormell, I.. Subject access redefined: how new technology changes the conception of subject representation (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark / ed. by H. Albrechtsen and S. Oernager. - Frankfurt : INDEKS Verlag, 1994. - (Adv.in Knowl.Org. ; Vol.4).

142581994-1215conferences 06
Wille, R.. Plädoyer für eine philosophische Grundlegung der Begrifflichen Wissensverarbeitung [Plead for a philosophical foundation of conceptual knowledge processing] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142591994-1216conferences 06
Meder, N.. Der philosophische Begriff des Wissens und seine "Verarbeitung" [The philosophical concept of knowledge and its "processing] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142601994-1217conferences 06
Radermacher, F.-J.. Zur Thematik des begrifflichen Wissens - Einordnungsfragen in übergeordnete Kontexte [On the topic of conceptual knowledge - questions of placement into superordinated contexts] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142611994-1218conferences 06
Luft, A.L.. Zur begrifflichen Unterscheidung von 'Wissen', 'Information' und 'Daten' [On the conceptual distinction between 'knowledge', 'information', and 'data'] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142621994-1219conferences 06
Schäfer, J.. Couleurs croisées. Zum Programm einer (die begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung und ihre Begründung möglicherweise begleitenden) Experimentellen Philosoph [On the program of an experimental philosophy which could possibly accompany a conceptual knowledge processing and its foundation] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142631994-1220conferences 06
Seiler, Th.B.. Sind Begriffe nur zum Reden und beim Reden da? [Are concepts only there for talking and at talking?] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142641994-1221conferences 06
Mudersbach, K.. Begriffe in der Sicht des Sprachbenutzers [Concepts seen from the point-of-view of the language user] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142651994-1222conferences 06
Andelfinger, U.. Begriffliche Wissenssysteme aus pragmatisch-semiotischer Sicht [Conceptual knowledge systems seen from a pragmatic-semiotic point-of-view] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142661994-1223conferences 06
Zickwolff, M.. Zur Rolle der Formalen Begriffsanalyse in der Wissensacquisition [On the role of formal concept analysis in knowledge acquisition] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142671994-1224conferences 06
Kuhlen, R.. Annäherung an Informationsutopien über offene Hypertextsysteme [Approaching information utopias via open hypertext systems] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142681994-1225conferences 06
Dahlberg, I.. Wissensorganisation - eine neue Wissenschaft? [Knowledge Organization - a new science?] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142691994-1226conferences 06
Zelger, J.. Qualitative Auswertung sprachlicher Äußerungen. Wissensvernetzung, Wissensverarbeitung und Wissensumsetzung durch GABEK [Qualitative evaluation of lingual utterances. Knowledge networking, knowledge processing, and knowledge transfer by GABEK] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142701994-1227conferences 06
Kollewe, W.; Skorsky, M.; Vogt, F.; Wille, R.. TOSCANA - ein Werkzeug zur begrifflichen Analyse und Erkundung von Daten [TOSCANA - a tool for conceptual analyswis and inquiry of data] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142711994-1228conferences 06
Rüttingr, B.; Letter, B.; Schramme, S.. Computermediierte Kommunikation und Entscheidungsfindung [Computer-mediated communication and decision making] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142721994-1229conferences 06
Henning, H.J.. Zur kontextualistischen Sichtweise und methodologischen Entwicklung in der psychologischen Datenanalyse [On a context-oriented way of looking at things and a methodological development in psychological data-analysis] (Lang.: ). - In: Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks / ed. by R. Wille, M. Zickwolff. - Mannheim, DE: B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1994.

142731994-1233conferences 06
Judge, A.J.N.. Spherical configuration of categories to reflect systemic patterns of environmental checks and balances (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142741994-1234conferences 06
Löckenhoff, H.. Modelling knowledge for sustainable environment balance (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142751994-1235conferences 06
Stuhler, E.A.. Basic concepts in the organization of environmental problem solving (cognitive information processing) (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142761994-1236conferences 06
Benking, H.. Visual access and assimilation strategies to prestructure bodies of environmental knowledge. Proposals and lessons learned* (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142771994-1237conferences 06
Pinborg, U.. Toward a catalogue of datasources for the European Environment Agency (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142781994-1238conferences 06
Lessing, H.; Schütz, T.. The Umwelt-Datenkatalog (UDK) of Lower Saxony. Structure and functionality* (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142791994-1239conferences 06
Riekert, W.-F.. Management of data and services for environmental applications (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142801994-1240conferences 06
Zirm, K.. Environmental information in Austria. Advances in environmental meta-information systems* (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142811994-1241conferences 06
Krakar, Z.; Mikulic, N.. A metastructure of the environment management information system in the Republic of Croatia (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142821994-1242conferences 06
Dusa, I.. The environmental information system in Slovakia* (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142831994-1243conferences 06
Batschi, W.-D.. Environmental thesaurus and classification of the Umweltbundesamt (Federal Environmental Agency), Berlin (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142841994-1244conferences 06
Felluga, B.; Palmera, M.; Lucke, S.; Plini, P.. A classification scheme for a general multilingual thesaurus for the environment* (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142851994-1245conferences 06
Bendahmane, H.. The INFOTERRA Thesaurus of environmental terms* (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142861994-1246conferences 06
Galinski, C.; Budin, G.. Thesaurus and terminology. Providing access to reference knowledge in environmental information systems (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142871994-1247conferences 06
Stancikova, P.. Linking databases on standards and terminology - a basis for electronic publication processing on environmental topics (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142881994-1248conferences 06
Manu, A.. Terminology standardization in the fields of the environmental sciences (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142891994-1249conferences 06
Dahlberg, I.. Environment-related conceptual systematization (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142901994-1250conferences 06
Nacke, O.; Krull, T.. Structures of truth (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142911994-1251conferences 06
Domokos, M.; Dudich, E.. On the possible use of organization levels and t/s parameters in the classification of natural and man-made objects* (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142921994-1252conferences 06
Mes, W.W.de. Access to online databases dealing with water and the environment (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142931994-1253conferences 06
Schmitz, K.-D.. Multimedia project and glossary on wind energy terminology (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142941994-1254conferences 06
Katuscak, S.; Pajtik, J.; Beseda, I.. Classification and knowledge organization in the area of ecological quality of materials (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142951994-1255conferences 06
Siwek, K.. Linguistic tools for knowledge presentation in bilingual (Polish/English) databases on research and development (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142961994-1256conferences 06
Wormell, I.. SAP-indexing for the exploration of the rich topical contents of books and for accessing smaller semantic entities (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142971994-1257conferences 06
Rybinski, H.; Muraszkiewicz, M.; Budin, G.; Galinski, Ch.. The Environment Macrothesaurus System - MTM 4.0 (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142981994-1258conferences 06
Chmielewska-Goorczyca,E.. Translating multilingual thesauri (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

142991994-1259conferences 06
Scholz, R.F.; Frischknecht, P.. The natural and social science interface in environmental problem solving. Introduction into objectives and the curriculum of natural environmental scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

143001994-1260conferences 06
Ajtay, A.; Molnar, Cs.; Toth, T.. Education in cartography and its relation to environmental knowledge organization (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

143011994-1261conferences 06
Steinerova, J.. Education and training in knowledge organization at Comenius University as background to environmental knowledge organization (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

143021994-1262conferences 06
Pillmann, W.. Experiences with environmental networking within CEDAR* (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

143031994-1263conferences 06
Kassa, V.. Networking of environmental information libraries, information centres in Slovakia (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

143041994-1264conferences 06
Stengard, E.. A Nordic environmental catalog and its networking (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

143051994-1265conferences 06
Keune, H.. National and international aspects of environmental information management (Lang.: ). - In: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia.

143061994-1267conferences 06
Rahmstorf, G.. Semantic information retrieval (Lang.: ). - In: Deutscher Dokumentartag 1994. Blick Europa! Informationsmanagement. Universität Trier, 27.-30.9.1994. - Frankfurt/Main : Dt.Ges.f.Dokumentation e.V., 1994. - ISBN 3-925474-26-9.

143071994-1268conferences 06
Lein, H.. Aspectsof realization of semantic retrieval (Lang.: ). - In: Deutscher Dokumentartag 1994. Blick Europa! Informationsmanagement. Universität Trier, 27.-30.9.1994. - Frankfurt/Main : Dt.Ges.f.Dokumentation e.V., 1994. - ISBN 3-925474-26-9.

143081994-1269conferences 06
Ohly, H.P.; Binder, G.. Semantic retrieval with social science documents. First experiences with RELATIO/IR (Lang.: ). - In: Deutscher Dokumentartag 1994. Blick Europa! Informationsmanagement. Universität Trier, 27.-30.9.1994. - Frankfurt/Main : Dt.Ges.f.Dokumentation e.V., 1994. - ISBN 3-925474-26-9.

143091994-1270conferences 06
Herfurth, M.. Terminological presuppositions for a conceptual information retrieval in the social sciences (Lang.: ). - In: Deutscher Dokumentartag 1994. Blick Europa! Informationsmanagement. Universität Trier, 27.-30.9.1994. - Frankfurt/Main : Dt.Ges.f.Dokumentation e.V., 1994. - ISBN 3-925474-26-9.

143101994-1271conferences 06
Endres-Niggemeyer, B.; Nax, K.; Storp, M.. Idea sketch of a dynamically configurable electronic thesaurus exemplified in the social sciences (Lang.: ). - In: Deutscher Dokumentartag 1994. Blick Europa! Informationsmanagement. Universität Trier, 27.-30.9.1994. - Frankfurt/Main : Dt.Ges.f.Dokumentation e.V., 1994. - ISBN 3-925474-26-9.

143111994-1273conferences 06
Albrechtsen, H.; Hjoerland, B.. (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994. Understandings of language and cognition: implications for classification research

143121994-1274conferences 06
Bowker, L.; Lethbridge, T.C.. Code4: Application for managing classification schemes (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143131994-1275conferences 06
Dubin, D.; Kwasnik, B.H.; Tangmanee, Ch.. Elicitation techniques for classification research: Pt.1: Ordered trees, Pt.2: Repertory grids, Pt.3: Q-methodology (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143141994-1276conferences 06
Eastman, C.M.; Carter, R.M.. Anthropological perspectives on classification schemes (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143151994-1277conferences 06
Giguere, M.; Shadle, St.; Galbraith, J.. Object-oriented representation of DDC and the number-building process (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143161994-1278conferences 06
Hert, C.A.. Information technology standardization: a classification process? (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143171994-1279conferences 06
Lustigman, M.; Lustigman, M.M.. Bibliographic classification of documents dealing with the subject "Holocaust (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143181994-1280conferences 06
Muchoney, D.M.. Relationships and divergence of vegetation and mapping classifications (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143191994-1281conferences 06
Parsons, J.. On the relevance of classification theory to database design (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143201994-1282conferences 06
Ranney, M.; Schank, P.; Hoadley, Ch.; Neff, J.. I know one when I see one: how (much) do hypotheses differ from evidence? (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143211994-1283conferences 06
Soergel, D.. Software support for thesaurus construction and display (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143221994-1284conferences 06
Williamson, N.. The Universal Decimal Classification: research to determine the feasibility of restructuring UDC into a fully-faceted system (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143231994-1285conferences 06
Woo, J.. The relationship between what we know and how we classify: somme philosophical bases for inquiry (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143241994-1286conferences 06
Agenbroad, J.E.. Dynamic displays for browsing hierarchical classifications (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143251994-1287conferences 06
Ashkar, C.S.. Updating the thesaurus of the grants databases for the University of Tennessee (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143261994-1288conferences 06
Börstler, J.. Using feature-oriented classification in software reuse (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143271994-1289conferences 06
Connaway, L.S.; Sievert, M.E.C.. Comparison of three classification systems for information on health insurance (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143281994-1290conferences 06
Girardi, M.R.; Ibrahim, B.. A classification scheme for software artifacts (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143291994-1291conferences 06
Shaoyi He. Conceptual graphs as semantic representation of noun-noun compounds in English and Chinese (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143301994-1292conferences 06
Rose, J.R.; Eastman, C.M.. Hierarchical classification as an aid to browsing (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143311994-1293conferences 06
Weisbrod, D.. OPACs, integrated thesauri, and user language (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143321994-1294conferences 06
Deh-Min Wu. Classification of management information: a perspective from recognition and its semantics (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA. - 296 p. - . Silver Springs, MD : Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1994.

143331994-1296conferences 06
Bowker, L.. Implementing faceted classification in terminology: a knowledge engineering approach (Lang.: ). - In: The Economics of Information. ASIS'94. Proc. 57th ASIS Annual Meeting, Alexandria, VA, Oct.17-20, 1994. - XIV, 115 p. - Medford, NJ : Learned Information, 1994.

143341994-1297conferences 06
Hudon, M.. Information science and terminology: the thesaurus connection (Lang.: ). - In: The Economics of Information. ASIS'94. Proc. 57th ASIS Annual Meeting, Alexandria, VA, Oct.17-20, 1994. - XIV, 115 p. - Medford, NJ : Learned Information, 1994.

143351994-1298conferences 06
Dahlberg, I.. Historical paradigms in the philosophy of classification (Lang.: ). - In: The Economics of Information. ASIS'94. Proc. 57th ASIS Annual Meeting, Alexandria, VA, Oct.17-20, 1994. - XIV, 115 p. - Medford, NJ : Learned Information, 1994.

143361994-1299conferences 06
Albrechtsen, H.. A clarification of some prerequisites for a modern philosophy of classification (Lang.: ). - In: The Economics of Information. ASIS'94. Proc. 57th ASIS Annual Meeting, Alexandria, VA, Oct.17-20, 1994. - XIV, 115 p. - Medford, NJ : Learned Information, 1994.

143371994-1300conferences 06
Frohmann, B.. The Dewey Decimal Classification as technobureaucratic discourse (Lang.: ). - In: The Economics of Information. ASIS'94. Proc. 57th ASIS Annual Meeting, Alexandria, VA, Oct.17-20, 1994. - XIV, 115 p. - Medford, NJ : Learned Information, 1994.

143381994-1301conferences 06
Jacob, E.K.. Cognition and classification: a crossdisciplinary approach to a philosophy of classification (Lang.: ). - In: The Economics of Information. ASIS'94. Proc. 57th ASIS Annual Meeting, Alexandria, VA, Oct.17-20, 1994. - XIV, 115 p. - Medford, NJ : Learned Information, 1994.

143391994-1302conferences 06
Ulvila, J.W.. Testing knowledge-based systems: An overview (Lang.: ). - In: The Economics of Information. ASIS'94. Proc. 57th ASIS Annual Meeting, Alexandria, VA, Oct.17-20, 1994. - XIV, 115 p. - Medford, NJ : Learned Information, 1994.

143401994-1303conferences 06
Lancaster, F.W. et al.. Evaluation of expert systems in information service applications (Lang.: ). - In: The Economics of Information. ASIS'94. Proc. 57th ASIS Annual Meeting, Alexandria, VA, Oct.17-20, 1994. - XIV, 115 p. - Medford, NJ : Learned Information, 1994.

143411994-1304conferences 06
Solomon, P.. Naturalistic methods for qualitative evaluation of information systems (Lang.: ). - In: The Economics of Information. ASIS'94. Proc. 57th ASIS Annual Meeting, Alexandria, VA, Oct.17-20, 1994. - XIV, 115 p. - Medford, NJ : Learned Information, 1994.

143491995-0055conferences 06
Unger, F.. Global environmental challenges: An approach towards a new integrative science (Lang.: ). -

143501995-0056conferences 06
Felluga, B.; Palmera, M. 020 ; Lucke, S.; Plini, P.. A classification scheme for a general multilingual Thesaurus for the Environment (Lang.: ). -

143511995-0057conferences 06
Bendahmane, H.. The INFOTERRA Thesaurus of Environmental Terms (Lang.: ). -

143521995-0058conferences 06
Kjellström, T.; Ahman, I.G.V.; Pfister, A.-M.; Lewalle, P.. Tools for the organization of information in health and environment (Lang.: ). -

143531995-0059conferences 06
Pollitt, A.St.; Ellis, G.P.; Smith, M.P.. (Lang.: ). - Using the thesaurus to view and filter environmental databases: An example using EUROVOC to search EPOQUE - the European Parliament Online Query Syste

143541995-0060conferences 06
Benking, H.; Brauer, G.W.. Visual access and assimilation strategies for prestructuring bodies of environmental knowledge - Proposals and lessons learned (Lang.: ). -

143551995-0061conferences 06
Krull, T.. Some scientometric data about ecological journal publications (Lang.: ). -

143561995-0062conferences 06
Belov, A.. Towards the compilation of national bi-lingual environmental glossaries (Lang.: ). -

143571995-0063conferences 06
Dusha, I.. Towards the establishment of an Environmental Information System in Slovakia (Lang.: ). -

143581995-0069conferences 06
R.; Fugmann. The limitations of automatic indexing (special invited lecture) (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143591995-0070conferences 06
Kobuchi, Y.; Saito, T.; Nunome, H.. Theoretical considertations on words classification through elementary meanings (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143601995-0071conferences 06
Wang, Y.C.; Zhou, G.D.. Automatic segmentation of Chinese words and automatic abstraction and classification of Chinese scientific documents (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143611995-0072conferences 06
Gu, Y.. Analysis of the citation system on classics of information science in China (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143621995-0073conferences 06
Gotoh, T. et al.. Construction of a terminology database in safety research: For efficient accessing safety information from numerous databases (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143631995-0074conferences 06
Nakashima, M.; Yeh, L.J.; Ito, T.. A method of characterizing document clusters (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143641995-0075conferences 06
Merkl, D.; Tjoa, A.M.. The representation of semantic similarity between documents by using maps: Application of an artificial neural network to organize software libraries (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143651995-0076conferences 06
Kukulska-Hulme, A.. Indexing terms for computer documentation: A user-oriented approach (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143661995-0077conferences 06
Dewar, A.; Katsura, E.. Effective multilingual subject searching through Translex (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143671995-0078conferences 06
Omae, I.. One proposal for standardization of operating terms on using the online information retrieval system (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143681995-0079conferences 06
Asai, I.. APTS Code: An identity coode applicable to various types of documents (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143691995-0080conferences 06
Zhang, G.. Standardization of Chinese scientech terminology and information science (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143701995-0081conferences 06
Rahmstorf, G.. A new thesaurus structure for semantic retrieval (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143711995-0082conferences 06
Nakao, Y.; Anker, G.J.. Some fundamental principles of terminology database design (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143721995-0084conferences 06
Anker, G.J.; Sasaki, Y.. TERM IS- a database design for interactive global sharing and webbing of terminology (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143731995-0085conferences 06
Tsurumaru, H.; Yoshida, S.. An approach to extraction of semantic relations from an ordinary Japanese language dictionary (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143741995-0086conferences 06
Yokoi, T.. The EDR electronic dictionary and its role in information science (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143751995-0087conferences 06
Curras, E.. An approach to application of systematics to knowledge organization (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143761995-0088conferences 06
Lai, J.; Chen, H.; Fujiwara, Y.. Extraction of semantic relationships among terms-SS-KWIC (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143771995-0089conferences 06
Stancikova, P.; Smihla, M.. Management system for multilingual terminology applications as vocabularies and terminology databases in all European, Russian, Chinese and Japanese languages (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143781995-0090conferences 06
Qin, H.. Conception and perspective of discipline construction of medical information science in China (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143791995-0091conferences 06
Yao, H.H.; Ishzuka, H.; Yeh, L.J.. Automatic linking methodos based on a functional approach in hypertext systems - Some principles and an experience on mathematic textbooks (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143801995-0092conferences 06
Kitagawa, T.; Kiyoki, Y.. A new information retrieval method with a dynamic context recognition mechamism (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143811995-0093conferences 06
Jeon, K.H.; Choi, K.S.. Automatic hypertext link generation model using virtual path information (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143821995-0094conferences 06
Pienaar, R.E.. Subject access in OPACs: Results of a user survey in a university library (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143831995-0095conferences 06
Li, Y.; Kitagawa, H.. Joint query optimization in nested relational databases - A generalized query optimization algorithm and its evaluation (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143841995-0096conferences 06
Sekine, J.; Machihara, H.; Kawashimo, M.; Nakagawa, M.. A methodology for data standardization using a word dictionary (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143851995-0097conferences 06
Ohbo, N.; Furumoto, Y.. Efficient use of a spatial indexing method in a geographic information system (GIS) (Lang.: ). - In: 47th FID Conference and Congress : Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 / Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation.

143991995-0251conferences 06
Harman, D. Overview of the Second Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-2) (Lang.: ). -

144001995-0252conferences 06
Sparck Jones, K. Reflections on TREC (Lang.: ). -

144011995-0253conferences 06
Buckley, Ch.; Allan, J., Salton, G. Automatic routing and retrieval using SMART: TREC-2 (Lang.: ). -

144021995-0254conferences 06
Callan, J.P.; Croft, W.B., Broglio, J. TREC and TIPSTER experiments with INQUERY (Lang.: ). -

144031995-0255conferences 06
Robertson, S.R.; Walker, S., Hancock-Beaulieu, M.M. Large test collection experiments on an operational, interactive system: OKAPI at TREC (Lang.: ). -

144041995-0256conferences 06
Zobel, J.; Moffat, A., Wilkinson, R., Sacks-Davis, R. Efficient retrieval of partial documents (Lang.: ). -

144051995-0257conferences 06
Mettler, M.; Nordby, F. TREC routing experiments with the TRW/Paracel Fast Data Finder (Lang.: ). -

144061995-0258conferences 06
Evans, D.A.; Lefferts, R.G. CLARIT-TREC experiments (Lang.: ). -

144071995-0259conferences 06
Strzalkowski, T. Natural language information retrieval (Lang.: ). -

144081995-0260conferences 06
Caid, W.R.; Dumais, S.T., Gallant, St.I. Learned vector-space models for document retrieval (Lang.: ). -

144091995-0261conferences 06
Belkin, N.J.; Kantor, P., Fox, E.A., Shaw, J.A. Combining the evidence of multiple query representations for information retrieval (Lang.: ). -

144101995-0264conferences 06
Gödert, W. Externalisierung von Wissen: Eine informationstheoretische Betrachtung aus konstruktivistischer Sicht [Externalization of knowledge: an information theoretical considertation from a constructivistic point of view] (Lang.: ). -

144111995-0265conferences 06
Haller, H.-D. Wissensorganisation mit CEWID, einem wissensorientierten und tätigkeitsunterstützenden System [Knowledge organization with CEWID, a knowledge-oriented and activity-supporting system] (Lang.: ). -

144121995-0266conferences 06
Jaenecke, P. Wozu Wissensorganisation? [To what end knowledge organization?] (Lang.: ). -

144131995-0267conferences 06
Kiel, E. Kulturelle Bedingtheit von Wissensorganisation [Cultural dependency of knowledge organization] (Lang.: ). -

144141995-0268conferences 06
Schmitz-Esser, W. Ein Thesaurus als Teil eines terminologischen Lexikons [A thesaurus as part of a terminological dictionary] (Lang.: ). -

144151995-0269conferences 06
Stünzner, L. Das Problem der Komplexität aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive: Auswirkung auf das System Organisation und das organisationalel Wissen [The complexity problem seen from a system-theoretical point of view: Effect on the system organization and organizational knowledge] (Lang.: ). -

144161995-0270conferences 06
Dahlberg, I. Universalität - viele Anwenderterminologien unter einem Dach - fachlich-terminologische Instrumentarien nach Maß? [Universality - many applied terminologies under one roof - specially created terminological tools?] (Lang.: ). -

144171995-0271conferences 06
Gödert, W. Möglichkeiten der Disambiguierung durch Erstreckungsformen [Possibilities of disambiguation by extension forms] (Lang.: ). -

144181995-0272conferences 06
Nohr, H. Thesaurussoftware für den PC: Leistungsanforderungen und Gestalgungsprinzipien autonomer Wörterbücher [Thesaurus software for the PC: requirements and principles for the form of autonomous dictionaries] (Lang.: ). -

144191995-0273conferences 06
Sechser, O. Thesaurus und Datenstrukturen [Thesaurus and data structures] (Lang.: ). -

144201995-0274conferences 06
Sechser, O. Zweckoffenheit der Thesauri [Openness of thesauri for different purposes] (Lang.: ). -

144211995-0275conferences 06
Ungvary, R. Das System der Branchen für den Alltagsgebrauch. Ein Thesaurus und sein Umfeld [The yellow pages for daily use. A thesaurus and its environment] (Lang.: ). -

144221995-0276conferences 06
Zimmermann, H.H. Überlegungen zu einem multilingualen Thesaurus-Konzept [Considering a multilingual thesaurus conception] (Lang.: ). -

144231995-0277conferences 06
Aschero, B.; Negrini, G., Zanola, R., Zozi, P. Systematifier: A guide for the systematization of Italian literature (Lang.: ). -

144241995-0278conferences 06
Bies, W. Pragmatische Inhaltserschließung: Grundlagen, Probleme und Perspektiven [Pragmatic subject analysis: Foundations, problems, and perspectives] (Lang.: ). -

144251995-0279conferences 06
Löckenhoff, H. Zu Modellen und zur Modellierung in der Wissensordnung [On models and modeling in knowledge order] (Lang.: ). -

144261995-0280conferences 06
Machlinski, Ch. Informationsorganisation als Innovation im Bereich der Forschung und Entwicklung [Information organization as an innovation in the field of research and development] (Lang.: ). -

144271995-0281conferences 06
Ohly H.P. Sozialwissenschaftliche Terminologie: Kontext-Abhängigkeiten und ihre Berücksichtigung in der Analyse von Konzepten [Social science terminology: Kontextual dependencies and their consideration in analyzing concepts] (Lang.: ). -

144281995-0282conferences 06
Bauer, G. Strukturbildartige Repräsentation von Wissensänderungen# [Structural image representations of changing knowledge] (Lang.: ). -

144291995-0283conferences 06
Ingenerf, J. Intensional orientierte Begriffsordnungssysteme und die Dichotomie analytisch-synthetischer Urteile [Intensionally oriented concept order systems and the dichotomy of analytico-synthetic judgments] (Lang.: ). -

144301995-0284conferences 06
Preuss, L. Grundlage für eine quantitative Logik [Foundations for a quantitative logic] (Lang.: ). -

144311995-0285conferences 06
Rahmstorf, G. Wissensorganisation und Wissensvertextung [Knowledge organization and knowledge textualization] (Lang.: ). -

144321995-0286conferences 06
Wachter, F.; Jaenecke, P. Experimente mit Assoziativspeichern [Experiments with associative memories] (Lang.: ). -

144331995-0287conferences 06
Zelger, J. Sind Erkenntnisse über die Struktur von Phantasien nützlich bei der Wissensorganisation? [Are insights regarding the structure of fantasies useful in knowledge organization?] (Lang.: ). -

144341995-0289conferences 06
Curras, E. Introduction (Lang.: ). -

144351995-0290conferences 06
Dahlberg, I. Current trends in knowledge organization (Lang.: ). -

144361995-0291conferences 06
Izquierdo, J.M. Conceptual structures for documentary representation (Lang.: ). -

144371995-0292conferences 06
Izquierdo, J.M.; Moreno Fernández, L.M. Metalinguistic terminological problems in combinatory indexing languages (Lang.: ). -

144381995-0293conferences 06
Esteban Navarro, M.A. Knowledge representation and organization in archives: documentary languages in classification, ordering and description processes (Lang.: ). -

144391995-0294conferences 06
Campillos, M.P.M. Difficulties for the conception of a universal classification in archival science (Lang.: ). -

144401995-0295conferences 06
Garcia Marco, F.J. Scientific paradigms in information retrieval (Lang.: ). -

144411995-0296conferences 06
Moreiro González, J.A. Teaching documentary langauges in library and information science studies: problems and trends (Lang.: ). -

144421995-0297conferences 06
Espelt, C. Theoretical backgrounds of documentary languages instruction (Lang.: ). -

144431995-0298conferences 06
Merlo Vega, J.A.; Bravo, B.R. Teaching documentary languages in the University of Leon (Lang.: ). -

144441995-0299conferences 06
Frías Montoya, J.A. Relationship between document analysis and cataloguing: its representation in the curriculum of the University of Salamanca (Lang.: ). -

144451995-0300conferences 06
Segundo Manuel, R.S. Methodology for knowledge representation in library and information science (Lang.: ). -

144461995-0301conferences 06
López-Huertas Pérez, M.J. A methodology for teaching IUDC to undergraduate students in library and information science (Lang.: ). -

144471995-0302conferences 06
Sánchez Casabón, A.I. Teaching hierarchically-structured documentary languages: the example of UDC (Lang.: ). -

144481995-0303conferences 06
Urdiciain, B.G. Teaching approaches to precoordinated and postcoordinated indexing systems (Lang.: ). -

144491995-0304conferences 06
Esteban Navarro, M.A. Applications of terminology to documentary languages management education (Lang.: ). -

144501995-0305conferences 06
Analysis, languages, and representation for audio-visual document retrieval: a doctorate course (Lang.: ). -

144511995-0306conferences 06
Garcia Marco, F.J. Contents and sequence of knowledge organization instruction: an interdisciplinary proposal (Lang.: ). -

144521995-0307conferences 06
Izquierdo, J.M. Computer-assisted document generation: a standard micro-system for knowledge organization (Lang.: ). -

144531995-0308conferences 06
Román, A.R. Indexing terms and research on scientific information: a specific application (Lang.: ). -

144541995-0309conferences 06
Uriondo, J.L.; Gil, G. Sequential-systematic ordering for libraries: an integrated methodology (Lang.: ). -

144551995-0310conferences 06
Lacruz, C.A. Documentary language construction for educational centres' information systems (Lang.: ). -

144561995-0311conferences 06
Moreno Fernandez, L.M.; Navarro, C.Ch. Management of the museums' information and documentation systems in the autonomous community of Murcia (Lang.: ). -

144571995-0312conferences 06
Saz, J.T. Evolution of classificatory systems in archaeology: from data to interpretation (Lang.: ). -

144581995-0318conferences 06
Chizhova, L.A.; Shibaeva, M.V. Multicomponent names of international organizations as terminological units (Lang.: ). -

144591995-0320conferences 06
Godbert, E.; Pasero, R. A logical representation for the conceptual coherence of a sentence (Lang.: ). -

144601995-0321conferences 06
Polikarpov, A.A. Evolutionary aspects of a language as a natural classification system (Lang.: ). -

144611995-0322conferences 06
Shelov, S.D. Systematic arrangement of terms in the dictionary: quantitative approach to linearization (Lang.: ). -

144621995-0323conferences 06
Sutcliffe, R.F.E.; O'Sullivan, D., McElligott, A. Creating a large semantic lexicon for nouns (Lang.: ). -

144631995-0324conferences 06
Tuldava, J. Information measures of causality (Lang.: ). -

145371996-0018conferences 06
Milstead, J.. Indexing standards (Lang.: ). -

145381996-0019conferences 06
Bishop, A.P.; Liddy, E.D.; Settel, B.. Index quality study, Pt.1: Quantitative description of back-of-the-book indexes (Lang.: ). -

145391996-0020conferences 06
Liddy, E.D.; Bishop, A.P.; Settel, B.. Index quality study, Pt.II: Publishers' survey and qualitative assessment (Lang.: ). -

145401996-0021conferences 06
Ullius, D.. What does an editor want? (Lang.: ). -

145411996-0022conferences 06
Dickstein, Ph.. United Nations Documents - approaches to indexing (Lang.: ). -

145421996-0023conferences 06
Warner, A.J.. An automatic method for vocabulary control (Lang.: ). -

145431996-0027conferences 06
Greiner, G.. Präkoordination, Präkombination, Postkoordination: Drei Möglichkeiten der Begriffsverknüpfung aus theoretischer und praktischer Sicht [Three possibilities of concept combination from a theoretical and practical point of view] (Lang.: ). -

145441996-0029conferences 06
Lenski, W.. Wissensrepräsentation und Sacherschließung in Literaturdatenbanken: Herausforderungen, Realisierungen und Perspektiven am Beispiel der Mathematischen Logik [Knowledge Representation and subject analysis in documentary databases: challenges, realizations and perspectives exemplified by mathematical logic] (Lang.: ). -

145451996-0030conferences 06
Havekost, H.. Das Problem Sacherschließung durch systematische und verbale Klassifikation: Ein Ortungsversuch [The problem of subject analysis by systematical and verbal classification: an attempt at localization] (Lang.: ). -

145461996-0031conferences 06
Kollewe, W.; Sander, Ch., Schmiede, R., Wille, R.. TOSCANA als Instrument der bibliothekarischen Sacherschließung [TOSCANA as a tool for subject cataloguing] (Lang.: ). -

145471996-0032conferences 06
Dilger, M.; Kriese, Th.. Einsatz von Allegro bei der Revision des DK-Registers mit Hilfe der Schlagwortnormdatei [Implementation of Allegro in revising the UDC index with the help of the Standard Reference File] (Lang.: ). -

145481996-0033conferences 06
Geißelmann, F.. Online-Version einer Aufstellungssystematik [The online version of a shelving system] (Lang.: ). -

145491996-0034conferences 06
Kingma, J.. Entstehungsgeschichte, Zweck und Perspektiven der Basisklassifikation in den Niederlanden [History, purpose and perspectives of the Basic Classification in the Netherlands] (Lang.: ). -

145501996-0035conferences 06
Zerbst, H.J.. Zum Verhältnis von Basisklassifikation und RSWK am Beispiel des Bibliotheksverbundes Niedersachsen/Sachsen-Anhalt [Concerning the relationship of the Basic Classification and the RSWK exemplified by the library network Lower Saxonia and Saxonia-Anhalt] (Lang.: ). -

145511996-0036conferences 06
Schmitt, G.. Sacherschließung im Südwestdeutschen Bibliotheksverbund (SWB): Chancen der retrospektiven Fremdleistungsnutzung [Subject cataloguing in the library network of Southwest Germany: Chances for a retrospective use of oursourcing] (Lang.: ). -

145521996-0037conferences 06
Schulz, U.. Retrospektive Inhaltserschliessung mit 'alten' Schlagwörtern der Detuschen Bibliothek [Retrospective subject cataloguing with the 'old' subject headings of the German Library] (Lang.: ). -

145531996-0038conferences 06
Gödert, W.. Strukturierung von Klassifikationssystemen und Online-Retrieval (Lang.: ). -

145541996-0039conferences 06
Reisser, M.. Die Darstellung begrifflicher Kontexte im Online-Retrieval [Representing conceptual contexts in online retrieval] (Lang.: ). -

145551996-0040conferences 06
Schulz, U.. Was wir über OPAC-Nutzer wissen: Fehlertolerante OPASC-Gestaltung [What we know about OPAC users: error-tolerating OPAC design] (Lang.: ). -

145561996-0041conferences 06
Koopmann, R.. The Pica Micro OPC (Lang.: ). -

145571996-0042conferences 06
Hobohm, H.-Ch.. Daten in Netzen - Wissen in Netzen: Informationssuche und Informationsethik im Internet [Data in nets - knowledge in nets: information search and information ethics in the Internet] (Lang.: ). -

145581996-0044conferences 06
Burneston, G.I.III. Atlas indexing at the National Geographic Society (Lang.: ). -

145591996-0045conferences 06
Muccie, M.R.. What editors need and want: are they getting it? (Lang.: ). -

145601996-0046conferences 06
Malick, E.. Indexing at Frame Technology Corporation (Lang.: ). -

145611996-0047conferences 06
Bolz, W.. Microsoft Press talks about indexes (Lang.: ). -

145621996-0048conferences 06
Quint, B.. Millenia Indexing: re-examine assumptions and re-structure functions (Lang.: ). -

145631996-0049conferences 06
Swain, D.E.; Earle, R., Gadek, J.. Evolving index styles and media in IBM Documentation (Lang.: ). -

145641996-0050conferences 06
Mulvany, N.C.. Embedded indexing software: users speak out (Lang.: ). -

145651996-0052conferences 06
Baumann, K.-D.. The significance of the statistical method for an interdisciplinary analysis of professionalism of texts (Lang.: ). -

145661996-0053conferences 06
Beaugrande, R. de. Special Purpose Language in the discourse of epistemology: The 'genetic psychology' of Jean Piaget (Lang.: ). -

145671996-0054conferences 06
Citkina, F.. Comparative LSP research: implications and applications (Lang.: ). -

145681996-0055conferences 06
Grinev, S.V.. Theoretical foundations of Russian terminology work: Peculiarities and perspectives (Lang.: ). -

145691996-0056conferences 06
Huckin, T.N.. Local knowledge, global dreams (Lang.: ). -

145701996-0057conferences 06
Jernudd, B.H.. Term(inological) problems (Lang.: ). -

145711996-0058conferences 06
Laurén, C.. LSP - a valid concept in 1993? (Lang.: ). -

145721996-0059conferences 06
Melby, A.. Terminology management in the SGML age (Lang.: ). -

145731996-0060conferences 06
Salager-Meyer, F.. Languages for Specific Purposes and the Third World (Lang.: ). -

145741996-0061conferences 06
Agirre, E. et al.. Intelligent Dictionary Help system (Lang.: ). -

145751996-0062conferences 06
Andersen, Oe.; Widell, P.. The automatic indexing system AUTINDEX (Lang.: ). -

145761996-0063conferences 06
Baten, L.. How does a computer sustain metacognitive strategies in FL-LSP? (Lang.: ). -

145771996-0064conferences 06
Callwaert, P.; Markey, D.. A terminological database for business communication (Lang.: ). -

145781996-0065conferences 06
Corbisier, A.. The use and function of metaphor in information technology handbooks (Lang.: ). -

145791996-0066conferences 06
Olohan, M.; Zähner, C.. Text encoding and the teaching of Language for Special Purposes (Lang.: ). -

145801996-0067conferences 06
Sarid, H.; Yzraely, T.. Assumed knowledge and the breakdown of meaning (Lang.: ). -

145811996-0068conferences 06
Budin, G.. Trends in communication structures in science and research - A systemic view (Lang.: ). -

145821996-0069conferences 06
Draskau, J.K.. LSP - A subordinate concept? (Lang.: ). -

145831996-0070conferences 06
Gaux-Lorenz, M.; Lorenz, O.. Fachsprache - Allgemeinsprache - Literatursprache. Begriffe und Metaphern im Computerzeitalter [Special Language - General Language - Literary Language. Concepts and metaphors in the computer age] (Lang.: ). -

145841996-0071conferences 06
Duvd, G. et al. LSP-dictionary translation - An integrated concept (Lang.: ). -

145851996-0072conferences 06
Kivelä, P.. Geldmarktterminologie - Beispiele von Begriffssystemen im Deutschen, Englischen und Finnischen [The terminology of the money market - examples of concept systems in German, English and Finnish] (Lang.: ). -

145861996-0073conferences 06
Kocourek, R.. The status of English metaphorical terms (Lang.: ). -

145871996-0074conferences 06
Nuopponen, A.. Wüster revisited: On causal concept relationships and causal concept systems (Lang.: ). -

145881996-0075conferences 06
Picht, H.. Die Terminologiewissenschaft 1993 [Terminology science in 1993] (Lang.: ). -

145891996-0076conferences 06
Puuronen, N.. On concepts and expressions representing action and event (Lang.: ). -

145901996-0077conferences 06
Lundquist, L.; Bertelsen, H.O.. The case for case in texts reopened (Lang.: ). -

145911996-0078conferences 06
Lind, A.. Equivalence in legal terminology (Lang.: ). -

145921996-0079conferences 06
Rogers, M.; Ahmad, K.. Computational terminology for translators: The role of text (Lang.: ). -

145931996-0080conferences 06
Simonnaes, I.. On the problem of equivalence in Norwegian and German legal language (Lang.: ). -

145941996-0081conferences 06
Budin, G.. Some hypotheses about concept representations (Lang.: ). -

145951996-0082conferences 06
Kocourek, R.. Recent trends in English term formation (Lang.: ). -

145961996-0083conferences 06
Picht, H.. Die Anwendung graphisch-figurativer Mittel bei der Begriffsrepresentation [Application of graphical-figurative means in concept representation] (Lang.: ). -

145971996-0084conferences 06
Wright, S.E.. Representation of concept systems in terminology database management (Lang.: ). -

145981996-0085conferences 06
Dressler, W.U.. LSP "von aussen": Reflections on the 9th European LSP Symposium (Lang.: ). -

145991996-0087conferences 06
Decourt, E.; Pacheco, S.M.G.. Subject access in the Brazilian Library Network (Lang.: ). -

146001996-0088conferences 06
Parent, I.. Subject access to library materials in Canada: Overview (Lang.: ). -

146011996-0089conferences 06
Schweitzer, A.. Subject access to library materials in Canada: A balancing act between conformity and divergence (Lang.: ). -

146021996-0090conferences 06
Willer, M.. Subject access systems in Croatia (Lang.: ). -

146031996-0091conferences 06
Mastrovic, M.. Cataloguing graphics in the prints collection: National and University Library, Zagreb, Croatia (Lang.: ). -

146041996-0092conferences 06
Jouguelet, S.. Evolution of subject indexing practice in France (Lang.: ). -

146051996-0093conferences 06
Heiner-Freiling, M.. Subject indexing in the nineties: the situation in Germany (Lang.: ). -

146061996-0094conferences 06
Soltani, P.. Subject access in Iran (Lang.: ). -

146071996-0095conferences 06
Sadowska, J.. Subject catalogues in Poland (Lang.: ). -

146081996-0096conferences 06
Lopes, M.I.. Subject indexing in Portuguese libraries: A new approach with SIPORbase (Lang.: ). -

146091996-0097conferences 06
Castellote, P.B.. Subject indexing at the National Library of Spain (Lang.: ). -

146101996-0098conferences 06
McIlwaine, I.C.. Subject control: The British viewpoint (Lang.: ). -

146111996-0099conferences 06
Chan, L.M.. Subject access systems in the USA (Lang.: ). -

146121996-0100conferences 06
Fugmann, R.. The complementarity of natural and controlled languages in indexing (Lang.: ). -

146131996-0101conferences 06
Svenonius, E.. Precoordination or not? (Lang.: ). -

146141996-0102conferences 06
Rey, J.. International tendencies in terminology and indexing (Lang.: ). -

146151996-0103conferences 06
Williamson, N.J.. Standards and standardization in subject analysis systems: Current status and future directions (Lang.: ). -

146161996-0105conferences 06
Gilreath, G.T.. The semantic valence of terms: a systematic treatment of multi-meaning terms (Lang.: ). -

146171996-0106conferences 06
Gilreath, C.T.. Resolving term disputes with weighted onometrics (Lang.: ). -

146181996-0107conferences 06
Strehlow, R.A.. Content analysis of definitions (Lang.: ). -

146191996-0108conferences 06
Riggs, F.W.. The representation of concept systems (Lang.: ). -

146201996-0109conferences 06
Buchan, R.L.. Distinguishing between terms and meanings of terms (Lang.: ). -

146211996-0110conferences 06
Eck, K.E.; Meyer, I.E.. Bringing Aristotle into the 20th century: Computer-assisted definition construction in a terminological knowledge base (Lang.: ). -

146221996-0111conferences 06
Hutcheson, H.M.. Preparation of multilingual vocabularies (Lang.: ). -

146231996-0112conferences 06
Greenwald, S.. A construction industry terminology database developed for use with a periodicals index (Lang.: ). -

146241996-0113conferences 06
Galinski, C.. Exchange of standardized terminologies within the framework of the standardized terminology exchange network (STEN) (Lang.: ). -

146251996-0114conferences 06
Shreve, G.M.. SGML representation of concept systems: identifying, tagging and retrieving term-concept structures in textual context (Lang.: ). -

146261996-0115conferences 06
Melby, A.K.. Implementing the terminology interchange format (Lang.: ). -

146271996-0119conferences 06
Zafran, E.L.; MacKay, C.. Keeping up with the times (& the deadlines): Indexing at BNA (Lang.: ). -

146281996-0120conferences 06
Preschel, B.M.. Delivering database information to the user: Technology, media, content (Lang.: ). -

146291996-0121conferences 06
Mulholland, S.. Indexing and the challenge of change at PsychINFO (Lang.: ). -

146301996-0122conferences 06
Locke, Ch.. Weaving the social fabric: Illuminating manuscripts (Lang.: ). -

146311996-0123conferences 06
Weinberg, B.H.. Computer-assisted database indexing: introduction (Lang.: ). -

146321996-0124conferences 06
Hodge, G.M.. Computer-assisted database indexing: The state-of-the art (Lang.: ). -

146331996-0125conferences 06
Humphrey, S.M.. The MedIndEx prototype for computer assisted MEDLINE database indexing (Lang.: ). -

146341996-0126conferences 06
Koll, M.B.. Automatic relevance ranking: A searcher's complement to indexing (Lang.: ). -

146351996-0127conferences 06
Anderson, J.D.. Indexing standards: Are they possible? What good are they? Why bother? (Lang.: ). -

146361996-0128conferences 06
Shuter, J.. Standards for indexes: Where do they come from and what use are they? (Lang.: ). -

146371996-0129conferences 06
Cousins, G.. Professional indexing in Australia: First steps towards accreditation (Lang.: ). -

146381996-0130conferences 06
McFadden, T.G.. I wonder who's indexing the INTERNET now? (Lang.: ). -

146391996-0131conferences 06
Wallis, E.. Indexing training and accreditation in UK (Lang.: ). -

146401996-0132conferences 06
Bell, H.K.. Vive la différence! The survival of the softest (Lang.: ). -

146411996-0133conferences 06
Liddy, E.D.; Jörgensen, C.L.. Reality check! Book index characteristics that facilitate information access (Lang.: ). -

146421996-0134conferences 06
Kleinberg, I.. Making the case for professional indexers: Where is the proof? (Lang.: ). -

146431996-0137conferences 06
Maxwell, Ch.. The complexity of search on the Internet: A golden age of opportunity for indexers (Lang.: ). -

146441996-0138conferences 06
Turner, J.M.. Indexing non-art pictures: some issues (Lang.: ). -

146451996-0139conferences 06
Skuster, Ch.. Indexing the Internet (Lang.: ). -

146461996-0140conferences 06
Ariail, J.. Internetting the Indexer (Lang.: ). -

146471996-0141conferences 06
Zafran, E.L.; Bernier, M.G.. Indexing CD-ROM products: BNA's experiences (Lang.: ). -

146481996-0142conferences 06
Fillmore, L.. The last shall be the first (Lang.: ). -

146491996-0333conferences 06
Beaugrande, R. de. International Terminology: Prospects for a new agenda (Lang.: ). -

146501996-0334conferences 06
Oeser, E.. Terminology and philosophy of science (Lang.: ). -

146511996-0335conferences 06
Slodzian, M.. Terminology theory and philosophy of science (Lang.: ). -

146521996-0336conferences 06
Felber, H.. East-West cooperation in the international terminology work in the 1930s: Drezen and Wüster (Lang.: ). -

146531996-0337conferences 06
Auksoriutè, A.; Medisauskienè, R., Gaivenis, K., Keinys, S.. The terminology work of S. Salkauskis (Lang.: ). -

146541996-0338conferences 06
Skujina, V.. The foundation of Latvian terminology (Lang.: ). -

146551996-0339conferences 06
Grinev, S.V.. Terminological research in the former USSR (Lang.: ). -

146561996-0340conferences 06
Wright, S.E.. The impact of neuro-psychological research in the translator's view of concept theory (Lang.: ). -

146571996-0341conferences 06
Budin, G.. Language planning and terminology planning - theories and practical strategies (Lang.: ). -

146581996-0342conferences 06
Dzhincharadze, A.K.. Problems of scientific and technical terminology harmonization (Lang.: ). -

146591996-0343conferences 06
Lejchik, V.M.. Modern trends in the internationalization of terms (Lang.: ). -

146601996-0344conferences 06
Linina, S.. The terminology of library science: Facotrs influencing it and problems (Lang.: ). -

146611996-0345conferences 06
Pommers, J.. How to achieve a permanent technological Latvian terminology (Lang.: ). -

146621996-0346conferences 06
Prokhorov, V.N.. Improvement of methodical and information support in the field of scientific and technical information (Lang.: ). -

146631996-0347conferences 06
Rytsar, B.E.. The history and prospects of Ukrainian terminology (Lang.: ). -

146641996-0348conferences 06
Kocourek, R.. Terminological comparisons: Assessing synonymic groups (Lang.: ). -

146651996-0349conferences 06
Anjushkin, J.. The system of unified terms and notions in the status of the standards of national terms (Lang.: ). -

146661996-0350conferences 06
Blinkena, A.. The terminology and phraseology of heraldry (Lang.: ). -

146671996-0351conferences 06
Bushs, M.. Forestry terminology in Latvian (Lang.: ). -

146681996-0352conferences 06
Ikere, Z.. Polysemy within philosophical terminology, from the point of view of translation (Lang.: ). -

146691996-0353conferences 06
Kalme, V.. International words in gymnastics terminology (Lang.: ). -

146701996-0354conferences 06
Kaulakienè, A.. The relationship between native and international terms in the Lithuanian terminology of physics (Lang.: ). -

146711996-0355conferences 06
Novodranova, V.F.. The system of nominal word-building in Latin as compared with the system of word-building in medical terminology (Lang.: ). -

146721996-0356conferences 06
Cevere, R.; Greitane, I., Spektors, A.. The problems of word classification in the formation of thematic word stock in automated terminological dictionaries (Lang.: ). -

146731996-0357conferences 06
Marchuk, Yu.N.. Polylingual terminography in a developing country (Lang.: ). -

146741996-0358conferences 06
Budin, G.. Do we need an object theory? (Lang.: ). -

146751996-0359conferences 06
Felber, H.. A relational model: Objects, concepts, terms (Lang.: ). -

146761996-0360conferences 06
Nuopponen, A.. On causality and concept relationships (Lang.: ). -

146771996-0361conferences 06
Picht, H.. On object and concept representation with focus on non-verbal forms of representation (Lang.: ). -

146781996-0362conferences 06
Skujina, V.. On national and international terminology in a national language (Lang.: ). -

146791996-0363conferences 06
Toft, B.. Conceptual relations in terminology and knowledge engineering (Lang.: ). -

146801996-0370conferences 06
Ahmad, K.. Terminology workbenches and the engineering of special languages (Keynote address) (Lang.: ). -

146811996-0371conferences 06
Dreckschmidt, G.. IBM TranslationManager. A family of translation programs (Lang.: ). -

146821996-0372conferences 06
Paul, S.. Application of TM/2 by Abbott GmbH (Lang.: ). -

146831996-0373conferences 06
Heyn, M.. Key technologies. Impacts of neural network technology on computer-aided translation (Lang.: ). -

146841996-0374conferences 06
Weßel, R.. Trados: MultiTerm for Windows. User report (Lang.: ). -

146851996-0375conferences 06
Melby, A.. Organization-wide terminology management using MTX/Termex (Lang.: ). -

146861996-0376conferences 06
Berteloot. Termex user report (Lang.: ). -

146871996-0377conferences 06
Engel, G.. DANtermBASE (Lang.: ). -

146881996-0378conferences 06
Budin, G.. The Terminology Interchange Format (TIF) - A state-of-the-art report (Lang.: ). -

146891996-0379conferences 06
Quist, Ch.. Integrated computer environment for translators and terminologists. A terminology workstation (Lang.: ). -

146901996-0380conferences 06
Ahmad, K.; Holmes-Higgin, P.. System Quirk: A unified approach to text and terminology (Lang.: ). -

146911996-0381conferences 06
Wimplinger, D.. METAL/Term (Lang.: ). -

146921996-0382conferences 06
Skorepa, Ch.. METAL user report (Lang.: ). -

146931996-0383conferences 06
Zimmermann, H.. Value-added coding of electronic dictionaries for the LOGOS Machine Translation System (Lang.: ). -

146941996-0384conferences 06
Jaekel, g.. User's report. LOGOS Ericsson Language Services AB (Lang.: ). -

146951996-0385conferences 06
Waldhör, K.; Rummel, D.. GlobeDisk - Electronic Dictionaries. Translation tools and terminology management systems (Lang.: ). -

146961996-0386conferences 06
Burdet, C.-A.. TERMIS applications (Lang.: ). -

146971996-0387conferences 06
Day, W.T.. Application of TERMIS to the Defence Terminology Management System and related text management activities (Lang.: ). -

146981996-0388conferences 06
Carlson, L.. ValTer - Multilingual term bank system for terminology work (Lang.: ). -

146991996-0389conferences 06
Schmitz, K.-D.. Evaluating terminology management programs (Lang.: ). -

147001996-0392conferences 06
Beghtol, C.. Mapping sentences and classification schedules as methods of displaying facets (Lang.: ). -

147011996-0393conferences 06
Dubin, D.. The search for structure and the search for meaning (Lang.: ). -

147021996-0394conferences 06
Faucher, C.; Gonzalez-Gomez, M., Chouraqui, E.. Semantic classification of instances in a frame-based representation (Lang.: ). -

147031996-0395conferences 06
Furtado-Vasco, J.J.P.; Faucher, C., Chouraqui, E.. Construction of frame hierarchies using machine learning (Lang.: ). -

147041996-0396conferences 06
Godin, R.; Kerhervé, B., Turner, J.. Classification and automatic indexing in a persistent object environment (Lang.: ). -

147051996-0397conferences 06
Jörgensen, C.. Classifying images: Criteria for grouping as revealed in a sorting task (Lang.: ). -

147061996-0398conferences 06
Mahesh, K.; Nirenburg, S.. Semantic classification for practical natural language processing (Lang.: ). -

147071996-0399conferences 06
Pejtersen, A.M.; Albrechtsen,H., Sandelin,R., Lundgren,L. et al.. The Scandinavian Book House: Indexing methods and OPAC development for subject access to Scandinavian fiction literature (Lang.: ). -

147081996-0400conferences 06
McCloskey, J.C.; Bulechek, G.M.. Nursing Internventions Classification (NIC): Development and use (Lang.: ). -

147091996-0401conferences 06
Soergel, D.. Framework for data element standardization (Lang.: ). -

147101996-0402conferences 06
Triplett, J.E.; Kennet, D.M., Jarmon, R., Gollop, F.M.. Do industrial classifications need re-inventing? An analysis of the relevance of the U.S. SIC System for productivity research (Lang.: ). -

147111996-0403conferences 06
Tudhope, D.; Taylor, C., Beynon-Davies, P.. Classification and hypermedia (Lang.: ). -

147121996-0404conferences 06
Ungern-Sternberg, S.v.. Knowledge organization and a macro language for indexing in biotechnology (Lang.: ). -

147131996-0405conferences 06
Vossen,P.. The linguistic versus cognitive role of classifying nouns (Lang.: ). -

147141996-0406conferences 06
Williamson, N.. The development of a notational system for a restructured UDC (Lang.: ). -

147151996-0414conferences 06
Hjerppe, R.. Go with the flow, or abide by the side, or watch the waves? Challenges of change for Knowledge Organization (Lang.: ). -

147161996-0415conferences 06
Guenther, R.S.. Bringing the Library of Congress into the computer age: Converting LCC to machine-readable form (Lang.: ). -

147171996-0416conferences 06
Goldberg, J.. Library of Congress Classification: Shelving device for collections or organization of knowledge fields? (Lang.: ). -

147181996-0417conferences 06
Shoham, S.; Yitzhaki, M.. The impact of cultural and technological changes on titles content and their use in the process of information retrieval (Lang.: ). -

147191996-0418conferences 06
Zeng, L.M.. Towards a unified medical language in a diverse cultural environement (Lang.: ). -

147201996-0419conferences 06
He, Shaoyi. Concept-based vs word-based measures of medical information transfer via English-Chinese and Chinese-English translation of medical titles (Lang.: ). -

147211996-0420conferences 06
Molholt, P.. Standardization of inter-concept links and their usage (Lang.: ). -

147221996-0421conferences 06
Green, R.. Development of a relational thesaurus (Lang.: ). -

147231996-0422conferences 06
Bean, C.. Analysis of non-hierarchical associative relationships among Medical Subject Headings (MeSH): anatomical and related terminology (Lang.: ). -

147241996-0423conferences 06
Garcia Marco, J.. Hypertext and indexing languages: Common challenges and perspectives (Lang.: ). -

147251996-0424conferences 06
Cochrane, P.A.; Johnson, E.H.. Visual Dewey: DDC in a hypertextual browser for the library user (Lang.: ). -

147261996-0425conferences 06
Drabenstott, K.M.. Classification to the rescue - Handling the problems of too many and too few retrievals (Lang.: ). -

147271996-0426conferences 06
Sukiasyan, E.. Change as a problem of classification system development (Lang.: ). -

147281996-0427conferences 06
McIlwaine, I.C.. New Wine in Old Bottles: Problems of maintaining classification schemes (Lang.: ). -

147291996-0428conferences 06
Davies, R.. Thesaurus-aided searching in search and retrieval protocols (Lang.: ). -

147301996-0429conferences 06
Francu, V.. Building a multilingual thesaurus based on UDC (Lang.: ). -

147311996-0430conferences 06
Dahlberg, I.. Library catalogs in the Internet: Switching for future subject access (Lang.: ). -

147321996-0431conferences 06
Soergel, D.. SemWeb: Proposal for an open, multifunctional, multilingual system for integrated access to knowledge about concepts and terminology (Lang.: ). -

147331996-0432conferences 06
Jacob, E.K.; Shaw, D.. Is a picture worth a thousand words? Classification and graphic symbol systems (Lang.: ). -

147341996-0433conferences 06
Frost, C.O.. The University of Michigan School of Information Art Image Browser: Designing and testing a model for image retrieval (Lang.: ). -

147351996-0434conferences 06
Jörgensen, C.. The applicability of selected classification systems to image attributes (Lang.: ). -

147361996-0435conferences 06
Steyer, H.C.; Fonseca,A.F., Hopkins,D.D., Nodell,M., Travis,I.. The World Bank's Information Management Architecture: A blueprint for building institutional information services (Lang.: ). -

147371996-0436conferences 06
Murray, Ph.C.. Business productivity and organization of knowledge. A look at the emerging requirements (Lang.: ). -

147381996-0437conferences 06
Shreinemakers, J.F.; Essers, J.P.J.M.. Critical notes on the use of knowledge in knowledge management (Lang.: ). -

147391996-0438conferences 06
Foss, M.M.. Facilitating the interaction of user and public knowledge organization with user profiles, user views, and user education plans (Lang.: ). -

147401996-0439conferences 06
Iivonen, M.. Selection of search terms as a meeting place of different discourses (Lang.: ). -

147411996-0440conferences 06
Pollitt, A.St.; Treglown, M., Smith,M.P., Braekevelt, P.A.J. et al. Empowering users for improved database access and analysis through the application of knowledge structure views,progressive refinement techniques and a design approach driven by usability (Lang.: ). -

147421996-0441conferences 06
Green, R.. Description in the electronic environment (Lang.: ). -

147431996-0442conferences 06
Vizine-Goetz, D.. Online classification: Implications for classifying and document(-lie object) retrieval (Lang.: ). -

147441996-0443conferences 06
McKiernan, G.. Parallel universe: The organization of information elements and access in a World Wide Web (WWW) virtual library (Lang.: ). -

147451996-0444conferences 06
Iwazume, M.; Takeda, H., Nishida, T.. Ontology-based information capturing from the Internet (Lang.: ). -

147461996-0445conferences 06
Howarth, L.. An exploratory study into requirements for an interdisciplinary metathesaurus (Lang.: ). -

147471996-0446conferences 06
Negrini, G.; Adamo, G.. The evolution of a concept system: Reflections on case studies of Scientific Research, Italian Literature, and Humanities Computing (Lang.: ). -

147481996-0447conferences 06
Ragucci, M.. An inductive approach towards the integration of general information systems for agriculture: The case of CERETHES, with particular examples (Lang.: ). -

147491996-0448conferences 06
Huber, J.T.; Gillaspy, M.L.. Controlled vocabulary for HIV/AIDS. An evolving nosological record of a diseased body of knowledge (Lang.: ). -

147501996-0449conferences 06
Olson, H.. Dewey thinks therefore he is: The epistemic stance of Dewey and DDC (Lang.: ). -

147511996-0450conferences 06
Poli, R.. Ontology for knowledge organization (Lang.: ). -

147521996-0451conferences 06
Walker, Th.D.. L'apparition du computer: Epistemology and the impact of networked computers on society (Lang.: ). -

147531996-0452conferences 06
Prasad, A.R.D.. PROMETHEUS: An automatic indexing system (Lang.: ). -

147541996-0453conferences 06
Matsuo, T.; Nishida, T.. Intelligent support for construction and exploration of advanced technological information space (Lang.: ). -

147551996-0454conferences 06
Mustafa Elhadi, W.; Jouis, Ch.. Evaluating natural language processing systems as a tool for building terminological databases (Lang.: ). -

147561996-0455conferences 06
Citkina, F.. Terminology organization and change (Lang.: ). -

147571996-0456conferences 06
Hudon, M.. Preparing terminological definitions for indexing and retrieval thesauri: a model (Lang.: ). -

147581996-0457conferences 06
Williamson, N.. Deriving a thesaurus from a restructured UDC (Lang.: ). -

147591996-0458conferences 06
Mitchell, J.S.. The Dewey Decimal Classification at 120: Edition 21 and beyond (Lang.: ). -

147601996-0459conferences 06
New, G.R.. Revision and stability in Dewey 21: The life sciences catch up (Lang.: ). -

147611996-0460conferences 06
Beall, J.. Dewey for Windows (Lang.: ). -

147621996-0461conferences 06
Miksa, F.. The DDC, the Universe of Knowledge, and the Post-Modern Library (Lang.: ). -

147941996-0540conferences 06
Arabie, P.; Hubert, L.. Advances in cluster analysis relevant to marketing research (Lang.: ). -

147951996-0541conferences 06
Cuadras C.M.; Fortiana, J., Oliva, F.. Representation of statistical structures, classification and prediction using multidimensional scaling (Lang.: ). -

147961996-0542conferences 06
Gordon, A.D.. Null models in cluster validation (Lang.: ). -

147971996-0543conferences 06
Haining, R.. Classifying space and analyzing the consequences: Spatial analysis of health data (Lang.: ). -

147981996-0544conferences 06
Janowitz, M.F.. An ordinal model for cluster analysis - 15 years in retrospect (Lang.: ). -

147991996-0545conferences 06
Nishisato, S.. An overview and recent developments in dual scaling (Lang.: ). -

148001996-0546conferences 06
Polasek, W.; Jin, S.. Gibbs sampling in AR models with random walk priors (Lang.: ). -

148011996-0547conferences 06
Rasson, J.P.; Rémon, M., Henry, F.. Finding the edge of a Poisson Forest with inside and outside observations: the discriminant analysis point of view (Lang.: ). -

148021996-0548conferences 06
Sandau, K.. Spatial fibre and surface processes - stereological estimations and applications (Lang.: ). -

148031996-0549conferences 06
Windham, M.P.. Robusting mixture analysis using model weighting (Lang.: ). -

148041996-0550conferences 06
Yajima, K.. Evaluation of the first life table published in 1888 in Japan (Lang.: ). -

148051996-0551conferences 06
Bankhofer, U.. Incomplete data matrices and tests on randomly missing data (Lang.: ). -

148061996-0552conferences 06
Biedermann, K.; Wille, R.. Valuations and hierarchizations (Lang.: ). -

148071996-0553conferences 06
Eckes, T.. Recent developments in multimode clustering (Lang.: ). -

148081996-0554conferences 06
Firmin, C.; Hamad, D.. Gaussian neural networks applied to the cluster analysis problem (Lang.: ). -

148091996-0555conferences 06
Godehardt, E.; Horsch, A.. Graph-theoretic models for testing the homogeneity of data (Lang.: ). -

148101996-0556conferences 06
Groenen, P.J.F.; De Leeuw, J., Mathar, R.. Least squares multidimensional scaling with transformed distances (Lang.: ). -

148111996-0557conferences 06
Ihm, P.; Küchler, I.. Alternatives to configural frequency analysis (Lang.: ). -

148121996-0558conferences 06
Klawonn, F.; Kruse, R.. Clustering methods in fuzzy control (Lang.: ). -

148131996-0559conferences 06
Sawitzki, G.. The excess mass approach and the analysis of multi-modality (Lang.: ). -

148141996-0560conferences 06
Sbihi, A.; Postaire, J.-G.. Mode extraction by multivalue morphology for cluster analysis (Lang.: ). -

148151996-0561conferences 06
Tabakis, E.. On the longest edge of the minimal spanning tree (Lang.: ). -

148161996-0562conferences 06
Vach, W.; Alt, K.W.. Detection of blocks in a binary matrix - a Bayesian approach (Lang.: ). -

148171996-0563conferences 06
Balzter, H.; Braun, P., Köhler, W.. Detection of spatial discontinuities in vegetation data by a moving window algorithm (Lang.: ). -

148181996-0564conferences 06
Krauth, J.. Spatial clustering of neurons by hypergeometric disjoint statistics (Lang.: ). -

148191996-0565conferences 06
Nieschulz, K.-P.; Richter, O., Diekkrüger, B., Lücke, A.. A new approach of regionalization by classifying hydrological quantities (Lang.: ). -

148201996-0566conferences 06
Pfeifer, D.; Ortleb, H., Schleier-Langer, U., Bäumer, H.-P.. The Index-of-dispersion Test revisited (Lang.: ). -

148211996-0567conferences 06
Wilhelm, R.; Tecklenborg, A.. Comparing spatio-temporal patterns from defaunization experiments in marine ecology (Lang.: ). -

148221996-0568conferences 06
Aust, E.; Gaul, W.. A unifying approach to benefit segmentation and product line design based on rank order conjoint data (Lang.: ). -

148231996-0569conferences 06
Baier, D.; Gaul, W.. Classification and representation using conjoint data (Lang.: ). -

148241996-0570conferences 06
Lasch, R.. Overlapping clustering of statistical software packages for PC (Lang.: ). -

148251996-0571conferences 06
Missler-Behr, M.. Scenario analysis with BASICS - Testing the representativity of the results of the dynamic probability adjustment of scenario components with the help of classification methods (Lang.: ). -

148261996-0572conferences 06
Wartenberg, F.; Decker, R.. Analysis of sales data: a neural net approach (Lang.: ). -

148271996-0573conferences 06
Hacken, P. ten. On the definition of inflection (Lang.: ). -

148281996-0574conferences 06
Liedtke, J.. Computer-aided analysis of vocabulary acquisition (Lang.: ). -

148291996-0575conferences 06
Naumann, S.. Features and tags (Lang.: ). -

148301996-0576conferences 06
Schmidt, P.. Semantically based universal definitions of grammatical agreement and agreement domain universals: a critical evaluation (Lang.: ). -

148311996-0577conferences 06
Wieden, W.; Ronacher, K., Weiss, W., Goebl, H., Müller, K.. Towards a hypermedia, multilingual, on-line resource system for LSP uers/learners (Lang.: ). -

148321996-0578conferences 06
Gefeller, O.; Brenner, H.. A new methodologic look at describing the performance of diagnostic classification procedures in medicine (Lang.: ). -

148331996-0579conferences 06
Giere, W.; Gregori, A., Luz, C.. Xmed-DD: From document processing to systematic information storage (Lang.: ). -

148341996-0580conferences 06
Haeseler, A. von; Schöniger, M.. Ribosomal RNA phylogeny derived from a correlation model of sequence evolution (Lang.: ). -

148351996-0581conferences 06
Hofmann, K.; Brigl, B., Glück, E., Haux, R.. SALBIDH2 - modifications of the LBI-method for automated lexicon-based indexing of diagnoses (Lang.: ). -

148361996-0582conferences 06
Thoben, W.; Appelrath, H.-J., Sauer, S.. Record linkage of anonymous data by control numbers (Lang.: ). -

148371996-0583conferences 06
Dellmann, F.. Processing partial information in decision support systems (Lang.: ). -

148381996-0584conferences 06
Lenski, W.; Richter, M.M., Wette-Roch, E.. Consistency conditions for the classification in LIS/Cl (Lang.: ). -

148391996-0585conferences 06
Lührsen, H.; Wedekind, H.. Using hypertext for information retrieval in STEP/EXPRESS schemata (Lang.: ). -

148401996-0586conferences 06
Weisel, L.; Diekmann, B.. Two software tools supporting end user oriented information retrieval in physics (Lang.: ). -

148411996-0587conferences 06
Zelger, J.. From verbal data to practical knowledge (Lang.: ). -

148421996-0592conferences 06
Bryant, P.G.. MDL for mixtures of normal distributions (Lang.: ). -

148431996-0593conferences 06
Gaul, W.; Schader, M.. A new algorithm for two-mode clustering (Lang.: ). -

148441996-0594conferences 06
Hansen, P.; Jaumard, B.. Computational methods in clustering from a mathematical programming viewpoint (Lang.: ). -

148451996-0595conferences 06
Heitz, Ch.. Classifiction of time series with optimized time-frequency representations (Lang.: ). -

148461996-0596conferences 06
Hussain, M.; Fuchs, K.. Cluster analysis using spatial autocorrelation (Lang.: ). -

148471996-0597conferences 06
Krauth, J.. Bounds for p-values of combinatorial tests for clustering in epidemiology (Lang.: ). -

148481996-0598conferences 06
Van Cutsem, B.; Ycart, B.. Probability distributions on indexed dendrograms and related problems of classifiability (Lang.: ). -

148491996-0599conferences 06
Wernecke, K.-D.; Possinger, K., Kalb, G.. On the validation of classification trees (Lang.: ). -

148501996-0600conferences 06
Augustin, Th.. Modeling weak information with generalized basic probability assignments (Lang.: ). -

148511996-0601conferences 06
Bäck, Ch.; Hussain, M.. Validity measures for fuzzy partitions (Lang.: ). -

148521996-0602conferences 06
Mutschke, P.. Uncertainty and actor-oriented information retrieval in my-AKCESS. An approach based on fuzzy set theory (Lang.: ). -

148531996-0603conferences 06
Pöhlmann, S.. The Combination Problem for probability intervals: necessary assumptions (Lang.: ). -

148541996-0604conferences 06
Umkehrer, E.; Schill, K.. A classification system for uncertainty theories: how to select an appropriate formalism? (Lang.: ). -

148551996-0605conferences 06
Baier, D.; Gaul, W.. Analyzing paired comparisons data using probabilistic ideal point models and probabilistic vector models (Lang.: ). -

148561996-0606conferences 06
Bock, H.H.; Day, W.H.E., McMorris, F.R.. Consensus rules for molecular sequences: open problems (Lang.: ). -

