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Knowledge organization literature. Selected items
Your search for
class 36 Coding
found the 19 items below.
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Items on this class as the base theme
Ridi, Riccardo. – Phenomena or noumena? objective and subjective aspects in knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)4, pp. 239-253.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. – pp. 15. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Diagrams, 1 ChartBrown, P.. – Book review of Rada, R.: Hypertext: from text to expertext. London: McGraw Hill 1991. IX,237 p. (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.Vol. 48. 1992. p.98-99. Tennis, J.T. – Scheme versioning in the Semantic Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 43(2007)3/4, p.85-104. Diduk, N.N.. – Examples of probabilistic semantics of the basic coding theorem for uncertainty spaces (Lang.: eng). - In: Cybernetics & Systems Analysis. Vol. 30, No. 4. 1995. p.582-590. Pastor Sánchez, Juan Antonio . – Marcado semántico: tecnologÃÂas y aplicación para la representación de sistemas de organización del conocimiento en el contexto Linked Open Data [Semantic markup: technologies and application for the representation of knowledge organization systems in the context of Linked Open Data] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 19(2013)2, pp. 55-68.. Gillum, T.L.; George, R.H., Leitmeyer, J.E.. – An autoencoder for clinical and regulatory data processing (Lang.: eng). - In: Drug Inform.J. Vol. 29, No. 1. 1995. p.107-113. Traiser, W.. – Notationsvergabe bei RSWK-Ketten mit Hilfe der SWD-Systematik [Notation assignments to RSWK-chains with the help of the SWD systematics] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog Bibl.. 6(1994)2,p.28-32. The semi-annual and multi-annual bibliographies of the German Library will no more longer include a classification of single subject headings. From 1994 onward the user will get more precise subject information by a "chain-systematization" relating to the SWD Classification System.Hernandez, G.V.. – Information retrieval systems based on indexing triads, an experience (Lang.: spa). - In: Invest.Bibliotecologica. Vol. 8, No. 17. 1995. p.10-17. Savic, D.. – CUTT-x: An expert system for automatic assignment of Cutter numbers (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart. Vol. 22, No. 2. 1996. p.71-87. Bubenhofer, Noah; Rothenh?usler, Klaus. – Korporatheken: Die digitale und verdatete Bibliothek [The library - digital and converted into data] (Lang.: ger). - In: 027.7 Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur, 4(2016)2, pp. 60-71. – Available at Degkwitz, Andreas. – Die Tradition des Textes und die Herausforderung der Daten [The tradition of the text and the challenge of the data] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 41(2017)2, pp. 224-230. – Available at Mathieu, Christian. – Die Sichtbarmachung des Sichtbaren: Digitalisierung und textuelle Materialitätsforschung [Visualising the visible: Digitization and textual materiality] (Lang.: ger). - In: Informationspraxis, 5(2019)2 (pdf., 6p.). – Available at Harrison, M.A.; Munson, E.V.. – Numbering document components (Lang.: eng). - In: Electron.publ.Vol. 4 No. 1. 1991. p.43-60. Emly, M.; Jupp, B. – The Internet Library of Early Journals (Lang.: ). - In: Proceedings of the 4th Electronic Library and Visual Information Research Conference ELVIRA4, De Monfort University, Milton Keynes, UK, May 1997. London: Aslib, 1997. p.167-175. Larouk, Omar; Hachani, Mabrouka El. – Reorganization of knowledge in technical documents for the information system: the extraction of logico-cognitive information from heterogeneous administrative data (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 416-425. Alonso, O.. – The geographic codes and their use in bibliographic databases (Lang.: spa). - In: Rev.esp.doc.cient.Vol. 16 No. 1. 1993. p.19-29. Bondi, A.; Nesti, P.. – Coding medical diagnoses: a step toward artificial intelligence (Lang.: ita). - In: IndicizzazioneVol. 6 No. 1-2. 1991. p.41-47. van Leeuwen, Thed N.; Tatum, Clifford; Wouters, Paul F.. – Exploring possibilities to use bibliometric data to monitor gold open access publishing at the national level (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2018)9, pp. 1161-1173.. – Available at
Further items on this class as a particular theme Broughton, Vanda. – Facet analysis as a tool for modelling subject domains and terminologies (Lang.: eng). – In: Classification & ontology, [see 06.11-9-19/20], pp. 207-227.
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