Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 74 Grammar Problems found the 64 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

72   1997-1-0071grammar problems • 741
Rolland, M.Th. – Grammatikstandardisierung im Bereich der Sprachverarbeitung [Grammar standardization for natural language processing] (Lang.: ger). - In: Nachrichten für Dokumentation Vol.47, No.5 1996, p. 287-292. Specification in which way a comprehensive grammar for a language, in this case the German language, can be developed. This grammar illustrates completely the internal structure of the language and can be used as a standardized basis in different applications, such as construction of query systems and machine translation systems

10288   1994-1001grammar problems • 741
Yurchenko, V.S.. – Cosmic syntax: God - Man - Word: a linguophilosophical survey (Lang.: rus). - Saratow, RU, Sarat.Gos.Ped.Inst. im.K.A.Fedina, 1993. – pp. 137.

12456   1996-0262grammar problems • 741
Losee, R.M.. – Learning syntactic rules and tags with genetic algorithms for information retrieval and filtering: An empirical basis for grammatical rules (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process. & Management. Vol. 32, No. 2. 1996. p.185-197.

12757   1996-1205grammar problems • 741
Paakki, J.. – Attribute grammar paradigms - a high-level methodology in language implementation (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Comput.Surveys. Vol. 27, No. 2. 1995. p.196-255.

13197   1994-0996grammar problems • 741
Hoepelman, J.. – Automatische Sprachverarbeitung [Automatic language processing] (Lang.: ger). - In: IT+TI Inf.Techn.u.Techn.Inform. 36(1994)2,p.5. Editorial of an issue of IT+TI devoted to the said topic. The following articles a.o. are included in this issue.

14246   1994-0997grammar problems • 741
Netter, K.. – Syntax in der maschinellen Sprachverarbeitung [Syntax in natural language processing] (Lang.: ). -

14247   1994-0998grammar problems • 741
Zoeppritz, M.. – Datenabfrage in natürlicher SpracheNatural language database query (Lang.: ). -

14248   1994-0999grammar problems • 741
Goeser, S.. – Linguistik und Wissensrepräsentation im Information Retrieval [Information retrieval based on linguistics and knowledge representation] (Lang.: ). -

13198   1994-1000741, 791
Kunze, J.. – Verbfeldstrukturen und Übersetzung [Wordfield structures and translation] (Lang.: ger). - In: LILI: Z.Lit.wiss.u.Linguistik. 21(1991)84,p.67-103. Contains a semantic classification of verbs.

5106   2007-0339syntactic analysis • 743
Bai, R., Wang, X., Liao, J. – Combination of rough sets and genetic algorithms for text classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4476 (2007), p.256-268.

5107   2007-0340syntactic analysis • 743
Valimaki N., Makinen, V. – Space-efficient algorithms for document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4580 (2007), p.205-215.

5351   2007-0588syntactic analysis • 743
Dehuri, S., Mall, R. – Predictive and comprehensible rule discovery using a multi-objective genetic algorithm (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based Systems, 19(2006)6, p.413-421.

5997   2009-0117syntactic analysis • 743
Esuli, A., Fagni, T., Sebastiani, F. – Boosting multi-label hierarchical text categorization (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Retrieval, 11(2008)4, p.287-313.

6258   2009-0378syntactic analysis • 743
Tryfonopoulos, Christos, Koubarakis, Manolis, Drougas, Yannis. – Information filtering and query indexing for an information retrieval model (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM transactions on information systems, 27(2009)2, pp. 1-47.

6720   2009-0840syntactic analysis • 743
Aiolli, F., et al. – Preferential text classification: learning algorithms and evaluation measures (Lang.: eng). - In: Information retrieval, 12(2009)5, pp. 559-580.

6721   2009-0841syntactic analysis • 743
Martín-Merino, M., Blanco, N. – A local semi-supervised Sammon algorithm for textual data visualization (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of intelligent information systems, 33(2009)1, pp. 23-40.

6978   syntactic analysis • 743
Hu, Jiani, et al. – Learning a locality discriminating projection for classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, vol. 22(2009)8, pp. 562-568.

6979   syntactic analysis • 743
Misevičius, Alfonsas, Blonskis, Jonas, BukΓ…Β‘naitis, Vytautas. – EuristiniΓ…Β³ algoritmΓ…Β³ klasifikavimas [On the classification of heuristic algorithms] (Lang.: lit). - In: Lithuanian Informacijos Mokslai / Information sciences, 48(2009), pp. 117-126.

7728   syntactic analysis • 743
Arazy, Ofer et al. – Recognizing contributions in wikis: authorship categories, algorithms, and visualizations (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)6, pp. 1166-1179.

7729   syntactic analysis • 743
Cecchini, Rocio L. et al. – Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for context-based search (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)6, pp. 1258-1274.

7730   syntactic analysis • 743
Moriceau, V. R., Tannier, X. – FIDJI: using syntax for validating answers in multiple documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Information retrieval, 13(2010)5, pp. 507-533.

8314   syntactic analysis • 743
Bagirov, A.M., Ugon, J., Webb, D. – An efficient algorithm for the incremental construction of a piecewise linear classifier (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 36(2011)4, pp. 782-790.