148571996-0607conferences 06
Mennicken, C.; Balderjahn, I.. Latent dimensions of managers' risk perception: an application of correspondence analysis (Lang.: ). -

148581996-0608conferences 06
Ohl, St.. Analysis of the behaviour of new car buyers (Lang.: ). -

148591996-0609conferences 06
Streit, U.. Statistical analysis of spatial data in geographic information systems (Lang.: ). -

148601996-0610conferences 06
Theus, M.. Analysis of spatio-temporal data using interactive statistical graphics (Lang.: ). -

148611996-0611conferences 06
Wille, U.. Representation of finite ordinal data in real vector spaces (Lang.: ). -

148621996-0612conferences 06
Arminger, G.; Enache, D.. Statistical models and artificial neural networks (Lang.: ). -

148631996-0613conferences 06
Tutz, G.. Smoothing for categorical data: discrete kernel regression and local likelihood approaches (Lang.: ). -

148641996-0614conferences 06
Weihs, C.; Seewald, W.. Computer-based design of experiments in industry (Lang.: ). -

148651996-0615conferences 06
Wolpert, R.L.. Testing simple hypotheses (Lang.: ). -

148661996-0616conferences 06
Bayarri, M.J.; Font, B.. Bayesian hierarchical models for random routes in finite populations (Lang.: ). -

148671996-0617conferences 06
Ickstadt, K.; Jin, S., Polasek, W.. Metropolis sampling in belinear time series models (Lang.: ). -

148681996-0618conferences 06
Pai, J.S.; Ravishanker, N.. Exact likelihood function forms for an ARFIMA process (Lang.: ). -

148691996-0619conferences 06
Pettit, L.I.. Learning about degradation models and prognostic factors (Lang.: ). -

148701996-0620conferences 06
Young, K.D.S.. Bayesian classification using predictive diagnostic measures (Lang.: ). -

148711996-0621conferences 06
Ingenerf, J.. On the relationship between description logics and conceptual graphs with some references to the medical domain (Lang.: ). -

148721996-0622conferences 06
Kiel, R.; Schader, M.. The design of an interpreter for dialog-controlled rule systems (Lang.: ). -

148731996-0623conferences 06
Klar, R.; Zaiß, A.. Conceptual classifications and nomenclatures in medicine (Lang.: ). -

148741996-0624conferences 06
Lenski, W.. A method for the detection of sources in the logic information system LIS (Lang.: ). -

148751996-0625conferences 06
Reinartz, Th.P.; Zickwolff, M.. Two conceptual approaches to acquire human expert knowledge in a complex real world domain (Lang.: ). -

148761996-0626conferences 06
Richter, M.M.; Schmidt, G., Schneider, M.. Terminology and knowledge representation in complex domains (Lang.: ). -

148771996-0627conferences 06
Rusch, A.; Wille, R.. Knowledge spaces and formal concept analysis (Lang.: ). -

148781996-0628conferences 06
Schimpe, H.; Staudt, M., Kauert, B., Sperber, A.. A deductive approach for knowledge base refinement in expert systems and its application to credit analysis (Lang.: ). -

148791996-0629conferences 06
Schulz, St.. Knowledge representation of pathological states (Lang.: ). -

148801996-0630conferences 06
Stumme, G.. Attribute exploration with background implications and exceptions (Lang.: ). -

148811996-0631conferences 06
Wartenberg, F.; Gaul, W.. Integrating an OR model base into a knowledge-based system for marketing data analysis (Lang.: ). -

148821996-0632conferences 06
Wette-Roch, E.. LIS/THESAURUS: a model for structuring and representing concepts of mathematical logic (Lang.: ). -

148831996-0633conferences 06
Badry, P.; Naumann, S.. Gender classification of German nouns: symbolic and sub-symbolic approaches (Lang.: ). -

148841996-0634conferences 06
Barg, P.. Automatic inference of DATR theories (Lang.: ). -

148851996-0635conferences 06
Leopold, E.. Probability distributions of polysemantic expressions (Lang.: ). -

148861996-0636conferences 06
Schiltz, G.. German dialectometry (Lang.: ). -

148871996-0638conferences 06
Czap, H.. Einführung in die Wissensorganisation und Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) [Introduction into knowledge organization and case-based reasoning] (Lang.: ). -

148881996-0639conferences 06
Althoff, K.-D.; Trophöner, R., Wess, St.. Efficient integration of induction and case-based reasoning (Lang.: ). -

148891996-0640conferences 06
Schiemann, I.; Woltering, A.. Fallspeicherorganisation in der CBR-Shell Janus (Lang.: ). -

148901996-0641conferences 06
Coulon, C.H.. Die Rolle des Anpassungswissens im CBR (Am Beispiel der Ausnutzung von Struktur im CBR) [The role of adapting knowledge in CBR exemplified in utilization structure in CBR] (Lang.: ). -

148911996-0642conferences 06
Schaaf, J.W.. Fischen und Versenken: Ein Anytime-Algorithmus zur Suche nach situationsgerechten Fällen [Fishing and drowning: an anytime algorithm to search for situation adjusted cases] (Lang.: ). -

148921996-0643conferences 06
Jaenecke, P.. Erkenntnistheoretische Untersuchungen über fallbezogenes Schlußfolgern [Epistemological investigations on case-related reasoning] (Lang.: ). -

148931996-0644conferences 06
Löckenhoff, H.. Case-based teaching/learning for issue orientation and control (Lang.: ). -

148941996-0645conferences 06
Bies, W.. Denken in Bildern: Zu den Metaphern der Wissensorganisation [Thinking in pictures: On the metaphors of knowledge organization] (Lang.: ). -

148951996-0646conferences 06
Pribbenow, S.. Räumliches Wissen: Zur Interaktion von Logik und Bildern [Spatial knowledge: On the interaction of logic in pictures] (Lang.: ). -

148961996-0647conferences 06
Stolle, M.; Kirchberg, V.. Mental maps in der Stadtforschung - Grundlagen und Perspektiven [Mental maps in urban research - foundations and perspectives] (Lang.: ). -

148971996-0648conferences 06
Bayewr, H.; Bauerreiss, R.. Der Familienatlas als sozialräumliche Information [The family atlas as socio-spatial information] (Lang.: ). -

148981996-0649conferences 06
Hardt, F.; Tassoukis, G., Ohly, H.P.. Räumliche Hintergrundinformation in bibliographischen Datenbanken [Spatial background information in bibliographic databases] (Lang.: ). -

148991996-0650conferences 06
Salentin, K.. Geodemographische Ansätze beim Sampling im Direktmarketingverfahren [Geodemographic approaches when sampling in the direct marketing process] (Lang.: ). -

149001996-0651conferences 06
Pierau, K.; Narweleit, G., Thümmler, H.. Entwicklung eines Geographisch-Historischen Informationssystems [Development of a geographic-historical information system] (Lang.: ). -

149011996-0652conferences 06
Lenski, W.; Wette-Roch, E.. Terminologie und Wissensrepräsentation in pragmatischer Sichtweise [Terminology and knowledge representation viewed pragmatically] (Lang.: ). -

149021996-0653conferences 06
Fugmann, R.;. Die Entlinearisierung und Strukturierung von Texten zur Inhaltserschließung und Wissensrepräsentation [On the dilinearization and structuring of texts for subject analysis and knowledge representation] (Lang.: ). -

149031996-0654conferences 06
Lorenz, B.. Überlegungen zur Verbundklassifikation [Considerations on network classification] (Lang.: ). -

149041996-0655conferences 06
Nacke, O.. Ein einfaches Verfahren zur Analyse großer Wissensmengen [A simple procedure to analyze large amounts of knowledge] (Lang.: ). -

149051996-0656conferences 06
Bol, G.; Hotz, E., Stützle, Th.. Neuronale Netze zur Klassifikation von Fehlern in der statistischen Prozeßregulierung [Neural networks for error classification in statistical process regulation] (Lang.: ). -

149061996-0665conferences 06
Ahmad, K.. A terminology dynamic and the growth of knowledge: a case study in nuclear physics and in the philosophy of science (Lang.: ). -

149071996-0666conferences 06
Beaugrande, R. de. LSP and terminology in a new science of text and discourse (Lang.: ). -

149081996-0667conferences 06
Budin, G.. Evolution of scientific terminologies (Lang.: ). -

149091996-0668conferences 06
Benking, H.. CONTEXT and CONCEPT Mapping - towards common frames of reference (Lang.: ). -

149101996-0669conferences 06
Burgin, M.. Terminological and teleological systems (Lang.: ). -

149111996-0670conferences 06
Alemasov, V.Ye.; Dregalyn, A.F., Nazyrova, R.R., Afanasyev, M.N.. On conceptions set of reacting systems thermodynamics (Lang.: ). -

149121996-0671conferences 06
Shelov, S.D.; Kryukov, Yu.I.. CST studies in terminology knowledge representation (Lang.: ). -

149131996-0672conferences 06
Schweighofer, E.; Scheithauer, D.. Legal terminology research in an Internet/WWW environment (Lang.: ). -

149141996-0673conferences 06
Wallmannsberger, J.. From the Infonaut's Logbooks: Participant observation models of navigating knowledge space (Lang.: ). -

149151996-0674conferences 06
Jacquin, Ch.; Liscouet, M.. Terminology extraction from texts corpora: Application to document keeping via Internet (Lang.: ). -

149161996-0675conferences 06
Laan, C. van der; Heyn, M.. EUTERPE on an Intranet: Accessing the Parliament's terminology database with Web-Browsers (Lang.: ). -

149171996-0676conferences 06
Nuopponen, A.. Terminological information and activities in World Wide Web (Lang.: ). -

149181996-0677conferences 06
Schütz, J.. Terminology and information engineering (Lang.: ). -

149191996-0678conferences 06
Naulleau, E.; Habert, B., Monteil, M.-G.. Tagging term components with semantic information (Lang.: ). -

149201996-0679conferences 06
Mustafa-Elhadi, W.; Jouis, Ch.. Natural language processing-based systems for terminological construction and their contribution to information retrieval (Lang.: ). -

149211996-0680conferences 06
Kageura, K.; Tsuji, K., Takasu, A.. Some statistical characterizations of terminological and non-terminological elements: Evaluation and examination in Japanese technical abstracts (Lang.: ). -

149221996-0681conferences 06
Heid, U.; Jauß, S., Krüger, K., Hohmann, A.. Term extraction with standard tools for corpus exploration - experience from German (Lang.: ). -

149231996-0682conferences 06
Verástegui, N.. Another Metric for spelling error detection in terminological databases (Lang.: ). -

149241996-0683conferences 06
Le Meur, A.; Depecker, L.. BALNEO: A computer network project for Neological Watch (Lang.: ). -

149251996-0684conferences 06
Ahmad, K.; Ogonowski, A., Dauphin, E., Sta, J.-D., Arppe, A.. Engineering terminology - a case for a linguistically-informed terminology database (Lang.: ). -

149261996-0685conferences 06
Brekke, M.; Myking, J., Ahmad,K.. Terminology management and lesser-used living languages: a critique of the corpus-based approach (Lang.: ). -

149271996-0686conferences 06
Tsuji, K.; Kageura, K.. Analysis of word structure of medical synonyms (Lang.: ). -

149281996-0687conferences 06
Melby, A.; Hardman, D.. Importing terminology from multiple sources in three phases: inspection, adjustment and adoption (Lang.: ). -

149291996-0688conferences 06
Gillam, L.; Ahmad, K.. Knowledge-engineering terminology (data)bases (Lang.: ). -

149301996-0689conferences 06
Holmes-Higgin, P.; Ahmad, K.. Is your terminology in safe hands? Data analysis, data modelling and term banks (Lang.: ). -

149311996-0690conferences 06
Mayer, F.. The representation of inconsistent relationships in termbanks (Lang.: ). -

149321996-0691conferences 06
Shelov, S.D.. Concept structure of terminology and knowledge representation procedure (Lang.: ). -

149331996-0692conferences 06
Aguilar-Amat, A.; Parra, J., Piqué, R.. Logical organization of information at BACO: A knowledge multilingual database for translation purposes (Lang.: ). -

149341996-0693conferences 06
Fischer, D.H.; Möhr, W., Rostek, L.. A modular, object-oriented and generic approach for building terminology maintenance systems (Lang.: ). -

149351996-0694conferences 06
Wright, S.E.. Mapping local data categories to categories defined in ISO 12620 (Lang.: ). -

149361996-0695conferences 06
Anzaldi, C.; Bordoni, L., Sano, A.. Construction of a terminological interdisaciplinary thesaurus (Lang.: ). -

149371996-0696conferences 06
Haruyama, A.; Yamashita, Y., Kubota, H.. Development of a multilingual indexing vocabulary based on a faceted thesaurus (Lang.: ). -

149381996-0697conferences 06
Ahmad, K.; Salway, A.. The terminology of safety (Lang.: ). -

149391996-0698conferences 06
Plath, P.. Links between terminology and documentation: a case study (Lang.: ). -

149401996-0699conferences 06
Hahn, W.v.; Angelova, G.. Combining terminology, lexical semantics and knowledge representation in machine-aided translation (Lang.: ). -

149411996-0700conferences 06
Narita, M.; Katooka, T., Ooguro, Y.. Building a directory for word translation by digital copiers (Lang.: ). -

149421996-0701conferences 06
Danielsson, P.; Ridings, D.. Terminology in parallel texts: a tool for students of the translation program at Göteborgs Universitet (Lang.: ). -

149431996-0702conferences 06
Citkina, F.. Terminological relativity and translation (Lang.: ). -

149441996-0703conferences 06
Skujina, V.. The principles of term-formation in the aspect of translation (Lang.: ). -

149451996-0704conferences 06
Sandrini, P.. Comparative analysis of words and knowledge (Lang.: ). -

149461996-0705conferences 06
Eisele, H.. The ownership of words and knowledge (Lang.: ). -

149471996-0706conferences 06
Galinski, Ch.; Picht, H.. Graphic and other semiotic forms of knowledge representation in terminology management (Lang.: ). -

149481996-0707conferences 06
Jordaan-Weiss, M.. Practical terminology work in South Africa: Problems, solutions, and challenges (Lang.: ). -

149491996-0708conferences 06
Antia, B.E.. Towards a terminological resource on the language of parliamentary proceedings (Lang.: ). -

149501996-0709conferences 06
Pozzi, M.. Teaching terminology to economics students (Lang.: ). -

149511996-0710conferences 06
Mansouri, R.. Terminology planning: an Iranian experiment (Lang.: ). -

149521996-0711conferences 06
Winiwarter, W.; Kagawa, O., Kambayashi, Y.. Multimodel natural language interfaces for hypermedia distance education - the VIENA classroom system (Lang.: ). -

149531996-0712conferences 06
Cabré, M.T.; Rojo, A.. Specialized knowledge representation: towards a new hypertextual/multimedia proposal (Lang.: ). -

149541996-0713conferences 06
Cabré, M.T.; Yzaguirre, L.de, Lorente, M., Morel, J., Rojo, A.. A hypermedia project on terminology: The design of a telematic hypertextual dictionary (Lang.: ). -

149551996-0714conferences 06
Gonzales Pueyo, M.I.; Val, S., Solans, M.A.. The construction of English terminology on the semantic field of plastics (Lang.: ). -

149561996-0715conferences 06
Wingartz, P.. Structure of an indexed multi-lingual on-line system for industrial use (Lang.: ). -

149741996-0773conferences 06
Guarino, N.. Formal ontology, conceptual analysis and knowledge representation (Lang.: ). -

149751996-0774conferences 06
Smith, B.. Formal ontology, common sense and cognitive science (Lang.: ). -

149761996-0775conferences 06
Sowa, J.F.. Top-level ontological categories (Lang.: ). -

149771996-0776conferences 06
Poli, R.. Bimodality of formal ontology and mereology (Lang.: ). -

149781996-0777conferences 06
Cocchiarella, N.B.. Knowledge representation in conceptual realism (Lang.: ). -

149791996-0778conferences 06
Eschenbach, C.; Heydrich, W.. Classical mereology and restricted domains (Lang.: ). -

149801996-0779conferences 06
Petitot, J.. Sheaf mereology and HusserL's morphological ontology (Lang.: ). -

149811996-0780conferences 06
Link, G.. Algebraic semantics for natural language: some philosophy, some applications (Lang.: ). -

149821996-0781conferences 06
Dölling, J.. Ontological domains, semantic sorts, and systematic ambiguity (Lang.: ). -

149831996-0782conferences 06
Dahlgren, K.. A linguistic ontology (Lang.: ). -

149841996-0783conferences 06
Hobbs, J.R.. Sketch of an ontology underlying the way we talk about the world (Lang.: ). -

149851996-0784conferences 06
Cohn, A.G.; Randell, D.A., Cui, Z.. Taxonomies of logically defined qualitative spatial relations (Lang.: ). -

149861996-0787conferences 06
Cochrane, P.A.. New roles for classification in libraries and information networks (Lang.: ). -

149871996-0788conferences 06
Chan, L.M.. Classification, Present and Future (Lang.: ). -

149881996-0789conferences 06
Molholt, P.. Qualities of classification schemes for the information superhighway (Lang.: ). -

149891996-0790conferences 06
Dahlberg, I.. The future of classification in libraries and networks: a theoretical point of view (Lang.: ). -

149901996-0791conferences 06
Mitchell, J.. DDC21 and beyond: the Dewey Decimal Classification prepares for the future (Lang.: ). -

149911996-0792conferences 06
McIlwaine, I.. Preparing traditional classifications for the future: Universal Decimal Classification (Lang.: ). -

149921996-0793conferences 06
Coates, E.J.. BC2 and BSO: presentation at the 36th Allerton Institute, 1994 Session of preparing traditional classifications for the future (Lang.: ). -

149931996-0794conferences 06
Hill, J.S.. Classification - an administrative perspective (Lang.: ). -

149941996-0795conferences 06
Wyly, B.. What lies ahead for classification in information networks? Report of a panel discussion (Lang.: ). -

149951996-0796conferences 06
Ziadie, A.M.. Classification in libraries and networks abroad: report of a panel discussion (Lang.: ). -

149961996-0797conferences 06
Lincicum, Sh.. Critical appraisal of the use of classification in the future - non-traditional uses of classification: Report of a panel discussion (Lang.: ). -

149971996-0798conferences 06
Thomas, A.R.S.. New roles for classification in libraries and information networks: an excerpt bibliography (Lang.: ). -

149981996-0799conferences 06
Broadbent, E.. Classification access in the online catalog (Lang.: ). -

149991996-0802conferences 06
Taylor, A.G.. Introduction to the crisis (Lang.: ). -

150001996-0803conferences 06
Miksa, F.. Bibliographic control traditions and subject access in library catalogs (Lang.: ). -

150011996-0804conferences 06
Intner, Sh.. Subject access education: Oxymoron or obligation? (Lang.: ). -

150021996-0805conferences 06
Mann, Th.. Cataloging and reference work (Lang.: ). -

150031996-0806conferences 06
Gormann, M.. The cost and value of organized subject access (Lang.: ). -

150041996-0808conferences 06
Schmitz-Esser, W.. Language of general communication and concept compatibility (Lang.: ). -

150051996-0809conferences 06
Riesthuis, G.. Theory of compatibility of information languages (Lang.: ). -

150061996-0810conferences 06
Dahlberg, I.. The compatibility guidelines - a re-evaluation (Lang.: ). -

150071996-0811conferences 06
Soergel, D.. Data structure and software support for integrated thesauri (Lang.: ). -

150081996-0812conferences 06
Muraszkiewicz, M.; Rybinski, H., Struk, W.. Software problems of merging multilingual thesauri (Lang.: ). -

150091996-0813conferences 06
Chmielewska-Gorczyca, E.. Compatibility of indexing tools in multidatabase environment (Lang.: ). -

150101996-0814conferences 06
Negrini, G.. Towards structural compatibility between concept systems (Lang.: ). -

150111996-0815conferences 06
Scibor, E.. Some remarks on the establishment of concordances between a universal classification system and an interdisciplinary thesaurus (Lang.: ). -

150121996-0816conferences 06
Hoppe, St.. The UMLS - a model for knowledge integration in a subject field (Lang.: ). -

150131996-0817conferences 06
Dextre-Clarke, St.. Integrating thesauri in the agricultural sciences (Lang.: ). -

150141996-0818conferences 06
Roulin, C.. Bringing multilingual thesauri together: a feasibility study (Lang.: ). -

150151996-0819conferences 06
Zimmermann, H.. Conception and application possibilities of classification concordances in an OPAC environment (Lang.: ). -

150161996-0820conferences 06
Sosinska-Kalata, B.. The Universal Decimal Classification as an international standard for knowledge organization in bibliographic databases and library catalogues (Lang.: ). -

150171996-0821conferences 06
Wozniak, J.; Glowacka, T.. KABA Subject Authority File - an example of an integrated Polish-French-English subject headings system (Lang.: ). -

150181996-0822conferences 06
Babik, W.. Terminology as a level for the compatibility of indexing languages - some remarks (Lang.: ). -

150191996-0823conferences 06
Stancikova, P.. International integrated database systems linked to multilingual thesauri covering the field of environment and agriculture (Lang.: ). -

150201996-0824conferences 06
Samek, T.. Indexing languages integration and the EUROVOC Thesaurus in the Czech Republic (Lang.: ). -

150211996-0825conferences 06
Siwek, K.. Compatibility discrepancies between Polish and foreign databases (Lang.: ). -

150221996-0826conferences 06
Glinski, W.; Muraszkiewicz, M.. An intelligent front-end processor for accessing information systems (Lang.: ). -

150231996-0828conferences 06
Danskin, A.. The Anglo-American Authority File: an idea whose time has come? (Lang.: ). -

150241996-0829conferences 06
Guy, M.. the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and authority files: advances and perspectives in co-operation (Lang.: ). -

150251996-0830conferences 06
Kelm, B.. The Subject Authority File in Germany (Lang.: ). -

150261996-0831conferences 06
McGarry, D.. Guidelines for subject authority and reference entries (Lang.: ). -

150271996-0832conferences 06
Murtomaa, E.. Planning and creating name authority control: the Finnish experience (Lang.: ). -

150281996-0836conferences 06
Dammeyer, M.. Multilingualism - a challenge for Europe (Lang.: ). -

150291996-0837conferences 06
Zerwes, H.. Language policy and terminology in the European Union (Lang.: ). -

150301996-0838conferences 06
Metz, E.. New terminological developments in Hungary (Lang.: ). -

150311996-0839conferences 06
Bucher, A.-L.. Terminography and terminology cooperation in the Nordic countries (Lang.: ). -

150321996-0840conferences 06
Fry, D.. Terminology cooperation - planning and organization on the European level (Lang.: ). -

150331996-0841conferences 06
Schmitz, K.-D.. Technical infrastructures in European terminology cooperation (Lang.: ). -

150341996-0842conferences 06
Pulitano, D.. Construction of a multilingual databank for law and administration: The terminology databank of the Kanton Bern - Lingua-PC (Lang.: ). -

150351996-0843conferences 06
Sandrini, P.. New developments in the area of a computer-supported terminology administration (Lang.: ). -

150361996-0844conferences 06
Galinski, Ch.. Terminology and copyright (Lang.: ). -

150371996-0845conferences 06
Koller, H.. Establishment of competitive language services under future conditions (Rahmenbedingungen) (Lang.: ). -

150381996-0846conferences 06
Gerzymisch-Arbogast, H.. The new Saarbrücken curriculum in the master course for translation and interpretation (Lang.: ). -

150391996-0847conferences 06
Levenberg, A.. The European terminology certificate (Lang.: ). -

150401996-0852conferences 06
Nacke, O.. Lexikometrie, ein neues Verfahren zur Profilanalyse multidimensionaler Probleme (Lang.: ). -

150411996-0853conferences 06
Parthey, H.. Stadien der Wissensproduktion in Forschungsinstituten nach Raten der Publikation und Zitation der in ihnen gewonnenen Ergebnisse (Lang.: ). -

150421996-0854conferences 06
Bonitz, M.; Bruckner,m E., Scharnhorst, A.. Denn wer da hat, dem wird gegeben...: Die Messung des Matthäuseffekts für Länder (Lang.: ). -

150431996-0855conferences 06
Carlson, Ch.; Süllow, K.. AMPHORE (Audiovisual Media Platform for the Highlighting, Organisation and Retrieval of Entities), ein standardbasiertes Werkzeug zur Sequenzerschließung (Lang.: ). -

150441996-0856conferences 06
Skorsky, M.. Dokumentensammlungen: strukturiert und recherchiert mit TOSCANA (Lang.: ). -

150451996-0857conferences 06
Lamers, H.. Jedem das Seine oder eines für alle? InfoSource, Informationsmanagement aus dem Baukasten (Lang.: ). -

150461996-0858conferences 06
Geiß, D.. Recherchetechniken in Patentinformationssystemen. dargestellt am Beispiel des CD-ROM Kommunikationsnetzes des IZ Technik und Patente der Universitätsbibliothek Dortmund (Lang.: ). -

150471996-0859conferences 06
Gödert, W.. Grundlegung einer konstruktivistischen Informationstheorie und ihre Konsequenzen für die Gestaltung von Informationssystemen (Lang.: ). -

150481996-0860conferences 06
Kluck, K.. Eine deutschsprachige Testdatenbank für moderne Erschließungs- und Retrievalsysteme [German Indexing and Retrieval Textdatabase, GIRT] (Lang.: ). -

150491996-0861conferences 06
Rolland, M.Th.. Sachgebietsstandardisierung im Bereich der Informationswissenschaft (Lang.: ). -

150501996-0862conferences 06
Ganzmann, J.. Thesauri in der Pressedokumentation? Anforderungen und Probleme (Lang.: ). -

150511996-0864conferences 06
Boekhoff, Th.. Knowledge management in public sector organizations (Lang.: ). -

150521996-0865conferences 06
Engers, T.v.; Steenhuis, M.. Knowledge management in the dutch tax and customs administration: quantifying knowledge in an operational context (Lang.: ). -

150531996-0866conferences 06
Lammers, I.; Van Eijnatten, F.. Improving the management of knowledge in an automation department of a Dutch bank (Lang.: ). -

150541996-0867conferences 06
Wijnhoven, F.; Wognum, P., Van de Weg, R.. Knowledge ontology development (Lang.: ). -

150551996-0868conferences 06
Lissack, M.. Chaos and complexity - what does that have to do with knowledge management? (Lang.: ). -

150561996-0869conferences 06
Tolis, Ch.. Business modelling for understanding and change: a conceptual framework of model work (Lang.: ). -

150571996-0870conferences 06
Essers, J.; Schreinemakers, J.. The conception of knowledge and information in knowledge management (Lang.: ). -

150581996-0871conferences 06
Top, J.. Objectifying domain knowledge (Lang.: ). -

150591996-0872conferences 06
Stokke, P.R.; Syvertsen, T.G., Tilset, H.. Internet and a virtual value chain for the new industrial revolution (Lang.: ). -

150601996-0873conferences 06
Akkermans, H.; Ygge, F., Gustavsson, R.. HOMEBOTS: Intelligent decentralized services for energy management (Lang.: ). -

150611996-0874conferences 06
Hatakama, H.; Terano, T.. A multi-agent model of organizational intellectual activities for knowledge management (Lang.: ). -

150621996-0875conferences 06
Tillema, H.. Development of potential: realizing development centres in organizations (Lang.: ). -

150631996-0876conferences 06
Kessels, J.. Knowledge productivity and the corporate curriculum (Lang.: ). -

150641996-0877conferences 06
Weggeman, M.. Knowledge management: the modus operandi for a learning organization (Lang.: ). -

150651996-0878conferences 06
Tsuchiya, T.; Tsuchiya, Sh.. Interorganizational knowledge creation and policy exercise (Lang.: ). -

150661996-0879conferences 06
Beauchene, D.; Mahe, S., Rieu, C.. Enterprise know-how capitalization and benchmarking with an enterprise organization model (Lang.: ). -

150671996-0880conferences 06
Tsuchiya, Sh.. New challenges to Japanese corporations in organizational knowledge creation (Lang.: ). -

150681996-0881conferences 06
Jooste, A.; Duffy, N.. Knowledge management competencies as the building blocks of a knowledge-rich organisation (Lang.: ). -

150691996-0882conferences 06
Vossen, G.. Strategic knowledge acquisition (Lang.: ). -

150701996-0883conferences 06
Beulens, A.; Zuurbier, P.. Inter-firm competence management (Lang.: ). -

150711996-0884conferences 06
Grundstein, M.; Barthès, J.-P.. An industrial view of the process of capitalizing knowledge (Lang.: ). -

150721996-0885conferences 06
Malvache, P.; Tamisier, S.. ACCORE: a system to capitalize and restitute knowledge, after one year of use by 800 persons of CEA (Lang.: ). -

150731996-0886conferences 06
Ermine, J.-L. et al. MKSM, a method for knowledge management (Lang.: ). -

16150conferences 06
Shine, Jim; MacKenzie, Terri; Aird, Marian; Wilson, Sarah; Caddy, Emma. Society of Indexers Conference: 'Tesserae to Tablets ... Uncovering the Future', 5–7 September 2014 (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 32(2014)4, pp. 174-177.

16157conferences 06
Lennie, Frances S.. China Society of Indexers (CSI) Conference, 20–21 November 2014  (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 33(2015)2, p. 81.

16262conferences 06
Beese, Nils; Brandtner, Andreas. Die Zukunft der Wissensspeicher: Forschen, Sammeln und Vermitteln im 21. Jahrhundert Düsseldorf, 5.–6. März 2015 [The future of knowledge storage: research, collecting and imparting in the 21st century Dusseldorf, 5th-6th March 2015 ] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 35(2015)2, pp. 127-129.

16265conferences 06
Kerkmann, Friederike. Wie war der SUMA-Kongress 2015? [How was the SUMA Congress 2015? ] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 18(2015)2, pp. 194-197.

16276conferences 06
Syré, Ludger. Der Oberrhein im Fokus: Regionalbibliographen tagten grenzüberschreitend in Straßburg [Focus on the Upper Rhine: Cross-border meeting of regional bibliographers at Strasbourg] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 49(2015)8, pp. 784-787. Available at http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/bd.2015.49.issue-8/bd-2015-0093/bd-2015-0093.xml?format=INT

16291conferences 06
Henze, Volker . Ein Veranstaltungsrückblick zu »Crossing Borders – The Future of Access«, 7.–8. April 2014, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main [A review of »Crossing Borders – The Future of Access«, 7–8 April 2014, German National Library, Frankfurt (Germany)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 26(2014)2, pp. 63-66. Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog20142volltext.pdf

16341conferences 06
Ginther, Clara . 14. Tagung der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Szientometrie und Informetrie [Report on the 14th International Society of Scientometrics & Informetrics (ISSI) Conference] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliometrie - Praxis und Forschung,2(2013), pp. 10.1-10.4. Available at http://www.bibliometrie-pf.de/article/viewFile/193/253

16459conferences 06
Guimarães, José Augusto Chaves; Dodebei, Vera (Org.). Organização do conhecimento e diversidade cultural [Knowledge organization and cultural diversity] (Lang.: eng/port/span). - In: Marília: ISKO-Brasil; FUNDEPE, 2015. 835 f. . Available at http://isko-brasil.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Organiza%C3%A7%C3%A3o-do-Conhecimento-e-Diversidade-Cultural-ISKO-BRASIL-2015.pdf 978-85-98176-70-3 . Book from Third Brazilian ISKO Chapter Event.

16519conferences 06
Wiesenmüller, Heidrun; Scholze, Frank; Pfeffer, Magnus. Klassifikation international. Bericht über die European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA) mit integriertem Workshop on Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science (LIS’2015) in Colchester [International classification. Report on the European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA) with an integrated Workshop on Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science (LIS’2015), at Colchester] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 2(2015)4, pp. 314-320. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2015H4S314-320

16755conferences 06
Bruck, Sabine. RVK-Workshop in Halle [RVK-Workshop at Halle [Germany]] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 3(2)2016, pp. 98-102. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2016H2S98-102

17395conferences 06
Duarte, Zeny; Santos, Jos? Carlos Sales dos; Silva, Silvana Pereira da . XVII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ci?ncia da Informa??o [XVII National Conference on Information Science Research] (Lang.: por). - 1. ed. ed. Salvador, PPGCI/UFBA, 2016. pp. 5574. Available at http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7rxeg_cwHajMW9ZV0xFZHBhTnc/view Contents about Knowledge Organization are under the category GT 02 - Organiza??o e Representa??o do Conhecimento

17394conferences 06
Guimar?es, Jos? Augusto Chaves. Desafios e perspectivas cient?ficas para a organiza??o e representa??o do conhecimento na atualidade [Currently Scientific challenges and perspectives to knowledge organization and representation ] (Lang.: por). - 1. ed. ed. Mar?lia, Fundepe, 2012. pp. 285.(Estudos Avan?ados em Organiza??o do Conhecimento, v. 1). Available at http://isko-brasil.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Livro-finalizado_correcoes-feitas_pronto-para-publicar-07_02_2013.pdf

17393conferences 06
Dodebei, Vera; Guimar?es, Jos? Augusto Chaves. Complexidade e organiza??o do conhecimento, desafios de nosso s?culo [Complexity and knowledge organization, challenges of our century] (Lang.: por). - 1. ed. ed. Mar?lia, Fundepe, 2013. pp. 835.(Estudos Avan?ados em Organiza??o do Conhecimento, v. 2). Available at http://isko-brasil.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Estudos-avan%C3%A7ados-2.pdf

17392conferences 06
Pinho, Fabio Assis; Guimar?es, Jos? Augusto Chaves (Org.). Mem?ria, tecnologia e cultura na organiza??o do conhecimento [Memory, technology, and culture in knowledge organization] (Lang.: por). - 1. ed. ed. Recife, Ed. UFPE, 2017. pp. 409.(Estudos Avan?ados em Organiza??o do Conhecimento, v. 4). Available at http://isko-brasil.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/livro-ISKO-2017.pdf

17391conferences 06
Marty, Sara. Ged?chtnisinstitutionen tragen Verantwortung f?r Evidenz [Memory institutions bear responsibility for evidence (report on the Memoriav meeting, 23 Juni 2017]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3800

17389conferences 06
G?ttker, Susanne. Mehrwerte durch Fachinformationsdienste [Added value through specialist information services [report on a meeting]] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 20(2017)3, pp. 214-216. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2017-03-bibliothekartag-goettker.pdf

17390conferences 06
Niemeyer, Sandra. Software und Services for Science (S3) - 2nd Conference on Non-Textual Information [Software and Services for Science (S3) - 2nd Conference on Non-Textual Information [Hannover, Germany, 10-11 May 2017]] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 20(2017)4, pp. 326-329. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2017-04-reportage-niemeyer.pdf

18244conferences 06; 168
Graf, Dorothee. Konferenz und Erfahrungsaustausch: 26 Fachreferentinnen und Fachreferenten geisteswissenschaftlicher Fächer treffen sich in Bensberg (ZBIW-Seminar 26.-27.02.2018) [Conference and exchange of experience: 26 subject specialists of humanities disciplines meet in Bensberg (report on a seminar, 26-27 February, 2018)] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-Bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 5(2018)2, pp. 202-207. Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2018H2S202-207

18245conferences 06; 178
Clarke, Tracey; Bussey, Andy. Research Information Systems – fit for the future? A report on the situation and plans of the University of Sheffield Library (Lang.: eng). - In: O-Bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 5(2018)2, pp. 214-221. Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2018H2S214-221

17868conferences 06; 66
Green, Rebecca. Indigenous peoples in the U.S., Sovereign Nations, and the DDC (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)4, pp. 211-221.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 11. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Black and White Photographs, 5 Charts

17513conferences 06; 94
Syré, Ludger. Landesbibliographien und historische Fachbibliographien: Fortsetzung des Gedankenaustauschs bei der Tagung der AG Regionalbibliographie in Karlsruhe [Regional bibliographies and historical subject bibliographies [report on a conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2017]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 51(2017)10/11, pp. 828–830. Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2017-0091

17539conferences 06; 946
Budroni, Paolo; et al.. RDA Europe Workshop – From Planning to Action. Towards the Establishment of an Austrian Research Infrastructure (Vienna, November 23, 2017) (Lang.: eng). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 70(2017)3/4, pp. 382-389. Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1962/1802

17875conferences 06;036
Beak, Jihee. Where is childrens' voice in KO? (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 284-289.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Color Photographs, 2 Diagrams

17871conferences 06;111
Tennis, Joseph T.. Foundational, first-order, and second-order classification theory (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)4, pp. 244-249.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444

17893conferences 06;113
Gilchrist, Alan. Reflections on knowledge, communication and knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)6, pp. 456-469.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 14. ISSN: 09437444; 4 Diagrams

17927conferences 06;124;225;325
Netto, Cristiane Mendes; de Oliveira Lima, Gercina Ângela Borém; Pierozzi Júnior, Ivo. An application of facet analysis theory and concept maps for faceted search in a domain ontology: preliminary studies (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)4, pp. 254-264.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 11. ISSN: 09437444; 3 Color Photographs, 6 Diagrams, 2 Charts, 1 Graph

17880conferences 06;171
Oravec, Jo Ann. The moral imagination in an era of gaming academia: implications of emerging reputational issues in scholarly activities for knowledge organization practices (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 316-323.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 8. ISSN: 09437444

17916conferences 06;173
Martínez-Ávila, Daniel; Semidão, Rafael; Ferreira, Marcio. Methodological aspects of critical theories in knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)2, pp. 118-125.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 8. ISSN: 09437444

17883conferences 06;178;911
McCourry, Maurine W.. Domain analytic, and domain analytic-like, studies of catalog needs: addressing the ethical dilemma of catalog codes developed with inadequate knowledge of user needs (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 339-345.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 7. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Graph

17873conferences 06;179
Martínez-Ávila, Daniel; Chaves Guimarães, José Augusto; Assis Pinho, Fabio; Fox, Melodie J.. The representation of ethics and knowledge organization in the WoS and LISTA databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 269-275.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 7. ISSN: 09437444; 3 Charts, 1 Graph

17878conferences 06;179
Wan-Chen Lee. Culture and classification: an introduction to thinking about ethical issues of adopting global classification standards to local environments (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 302-307.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444;

17881conferences 06;179
Arboit, Aline Elis; Chaves Guimarães, José Augusto. The ethics of knowledge organization and representation from a Bakhtinian perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 324-331.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 8. ISSN: 09437444

17885conferences 06;179;911
Shoemaker, Elizabeth. No one can whistle a symphony: seeking a catalogers' code of ethics (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 353-357.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 5. ISSN: 09437444

17884conferences 06;179;911;912
da Silva, Andrieli Pachú; Chaves Guimarães, José Augusto; Bolfarini Tognoli, Natália. Ethical Values in Archival Arrangement and Description: An Analysis of Professional Codes of Ethics (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 346-352.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 7. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Charts

17882conferences 06;179;911;918
McQueen, Kelli. Ethical issues of knowledge organization in designing a metadata schema for the Leo Kottke Archives (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 332-338.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 7. ISSN: 09437444

17886conferences 06;217
Lawrence, Emily. Everything is a recommendation Netflix, Altgenres and the construction of taste (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 358-364.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 7. ISSN: 09437444

17930conferences 06;217
Rodrigues, Fernando de Assis; Sant’Ana, Ricardo Cesar Goncalves . Use of Taxonomy of Privacy to Identify Activities Found in Social Networks’ Terms of Use (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 43(2016)4, pp. 285-295.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 11. ISSN: 09437444; 3 Charts, 1 Graph

17877conferences 06;226
Smiraglia, Richard P.. Bibliocentrism revisited: RDA and FRBR00 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 296-301.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Diagrams

17891conferences 06;341
Cleverley, Paul H.; Burnett, Simon. The best of both worlds: highlighting the synergies of combining manual and automatic knowledge Organization methods to improve information search and discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)6, pp. 428-444.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 17. ISSN: 094374441 Color Photograph, 5 Diagrams, 2 Charts

17869conferences 06;53;728
Wu, Yejun; Yang, Li. Construction and evaluation of an oil spill semantic relation taxonomy for supporting knowledge discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)4, pp. 222-231.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 10. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Charts

17876conferences 06;59
Weissenberger, Lynnsey K.. Traditional musics and ethical considerations of knowledge and documentation processes (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 290-295.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Char

17879conferences 06;65
McTavish, Jill. The ethics of querying and permeating canadian everyday life nutritional classification technologies and processes (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 308-315.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 8. ISSN: 09437444

17913conferences 06;721;723
de Miranda Guedes, Roger; Aparecida Moura, Maria. The principle of semantic warrant and the study of language: conceptual reflections (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)2, pp. 102-106.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 5. ISSN: 09437444

17890conferences 06;757
Dagobert Soergel. Unleashing the power of data through organization: structure and connections for meaning, learning and discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)6, pp. 401-427.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 27. ISSN: 09437444; 6 Diagrams, 13 Charts

17874conferences 06;835
Kipp, Margaret E. I.; Beak, Jihee; Graf, Ann M.. Tagging of banned and challenged books (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 276-283.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 8. ISSN: 09437444; 4 Charts

17870conferences 06;879
Baca, Murtha; Gill, Melissa. Encoding multilingual knowledge systems in the digital age: the Getty vocabularies (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)4, pp. 232-243.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 12. ISSN: 09437444; 6 Color Photographs, 2 Diagrams

17914conferences 06;88-51/4
de Andrade, Julietti; Lopes Ginez de Lara, Marilda. Interoperability and mapping between knowledge organization systems: metathesaurus—unified Medical language system of the national library of medicine (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)2, pp. 107-112.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Charts

17892conferences 06;922
Lambe, Patrick. From cataloguers to designers: Paul Otlet, social impact and a more proactive role for knowledge organisation professionals (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)6, pp. 445-455.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 11. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Diagram

17939conferences 06;927
International Society For Knowledge Organization General Assembly September 2016; PROVISIONAL AGENDA (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)6, pp. 394-394.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 1. ISSN: 09437444

17944conferences 06;929
Third annual “Best Paper in KO Award” for Volume 42 (2015) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)7, pp. 489-489.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 1. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Color Photograph

17915conferences 06;931
Abraão Pando, Daniel; de Almeida, Carlos Cândido. Knowledge organization in the context of postmodernity from the theory of classification perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)2, pp. 113-117.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 5. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Chart

17928conferences 06;998
Silveira, Naira Christofoletti; Saldanha, Gustavo Silva. Own name in knowledge organization epistemology: a philosophical-theoretical debate (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)4, pp. 265-278.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 14. ISSN: 09437444; 3 Color Photographs, 3 Black and White Photographs

31642002-0186conferences 06.01-05-13/16;692
Smiraglia, R. Works as signs, symbols, and canons : the epistemology of the work (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)4, p. 203-204.

33292003-0003conferences 06.01-08-14/16
Subject retrieval in a networked environment : proceedings of the IFLA Satellite Meeting held in Dublin, OH, 14-16 August 2001 and sponsored by the IFLA Classification and Indexing Section, the IFLA Information Technology Section and OCLC / ed. by I.C. McIlwaine (Lang.: eng). - München, K.G.Saur, 2003. pp. X, 193.(UBCIM Publication ; N.S. Vol. 25). ISBN: 3598116349. * For the separate papers see nrs: 2003[0010, 0015, 0039-0041, 0043, 0050,0051, 0052, 0053, 0054, 0061, 0079, 0087, 0088, 0096, 0099, 0113, 0116, 0118, 0140]

31652002-0187conferences 06.01-11-02/08;211
Justice, A. 12th American Society for Information Science Technology, Special Interest Group/Classification Research.Classification Research Workshop (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 29(2002)1, p. 40-44.

31662002-0188conferences 06.02-07-10/13;111
Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Organization for the 21st Century : Integration of Knowledge across Boundaries ; Proceedings of the Seventh International ISKO Conference 10 - 13 July 2002 Granada, Spain / Organized by the ISKO Spanish Chapter and The University of Granada ; ed.by María J.Lopez-Huertas ; with the assistance of Francisco J.Muñoz-Fernandández (Lang.: eng). - Würzburg, Ergon-Verlag, 2002. pp. 607.(Advances in Knowledge Organization; Vol.8). ISBN: 3899132475. 23 cm. * For separate papers, see this issue of the Bibliography

34762004-0003conferences 06.02-11-19/22;759;391
The Eleventh Text Retrieval Conference, TREC 2002 / ed. by E.M. Voorhees and D.K. Harman (Lang.: eng). - In: Gaithersburg, MD.National institute of standards. Information Technology Laboratory, 2003. (NIST Special Publication). Ill. ; 28 cm »» Proceedings of the 11th TREC-conference held in Gaithersburg, Maryland (USA), November 19-22, 2002. Aim of the conference was discussion on retrieval and related information-seeking tasks for large test collection. 93 research groups used different techniques, for information retrieval from the same large database. This procedure makes it possible to compare the results. The tasks are: Cross-language searching, filtering, interactive searching, searching for novelty , question answering, searching for video shots, and Web searching

66182009-0738conferences 06.03
Harman, Donna, Buckley, Chris. Overview of the Reliable Information Access Workshop (Lang.: eng). - In: Information retrieval, 12(2009)6, pp. 615-641.

36712004-0197conferences 06.03-05-05/07;111
Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng, por, spa). - Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. pp. 821.(Aquilafuente ; 51). ISBN: 8478007091. * Abstracts in Spanish (p.19-50) and English (p.51-79) »» Content: from 2004-0198 to 2004-273

52572007-0490conferences 06.04-07-06.14/15
Smiraglia, R. A glimpse at knowledge organization in North America (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 34(2007)2, p.69-71.

6879conferences 06.04-07-13/16
Oberhauser, Otto. (Book review of). Knowledge organization and the global information society: proceedings of the Eighth International ISKO Conference, 13–16 July 2004, London, UK; ed. by Ia C. McIlwaine. Würzburg, Ergon, 2004, 381 pp. Advances in knowledge organization [9. ISSN: 0938-5495] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 58(2005)1, pp. 78-81. Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/7424/

34772004-0004conferences 06.04-07-13/16;111
Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society ; Proceedings of the Eighth International ISKO Conference 13 - 16 July 2004 London, UK / Organized by the ISKO and School of Library, Archive & Information Studies, University College London / ed. by Ia C. McIlwaine (Lang.: eng). - Würzburg, Ergon-Verlag, 2004. pp. 380.(Advances in Knowledge Organization ; Vol. 9). ISBN: 3899132579. * For separate papers, see 2004-[0010, 0012, 0013, 0043, 0045, 0047, 0052-0059, 0062, 0063, 0075, 0076, 0081, 0085-0091, 0093, 0096, 0098, 0100, 0104, 0107, 0112, 0122, 0129, 0136, 0139, 0149, 0150, 0151, 0153, 0154, 0156, 0157, 0163, 0165, 0170-0172, 0175, 0178, 0179, 0183, 0187, 0189]

37472004-0274conferences 06.04-07-13/16;111;02
Buizza, G. [Book review of] Knowledge organization and the global information society : proceedings of the eighth international ISKO conference (Lang.: ita). - In: Bollettino AIB, 44(2004)3, p.393-394.

39242005-32-1-0002conferences 06.04-07-13/16;926
Williamson, N.J. Report : Eighth International ISKO Conference, London, UK, 13-16 July, 2004 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 31(2004)3, p.188-195.

34782004-0005conferences 06.04-07-25/29;751
SIGIR'94. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval / ed. by K. Järvelin, J. Allen, P. Bruza and M. Sanderson (Lang.: eng). - New York, ACM, 2004. pp. Viii, 606. ISBN: 1581138814. »» The volume contains 27 papers of this conference held at Sheffield, UK, July 2004 plus the about 100 posters. For a selection of the papers see 2004-[0068, 0069, 0071-0074, 0082-0084, 0109, 0111, 0113, 0127, 0134, 0135, 0141, 0142, 0155, 0162, 0166-0168, 0174, 0188]

120251995-0328conferences 06.05-02-22/25
Conference on Conceptual Knowledge Processing. Methods and Applications (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 1. 1995. p.33-34. Report on the conference which took place from Febr.22-25, 1995 at darmstadt

6880conferences 06.05-06
Oberhauser, Otto. (Book review of) Fabio Crestani & Ian Ruthven (eds.), Nature, impact, and role: 5th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, CoLIS 2005, Glasgow. Berlin, Springer, 2005. xiii, 250 pp. 3540261788; 9783540261780 (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 59(2006)3, pp.100-103.

6881conferences 06.05-08-14/18
Sandner, Margit. Kurzbericht zum DDC-Übersetzer- und Anwender-Treffen bei der IFLA-Konferenz 2005 in Oslo, Norwegen [A short report on the meeting of translators and users of the DDC at the 2005 IFLA General Conference in Oslo, Norway] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 58(2005)3, pp. 89-91.

Ohly, H. Peter, Netscher, Sebastian & Mitgusch, Konstantin (eds). Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation (Compatability, media and ethics in knowledge organization): proceedings der 10. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissenorganisation Wien, 3.-55 July 2006 (Lang.: eng). - Würzburg, Ergon, 2006. pp. 287. 978-3-89913-620-3; ISSN: 0942-0347. For separate papers see: Rahmstorf, Gerhard. (122); Rabl, Christine. (123); San Segundo Manuel, Rosa. (119); Breitenstein, Mikel. (851); Mazzocchi, Fulvio, Plini, Paolo. (221); Dahlberg, Ingetraut. (111); Paschen, Harm. (122); Panzer, Michael. (285); Stempfhuber, Maximilian. (285); Walter, Anne-Kathrin, Mayr, Philipp. (285); Garcia Marco, Francisco Javier. (176); Žumer, Maja, Clavel-Merrin, Genevieve. (934); Schmitz-Esser, Winfried. (214); Schmitz-Esser, Winfried. (214;223); Poli, Roberto. (214); Zimmermann, Kerstin. (214;78-85); Sieglerschmidt, Jörn. (752.3); Dippold, Cornelia. (149;918); Ohly, H. Peter. (864); Schrammel, Sabrina. (111); Mitgutsch, Konstantin. (112); Kroop, Silvana.(191); Ohly, H. Peter. (119); Schmitz-Esser, Winfried. (111); Nentwich, Michael. (755); Rahmstorf, Gerhard. (727); Van der Walt, Martin. (911;121); Lengauer, Erwin. (121); Nagenborg, Michael (911); Weber, Karsten. (911); Nentwich, Michael (88-66)

54582008-0001conferences 06.07-03-07/10
Powles, J. Report of an international theological librarians' conference, Prague, 7th-10th March 2007 (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the Association of British Theological & Philosophical Libraries, 14(2007)3, pp.6-7.

54592008-0002conferences 06.07-06-04/05;42
Frâncu, V. Seminar internaţional CZU (II) [An international seminar on the UDC] (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca, 18 (2007)8, pp.223-224.

6883conferences 06.07-06-25/27
Gorraiz, Juan. 11th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Infometrics, 25.-27. Juni 2007, Madrid, Spain (Lang.: ger). - In: Online-Mitteilungen, 91(2007), pp. 6-8.

6882conferences 06.07-06-3/6
Fiala, Sonja. Deutscher Bibliothekartag Leipzig 2007: Sacherschliessung - Informationsdienstleistung nach Mass [German Library Conference, Leipzig, 2007: Subject analysis – a custom-built information service] ] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 60(2007)2, pp. 44-48.

8036conferences 06.07-08
Smiraglia, Richard P. I Simposio Internacional sobre Organizacion del Conociemento, Bibliotecologia y Terminologia: an editorial (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 38(2011)1, pp. 3-8.

54602008-0003conferences 06.07-09-28/29
Gnoli, C. Report: Levels of Reality Seminar, Bolzano (Bolzen) Italy, 26-28 September 2007 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 34(2007)3, p.171.

66192009-0739conferences 06.07-7-19/21
Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval 8th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2007 Budapest, Hungary, September 19-21, 2007. Revised Selected Papers (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, 5152(2008). See: 2009-0835, 2009-0838, 2009-0873, 2009-0877, 2009-0878, 2009-0879, 2009-0880, 2009-0881, 2009-0884, 2009-0885, 2009-0886, 2009-0887

48152007-0007conferences 06.07/06
Greenberg, J., Severiens, T. Metadata tools for digital resource repositories: JCDL 2006 Workshop Report (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 12(2006)7/8, p.7. Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july06/greenberg/07greenberg.html

7317conferences 06.08-06
Ellett, R.O. Paradigm shift: research reveals new directions and roles for catalog librarians. A report of the ALCTS CCS Cataloging and Classification Research Interest Group meeting. American Library Association Annual Conference, Anaheim, June 2008 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 27(2010)2, pp. 222-227.

7318conferences 06.08-06
Fisher, J. There's no catalog like no catalog: the ultimate debate on the future of the library catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 27(2010)1, pp. 95-104. A report on the Library and Information Technology Association's Internet Resources and Services Interest Group program. American Library Association Annual Conference, Anaheim, June 2008.

7319conferences 06.08-06-5/8
Humbley, John. (Book review of) Roche, Christophe, ed. Terminologie et ontology: theories et applications.Actes du deuxième conference TOTh 08, Annecy, 5 et 6 juin 2008. Annecy, Institut Porphyre, Savoir et Connaissance, 2009. ISBN978-2-9516-4539-4 (Lang.: eng). - Available at http://www.porphyre.org/toth/toth-2008/actes

7615conferences 06.08-08-10/14
Landry, Patrice. IFLA to the rescue: how Division IV (Bibliographic Control) is responding to new issues in bibliographic control (Lang.: eng). - In: IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2008. 6pp. Available at http://archive.ifla.org/IV/ifla74/papers/096-Landry-en.pdf

6884conferences 06.08-09-22/26
Frodl, Christine, Kessler, Mirjam. DC-2008, International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications; (Lang.: eng). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 56(2009)1, pp. 35-37.

Sieglerschmidt, Jörn & Ohly, H. Peter (eds). Wissensspeicher in digitalen Räumen: Nachhaltigkeit, Verfügbarkeit, semantische Interoperabilität. Proceedings der 11. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissenorganisation Konstanz, 20.bis 22. Februar 2008 [Knowldege storage in digital space; persisentce, availability, semantic interoperability] (Lang.: ger). - Würzburg, Ergon, 2010. pp. 264.(Fortschritte in der Wissenorganisation, Band 11). 978-3-89913-755-2; ISSN 0942-0347. For separate papers see: Gottwald, Markus, et al. (149); Ohly, H. Peter. (179); Spinner, Helmut F. (122); Boteram, Felix. (725;216); Hubrich, Jessica. (797;285;959(276);43); Hauer, Manfred, et al. (848); Dahlberg, Ingetraut. (711); Gnoli, Claudio et al. (325;488); Hauser, Stefan. (711); Kless, Daniel. (415); Beck, Gerald, Meissner, Simon. (212); Chianese, Angelo et al. (751;878;214); Hierl, Sonja et al. (214); Küster, Marc Wilhelm et al. (751); Baker, Thomas. (918); Hohmann, Georg. (716); Semenova, Elena.(214); Hümmer, Christiane. (758*9); Schaer, Philipp. (752.3); Zapilko, Benjamin. (752)

Zherebchevsky, Sergey. Formalism in knowledge organization: thematic analysis of ISKO 10 proceedings (Lang.: eng). - In: and conceptual systems in knowledge organization, (, pp. 98-105 .

7320conferences 06.09-06-17/20
Fields, L. Technical Services Interest Group: “How can cataloging and catalogs evolve and respond to expanded user expectations for search and retrieval?'” (Lang.: eng). - In: Summary of Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Theological Library Association, 63(2009) pp. 85-88 .

7050conferences 06.09-06-22/23
Stevenson, J. Content architecture: exploiting and managing diverse resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, 60 (2009). Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue60/ISKO-2009-rpt/

7616conferences 06.09-06-22/23
Content architecture: exploiting and managing diverse resources: proceedings of the first national conference of the United Kingdom chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 62(2010)4/5. For separate papers see: Boteram (149); Broughton (182); Budzak (835); Crystal (721); Ibekwe-SanJuan, (918;835); Inskip, et al. (877); Matthews (835); Ménard (871;797); Ménard et al. (878;325); Milne (848); Sarinder et al (247); Si et al. (149); Town,& Harrison (871); Vlachidis, (84;82- 96;712); Wagger et al (918)

8259conferences 06.09-08
Landry, Patrice, et al. Subject access: preparing for the future (Lang.: eng). - Berlin & Munich, De Gruyter Saur, 2011. pp. 190. ISBN: 978-3-11-023443-5. The series was formerly known as the UBCIM series (Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC)

6885conferences 06.09-08-23/27
Altenhöner, Reinhard, et al. Weltkongress Bibliothek und Information: 75. IFLA Generalkonferenz in Mailand, Italien; Aus den Veranstaltungen der Division IV Bibliographic Control und ihren Sektionen und der Arbeitsgruppe für die Informationsgesellschaft [World Congress on Libraries and Information: 75th IFLA General Conference at Milan, Italy: On the sessions of Division IV, Bibliographic Control, and its sections, as well as from the Working Group for the Information Society ] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 43(2009)10, pp. 1001-1030.

8037conferences 06.09-09-15/18
The ne(x)t generation: Das Angebot der Bibliotheken; 30.Österreichischer Bibliothekartag, Graz, 15.-18.09.2009; ed. by Ute & Erhard Göbel Bergner [The ne(x)t generation: What libraries can offer; 30th Conference of Austrian Librarians, Graz, 15-18 Sept, 2009] (Lang.: eng). - Graz, Feldkirch, Wolfgang Neugebauer Verlag, 2010. ISBN 9783853762875. For separate papers see: Ball, Gorski (864); Niemann (835); Hubrich (751); Lindpointner (43); Staudinger (946); Ellensohn (946;877)

9765conferences 06.09-10-19/21
Ohly, H. Peter (ed.). Wissen - Wissenschaft - Organisation : Proceedings der 12. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation Bonn, 19. bis 21. Oktober 2009. (Lang.: ger). - Würzburg, Germany, Ergon, 2013. pp. 408. 3899139712.

7321conferences 06.09-10-29/30
Frâncu, Victoria. Clasificarea la răscruce: raport cu privire la seminarul internaţional cu tema “Classification at a Crossroads: Multiple Directions of Usability” [Classification at a crossroads: report on the international seminar entitled “Classification at a Crossroads: Multiple Directions of Usability”] (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca, 21(2010)4, pp. 99-101.

7322conferences 06.09-10-29/30
McIlwaine, I. C. Classification at a crossroads: multiple directions of usability. A report (Lang.: eng). - In: International cataloguing and bibliographic control, 39(2010)2, pp. 41-42.

7617conferences 06.09-10-29/30
UDC seminar 2009: classification at a crossroads. Multiple directions to usability, The Hague, 2009. Proceedings (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 31 (2009), pp. 161-291. Several of the papers were published in Knowledge organization, 37(2010)3 or will be published in 37(2010)4. Those in 37(3) are listed individually and the remainder will be listed when 37(4) has been published. The abstracts for all these papers are also included in Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 31, 2009. For separate papers see: Balíková (42;949;934*203); Boteram & Hubrich (241); Cousson (42;489); Frâncu (236;42); Gnoli (119); Hajdu-Barát (287;42); Kerr (918); Prasad & Madalli (325;214); Rozman (42); San Segundo (945;42;285;949); van Doorn & Polman (236;42)

7618conferences 06.09-10-29/30
Slavic, Aida, Cordeiro, Maria Inês. UDC seminar 2009: an overview (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 31 (2009), pp. 165-168.

7826conferences 06.09-10-29/30
UDC seminar 2009: classification at a crossroads. Multiple directions to usability, The Hague, 2009. Proceedings (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 37(2010)4. Several of the papers were published in Knowledge organization, 37(2010)3 and listed previously. Those in 37(4) are listed individually here: Binding, Tudhope, (732); Broughton (325;42); Dunsire, Nicholson, (755); Osińska, Veslava (348); Šauperl (42;835)

66202009-0740conferences 06.09-10-6/8
Librarians and libraries : added value to the environment. Professional conference of Slovenian Library Association, Maribor, October 6-8, 2009: proceedings (Lang.: slo). - In: Ljubljana, Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije, 2009. See: 2009-0754, 2009-0867, 2009-0951, 2009-0968, 2009-0973

7100conferences 06.10
Fields, L. Technical Services Interest Group. “How can cataloging and catalogs evolve and respond to expanded user expectations for search and retrieval?'' (Lang.: eng). - In: Summary of proceedings of the annual conference of the American Theological Library Association 63(2009), pp. 85-88.

7101conferences 06.10
Frodl, Christine, Haffner, Alexander. Dublin Core 2009: International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications - "Semantic interoperability of linked data" vom 12. bis 16. Oktober 2009, Seoul, Korea [Dublin Core 2009 [conference report]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 22(2010)1, pp. 39-41.

8038conferences 06.10-01
Chen, Sherab, Park, Jung-ran. Current issues in information organization: presentations of the Cataloging and Classification Research Interest Group, American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Boston, January 2010 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 28(2011)2, pp. 169-174.

7827conferences 06.10-01-15/20
Guajardo, R. Recent trends in catalog architecture. A report of the ALCTS Catalog Form and Function Interest Group Meeting, American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Boston, January 2010 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 27(2010)4, pp. 372-375.

8260conferences 06.10-02
Smiraglia, Richard P. ISKO 11’s diverse bookshelf: an editorial (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 38(2011)3, pp. 179-186.

7828conferences 06.10-03-28/31
Kosmopoulos, A. et al. The ECIR 2010 large scale hierarchical classification workshop (Lang.: eng). - In: SIGIR forum, 44(2010)1, pp. 23-32.

8039conferences 06.10-07
Joho Soshikaka Kerikyu Gurupu Tsukirei Kenkyukai Hokoku [Report of the Regular Meeting of the NAL Information Organization Group] (Lang.: jap). - In: Toshokan-Kai/The library world, 62(2010)4, pp. 328-329.

7829conferences 06.10-07-19/20
Hubrich, Jessica. Concepts in Context – Cologne Conference on Interoperability and Semantics in Knowledge Organization: Internationale Fachtagung und Abschlussworkshop des DFG-Projekts CrissCross in Köln [Concepts in Context – Cologne Conference on Interoperability and Semantics in Knowledge Organization: International Symposium and Final CrissCross Project Workshop at Cologne] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 44(2010)10, pp. 993-996.

7830conferences 06.10-07-21/23
Pika, Jiri, Hermes, Hans-Joachim. "Mehr finden durch schlaueres Suchen": Sacherschliessung auf der 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation ["Find more hits through smarter searches": subject indexing and retrieval at the 34th annual meeting of the German Classification Society] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 13(2010)3, pp. 328-331.

7831conferences 06.10-08-10/15
Altenhöner, Reinhard et al. Take a chance on me: Aus den Veranstaltungen [...], 76. IFLA-Generalkonferenz in Göteborg, Schweden [Take a chance on me: [conference report, IFLA 2010]] (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 44(2010)10, pp. 946-972.

7832conferences 06.10-08-10/15
Jahns, Yvonne. Take a chance on me: Aus den Veranstaltungen [...], 76. IFLA-Generalkonferenz in Göteborg, Schweden; Nachtrag zum im Bibliotheksdienst Nr.10, Oktober 21010, erschienenen Beitrag [Take a chance on me [conference report, IFLA 2010, Classification and Indexing Section]; addendum to the article in Bibliotheksdienst, 44(2010)10] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. 44(2010)11, pp. 1036-1038.

8040conferences 06.10-11-29/30
Borst, Timo, Neubert, Joachim, Seiler, Anette. Bibliotheken auf dem Weg in das Semantic Web: Bericht von der SWIB10 in Köln / Unterschiedliche Entwicklungsschwerpunkte [Libraries on the route to the semantic web: Report on the SWIB10 conference at Cologne / Different development priorities] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB: Forum Bibliothek und Information, 63(2011)3, pp. 160-161.

8041conferences 06.10-11-29/30
Dierolf, Uwe. Semantic Web in Bibliotheken SWIB10: Die Konferenz am 29. und 30. November 2010 in Köln war schon Wochen vorher ausgebucht [Semantic Web in Libraries SWIB10: the conference held in Cologne, 29-30 Nov 2010 was booked out for weeks ahead] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie. 14 (1) 2011, pp. 70-72.

Gnoli, Claudio & Mazzocchi, Fulvio (eds). Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization: proceedings of the 11th International ISKO conference, 23-26 February 2010 Rome, Italy (Lang.: eng). - Würzburg, Ergon, 2010. pp. 443. For separate papers see: Rayward, W. Boyd. (191); Dousa, Thomas M. (191); Olson, Hope A. (121); Gerstenkorn, Alfred. (122); Hjørland, Birger. (123); Hajdu Barát, Ágnes. (126); Van den Heuvel, Charles, Smiraglia, Richard P. (126); Fóris, Ágota. (774); Smiraglia, Richard P. (835); Szostak, Rick. (211); Dousa, Thomas M. (167); Chagas Fernandes, Joliza, Kobashi, Nair Yumiko. (162); López-Huertas. María José. (162); Zherebchevsky, Sergey. (;212); Gracioso, Luciana de Sousa. (121); Ibekwe-SanJuan, Fidelia, SanJuan, Eric. (021); Souza, Renato Rocha, Tudhope, Douglas, Barcellos Almeida, Maurício. (181); Gnoli, Claudio. (221); Scognamiglio, Carlo. (221); Feinberg, Melanie. (211); Abreu, Amelia. (212); Priss, Uta, Old, L. John. (122); Green, Rebecca, Panzer, Michael. (43); Boteram, Felix, Gödert, Winfried, Hibrich, Jessica. (753); Broughton, Vanda. (45); La Barre, Kathryn. (325); Cardillo, Elena, et al. (236); Raghavan, K.S., Sajana, C. (236;82-53); Sanatjoo, Azam. (235); Tennis, Joseph T. (272); Kwaśnik, Barbara H., Flaherty, Mary Grace. (288*51/4); Corrêa, Carlos Alberto, Kobashi, Nair Yumiko. (344); García-Marco, Francisco-Javier et al. (692); Lykke, Marianne, Price, Susan L., Delcambre, Lois M.L. (759); Park, Jung-ran, Tosaka, Yuji, Lu, Caimei. (918); Aparecida Moura, Maria, Assis, Juliana. (714); Lepsky, Klaus, Müller, Thomas, Wille, Jens. (871;918); Sini, Margherita, et al. (646); Di Benedetto, Corrado, Leone, Luisa, Della Seta, Maurella.(653); Biagetti, Maria Teresa. (752); Nosek, Anna, Pędich, Marcin, Zimnoch, Katarzyna. (753;934*616); Milonas, Elizabeth. (757;325); Zeng, Marcia Lei, Panzer, Michael, Salaba, Athena. (751;994;411); Alexiev, Boyan, Marksbury, Nancy. (773); Ohly, H. Peter. (864); Howarth, Lynne.C. (811); Salaba, Athena. (949); Murguia, Eduardo Ismael. (878); Bragato Barros, Thiago Henrique, De Moraes, João Batista. (879); Bolfarini Tognoli, Natália, Chaves Guimarães, José Augusto. (879); Origgi, Gloria, Simon, Judith. (293); Oliveira Milani, Suellen, Chaves Guimarães, José Augusto. (212); De Beer, Carel S. (923)

48132007-0005conferences 06.10/05
Onohwakpor, J.E. Annual conference of the Cataloguing, Classification and Indexing Section of the Nigerian Library Association (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech News, 24(2007)3, p.6-8.

8393conferences 06.11-02-17/19
Knowledge organization, competitive intelligence and information systems: papers from 4th International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence, February 17-19th, 2011, Marrakech, Morocco (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 38(2011)5, pp. 405-454. For separate papers see: Anizi, Dichy (747); Bernaoui, Hassoon (936;86-46); Bouramoul (751); Søilen, Alipour (113)

8394conferences 06.11-06-16\17
Expanding our horizons, evaluating our parameters: the Third North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, June 16-17, 2011 at Ryerson University, Toronto; ed. R. Smiraglia (Lang.: eng). - Available at http://hdl.handle.net/2142/27734 For separate papers see: Barros, de Moraes, (847); Beak, Olson (918;489); Campbell (946); Edwards(934*643); Fox (111); Green (43;241); Hudon (953); Kipp (835); La Barre (225); Loehrlein (122); MacCall (916); McTavish, Fortier(226); Milani, Guimarāes (171); Milonas (123;757;325); Pattuelli (285); Pimentel (272); Spiteri (982); Tennis(194); Thornton (811);Van den Heuvel (191)

15311conferences 06.11-06-30/07-01
Pérez Pais, Ma. Carmen; Bonome, María G. (Eds.). 20 Años del Capítulo Español de ISKO: Actas del X Congreso ISKO Capítulo Español (Ferrol, 30 de junio - 1 de julio de 2011) [20 years of the ISKO Spanish Chapter ] (Lang.: spa). - In: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2012. 579 pp.. For separate papers see: García Gutiérrez (111); Currás (926); López Gómez, López Rodríguez, Pereira Oliveira (484); López-Piñeiro, Giménez-Toledo, Mañana-Rodríguez (682); de la Moneda Corrochano, López-Huertas, Jiménez Contreras (189); Travieso-Rodríguez, et al. (189); Gómez Sánchez, Benito Blázquez, Aportela Rodríguez (189); Rodríguez Yunta, Alonso-Gamboa (396;992); Agenjo Bullón, Hernández Carrascal (211); Alfaya Lamas (171); Ferrer Morillo, Mendoza Bernal (714); Izquierdo Alonso, Moreno Fernández, Sánchez Domínguez (326); Maldonado Martínez, Abejón Peña (195;199); San Segundo Manuel, Martínez-Ávila (721); Candás Romero (911); Eito Brun (756;357); Fujita, Agustín Lacruz, Gómez Díaz (811); Tramullas, Jesús; Garrido, Piedad; Sánchez Casabón (835).

9212conferences 06.11-06.27/28
El Hadi, Widad Mustafa, Arsenault, Clément. Dynamism and stability in knowledge organization: from one conference to another: Toronto 2000, Lille 2011 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)4, pp. 255-258.

