Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 772 Form and Designation of Terms and Names found the 33 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

9668   terms form • 772
Bridge, Noeline. – (Book review of) ISO 25964-1: 2011 Information and documentationÒ€”Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies. Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 109-110.

9669   terms form • 772
Briggs, Robin. – Māori names in indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 76-79.

11290   1990-2-303terms form • 772
Sager, J.C. – Term formation (Lang.: eng). - In: Lebende Sprachen.Vol.34.No.4.1989.p.159-161.

11875   1994-1065terms form • 772
Lejchik, V.M.. – The peculiarities of the functioning of terms in a text (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.84-87.

12123   1995-0559terms form • 772
Desmet, I.; Boutayeb, S. – Terms and words: Propositions for terminology (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology. Vol. 1. No. 2. 1994. p.303-325. English translation of article which appeared in French in Banq.mots 1993, NS5, p.5-32

12124   1995-0563terms form • 772
Stoberski, Z. – Book review of Gajda, ST.: An introduction to the theory of the term. Opole: Higher Pedagogical School 1990 (Lang.: eng). - In: Neoterm. No. 21-24. 1994. p.103-105.

12472   1996-0286terms form • 772
Kageura, K.. – Toward the theoretical study of terms - A sketch from the linguistic viewpoint (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology. Vol. 2, No. 2. 1995. p.239-257. As a preliminary to the theoretical study of terms, the treatment of terms is contrasted with the linguistic study of words.See also 0155

12970   1994-1063terms form • 772
Schaetzen, C.de. – Diachronie et libéralisme en terminologie [Diachrony and liberalism in terminology] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.Mots. (1993)45,p.33-39.

12990   1995-0556terms form • 772
Abreli, J.M. – L'abréviation dans le langage technique [Abbreviation in technical language] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.mots. No. 47. 1994. p.105-115.

12991   1995-0557terms form • 772
Boissy, J. – Terme, symbole [Term, symbol] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.mots. No. NS5. 1993. p.33-41.

12992   1995-0558terms form • 772
Chabridon, J.; Lerat, P. – Terme et famille de termes [Term and family of terms] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.mots. No. NS5. 1993. p.55-63.

12993   1995-0560terms form • 772
Humbley, J. – L'observation de la néologie terminologique: l'experience du CTN [Observation of terminological neologism: experience of the Centre de Terminologie et de Néologie (CTN)] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.mots. No. NS5. 1993. p.65-73.

12994   1995-0561terms form • 772
Joly, H.; Nallatamby, P., Ngo, L., Hamelers, A. – Néologie coopérative (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.mots. No. 48. 1994. p.3-52.

12995   1995-0562terms form • 772
Schneider, A. – Terme, formule et symbole [Term, formula, symbol] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.mots. No. NS5. 1993. p.43-53.

13026   1994-1064terms form • 772
Joly, H.; Kies, N.; Nallatamby, P.; Paulussen, D.. – Néologie coopérative [Cooperative neology] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.Moots. (1993)46,p.3-50.

13078   1990-1-342terms form • 772
Knobloch, C. – Geisteswissenschaftliche Grundbegriffe als Problem der Fachsprachenforschung [Basic concepts of the humanities, a problem of special language research] (Lang.: ger). - In: Special Language - Fachsprache.Vol.11.No.3-4.1989.p.113-126.

13100   1990-1031terms form • 772
Jahr, S. – Zum Verhõltnis von Bedeutung, Begriff und Wissen bei Fachtermini [On the relationship of meaning, concept, and knowledge in terms] (Lang.: ger). - In: Fachsprache.Vol.15.No.1-2.1993.p.38-44.

13182   1993-1031terms form • 772
Jahr, S.. – Zum Verhトltnis von Bedeutung, Begriff und Wissen bei Fachtermini [On the relationship of meaning, concept, and knowledge in terms] (Lang.: ger). - In: Fachsprache. Vol. 15. No. 1-2. p.38-44.

13204   1994-1066terms form • 772
Stephan, W.. – Mehrwortbenennung als Nominationswert [Multiword term as nomination value] (Lang.: ger). - In: Z.Mart.-Luther-Univ.Halle. 41(1992)4,p.113-117.

13536   1990-1-341terms form • 772
Kiyak, T.P.; Knignitskaya, M.I. – Motivational aspects of international terms (Lang.: rus). - In: Otrasl.terminol.i ee sstruktur.-tipol.opisanie.1988.p.131-138.Voronesh, SU,

13562   1990-1032terms form • 772
Ostapenko, V.E. – A conception of formal solution to the problem of term-word relation (Lang.: rus). - In: Uch.zap.Tart.gos.univ.No.912.1990.p.67-77.

13578   1990-2-304terms form • 772
Sorokina, N.G. – Modelling word formation semantics in computerised information system vocabularies (Lang.: rus). - In: Sb.nauch.tr./Leningr.inst.kult.No.116.1988.p.55-59.

13606   1993-1032terms form • 772
Ostapenko, V.E.. – A conception of formal solution to the problem of term-word relation (Lang.: rus). - In: Uch.zap.Tart.gos.univ.. No. 912. p.67-77.

18162   terms form • 772
Campbell, D. Grant; GuimaraΜƒes, José Augusto Chaves; Pinho, Fabio Assis; Martínez-Ávila, Daniel; Nascimento, Francisco Arrais. – The Terminological Polyhedron in LGBTQ Terminology: Self-Naming as a Power to Empower in Knowledge Organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 44(2017)8, pp. 586-591.

3623   2004-0149terms form • geography • UDC • DDC • 772-39;42;43
McIlwaine, I.C. – A question of place (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 179-185.

1126   1998-0502terms form • geography • general thesauri • 772-39;483
Geisselmann, F. – Verbannen Bibliothekare deutsche Ortsnamen aus ihren Katalogen? : Zur Ansetzung ehemals deutscher Orte nach RSWK [Are librrians banning German places-names from their catalogues: The use in headings of former German place-names according to RSWK] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 32(1998)3,p.503-506.

1127   1998-0503terms form • geography • general thesauri • 772-39;483
Unte, W. – Zur Ansetzung deutscher Ortsnamen nach RSWK 202 [German place-names in headings according to RSWK 202] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 32(1998)3,p.499-502.

12327   1995-0892772, 776
L'Homme, M.-C. – Processing word combinations in existing term banks (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology. Vol. 2. No. 1. 1995. p.141-162. How specific can word combinations be stored in computerized reference tools? The focus of this paper is on word lexical groups in special languages and their representation for translation purposes

107   1997-1-0106terms form • indexing evalutation problems • 772;391
Gauch,S., Chong, M.K. – Automatic word similarity detection for TREC 4 query expansion (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) 1996, p.527-536.

945   1998-0321terms form • indexing evalutation problems • 772;391
Gauch, S., Wang, J. – Corpus analysis for TREC 5 query expansion (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5 Gaithersburg: NIST, 1997), p.537-546.

1936   2000-0212terms form • conceptology • systems theory • 772;651/4
Bowker, L. – A corpus-based investigation of variation in the organization of medical terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000, p.71-76.

2110   2000-0386terms form • cartography indexing • 772;876
Morehead, J. – The topography of names and places (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference Librarian, (1999)63,p.83-93. »» On geographical names databases

6022   2009-0142terms form • authority files • 772;998
Power, J. – Japanese names (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 26(2008)2, C4/2-C4/8.



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