Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 8 Applied Classing and Indexing found the 2795 items below.       [new search]

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16631   applied KO problems81
Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes; Santos, Luciana Beatriz Piovezan dos . – Política de indexação em bibliotecas universitárias: estudo diagnóstico e analítico com pesquisa participante [Indexing policy in university libraries: diagnostic and analytical study with participatory research] (Lang.: por). - In: TransInformação, 28(2016)1, pp. 59-76. – Available at http://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/seer/index.php/transinfo/article/view/2732

733   1998-0110indexing problems811
Wellisch, H.H. – Indexing the continuum of verbal texts (Lang.: ). - In: Learned Publishing 1997(10)1,p. 15-19. >>From Wellish, H.H. - Indexing from A to Z. 2nd ed

1441   1999-0235indexing problems811
Chifwepa, V. – Developing indexing and abstracting tools and guidelines for Zambia (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Development , 14(1998)2,p.80-83.

1442   1999-0236indexing problems811
Gödert, W. – Surfen, Suchen, Finden : neue Herausforderungen für die Informationserschliessung [Surfing, searching, finding: new challenges for indexing of information] (Lang.: ger). - In: Buch und Bibliothek , 50(1998)5,p.

1443   1999-0237indexing problems811
Prior, A. – Normal service continues - the role of intermediaries in electronic publishing (Lang.: eng). - In: Learned Publishing 10(1997)4,p.331-338.

1639   1999-0434indexing problems811
Wellisch, H.H. – Indexing after the millennium : 3 - the indexer as helmsman (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1998)2, p.59.

1640   1999-0435indexing problems811
Thomas, D. – Indexing after the millennium : 4 - the next few years (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1998)2, p.60-61.

2286   2000-0562indexing problems811
Leininger, K. – Interindexer consistency in PsycINFO (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 32(2000)1,p.4-8.

2921   2001-0579indexing problems811
Leininger, K. – Interindexer consistency in PsycINFO (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 32(2000)1,p.4-8.

2922   2001-0580indexing problems811
Pimenov, E.N. – O faktorah, vliyayushchikh na indeksirivanie : indeksirovanie i predmetnaya oblast' [Factors affecting indexing: indexing and subject areas] (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya.Series 1, (2000)2, p.15-23.

2923   2001-0581indexing problems811
Degez, D., Masse, C. – L'indexation à l'ère d'Internet [Indexing in the Internet era] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste, 37(2000)2, p.118-120.

2924   2001-0582indexing problems811
Lin, Z.Y. – Classification practice and implications for subject directories of the Chinese language Web-based digital library (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Internet Cataloging, 3(2000)4, p.29-50.

3091   2002-0113indexing problems811
Figuero-Servin, R.R., Encisco, B. – Subject authority control at El Colegio de Mexico's library : the whats and hows of a project (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 32(2001)1, p.65-80.

3423   2003-0098indexing problems811
Shoham, S., Kedar, R. – The subject cataloging of monographs with the use of keywords (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalog and Classification Quarterly, 33(2001)2, p.29-54. »» Report on a discussion forum of the ALCTS SAC Subcommittee on Metadata and Subject Analysis

3632   2004-0158indexing problems811
Bloomfield, M. – Indexing : neglected and poorly understood (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 33(2001)1, p.63-75.

4639   2006-33-3-0243indexing problems811
Neshat, N., Horri, A. – A study of subject indexing consistency between the National Library of Iran and humanities libraries in the area of Iranian studies (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 42(2006)1, p.67-76.

4769   2006-33-4-0372indexing problems811
Oberhauser, O., Labner, J. – Entwurf und Implementierung einer neuen Multi-Klassifikations-Normdatei für den Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbund [Design and implementation of a multi-classification authority file for the Austrian Library Network] (Lang.: eng). - In: B.I.T.online - Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 9(2006)4, p.293-302. – Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/00008308/01/preprint_BIT_2006.pdf

5157   2007-0390indexing problems811
Mercer, K. – Retrospectively produced book indexes: a Waikato case study (Lang.: eng). - In: New Zealand Libraries - Online, 50(2007)2, p.118-130.

5394   2007-0631indexing problems811
Haslinger, I., Van Otegem, M. – Machines moeten zoeken, mensen willen vinden [Engines should search, people want to find] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 11(2007)1, p.16-19.

5792   2008-0337indexing problems811
Schmitz-Esser, W. – Wissensorganisation und Nutzung [Organizing knowledge and putting Knowledge Organization to use] (Lang.: ger). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation [see 2008-0171], p.227-230.

6029   2009-0149indexing problems811
Zafran, E. – A paren's worth of information (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 16(2008)3, p.83-84.

6303   2009-0423indexing problems811
Galluzzi, A. – Evoluzione del sapere e organizzazione delle raccolte: il caso della biblioteca pubblica [Evolution of knowledge and organization of collections: the case of public library] (Lang.: ita). - In: Nuovi annali della Scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari, 22(2008), pp. 227-260.

6304   2009-0424indexing problems811
Gnoli, C. – La biblioteca semantica: tecniche e metodi per applicare l'organizzazione della conoscenza alla gestione dei servizi [The semantic library: techniques and methods to apply knowledge organization to service management] (Lang.: ita). - Milan, Editrice Bibliografica, 2007. – pp. 157.(Bibliografia e biblioteconomia; 82). – ISBN: 9788870756647.

6305   2009-0425indexing problems811
Picci, D. – L’indicizzazione della narrativa: esperienze a confronto [Subject indexing of novels: comparing different experiences] (Lang.: ita, eng abstract). - In: Bollettino AIB, 48(2008)1, pp. 45-62.

6537   2009-0657indexing problems811
Ferris, Anna M. – They will use it, if you buy it!: results of an expanded survey on the use of classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 47(2009)5, pp.427-451.

7246   indexing problems811
Förster, Frank. – Ein Sachkatalog für Schöne Literatur [A subject catalogue for fiction] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 21(2009)2, pp. 33-36.

7247   indexing problems811
Howarth, Lynne.C. – Mapping the world of knowledge: cartograms and the diffusion of knowledge (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 377-384.

7478   indexing problems811
Wang, Y., Han, Y., Lu, T. – Estimating the influence of documents in IR systems: a marked indexing approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, 6019 (2010), pp. 263-272.

7950   indexing problems811
Boccato, Vera Regina Casari, Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes,Rubi, Milena Polsinelli. – Estudio observacional del contexto sociocognitivo de la catalogación de materias en bibliotecas universitarias [An observation study of the socio-cognitive context of subject cataloguing in university libraries] (Lang.: por). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conociemento, 16(2010)2, pp.103-110. Portuguese title: “Um estudo de obsercação do contexto dee assunto em bibliotecas universitáriasâ€Â, Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese.

7951   indexing problems811
Dos Reis, Daniela Marjorie, Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes. – La observación de la estrutura textual de los libros para la catalogación de materias en la bibliotecas universitarias de la UNESP [The contribution of the observation of the textual structure structure of books to subject cataloguing: a case study in the UNESP university libraries] (Lang.: eng). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conociemento, 16(2010)2, pp. 85-91. Portuguese title: “A observação da estrutura textual de livros e sua contribuição para a catalogação de assuntos em bibliotecas universitárias da UNESP.†Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese.

7952   indexing problems811
Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes, Dal’Evedove, Paula Regina. – La práctica de la catalogación temática en perspective sociocognitiva [Subject cataloguing practice from a socio-cognitive approach] (Lang.: por). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conociemento, 16(2010)2, pp. 93-101. Portuguese title: “A prática da catalogação de assunta em perspectiva sociocognitivaâ€Â. Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese.

8520   indexing problems811
Chen, Lin, Bicheng, Li, Jie, Zhou. – [A text categorization method for overlapping classes based on information granularity] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(2011) 4, pp. 339-346.

8521   indexing problems811
Thornton, Katherine. – Contentious categories: discussions of the design of the category system in Wikipedia (Lang.: eng). - In: Expanding our horizons, evaluating our parameters, [See 06.11-06-16\17], p. 217.

8707   indexing problems811
Voorbij, Henk, Sieverts, Eric. – Usefullness [sic] of GOO challenged (Lang.: eng). - In: Informatie Professional, 6(2011), pp. 18-19.

9105   indexing problems811
Eberhardt, Joachim. – Was ist (bibliothekarische) Sacherschliessung? [What is subject indexing in librarianship?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 46(2012)5, pp. 386-401.

9338   indexing problems811
Qu, Bo, et al. – An evaluation of classification models for question topic categorization (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(2012)5, pp. 889-903.

11064   1990-1-388indexing problems811
Andrews, C. – A publisher's view of indexers and indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.16.No.3.1989.p.189-191.

11065   1990-1-389indexing problems811
Pinto, M.M. – Indexer and abstractor as main processors of information (Lang.: eng). - In: 44th FID Conf.and Congr., 28 Aug.-1 Sept.1988.Pt.1.1988.p.129-135.Helsinki, FI,

11127   1990-1040indexing problems811
Fugmann, R. – Book review of Cunningham, A.M., Wicks, W.: Guide to careers in abstracting and indexing.Philadelphia, PA: National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services 1992.115p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol.20.No.3.1993.p.171-172.

11128   1990-1041indexing problems811
Wallis, E. – (Book review of title under 1990-1040) (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.18.No.4.1993.p.277.

12340   1995-0935indexing problems811
Wallis, E.; Lavell, C. – Naming the indexer: where credit is due (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 4. 1995. p.266-268. Traces attitudes over the years to naming the author of an index, and identifies the arguments for and against placing the name with the printed index

12794   1996-1262indexing problems811
Bell, H.K.. – Whom should we aim to please? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 20, No. 1. 1996. p.3-5. Considers the views of five different classes concerned with indexes: users, subjects, authors, publishers, and regulators with their sometimes incompatible expectations and demands.