8395conferences 06.11-08-13/18
Altenhöner, Reinhard, et al. Libraries beyond libraries: integration, innovation and information for all; Aus den Veranstaltungen der Sektionen Bibliografie, Katalogisierung, Klassifikation und Indexierung, [Libraries beyond libraries: Integration, Innovation and Information for all; Report on the sessions of the sections [...] at the 77th IFLA General Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico [August 2011]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 45(2011)10, pp.868-893. Knowledge Management und Informationstechnologie sowie der Core Activity ICADS der IFLA Division III (Library Services) beim Weltkongress Bibliothek und Information, 77. IFLA-Generalkonferenz in San Juan, Puerto Rico

8396conferences 06.11-09-19/20
Slavic, Aida; Civallero, Edgardo (eds). Classification and ontology: formal approaches and access to knowledge. Proceedings of the International UDC seminar, 19-20 September, 2011, The Hague, The Netherlands (Lang.: eng). - Würzburg, Ergon, 2011. pp. 318. For separate papers see: Hayes (115); Brickley (357); Schreiber (353); Baker (918); Kwaśnik (122); Smiraglia, Van den Heuvel, Dousa (122;357;42); Khazraee, Lin (214); Kless et al (357;214); Maltese, Farazi (721;214); Rüther et al. (214;918); Buxton (214;78-26); Sperber, Ion (88-12;348); Poli (214;241); Green, Panzer (224;26;43); Dahlberg (225); Gnoli et al. 225;357); Broughton (225;45;222;361) Madalli, Prasad (325;871); Mitchell, Zeng, Žumer (43;944); Alexander, Heather (42;573); Scharnhorst et al. (112); Van den Heuvel, Salah, (42); Eito-Brun, Calosci (42;573)

8747conferences 06.11-09-19/20
Williamson, Nancy J. Classification issues in 2011. Report: International UDC seminar 2011 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 39(2012)1, pp. 55-59.

9213conferences 06.11-09-19/20
Slavic, Aida. International UDC seminar 2011: “Classification and ontology”: a report (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 33(2011) pp. 9-12.

15114conferences 06.11-10-20/22
Guimarães, José Augusto Chaves; Dodebei, Vera (org.). Desafios e perspectivas científicas para a organização e representação do conhecimento na atualidade (Lang.: eng). - Marília, Brazil, ISKO-Brasil; FUNDEPE, 2012. pp. 285. Available at http://iskobrasil.eci.ufmg.br/media/isko2013/Livro_corrigido_07_02_2013.pdf ISBN: 9788598176451. Proceedings of the 1st Brazilian Conference on Knowledge Organization and Representation, Brasilia, Brazil (October 20-22, 2011). For separate papers see: Tennis, Joseph (111); Olson, Hope (123); Marcondes, Carlos Henrique (214); Alves, Bruno Henrique; Gracio, Maria Cláudia Cabrini; Oliveira, Ely Francina Tannuri de (182); Guimaräes, José Augusto Chaves; Salles, Rodrigo de (323); Antonio, Deise Maria; Moraes, João Batista Ernesto de (88-92); Orrico, Evelyn Goyannes Dill; Silva, Eliezer Pires da (981); Duque, Cláudio Gottschlag; Sousa, Emilio Evaristo de (875); Barité, Mario; Fernández-Molina, Carlos (233); Moura, Maria Aparecida (214;123); Moura, Maria Aparecida; Venâncio, Ludmila Salomäo; Amorim, Valéria Ramos de (662); Andrade, Ilza A. de; Junior, Decio W. Berti; Cervantes, Brígida M.N.; Rodrigues, Maria R. (124); Mota, Francisca Rosaline Leite; Silva, Bruno Felipe de Melo (835;879); Silva, Luciana de Souza Gracioso e Marcos Donizete Paulino da (43); Martins, Gracy Kelli; Netto, Carlos Xavier de Azevedo Netto (124); Oliveira, Maria Odaisa Espinheiro de; Santos, Bruno Pereira dos; Oliveira, Fellipe Borges de (236); Pinho, Fabio Assis; Guimarães, José Augusto Chaves (771); Varela, Aida; Brabosa, Marilene Lobo Abreu (111); Miranda, Marcos; Paranhos, João Paulo; Oliveira, Jonathan; Paes, Michelle (448); Martínez-Ávila, Daniel; Fox, Melodie; Olson, Hope (771); Abdalla, Raquel; Kobashi, Nair (111)

8586conferences 06.11-7-4/7
Wieland, Martin. 13th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI), 4.-7. Juli 2011, Durban, South Africa (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 64 (2011)3/4, pp. 476-479.

Oberhauser, Otto. (Book review of) Griesbaum, J., et al. eds. Information und Wissen: global, sozial und frei? Proceedings des 12. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2011), Hildesheim, 9.-11. März 2011. Boizenburg: Hülsbusch, 2011 [Information and Knowledge: global, social and free? Proceedings of the 12th international symposium on information science (ISI 2011), Hildesheim (Germany), 9-11 March 2011] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 65(2012)1, pp. 109-113.

Die neue Bibliothek: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit; 31. Österreichischer Bibliothekartag, Innsbruck, 18.-21.10.2011; ed. by Klaus Niedermair [The new library: expectations and reality; 31st Conference of Austrian Librarians, Innsbruck, 18-21 Oct, 2011] (Lang.: ger). - Graz & Feldkirch, Wolfgang Neugebauer Verlag, 2012. (Schriften der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare (VÖB) – 11). ISBN: 978-3-85376-291-2. For separate papers see: De Bellis (864); Wiesenmüller (946); Schaffner (944); Sandner (949)

Seidler, Wolfram. Semantic Web in Bibliotheken 2011 - Konferenz in Hamburg, 28.-30. November 2011 [Semantic Web in Libraries 2011 - [report on a] conference, Hamburg (Germany), 28-30 November 2011] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare. 65(2012)1 pp. 95-98.

Striffler, Thomas. SWIB11 - Semantic Web in Bibliotheken in Hamburg [SWIB11- Semantic Web In Libraries, Hamburg [28-30 Nov 2011]] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 32(2012)1, pp. 47-48.

Facets of knowledge organization: proceedings of the ISKO UK Second Biennial Conference, 4th-5th July 2011, London; ed. by Alan Gilchrist & Judi Vernau (Lang.: eng). - London, Emerald; Aslib, 2012. pp. 416. ISBN: 978-1-78052-614-0. For separate papers see: East (109); Robertson (111); Campbell (227); Lykke (835); Green, Mitchell (273;43); Steele (448); Spero (448); Bell,Vernitski (918); La Barre (325); Žumer, Zeng (357;944); Petras (357); Lykke, Price, Delcambre (753;82-51/4); Dextre Clarke (357;089.23); Jacob, George, Arave (835); Foskett (922); Vickery (922); Vickery (112); Coates (922); Vickery (111); Vickery (111); Orna (196); Lambe (113); Robinson, Bawden (111); Tennis (325); Broughton (922;325); Howard, Oliver (844;214); Ménard, Smithglass (871;795); Alexander (918); Spiteri (835); George (835); Conradi (835;325); Lee (877;325); Debaecker, Mustafa el Hadi (877;918); Ion, Sperber (88-12;325); Regina, Boccato, Spotti Lopes Fujita (981); Eito-Brun (847;357); Johanneson (835); Johannesson (835); Maghrebi (871); Visser (124;88-69); Wiorogórska, Rehman (981;753)

9214conferences 06.12-04-19/21
Ermert, Axel. Terminologie – Bedeutung, Erarbeitung, professionelle Strukturierung und Management: Der 13. Deutsche Terminologietag vom 19. bis 21. April 2012 in Heidelberg [Terminology – relevance, formulation, professional structuring, and management: 13th German Terminology Meeting, 19-21 April 2012 at Heidelberg] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 63(2012)3, pp. 203–205.

9215conferences 06.12-08-11/17
Frodl, Christine, et al. Libraries now! Inspiring, surprising, empowering: Aus den Veranstaltungen des IFLA Committee on Standards und der Sektionen Bibliografie, Katalogisierung, Klassifikation und Indexierung, Knowledge Management und Informationstechnologie beim Weltkongress Bibliothek und Information, 78. IFLA-Generalkonferenz in Helsinki, Finnland [Libraries now! Inspiring, surprising, empowering: report on the sessions of the IFLA Committee on Standards and the Sections for Bibliography, cataloguing, classification and indexing, Knowledge management and Information technology at the IFLA WLIC...] (Lang.: ger). -

9407conferences 06.12-08-6/9
Neelameghan, A.; Raghavan, K. S. (eds.). Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization: proceedings of the Twelfth International ISKO Conference, 6-9 August 2012, Mysore, India (Lang.: eng). - Würzburg, Germany, Ergon-Verlag, 2012. pp. 396. ISBN: 9783899139020;
 ISSN: 0938-5495. For separate papers see: Smiraglia, Richard P. (111); Hjørland, Birger. (111); Ohly, H. Peter. (111); Szostak, Rick. (481); Guimarães, José Augusto Chaves, Oliveira, Ely Tannuri de, Gracio, Maria Cláudia Cabrini. (182); Guimarães, José Augusto Chaves, Tennis, Joseph T. (182); Arboit, Aline Elis, Gracio, Maria Cláudia Cabrini, Oliveira, Ely Francina Tannuri de, Bufrem, Leilah Santiago. (182); Salah, Almila Akdag, Gao, Cheng, Suchecki, Krzysztof, Scharnhorst, Andrea, Smiraglia, Richard P. (42); Tennis, Joseph T. (225); Sharada, B.A. (46); Watters, Carolyn, Nizam, Naureen. (835); Pattuelli, M. Cristina, Rubinow, Sara. (725); Khoo, Christopher S. G., Zhang, Dong, Wang, Mi, Yun, Xin Jie. (323); Mahesh, Kavi, Karanth, Pallavi. (572); Lima, Gercina Ângela Boréem de Oliveira. (727); Orrico, Evelyn, Dodebei, Vera, Gontijo, Miriam. (757); Julien, Charles-Antoine, Tirilly, Peirre, Leide, John E., Gustavino, Catherine. (756); Tirilly, Pierre, Julien, Charles-Antoine. (756); Maculan, Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos; Lima, Gercina Ângela Borém de Oliveira. (756); Shepherd, Michael, Sampalli, Tara. (214;652); Coelho, Flávio Codeço, Souza, Renato Rocha, Codeço, Claudia Torres. (214;612); Padmavathi, T., Krishnamurthy M. (214;648); Deokattey, Sangeeta, Dixit, D.K., Bhanumurthy, K. (214); Hajibayova, L., Jacob, E.K. (125); Asundi, A.Y. (125); Asundi, A.Y. (125;46); Raghavan, K.S.; Neelameghan, A. (128); Murguia, Eduardo Ismael, Sales, Rodrigo de. (165); Žumer, Maja, Zeng, Marcia Lei, Mitchell, Joan S. (249;944); Campbell, D. Grant. (333); Milonas, Elizabeth. (757); San Segundo, Rosa, Ávila, Daniel Martínez. (725); Neelameghan, A., Raghavan, K.S. (723); Favier, Laurence, El Hadi, Widad Mustafa. (41); La Barre, Kathryn, Cordeiro, Rosa Inês de Novais. (325); Iyer, Hemalata, D’Ambrosio, Amber. (155); Moraes, João Batista Ernesto de. (321); Chen, Shu-jiun, Zeng, Marcia Lei, Chen, Hsueh-hua. (288-94); Gontija, Miriam, Dodebei, Vera, Orrico, Evelyn. (662); Souza, Renato Rocha, Coelho, Flávio Codeço, Higuchi, Suemi, da Silva, Daniela Lucas. (753; 725); Tognoli, Natália Bolfarini, Guimaräes, José Augusto Chaves. (943); Barros, Thiago Henrique Bragato, Moraes, João Batista Ernesto de. (484); Henttonen, Pekka. (484); Will, Leonard. (09.23); Babik, Wieslaw. (225;639); Ming-Shu, Yuan, Fan-Hua, Nan, Gou-Chi, Lee. (673); Kumar, B.L. Vinod, Nikam, Khaiser. (795); Lorenzon, Emilena Josemary, et.al. (676); Coelho, Flávio Codeço, Souza, Renato Rocha, Chada, Daniel Magalhães, Cerdeira, Pablo de Camargo. (328-66); Corrêa, Carlos Alberto, Kobashi, Nair Yumiko. (344); Raja, Nalini A. (383); Tilley, Carol L., La Barre, Kathryn A. (981;944); Arastoopoor, Soleh, Fattahi, Rahmatollah. (981;321); Fox, Melodie J. (835;712); Bernaoui, Radia, Hassoun, Mohamed. (981;646;936(012))

15312conferences 06.12-11-26/28
Borst, Timo; Löhden, Aenne; Neubert, Joachim; Pohl, Adrian. SWIB12 – Semantic Web in Bibliotheken 2012: Towards an International Linked Open Data Library Ecosystem [conference report] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 60(2013)2, pp.85-88. Conference held: 26-28 November, 2012, Cologne, Germany

15911conferences 06.13-03-19/22;021
Oberhauser, Otto. (Book review of) Hobohm, Hans-Christoph (ed.) Informationswissenschaft zwischen virtueller Infrastruktur und materiellen Lebenswelten: Proceedings des 13. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2013) Potsdam, 19.–22. März 2013. Glück [(Book review of) Hobohm, Hans-Christoph (ed.). Information science between virtual infrastructure and material lifeworlds: proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2013), Potsdam [Germany], 19–22 March 2013] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 67(2014)2, pp. 334-338. Available at http://phaidra.univie.ac.at/detail_object/o:360033

15512conferences 06.13-05-28/30
Smiraglia, Richard P. II Congresso brasileiro em representação e organização do conhecimento: knowledge organization in Rio 2013—an editorial (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 41(2014)2, pp. 105-112..

15115conferences 06.13-07-10/12
Wiesenmüller, Heidrun; Scholze, Frank; Mönnich, Michael. GfKl wird ECDA: Bericht über die European Conference on Data Analysis mit integriertem Workshop on Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science (LIS 2013) in Luxemburg [GfKl becomes ECDA: report on the European Conference on Data Analysis, including a 'Workshop on Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science' (LIS 2013), Luxemburg [10-12 July, 2013]] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 16(2013)5, pp. 420-424.. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2013-05-reportage-wiesenmueller.pdf

15116conferences 06.13-08-27/28
Andermann, Heike; Schoof, Kerstin. Desafios e perspectivas científicas para a organização e representação do conhecimento na atualidade "Kataloge der Zukunft: RDA und Suchmaschinen": Konferenz des Gemeinsamen Bibliotheksverbundes am 27. und 28. August 2013 in Oldenburg [Catalogues of the future: RDA and search engines; [report on] the conference of the GBV Common Library Network at Oldenburg, August 27-28, 2013] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 33(2013)3, pp. 156–161.

15703conferences 06.13-10-10/11
Amos, David; Kislin, Philippe (eds.). Contextes, langues et cultures dans l’organisation des Connaissances (Lang.: fre). - Proceedings of the 9th ISKO-France conference in Paris, October 10-11, 2013. pp. 295 ISBN : 9782954676005. For separate papers, see: Tennis(122); Fabre, Gardies(171;951); Pinède, Lespinet.Najib(835); Vaisman,Aguilar, Verlaet(235); Akanbi, Adagunodo(751); Onu(756); Maghrebi(751); Tanti(751); Soualah,Hassoun(89(ara);983); Abdoulahi, Lebourgeois(89(ara)); Barros, Café, Rodrigues(946); Boutin, Amato(113); Kembellec(723)

15513conferences 06.13-10-29/11-01
Medeiros, Marisa Brascher Basilio; Cunha, Miriam Figueiredo Vieira da. Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciência da informação, 14., florianópolis. proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (Lang.: por). - Florianópolis: Federal University of Santa Catarina, 2013. ISBN: 9788565044066. For separate papers, see: Gaudêncio, Albuquerque(323); Pato, Manini (872); Mata, Moura(835); Mesquita, Souza, Porto(733); Ortega(217); Silveira, Tálamo(125;173); Boccato, Tartarotti(111); Santos, Campos(111); Barros, Café, Almeida(714); Sousa, Fujita(811); Alves, Moreira, Moraes(835); Silva, Baptista(125); Lapa, Correa(344); Santos, Correa, Lapa(214); Silva, Souza(918); Maia, Alvarenga(225); Silva, Miranda(835); Souza, Souza(321); Teixeira, Souza(214;222); Geronimo, Bizello(943;484); Pinho, Nascimento, Marinho(328-6); Bezerra, Marcondes(944); Moraes(236), Borba, Siebra, Correia, Gusmão, Machiavelli, Santana Júnior(128-52); Capone, Cordeiro(872;88-39); Arboit, Guimarães(111); Aguiar, Kobashi(714); Albuquerque, Madio(219); Souza, Costa(879); Almeida, Mendonca, Aganette(214); Mendes, Souza(484); Weiss, Brascher(721); Orth, Lara(871); Dias, Lourenço(872); Vitorini, Moreira(982); Oliveira, Boccato(982); Torres, Almeida(125).

15912conferences 06.13-11-18
Hermann, Martin; Kölbl, Andrea Pia. Wissen im digitalen Zeitalter: Nonlinearität, Multimedialität, Medienkonvergenz [Knowledge in the digital age: nonlinearity, multimediality, media convergence [report on a meeting, Berlin, 18 Nov 2013]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheks-Magazin, 9(2014)26, pp. 86-89. Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/imageswww/pdf-dateien/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2014-2.pdf

15704conferences 06.13-11-25/27
Borst, Timo; Löhden, Aenne; Pohl, Adrian. SWIB13 – Die fünfte [SWIB13 – The fifth ] (Lang.: eng). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 61(2014)2, pp. 97-99.

15313conferences 06.13-4-23/24;820
Svensson, Lars G.. Open Data on the Web – Workshop vom 23. bis 24. April 2013 in London [Open Data on the Web – Workshop in London, 23-24 April 2013 [conference report]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 60(2013)6, pp.347-351.

15314conferences 06.13-5-28/30
Dodebei, Vera; Guimarães, José Augusto Chaves. Complexidade e organização do conhecimento: desafios de nosso século (Lang.: eng). - In: Rio de Janeiro: ISKO-Brasil; Marília: FUNDEPE, 2013.. pp. 310 . Available at http://isko-brasil.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Estudos-avançados-2.pdf ISBN: 9788598176512. Proceedings of the 2nd ISKO-Brazil conference in Rio de Janeiro, May 28-30, 2013. For separate papers, see: Smiraglia (111); San Segundo Manuel (111); Ortega(111); Medeiros (711;189); Gomes, Guedes, Santos (328-9 ); Bufrem, da Silveira, Nascimento (189); Dal’Evedove, Tartarotti, Fujita, Boccato (182); de Moraes, Tavares, Campos (124); Dodebei (124); Barité (229;949); Silveira, Tálamo (317); Moura (233); de Souza, de Souza (323); Naumis Peña, Morán Reyes, Morales Monroy (236); de Almeida Campos (214); Alvarenga (124); Fujita (811); Marcondes (88-6); de Assis, Moura (797;721), Massoni, Van der Laan, Laipelt, Caregnato (835); de Albuquerqu, Cervantes(214); Santos, Kobashi (731); Comesaña, Díaz (214;178); Martínez-Ávila, Kipp, Olson (489-87); Santos, Vogel, Lima, de Barcellos (233); Silva, Orrico (943); Guimarães (199;926); La Barre (225;221;699); Cordeiro(328-95); López-Huertas (111); de Lara (171); Miranda (699.5); de Moraes (177); Baptista (171); Varela, Abreu(217); De Almeida, Nascimento (214); Pierozzi Junior, Oliveira, Alencar, Almeida (644/6); Batista, Costa (671); Maimone, Tálamo (694).

15913conferences 06.14-02-27/28
Schaffner, Verena. Bericht zur internationalen Konferenz "Faster, Smarter and Richer. Reshaping The Library Catalogue – FSR 2014" (Rom, 27.–28. Februar 2014) [Report on the international conference "Faster, Smarter and Richer. Reshaping The Library Catalogue – FSR 2014" (Rome, 27–28 February 2014)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare. 67(2014)2, pp. 308-312. Available at http://phaidra.univie.ac.at/detail_object/o:360033

15705conferences 06.14-03-26
Albrecht, Rita; Streicher, Ariane. Wissen, das verbindet: 8. OCLC-Informationstag [26.03.2014, Frankfurt am Main]; Ein Teilnehmerbericht [Knowledge that connects: 8th OCLC information meeting [26 March 2014, Frankfurt am Main]; a participant's report] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 34(2014)2, pp. 103-109.

15914conferences 06.14-05-05/06
Syré, Ludger. Zu Gast im Land der Sorben: Die Arbeitsgruppe Regionalbibliographie tagte 2014 in Bautzen [Staying in the Land of the Sorbs: The "Arbeitsgruppe Regionalbibliographie" [working group on regional bibliography] held its 2014 meeting at Bautzen [Saxony]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. 48(2014)10, pp. 768–771.

15706conferences 06.14-05-19/22
Babik, Wieslaw (eds.). Knowledge organization in the 21st century: between historical patterns and future prospects: proceedings of the 13th international ISKO conference in Kraków, May 19-22, 2014 (Lang.: eng). - In: Würzburg: Ergon, 2014. pp. 596, ISBN: 9783956500404 . Buckland(177;111); Soergel(119;111); Jacobfeuerborn, Muraszkiewicz(177;179); Ohly(179); Neelameghan, Raghavan(178); Szostak(171); Dodebei, Orrico(178); Hetmaski(124); Kleineberg(124); Lima, Raghavan(125); Rosa, Martínez-Ávila(177); Guimarães, Sales, Martínez-Ávila,Alencar(178); Raghavan, Ravichandra Rao(325;178); Graf, Smiraglia(178); Campbell(325); Gnoli(669); Beak, Smiraglia(918;178); Chen, Lee(981); Dousa, Ibekwe-SanJuan(111;173); Dousa(125;332); Green(225); Smiraglia(221); Ahn, Soergel, Lin, Zhang, Ying(285); Arastoopoor, Fattahi(751); Lee(285); Dousa(291); Howarth, Jansen(232); Tennis(211); Fox(122;43); Vukadin, Slavic(325;42); Hajdu Barat(42); McTavish(113); De Luca, Dahlberg(725); Khoo, Teng, Ng, Wong(236); Mahesh(835); Eito-Brun(214); Madalli, Balaji, Sarangi(214;325); De Santis, Souza(693;325); Woniak-Kasperek(773); Besler, Szulc(123); Martins, Souza, Mello(348); Mesquita, Souza, Porto(344); Milani, Guimarães,Olson(172); Batorowska, Kamiska-Czubała(323); Rafferty(241); Assis, Moura(166); Taheri, Shahrestani, Nezhad(777); Akhigbe, Afolabi, Adagundo(982); Akerele, David, Osofisan(751); Hajibayova, Jacob(835;126); Hajibayova,Jacob(835;125); Materska, Katarzyna(756); Sidhom, Sahbi (344); Iyer, Guadrón(113); Moulaison, Bishop(633); Babik(696); Nahotko(165); Henttonen(986); Mustafa El Hadi, Favier(879); Biagetti(879;725); Zeng, Gracy, Žumer(723;734); Salaba, Zeng(725); Młodzka-Stybel(811); Bravo, Rodríguez, Simões, de Freitas(752); Hudon(951); Kamiska, Pulak(981); Peña, Olvera(771); Mendes, Moura(111); Frâncu, Popescu(189); López-Huertas(179); Kijeska-Dqbrowska, Kuiminska(119); Sosiska-Kalata(181)

15915conferences 06.14-07-02/04
Scholze, Frank; Mönnich, Michael. "Data scientist is the sexiest job in the 21st century": Bericht über die 2. European Conference on Data Analysis mit integriertem Workshop on Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science (LIS 2014) an der Jacobs University Breme [Report on the 2nd European Conference on Data Analysis with an integrated Workshop on Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science (LIS 2014), held at Jacobs University, Bremen [Germany] [2-4 July 2014]] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie. 17(2014) 4, pp. 378-380.

17396conferences 06.17
Steffen, Kai. Positionsbestimmung Fachreferat und Fachinformationsdienste - Gemeinsame Veranstaltung der VDB-Kommission f?r Fachreferatsarbeit und der AG Fachinformationsdienste (AG FID) auf dem 106. Deutschen Bibliothekartag, 31.05.2017, , 16-18 Uhr [Determining the positions of subject librarianship and specialized information services: Joint event (...) at the 106th German Library Conference, Frankfurt am Main, 31 May 2017] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 4(2017)2, pp. 113-117. Available at http://www.o-bib.de/article/view/2017H2S113-117

18125conferences 06.17
Gros, Daniel. Human-Computer-Interaction und Informationswissenschaft [conference report] [Human Computer Interaction International Conference 2017 (HCII2017)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 69(2018)2/3, pp. 136–140. Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2018-0014

18062conferences 06.17-10-4/5
Arning, Ursula. "18. DINI-Jahrestagung: "Forschungsdaten – von der Produktion bis zur Langzeitarchivierung", 4. und 5. Oktober 2017, Göttingen" ["18th DINI annual meeting: "Reseach data - from generation to long-term archiving", 4-5 October 2017, Göttingen [Germany]"] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 38(2018)1, pp. 75–78. Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2018-0010

48122007-0004conferences 06.17-19/3/05
Beare, G. (Book review of) Indexing: engage, enlighten, enrich: Proceedings from the ANZSI Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 March 2005.; ed. K. Gillen. ANSZI, 2005 (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 25(2006)1, p.63-149.

18142conferences 06.17-3-13/15
Gäde, Maria; Trkulja, Violeta; Petras, Vivien (eds.). Everything changes, everything stays the same? Understanding information spaces; Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI 2017), Berlin, Germany, 13th-15th March 2017 (Lang.: eng). - 1st ed. ed. Glückstadt, Werner Hülsbusch, 2017. pp. 391.(Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft, 70). 978-3-86488-117-6.

17465conferences 06.17;725
Janssen, Melanie; Rothfritz, Laura; Wenz, Dorothea. Tagungsbericht von der DHd2017, 13.-18. Februar 2017 in Bern [Report on the Digital Humanities annual meeting, 13-18 February 2017, at Bern [Switzerland]] (Lang.: ger). - In: BRaIn: Potsdamer Beitr?ge und Reportagen aus den Informationswissenschaften, (2017)20, n.pag.. Available at http://brain.fh-potsdam.de/?p=5712

18265conferences 06.18-07-09/11 
Ribeiro, Fernanda; Cerveira, Maria Elisa (eds.). Challenges and Opportunities for Knowledge Organization in the Digital Age (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International ISKO Conference 9-11 July 2018 Porto, Portugal.Würzburg, Ergon-Verlag, 2018. pp. pp4. 978-3-95650-420-4.

18068conferences 06.18-3-13/14
Jakisch, Elgin Helen. Open Science: welche Regeln braucht Offenheit? Bericht von der Open Science Conference am 13./14. März 2018 in Berlin [Open Science: which rules are needed for openness? Report from the Open Science Conference on 13./14. March 2018 in Berlin] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 21(2018)3, pp. 266-269. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2018-03-reportage-jakisch.pdf

18741conferences 06.19-6-4/6
Osswald, Achim; Sitek, Dagmar. Forschungsdaten sammeln, sichern, strukturieren: Ein Tagungsbericht von der WissKom2019 [Collecting, securing, structuring research data: A conference report from WissKom2019] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 22(2019)4, pp. 339-344. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2019-04-reportage-osswald.pdf

39252005-32-1-0003conferences 06.2001-03-21/23
Lehner, C., Ohly, H.P., Rahmstorf, G. Wissensorganisation und Edutainment: Wissen in Spannungsfeld von Gesellschaft, Gestaltung und Industrie : Proceedings der 7. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation, Berlin 21.23. März 2001/ Hrsg von C. Lehner, H.P. Ohly, G. Rahmstorf [Knowledge organization and Edutainment: proceedings of the 7th meeting of the German Section of the International Society for Knowledge Organization, Berlin, 21 23 March 2001] (Lang.: ger). - Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2004. pp. Xii, 283.((Fortschritte in der Wissensorganisation) ; Band 7). ISBN: 3899134109. * For the separate papers, see 2005-[32-1-0012, 32-1-0014-0016, 32-1-0022, 32-1-0053, 32-1-0054, 32-1-0061, 32-1-0063, 32-1-0073, 32-1-0074, 32-1-0077, 32-1-0078, 32-1-0082, 32-1-0095, 32-1-0096, 32-1-0102, 32-1-0104-0106, 32-1-0139]

38092004-0335conferences 06.2002-10-09/11
Budin, G., Ohly, H.P. Wissensorganisation in kooperativen Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen : Proceedings der 8. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der In­ternationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation, Regensburg 9.-11. Oktober 2002/ Hrsg von G. Budin und H.P. Ohly [Knowledge organization in cooperative learning and labour envoronments: proceedings of the 8th meeting of the German Section of the International Society for Knowledge Organization, Regensburg 9 - 11 October 2002]] (Lang.: ger). - Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2004. pp. Xii, 226.(Fortschritte in der Wissensorganisation ; Band 8). * For the separate papers, see 2004-[0339, 0345, 0348-0350, 0362, 0366, 0381, 0384, 0392-0394, 0413-0418]

43982006-33-2-0002conferences 06.2004-11-05/07
Wissensorganisation und Verantwortung : Gesellschaft-liche, ökonomische und technische Aspekte : Proceedings der 9. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation Duisburg, 5.-7. November 2004 / Hrsg von H.P. Ohly, J. Siegerschmidt und C. Swertz [Knowledge organization and responsibility: social, ecomic and technical aspects : proceedings of the 9th. conference of the German Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization Duisburg, 5th.-7th. November 2004]] (Lang.: ger, eng). - Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2006. pp. Xii, 360.(Fortschritte in der Wissensorganisation ; Bd. 9). ISBN 9783899135210. * For the separate papers, see 2006-33-2-[0007, 0011, 0012, 0013, 0016-0018, 0020-0023, 0031, 0033, 0034, 0041, 0081, 0084-0087, 0089, 0092, 0101, 0118-0123, 0150, 0153, 0154, 0156-0158]

49952007-0221conferences 06.2005.11-3/4;811
Desrichard, Y. (Book review of) Indice, index, indexation, actes du colloque international organisé les 3 et 4 novembre 2005 à l'Université Lille-3 - Paris: ADBS éd, 2006 - 304p. - ISBN: 2843650887 (Lang.: fre). - In: Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France, 51(2006)6, p.108-109.

43992006-33-2-0003conferences 06.2006-07-04/07
Knowledge organization for a global learning society : proceeding of the Ninth International ISKO Conference 4 7 July 2006, Vienna, Austria / ed. by G. Budin, C. Swertz, K. Mitgutsch (Lang.: eng). - Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2006. pp. 442.(Advances in Knowledge Organization ; Vol. 10). ISBN 9783899135237. * For the separate papers, see 2006-33-2-[0008, 0011, 0019, 0025, 0027, 0028, 0032, 0035, 0037-0040, 0043, 0046, 0048, 0049, 0054, 0059, 0060, 0062, 0063, 0067-0069, 0071, 0077, 0088, 0096, 0098, 0103, 0105-0108, 0113, 0117, 0125, 0126, 0129, 0132, 0139, 0140, 0146, 0149, 0155, 0159]

49962007-0222conferences 06.2006.03-08/09
Lorenz, B. Inhalterschliessung 2006: Sitzungen der bibliothekarischen Artbeitsgruppen bei der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation an der FU Berlin, 8. und 9. März 2006 [Conclusions 2006: meeting of the librarians special subject group’s annual conference on classification at the FU Berlin, 8th & 9th March, 2006] (Lang.: ger). - In: Informationj, 57(2006)4, p.219-220.

49972007-0223conferences 06.2006.07-05/07
Williamson, N.J. International Society for Knowledge Organization, ninth international ISKO conference, Vienna, Austria, 2006 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)4, p.221-230.

61402009-0260conferences 06.2007-06-22
Bosch, M. L'organizzazione della conoscenza nel Web attuale: tra l'euristica per la ricerca e recupero e l'ermeneutica per la scoperta di conoscenza [Knowledge organization in the Web nowadays: between heuristics for search and retrieval and hermeneutics for knowledge discovery] (Lang.: ita, eng abstract). - Available at http://www.iskoi.org/doc/euristica.htm Paper presented at the 3rd ISKO Italy-UniMIB meeting, Milan, 22 June 2007. [discussion of some topics from the ISKO Spain conference held in Leon in 2007]

61412009-0261conferences 06.2007-08-19/23
Bultrini, L. Classification and indexing (Lang.: ita). - In: AIB notizie, 19(2007)11, pp. 1-11. Available at http://www.aib.it/aib/editoria/n19/11s.htm3 report on World library and information congress: 73rd IFLA general conference and council Libraries for the future: progress – development and partnerships - Durban - Sudafrica - 19-23 agosto 2007

49982007-0224conferences 06.2007.-4-18/20
La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico / Interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in the organization of scientific knowledge: VIII Congreso ISKO-España, León, 18, 19 y 20 abril de 2007 ed. by B. Rodriguez Bravo and M.L Alvite Diez (Lang.: eng, spa). - In: León: Universidad de León, Secretariado de Publicaciones, 2007. *For the separate papers see: 2007-[0229, 0231, 0232, 0237-39, 0244-48, 0256-58, 0266, 0267, 0276, 0277, 0281, 0324, 0326-28, 0330, 0343, 0344, 0347, 0351, 0354, 0359, 0367, 0368, 0372, 0382, 0396, 0406, 0407, 0409-11, 0429, 0432, 0445, 0448, 0456, 0457, 0461, 0463-69, 0472, 0474, 0477]

63862009-0506conferences 06.2008
Strange, Catherine. Taxonomy and thesaurus creation workshop (Lang.: eng). - In: Key words, 16(2008)3, p.98.

63872009-0507conferences 06.2008-06-5/7;77
Bogliolo, Domenico (ed). Terminologia, analisi testuale e documentazione nella città digitale : atti del convegno nazionale dell'Associazione italiana per la terminologia-Assiterm, Rende, 5-7 giugno 2008 [Terminology, textual analysis and documentation in the digital city: proceedings of the national conference of the Italian association for Terminology-Assiterm, Rende, 5-7 June 2008] (Lang.: ita, fre, spa). - In: AIDA informazioni, 26(2008)1-2, pp.1-276. Available at http://www.aidainformazioni.it/indici/tuttonline/2008-12.pdf For separate papers see (2009-0597), (2009-0598), (2009-0609), (2009-0674)

61422009-0262conferences 06.2008-08-05/08
Culture and identity in knowledge organization: proceedings of the tenth International ISKO Conference, 5-8 August 2008, Montréal, Canada ed. by Clément Arsenault and Joseph T. Tennis (Lang.: eng). - Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2008. pp. X, 391.(Advances in Knowledge Organization; Vol. 11). ISBN: 9783899136449. *For the separate papers, see: 2009- (0278), (0280), (0287), (0288), (0290), (0292), (0293), (0294), (0299), (0301), (0305), (0321), (0324), (0327), (0329), (0333), (0335), (0336), (0340), (0344), (0346), (0349), (0356), (0358), (0360), (0361), (0365), (0366), (0367), (0372), (0389), (0394), (0398), (0403), (0404), (0406), (0410), (0411), (0415), (0419), (0422), (0430), (0434), (0436), (0439), (0440), (0458), (0460), (0466), (0469), (0470), (0480), (0486), (0489)

61432009-0263conferences 06.2008-08-10/14
Bultrini, L. Classification and indexing (Lang.: ita). - In: AIB notizie, 20(2008)10-11, pp. 13-14. Available at http://www.aib.it/aib/editoria/n20/1006.htm3#anc5 report on World Library and Information Congress: 74th IFLA general conference and council Libraries without borders: navigating towards global understanding - Québec - 10-14 agosto 2008

61442009-0264conferences 06.2008-09-19
Nielsen, Marianne Lykke. Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (NKOS): ECDL 2008 Conference report (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib magazine, 14(2008) pp. 11-12. Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/october04/nielsen/10nielsen.html

63882009-0508conferences 06.2009-06-18/19
Pioneering North American contributions to knowledge organization: proceedings of the Second North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, held June 18 and 19, 2009, at Syracuse University; ed. by Elin K. Jacob and Barbara Kwasnik. North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol 2 (Lang.: eng). - Available at http://dlist.sir.arizona.edu/2636/ For separate papers see (2009-0518), (2009-0520), (2009-0527), (2009-0541), (2009-0543), (2009-0546), (2009-0549), (2009-0697), (2009-0716), (2009-0734)

48172007-0009conferences 06.21/9/06
Koch, T. Report on the 5th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (NKOS) Workshop (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 12(2006)10, p.12. Available at http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lxh&AN=24373192&site=ehost-live

48162007-0008conferences 06.25-29/07/06
Conference Program: 10th Jubilee Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies, July 25-29, 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Classification, 23(2006)2, p.337-347.

48142007-0006conferences 06.3-4.11/05
MacGlashan, M. Colloque International: Indici, Index, Indexation, Lille, 3-4 November, 2005 (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 25(2006)1 p.45-46.

56262008-0171conferences 06.3-5/07/06
Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation: Proceedings der 10. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation, Wien, 3.-5. Juli 2006/ Compatibility, Media and Ethics in Knowledge Organization: Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the German Section of the International Society of Knowledge Organization, Vienna, 3-5 July 2006 / Hrsg. von H.P. Ohly, S. Netscher, K. Mitgutsch (Lang.: ger, eng). - Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2008. pp. X, 287.(Forttschritte in der Wissensorganisation; Bd. 10). ISBN: 9783899136203 ISSN: 09420347. *For the separate papers see 2008-(0180), (0182), (0184), (0186), (0191), (0193), (0194), (0195), (0102), (0202), (0203), (0204), (0219), (0228), (0229), (0230), (0232), (0233), (0292), (0294), (0301), (0304), (0319), (0335), (0337), (0364)

56272008-0172conferences 06.4-5/06/07;42
McIlwaine, I.C. Summary and conclusions: Proceedings of the International Seminar "Information access for the global community" (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the International Seminar "Information access for the global community", 4-5 June 2007, The Hague[see 2008-0173], p.163-166.

56282008-0173conferences 06.4-5/06/07;42
Proceedings of the International Seminar "Information access for the global community", 4-5 June 2007, The Hague (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions & corrections to the UDC, 29(2007) p.159-316. * For separate papers see 2008-(0172), (0235), (0256), (2058), (0261), (0262), (0265), (0269)

56292008-0174conferences 06.4-5/06/07;42
Ŝauperl, A. Fidler, M.L., Rozman, D., Rozman Salobir, M. Conclusions from the 2007 "Conference on the use of Universal Decimal Classification" in Slovenia (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions & corrections to the UDC, 29(2007) p.21-23.

109391990-1-027conferences 06.87-09-29/01
Jaenecke, P. Book review of Czap, H., Galinski, C.Eds.): Terminology and Knowledge Engineering.Proc.Int.Congress.1987, Trier.Frankfurt: Indeks Verl.1987/88, 448+256 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.16.No.3.1989.p.177-180.

131091990-2-046conferences 06.88-03-17/19
Beck, H. Book review of Wille,R.(Ed.: Klassifikation und Ordnung.Tagungsband 12.Jahrestagg.d.Ges.f.Klassif.eV, Darmstadt, 17.-19.3.1988.Frankfurt: Indeks Verl.1989.XII,396p.= Stud.z.Klassif.Bd.19 (Lang.: ger). - In: Zbl.Bibl.wes.Vol.104.No.5.1990.p.231-235.

111701990-2-047conferences 06.88-05-13
Vickers, J.A. Book review of: Weinberg, B.H.(Ed.): Indexing: the state of our knowledge and the state of our ignorance.Proc.20th Annual Meeting Ammer.Soc.Indexers, New York City,May 13, 1988.Medford, NJ: Learned Inform.1989.X,13p (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.17.No.1.p.71.

111711990-2-048conferences 06.88-05-13
Fugmann, R. Book review of Weinberg, B.H.(Ed.): Indexing -The State of the art and the state of our ignorance.Medford, NJ: Learned Inform.1989.134p (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.17.No.1.1990.p.37-40.

131101990-2-049conferences 06.88-06-28/30
Rust, A. Wissenschaftliche Konferenz "Fachtexte, Deskriptionsmodelle und sprachliche Mittel", Brandenburg, DDR, 28.-30.Juni 1988 [Scientific conference on "Special subject texts, description models and verbal tools", Brandenburg, GDR, 28-30 June 1988] (Lang.: ger). - In: Special Language - Fachsprache.Vol.11.No.1-2.1989.p.71-73.

109401990-1-028conferences 06.88-07-9
Brwon, K. (Meetings of RTSD CCS Committees) (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol.9.No.4.1989.p.129-143.

99631990-2-050conferences 06.88-09-12/15,651/4
Scherrer, J.R.et al. Computerized natural medical language processing for knowledge representation.Proc.IFIP-IMIA WG6 Intern.Working Conf.on Computerized Natural Medical Language Processing for Knowledge Representation, Geneva, 12-15 Sept.1988 (Lang.: eng). - Amsterdam, NL, North-Holland, 1989. pp. 296. ISBN: 0444873562.

21812000-0457conferences 06.88-09-23/25
Globalisierung und Wissensorganisation : Neue Aspekte für Wissen, Wissenschaft und Informationssysteme: Proceedings der 6. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation Hamburg, 23.- 25. September 1999 / Hrsg von H.P. Ohly, G. Rahmstorf, A. Sigel [Globalization and Knowledgeorganization: new aspect for knowledge, science and informationsystems: proceedings of the 6th meeting of the German Section of the International Society for Knowledge Organization, Hamburg, 23 th- 25th September 1999] (Lang.: ger). - Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2000. pp. X, 450.(Fortschritte in der Wissensorganisation ; Band 6).

109411990-1-029conferences 06.88-11-18/19
Rambler, L.K. Classification theory in the computer age (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Hi Tech News.No.58.1989.p.4-6.

111721990-2-051conferences 06.88-11-18/19,43.06
Dack, D. Australian attends conference on Dewey (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia.Vol.15.No.1.1989.p.20-26.

109421990-1-030conferences 06.89-05-19/20
Bakewell, K. Indexing in the 1990's, 19-20 May 1989, San Francisco.ASI (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.16.No.4.1989.p.275-276.

109431990-1-031conferences 06.89-06-20/21
Williamson, N. International Conference on Library Classification and its Functions, Edmonton, Canada, June 20-21, 1989 (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.16.No.3.1989.p.171-172.

109441990-1-032conferences 06.89-08-22
Holley, R. IFLA Section on Classification and Indexing.Annual Report 1988/1989 (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.16.No.3.1989.p.160-161.

111731990-2-052conferences 06.89-10-2/4, 42.06
UDC Seminar (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.17.No.1.1990.p.29.

109451990-1-034conferences 06.89-10-30/02+925
Williamson, N. ASIS Annual Meeting (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.16.No.3.1989.p.161.

111741990-2-053conferences 06.89-10-5/6
Heiner-Freiling, M. Colloquy on the DB Standard Subject File (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.17.No.1.1990.p.27-28.

130471990-1-033conferences 06.89-10-5/6
Heiner-Freiling, M. Kolloquium zur Schlagwortnormdatei [Colloquy on the Standard Subject File] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog Bibl.Vol.2.No.1.1990.p.24-26.

111751990-2-054conferences 06.89-12-18/21
Mater, E. From Data Processing to Knowledge Management.Report on Topical Area 1 of the 16th International Colloquy at Erfurt, GDR, 1989 (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.17.No.1.1990.p.28-29.

108351990-0777conferences 06.90-03-25/27
Johnson, R.D. Book review of Lancaster, F.W., Smith, L.C.(Eds.): Artificial intelligence and expert systems: Will theychange the library.Papers presented at the 1990 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, March 25-27, 1992.Urbana-Champaign, IL: GSLIS, Univ.of Illinois 1991 (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.Vol.48.No.4.1992.p.446-447.

115951993-0777conferences 06.90-03-25/27
Johnson, R.D.. Book review of Lancaster, F.W., Smith, L.C.(Eds.): Artificial intelligence and expert systems: Will theychange the library. Papers presented at the 1990 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, March 25-27, 1992. Urbana-Champaign, IL: GSLIS, Univ.of Illinois 1991 (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.. Vol. 48. No. 4. p.446-447.

114731993-0436conferences 06.90-03-25/27, 757
Hill, J.S.. Book rev.of Lancaster, F.W., Smith, L.C.(Eds.): Artificial intelligence and expert systems: Will they change the library? Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, 1990. Champaign, IL: Univ.of Illinois, GSLIS 1992. 291 p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Res.& Techn.ServicesVol. 37 No. 1. 1993. p.97.

114741993-0437conferences 06.90-03-25/27, 757
Ling Hwey Jeng. Book review of same title as under 0436 (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.QuarterlyVol. 63 No. 2. 1993. p.236-238.

100311996-0017conferences 06.90-06-27, 31-33
Indexing Tradition and Innovation. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the American Society of Indexers, June 27, 1990, Chicago (Lang.: eng). - Port Aransas, TX, Amer.Soc.Indexers, 1990. pp. 122. ISBN: 0936547138. With an introduction by David Billick, President of the Society 1990-91 the volume contains the following 6 papers and an index by Coleen MacKay.

111761990-2-055conferences 06.90-08-14/17
Tools for Knowledge Organization and the Human Interface.Darmstadt, 14-17 Aug.1990.Program of the Conference (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.17.No.1.1990.p.31-33.

114751993-0438conferences 06.90-08-14/17
Raju, A.A.N.. First International ISKO Conference. A report (Lang.: eng). - In: Herald of Library ScienceVol. 31 No. 1-2. 1992. p.61-62.

113121993-0014conferences 06.90-11-04
Kartus, E.. Book review of Advances in Classification Research: Proc. 1st ASIS/SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop. Ed.by S.M.Humphrey and B.H.Kwasnik. Medford, NJ: Learned Information 1991. 172p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Online ReviewVol. 16 No. 5. 1992. p.345-46.

103201993-0012conferences 06.90-12-17/19
Classification Theory and Practice in the National Economy. Proceedings of a Symposium (Lang.: rus). - Moskva, VINITI, 1990. pp. 170.

1391997-2-0138conferences 06.91
McAllister-Harper, D. Book review of Weinberg, B.H. (Ed.): Cataloging heresy: challenging the standard bibliographic product : Proceedings of the Congress for Librarians, February 18, 1991, St. Johns University, Jamaica, New York (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Library and Information Science 22(1996)2. p.100-103.

123761996-0024conferences 06.91
Gillespie, P.R.. Book review of Weinberg, B.H. (Ed.): Cataloging heresy: challenging the standard bibliographic product. Proceedings of the Congress for Librarians 1991 (Lang.: eng). - In: Judaica Librarianship. Vol. 8, No. 1-2. 1993-4. p.23-4.

99681994-0709conferences 06.91-01-23/25, 73
Brown, Ch.G.. Natural language understanding and logic programming, III: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming, Stockholm, 23-25 Jan.1991 (Lang.: eng). - Amsterdam, etc., Elsevier Science Publ., 1991. pp. 309. ISBN: 0444891498.

113111993-0013conferences 06.91-02-18
Conway, Ch.L.. Book review of: Cataloging Heresy: Challenging the standard bibliographic product. Proc. of the Congress for Librarians. Feb.18, 1991, St.John's Univ., Jamaica, NY, ed.by B.H.Weinberg. Medford, NJ: Learned Inform.1992 (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Acad.LibrnshipVol. 19 No. 1. p. 77-7. 1993.

114771993-0440conferences 06.91-02-18
Tillet, B.B.. Book review of same title as under 0439 (Lang.: eng). - In: College & Res.LibrariesVol. 54 No. 1. 1993. p.77-78.

108361990-0778conferences 06.91-02-18, 311
Gorman, M. Book review of Weinberg, B.H.(Ed.): Cataloguing Heresy: Challenging the Standard Bibliography Product.Proc.Congress, Feb.18, 1991, St.John s Univ., Jamaica, NY.Medford, NJ: Learned Inform.1992.XII,217p (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Cat.& Bibliogr.Control.Vol.22.No.2.1993.p.35.

115961993-0778conferences 06.91-02-18, 311
Gorman, M.. Book review of Weinberg, B.H.(Ed.): Cataloguing Heresy: Challenging the Standard Bibliography Product. Proc.Congress, Feb.18, 1991, St.John s Univ., Jamaica, NY. Medford, NJ: Learned Inform.1992. XII,217p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Cat.& Bibliogr.Control. Vol. 22. No. 2. p.35.

114761993-0439conferences 06.91-02-18, 33
Perreault, J.M.. Is it heretical to do some real cataloguing? A review of Weinberg, B.H.(Ed.): Cataloging Heresy: Challenging the standard bibliographic product. Proc.Congress of Librarians, feb.18, 1991, St.John's University, Jamaica, NY. Medford, NJ: Learned Inform.1992. 217p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 2. 1993. p.100-105.

108371990-0779conferences 06.91-05-13/16
Benediktsson, D. Book review of NISKO 91.International Conference on Knowledge Organization, Terminology and Information Access Management.Bratislava, May 13-16, 1991.Bratislava: NISKO 1991 (available via INDEKS Verlag.192p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol.20.No.3.1993.p.166-168.

115971993-0779conferences 06.91-05-13/16
Benediktsson, D.. Book review of NISKO 91. International Conference on Knowledge Organization, Terminology and Information Access Management. Bratislava, May 13-16, 1991. Bratislava: NISKO 1991 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.. Vol. 20. No. 3. p.166-168. (available via INDEKS Verlag. 192p. )

117201994-0711conferences 06.91-06-24/26
Batty, D.. Book review of Williamson, N., Hudon, M.(Eds.): Classification Research for Knowledge Representation and Organization Proc.5th Int.Study Conf.on Classif.Research. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1992. XII,427p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 44(1993)10,p.593-595.

108381990-0780conferences 06.91-06-24/28
Weinberg, B.H. Book review of Williamson, N., Hudon, M.(Eds.): Classification Research for Knowledge Representation and Organization: Proc.5th Inst.Study Conf.on CR.Toronto, CA, June 24-28, 1991.Amsterdam: Elsevier 1992.427p (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Academic Librnship.Vol.19.No.4.1993.p.251-2.

114781993-0441conferences 06.91-06-24/28
Vickery, B.. Book review of Williamson, N.J., Hudon, M. (Eds.): Classification Research for Knowledge Representation and Organization. Proc.5th Int.Study Conf. on Classif.Research, Toronto, June 24-28, 1991. Amsterdam, NL: Elsevier 1992. 427 p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol. 19 No. 4. 1992. p.228-229.

114791993-0442conferences 06.91-06-24/28
McIlwaine, I.C.. Book review of same title as under 0441 (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Librarianship & Inform.Sci.Vol. 25 No. 1. 1993. p.53-54.

114801993-0443conferences 06.91-06-24/28
Brunt, R.M.. Book review of same title as under 0441 (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.Vol. 49 No. 2. 1993. p.217-218.

115981993-0780conferences 06.91-06-24/28
Weinberg, B.H.. Book review of Williamson, N., Hudon, M.(Eds.): Classification Research for Knowledge Representation and Organization: Proc.5th Inst.Study Conf.on CR. Toronto, CA, June 24-28, 1991. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1992. 427p. (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Academic Librnship. Vol. 19. No. 4. p.251-2.

120131995-0246conferences 06.91-06-24/28
Brunt, R.M. Book review of Williamson, N.J., Hudon, M.(Eds.): Classification Research for Knowledge Representation and Organization. Proc.5th Int.Study Conf. on Classif.Res., Toronto, Canada, June 24-28, 1991. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1992. XII,427p (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc. Vol. 49. No. 2. 1993. The volume has also been reviewed by W.Goden in J.Classif. 11(1994)No.2, p.255-6

128571993-0444conferences 06.91-10-2/4, 77.08
(Phraseology and Terminology in Translation and Interpretation (Lang.: eng, fre, ger). - In: Terminologyie & Traduction No. 2-3. 1992.

128711990-0781conferences 06.91-11
Clavel, G.; Walther, F., Walther, J. Indexation automatique de fonds bibliotheconomiques [Automatic indexing of library science materials] (Lang.: fre). - In: ARBIDO-R.Vol.8.No.1.1993.p.13-14. Report on a seminar on Documentation and Linguistics which took place in Paris, Nov.1991

129511993-0781conferences 06.91-11
Clavel, G.; Walther, F., Walther, J.. Indexation automatique de fonds bibliothéconomiques [Automatic indexing of library science materials] (Lang.: fre). - In: ARBIDO-R. Vol. 8. No. 1. p.13-14. Report on a seminar on Documentation and Linguistics which took place in Paris, Nov.1991.

114811993-0499conferences 06.91-11-12/14, 771
Third Infoterm Symposium "Terminology Work in Subject Fields", Vienna, 12-14 Nov.1991 (Lang.: eng). - In: TermNet News No. 34. 1991. p.3-76.

108391990-0782conferences 06.91-12-16/19
(Papers of the World Congress on Expert Systems) (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert Syst.with Applications.Vol.5.No.3/4.1992.p.185-478. Seleted and expanded papers from the first World Congress on Expert Systems, held in Orlando, Florida, Dec.16-19, 1991.Out of 500 papers submitted for the congress, 92 were selected for presentation, out of which about 25 were selected for this issue.J ay Liebowitz, the chairman, introduces with a Conference Report

115991993-0782conferences 06.91-12-16/19
(Papers of the World Congress on Expert Systems) (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert Syst.with Applications. Vol. 5. No. 3/4. p.185-478. Seleted and expanded papers from the first World Congress on Expert Systems, held in Orlando, Florida, Dec.16-19, 1991. Out of 500 papers submitted for the congress, 92 were selected for presentation, out of which about 25 were selected for this issue. Jay Liebowitz, the chairman, introduces with a Conference Report.

108401990-0811conferences 06.92-04-1/3
GOdert, W. Book review of Hermes, H.-J., Havekost, H.(Eds.): Die Systematik im OPAC: Uber das Instrumentarium zum Ordnen und Wiederfinden.Oldenburg: Library and Information System of the Oldenburg University 1993.162p [The use of classification systems in OPACs: On the tools available for ordering and retrieval] (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol.20.No.3.1993.p.168-169. Reports on the papers presented at Working Group Sessions on Library Science during the 16th Annual Convention of the Gesellschaft fur Klassifikation, Dortmund April 1-3, 1992

116001993-0811conferences 06.92-04-1/3
Gヤdert, W.. Book review of Hermes, H.-J., Havekost, H. (Eds.): Die Systematik im OPAC: über das Instrumentarium zum Ordnen und Wiederfinden. Oldenburg: Library and Information System of the Oldenburg University 1993. 162p. [The use of classification systems in OPACs: On the tools available for ordering and retrieval] (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.. Vol. 20. No. 3. p.168-169. Reports on the papers presented at Working Group Sessions on Library Science during the 16th Annual Convention of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation, Dortmund April 1-3, 1992.

101521993-0015conferences 06.92-04-1/3, 752
Hermes, H.-J.; Havekost, H. (Eds.). Die Systematik im OPAC. Über das Instrumentarium zum Ordnen und Wiederfinden. Vortrトge aus den bibliothekarischen Arbeitsgruppen der 16.Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation [The classification system in the OPAC. On the instruments for ordering and retrieval. Papers from librarians' WGs of 16th GfKl Conference, Dortmund 92] (Lang.: ger). - Oldenburg, Bibl.u.Inf.Syst, 1993. pp. 162. ISBN: 3814204328.

138801993-0026conferences 06.92-05
Heller, S.R.. Similarity in organic chemistry: A summary of the Beilstein Institute Conference (Lang.: ). - In: J.Chem.Inform.& Comput.Sci.Vol. 32 No. 6. 1992. p.578-752.

124991996-0331conferences 06.92-05-23
Atkin, S.. Book review of Managing large indexing projects: Papers from the 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Indexers, San Antonio, TX, May 23,1992 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19, No. 4. 1995. p.3-4.

122051995-0702conferences 06.92-05-23, 851
Atkin, S. Book review of Managing Large Indexing Projects: Papers from the 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Indexers; San Antonio, TX, May 23, 1992. Port Aransas, TX: Amer.Soc.Indexers 1994. VI,28p (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 4. 1995. p.310-311.

105491995-0040conferences 06.92-05-23;844/5
Managing large indexing projects, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - Port Aransas, TX, ASI Admin.Office, 1994. 3 Papers from the 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Indexers, May 23, 1992. Includes 'Indexing Encyclopedias and Multivolume Works' by J.Blakeslee, 'Newspaper Indexing' by Candace Peterson, and 'Periodical Indexing, Design, Management, and Pricing' by Nancy Mulvany and Dorothy Thomas.

108411990-0812conferences 06.92-06-21/24
Lutckens, E. SIGIR 92.New trends in information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Cahiers de la Documentation.No.1.1993.p.3-12. Extensive report on the more practical papers of the 15th ACM/SIGIR Conference, held at Copenhagen, June 21-24, 1992

116011993-0812conferences 06.92-06-21/24
Lutckens, E.. SIGIR 92. New trends in information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Cahiers de la Documentation. No. 1. p.3-12. Extensive report on the more practical papers of the 15th ACM/SIGIR Conference, held at Copenhagen, June 21-24, 1992.

101791993-0027conferences 06.92-06-5/6
TAMA'92. 2nd TermNet Symposium "Terminology in Advanced Microcomputer Applications", Avignon, 5-6 June 1992 (Lang.: eng, fre). - Wien, AT, TermNet, 1992. pp. III+342. ISBN: 3901010033. (title also in French)

108421990-0813conferences 06.92-07, 31
Lennie, F.S. Indexing as entertainment (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords.Vol.1.No.2.1992.p.6-9. Report on the proceedings of an indexing conference in England on international aspects of indexing

116021993-0813conferences 06.92-07, 31
Lennie, F.S.. Indexing as entertainment (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords. Vol. 1. No. 2. p.6-9. Report on the proceedings of an indexing conference in England on international aspects of indexing.

101841996-0332conferences 06.92-08-17/19
Draskau, J.K.; Picht, H.. International Conference on Terminology Science and Terminology Planning. In Commemoration of E. Drezen (1892-1992), Riga, 17-19 Aug.1992 (Lang.: eng). - Wien, TermNet, 1994. pp. IV,282.(IITF Series 4). ISBN: 3901010092. The volume contains also the papers of the IITF Workshop: Theoretical Issues of Terminology Science, Riga, 19-21 Aug.1992. It is arranged in 6 chapters as follows: 1. Terminology and Philosophy of Science. Terminological Theories and their development. 3. Terminology Planning and Internationalization of terminology. 4. Comparative Studies in Terminology. 5. Terminography. 6. Theoretical Issues of Terminology Science. Together with the 6 papers of the IITF Workshop here follow the 31 papers:

114821993-0501conferences 06.92-08-17/19
International Terminological Conference "Terminology Science and Terminology Planning", in commemoration of E.Drezen (1892-1992). Riga, Latvia, 17-19 Aug.1992 (Lang.: eng). - In: TermNet News No. 41. 1993. p.42-43.

117211994-0713conferences 06.92-08-24/26
Kaula, P.N.. Book review of Neelameghan, A. et al: Cognitive Paradigms in Knowledge Organization. Proc.2nd Int.ISKO Conference, Madras, 26-28 Aug.92. - Bangalore: Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Libr.Sci. 1992. 466p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Inform.Communicat.& Educ.12(1993)2,p.254-255.

114841993-0503conferences 06.92-08-26/28
Gopinath, M.A.. Cognitive Paradigms in Knowledge Organization. Technical Report on the 2nd International ISKO Conference (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol. 19 No. 4. 1992. p.217-222.

128511995-0041conferences 06.92-08-26/28
McIlwaine, I.C.. Book review of Neelameghan, A. et al: Cognitive paradigms in knowledge organization: 2nd International ISKO Conference, Madras, 26-28 Aug.1992 Bangalore: Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Libr.Sci. 1992. 446p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)4, p.236-237.

133531993-0044conferences 06.92-08-26/28
Negrini, G.; Spissu, G.. Cognitive Paradigms in Knowledge Organization. Second International ISKO Conference (Lang.: ita). - In: L'IndicizzazioneVol. 7 No. 1. 1992. p.13-24.

131461993-0500conferences 06.92-08-9/14, 78
Glトser, R.. Fachsprachliche Aspekte des XV.Internationalen Linguistenkongresses vom 9.-14.Aug.1992 an der Universitトt Laval, Québec, Kanada [Special language aspects of the 15th international congress of linguists, Aug.9-14, 1992, Laval University, Quebec, Canada] (Lang.: ger). - In: FachspracheVol. 15 No. 3. 1993. p.71-74.

114831993-0502conferences 06.92-09-27, 771
Negrini, G.. Symposium on "Research and Technical Scientific Terminology". Rome, Sept.27, 1992. Organized by ASS.I.TERM under CNR's patronage (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 1. 1993. p.55-56.

114851993-0504conferences 06.92-10-20
Williamson, N.. FID/CR and ISKO Joint Meeting, Madrid, Oct.20, 1992 (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol. 19 No. 4. 1992. p.223-225.

119191995-0042conferences 06.92-10-25
Robins, D.. Book review of Fidel, R., Kwasnik, B., Smith, P.J. (Eds.): Advances in Classification Research, Vol.3: Proceedings of the 3rd ASIS SIG/CR Classificat. Research Workshop. Medford, NJ: Learned Inform.1993. VI,181p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Pocessing & Management. 31(1995)1,p.148-149.

120141995-0247conferences 06.92-10-25
Svenonius, E. Book review of Fidel, R., Kwasnik, B.H., Smith, Ph.J. (Eds.): Advances in Classification Research:Proc.3rd ASIS SIG/CR Classif.Res.Workshop Oct.25, 1992. Medford, NJ: Learned Inform. 1993. 181+35p (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.& Inform.Sci. Res. Vol. 16. No. 4. 1994. p.345-346.

114861993-0505conferences 06.92-10-25, 18
Beghtol, C.. AIS SIG/CR (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 2. 1993. p.95.

114871993-0506conferences 06.92-10-26/29
Wiliamson, N.. USA: ASIS SIG/CR (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol. 19 No. 4. 1992. p.225-226.

130321990-0814conferences 06.92-10-8/9
Karg, H.; Kunz, M., Wolf-Dahm, B. SWD-Kolloquium am 8./9.Oktober 1992 [Colloquy on the Standard Subject Heading File, Oct.8-9, 1992] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog Bibl.Vol.5.No.1.1993.p.22-28.

131631993-0814conferences 06.92-10-8/9
Karg, H.; Kunz, M., Wolf-Dahm, B.. SWD-Kolloquium am 8./9.Oktober 1992 [Colloquy on the Standard Subject Heading File, Oct.8-9, 1992] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog Bibl.. Vol. 5. No. 1. p.22-28.

104161994-0714conferences 06.92-11-04
TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference 1. Gaithersburg, Nov.4, 1992 (Lang.: eng). - In: NIST Special Publ.. 500207.Gaithersburg, MD, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Information Technology Labiratory, 1993. pp. 380.

101801993-0056conferences 06.92-11-12/14, 77
Krommer-Benz, M.; Manu, A. (Eds.). Third Infoterm Symposium "Terminology work in subject fields", Vienna, 12-14 Nov.1991 (Lang.: eng, fre). - Wien, TermNet, 1992. pp. XIII+630. ISBN: 3901010041. (title also in French)

114891993-0508conferences 06.92-11-18/20
Garcia Marco, F.J.. Spanish conference on knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 1. 1993. p.57.

101671993-0045conferences 06.92-11-5/7
Zimmermann, H.; Luckhardt, H.-D., Schulz, A. (Eds.). Mensch und Maschine - Informationelle Schnittstellen der Kommunikation. Proc.d.3.Int.Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI'92), Saarbrücken, 5.-7.Nov.1992 [Man and machine. Information interfaces of communication] (Lang.: ger, eng). - Konstanz, DE, Universitas Ver, 1992. pp. 389. ISBN: 3879404496.

114881993-0507conferences 06.92-11-6
Hanqing, Hou. Ranganathan Jubilee Meeting in China (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 2. 1993. p.92.

130331990-0815conferences 06.92-11-9/10, 88-53
Johannsmeyer, B.; Ittner, A. Diskurs MeSH/RSWK im Universitõtsklinikum Berlin-Steglitz [Conference on MeSH and RSWK in the Berlin-Steglitz hospital] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst.Vol.27.No.1.1993.p.60-61. Report on a course for further education in subject cataloguing of medical librarians with 23 participants who learned about ways of subject cataloguing in medicine

131641993-0815conferences 06.92-11-9/10, 88-53
Johannsmeyer, B.; Ittner, A.. Diskurs MeSH/RSWK im Universitトtsklinikum Berlin-Steglitz [Conference on MeSH and RSWK in the Berlin-Steglitz hospital] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 27. No. 1. p.60-61. Report on a course for further education in subject cataloguing of medical librarians with 23 participants who learned about ways of subject cataloguing in medicine.

114901993-0509conferences 06.93-01-15
Knowledge Communication in an era of information explosion (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 2. 1993. p.87.

132311995-0248conferences 06.93-03
Supper, R. Book review of Hermes, H.-J., Havekost, H. (Eds.): Die Systematik im OPAC: über das Instrumentarium zum Ordnen und Wiederfinden; Oldenburg: Bibl.u.Inform.System d.Univ.Oldenburg 1993. 162p [The classification system in the OPAC: on tools for order and retrieval] (Lang.: ger). - In: Z.Bibl.wes.Bibliogr. Vol. 41. No. 4. 1994. p.407-408.

125471996-0772conferences 06.93-03-17/19, 121
Guarino, N.; Poli, R.. The role of formal ontology in the information technology. Special issue (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.J.Human-Comput.Studies. Vol. 43, No. 5/6. 1995. p.623-850. The 12 contributions of this issue were presented at the International Workshop on Formal Ontology in Conceptual Analysis and Knowledge Representation, held in Padova, Italy, March 17-19, 1993. It was organized by LADSEB-CNR and the Centre for the Studyof Central-European Philosophy in Trento.

114911993-0510conferences 06.93-03-17/20
Similarity, clusters and concepts (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 2. 1993. p.87.

104381996-0025conferences 06.93-03-3/5
Bock, H.H. et al.. Information Systems and Data Analysis: Prospects - Foundations - Applications. University of Kaiserslautern, March 3-5, 1993. Proceedings of the 17th. Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V. (Lang.: eng). - Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 1994. pp. 462. The volume contains 43 papers grouped as follows: I. Information processing, classification-based approaches, linguistic and conceptual analysis. II. Mathematical and statistical methods for classification and data analysis. III. Genome and molecular sequence analysis. IV. Applied data analysis in special fields.

108431990-0816conferences 06.93-04-22/23, 356
Papers from the workshop on hypermedia and hypertext standards held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22-23 April 1993 (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Serv.& Use.Vol.13.No.2.1993.p.81-188. The issue contains 13 papers with a guest-editor s preface by J.van Halm

116031993-0816conferences 06.93-04-22/23, 356
Papers from the workshop on hypermedia and hypertext standards held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22-23 April 1993 (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Serv.& Use. Vol. 13. No. 2. p.81-188. The issue contains 13 papers with a guest-editor s preface by J.van Halm.

120161995-0249conferences 06.93-05
Ndi-Kimbi, A. Review of papers in Terminologies Nouvelles. Rév.semestrielle. M.Garsou, Ed., Bruxelles: Réseau Int. de Neologie et de Terminologie 1993. No.10, 79p (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology. Vol. 1. No. 2. 1994. p.401-402. This issue of Terminologie Nouvelles is mainly devoted to the proceedings of the International Seminar on Phraseology organized by the Réseau International de Néologie et de Terminologie, Hull, Canada, May 1993

114921993-0511conferences 06.93-05-10/13
Dahlberg, I.. The Russian Regional ISKO Conference (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 2. 1993. p.91-92.

103121996-0043conferences 06.93-05-20/22
Mulvany, N.C.. Indexing, Providing Access to Information: Looking back, looking ahead. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Indexers, Alexandria, VA, May 20-22, 1993 (Lang.: eng). - Port Aransas, TX, Amer.Soc.Indexers, 1993. pp. 161. After the editor's preface the following 16 papers have been included. The index was also compiled by A. Nickerson. It contains an introductory note. The authors are shortly described by their biodata.

108441990-0830conferences 06.93-05-20/22
Hall, G. Indexing, providing access to information, looking back, looking ahead (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.18.No.4.1993.p.259-262. Report on the 25th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Indexers, Alexandria, VA, 20-22 May 1993

116041993-0830conferences 06.93-05-20/22
Hall, G.. Indexing, providing access to information, looking back, looking ahead (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 18. No. 4. p.259-262. Report on the 25th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Indexers, Alexandria, VA, 20-22 May 1993.

117221994-0738conferences 06.93-05-20/22
Jensen, J.D.. Book review of Mulvaney, N.S. (Ed.): Indexing, providing access to information: looking back, looking ahead. - Proc.25th Ann.Meeting Amer.Soc.Indexers. Port Aransas, TX 19993. 161p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Libr.Rev.. 11(1994)1,p.110-111.

122061995-0703conferences 06.93-05-20/22
Lee, D. Book review of Mulvany, N.C.(Ed.): Indexing, providing access to information: looking back, looking ahead. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of American Society of Indexers. Port Aransas, TX: Amer.Soc.Indexers 1993. 161p (Lang.: eng). - In: Learned Publishing. Vol. 8. No. 1. 1995. p.66-67.

129781995-0043conferences 06.93-05, 772
Rousseau, L.-J.. Phraséologie et langues de spécialité [Phraseology and special languages"] (Lang.: fre). - In: TermNet News. (1994)45,p.37-39. Report on a meeting organized by RINT (Reseau International de Néologie et de Terminologie) in May 1993 with 12 papers given on phraseology, all in French.

114931993-0512conferences 06.93-06-27
Bangalore, N.S.. ALA/ALCTS/SAC (Subject Analysis Committee) (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalog.& Classif.Quart.Vol. 16 No. 1. 1993. p.133-6.

114941993-0513conferences 06.93-06-27
Lange, H.; Sullenger, P.. Cataloging and Classification Research Discussion Group (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalog.& Classif.Quart.Vol. 16 No. 1. 1993. p.137-140.

108451990-0831conferences 06.93-06-3/5
Universal Knowledge Tools and their Applications (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol.20.No.3.1993.p.160-161. Short report with listing of the papers of the Conference in Toronto, Ont., June 3-5, 1993, organized by Prof.H.Burckhardt for the Ontario Division of the International Society for System Science

116051993-0831conferences 06.93-06-3/5
Universal Knowledge Tools and their Applications (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.. Vol. 20. No. 3. p.160-161. Short report with listing of the papers of the Conference in Toronto, Ont., June 3-5, 1993, organized by Prof.H.Burckhardt for the Ontario Division of the International Society for System Science

119201995-0044conferences 06.93-08-16/28
Wittek, B.. Fifth European Summer School in Logic, Language & Information (Lang.: eng). - In: Künstliche Intelligenz. (1994)1,p.36-37. Report on this summer school which was held at the University of Lissabon. 67 scientists from industry, research institutions and universities gave courses, workshops and symposia.

