Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 722 Word and Sentence Meaning found the 17 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

896   1998-0272word/sentence meaning722
Rouault, J. – About abuctive reasoning (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.13-17.

1304   1999-0099word/sentence meaning722
Kamel, M. – A contribution to the study of the semantics of French psychological and communication verbs (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)3,p.104-109.

5989   2009-0109word/sentence meaning722
Chang, M., Poon, C. K. – Efficient phrase querying with common phrase index (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 44 (2008)2, p.756-769.

7915   word/sentence meaning722
Hu, Y., Li, W. – Document sentiment classification by exploring description model of topical terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer speech and language, 25(2011)2, pp. 386-403.

10272   1990-2-246word/sentence meaning722
Lekant, P.A.(Ed.). – Word semantics and phrase semantics (Lang.: rus). - Moskva, SU, Mosk.obl.ped.in, 1989. – pp. 123.(Mezhvuz.sb.nauch.tr).

10543   1993-0298word/sentence meaning722
Gilreath, Ch.. – Onometrics: The formal evaluation of terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Strehlow, R.A., Wright, S.E.(Eds.) Standardizing Terminology for Better Communication: Practice, Applied Theory, and Results, ASTM STP 1166. 1993. p.75-94.Philadelphia, PA, Amer.Soc.Test.M,

11407   1993-0299word/sentence meaning722
Krovetz, R.; Croft, W.B.. – Lexical ambiguity and information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Transact.on Inform.SystemsVol. 10 No. 2. 1992. p.115-141.

12301   1995-0856word/sentence meaning722
Temmerman, R. – The process of revitalisation of old words: 'Splicing', a case study in the extension of reference (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology. Vol. 2. No. 1. 1995. p.107-128. Research on English neologisms in the field of biotechnology and how they influence the Dutch special language in molecular biology and genetic engineering. . 0857

13612   1994-0983word/sentence meaning722
Pimakhina, T.A.. – Semantic characteristics of neologisms in contemporary English (according to materials from contemporary English periodicals) (Lang.: rus). - In: Sistemnye svyasi b leksike i grammatike germanskikh yasykov. - Samara, RU, 1991. - p.24-30.

3780   2004-0307word/sentence meaninggeographyUDCDDC722-39;42;43
McIlwaine, I.C. – A question of place (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 26(2004), p.33-39.

13291   1996-0258722, 343
Rolland, M.Th.. – Book review of Ruge, G.: Wortbedeutung und Termassoziation (Word meaning and term association). Methods towards automatic semantic classification). Hildesheim, DE: Olms 1995, 244p (Lang.: ger). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22, No. 3/4. 1995. p.182-184.

11833   1994-0984722, 733
Renouf, A.. – Making sense of text: automated approaches to meaning extraction (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 93. London, 7-9 Dec.1993. - Oxford: Learned Inform.Ltd., 1993, p.77-86.

898   1998-0274word/sentence meaningvarious NBM indexing722;879
Burke, M.A. – Meaning, multimedia and the Internet : subject retrieval challenges and solutions (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 2nd British-Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies, Edinburgh, 1997 / ed. by M. Beaulieu, E. Davenport and N.O. Pors. - London: Taylor Graham, 1997, p.61-78.

12085   1995-0474722.132
Wei-Yi Liu. – The fuzzy functional dependency on the basis of the semantic distance (Lang.: eng). - In: Fuzzy Sets Systems. Vol. 59. No. 2. 1993. p.173-179. It is shown that the inference rules for fuzzy functional dependencies are sound and complete. Discussion of the applications of fuzzy functional dependencies to duplicate tuples and the fuzzy classification

10776   1993-0300722.136
Sun, Qinglan. – Approach and development of some theoretical problems of Zipf's Law (Lang.: chi). - In: J.China Soc.Scient.& Techn.InfVol. 11 No. 2. 1992. p.128-137.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

8191998-0195descriptorsparadigmatic relationshipsword/sentence meaning226;242;722
Hudon, M. – A preliminary investigation of the usefulness of semantic relations and of standardized definitions for the purpose of specifying meaning in a thesaurus (Lang.: eng). – In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.139-145.

53742007-0611lexicon problemsword/sentence meaning761;722
Gómez González-Jover, A. – Meaning and anisomorphism in modern lexicography (Lang.: eng). – In: Terminology, 12 (2006)2, p.215-234.

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