Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 413 Standards for Classifications and Thesauri found the 16 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

1048   1998-0424KOS standards413
Lacruz, M.del C.A. – Encabezamientos de materia en lengua francesa : normativa para su construcción [Subject heading lists in French: relevant standards] (Lang.: spa). - In: Organización del Conociemto en Sistemas de Información y Documentación, 2(1997),p.57-71. Analysis of the French standards that control the structure and characteristrics of subject headings-based alphabetical indexing

3560   2004-0087KOS standards413
Dextre Clark, S.G., GilchristWill, L. – Revision and extension of thesaurus standards (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 215-220.

3710   2004-0236KOS standards413
Moreiro, J.A., Llorens Morillo, J., Marzel García-Quismondo, M.A., Vianello Osti, M., Morato Lara, J., Beltrán Orenes, P., Sánchez Cuadrado, S. – Aplicacíon del estándar ISO/IEC 13250-1999 a la construcción de un tesauro de verbos: estado del proyecto [Application of standard ISO/IEC 13250-1999 to the construction of a thesaurus of verbs: state of the project] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.493-501.

5505   2008-0048KOS standards413
ADBS Information Language Group. – Les normes de conception, gestion et maintenance de thesaurus: evolutions recentes et perspectives [Standards for thesaurus design, management and maintenance: recent developments and outlook] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste - Sciences de l'Information, 44(2007)1, pp.66-75.

5709   2008-0254KOS standards413
Arsenault, C., et al. – Tensions in cataloging: observations on standards and implementation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Ethics, 17(2008)1, p.28-42.

9483   KOS standards413
Clarke, Stella Dextre. – New international thesaurus standard published (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 166(2012), pp. 28-29.

9484   KOS standards413
Clarke, Stella Dextre; Zeng, Marcia Lei. – From ISO 2788 to ISO 25964: the evolution of thesaurus standards towards interoperability and data modeling (Lang.: eng). - In: Information standards quarterly, 24(2012)1, pp. 20-26.

9626   KOS standards413
Clarke, Stella Dextre. – Evolution towards ISO 25964: an international standard with guidelines for thesauri and other types of controlled vocabulary (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Wissenschaft & Praxis, 58(2007)8, pp. 441-444.

9627   KOS standards413
Clarke, Stella Dextre. – ISO 2788 + ISO 5964 + much energy = ISO 25964 (Lang.: eng). - In: ASIS&T bulletin, 35(2008)1. – Available at http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Oct-08/OctNov08_DextreClarke.html

9628   KOS standards413
Hudon, Michèle. – ISO25964: pour le développement, la gestion et l’interopérabilité des langages documentaires [ISO 25964 : the development, the management and the interoperability of documentary languages] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentation et bibliothèques, 58(2012)3, pp.130-140.

17837   KOS standards413
Focused issue on extending, mapping and focusing the CIDOC CRM (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal on Digital Libraries, 18(2016)4, pp. 251-343.Amsterdam, Springer Netherlands, 2017. – pp. 92. – Available at http://https://link.springer.com/journal/799/18/4/page/1 ISSN: 15737519

18554   KOS standards413
Chang, Inho . – [A Study on the Expansion of Fundamental Categories Based on Thesaurus International Standards] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 50(2019)1, pp. 273-291. – Available at http://http://www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/articleDetail?nodeId=NODE07995820

17660   KOS standardsspecial KOSeconomical sciences413;67
Lykke, Marianne; Eslau, Anna Gjerluf. – Using thesauri in enterprise settings: indexing or query expansion? (Lang.: eng). - In: Aalborg University Research Portal.Aalborg, DK, Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi, 2010. – pp. 10. – Available at http://http://vbn.aau.dk/en/publications/using-thesauri-in-enterprise-settings-indexing-or-query-expansion(9dccb8d1-25e1-4144-b588-abccaec4879c).html – 9788774153184.

1049   1998-0425KOS standardsinternational KO groups413;926
Le rôle de l'IFLA en matière de normilasation [The role of IFLA in standardisation matters] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des bibliothécaires Français, (1998)178,p.50-53.

9485   KOS standards413;935(156)
Wang, Jun; Pu, Shuqing. – [A study and design on the standard for the networked knowledge organization system] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of library science in China, 38(2012)4, 39-45.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

16104reviews in special KO fieldsKOS standards026;413
Hearn, Stephen . – A Review of “International Standard ISO 25964-2: Information and Documentationâ€â€Thesauri and Interoperability With Other Vocabulariesâ€â€Part 2: Interoperability With Other Vocabularies†(Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 53(2015)1, pp. 112-115.

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