101441996-0086conferences 06.93-08-17/18
Holley, R.P.; McGarry, D., Duncan, D., Svenonius, E.. Subject Indexing: Principles and Practices in the 90's. Proceedings of the IFLA Satellite Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 Aug.1993 (Lang.: eng). - München etc., K.G.Saur Verlag, 1995. pp. X,302.(UBCIM Publ. New Series Vol.15). ISBN: 3598112513. The volume contains an introduction by the then chair of the IFLA Section on Classification and Indexing, D.McGarry and the Editor's Comments by R.P.Holley. The altogether 17 papers are grouped into the sections 1) Systems and Practices Today: An Overview, and 2) Current Issues in Subject Indexing. The volume ends with a Summary by J. Beall and a List of Contributors. The papers:

114951993-0514conferences 06.93-08-17/18
Subject indexing: Principles and practices in the 90's (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 2. 1993. p.87-88.

132151995-0045conferences 06.93-08-17/18
Heiner-Freiling, M.. Verbale Sacherschliessung in den neunziger Jahren: eine internationale Tagung in Lissabon [Verbal subject indexing in the nineties: An international conference in Lissabon] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift f³r Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. 41(1994)2,p.244-246. Report on the conference which assembled 65 participants from 15 countries with presentations of the subject indexing systems of Brazil, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Iran, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Great Britain, and USA.

117231994-0739conferences 06.93-08-17/18, 31
Holley, R.P.. Report on the IFLA Satellite Meeting "Subject Indexing: Principles and Practices in the 90's", Aug.17-18, 1993, Lisbon, Portugal (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalog & Classification Quarterly. 18(1993)2,p.87-90.

34792004-0006conferences 06.93-08-17/18;111;02
Bîrsan, L. [Book review of] Indexarea pe subiecte: principii si practici în anii '90 [[Book review of] Subject indexing: principles and practices in the 90's : proceedings of the IFLA Satellite meeting held in Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 August 1993] (Lang.: rom). - In: 14(2003)11/12, p.262-263.

105031996-0051conferences 06.93-08-2/6, 77
Brekke, M.; Andersen, Oe., Dahl, T., Myking, J.. Applications and Implications of current LSP Research. Proceedings of the 9th European Symposium on LSP, Bergen, Aug.2-6, 1993. Vols.1 & 2 (Lang.: eng). - Bergen, Norway, Fagbokforlaget, 1994. pp. 969. the 53 papers of Vol.1 are grouped under the following headings: 1. Plenary and keynote papers, 2. Business communication, 3. Computers, 4. Didactics, 5. Language and culture, 6. Philosophy of science. The 54 papers of Vol.2 are grouped under: 7. Terminology, 8. Text and pragmatics, 9. Text typology, 10. Translation, 11. Workshop 1: LSP in historical perspective, 12. Workshop 2: Verbal concept representation, 13. Retrospect. A selection of papers relevant in our context are cited in the following:

117241994-0740conferences 06.93-08-23/24, 77
Reports on Workshops held within the framework of the International Congress on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (TKE'93) in Cologne, Aug.1993 (Lang.: eng). - In: TermNet News. (1994)44,p.13-16. Reports on the INTERCOCTA Workshop, as well as on the workshops on "Teaching Methods and Teaching Materials for Terminology", "Copyright in Terminology", "Terminology Interchange Format" and "Microcomputer-based Terminology Management Software".

114961993-0515conferences 06.93-08-25/27
TKE'93. Third International Congress on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 2. 1993. p.88-89.

101711993-0516conferences 06.93-08-25/27, 77
Schmitz, K.-D. (Ed.). TKE'93. Terminology and Knowledge Engineering. Proceedings Third International Congress on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, 25-27 Aug.1993. Cologne, Germany (Lang.: eng). - Frankfurt/M, INDEKS Verlag, 1993. pp. VIII,472. ISBN: 3886722066.

108461990-0832conferences 06.93-10-25
Thesauri as Terminological Lexicons.A concept, a definition, and software requirements (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol.20.No.3.1993.p.163-164. Program of a workshop organized by W.Schmitz-Esser, chair of DGD/KTF (the Committee for Classification and Thesaurus Research of the German Documentation Society) together with ISKO on Oct.25, 1993 in Weilburg

116061993-0832conferences 06.93-10-25
Thesauri as Terminological Lexicons. A concept, a definition, and software requirements (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.. Vol. 20. No. 3. p.163-164. Program of a workshop organized by W.Schmitz-Esser, chair of DGD/KTF (the Committee for Classification and Thesaurus Research of the German Documentation Society) together with ISKO on Oct.25, 1993 in Weilburg.

108471990-0833conferences 06.93-10-26/29
3rd Conference of the German ISKO Chapter (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol.20.No.3.1993.p.163. Forecast of the program for this conference at Weilburg, Oct.26-29, 1993

116071993-0833conferences 06.93-10-26/29
3rd Conference of the German ISKO Chapter (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.. Vol. 20. No. 3. p.163. Forecast of the program for this conference at Weilburg, Oct.26-29, 1993.

101731995-0263conferences 06.93-10-27/29
Meder, N.; Jaenecke, P., Schmitz-Esser, W. Konstruktion und Retrieval von Wissen"3. Tagung der Dt. ISKO Sektion einschl.d.Vorträge des Workshops ""Thesauri als terminologische Lexika"", Weilburg, 27.-29.Okt.1993" [Construction and retrieval of knowledge] (Lang.: ger). - Frankfurt(Main), INDEKS Verlag, 1995. pp. VIII,269.(Fortschr.i.d.Wissensorgnisat). ISBN: 3886724042. The volume comprises 24 papers arranged in 5 sections: Epistemology and knowledge organization. Concept analysis and object-orientation. Classification and identification. Knowledge organization in special areas. Knowledge organization in particular cont. exts. The papers:

133891996-0116conferences 06.93-10-27/29
Pitto, D.. Book review of Meder, N. et al. (Eds.): Konstruktion und Retrieval von Wissen. 3. Tagung der Deutschen ISKO Sektion...einschl.d.Vorträge des Workshops 'Thesauri als terminologische Lexika', Weilburg, 27.-29.10.1993. Frankfurt: INDEKS Verlag 1995. 269p. [Construction and retrieval of knowledge] (Lang.: ita). - In: Boll. AIB. Vol. 35, No. 4. 1995. p. 516-518.

133911996-0364conferences 06.93-10-27/29
Pitto, D.. Book review of Meder, N., Jaenecke, P., Schmitz-Esser, W. (Eds.): Konstruktion und Retrieval von Wissen. 3. Tagung d. Deutschen ISKO Sektion. einschl.d. Vorträge des Workshops "Thesauri als terminologische Lexika". Weilburg, 27-29 Oct. 1993. Frankfurt: INDEKS Verlag 1995. 269p. (Lang.: ita). - In: Boll. AIB. Vol. 35, No. 4. 1995. p. 516-518.

99801996-0104conferences 06.93-10-5/6
Wright, S.E.; Strehlow, R.A.. Standardizing and Harmonizing Terminology: Theory and Practice (Lang.: eng). - Philadelphia, PA, Amer.Society for Testing Materials, 1995. pp. 257. ISBN: 0803119844. The following papers are contained in the volume:

120181995-0262conferences 06.93-10-5/6
Meyer, Ingrid. Symposium on Standardizing and Harmonizing Terminology: Theory and Practice, Philadelphia, Oct.5-6, 1993 (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology. Vol. 1. No. 2. 1994. p.403-405. Speakers at the symposium were R.Strehlow, S.E.Wright, R.L.Buchan, S. Greenwald, Ch.T.Gilreath, A.Melby, Ch.Galinski, K.Eck, I.Meyer, G.Shreve, and F.W.Riggs

99811996-0785conferences 06.93-10, 77
Wright, S.E.; Strehlow, R.A.. Standardizing and Harmonizing Terminology: Theory and Practice (Lang.: eng). - Philadelphia, PA, ASTM Publ., 1995. pp. 257. ISBN: 0803119844. Proceedings of a Symposium held in Oct. 1993 with 12 of 14 papers presented, organized under the following four headings: Concept congruence, Maintenance, Harmonization in a multilingual environment, Computer-aided terminology work. A book review on thisvolume appeared in Terminology 3(1996)No.1, p.184-188 by H. Leclercq.

132161995-0046conferences 06.93-11-1/5
Barsch-Spörl, B.; Bakhtari, Sh.. 1. Europäischer Case-Based Reasoning Workshop (EWCBR-93) [First European CBR Workshop"] (Lang.: ger). - In: Künstliche Intelligenz. (1994)1,p.40-41.

101311995-0047conferences 06.93-11-1/5, 121
Wess, S.; Althoff, K.-D.; Richter, M.M.. Topics in Case-Based Reasoning. First European Workshop, EWCBR-993, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Nov.1-5, 1993. Selected Papers (Lang.: eng). - Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 1994. pp. IX,471. ISBN: 3540583300. Presentation of the 36 full refereed papers. Case-based reasoning supports knowledge acquisition and problem solving, it is related to machine learning, analogical reasoning, cognitive modeling, similarity and information retrieval.

102161995-0288conferences 06.93-11-4/5
Garcia Marco, F.J. (Ed.). Organizacion del Conocimiento en Sistemas de Informacion y Documentacion. Actas del i Encuentro de ISKO-Espana. Madrid, 4 y 5 Nov. de 1993 [Organization of Knowledge in Information and Documentation Systems. Proceedings of the Spanish ISKO Chapter Conference, Madrid, 4-5 Nov. 1993] (Lang.: spa). - Zaragoza, Spain, Libreria General, 1995. pp. 286. ISBN: 8460091589. The proceedings volume of the first Spanish Regional ISKO Conference contains 23 papers arranged in the following sections: Perspectives, Theoretical bases, Experiments in teaching, Applied Research. The papers:

125001996-0365conferences 06.93-11-4/5
Lopez-Huertas, M.J.. Book review of Garcia Marco, J.: Organización del Conocimiento en Sistemas de Información y Documentación. Proc. 1st ISKO-Espagna Meeting, Madrid, 4-5 Nov.1993. Zaragoza: Min de Educacion y Ciencia. Universidad de Zaragoza, Cap. Esp. de ISKO 1995 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22, No. 1. 1996. p.47-48.

117251994-0741conferences 06.93-11-4/6
10th National Cataloguing Conference 1993: Subject to Change: Subject Access and the Role of the Cataloguer, 4-6 Nov.1993. Freemantle, West.Australia (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia. 19(1993)3/4,p.73-285. The papers of this conference have been individually placed in this bibliography in their pertinent groups

41997-1-0004conferences 06.93-17/18
Micacic, M., Willer, M. Book review of Holley, R.P., D. McGarry, D. Duncan and E. Svenonius (eds.): Subject indexing: Principles and practices in the 90's. Proceedings of the IFLA satellite meeting held in Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 August 1993 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization Vol 23, No.4 1996, p.233-236.

104021996-0026conferences 06.93-3-3/5
Havekost, H.; Wätjen, H.-J.. Aufbau und Erschließung begrifflicher Datenbanken. Beiträge zur bibliothekarischen Klassifikation [Construction of and access to conceptual databases. Contributions to library classification] (Lang.: ger). - Oldenburg, DE, Bibliotheks- u.Inform.Syst.d.Universität, 1995. pp. 335. A selection of papers of the annual conferences of Kaiserslautern (1993) and Oldenburg (1994) of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation. The 16 papers are grouped under the following 3 headings: 1. Aspects of general classification problems in subject cataloguing. 2. Obtaining order data for library practice in and with computer systems. 3. Retrieval and literature search. All papers except for one are in German.

120171995-0250conferences 06.93.08
Harman, D. (Guest-Ed.). The Second Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-2) (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management. Vol. 31. No. 3. 1995. p.269-448. Introductory text, followed by 11 papers:

117261994-0743conferences 06.94-01-07
Sing; Sukhdev; Prasad, K.N.. Indian ISKO Chapter: Seminar on Classification and Knowledge Representation (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)1,p.37-38.

103801994-0744conferences 06.94-01-10
Assoc.Franc.Documentalistes & Biblioth.Spécialisés. Le thésaurus aujourd'hui: Paris, 10 Janvier 1994 [Thesaurus today] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, ADBS, 1994. pp. 28.

133671994-1193conferences 06.94-02-02
Modelli e metodi di organizzazione della conoscenza, Roma, 2 febr.1994. Lavorei della tavola rotonda [Models and methods for the organization of knowledge. Roundtable, Rome, 2nd febr.1994"] (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione. (1994)14-15,p.27-176. After an introduction by P.Bisogno the papers are given as presented during the Table Ronde in Rome, Febr.2, 1994. The papers are as follows:

117271994-0753conferences 06.94-02-19/21
Second Symposium on Translation: "Terminology and Lexicography", Puerto Rico, 19-21 February 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: Infoterm Newsletter. (1994)71/72. Reports on this Symposium at Ponce, PR which brought together some 120 participants mostly from Puerto Rico.

101111994-1214conferences 06.94-02-23/26
Wille, R.; Zickwolff, M. (Eds.). Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung. Grundfragen und Aufgaben. Conceptual knowledge processing. Basic questions and tasks. Mannheim, DE. B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag. 1994 (Lang.: ger). - pp. 324. ISBN: 341117241X. The volume contains a selection of the 15 papers presented at the conference in Darmstadt on the topic of the book, Febr. 23-26, 1994, organized by the Darmstadt Research Group on Concept Analysis together with the Ernst Schröder Zentrum für Begrifflichessensverarbeitung e.V. and ISKO. The contributions were all in German.

117281994-0754conferences 06.94-02-23/26
Conference on "Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung", Darmstadt, Febr.23-26, 1994 [Conference on Conceptual Knowledge Processing at Darmstadt, 23-26 Febr.1994] (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)1,p.40-41.

122071995-0704conferences 06.94-02-23/26
Bauer, G. Book review of Wille, R., Zickwolff, M. (Eds.): Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung (Conceptual Knowledge Processing). Grundfragen und Aufgaben; Mannheim-Leipzig-Vienna-Zürich: BI Wissenschaftsverlag 1994. 324p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.101-102.

117291994-0755conferences 06.94-03-15/16
R.; Fugmann. Semantic retrieval. Workshop on 15-16 March 1994 in Heidelberg (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.94.

132811996-0117conferences 06.94-03-7/11
Witte, G.. Fortbildungstagung Sacherschließung in Steterburg [Further education meeting on subject cataloguing in Steterburg] (Lang.: ger). - In: Inf.Kirchl.Bibl. Vol. 46, No. 20. 1994. p.15-17. Report on this meeting at which M.Heiner-Freiling gave an introduction into the Rules for the Subject Catalogue (RSWK), Pannewick spoke on Short rules for the subject catalogue in church libraries, Wulff on the Thesaurus and its application at the Comenius Instititut in Münster/Westfalen, Gödert commented critically on subject cataloguing with RSWK, and Zerbst spoke on Subject cataloguing in the network of the Lower-Saxony State and University Library.

101331996-0539conferences 06.94-03-9/11
Gaul, W.; Pfeifer, D.. From Data to Knowledge. Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization (Lang.: eng). - Heidelberg,Berlin, Springer Verlag, 1995. pp. X,472. ISBN: 3540603549. Contains the text of 48 papers presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society for Classification, Oldenburg, 9-11 March 1994. The papers are grouped into the following 7 sections: Plenary and semi plenary presentations, Classification Related Results and other Aspects of Data Analysis, Spatial Data Analysis, Applications in Economics, Applications in Linguistics, Applications in Medicine and Biology, Information Systems and Knowledge Organization.

120191995-0313conferences 06.94-04-15/16
Nixon, S. Symposium of Deutscher Terminologie-Tag (DTT), Cologne, Germany, April 15-16, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology. Vol. 1. No. 2. 1994. p.405-408. Reports on this conference which had the topic: Macro- and microeconomic aspects of terminology as a productivity factor

119211995-0048conferences 06.94-05-13/14, 31
Wolner, Th.J.. American Society of Indexers. Annual Conference. Wilson Award. Key Words (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. 19(1994)2,p.125-126. Reports on the 28th Annual Meeting of ASI, held at San Diego, California, May 13-14, 1994; the Wilson Award, which was given to Patricia Deminna of Santa Rose, CA; and on the papers of Key Words 93-5 and 6.

104601996-0118conferences 06.94-05-13/14, 31/3
McGovern, C.. The Changing Landscapes of Indexing. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Indexers, San Diego, CA, May 13-14, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - Port Aransas, TX, Amer.Soc.Indexers, 1994. pp. 59. After the preface by the editor the sixteen papers presented at the meeting follow. The volume ends with the biodata of the authors and an index compiled by A.Nickerson. The papers:

119221995-0049conferences 06.94-05-25/28, 778
Mühlhaus, S.; Löschmann, M.. Conference on Languages for Specific Purposes, Budapest, May 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: Fachsprache. 16(1994)3/4p.159-162. Over 300 participants from 18 countries and 4 continents took part in the conference which comprised over 30 sessions within five parallel sections.

101691994-0757conferences 06.94-06-20/24
Albrechtsen, H.; Oernager, S.. Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark (Lang.: eng). - In: Adv.in Knowl.Org.. Vol.4.Frankfurt, INDEKS Verlag, 1994. pp. 448. ISBN: 3886720233. The volume contains 52 papers and 2 abstracts presented at the conference and arranged according to main groupings of the program. Appended is a list of authors and a name and subject index.

108131995-0705conferences 06.94-06-20/24
Kajberg, L. ISKO'94 pa Danmarks Bibliotheksskole [ISKO'94 at the Danish Library School] (Lang.: dan). - In: DF Revy. Vol. 18. No. 2. 1995. p.43-4. Report on the 3rd international conference of ISKO in Copenhagen, 20-24 June 1994

117301994-0756conferences 06.94-06-20/24
Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. 3rd International ISKO Conference, Copenhagen, 20-24 June 1994 (Program) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)1,p.38-40.

120201995-0314conferences 06.94-06-20/24
Jones, Kevin. Book review of Albrechtsen, H. et al: Knowledge organization and quality management. Proc. 3rd Int. ISKO Conference, 20-24 June 1994, Copenhagen Frankfurt: INDEKS Verlag 1994. 448p (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1995. p.236.

125011996-0366conferences 06.94-06-20/24
Aitchison, J.. Book review of Albrechtsen, H., Oernager, S. (Eds.): Knowledge organization and quality managment. Proc. 3rd Int. ISKO Conf., Copenhagen, 20-4 June 94 Frankfurt: INDEKS Verlag 1994. 457p. (Adv.in Knowl.Org. Vol.4) (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc. Vol. 52, No. 2. 1996. p. 206-208.

125271996-0588conferences 06.94-06-20/24
Davis, S.D.. Book review of Albrechtsen, H.et al (Eds.): Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Proc.3rd Int.ISKO Conf., 20-24 June 1994. Copenhagen. Frankfurt: INDEKS Verlag 1994. 457p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Austral.Libr.Rev. Vol. 12, No. 4. 1995. p.435-6.

128481994-1230conferences 06.94-06-20/24
Gopinath, M.A.. Knowledge Organization and Quality Management - a conference report (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)3,p.157-159. Reports on the results of the Third International ISKO Conference in Copenhagen, June 20-24, 1994.

129791995-0050conferences 06.94-06-22, 77
Journée "Terminologie & Information", Paris, le 22 juin 1994 (Lang.: fre). - In: TermNet News. (1994)45,p.42-43. Two papers of this meeting are given here as summaries: Ch.Galinski: La terminologie et une culture commune en Europe. - Wiegandt, C.: Les problèmes économiques: couts de production élevés et enjeux mal percus.

123771996-0135conferences 06.94-06-26
Evans, A.F.. LITA/ALCTS Authority Control Interest Group (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat. & Classif.Quart. Vol. 20, No. 3. 1995. p.103-107. Report on the meeting during the American Library Association Conference at Miami Beach, June 26, 1994 the topic of which was 'Artificial Intelligence and Authority Control: Together at Last?' Featured speakers werd Barbara Tillett, Ed O'Neill, Susan Siegfried, and Ray Larson. Karen Calhoun was the moderator.

119231995-0052conferences 06.94-07-15/17
Kessel, Sh.. SI Meets at Norwich (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words. 2(1994)5,p.9. Report on the program of the annual meeting of the Society of Indexers in Norwich, GB, seen from an American point of view.

119131994-1231conferences 06.94-07-18/23
(Meetings of the Research Committee 35 of the International Sociological Association (ISA) at the 13th World Congress of Sociology in Bielefeld, 1994) (Lang.: eng). - In: Sociological Abstracts. 42(1994)7,Suppl.173. For this congress (entitled "Contested Boundaries and Shifting Solidarities") altogether 2,7783 abstracts of papers were received. Among the 47 Research Committees of ISA there is No.35 devoted to "Conceptual and Terminological Analysis (COCTA). Its program coordinator was George Graham. The committee had altogether 16 sessions during this congress, involving some 70 persons as contributors, chairs, and discussants. In the following some of the topics are listed: The concept of 'concept'. Certainty. Explanations: Functional and causal. Micro-macro relations in complex systems. Applications of conceptual analysis: Rethinking Class (1) and (2). The INTERCOCTA Project. Discourse analysis. Project on meta-terms and meta-concepts. Metatheorizing, etc."

101241995-0051conferences 06.94-07-3/6
Croft, W.B.; Rijsbergen, C.J.van. SIGIR'94. Proceedings of the 17th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (Lang.: eng). - Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 1994. pp. XI,363. ISBN: 354019889X. The volume contains a selection of 35 papers of this conference held at Dublin, Ireland in July 1994.

101761994-1232conferences 06.94-09-14/16
Stancikova, P.; Dahlberg, I.. Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia (Lang.: eng). - Frankfurt/Main, INDEKS Verlag, 1994. pp. VIII,216. ISBN: 3886726002. The proceedings volume contains 25 papers and 7 abstracts arranged in the order of the program. The titles with an asterisk are only presented in the volume as abstracts. Their papers will be printed in a supplement volume, together with the conference recommendations. The volume is concluded by a name and subject index.

101771995-0054conferences 06.94-09-14/16
Stancikova, P.; Dahlberg, I. (Eds.). Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Supplement Volume. Proceedings 1st European ISKO Conference, 14-16 Sept.1994, Bratislava, Slovakia (Lang.: eng). - Frankfurt/Main, INDEKS Verlag, 1995. pp. 96. ISBN: 3886726010. The supplement volume contains 12 papers which were not available before the conference in order to be included into the main volume (see Knowl.Org.Literature 21(1994)No.4, p.247). It contains also the three "country reports" by A.Moshiri, S.Ramotowska, and A.Brown as well as the Recommendations discussed with the reports of the chairpersons at the final conference session. List of participants and name and subject index.

117311994-0812conferences 06.94-09-14/16
Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Classification, Terminology, Thesauri, and Software (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.99-100. Reprint of the preliminary program of the conference with the title as above, held at Bratislava, 14-16 Sept.1994.

119241995-0053conferences 06.94-09-14/16
First European ISKO Conference on Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)4,p.230". Short report on this event having taken place at Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept.14-16, 1994 with almost 100 participants from 21 countries.

125021996-0367conferences 06.94-09-14/16
Aitchison, J.. Book review of Stancikova, P., Dahlberg, I.(Eds.): Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proc. 1st European ISKO Conf. 14-16 sept.1994. Bratislava. Frankfurt: INDEKS Verlag 1994/95, 2 vols. 216+88p. (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc. Vol. 52, No. 2. 1996. p.208-209.

125031996-0368conferences 06.94-09-14/16
Zeng, L.M.. Book review of Stancikova, P., Dahlberg, I. (Eds.): Environmental knowledge organization and information management. Proc. 1st European ISKO Conf. 14-16 Sept.1994. Bratislava. Frankfurt: INDEKS Verl. 1994/5, 2 vols. 216+88 p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 1. 1996. p.46-47.

125281996-0589conferences 06.94-09-14/16
Harvey, R.. Book review of Stancikova, P. et al (Eds.): Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Proc.1st European ISKO Conf., 14-16 Sept. 1994, Bratislava. Frankfurt: INDEKS Verlag 1994/95. 216p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Libr.Rev. Vol. 12, No. 4. 1995. p.439.

133921996-0590conferences 06.94-09-14/16
Enzoli, A.. Book review of same title as under 0589 (Lang.: ita). - In: Boll.AIB. Vol. 36, No. 2. 1996. p.212-215.

120211995-0315conferences 06.94-09-16/18
Conference on Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management. Recommendations (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 1. 1995. p.39-40.

132351995-0316conferences 06.94-09-16/18
Wagner, Dieter. Book review of Stancikova, P. et al: Environmental knowledge organization and information management. Proc.1st European ISKO Conference, Bratislava 16-18 Sept.1994. Frankfurt: INDEKS Verlag 1994/95. 216+88p (Lang.: ger). - In: UVP Report. No. 3. 1995. p.157.

103611995-0317conferences 06.94-09-20/24
Polikarpov, A.A. (Ed.). Qualico-94. 2nd International Conference on Quantitative Linguistics, Sept.20-24, 1994, Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philological Fac. Abstracts of Papers (Lang.: eng, ger, rus). - Moskva, RU, 1994. pp. 234. The volume contains abstracts and full papers from 68 authors, listed in alphabetical order at the end of the volume. The papers are in English (with a few exceptions) with Russian abstracts. The first Qualico Conference took place in Trier 1991. The sec. ond one was organized in collaboration with the Trier University and with the International Informatization Academy. The following papers seem to be of relevance in our context:

101321995-0064conferences 06.94-09-21/22;117
Bertino, E.; Urban, S.. Object-Oriented Methodologies and Systems. International Symposium ISOOMS'94, Palermo, Italy, Sept.21-22, 1994. Proceedings (Lang.: eng). - Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 1994. pp. X,386. ISBN: 354058451X. The 25 full papers included cover not only technical areas of object-orientation, such as databases, programming languages, and methodological aspects, but also application areas.

101981994-1266conferences 06.94-09-27/30
Neubauer, W. (Ed.). Deutscher Dokumentartag 1994. Blick Europa! Informationsmanagement. Universität Trier, 27.-30.9.1994 [German Documentation Convention. Viewing Europe.] (Lang.: ger). - Frankfurt/Main, Dt.Ges.f.Dokumentation e.V., 1994. pp. 511. ISBN: 3925474269. The volume contains 45 papers and an address list of moderators and speakers. The following 5 papers (in German) are of relevance in the field of knowledge organization:

119251995-0065conferences 06.94-09-29
Conceptual Retrieval and the Future Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)4,p.227. Short report on the special session during the Annual Conference of the German Documentation Society (DGD) at Trier, Sept.29, 1994 organized in cooperation with some DGD Committees and ISKO as well as a committee of the Society for Classification.

119261995-0066conferences 06.94-10-05, 926
Williamson, N.. FID/CR Business Meeting, Tokyo, Oct.5, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization (FID/CR News 37). 21(1994)4,p.232-233. Report on the ongoing activities of the committee including a change of its name into "Classification Research for Knowledge Organization". The FID/CR News will henceforth also be published in the FID News Bulletin, not necessarily identical in the wording.

119291995-0098conferences 06.94-10-16
Williamson, N.. ASIS/SIG/CR (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)4,p.233-234". Report on the ASIS/SIG/CR Workshop held prior to the ASIS Conference at Alexandria, VA, Oct.16, 1994, as well as on the special SIG/CR Sessions during the ASIS conference.

105271994-1295conferences 06.94-10-17/20
Maxian, B. (Ed.). The Economics of Information. ASIS'94. Proc. 57th ASIS Annual Meeting, Alexandria, VA, Oct.17-20, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - Medford, NJ, Learned Information, Inc., 1994. pp. XIV,115. The volume contains 10 contributed papers and the abstracts of 21 SIG sessions among which three sessions of SIG/CR (Classification Research), of which two had been organized together with other Special Intrest Groups: SIG/FIS and SIG/SRT (p.80-84). The three sessions were: (1) Information science and terminology science: Interconnections for increased research efficiency (papers by L.Bowker and M.Hudon). (2) Toward a modern philosophy of classification (I.Dahlberg, H.Albrechtsen, B.Frohmann, E.K.Jacob) (3) Predicting the success of knowledge-intensive information systems: Methodologic issues in testing and evaluation. (J.W.Ulvila, F.W.Lancaster et al., and P.Solomon. Session 1 was chaired by C.Beghtol, 2 by P. Wilson and 3 by S.M. Humphrey. The papers:"

117321994-0813conferences 06.94-10-2/9
FID/CR Meetings at 47th FID General Assembly, Conference and Congress, Tokyo, Oct.2-9, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.103.

117331994-0814conferences 06.94-10-23/25
New Roles for Classification in Libraries and Information Networks. 36th Allerton Institute, Oct.23-25, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.105. Program of the Institute, organized by P.A.Cochrane.

119301995-0099conferences 06.94-10-23/25
Williamson, N.. Allerton Institute on New Roles for Classification in Library and Information Networks (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)4,p.235. Report on this institute, held at Allerton Park and Conference Center, Monticello, IL on Oct.23-25, 1994.

125481996-0786conferences 06.94-10-23/25
New Roles for Classification in Libraries and Information Networks: Presentations and Reports from the 36th Allerton Institute, Oct.23-25, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat. & Classif.Quart. Vol. 21, No. 2. 1995. 130p.. The Institute had been organized by Pauline Atherton Cochrane. After an Editorial by R.C.Carter, the following 12 papers presented and a student paper are included in this issue which has also been published in book form.

101941995-0327conferences 06.94-10-24/27
Helal, A.H.; Weiss, J.W. (Eds.). Information Superhighway: The role of librarians, information scientists, and intermediaries. 17th Essen Symposium, 24-27 Oct.1994 Festschrift in honor of Frederich Wilfrid Lancaster (Lang.: eng). - Essen, Germany, Universitätsbibliothek, 1995. pp. 50+410. ISBN: 3922602193. 34 papers and a preface honoring the work of Wilf Lancaster, as well as a conference summary and an index. There is no paper with direct relevance to the field of knowledge organization

119281995-0068conferences 06.94-10-5/8
Int. Feder. for Information and Documentation. 47th FID Conference and Congress. Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Sosnic City Omiya, Saitama, Japan, Oct. 5-8, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - The volume contains 141 papers presented in 12 Sessions. The following papers are of relevance in this context:

119271995-0067conferences 06.94-10, 42
McIlwaine, I.C.. Seminar on 'UDC and its development towards the 21st century' (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization (FID/CR News 37). 21(1994)4,p.231-232. Report on the Seminar held prior to the 47th FID Conference in Japan, Oct.1994.

119141994-1272conferences 06.94-10.16
Fidel, R.; Beghtol, C.; Kwasnik, B.H.; Smith, Ph.J.. Proceedings of the 5th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Oct.16, 1994, Alexandria, VA (Lang.: eng). - In: Silver Springs, MD. Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.. 1994.296p., The workshop preceded the ASIS 57th Annual Meeting. The volume contains 13 papers presented as well as 9 abstracts and 39 personal statements. There is no index. A report on this workshop appeared in Know.Org. 94-4 under FID/CR News (by N.Williamson). The papers and longer abstracts are as follows:

120221995-0325conferences 06.94-11-08, 31
Riesthuis, G.J.A. Afraid of subject indexing? (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 1. 1995. p.33. Report on a symposium on indexing held in Antwerp, Nov.8, 1994, organized by the Section for Scientific Libraries of the Dutch Assoc.of Librarians and the Assoc.of Flemish Librarians, Archivists, and Documentalists

119311995-0100conferences 06.94-11-2/4
The Added Value of Information (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)4,p.227. Short report on the relevant papers given at the 4th International Symposium for Information Science, held at Graz, Austria, Nov.2-4, 1994.

122081995-0706conferences 06.94-11-2/6
Judge, A.J.N. Transdisciplinarity through structured dialogue. Beyond sterile dualities in meetings to the challenge of participant impotence (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.82-88. Extensive report on the 1st World Congress on Transdisciplinarity held in a castle near Lisbon, Nov.2-6, 1994. Much stress is given to the ambiente with the intention to reconsider the usual conference practice

101871996-0369conferences 06.94-11-24/25
TAMA'94. Terminology in Advanced Microcomputer Applications. Proc. 3rd TermNet Symposium. Recent Advances and User Reports (Lang.: eng). - Wien, TermNet, 1995. pp. VI,319 . ISBN: 3901010122. The 3rd TermNet Symposium, TAMA'94, took place at the Vienna International Centre, Nov.24-25, 1994. It was accompanied by a software exhibition. The volume contains an introduction by R. Schwarz and a Foreword by G Engle and M. Schaar. The 20 Papers:

120231995-0326conferences 06.94-11-24/25
Wright, A. TAMA'94. 3rd International Symposium on Terminology in Microcomputer Applications, Vienna, 24-25 Nov. 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: Infoterm Newsletter. No. 75. 1994. p.1-7. Comprehensive report covering the Terminology Management Systems MTX, MultiTerm for Windows, GlobeDisk, System Quirk, ValTer, DANtermBASE, Concept & Term, and HyperTerm/Termis. Of the Machine Translation Systems just METAL and LOGOS were represented. A t. "hird part was devoted to Integrated Translation Workbenches. here the TranslationManager and Translator's Workbench is described."

122091995-0707conferences 06.94-11-24/25
Wright, A. TAMA'94: 3rd International Symposium on Terminology in Advanced Microcomputer Applications, Vienna, 24-25 Nov.1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: TermNet News. No. 48. 1995. p.56-61. Once again the symposium was to present the participants with an overview of the state-of-the-art in terminology-related software. The report summarizes the following systems: MTX, MultiTerm for Windows, GlobeDisk, System Quirk, ValTer, DANtermBASE, Co. ncept & Term, HyperTerm/Termis, METAL, LOGOS, TranslationManager, Translator's Workbench

120241995-0327aconferences 06.94-11-26
Galinski, Ch. 8th Symposium of the Japan Terminology Association (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 1. 1995. p.35.

117341994-0815conferences 06.94-12-1/2
Negrini, G.. Knowledge organization in Italy. Start of a working group, plans for a seminar, Dec.1-2, 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.101.

119321995-0101conferences 06.94-12-1/2
Categories, Objects, and Structures of Knowledge (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)4,p.230. Short report on a two-day seminar held at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, 1-2 Dec.1994.

122101995-0708conferences 06.95-02-24
U.K. CRG 300 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.89. Report on the 300th meeting of the British Classification Research Group, Febr.24, 1995. The deliberations at this meeting were devoted to Classification and the Internet

101341996-0591conferences 06.95-03-8/10
Bock, H.H.; Polasek, W.. Data Analysis and Information Systems. Statistical and Conceptual Approaches. Proc.19th Ann. Conference, Gesellschaft für Klassifikation eV, University of Basel, March 8-10, 1995 (Lang.: eng). - Heidelberg, Berlin, Springer Verlag, 1996. pp. XIV,548. ISBN: 3540607749. The papers in this volume are grouped according to the following chapter with the number in brackets indicate the number of papers in a group: Classification and clustering (8), Uncertainty and fuzziness (5), Methods of data analysis and applications (7), Statistical models and methods (4), Bayesian learning (5), Conceptual classification, knowledge ordering, and information systems (12), Linguistics and dialectometry (4).

132361995-0329conferences 06.95-04-25/26, 752
Wende, F. RSWK für den Online-Katalog. Ein Kolloquium in Weimar [The Subject Cataloguing Code (RSWK) for the online catalogue. A colloquy in Weimar] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog Bibl. Vol. 7. No. 2. 1995. p.45-48. Report on a colloquy held at Weimar, 25-26 April 1995. Speakers and discussants were a.o. K.Lepsky, W.Gödert, K.Erdei, Fr.Recker, B.Kelm, G.Geisselmann, G.Stumpf, Dr.Mücke, H.U.Weidenmüller

122111995-0709conferences 06.95-05-15/18
McIlwaine, I. Second Russian ISKO Conference, Moscow, May 15-18, 1995 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.92-94.

117351994-0816conferences 06.95-05-16/18
Knowledge Organization and Linguistic Aspects. 2nd Russian ISKO Conference, Moscow, May 16-18, 1995 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.100. Gives the Call for Papers for this Regional ISKO Conference.

130161996-0800conferences 06.95-05-31/1, 764
Lepace, Th.. L'analyse de la valeur des dictionnaires specialisés. Colloque tenu à Bruxelles, les 31 mai et 1er juin 1995 [Analysis of the value of specialized dictionaries. Colloquy in Brussels, May 31 - June 1, 1995] (Lang.: fre). - In: Cahiers Doc, No. 2. 1996. p.42-47.

123781996-0143conferences 06.95-06-19/20
Conference and Workshops "Building Linguistic Pluralism: What initiatives for Europe? (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22, No. 3/4. 1995. p.170-171.

133021996-0390conferences 06.95-06-21
Zukunft der Sacherschließung im OPAC 2. Düsseldorfer OPAC-Kolloquium [The future of subject analysis in the OPAC. 2nd Düsseldorf OPAC Colloquy. Program] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 29, No. 4/5. 1995. p.781. Lists the papers given in German: Lepsky, K.: Results of the DFG-Project MILOS. - Niggemann, E.: Chances for MILOS in libraries. - Zimmermann, H.H.: Automatic indexing and electronic thesauri. - Schulz, U.: Subject analysis and user guidance in the OPAC.- Weidemüller, H.U.: Sense and nonsense of chains in the OPAC. - Gödert, W.: From the card catalogue to hypertext. - Koopman, R.: An OPAC prototype with weighting algorithms.

125491996-0801conferences 06.95-06-25
Ewbank, L.. Crisis in subject cataloging and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat. & Classif. Quart. Vol. 22, No. 2. 1996. p.90-97. Report on the ALCTS Cataloging and Classification section during the Annual Meeting of the American Library Association at Chicago, June 25, 1995 with summaries of the presentations by the following 5 speakers:

104111996-0136conferences 06.95-06-8/10, 31/3
Jacobs, Ch.; Lindheimer, E.. Indexing in a Shrinking World. Proc. 27th Annual Meeting Amer. Soc. Indexers and the 17th Annual Meeting of the Indexing and Abstracting Soc. of Canada. Montréal, Qué, June 8-10, 95 (Lang.: eng). - Port Aransas, TX, Amer.Soc. Indexers, 1995. pp. 34. Introduction by Carolyn McGovern and Anne Taylor-Vaisey. Index by Christine Jacobs and Ann Hamilton. The slim volume contains the following 6 papers:

102121996-0807conferences 06.95-09-13/15
Compatibility and Integration of Order Systems. Research Seminar Proceedings of the TIP/ISKO Meeting, Warsaw, 13-15 September 1995 (Lang.: eng). - Warszawa, Stowarzys.Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 1996. pp. 242.(Propozycje i Materialy 6). ISBN: 8385778624. The volume contains the introductory speeches and 19 papers presented at the research seminar. It is concluded with an extended bibliography on the topic (450 refs.) and the recommendations issued at the Seminar. The volume is available free of charge from Towarzystwo Informacji Profesjonalnej, Ul. Klonowa 18, PL-00-591 Warszawa, or for 15 zl at Polish Librarians Association, Distribution and Promotion Div., Ul. St.K. Hankiewicza 1, PL 02-103 Warszawa.

120261995-0330conferences 06.95-09-13/15
Call for Papers: Research Seminar on Compatibility and Integration of Order Systems (Warsaw, Sept.13-15, 1995) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 1. 1995. p.38.

122131995-0711conferences 06.95-09-13/15
Research Seminar on Compatibility and Integration of Order Systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.91. Preliminary program of the Seminar which was to take place on Sept.13-15, 1995 at Warsaw

130091996-0144conferences 06.95-09-13/15
Degez, D.. Integration of Information in Europe. Séminaire ISKO-TIP Varsovie, 13-15 Septembre 1995 (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste. Vol. 32, No. 6. 1995. p.326-7. Report on the Research Seminar on Compatibility and Integration of Order Systems, organized by the International Society for Knowledge Organization together with the Polish Society for Professional Information, Warsaw, Sept.13-15, 1996.

123791996-0145conferences 06.95-09-13/15, 28
Dahlberg, I.. Research Seminar on Compatibility at Warsaw (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22, No. 3/4. 1995. p.173-174. Report on the papers and results of the Seminar. Recommendations were issued. They are given on the following pages (174-175).

122121995-0710conferences 06.95-09-18/21
Text Analysis and Computers (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.89-90. Preview with the entire program of the SCCAC/ZUMA Conference in Mannheim, 118-21 Sept.1995

105151996-0391conferences 06.95-10-08
Schwartz, R.P.; Beghtol,C., Jacob,E., Kwasnik,B.H., Smith,Ph.J.. Proceedings of the 6th ASIS Classification Research Workshop, Oct.8, 1995, Chicago, IL (Lang.: eng). - Silver Spring, MD, Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., 1995. pp. VI,243. The proceedings contain the following 15 papers as well as personal statements by C. Beghtol, L.S. Connaway, K. Mahesh, S. Nirenburg and D. Tudhope. The papers are arranged in alphabetical sequence, as follows:

101741996-0637conferences 06.95-10-17/20
Czap, H.; Jaenecke, P., Ohly, H.P.. Analogie in der Wissensrepräsentation: Case-Based Reasoning und räumliche Modelle. 4. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation e.V., Trier, 17.-20.Okt.1995 [Analogy in knowledge representation: Case-Based Reasoning and spatial models. Proc.4th Conf.of the German ISKO Chapter at the Univ.of Trier] (Lang.: ger). - Frankfurt/Main, INDEKS Verlag, 1996. pp. VIII,212. ISBN: 3886724050. The volume contains the 19 papers of the 4th German ISKO Chapter Conference. The papers are grouped as follows: 1. Case-Based Reasoning, 2. Space and picture representation in information systems, 3. Terminology, Content analysis, network classification,Artificial neural networks serving decision support.

123811996-0147conferences 06.95-10-17/20
Dahlberg, I.. Wissensorganisation '95. 4th Annual Conference, German ISKO Chapter (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22, No. 3/4. 1995. p.174. Short report on the topics of the conference (Case-Based Reasoning and Space-Related Information Processing) as well as on the preceding tutorials and the papers presented.

125511996-0833conferences 06.95-10-17/20
Bies, W.. 4th Conference of the German ISKO Chapter, Trier, 17-20 Oct. 1995 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 3. 1996. p.178.

128591994-9192conferences 06.95-10-17/29
Call for Papers. Wissensorganisation'95. Case-Based Reasoning (Schwerpunktthema) (Lang.: eng, ger). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)3,p.160 and U4. Rationale and list of 5 major topics for the 4th biennial conference of the German ISKO Chapter, Trier, 17-20 Oct.1995, University of Trier.

105321996-0409conferences 06.95-10-23/26
Helal, A.H.; Weiss, J.W.. Electronic documents and information: From preservation to access. (Lang.: eng). - Essen, Germany, Universitätsbibliothek, 1996. pp. XLV,217.(Publ.Essen Univ.Library v.20). Contains the 18 papers and a summary by Graham Waters. Also is included a preface by the editors, honouring Ms. Patricia Battin (to whom this publication is dedicated as a Festschrift), the program, the addresses of the 102 participants and of the 18 participating vendors.

125501996-0827conferences 06.95-10-4/6
International Seminar on the Creation and Use of Authority Files, St. Petersburg, Russia, 4-6 October 1995 (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Catalog.& Bibliogr.Control. Vol. 25, No. 3. 1996. p.57-71. Papers of the following speakers:

123801996-0146conferences 06.95-10-9/12
Zafran, E.L.. ASIS Annual Meeting 1995 (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words. Vol. 3, No. 5. 1995. p.10-11, 13. Report on relevant sessions concerning indexing.

125051996-0408conferences 06.95-11-16/17
Garcia Marco, J.. Second Spanish ISKO Chapter Conference (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 1. 1996. p.37-38. Report on the conference EOCONSID'95 (Encuentro sobre Organización del Conocimiento en Sistemas de Información y Documentación), Madrid, 16-17 Nov. 1995.

9891998-0365conferences 06.95-11-16/17;113
García Marco, F.J. Actas del II encuentro de ISKO-España, Getafe, 16 y 17 de noviembre de 1995 [Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of ISKO-Spain, Getafe, 16-17 Nov. 1995] (Lang.: spa). - Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1997. pp. 320.(Organización del Conociemto en Sistemas de Información y Documentación ; 2).

125291996-0657conferences 06.95-12-15/17
1995 INTERCOCTA Workshop in Tampere (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 2. 1996. p.107. Short report on the Workshop of the Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis of the International Social Science Council at the University of Tampere, Finland on the topic: Use of computers to support the conceptual and terminological analysisfrom Dec.15-17, 1995. The structure of the workshop is given and the papers presented are listed.

125061996-0410conferences 06.96-01-26/27
Explanation and Understanding. ErnstSchröderColloquium and Seminar, Darmstadt, Jan. 26-27, 1996 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 1. 1996. p.38-39.

125071996-0411conferences 06.96-02-28/1
International Conference on Conceptual Knowledge Processing (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 1. 1996. p.39. Report on this conference organized by the Forschungsgruppe Begriffsanalyse at the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt in cooperation with the ErnstSchröderZentrum für Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung and with ISKO.

104031996-0834conferences 06.96-03-27/30
Ohsumi, N.. IFCS-96. Data Science, Classification and Related Methods. Fifth Conference of International Federation of Classification Societies. Abstracts, Vol.1 & 2. Kobe, Japan, March 27-30, 1996 (Lang.: eng). - 1996. pp. 336+342. Vol.1 has 77 and vol.2 has 120 lengthy abstracts and partly papers presented at the conference arranged according to the program with an author index at the end of each volume.

125301996-0658conferences 06.96-03-6/8
20th Annual Conference. Gesellschaft für Klassifikation, Freiburg, Germany (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 2. 1996. p.108. Of the 155 papers listed in the program a selection of 20 is listed being of relevance in the context of this journal.

101051996-0835conferences 06.96-04-12/13
Arntz, R.; Mayer, F., Reisen, U.. Terminologie für ein vielsprachiges Europa. Akten des Symposions, Köln, 12.-13. April 1996 [Terminology for a multilingual Europe] (Lang.: ger). - Köln, DE, Deutscher Terminologie-Tag e.V., 1996. pp. 161. ISBN: 3000008403. 12 papers in German with an introduction by the editory and a concluding word by J.D. Graham. The papers:

125311996-0659conferences 06.96-04-12/13
Terminology for a Multilingual Europe, Cologne (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 2. 1996. p.108. Short report with a list of the 13 papers presented.

125321996-0660conferences 06.96-04-19/20
Interdisciplinarity and Terminology (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 2. 1996. p.109. Short report on the 3rd International Terminology Meeting in Brussels, April 19-20, 1996 with a list of the papers presented.

125081996-0412conferences 06.96-05-16/18
Flourishing Assets: Indexers today. 28th Annual Meeting of ASI (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 1. 1996. p.35. Preview of program of the 1996 Annual Conference of the American Society of Indexers.

125331996-0661conferences 06.96-05-17/18
Negrini, G.. Models and Modeling. Seminar in Rome, 17-18 May 1996 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 2. 1996. p.111-112. Report on the purpose of the seminar and description of the papers presented and discussed on the first day. The second day was devoted to a practical course on Formal Concept Analysis given by R. Wille.

125341996-0662conferences 06.96-05-28/1
Descriptive and Subject Cataloguing at the 86th German Library Congress, Erlangen (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 2. 1996. p.109. Relates the 6 papers presented at this Congress in the Session on Cataloguing.

125351996-0663conferences 06.96-06-21/23
Special Relationships. Annual Study Weekend of the CIG, Blackpool, GB (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 2. 1996. p.109. Short report on the annual seminar of the Cataloguing and Indexing Group (CIG) of the British Library Association with the presented papers listed.

120271995-0331conferences 06.96-07-15/16
4th International ISKO Conference, Washington, DC, July 15-16, 1996. Call for Papers (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 1. 1995. p.37-38.

101701996-0413conferences 06.96-07-15/18
Green, R.. Knowledge Organization and Change. Proceedings of the Fourth International ISKO Conference, 15-18 July 1996, Library of Congress, Washington, DC (Lang.: eng). - Frankfurt/Main, INDEKS Verlag, 1996. pp. 431.(Adv.in Knowl.Org., Vol.5). ISBN: 3886720241. The volume contains 48 papers preceded by the keynote address of R. Hjerppe. The papers are arranged according to the following 12 topics: Library of Congress Classification. - Knowledge Organization (KO) in Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Settings.- The Role of Relationships in KO. - KO in the Online Environment (I and II). - Management of Change in KO Schemes. - Thesauri and Metathesauri (I and II). - KO and Images. - KO in the Business and Economic Environment. - User Focus in KO. - Interdisciplinary Approaches to KO. - Interplay of Epistemology and KO. - Natural Language Processing - Dewey Decimal Classification. - List of Contributors. - Name and Subject Index.

125521996-0848aconferences 06.96-07-15/18
Dahlberg, I.. Fourth International ISKO Conference, Washington, DC, July 15-18, 1996 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl. Org. Vol. 23, No. 3. 1996. p.173.

125531996-0848bconferences 06.96-07-15/18
Fugmann, R.. Concluding Remarks (concerning the 4th Int.ISKO Conference, Washington, DC, July 15-18, 1996) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 3. 1996. p.173-177. The report covers the ISKO goals and the papers of the conference.

4651997-4-0466conferences 06.96-07-15/18;02
Müller-Dreier, A. Book review of Knowledge organization and change. Proceedings of the fourth international ISKO conference 15-18 July 1996, Washington, DC, USA. Ed. by Rebecca Green. Frankfurt/M: Indeks-Verlag, 1996 (Advances in knowledge organization; Vol. 5). 432 p. ISBN: 3-88672-023-1 (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis 21 (1997)3. p.373-375.

125541996-0849conferences 06.96-08-19/23
ICCS'96: 4th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Sydney, Australia (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 3. 1996. p.170-171.

125551996-0850conferences 06.96-08-24
Multilingual Information Society (MLIS) and Terminology Standardization, Budapest 1996 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 3. 1996. p.172.

101721996-0664conferences 06.96-08-25/28
Galinski, Ch.; Schmitz, K.-D.. TKE'96. Terminology and Knowledge Engineering. Proceedings Fourth International Congress on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, 26-28 Aug.1996, Vienna, Austria (Lang.: eng). - Frankfurt/Main, INDEKS Verlag, 1996. pp. VIII,464. ISBN: 3886722074. The volume contains a preface by the editors and 51 papers arranged under the following nine headings: Terminology and philosophy of science - Terminology and the information super-highway - Terminology and language engineering - Terminology and knowledge data management - Terminology and documentation - Terminology and translation - Terminology and knowledge in multimedia applications - Demonstration models for terminological knowledge engineering. List of contributors and name and subject index.

101991996-0851conferences 06.96-09-24/26
Neubauer, W.. Deutscher Dokumentartag. Die Digitale Dokumentation. Neue Universität Heidelberg, 24.-26. Sept.1996 [German Documentation Day. Digital Documentation] (Lang.: ger). - Frankfurt/M, DE, Deutsche.Gesellschaft f. Dokumentation, 1996. pp. 518. ISBN: 3925474315. Among the 47 papers of this proceedings volume the following should be of interest here:

125561996-0863bconferences 06.96-09-30/3
International Symposium on Text-Related Methods for the study of Mental and social Processes, Sterzing (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 3. 1996. p.170.

7851998-0161conferences 06.96-10-06-21/22;149;911;02
Kalseth, K. Book review of Knowledge management - organization, competence and methodology: proceedings of the Fourth International ISMICK Symposium, 21-22 October 1996, The Netherlands / ed. by J.F. Schreinemakers. - Würzburg: ERGON Verlag, 1996. - ISBN 3932004264 (Lang.: eng). - In: FID News Bulletin, 47(1997)7/8, p.208-209.

125571996-0864bconferences 06.96-10-19/24
ASIS 1996 Annual Meeting: Global Complexity: Information, Chaos, and Control. Baltimore, MD, Oct.19-24, 1996 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 3. 1996. p.169. The report covers also a survey on the papers of the ASIS Classification Research Workshop.

102021996-0863conferences 06.96-10-21/22
Schreinemakers, J.. Knowledge Management. Organization, Competence, and Methodology. Proceedings of the 4th International ISMICK Symposium, 21-22 Oct.1996, Rotterdam, Netherlands (Lang.: eng). - Würzburg, DE, Ergon Verlag, 1996. pp. 309.(Advances in Knowl.Management 1). ISBN: 3932004264. The volume contains 24 papers preceeded by the keynote address of J.-P.Barthès entitled: ISMICK (International Symposium on the Management of Industrial and Corporate Knowledge) and Knowledge Management. The papers are arranged according to the following7 topics: Knowledge Management in Practice. Ontological and ÄEpistemological Aspects of Knowledge Management. Information Technology Aspects of Knowledge Management. Knowledge, Learning and Management. Inter and Intra Organizational Knowledge Management. Knowledge as a Strategic Resource. Knowledge Capitalization. Appended are two additional papers and a list of contributors. The papers:

6261998-0003conferences 06.96-10-21/22;149;911;02
Löckenhoff, H. Book review of Schreinemakers, J. (ed.): Knowledge management. Organization competence and methodology. - (Advances in knowledge management; 1). Würzburg: Ergon, 1996. 307 p. ISBN: 3932004264 (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization 1997(24)4,p. 255-258.

51997-1-0005conferences 06.96-11-1/3;759;391
Harman, K. (Ed.). The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) (Lang.: eng). - Gaithersburg,MD, National Institute of standards. Computer systems laboratory, 1996. pp. 766.(NIST special publications; 500-236). Proceedings of the 4th TREC-conference held in Gaithersburg, Maryland (USA), November 1-3, 1995. Aim of the conference was discussion on retrieval techniques for large test collection. Different research groups used different techniques, such as automatic thesauri, term weighting, natural language techniques, relevance feedback and advanced pattern matching, for information retrieval from the same large database. This procedure makes it possible to compare the results. The proceedings includes papers, tables of the system results, and brief system descriptions including timing and storage information

7861998-0162conferences 06.96-11-1/3;759;391
Voorhees, E.M., Harman D.K. (Eds.). The Fifth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-5) (Lang.: eng). - Gaithersburg, MD, National institute of standards. Computer systems laboratory, 1997. >>Proceedings of the 5th TREC-conference held in Gaithersburg, Maryland (USA), November 20-22, 1996. Aim of the conference was discussion on retrieval techniques for large test collection. Different research groups used different techniques, such as automatic thesauri, term weighting, natural language techniques, relevance feedback and advanced pattern matching, for information retrieval from the same large database. This procedure makes it possible to compare the results. The proceedings includes papers, tables of the system results, and brief system descriptions including timing and storage information. * For separate articles see 1998-[0181, 0215, 0216, 0221-0224, 0229, 0230, 0287, 0288, 0296-0300, 0302-0304, 0310-0312, 0316, 0321, 0325, 0357]

125581996-0887conferences 06.96-11-11/13
Fiction, OPACs, Networks. Research Seminar on Electronic Access to Fiction, Knowledge Organization and Cultural Mediation via Networks, 11-13 Nov.1996 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 3. 1996. p.169-170.

17312000-0008conferences 06.97-03-02/04;211;02
Novellino, M.S. (Book review of)Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications od Data Processing, March 2-4, 1997 / ed. by P.A. Cochrane, E.H. Johnson. - Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.170-172.

21822000-0458conferences 06.97-03-02/04;211;02
Wheeler, W.J. (Book review of) Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, March 2-4, 1997 / ed. by P.A. Cochrane, E.H. Johnson. - Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 43(1999)3,p.184-185.

23432001-0001conferences 06.97-03-02/04;211;02
Weihs, J. (Book review of) Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, March 2-4, 1997 / ed. by P.A. Cochrane, E.H. Johnson. - Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). - In: Technicalities, 19(1999)4,p.10.

24822001-0140conferences 06.97-03-02/04;211;02
Narayanan, K.S. (Book review of) Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, March 2-4, 1997 / ed. by P.A. Cochrane, E.H. Johnson. - Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. - 176 p. - (Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing ; 34) - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Review, 26(2000)1,p.77-78.

12101999-0005conferences 06.97-11-19/21;759;391
The Sixth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-6)/ ed. by E.M. Voorhees and D.K. Harman (Lang.: eng). - Gaithersburg, MD, National institute of standards. Information Technology Laboratory, 1998. (NIST Special Publication ; 500-240). Ill. ; 28 cm.»» Proceedings of the 6th TREC-conference held in Gaithersburg, Maryland (USA), November 19-21, 1996. Aim of the conference was discussion on retrieval techniques for large test collection. 51 research groups used different techniques, such as automatic thesauri, term weighting, natural language techniques, relevance feedback and advanced pattern matching, for information retrieval from the same large database. This procedure makes it possible to compare the results. The proceedings includes papers, tables of the system results, and brief system descriptions including timing and storage information. - For the separate papers see nrs.: 1999-[0042, 0048-0052, 0102-0105, 0124-126, 0130, 0132-0140, 0147-0149, 0153, 0154, 0159-0162, 0185-0191, 0193-0195, 0205, 0207, 0220, 0222-0228, 0231-0233, 0297, 0300]

17322000-0008aconferences 06.98-10
Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. par J. Maniez, W. Mustatfa el Hadi [Knowledge organisation with a view to integration with representation systems and information retrieval] (Lang.: fre). - Lille, Université Charles-de-Gaulle, 1999. pp. 403.(Collection travaux et recherches ; UL3). ISBN: 2844670024. * First congress of the French Chapter of the ISKO. For the papers see 2000-[0020, 0027, 0028, 0034, 0075, 0076, 0082, 0117, 0119, 0120, 0128-0134, 0159, 0179, 0213, 0214, 0218, 0244, 0293, 0296, 0298]

17332000-0009conferences 06.99-10-21/22
David, A. The Second ISKO-France Conference (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.162-164.

17342000-0010conferences 06.99-10-31
Jacob, E. The 10th ASIS SIG/CR workshop (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.160-162.

17302000-0007conferences 06.99-10-31/-11-4
American Society for Information Science. Knowledge: creation, organization and use : proceedings of the 62nd annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Oct. 31 - Nov. 4, 1999, Washington, D.C. / Proceedings editor: Larry Woods (Lang.: eng). - Medford, NJ, Information Today, 1999. pp. Xii, 868.(Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science). ISBN: 157387091900447870. * For a selection of the papers see 2000-[0014, 0015, 0029-0032, 0055, 0057, 0072, 0073, 0080, 0086, 0087, 0110, 0111, 0115, 0118, 0124, 0127, 0147, 0156-0158, 0162, 0176, 0177, 0200, 0239, 0242, 0243, 0247-0249, 0251, 0254, 0269, 0292, 0285]

24832001-0141conferences 06.99-11-1/5;211
Advances in classification research. Volume 10: Proceedings of the 10th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop / Editors: H.Albrechtsen, J.E. Mai (Lang.: eng). - Melford, NJ, Information Today, Inc. for the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2001. pp. X, 149. * For the papers, see 2001-[0157, 0158, 0163, 0170, 0171, 0174, 0178, 0256]

117191994-0710conferences 06.991-02-18
Bowman, J.H.. Book review of Weinberg, B.H. (Ed.): Cataloging Heresy: Challenging the Standard Bibliographic Product. Proc.Congress f.Librarians, Feb.18, 1991. Medford, NJ: Learned Inform.1992 (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue and Index. (1993)110,p.11.

100011993-0570textbooks 07
Langridge, D.. Classification: Its kinds, systems, elements and application (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Bowker-Saur, 1992. pp. 84. ISBN: 0862916224.

114971993-0571textbooks 07
Maltby, A.. Book review of title under 0570 (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.Vol. 49 No. 1. 1993. p.68-70.

Grumling, D.K.. Book review of Wynar, B.S., (Taylor, A.G., Ed.): Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, 8th ed. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited 1992. 633p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol. 15 No. 3. 1992. p.103-105.

61997-1-0006textbooks on KO foundations 07.1
Jeng, L.H. Book review of Marcella, R., Newton, R.: A new manual of classification. Aldershot, GB: Gower 1994. XII,287p (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Quarterly. Vol. 66, No. 3 1996, p.323-325.

71997-1-0007textbooks on KO foundations 07.1
Satija, M.P. Book review of Husain, Sh.: Library classification: Facets and analysis. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill 1993. 367 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Herald of library science Vol.35, No.1/2 1996, p.100-101.

3231997-3-0322textbooks on KO foundations 07.1
Hjorland, B. Information seeking and subject representation : an activity-theoretical approach to information science (Lang.: eng). - London, Greenwood Press, 1997. pp. 224. ISBN: 0313298939.

8587textbooks on KO foundations 07.1
Umlauf, Konrad. Konzis, aktuell und umfassend (Book review of) Rubin, Richard E.: Foundations of library and information science, 3rd ed. 2010 [Concise, up-to-date, and comprehensive; [book review of] Rubin, Richard E.: Foundations of library and information science, 3rd ed. New York, Neal-Schuman, 2010. 471pp. ISBN: 9781555706906] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB: Forum Bibliothek und Information, 63(2011)11/12, pp. 821-822.

120281995-0332textbooks on KO foundations 07.1
Satija, M.P. Book review of Langridge, D.W.: Classifications: Its kinds, elements, systems, and applications. London-Munich-New York: Bowker Saur 1992. X,84p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 1. 1995. p.45.

120291995-0333textbooks on KO foundations 07.1
Maltby, A. Book review of Langridge, D.W.: Classifications: Its kinds, elements, systems, and applications. London-Munich-New York: Bowker Saur 1992. X,84p (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc. Vol. 49. No. 1. 1993. p.68-70.

125091996-0462textbooks on KO foundations 07.1
Brunt, R.. Book review of Marcella, R., Newton, R.: A new manual of classification. Aldershot: Gower 1994. XII,287p. (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc. Vol. 51, No. 4. 1995. p.437-439.

125101996-0463textbooks on KO foundations 07.1
Satija, M.P.. Book review of Husain, Sh.: Library classification: Facets and analysis. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill 1993. 367 p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 1. 1996. p.48-49.

125111996-0464textbooks on KO foundations 07.1
Thomas, A.R.. Book review of Langridge, D.W.: Classification: its kinds, systems, elements and applications. London: Bowker-Saur 1992. 84p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart. Vol. 21, No. 1. 1995. p.97-99.

125121996-0465textbooks on KO foundations 07.1
Thomas, A.R.. Book review of Srivastava, A.P.: Theory of knowledge classification for librarians. rev.& enl.ed. New Delhi: Learning Laboratory 1992. (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart. Vol. 21, No. 1. 1995. p.99-100.

125591996-0888textbooks on KO foundations 07.1
Trotter, R.. Book review of Marcella, R., Newton, R.: A new manual of classification. Aldershot: Gower 1994. XII,287p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Assoc.Record. Vol. 97, No. 5. 1995. p.181.

3241997-3-0323textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Gilreath, Ch.T. Book review of Holyoak, K.J., Thagard, P. Mental leaps: analogy in creative thought. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995. 320 p. ISBN 0-262-58144-2 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization 24(1997)2. p.116-117.

6271998-0004textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Eisele, H. Book review of Qu'est-ce qu'on ne sait pas? Récit des Rencontres philosophiques de l'UNESCO (14-17 mars 1995). Paris: Découvertes Galimard/Editions UNESCO, 1995. 112 p (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization 1997(24)4,p. 252-255.

12111999-0006textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Tibbo, H.R. Book review of Hjorland: Information seeking and subject representation : an activity-theoretical approach to information science. - London: Greenwood Press, 1997. - 213 p. - ISBN: 0313298939 (Lang.: eng). - In: American Archivist , 62(1999)1,p.195-197.

12121999-0007textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Wilson, P. Book review of Hjorland: Information seeking and subject representation : an activity-theoretical approach to information science. - London: Greenwood Press, 1997. - 213 p. - ISBN: 0313298939 (Lang.: eng). - In: College & Research Libraries , 59(1998)3,p.287-288.

12131999-0008textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Middleton, M. Book review of Hjorland: Information seeking and subject representation : an activity-theoretical approach to information science. - London: Greenwood Press, 1997. - 213 p. - ISBN: 0313298939 (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Library Journal , 47(1998)2,p.206-207.

15161999-0310textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Robins, D. Book review of Hjorland: Information seeking and subject representation : an activity-theoretical approach to information science. - London: Greenwood Press, 1997. - 213 p. - ISBN: 0313298939 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterlys, 26(1998)2, p.77-79.

15171999-0311textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Detlor, B. Book review of Tonfoni, G.: Information design : the knowledge architect's toolkit. - Exeter: Scarecrow Press and Intellect, 1998. - 183 p. - ISBN: 1871516617 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.58.

39262005-32-1-0004textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews order 07.1;02;11
Halsall, J. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. -3rd ed. - London: Face, 2003. - 464 p. - ISBN: 1856044823 (Lang.: eng). - In: Learned publishing, 17(2004)2, p. 172.

39272005-32-1-0005textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews order 07.1;02;11
Lingle, V.A. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. -3rd ed. - London: Face, 2003. - 464 p. - ISBN: 1856044823 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Medical Library Association, 93(2005)1, p.133.

12141999-0009textbooks on KO foundations order literature reviews 07.1;11;02
Cousins, S. Book review of Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1998. - 426 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). - In: Education for Information , 17(1999)1,p.60-62.

20302000-0306textbooks on KO foundations order literature reviews 07.1;11;02
Lipscomb, C.E. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 87(1999)3,p.365-366.

20312000-0307textbooks on KO foundations order literature reviews 07.1;11;02
Mai, J.E. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)8,p.728-730.

20322000-0308textbooks on KO foundations order literature reviews 07.1;11;02
Milstead, J.L. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Services Use, 18(1998)4,p.285-288.

20332000-0309textbooks on KO foundations order literature reviews 07.1;11;02
Nicholson, S. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing Management, 35(1999)2,p.209-210.

34802004-0007textbooks on KO foundations order literature reviews 07.1;11;02
Boyce, B.R. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 28(1999)3, p.107-108.

9901998-0366textbooks on KO foundations information science 07.1;111
Lancaster, F.W. Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice (Lang.: eng). - 2 ed. London, Library Association Publishing, 1998. pp. Xiii, 412. 119 fig. - Chapters: Introduction. Indexing principles. Indexing practice. Precoordinate indexes. Consistency of indexing. Abstracts: types and functions. Writing the abstract. Evaluation aspects. Approaches used in indexing and abstracting services. Enhancing the indexing. On the indexing and abstracting of imaginative works. Indexing multimedia sources. Text searching. Automatic indexing, automatic abstracting and related procedures. Indexing and the Internet. The future of indexing and abstracting. Indexing exercises. Abstracting exercises

23442001-0002textbooks on KO foundations information science 07.1;111
Fugmann, R. Inhaltserschliessung durch Indexieren : Prinzipien und Praxis [Subject cataloguing by indexing: principles and practice] (Lang.: ger). - Frankfurt am Main, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dokumentation, 1999. (Reihe Informationswissenschaft der DGD). ISBN: 3925474382. »» Content: Natural language in informationsystem; information language; problems of indexing languages; practice of indexing; back-of-the-book index; indexing for a database

39282005-32-1-0006textbooks on KO foundations information science 07.1;111
Lancaster, F.W. Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice (Lang.: eng). - 3. ed ed. London, Facet, 2003. pp. 464. ISBN: 1856044823. »» Covers: indexing principles and practice; pre-coordinate indexes; consistency and quality of indexing; types and functions of abstracts; writing an abstract; evaluation theory and practice; approaches used in indexing and abstracting services; indexing enhancement; natural language in information retrieval; indexing and abstracting of imaginative works; databases of images and sound; automatic indexing and abstracting; the future of indexing and abstracting services

17352000-0011textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Booth, P.F. (Book review of)Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.148.

17362000-0012textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Clarke, S.T. (Book review of)Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing Information, 6(1999)1,p.48.

17372000-0013textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Parry, F. (Book review of)Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 17(1999)3,p.193.

23452001-0003textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Bean, C.A. (Book review of) Bowker, G.C., Star, S.L.: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999 – 389 p. - ISBN: 0262024616 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and Information Science Research, 22(2001)4,p.435-437.

24842001-0142textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Williams, J. (Book review of) Borgman, C.L.: From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world - Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2000 – 324 p. - ISBN: 026202473X (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia Information and Technology, 27(2001)1,p.79-80.

24852001-0143textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Duff, A.S. (Book review of) Borgman, C.L.: From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world - Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2000 – 324 p. - ISBN: 026202473X (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 50(2001)1/2,p.43-45.

24862001-0144textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Henege, D. (Book review of) Borgman, C.L.: From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world - Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2000 – 324 p. - ISBN: 026202473X (Lang.: eng). - In: College and Research Libraries, 62(2001)2,p.197-199.

24872001-0145textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Brophy, P. (Book review of) Borgman, C.L.: From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world - Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2000 – 324 p. - ISBN: 026202473X (Lang.: eng). - In: Education for Information, 18(2000)4,p.339-343.

28102001-0468textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Hill, L.L. (Book review of) Borgman, C.L.: From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world - Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2000 – 324 p. - ISBN: 026202473X (Lang.: eng). - In: Library & Information Science Research, 23(2001), p.197-200.

29802002-0005textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Day, M. (Book review of) Borgman, C.L.: From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world – Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2000 - 324 p. - ISBN: 026202473x (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (2001)27. Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue27/review/ intro.html

24882001-0146textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging 07.1;111;211;942
Svenonius, E. The intellectual foundation of information organization (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press, 2000. pp. Xviii, 255. ISBN: 0262194333. 24 cm

23462001-0004textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Arms, C.R. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 7(2001)1,3 p. Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january01/01bookreview.html

23472001-0005textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Andersen, J. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 3(2001)57,p.312-315.

23482001-0006textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Hudon, M. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and Information Science Research, 23(2001)1,p.93-102.

23492001-0007textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Campbell, G. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.173-175.

24892001-0147textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Line, M.B. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (2000)25. Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue25/review/

24902001-0148textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Bowker, G.C. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 37(2001)5,p.763-764.

24912001-0149textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Winston, M. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). - In: College and Research Libraries, 62(2001)2,p.203-206.

28112001-0469textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Hirtle, P.B. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). - In: Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 1(2001)3, p.358-159.

28122001-0470textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Willer, M. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 30(2001)4, p.78-79.