12795   1996-1263indexing problems811
Browne, G.. – Professional liability of indexers (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 20, No. 2. 1996. p.70-73.

12797   1996-1265indexing problems811
Fillmore, L.. – Beyond the back of the book: indexing in a shrinking world (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords. Vol. 3, No. 3. 1995. p.16-20.

12798   1996-1266indexing problems811
Frame, A.. – Indexers and publishers: their views on indexers and indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 20, No. 2. 1996. p.58-64.

12799   1996-1267indexing problems811
Humphreys, N.. – Putting our heads together: Reference librarians and indexers (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords. Vol. 4, No. 5. 1996. p. 27-29 . Creation of hypertext links in a virtual library referencr collection catalog on the Internet is a way for information seekers to be better served than by merely indexing what is on the Internet now.

13634   1996-0295indexing problems811
Sukiasyan, E.R.. – Systems analysis of quality management of information retrieval systems (Lang.: rus). - In: Nachn.-tekhn.biblioteki, No. 3. 1995. p.6-15. The quality of an information retrieval system is closely linked to the quality of its indexing procedures. The necessary skills of indexers are described. Information systems will function well if their managers take care to eliminate those factors which have a negative influence on the work of indexers.

15248   indexing problems811
Pascoe, Judith. – The secret lives of indexers (Lang.: eng). - In: Key words, 21(2013)6, pp. 90-95. Keynote address delivered at the American Society for Indexing Conference, held in San Antonio, Texas on April 19, 2013.

15439   indexing problems811
Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes; Agustín Lacruz, María del Carmen; Gómez Díaz, Raquel. – La indización y catalogación de materias en entornos bibliotecarios: desafíos y perspectivas [Subject indexing in library environment: challenges and prospects] (Lang.: spa). - In: 20 Años del Capítulo Español de ISKO (06.11-06-30/07-01) pp. 511-524.

15440   indexing problems811
Fujita, MariaÌ‚ngela Spotti Lopes. – A importância teórica e prática da indexação na fundamentação científica da organização e representação do conhecimento [The theoretical and practical importance of the indexing process in the knowledge organization and representation scientific grounding ] (Lang.: por). - In: Complexidade e organização do conhecimento: desafios de nosso século. Rio de Janeiro: ISKO-Brasil; Marília: FUNDEPE, pp. 147-159.

15441   indexing problems811
Hahm, Jung Eun; Kim, Su Yeon; Kim, Meen Chul; Song, Min. – Investigation into the existence of the indexer effect in key phrase extraction (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research, 18(2013)4. – Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/18-4/paper594.html

15611   indexing problems811
Sousa, Brisa Pozzi de; Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes . – Estudo do processo de indexação: o caso de bibliotecas dos Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IF’S) da região Sudeste (Lang.: por). - In: Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciência da informação, 14., Florianópolis. Proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (06.13-10-29/11-01). – Available at http://enancib2013.ufsc.br/index.php/enancib2013/XIVenancib/paper/viewFile/260/143

15839   indexing problems811
Jermey, Jon. – Highlighting text in PDF files with AutoRedact (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)2, pp. 75-76.

15840   indexing problems811
MÅ‚odzka-Stybel, Agnieszka. – Towards continuous improvement of users’ access to a library catalogue (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 509-515.

15841   indexing problems811
Rayment, Jan. – Adobe InDesign CC (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)2, pp. 77-79.

16004   indexing problems811
White, Hollie; Willis, Craig; Greenberg, Jane. – HIVEing: the effect of a semantic web technology on inter-indexer consistency (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 70(2014)3, pp. 307-329.

16173   indexing problems811
Depping, Ralf. – Das Ende der Sondersammelgebiete – Ende einer Infrastruktur [The end of the special subject collection system [in Germany]: The end of an infrastructure] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014),3, pp. 398-402. The replacement of the special subject collection system by the scientific information services programme constitutes a paradigm shift from infrastructural funding to project-based funding. The system of the nationwide provision with literature will no longer be sustainable; the long-term reliability will be lost. To an increasing extent, gaps will appear in the supraregional infrastructure of literature holdings, causing a fragmentation of the distributed German national library.

16411   indexing problems811
Keller, Alice. – Attitudes among German-and English-speaking Librarians toward (Automatic) subject indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly,53(2015)8, pp. 895-904. – Available at http://catalogingandclassificationquarterly.com/

16803   indexing problems811
Ermert, Axel. – Zwischen Katalogisierung und Inhaltserschliessung: Codierung von Dokumentarten - eine offene oder versteckte Aufgabe in Informationssystemen [ Nachbemerkungen zu einem nach wie vor aktuellen Thema [Between descriptive cataloguing and subject indexing: Coding of document types - open or hidden task in information systems]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 67(2016)4, pp. 205-216.

16815   indexing problems811
Sparber, Sandra. – What's the frequency, Kenneth? - Eine (queer)feministische Kritik an Sexismen und Rassismen im Schlagwortkatalog [What's the frequency, Kenneth? - A (queer)feminist critique on sexism and racism in the subject catalogue] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung ?sterreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 69(2016)2, pp. 236-243. – Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1629

16816   indexing problems811
Zechner, Rosa. – Zwischen Anspruch und M?glichkeit. Frauen*solidarit?t: ein Beispiel aus der Beschlagwortung [Between claim and possibility. Women's*solidarity: An example from subject indexing] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung ?sterreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 69(2016)2, pp. 244-252. – Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1630

17166   indexing problems811
Aleksander, Karin. – Geschlechterbewusste Verschlagwortung: Bericht ?ber die Sitzung der ?ffentlichen Arbeitsgruppe Gender/Diversity in Bibliotheken am 15.03.2016 [Gender-sensitive subject indexing: Report on the meeting of the public working group gender/diversity in libraries on 15.03.2016] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib - das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 3(2016)4, pp. 294-296. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2016H4S294-296

17162   indexing problems811
Hinrichs, Imma; Milmeister, G?rard; Sch?uble, Peter; Steenweg, Helge. – Computerunterst?tzte Sacherschliessung mit dem Digitalen Assistenten (DA-2) [Computer-Assisted Subject Indexing with the Digital Assistant (DA-2)] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib - das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 3(2016)4, pp. 156-185. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2016H4S156-185

17219   indexing problems811
Revez, Jorge . – O todo ? maior do que a soma das partes: estado da arte sobre indexa??o por assuntos na cria??o de cat?logos coletivos [The whole is bigger than the sum of its parts: a state-of-the-art about subject indexing at the creation of integrated union library catalogs] (Lang.: por). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Studies: Research Trends,11(2017)1, pp. 61-70. – Available at http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/5850/4393

17260   indexing problems811
S?bak, Veslem?y; Pharo, Nils. – Decentralized subject indexing of television programs: The effects of using a semicontrolled indexing language (Lang.: eng). - In: JASIST, 68(2017)3, pp. 739-749.

17265   indexing problems811
Medeiros, G. M. de; Br?scher, M.; Vianna, W. B.. – A indexa??o de assunto em documentos arquiv?sticos: converg?ncias e diverg?ncias em artigos cient?ficos internacionais [Subject indexing in archival documents: convergences and divergences in international articles] (Lang.: por). - In: port Em Quest?o, 23(2017)1, pp. 154-182. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.19132/1808-5245231.154-182

17510   indexing problems811
Mödden, Elisabeth [interviewee]. – Inhaltserschliessung im Zeitalter von Suchmaschinen und Volltextsuche [Subject indexing in the area of search engines and full-text seaarching] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 21(2018)1, pp. 47-51. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2018-01-interview-moedden.pdf

18110   indexing problems811
Wiesenmüller, Heidrun. – RSWK reloaded: Verbale Sacherschliessung im Jahr 2018 [RSWK [German Rules for Subject Cataloguing] reloaded: Subject indexing in 2018] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, 70(2018)1, pp. 26-29. – Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/2018-01.pdf

18116   indexing problems811
Schelle-Wolff, Carola. – Warum brauchen Öffentliche Bibliotheken Sacherschliessung? [Why do public libraries need subject indexing and classification?] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, 70(2018)1, pp. 44-46. – Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/2018-01.pdf

18557   indexing problems811
Lee, Myounggyu . – [A Study on the Improvement of Bibliographical Description Form of the Date of Publication in the Catalog] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 50(2019)1, pp. 1-21. – Available at http://http://www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/articleDetail?nodeId=NODE07995808

18650   indexing problems811
Medeiros, Graziela Martins de; Medeiros, Marisa Braschër Basilio. . – A indexação de assunto em documentos arquivísticos: análise das definições internacionais com base na revisão sistemática da literatura [Subject indexing in arhival documents: analysis of international definitions base on literature systematic review] (Lang.: por). - In: RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, 18(2020), pp. 1-28. – Available at http://https://periodicos.sbu.unicamp.br/ojs/index.php/rdbci/article/view/8657824/22146

18720   indexing problems811
Tartarotti, Roberta Cristina Dal Evedove. – Avaliação do processo de indexação de assuntos em repositórios institucionais pela abordagem da recuperação da informação [Evaluation of the subject indexing process in institutional repositories by the information retrieval approach] (Lang.: port). - Marília, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação/Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências/Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Me, 2019. – Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/tartarotti_rcd_do_mar.pdf

18932   indexing problems811
Ramalho, Amanda de Souza. – Bases de dados de indexação de livros e seus critérios de seleção [Book indexing databases and their selection criteria] (Lang.: port). - São Paulo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da USP, 2021. – Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__repositorio.usp.br/item/003039887

13101   1990-1039commodity science811, 88-76
Katalogisierung in der Praxis.Die Katalogisierungs-Spezialisten [Cataloguing in practice.The cataloguers] (Lang.: ger). - In: Materialamt der Bundeswehr (Informationsschrift).1992.p.49-53.St.Augustin, DE, Description of the work of the Cataloguing-object-specialist and the Item-specialist as well as their tasks, relationship to standardization and workplace

9954   1995-0937811, 912
Marriott, S.; Jacobs, P. – Perfect freelancing: all you need to get it right first time (Lang.: eng). - London, Arrow Books, 1995. – pp. XI,94. – ISBN: 0099505312.

