Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 048-8 Classification Systems and Thesauri in Science of Science, Information Science, Computer Science, Communication Science, Semiotics found the 18 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

16195   various universal KOS • information sciences • 048-8
Younghee Noh; Yang-Ha Park. – A Study on the Improvement of the BRM Classification System for Policy Information Service (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 48(2014)4, pp. 135-171.. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3538456

18589   various universal KOS • information sciences • 048-8
SemidΓ£o, Rafael Aparecido Moron. – Abordagens teΓ³ricas de organização do conhecimento: uma anΓ‘lise a partir do CSKOL da ISKO [Theoretical approaches to Knowledge Organization: An analysis from ISKO's CSKOL] (Lang.: por). - In: Dissertation.MarΓ­lia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2019.0. – pp. 204.0. – Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/semidao_ram_do_mar.pdf

10481   1990-1-023various universal KOS • 048-817
NaTL:Inst.of Health.Dept.of Health & Human Serv. – CRISP thesaurus.Fiscal year 1988 (Lang.: eng). - Bethesda, MD, NIH, 1989. – pp. 774.

784   1998-0160various universal KOS • information sciences • 048-82
Obodzinski, P. – Tezaurus Amerykanskiego Towarzystwa Informacji Naukowej (Lang.: pol). - In: Praktyka i Teoria Informacji Naukowej i Technicnej, (1997)1-2, p. 51-54.

2028   2000-0304various universal KOS • information sciences • 048-82
Classification system for knowledge organization literature / compiled by I. Dahlberg ; revised by G.J.A. Riesthuis (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)4,p.192-202.

4220   2005-32-4-0295various universal KOS • information sciences • 048-82
ASIS&T Thesaurus of information science, technology and librarianship : Third edition / edited by A. Redmond-Neal and M.M.K. Hlava (Lang.: eng). - Medford, NJ, Information Today, 2005. – pp. Xiii, 255. – ISBN: 1573872432.

10037   1995-0033various universal KOS • information sciences • 048-82
Milstead, J. (Ed.). – ASIS Thesaurus of Information Science and Librarianship (Lang.: eng). - Medford, NJ, Learned Inform., 1994. – ISBN: 0938734806.

10271   1990-1-024various universal KOS • information sciences • 048-82
Gesellsch.f.Mathem.u.Datenverarb., IZ Inform.wiss. – Descriptor list in the field of information science and practice (Lang.: ger, eng). - Darmstadt, FRG, GMD-IZ, 1989. – pp. 123.

12374   1996-0014various universal KOS • information sciences • 048-82
Lancaster, F.W.. – Book review of Milstead, J. (Comp.): ASIS Thesaurus of information science and librarianship. Medford, NJ: Learned Information for Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. 1993. 139p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.& Inform.Sci.Research. Vol. 17, No. 2. 1995. p.189-193. In addition to the review a response is given by J.L.Milstead.

4397   2006-33-2-0001various universal KOS • information sciences • literature reviews • 048-82;02
Riesthuis, G.J.A. – (Book review of) ASIS&T thesaurus of information science, technology and librarianship. 3rd ed. Medford, NJ. Information today, 2005. xiii, 255 p. ISBN 1573872431 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information today, 2005.

9994   1993-0434various universal KOS • 048-822
Bibliographic Standards Committee (ACRL/ALA). – Genre Terms: A thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing, 2nd ed. (Lang.: eng). - Chicago, IL, ACRL.Am.Lib.Ass, 1991. – pp. 78. – ISBN: 083897516X.

10493   1990-2-034various universal KOS • 048-822
Swan Hill, J. – Book review of: Binding Terms: A thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing.Chicago 1988 and.Provenance Evidence: Thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging.Chicago: Amer.Libr.Assoc.1988 (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.& Inform.Sci.Annual.Vol.5.1989. – pp. 90-91.

11169   1990-2-035various universal KOS • 048-823
James, St. – Book review of: Peniston, S., Graham, T.: Thesaurus of information technology terms.London 1989.410 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review.Vol.38.No.4.1989.p.60.

10088   1990-2-036various universal KOS • 048-824
Direction des Archives de France. – Thesaurus W: vocabulaires normalisés pour la description et l'indexation des archives administratives locales contemporaines.2nd ed [Thesaurus W: standardized vocabulary for the description and indexing of contemporary local administrative archives] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, Dir.Arch.France, 1989. – pp. 249. – ISBN: 2860001654.

10313   1993-0008various universal KOS • 048-826
Azgaldov, E.G.; Visochanskaja, O.A., Haskina, M.I.. – Descriptor vocabulary in information science (Lang.: rus). - Moskva, VINITI, 1991. – pp. 161.

10564   1993-0009various universal KOS • 048-826
Canadian Workplace Automation Research Centre. – Thesaurus of Information Sciences and Technologies (Lang.: eng, fre). - Ottawa, Canada, Canada Communic, 1991. (Title also in French)

13461   1990-1-025various universal KOS • 048-826
Popowska, H. – Databases - classification and typology.Pt.1 (Lang.: pol). - In: Aktual.probl.inf.i dok.Vol.33.No.5.1988.p.14-23.

10024   1995-0034various universal KOS • 048-847, -867
Jones, K.; Moulds, M. (Eds.). – FIAF Classification Scheme for Literature on Film and Television (Lang.: eng). - 2nd rev. enl. ed. – London, GB, Int.Feder.of Film Archives, 1992. – pp. VIII,115. – ISBN: 0906973244.



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