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Your search for
class 64 On Classification Systems and Thesauri in Biological, Veterinary Science, Agriculture, Food Sciences, Ecology
found the 48 items below.
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Charwat, Elaine; Böhme, Katrin. – Carl von Linné – Natursystem und Vermächtnis: Das internationale PartnerÂÂProjekt „Linnaeus Link“ [Carl Linnaeus - Systema Naturae and legacy: The international partner project "Linnaeus Link"] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksmagazin, (1)2016, pp. 64-67. – Available at Special issue on semantics for biodiversity (Lang.: eng). - In: Semantic Web Journal – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability 7(2016)6, pp. 577-667 = 90.Amsterdam, IOS Press , 2016. – pp. 90. – Available at ISSN: 15705838Van Allen, Adrian. – Bird skin to biorepository: making materials matter in the afterlives of natural history collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2017)7, pp. 529-544.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2017. – pp. 16. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Color PhotographsThomer, Andrea; Cheng, Yi-Yun; Schneider, Jodi; Twidale, Michael; Ludäscher, Bertram. – Logic-based schema alignment for natural history museum databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2017)7, pp. 545-558.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2017. – pp. 14. ISSN: 09437444; 5 DiagramsBIOSIS introduces new relational indexing scheme and additional information in 1998 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Today 15(1998)4,p.11. Pierozzi Junior, Ivo et al. – Sistema de Organização do Conhecimento sobre Intensificação Agropecuária: agregando valor às redes de conhecimento da Embrapa [Knowledge organization system on agriculture and cattle raising: adding value to the EMBRAPA knowledge networks] (Lang.: por). - In: Complexidade e organização do conhecimento: desafios de nosso século. Rio de Janeiro: ISKO-Brasil; MarÃÂlia: FUNDEPE, pp. 289-295. Lessard, S.. – Pour la documentation en entomologie: LCC ou DDC [Entomological literature: LCC or DDC?] (Lang.: fre). - In: Doc.Bibl., CanadaVol. 39 No. 1. 1993. p.7-10. Pelzer, N.L.. – Veterinary subject headings and classification: A critical analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 18(1993)2,p.3-18. Monographic titles in the Iowa State University collection within the classification range of Veterinary Medicine were analyzed for appropriateness of assigned subject headings and for fit into the existing Library of Congress Classification Schedule "S" (Agriculture). Observations made during the study led to several suggestions on how improved access to monographic titles in the field of veterinary medicine might be provided by LCSH and the LC classification scheme.Liang, A., Salokhe, G., Sini, M., Keizer, J. – Towards an infrastructure for semantic applications: methodologies for semantic integration of heterogeneous resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 43(2007) 3/4, p.73-84. Lauser, B. et al. – AGROVOC Web services: improved real-time access to an agricultural thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Quarterly Bulletin of the Institute of Agricultural Specialists, 51(2006)2, p.79-81. Sini, M., Lauser, B., Salokhe, G., Keizer, J., Katz, S. – The AGROVOC concept server: rationale, goals and usage (Lang.: eng). - In: Library review, 57(2008)3, p.200-212. Sini, Margherita, et al. – Smart organization of agricultural knowledge (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 322-326. Takezaki, A., Hosobami, T., Kurashima, A. – Development and use of Japan Agricultural Thesaurus to assist in searching for agriculture research information (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information processing and management, 52(2010)12, pp.710-717. Takezaki, A., Hosobami, T., Kurashima, A. – [Development and use of Japan Agricultural Thesaurus to assist in searching for agriculture research information] (Lang.: jap). - In: JOHOKANRI: Journal of information processing and management 52(2010)12, pp. 710-717. Andre, P.Q.J.. – Toward a unified agricultural thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Q.Bull.Int.Ass.Agric.Libr.Doc.Vol. 37 No. 4. 1992. p.224-226. Edelblute, T.. – A Pro-Cite authority file on a network (Lang.: eng). - In: Techn.Serv.Quart. Vol. 12, No. 3. 1995. p.29-40. Description of the creation of a subject authority file, using Pro-Cite bibliographic management software, for the US Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research service and the agricultural Engineering Faculty at the University of Missouri at Columbia. (Author, abbr.)Raupp, J. – Konzeption eines Standard-Thesaurus für Ökologischen Landbau [Design of a standard thesaurus for ecological agriculture (organic farming)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Nachr.Dok. Vol. 45. No. 6. 1994. p.343-348. Simonneau, D.. – AGRI-TERM ELEC-TERM (Lang.: fre). - Paris, Min.Rech.& Esp. MRE-91 K 6432, 1992. – pp. 18 . Weintraub, I.. – The terminology of alternative agricultural searching: AGRICOLA, CAB and AGRIS (Lang.: eng). - In: Q.Bull.Int.Ass.Agric.Inf.Doc.Vol. 37 No. 4. 