9978   1995-0936811, 912
Read, S. – The new guide to working from home (Lang.: eng). - London, Headline Book Publ, 1995. – pp. X,342. – ISBN: 0747250847. Working from home means here, making an index at home. Detaled practical guidance on starting and conducting a business is given

12796   1996-1264811, 925
Fetters, L.. – Where we are (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords. Vol. 3, No. 2. 1995. p.7-9. Summary of the developments of the American Society of Indexers (ASI) in the past decade with some charts showing were the members are coming from.

18816   indexing problems811; 726; 283
Branco, Luciana Beatriz Piovezan Rio. – Interoperabilidade semântica entre linguagens de indexação para bibliotecas universitárias [Semantic interoperability between indexing languages for university libraries] (Lang.: por). - Marília, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2020.0. – Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/riobranco_lbp_dr_mar.pdf

18839   indexing problems811; 726; 283
Campos, Maria Luiza de Almeida; Barbosa, Nilson Theobald. – Interoperabilidade semântica: proposta metodológica para o mapeamento semântico entre SOCs em sistemas heterogêneos [Semantic interoperability: methodological proposal for the semantic mapping between KOS in Heterogeneous Systems] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Sociedade: estudos, 30(2020)4, pp.1-21. – Available at http://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/ies/article/view/57046

18825   indexing problems811; 815
Oliveira, Lais Pereira de ; Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes; Dal'Evedove, Paula Regina; Martínez-Ãvila, Daniel . – Política de indexação em periódicos da Ciência da Informação: um estudo das diretrizes para atribuição de palavras-chave aos artigos [Indexing policy of journals on Information Science: a study of the guidelines for assignment of keywords to articles] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 25(2020)4, pp. 140-169. – Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3876__

18829   indexing problems811; 815
Lima, Gercina Ângela de; Gomes, Rainner Finelli. – Política de indexação nos estudos publicados na área de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação: uma revisão sistemática de literatura [Indexing policy in studies published in the area of ??Librarianship and Information Science: a systematic literature review] (Lang.: por). - In: Em questão, 27(2021)1, pp.210-236. – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/103507/59110

18848   indexing problems811; 818
Suchenwirth, Leonhard. – Sacherschliessung in Zeiten von Corona: Neue Herausforderungen und Chancen [Subject cataloguing in times of corona: New challenges and opportunities] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 73(2020)3/4, pp. 496-503. – Available at http://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v73i3-4.5332

18835   indexing problems811; 89
Cruz, Maria Carolina Andrade; Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes. – O uso de linguagem de indexação por bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras [The use of indexing languages by brazilian university libraries] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Informação, 26(2021)1, pp.574-600. – Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/39542__

950   1998-0326indexing problemsdescriptors811;226
Revelli, C. I. – ntegrare o sostituire? : Un dilemma per le norme catalografiche [To amalgamate or to replace?: a dilemma for cataloguing] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche Oggi, 15(1997)8,50-57. Among other topics: keyword search versus subject search

18715   indexing problemsthesauri for archives811;484
Medeiros, G. M. de; Medeiros, M. B. B. – A indexação de assunto em documentos arquivísticos [Subject indexing in archival documents: analysis of  international definitions base on literature systematic review] (Lang.: port). - In: RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, 18(2020), p. e020006. – Available at http://periodicos.sbu.unicamp.br/ojs/index.php/rdbci/article/view/8657824/22146

17264   indexing problemsonline systems811;752
Revez, Jorge. – O todo ? maior do que a soma das partes: estado da arte sobre indexa??o por assuntos na cria??o de cat?logos coletivos [The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: a state-of-the-art about subject indexing at the creation of integrated union library catalogs] (Lang.: por). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Science, 11(2017)1, pp. 61-70. – Available at http://http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/5850

9856   indexing problemssubject indexes in811;818
Naumis, Catalina. – Subject indexing trends in libraries of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)5, pp. 491-509.

15838   indexing problemstagging811;835
Hedden, Heather. – Tagging versus indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)2, pp. 81-82 (06.14-05-19/22).

9673   indexing problemsbook indexing problems811;851
McMaster, Max. – Same publication + many indexers = ??? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 98-100.

4008   2005-32-1-0084indexing problemscitation indexing811;864
Tsay, M.Y. – Literature growth, journal characteristics, and author productivity in subject indexing, 1977 to 2000 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)1, p.64-73.

16224   indexing problemscitation indexing811;864
Piovezan, Luciana Beatriz; Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes. – Análise de cocitação de autores: uma aplicação em estudos de indexação [Authors’ co-citation analysis: an application on subject indexing studies] (Lang.: por). - In: Em questão: Revista da Faculdade de Biblioteconomia e Comunicação da UFRGS, 21(2015)1, pp. 110-129 . – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/EmQuestao/article/view/48016/33747

3883   2004-0408indexing problemsindexing infine arts811;88-94
Baca, M. – Fear of authority? : Authority control and thesaurus build­ing for art and material culture information (Lang.: eng). - In: Cata­loging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.143-151.

12478   1996-0296811.912
Cohen, B.E.; Nickerson, A.. – An office out of the house (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words. Vol. 3, No. 1. 1995. p.11-15.

10033   1996-1268811.925
Thomas, D.. – American Society of Indexers oral history. Vol.1: A time to look back and a time to look ahead (Lang.: eng). - Port Aransas, TX, Amer.Soc.Indexers, 1995. – pp. VII,83. – ISBN: 0936547294. A review appeared in the Indexer, 20(1996)No.1, p.45 by Hazel K.Bell.

598   1997-4-0599subject catalogs812
Knorz, G. – Indexieren, Klassieren, Extrahieren [Indexing, Classifying, Extracting] (Lang.: ger). - In: Buder, M., Rehfeld, W.. Seeger, T., Strauch, D. (Eds.). Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation. 4th. ed. - München : K.G. Saur, 1997. ISBN: 3-598-11309-9. p.120-140.

1444   1999-0238subject catalogs812
Cox, R.J., Greenberg, J., Porter, C. – Access denied : the discarding of library history (Lang.: eng). - In: American Libraries , 29(1998)4,p.57-61. »» Discussion on the discarding of old classified card catalogues

9339   subject catalogs812
Schuldt, Karsten. – Der Katalog: Repräsentation von Medien als Geschichte des Denkens über Wissen, Information, Medien, Nutzerinnen und Nutzern [The catalogue: representation of media as the history of thinking about knowledge, information, media, and users] (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS: Library ideas, 8(2012)2, pp. 68-79. – Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe21/07schuldt.htm

10303   1994-1092subject catalogs812
Akhalaya, T.N.; Sukiasyan, E.R. (Eds.). – The systematic catalogue. Problems and perspectives (Lang.: rus). - Moskva, Rossijskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka, 1992. – pp. 152 . Contains the following 11 contributions and a list of references.

11887   1994-1104subject catalogs812
Allen, L.. – Towarads a learning catalogue: developing the next generation of library catalogues (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia. 19(1993)3-4,p.125-146.

13083   1990-1-390subject catalogs812
Kunz, M. – Book review of Förschner, F.: Eine Theorie zum Schlagwortkatalog.Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1987.96p, [A theory for the subject heading catalogue] (Lang.: ger). - In: Z.Bibl.wes.u.Bibliogr.Vol.36.No.4.1989.p.340-342.

13465   1990-1-391subject catalogs812
Sadowska, J. – Toward the subject catalogue problem area.The information capabilities of subheadings (Lang.: pol). - In: Rocz.bibl.nar.Vol.20.1984/88.p.211-233.

13580   1990-2-321subject catalogs812
Chizhkova, G.I.; Chortjunova,L.V. – On systematic catalogues (Lang.: rus). - In: Sov.bibliotekoved.No.3.1989.p.53-56.

13619   1994-1093subject catalogs812
Sukiasyan, E.R.. – Systematization and the systematic catalogue (Lang.: rus). - In: The systematic catalogue. Problems and perspectives / ed. by T.N. Akhalaya and E.R. Sukiasyan. - Moskva : Rossijskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka, 1992.

13620   1994-1094subject catalogs812
Polyanov, V.P.. – The system of catalogues in Soviet libraries: Priorities and realities (Lang.: rus). - In: The systematic catalogue. Problems and perspectives / ed. by T.N. Akhalaya and E.R. Sukiasyan. - Moskva : Rossijskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka, 1992.

13621   1994-1095subject catalogs812
Akhalaya, T.N.. – The determination of the quality of a systematic catalogue and the effectiveness of its exploitation (Lang.: rus). - In: The systematic catalogue. Problems and perspectives / ed. by T.N. Akhalaya and E.R. Sukiasyan. - Moskva : Rossijskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka, 1992.

13622   1994-1096subject catalogs812
Zyparova, M.A.. – The mapping of multilingual information in a systematic catalogue (Lang.: rus). - In: The systematic catalogue. Problems and perspectives / ed. by T.N. Akhalaya and E.R. Sukiasyan. - Moskva : Rossijskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka, 1992.

