Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 775 Classification and Terminology found the 10 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

108   1997-1-0107classification and terminology775
McMahon, J.G., Smith, F.J. – Improving statistical language model performance with automatic generated word hierarchies (Lang.: eng). - In: Compuational linguistics Vol.22, No. 2 1996, p. 217-248.

946   1998-0322classification and terminology775
Babik, W. – Systemy biblioteczne, systemy informacyjne, systemy biblioteczno-informacyjne a systemy informacyjno-wyszukiwawcze [The library systems, information systems, library information systems and information retrieval systems: terminological reflections] (Lang.: pol). - In: Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej, (1994)1/2,p.39-46.

8513   classification and terminology775
Majerova, Jarmila. – Terminologia v Oblasti Elektronickych Dokumentov -- Uvahy Aj o Typologii [Terminology in the field of electronic documents- also considering typology] (Lang.: slo). - In: Kniznica, 12(2011)1, pp. 51-54.

10550   1990-1-344classification and terminology775
Nedobity, W. – Classification systems for terminological databanks (Lang.: eng). - In: Picken, C.(Ed.).Translating and the Computer 9.Potential and practice.Proc.Conf., 12-13 Nov.1987, London, GB.1988.p.145-153.London, GB, Aslib,

12931   1993-0353classification and terminology775
Mustafa-Elhadi, W.. – La contribution de la terminologie ナ la conception théorique des languages documentaires et ナ l'indexation de documents [The contribution of terminology to the theoretical conception of documentary languages and to document indexing] (Lang.: fre). - In: MetaVol. 37 No. 3. 1992. p.465-473.

13950   1993-0100classification and terminology775
Dahlberg, I.. – The terminology of subject fields - reconsidered (Lang.: ). -

3624   2004-0150classification and terminologyspecial terminologytechnology775;78-73
Coleman, A.S. – Knowledge structures and the vocabulary of engineering novices (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 281-286.

6892   7751
Katzmayr, Michael. – (Book review of) Greg R. Notess. Teaching web search skills: techniques and strategies of top trainers. Medford, NJ, Information Today, 2006. xix, 344pp. ISBN: 1573872679; 9781573872676 (Lang.: ger). - In: Online-Mitteilungen, 89(2006) pp. 17-18.

6893   7751
Katzmayr, Michael. – (Book review of) Suzanne S. Bell. Librarian's guide to online searching. Westport, CT, Libraries Unlimited, 2006. xvii, 268pp. ISBN: 1591583268 (pbk) (Lang.: ger). - In: Online-Mitteilungen, 90 (2007). 18-21.

11053   1990-1-300psychology7758-55
Hjorland, B. – Information retrieval in psychology: implications of a case study (Lang.: eng). - In: Behav.Soc.Sci.Libr.Vol.6.No.3-4.1988.p.39-64.



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