Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 78-3 Terminological Work in Astronomy, Geosciences, Geography, Mining found the 14 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

5565   2008-0108special terminologyastronomyUDC78-31;42
Dorokhova, T.N., Dorokhov, N.I. – The situation with unique classification systems: UDC52 and Astronomy Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 377(2007), pp.62-68.

6295   2009-0415special terminologyastronomysearch engines78-31;757
Chen, Chaomei, et al. – The impact of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey on astronomical research: the role of culture, identity and international collaboration (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp.307-312.

13893   1993-0041special terminology78-32, 773
Clémencin, G.; Regnier, S.. – Problématique de l'exploitation automatique d'une terminologie: Cas d'Aerospatiale [Implementation of Aérospatiale's multilingual terminologies] (Lang.: ). -

12936   1993-0362special terminology78-335
Vocabulaire de la sismologie [Vocabulary of seismology] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.Mots No. 44. 1992. p.109-117.

12937   1993-0363special terminology78-335
Vocabulaire de la tectonique [Vocabulary of tectonics] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.Mots No. 44. 1992. p.89-108.

12972   1994-1077special terminology78-342
Croe, G.. – La problématique de l'ozone: terminologie et commentaires [The problematic aspects of ozone: terminology and comments] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.mots. (1993)45,p.40-66.

12973   1994-1078special terminology78-346
Hamelin, L.-E.. – Le vocabulaire de l'hiver [The winter vocabulary] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.mots. (1993)45,p.l14-32.

12789   1996-1253special terminology78-376, 962
Soeboe, R.. – A sociological study of variables concerning the use of language in a multilingual context (Lang.: eng). - In: IITF Journal. Vol. 7, No. 1. 1996. p.28-38. Sociological analysis of the Norwegianization of the so-called 'petroleum language'.

12475   1996-0292special terminology78-382
Strehlow, R.A.. – Ninety years of terminology management in ASTM (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology. Vol. 2, No. 2. 1995. p.259-272. The American Society for Testing and Materials has been engaged in management of terminology for more than nine decades across many subject disciplines. The methods developed and applied throughout this period for the management of terminology are described in their historical context. Problems of a multidisciplinary set of independent standards-writing committees are also discussed with proposed solutions. (Author, abbr.)

2282   2000-0558special terminologygeography78-39
Deckelbaum, D. – GIS in libraries : an overview of concepts and concerns (Lang.: eng). - In: Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (1991)21. – Available at http://www.library.ucsb.edu/istl/99-winter/article3.html

2283   2000-0559special terminologygeography78-39
Stone, J. – Stocking your GIS data library (Lang.: eng). - In: Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (1991)21. – Available at http://www.library.ucsb.edu/istl/99-winter/article1.html

9099   special terminologygeography78-39
Bordogna, G., Ghisalberti, G., Psaila, G. – Geographic information retrieval: modeling uncertainty of users context (Lang.: eng). - In: Fuzzy sets and systems, 196(2012), pp. 105-124.

595   1997-4-0596special terminologygeographyliterature reviews78-39;02
Strasser, T. – Book review of McDonnell, R. and Kemp, K. International GIS dictionary. Cambridge (UK) : GeoInformational International, 1995. 111 p. ISBN: 1899761195 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of government information 24 (1997)2. p.130-132.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

11341998-0510data indexinggeographyspecial terminologygeography82-39;78-39
Waters, N. – Geographic information systems (Lang.: eng). – In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, (1998)63,p.98-125. Review article

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