13623   1994-1097subject catalogs812
Demidova, S.E.. – The alphabetical index of subject headings (Lang.: rus). - In: The systematic catalogue. Problems and perspectives / ed. by T.N. Akhalaya and E.R. Sukiasyan. - Moskva : Rossijskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka, 1992.

13624   1994-1098subject catalogs812
Rozenshil'd, L.K.; Olesova, E.S.. – Guidelines for the work with the systematic catalogue as a new centralized system (Lang.: rus). - In: The systematic catalogue. Problems and perspectives / ed. by T.N. Akhalaya and E.R. Sukiasyan. - Moskva : Rossijskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka, 1992.

13625   1994-1099subject catalogs812
Khalimova, I.Sh.. – Systematic cardfiles of articles in the Universal Technical Library (Lang.: rus). - In: The systematic catalogue. Problems and perspectives / ed. by T.N. Akhalaya and E.R. Sukiasyan. - Moskva : Rossijskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka, 1992.

13626   1994-1100subject catalogs812
Shindryaeva, N.M.. – Literature search for a certain topic in the automatic catalogue according to a US example (Lang.: rus). - In: The systematic catalogue. Problems and perspectives / ed. by T.N. Akhalaya and E.R. Sukiasyan. - Moskva : Rossijskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka, 1992.

13627   1994-1101subject catalogs812
Malevich, E.N.. – On the fate of a good idea (Lang.: rus). - In: The systematic catalogue. Problems and perspectives / ed. by T.N. Akhalaya and E.R. Sukiasyan. - Moskva : Rossijskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka, 1992.

13628   1994-1102subject catalogs812
Zeltsle, B.R.. – Systematic catalogue - some questions on its organization (Lang.: rus). - In: The systematic catalogue. Problems and perspectives / ed. by T.N. Akhalaya and E.R. Sukiasyan. - Moskva : Rossijskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka, 1992.

13629   1994-1103subject catalogs812
Leder, V.L.. – On the question of the Marxistic-Leninistic classification (Lang.: rus). - In: The systematic catalogue. Problems and perspectives / ed. by T.N. Akhalaya and E.R. Sukiasyan. - Moskva : Rossijskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka, 1992.

10716   1996-0297812, 193
Zmigrodki, Z.. – Der Schlagwortkatalog in Polen: Neue vorschläge [The subject catalogue in Poland. New proposals] (Lang.: ger). - In: 22. ABDOS Tagung, Den Haag, 7.-10. Juni 1993. p.22-24.Berlin, DE, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 1994. Survey on practice and theory of cataloguing in Poland since the 19th century. The most important research work is reported, which has been accomplished systematically at the National Library in Warsaw but also at other libraries and universities.

13329   1996-1269812, 981
Bisig, U.. – Kriterien der Benutzerfreundlichkeit von Sachkatalogen.Ein Überblick auf dem Hintergrund von RSWK und OPACs [Criteria of user friendliness of subject catalogues. A survey viewed from RSWK and OPACs] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungsbl.Bibl.NRW, No. 3. 1995. p.272-278.

3884   2004-0409subject catalogsonline systems812;752
Riplinger, T. – Die Bedeutung der Methode Eppelsheimer für Theor­ie und Praxis der bibliothekarischen und der dokumentarischen Sach­erschliessung [The meaning of the Eppelsheimer Method fot the theory and practice of subject indexing in libraries and documentation] (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliothek: Theorie und Praxis, 28(2004)2, p.252-262.

7750   subject catalogsdata indexingmusic812;82-93
Ribić, R. – StruÄÂni katalog muzikalija u Biblioteci Fakulteta muziÄÂke umetnosti u Beogradu [Systematic catalogue in the Library of the Faculty of Musical Art in Belgrade] (Lang.: ser). - In: Bibliotekar, 50(2008)3/4, pp. 123-141.

11129   1990-1042812.179
Mattison, D. – Book review of Tyckoson, D.A.(Ed.): Enhancing access to information: Designing catalogs for the 21st century.Binghampton, NY: Haworth 1992.243 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Canadian J.Inform.& Libr.Sci.No.April.1993.p.81-82.

11130   1990-1043812.179
Anderson, D. – (Book review of title under 1990-1042) (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review.Vol.42.No.2.1993.p.48-49.

11131   1990-1044812.179
Goodell, J.S. – (Book review of title under 1990-1042) (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Acad.& Res.Librs.No.March.1993.p.55-56.

11132   1990-1045812.179
Holley, R.P. – (Book review of title under 1990-1042) (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Resources & Techn.Serv.No.Jan.1993.p.102.

13084   1990-1-392812.213
Hoffmann, G.; Thüringer, P. – Rechnergestütztes Recherchieren im systematischen Katalog - Musikalien der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek [Computer supported retrieval in the systematic catalogue - music scores of the German State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zbl.Bibl.wes.Vol.103.No.6.1989.p.259-261.

13877   1993-0023812.752
Jedwabski, B.; Schrヤder, K.. – UBOK. Der Dortmunder Universitトsbibliotheks-Online-Katalog [UBOK. The Dortmund University Library Online Catalogue] (Lang.: ). -

13878   1993-0024812.752
Kowalk, W.. – Der Saarbrücker Sachkatalog nach der Methode Eppelsheimer im OPAC [The Saarbrücken subject catalogue according to the Eppelsheimer method in the OPAC] (Lang.: ). -

599   1997-4-0600subject catalogs maintenance813
Kalinowska, H. – Opracowanie rzeczowe w systemie Aleph w Bibliotece Glownej Politechniki Bialostockiej [Indexing in Aleph in the Library of the Politechnika of Bialystok] (Lang.: pol). - In: Bibliotekarz (1997)1. p.22-23.

600   1997-4-0601subject catalogs maintenance813
Arnold, W. – Zur klassifikatorischen Sacherschliessung alter Drucke, vornehmlich am Beispiel der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel [Classifying old books] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 21 (1997)3. p.333-338.

16281   subject catalogs maintenance813
Griebel, Rolf. – Dienste ohne Content? Die Fachinformationsdienste und der förderpolitische Paradigmenwechsel in der DFG [Services without content? The subject specialized information services and the funding policy paradigm shift in the German Research Society q] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheks-Magazin: Mitteilungen aus den Staatsbibliotheken in Berlin und München, 10(2015)1, pp. 63-68. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/imageswww/pdf-dateien/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2015-1.pdf

16356   subject catalogs maintenance813
Redigolo, Franciele Marques . – Subject Analysis Process In Cataloging Activities In University Libraries: An Observational Study With Verbal Protocol As A Subside For A Standardization Proposal (Lang.: por). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, 8(2014)1/2 . – Available at http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/4248/3087

18508   subject catalogs maintenance813
Beiler, Christian, et al.. – Erschliessungsarbeit in Alma: Erfahrungen aus dem OBV vor, während und nach der Aleph-Ablöse [Cataloguing in Alma: Experiences of the Austrian Library Network prior to, during, and after replacing Aleph] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 71(2018)2, pp. 282-306. – Available at http://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v71i2.2134

1641   1999-0436subject catalogs rules814
RSWK – WD -Praxisregeln 3. Aulage : Mitteilung Nr. 1 [RSWK - SWD - Practice rules for the 3rd ed.: Information Nr. 1] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 34(2000)1, p.83-87.

7479   subject catalogs rules814
Petrucciani, Alberto. – Every reader his work, every work its title (and author): the new Italian cataloguing code REICAT (Lang.: eng). - In: International cataloguing and bibliographic control, 39(2010)2, pp. 23-27.

10191   1995-0939subject catalogs rules814
Kelm, G.; Wende, F.; Deutsche Bibliothek. – Sachgruppen der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie. Leitfaden zu ihrer Vergabe. 2.überarb. Aufl [Subject groups of the German national bibliography. Guidelines for their assignment. 2nd rev.ed] (Lang.: ger). - Leipzig, Deutsche Bibliothek, 1994. – pp. 171. – ISBN: 3922051618.

10193   1995-0940subject catalogs rules814
Bellgardt, S.; Kelm, B.; Deutsche Bibliothek. – Praxisregeln zu den Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog (RSWK) und der schlagwortnormdatei (SWD). Erarbeitet von der Expertengruppe 'RSWK' des deutschen Bibliotheksinstituts und Gästen aus den RSWK anwendenden Bibliotheksverbünden. 2.überarb.Aufl [Practice rules to the rules for the subject catalogue (RSWK) and the Standard Reference File (SWD). 2nd rev.ed] (Lang.: ger). - Leipzig, Deutsche Bibliothek, 1995. – ISBN: 3922051677.

10254   1990-2-323subject catalogs rules814
Scharmann, U.(Comp.); Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut. – Anwendung der Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog (RSWK) in öffentlichen Bibliotheken [Applications of the Rules for the Subject Catalogue (RSWK) in public libraries] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, DBI, 1989. – pp. 110.(DBI-Materialien 83).

10444   1990-2-324subject catalogs rules814
Malbec, C. – Elaboration du manuel d'indexation de la banque de données ISABEL et recherche de compatibilité entre ISABEL et ARCHIRES [Elaboration of an indexing guidebook of the database ISABEL and search for compatibility between ISABEL and ARCHIRES] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, INTD, 1989. – pp. 49.

11066   1990-1-395subject catalogs rules814
Reynlds, S.J. – In theory there is no solution: the impediments to a subject cataloging code (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Quart.Vol.59.No.3.1989.p.223-238.