8496   syntactic analysis • 743
Tsimboukakis, N., Tambouratzis,G. – Word-map systems for content-based document classification (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE transactions on systems man and cybernetics. Part C Applications and reviews, 41(2011)5, pp. 662-673.

8682   syntactic analysis • 743
Japkowicz, Nathalie, Shah, Mohak. – Evaluating learning algorithms : a classification perspective (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge & New York, Cambridge University Press, 2011. – pp. 406. – ISBN: 9780521196000; 0521196000.

8831   syntactic analysis • 743
Garcia, V., Sanchez, J S., Mollineda, R. A. – On the effectiveness of preprocessing methods when dealing with different levels of class imbalance (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 25(2012)1, pp. 13-21.

9067   syntactic analysis • 743
Arroyuelo, D., Navarro, G., Sadakane, K. – Stronger Lempel-Ziv based compressed text indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Algorithmica, 62(2012)1-2, pp. 54-101.

10647   1993-0315syntactic analysis • 743
Warner, A.J.; Wenzel, P.H.. – A linguistic analysis and categorization of nominal expressions (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.54th Annual ASIS Meeting, Washington, DC, Oct.27-31, 1991. 1991. p.186-195.Medford, NJ, Learned Inform.,

10914   1990-0973syntactic analysis • 743
Rama, D.V.; Srinivasan, P. – An investigation of content representation using text grammars (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Transact.on Inform.Syst.Vol.11.No.1.1993.p.51-75.

11026   1990-1-241syntactic analysis • 743
Netter, K.; Rohrer, C. – Syntactic analysis in lexical funtional grammar.The example of German prepositional phrases (Lang.: eng). - In: TA Inform.Vol.28.No.2.1987.p.71-95.

11674   1993-0973syntactic analysis • 743
Rama, D.V.; Srinivasan, P.. – An investigation of content representation using text grammars (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Transact.on Inform.Syst.. Vol. 11. No. 1. p.51-75.

13575   1990-2-256syntactic analysis • 743
Endrzej-Boryczka,U. – Automatic recognitionof grammatical classes of words by the end fragments (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-tekhn.inform.Ser.2.No.6.1989.p.24-27.

10646   1993-0314743, 753. 349
Metzler, D.P.; Haas, S.W.. – A syntactic filter for improving information retrieval precision (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.52nd ASIS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Oct.30, 1989. 1989. p.24-27.Medford, NJ, Learned Inform.,

5754   2008-0299syntactic analysis • online retrieval problems • 743;751
Fersini, E., Messina, E., Archetti, F. – Enhancing web page classification through image-block importance analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 44(2008)4, p.1431-1447.

7409   syntactic analysis • conceptology • systems theory • 743;82-51/4
Matwin, Stan et al. – A new algorithm for reducing the workload of experts in performing systematic reviews (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 17(2010)4, pp. 446-453.

7410   syntactic analysis • users requirements • 743;982
MacFarlane, A. et al. – An experimental comparison of a genetic algorithm and a hill-climber for term selection (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 66(2010)4, pp. 513-531.

11027   1990-1-242743+726
Craven, T.C. – An interactive aid for coding of sentence dependency structures (Lang.: eng). - In: Can.J.Inform.Sci.Vol.14.No.3.1989.p.32-41.

5108   2007-0341grammatical forms • 744
Grabowski, S. et al. – A simple alphabet-independent FM-Index (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 17(2006)6, p.1365-1384.

5352   2007-0589grammatical forms • 744
Hu, J. et al. – Locality discriminating indexing for document classification keywords: information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development, (2007), p.689-690.

5353   2007-0590grammatical forms • 744
Ke, W., Mostafa, J., Fu, Y. – Collaborative classifier agents: studying the impact of learning in distributed document classification keywords (Lang.: eng). - In: Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 7(2007), p.428-437.

8683   grammatical forms • 744
Sun, Yan, Lu, Fang-ping, Deng, Xiao-qun. – [Position of key words in scientific papers and their indexing principles under network environment] (Lang.: chi). - In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science, 20(2011)2, pp. 38-40.

10388   1990-1-243grammatical forms • 744
Basilaya, N.A. – The category of attribute in language (Lang.: rus). - Tbilisi, Izd.-vo un-ta, 1989. – pp. 303.

13345   1994-1002grammatical forms • 744
Varga, G.. – Machine-aided morphological analysis of prefixed verbal relations (Lang.: hun). - In: Eszterházy Károly tanárképzö föiskola tudományos közleményei (Eger). 20(1991)2,p.7-12.

17988   grammatical forms • 744
Γ‡elebi, Arda; Γ–zgΓΌr, Arzucan . – Segmenting hashtags and analyzing their grammatical structure (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2017)5, pp. 675-686.

10915   1990-0974744, 777 fr
Savoy, J. – Stemming of French words based on grammatical categories (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.Vol.44.No.1.1993.p.1-9.

11675   1993-0974744, 777 fr
Savoy, J.. – Stemming of French words based on grammatical categories (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.. Vol. 44. No. 1. p.1-9.

