Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 048-7 Classification Systems and Thesauri in Economy, Management Science, Mechanical Engineering, Building, Transport found the 21 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

1729   2000-0006various universal KOS • economical sciences • 048-7
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. – Macrothesaurus for Information Processing in the field of Economic and Social Development (Lang.: eng). - 5 ed. – Paris, OECD, 1998. – pp. 436. – ISBN: 9264160256. * Also publ. in French and Spanish» - » Contains among others a table for general auxiliaries of properties

10516   1996-0536various universal KOS • economical sciences • 048-7
Porstmann, R.. – Eine universelle Fachklassifikation Wirtschaftswissenschaften: ein Entwurf für Bibliotheken, Dokumentatins- u. Informationseinrichtungen [A universal subject classification for economics, drafted for libraries, documentation and information centers] (Lang.: ger). - Göttingen, Schwartz, 1995. – pp. V,137.

16258   various universal KOS • economical sciences • 048-7
Segundo, Jose Eduardo Santarem; Manzoni, Gabriela Alves. – AnÑlisis de la presentación de la información financiera a los inversores por las empresas que cotizan en bolsa [Analysis of the presentation of financial information to investors by publicly traded companies] (Lang.: por). - In: Scire 21(2015)1, pp.53-58. – Available at http://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/scire/article/view/4152/3803

16336   various universal KOS • economical sciences • 048-7
Clermont, Marcel; Dyckhoff, Harald. – Coverage of Business Administration Literature in Google Scholar: Analysis and Comparison with EconBiz, Scopus and Web of Science (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliometrie - Praxis und Forschung,1(2012), pp. 5.1-5.19. – Available at http://http://www.bibliometrie-pf.de/article/viewFile/165/196

16337   various universal KOS • economical sciences • 048-7
SchlÀpfer, Jârg. – Das Handelsblatt-BWL-Ranking und seine Zeitschriftenliste [The Handelsblatt-BWL-Ranking [BWL = business administration] and its list of journals] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliometrie - Praxis und Forschung,1(2012), pp. 6.1-6.8. – Available at http://www.bibliometrie-pf.de/article/viewFile/167/199

18459   various universal KOS • economical sciences • 048-7
Vlaeminck, Sven; Grunow, Martina. – Zwei AnsÀtze zur Lâsung der Replikationskrise in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften [Two Approaches to Solve the Replication Crisis in Economics] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 43(2019)1, pp. 91-97. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2019-2004

16298   various universal KOS • economical sciences • information use • 048-7;981
Schmidt, Thomas; Wolff, Christian. – Genderspezifische Unterschiede im Informationsverhalten am Beispiel E-Commerce [The influence of gender of information behavior in E-Commerce] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 66(2015)1, pp. 65-76.

10119   1995-0696conceptology • conceptology • 048-71/2
Forstmann, R. – Eine universelle Fachklassifikation Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Ein Entwurf für Bibliotheken, Dokumentations- und Informationseinrichtungen [A universal subject classification system for economics. Designed for libraries, documentation, and information centers] (Lang.: ger). - Göttingen, Schwartz, 1995. – pp. V,137. – ISBN: 350901670X.

10316   1990-0769conceptology • conceptology • 048-71/2
Informationszentrum des HWWA-Inst.f.Wirtschaftsf. – Thesaurus Wirtschaft [Thesaurus on Economics.2 Vols] (Lang.: ger). - Hamburg, DE, Verl.Weltarchiv, 1992. – pp. 1681. The second edition of this thesaurus was published in two parts: Vol.1: Systematic Pt., Vol.2: Alphabetical Pt

10317   1993-0769conceptology • conceptology • 048-71/2
Informationszentrum des HWWA-Inst.f.Wirtschaftsf.. – Thesaurus Wirtschaft [Thesaurus on Economics. 2 Vols.] (Lang.: ger). - Hamburg, DE, Verl.Weltarchiv, 1992. – pp. 1681. The second edition of this thesaurus was published in two parts: Vol.1: Systematic Pt., Vol.2: Alphabetical Pt.