33302003-0004textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Henriksen, T. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization. - Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000. - xviii, 255 p. - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Research: an International Electronic Journal, 7(2002)2 [electr.]. Available at http://informationr.net/ir/reviews/revs047.html

Sood, S.P.; Bhargava, G.D. Theory of library classification and cataloguing (Lang.: hin). - Jaipur, IN, RBSA, 1989. pp. 222. ISBN: 8185176477.

Gaus, W. Dokumentations- und Ordnungslehre. Theorie und Praxis des Information Retrieval. 2.völlig neubearb.Aufl [Documentation and Order Science. Theory and Practice of Information Retrieval, 2nd entirely rev.ed] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin etc, Springer Verlag, 1995. pp. X,452. ISBN: 3540581170. The textbook is meant for students in the information sciences (archivistics, library science, documentation and information science, computer science and medical documentation) as well as scientists which need to share this knowledge for their daily wor. k. Examples are mostly from the field of medicine. All aspects of order systems, their kinds and construction, their principles and their application are covered in 34 chapters. Each chapter closes with a number of questions, the answers are given in the. appendix. There is a bibliography of essential literature and an extensive index

Bies, W. Book review of Neet, H.E.: A la recherche du mot clé.Analyse dsocumentaire et l'indexation alphabétique.Genève, CH: Les Editions IES, Inst.d'Etudes Sociales 1989.187p [In search of the keyword.Document analysis and alphabetical indexing] (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.16.No.3.1989.p.175-176.

24932001-0151KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Bakewell, K.G. (Book review of) Marcella, R., Maltby, A.: The future of classification. - Aldershot: Gower, 2000. - 160 p. - ISBN: 0566079925 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 32(2000)4,p.218-219.

28132001-0471KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Forgette, R.E.A. (Book review of) The future of classification / ed.by R.Marcella, A.Maltby - Aldershot: Gower, 2000 – 160 p. - ISBN: 0566079925 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 25(2001), p.238-239.

28142001-0472KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Hjørland, B. (Book review of) The future of classification / ed.by R.Marcella, A.Maltby - Aldershot: Gower, 2000 – 160 p. - ISBN: 0566079925 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)1,p.57.

28152001-0473KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Petrou, A.D. (Book review of) Saving the time of the library user through subject access innovation: papers in honor of Pauline Atherton Cochrane / ed. by W.J. Wheeler. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: GSLIS Publications Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. - 217 p. - ISBN: 0878451080 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)1,p.58-60.

29812002-0006KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Clarke, S.G.D. (Book review of) The future of classification / ed.by R.Marcella, A.Maltby - Aldershot: Gower, 2000 - 160 p. - ISBN: 0566079925 (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing Information, 7(2000)6, p.75.

4661997-4-0467literature reviews 07.2/.3;02
Müller-Dreier, A. Book review of Iyer, H.: Classificatory structures: concepts, relations, and representation. Frankfurt: Indeks-Verlag, 1995. II,232 p (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek, Forschung und Praxis 21 (1997)3. p.372-373.

6281998-0005literature reviews 07.2/.3;02
Green, R. Book review of Iyer, H. - Classificatory structures: concepts, relations, and representation. Frankfurt: Indeks-Verlag, 1995. II,232 p. ISBN: 388672501 (Lang.: ). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 1997(21)3,p. 240.

1401997-2-0139maths in KO 07.2/3
Poltronieri, E. Book review of Iyer, H.: Classificatory structures: Concepts, Relations, and Representation. Frankfurt: INDEKS Verl. 1995. II,232p (Lang.: ita). - In: Bollettino AIB 37(1997)1. p.104-106.

101751995-0713maths in KO 07.2/3
Iyer, Hemalata. Classificatory structures: Concepts, relations, and representation (Lang.: eng). - Frankfurt, INDEKS Verlag, 1995. pp. II,232.(Textbooks in Knowledge Org.2). ISBN: 3886725014. This textbook aims at introducing knowledge structures 1) as represented in the human mind, in the formation of categories, 2) as represented in current information handling tools, including classification schemes, thesauri, and indexing systems, 3) as r. epresented in computers and future 'intelligent systems', and 4) from the perspective of universals, the fundamental levels at which all users think alike. This book will be relevant to courses related to knowledge organization - classification and index. ing as well as to courses in information storage and retrieval. Also it can be used as supplemental reading material for courses in Artificial Intelligence, cognitive science, and applications of other fields to library science

125601996-0890maths in KO 07.2/3
Glashoff, H.. Book review of Gaus, W.: Dokumentation und Ordnungslehre - Theorie und Praxis des Information Retrieval. Berlin etc.: Springer 1995. 452p. [Documentation and Order Science - Theory and Practice of Information Retrieval] (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 3. 1996. p.180.

133061996-0891maths in KO 07.2/3
Wefers, S.. Book review of Iyer, H.: Classificatory stuctures: concepts, relations, and representation. Frankfurt/M: INDEKS Verlag 1995. 232p. (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik. Vol. 16, No. 3. 1996. p.334.

3251997-3-0324maths in KO literature reviews 07.2/3;02
Robins, D.B. Book review of Iyer, H.: Classificatory structures: Concepts, Relations, and Representation. Frankfurt: INDEKS Verl. 1995. II,232p (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 2337(1997)3/4. p.165-167.

81997-1-0008textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Brunt, R. Book review of Foskett, A.C.: The subject approach to information. 5th ed. London : Library Association Publishing, 1996. xv, 456 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation Vol.53, No.2 1997, p.203-205.

91997-1-0009textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Bater, B. Book review of Foskett, A.C.: The subject approach to information. 5th ed. London : Library Association Publishing, 1996. xv, 456 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing information Vol.3, No.10, 1996, p.47.

1411997-2-0140textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Dumitra,sconiu C. Book review of Wynar, B.S., Taylor, A.G. (ed.) Introduction to cataloging and classification. 8th ed. Englewood, Colorado : Libraries Unlimited, 1992. XVII, 633p. (Library science text series) (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca 7(1996)1-2-3. p.77.

1421997-2-0141textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Araj, H. Book review of Mann, T. Library research models : a guide to classification, catalogs, and computers. New York : Oxford University Press, 1993 (Lang.: eng). - In: Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 21(1996)2. p.43-45.

39292005-32-1-0007textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Broughton, V. Essential classification (Lang.: eng). - New York, Nela-Schuman, 2004. pp. 272. ISBN: 1555705073.

58832009-0003textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Intner, S. S. (Book review of) Chan, Lois Mai. - Cataloging and Classification: an introduction - 3. ed. - Lanham, MD. ; Plymouth: Scarecrow Press, 2007 - 600p. - ISBN: 97808108 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Journal , 133(2008)3, p.138.

58842009-0004textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Cochrane, Pauline, La Barre, Kathryn. 3. ed. - Lanham, MD. ; Plymouth: Scarecrow Press, 2007 - 600p. - ISBN: 97808108 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 46(2008)3, p.331-333.

58852009-0005textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Terris, G. (Book review of) Rowley, J.; Hartley, R. - Organizing knowledge: an introduction to managing access to information - 4. ed. - Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2008 - ISBN: 9780754644316 (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia Information and Technology, 34(2008)3, p.83-84.

6887textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Oberhauser, Otto. (Book review of) Sue Batley. Classification in theory and practice. Oxford, Chandos, 2005. xi, 181 p. ISBN: 1843340836 (pbk); 1843340941; 9781843340942 (hbk) (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 59(2006)1, pp. 58-60. Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/7350/

7103textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Oberhauser, Otto. (Book review of) Rowley, Jennifer, Hartley, Richard. Organizing knowledge: an introduction to managing access to information. 4th ed. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008. xxiv, 367 p. ISBN: 0754644316 (alk. paper); 9780754644316 (alk. paper) (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 61(2008)4, pp. 164-167. Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/15463/

99741995-0335textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Marcella, R.; Newton, R. A new manual of classification (Lang.: eng). - Aldershot, Hampsh, Gower Publ, 1994. pp. 394. ISBN: 0566075474.

100021994-0817textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Langridge, D.W.. Classification: Its kinds, systems, elements, and applications (Lang.: eng). - London, etc., Bowker-Saur, 1992. pp. 84. ISBN: 0862916224. Comprises two parts: (1) Classification in general (nature, fundamentals, classif.of knowledge) and (2) Bibliographic classification (elements, schemes, applications). Appendix: Recommended definitions of major terms. References. Suggestions for further reading. Index.

100591996-0717textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Foskett, A.C.. The subject approach to information. 5th ed (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Libr.Assoc. Publishing, 1996. pp. XV,456. ISBN: 1856040488. This 5th edition has been heavily revised and partly rewritten. It comprises 5 parts: I. Theory of information retrieval systems (covering also Derived indexing - printed indexes and database access systems as well as semantics and syntax), II. Precoordinate indexing systems (covering subject headings, notation, alphabetical index, OPACs), III. Pre-coordinate indexing languages (covering the DDC, UDC, BC, CC, LCC, LCSH and shorter lists of subject headings), IV. Post-coordinate indexing languages, V. The future (digital libraries). Their is an author index and a subject index.

101291995-0334textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Gaus, W. Dokumentations- und Ordnungslehre. Theorie und Praxis des Information Retrieval [Documentation and Order Science. Theory and Practice of Information Retrieval. 2nd entirely rev.ed] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 1995. pp. X,400. ISBN: 3540581170.

117361994-0818textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Harvey, R.. Book review of Langridge, D.W., Classification: Its kinds, systems, elements, and applications. - London, etc.: Bowker-Saur, 1992. - ISBN 0-86291-622-4 (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Libr.Rev.. 11(1994)1, p.110.

123821996-0147btextbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Harvey, R.. Book review of Marcella, R., Newton, R.: A new manual of classification. Aldershot, GB: Gower 1994. 287p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Libr.Rev. Vol. 12, No. 3. 1995. p.328-9.

123831996-0148textbooks on KO general questions 07.21
Satija, M.P.. Book review of Marcella, R., Newton, R.: A new manual of classification. Aldershot, GB: Gower 1994. XII,287p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22, No. 3/4. 1995. p.-178-179.

3261997-3-0325textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Lorenz, B.W.J. Book review of Buder, M., Rehfeld, W., Seeger, Th., Strauch, D. (eds.). Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation: ein Handbuch zur Einführung in die fachliche Informationsarbeit. 4. völl. überarb. Aufl. München: Saur, 1997. xlii, 1069 p. ISBN 3-598-11310-2 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization 24(1997)2. p.119-120.

4671997-4-0468textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Chan, L.M.: Cataloguing and classification : an introduction. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. 519 p. ISBN: 0-07-010506-5 (Lang.: eng). - In: Lucknow librarian 27 (1995)1/4. p.74.

4681997-4-0469textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Marcella, R. Book review of Foskett, A.C.: The subject approach to information. - 5th ed. London: Library association publishing, 1996. 458 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & Index (1996)122. p.12,11.

6291998-0006textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
James, S. Book review of Oddy, P. - Future libraries, future catalogues. London: Library Association Publishing, 1996. 180 p. ISBN: 185604161 (Lang.: ). - In: Library Review 1997(46)7/8,p.594-595.

6301998-0007textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Harvey, R. Book review of Foskett, A.C. - The subject approach to information. 5th ed. London : Library Association Publishing, 1996. xv, 456 p. ISBN: 185604038 (Lang.: ). - In: Cataloguing Australia 1997(23)1/2,p. 35-36.

7871998-0163textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Monie, I.C. Book review of Lancaster, F.W., Sandore, B. - Technology and management in library and documentation. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1997. - 322 p. - ISBN 1856042227 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 47(1998)1/2,p.45-46.

7881998-0164textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Evans, G.E., Heft, S. - Introduction to technical services. - 6th ed. - Englewood, Colo : Libraries Unlimited, 1994.- xxi,534 p. - (Library science text series) - ISBN 087287966 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)1/2,p.50-51.

9911998-0367textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Anderson, D. Book review of Foskett, A.C. - The subject approach to information. 5th ed. London : Library Association Publishing, 1996. xv, 456 p. ISBN 1856040388 (Lang.: ). -

9921998-0368textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Jagodzinski, C.M. B. Book review of Foskett, A.C. - The subject approach to information. 5th ed. London : Library Association Publishing, 1996. xv, 456 p. ISBN 1856040388 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Academic Librarienship, 23(1997)1 p.59).

12151999-0010textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Sawyer, S. Book review of Cataloging and classification: trends, transformations, teaching, and training / ed. by J.R. Shearer and A.R. Thomas. - New York: Haworth, 1997. - 210 p. - ISBN: 0789003406 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Academic Librarianship , 24(1998)4,p.330-331.

12161999-0011textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Chase, L. Book review of Cataloging and classification: trends, transformations, teaching, and training / ed. by J.R. Shearer and A.R. Thomas. - New York: Haworth, 1997. - 210 p. - ISBN: 0789003406 (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference User Services Quarterly , 37(1997)2,p.236-237.

20342000-0310textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Rokke, C.M. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W., Sandore, B.: Technology and management in library and documentation. - London: Library Association Publishing; Champaign, IL.: University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1997. - 322 p. - ISBN: 1856042227 [London]; ISBN: 0878450998 [Champaign] (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Information Supply, 9(1998)2,p.117-118. ** LISA 1999-10824

23502001-0008textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Kaula, P.N. (Book review of) Langridge, D.W.: Classification: its kind, elements, systems and appliction. - London: Bowker-Saur, 1992. - 84 p. - ISBN: 0862916224 (Lang.: eng). - In: Herald of Library Science, 38(1999)3/4,p.256-257.

39302005-32-1-0008textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Poulter, A. (Book review of) Broughton, V.: Essential Classification. - London : Facet Publishing, 2004. - 272p. - ISBN: 1856045145 (Lang.: eng). - In: Center for information and computer sciences book reviews [electron.]. Available at http://www.ics.ltsn.ac.uk/books/reviewed/Essential_Classifica­tion.htm

39312005-32-1-0009textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Smith, N. (Book review of) Batley, S.: Classification in theory and practice. - Chandos Publishing, 2003. - 200 p. - ISBN: 1843340386 (Lang.: eng). - In: Center for information and computer sciences book reviews [electron.]. Available at http://www.ics.ltsn.ac.uk/books/reviewed/Classification_in_­theory_and_practice.htm

48182007-0010textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Macgregor, A. (Book review of) Broughton, V.: Essential Classification - London: Facet Publishing, 2004 - 272p. -ISBN: 1856045145 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 55(2006)1, p.75-76.

40712005-32-2-0147textbooks on KO general questions 07.21;07.51
Gaus, W. Dokumentations und Ordnungslehre. Theorie und Praxis des Information Retrieval [Documentation and Order Science. Theory and Practice of Information Retrieval] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 2003. pp. X, 400. ISBN: 3540435050. 113 figs

40722005-32-2-0148textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory 07.21;211
Bertram, J. Einführung in die inhaltliche Erschliessung : Grundlagen - Methoden - Instrumente [Introduction to subject indexing: basis - methods - instruments] (Lang.: ger). - Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2005. pp. 315.(Content and Communication, 2). ISBN: 3899134427.

40732005-32-2-0149textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory 07.21;211
Olson, H.A. The power to name : locating the limits of subject representation in libraries (Lang.: eng). - Berlin, Springer, 2002. pp. 276. ISBN: 1402007760.

23512001-0009textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory literature reviews 07.21;211;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of) Subject indexing systems : concepts, methods and techniques / ed. by S.B. Ghosh, Satpathy, J.N. - Calcutta: Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC), 1998. - iii, 397 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.177-178.

40742005-32-2-0150textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory literature reviews 07.21;211;02
Hudon, M. (Book review of) Broughton, V.: Essential Classification. - New York, NY: Neal-Schuman, 2004. - 324 p.- ISBN: 1555705073 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)1, p.47-49.

42212005-32-4-0296textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory literature reviews 07.21;211;02
Henriksen, T. (Book review of) Broughton, V.: Essential Classification. - New York, NY: Neal-Schuman, 2004. - 324 p.- ISBN: 1555705073 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research: an international electronical journal, 10(2005)3 [electron]. Available at http://informationr.net/ir/reviews/revs168.html

24922001-0150textbooks on KO general questions thesauri literature reviews 07.21;214;02
James, S. (Book review of) Lanzi, D.M.: Introduction to vocabularies : enhancing access to cultural heritage information. - Los Angeles, CA.: The Getty Trust Publications, 1999. - 62 p. - ISBN: 0892365447 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 49(2000)3/4,p.203-204.

29822002-0007textbooks on KO general questions thesauri literature reviews 07.21;214;02
Greenberg, J. (Book review of) Lanzi, D.M.: Introduction to vocabularies : enhancing access to cultural heritage information - Los Angeles, CA.: The Getty Trust Publications, 1999 - 62 p. - ISBN: 0892365447 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 44(2000)2, p.106-107.

Hunter, E.J. Classification made simple (Lang.: eng). - 2 ed. Burlington, VT, Ashgate, 2002. pp. Xii,147. ISBN: 075460795x.

48192007-0011textbooks on KOS construction 07.23
Broughton, V. Essential thesaurus construction (Lang.: eng). - London, Facet Publishing, 2006. pp. V, 296. Reviews by: *Davies, S. (0012)- Library review, 56 (2007)3, p.245-246. *Salmond, R.(0013)- Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 37(2006)3, p.240

49992007-0225textbooks on KOS construction 07.23
Broughton, V. Essential thesaurus construction (Lang.: eng). - London, Facet Publishing, 2006. pp. Viii, 296. ISBN: 9781856045650. Reviews by: *Calvert, P. (0226)- Electronic Librarian, 24(2006)6, p.866-867. *Satija, M.P.(0227)- Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)4, p.215-216. *Terris, O.(0228)- Multimedia Information Technology, 32(2006)4, p.122

52582007-0491textbooks on KOS construction 07.23
Broughton, V. Essential thesaurus construction (Lang.: eng). - London, Facet Publishing, 2006. pp. Viii, 296. ISBN: 9781856045650. Book reviews by: *Quinn, S. (0492) - Words at work, Lang: eng, Australian Library Journal, 56(2007)2, p.183-184. *Trickey, K.V. (0493), Lang: eng, New Library World, 108(2007)3/4, p.190-191

54612008-0004textbooks on KOS construction 07.23
Miller, D. (Book review of) Broughton, V. : Essential thesaurus construction -London: Facet Publishing, 2006 - Viii, 296p. - ISBN: 9781856045650 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources & Technical Services, 51(2007)2, pp.53-54.

61452009-0265textbooks on KOS construction 07.23
Broughton, V. Costruire thesauri: strumenti per indicizzazione e metadati semantici ed. Piero Cavaleri, Laura Ballestra, Luisa Venuti [Constructing thesauri: indexing tools and semantic metadata] (Lang.: ita). - Milan, Editrice Bibliografica, 2008. pp. 352. ISBN: 9788870756746. Transl. of Essential thesaurus construction. (2007-0205)

63892009-0509textbooks on KOS construction 07.23
Lucarelli, Anna. (Book review of) Broughton, V. Costruire thesauri: strumenti per indicizzazione e metadati semantici; ed. Piero Cavaleri, Laura Ballestra, Luisa Venuti [Constructing thesauri: indexing tools and semantic metadata] – Milan: Editrice Bibliografica, 2008 - 352p. - ISBN: 9788870756746 (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche oggi, 26(2008)8, pp.89-90.

6888textbooks on KOS construction 07.23
Oberhauser, Otto. (Book review of) Vanda Broughton: Essential thesaurus construction. London, Facet Publishing, 2006. v, 296 p. ISBN: 13978-1-85604-565-0 (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 60(2007)1, pp. 98-101. Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/9053/

7057textbooks on KOS construction 07.23
Menis, Ilde. Costruire thesauri: strumenti per indicizzazione e metadati semantici. (Book review of) Vanda Broughton: Essential thesaurus construction. London, Facet Publishing, 2006. v, 296 p. ISBN: 13978-1-85604-565-0 [Thesaurus construction: recommended tools and semantic metadata] (Lang.: eng). - In: Bollettino AIB, 49(2009)2, pp. 271-272.

9931998-0369textbooks on KOS construction thesaurus construction literature reviews 07.23;235;02
Will, L. Book review of Aitchison, J., Gilchrist, A., Bawden, D. Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual. - 3rd. ed. - London: Aslib, 1997. - 212 p. - ISBN 0851423906 (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing Information, 5(1998)3,p.42.

12171999-0012textbooks on KOS construction thesaurus construction literature reviews 07.23;235;02
Releya, H.C. Book review of Aitchison, J., Gilchrist, A., Bawden, D. Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual. - 3rd. ed. - London: Aslib, 1997. - 212 p. - ISBN: 0851423906 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review , 48(1999)1/2,p.104-105.

15181999-0312textbooks on KOS construction thesaurus construction literature reviews 07.23;235;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Aitchison, J., Gilchrist, A., Bawden, D. Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual. - 3rd. ed. - London: Aslib, 1997. - 212 p. - ISBN: 0851423906 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)2, p.103-104.

26442001-0302textbooks on KOS construction thesaurus construction literature reviews 07.23;235;02
Dextre Clarke, S. (Book review of) Aitchison, J., Gilchrist, A., Bawden, D.Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual. - 4th.ed. - London: Aslib, 2000. - 218 p. - ISBN: 0851424465 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 31(1999)1, p.49-50.

101997-1-0010textbooks on indexing 07.3
O'Brien, A. Book review of Kao, M.L. Cataloging and classification for library technicans. Binghampton, New York : Haworth Press 1995. 137 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic library Vol.14, No.5 1996, p. 470-471.

111997-1-0011textbooks on indexing 07.3
Ferguson, B. Book review of Kao, M.L. Cataloging and classification for library technicans. Binghampton, New York : Haworth Press 1995. 137 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 1 1996, p.121-123.

1431997-2-0142textbooks on indexing 07.3
Galler, A.M. Book review of Kao, M.L. Cataloging and classification for library technicans. Binghampton, New York : Haworth Press 1995. 137 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 21(1996)3/4. p.93-94.

52592007-0494textbooks on indexing 07.3
Taylor, A.G., Miller, D. P. Introduction to cataloging and classification. 10th ed (Lang.: eng). - Westport, CN, Libraries Ulimited, 2006. pp. Xviii, 598. ISBN: 159158230X; 1591582350. Book reviews by: *Conway, C.N. (0495), Lang: eng, Reference and User Services Quarterly, 46(2007)3, p.104-105; *Intner, S.S. (0496), Lang: eng, Technicalities, 27(2007)2, p.19-20

54622008-0005textbooks on indexing 07.3
Flood, B. (Book review of) Taylor, A.G., Miller, D. P.: Introduction to cataloging and classification. 10th ed - Westport, CN: Libraries Unlimited, 2006 - Xviii, 589p. - ISBN: 159158230X; 1591582350 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical Services Quarterly, 25(2007)1, pp.101-102.

56302008-0175textbooks on indexing 07.3
Lescic, J. Klasifikacija i predmetno oznacivanje: prirucnik za strucne ispite [Classification and subject indexing: a handbook for librarianship exams] (Lang.: cro). - Zagreb, Naklada Dominovic, 2007. pp. 118. ISBN: 9789536006755.

7051textbooks on indexing 07.3
Crandall, Michael. (Book review of) Organizing knowledge: an introduction to managing access to information, 4th ed.; ed. by Jennifer Rowley and Richard Hartley. Farnham, Ashgate, 2008, 392pp. ISBN: 978-0-7546-4431-6. (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 46(2010)1, pp. 115-116.

8588textbooks on indexing 07.3
McIntosh, Joyce, ed. Cataloging and indexing : challenges and solutions (Lang.: eng). - Oakville, Ont, Apple Academic Press, 2011. pp. 319. ISBN: 9781926692760; 1926692764.

8589textbooks on indexing 07.3
Pandey, Raghunath, Velayudhan Pillai, M.N. Cataloguing and classification (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Jnanada Prakashan (P & D), 2011. pp. 214. ISBN: 9788171394425.

100811990-2-058textbooks on indexing 07.3
Laresse, E. Guide du classement dans l'entreprise [Classification guide in the enterprise] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, Ed.d'Organisat, 1988. pp. 173. ISBN: 2708109529.

102311996-0892textbooks on indexing 07.3
Mikacic, M.. Teorijski osnove sustava za predmetno oznacivanje [Theoretical foundations of a system for subject heading assignments] (Lang.: cro). - Zagreb, Croatia, Hrvatsko Bibliotekarsko Drustvo, 1996. pp. 435 . ISBN: 9536001039. The book is in Croatian and contains an English summary. It comprises the following 7 chapters: Introduction - Basis concepts and data, definition and terms. Codes for compilatin of subject catalogues and subject heading lists in European and North American countries. Codes for compilation of subject catalogues in Yugoslavia 1950-1990. Standards for the establishment of monolingual thesauri and standards for subject cataloguing. Theoretical bases of principles and of fundamental rules for subject cataloguing displayed in contemporary scientific works. Theory of classified and alphabetical subject catalogues. Syntactical system for subject designation (SSSD).

108481990-0834textbooks on indexing 07.3
Keen, M. Book review of Lancaster, W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice.London: Library Assoc.1991.XVI,328p.Champaign, IL, GSLIS, Univ.of Illinois 1991 (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.Vol.48.No.4.1992.p.435-436.

111771990-2-057textbooks on indexing 07.3
Cochrane, P.A. Book review of Hunter, E.J.: Classification made simple.Brookfield, Vt.: Gower Publ.1988.115p (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.& Inform.Sci.Annual.Vol.5.1989.p.87.

113131993-0103atextbooks on indexing 07.3
Luttrell, J.R.. Book review of Downing, M.H. and D.H.: Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, 6th ed. Jefferson, NC: McFarland 1992. 316p.k (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Acad.Librarianship No. 1. 1993. p.371.

116081993-0834textbooks on indexing 07.3
Keen, M.. Book review of Lancaster, W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. London: Library Assoc. 1991. XVI,328p. Champaign, IL, GSLIS, Univ.of Illinois 1991 (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.. Vol. 48. No. 4. p.435-436.

122141995-0714textbooks on indexing 07.3
Satija, M.P. Book review of Chan, L.M.: Cataloging and classification: An introduction. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill 1994. XXII,519p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.96-97.

123841996-0149textbooks on indexing 07.3
Terris, O.. Book review of Bonura, L.S.: The art of indexing. New York-Chichester: Wiley 1994. XXII,233p. (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc. Vol. 51, No. 3. 1995. p.292-4.

125131996-0466textbooks on indexing 07.3
Williamson, N.J.. Book review of Fugmann, R.: Subject analysis and indexing: Theoretical foundations and practical advice. Frankfurt: INDEKS Verlag 1993. Textbooks for Knowl.Org., Vol.1 (Lang.: eng). - In: Can.J.Inform.& Libr.Science. Vol. 20, No. 2. 1995. p.45-7.

125611996-0893textbooks on indexing 07.3
Lynch, P.. Book review of Kao, M.L.: Cataloging and classification for library technicians. Binghampton, New York: Haworth Press 1995. 137p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Libr.Rev. Vol. 45, No. 1. 1996. p.62.

125621996-0894textbooks on indexing 07.3
Naylor, P.. Book review of same title as under 0893 (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Libr.Rev. Vol. 13, No. 2. 1996. p.227.

125631996-0895textbooks on indexing 07.3
Pekkarinen, P.; Murtomaa, E.. Book review of same title as under 0893 (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Cat.& Bibliogr.Control. Vol. 25, No. 2. 1996. p.42-3.

125641996-0896textbooks on indexing 07.3
Richardson, A.J.. Book review of same title as under 0893 (Lang.: eng). - In: An Leabharlann. Vol. 12, No. 2&3. 1995/6. p.105-6.

125651996-0897textbooks on indexing 07.3
Todd, Ch.. Book review of same title as under 0893 (Lang.: eng). - In: New Zealand Libraries. Vol. 48, No. 5. 1996. p.99.

125661996-0898textbooks on indexing 07.3
Satija, M.P.. Book review of same title as under 0893 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 3. 1996. p.180.

131111990-2-056textbooks on indexing 07.3
Beck, H. Book review of Buchanan, B.: Bibliothekarische Klassifikationsstheorie.Übers.(aus demEngl.) von U.Reimer-Böhner.München, etc.: Saur 1989.151p (Lang.: ger). - In: Zbl.Bibl.wes.Vol.104.No.5.1990.p.235-237.

133931996-0718textbooks on indexing 07.3
Poltronieri, E.. Book review of Kao, M.L.: Cataloging and classification for library technicians. New York: Haworth Press 1995. 137p. (Lang.: ita). - In: Boll. AIB. Vol. 36, No. 2. 1996. p.210.

26452001-0303textbooks on indexing LCC literature reviews 07.3;44;02
Cohen, A. (Book review of) Ferguson, B.: Subject Analysis: Blitz cataloging workbook. - Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. - 135 p. - ISBN: 156308645X (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services, 24(2000), p.519-520.

12181999-0013textbooks on indexing indexing problems literature reviews 07.3;811;02
Turkulin, B. Book review of Mikacic, M.: Teorijski osnove sustava za predmetno oznacivanje [Theoretical foundations of a system for subject designation]. - Zagreb, Croatia: Hrvatsko Bibliotekarsko Drustvo, 1996. - 435 p. - ISBN: 9536001039 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)4,p.222-225.

58862009-0006textbooks on indexing KO metadata 07.3;918
Weber, M. B. (Book review of) Smiraglia, R. - Metadata: a cataloger's primer. Binghamton, NY : Haworth Information Press, 2005. 303 p.: ill - ISBN: 078902800X (alk. paper); ISBN: 0789028018 (pbk. : alk. Paper) (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources & Technical Services, 52(2008)4, p.271-272. Published also as v. 40, no. 3/4, 2005 of the Cataloging & classification quarterly

61462009-0266textbooks on indexing KO metadata 07.3;918
Žumer, Maja. (Book review of) Zeng, Marcia Lee and Qin, Jian. - Metadata - London, Facet; New York, Neal Schuman, 2008 - Xvii, 364p. - ISBN: 1856046559; 978185604655 (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library & information systems, 43(2009)1, pp.108-109.

63902009-0510textbooks on indexing KO metadata 07.3;918
Ehlert, Mark K. (Book review of) Zeng, Marcia Lee and Qin, Jian. - Metadata - London, Facet; New York, Neal Schuman, 2008 - Xvii, 364p. - ISBN: 1856046559; 978185604655 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 53(2009)2, pp.135-136.

63912009-0511textbooks on indexing KO metadata 07.3;918
Miller, Steven J. (Book review of) Zeng, Marcia Lee and Qin, Jian. - Metadata - London, Facet; New York, Neal Schuman, 2008 - Xvii, 364p. - ISBN: 1856046559; 978185604655 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 47(2009)5, pp.498-500.

Taylor, A.G. (Ed.). Introduction to Cataloging and Classification. 8th ed. by Bohdan S.Wynar (Lang.: eng). - Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlim, 1992. pp. 633. ISBN: 0872878112.

Kao, M.L. Cataloging and classification for library technicians (Lang.: eng). - New York - London, Haworth Press, 1995. pp. XII,137. The book comprises 9 chapters as follows: Introduction, Library Catalogs, Tools used for cataloging, Descriptive cataloging, Subject headings, Classification, Copy cataloging, The Cataloging Department, Issues and trends (including Reclassification and R. ecataloging). Each chapter begins with a subchapter entitled 'Terminology' in which the main terms of a chapter are defined. Likewise is each chapter ended with 'Review questions' 3-8

Thomas, A.R.. Book review of title under 0572 (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Resources & Techn.Serv.Vol. 37 No. 1. 1993. p.114.

105331990-1-037maths in KO 07.31/3
Riaz, M. Advanced indexing and abstracting practice (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Atlantic Publ, 1989. pp. XVI,339 .

Langridge, D.W.. Inhaltsanalyse. Grundlagen und Methoden [Subject analysis. Principles and Procedures] (Lang.: ger). - München, K.G.Saur Verlag, 1994. pp. 159. Translation of: Subject analysis: Principles and Procedures. London 1989. The translation was done by Ute Reimer-Böhner. The preface is by W.Gödert who supplied also a list of selected references on problems of subject analysis. Appendix 1 gives the literature on kind and historical development of forms of knowledge; Appendix 2 comprises the different forms of knowledge, and Appendix 3 gives the sequence of the single steps for the condensation of subjects.

Thatcher, V.S.. Indexes. Writing, editing, production (Lang.: eng). - Lanham, MD, Scarecrow Press, 1995. pp. 180. ISBN: 0810829908.

3271997-3-0326literature reviews 07.382;02
Wilson, C.R. Book review of Thatcher, V.S.: Indexes : writing, editing, production. - Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press 1995. 164p (Lang.: eng). - In: Business Information Alert 8(1996)7. p.13-14.

61472009-0267textbooks on library classification 07.41
Kaplan, Allison G. Crash course in cataloging for non-catalogers: a casual conversation on organizing information (Lang.: eng). - Santa Barbara, CA, Libraries Unlimited, 2009. pp. Xii, 140. ISBN: 9781591584018.

61482009-0268textbooks on library classification 07.41
Miksa, F. Chan, Taylor and the future of cataloging texts (Book review of) Chan, Lois Mai. Cataloging and classification: an introduction . 3rd ed. - Lanham, MD, Scarecrow Press, 2007- xix, 580 pp. illus.-. ISBN: 9780810859449; 9780810860001 & Taylor, Arlene G. , Joudrey, Daniel N. The organization of information 3rd ed. Santa Barbara, CA, Libraries Unlimited, 2008. - 540 pp. - ISBN13: 781591585862 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library quarterly, 79(2009)1, pp. 131-143.

61492009-0269textbooks on library classification 07.41
O'Donnell, Mary. (Book review of) Chan, Lois Mai. Cataloging and classification: an introduction. 3rd ed - Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2007 - Xix, 580p. - ISBN: 9780810859449; 9780810860001 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 26(2009)1, pp. 86-87.

61502009-0270textbooks on library classification 07.41
Singh, S. P. (ed.). Library cataloguing and classification (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Omega Publications, 2008. pp. Viii, 304. ISBN: 8184551082.

61512009-0271textbooks on library classification 07.41
Taylor, Arlene G. , Joudrey, Daniel N. The organization of information (Lang.: eng). - 3 ed. Santa Barbara, CA, Libraries Unlimited, 2008. pp. 540. ISBN13: 781591585862.

61522009-0272textbooks on library classification 07.41
Tiwari, Purushotham. Library classification (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, A. P.H. Publishing Corporation, 2009. pp. Viii, 272. ISBN: 8131305119.

6889textbooks on library classification 07.41
Hunter, Eric J. Classification made simple : an introduction to knowledge organisation and information retrieval 2009 (Lang.: eng). - 3rd ed. Farnham, Ashgate, 2009. 0754675580; 9780754675587 (pbk).

7052textbooks on library classification 07.41
Kumar, Sunil. Elements of library classification (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Rajat Publications, 2009. pp. 293. ISBN: 9788178803975.

7323textbooks on library classification 07.41
Oberhauser, Otto. (Book review of) Eric J. Hunter: Classification made simple: an introduction to knowledge organisation and information retrieval. 3rd ed. Farnham, Ashgate, 2009 (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 63(2010)1/2, pp.143-147. Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/18644/

8042textbooks on library classification 07.41
Mugridge, Rebecca L. (Book review of) Hunter, Eric. Classification made simple: an introduction to knowledge organisation and information retrieval. 3rd ed. Farnham, Ashgate, 2009, 163pp. ISBN: 9780754675587 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library collections, acquisitions, & technical services, 34(2010)4, p. 130.

9216textbooks on library classification 07.41
MacDonald, Archie. (Book review of) Hunter Eric J. Classification made simple: an introduction to knowledge organisation and information retrieval. 3rd ed. Farnham, Ashgate, 2009 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library review, 61(2012), pp. 161-163.

102051993-0103dtextbooks on library classification 07.41
Li, Xinghui; Chen, Shunian and Dai, Meiming. Handbook of Library Classification in New Disciplines (Lang.: chi). - Beijing, China Sci.& T.P, 1992. pp. XIII+458. ISBN: 7504606871.

102061993-0103ctextbooks on library classification 07.41
Hou, Hanqing; Wang, Rongshou (Eds). Handbook of Library Classificatioon (Lang.: chi). - Beijing, China Sci.& T.P, 1992. pp. XV+510. ISBN: 7504606960.

4691997-4-0470textbooks on library classification literature reviews 07.41;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Lancaster, D.W.: Classification: its kinds, elements, systems and applications. London: Bowker-Saur, 1992. 84 p. ISBN: 0-86291-622-4 (Lang.: eng). - In: Lucknow librarian 27 (1995)1/4. p.66-67.

Mugridge, Rebecca L. (Book review of) Chan, Lois Mai. Cataloging and classification: an introduction. 3rd ed - Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2007 - Xix, 580p. - ISBN: 780810859449; 9780810860001 (Lang.: eng). - In: The journal of academic librarianship, 35(2009)2, pp. 191-192.

20352000-0311library KOS 07.411;411
Šauperl, A. Klasifikacija knjiznicnega gradiva : ucbenik za studente in studentke bibliotekarstva [Classification of library materials: a textbook for students of library science] (Lang.: slo). - Ljubljana, Ljubljanav Ljubljani. Filozofska fakulteta. Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo, 2000. ISBN: 9612270708. »» On Library classifications, especially UDC, and subject headings

23522001-0010UDC 07.42;42
McIlwaine, I.C. The Universal Decimal Classification : a guide to its use (Lang.: eng). - The Hague, UDC Consortium, 2000. pp. Vi,280. * 1st ed.: 1983

Chan, L.M.; Comaromi, J.P.; Satija, M.P.. Dewey Decimal Classification. A practical guide (Lang.: eng). - Albany, N.Y., Forest Press, 1994. pp. XVII,211. Introduction to the methods of classifying and arranging library collections according to the DDC. It begins with a brief history of the DDC, followed by discussions on the notation, its uses, the concepts of practical classification, the methods of analyzing the subject content of documents to be classed, and the proper procedures of assigning class numbers. Its essential aim is to explain the proper methods of applying the DDC schedules, of locating and assigning the appropriate class number, and of synthesizing a class number if need be. The examples and exercises are based on Ed.20, published in 1989. (From the Preface)."

Harvey, R.. Book review of Chan, L.M., Comaromi, J.P., Satija, M.P.: Dewey Decimal Classification: A practical guide. Albany, NY: OCLC Forest Press 1994. 211p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Austral.Libr.Rev. Vol. 12, No. 4. 1995. p.436.

Harvey, R.. Book review of Dhyani, P.: Working with Dewey Decimal Classification (Editions 19 and 20). New Delhi: Vikas Publ.House 1994. 169p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Austral.Libr.Rev. Vol. 12, No. 4. 1995. p.436-7.

29832002-0008DDC literature reviews 07.43;43;02
Fountain, J.F. (Book review of) Mortimer, M.: Learn Dewey Decimal Classification (Edition 21) - Lanham, MD : Scarecrow Press, 2000 – 145 p. - ISBN: 0810836947 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 25(2001), p.240-241.

31672002-0189DDC literature reviews 07.43;43;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of) Mortimer, M.: Learn Dewey Decimal Classification (Edition 21) - Canberra: DocuMatrix, 1998 - 132 p. - ISBN: 0876283025 (Lang.: eng). - In: Asian Libraries, 8(1999)1, p. 389-390.

Hill, Jennie. The future of archives and recordkeeping : a reader (Lang.: eng). - London, Facet Publishing, 2011. pp. 244. ISBN: 1856046664 (hbk.);9781856046664.

3291997-3-0328textbooks on IR 07.75
Ellis, D. Progress and problems in information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - London, Library Association Publishing, 1997. pp. 220. ISBN: 1856041239. New ed. of 'New horizons in information retrieval' (1991). Textbook on research in the field of information retrieval

63932009-0513textbooks on IR 07.75
Manning, Christopher D., Raghavan, Prabhakar, Schütze, Hinrich. An introduction to information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008. pp. Xxi, 428. ISBN:9780521865715 (hbk.); ISBN:0521865719 (hbk.).

6890textbooks on IR 07.75
Katzmayr, Michael. (Book review of) Eleonore Poetzsch. Information Retrieval: Einführung in Grundlagen und Methoden. 5th ed. Berlin, Poetzsch, 2006. 360pp. ISBN:3-938945-01-X [Information retrieval: an introduction to principles and methods, 5th ed] (Lang.: ger). - In: Online-Mitteilungen, 88(2006), pp. 13-15.

6891textbooks on IR 07.75
Oberhauser, Otto. (Book review of) Susan Batley. Information architecture for informationprofessionals. Oxford, Chandos, 2007. xix, 212 p. ISBN: 1843342324 (pbk); 1843342332 (hbk); 9781843342328 (pbk); 9781843342335 (hbk) (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 60(2007)2, pp. 70-74. Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/9097/

7324textbooks on IR 07.75
Chowdhury, G. G. Introduction to modern information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - 3rd ed. London, Facet Publishing, 2010. pp. 488. 978-1-85604-694-7.

7325textbooks on IR 07.75
Curras, Emilia. Ontologies, taxonomy and thesauri in information organisation and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - Abington, Chandos Publishing, 2010. pp. 200. 1 84334 612 5; 13: 978 1 84334 612 8.

8043textbooks on IR 07.75
Stock, Wolfgang G., Stock, Mechtild. Wissensrepräsentation: Informationen auswerten und bereitstellen [Knowledge representation: evaluating and providing information] (Lang.: ger). - Munich, Oldenbourg, 2008. pp. 441. ISBN: 9783486584394.

8590textbooks on IR 07.75
Brellochs, Andreas R. (Book review of) Chowdhury, Gobinda G. Introduction to modern information retrieval. 3rd ed. London, Facet, 2010. 508pp. ISBN: 1185604694X; 9781856046947 (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 62(2011)8, pp. 398-400.

3281997-3-0327textbooks on IR literature reviews 07.75;02
Brunt, R. Book review of Ellis, D. Progress and problems in information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & Index (1997)123. p.8.

9941998-0370textbooks on IR literature reviews 07.75;02
Revie, C. Book review of Ellis, D. Progress and problems in information retrieval. - 2nd ed. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1996. - 220 p. - ISBN 1856041239 (Lang.: eng). - In: Program, 32(1998)2,p.190-192.

21832000-0459textbooks on IR literature reviews 07.75;02
Tedd, L.A. (Book review of)Bradley, P.: The advanced Internet searcher's handbook. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - 232 p. - ISBN: 1856043029 (Lang.: eng). - In: Program, 33(1999)4,p.387-388.

39322005-32-1-0010textbooks on IR literature reviews online retrieval problems 07.75;02;751
Smith, D.G. (Book review of) Bourne, C.P., Berlando Hahn, T.: A history of online information services, 1963-1976. - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. - 492 p. - ISBN: 0262025388 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)7, p.652-653.

20362000-0312textbooks on IR online retrieval problems 07.75;751
Baeza-Yates, R., Ribeiro-Neto, B. Modern information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - New York, ACM PressHarlow, 1999. pp. Xx, 513. ISBN: 020139829X. ** Chapters: 1. Introduction, 2. Modeling, 3. Retrieval evaluation, 4. Query languages, 5. Query operations, 6. Text and multimedia languages and properties, 7. Text operations, 8. Indexing and searching, 9. Parallel and distributed IR, 10. User interfaces and visualization, 11. Multimedia IR: models and languages, 12. Multimedia IR: indexing and searching, 13. Searching the Web, 14. Libraries and bibliographic systems, 15. Digital libraries

20372000-0313textbooks on IR online retrieval problems 07.75;751
Chowdhury, G.G. Introduction to modern information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - London, Library Association Publishing, 1999. pp. Xx, 452. ISBN: 1856043185. ** Chapters: 1. Basic concepts of information retrieval systems, 2. Database technology, 3. Bibliographic formats, 4. Subject analysis and representation, 5. Automatic indexing and file organization, 6. Vocabulary control, 7. Abstracts and abstracting, 8. Searching and retrieval, 9. Users of information retrieval, 10. Evaluation of information retrieval systems, 11. Evaluation experiments, 12. Online information retrieval, 13. CD-ROM information retrieval, 14. Trends in CD-ROM and online information retrieval, 15. 15. Multimedia information retrieval, 16. Hypertext and hypermedia systems, 17. Intelligent information retrieval, 18. Natural language processing and information retrieval, 19. Natural language interfaces, 20. Natural language text processing and retrieval systems, 21. Problems and prospects of natural language processing systems, 22. The Internet and information retrieval, 23. Trends in information retrieval

21842000-0460textbooks on IR online retrieval problems 07.75;751
Grossman, D.A. Information retrieval : algorithms and heuristics (Lang.: eng). - Dodrecht, Kluwer Academic Publ, 1998. pp. 272. ISBN: 0792382714.

34812004-0008textbooks on IR online retrieval problems 07.75;751
Chowdhury, G.G. Introduction to modern information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - 2 ed. London, Facet Publishing, 2004. pp. Xiv, 474. ISBN: 1856044807. »» Chapters: 1. Basic concepts of information retrieval systems, 2. Database technology, 3. Bibliographic formats, 4. Cataloguing and metadata, 5. Subject analysis and representation, 6. Automatic indexing and file organization, 7. Vocabulary control, 8. Abstracts and abstracting, 9. Searching and retrieval, 10. Users of information retrieval, 11 User-centred models of information retrieval, 12. User interfaces, 13. Evaluation of information retrieval systems, 14. Evaluation experiments, 15. Online and CD-ROM information retrieval, 16. Multimedia information retrieval, 17. Hypertext and markup languages, 18. Web information retrieval, 19. Intelligent information retrieval, 20. Natural language processing and information retrieval, 21. Natural language processing systems, 22. Information retrieval in digital libraries, 23. Trends in information retrieval

39332005-32-1-0011textbooks on IR online retrieval problems 07.75;751
Bourne, C.P., Berlando Hahn, T. A history of online information services, 1963-1976 (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge, MT, MIT Press, 2003. pp. 493. ISBN: 0262025388.

46882006-33-4-0291textbooks on IR online retrieval problems 07.75;751
New directions in cognitive information retrieval / Ed. by C. Cole and A. Spink (Lang.: eng). - New York, Springer, 2005. pp. 250. ISBN 140204013X.

24942001-0152textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Vickery, B.C. (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - xx,452 p. - ISBN: 1856043185 (Lang.: eng). - In: Program, 34(2000)2,p.231-232.

24952001-0153textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Bolger, D.F. (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - xx,452 p. - ISBN: 1856043185 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Information Supply, 10(2000)3,p.112-113.

24962001-0154textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Bruce, C. (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - xx,452 p. - ISBN: 1856043185 (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Library Journal, 49(2000)4,p.369.

26462001-0304textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Barker, A.L. (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - xx,452 p. - ISBN: 1856043185 (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information Review, 24(2000)2, p.175-177.

28162001-0474textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Anderson, S.C. (Book review of) Walker, G., Janes, J.: Online retrieval: a dialogue of theory and practice - 2nd ed – Englewood CO., : Libraries United, 1999 - 312 p. - ISBN: 1563036573 (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Libray Journal, 49(2000)2,p.178-179.

28172001-0475textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Hartley, R.J. (Book review of) Burke, M.A.: Organization of multimedia resources: principles and practice of information retrieval - Aldershot: Gower, 1999 – ISBN: 0566081717 (Lang.: eng). - In: Education for Information, 18(2000)1,p.86-87.

33322003-0006textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Maceviciute, E. (Book review of) Rice, R.E., McCreadie, M.M., Chang, S.L.: Accessing and browsing information and communication. - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001 - 357p. - ISBN: 0262182149 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Research: an International Electronic Journal, 7(2002)2 [electr.]. Available at http://informationr.net/ir/reviews/revs050.html

29862002-0011textbooks on IR online retrieval problems KOS theory 07.75;751;211
Maniez, J. Actualité des langages documentaires : fondements théoriques de la recherche d'information [Actality of information languages: theoretical foundation of information retrieval] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, ADBS Editions, 2002. pp. 396.(Collections Sciences de l'Information, série Etudes et techniques). ISBN: 2843650607.

21852000-0461textbooks on IR KOS-based access automatic online indexing 07.75;756;347
Aluri, R., Boll, J.J. Subject access in online catalogs (Lang.: eng). - 2 ed. Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlimited, 1999. pp. 350. ISBN: 1563085399.

31682002-0190textbooks on IR KOS-based access automatic online indexing 07.75;756;347
Hope, H.A., Boll, J.J. Subject access in online catalogs (Lang.: eng). - 2 ed. Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlimited, 2001. pp. Xv, 333. ISBN: 1563088002. * Rev.ed.of Subject analysis in Online Catalogs / R.Aluri, D.A.Kemp, J.J.Boll

23532001-0011textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Green, R. (Book review of) Knowledge discovery in bilbiographic databases / ed. by J. Qin, M.J. Norton. - In: Library Trends 48(1999)1 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and Information Science Research, 22(2001)4,p.433-435.

23542001-0012textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Kwasnik, B. (Book review of) Bowker, G.C., Star, S.L.: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999 – 389 p. - ISBN: 0262024616 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.175-177.

26472001-0305textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Bean, C.A. (Book review of) Knowledge discovery in bilbiographic databases / ed.by J.Qin, M.J.Norton. - In: Library Trends 48(1999)1 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)1, p.44-45.

28182001-0476textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Tedd, L.A. (Book review of) Cooke, A.: A guide to finding quality information on the Internet: selection and evaluation strategies - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999 – 169 p. - ISBN: 1856042677 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 32(2000)1,p.46-47.

28192001-0477textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Williams, J. (Book review of) Bowker, G.C., Star, S.L.: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999 – 389 p. - ISBN: 0262024616 (Lang.: eng). - In: College & Research Libraries, 61(2000)4, p.380-381.

29842002-0009textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Intner, S.S. (Book review of) Knowledge discovery in bilbiographic databases / ed.by J.Qin, M.J.Norton - In: Library Trends 48(1999)1 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technicalities, 19(1999)10, p.12-13.

29852002-0010textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Olson, H.A. (Book review of) Bowker, G.C., Star, S.L.: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999 - 389 p - ISBN: 0262024616 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 44(2000)4, p.107-108.

29872002-0012textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Brooks, T.A. (Book review of) Bowker, G.C., Star, S.L.: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999 - 389 p - ISBN: 0262024616 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)12, p.1149-1150.

29882002-0013textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Fidel, R. (Book review of) Bowker, G.C., Star, S.L.: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999 - 389 p - ISBN: 0262024616 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Academic Librarianship, 26(2000)5, p.370-371.

21862000-0462textbooks on IR cataloging online retrieval problems 07.75;942;751
Rowley, J., Farrow, J. Organizing knowledge : an introduction to managing access to information (Lang.: eng). - 3 ed. Aldershot (GB), Aldershot, 2000. pp. Xx, 424. * 1st ed.: 1983

23552001-0013textbooks on IR cataloging online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;942;751;02
Anderson, J.D. (Book review of) Rowley, J., Farrow, J.: Organizing knowledge : an introduction to managing access to information - 3rd ed – Aldershot: Gower, 2000 – xix, 424 p - ISBN: 0566080478 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 57(2001)3,p.444-448.

28202001-0478textbooks on IR cataloging online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;942;751;02
Tran, L.A. (Book review of) Rowley, J., Farrow, J.: Organizing knowledge : an introduction to managing access to information - 3rd ed – Aldershot: Gower, 2000 – xix, 424 p - ISBN: 0566080478 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 25(2001), p.241-242.

6311998-0008textbooks for terminology literature reviews 07.77;02
Wright, S.E. Book review of Budin, G. - Wissenorganisation und Terminologie: Die Komplexität und Dynamik wissenschaftlicher Informations- und Kommunikationsprozese (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization 1997(24)3,p.190-192.

Leclercq, H.. Book review of Lerat, P.: Les langues spécialisées. Linguistique nouvelle. Paris: P.U.F. 1995. 201p. [Special languages, new linguistics] (Lang.: fre). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 2. 1996. p.115-116.

121997-1-0012information sciences 07.78-82
Woodley, Z. Book review of S. Keenan: Concise Dictionary of Library and Information Science. London: Bowker-Saur, 1996 (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing information Vol.3, No.9 1996, p.49.

131997-1-0013information sciences 07.78-82
Williams, R. Book review of S. Keenan: Concise Dictionary of Library and Information Science. London: Bowker-Saur, 1996 (Lang.: eng). - In: Focus on international & comparative librarianship Vol.27, No. 2 1996, p.125-126.

125401996-0731information sciences 07.78-82
Maniez, J.. Book review of Varet, G., Varet, M.-M.: Matriser l'information à travers sa terminologie. Manuel-Dictionnaire. Paris: Belles Lettres 1995. 709p. [Mastering infromation via its terminology] (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 2. 1996. p.113-115.

7326textbooks on applied indexing 07.81
Kornegay, Rebecca S., Buchanan, Heidi E., Morgan, Hildegard B. Magic search: getting the best results from your catalog and beyond (Lang.: eng). - Chicago,IL, American Library Association, 2009. pp. 143. 0838909906; 9780838909904.

7619textbooks on applied indexing 07.81
Hartman, Matt . (Book review of) Kornegay, Rebecca S., Buchanan, Heidi E., Morgan, Hildegard B. Magic search: getting the best results from your catalog and beyond (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 48(2010)5, pp. 488-489.

7833textbooks on applied indexing 07.81
Raju, Jaya, Raju, Reggie. Descriptive and subject cataloguing: a workbook (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge, Chandos, 2006. pp. 142. ISBN: 9781843341260.

8591textbooks on applied indexing 07.81
Gödert, Winfried, Lepsky, Klaus, Nagelschmidt, Matthias. Informationserschliessung und Automatisches Indexieren: Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch [Manual indexing, automatic indexing: a textbook with excercises for practical work (X.media.press)] (Lang.: ger). - Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York, Springer, 2012. pp. 434. ISBN 978-3-642-23512-2.

8748textbooks on applied indexing 07.81
Veve, Marielle. The streaming guide to cataloging remote access multimedia: a how-to virtual manual for catalogers (Lang.: eng). - Knoxville, TN, Newfound Press, University of Tennessee Libraries, 2010. Available at http://www.newfoundpress.utk.edu/pubs/veve/ ISBN: 978-0-9797292-9-4 .

8749textbooks on applied indexing 07.81
Freeborn, R.B. (Book review of) Veve, Marielle. The streaming guide to cataloging remote access multimedia: a how-to virtual manual for catalogers. Knoxville, TN, Newfound Press, University of Tennessee Libraries, 2010, ISBN: 978-0-9797292-9-4 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)1, 62-63.

20382000-0314textbooks on applied indexing indexing problems bibliography 07.81;07.94;811;941
Intner, S.S., Weihs, J., [et al.]. Special libraries : a cataloging guide (Lang.: eng). - Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlimited, 1998. pp. Xiv, 425. ISBN: 0872879550.

Genereux, Cecilia, Moeller, Paul. Notes for serials cataloguing (Lang.: eng). - 3 ed. Santa Barbara, CA, Libraries Unlimited, 2009. pp. 200. ISBN13: 9781591586531 (Paperback); ISBN10: 1591586534.

24972001-0155archive indexing archival description literature reviews 07.84;847;943;02
James, S. (Book review of) Fox, M.J., Wilkerson, P.L., Warren, S.R.: Introduction to archival organization and description. - Los Angeles, CA.: Getty Trust Publications, 1999. - 58 p. - ISBN: 0892365455 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 49(2000)3/4,p.203-204.

29892002-0014archive indexing archival description literature reviews 07.84;847;943;02
Greenberg, J. (Book review of) Fox, M.J., Wilkerson, P.L., Warren, S.R.: Introduction to archival organization and description - Los Angeles, CA.: Getty Trust Publications, 1999 - 58 p - ISBN: 0892365455 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 44(2000)2, p.106-107.

44002006-33-2-0004textbooks on book indexing literature reviews 07.85;02
Jacobs, C. (Book review of) Mulvany, N.C.: Indexing books. 2nd ed. Chicago University of Chicago Press, 2005. xiv, 315 p. ISBN 0226552764 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)4, p.160-162.

Spiteri, L. (Book review of) Weihs, Jean and Intner, Sheila S. Beginning cataloging. Santa Barbara, CA, Libraries Unlimited, 2009. 184 pp. ISBN: 9781591586876;1591586879;9781591588399 (pbk.); 1591588391 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)5, pp. 486-487.

Kaplan, Allison. Crash course in cataloging for non-catalogers: a casual conversation on organizing information (Lang.: eng). - Santa Barbara, CA, Libraries Unlimited, 2009. pp. 140. ISBN13: 9781591584018 (Paperback); ISBN10: 1591584019.

Weihs, Jean, Intner, Sheila S. Beginning cataloguing (Lang.: eng). - Santa Barbara, CA, Libraries Unlimited, 2009. pp. 168. ISBN13: 9781591586876 (Hardcover); ISBN10: 1591586879.

Oliver, Chris. Introducing RDA: a guide to the basics (Lang.: eng). - London, Facet Publishing, 2010. pp. 128. 978-1-85604-732-6.

Verma, Renu. Cataloguing : theory and practice (Lang.: eng). - Delhi, Swastik Publications, 2011. pp. 264. ISBN: 9789380138800.

Chavan, Subhash P.; Pralhadrao, Aute Govardhan (eds.). Cataloguing and library classification (Lang.: eng). - Delhi, Ancient Publishing House, 2012. pp. 280. 9789381385654.

Chavan, Subhash P.; Pralhadrao, Aute Govardhan (eds.). Indexing and documentation in library science (Lang.: eng). - Delhi, Ancient Publishing House, 2012. pp. 280. 9789381385685.

26482001-0306bibliographic description literature reviews 07.94;946;02
Salmond, R. (Book review of) Mortimer, M.: Learn descriptive cataloguing - Canberra: DocuMatrix, 1998 – 247 p. - ISBN: 1876283017 (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Library Journal, 49(2000)1, p.87-88.

28212001-0479bibliographic description literature reviews 07.94;946;02
Duckett, B. (Book review of) Mortimer, M.: Learn descriptive cataloguing - Canberra: DocuMatrix, 1998 – 247 p. - ISBN: 1876283017 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 49(2000)7, p.354-355.

Welsh, Anne, Batley, Sue. Practical cataloguing: AACR, RDA and MARC 21 (Lang.: eng). - London, Facet publishing, 2012. pp. 224. ISBN: 978-1-85604-695-4.

Cochrane, P.A.. Book review of Iyer, H.: Classificatory structures: Concepts, Relations, and Representation. Frankfurt: INDEKS Verl. 1995.II,232p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 2. 1996. p.113.

100031990-0835monographs 08
Langridge, D.W. Classification: Its kinds, systems, elements, and applications (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Bowker-Saur, 1992. pp. X,84. ISBN: 0862916224.

100041993-0835monographs 08
Langridge, D.W.. Classification: Its kinds, systems, elements, and applications (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Bowker-Saur, 1992. pp. X,84. ISBN: 0862916224.

119331995-0105monographs 08
Crawford, G.A.. Book review of Mann, T.: Library research models: A guide to classification, cataloging and computers. New York: Oxford Univ.Press 1992. XII,248p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Pocessing & Management. 31(1995)2,p.252-253.

122151995-0716monographs 08
Löckenhoff, H. Book review of Koeder, K.W.: Studienmethodik. Selbstmanagement für Studienanfänger [Study methodology. Self-management for study-beginners. 2nd ref.& enl.rev. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen 1994] (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.98.

122161995-0717monographs 08
Löckenhoff, H. Book review of Matheis, R. (Ed.): Leadership revolution. Aufbruch zur Weltspitze mit neuem Denken (Making for the world-wide top by a renewal of thinking) Frankfurt: FAZ Verlag, Wiesbaden: Th.Gabler 1995. 414p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.95-96.

132171995-0103monographs 08
Galinski, Ch.. Book review of Vogel, E.: Informationsmanagement. Berufliche Anforderungen und Konsequenzen für die Ausbildung (Information Management. Professional requirements and their impact on education). Konstanz: Universitas Verlag 1992 (Lang.: ger). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)4,p.239-241.

132181995-0104monographs 08
Krause, J.. Book review of Best, H., Endres-Niggemeyer, B., Herfurth, M., Ohly, P.H. (Eds.). - Informations- und Wissensverarbeitung in den Sozialwissenschaften. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1994. 623p. (Lang.: ger). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)3,p.167-168.

143421994-1310monographs 08
Cheti, A.. Classification as a source of terms and relationships for the thesaurus (Lang.: ). - In: Annuario dei Thesauri 1991. - Firenze : IFNIA, 1991. - (Quaderni del Lab.Thesauri, v.2).

143431994-1311monographs 08
Danesi, D.. Che cosa non sono i thesauri? (Lang.: ). - In: Annuario dei Thesauri 1991. - Firenze : IFNIA, 1991. - (Quaderni del Lab.Thesauri, v.2).

143441994-1312monographs 08
Petrucciani, A.. Microthesauri for the old and rare book (Lang.: ). - In: Annuario dei Thesauri 1991. - Firenze : IFNIA, 1991. - (Quaderni del Lab.Thesauri, v.2).

143451994-1313monographs 08
Tammaro, A.M.. Hypertext and thesauri. Two application examples (Lang.: ). - In: Annuario dei Thesauri 1991. - Firenze : IFNIA, 1991. - (Quaderni del Lab.Thesauri, v.2).

143461994-1314monographs 08
Rolle, M.. A legal-administrative thesaurus for local government. An experience in construction (Lang.: ). - In: Annuario dei Thesauri 1991. - Firenze : IFNIA, 1991. - (Quaderni del Lab.Thesauri, v.2).

143471994-1315monographs 08
Capitani, P.C.. European multilingual thesauri in the area of education (Lang.: ). - In: Annuario dei Thesauri 1991. - Firenze : IFNIA, 1991. - (Quaderni del Lab.Thesauri, v.2).

143481994-1316monographs 08
Danesi, D.. The Art and Architecture Thesaurus and the comeback of a faceted thesaurus (Lang.: ). - In: Annuario dei Thesauri 1991. - Firenze : IFNIA, 1991. - (Quaderni del Lab.Thesauri, v.2).

144921995-0722monographs 08
Schmidt, Klaus M. Concepts - content - meaning: An introduction (Lang.: ). -

144931995-0723monographs 08
Duchastel, J. et al. The SACAO Project: Using computation toward textual data analysis (Lang.: ). -

144941995-0724monographs 08
Paquin, L.-C.; Dupuy, L. An approach to expertise transfer: Computer-assisted text analysis (Lang.: ). -

144951995-0725monographs 08
Hogenraad, R.; Bestgen, Y., Nysten,J.-L. Terrorist rhetoric: texture and architecture (Lang.: ). -

144961995-0726monographs 08
Mohler, P.P. On the interaction between reading and computing: an interpretive approach to content analysis (Lang.: ). -

144971995-0727monographs 08
Lancashire, I. Computer tools for cognitive stylistics (Lang.: ). -

144981995-0728monographs 08
Mergenthaler, E. An outline of knowledge based text analysis (Lang.: ). -

144991995-0729monographs 08
Namenwirth, J.Z. Ideography in computer-aided content analysis (Lang.: ). -

145001995-0730monographs 08
Weber, R.Ph.; Namenwirth, J.Z. Content-analytic indicators: a self-critique (Lang.: ). -

145011995-0731monographs 08
McKinnon, A. Optimizing the aberrant frequency word technique (Lang.: ). -

145021995-0732monographs 08
Rosati, R. Factor analysis in classical archaeology: Export patterns of Attic pottery trade (Lang.: ). -

145031995-0733monographs 08
Steckner, C. SAMOS: Automatic classification of ancient Greek pottery (Lang.: ). -

145041995-0734monographs 08
Petrillo, P.S. Old and new worlds: ancient coinage and modern technology (Lang.: ). -

145051995-0735monographs 08
Daranyi, S.; Marjai, S. et al. Caryatids and the measurement of semiosis in architecture (Lang.: ). -

145061995-0736monographs 08
Zarri, G.P. Intelligent information retrieval: an application in the field of historical biographical data (Lang.: ). -

145071995-0737monographs 08
Bouchard, G.; Roy, R. et al. Computers and genealogy: from family reconstitution to population reconstruction (Lang.: ). -

145081995-0738monographs 08
Demélas-Bohy, M.-D.; Renaud, M. Instability, networks and political parties: a political history expert system prototype (Lang.: ). -

145091995-0739monographs 08
Darànyi, S.; Abrànyi, A., Kovacs, G. Knowledge extraction from ethnopoetic texts by multivariate statistical methods (Lang.: ). -

145101995-0740monographs 08
Frautschi, R.L. Measures of narrative voice in French prose fiction applied to textual samples from the enlightenment to the twentieth century (Lang.: ). -

145111995-0741monographs 08
Dannenberg, R.; et al. A project in computer music: the musician's workbench (Lang.: ). -

147631996-0492monographs 08
Wüster, E.. Terminologielehre (Lang.: ). -

147641996-0493monographs 08
Hajutin, A.D.. Die verschiedenen Richtungen in der Terminologiearbeit (Lang.: ). -

147651996-0494monographs 08
Berger, M.G.. Einige allgemeine Fragen zur Terminologie als Wissenschaft (Lang.: ). -

147661996-0495monographs 08
Fotiev, A.M.. Wissenschaftlicher und technischer Fortschritt und die Verständigungsmittel. Terminologie - eine selbständige wissenschaftliche Disziplin (Lang.: ). -

147671996-0496monographs 08
Brand, V.. Fachterminologie als selbständiges Wissenschaftsfach (Lang.: ). -

147681996-0497monographs 08
Kocourek, R.. Der Terminus und seine Definition (Lang.: ). -

147691996-0498monographs 08
Drozd, L.. Zum Gegenstand und zur Methode der Terminologielehre (Lang.: ). -

147701996-0499monographs 08
Horecky, J.. Zu Bedeutungsbeziehungen zwischen den terminologischen Benennungen (Lang.: ). -

147711996-0500monographs 08
Roudny, M.. Die Terminologielehre im Institut für Tschechische Sprache der Tschechoslowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Lang.: ). -

147721996-0501monographs 08
Filipec, J.. Zur Spezifik des spezialsprachlichen Wortschatzes gegenüber dem allgemeinen Wortschatz (Lang.: ). -

147731996-0502monographs 08
Filipec, J.. Zur Frage des Systems in der Terminologie (Lang.: ). -

147741996-0503monographs 08
Kulebakin, V.S.; Klimovickij, J.A.. Arbeiten am Aufbau einer wissenschaftlich-technischen Terminologie in der Sowjetunion und die Sowjetische Schule der Terminologie (Lang.: ). -

147751996-0504monographs 08
Lotte, D.S.. Einige grundlegende Fragen über auswahl und Bildung wissenschaftlicher Termini (Lang.: ). -

147761996-0505monographs 08
Lotte, D.S.. Aufgaben und Methoden zur Regelung von technischer Terminologie (Lang.: ). -

147771996-0506monographs 08
Reformatskij, A.A.. Was ist eine Benennung und was ist Terminologie? (Lang.: ). -

147781996-0507monographs 08
Superanskaja, A.V.. Theoretische Terminologiearbeit (Lang.: ). -

147791996-0508monographs 08
Zhuravlev, V.F.; Samburova, G.G.. Philosophisch-logische Aspekte der Terminologieregelung und -normung (Lang.: ). -

147801996-0509monographs 08
Kandelaki, T.L.. Die verschiedenen Bedeutungen der Termini und die Bedeutungssysteme der wissenschaftlich-technischen Terminologien (Lang.: ). -

147811996-0510monographs 08
Zhuravlev, V.F.. Einige logisch-methodologische Fragen der Regelung des Begriffsapparates und von Terminologien (Lang.: ). -

147821996-0511monographs 08
Nalepin, V.L.. Begriffsarten und Definitionsstruktur (Lang.: ). -

147831996-0512monographs 08
Nedobity, W.. Terminologie in Österreich (Lang.: ). -

147841996-0513monographs 08
Wüster, E.. Das Worten der Welt, schaubildlich und terminologisch dargestellt (Lang.: ). -

147851996-0514monographs 08
Wüster, E.. Die Allgemeine Terminologielehre - ein Grenzgebiet zwischen Sprachwissenschaft, Logik, Ontologie, Informatik und den Sachwissenschaften (Lang.: ). -

147861996-0515monographs 08
Felber, H.. Einige Grundfragen der Terminologiewissenschaft aus der Sicht der Allgemeinen Terminologielehre (Lang.: ). -

147871996-0516monographs 08
Cole, W.D.. Terminologie: Grundsätze und Methoden (Lang.: ). -

147881996-0517monographs 08
Schulze, E.. Der Terminus, Eigenschaften und Wesen sowie seine Abgrenzung von anderen Lexemarten (Lang.: ). -

147891996-0518monographs 08
Picht, H.. Fachsprachliche Phraseologie (Lang.: ). -

147901996-0519monographs 08
Laurén, C.. Klassische Sprachen und Termini. Eine Studie zu vier schwedischen Technolekten (Lang.: ). -

147911996-0520monographs 08
Oeser, E.. Terminologie als Voraussetzung der Wissenstechnik (Lang.: ). -

147921996-0521monographs 08
Budin, G.; Galinski, C., Nedobity, W. Thaller, R.. Terminologie und die Wissensverarbeitung (Lang.: ). -

147931996-0522monographs 08
Picht, H.; Laurén, C.. Vergleich der terminologischen Schulen (Lang.: ). -

149571996-0735monographs 08
McCallum, S.. What makes a standard? (Lang.: ). -

149581996-0736monographs 08
Holley, R.P.. IFLA and international standards in the area of bibliographical control (Lang.: ). -

149591996-0737monographs 08
Stern, B.. Internationalizing the rules in AACR2: Adopting and translating AACR2 for use in non-Anglo-American and non-English-speaking cataloging environments (Lang.: ). -

149601996-0738monographs 08
Guiles, K.; Ewald, R., Tillett, B.. The evolution of LCRIs - from de facto standard to ? (Lang.: ). -

149611996-0739monographs 08
Spicher, K.M.. The development of the MARC format (Lang.: ). -

149621996-0740monographs 08
Thomas, S.E.. The core bibliographic record and the program for cooperative cataloging (Lang.: ). -

149631996-0741monographs 08
Palowitch, C.; Horowitz, L.. Meta-information structures for networked information resources (Lang.: ). -

149641996-0742monographs 08
Kuhagen, J.A.. Standards for name and series authority records (Lang.: ). -

149651996-0743monographs 08
Williamson, N.. Standards and rules for subject access (Lang.: ). -

149661996-0744monographs 08
Guenther, R.S.. Automating the Library of Congress Classification Scheme: implementation of the USMARC Format for Classification Data (Lang.: ). -

149671996-0745monographs 08
Leazer, G.H.. Recent research on the sequential bibliographic relationship and its implications for standards and the library catalog: an examination of serials (Lang.: ). -

150741996-0901monographs 08
Albertazzi, L.. Formal qualities (Lang.: ). -

150751996-0902monographs 08
Wolenski, J.. A formal analysis of cognition and knowledge (Lang.: ). -

150761996-0903monographs 08
Marciszewski, W.. Ostensive definition as a prototype of a real definition (Lang.: ). -

150771996-0904monographs 08
Simons, P.. Opposition, obversion, and duality (Lang.: ). -

150781996-0905monographs 08
Surma, S.J.. On a sequence of contradiction-tolerating logics (Lang.: ). -

150791996-0906monographs 08
Poli, R.. On truth (Lang.: ). -

150801996-0907monographs 08
Chisholm, R.. Brentano on unconscious consciousness (Lang.: ). -

150811996-0908monographs 08
Marshall, G.. Kant complaint of a wretched subterfuge (Lang.: ). -

150821996-0909monographs 08
Wood, D.. Social planning, constitutionalism and pluralistic sequentialism (Lang.: ). - The book has been reviewed by M. Carrara in Axiomathes 6(1995)No.3, p.466-468.

