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class 78-5 Terminological Work in Human Biology, Medicine, Psychology, Education, Labour, Sports, Household
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Mwanyika, Henry Bethuel . Developing integrated health information systems in low income countries: an enterprise architecture approach (Lang.: eng). - Basel, Switzerland, UniversitΓΒ€t Basel, 2014. Available at White, Ryen W., Horvitz, Eric. Cyberchondria: studies of the escalation of medical concerns in Web search (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Transactions on information systems, 27(2009)4, pp. 23:1-23, 37. Liu, Ying-Hsang. The impact of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms on information seeking effectiveness (Lang.: eng). - In: SIGIR forum, 43(2009)2, p. 88. Hoste, VΓΒ©ronique et al. Classification-based scientific term detection in patient information (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 16(2010)1, pp. 1- 29. Pathak, Jyotishman, Chute, Christopher G . Analyzing categorical information in two publicly available drug terminologies: RxNorm and NDF-RT (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 17(2010)4, pp.432-439. Vanopstal, K. et al. Vocabularies and retrieval tools in biomedicine: disentangling the terminological knot (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of medical systems, 35(2011)4, pp. 527-543. Magrabi, Farah, et al. Using FDA reports to inform a classification for health information technology safety problems (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 19(2012)1, pp. 45-53. Vanopstal, Klaar, et al. Vocabularies and retrieval tools in biomedicine: disentangling the terminological knot (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of medical systems, 35(2011)4, pp. 527-543. Darmoni, StΓΒ©fan J., et al. Improving information retrieval using Medical Subject Headings Concepts: a test case on rare and chronic diseases (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Medical Library Association, 100(2012)3, pp. 176Γ’β¬β183. Plaza, Laura, Stevenson, Mark, Diaz, Alberto. Resolving ambiguity in biomedical text to improve summarization (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 48(2012)4, pp. 755-766. Wang, Xin, et al. Role of domain knowledge in developing user-centered medical-image indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 3(2012)2, pp. 225-241. Frank, M.. Computer-assisted terminology as an aid to scientific work at the Federal Health Office (Bundesgesundheitsamt) (Lang.: eng). - In: TermNet News No. 38/39. 1992. p.15-16. Hucklenbroich, P. Book review of Ingenerf, J.: Benutzeranpaßbare semantische Sprachanalyse und Begriffsrepräsentation für die medizinische Dokumentation (User-adaptable semantic language analysis and concept representation for medical documentation) St.AugustInfix 1993. 345p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.102-103. Zakharov, V.P. Characteristics of an editor s work on the terminology of medical literature: a case study of the military medical journal (Lang.: rus). - In: Inf.sb./Nauch.-inf.tsentr.po izd.delu, poligr.prom-sti i kn.torgovie.No.7.1990.p.2-17. Zakharov, V.P.. Characteristics of an editor s work on the terminology of medical literature: a case study of the military medical journal (Lang.: rus). - In: Inf.sb./Nauch.-inf.tsentr.po izd.delu, poligr.prom-sti i kn.torgovie. No 7. 1990. p.2-17.1990. Grinev, S.V.; Jermakov, Je.S., Morozov, B.V., Grinev, A.S.. The problems of medical terminology (Lang.: ). - Al Khayat, M.H.. Medical terminology in the Arab world (Lang.: ). - Gabrieli, E.R. Criteria for a computer-oriented medical nomenclature (Lang.: eng). - In: TermNet News.No.41.1993.p.12. Twelve criteria are formulated concerning: Comprehensiveness, taxonomy, accuracy, precision, hierarchy, synonymity, expansiveness, notation/codes, maintenance, compatibility, and data exchange facilityGabrieli, E.R.. Criteria for a computer-oriented medical nomenclature (Lang.: eng). - In: TermNet News. No. 41. p.12. Twelve criteria are formulated concerning: Comprehensiveness, taxonomy, accuracy, precision, hierarchy, synonymity, expansiveness, notation/codes, maintenance, compatibility, and data exchange facility.Hirs, W.M.. ICD-10, a missed chance and a new opportunity for medical terminology standardization (Lang.: ). - Kondratyev, D.K. Eponymic Russian medical terminology (Lang.: eng). - In: IITF Journal. Vol. 3. No. 1. 