12141   1995-0601subject catalogs rules814
Weinberg, B.H. – Indexes: a chapter from The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition: a review (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 2. 1994. p.105-109. The chapter on indexes in The Chicago Manual of Style serves as a standard for index format and as a self-teaching tool for authors and novice indexers. The 14th edition is reviewed for logical sequence, accordance of the guidelines and rules with those. of other manuals and authorities, and the quality of its index. It is found wanting in all these areas, but contains much useful information on the indexing process and book index format

12479   1996-0301subject catalogs rules814
Studwell, W.E.. – Ten years after the question: Has there been an answer? (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart. Vol. 20, No. 3. 1995. p.95-98. In an 1985 article the question was asked 'Why not an AACR for Subject Headings?' Over the following decade there were a number of direct and indirect responses, yet the question really has not been adequately answered. However, in the intervening decadethere has been some real progress towards a satisfactory resolution of the issue. (Author)

13102   1990-1046subject catalogs rules814
Geisselmann, F. – Probleme der Vereinheitlichung von RAK und RSWK [Problems of unification of the German rules for the alphabetical and the subject catalogue] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst.Vol.26.No.11.1992.p.1676-87.

13103   1990-1047subject catalogs rules814
Kelm, B. – Erweiterung der RSWK-Anwendung und der Sachgruppen in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie (DNB) [Enlargement of RSWK-Application and subject groups in the German National Bibliography (DNB)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog Bibl.Vol.5.No.1.1993.p.12.

13104   1990-1048subject catalogs rules814
Wende, F. – Die Praxisregeln zu RSWK and SWD [The guidelines for practical work with the Rules for the Subject Heading Catalogue and the Standard Subject Heading File] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog Bibl.Vol.4.No.3.1992.p.10-12.

13133   1990-2-322subject catalogs rules814
Junginger, F. – Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog: RSWK.Ergänzungen und Berichtigungen [Rules for the Subject Catalogue: RSWK.Extensions and corrections] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst.Vol.22.No.6.1988.p.552-563.

13205   1994-1105subject catalogs rules814
Auer, G.. – RSWK-Verweise und Online-Kataloge. RSWK references and online catalogues (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.d.VÖB. 46(1993)2,p.17-20.

13206   1994-1106subject catalogs rules814
Prohl, J.. – Kritische Bemerkungn zu den "Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalogk", der "Schlagwortnormdatei" und den Anwendungen in der "Deutschen Bibliographie" oder "Deutschen Nationalbibliographie" [Critical remarks concerning the RSWK, the SWD and their applications in the German National Bibliography"] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.Bl.NRW. 44(1994)2,p.169-193.

13207   1994-1107subject catalogs rules814
Kommission des DBI für Erschließung u.Katalogmgt. – RSWK-Mitteilung No.7 - Entwurf. Stand Juli 1994 [RSWK Briefing No.7 - Draft as of July 1994] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. 28(1994)8,p.1258-1261.

13274   1995-0938subject catalogs rules814
Lepsky, K. – RSWK - und was noch: Stellungnahme zum Bericht 'Sacherschließung in Online-Katalogen' der Expertengruppe [RSWK - and what then: comments on the report 'subject cataloguing in online catalogues' by the Online Catalogues Expert Group] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 29. No. 3. 1995. p.500-519.

13351   1990-1-394subject catalogs rules814
Maltese, D. – Rules for subject headings: an unfinished project (Lang.: ita). - In: L'Indicizzazione.Vol.3.No.2.1988.p.7-15.

13255   1995-0602subject catalogs rules814 RSWK
Kelm, B. – 2., überarbeitete Auflage der Praxisregeln zu den RSWK und der SWD [Second revised edition of the practice rules to the Rules for the Subject Catalogue (RSWK) and the Subject Authority File (SWD)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog Bibl. Vol. 7. No. 2. 1995. p.6-7. Also published in Buch und Bibliothek 47(1995)No.4, p.322-323

12341   1995-0941814, 44
Studwell, W.E. – LC's head in the sand, or, why the Subject Cataloging Manual is not enough (Lang.: eng). - In: Techn.Serv. Quart. Vol. 10. No. 3. 1993. p.45-50.

10741   1995-0600814, 752
The Chicago Manual of Style. 14th ed (Lang.: eng). - Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Press, 1993.

10439   1990-1049christian religion814, 88-99
Pannewick, B. – Einfuhrung in die Regeln fur den Schlagwortkatalog: Arbeitshilfe zur Anwendung der RSWK in kirchlichen Bibliotheken [Introduction into the rules for the subject catalogue: Guideline for the application of the RSWK in church libraries] (Lang.: ger). - Bamberg, Bibl.Priest.Sem, 1992. – pp. 47.

13105   1990-1050christian religion814, 88-99
Kleingunther, I. – (Book review of title under 1990-1049) (Lang.: ger). - In: Inf.Kirchl.Bibl., Dusseldorf.Vol.18.No.43.1992.p.14.

111   1997-1-0110814.09
RSWK-Mitteilung Nr. 10 - Entwurf. RSWK Information No.10 [Draft (Rules for the Subject Catalogue)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibiliotheksdienst Vol.31, No.2 1997, p. 224-229.

13296   1996-0298814.09
RSWK-Mitteilung No.9 - Entwurf [RSWK Information No.9 - Draft (Rules for the Subject Catalogue)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 29, No. 10. 1995. p.1645-1647. Proposal for the treatment of 'Russia' in the rules, as well as for the way some military concepts are to be handled.

13298   1996-0300814.752
Stumpf, G.. – RSWK: wirklich ein Relikt? Zum Thema 'Sacherschließung in Online-Katalogen' und zur Stellungnahme von Klaus Lepsky [RSWK really a relic? On the topic 'Subject cataloguing in online catalogues' and the comments of Klaus Lepsky] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 29, No. 4/5. 1995. p.670-682.

13297   1996-0299814.752.06
Geißelmann, F.. – RSWK für den Online-Katalog. Kooloquium der Expertengruppe RSWK in Weimer [RSWK for the online catalogue. Colloquy of the expert group in Weimar] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 29, No. 6. 1995. p.917-925.

11067   1990-1-397814+6984
Weinberg, B.H. – The Hebraica cataloging manual of the Library of Congress: its structure and adequacy as a reference work (Lang.: eng). - In: Judaica Librarianship.Vol.4.No.2.1988.p.151-153.

10109   1990-1-396systems theory814+88-51/4
Berg-Schorn, E. – Basiswissen ICD-9 für Morbiditätsstatistiken (mit Übungen) [Basic knowledge ICD-9 for morbidity statistics (with exercises)] (Lang.: ger). - Köln, etc, W.Kohlhammer, 1989. – pp. 69. – ISBN: 3170099892.

13085   1990-1-393814+925
Beaujean, M. – Kommission des Deutschen Bibliotheksinstituts für Sacherschliessung [The German Library Institute's Committee for Subject Cataloguing] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst.Vol.22.No.4-5.1988.p.412-414.

6030   2009-0150subject indexes rules816
Bricelj, J. – Guidelines for preparing subject indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Knjiznica, 52(2008)1, p.63-79.

12800   1996-1270subject indexes rules816
Schade, C.. – Introductory notes to indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords. Vol. 3, No. 2. 1995. p.1, 31, 34.

18256   subject indexes rules816
Fink, Florian. – Semantische Indexierung mit expliziten Wissensressourcen [Semantic indexing with explicit knowledge resources] (Lang.: ger). - Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2018. – pp. xii, 232. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-226407 Dissertation, München, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2018

18445   subject indexes rules816
Kasprzik, Anna. – Voraussetzungen und Anwendungspotentiale einer präzisen Sacherschliessung aus Sicht der Wissenschaft [Requirements and applications of high-quality subject indexing for scientific communities] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 38(2018)4, pp. 332-235. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2018-4006

16389   index editingconstruction methods817;233
Souza, Joice Cleide Cardoso Ennes de; Almeida, Elan Cardozo Paes de . – Methodological Approach To Organization Of Images In Pathology (Lang.: por). - In: Informação: além das nuvens, expandindo as fronteiras da Ciência da Informação: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, (2014), pp. 778-797. – Available at http://enancib2014.eci.ufmg.br/documentos/anais/anais-gt2

6306   2009-0426subject indexes in818
Hrovat, Jasna. – Katalogizacija starih tiskov v narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici: izkušnje katalogizatorke [Cataloguing older monographic publications in the National and University library: cataloguer’s experience] (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnica, 52(2008)1, pp. 81-98. – Available at http://revija-knjiznica.zbds-zveza.si/Izvodi/K0801/hrovat.pdf

6307   2009-0427subject indexes in818
Johnstone, J. – Indexing at the Scottish Poetry Library (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 156(2009), pp. 13-17.

7078   subject indexes in818
Kumar, Sunil. – Cataloguing services (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Rajat Publications, 2009. – pp. 251. – ISBN: 9788178803944.

7248   subject indexes in818
Johnstone, J. – Poetry and the indexing thereof: the role of the Scottish Poetry Library (SPL) (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)1, pp.2-5.

7751   subject indexes in818
RozenÅ¡il’d-Paulin, L. K. – Alfavitno-predmetni’j ukayatel’ k sistematiÄÂeskomu katalogu: struktura, svojstva, funkcii [Alphabetic-subject index of systematic catalogue: structure, characteristics, functions] (Lang.: rus). - In: NaÄÂno-tehniÄÂeskaja informacija, Serija 1(2009)9, pp. 30-36.

9674   subject indexes in818
Li, Xing. – [Analysis on the information organization of Duxiu Scholar Search] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)4, pp. 29-32.