150831996-0918monographs 08
Kuhlen, R.. Abstracts - abstracting - intellektuelle und maschinelle Verfahren (Lang.: ). -

150841996-0919monographs 08
Knorz, G.. Indexieren, Klassieren, Extrahieren (Lang.: ). -

150851996-0920monographs 08
Manecke, H.-J.. Klassifikation (Lang.: ). -

150861996-0921monographs 08
Burkart, M.. Thesaurus (Lang.: ). -

150871996-0922monographs 08
Reimer, U.. Neue Formen der Wissensrepräsentation (Lang.: ). -

150881996-0923monographs 08
Hennings, R.-D.. Komponenten zur Wissensverarbeitung in Informationssystemen (Lang.: ). -

150891996-0924monographs 08
Zimmermann, H.. Maschinelle Übersetzung (Lang.: ). -

Bies, W. Book Review of Huber, J.T., Gillaspy, M.: HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS-related terminology: a means of organizing the body of knowledge. New York, London: Haworth Press, 1996. ix,107 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 21(1997)1. p.50.

Anderson, D. Book review of Thomas, A.R. (ed.): Classification: Options and opportunities. New York,London: Haworth Press 1995. VII,242p (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review 46(1997)1/2. p. 55-56.

Harvey, R.. Book review of Rowley, J.E.: Organizing Knowledge: An introduction to information retrieval. 2nd ed. Ashgate, Aldershot, UK and Brookfield, VT 1992. - XIX,510p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Austral.Libr.Rev.. 11(1994)1,p.111-112.

Jeng, L.H. Book review of Rowley, J.E.: Organizing knowledge. 2nd ed. Aldershot Hants., Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate 1992. 510p (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 46. No. 5. 1995. p.394-395.

Heiner-Freiling, M.. Book review of Thomas, A.R.: Classification: Options and opportunities. New York,London: Haworth Press 1995.VII,242p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Cat.& Bibliogr.Control. Vol. 25, No. 1. 1996. p.22.

Satija, M.P.. Book review of Thomas, A.R.: Classification: Options and opportunities. New York, London: Haworth Press 1995. XII,242 p, (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 1. 1996. p.49-50.

Budin, G.. Book review of Hennings, R.-D.: Informations- und Wissensverarbeitung: Theoretische Grundlagen Wissensbasierter Systeme. - Berlin-New York: de Gruyter 1991. 467p. (Lang.: ger). - In: TermNet News. (1993)42/43,p.58.

Green, R.. 019 en (Lang.: ). - In: Information Pocessing & Management. 30(1994)5, p.726-727.

100501995-0719KO research 08.1/8
Thomas, Alan R. (Ed.). Classification: Options and opportunities (Lang.: eng). - Binghampton, NY, Haworth Press, 1995. pp. 253. ISBN: 1560247096. The book contains 17 articles divided into the following 5 sections: Basic design considerations, Options within standard classification systems, Alternative classification systems, Combination platters and reclassification, Classification and the new te. chnology. The articles may be found at their respective places in the KO Literature service. The following authors have contributed: A.R.Thomas, D.W.Langridge, B.H.Weinberg, R.M.Losee, E.C.Short, L.M.Chan, J.S.Mitchell, F.M.O.Oomes, K.M.Hsu, J.Sapiie, R. C.Winke, J.D.Chressanthis, L.-y.W. Pattie, G.S.Koh, R.Trotter

Smith, Nancy P.. Book review of Arnopoulos, P.: Chaos and cosmos in nature and culture. Commack, N.Y.: Nova Science Publ. 1993. 357p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22, No. 3/4. 1995. p.181-182.

Ganter, B.; Wille, R.. Formale Begriffsanalyse. Mathematische Grundlagen [Formal Concept Analysis. Mathematical Foundations] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 1996. pp. X,286. ISBN: 3540608680. This first textbook in the field of formal concept analysis provides a systematic presentatin of the mathematical foundations and their relation to applications in informatics, especially data analysis and knowledge processing. The chapters: Order theoretical foundations. Concept lattices of contexts. Determination and presentation. Parts and factors. Analysis, construction and properties of of concept lattices. Context comparison and conceptual measurability.

Poli, R.. Consciousness, Knowledge, and Truth. Essays in Honour of Jan Srzednicki (Lang.: eng). - Dordrecht, NL, Kluwer, 1993. pp. ca 200. The volume contains a description of the work of the Polish philosopher Jan Srzednicki and the following 9 contributions:

Vogt, F.. Formale Begriffsanalyse mit C++. Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen [Formal concept analysis with C++. Data structures and algorithms] (Lang.: ger). - Heidelberg, Berlin, Springer Verl., 1996. pp. X,323. ISBN: 3540610715. The book comprises 16 chapters and an appendix in which the software CONSCRIPT is explained. A diskette is added to the book. The chapters are divided into two parts, Pt.1 treats Structures and algorithms with the chapters on Formal contexts and concepts, Concept lattices and linear diagrams, Multivalued contexts and databases, Conceptual scales, Conceptual files, ConScript Files, Texts, formats and comments. Pt. 2 treat Technical documentation and treats 5 different kinds of classes (for concept-analytical structures, for structure-components, for arrays and sets, for formats and for Windows-implementations) as well as functions, and types and constants. 26 refs. and subject index.

Teodoru, V.. Performante Intelectuale [Intellectual performances. a science information guide"] (Lang.: rom). - Bucuresti, Editura EDITIS, 1993. pp. 130. ISBN: 9734102966. Contains chapters on efficient learning methods and techniques, creativity methods and techniques, and science information methods and techniques, including information sources, knowledge organization, use of computers in the information fields, principle steps of information activity, information users, etc. It treats also the methodology of knowledge improvement activity and training.

Riedl, R.; Delpos, M.. Die evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie im Spiegel der Wissenschaften [Evolutionary epistemology mirrored in the sciences] (Lang.: ger). - Wien, Austria, WUV-Univ.Verlag, 1996. pp. 403. ISBN: 3851141962. The volume has 27 contributions showing the application of the EE in a great number of disciplines and knowledge fields.

Bies, W. Book review of Capurro, R.: Leben in Informationszeitalter Living in the age of information). Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1995. 131 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 21(1997)1. p.47-48.

Capurro, R.. Leben im Informationszeitalter [Life in the information age] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1995. pp. 134. ISBN: 3050027169. The 7 chapters are concerned with the following topics: From technocraty to a living world - Practices of forming the self - Information society and technologies of the self in conflict with itself - Homo informaticus - Information as a capital - Spiritual mythology in a technical robe - Genealogy of information. - Subject and name index. List of Greek and Latin terms.

125671996-0911maths in KO 08.172/3
Andrews, J.S.. Book review of Müller-Dreier, A.: Einheitsklassifikation: die Geschichte einer fortwirkenden Idee. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1994. VII,225p. [Unified classification. The history of a ceaselessly fecund idea] (Lang.: eng). - In: J. Doc. Vol. 51, No. 4. 1995. p.434-7.

133071996-0912maths in KO 08.172/3
Gödert, W.. Book review of the same title as under 0911 (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek. Vol. 20, No. 1. 1996. p.134-135.

133081996-0913maths in KO 08.172/3
Lohse, H.. Book review of same title as uder 0911 (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungsbl.Bibl.NRW, No. 3. 1995. p.332-333.

Kuhlen, R. Informationsmarkt. Chancen und Risiken der Kommerzialisierung von Wissen [Information market. Possibilities and risks of knowledge treated as a commercial product] (Lang.: ger). - Konstanz, Germany, UVK Universitätsverlag, 1995. pp. XXII,608. ISBN: 387940528X. The book is in two parts. Pt.1 treats the theoretical aspects of the informational added value and Pt.2 the practice-oriented ones. The 5 chapters of Pt.1 have the following topics: On the two information markets of economics and science. On the informat. ion market environment. Information policy, infrastructure, telecommunication, networks. Interlacing and redistribution of science - opening the market. The five chapters of Pt.2 deal with: Theoretical framework of information mediation. The Online Marke. t. Organization forms and information mediation utilities. Electronical added value services of the information market. Redistribution - real and virtual distribution markets

Steierwald, U.. Wissen und System. Zu Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz' Theorie einer Universalbibliothek [Knowledge and system. On the theory of a universal library of G.W.Leibniz"] (Lang.: ger). - Köln, DE, FHS f.Bibliotheks- & Dokumentationswesen, 1994. pp. 116. Prüfungs-Hausarbeit. This thesis for the German Advanced Library Service is in 5 parts: Introduction, Conceptualization of science and classification, Space and representation, Flood of books and economy, Bibliography. It contains subchapters on knowledge organization, Leibniz's monadology, his model of a classification system, his Ars Characteristica as well as also his plan of a governmentally organized production of knowledge. It ends with statements on the future chances of a universal organization of knowledge.

Duckett, B. Book review of Richardson, J.V.: Knowledge-based systems for general reference work: applications, problems, and progress. - San Diego, CA: Academic Press 1995. XIX,355p (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation Vol.52, No.1, p. 122-123.

Hernon, P. Book review of Richardson, J.V.: Knowledge-based systems for general reference work: applications, problems, and progress. - San Diego, CA: Academic Press 1995. XIX,355p (Lang.: eng). - In: Government information quarterly Vol.13, No. 1 1996,p. 107.

Meinl, F. Sachmerkmale.Schlüssel zur technischen Gestaltung, Beschreibung undInformation.Subject characteristics.Key to their technical design, description and information (Lang.: ger). - Ehningen, FRG, Expert Verlag, 1990. pp. 383. ISBN: 3816900518.

Teodoru, V.. Bazele Metodologice ale Documentarii. Suport de curs [The methodological basis of information science] (Lang.: rom). - Bucuresti, Editury Pro Humanitas, 1994. pp. 141. A collection of lessons for students. Includes documentation languages and thesaurus utilization.

Hernon, P.. Book review of Richardson, J.V.: Knowledge-based systems for general reference work: applications, problems, and progress. San Diego, CA: Academic Press 1995. XIX,355p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Governm.Inform.Quart. Vol. 13, No. 1. 1996. p.107-8.

Wilson, P.. Book review of same title as under 0914 (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 46, No. 10. 1995. p.792-3.

1471997-2-0146monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Solamito, A. Book review of B.C. O'Connor: Explorations in indexing and abstracting : pointing, virtue and power. Englewood, CO : Libraries Unlimited, 1996. 173 p. ISBN 1563081849 (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing Information 3(1996)12. p.44-45.

1481997-2-0147monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Dixon, G. Book review of B.C. O'Connor: Explorations in indexing and abstracting : pointing, virtue and power. Englewood, CO : Libraries Unlimited, 1996. 173 p. ISBN 1563081849 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 20(1997)3. p.174.

15191999-0313monographs on KO general questions 08.21
O'Connor, B.C. Explorations in indexing and abstracting : pointing, virtue and power (Lang.: eng). - Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlimited, 1996. pp. 173. ISBN: 1563081849.

54632008-0006monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Lambe, P. Organizing knowledge: taxonomies, knowledge and organization effectiveness (Lang.: eng). - Oxford, Chandos, 2007. pp. Xix, 277. ISBN: 1843342278 (pbk.); 1843342286 (hbk.).

61532009-0273monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Ballestra, L. L’indicizzazione semantica al tempo del Web [Subject indexing in the Web era] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche oggi, 26(2008)2, pp. 57-62. an interview with Vanda Broughton

61542009-0274monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Svenonius, E. Il fondamento intellettuale dell’organizzazione dell’informazione [[The intellectual foundation of information organization; transl. by Maria Letizia Fabbrini] (Lang.: ita). - Firenze, Le lettere, 2008. pp. Xxxiii, 298.(Pinakes; 4).

7329monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Cochrane, P. A. (Book review of) Lambe, Patrick. Organising knowledge: taxonomies, knowledge and organisational effectiveness. Oxford, Chandos, 2007. xix, 277 pp. ISBN: 1843342278 (pbk.); ISBN: 1843342286 (hbk.) (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)4, pp. 352-353.

7330monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Weihs, J. (Book review of) Roberto, K. R., ed. Radical cataloging: essays at the front. Introduction by Sanford Berman. Jefferson, NC, McFarland, 2008. 311pp. ISBN 978-0786435432 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)4, pp. 354-355.

8262monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Grivel, Luc. La recherche d'information en contexte: outils et usages applicatifs [Information research in context: tools and applications] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, Lavoisier, 2011. pp. 278.(Traité des sciences et techniques de l'information, série environnements et services numériques). ISBN: 978-2-7462-2581-7.

8750monographs on KO general questions 08.21
DeGeorge, Deborah. (Book review of) Abbas, June. Structures for organizing knowledge: exploring taxonomies, ontologies, and other schemas. New York, Neal-Schuman, 2010. 249 pp. ISBN: 9781555706999; 1555706991 (Lang.: eng). - In: College & research libraries, 72(2011)4, pp. 395-397.

8751monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Riley, Jenn. (Book review of) Abbas, June. Structures for organizing knowledge: exploring taxonomies, ontologies, and other schemas. New York, Neal-Schuman, 2010. 249 pp. ISBN: 9781555706999; 1555706991 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technicalities, 31(2011)5, pp. 17-18.

8970monographs on KO general questions 08.21
L’organisation des connaissances: dynamisme et stabilité; ed. Widad Mustafa el Hadi [Knowledge organization: dynamism and stability] (Lang.: eng). - Cachan, Lavoisier, 2012. pp. 415. ISBN: 978-2-7462-3227-3. For separate papers see: Couzinet (112); Gnoli (111); Sosinska-Kalata (191); Idrees (698); Arsenault, Noruzi, (944); Bourdenet, (752.2); Ninova, Atifi, (757); Biskri (342); Jouis (82-36;214); Clavier, Paganelli (846;82-1/5); De Ceglie, Ivanov (149); Abdoulahi, Hassoun, Lebourgeous (847); Feyler (799); Desfriches-Doria (233); Bestre, Chartron (847); Begault (847); Ménard (871); Maghrebi (871); Besagni (835); Durieux (835); Dreschler (835;82-56); Odumuyiwa (753); Soumagnac (753); Lehmanns, Fraysse, Liquete (82-75); Gardies, Fabre, Dumas (82-43); Djambian (82-28); Boulesnane, Bouzidi (981)

8971monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Shen, Yuezeng. (Book review of) Abbas, June. Structures for organizing knowledge: exploring taxonomies, ontologies, and other schemas. New York, NY: Neal-Schuman., 2010, 249pp. ISBN: 978-1555706999; 1555706991 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 28(2011)4, pp. 472-473.

8972monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Wu, Yejun. (Book review of) Abbas, June. Structures for organizing knowledge: exploring taxonomies, ontologies, and other schemas. New York, NY: Neal-Schuman., 2010, 249pp. ISBN: 978-1555706999; 1555706991 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 50(2012)4, pp. 335-336.

103011994-1309monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Annuario dei Thesauri 1991 [Thesauri annals 1991] (Lang.: ita). - In: Quaderni del Lab.Thesauri, v.2.Firenze, Italy, IFNIA, 1991. pp. 150. The volume comprises 7 papers, 7 book kreviews and 7 abstracts on recent thesaurus literature as well as a bibliography of 47 sources relating to literature on thesauri. The papers are:

125701996-0916monographs on KO general questions 08.21
Sparck Jones, K.. Book review of Grefenstette, G.: Explorations in automatic thesaurus discovery. Boston,London: Kluwer Academic 1994. XII,305p. (Lang.: eng). - In: J. Doc. Vol. 51, No. 4. 1995. p.447-448.

101451996-091708.21, .3
Buder, M.; Rehfeld, W., Seeger, Th., Strauch, D.. Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation. Ein Handbuch zur Einführung in die fachliche Informationsarbeit [Foundations of practical information and documentation. A manual to introduce into the professional information work. 4th ed. entirely rev.] (Lang.: ger). - München etc, K.G.Saur Verlag, 1997. pp. 1065. ISBN: 3598113102. The manual comprises 53 contributions by different authors among which the following of relevance in this context:

3301997-3-0329monographs on KO general questions literature reviews 08.21;02
Exner, F. Book review of B.C. O'Connor: Explorations in indexing and abstracting : pointing, virtue and power. Englewood, CO : Libraries Unlimited, 1996. 173 p. ISBN 1563081849 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American society for information science 48(1997)3. p.282-283.

6321998-0009monographs on KO general questions literature reviews 08.21;02
Smith, N. Book review of B.C. O'Connor: Explorations in indexing and abstracting : pointing, virtue and power. Englewood, CO : Libraries Unlimited, 1996. 173 p. ISBN: 1563081849 (Lang.: ). - In: Education for information 1997(15)3,p.250-251.

6331998-0010monographs on KO general questions literature reviews 08.21;02
Weinberg, B.H. Book review of B.C. O'Connor: Explorations in indexing and abstracting : pointing, virtue and power. Englewood, CO : Libraries Unlimited, 1996. 173 p. ISBN: 1563081849 (Lang.: ). - In: Journal of Academic Librarianship 1997(23)3,p. 242.

1491997-2-0148monographs on KO general questions KO contemporaries 08.21;924
Dixon, G. Book review of Smith, L.C., and R.C. Carter (Eds.): Technical services management, 1965-1990 : a quarter century of change and a look to the future : festschrift for Kathryn Luther Henderson. Nwe York : Haworth Press, 1996. xv, 370 p. ISBN 1560249609 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 20(1997)3. p.174.

Nicolescu, Z. Geneza clasificării de bibliothecă [The genesis of library classification] (Lang.: rom). - Bucuresti, ABBPR, 1996. pp. 158. ISBN: 9739735436. A historical and theoretical study on the evolution of library classification since the Antiquity. Gives also an overview of textbooks which contributed to the theoretical foundation of the domain

Grefenstette, G.. Explorations in automatic thesaurus discovery (Lang.: eng). - Boston, London, Kluwer Academic, 1994. pp. XII,305. ISBN: 0792394682. Review of various approaches to automatic thesaurus formation and presentation of the SEXTANT system to analyse text and to determine the basic syntactic contexts for words.

Sparck Jones, K.. Book review of 0472 above (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc. Vol. 51, No. 4. 1995. p.447-448.

99821996-0925social sciences 08.258-6
Bailey, K.D.. Typologies and taxonomies. An introduction to classification techniques (Lang.: eng). - Newbury Park, CA, SAGE, 1994. pp. 90.(Quantitative Appl.in Soc.Sci.). ISBN: 0803952597.

Anderson, A. Book review of Classification: Options and opportunities / ed. by A.R. Thomas. New York: Haworth Press, 1995. 242 p. [=Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 19(1995)3/4] (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review 46(1997)1. p.55-56.

Chan, L.M.. Cataloging and Classification: An Introduction. (Lang.: eng). - 2nd ed. ed. New York, NY, McGraw-Hill, 1994. pp. 519. ISBN: 0070105065.

Anderson, D.. Book review of Byford, J., Trickey, K.V., Woodhouse, S.: AACR, DDC, MARC and Friends: The role of CIG in bibliographic control. London: Libr.Assoc. (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Review. 42(1993)5, p.63-64. pp. 130.

Michel, D. Book review of Mann, T.: Library research models: a guide to classificatin, cataloging and computers. New York. Oxford Univ.Press 1993. 248p (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.& Inform.Sci.Research. Vol. 16. No. 4. 1994. p.348-50.

Bross, V.. Book review of Thomas, A.R.: Classification: Options and Opportunities. Binghampton, NY: Haworth Press 1995. 242p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif. Quart. Vol. 22, No. 2. 1996. p.98-100.

Lynch, P.. Book review of same title as under 0926 (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Libr.Rev. Vol. 45, No. 1. 1996. p.62.

12191999-0014literature reviews 08.3;02
Harvey, R. Book review of Classification: Options and opportunities / ed. by A.R. Thomas. New York: Haworth Press, 1995. 242 p. (Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 19(1995)3/4) (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 29(1998)1,p.64.

99711996-047508.31 08.85
Bonura, L.S.. The art of indexing (Lang.: eng). - New York, Chichester, Wiley, 1994. pp. XXII,233. ISBN: 0471014494.

99881996-047408.31, 08.85
Wellisch, H.H.. Indexing from A to Z. 2nd ed., rev.& enl. (Lang.: eng). - New York, Dublin, H.W.Wilson, 1995. pp. XXIX,569. ISBN: 082420882X. Covering not only back-of-the-book indexing but also the indexing of periodicals and nonprint material, the 2nd edition cites the newest standards in the field, treats new topics like automatic indexing and the indexing of legal and medical texts, and upates many other sections, including the extensive bibliography.

125731996-092808.31, 814, 99
Cataloging and Classification - Standards and Rules (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif. Quart. Vol. 21, No. 3-4. 1995. 210p. . This issue has 12 contributions regarding the above topic, with standards and rules mostly in the field of cataloging with only the following two devoted to the field of classification: N.J.Williamson: Standards and rules in subject access (p.155-176) and R.S.Guenther: Automating the Library of Congress Classification scheme: implementation of the USMARC Format for classification data.

Fugmann, R. Book review of Wellisch, H.H.: Indexing from A to Z. Dublin, New York :H.W. Wilson, 1995. 569 p. ISBN 082420882X (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 21(1997)1. p.48-50.

Dowling, M. Book review of Wellisch, H.H.: Indexing from A to Z. Dublin, New York :H.W. Wilson, 1995. 569 p. ISBN 082420882X (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Scholarly Publishing 28(1996)1. p.60-61.

Piggott, M. Book review of Wellisch, H.H.: Indexing from A to Z. Dublin, New York :H.W. Wilson, 1995. 569 p. ISBN 082420882X (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 20(1997)3. p.175.

6341998-0011literature reviews 08.31;08.85;02
Bell, H.K. Book review of Wellisch, H.H. - Indexing from A to Z. Dublin, New York :H.W. Wilson, 1995. 569 p. ISBN: 08242088X (Lang.: ). - In: Learned Publishing 1997(10)2,p.185.

Hert, C.A. Book review of Drabenstott, K.M.: Enhancing a new design for subject access to online catalogs. Ann Arbor, MI: School of Information and Libraries Studies. University of Michigan, 1994. 162 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Library & Information Science Research 18(1996)1. p.87-89.

Moran, G.. Book review of Daniel, H.-D.: Guardians of Science: Fairness and reliability of peer review. Weinheim, DE: VCH Verlagsges. 1993. 118p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.& Inform.Sci.Research. Vol. 17, No. 1. 1995. p.90-92.

Sechser, O.. Book review of Nissan, E., Schmidt, K. (Eds.): From information to knowledge: Conceptual and content analysis by computer. Oxford, GB: Intellect 1995. 319p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 3. 1996. p.181-2.

3321997-3-0331literature reviews 08.32;02
Weinberg, B.H. Book review of Drabenstott, K.M.: Enhancing a new design for subject access to online catalogs. Ann Arbor, MI: School of Information and Libraries Studies. University of Michigan, 1994. 162 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services 41(1997)1. p.60-67.

3331997-3-0332literature reviews 08.32;02
Weinberg, B.H. Book review of Drabenstott, K.M., Weller, M.S.: Testing a new design for subject access to online catalogs. Ann Arbor, MI: School of Information and Libraries Studies. University of Michigan, 1995. 370 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services 41(1997)1. p.60-67.

3341997-3-0333literature reviews 08.32;02
Weinberg, B.H. Book review of Drabenstott, K.M., Vizine-Goetz, D.: Using subject headings for online retrieval: theory, practice and potential.San Diego: Academic Press, 1994. 365 p. ISBN 0122215702 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services 41(1997)1. p.60-67.

Kessel, Sh.. Book review of Wellisch, H.H.: Indexing from A to Z. Bronx, NY: H.W.Wilson 1991. 461p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Publishing Research Quart. No. Wint.. 1992/93. p.90-91.

117381994-082408.33, 814, 43
Jekel, A.. Book review of Office for Subject Cataloging Policy, Library of Congress: Subject Cataloging Manual: Classification. Washington, DC: Libr.of Congress, 1992. 83 leaves (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterl. 18(1993)2, p.103-107.

Schnelling, H.. Book review of Lepsky, K.: Maschinelle Indexierung von Titelaufnahmen zur Verbesserung der sachlichen Erschließung in Online-Publikumskatalogen. Köln: Greven 1994. V,121p. [Machine indexing of bibliographic data to improve subject analysis in OPACs] (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 1. 1996. p.50-52.

Nohr, H.. Book review of Lepsky, K.: Maschinelle Indexierung von Titelaufnahmen zur Verbesserung der sachlichen Erschließung in Online-Publikumskatalogen. Köln: Greven Verlag 1994. V,121p. [Machine indexing of bibliographic data to improve subject analysis in OPACs] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.bl.Verb.NRW, No. 1. 1995. p.98-100.

Uhlan, M.; Katz, D.B.. Guide to special issues and indexes of periodicals. 4th ed. (Lang.: eng). - Washington, DC, Spec.Libr.Assoc., 1994. pp. X,223. ISBN: 0871114003. The guide is also available in paperback.

Lynne, Deborah. (Book review of) Abbas, June. Structures for organizing knowledge: exploring taxonomies, ontologies, and other schema. New York, Neal-Schuman, 2010. xxi, 249 p. ISBN: 9781555706999 (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 35(2011)1, pp. 61-62.

Xiao, Norah. (Book review of) Abbas, June. Structures for organizing knowledge: exploring taxonomies, ontologies, and other schema. New York, Neal-Schuman, 2010. xxi, 249 pp. ISBN: 9781555706999 (Lang.: eng). - In: The journal of academic librarianship, 37(2011)2, pp. 183-184.

103961996-0722KO problems 08.41-de-25/7
John, M.. Die Sacherschließung auf der Grundlage der Regensburger Aufstellungssystematiken und der RSWK in einer wissenschaftlichen Spezialbibliothek [Subject analysis based on the Regensburg Classification System and the RSWK rules in a special scientific library] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, Humboldt Universität, 1993. pp. 31. The thesis from the Institute for Library Science and Scientific Information showed how the classification system of the Regensburg library could be applied in the special library for chemistry of the Technical University of Dresden.

103971996-072308.41-de-334, 39
Grünberg, H.. Die Sacherschließung auf der Grundlage der Regensburger Aufstellungssystematiken in einer wissenschaftlichen Spezialbibliothek. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Fachbibliothek Geodäsie/Kartographie/Geographie an der Technischen Universität Dresden [Subject analysis based on the Regensburg Classification System in a scientific special library, exemplified in geodesy/cartography/geography] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, Humboldt University, 1993. pp. 31. Similar thesis as under 0722 made for the Institute for Library Science and Scientific Information at the Humboldt University in the subjects fields of geodesy, cartography, and geography.

104301996-0724computer science 08.41-de-83
Küchler, J.. Die Sacherschließung auf der Grundlage der Regensburger Aufstellungssystematiken in einer wissenschaftlichen Spezialbibliothek. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Fachbibliothek Informatik der UB Dresden [Subject analysis based on the Regensburg Classification System in a special scientific library] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, Humboldt Universität, 1993. pp. 42. Similar thesis as under 0722 written for the Institute for Library Science and Scientific Information at the Humboldt University regarding the subject field of computer science.

103981996-0725philosophy 08.41-de-97
Müller, G.. Die Sacherschließung auf der Grundlage der Regensburger Aufstellungssystematiken. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Zweigbibliothek Philosophie, Ästhetik und Kulturwissenschaft der Universitätsbibliothek der Humboldt Univ. zu Berlin [Subject analysis based on the Regensburg Classification System exemplified in the Branch Library for Philosophy, Aesthetics and Culture Science] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, Humboldt University, 1993. pp. 31. Again, as under 0722, a text applying the Regensburg System in the fields of philosophy, aesthetics, and cultural sciences as thesis work for the Institute for Library Science and Scientific Information at the Humboldt University.

Andrews, J.S.. Book review of Müller-Dreier, A.: Einheitsklassifikation: die Geschichte einer fortwirkenden Idee. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1994. VII,225p. [Uniform classification. The history of a ceaselessly fecund idea] (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc. Vol. 51, No. 4. 1995. p.434-437.

Chan, L.M.. Library of Congress Subject Headings. Principles and Application. 3rd ed. (Lang.: eng). - Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlimited, 1995. pp. 550. ISBN: 1563081954.

Thomas, A.R.. Book review of Satija, M.P. (Ed.): Colon Classification, 7th Edition: Some perspectives. New Delhi: Sterling 1993. 220p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart. Vol. 21, No. 1. 1995. p.98-99.

McIlwaine, I.. Guide d'utilisation de la CDU - Guide to the use of the UDC (Lang.: fre). - Liège, BE, Ed. du CEFAL, 1995. pp. 223. ISBN: 2871300496. Translation into French of the Guide originally in English. The text and examples are based on the Master Reference file, i.e. the second middle edition of the UDC as published in 1990-1993. The translator was Marcel Humblet.

Carpenter, M.. Book review of Beghtol, C.: The classification of fiction: The development of a system based on theoretical principles. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrwo Press 1994. X,366p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat. & Classif.Quart. Vol. 21, No. 1. 1995. p.101-102.

Iivonen, M.. Book review of Beghtol, C.: The classification of fiction: The development of a system based on theoretical principles.Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press 1994. 376p. (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc. Vol. 51, No. 1. 1995. p.89-90.

Nissan, E.; Schmidt, Klaus (Eds.). From Information to Knowledge. Conceptual and Content Analysis by Computer (Lang.: eng). - Oxford, GB, Intellect, pp. X,319. ISBN: 1871516501. After an introduction there are 19 contributions, arranged in 3 parts: 1) General text analysis, 2) Content analysis, 3) From data to meaning. The latter has the following subdivisions: Archaeology, Numismatics, Architecture, History/Genealogy, Political. history, Literature, Music. The papers:

Lehrdorfer, A.. Kontrolliertes Deutsch. Linguistische und sprachpsychologische Leitlinien für eine (maschinell) kontrollierte Sprache in der Technischen Dokumentation [Controlled German. Guidelines for a (machine) controlled language in technical documentation based on linguistics and psycho-linguistics] (Lang.: ger). - Tübingen, DE, G. Narr Verlag, 1996. pp. 248. ISBN: 3823350803. The book comprises 8 chapters and 5 appendices. The chapters: Introduction - Artificial languages, sublanguages and controlled languages - Theory for language planning, especially for planning of controlled languages - The language situation of technicaldocumentation in Germany - The Lexicon - The Syntax - Perspectives - Literature (414 refs.)

125391996-0728methodological problems 08.72/73
Mater, E.. Book review of Dietze, J.: Texterschließung: lexikalische Semantik und Wissensrepräsentation. München: K.G.Saur 1994. 102p. [Text analysis. Lexical semantics and knowledge representation] (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 2. 1996. p.116.

Pleyer, M.. UNITARIO 2001. Kurzgrammatik im Vergleich mit Interlingua und Esperanto. UNITARIO 2001. A short grammar for a comparison with Interlingua and Esperanto" (Lang.: ger). - In: Bensheim, DE. Unitario Press. 1994. pp. 157; Index. ISBN: 398021673X. The volume treats phonetical, lexical and syntactical questions of the new "minimal language" Unitario 2001 and compares its advantages with the two other planned languages: Interlingua and Esperanto.

Bawden, D. Book review of Ellis, D. Progress and problems in information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Information Management 17(1997)1. p.76.

Partridge, D.; Hussain, K.M.. Knowledge-based information systems (Lang.: eng). - London, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1994. pp. XVII,450. ISBN: 0077076249.

Willett, P.(Ed.). Document retrieval systems (Lang.: eng). - London, Taylor Graham, 1988. pp. 292. ISBN: 0947568212.

Keen, M. Book review of Kemp, D.A.: Computer-based knowledge retrieval.London: Aslib 1988.IX,399p (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.Vol.45.No.2.1989.p.159-161.

Frohmann, B.. Book review of Lancaster, F.W., Warner, A.J.: Information retrieval today. Arlington, VA: Information Resources Press 1993. XVIII,341p. (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc. Vol. 51, No. 1. 1995. p.76-77.

Vickery, B.C.. Book review of title under 0486 (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc. Vol. 51, No. 2. 1995. p.179-180.

Cleverdon, C. Optimizing convenient online access to bibliographic databases (Lang.: ). -

Salton, G. Automatic indexing and abstracting (Lang.: ). -

Harter, St.P. Statistical approaches to automatic indexing (Lang.: ). -

Lennon, M.; Peirce, D.S., Tarry, B.D., Willett, P. An evaluation of some conflation algorithms for information retrieval (Lang.: ). -

Walker, St. Improving subject access painlessly: recent work on the OKAPI online catalogue projects (Lang.: ). -

Sparck Jones, K. A statistical interpretation of term specificity and its application in retrieval (Lang.: ). -

Croft, W.B.; Harper, D.J. Using probabilistic models of document retrieval without relevance information (Lang.: ). -

Berstein, L.; Williamson, R.E. Testing of a natural language retrieval system for a full text knowledge base (Lang.: ). -

Frakes,W.B. Term conflation for information retrieval (Lang.: ). -

Porter, M.; Galpin, V. Relevance feedback in a public access catalogue for a research library: MUSCAT at the Scott Polar Institute (Lang.: ). -

Salton, G.; McGill, M.J. The SMART and SIRE experimental retrieval systems (Lang.: ). -

Brzozowski, J.P. MASQUERADE: searching the full text of abstracts using automatic indexing (Lang.: ). -

Doszkocs, T.E. CITE MLM: Natural-language searching in an online catalog (Lang.: ). -

Smith, Linda C.(Ed.). Questions and answers: Strategies for using the elctronic reference collection.Papers presented at the 1987 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, April 5-7, 1987 (Lang.: eng). - Urbana-Champaign,IL, Univ.IL, GLIS, 1989. pp. 208.

Creth, Sh.D. Beyond technical issues: The impact of automation on library organizations (Lang.: ). -

Hildreth, Ch.R. Extending the access and reference service capabilities on the online public access catalog (Lang.: ). -

Roth, D.L. Extending the online catalog (Lang.: ). -

Baker, Betsy. Reference services and the networks: some reflections on integration (Lang.: ). -

Diodato, V. Online ready reference in academic libraries: current practices and a review of planning issues (Lang.: ). -

Anderson, Ch.R. Online ready reference in the public library (Lang.: ). -

Rothenberg, D.; Spencer, M. Full-text databases: Implications for libraries (Lang.: ). -

Noreault, T. Optical publishing: Effects on reference services (Lang.: ). -

Harter, St.P. Online searching as ak problem-solving process (Lang.: ). -

Meadow, Ch.T. Tailoring system design to users (Lang.: ). -

Woodard, B.S. Strategies for providing public service with an online catalog (Lang.: ). -

Clark, Sh. The online catalog: beyond a local reference tool (Lang.: ). -

Watson, P.D. University of Illinois Library Catalog on CD-ROM: Impact on resource sharing and reference work (Lang.: ). -

Clark, B.M.; Bingham, K.H. The new CD-ROM technology: shaping the future of reference and information research (Lang.: ). -

Mischo, W.H. An end user search service with customized interface software (Lang.: ). -

Maltby, A. (Book review of title under 1990-0835) (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.Vol.49.No.1.1993.

Oberhauser, O. Book review of Aluri, R., Kemp, A., Boll, J.J.: Subject analysis in online catalogs.Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited 1991.XII,303p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol.20.No.3.1993.p.165-166.

Maltby, A.. (Book review of title under 0835) (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.. Vol. 49. No. 1.

Oberhauser, O.. Book review of Aluri, R., Kemp, A., Boll, J.J.: Subject analysis in online catalogs. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited 1991. XII,303p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.. Vol. 20. No. 3. p.165-166.

Next generation search engines: advanced models for information retrieval: ed. by Christophe Jouis et al (Lang.: eng). - Hershey, PA, IGI Publishing, 2012. pp. 560. Available at http://www.igi-global.com/book/next-generation-search-engines/59723 ISBN: 978-1-4666-0330-1. For separate papers see: Das, Jain (356); Ke (752.3); Roux (757;918); Fluhr (871;797); Ghorbel, Bahri, Afef (214;131); Djioua, Desclés, Alrahabi (757); Lassalle, Lassalle (344); Berry, Esau, Kiefer (757;78-66); Sleem-Amer (757); Hoeber (755); Vert (753); Chen (757); Biskri, Rompré (725); Habernal, Konopík, Rohlík (723); Grau (753); Berri, Benlamri (757); Bouidghaghen, Tamine (753); Chaudiron, Ihadjadene (757;981); Karaman (757); Lewandowski (757)

Cazan, Constantin. (Book review of) Lewandowski, Dirk (ed.). Web search engine research. Lewes [UK]: Emerald, 2012. 322 pp. ISBN 9781780526362 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 63(2012)6, pp. 394-395.

Dinse, S.. Die sachliche Suche im OPAC der Bibliothek des HWWA-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Hamburg: eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme [Subject access in the OPAC of the library of the HWWA-institute for economics research in Hamburg. A critical investigation] (Lang.: ger). - Hamburg, Fachhochschule, FB Bibl.& Inform., 1994. pp. 90,. This is a thesis with special emphasis on the thesaurus for economics used in this institute.

Laurén, C.; Picht, H.. Ausgewählte Texte zur Terminologie [Selection of texts on terminology] (Lang.: ger). - Wien, AT, TermNet, 1993. pp. 539. ISBN: 3901010076. The book contains a number of important papers from other languages than German which were translated for the purpose of this publication (mostly from Russian, some from English and Czech). Since many of the papers are out of print, these reprints and translations help saving them from being lost. The papers:

Felber, H.. Allgemeine Terminologielehre und Wissenstechnik. Theoretische Grundlagen. 2. Aufl. [General terminology science and knowledge engineering. Theoretical foundations. 2nd ed.] (Lang.: ger). - Wien, AT, TermNet, 1995. pp. 135.(IITF Series 1). ISBN: 3901010130. Treats problems of the object of reference, of concepts, of characteristics, of relationships between concepts, of concept combinations, of thematic combinations, of epistemological correspondences, of signs and symbols. Shows the applications of terminology in the information sciences, in terminography, in subject areas, and in knowledge engineering.

101861996-0523sport science 08.77 78-58
Weissenhofer, P.. Conceptology in terminology. Theory, semantics, and word-formation. A morpho-conceptually based approach to classification as exemplified by the English baseball terminology (Lang.: eng). - Wien, AT, TermNet, 1995. pp. XI,270.(IITF Series 6). ISBN: 3901010114. This dissertation from the University of Vienna contains the following chapters: Pt 1: Conceptological aspects in terminology theory. Post-Wüsterian sign models and the four-field model. Vagueness, prototypes, and the four-field model. Morphological aspects of terminology and prototype theory. Word-formation and its role in terminology theory and conceptology. Pt.2: A morpho-conceptual classification system of the English base-ball terminology. The classification system. Statistical results. Conclusion.References. Appendix: The game of baseball and its terminology.

Reinke, U.. Der Austausch Terminologischer Daten [Exchange of terminology data] (Lang.: ger). - Wien, AT, TermNet, 1993. pp. 148.(IITF Series 2). ISBN: 390101005X. Thesis (diploma) at the University of Saarbrücken which contains the following topics: Data exchange format. Terminology management systems, terminological databases. Terminological record. Data elements, data categories, data fields, etc. Hard- and software-related difficulties for the structure of records. Description of approaches for the development of an exchange format for terminological data (MATER, MicroMATER, NTRF, SGML). Considerations concerning an SGML-like exchange format. Perspectives. 73refs., appendices.

101561996-048908.773 08.79
Gerzymisch-Arbogast, H.. Termini im Kontext. Verfahren zur Erschließung und Übersetzung der textspezifischen Bedeutung von fachlichen Ausdrücken [Terms in context. Procedures for the analysis and translation of text-specific meaning of special expressions/terms] (Lang.: ger). - Tübingen, G. Narr Verlag, 1996. pp. 339.(Forum Fachsprachenforsch. 31). ISBN: 3823345400. The book has the following 10 chapters: On the status of the term as a systematic unit. The context-specific term model: Theory and exemplifying application. Theoretical differentiations and application problems. The ideally used term and possible contaminations in the context. Naming contaminations. Conceptual contaminations. One-dimensional and multidimensional contaminations in context. On the translation of terms in context. Concluding remarks. Literature. 3 appendices, Index.

101471996-0151sociology 08.78-61
Budin, G.. Wie (un)verständlich ist das Soziologendeutsch? Begriffliche und Textuelle Strukturen in den Sozialwissenschaften [How (in)comprehensible is the German of sociologists? Conceptual and text structures in the social sciences] (Lang.: ger). - Frankfurt, etc., Peter Lang, 1993. pp. 195. ISBN: 3631427581. The book contains the following 5 chapters: Science-theoretical consideration of the social sciences - Theoretical foundations of terminology research and its application to social science concepts and terms - Language use in the social sciences - the contribution of special language research - Analysis of N.Luhmann's terminology of sociological systems theory - a case study - Significance of the case study for theory and practice of the analysis of social science terminologies.

Varet, G.; Varet, M.-M.. Maitriser l'information à travers sa terminologie. Manuel - Dictionnaire [Mastering information by its terminology - a manual and dictionary] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, Diff.Les Belles Lettres, 1995. pp. 709.(Annales Litt.Univ.Besancon 559). ISBN: 2251605592.

Wellisch, H.H.. Book review of Mulvany, N.C.: Indexing books. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1994. XIII,320 p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Quart. Vol. 65, No. 1. 1995. p.137-140.

Fidel, R.; Hahn, T.B., Rasmussen, E.M., Smith, P.J.. Challenges in indexing electronic text and images (Lang.: eng). - Medford, NJ, Information Today, Inc., 1994. pp. 316. ISBN: 0938734768. The four sections of the book are entitled: Indexing and accessing images - Indexing of hypermedia - Computer support tools for indexers - Indexing and retrieval from full text.

Straten, Roelof van. Iconogaphy, Indexing, ICONCLASS: a handbook (Lang.: eng). - Leiden, Foleor Publ., 1994. pp. XIV,244. Gives an introduction into the history, theory and practice of iconography and iconographic analysis and indexing, also into the application of the ICONCLASS system.

Haendler, H.. Book review of Henzler, R.G.: Information und Dokumentation. Sammeln, Speichern und Wiedergewinnen von Fachinformation in Datanbanken. Berlin-Heidelber-New York: Springer Verlag 1992. XII,322p. [The collecting, storage and retrieval of specialized information in databases] (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 2. 1993. p.105-106.

61552009-0275festschrifts for KO persons 08.92
Raghavan, K. S., Prasad, K. N. (eds.). Library and information systems: from Alexandrian heritage to social networking. Essays in honour of Prof. S. Parthasarathy (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Ess Ess Publications, 2009. pp. Xviii, 450. ISBN: 8170005490.

6895festschrifts for KO persons 08.92
Howarth, Lynne C. Is there a catalog in your future? Celebrating Nancy J. Williamson: scholar, educator, colleague, mentor (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)1, pp. 1-9.

6896festschrifts for KO persons 08.92
Oberhauser, Otto. (Book review of) Ilse Harms et al. (eds.), Information und Sprache: Beiträge zu Informationswissenschaft, Bibliothekswesen und verwandten Fächern; Festschrift für Harald H. Zimmermann. Munich, Saur, 2006. vi, 290pp. ISBN: 3-598-11754-X;978-3-598-11754- [Information and language: contributions on information science, librarianship, and related fields; Festschrift in honour of Harald H. Zimmermann] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 59(2006)3, pp. 75-78.

6897festschrifts for KO persons 08.92
Weilenmann, Anna-Katharina. (Book review of) Petra Hauke & Konrad Umlauf (eds.), Vom Wandel der Wissensorganisation im Informationszeitalter: Festschrift für Walther Umstätter zum 65. Geburtstag. Bad Honnef, Bock & Herchen, 2006. 379pp. ISBN: 978-3-88347-248-5; 3-88347-248-4 [On the changing of knowledge organization in the information age: Festschrift in honour of Walther Umstätter] (Lang.: ger). - In: Online-Mitteilungen, 90(2007), pp. 21-23.

7054festschrifts for KO persons 08.92
Singh, Jagtar, Malhan, Indervir, Kaur, Trishanjit, eds. Library and Information Science in digital age: essays in honour of Professor M. P. Satija (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Ess Ess Publications, 2009. pp. 2v. ISBN: 9788170005803.

8398festschrifts for KO persons 08.92
Chandel, A. S. ed. Knowledge management in digital era: a memorial volume of Veena Saraf (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Westville Publishing House, 2011. pp. 424. ISBN: 9788185873688.

8399festschrifts for KO persons 08.92
Koovakkai, Dineshan, Vasudevan, T. M. eds. Library 2.0 and information management: essays in honour of Dr. Jalaja V (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2011. pp. 310. ISBN: 9788126916306.

18122festschrifts for KO persons 08.92
n/a. Dr. Ingetraut Dahlberg † [obituary] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 69(2018)1, pp. 69–72. Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2018-0003

24982001-0156festschrifts for KO persons literature reviews 08.92;02
Borko, H. (Book review of) Saving the time of the library user through subject access innovation: papers in honor of Pauline Atherton Cochrane / ed. by W.J. Wheeler. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: GSLIS Publications Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. - 217 p. - ISBN: 0878451080 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 37(2001)5,p.766-767.

26492001-0307festschrifts for KO persons literature reviews 08.92;02
Bertrand-Gastaldy, S. (Book review of) Saving the time of the library user through subject access innovation: papers in honor of Pauline Atherton Cochrane / ed. by W.J. Wheeler. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: GSLIS Publications Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. - 217 p. - ISBN: 0878451080 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)2, p.97-100.

28222001-0480festschrifts for KO persons literature reviews 08.92;02
Karpuk, D.J. (Book review of) Saving the time of the library user through subject access innovation: papers in honor of Pauline Atherton Cochrane / ed. by W.J. Wheeler. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: GSLIS Publications Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. - 217 p. - ISBN: 0878451080 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library & Information Science Research, 23(2001), p.200-202.

Black, Alistair. (Book review of) Krajewski, Markus. Paper machines: about cards and catalogs, 1548-1929. Translated by Peter Krapp. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011. pp. 215. ISBN 9780262015899 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(2013)2, pp. 431-432.

Chase, L. Book review of Riemer, J.J. (Ed.): Cataloging and classification standards and rules. New York : Haworth Press 1996. 235 p. ISBN 1560248068 [=Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 21(1996)3/4] (Lang.: eng). - In: RQ 36(1996)2. p.313-314.

Riemer, J.J.. Cataloging and Classification Standards and Rules (Lang.: eng). - New York - London, Haworth Press, 1996. pp. 235. ISBN: 1560248068. The is a collective volume comprising the following 11 contributions with an introduction by John J. Riemer and an index. This book has also been published as Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 21(1996)No.3/4.

7891998-0165literature reviews 08.99;02
O'Brien, A. Book review of Cataloguing and classification standards and rules / ed. by J.J. Riemer. - New York: Haworth Press, 1996. - ISBN: 1560248068 (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 16(1998)1,p.63-64.

23562001-0014KO standardization problems literature reviews 08.99;991;02
Bowman, J.H. (Book review of) Cataloguing and classification standards and rules / ed. by J.J. Riemer. - New York: Haworth Press, 1996. - ISBN: 1560248068 (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & Index, (1998)128,p.9, 12. * Book also publ. as Cataloguing and Classification Quarterly 21(1996)3/4

106721990-2-090standards 09
US MARC Code List for Languages (Lang.: eng). - Washington, DC, Libr.Congr.CDS, 1989.

119151994-1317astandards 09
Library of Congress. MARC Standards Office. USMARC Format for Classification Data, including guidelines for content designation (Lang.: eng). - In: Loose-leaf coll.. Washington, DC. Library of Congress. Cat.Distr.Service. 1991. AUSMARC Format defines the codes and conventions (tags, indicators, subfield codes, and coded values) that identify the data elements in USMARC classification records. It is intended for the use of personnel involved in the creation and maintenance of classification records, in the publication of classification schemes from machine-readable data, as well as those involved in the design and maintenance of systems for the communication and processing of classification records. A new section entitled "Scheme-specific conventions" describes the coding practices for the Library of Congress Classification and the Dewey Decimal Classification. The Appendices include examples, a glossary and a Format Change List."

18144bibliographies of standards 09.01
Lorenz, Bernd (ed.). Handbuch zur Regensburger Verbundklassifikation: Materialien zur Einführung [Handbook on the Regensburg Classification Scheme: Introductory materials] (Lang.: ger). - 3rd rev. ed. ed. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2017. pp. 220.(Beiträge zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, 61). 978-3-447-10830-0.

6898standards on concepts 09.12
Calvitti, Tiziana, Viti, Elisabetta. Da ISO 2788 ai nuovi standard per la costruzione e l'interoperabilità dei vocabolari controllati: un'analisi comparativa [From ISO 2788 to the new standards for the construction and interoperability of structured vocabularies: a comparative analysis] (Lang.: ita). - In: Bollettino AIB, 49(2009)3, pp. 307-323.

7834standards on concepts 09.12
Pohl, Adrian, Ostrowski, Felix. Linked Data - und warum wir uns im hbz-Verbund damit beschäftigen! [Linked data at the hbz] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 13(2010)3, pp. 259-268. Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/18934/

18885standards on concepts 09.12; 998
Glagla-Dietz, Stephanie; Habermann, Nicole. Standardnummern für Personen [Standard numbers for individuals] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 32(2020)2, pp. 20-25. Available at http://d-nb.info/1218796596/34

17766standards on concepts conceptual models 09.12;124
Cheti, Alberto. I processi cognitivi nell'analisi concettuale dei documenti: una postilla tra biblioteconomia e linguistica (Lang.: it). - In: Associazione italiana biblioteche, 56(2016)1, pp. 7-39.Roma, IT, Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (AIB), 2016. pp. 32. Available at http://http://aibstudi.aib.it/article/view/11407 ISSN: 22809113

17785standards on concepts conceptual models 09.12;124
Lemieux, Victoria L. (Ed.). Building trust in information: perspectives on the frontiers of provenance (Lang.: eng). - In: Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, © 2016.Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2016. Available at http://http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319402253 783319402260.

17856standards on concepts special KOS human sciences 09.12;65
Carvalho, Sara; Costa, Rute; Roche, Christophe. The role of conceptual relations in the drafting of natural language definitions: an example from the biomedical domain (Lang.: eng). - In: Academia.edu.San Francisco‎, CA, Academia.edu, 2018. pp. 7. Available at http://https://www.academia.edu/36041811/The_Role_of_Conceptual_Relations_in_the_Drafting_of_Natural_Language_Definitions_an_Example_from_the_Biomedical_Domain

Kwaśnik, Barbara H. (Book review of) Lampland, Martha, Star, Susan Leigh. Standards and their stories: how quantifying, classifying and formalizing practices shape everyday life. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 2009. 280pp. ISBN: 978-0-80144-717-4 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 37(2010)1, pp. 79-82.

Rudell-Betts, L.. New rules for thesauri (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords. Vol. 3, No. 4. 1995. p.10-11. A review of ANSI-NISO Z39.19-1993 intended for indexers.

Hudon, M.. Review of National Information Standards Organization (Ed.): Guidelines for the construction, format, and management of monolingual thesauri. Bethesda, MD: NISO 1994 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22, No. 3/4. 1995. p.180-181.

Guidelines for subject access in national bibliographies; ed. by Yvonne Jahns (Lang.: eng). - Berlin & Munich, De Gruyter Saur, 2012. pp. 107.(IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control, - 45). ISBN: 978-3-11-028089-0.

1581997-2-0157standards for KOS construction 09.23
NBLC Trefwoorden Thesaurus : handleiding NBLC-Thesaurus [NBLC Subject Headings Thesaurus : Guidelines for the NBLC-Thesaurus] (Lang.: dut). - Dern Haag, NBLC, 1996. pp. 54. Guidelines for the thesaurus used by Dutch public libraries

54642008-0007standards for KOS construction 09.23
Martinez, A.M. Abbreviations and mark symbols recommended by thesaurus standards and authority guidelines: a need for uniform criteria (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 36(2007)4, pp.83-86.

58872009-0007standards for KOS construction 09.23
Shuter, J. New and revised indexing standards (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 26(2008)2, p.96.

63962009-0516standards for KOS construction 09.23
Dextre Clarke, Stella G. ISO 2788 + ISO 5964 + much energy = ISO 25964 (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 35(2008)1, pp.31-33.

63972009-0517standards for KOS construction 09.23
IFLA. Section on Classification and Indexing. Working Group on Guidelines for Multilingual Thesauri. Guidelines for multilingual thesauri (Lang.: eng). - The Hague, IFLA, 2009. pp. 30.(IFLA professional reports, no. 115). ISBN: 97689077897355; ISSN: 01681931.

6901standards for KOS construction 09.23
Guidelines for Multilingual Thesauri (Lang.: eng). - In: International cataloguing & bibliographic control, 38(2009)3, p.38.

7055standards for KOS construction 09.23
Martínez, Ana M., Mendes, Paola. La norma Argentina de construcción de tesauros iram 32057: necesidad de actualización. 1. El vocabulario controlado [The Argentine standard for thesaurus construction IRAM 32057: a need for updating, 1. The controlled vocabulary] (Lang.: eng). - In: Informacion, cultura y sociedad, 21(2009), pp.11-30.

7104standards for KOS construction 09.23
Barité, Mario. Garantía literaria y normas para construcción de vocabularios controlados: aspectos epistemológicos y metodológicos [Literary warrant and guidelines for the construction of controlled vocabularies: epistemological and methodological aspects] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento, 15(2009)2, pp. 13-24.

7331standards for KOS construction 09.23
Ballestra, Laura. Multiculturalità e thesauri multilingue: problemi e prospettive alla luce delle Guidelines for multilingual thesauri di IFLA [Multiculturality and multilingual thesauri: problems and perspectives in the light of IFLA Guidelines for multilingual thesauri] (Lang.: ita). - In: I workshop di Teca: 8 focus per le biblioteche; ed. by Waldemaro Morgese & Maria A. Abenante. Rome, AIB, 2010. 373pp, pp. 151-160.

7332standards for KOS construction 09.23
Clarke, Stella Dextre. Thesaurus standards on a converging track (Lang.: eng). - In: Legal information management, 10(2010)1, pp. 43-45.

8045standards for KOS construction 09.23
Chaudhry, Abdus Sattar. Assessment of taxonomy building tools (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic library, 28(2010)6, pp. 769-788.

8046standards for KOS construction 09.23
Melgar Estrada, Liliana M. Topic maps from a knowledge organization perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 38(2011)1, pp. 43-61.

8752standards for KOS construction 09.23
Ungváry, Rudolf. A magyar tezaurusz- szabvány és Horváth Tibor nemzedéke [Hungarian standard of thesaurus and generation of Tibor Horváth] (Lang.: hun). - In: Könyv és nevelés, 13(2011)4, pp. 73-82.

8975standards for KOS construction 09.23
Hudon, Michèle. ISO 25964: vers une nouvelle norme pour l’organisation et l’accès à l’information et aux connaissances [ISO 25964: towards a new standard for the organization and access to information and knowledge] (Lang.: eng). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 207-219 (08.21) .

8976standards for KOS construction 09.23
Will, L. The ISO 25964 data model for the structure of an information retrieval thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 38(2012)4, pp. 48-51.

9217standards for KOS construction 09.23
Ungváry, Rudolf. A magyar tezaurusz-szabvány és Horváth Tibor nemzedéke [Hungarian standard of thesaurus and generation of Tibor Horváth] (Lang.: hun). - In: Könyv és nevelés, 13(2011)4. Suppl., pp. 73-82.

9218standards for KOS construction 09.23
Sánchez-Cuadrado, Sonia, Colmenero-Ruiz, María-Jesús, Moreiro, José-Antonio . Tesauros: estándares y recomendaciónes [Thesauri: standards and guidelines] (Lang.: spa). - In: El profesional de la información, 21(2012)3, pp. 229-235.

9410standards for KOS construction 09.23
Will, Leonard. The ISO 25964 data model for the structure of an information retrieval thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

9593standards for KOS construction 09.23
ISO 25964-2:2013 information and documentation – thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies – part 2: interoperability with other vocabularies (Lang.: eng). - Geneva, Switzerland, International Organization for Standardization, 2013. pp. 99.

15315standards for KOS construction 09.23
Kempf, Andreas Oskar. Thesauri und Interoperabilität mit anderen Vokabularen [Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 64(2013)6, pp.365–368.

18098standards for KOS construction 09.23
Hommrich, Dirk; et al.. Normdaten und Datenanreicherung beim Fachportal openTA [Standards data and data accumulation in the specialized portal openTA] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 52(2018)3/4, pp. 248–265. Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2018-0031

17924standards for KOS construction general structures 09.23;21
Dextre Clarke, Stella G.; Vernau, Judi. Questions and answers on current developments inspired by the thesaurus tradition (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)3, pp. 203-209.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 10. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Diagram, 3 Charts

9409standards for KOS construction terminological work 09.23;773
Liu, Hua. [Revision of International Standards [sic] of Thesaurus and its influence on terminology services based on knowledge organization. ] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 56(2012)22, pp. 21-25.

Proposed American National Standard Guidelines for the construction, format, and management of monolingual thesauri (Lang.: eng). - Bethesda, MD, NISO, 1991. pp. VII+126.

ISO 832:1994. Information and Documentation - Bibliographic description and references - Rules for the abbreviation of bibliographic terms (Lang.: eng). - Geneva, Switzerland, Int.Standard.Org., 1994.

31692002-0191notation in 09.26;268
National Information Standards Organization. Codes for the Representation of Languages for Information Interchange (Lang.: eng). - Bethesda, MD, NISO Press, 2001. pp. Vii,16 p.(ANSI/NISO Z.39-53-2001). ISBN: 1880124521. »» The newly revised standard of 3-letter codes for languages is based on the MARC language codes and ISO 639-2/B

Z39.46-1993. Extended Latin alphabet coded character set for bibliographic use (Lang.: eng). - Oxon Hill, MD, NISO Press Fulfillment, 1993.

Z39.53-199X Language Codes (Lang.: eng). - Bethesda, MD, Natl.Inform.Standards Org. (NISO), 1993. This draft standard defines almost 400 separate three-character alphabetic codes to indicate language in the interchange of information. The list is based on the U.S.MARC list, the revision updates the first one of 1987.

Codes for the Representation of Languages for Information Interchange (Lang.: eng). - Oxon Hill, MD, NISO Press Fulfillment, 1994. pp. 20.(ANSI/NISO Z.39-53). ISBN: 1880124106. The newly revised standard has codes added for 28 languages or language groups previously not represented

Weinberg, B. H. The NISO standard for controlled vocabularies: a blueprint for revision (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 36(2009)1, pp. 1-6. Available at http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Oct-09/OctNov09Weinberg.html

Biblioteca Nacional. Grupo de Trabalho Indexacao. SIPORBASE - sistema de indexacao em Portugues: Manual. 2nd rev.& enl. ed. (Lang.: por). - Lisboa, Bibl. National, 1992. ISBN: 9725451545.

106941994-082609.3, 09.85
Z39.4-199X Indexes and Related Information Retrieval Devices (Lang.: eng). - Bethesda, MD, Natl.Inform.Standards Org., NISO, 1993. This draft standard provides guidelines and a uniform vocabulary to prepare back-of-the-book and machine-generated indexes.

ISO 12083-1994. Information and Documentation - Electronic manuscript preparation and markup (Lang.: eng). - Geneva, Switzerland, Int.Standard.Org., 1994. The standard is a result of the work of ISO/TC 46.

61562009-0276standards for indexes 09.38
Bricelj, Jure. Smernice za oblikovanje stvarnih kazal [Guidelines for preparing subject indexes] (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnica, 52(2008)1, pp. 63-79. Available at http://revija-knjiznica.zbds-zveza.si/Izvodi/K0801/bricelj.pdf

66242009-0744standards for indexes 09.38
Wen Guoqiang, Guo Lifang. GB/T 22466-2008 -- Guidelines for indexing: China's new national indexing standard (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 27(2009)3, pp. 101-102.

6902standards for indexes 09.38
Clarke, Stella Dextre. Watch your language!: the Image Library and controlled vocabulary standards (Lang.: eng). - In: Library + information update, (Dec 2009), pp. 38-41.

British Standard Recommendation for Preparing Indexes to Books, Periodicals, and other Documents (Lang.: eng). - London, Brit.Stand.Inst, 1988. pp. 17.

Z39.58-1992. Common Command Language for online interactive information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - Oxon Hill, MD, NISO Press Fulfillment, 1992.

Sápi, András. Egy nemzetközi standard osztályozás nemzeti adaptációjának egyes kérdései[ [Questions of national adaptation of an international classification standard] (Lang.: hun). - In: Statisztikai Szemle, 88(2010)7-8., pp. 901-902. Available at http://www.ksh.hu/statszemle_archive/2010/2010_07-08/2010_07-08_901.pdf (Review of) Greulich, Matthias. When is a category in the International Reference Classification significant for a national activity classification – some practical suggestions in Classification Newsletter, (2007) 20 pp. 2–3

DIN Normenausschuß Bibl.u.Dok.wesen (NABD). DIN 31639 Teil 2 Entwurf: Fachwörterbuch der Information und Dokumentation.Dokumente, traditionelle Dokumente [Vocabulary, Part 2: traditional documents] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Beuth Vertrieb, 1989. pp. 19 .

Fiche minimale de terminologie: NFX O3-006-88 France [The minimal terminological record. French Standard NFX 03-006-88] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, AFNOR,

ISO/DIS 1087-2:1994-09: Terminology work, Vocabulary. Pt.2: Computational aids (Lang.: eng, fre). - Geneva, CH, Int.Standard.Organisation, 1994. pp. 24+48.

ISO/TR 12618:1994. Computational aids in terminology - Creation and use of terminological databases and text corpor (Lang.: eng). - Geneva, CH, 1994. (Int.Standard.Organisation).

ISO/TR 12618:1994. Computational aids in terminology - Creation and use of terminological databases and text corpora (Lang.: eng). - Geneva, Switzerland, Int.Standard.Org., 1994. The standard is the result of the work of ISO/TC 37.

AFNOR. Technologies de l'information. Vocabulaire. Index permuté du vocabulaire des technologies de l'information [Information technology. Vocabulary. Permuted index of the vocabulary of information technology] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, Ass.Franc.de Normalisation, 1993. pp. 590.(ISO/CEI TR23483:1993).

ISO/DIS 12616: Translation-oriented terminography. Terminographie axée sur la traduction (Lang.: eng, fre). - Geneva, CH, Int.Organization for Standardization, 1995. pp. 25. This draft is being circulated for voting since May 1995. It treats the matter in the following chapters: Normative references. Definitions. Features of translation-oriented terminography. Managment of terminological information. Referencing and source i. dentification. General principles for data input and output. General requirements for a terminological database. Exchange of terminological information. Annex A: List of data categories. Annex B: Basic layout forms for recording terminological data. Work. of ISO/TC 37/SC2

Praxisregeln zu den Regeln fur den Schlagwortkatalog und der Schlagwortnormdatei.Erste Ergõnzungslieferung [Practical rules to the Rules for the Subject Catalogue and the Standard Subject Heading File] (Lang.: ger). - Frankfurt/Main, Dt.Bibliothek, 1993. pp. 153 . Contains new rules, supplements to rules already published, and an enlarged index

Praxisregeln zu den Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog und der Schlagwortnormdatei. Erste Ergトnzungslieferung [Practical rules to the Rules for the Subject Catalogue and the Standard Subject Heading File] (Lang.: ger). - Frankfurt/Main, Dt.Bibliothek, 1993. pp. 153 . Contains new rules, supplements to rules already published, and an enlarged index.

Junginger, F.; Schubert, H.-J.; Kommission f.Sacherschlieung, DBI. Regeln fur den Schlagwortkatalog: (RSWK), 2nd enlarged edition (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Dt.Bibl.Inst, 1991. pp. 321.

Junginger, F.; Schubert, H.-J.; Kommission f.Sacherschlieung, DBI . Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog: (RSWK), 2nd enlarged edition (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Dt.Bibl.Inst., 1991. pp. 321.

Further items on this class as a particular theme

16708bibliographies conferences 01;06
Herr, Wiebke; Hofmann, Andreas C.. Podiumsdiskussion "Kollaboration. Interaktion. Die Zukunft geisteswissenschaftlichen Bibliographierens" [Panel discussion "Collaboration. Interaction. The Future of Bibliographies in the Humanities"] (Lang.: ger). In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 40(1)2016, pp. 114-116.

9769general reviews textbooks on KO general questions 021;07.21
Oberhauser, Otto. [(Book review of) Davis, Charles H.; Shaw, Debora. (Eds.) Introduction to Information Science and Technology. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2011. 272pp. ISBN 9781573874236.] (Lang.: ger). In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 65(2012)3/4, pp. 567-571.. The book includes: Chapter 4 Representation of Information; Chapter 5 Organization of Information; Chapter 7 Structured Information Systems.

17889recurring reviews conferences 025;06;196
Clarke, Stella Dextre. Knowledge organization—making a difference. Report of the Fourth Biennial Conference of ISKO UK (London, 13-14 July 2015) (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)6, pp. 399-400.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 2. ISSN: 09437444

17917KO glossaries terminology of special KOS online retrieval problems KOS-based access 03;037;751;756
Dextre Clarke, Stella G.. Origins and trajectory of the long thesaurus debate (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)3, pp. 138-144.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 7. ISSN: 09437444

7801998-0156information sciences literature reviews 03.78-82;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of S. Keenan: Concise Dictionary of Library and Information Science. London: Bowker-Saur, 1996. x,214 p. - ISBN: 1857390229 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)1/2,p.49-50.

29762002-0001information sciences literature reviews 03.78-82;02
Turner, A. (Book review of) Keenan, S., Johnston, C.: Concise Dictionary of Library and Information Science - 2nd ed London: Bowker-Saur, 2001 – x,214 p. - ISBN: 1857392515 (Lang.: eng). In: Information World Review, (2001)175, p.66.

16749information sciences literature reviews 03.78-82;02
Oberhauser, Otto. [book review of:] Bemis, Michael F.: Library and Information Science: A Guide to Key Literature and Sources. London: Facet, 2014. (Lang.: ger). In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 68(3/4)2015, pp. 668-671. Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1310/1146

15091999-0303general KO glossaries literature reviews 031;02
Barlow, C. Book review of Wellisch, H.H. Abstracting, indexing, classification, thesaurus construction: a glossary - Port Aransas, TX: American Society of Indexers, 1996. - 64 p. - ISBN: 0936547359 (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 21(1998)2, p.101.

39232005-32-1-0001general KO glossaries literature reviews 031;02
Hudon, M. (Book review of) Satija, M.P.: A Dictionary if know­ledge organisation. - Amritsar, India : Guru Namak Dev University, 2004. - 248 p. - ISBN: 8177701010 (Lang.: eng). In: Know­ledge Organization, 31(2004)3, p.196-198.

12061999-0001conceptology science and KO literature reviews 038-25/6;02
Dirckx, J.H. Book review of Rigg, J.C., Brown, S.S., Dybkaer, R.: Compendium of terminology and nomenclature of properties in clinical laboratory sciences (Recommendations 1995) - Oxford: Bl;ackwell Science, 1995 (Lang.: eng). In: Terminology , 4(1997)1, p.161-165.

15101999-0304terms in KO applications literature reviews 038-915;02
Bradley, P. Book review of Hartmann, R.R.K., James, G. Dictionary of terminology. - London ; New York: Routledge, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 0415141435 (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 21(1998)2,p102.

17872terms in KO applications conferences 038;06
Gross, Tina. Naming and reframing: a taxonomy of attacks on knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 263-268.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444

17690universal classifications serials 04;05
Ciapuscio, G.; Colín, M.; Correia, M.; Domènech, O.; Kilian, C.; Makri, J.; Santiago, M; Torres-Moreno, J.M. (Eds.). Debate terminológico. 2013 (Lang.: spa). In: Debate Terminológico, 10(2013).Barcelona, ES, Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, España, 2013. Available at http://http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/riterm/issue/view/No.%2010%2C%20Nov.%202013/showToc ISSN: 18131867

17692universal classifications serials 04;05
Asundi, A.Y. . KO from libraries to the web: jubilee issue (Lang.: eng). In: SRELS Journal of Information Management - History and Contributions: A Golden Jubilee (Review), 50(2013)5.Bangalore, IN, Informatics Publishing Limited, 2013. Available at http://http://www.srels.org/index.php/sjim/article/view/43806

17846library classifications journals 041;051
Catalogue & index, issue 189 (Lang.: eng). In: Catalogue and Index 189(2017).London, UK, CILIP - Cataloguing and Indexing Group, 2017. Available at http://https://www.cilip.org.uk/members/group_content_view.asp?group=201298&id=707476 ISSN: '00087629

7831998-0159DDC literature reviews 043;02
Davis, S.W. Book review of Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification and relative index. 13th ed. / ed. by J.S. Mitchell. - Albany: Forest Press, 1997. - 1023 p. - ISBN 0910608598 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Library Journal, 46(1997)4,p.423-424.

20262000-0302DDC literature reviews 043;02
Weihs, J. (Book review of) Sifton, P., Atkinson, T.: Workbook for DDC 21: Dewey Decimal Classification Edition 21. - Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1998. - 64 p. - ISBN: 0888022832 (Lang.: eng). In: Technicalities, 18(1999)9,p.12-13.