1992. p.30-40. Lewalle, P.. International coordination of health and biomedical terminology work as part of WHO's constitutional mandate (Lang.: ). - Lurquin, G. La synonymie en terminologie médicale (2e partie) (Lang.: fre). - In: Neoterm.No.9-10.1988.p.17-37. McKnight, C. A grounded theory model of on-duty critical care nurses’ information behaviour: the patient-chart cycle of informative interactions (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 63(2007)1, p.57-74. Mguifar, R. Terminologie des appareils de correction auditive modernes [Terminology of hearing aids] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.mots. No. 47. 1994. p.23-59. Spat, S., et al. Enhanced information retrieval from narrative German-language clinical text documents using automated document classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 136 (2008) p.473-478. Irazazᅠbal, A.de; Borge, S.A., Weidner, J.Z. et al.. Etude et incorporation de termes normalisés en espagnol aux terminologies multilingues. Champ thematique: drogues (Lang.: ). - Gotoh, T.; Yamamoto, H., Takagi, S., Kawamura, S. et al. Case study on important terms in safety investigations-survey and evaluation of safety terms appearing in literature on a hypocholesterolemic agent Lovastatine (Lang.: eng). - In: Analytical SciencesVol. 7 No. 2. 1991. p.1573-76. Hong, Yi; Zeng, Marcia Lei; Zhang, Jin; Dimitroff, Alexandra, Kahn, Jr., Charles E. Application of standardized biomedical terminologies in radiology reporting templates (Lang.: eng). - 2013. Available at Note: Paper presented at Knowledge Organization Γ’β¬β Pushing the Boundaries, ISKO UK biennial conference, 8th-9th July 2013, London.Banks, I.C.; Tackley, R. A standard set of terms for critical incident recordings? (Lang.: eng). - In: Br.J.Anaesth. Vol. 73. No. 5. 1994. p.703-708. Cimino, J.J. Representation of clinical laboratory terminology in the Unified Medical Language System (Lang.: eng). - In: Assessing the Value of Medical Informatics.Proc.15th Ann.Symp.on Comput.Applic.in Medical Care.Washington,DC, Nov.1991.1992.p.199-203.New York, McGraw-Hill, Cimino, J.J.. Representation of clinical laboratory terminology in the Unified Medical Language System (Lang.: eng). - In: Assessing the Value of Medical Informatics. Proc.15th Ann.Symp.on Comput.Applic.in Medical Care. Washington,DC, Nov.1991. p.199-203.New York, McGraw-Hill, 1992. Casey, A. Standard terminology for nursing: results of the nursing, midwifery and health visiting terms project (Lang.: eng). - In: Health Informatics. Vol. 1. No. 2. 1995. p.41-3. Bucur, Mihaela, Adams, Clive. Romanian psychiatric literature: analysis of accessibility and nature of Romanian psychiatric articles (Lang.: eng). - In: Health information & libraries journal, 27(2010)2, pp.140-147. Mitchell, P. Learning architecture: issues in indexing Australian education in a Web 2.0 world (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 26(2008)4, pp. 163-169. Skatova, L.A.. The international glossary of professions and occupations: The basic project and its implementation (Lang.: eng). - In: TermNet News. (1993)42/43,p.24-26. Ortuno, M.; Parellada, I., Rius, L.. Le programme de terminologie du TERMCAT pour les Jeux Olympiques de Barcelone 1992 (Lang.: ). - Franquesa i Bonet,E.; Mari i Mayans, I., Navas, i Jara, M.. Terminology standardization in the Catalan speaking regions: the experience of TERMCAT (Lang.: ). - Weissenhofer, P. Conceptology in Terminology. Theory, Semantics, and Word Formation. A morpho-conceptually based approach to classification as exemplified by the English baseball terminology (Lang.: eng). - Vienna, TermNet, 1995. pp. 270.(IITF Series 6). ISBN: 3901010114. Lery, M.F.. Vocabulaire de la cuisine [Cookery vocabulary] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.Mots No. 43. 1992. p.85-110.