10310   1990-1051subject indexes in818
Millik, B.; Klemm, G. – Der neue systematische Katalog der Universitõtsbibliothek Berlin.Teil 3: Gesamtregister [The new systematic catalog of the University Library Berlin.Pt.3: Comprehensive index] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Univ.Library, 1991. – pp. 160.(Schr.Reihe d.UB Berlin 48).

13208   1994-1108subject indexes in818
Kittel, P.. – Sachkatalogisierung und Sachkataloge der Druckschriften an der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek, 1945-1990 [Subject cataloguing and subject catalogues of documents at the German State Library, 1945-1990] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.Staatsbibl.Berlin, N.F.. 2(1993)2,p.85-104.

13256   1995-0603subject indexes in818
Kittel, P. – Sachkatalogisierung und Sachkataloge der Druckschriften an der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek, 1945-1990 [Subject cataloguing and subject catalogues at the German State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.Staatsbibl.Berlin, N.F. Vol. 2. No. 2. 1993. p.85-104.

13457   1996-1272subject indexes in818
Chung-feng, Y.. – CD-ROM database of the index to Chinese scientific and technical articles (Lang.: jap). - In: Online Kensaku. Vol. 6, No. 4. 1995. p.133-139.

13472   1990-2-325subject indexes in818
Kalczynska, M. – The form of the subject catalogue in Lwow University Library in the inter-war years (Lang.: pol). - In: Bibliotekarz.Vol.55.No.4-5.1988.p.28-31.

13485   1996-0302subject indexes in818
Wysmulek, M.. – The media file of the Polish Parliament Library (Lang.: pol). - In: Zagadnienia Inform.Naukowej, No. 1-2. 1994. p.47-57.

13488   1996-1273subject indexes in818
Sadowska, J.. – Subject entries in the catalogue of the Stefan Batory University library in Vilnius (Lang.: pol). - In: Bibliotekarz, No. 9. 1994. p.16-19.

13581   1990-2-326subject indexes in818
Khakhaleva, N.I. – Terms revealing the structure of a large library collection (Lang.: rus). - In: Sov.bibliotekoved.No.3.1989.p.44-49.

13874   1993-0020subject indexes in818
Traiser, W.. – Die Deutsche Bibliothek - Schlagwort-Klassifikation und Conspectus [The German Library. Classification by subject headings and conspectus] (Lang.: ). -

15612   subject indexes in818
Trettner, Barbara. – Ein "Schatz" in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek in Leipzig: Der Bandkatalog der Bibliothek der Deutschen Reichsversammlung 1848/49 [A treasure in the German national library at Leipzig: the book catalogue of the German imperial diet of 1848/49] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 25(2013)2, pp. 54-55.. – Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog20132volltext.pdf

16169   subject indexes in818
Malits, Andrea; Schäuble, Peter. – Der Digitale Assistent: Halbautomatisches Verfahren der Sacherschliessung in der Zentralbibliothek Zürich (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 34(2014)3/4, pp. 132-143. The Digital Assistant has been part of the indexing work process at the Zentralbibliothek Zurich (Zu­rich Central Library) since 2013. The tool combines ­machine-supported processes and intellectual indexing: subject headings are generated automatically, which are then checked intellectually by the subject specialists. This paper presents an overview of the development of the Digital Assistant within the context of indexing as a whole and within the Zentralbibliothek in particular. The second half of the paper provides a detailed description of the system’s data processing routines and discusses first results based on statistics. Technical specifications of the system are included in the final section.

16189   subject indexes in818
Yeon Kyoung Chung. – A Study on Varieties of Subject Access and Usabilities of the National Library of Korea Subject Headings (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Korean Biblia Society For Library And Information Science, 25(2014)4, pp. 171-185.. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3551432

16255   subject indexes in818
Sales, Rodrigo de; Murguia, Eduardo Ismael. – Determinaciones políticas en la producción científica de la ciencia de la información en Brasil: impacto de la Tabla de ÃÂreas de Conocimento (TAC) del CNPq [Political determinations in the scientific production of Information Science in Brazil: impact of the Classification of Knowledge areas of the CNP (orig.)] (Lang.: por). - In: Scire 21(2015)1, pp.27-34. – Available at http://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/scire/article/view/4250/3802

16329   subject indexes in818
Junger, Ulrike . – Quo vadis Inhaltserschließung der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek? Herausforderungen und Perspektiven [Challenges and prospects for subject cataloguing at the German National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 2(2015)1, pp. 15-26. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2015H1S15-26

17140   subject indexes in818
Schneider, Gabi. – Wissenschaftliche Information: Zugang, Verarbeitung und Speicherung: Ein F?rderprogramm zur B?ndelung der wissenschaftlichen Information in der Schweiz [Scientific information: Access, processing and safeguarding: A program combining efforts to manage scientific information in Switzerland] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 40(2016)3, pp. 424-433. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2016-0069

17144   subject indexes in818
Kazzer, Claas; Lahmann, Andre. – Der neue UBL-Katalog: Zukunftssicher mit Open Source und VuFind 3 [The new UBL [= Leipzig University Library] catalogue: Future-proof with Open Source and VuFind 3] (Lang.: ger). - In: BIS - Das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen, 9(2016)3, pp. 149-151. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa2-77500

17145   subject indexes in818
Fieseler, Christian. – Das Verzeichnis Deutscher Drucke des 18. Jahrhunderts (VD 18): Ziele, Entwicklung und aktueller Stand [The Index of German Prints of the 18th Century (VD 18): Goals, Development and Current Status] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, 68(2016)7, pp. 402-405. – Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/2016-07.pdf

17152   subject indexes in818
Conradt, Volker; Diedrichs, Reiner. – Ein Katalog für zehn Bundel?nder und der Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz - Ein Beitrag von BSZ und VZG [A catalog for ten federal states and the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz - A contribution by BSZ and VZG] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift f?r Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 63(2016)5/6, pp. 274-282. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3196/1864295016635659

17516   subject indexes in818
Dissertationsbezogene Forschungsdaten: Sammlung in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek [Dissertation-related research data: A collection at the German National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 52(2018)1, pp. 63-69. – Available at http://doi:10.1515/bd-2018-0010

17540   subject indexes in818
Meinhardt, Haike. – Informationsinfrastrukturen im Wandel: Empfehlungen und Diskussion des Rates für Informationsinfrastrukturen zum Forschungsdatenmanagement in Deutschland [Information infrastructures in transition: Recommendations and discussion of the Council for Information Infrastructures concerning research data management in Germany] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 64(2017)5, pp. 261-267. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3196/186429501764544

18005   subject indexes in818
Lee, Ji-Won; Lee, Jae Yun . – An Analysis of Korean University Library Holdings of Western Language Books Using a Union Catalog Database (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 35(2018)1, pp.205-229. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07409117

18023   subject indexes in818
Woo-Jeong Kim, Ji-Won Lee, Yong-Wan Cho. – A Study on Quality of Bibliographic Records for DVDs in University Libraries (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN BIBLIA SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 28(2017)4, pp.77-100. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07290239

18033   subject indexes in818
Kim, Jeong-Hyen . – A Comparative Analysis of Cataloging Records Related to Korea in the National Libraries of the Major Developing Countries : Focused on 10 Asian and African Countries (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 52(2017)1, pp.65-86. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07402113

18035   subject indexes in818
Lee, Seung-Gil; Song, Gi-Ho. – A Study on Development of a National Collection Management Guideline for the School Library (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 51(2017)3, pp.23-44. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07231707

18039   subject indexes in818
Yi, Je-Ho; Kwon, Sun-Young . – A Study on Children’s Collection Development for Public Library Based on Library Usage of Children’s Book Awards (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 51(2017)1, pp.175-199. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07117923

18054   subject indexes in818
Kim, Sung-Jun; Lee, Byeong-Ki . – A Survey and Analysis of Current Collection Management State in School Libraries (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 48(2017)1, pp.21-42. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07164521

18069   subject indexes in818
Lurk, Tabea; Enge, Jürgen. – Der Integrierte Katalog der Mediathek der Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel: Katalogkompetenz und Kommunikation im digitalen Wandel [The integrated catalogue of the Media Library at the Basel Academy of Art and Design: Catalogue competence and communication in the digital age] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)1, pp. 57–68. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0002

18071   subject indexes in818
Arnold, Werner. – [book review of] Graham Jefcoate (Ed.) (2017): A catalogue of English books printed before 1801 held by the University Library at Göttingen. Comp. by Gusti Grote and Sabine Eschenburg. With the assistance of Günter Kükenshöner. Part 4 (Acquisitions and archival records), Vol. 1 (Books printed before 1701. Books printed between 1701 and 1800: A–E), Vol. 2 (Books printed between 1701 and 1800: F–Z). Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Olms-Weidmann. (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)1, pp. 167–169. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0012

18113   subject indexes in818
Degkwitz, Andreas [interviewee]. – "Die automatisierte Sacherschliessung kann nicht alleine von der DNB geleistet werden" [Automated subject indexing can not be done by the German National Library alone] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, 70(2018)1, pp. 38-39. – Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/2018-01.pdf

18115   subject indexes in818
Beckmann, Regine; Petras, Vivien. – Inhaltserschliessung am Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [Subject cataloguing at the Department of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [Germany]] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, 70(2018)1, pp. 41-43. – Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/2018-01.pdf