1992. p.209-213. Haughton, Buzz. – The viticulture and enology library at the University of California, Davis University Library : an example of application of modified Library of Congress Classification and Subject Headings (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 26(1997)2, p.25-30. Navarretta, C., Pedersen, B.S., Hansen, D.H. – Language technology in knowledge-organization systems (Lang.: eng). - In: The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 12(2006)1, p.29-49. Liang, A.C., Sini, M. – Mapping AGROVOC and the Chinese Agricultural Thesaurus : definitions, tools, procedures (Lang.: eng). - In: The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 12(2006)1, p.51-62. Berks, A.H. – Current state of the art of Markush topolical search systems (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 23(2001)1,p.5-13. Lauser, B., Sini, M. – From AGROVOC to the Agricultural Ontology Service/concept server: an OWL model for creating ontologies in the agricultural domain (Lang.: eng). - In: International conference on Dublin Core and metadata applications; Metadata for knowledge and learning: DC-2006, Manzanillo, Mexico, 2006; ed. by M. Dekker, L. Feria. Colima, Universidad de Colima, 2006, p.76-88.2006. Krieger, C.; Schmid, H.. – The thesaurus implementation for AGRIS on CD-ROM (Lang.: eng). - In: Quart.Bull.Int.Assoc.Inf.Spec.. 38(1993)4,p.185-189. Nwali, L.O.. – Principles of agricultural thesaurus construction and utilization in Nigeria (Lang.: eng). - In: Q.Bull.Int.Ass.Agric.Libr.Doc.Vol. 37 No. 4. 1992. p.201-204. Lucas, M. – Mise au point du thésaurus d'une banque de données statistique agricole [Updating of the thesaurus for an agricultural statistical database] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, INTD, 1989. – pp. 33. Boterot, G. – The multilingual evolution of PASCAL in relation to forestry (Lang.: eng). - In: Kempf, A.(Ed.); Int.Union of Forest Res.Organizations, SG S 06.03.Information Systems for Forestry-related subjects: Access, search techniques and user needs.Proc.1988.p.175-184.Birmersdorf, CH, Yerke, T.B. – Preparing forestry terminologies for international compatibility in computerized information systems and databanks (Lang.: eng). - In: Kempf, A.(Ed.); Int.Union of Forest Res.Org., Subj.Group S 06.03.Inform.syst.f.forestry-related subjects: Access, search techn.and user needs.Proc.21-24 June 1988.1988.p.195-203.Birmersdorf, CH, Schrader, S. – Ist das Oxford-System für den Einsatz in Computer-gestützten Systemen geeignet? [Is the Oxford-system capable of being used in computer-supported systems?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.Ges.Biblwes.u.Dok.Landbau.No.45.1989.p.5-16. Weihs, W. – Zur Klassifikation umweltbezogener Daten im Rahmen des Bayerischen Umweltinformationssystems an Hand eines objektorientierten Ansatzes [The classification of environmental data in the context of the Bavarian Environmental Information System using a object-oriented approach] (Lang.: ger). - In: Nachrichten für Dokumentation Vol.47, No.6 1996, p. 350-367. Little, K.. – Constructing a thesaurus of environmental protection terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia. 19(1993)3/4,p.222-232. Nadezholina, M.E. – On environmental protection descriptor vocabulary compilation features (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-tekhn.inform.,Ser.2.No.5.1989.p.18-19. Lavieter, L.de; Deschamps, J.A., Felluga, B.. – A multilingual environmental thesaurus: Past, present, and future (Lang.: ). - Thies, Hans. – Improving the Exchange of Environmental Information in the Supply Chain (Lang.: eng). - Universität St. Gallen St. Gallen, Switzerland, Universität St. Gallen , 2014. – Available at Stirling, D. A. – EPA glossaries: the struggle to define environmental terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Government Information Quarterly, 24(2007)2, p.414-428. Flittner, S.v.. – Mapping of the subject covered by Finnish biotechnology research as shown by the material in 4 international databases (Lang.: swe). - In: Svensk Biblioteks Forskning No. 1-2. 1992. p.54-59.
Further items on this class as a particular theme Naumis-Peña, Catalina, Vargas-Suárez, Verónica . – Normalización de la terminologÃÂa mexicana sobre el agua [Standardization of Mexican terminology on water] (Lang.: spa). – In: Investigación bibliotecológica, 23(2009)49, pp.125-148. Padmavathi, T.; Krishnamurthy M. – Ontological representation of knowledge for developing information services in food science and technology (Lang.: eng). – In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9). Chung, Yeon-Kyoung. – [A study on structure of a faceted classification for organizing Korean food information] (Lang.: kor). – In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 47(2013)1, pp. 15-37. Caracciolo, C. et al. – Thesaurus maintenance, alignment and publication as linked data: the AGROVOC use case (Lang.: eng). – In: International journal of metadata semantics and ontologies, 7(2012)1, pp. 65-75. Holder, B. – Updating the Global Forest Decimal Classification (GFFC) (Lang.: eng). – In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 26(2004), p.42-43. Green, Rebecca; Martin, Giles. – A rosid is a rosid is a rosid ... or not (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in classification research online, 23(2013)1, pp. 9-16. – Available at Paper presented at the 23rd ASIST SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, October 26, 2012, Baltimore, MD, USAAn analysis of the inadequate treatment of African staple crops literature by Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme (Lang.: eng). – In: African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science 8(1998)1,p.23-30. Lo, M.L. – Recent strategies for retrieving chemical structure information on the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Science - Technology Libraries 17(1997)1,p.3-17. Schultz, J.L., Wilks, E.S. – Improved indexing of Chemical Abstracts Services post-treated polymers (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 37(1997)3. p.436-442. Schultz, J.L., Wilks, E.S. – Hierarchical polymer registration and source-based / structure-based correlative search capability via a 'hub concept (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 37(1997)3. p.425-435. Bernaoui, Radia; Hassoun, Mohamed. – User expectations, reality and delineation of agricultural information systems in the Maghreb (Lang.: eng). – In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).
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