Further items on this class as a particular theme [Comparative study on ontology projects in biomedical field] (Lang.: chi). In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese journal of medical library and information science, 19(2010)5, pp. 16-19. Smith, B., Brochhausen, M. Putting biomedical ontologies to work (Lang.: eng). In: Methods of information in medicine, 49(2010)2, pp. 135-140. Zhang, J., Wolfram, D., Wang, P. Analysis of keywords of sports-related queries using visualization and clustering (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)8, pp. 1550-1571. Zhang, Jin, et al. Visualization of health-subject analysis based on query term co-occurrences (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 59(2008)12, pp. 1933-1947. Taylor, M. K., Gebremichael, M. D., Wagner, C. E. Mapping the literature of health care management (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the Medical Library Association, 95(2007)2, p.202. Dirnberger, Dietmar. On searching biopharmaceutical drug-related patent information: a human recombinant insulin patent landscape case study (Lang.: eng). In: World patent information, 33(2011)2, pp.128-143. Janakiraman, C. Online cataloguing (Lang.: eng). Delhi, Pacific books international, 2011. pp. 268. ISBN: 9789380472225 . Humphrey, Susanne M. et al. Comparing a rule-based versus statistical system for automatic categorization of MEDLINE documents according to biomedical specialty (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, vol. 60(2009)12, pp. 2530-2539. Olson, T. LCSH to MESH, MeSH to LCSH (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 46(2008)4, p.438-439. Vagelatos, Aristides, et al. Developing tools and resources for the biomedical domain of the Greek language (Lang.: eng). In: Health informatics journal, 17(2011)2, pp. 127-139. Yeganova, Lana, et al. How to interpret PubMed queries and why it matters (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)2, pp. 264-274. Zhang, Jin. Visual analysis of obesity-related query terms on HealthLink (Lang.: eng). In: Online information review, 33(2009)1, pp.43-57. D'Avolio, Leonard W. et al. Evaluation of a generalizable approach to clinical information retrieval using the automated retrieval console (ARC) (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 17(2010)4, pp. 375-382. Jin Zhang, Lu An. Visual component plane analysis for the medical subjects based on a transaction log (Lang.: eng). In: Canadian journal of information & library sciences, 34(2010)1, pp. 83-111. Text in English & FrenchChen, Bin. [Methods of information retrieval in literature of traditional Chinese medicine] (Lang.: eng). In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science, 19(2010)3, pp. 62-63. Fisher, J. et al. ‘Usability + usefulness=trust’: an exploratory study of Australian health web sites (Lang.: eng). In: Internet research, 18(2008)5, pp.477-498. Vibert, N., et al. Effects of domain knowledge on reference search with the PubMed database: an experimental study (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)7, pp. 1423-1447. Swanson, D.R., et al. Ranking indirect connections in literature-based discovery: the role of Medical Subject Headings (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Institute of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)11, p.1427-1439. Hu, X., et al. Mining hidden connections among biomedical concepts from disjoint biomedical literature sets through semantic-based association rule (Lang.: eng). In: International journal of intelligent systems, 25(2010)2, pp. 207-223. Lu, Ting, Jiang, You-hao. [Application of text mining in biomedical field and its system tools] (Lang.: chi). In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese journal of medical library and information science, 19(2010)4, pp. 56-64. Sebastian, Y, Then, Patrick H.H. Domain-driven KDD for mining functionally novel rules and linking disjoint medical hypotheses (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge-based systems, 24(2011)5, pp. 609-620. Hijazi, Mohd Hanafi Ahmad, Coenen, Frans, Zheng, Yalin. Data mining techniques for the screening of age-related macular degeneration (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge-based systems, 29(2012), pp. 83-92. Rosenbloom, S. Trent et al. Using SNOMED CT to represent two interface terminologies (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 16(2009)1, pp. 81-88. Gorraiz, J., Schloegl, C. A bibliometric analysis of pharmacology and pharmacy journals: Scopus versus Web of Science (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of information science, 34(2008)5, pp.715-725. Qian, X. et al. Optimal embedding for shape indexing in medical image databases (Lang.: eng). In: Medical image analysis, 14(2010)3, pp. 243-254.
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