10520   1994-1187conceptology • conceptology • 048-71/2
Dt.Industrie- u.Handelstag, Arb.kr.Kammerbiblioth.. – Systematik für IHK-Bibliotheken [Classification system for libraries of Chambers of Commerce"] (Lang.: ger). - 2. Ausgabe ed. – Bonn, DIH. Arbeitskreis Kammerbibliotheken, 1992. – pp. VIII,146. System with a decimal notation and a keyword index. Available on paper, as an Allegro-C database and as a Word (5.0)file.

10568   1995-0029conceptology • conceptology • 048-71/2
Deutscher Industrie- und Handelstag. – Systematik für IHK-Bibliotheken [Classification system for libraries of Houses of Commerce] (Lang.: ger). - 2. Ausgabe ed. – BonnDE, DIHT, Arb.kreis Kammerbibliotheken, 1992.

10410   1995-0232conceptology • classification problems • 048-71/72
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris. – Le thésaurus de III Delphes [The III Delphes Thesaurus] (Lang.: fre, eng). - Paris, Hauts de Seine/Saint Denis/Val de Marne, 1993/94. – pp. 347+505. 2 vols. The French volume contains 5646 terms and the English one 5457 ones

10071   1996-0537various universal KOS • 048-713
Thimann, F.A.. – A classification scheme for intellectual property holdings (Lang.: eng). - London, Common Law Inst.of Intellect.Property, 1993. – pp. 63. – ISBN: 1874001073. A faceted classification system. Book review by Rachel Salmond in Australian Library Review 12(1995)No.4, p.439-440.

10102   1994-0704various universal KOS • management • 048-72
Pajona, P. (Ed.); Boldrini; M.; Bonanni; C.; Lecamus; C.. – Business and Management Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - 2nd ed. ed. – Fontainebleau, INSEAD, 1993. – ISBN: 2950800904. Elaboration for the European Institute of Business Administration's indexing of books, periodicals, audiovisual supports and internal reports. Comprises 6500 descriptors listed in four areas: Management, Finances and economic sciences, Industry and marketing, and Fringe areas.

10103   1995-0030various universal KOS • management • 048-72
Pajona, P. et al.. – Business and management thesaurus, 2nd ed. (Lang.: eng). - Fontainebleau", INSEAD, 1993. – ISBN: 2950800904.

10471   1995-0031various universal KOS • 048-728
US Office of Management and Budget. – Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual (Lang.: eng). - In: PB87-100012ADR.Springfield, VA, NTIS, 1994?. – pp. 705. The manual provides the standardized codes used by the U.S.Government to classify businesses by type of activity. There are also microcomputer versions available. To order call USA 703-487-4650.

10069   1995-0697various universal KOS • 048-731
Thirmann, F. – A classification scheme for intellectural property holdings (Lang.: eng). - London, Common Law Inst.of Intellect.Property, 1993. – pp. 63. – ISBN: 1874001073. Book review by D.Brunt in Cat.& Index (1995)No.116, p.8

10070   1996-0761various universal KOS • 048-731
Cornish, G.. – A classification scheme for intellectual property holdings (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Common Law Inst.f.Intell.Property Holdgs, 1993. – pp. 63. – ISBN: 1874001073.

10566   1995-0233various universal KOS • 048-731
Thimann, F. – A Classification Scheme for Intellectual Property Holdings (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Common Law Inst.of Intellectual Property, 1993. Short description of the scheme by Ellen Gredly in World Patent Information 16(1994)No.3, p.181

10699   1995-0032various universal KOS • commodity science • 048-76
Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. – Industry & Product Classification Manual and Numerical List oof Manufactured & Mineral Products (Lang.: eng). - In: PB89-203772ADR. PB89-238042ADR.Springfield, VA, NTIS, 1992. The Industry and Product Classification Manual covers the industries of transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services, wholesale trade, retail trade, and services divisions. The Numerical List of Manufactured and Mineral Products covers the principal products and services of the manufacturing and mineral industries. They both describe industrial coverage of economic and agriculture censuses within the context of each SIC division; explain the Census Bureau's interpretation in applying the established concept; and include an alphabetic index to industries for various activities and products for each SIC division."



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