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Knowledge organization literature. Selected items
Your search for
class 78-7 Terminological Work in Economy, Management Science, Mechanical Engineering, Building, Transport
found the 16 items below.
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Items on this class as the base theme
Weilandt, Annette. – Terminologiemanagement: Ein prozessorientierter Ansatz am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie [Terminology management: A process-oriented approach on the example of the automobile industry] (Lang.: ger). - Leipzig, Germany, Universität Leipzig, 2015. Cunha, José Humberto da Cruz; Araújo Júnior, Rogério Henrique de . – Uso da taxonomia como ferramenta de redução da subjetividade nos processos de auditoria [Use of taxonomy as tool to reduce the audit process subjective aspects] (Lang.: port). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 24(2018)1, pp. 216-231. – Available at Dolud, Lena; Kreis, Constanze. – Die Crosskonkordanz Wirtschaft zwischen dem STW und der GND: Ein Instrument zur kooperativen Inhaltserschliessung und zur Vernetzung im Semantic Web [The cross-concordance "Economics" between STW (Standard Thesaurus for Economics) and the GND (Universal Authority File): A tool for co-operative subject indexing and networking in the Semantic Web] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken. 24 (2) 2012. 13-19. – Available at Schwarzer, B.; Krcmar, H. – Neue Organisationsformen. Ein Führer durch das Begriffspotpourri [New organization forms. A guide through the pellmell of concepts] (Lang.: ger). - In: IM. Information Management. No. 4. 1994. p.20-27. Despite numerous speculations on the character of the new organizational forms hardly any indepth insights have been gained. The situation is complicated by the large number of new terms used in connection with new organizational forms. The article inten. ds to increase the understanding by explaining terms and their relationshipsBreugnot, D.; Gourgand, M., Kellert, P.. – Les problèmes de terminologie dans la modélisation des systèmes de production (Lang.: ). - Mounier, E., Paganelli, C. – The representation of knowledge contained in technical documents : the example of FAQs (frequently asked questions) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 287-290. Vervoorn, A.J.. – Terminology and engineering sciences (Lang.: ). - Cipriano, A.. – Industrial Engineering terminology (Lang.: ). - Ratzinger, M.. – Multilingual product description (MPD). A European project (Lang.: ). - Murcia, C.. – Vocabulaire du mobilier domestique en Picardie [Vocabulary of the domestic furniture in Picardie] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.mots. (1993)46,p.51-56. Mila i Gallart, R. – Terminologia ferroviaria: material rodant [Railway terminology: rolling stock] (Lang.: cat). - Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya.Dept.de Cultura, 1993. – pp. 154. – ISBN: 8439327234. Opitz, K.. – Between chaos and total control: The language of the shipping industry (Lang.: ). - Wanten, M. – Terminologie de la maintenance en aviation civile [Terminology of maintenance in civil aviation] (Lang.: fre). - In: Banq.mots. No. 47. 1994. p.60-93.
Further items on this class as a particular theme Alves, Leonardo Lacerda . – Between Users And Enterprise Information: Facets Of The Search (Lang.: p). – In: Informação: além das nuvens, expandindo as fronteiras da Ciência da Informação: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, (2014), pp. 468-487. – Available at Faber, P.et al. – Process-oriented terminology management in the domain of coastal engineering (Lang.: eng). – In: Terminology, 12 (2006)2, p.189-213. Coleman, A.S. – Knowledge structures and the vocabulary of engineering novices (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 281-286.
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