Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 155 Psychology of Knowledge Organization Processes found the 12 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

9425   psychology of KO processes • 155
Iyer, Hemalata; DÒ€ℒAmbrosio, Amber. – Archetypes, idealized cognitive models and prototype effect: A discussion of images and cognition in categorization (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

10487   1993-0113psychology of KO processes • 155
Mirimanova, M.S.. – Information-cognitive processes. Methodological recommendations (Lang.: rus). - Moskva, Izd."Prometei", 1989. – pp. 81.

11750   1994-0842psychology of KO processes • 155
Rips, L.J.; Collins, A.. – Categories and resemblance (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Exp.Psychology. 122(1993)4,p.468-486.

11751   1994-0843psychology of KO processes • 155
Hall, R.H.; Blair, R.. – Knowledge maps and spatial-verbal processing. a temporal analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Percept.mot.skills. 77(1993)2,p.611-621.

11752   1994-0844psychology of KO processes • 155
Lambiotte, J.G.; Skaggs, L.P.; Dansereau, D.F.. – Learning from lectures: effects of knowledge maps and cooperative review strategies (Lang.: eng). - In: Appl.Cogn.Psychol.. 7(1993)6,p.483-497.

11753   1994-0845psychology of KO processes • 155
O'Donnell, A.M.. – Learning from knowledge maps: the effects of map orientation (Lang.: eng). - In: Contemp.Educ.Psychol.. 19(1994)1,p. 33-44.

11938   1995-0117psychology of KO processes • 155
Koshman, S.. – Categorization and classification revisited. A review of concept in library science and cognitive psychology (Lang.: eng). - In: Current Studies in Librarianship. 17(1993)1/2,p.26-41.

13509   1990-1-070psychology of KO processes • 155
Erofajlov, A.N.; Dzyuba, S.V. – On the systemic nature of scientific cognition (Lang.: rus). - In: Dialekt.materialism i filos.vopr.estestvozn.(metodol.nauch.poznaniya).1988.p.87-96.Moskva,SU,

18406   psychology of KO processes • 155
Leite, AntΓ³nio JosΓ© de Bastos; Paletta, Francisco Carlos; Martins, Maria Fernanda da Silva; Silveira, Teresa. – The Role of Neuroscience in information and knowledge appropriation (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp.Β 880-891.

11502   1993-0582psychology of KO processes • 155; 153
McDonald, C.. – A knowledge based system for local classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing AustraliaVol. 17 No. 3/4. 1991. p.93-103.

10858   1990-0885conceptology • science and KO • 155/6
Frohmann, B. – The power of images: A discourse analysis of the cognitive viewpoint (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.Vol.48.No.4.1992.p.365-386.

11618   1993-0885conceptology • science and KO • 155/6
Frohmann, B.. – The power of images: A discourse analysis of the cognitive viewpoint (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.. Vol. 48. No. 4. p.365-386.



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