18148   subject indexes in818
Fujita, MariaÌ‚ngela Spotti Lopes; Moreira, Walter; dos Santos, Luciana Beatriz Piovezan; Cruz, Maria Carolina Andrade; de Barros Ribas, Rosane Rodrigues . – Construction and Evaluation of Hierarchical Structures of Indexing Languages for Online Catalogs of Libraries: An Experience of the São Paulo State University (UNESP) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 45(2018)3, pp. 220-231. – Available at http://DOI:10.5771/0943-7444-2018-3-220

18243   subject indexes in818
Scheven, Esther; Wening, Michael Frederic. – Zeitretrieval in der verbalen Inhaltserschliessung [Indexing and retrieval of temporal subject headings] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-Bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 5(2018)2, pp. 181-192. – Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2018H2181-192

18524   subject indexes in818
Woppowa, Belinda; Wiesenmüller, Heidrun . – Öffentliche Bibliotheken und Katalogisierung: Eine Analyse der aktuellen Praxis in Deutschland [Public libraries and cataloguing: An analysis of current practice in Germany] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 5(2018)3, pp. 134-151. – Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2018H3S135-151

18796   subject indexes in818
Wiesenmüller, Heidrun. – [book review of] Breitenbruch, Bernd: Catalogus et inuentarium librorum omnium qui inuenti sunt Ulmae in bibliotheca summi et parochialis templi, anno 1549: der erste Katalog der Stadtbibliothek Ulm / Edition und Bestandsanalyse. Ulm, 2018 [The first catalog of the Ulm City Library; edition and collection survey] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 6(2019)3, pp. 109-114. – Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2019H3S109-114

18800   subject indexes in818
Menzel, Michael. – LOM for Higher Education OER Repositories: Ein Metadatenprofil für Open Educational Resources im Hochschulbereich zur Förderung der Interoperabilität von OER-Länderrepositorien [LOM for Higher Education OER Repositories: A metadata profile for open educational resources in higher education to promote the interoperability of OER country repositories] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 7(2020)1, 10pp.. – Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/5579

18802   subject indexes in818
Aprile, Alessandro. – Bericht zum Workshop "FID Theologie - Aufgaben und Services eines forschungsnahen Dienstes"  [Report on the workshop "Specialized Information Service for Theology - Functions and services of a research-related service" [Tübingen, 2-3 Dec 2019]] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 7(2020)1, 4pp.. – Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/5580

10752   1990-1-398subject indexes in818 BG
Dipchikova, A. – Some problems of cataloguing and classification (Lang.: bul). - In: Bibliotekar (Sofia).Vol.35.No.5.1988.p.3-7.

13541   1990-1-399subject indexes in818 BG
Dipchikova, A. – Trends in the development of the subject catalogue in the Cyril and Methodius National Library (Lang.: rus). - In: Predmet.poisk v tradits.i netradits.IPS.No.8.1988.p.36-43.Leningrad,

12890   1990-1-400subject indexes in818 CH
Beffa, P. – La liste des vedettes matières de la Bibliothèque du Conseil oecuménique des Eglises à Genève [The subject heading list of the Library of the Geneva Ecumenical Council of the Churches] (Lang.: fre). - In: Hors-texte.No.26.1988.p.25-26.

12891   1990-1-401subject indexes in818 CH
Gilleron-Graber,M.P. – Société de lecture et fichiers matières [The Société de Lecture and subject headings] (Lang.: fre). - In: Hors-texte.No.26.1988.p.22-24.

13466   1990-1-402subject indexes in818 PL
Kalczynska, M. – The model of a subject heading catalogue in the university library of Lwow in the years between the wars (Lang.: pol). - In: Bibliotekarz.Vol.55.No.4-5.1988.p.28-31.

13542   1990-1-403subject indexes in818 PL
Domanowska, E. – Subject catalogues in Polish medical libraries (Lang.: rus). - In: Predmet.poisk v tradits.i netradits.IPS.No.8.1988.p.44-58.Leningrad,SU,

13086   1990-1-404subject indexes in818 SU
Fröschner, G. – Der systematische und der Schlagwortkatalog im Katalogsystem sowjetischer Bibliotheken [The systematic and the subject heading catalogue in the catalogue system of Soviet libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zbl.Bibl.wes.Vol.103.No.5.1989.p.217-223.

13543   1990-1-405subject indexes in818 SU
Komarova, V.P.; Atarshikova, N.G. – Excerpts from the history of the USSR Academy of Sciences Library classed catalogue for theyears 1930-1982 (Lang.: rus). - In: Biblioteka AN SSSR (Preprint).No.8.1989.p.1-46.

13544   1990-1-406subject indexes in818 SU
Zorina, E.P.; Martynova, I.N. – Organisation and maintenance of the subject catalogue in the Library of the Academy of the Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee (Lang.: rus). - In: Predmet.poisk v tradits.i netradits.IPS.No.8.1988.p.112-121.

13545   1990-1-407subject indexes in818 SU
Kerimova, Sh.A. – The classified catalogue of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences Central Scientific Library: Today's state and development prospects (Lang.: rus). - In: Vopr.bibl-bibliogr.i inf.raboty.1988.p.63-72.Baku, SU,

11294   1990-2-327subject indexes infine arts818-94
Franklin, J. – ARLIS (UK & Eire) survey of 'in-house' retrospective indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials.Vol.2.No.2.1989.p.40-41.

13486   1996-0303818, 934
Kotalska, B.. – Subject classification in the Paris National Library (Lang.: pol). - In: Przeglad Biblioteczny. Vol. 62, No. 3/4. 1994. p.237-245. Description of the BN OPALE online database at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris which contains files of authority headings, bibliographic descriptions of monographs and serials, and locations of physical documents. Outlines the development of the RAMEAU subject headings authority file based on the AMA (fichier d'Autorité Matière) vocabulary. Subject headings are assigned to each newly acquired document in the last phase of the cataloguing process. Other French libraries also participate in updating RAMEAU. Subject heading creation rules are collected in the Guide d'Indexation RAMEAU, published annually. RAMEAU is accessible through the SUNIST system and is used by many French libraries. (Author, abbr)

12801   1996-1271818, 987
Baydur, G.. – Subject indexing practice in Turkey (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Cat.& Bibliogr.Control. Vol. 25, No. 1. 1996. p.10-12.

17528   subject indexes in818; 347
Junger, Ulrike; Schwens, Ute. – Die inhaltliche Erschliessung des schriftlichen kulturellen Erbes auf dem Weg in die Zukunft [Subject cataloging of the written cultural heritage on the way to the future [on automatic indexing at the German National Library]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 29(2017)2, pp. 4-7. – Available at http://d-nb.info/1140661434/34

18851   subject indexes in818; 924
Kovce, Philip. – [book review of:] Sam, Martina Maria: Rudolf Steiners Bibliothek: Verzeichnis einer Büchersammlung. Basel: Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 2019. 1264 pp. ISBN 978-3-7274-5331-1 [Rudolf Steiner's library: Directory of a book collection] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 67(2020)1, pp. 70-72. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3196/1864295020671129

18852   subject indexes in818; 946; 934
Behrens, Renate. – RDA in Europe – ein Erfahrungsaustausch: Bericht über das virtuelle Satellite Meeting der european RdA interest Group am 15. September 2020 [RDA in Europe - an exchange of experiences: Report on the virtual satellite meeting of the European RDA Interest Group on September 15, 2020.] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 68(2021)1, pp. 47-50. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3196/186429502068167

18405   subject indexes inusers requirements818;982
Bourret, Christian. – New ways to produce shared knowledge to improve cooperation in overcoming societal challenges in healthcare: the lever of innovative interface organizations in France (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 871-879.

9675   index representation819
Reid, Robert F.. – Classification with QR codes (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 168(2012), pp. 5-10.

12802   1996-1274index representation819
Mehta, U.. – The utility of business indexes for accessing sci-tech trade literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Science & Technol.Libr. Vol. 15, No. 2. 1995. p.35-56.

12803   1996-1275index representation819
Miller, B.. – A comparison of the academic index on CDROM with four Wilson indexes on the OPAC (Lang.: eng). - In: Online & CDROM Review. Vol. 19, No. 4. 1995. p.207-210.

18643   index representation819
Barros, Thiago Henrique Bragato. – A representação documental no contexto da arquivologia: perpectivas recentes  [Archival representation: recent perspectives] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Informação, 25(2020)3, pp. 266-287. – Available at http://http://dx.doi.org/10.5433/1981-8920.2020v25n3p266

18652   index representation819
Tartarotti, Roberta Cristina Dal'Evedove. – Representação temática em repositórios institucionais de bibliotecas universitárias: a percepção de gestores e bibliotecários catalogadores-indexadores da USP, UNESP e UNICAMP  [Subject representation in institutional repositories of university libraries: the perception of managers and cataloger-indexer librarians from USP, UNESP and UNICAMP] (Lang.: por). - In: RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, 18(2020), pp. E020030. – Available at http://https://periodicos.sbu.unicamp.br/ojs/index.php/rdbci/article/view/8660803/23227

18946   index representation819
Oliveira, Lais Pereira de; Souza, Maria Aparecida Rodrigues de . – A desinformação como pilar da intersecção entre letramento informacional e tratamento temático da informação [Disinformation as support of the intersection between informational literacy and subject representation ] (Lang.: port). - In: LIINC Em revista, 17 (2021)1, p.e5635. – Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__http://revista.ibict.br/liinc/article/view/5635/5280

18638   index representation819; 214
Torino, Emanuelle; Coneglian, Caio Saraiva; Vidotti, Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio. – Estruturas de representação para reuso de dados no contexto da ecologia de pesquisa: CRIS institucional [Representation structures for data reuse in the context of research ecology: institutional CRIS] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Informação, 25(2020)3, pp. 1-27. – Available at http://http://dx.doi.org/10.5433/1981-8920.2020v25n3p1

18646   index representation819; 214
Araújo, Dayanne Albuquerque; Cavati Sobrinho, Heliomar. – TABLI: protótipo de aplicativo gamificado para a construção de tesauros  [TABLI: prototyping of a game application to the thesaurus construction ] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Informação, 25(2020)3, pp. 375-401. – Available at http://http://dx.doi.org/10.5433/1981-8920.2020v25n3p375

18648   index representation819; 75; 877
Tolare, Jessica Beatriz; Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes . – Análise da representação e recuperação de partituras em catálogos especializados [Analysis of representation and recovery of scores in specialized catalogs] (Lang.: por). - In: InCID: Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação, 11(2020)1, pp. 150-173. – Available at http://http://www.revistas.usp.br/incid/article/view/167559/163507

15249   index representationhierarchy819;224
Julien, Charles-Antoine; Tirilly, Pierre; Dinneen, Jesse David; Gustavino, Catherine. – Reducing subject tree browsing complexity (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)11, pp. 2201-2223.