17887DDC various universal KOS 043;048
Jia, Junzhi; Zhao, Jie. Mapping analysis of pre-coordinated classes in DDC and CLC (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)6, pp. 369-385.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 17. ISSN: 09437444; 28 Charts

1341997-2-0133LCSH KOS for special purposes DDC 044.8;489;043
Towsey, M. Book review of L. Winkel: Subject headings for children: a list of subject headings used by the Library of Congress with Dewey numbers added : Vol. 1: List of headings, Vol. 2: Keyword index. 146 + 330 p. Dublin. OH : OCLC Forest Press, 1994 (Lang.: eng). In: Catalogue & Index (1996)120. p.12,11.

9881998-0364conceptology systems theory literature reviews 048-51/4;02
McCarthy, A. Book review of Pearce, H.J. - Thesaurus of disability index termss. - 2nd ed. - Gloucester: GUiDe Information Service, Gloucester Royal Hospital, 199 (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 20(1997)4,p.219.

12091999-0004various universal KOS social sciences literature reviews 048-6;02
James, S. Book review of ILO Thesaurus: Labour, employment and training. - Geneva: International Labour Office, 1998. - 791 p. - ISBN: 9220072552 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review , 48(1999)1/2,p.104-105.

17712various universal KOS social sciences standards on concepts 048-6;09.12
Wallis, Steven E.. Abstraction and insight: building better conceptual systems to support more effective social change (Lang.: eng). In: Foundations of Science, 19(2014)4, pp. 353–362.Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2014. pp. 10. Available at http://https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10699-014-9344-4 9783319064918.

43972006-33-2-0001various universal KOS information sciences literature reviews 048-82;02
Riesthuis, G.J.A. (Book review of) ASIS&T thesaurus of information science, technology and librarianship. 3rd ed. Medford, NJ. Information today, 2005. xiii, 255 p. ISBN 1573872431 (Lang.: eng). In: Information today, 2005.

33282003-0002various universal KOS UDC short editions UDC 048;042.3;42
Frâncu, V. Tezur interdisciplinar multilingv pentru uzul bibliotecilor : Româna, engleza, franceza [Interdisciplinary multilingual thesaurus for use in libraries: romanian, english, french] (Lang.: rom, eng, fre). Bucuresti, Asociatia Bibliotecarilor din Invatamânt România, 2003. pp. Vii, 402.(Biblioteca ABIR ; 16). ISBN: 9738596211. »» Thesaurus based on a short edition of the UDC

4641997-4-0465literature reviews 048.1;02
Gilchrist, A. Book review of Unesco Thesaurus. 2nd ed. Paris: Unesco, 1995. 705 p. ISBN: 9220031003 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of librarianship and information science 29 (1997)3. p.165-166.

15151999-0309journals literature reviews 051;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Ranganathan Research Bulletin. Supplement to the Herald of Library Science (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.57. »» New journal devoted to Ranganathan studies

17875conferences 06;036
Beak, Jihee. Where is childrens' voice in KO? (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 284-289.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Color Photographs, 2 Diagrams

37472004-0274conferences 06.04-07-13/16;111;02
Buizza, G. [Book review of] Knowledge organization and the global information society : proceedings of the eighth international ISKO conference (Lang.: ita). In: Bollettino AIB, 44(2004)3, p.393-394.

15911conferences 06.13-03-19/22;021
Oberhauser, Otto. (Book review of) Hobohm, Hans-Christoph (ed.) Informationswissenschaft zwischen virtueller Infrastruktur und materiellen Lebenswelten: Proceedings des 13. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2013) Potsdam, 19.–22. März 2013. Glück [(Book review of) Hobohm, Hans-Christoph (ed.). Information science between virtual infrastructure and material lifeworlds: proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2013), Potsdam [Germany], 19–22 March 2013] (Lang.: ger). In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 67(2014)2, pp. 334-338. Available at http://phaidra.univie.ac.at/detail_object/o:360033

34792004-0006conferences 06.93-08-17/18;111;02
Bîrsan, L. [Book review of] Indexarea pe subiecte: principii si practici în anii '90 [[Book review of] Subject indexing: principles and practices in the 90's : proceedings of the IFLA Satellite meeting held in Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 August 1993] (Lang.: rom). In: 14(2003)11/12, p.262-263.

4651997-4-0466conferences 06.96-07-15/18;02
Müller-Dreier, A. Book review of Knowledge organization and change. Proceedings of the fourth international ISKO conference 15-18 July 1996, Washington, DC, USA. Ed. by Rebecca Green. Frankfurt/M: Indeks-Verlag, 1996 (Advances in knowledge organization; Vol. 5). 432 p. ISBN: 3-88672-023-1 (Lang.: ger). In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis 21 (1997)3. p.373-375.

7851998-0161conferences 06.96-10-06-21/22;149;911;02
Kalseth, K. Book review of Knowledge management - organization, competence and methodology: proceedings of the Fourth International ISMICK Symposium, 21-22 October 1996, The Netherlands / ed. by J.F. Schreinemakers. - Würzburg: ERGON Verlag, 1996. - ISBN 3932004264 (Lang.: eng). In: FID News Bulletin, 47(1997)7/8, p.208-209.

6261998-0003conferences 06.96-10-21/22;149;911;02
Löckenhoff, H. Book review of Schreinemakers, J. (ed.): Knowledge management. Organization competence and methodology. - (Advances in knowledge management; 1). Würzburg: Ergon, 1996. 307 p. ISBN: 3932004264 (Lang.: ). In: Knowledge Organization 1997(24)4,p. 255-258.

17312000-0008conferences 06.97-03-02/04;211;02
Novellino, M.S. (Book review of)Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications od Data Processing, March 2-4, 1997 / ed. by P.A. Cochrane, E.H. Johnson. - Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.170-172.

21822000-0458conferences 06.97-03-02/04;211;02
Wheeler, W.J. (Book review of) Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, March 2-4, 1997 / ed. by P.A. Cochrane, E.H. Johnson. - Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 43(1999)3,p.184-185.

23432001-0001conferences 06.97-03-02/04;211;02
Weihs, J. (Book review of) Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, March 2-4, 1997 / ed. by P.A. Cochrane, E.H. Johnson. - Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). In: Technicalities, 19(1999)4,p.10.

24822001-0140conferences 06.97-03-02/04;211;02
Narayanan, K.S. (Book review of) Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, March 2-4, 1997 / ed. by P.A. Cochrane, E.H. Johnson. - Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. - 176 p. - (Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing ; 34) - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). In: Serials Review, 26(2000)1,p.77-78.

3241997-3-0323textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Gilreath, Ch.T. Book review of Holyoak, K.J., Thagard, P. Mental leaps: analogy in creative thought. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995. 320 p. ISBN 0-262-58144-2 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization 24(1997)2. p.116-117.

6271998-0004textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Eisele, H. Book review of Qu'est-ce qu'on ne sait pas? Récit des Rencontres philosophiques de l'UNESCO (14-17 mars 1995). Paris: Découvertes Galimard/Editions UNESCO, 1995. 112 p (Lang.: ). In: Knowledge Organization 1997(24)4,p. 252-255.

12111999-0006textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Tibbo, H.R. Book review of Hjorland: Information seeking and subject representation : an activity-theoretical approach to information science. - London: Greenwood Press, 1997. - 213 p. - ISBN: 0313298939 (Lang.: eng). In: American Archivist , 62(1999)1,p.195-197.

12121999-0007textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Wilson, P. Book review of Hjorland: Information seeking and subject representation : an activity-theoretical approach to information science. - London: Greenwood Press, 1997. - 213 p. - ISBN: 0313298939 (Lang.: eng). In: College & Research Libraries , 59(1998)3,p.287-288.

12131999-0008textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Middleton, M. Book review of Hjorland: Information seeking and subject representation : an activity-theoretical approach to information science. - London: Greenwood Press, 1997. - 213 p. - ISBN: 0313298939 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Library Journal , 47(1998)2,p.206-207.

15161999-0310textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Robins, D. Book review of Hjorland: Information seeking and subject representation : an activity-theoretical approach to information science. - London: Greenwood Press, 1997. - 213 p. - ISBN: 0313298939 (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterlys, 26(1998)2, p.77-79.

15171999-0311textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 07.1;02
Detlor, B. Book review of Tonfoni, G.: Information design : the knowledge architect's toolkit. - Exeter: Scarecrow Press and Intellect, 1998. - 183 p. - ISBN: 1871516617 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.58.

39262005-32-1-0004textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews order 07.1;02;11
Halsall, J. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. -3rd ed. - London: Face, 2003. - 464 p. - ISBN: 1856044823 (Lang.: eng). In: Learned publishing, 17(2004)2, p. 172.

39272005-32-1-0005textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews order 07.1;02;11
Lingle, V.A. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. -3rd ed. - London: Face, 2003. - 464 p. - ISBN: 1856044823 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the Medical Library Association, 93(2005)1, p.133.

12141999-0009textbooks on KO foundations order literature reviews 07.1;11;02
Cousins, S. Book review of Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1998. - 426 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). In: Education for Information , 17(1999)1,p.60-62.

20302000-0306textbooks on KO foundations order literature reviews 07.1;11;02
Lipscomb, C.E. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). In: Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 87(1999)3,p.365-366.

20312000-0307textbooks on KO foundations order literature reviews 07.1;11;02
Mai, J.E. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)8,p.728-730.

20322000-0308textbooks on KO foundations order literature reviews 07.1;11;02
Milstead, J.L. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). In: Information Services Use, 18(1998)4,p.285-288.

20332000-0309textbooks on KO foundations order literature reviews 07.1;11;02
Nicholson, S. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). In: Information Processing Management, 35(1999)2,p.209-210.

34802004-0007textbooks on KO foundations order literature reviews 07.1;11;02
Boyce, B.R. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 28(1999)3, p.107-108.

17352000-0011textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Booth, P.F. (Book review of)Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.148.

17362000-0012textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Clarke, S.T. (Book review of)Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). In: Managing Information, 6(1999)1,p.48.

17372000-0013textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Parry, F. (Book review of)Lancaster, F.W.: Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. - 2nd. ed. - London: Library Association Publ., 1998. - 412 p. - ISBN: 1856042685 (Lang.: eng). In: Electronic Library, 17(1999)3,p.193.

23452001-0003textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Bean, C.A. (Book review of) Bowker, G.C., Star, S.L.: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999 – 389 p. - ISBN: 0262024616 (Lang.: eng). In: Library and Information Science Research, 22(2001)4,p.435-437.

24842001-0142textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Williams, J. (Book review of) Borgman, C.L.: From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world - Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2000 – 324 p. - ISBN: 026202473X (Lang.: eng). In: Multimedia Information and Technology, 27(2001)1,p.79-80.

24852001-0143textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Duff, A.S. (Book review of) Borgman, C.L.: From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world - Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2000 – 324 p. - ISBN: 026202473X (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 50(2001)1/2,p.43-45.

24862001-0144textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Henege, D. (Book review of) Borgman, C.L.: From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world - Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2000 – 324 p. - ISBN: 026202473X (Lang.: eng). In: College and Research Libraries, 62(2001)2,p.197-199.

24872001-0145textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Brophy, P. (Book review of) Borgman, C.L.: From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world - Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2000 – 324 p. - ISBN: 026202473X (Lang.: eng). In: Education for Information, 18(2000)4,p.339-343.

28102001-0468textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Hill, L.L. (Book review of) Borgman, C.L.: From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world - Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2000 – 324 p. - ISBN: 026202473X (Lang.: eng). In: Library & Information Science Research, 23(2001), p.197-200.

29802002-0005textbooks on KO foundations information science literature reviews 07.1;111;02
Day, M. (Book review of) Borgman, C.L.: From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world – Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2000 - 324 p. - ISBN: 026202473x (Lang.: eng). In: Ariadne, (2001)27. Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue27/review/ intro.html

23462001-0004textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Arms, C.R. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: D-Lib Magazine, 7(2001)1,3 p. Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january01/01bookreview.html

23472001-0005textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Andersen, J. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Documentation, 3(2001)57,p.312-315.

23482001-0006textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Hudon, M. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Library and Information Science Research, 23(2001)1,p.93-102.

23492001-0007textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Campbell, G. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.173-175.

24892001-0147textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Line, M.B. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Ariadne, (2000)25. Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue25/review/

24902001-0148textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Bowker, G.C. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Information Processing and Management, 37(2001)5,p.763-764.

24912001-0149textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Winston, M. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: College and Research Libraries, 62(2001)2,p.203-206.

28112001-0469textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Hirtle, P.B. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 1(2001)3, p.358-159.

28122001-0470textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Willer, M. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 30(2001)4, p.78-79.

33302003-0004textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Henriksen, T. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization. - Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000. - xviii, 255 p. - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Information Research: an International Electronic Journal, 7(2002)2 [electr.]. Available at http://informationr.net/ir/reviews/revs047.html

24932001-0151KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Bakewell, K.G. (Book review of) Marcella, R., Maltby, A.: The future of classification. - Aldershot: Gower, 2000. - 160 p. - ISBN: 0566079925 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 32(2000)4,p.218-219.

28132001-0471KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Forgette, R.E.A. (Book review of) The future of classification / ed.by R.Marcella, A.Maltby - Aldershot: Gower, 2000 – 160 p. - ISBN: 0566079925 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 25(2001), p.238-239.

28142001-0472KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Hjørland, B. (Book review of) The future of classification / ed.by R.Marcella, A.Maltby - Aldershot: Gower, 2000 – 160 p. - ISBN: 0566079925 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)1,p.57.

28152001-0473KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Petrou, A.D. (Book review of) Saving the time of the library user through subject access innovation: papers in honor of Pauline Atherton Cochrane / ed. by W.J. Wheeler. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: GSLIS Publications Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. - 217 p. - ISBN: 0878451080 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)1,p.58-60.

29812002-0006KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Clarke, S.G.D. (Book review of) The future of classification / ed.by R.Marcella, A.Maltby - Aldershot: Gower, 2000 - 160 p. - ISBN: 0566079925 (Lang.: eng). In: Managing Information, 7(2000)6, p.75.

4661997-4-0467literature reviews 07.2/.3;02
Müller-Dreier, A. Book review of Iyer, H.: Classificatory structures: concepts, relations, and representation. Frankfurt: Indeks-Verlag, 1995. II,232 p (Lang.: ger). In: Bibliothek, Forschung und Praxis 21 (1997)3. p.372-373.

6281998-0005literature reviews 07.2/.3;02
Green, R. Book review of Iyer, H. - Classificatory structures: concepts, relations, and representation. Frankfurt: Indeks-Verlag, 1995. II,232 p. ISBN: 388672501 (Lang.: ). In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 1997(21)3,p. 240.

3251997-3-0324maths in KO literature reviews 07.2/3;02
Robins, D.B. Book review of Iyer, H.: Classificatory structures: Concepts, Relations, and Representation. Frankfurt: INDEKS Verl. 1995. II,232p (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 2337(1997)3/4. p.165-167.

3261997-3-0325textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Lorenz, B.W.J. Book review of Buder, M., Rehfeld, W., Seeger, Th., Strauch, D. (eds.). Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation: ein Handbuch zur Einführung in die fachliche Informationsarbeit. 4. völl. überarb. Aufl. München: Saur, 1997. xlii, 1069 p. ISBN 3-598-11310-2 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization 24(1997)2. p.119-120.

4671997-4-0468textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Chan, L.M.: Cataloguing and classification : an introduction. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. 519 p. ISBN: 0-07-010506-5 (Lang.: eng). In: Lucknow librarian 27 (1995)1/4. p.74.

4681997-4-0469textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Marcella, R. Book review of Foskett, A.C.: The subject approach to information. - 5th ed. London: Library association publishing, 1996. 458 p (Lang.: eng). In: Catalogue & Index (1996)122. p.12,11.

6291998-0006textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
James, S. Book review of Oddy, P. - Future libraries, future catalogues. London: Library Association Publishing, 1996. 180 p. ISBN: 185604161 (Lang.: ). In: Library Review 1997(46)7/8,p.594-595.

6301998-0007textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Harvey, R. Book review of Foskett, A.C. - The subject approach to information. 5th ed. London : Library Association Publishing, 1996. xv, 456 p. ISBN: 185604038 (Lang.: ). In: Cataloguing Australia 1997(23)1/2,p. 35-36.

7871998-0163textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Monie, I.C. Book review of Lancaster, F.W., Sandore, B. - Technology and management in library and documentation. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1997. - 322 p. - ISBN 1856042227 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 47(1998)1/2,p.45-46.

7881998-0164textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Evans, G.E., Heft, S. - Introduction to technical services. - 6th ed. - Englewood, Colo : Libraries Unlimited, 1994.- xxi,534 p. - (Library science text series) - ISBN 087287966 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)1/2,p.50-51.

9911998-0367textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Anderson, D. Book review of Foskett, A.C. - The subject approach to information. 5th ed. London : Library Association Publishing, 1996. xv, 456 p. ISBN 1856040388 (Lang.: ).

9921998-0368textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Jagodzinski, C.M. B. Book review of Foskett, A.C. - The subject approach to information. 5th ed. London : Library Association Publishing, 1996. xv, 456 p. ISBN 1856040388 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Academic Librarienship, 23(1997)1 p.59).

12151999-0010textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Sawyer, S. Book review of Cataloging and classification: trends, transformations, teaching, and training / ed. by J.R. Shearer and A.R. Thomas. - New York: Haworth, 1997. - 210 p. - ISBN: 0789003406 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Academic Librarianship , 24(1998)4,p.330-331.

12161999-0011textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Chase, L. Book review of Cataloging and classification: trends, transformations, teaching, and training / ed. by J.R. Shearer and A.R. Thomas. - New York: Haworth, 1997. - 210 p. - ISBN: 0789003406 (Lang.: eng). In: Reference User Services Quarterly , 37(1997)2,p.236-237.

20342000-0310textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Rokke, C.M. (Book review of) Lancaster, F.W., Sandore, B.: Technology and management in library and documentation. - London: Library Association Publishing; Champaign, IL.: University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1997. - 322 p. - ISBN: 1856042227 [London]; ISBN: 0878450998 [Champaign] (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Information Supply, 9(1998)2,p.117-118. ** LISA 1999-10824

23502001-0008textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Kaula, P.N. (Book review of) Langridge, D.W.: Classification: its kind, elements, systems and appliction. - London: Bowker-Saur, 1992. - 84 p. - ISBN: 0862916224 (Lang.: eng). In: Herald of Library Science, 38(1999)3/4,p.256-257.

39302005-32-1-0008textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Poulter, A. (Book review of) Broughton, V.: Essential Classification. - London : Facet Publishing, 2004. - 272p. - ISBN: 1856045145 (Lang.: eng). In: Center for information and computer sciences book reviews [electron.]. Available at http://www.ics.ltsn.ac.uk/books/reviewed/Essential_Classifica­tion.htm

39312005-32-1-0009textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Smith, N. (Book review of) Batley, S.: Classification in theory and practice. - Chandos Publishing, 2003. - 200 p. - ISBN: 1843340386 (Lang.: eng). In: Center for information and computer sciences book reviews [electron.]. Available at http://www.ics.ltsn.ac.uk/books/reviewed/Classification_in_­theory_and_practice.htm

48182007-0010textbooks on KO general questions literature reviews 07.21;02
Macgregor, A. (Book review of) Broughton, V.: Essential Classification - London: Facet Publishing, 2004 - 272p. -ISBN: 1856045145 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 55(2006)1, p.75-76.

40712005-32-2-0147textbooks on KO general questions 07.21;07.51
Gaus, W. Dokumentations und Ordnungslehre. Theorie und Praxis des Information Retrieval [Documentation and Order Science. Theory and Practice of Information Retrieval] (Lang.: ger). Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 2003. pp. X, 400. ISBN: 3540435050. 113 figs

23512001-0009textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory literature reviews 07.21;211;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of) Subject indexing systems : concepts, methods and techniques / ed. by S.B. Ghosh, Satpathy, J.N. - Calcutta: Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC), 1998. - iii, 397 p (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.177-178.

40742005-32-2-0150textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory literature reviews 07.21;211;02
Hudon, M. (Book review of) Broughton, V.: Essential Classification. - New York, NY: Neal-Schuman, 2004. - 324 p.- ISBN: 1555705073 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)1, p.47-49.

42212005-32-4-0296textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory literature reviews 07.21;211;02
Henriksen, T. (Book review of) Broughton, V.: Essential Classification. - New York, NY: Neal-Schuman, 2004. - 324 p.- ISBN: 1555705073 (Lang.: eng). In: Information research: an international electronical journal, 10(2005)3 [electron]. Available at http://informationr.net/ir/reviews/revs168.html

24922001-0150textbooks on KO general questions thesauri literature reviews 07.21;214;02
James, S. (Book review of) Lanzi, D.M.: Introduction to vocabularies : enhancing access to cultural heritage information. - Los Angeles, CA.: The Getty Trust Publications, 1999. - 62 p. - ISBN: 0892365447 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 49(2000)3/4,p.203-204.

29822002-0007textbooks on KO general questions thesauri literature reviews 07.21;214;02
Greenberg, J. (Book review of) Lanzi, D.M.: Introduction to vocabularies : enhancing access to cultural heritage information - Los Angeles, CA.: The Getty Trust Publications, 1999 - 62 p. - ISBN: 0892365447 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 44(2000)2, p.106-107.

9931998-0369textbooks on KOS construction thesaurus construction literature reviews 07.23;235;02
Will, L. Book review of Aitchison, J., Gilchrist, A., Bawden, D. Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual. - 3rd. ed. - London: Aslib, 1997. - 212 p. - ISBN 0851423906 (Lang.: eng). In: Managing Information, 5(1998)3,p.42.

12171999-0012textbooks on KOS construction thesaurus construction literature reviews 07.23;235;02
Releya, H.C. Book review of Aitchison, J., Gilchrist, A., Bawden, D. Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual. - 3rd. ed. - London: Aslib, 1997. - 212 p. - ISBN: 0851423906 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review , 48(1999)1/2,p.104-105.

15181999-0312textbooks on KOS construction thesaurus construction literature reviews 07.23;235;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Aitchison, J., Gilchrist, A., Bawden, D. Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual. - 3rd. ed. - London: Aslib, 1997. - 212 p. - ISBN: 0851423906 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)2, p.103-104.

26442001-0302textbooks on KOS construction thesaurus construction literature reviews 07.23;235;02
Dextre Clarke, S. (Book review of) Aitchison, J., Gilchrist, A., Bawden, D.Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual. - 4th.ed. - London: Aslib, 2000. - 218 p. - ISBN: 0851424465 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 31(1999)1, p.49-50.

26452001-0303textbooks on indexing LCC literature reviews 07.3;44;02
Cohen, A. (Book review of) Ferguson, B.: Subject Analysis: Blitz cataloging workbook. - Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. - 135 p. - ISBN: 156308645X (Lang.: eng). In: Library Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services, 24(2000), p.519-520.

12181999-0013textbooks on indexing indexing problems literature reviews 07.3;811;02
Turkulin, B. Book review of Mikacic, M.: Teorijski osnove sustava za predmetno oznacivanje [Theoretical foundations of a system for subject designation]. - Zagreb, Croatia: Hrvatsko Bibliotekarsko Drustvo, 1996. - 435 p. - ISBN: 9536001039 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)4,p.222-225.

3271997-3-0326literature reviews 07.382;02
Wilson, C.R. Book review of Thatcher, V.S.: Indexes : writing, editing, production. - Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press 1995. 164p (Lang.: eng). In: Business Information Alert 8(1996)7. p.13-14.

4691997-4-0470textbooks on library classification literature reviews 07.41;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Lancaster, D.W.: Classification: its kinds, elements, systems and applications. London: Bowker-Saur, 1992. 84 p. ISBN: 0-86291-622-4 (Lang.: eng). In: Lucknow librarian 27 (1995)1/4. p.66-67.

29832002-0008DDC literature reviews 07.43;43;02
Fountain, J.F. (Book review of) Mortimer, M.: Learn Dewey Decimal Classification (Edition 21) - Lanham, MD : Scarecrow Press, 2000 – 145 p. - ISBN: 0810836947 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 25(2001), p.240-241.

31672002-0189DDC literature reviews 07.43;43;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of) Mortimer, M.: Learn Dewey Decimal Classification (Edition 21) - Canberra: DocuMatrix, 1998 - 132 p. - ISBN: 0876283025 (Lang.: eng). In: Asian Libraries, 8(1999)1, p. 389-390.

3281997-3-0327textbooks on IR literature reviews 07.75;02
Brunt, R. Book review of Ellis, D. Progress and problems in information retrieval (Lang.: eng). In: Catalogue & Index (1997)123. p.8.

9941998-0370textbooks on IR literature reviews 07.75;02
Revie, C. Book review of Ellis, D. Progress and problems in information retrieval. - 2nd ed. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1996. - 220 p. - ISBN 1856041239 (Lang.: eng). In: Program, 32(1998)2,p.190-192.

21832000-0459textbooks on IR literature reviews 07.75;02
Tedd, L.A. (Book review of)Bradley, P.: The advanced Internet searcher's handbook. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - 232 p. - ISBN: 1856043029 (Lang.: eng). In: Program, 33(1999)4,p.387-388.

39322005-32-1-0010textbooks on IR literature reviews online retrieval problems 07.75;02;751
Smith, D.G. (Book review of) Bourne, C.P., Berlando Hahn, T.: A history of online information services, 1963-1976. - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. - 492 p. - ISBN: 0262025388 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)7, p.652-653.

24942001-0152textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Vickery, B.C. (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - xx,452 p. - ISBN: 1856043185 (Lang.: eng). In: Program, 34(2000)2,p.231-232.

24952001-0153textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Bolger, D.F. (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - xx,452 p. - ISBN: 1856043185 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Information Supply, 10(2000)3,p.112-113.

24962001-0154textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Bruce, C. (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - xx,452 p. - ISBN: 1856043185 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Library Journal, 49(2000)4,p.369.

26462001-0304textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Barker, A.L. (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - xx,452 p. - ISBN: 1856043185 (Lang.: eng). In: Online Information Review, 24(2000)2, p.175-177.

28162001-0474textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Anderson, S.C. (Book review of) Walker, G., Janes, J.: Online retrieval: a dialogue of theory and practice - 2nd ed – Englewood CO., : Libraries United, 1999 - 312 p. - ISBN: 1563036573 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Libray Journal, 49(2000)2,p.178-179.

28172001-0475textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Hartley, R.J. (Book review of) Burke, M.A.: Organization of multimedia resources: principles and practice of information retrieval - Aldershot: Gower, 1999 – ISBN: 0566081717 (Lang.: eng). In: Education for Information, 18(2000)1,p.86-87.

33322003-0006textbooks on IR online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;751;02
Maceviciute, E. (Book review of) Rice, R.E., McCreadie, M.M., Chang, S.L.: Accessing and browsing information and communication. - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001 - 357p. - ISBN: 0262182149 (Lang.: eng). In: Information Research: an International Electronic Journal, 7(2002)2 [electr.]. Available at http://informationr.net/ir/reviews/revs050.html

23532001-0011textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Green, R. (Book review of) Knowledge discovery in bilbiographic databases / ed. by J. Qin, M.J. Norton. - In: Library Trends 48(1999)1 (Lang.: eng). In: Library and Information Science Research, 22(2001)4,p.433-435.

23542001-0012textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Kwasnik, B. (Book review of) Bowker, G.C., Star, S.L.: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999 – 389 p. - ISBN: 0262024616 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.175-177.

26472001-0305textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Bean, C.A. (Book review of) Knowledge discovery in bilbiographic databases / ed.by J.Qin, M.J.Norton. - In: Library Trends 48(1999)1 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)1, p.44-45.

28182001-0476textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Tedd, L.A. (Book review of) Cooke, A.: A guide to finding quality information on the Internet: selection and evaluation strategies - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999 – 169 p. - ISBN: 1856042677 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 32(2000)1,p.46-47.

28192001-0477textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Williams, J. (Book review of) Bowker, G.C., Star, S.L.: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999 – 389 p. - ISBN: 0262024616 (Lang.: eng). In: College & Research Libraries, 61(2000)4, p.380-381.

29842002-0009textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Intner, S.S. (Book review of) Knowledge discovery in bilbiographic databases / ed.by J.Qin, M.J.Norton - In: Library Trends 48(1999)1 (Lang.: eng). In: Technicalities, 19(1999)10, p.12-13.

29852002-0010textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Olson, H.A. (Book review of) Bowker, G.C., Star, S.L.: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999 - 389 p - ISBN: 0262024616 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 44(2000)4, p.107-108.

29872002-0012textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Brooks, T.A. (Book review of) Bowker, G.C., Star, S.L.: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999 - 389 p - ISBN: 0262024616 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)12, p.1149-1150.

29882002-0013textbooks on IR search engines literature reviews 07.75;757;02
Fidel, R. (Book review of) Bowker, G.C., Star, S.L.: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999 - 389 p - ISBN: 0262024616 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Academic Librarianship, 26(2000)5, p.370-371.

23552001-0013textbooks on IR cataloging online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;942;751;02
Anderson, J.D. (Book review of) Rowley, J., Farrow, J.: Organizing knowledge : an introduction to managing access to information - 3rd ed – Aldershot: Gower, 2000 – xix, 424 p - ISBN: 0566080478 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Documentation, 57(2001)3,p.444-448.

28202001-0478textbooks on IR cataloging online retrieval problems literature reviews 07.75;942;751;02
Tran, L.A. (Book review of) Rowley, J., Farrow, J.: Organizing knowledge : an introduction to managing access to information - 3rd ed – Aldershot: Gower, 2000 – xix, 424 p - ISBN: 0566080478 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 25(2001), p.241-242.

6311998-0008textbooks for terminology literature reviews 07.77;02
Wright, S.E. Book review of Budin, G. - Wissenorganisation und Terminologie: Die Komplexität und Dynamik wissenschaftlicher Informations- und Kommunikationsprozese (Lang.: ). In: Knowledge Organization 1997(24)3,p.190-192.

20382000-0314textbooks on applied indexing indexing problems bibliography 07.81;07.94;811;941
Intner, S.S., Weihs, J., [et al.]. Special libraries : a cataloging guide (Lang.: eng). Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlimited, 1998. pp. Xiv, 425. ISBN: 0872879550.

24972001-0155archive indexing archival description literature reviews 07.84;847;943;02
James, S. (Book review of) Fox, M.J., Wilkerson, P.L., Warren, S.R.: Introduction to archival organization and description. - Los Angeles, CA.: Getty Trust Publications, 1999. - 58 p. - ISBN: 0892365455 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 49(2000)3/4,p.203-204.

29892002-0014archive indexing archival description literature reviews 07.84;847;943;02
Greenberg, J. (Book review of) Fox, M.J., Wilkerson, P.L., Warren, S.R.: Introduction to archival organization and description - Los Angeles, CA.: Getty Trust Publications, 1999 - 58 p - ISBN: 0892365455 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 44(2000)2, p.106-107.

44002006-33-2-0004textbooks on book indexing literature reviews 07.85;02
Jacobs, C. (Book review of) Mulvany, N.C.: Indexing books. 2nd ed. Chicago University of Chicago Press, 2005. xiv, 315 p. ISBN 0226552764 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)4, p.160-162.

26482001-0306bibliographic description literature reviews 07.94;946;02
Salmond, R. (Book review of) Mortimer, M.: Learn descriptive cataloguing - Canberra: DocuMatrix, 1998 – 247 p. - ISBN: 1876283017 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Library Journal, 49(2000)1, p.87-88.

28212001-0479bibliographic description literature reviews 07.94;946;02
Duckett, B. (Book review of) Mortimer, M.: Learn descriptive cataloguing - Canberra: DocuMatrix, 1998 – 247 p. - ISBN: 1876283017 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 49(2000)7, p.354-355.

3301997-3-0329monographs on KO general questions literature reviews 08.21;02
Exner, F. Book review of B.C. O'Connor: Explorations in indexing and abstracting : pointing, virtue and power. Englewood, CO : Libraries Unlimited, 1996. 173 p. ISBN 1563081849 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American society for information science 48(1997)3. p.282-283.

6321998-0009monographs on KO general questions literature reviews 08.21;02
Smith, N. Book review of B.C. O'Connor: Explorations in indexing and abstracting : pointing, virtue and power. Englewood, CO : Libraries Unlimited, 1996. 173 p. ISBN: 1563081849 (Lang.: ). In: Education for information 1997(15)3,p.250-251.

6331998-0010monographs on KO general questions literature reviews 08.21;02
Weinberg, B.H. Book review of B.C. O'Connor: Explorations in indexing and abstracting : pointing, virtue and power. Englewood, CO : Libraries Unlimited, 1996. 173 p. ISBN: 1563081849 (Lang.: ). In: Journal of Academic Librarianship 1997(23)3,p. 242.

12191999-0014literature reviews 08.3;02
Harvey, R. Book review of Classification: Options and opportunities / ed. by A.R. Thomas. New York: Haworth Press, 1995. 242 p. (Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 19(1995)3/4) (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 29(1998)1,p.64.

1511997-2-0150 08.31;08.85
Fugmann, R. Book review of Wellisch, H.H.: Indexing from A to Z. Dublin, New York :H.W. Wilson, 1995. 569 p. ISBN 082420882X (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge organization 21(1997)1. p.48-50.

1521997-2-0151 08.31;08.85
Dowling, M. Book review of Wellisch, H.H.: Indexing from A to Z. Dublin, New York :H.W. Wilson, 1995. 569 p. ISBN 082420882X (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Scholarly Publishing 28(1996)1. p.60-61.

1531997-2-0152 08.31;08.85
Piggott, M. Book review of Wellisch, H.H.: Indexing from A to Z. Dublin, New York :H.W. Wilson, 1995. 569 p. ISBN 082420882X (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer 20(1997)3. p.175.

6341998-0011literature reviews 08.31;08.85;02
Bell, H.K. Book review of Wellisch, H.H. - Indexing from A to Z. Dublin, New York :H.W. Wilson, 1995. 569 p. ISBN: 08242088X (Lang.: ). In: Learned Publishing 1997(10)2,p.185.

3321997-3-0331literature reviews 08.32;02
Weinberg, B.H. Book review of Drabenstott, K.M.: Enhancing a new design for subject access to online catalogs. Ann Arbor, MI: School of Information and Libraries Studies. University of Michigan, 1994. 162 p (Lang.: eng). In: Library resources & technical services 41(1997)1. p.60-67.

3331997-3-0332literature reviews 08.32;02
Weinberg, B.H. Book review of Drabenstott, K.M., Weller, M.S.: Testing a new design for subject access to online catalogs. Ann Arbor, MI: School of Information and Libraries Studies. University of Michigan, 1995. 370 p (Lang.: eng). In: Library resources & technical services 41(1997)1. p.60-67.

3341997-3-0333literature reviews 08.32;02
Weinberg, B.H. Book review of Drabenstott, K.M., Vizine-Goetz, D.: Using subject headings for online retrieval: theory, practice and potential.San Diego: Academic Press, 1994. 365 p. ISBN 0122215702 (Lang.: eng). In: Library resources & technical services 41(1997)1. p.60-67.

24982001-0156festschrifts for KO persons literature reviews 08.92;02
Borko, H. (Book review of) Saving the time of the library user through subject access innovation: papers in honor of Pauline Atherton Cochrane / ed. by W.J. Wheeler. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: GSLIS Publications Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. - 217 p. - ISBN: 0878451080 (Lang.: eng). In: Information Processing and Management, 37(2001)5,p.766-767.

26492001-0307festschrifts for KO persons literature reviews 08.92;02
Bertrand-Gastaldy, S. (Book review of) Saving the time of the library user through subject access innovation: papers in honor of Pauline Atherton Cochrane / ed. by W.J. Wheeler. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: GSLIS Publications Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. - 217 p. - ISBN: 0878451080 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)2, p.97-100.

28222001-0480festschrifts for KO persons literature reviews 08.92;02
Karpuk, D.J. (Book review of) Saving the time of the library user through subject access innovation: papers in honor of Pauline Atherton Cochrane / ed. by W.J. Wheeler. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: GSLIS Publications Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. - 217 p. - ISBN: 0878451080 (Lang.: eng). In: Library & Information Science Research, 23(2001), p.200-202.

7891998-0165literature reviews 08.99;02
O'Brien, A. Book review of Cataloguing and classification standards and rules / ed. by J.J. Riemer. - New York: Haworth Press, 1996. - ISBN: 1560248068 (Lang.: eng). In: Electronic Library, 16(1998)1,p.63-64.

23562001-0014KO standardization problems literature reviews 08.99;991;02
Bowman, J.H. (Book review of) Cataloguing and classification standards and rules / ed. by J.J. Riemer. - New York: Haworth Press, 1996. - ISBN: 1560248068 (Lang.: eng). In: Catalogue & Index, (1998)128,p.9, 12. * Book also publ. as Cataloguing and Classification Quarterly 21(1996)3/4

31742002-0196information science literature reviews 111;02
Williamson, N.J. (Book review of) Content organization in the new millennium / ed.by A.Neelameghan, K.N.Prasad - Bangalore : Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science, 2001 - 148p. - ISBN: 8190095714 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)4, p. 205-206.

16703information science conferences 111;06
Scherp, Guido; Kuhnert, Johanna. Bericht von der 3. Science 2.0 Conference in Köln [Report of the 3rd Science 2.0 conference at Cologne [Germany]] (Lang.: ger). In: B.I.T. online, 19(3)2016, pp. 271-273. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2016-03-reportage-scherp.pdf

9594information science conferences 111;06.09-08
Eberhardt, Joachim. [Book review of] Landry, Patrice; et al. (eds.) Subject Access: preparing for the Future. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. ISBN 3110234435. (Lang.: ger). In: ABI-Technik, 33(2013)1, pp. 63-64.

15321information science textbooks on KO general questions 111;07.21
Glushko, Robert J.. The discipline of organizing (Lang.: eng). Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2013. pp. 475 . ISBN: 9780262518505.

9416information science 111;08.1
Smiraglia, Richard P.; Lee, Hur-Li (eds.). Cultural frames of knowledge (Lang.: eng). Würzburg, Germany, Ergon, 2012. pp. 158. ISBN: 9783899139181.

9595information science 111;08.1
Frické, Martin. Logic and the organization of information (Lang.: eng). New York, Springer, 2012. pp. 312. ISBN: 9781461430872.

9597information science 111;08.1
Van Hooland, Seth. (Book review of) Frické, Martin. Logic and the organization of information. New York: Springer, 2012. pp. 312. ISBN 9781461430872 (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 443-445.

9412information science monographs on KO general questions 111;08.21
Matthews, Paul. (Book review of) Gilchrist, Alan (ed.). Information science in transition. London: Facet, 2009. pp. 401. ISBN: 1856046931, 9781856046930 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)6, pp. 463-465.

38122004-0337ainformation science KOS theory online retrieval problems literature reviews 111;211;751;02
Shiri, A. (Book review of) Knowledge Organization and International Informa­tion Retrieval / ed. by N.J. Williamson and C. Beghtol. - Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 37, 1/2 2003 – ISSN: 01639374 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 31(2004)2, p.116-117.

38132004-0338information science KOS theory online retrieval problems literature reviews 111;211;751;02
Campbell, G. (Book review of) Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment: proceedings of the IFLA Satellite Meeting held in Dublin, OH, 14-16 August 2001 and sponsored by the IFLA Classi­fication and Indexing Section, the IFLA Information Technology Section and OCLC / ed. by I.C. McIlwaine. - München: K.G. Saur, 2003. - ix, 193 p. - ISBN: 3958116349 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 31(2004)2, p.117-118.

44022006-33-2-0006information science online retrieval problems literature reviews 111;751;02
Lorenz, B. (Book review of) Umstätter, W. und Wagner-Döbler, R.: Einführung in die Katalogkunde. Vom Zettelkatalog zur Suchmaschine. 3. Auflage des Werkes von Karl Löffler, völlig neu bearbeitet. Stuttgart: Hiersemann 2005. XI, 172 S [Bibliography, catalogues, search engines: the end of documentation as modern librarianship] (Lang.: ger). In: Libreas, (2006)2 [electron.]. Available at http://www.ib.hu-berlin.de/~libreas/libreas_neu/ ausgabe4/009lor.htm

17482000-0024bases of concepts literature reviews 121;02
Priss, U. (Book review of)Ganter, B., Wille, R.: Formal concept analysis: mathematical foundations. - Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1999. - 284 p. - ISBN: 3540627715 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.172-173.

26512001-0309bases of concepts literature reviews 121;02
Shramko, Y. (Book review of) Kuznetsov, V.: The concept and its structures (in Russian) - Kiev : Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1997. - 237 p. - ISBN: 9667234053 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)2, p.95-97.

7941998-0170bases of concepts math KO theory literature reviews 121;131;02
Düwel, S., Hesse, W. Book review of Vogt, F. - Formale Begriffsanalyse mit C++. Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen. - Berlin [etc.]: Springer Verlag, 1996. - 323 p. - ISBN 354061071 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)1/2,p.47.

28232001-0481math KO theory textbooks on KO foundations literature reviews 131;07.1;02
Green, R. (Book review of) Levesque, H.J., Lakemeyer, G.: The logic of knowledge bases - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000 – 282 p. - ISBN: 0262122324 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)3,p.149-150.

16481frequency studies conferences 136;06
Dehdarirad, Tahereh. 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI) Conference: Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, June 29 to July 4, 2015 (Lang.: eng). In: B.I.T. online, 18(2015)5, pp. 452-454. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2015-05-reportage-dehdarirad.pdf

16694frequency studies conferences 136;06
Haustein, Stefanie. Vier Tage für fünf Jahre Altmetrics: Bericht über die Konferenz 2AM und den Workshop altmetrics15 [Four days for five years of altmetrics: Report on the 2AM conference and the altmetrics15 workshop] (Lang.: ger). In: B.I.T. online, 19(1)2016, pp. 110-112. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2016-01-reportage-haustein.pdf

45622006-33-3-0166math in online systems reviews in special KO fields 138;755;026
Thelwall, M., Vaughan, L., Björneborn , L. Webometrics (Lang.: eng). In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 39(2005)1, p.81-135. * Review article

12271999-0022neural networks literature reviews 147;02
Wilson, T. Book review of Artificial neural networks for information retrieval in a libraries context. - 1995. - ISBN: 9282746909 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science , 30(1998)2,p.143-145.

8011998-0177KM literature reviews 149;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Wissen managen : wie Unternehmen ihre wertvollste Resources optimal nutzen. Frankfurt: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung; Gables 2, 1998. 414 p. - ISBN 3409293175 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)1/2,p.32-35.

8021998-0178KM literature reviews 149;02
Kiel, E. Book review of Probst, G., Raub, S., Romhardt, K. - Wissen managen. Wie Unternehmen ihre wertvollste Ressource optimal nutzen. - Frankfurt: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung; Gabler 2, 1998. - 414 p. - ISBN 340929317 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)1/2,p.46-47.

17572000-0033KM literature reviews 149;02
Czap, H. (Book review of) Ortner, E. von: Methodenneutraler Fachentwurf: zu den Grundlagen einer anwendungsorienten Informatik. - Leipzig: B.G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, 1997. - 196 p. - (Teubner-Reihe Wirschatsinformatik) - ISBN: 3815426022 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.173-175.

20452000-0321KM literature reviews 149;02
Wiggins, B. (Book review of) Woods, E,. Sheina, M.: Knowledge management applications, markets and technologies. - London, UK: Ovum, 1998. - 230 p. - ISBN: 1898972397 (Lang.: eng). In: International Journal of Information Management, 19(1999)3,p.255-258.

20462000-0322KM literature reviews 149;02
Winzenried, A. (Book review of) Webb, S.: Knowledge management: linchpin of change. - London: Aslib, 1998. - 68 p. - ISBN: 0851424147 (Lang.: eng). In: Electronic Library, 17(1999)4,p.269-270.

25032001-0161KM literature reviews 149;02
Smith, A.G. (Book review of) Srikantaiah, T.K., Koenig, M.E.D.: Knowledge management for the information professional. - Medford, NJ.: Information Today Inc. for the American Society for Information Science, 2000. - 598 p. - ISBN: 157387079X (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Library Journal, 49(2000)4,p.387-389.

28252001-0483KM literature reviews 149;02
Piggott, S. (Book review of) Thierauf, R.J.: Knowledge management systems for business - S.L.: Quorum Books, 1999 – 376 p. - ISBN: 1567202187 (Lang.: eng). In: Business Information Alert, 12(2000)5, p.11-13.

29962002-0021KM literature reviews 149;02
Smith, A.G. (Book review of) Morey, D., Maybury, M., Thuraisingham, B.: Knowledge management: classic and contemporary works - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000 – 435 p. - ISBN: 0262133849 (Lang.: eng). In: Online Information Review, 25(2001)6, p.407-409.

29972002-0022KM literature reviews 149;02
Cullen, J. (Book review of) Morey, D., Maybury, M., Thuraisingham, B.: Knowledge management: classic and contemporary works - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000 – 435 p. - ISBN: 0262133849 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 52(2001)13, p.1190-1191.

29982002-0023KM literature reviews 149;02
Williams, R.V. (Book review of) Srikantaiah, T.K., Koenig, M.E.D.: Knowledge management for the information professional - Medford, NJ.: Information Today Inc.for the American Society for Information Science, 2000 – 598 p. - ISBN: 157387079x (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Academic Librarianship, 26(2000)5, p.368-369.

29992002-0024KM literature reviews 149;02
Davies, V. (Book review of) Srikantaiah, T.K., Koenig, M.E.D.: Knowledge management for the information professional - Medford, NJ.: Information Today Inc.for the American Society for Information Science, 2000 – 598 p. - ISBN: 157387079x (Lang.: eng). In: Managing information, 7(2000)7, p.80.

22012000-0477KM online retrieval problems literature reviews 149;751;02
Scibor, E. (Book review of) Sosíska-Kalata, B.: Modele organizacji wiedzy w systemach wyszukiwania informacji o dokumentach. - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo SBP, 1999. - 387 p. - ISBN: 8397629227 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)1/2,p.76-77. * Translation of title: Models of knowledge organization in documentary information retrieval systems

22022000-0478KM online retrieval problems literature reviews 149;751;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of) Harvey, R.: Organising knowledge in Australia: principles and policies in libraries and information centres. - Wagga Wagga, NSW: Charles Sturt University; Riverina: Centre for Information Studies, 1999. - xiv,317 p. - (Topics in Australian Library and Information Studies; 15) - ISBN: 0949060860 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)1/2,p.77-78.

17622000-0038thought and memory literature reviews 152;02
Wille, R. (Book review of) Prediger, S.: Kontuelle Urteilslogik mit Begriffsgraphen: ein Beitrag zur Restrukturierung der mathematischen Logik. - Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 1998. - 106 p. - ISBN: 3826539699 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.173-175.

12291999-0024science and KO problems KM literature reviews 161;149;02
Yu, E. Book review of Information technology for knowledge management / red. by U.M. Borghoff and R. Pareschi. - Berlin: Springer, 1998. - xi,232 p. - ISBN: 3540637648 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)4,p.218-222.

54672008-0010KO research reviews in special KO fields 18;026
Andoh-Baidoo, F.K., Baker, E.W., Susarapu, S.R. A review of IS research activities and outputs using pro forma abstracts (Lang.: eng). In: Information Resources Management Journal, 20(2007)4, pp.65-79.

15261999-0320KO research problems literature reviews 181;02
Lampson, M. Book review of Visualizing subject access for 21st century resources / ed. by P.A. Cochrane and E.H. Johnson. - Urbana-Champaign, IL. : Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)3, p.206-208.

26552001-0313KO research problems literature reviews 181;02
Fountain, J.F. (Book review of) Visualizing subject access for 21st century resources / ed.by P.A.Cochrane and E.H.Johnson. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). In: Library Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services, 24(2000)p,520-521.

25042001-0162classification history literature reviews 191;02
Heine, M.H. (Book review of) Hahn, T.B., Buckland, M.: Historical studies in information science. - Medford, NJ.: Information Today Inc for the American Society for Information Science, 1998. - 326 p. - ISBN: 1573870625 (Lang.: eng). In: Education for Information, 18(2000)4,p.343-346.

4731997-4-0474history of related subjects general bibliographies 196;011
Fernandez, F.S., Moreno, A.G. History of information science in Spain : a selected bibliography (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American society for information science. p.369-372.

4741997-4-0475history of related subjects general bibliographies 196;011
Williams, R.V., Whitmire, L., Bradley, C. Bibliography of the history of information science in North Amarica, 1900-1995 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American society for information science. p.373-379.

17702000-0046KOS theory literature reviews 211;02
Jacobs, C. (Book review of)How classifications work: problems and challenges in an electronic age / Ed. by G.C. Bowker, S.L. Star. - In: Library trends 47(1998)2,p.185-340 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.168-169.

47002006-33-4-0303KOS theory literature reviews 211;02
Oberhauser, O. (Book review of) Bertram, J.: Einführung in die inhaltliche Erschliessung: Grundlagen Methoden Instrumente. Würzburg: Ergon, 2005. 315 p. ISBN 3899134427 (Lang.: ger). In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 59(2006)1, p.63-66.

47012006-33-4-0304KOS theory literature reviews 211;02
Oberhauser, O. (Book review of) Batley, S. Classification in Theory and Practice. Oxford: Chandos, 2005. xi, 181 p. ISBN 1843340836, 1843340941 (Lang.: ger). In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 59(2006)1, p.58-60.

23702001-0028KOS theory conferences 211;06.00-11-12
Soergel, D. ASIS&T SIG/CR 2000 : classification for user support and learning (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.165-172.

42302005-32-4-0305KOS theory library KOS literature reviews 211;411;02
Albrechtsen, H. (Book review of) Szostak, R.: Classifying science : phenomena, data, theory, method, practice. - Dordrecht: Springer, 2004. - 286 p. - ISBN: 1402030940 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)2, p.93-95.

42312005-32-4-0306KOS theory library KOS literature reviews 211;411;02
Gilchrist, A. (Book review of) The thesaurus: review, renaissance and revision / ed. by Roe, S.K., Thomas, A.R. - Binghamton: The Haworth Information Press, 2004. - 209 p. - ISBN: 0789019787 (hardcover) ISBN: 0789019795 (paperback) (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)2, p.93-95.

16476KOS theory semantic networks conferences 211;725;06
Campos, Linair Maria; Barbosa, Nilson Theobald. Aplicação de dados abertos ligados baseada em ontologia: apoio para o relato de experimentos em um domínio científico e sua análise [Application of linked open date based on ontology: support for the report of experiments in scientific domain and its application] (Lang.: por). In: Desafíos y oportunidades de las Ciencias de la Información y la Documentación en la era digital: actas del VII Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2015 (Madrid, 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2015). Available at http://edicic2015.org.es/ucmdocs/actas/art/179-Campos_dados-abertos.pdf

42352005-32-4-0310thesauri literature reviews 214;02
Norman, A. (Book review of) Antoniou, G.,Van Harmelen, F. A.: Semantic Web primer. - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004. - 238 p. - ISBN: 0262012103 (Lang.: eng). In: Information research: an international electronical journal, 10(2005)2 [electron]. Available at http://informationr.net/ir/reviews/revs166.html

42362005-32-4-0311thesauri literature reviews 214;02
Höglund, L. (Book review of) Knowledge management lessons learned: what works and what doesn't / ed. by Koenig, M.E.D. and Srikantaiah, T. K. -Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2004. - xxv, 595 p. - (ASIST Monograph Series) - ISBN: 1573871818 (Lang.: eng). In: Information research: an international electronical journal, 10(2005)2 [electron]. Available at http://informationr.net/ir/reviews/revs165.html

42372005-32-4-0312thesauri literature reviews 214;02
Che, H.Y. (Book review of) Antoniou, G.,Van Harmelen, F. A.: Semantic Web primer. - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004. - 238 p. - ISBN: 0262012103 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)8, p.1132.

42382005-32-4-0313thesauri literature reviews 214;02
Bates, M.J. Fundamental forms of information (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)8, p.1033-1045.

9608KOS use reviews in special KO fields 217;026
Martínez-Ávila, Daniel; San Segundo, Rosa. Reader-interest classification: concept and terminology historical overview (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)2, pp. 102-114.

50342007-0263descriptors data indexing materials science general reviews 226;82-38;021
Kajikawa, Y., Abe, K., Noda, S. Filling the gap between researchers studying different materials and different methods: a proposal for structured keywords (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Information Science, 32(2007)6, p.511-524.

33442003-0018thesaurus construction literature reviews 235;02
Booth, P.F. (Book review of) Aitchison, J., Gilchrist, A., Bawden, D. Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual. - 4th.ed. - London: Aslib, 2000. - 218 p. - ISBN: 0851424465 (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 23(2002)1,p.53.

9458mapping conferences 285;06.10-07-19/20
Dahlberg, Ingetraut. (Book review of) Boteram, Felix; Gödert, Winfried; Hubrich, Jessica (eds.). Concepts in context: proceedings of the Cologne conference on interoperability and semantics in knowledge organization, July 19-20, 2010, Germany: Ergon Verlag, 2011 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)6, pp. 461-463.

52952007-0532comparison of classifications various universal KOS agriculture 292;048-46
Kim, S., Beck, H. W. A practical comparison between thesaurus and ontology techniques as a basis for search improvement (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 7(2006)4, p.23-42.

18366KOS comparative analysis UDC Bliss Cl. 295;042;045
Smiraglia, Richard P.; Szostak, Rick . Converting UDC to BCC: comparative approaches to interdisciplinarity (Lang.: eng). In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 530-538.

17942000-0070indexing principles conferences 311;06.00-07-10/13
Dynamism and stability in knowledge organization : Proceedings of the Sixth International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000 Toronto, Canada / organized by Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto and the International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO); ed. by C. Beghtol, L.C. Howarth, N.J. Williamson (Lang.: eng). Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2000. pp. Xii, 412.(Advances in Knowledge Organization ; 7). * For the separate papers, see: 2000-[0016-0019, 0021, 0035, 0036, 0039-0042, 0047, 0049, 0052-0054, 0059, 0061, 0064, 0066, 0067, 0069-0071, 0077, 0095, 0098, 0109, 0112, 0121, 0126, 0137-0139, 0149, 0164-0169, 0180-0183, 0185, 0212, 0228, 0241, 0250, 0256, 0259, 0260, 0286, 0289, 0294, 0299]

8291998-0205indexing principles KOS theory literature reviews 311;211;02
Harvey, R. Book review of From classification to knowledge organization: Dorking revisited or past is prelude/ ed. by A. Gilchrist. - The Hague: FID 1997. - 185 p. - (FID Publication ; 714) - ISBN 9266007141 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Library Journal, 46(1997)4,p.423-424.

10231998-0399indexing principles KOS theory literature reviews 311;211;02
Furner, J. Book review of From classification to knowledge organization: Dorking revisited or past is prelude / ed. by A. Gilchrist. - The Hague: FID 1997. - 185 p. - (FID Publication ; 714) - ISBN 9266007141 (Lang.: eng). In: Managing Informationl, 5(1998)1/2,p.43.

15381999-0332indexing principles KOS theory literature reviews 311;211;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of From classification to knowledge organization: "Dorking revisited" or "past is prelude" / ed. by A. Gilchrist. - The Hague: FID, 1997. - 185 p. - (FID Publication ; 714) - ISBN: 92660071415 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.56-57.

20532000-0329aboutness literature reviews 321;02
Weihs, J. (Book review of) Ferguson, B.: Blitz cataloguing workbooks: subject analysis. - Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. - 135p. - ISBN: 156308645X (Lang.: eng). In: Technicalities, 19(1999)1,p.13.

37592004-0286aboutness literature reviews 321;02
Herrero Pascual, C. (Book review of) Bereijo Martínez, A.: Bases teóricas del análisis documental: la calidad de objetivos, procesos y resultados. Madrid: Universidad Carlos III, 202, 319 p (Lang.: spa). In: Anales de Documentación, 6(2003), p.295. Available at http://www.um.es/fccd/anales/ad06/ad0620.pdf

37602004-0287aboutness literature reviews 321;02
García Jiménez, A. Instrumentos de representación del conocimiento : tesauros versus ontologías [Tools of knowledge represenation: thesauri versus ontologies] (Lang.: spa). In: Anales de Documentación, 7(2004), p.79-95. Available at http://www.um.es/fccd/anales/ad07/ad0706.pdf

47062006-33-4-0309aboutness reviews in special KO fields 321;026
Saracevic, T. Relevance : a review of the literature and a framework for thinking on the notion in information science. Part II (Lang.: eng). In: IAdvances in Librarianship, 30(2006), p.3-71.

54902008-0033aboutness reviews in special KO fields 321;026
Saracevic, T. Relevance: a review of the literature and a framework for thinking on the notion in information science. Part II: nature and manifestations of relevance (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)13, pp.1915-1933.

15391999-0333aboutness KOS theory reviews in special KO fields information sciences 321;211;026-82
McIlwaine, I., Williamson, N.J. International trends in subject analysis research (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.23-29.

47102006-33-4-0313data analysis algebraic methods reviews in special KO fields 322;132;026
Priss, U. Formal concept analysis in information science (Lang.: eng). In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 40(2006), p.521-543.

35382004-0065subject analysis literature reviews 323;02
Hudon, M. (Book review of) Sauperl, A.: Subject determination during the cataloging process. - Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2002. - 173 p. - ISBN: 0810842890 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)2, p.114-115.

5381997-4-0539abstracting literature reviews 326;02
Bean, C.A. Book review of Gremmings, E.T. The art of abstracting. - 3rd ed. Arlington: Information resources press, 1996. 230 p. ISBN: 0878150568 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American society for information science 48 (1997)7. p.670-671.

8331998-0209abstracting literature reviews 326;02
Tibbo, H.R. Book Review of Crimmins, E.T - The art of abstracting. Arlington: Information Resources Press, 1996. xvii, 230 p. - ISBN 087815066 (Lang.: ). In: Information Processing & Management, 33(1997)4 p. 573).

23782001-0036abstracting NLP methods literature reviews 326;733;02
Saggion, H. (Book review of) Advances in automatic text summarization / ed. by I. Mani, M.T. Maybury. - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999. - 434 p. - ISBN: 0262133598 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.178-180.

35402004-0067abstracting NLP methods literature reviews 326;733;02
Lincicium, S.J. (Book review of) Mani, T.: Automatic summarization. - Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2001. - 285 p. - ISBN: 1588110605 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)5, p.410-411.

16474automating indexing methods research on methods conferences 343;183;06
Sobrinho, Heliomar Cavati; Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes. Aplicação do modelo metodológico integrado para inovação no ensino da construção de linguagens documentárias no curso de graduação em Biblioteconomia [Aplication of the integrated methodological model for innovation in the construction of documentary languages in undergrad courses in Library Science] (Lang.: por). In: Desafíos y oportunidades de las Ciencias de la Información y la Documentación en la era digital: actas del VII Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2015 (Madrid, 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2015). Available at http://edicic2015.org.es/ucmdocs/actas/art/245-Cavati_linguagens-documentarias.pdf

16261semi-automatic indexing methods conferences 344;06
Borst, Timo; Löhden, Aenne; Pohl, Adrian. SWIB14 – Semantic Web in Bibliotheken [SWIB14 – Semantic Web in Libraries] (Lang.: ger).

16264semi-automatic indexing methods conferences 344;06
Münch, Vera. SWIB14: Bibliotheken bauen das vertrauenswürdige semantische Web [SWIB14: Libraries build the trustworthy semantic web] (Lang.: ger). In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 18(2015)1, pp. 55-61.

18766automatic online indexing conferences 347;06.19-10-10/11
Schöning-Walter, Christa. Netzwerk maschinelle Verfahren in der Erschliessung: Fachtagung [...] am 10. und 11. Oktober 2019 in Frankfurt am Main [A network for automated methods in indexing: Conference [...], 10-11 October 2019 in Frankfurt am Main] (Lang.: ger). In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 32(2020)1, pp. 48-51. Available at http://d-nb.info/1206109068/34

15188automatic classification reviews in special KO fields 348;026
Desale, Sanjay; Kumbhar, Rajendra. Research on automatic classification of documents in library environment: a literature review (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)5, pp. 295-304.

45832006-33-3-0187manual ordering literature reviews 354;02
Schwartz, W. (Book review of) Bernd Lorenz: Systematische Aufstellung in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2003. VIII, 365 S. (Beiträge zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen; Bd. 45) ISBN 3447046163 (Lang.: ger). In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 29(2005)2, p.258-259.

25232001-0181mark-up languages literature reviews 357;02
Keary, M. (Book review of) Desmarais, N.: The ABCs of XML: the librarian's guide to the eXtensible Markup Language. - Houston, TX.: New Technology Press, 2000. - 216 p. - ISBN: 0856043746 (Lang.: eng). In: Electronoc Library, 19(2001)1,p.51-52.

9045mark-up languages 357;089.23
Dextre Clarke, Stella G. ISO 25964: a standard in support of KOS interoperability (Lang.: eng). In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 129-133 (

16473evaluation criteria conferences 392;06
Guimarães, José Augusto Chaves; Evangelista, Isadora Victorino. Referentes teóricos internacionais na temática exaustividade e especificidade na indexação: uma análise de domínio [International theoretical influences in exhaustivity and specificity in indexing: a domain analysis] (Lang.: por). In: Desafíos y oportunidades de las Ciencias de la Información y la Documentación en la era digital: actas del VII Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2015 (Madrid, 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2015). Available at http://edicic2015.org.es/ucmdocs/actas/art/136-Chaves_exaustividade-especificidade.pdf

17820new universal KOS journals 415;051
Barbalet, Suzanne; Cunningham, Nathan. New tricks? a pilot project using UDC at the UK data archive (Lang.: eng). In: Catalogue and Index 186(2017).London, UK, CILIP - Cataloguing and Indexing Group, 2017. Available at http://https://archive.cilip.org.uk/cataloguing-indexing-group/catalogue-index/catalogue-index-issue-186-march-2017

6761998-0053UDC literature reviews 42;02
Martinez, M.D.G.; Vives, J. La nova edicio espanyola de la CDU: arriscar-se al canvi? [The new Spanish edition of the UDC: the risk of the change] (Lang.: spa). In depth review of the new Spanish Medium Edition of the UDC (1995)

22282000-0504UDC literature reviews 42;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of)Universal Decimal Classification: Pocket edition / ed. by G. Robinson. - London: British Standards Institution, 1999. - 228 p. - (DISC PD 1000 : 1999) - ISBN: 0580330451 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)1/2,p.71-74.

26902001-0348UDC literature reviews 42;02
Batley, S. (Book review of) Universal Decimal Classification: Pocket edition / ed.by G.Robinson. - London: British Standards Institution, 1999. - 228 p. - (DISC PD 1000 : 1999) - ISBN: 0580330451 (Lang.: eng). In: Managing Information, 7(2000)3, p.72-73.

42682005-32-4-0343UDC literature reviews 42;02
Frâncu, V. (Book review of) Niculescu, Z.: Arhitectura sistemului Clasificarii Zecimale Universale : caracteristici functionale in context contemporan. - Bucuresti: Editura Universitatii Bucuresti, 2004 (Lang.: rom). In: Revista Româna de biblioteconomie si stiinta informarii, 1(2005)3, p.46-48.

37682004-0295UDC UDC 42;042
López, A. AENOR y la offerta de productos CDU (Lang.: spa). In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 26(2004), p.29-32.

3881997-3-0388DDC literature reviews 43;02
Bowman, J. Book review of Chan, L.M., Mitchell, J.S.: Dewey Decimal Classification: edition 21 and international perspectives. New York: Forest Press, 1997. 98 p. ISBN 0910608563 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Information Science 23(1997)4. p.48-49.

5631997-4-0564DDC literature reviews 43;02
Curwen, A.G. Book review of Dewy Decimal Classification and relative index : edition 21 / ed. by L.M. Chan and J.S. Mitchell. Albany : Forest Press, 1997. 4 vols (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of librarianship and information science 29 (1997)3. p.169-170.

6781998-0055DDC literature reviews 43;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Chan, L.M., Mitchell, J.S. - Dewey Decimal Classification: edition 21 and international perspectives. New York: Forest Press, 1997. 98 p. ISBN: 091060856 (Lang.: ). In: Knowledge Organization 1997(24)3,p. 192-193.

6791998-0056DDC literature reviews 43;02
Burger, M. DDC21: the library community's bridge to the 21st century (Lang.: ). In: Mousaion 1997(15)1,p. 125-137. Overview of review articles on the 21st ed. of the DDC. Reviews the printed ed. and DDC for Windows

6811998-0058DDC literature reviews 43;02
Heiner-Freiling, M. Book review of Chan, L.M., Mitchell, J.S. - Dewey Decimal Classification: edition 21 and international perspectives. New York: Forest Press, 1997. 98 p. ISBN: 0910608563 (Lang.: ). In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographical Control 1997(26)4,p. 95-96.

6821998-0059DDC literature reviews 43;02
Kaula, P.N. Book review of Dewey Decimal Classification and relative index : edition 21 / ed. by J.S. Mitchell. Albany : Forest Press, 1997. 4 vols (Lang.: ). In: Herald of Library Science 1997(36)1/2,p. 95.

6831998-0060DDC literature reviews 43;02
Book review of Chan, L.M., Mitchell, J.S. - Dewey Decimal Classification: edition 21 and international perspectives. New York: Forest Press, 1997. 98 p. ISBN: 091060856 (Lang.: ). In: Technicalities 1997(17)5,p. 8-9.

6861998-0063DDC literature reviews 43;02
Gokhale, P.A. Dewey Decimal Classification - Edition 21 (Lang.: ). In: Annals of Library Science and Documentation 1997(44)2,p. 65-72. >>Review of Dewey Decimal Classification, edition 21, and Dewey for Windows

12771999-0072DDC literature reviews 43;02
Gupta, S. Book review of Decimal Classification System: a bibliography for the period 1876 – 1994 - New Deli: MD Publications Pvt Ltd., 1997. - ISBN: 8175330589 (Lang.: eng). In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control , 27(1998)3,p.60.

12781999-0073DDC literature reviews 43;02
Olson, H.A. Book review of Miksa, F.: The DDC, the Universe of Knowledge, and the Post-Modern Library. - Albany: Forest Press, 1998. - 99 p. - ISBN: 0910608644 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)4,p.216-218.

12791999-0074DDC literature reviews 43;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of Davis, S., New, G.R.: Abridged 13 workbook for small libraries using Dewey Decimal Classification Abridged Edition 13. - Albany, N.Y.: Forest Press, 1997. - ix, 71 p. - ISBN: 091060861x (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)4,p.222.

15781999-0372DDC literature reviews 43;02
Bowman, J. Book review of Scott, M.L. Dewey Decimal Classification, 21st edition: a study manual and number building guide. - Englewood, Col.: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. - 198 p. - ISBN: 1563085984 (Lang.: eng). In: Managing Information, 6(1999)2, p.49.

18172000-0093DDC literature reviews 43;02
Pinfold, J. (Book review of) Dewey Decimal Classification : Table 2, Geographic Areas, Great Britain and Republic of South Africa: revision of Edition 21 of the Dewey Decimal Classification, devised by Melvil Dewey / ed. by J.S. Mitchell, J. Beall, W.E. Matthews, G.R. New. - Albany: Forest Press, 1999. - 87 p. - ISBN: 0910608660 (Lang.: eng). In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 29(2000)2,p.38.

18182000-0094DDC literature reviews 43;02
Heiner-Freiling, M. (Book review of)Dewey Decimal Classification : Francophone perspectives = Classification décimal Dewey: perspectives francophones : papers from a workshop presented at the General Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 20, 1998 / ed. by J. Beall and R. Couture-Lafleur. - Albany: Forest Press, 1999. - vii,60 p. - ISBN: 0910608679 (Lang.: eng). In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 29(2000)2,p.39.

18232000-0099DDC literature reviews 43;02
Weihs, J. (Book review of)Davis, S.W., New, G.R.: Abridged 13 Workbook: for small libraries using Dewey Decimal Classification Abridged Edition 13. - Albany, NY: Forest Press, 1997. - 71 p. - ISBN: 091060861X (Lang.: eng). In: Technicalities, 18(1998)2,p.12.

18242000-0100DDC literature reviews 43;02
Will, L. (Book review of)Miksa, F.L.: The DDC, the universe of knowledge, and the post-modern library. - Albany, NY: OCLC Forest Press, 1998. - 99 p. - ISBN: 0910608644 (Lang.: eng). In: Managing Information, 5(1998)10,p.46-47.

20662000-0342DDC literature reviews 43;02
Crosby, E. (Book review of) Scott, M.L. Dewey Decimal Classification, 21st edition: a study manual and number building guide. - Englewood, Col.: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. - 198 p. - ISBN: 1563085984 (Lang.: eng). In: References & User Services Quarterly, 38(1999)1,p.116-117.

20672000-0343DDC literature reviews 43;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of) Davis, S., New, G.R.: Abridged 13 workbook for small libraries using Dewey Decimal Classification Abridged Edition 13. - Albany, N.Y.: Forest Press, 1997. - ix, 71 p. - ISBN: 091060861X (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 48(1999)3/4,p.209-210.

20682000-0344DDC literature reviews 43;02
Weihs, J. (Book review of) Scott, M.L. Dewey Decimal Classification, 21st edition: a study manual and number building guide. - Englewood, Col.: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. - 198 p. - ISBN: 1563085984 (Lang.: eng). In: Technicalities, 18(1999)9,p.13-14.

22302000-0506DDC literature reviews 43;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of)Dewey Decimal Classification: Francophone perspectives: papers from a workshop presented at the General Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 20, 1998 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)1/2,p.71-74.

25262001-0184DDC literature reviews 43;02
Trickey, K.V. (Book review of) Davis, S., New, G.R.: Abridged 13 workbook for small libraries using Dewey Decimal Classification Abridged Edition 13. - Albany, N.Y.: Forest Press, 1997. - ix, 71 p. - ISBN: 091060861X (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 49(2000)3/4,p.197-199.

25272001-0185DDC literature reviews 43;02
Trickey, K.V. (Book review of) Beall, J.: Dewey for Windows guide: records, searching, and number building. - Albany, NY.: Forest Press, 1998. - 212 p. - ISBN: 0910608652 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 49(2000)3/4,p.197-199.

26972001-0355DDC literature reviews 43;02
Bowman, J. Testimony to the printed world (Lang.: eng). In: Information World Review (2000)160, p. 35. »» Review of Dewey for Windows Version 2.0

28532001-0511DDC literature reviews 43;02
Fountain, J.F. (Book review of) Scott, M.L.Dewey Decimal Classification, 21st edition: a study manual and number building guide - Englewood, Col.: Libraries Unlimited, 1998 - 198 p. - ISBN: 1563085984 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 25(2001), p.236.