8832   grammatical forms • cluster analysis • 744;252
Dutta, Bidyarthi, Majumder, Krishnapada, Sen, B. K. – Study of subject domain by keyword cluster analysis based on research articles: A case study from physics (Lang.: eng). - In: Information studies, 17(2011)4, pp. 195-210.

6722   2009-0842grammatical forms • primary document indexing in • 744;848
Brouland, Myriel. – Quelques mots pour le dire [A few words to say it: keywords] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste - sciences de l'information, 46(2009)2, pp. 41-42.

1850   2000-0126grammatical problems • 745
Green, R. – Automated identification of frame semantic relational structures (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.193-199.

13199   1994-1004grammatical problems • 745
Rauhut, F.. – Aspekte der Passivanalyse [Aspects of passive analysis] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wiss.Z. Martin-Luther-Univers.. 41(1992)2,p.62-64.

10224   1994-1003745, 01
Campe, P.. – Case, semantic roles and grammatical relations. A comprehensive bibliography (Lang.: eng). - Amsterdam, NL, Benjamins, 1994. – pp. VII,644. – ISBN: 9027228116.

3386   2003-0061grammatical problems • relationships problems • 745;241
Bean, C.A., Green, R. – Improving subject retrieval with frame representation (Lang.: eng). - In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.114-121.

585   1997-4-0586grammatical problems • semantic networks • 745;725
Reimer, U. – Neue Formen der Wissenrepräsentation [New forms of representation of knowledge] (Lang.: ger). - In: Buder, M., Rehfeld, W.. Seeger, T., Strauch, D. (Eds.). Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation. 4th. ed. - München : K.G. Saur, 1997. ISBN: 3598113099. p.180-207.

7922   syntax structures • 746
Li, S. T., Tsai, F. C. – Constructing tree-based knowledge structures from text corpus (Lang.: eng). - In: Applied intelligence, 33(2010)1, pp. 67-78.

8497   language syntax • 747
Anizi, Mouna, Dichy, Joseph. – Improving information retrieval in Arabic through a multi-agent approach and a rich lexical resource (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 38(2011)5, pp. 405-413.

10165   1990-1-244language syntax • 747
Bhatt, C. – Die syntaktische Struktur der Nominalphrase im Deutschen [The syntactical structure of the German nominal phrase] (Lang.: ger). - Tübingen, DE, G.Narr Verlag, 1990. – pp. VIII,269. – ISBN: 3878088388.

10424   1990-1-245language syntax • 747
Kefer, M. – Satzgliedstellung und Satzstruktur im Deutschen [Sentence element position and sentence structure in the German language] (Lang.: ger). - Tübingen, DE, G.Narr Verlag, 1989. – pp. 419.

1083   1998-0459language syntax • search engines • 747;757
Zhai, C., Tong, X., Milic-Frayling, N., Evans, D.A. – Evaluation of syntactic phrase indexing : CLARIT NLP trach report (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5), (1997)p.347-357.

18200   syntax in • 748
OrtuΓ±o-SΓ‘nchez, Yamila; GarcΓ­a-Leiva, Yordanis. – Propuesta tecnolΓ³gica para la reducciΓ³n de la ambigΓΌedad sintΓ‘ctica en textos jurΓ­dicos [Technological proposal for the reduction of syntacticambiguity in legal texts] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista Ciencias de la InformaciΓ³n, 48(2017)2, pp. 35-39. – Available at http://http://cinfo.idict.cu/index.php/cinfo/article/view/841/594



Further items on this class as a particular theme

7335math KO theory • syntactic analysis • tagging • 131;743;835
Han, L., Yan, H. – A fuzzy biclustering alogorithm for social annotations (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)4, pp. 426-438.

7669library KOS • grammatical forms • record structure • 411;744;945
Li, Nan. – [Indexing characteristics of proper nouns and specific subject headings in CNMARC] (Lang.: chi). – In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science, 19(2010)3, pp. 56-58.

12841999-0079DDC • • 43;749-es
Rojas L., O.G. – Translation the DDC : the experience of the Spanish version (Lang.: eng). – In: Dewey Decimal Classification : Edition 21 and International Perspectives : papers from a workshop at the IFLA Conference Beijing, China, August 29, 1996 / ed. by L.M. Chan and J.S. Mitchell. - Albany: Forest Press, 1997 , p.77-83.

53382007-0575conceptology • systems theory • syntactic analysis • 651/4;743
Stojmirović, A., Pestov, V. – Indexing schemes for similarity search in datasets of short protein fragments (Lang.: eng). – In: Information Systems, 32(2007)8, p.1145-1165.

8678semantic networks • syntactic analysis • 725;743
Jiangnan, Qiu, Xuan, Qin, Qiuyan, Zhong. – [Research on relatedness algorithms in heterogeneous knowledge network] (Lang.: chi). – In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(2011)5, pp. 495-502.

55602008-0103search engines • syntactic analysis • 757;743
Srinivasa, K.G., Venugopal, K.R., Patnaik, L.M. – A self-adaptive migration model genetic algorithm for data mining applications (Lang.: eng). – In: Information Sciences, 177(2007)20, pp.4295-4313.

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