30312002-0055DDC literature reviews 43;02
Thomas, A.R. (Book review of) Dewey Decimal Classification : Francophone perspectives [Classification décimal Dewey: perspectives francophones] : papers from a workshop presented at the General Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 20, 1998, ed.by J.Beall and R.Couture-Lafleur - Albany: Forest Press, 1999 - vii,60 p. - ISBN: 0910608679 (Lang.: eng). In: Catalogue and Index, (2000)135, p.7-8.

32222002-0243DDC literature reviews 43;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of) Gupta, S.: Decimal Classification System: a bibliography for the period 1876-1994 – New Deli: MD Publications Pvt Ltd.,1997 - ISBN: 8175330589 (Lang.: eng). In: Asian Libraries, 8(1999)1, p. 344-345.

38492004-0374DDC literature reviews 43;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of) Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative index. - 22nd ed. / ed. by J.S. Mitchell et al. - Dublin, OH : OCLC, 2003. - 4 vol. (lxxvii, 731 p.; xvi, 1250 p.; 1074 p.; 934 p. - ISBN: 091060809 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 31(2004)2, p.112-114.

48552007-0051DDC textbooks 43;07
Bowman, J.H. Essential Dewey (Lang.: eng). London, Facet Publishing, 2005. pp. Vi, 105. Reviews by: *Donohue, N. (0052)- Public Libraries, 45(2006)4, p.68 *Mugridge, R.L. (0053)- Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 29 (2005)4, p.447. *O’Donnell, M. (0054)- Technical Services Quarterly, 23(2006)4, p.101-102

50752007-0306DDC textbooks 43;07
Bowman, J.H. Essential Dewey (Lang.: eng). London, Facet Publishing, 2005. pp. Vi, 150. ISBN: 1555705448. Reviews by: *Ellis-Harrett, L.(0307)- Education for Information, 24(2006)2/3, p.65-66. *Satija, M.P. (0308)- Herald of Library Science, 44(2005)3/4, p.274-275

6966DDC textbooks 43;07
Sandner, Margit. (Book review of) J. H. Bowman, Essential Dewey. London, Facet, 2005. vi, 150p. ISBN:1555705448; 1856045196 (pbk.) (Lang.: ger). In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 59(2006)1, pp.70-72.

9491DDC textbooks on library classification 43;07.41
Kaushik, Sanjay K. Dewey Decimal Classification: a practical manual of 23rd edition (Lang.: eng). 1st ed. New Delhi, Ess Ess publications, 2012. pp. 253. ISBN: 9788170008725.

9492DDC textbooks on library classification 43;07.41
Satija, M.P. Exercises in the 23rd edition of Dewy Decimal Classification (Lang.: eng). 1st ed. New Delhi, Ess Ess publications, 2012. pp. 184. ISBN: 9788170006688.

9631DDC textbooks on library classification 43;07.41
Dogra, Kamal. Dewey Decimal Classification and relative index (Lang.: eng). New Dehli, Centrum Press, 2013. pp. 304. ISBN: 9789350840542.

10531998-0429literature reviews 43.07;02
Dunford, J. Book review of Chan, L.M., Comaromi, J.P., Satija, M.P. - Dewey Decimal Classification: a practical guide. Albany, NY: Forest Press 1994. 211p (Lang.: eng). In: Catalogue & Index, (1997)124,p.13.

18282000-0104LCC literature reviews 44;02
Leide, J.E. (Book review of) Chan, L.M.: A guide to the Library of Congress Classification. - 5th ed. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1999. xviii, 551 p. ISBN: 1563085003 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.169-170.

23812001-0039LCC literature reviews 44;02
Patterson, E. (Book review of) Dittman, H., Marcella, R.: Learn Library of Congress classification. - Lanham, Md. ; London: Scarecrow Press, 2000. - 171 p. - ISBN: 0810836963 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Documentation, 57(2001)3, p.453-454. * Also publ. in: Library Computing 19(2000)3/4,p.180-191

18292000-0105LCSH literature reviews 448;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of)Subject headings for children: a list of subject headings used by the Library of Congress, with abridged Dewey numbers added / ed. by L. Winkel. - 2nd. ed. - Albany, NY: Forest Press/OCLC, 1998. - 2 vols. (xiii,179p., viii,416p.) - ISBN: 091060858X (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.176-177.

23822001-0040LCSH literature reviews 448;02
Winke, R.C. (Book review of) Subject headings for children: a list of subject headings used by the Library of Congress, with abridged Dewey numbers added / ed. by L. Winkel. 2nd. ed. - Albany, NY: Forest Press/OCLC, 1998. - 2 vols. (xiii,179p., viii,416p.) - ISBN: 091060858X (Lang.: eng). In: Technicalities, 19(1999)4,p.7-8.

25282001-0186LCSH literature reviews 448;02
Trickey, K.V. (Book review of) Subject headings for children: a list of subject headings used by the Library of Congress, with abridged Dewey numbers added / ed. by L. Winkel. 2nd. ed. - Albany, NY: Forest Press/OCLC, 1998. - 2 vols. (xiii,179p., viii,416p.) - ISBN: 091060858X (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 49(2000)3/4,p.197-199.

8821LCSH 448;07.448
Broughton, Vanda. Essential Library of Congress Subject Headings (Lang.: eng). London, Facet, 2011. pp. 192. ISBN: 978-1-85604-618-3.

9632LCSH 448;07.448
Sewell, Claire. (Book review of) Broughton, Vanda. Essential Library of Congress Subject Headings. London: Facet, 2011. pp. 192. ISBN 9781856046183 (Lang.: eng). In: Catalogue & index, 166(2012), pp. 30.

50822007-0315LCSH textbooks on applied indexing 448;07.81
Flodd, B. (Book review of) Chan, L .M. - Library of Congress subject headings: principles and application 4. ed. - Westport, CN: Libraries Ulimited, 2005 - Xvi, 549p (Lang.: eng). In: Technical Services Quarterly, 24(2006)1, p.97-99.

37742004-0301general classifications literature reviews 482;02
Handbuch zur Regensburger Verbundklassifikation : Materislien zur Einführung / Hrgn von B. Lorenz (Lang.: ger). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2003. pp. X, 255.(Beiträge zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen). ISBN: 344704618x.

23832001-0041KOS for libraries literature reviews 485;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of) Sears list of subject headings. - 17th. ed / ed. by J. Miller. - New York: H.W. Wilson, 2000. - xlvi, 770 p. - ISBN 0824209893 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)4,p.241-243.

9498KOS for libraries monographs on KO general questions 485;08.21
Kwasnik, Barbara H. (Book review of) Kumbhar, Rajendra. Library classification trends in the 21st Century. Witney [UK]: Chandos, 2012. pp. 172. ISBN: 1843346605, 9781843346609 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)1, pp. 62-63.

9636KOS for libraries monographs on KO general questions 485;08.21
Jeng, Judy. (Book review of) Kumbhar, Rajendra. Library classification trends in the 21st century. Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2012. pp. xiv, 172. ISBN 9781843446609 (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 441-442.

15841999-0378KOS for special purposes LCSH 489;044.8
Subject headings for children : a list of subject headings used by the Library of Congress with Abridged Dewey Numbers added / ed. by L. Winkel (Lang.: eng). 2 ed. Dublin, OH, OCLC Forest Press, 1998. ISBN: 09106085X.

15851999-0379KOS for special purposes LCSH DDC literature reviews 489;044.8;043;02
Towsey, M. Book review of Subject headings for children : a list of subject headings used by the Library of Congress with Abridged Dewey Numbers added. - 2nd ed. /ed. by L. Winkel. - Dublin, OH : OCLC Forest Press, 1998. - v1. xiii, 179 p., v2: vii, 416 p. - ISBN: 091060858x (Lang.: eng). In: Catalogue & Index, (1999)131, p.9-10.

15861999-0380KOS for special purposes LCSH DDC literature reviews 489;044.8;043;02
Gildersleeves, L. Book review of Subject headings for children : a list of subject headings used by the Library of Congress with Abridged Dewey Numbers added. - 2nd ed. /ed. by L. Winkel. - Dublin, OH : OCLC Forest Press, 1998. - v1. xiii, 179 p., v2: vii, 416 p. - ISBN: 091060858x (Lang.: eng). In: International Catalouing and Bibliographic Control, 29(2000)1, p.20.

15871999-0381special KOS agriculture DDC 646;043
Haughton, Buzz. The viticulture and enology library at the University of California, Davis University Library : an example of application of modified Library of Congress Classification and Subject Headings (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 26(1997)2, p.25-30.

25382001-0196conceptology systems theory literature reviews 651/4;02
Mizikar, A. (Book review of) Katcher, B.S.: MEDLINE: a guide to effective searching - San Francisco: Ashbury Press, 1999 – 149 p. - ISBN: 0967344506 (Lang.: eng). In: Government Information Quarterly, 18(2001),p.143-153.

28672001-0525conceptology systems theory literature reviews 651/4;02
Calabretta, N. (Book review of) Katcher, B.S.: MEDLINE: a guide to effective searching - San Francisco: Ashbury Press, 1999 – 149 p. - ISBN: 0967344506 (Lang.: eng). In: Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 88(2000)3, p.282.

23862001-0044special KOS social sciences literature reviews 66;02
Hjorland, B. (Book review of) Wallerstein, I. et al.: Open the Social Sciences: report of the Gulbenkian Commission on the restructuring of the Social Sciences. - Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1996. - 105 p. - ISBN: 0804727279 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)4,p.238-241.

33842003-0059special KOS law literature reviews 666;02
Greenhalgh, M. (Book review of) Moys, E.A and others: Moys classification and thesaurus for legal materials. - 4th ed. - Munich: Saur, 2001. - 551 p. - ISBN: 3598115024 (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 23(2002)1, p.52-53.

10751998-0451special KOS literature reviews 6824;02
Andre, R. Book review of Australian historic records register thesaurus. - Canberra: National Library of Australia, 1996. - 167 p. - ISBN 064210672X (Lang.: eng). In: Archives & Manuscripts, 25(1997)2,p.388-389.

5791997-4-0580special KOS literature general KO glossaries literature reviews 692;031;02
Bolin, M.K. Book review of C. Beghtol: The classification of fiction : the development of a system based on theoretical principles. Metuchen, NJ : Scarecrow Press, 1994. 366 p (Lang.: eng). In: Collection management 20 (1996)3/4. p.199-200.

23882001-0046special KOS music literature reviews 693;02
Winke, R.C. (Book review of) Music subject headings compiled from Library of Congress Subject Headings. - 2nd ed. / comp. by H. Hemmasi, with techn. ass. of F. Rowley. - Lake Crystal, MN : Soldier Creek Press, 1998. - 600 p. - ISBN: 0936996765 (Lang.: eng). In: Technicalities, 19(1999)4,p.14-15.

25412001-0199special KOS music literature reviews 693;02
Shanton, K.L. (Book review of) Music subject headings compiled from Library of Congress Subject Headings. - 2nd ed. / comp. by H. Hemmasi, with techn. ass. of F. Rowley. - Lake Crystal, MN : Soldier Creek Press, 1998. - 600 p. - ISBN: 0936996765 (Lang.: eng). In: Fontes Artis Musicae, 46(1999)3/4,p.356-357.

28692001-0527linguistics and KO literature reviews 711;02
Da Sylva, L. (Book review of) Jacquemin, C.: Spotting and discovering terms through natural labguage processing - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001 – 378 p. - ISBN: 0262100851 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)3,p.152-154.

15911999-0385semiotics literature reviews 714;02
Budin, G. Book review of Heinrichs, J. - Reflexionstheoretische Semiotik. 2. Teil: Sprachtheorie. Philosofische Grammatik der semiotischen Dimensionen. - Bonn: Bouvier Verlag Herbert Grundmann, 1981. - ISBN: 3416016254 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)2, p.105.

13031999-0098language formalisation literature reviews 715;02
Wijnands, P. Book review of Otman, G.: Les réprésentations sémantiques en terminologie. - Paris; Milan; Barcelona: Masson, 1996. - viii,216 p. - ISBN: 2225853886 (Lang.: eng). In: Terminology , 4(1997)1,p.168-171.

16693semantic networks literature reviews 725;02
Renner-Westermann, Heike. [Book review of] Winfried Gödert, Jessica Hubrich, Matthias Nagelschmidt: Semantic Knowledge Representation for Information Retrieval. Berlin: De Gruyter 2014. [[Book review of] Winfried Gödert, Jessica Hubrich, Matthias Nagelschmidt: Semantic Knowledge Representation for Information Retrieval. Berlin: De Gruyter 2014.] (Lang.: ger). In: ABI Technik, 36(1)2016, pp. 59–62. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2016-0006

16691semantic networks conferences 725;06
Söllner, Konstanze. "Linked Data – Vision und Wirklichkeit": Bericht von der 16. DINI-Jahrestagung – 27. und 28. Oktober 2015 in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt am Main ["Linked Data – Vision and Reality": Report on the 16th DINI annual meeting, 27-28 October 2015, at the German National Library, Frankfurt am Main [Germany]] (Lang.: ger). In: ABI-Technik, 36 (1)2016, pp. 42–47. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2016-0004

9001998-0276text semantics literature reviews 726;02
Heinrichs, J. Book review of Lehrndorfer, A. - Kontrolliertes Deutsch: linguistische und sprachpsychologische Leitlinien für eine (Maschinell) kontrollierte Sprache in der technischen Dokumentation. - Tübingen: G. Narr, 1996. - 248 p. - ISBN 382335080 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)1/2,p.50-51.

9021998-0278NLP problems literature reviews 731;02
Grefenstette, G. Book review of Analogical natural language processing / D. Jones. - London: UCL Press, 1996. - xii, 155 p. - ISBN 185278213 (Lang.: eng). In: Machine Translation, 12(1997)3,p.253-259.

13051999-0100NLP problems literature reviews 731;02
Estival, D. Book review of: Jones, K.J., Galliers, J.R.: Evaluating natural language processing systems: an analysis and review. - Berlin: Springer, 1995. - xv,228 p. - (Lectures notes in Artificial Intelligence; 1083) – ISBN: 3540613099 (Lang.: eng). In: Machine Translation, 12(1997)4,p.375-379.

16475online retrieval conferences 75;06
LLanes Padrón, Dunia; Vicentini, Maria José Jorente; Silva, Anahí Rocha; Silva, Talita Cristina da. Complexidade da representação da informação arquivística [Complexity of archival information representation] (Lang.: por). In: Desafíos y oportunidades de las Ciencias de la Información y la Documentación en la era digital: actas del VII Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2015 (Madrid, 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2015). Available at http://edicic2015.org.es/ucmdocs/actas/art/394-LLanes_Complexidade-da-representacao-da-informacao-arquivistica.pdf

10861998-0462online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Bakker, A.L. Book review of Information seeking in context: proceedings of an International Conference on Research in Information Needs, Seeking and Use in Different Contexts, 14-16 August 1996, Tampere, Finland / ed. by P. Vakkari, R. Savolainen, B. Dervin. - London: Taylor Graham, 1997. - ISBN 0947568719 (Lang.: eng). In: Online and CD-ROM Review, 22(1998)5,p.351-352.

13131999-0108online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Klobas, J.E. Book Review of Leon, R.: Information retrieval: new systems and current research. Proceedings of the 16th Research Colloquium of the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group, Drymen, 1994. - London: Taylor Graham, 1996. - 238 p. - ISBN: 0947568700 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Academic and Research Libraries , 28(1997)4,p.324.

18652000-0141online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Ross, C.S. (Book review of)Vakkari, P., Savolainen, R., Dervin, B.: Information seeking in context. - London: Taylor Graham, 1997. - 467 p. - ISBN: 0947568719 (Lang.: eng). In: Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 23(1998)3,p.70-71.

18662000-0142online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Moore, M. (Book review of)Large, A., Tedd, L.A., Hartley, R.J.: Information seeking in the online age: principles and practice. - East Grinstead: Bowker Saur, 1999. - 336 p. - ISBN: 1857392604 (Lang.: eng). In: Managing Information, 6(1999)4,p.50.

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Oppenheim, C. (Book review of)Chowdhury, G.G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - xx,452 p. - ISBN: 1856043185 (Lang.: eng). In: Information World Review, (1999)150,p.30.

23912001-0049online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Williams, P. (Book review of) Large, A., Tedd, L.A., Hartley, R.J.: Information seeking in the online age: principles and practice - East Grinstead: Bowker Saur, 1999 – 336 p - ISBN: 1857392604 (Lang.: eng). In: Online and CD Notes, 12(1999)7,p.15-16.

23922001-0050online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Sanderson, M. (Book review of) Meadow, C.T., Boyce, B.R., Kraft, D.H.: Text information retrieval systems. - 2nd ed. - London: Academic Press, 2000. - xvii, 364 p. - ISBN: 0124874053 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Documentation, 57(2001)2,p.315-317.

27212001-0379online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Billingham, L. (Book review of) Gash, S.: Effective searching for research. - 2nd ed. - Aldershot: Gower, 1999. - 133 p. - ISBN: 0566081253 (Lang.: eng). In: Online Information Review, 24(2000)2, p.173-174.

27222001-0380online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Toldo, L.I.G. (Book review of) Materialize views: technques, implementations, and applications / ed.by A.Gupta and I. Singh Mumick. - Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1999. - 616 p. - ISBN: 0262571226 (Lang.: eng). In: Information Retrieval, 4(2001), p.175-177.

28752001-0533online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Bawden, D. (Book review of) Walker, G., Janes, J.: Online retrieval: a dialogue of theory and practice - 2nd ed – Englewood CO., : Libraries United, 1999 - 312 p. - ISBN: 1563036573 (Lang.: eng). In: International Journal of Information Management, 20(2000)3,p.243-244.

28762001-0534online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Smith, A. (Book review of) Large, A., Tedd, L.A., Hartley, R.J.: Information seeking in the online age: principles and practice - East Grinstead: Bowker Saur, 1999 – 336 p - ISBN: 1857392604 (Lang.: eng). In: Electronic Library, 18(2000)4, p.296-297.

30472002-0070online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Whitmire, E. (Book review of) Large, A., Tedd, L.A., Hartley, R.J.: Information seeking in the online age: principles and practice - East Grinstead: Bowker Saur, 1999 - 336 p. - ISBN: 1857392604 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)10, p.964.

30492002-0072online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Myburgh, S. (Book review of) Hert, C.A.: Understanding information retrieval interactions: theoretical and practical implications - Greenwich, CN: Ablex, 1997 – 1257 p. - ISBN: 1567503055 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)13, p.1257.

30512002-0074online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Lampert, L.D. (Book review of) Walker, G., Janes, J.: Online retrieval: a dialogue of theory and practice - Englewood, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2000 – 312 p. - ISBN: 1563086573 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)12, p.1152-1153.

32402002-0261online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Riley, B. (Book review of) Information seeking in context: proceedings of an International Conference on Research in Information Needs, Seeking and Use in Different Contexts, 14-16 August 1996, Tampere, Finland / ed.by P.Vakkari, R.Savolainen, B.Dervin - London: Taylor Graham, 1997 - ISBN: 0947568719 (Lang.: eng). In: Asian Libraries, 8(1999)1, p. 337-338.

32412002-0262online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Pinfield, S. (Book review of) Large, A., Tedd, L.A., Hartley, R.J.: Information seeking in the online age: principles and practice - East Grinstead: Bowker Saur, 1999 - 336 p. - ISBN: 1857392604 (Lang.: eng). In: Program, 34(2000)1, p. 128-129.

32422002-0263online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Cullen, R. (Book review of) Large, A., Tedd, L.A., Hartley, R.J.: Information seeking in the online age: principles and practice - East Grinstead: Bowker Saur, 1999 - 336 p. - ISBN: 1857392604 (Lang.: eng). In: Asian Libraries, 8(1999)1, p. 386-387.

35922004-0119online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Brooks, T.A. (Book review of) Baeza-Yates, R., Ribeiro-Neto, B.: Modern information retrieval. - New York: ACM Press, 1999. - 513 p. - ISBN: 020139829x (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)5, p.490.

35932004-0120online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Voight, K. (Book review of) Information Retrieval: Einführung in Grundlagen und Methoden / Hrsg: E. Poetzsch. - 2. Aufl.. - Potsdam: Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg. - 238 p. - ISBN: 3935035160 (Lang.: eng). In: Information Services and Use, 21(2001)2, p.109.

44722006-33-2-0076online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Cochrane, P.A. (Book review of) Anderson, J.D., Peréz-Carballo, J.: Information retrieval design: design, principles and options for information description, organization, display, and access in information retrieval databases. St. Petersburg, Fla.: Ometeca Institute, 2005. xiv, 617 pp. illus. ISBN 0-976354705 (paper), ISBN 0976354713 (cloth), ISBN 0976354721 (e-book) (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 42(2006)1, p.133-137.

46052006-33-3-0209online retrieval problems literature reviews 751;02
Swanson, E. (Book review of) Anderson, J.D., Pérez-Carballo, J.: Information retrieval design: principles and options for information description, organization, display and access in information retrieval databases, digital libraries, catalogs, and indexes. St. Petersburg, Fla: Ometeca Institute, 2005. 675 p. ISBN 0976354705 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Resources and Technical Services50(2006)1, p.73-74.

51192007-0352online retrieval problems general reviews 751;021
Sundar, S.S., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Hastall, M.R. News cues: information scent and cognitive heuristics (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)3, p.366-378.

30452002-0068online retrieval problems KO research problems literature reviews 751;181;02
Beghtol, C. In interesting times : from the twentieth century to the twenty-first (Lang.: eng). In: The American archivist, 64(2001)1, p.143-158. »» Review article of six handbooks of classification and indexing theory

46062006-33-3-0210online retrieval problems online systems reviews in special KO fields 751;755;026
Liu, X., Croft, W.B. Statistical language modeling for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). In: Anual Review of Information Science and Technology, 39(2005)1, p.1-31. * Review article

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Hildreth, C.R. Book Review of Tyckoson, D.A - Enhancing access to information: designing catalogs for the 21st century (Lang.: ). In: Information Processing & Management 1997(33)4,p. 573-575.

20812000-0357online systems literature reviews 752;02
Fisher, D. (Book review of) Rowley, J., Slack, F.: Designing public access systems. - Aldershot, UK: Gower Publishing, 1998. - 251 p. - ISBN: 0556080702 (Lang.: eng). In: Electronic Library, 17(1999)4,p.269.

28832001-0541online systems literature reviews 752;02
Sweet, M. (Book review of) Rowley, J., Slack, F.: Designing public access systems - Aldershot, UK: Gower Publishing, 1998 – 251 p. - ISBN: 0556080702 (Lang.: eng). In: Program, 34(2000)3,p.335-336.

15993online systems monographs on KO general questions 752;08.21
Medeiros, Norm; Hess, Julia. (Book review of) Chambers, Sally (ed.). Catalogue 2.0: the future of the library catalogue. Chicago: Neal-Schuman, 2013. 212 p. ISBN: 9781555709433 (Lang.: eng). In: Library resources & technical services, 58(2014)3, pp. 209-209.

28822001-0540OPAC literature reviews 752.2;07.94;02
Turner, J. (Book review of) Varet, G.: La sience et son information à l'heure d'Internet - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2000 – vii, 169 p. - (Collection Science, histoire, société) - ISBN: 2130509940 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)3,p.150-152.

33992003-0074Internet gateways literature reviews 752.3;02
Broughton, V. (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G., Chowdhury, S.: Information sources and searching on the World Wide Web. - London: Library Association Publishing, 2001. - 192 p. - ISBN: 1856043940 (Lang.: eng). In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 31(2002)2, p.39.

34002003-0075Internet gateways literature reviews 752.3;02
Broughton, V. (Book review of) Weitz, J.: Music coding and tagging: MARC21 content designation for scores and sound recordings. - 2nd ed. - Belle Plaine, MN: Soldier Creek Press, 2001. - xx,375 p. - ISBN: 0936996773 - (Soldier Creek Music Series; 6) (Lang.: eng). In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 31(2002)2, p.40.

35982004-0125Internet gateways literature reviews 752.3;02
Keary, M. (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G., Chowdhury, S.: Information sources and searching on the World Wide Web. - London: Library Association Publishing, 2001. - 192 p. - ISBN: 1856043940 (Lang.: eng). In: Online Information Review, 26(2002)3, p.221.

35992004-0126Internet gateways literature reviews 752.3;02
O'Beirne, R. (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G., Chowdhury, S.: Information sources and searching on the World Wide Web. - London: Library Association Publishing, 2001. - 192 p. - ISBN: 1856043940 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 51(2002)5/6, p.312-313.

39862005-32-1-0062Internet gateways literature reviews 752.3;02
Bellarby, L. (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. - 2. Ed. - London: Facet Publishing, 2003. - 480 p. - ISBN: 1856044807 (Lang.: eng). In: Center for information and computer sciences book reviews [electron.]. Available at http://www.ics.ltsn.ac.uk/books/reviewed/075.htm

46112006-33-3-0215Internet gateways reviews in special KO fields 752.3;026
Yang, K. Information retrieval on the web (Lang.: eng). In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology39(2005)1, p.33-80. * Review article

38722004-0397online access literature reviews 753;02
Bawden, D. (Book review of) Bourne, C.P., Hahn, T.B.: A history of Online Information Services, 1963-1976 – Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. - 496 p. - ISBN: 0262025388 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)3, p.324-326.

23962001-0054online access literature reviews textbooks on IR 753;02;07.75
Barker, P. (Book review of) The extreme searcher's guide to Web search engines : a handbook for the serious searcher / R. Hock. - New Yersey : CyberAge Books, 1999. - 212 p. - ISBN: 0910965269 (Lang.: eng). In: Electronic Library, 17(1999)5,p.334-335.

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Cleyle, S. (Book review of) The extreme searcher's guide to Web search engines : a handbook for the serious searcher / R. Hock. - New Yersey : CyberAge Books, 1999. - 212 p. - ISBN: 0910965269 (Lang.: eng). In: Electronic Library, 19(2001)1,p.50.

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Wheatley, A. (Book review of) Burke, M.A.: Organization of multimedia resources: principles and practice of information retrieval – Aldershot: Gower, 1999 - 224 p. - ISBN: 0566081717 (Lang.: eng). In: Program, 34(2000)4, p.438-439.

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Beheshti, J. (Book review of) The extreme searcher's guide to Web search engines : a handbook for the serious searcher / R. Hock. - 2nd. ed. - New Yersey : CyberAge Books, 2001. - 241 p. - ISBN: 0910965471 (Lang.: eng). In: Online Information Review, 27(2003)1, p.62-63.

28862001-0544online access textbooks on IR literature reviews 753;07.75;02
Bottrill, K. (Book review of) The extreme searcher's guide to Web search engines : a handbook for the serious searcher / R. Hock. - New Yersey : CyberAge Books, 1999. - 212 p. - ISBN: 0910965269 (Lang.: eng). In: Information World Review, (2000)161, p.30.

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Edwards, J. (Book review of) Burke, J.: IntroNet: a beginner's guide to searching the Internet - New York: Neal-Schuman, 1999 – 100 p. - ISBN: 1555703518 (Lang.: eng). In: Electronic Library, 18(2000)4, p.294-295.

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Genco, P. (Book review of) Burke, J.: IntroNet: a beginner's guide to searching the Internet - New York: Neal-Schuman, 1999 – 100 p. - ISBN: 1555703518 (Lang.: eng). In: Teacher Librarian: The Journal for School Library Professionals, 27(1999), p.50.

16031999-0397online access NLP methods reviews in special KO fields 753;733;026
Perez-Carballo, J., Strzalkowski, T. Natural language information retrieval : progress report (Lang.: eng). In: Information Processing & Management, 36(2000)1, p.155-204.

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Bawden, D. (Book review of) Exploring the contexts of information behaviour : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, UK, 1998 / ed.by T.D.Wilson and D.K.Allen - London: Taylor Graham, 1999 – 625 p. - ISBN: 0947568751 (Lang.: eng). In: Education for Information, 18(2000)1,p.84-85.

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Exner, F. Book review of: Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining / ed. by U.M. Fayyad, G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, P. Smyth, R. Uthurusamy. - Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press/MIT Press, 1996. - 625 p. - ISBN: 0262560976 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(1998)1,p.386-387.

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Bigus, J.P. Book review of Data mining and neural networks: solving business problems from application development to decision support (Lang.: ). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science 1997(48)9,p. 862-863.

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Hjørland, B., Kyllesbech Nielsen, L. Subject access points in electronic retrieval (Lang.: eng). In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 35(2001), p. 249-298.

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Gauch, S. Book review of Steels, L. and McDermott, J. (eds.). The knowledge level in expert systems : conversations and commentary. - San Diego: Academic Press, 1994. x,274 p. ISBN: 0126641455 (Lang.: eng). In: Information processing & Management 33 (1997)3. p.406.

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Blackwell, J.D. Book review of Data warehousing and data mining for telecommunications / R. Mattison. - Norwood: Artech House, 1997. - 273 p (Lang.: eng). In: Database, 21(1998)3,p.94.

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Ryan, C. Book review of: Maze, S., Moxley, D., Smith, D.J.: Authoritive guide to web engines. - New York: Neal-Schuman Publ. Inc., 1997. - 178 p. - ISBN: 1555703054 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Library Journal, 47(1998)2,p.207-208.

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Wiley, D.L. Book review of: Maze, S., Moxley, D., Smith, D.J.: Authoritive guide to web engines. - New York: Neal-Schuman Publ. Inc., 1997. - 178 p. - ISBN: 1555703054 (Lang.: eng). In: Database, 21(1998)2,p.92.

13891999-0184search engines literature reviews 757;02
Schwarz, C. Book review of: Maze, S., Moxley, D., Smith, D.J.: Authoritive guide to web engines. - New York: Neal-Schuman Publ. Inc., 1997. - 178 p. - ISBN: 1555703054 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(1998)7,p.672.

16181999-0412search engines literature reviews 757;02
Stanley, T. Book review of Ray, E., Ray, D. The AltaVisa search revolution. - 2nd ed. - Berkeley: Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1998. - ISBN: 0078824354 (Lang.: eng). In: Online and CD-ROM Review, 23(1999)2, p.115-116.

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Cmor, D. (Book review of) Maxwell, B.: How to find information on the Internet. - Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1998. - 332 p. - ISBN: 1568022719 (Lang.: eng). In: Bibliotheca Medica Canadiana, 20(1999)4,p.205.

21012000-0377search engines literature reviews 757;02
Edwards, J. (Book review of) Cooke, A.: A guide to finding quality information on the Internet: selection and evaluation strategies. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - 169 p. - ISBN: 1856042677 (Lang.: eng). In: Technicalities, 18(1999)8,p.14.

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Erbach, G. (Book review of) Cooke, A.: A guide to finding quality information on the Internet: selection and evaluation strategies. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - 169 p. - ISBN: 1856042677 (Lang.: eng). In: Managing Information, 6(1999)6,p.52.

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Meaden, K. (Book review of) Cooke, A.: A guide to finding quality information on the Internet: selection and evaluation strategies. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - 169 p. - ISBN: 1856042677 (Lang.: eng). In: Online and CD-ROM Review, 23(1999)4,p.244-245.

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Seago, B.L. (Book review of) Ackermann, E., Hartman, K.: The information specialist's guide to searching and researching on the Internet and the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). In: Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 87(1999)3,p.366-367.

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Cullen, R. (Book review of) Cooke, A.: A guide to finding quality information on the Internet: selection and evaluation strategies - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999 – 169 p. - ISBN: 1856042677 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Library Journal, 49(2000)1, p.76-77.

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Mitchell, D. (Book review of) Cios, K.J., Pedrycz, W., Swiniarski, R.: Data mining methods for knowledge discovery - Deventer: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998 - 495 p. - ISBN: 0792382528 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of End User Computing, 12(2000)3, p.50.

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Ng, W. (Book review of) Mark Levene: An Introduction to Search Engines and Web Navigation. Addison Wesley Publisher, 2006. ISBN 0321306775 (Lang.: eng). In: Information Processing and Management, 43(2007)1, p.290-292.

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Thelwall, M., Prabowo, R. Identifying and characterizing public science-related fears from RSS feeds (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)3, p.379-390.

16505search engines conferences 757;06
Bauer, Bruno. "From Big Data to Smart Knowledge - Text and Data Mining in Science and Economy" (Köln, 23.-24. Februar 2015) [From Big Data to Smart Knowledge - Text and Data Mining in Science and Economy (Cologne [Germany], 23-24 February 2015)] (Lang.: ger). In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 68(2015)2, pp. 351-356. Available at http://hdl.handle.net/10760/28126

46342006-33-3-0238online systems evaluation indexing evalutation problems literature reviews 759;391;02
Muresan, M. (Book review of) TREC-Experiment and Evaluation in Information Retrieval / ed. by Ellen M. Voorhees and Donna K. Harman. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2005. 462 p. ISBN 0262220733 (Lang.: eng). In: Information Processing and Management, 43(2007)1, p.288-290.

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Stavri, P.Z. Book review of: Automating the lexicon : research and practice in a multilingual environment / ed. by D.E. Walker, A. Zampolii, N. Calzolari. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. - 413 p. - ISBN: 0198239505 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(1998)1,p.380-381.

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Boulanger, J.C., Sager, J.C. (Book review of) A practical guide to lexicography. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2003. - (Terminology and Lexigraphy Reseach and Practice, 6) ISBN: 9027223300 (Lang.: eng). In: Terminology, 10(2004)2, p.315-.

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Byrum, Jr., J.D. Recommendations for urgently needed improvement of OPAC and the role of the National Bibliographic Agency in achieving it (Lang.: eng). In: World Library and Information Congress: 71th IFLA General Conference and Council Libraries - A voyage of discovery August 14th - 18th 2005, Oslo, Norway.124-E [electron.], Available at http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla71/papers/124e-Byrum.pdf

11221998-0498dictionaries in economics literature reviews 768-71;02
Staninger, S.W. Book review of German dictionary of business, commerce and finance. - London: Rotledge, 1997. - 992 p. - ISBN 0415093910 (Lang.: eng). In: Business Information Alert, 10(1998)1,p.8-9.

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Leclercq, H. Book review of Handbook of terminology management. Vol. 1: Basic aspects of terminology management / ed. by S.E. Wright and G. Budin. - Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publ. Co., 1997. - xiv,370 p. - ISBN: 9027221545. ISBN: 1556195087 (Lang.: eng). In: Terminology , 4(1997)1,p.171-174.

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Eisele, H. Book review of Handbook of terminology management. Vol. 1: Basic aspects of terminology management / ed. by S.E. Wright and G. Budin. - Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publ. Co., 1997. - xiv,370 p. - ISBN: 9027221545. ISBN: 1556195087 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.59-61.

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Bowker, L. Handbook of terminology management: Volume 2 / ed.by S.E.Wright and G.Budin (Lang.: ). In: Terminology, 7(2001)2, p. 287-290.Amsterdam, John Benjamin, 2001. ISBN: 9027221553.

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Estopà, R. (Book review of) Manuale di terminology : aspetti teorici, metodoloici e applicativi / ed. by M. Magris, M.T. Musacchio, L. Rega and F. Scarpa. - Milano, Ulrico Hoepli Editore S.p.A., 2002. - 205 p (Lang.: eng). In: Terminology, 9(2003)1, p.137-141.

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Feliu, J. (Book review of) Bassey Edem, A.: Terminology and language planning : an alternative framework of practice and discourse. - Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publ. Comp., 2000. - 264 p (Lang.: eng). In: Terminology, 9(2003)1, p.147-149.

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Bowker, L. (Book review of) Kageura, K.: The dynamics of terminology: a descriptive theory of term formation and terminological growth. - Amsterdam/Philadelphis: John Benjamins, 2002. - 322 p. - ISBN: 9027223289 (Eur), ISBN: 1388113140 (USA) (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)2, p.112-113.

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Petrova, T. Book review of Tatarinov, V.A.: Istoriia otechestvennogo terminovedeniia [History of Russian terminological science]: Vol.1 and Vol.2, part 1. - Moscow: Moskovskii litsei, 1994. - 407 p. - ISBN: 5885640149 (Lang.: eng). In: Terminology , 4(1997)1,p.184-189.

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Strasser, T. Book review of McDonnell, R. and Kemp, K. International GIS dictionary. Cambridge (UK) : GeoInformational International, 1995. 111 p. ISBN: 1899761195 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of government information 24 (1997)2. p.130-132.

14231999-0217multilingual systems problems literature reviews 791;02
Ishii, M. Book review of Melby, A.K. with Warner, C.T.: The possibilities of language: a discussion of the nature of language, with implications for human and machine translation. - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publ. Cie., 1995. - (Benjamins Translation Library ; 14) - xxvi,274 p. - ISBN: 9027216142. ISBN: 0556196954 (Lang.: eng). In: Terminology , 4(1997)1,p.166-168.

51562007-0389interlinguistics general reviews 799;021
Talvnsaari, T. et al. Corpus-based cross-language information retrieval in retrieval of highly relevant documents heuristics (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)3, p.322-334.

16751data indexing conferences 820;06
Traub, Imola Dora; Sánchez Solis, Barbara; Budroni, Paolo. Forschungsdaten und zeitgemässe Aufarbeitung durch Policies – 2. internationaler LEARN Workshop zum Thema ‚Forschungsdatenmanagement‘ (Wien, 6. April 2016) [Research data and modern processing by policies - 2nd international LEARN workshop on research data management (Vienna, 6 April 2016)] (Lang.: ger). In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 69(1)2016, pp. 142-150. Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1406

17711tagging DDC 835;043
Golub, Koraljka; Lykke, Marianne; Tudhope, Douglas. Enhancing social tagging with automated keywords from the Dewey decimal classification (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Documentation, 70(2014)5, pp. 801-828.Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014. pp. 27. Available at http://https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/JD-05-2013-0056 ISSN: 00220418

8171tagging LCSH 835;044.8
Dancs, Szabolcs. Kontrollált és nem kontrollált szótárak összekapcsolásának lehetőségei (az LCSH és a Delicious példáján keresztül) [Possibilities of controlled and noncontrolled vocabularies] (Lang.: hun). In: Tudományos és Műszaki Tájékoztatás, 57(2010)10, pp. 438-440. (Book review of) Yi, Kwan, Chan, Lois Mai. Linking folksonomy to Library of Congress subject headings: an exploratory study In Journal of Documentation, 65(2009)6, pp. 872-900

7351998-0112news indexing literature reviews textbooks on book indexing 844;02;07.85
Mcleod, J. Book review of Morris, C.D. ; Morris, S.R. - How to index your local newspaper using WordPerfect or Microsoft Word for Windows. Englewood, Col. Libraries Unlimited Co, 1995. 167 p. ISBN 1563083051 (Lang.: ). In: Education for Information 1997(15)3,p. 251-253.

15632news indexing reviews of KO in mass communication 844;028-86
Xue, Chunxiang; Zhang, Yufang. [Research review on Chinese text classification in the news field] (Lang.: chi). In: Library and information service, 57(2013)14, pp. 134-139..

16431999-0438archive indexing literature reviews 847;02
Piggott, M. Book review of Hunnisett, R.F. Indexing for editors. - London: British Records Association, 1997. - 145 p. - (Archives and the users ; 2) - ISBN: 0900222026 (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 21(1998)2, p.101-102.

16699archive indexing conferences 847;06
Chaplinskaya-Sobol, Irina; Wesner, Hendrik. Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten: Bericht von der nestor-School im Februar 2016 [Long-term preservation of research data: Report on the nestor school, February 2016] (Lang.: ger). In: B.I.T. online, 19(2)2016, pp. 202-203. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2016-02-reportage-chaplinskaya-sobol.pdf

16471primary document indexing in conferences 848;06
Pret, Raquel Luise; Cordeiro, Rosa Inês de Novais. A indexação como ferramenta da gestão de documentos nos arquivos [Indexing as a tool for document management in archives] (Lang.: por). In: Desafíos y oportunidades de las Ciencias de la Información y la Documentación en la era digital: actas del VII Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2015 (Madrid, 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2015). Available at http://edicic2015.org.es/ucmdocs/actas/art/186-Pret_indexacao-arquivos.pdf

14501999-0244book indexing problems literature reviews 851;02
Fugmann, R. Book review of Anderson, J.D.: Guidelines for indexes and related information retrieval devices. - Bethesda, MA: NISO, 1997. - 52 p. - (NISO Technical report; 2. ISSN 1081-8006 ) - (NISO-TR02-1997 ) (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)3,p.118-119.

16441999-0439book indexing problems literature reviews 851;02
Fugmann, R. Book review of Weinberg, B.H.: Can you recommend a good book on indexing? - Medford, NJ: Information today, 1998. - xiii, 161 p. - ISBN: 1573870412 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)2, p.107-109.

19542000-0230book indexing problems literature reviews 851;02
Piggott, M. (Book review of)Weinberg, B.H.: Can you recommend a good book on indexing?: collected reviews on the organization of information. - Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 1998. - 161 p. - ISBN: 1573870412 (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.147-148.

19552000-0231book indexing problems literature reviews 851;02
Lathrop, L. (Book review of)Weinberg, B.H.: Can you recommend a good book on indexing?: collected reviews on the organization of information. - Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 1998. - 161 p. - ISBN: 1573870412 (Lang.: eng). In: Technical Communication, 46(1999)2,p.259-261.

25922001-0250book indexing problems literature reviews 851;02
Bell, H. (Book review of) The August Indexer: proceedings from the Second International Conference, 27-29 August 1999, Hobart, Australia, Tasmania, Australia. - Melbourne: Australian Society of Indexers, 2000. - ISBN: 095780590X (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 22(2001)3,p.162.

27592001-0417book indexing problems literature reviews 851;02
Davis, R. (Book review of) Lathrop, L.: An indexer's guide to the Internet. - 2nd ed. - Medford, NJ: Information Today : American Society of Indexers, 1999. - 89 p. - ISBN: 1573870781 (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 22(2000)1, p.51.

30952002-0117book indexing problems literature reviews 851;02
Bottrill, K. (Book review of) Booth, P.: Indexing: the manual of good practice – London: Bowker-Bauer, 2000 - ISBN: 3598115369 (Lang.: eng). In: Information World Review, (2001)175, p.66.

34302003-0105book indexing problems literature reviews 851;02
Shere, T. (Book review of) Booth, P.F.: Indexing: the manual of good practice. - München: K.G. Saur, 2001 – xiv,489 p. - ISBN: 3598115369 (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 23(2001)1, p.52.

45052006-33-2-0109book indexing problems literature reviews 851;02
Bridge, N. (Book review of) Stauber, D.M.: Facing the text: content and structure in book indexing. Eugene, Or.: Cedar Row Press, 2004. 374 p. ISBN 0974834505 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)3, p.135-136.

24302001-0088book indexing problems various NBM indexing literature reviews 851;879;02
Chandonnet, G. (Book review of) Beyond book indexing: how to get started in Wen indexing, and other computer-based media / ed. by D. Brenner, M. Rowland. - Phoenix, AZ: American Society of Indexers / Information Today, 2000. - 149 p. - ISBN: 1573870811 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.180-181.

24312001-0089book indexing problems various NBM indexing literature reviews 851;879;02
Novellino, M.S.F. (Book review of) Dynamism and stability in knowledge organization: proceedings of the Sixth International ISKO Conference, 101-13 July, 2000, Toronto, Canada / ed. by C. Beghtol, L.C. Howarth, N.J. Williamson. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000. - 424 p. - (Advances in Knowledge Organization ; 7) - ISBN: 3933563607 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)4,p.236-238.

27612001-0419book indexing problems conceptology systems theory literature reviews 851;88-51/4;02
Halliday, J. (Book review of) Wyman, P.: Indexing specialities: medicine - Medford, NJ: Information Today : American Society of Indexers, 1999 – 119 p. - ISBN: 157387082X (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 22(2000)1, p.51.

29282001-0586book indexing problems conceptology systems theory literature reviews 851;88-51/4;02
Owen, D.J. (Book review of) Wyman, P.: Indexing specialities: medicine - Medford, NJ: Information Today : American Society of Indexers, 1999 – 119 p. - ISBN: 157387082X (Lang.: eng). In: Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 88(2000)3, p.280-281.

36332004-0159book indexing methods literature reviews 853;02
Jacobs, C. (Book review of) Software for indexing; ed. by Schroeder, S. - Medford, NJ: Information today, in association with the American Society of Indexers, 2003. - 275 p. - ISBN: 1573871664 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)2, p.114-115.

6051997-4-0606special book indexing bibliography of special indexing systems 856;017
Das, R.K. Bibliography of indexes to Bengali periodicals (Lang.: eng). In: IASLIC bulletin 41 (1996)2. p.75-83.

19592000-0235special book indexing literature reviews 856;02
Wellisch, H.H. (Book review of)Bell, H.K.: Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives. - London: Society of Indexers, 1998. - 65 p. - ISBN: 1871577187 (Lang.: eng). In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.148-149.

30982002-0120book indexing in fine arts literature reviews 858-94;02
Stahl, J. (Book review of) Jones, L.S.: Art information and the Internet: how to find it, how to use it - Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1999 – 292 p. - ISBN: 1573561622 (Lang.: eng). In: Art Libraries Journal, 24(1999)3, p.44-45.

27662001-0424citation indexing literature reviews 864;02
Lopez Huertas, M.J., Jimenez-Contreras, E. (Book review of) The Web of Knowledge : Festschrift in honor of Eugene Garfield / ed.by B.Cronin and H.B.Atkins. - Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2000. - ISBN: 1573870994 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)1, p.45-46.

45072006-33-2-0111citation indexing Internet gateways literature reviews 864;752.3;02
Benoit, G. (Book review of) Thelwall, M: Link Analysis: An Information Science Approach. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2004. 269 p. ISBN: 0120885530 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)13, p.1830-1839.

14621999-0256NBM indexing problems literature reviews 871;02
Turner, J.M. Book review of: Digital image access & retrieval / ed. by P.B. Heidorn, B. Sandore. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1997. - 191 p. - ISBN: 0878451005 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(1998)8,p.766-777.

14631999-0257NBM indexing problems literature reviews 871;02
Craft, S. Book review of: Kennedy, A.R., Chapman, S.: Digital imaging for libraries and archives. - Ithica, NY: Cornell University Library. Department of Preservation and Conservation, 1996. - 207 p. - ISBN: 0916582023 (Lang.: eng). In: Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 17(1998)3,p.85-86.

21202000-0396NBM indexing problems literature reviews 871;02
Stephenson, C. (Book review of) Digital image access retrieval / ed. by P.B. Heidorn, B. Sandore. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1997. - 191 p. - ISBN: 0878451005 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Academic Librarianship, 24(1998)5,p.408-409.

29292001-0587NBM indexing problems literature reviews 871;02
Tanner, S. (Book review of) Berinstein, P.: Finding images online: online user's guide to image searching in cyberspace - Witon, CN: Pemberton Press, 1996 – 295 p. - ISBN: 0892583460 (Lang.: eng). In: Electronic Library, 18(2000)1, p.69-70.

32912002-0312NBM indexing problems online retrieval problems literature reviews 871;751;02
Bruza, P.D. (Book review of) Maubury, M.T.: Intelligent multimedia information retrieval - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997 - 478 p (Lang.: eng). In: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 14(1998)1/2, p. 235-236.

38952004-0419picture indexing literature reviews 872;02
Turner, J. (Book review of) Jörgensen, C.: Image retrieval: theory and research. - Lanham, MD : Scarecrow Press, 2003 - xii, 340 p. - ISBN: 0810847345 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 31(2004)2, p.114-115.

38962004-0420picture indexing literature reviews 872;02
Enser, P. (Book review of) Jörgensen, C.: Image retrieval: theory and research. - Lanham, MD : Scarecrow Press, 2003 - xii, 340 p. - ISBN: 0810847345 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)3, p.321-323.

31142002-0136various NBM indexing literature reviews 879;02
Wiley, D.L. (Book review of) Browne, G., Jermey, J.: Website indexing: ebhancing access to information within websites - Blackwood, SA (Australia): Auslib Press, 2001 - 103 p. - ISBN: 359811504 (Lang.: eng). In: Online, 25(2001)6, p.94.

31152002-0137various NBM indexing literature reviews 879;02
Bertuca, D.J. (Book review of) Browne, G., Jermey, J.: Website indexing: ebhancing access to information within websites - Blackwood, SA (Australia): Auslib Press, 2001 - 103 p. - ISBN: 359811504 (Lang.: eng). In: Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 6(2001)1, p.91-93.

49422007-0148various NBM indexing textbooks 879;07
Mitchell, A.M., Surratt, B.E. Cataloguing and organizing digital resources (Lang.: eng). London, Facet Publishing, 2005. pp. 236. Reviews by: *Bouchet, L-L. (0149)- Australian Library Journal, 55 (2006)2, p.175-176. *Bowman, J.H. (0150)- Education for Information, 24 (2006)1, p.75-77. *Eden, B.L. (0151)- Technology Electronic Reviews, 13(2006)2. URL: www.lita.org/ala/lita/litapublications/ter/tertechnology.htm *Johncocks, B. (0152)- The Indexer, 24(2005)4. *Shen Yuezeng (0153)- Technical services quarterly, 23(2006)4 p.106-108. *Strader, C.R. (0154)- Libraries, Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 30(2006)1/2, p.131-132. *Yeates, R. (0155)- Program, 40(2006)1, p. 100-102

17693indexing in bibliographic control various universal KOS formal sciences 88;94;048-1
Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana M.; Waisse, Silvia; H. M. Ferraz, Márcia. From shelves to cyberspace: organization of knowledge and the complex identity of history of science (Lang.: eng). In: Isis 104, (2013)3, pp. 551-560.New York, NY, The University of Chicago Press, 2013. pp. 10. Available at http://http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/673274?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

16247KO profession problems literature reviews 911;02
Moreno, Edinei Antonio. A ética no serviço de catalogação: uma revisão bibliográfica [Ethics in service cataloging: a literature review (orig.)] (Lang.: por). In: Biblios 55(2015), pp.51-59. Available at http://biblios.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/biblios/article/view/171/203

16029KO profession problems monographs on KO general questions 911;08.21
Medeiros, Norm; Myntti, Jeremy. (Book review of) Mugridge, Rebecca L. (ed.). Cataloging collaborations and partnerships. New York: Routledge, 2014. 317 p. ISBN: 9780415712354 (Lang.: eng). In: Library resources & technical services, 58(2014)3, pp. 209-211.

11791998-0555KO professional questions literature reviews 912;02
Burton, P.F. Book review of R. Biddiscombe. The end-user revolution : CD-ROM, Internet and the changing role of the information professional. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1996. - 202 p. - ISBN 1856041735 (Lang.: eng). In: Program, 32(1998)2,p.189-190.

8222KO work organization 916;08.91
Lubas, Rebecca L., ed. Practical strategies for cataloging departments (Lang.: eng). Westport, CN, Libraries Unlimited, 2011. pp. 117. ISBN: 9781598844931.

9704KO work organization 916;08.91
Griffin, Linda Smith. (Book review of) Lubas, Rebecca L., ed. Practical strategies for cataloging departments. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2011. pp. 117. ISBN 9781598844924 (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 446-448.

14861999-0280KO metadata literature reviews 918;02
Parr, D. Book review of Bradley, P. - Advanced Internet searcher's handbook. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1998. - ISBN: 186043029 (Lang.: eng). In: Information World Review , (1999)146, p.26.

46522006-33-3-0256KO metadata literature reviews 918;02
Miller, S.J. (Book review of) Metadata: A cataloger's primer / ed. by R.P. Smiraglia. New York: Haworth Information Press, 2005. 303 p. ISBN 9780789028013 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)1, p.58-60.

46532006-33-3-0257KO metadata literature reviews 918;02
Robitaille, I. (Book review of) International Encyclpedia of Pseudonyms = Internationale Enzyklopädie der Pseudonyme = Encyclopédie Internationale des Pseudonymes = Enciclopedia Internazionale dei Pseudonimi =Encipledia Internacional de Pseudónimos / comp. by M. Peschke. München: Sur, 2006 . 16 vol. ISBN 3-598-24960-8 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)1, p.60-61.

52132007-0446KO metadata general reviews 918;021
Mitchell, N. Metadata basics: a literature survey and subject analysis (Lang.: eng). In: Southeastern Librarian, 54(2006)3, p.18-24.

24462001-0104KO metadata reviews in special KO fields 918;026
Vellucci, S.L. Metadata (Lang.: eng). In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 33(1999),p.187-222. »» Review article

9903KO metadata reviews in special KO fields 918;026
Zhou, Bo; Qian, Peng. [A review of scientific metadata research in China] (Lang.: chi). In: Researches on library science, (2013)2, pp. 7-10.

16289KO metadata conferences 918;06
Hauser, Julia; Heuvelmann, Reinhold; Rühle, Stefanie; Voss, Jakob. Interoperable Metadaten im Giant Global Graph: KIM-Workshop auf dem 103. Bibliothekartag in Bremen, 5. Juni 2014 (Lang.: ger). In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 26(2014)2, pp. 41-46. Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog20142volltext.pdf

16472KO metadata conferences 918;06
Assumpção, Helena Campos; Zafalon, Zaira Regina. Catalogação sob a perspectiva dos artigos publicados em revistas científicas nacionais avaliados nos estratos B1, B2 e B3 no sistema QUALIS–1998-2013 [Cataloging from the perspective of articles published in national scientific journals in the B1, B2 and B3 levels in the QUALIS–1998-2013 system] (Lang.: por). In: Desafíos y oportunidades de las Ciencias de la Información y la Documentación en la era digital: actas del VII Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2015 (Madrid, 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2015). Available at http://edicic2015.org.es/ucmdocs/actas/art/125-Campos_QUALIS.pdf

47852006-33-4-0389KO metadata online systems literature reviews 918;755;02
Polydoratou, P. (Book review of) Intner, S.S., Weihs, J.: Metadata and its impact on Libraries. Westport: Libraries Unlimited, 2006. v, 262 p. ISBN 1-29158-145-1 (Lang.: eng). In: Webology, 3(2006)3 [electron.]. Available at http://www.webology.ir/2006/v3n3/bookreview5 .html

6141997-4-0615KO historical persons literature reviews 922;02
Bowman, J.H. Book review of Wiegand, W.A. Irrepressible reformer : a biography of Melvil Dewey. Chicago : American Library Association, 1996. 403 p. ISBN: 083890680X (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of library and information science 29 (1997)3. p.164-165.

7571998-0134KO historical persons Bliss Cl. 922;045
Thomas, A.R. Bibliographical classification: the ideas and achievements of Henri E. Bliss (Lang.: ). In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 1997(25)1,p. 51-104.

16731999-0468KO historical persons Bliss Cl. 922;045
Thomas, A.R. Addenda to Bibliographical classification: the ideas and achievements of Henri E. Bliss (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 26(1997)2, p.73-75. »» Addenda to article (KO 1998-1-0134)

47882006-33-4-0392KO historical persons UDC literature reviews 922;42;02
Ducheyne, S. (Book review of) Levie, F.: L'Homme qui voulait classer le monde, Paul Otlet et le Mundaneum. Bruxelles: Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2006. 352 p.: Ill. ISBN 2874490229 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)2, p.120-121.

14951999-0289KO contemporaries literature reviews 924;02
Kelsall, P. Book review of Portraits in cataloguing and classification : theorists, educators, and practioners of the late twentieth century / ed. by C. Myall and R. C. Carter. - New York : The Haworth Press, 1998. - 323 p. - ISBN: 0789005433 (Lang.: eng). In: International Cataloguing and Bibliograhical Control. Also publ. as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 25(1998)2/3 and 4. * Separate articles on subject indexing specialist are indexed in the KO Bibliography

14961999-0290KO groups conferences 925;06.98-04-27/29
McGarry, D. Conference on Actual Problems of Subject Indexing and Subject Access Systems - National Library of Russia - St. Petersburg - 27-29 April 1998 : a report (Lang.: eng). In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control , 27(1998)3,p.58/59.

1271997-1-0126international KO groups conferences 926;06.96-08
Williamson, N.J. IFLA Section on Classification and Indexing: Review of activities, 1995-1996 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization Vol.23, No.4 1996, p.230-231. Includes report of meeting at IFLA Conference Beijing Aug. 1996

21332000-0409bibliography literature reviews 941;02
Carlyly, A. (Book review of) The principles and future of AACR: proceedings of the International conference on the principles and future of AACR, 23-25 October 1997 / ed. by J. Weihs. - Ottawa: Canadian Library Association; London: Library Association Publishing; Chicago: American Library Association, 1998. - 272 p. - ISBN: 0838934935 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Resources & Technical Services, 43(1999)3,p.179-182.

43602005-32-4-0435bibliography literature reviews 941;02
Dumistrasconiu, C. (Book review of) Anonymous classics : a list of uniform headings for European literatures. -2nd ed. rev. by the IFLA Working group set up by the IFLA Standing Committee of the Section on Cataloguing. - [www.ifla.org /VII/s13/pubs/AnonymousClassics2004.pdf] (Lang.: rom). In: Revista Româna de biblioteconomie si stiinta informarii, 1(2005)3, p.45-46.

46572006-33-3-0261bibliography literature reviews 941;02
Hostage, J. (Book review of) Cataloguing Code, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2004 / ed. by Barbara B. Tillett and Ana Lupe Cristán. München: K. G. Saur, 2005. 227 p. (IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control, vol. 28) ISBN 3598242778 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Resources and Technical Services50(2006)4, p.297-298.

47922006-33-4-0396bibliography KO curricula literature reviews 941;952;02
intner, S.S. (Book review of) Education for library cataloging : international perspectives. New York : Haworth Information Press, 2006. 492 p. ISBN 9780789031136 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)2, p.119-120.

16931999-0488cataloging literature reviews 942;02
Spiteri, L.F. Book review of Taylor, A.G.: The organization of information. - Englewood, Col.: Libraries Unlimited, 1999. - xx,280 p. - ISBN: 1563084937 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)2, p.106-107.

29552001-0613cataloging literature reviews 942;02
Leonhardt, T.W. (Book review of) Taylor, A.G.: The organization of information - Englewood, Col.: Libraries Unlimited, 1999 – xx,280 p. - ISBN: 1563084937 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 25(2001), p.126-127.

29562001-0614cataloging literature reviews 942;02
Chowdhury, G.G. (Book review of) Taylor, A.G.: The organization of information - Englewood, Col.: Libraries Unlimited, 1999 – xx,280 p. - ISBN: 1563084937 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review49(2000)5/6, p.309-310.

36512004-0177cataloging literature reviews 942;02
Intner, S.S. (Book review of) Lubetzky, S.: Writings on the classical art of cataloging. - Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2001. - 456 p. - ISBN: 1563089327 (Lang.: eng). In: Technicalities, 22(2002)1, p.19-20.

41922005-32-2-0267cataloging general reviews 942;021
Kirkland, L.N. Resources for catalogers : an annotated bibliography (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 40(2005)1, p.79-99.

9548cataloging 942;07.942
Dogra, Kamal. Online cataloguing in library science (Lang.: eng). 1st ed. New Delhi, Centrum press, 2013. pp. 304. ISBN: 9789350840559.

21402000-0416archival description literature reviews 943;02
Hyry, T. (Book review of) The concept of record: report from the Second Stockholm Conference on Archival Science and the Concept of Record. - Stockholm: Swedish National Archives, 1998. - 160 p. - ISBN: 9188366359 (Lang.: eng). In: American Archivist, 62(1999)1,p.170-173.

21412000-0417archival description literature reviews 943;02
Taylor, P. (Book review of) Kennedy, J., Schauder, C.: Records management: a guide to corporate recordkeeping. - South Melbourne (Australia), 1998. - 313 p. - ISBN: 0582810078 (Lang.: eng). In: Archives & Manuscripts, 26(1998)2,p.434-436.

21422000-0418archival description literature reviews 943;02
U'Ren, R. (Book review of) O'Toole, J.: The records of American business. - Chicago, IL: Society of American Archivists, 1997. - 411 p. - ISBN: 0931828457 (Lang.: eng). In: Archives Manuscripts, 26(1998)2,p.441-424.

34582003-0133archival description literature reviews 943;02
Cumming, K. (Book review of) International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G) - 2nd ed. - 1999. - http://www.ica.org/ISAD(G)E-pub.pdf (Lang.: eng). In: Archival Science, 1(2002)4, p.393-396.

34592003-0134archival description literature reviews 943;02
Scifleet, P. (Book review of) International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G) - 2nd ed. - 1999. - http://www.ica.org/ISAD(G)E-pub.pdf (Lang.: eng). In: Archival Science, 1(2002)4, p.397-402.

21472000-0423bibliographic records literature reviews 944;02
Greig, E. (Book review of) Hagler, R.: The bibliographic record and information technology. - Chicago: American Library Association, 1997. - 394 p. - ISBN: 0838907075 (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 26(1999)4,p.83-87.

46672006-33-3-0271bibliographic records literature reviews 944;02
Frâncu, V. (Book review of) Functional requirements for bibliographic records : Hype or cure-all?. New York: Haworth International Press, 2005. 316 p. ISBN 9780789027993 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)1, p.57-58.

21542000-0430record structure literature reviews 945;02
Trickey, K.V. (Book review of) Byrne, D.J.: MARC manual: understanding and using MARC record. - Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. - 263 p. - ISBN: 1563081768 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 48(1999)3/4,p.204-205.

43662005-32-4-0441record structure literature reviews 945;02
Nelson, J. (Book review of) Miller, D.R., Clarke, K.S.: Putting XML to Work in the Library: Tools for Improving Access and Management. - Chicago: American Library Association, 2004. - 205 p. - ISBN: 0838908632 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)2, p.294-295.

46692006-33-3-0273record structure literature reviews 945;02
Schwartz, W. (Book review of) UNIMARC: manuel de catalogage, monographies, publications en série, musique imprimée, documents électroniques. M.R. Cazabon; avec la participation de M. Witt. 2e éd. mise à jour et augmentée. Paris: Ed. du Cercle de la Librairie, 1999. 444 S. (Collection Bibliothèques) . ISBN 2765407460 (Lang.: ger). In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 29(2005)2, p.251-252.

21672000-0443bibliographic description literature reviews 946;02
Farrow, J. (Book review of) International conference on the principles and future development of AACR / ed. by J. Weihs. - Ottawa: Canadian Library Association; London: Library Association Publishing; Chicago: American Library Association, 1998. - 272 p (Lang.: eng). In: Program, 33(1999)3,p.288-289.

21682000-0444bibliographic description literature reviews 946;02
Winke, R.C. (Book review of) The future of the descriptive cataloguing rules: papers from the ALCTS Preconference, AACR2000, American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, June 22, 1995 / ed. by B.E.C. Schottlaender. - Chicago: American Library Association, 1998. - 135 p. - (ALCTS Papers on Library Technical Services and Collections ; 6) - ISBN: 0838934773 (Lang.: eng). In: Technicalities, 18(1999)8,p.14.

23282000-0605bibliographic description literature reviews 946;02
Salmond, R. (Book review of)Velluci, S.L.: Bibliographic relationships in music catalogs. - Lanham, ML: Scarecrow Press, 1997. - 302 p. - ISBN: 0810834138 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Library Journal, 48(1999)2,p.205-206.

31352002-0157bibliographic description literature reviews 946;02
Adams, K.C. (Book review of) Examples to accompany descriptive cataloging of rare books - 2nd ed – Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 1999 - 135 p. - ISBN: 0838980147 (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 29(2000)3, p.93-95.

45442006-33-2-0148bibliographic description literature reviews 946;02
Higgins, S. (Book review of) Mitchell, A.M., Surratt, B.E.: Cataloguing and Organizing Digital Resources: a How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2005. 236 pages. ISBN: 1856045560 (Lang.: eng). In: Ariadne, (2005)45 [electr.]. Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue45/higgins-rvw/

16285bibliographic description literature reviews 946;02
Wiesenmüller, Heidrun. Einführung in RDA: Auf den Boden der Praxis geholt [[Book review of] Maxwell, Robert L.: Maxwell's Handbook for RDA: Explaining and Illustrating RDA; Resource Description and Access Using MARC21. London: Facet Publ., 2014] (Lang.: ger). In: BuB – Forum Bibliothek und Information, 67(2015),1, pp. 70-71. Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/2015-01.pdf

15690bibliographic description reviews in special KO fields 946;026
Xiong, Jianmin. [Research reviews on RDA in China] (Lang.: chi). In: Library and information service, 57(2013)21, pp. 138-143..

9576bibliographic description 946;07.942
Sangma, S.K. Cataloguing rules in library science (Lang.: eng). 1st ed. New Delhi, Centrum press, 2013. pp. 304. ISBN: 9789350840511.

9737bibliographic description 946;07.946
Clifford, Katrina. (Book review of) Welsh, Anne; Bately, Sue. Practical cataloguing: AACR, RDA and MARC 21. London: Facet publishing, 2012. pp. 224. ISBN 9781856046954 (Lang.: eng). In: Managing information, 19(2012)5, pp. 60.

9749bibliographic description 946;07.946
Wiesenmüller, Heidrun. Einstieg in die angloamerikanische Katalogisierungspraxis? Lehrbuch zu AACR2 und RDA [[Book review of] Welsh, Anne; Batley, Sue. Practical cataloguing: AACR, RDA and MARC 21, London: Facet Publishing, 2012] (Lang.: ger). In: BuB – Forum Bibliothek und Information. 64(2012)10), pp. 716-717. Available at http://www.b-u-b.de/pdfarchiv/Heft-BuB_10_2012.pdf

9935bibliographic description 946;07.946
Stauffer, Suzanne. (Book review of) Welsh, Anne; Batley, Sue. Practical cataloguing: AACR2, RDA and MARC 21. New York: Neal-Schuman publishers, 2012. 224 pp., ISBN 9781555707439 (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)7, pp. 837-838.

16071bibliographic description monographs on KO general questions 946;08.21
Huber, Seth; Gould, Elyssa. (Book review of) Mering, Margaret (ed.). The RDA workbook: learning the basics of resource description and access. . Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2014. 190 p. ISBN 9781610694896 (Lang.: eng). In: Library resources & technical services, 58(2014)4, pp. 282-283.

16074bibliographic description monographs on KO general questions 946;08.21
Medeiros, Norm; Mugridge, Rebecca. (Book review of) Sherbini, Magda el. RDA: strategies for implementation. -. Chicago: ALA, 2013. 394 p. ISBN: 9780838911686 (Lang.: eng). In: Library resources & technical services, 58(2014)3, pp. 209-211.

16080bibliographic description monographs on KO general questions 946;08.21
Robbeloth, Hilary L.; Gould, Elyssa. (Book review of) Kincy, Chamya Pompey, and Layne, Sara Shatford. Making the move to RDA: a self-study primer for catalogers. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2014. 332 p. ISBN: 9780810887695 (Lang.: eng). In: Library resources & technical services, 58(2014)4, pp. 283-284.

21692000-0445bibliographic description library KOS literature reviews 946;411;02
Thompson, S.R. (Book review of) Intner, S.S., Weihs, J.: Special libraries: a cataloging guide. - Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. - 452 p. - ISBN: 0872879550 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)4,p.383-384.

26352001-0293bibliographic description library KOS literature reviews 946;411;02
Brunt, R. (Book review of) Intner, S. S., Weihs, J.: Special libraries: a cataloging guide. - Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. - 452 p. - ISBN: 0872879550 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Review, 49(2000)3/4,p.153-155.

27972001-0455bibliographic description library KOS literature reviews 946;411;02
Calvert, P.J. (Book review of) Intner, S. S., Weihs, J.: Special libraries: a cataloging guide. - Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. - 452 p. - ISBN: 0872879550 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services, 24(2000)p,518-519.

27982001-0456bibliographic description subject catalogs rules literature reviews 946;814;02
Fountain, J.F. (Book review of) Ganendran, J.: Learn subject access. - 2nd ed. - Canberra (Aus.): DocMatrix, 1998. - 111 p. - (Library Education Series) - ISBN: 1876283106 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services, 24(2000)p,515-517.

26382001-0296bibliographic record display literature reviews 947;02
Fingerman, S. (Book review of) Head, A.J.: Design wise: a guide for evaluating the interface design of information resources - Medford, NJ.: Information today, 1999 – 196 p. - ISBN: 0910965315 (Lang.: eng). In: Business Information Alert, 12(2000)3,p.6.

29682001-0626bibliographic record display literature reviews 947;02
Smith, A.G. (Book review of) Head, A.J.: Design wise: a guide for evaluating the interface design of information resources - Medford, NJ.: Information today, 1999 – 196 p. - ISBN: 0910965315 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Library Journal, 49(2000)2,p.200-201.

31522002-0174bibliographic record display literature reviews 947;02
Deaton, M. (Book review of) Head, A.J.: Design wise: a guide for evaluating the interface design of information resources - Medford, NJ.: Information today, 1999 - 196 p - ISBN: 0910965315 (Lang.: eng). In: Technical Communication, 47(2000)3, p.423-424.

31532002-0175bibliographic record display literature reviews 947;02
Gelfand, J. (Book review of) Garloch, K.L., Piontek, S.: Designing Web interfaces to library services and resources (Lang.: eng). In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 44(2000)2, p.105-106.

16695bibliographic record display conferences 947;06
Jakisch, Elgin Helen. Bilder sind schneller als 1000 Worte: 5. DGI-Praxistage: Informationsvisualisierung – Hype oder Trend? Potenziale für Information Professionals [Pictures are faster than 1000 words: 5th DGI-Praxistage: Information visualization - hype or trend? Potential for information professionals] (Lang.: ger). In: B.I.T. online, 19(1)2016, pp. 113-115. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2016-01-reportage-jakisch.pdf

52422007-0475information use general reviews 981;021
Makri, S. et al. A library or just another information resource? A case study of users’ mental models of traditional and digital libraries (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)3, p.433-445.

17211999-0516information use KM literature reviews 981;149;02
Dowding, M. Book review of Abbott, R.: The world as information : overload and personal design. - Exeter: Intellect, 1999. - 155 p. - ISBN: 1871516757 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)2, p.104-105.

12031998-0579users requirements literature reviews 982;02
Tallent, E. Book review of Information imangineering: meeting at the interface / ed. by M.T. Wolf, P. Ensor, M.A. Thomas. - Chicago: American Library Association, 1998. - 255 p. - ISBN 0838907296 (Lang.: eng). In: College & Research Libraries, 59(1998)5,p.493-494.

23412000-0618users requirements literature reviews 982;02
Treloar, A. (Book review of)Information engineering: meeting at the interface / ed. by M.T. Wolf, P. Ensor, M.A. Thomas. - Chicago: American Library Association, 1998. - 255 p. - ISBN: 0838907296 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Library Journal, 48(1999)2,p.207-208.

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