2754   2001-0412index representationKO metadata819;918
Guidarelli, N.M. – Subject data in the metadata record (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services, 24(2000)p,499-500. »» Report on a discussion forum of the ALCTS SAC Subcommittee on Metadata and Subject Analysis

9535   index representationKO metadata819;918
Zeng, Xinhong. – [Formal semantic description standard family for Chinese KOS (I): realizing full description for Chinese controlled vocabularies by expanding SKOS] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of library science in China, 38(2012)3, pp. 57-68.

18698   index representationKO metadata819;918
Triques, Maria Lígia; Arakaki, Ana Carolina Simionato; Castro, Fabiano Ferreira de. – Aspectos da representação da informação na curadoria digital [Aspects of information representation in digital curation] (Lang.: port). - In: Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, 25(2020), pp. 01-21. – Available at http://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/eb/article/view/1518-2924.2020.e69898

9340   data indexingformsUDC82-0;42
Crasnopolschi, Nina, Puzderi, Liliana. – Modificări în CZU: Clasa 0 – Generalităţi [Changes in the UDC Class 0 – Generalities] (Lang.: rom). - In: Buletinul Comisiei Catalogare-Indexare, 1(2011), pp. 6-8.

9341   data indexingformsUDC82-0;42
MuÅŸat, Rodica. – Aspecte ale utilizării clasificării la Clasa 0 din Clasificarea Zecimală Universală [Aspects of classification in Class 0 of the Universal Decimal Classification] (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca, 23(2012)7, pp. 207-210.

13209   1994-1109data indexingphysical sciences82-2
Herrwerth, I.; Böhmr, U.. – Die Gmelin Faktendatenbank - Werkzeug der wissenschaftlichen Recherche. Moderne Informationshilfe auf den Gebieten der Chemie und Physik [The Gmelin Factual Databank - tool of scientific retrieval. Modern information support in the areas of chemistry and physics] (Lang.: ger). - In: MPG-Spiegel. (1993)6,p.9-13. In 1993 the databank contained facts of 527 611 items (compounds and their isotopomeres) and each year this number grows by 80 000 new compounds (Verbindungen).

6538   2009-0658conceptologyKO problems82-25/7
Miyazaki, Sachiko. – Database and indexing policy (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science & Technology Association/Joho no Kagaku to Gijutsu, 58(2008), pp.188-193.

8335   data indexingpure chemistry82-26
Bingjun Sun, et al. – Identifying, indexing, and ranking chemical formulae and chemical names in digital documents (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM transactions on information systems, 29(2011)2, pp. 12:1-12:38.

9106   data indexingenergy science82-28
Djambian, Caroline . – De la transposition des modes de diffusion des savoirs au consensus de sens: les metiers de l’ingénierie nucléaire [Consensus on the transposition of ways of disseminating knowledge: the nuclear engineering professions] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 391-400 (08.21).

9107   data indexinggeologythesauri82-36;214
Jouis, Christophe et al. – Quand l’émergence dans les texts scientifiques entraîne la dynamique dans les ontologies associeés. Application à la paléontologie [When the emergence of scientific texts detracts from the dynamic in associated ontologies, as applied to palaeontology] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 159-170 (08.21).

2755   2001-0413data indexinggeography82-39
Pritchard, J.A.T. – Geographic information systems : report from GIS'99 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Management Report, (1999) (Dec), p.13-16.

3885   2004-0410data indexinggeography82-39
Waters, N. – Geographic Information Systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. by M.A. Drake. - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. - Vol. 2, p.1106-1115.

3886   2004-0411data indexinggeography82-39
Horton, jr., F.W. – International Federartion for Information and Documentation (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. by M.A. Drake. - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. - Vol. 2, p.1405-1407.

4009   2005-32-1-0085data indexinggeography82-39
Limp, W.F. – Geographic information systems in historic preservation (Lang.: eng). - In: Archives and Museums Informatics, 13(1999-2001)3/4, p.325-340.

1134   1998-0510data indexinggeographyspecial terminologygeography82-39;78-39
Waters, N. – Geographic information systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, (1998)63,p.98-125. Review article

6539   2009-0659data indexingbiological sciences82-4
Shere, Thérèse. – Environmental studies and natural history texts: indexing issues (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 27(2009)2, pp.50-57.

18810   data indexingbiological sciencesdocumentation of progress82-4;169
Lehenmeier, Constantin. – Von historischen Wetteraufzeichnungen zu digitalen Forschungsdaten: Die Entwicklung eines Transkriptionstools mit Schwerpunkt Tabellen an der Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg (Teil 1) [From historical weather records to digital research data: Development of a transcription tool with a focus on tables at the Regensburg University Library (part 1)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 67(2020)2, pp. 93-99. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3196/186429502067222

9108   data indexingbotany82-43
Gardies, Cécile, Fabre, Isabelle, Dumas, Michel. – Place de l’information professionnelle dans la construction de savoirs emergents, le cas des agriculteurs biologiques [The place of professional information in the construction of emerging disciplines, the case of biological farmers] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 381-390 (08.21).

9109   data indexingforestry82-47
Zschocke, Thomas . – Resolving controlled vocabulary in DITA markup: a case example in agroforestry (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library and information systems, 46(2012)3, pp.321 – 340.

11069   1990-1-409data indexinghuman sciences82-5
Carande, R. – Database to knowledge base (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Technol.& Libraries.Vol.8.No.1.1989.p.72-74.

16521   data indexinghuman sciences82-5
Fender, Ann-Catrin. – Repositorien für Forschungsdaten am Beispiel des Faches Biologie: Ein neues Aufgabenfeld für Bibliotheken? [Repositories for research data on the example of the subject Biology: A new field for libraries? ] (Lang.: ger). - In: Perspektive Bibliothek, 4(2015)2, pp. 60-86. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/pb.2015.2.26272

17301   data indexinghuman sciences82-5
Lozoya-de-Diego Abel; Villalba-de-Benito Mar?a-Teresa; Arias-Pou Mar. – Taxonom?a de informaci?n personal de salud para garantizar la privacidad de los individuos [Taxonomy of Personal Health Information To Ensure The Privacy of Individuals] (Lang.: spa). - In: ?tica investigaci?n y comunicaci?n, 26(2017)2.Espa?a, 2017. – Available at http://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2017.mar.16

18170   data indexinghuman sciences82-5
Cooper, Rachel. – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 44(2017)8, pp. 668-676.

18891   data indexinghuman sciences82-5
Husfeldt, Vera; et al.. – Das erweiterte Potenzial von Bildungsdaten [The expanded potential of educational data] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 71(2020)(5/6), pp. 298-302. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2020-2087

18344   data indexinghuman sciencesmedicine taxonomies82-5;55
Iyer, Hemalata; Raghavan, K.S. . – Medical ontology: Siddha System of Medicine (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 347-355.

5794   2008-0339conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Bornmann, L., et al. – Are there better indices for evaluation purposes than the h index? A comparison of nine different variants of the h index using data from Biomedicine (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 59(2008)5, p.830-7.

5795   2008-0340conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Humphrey, S.M., Rogers, W.J., Kilicoglu, H., Demnre-Fushman, D., Rindflesch, T.C. – Word sense disambiguation by selecting the best semantic type based on journal descriptor indexing: preliminary experiment (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology 57(2006)1, p.96-113.

6308   2009-0428conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Hersh, William. – Ubiquitous but unfinished: grand challenges for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Health information and libraries journal, 25(2008), pp. 90-93.

6309   2009-0429conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Hliaoutakis, A., Zervanou, K., Petrakis, E. G. – The AMTEx approach in the medical document indexing and retrieval application (Lang.: eng). - In: Data and knowledge engineering, 68(2009)3, pp. 380-392.

6540   2009-0660conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Ste. Marie, Janyne. – Medical indexing in the United States (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 27(2009)2, pp.59-61.

6768   2009-0888conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Glez-Pena, D., et al. – Classification of Medline documents using MeSH terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, 5518(2009), pp. 926-929.

6769   2009-0889conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Lourenco, A., et al. – Biomedical text mining applied to document retrieval and semantic indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, 5518(2009), pp. 954-963.

7005   conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Ambert, Kyle H., Cohen, Aaron M. – A system for classifying disease comorbidity status from medical discharge summaries using automated hotspot and negated concept detection (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 16(2009)4, pp. 590-595.

7249   conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Wilczynski, N. L., Haynes, R. B. – Consistency and accuracy of indexing systematic review articles and meta-analyses in medline (Lang.: eng). - In: Health information and libraries journal, 26(2009)3, pp. 203-210.

7752   conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Plotnick, Rachel. – Computers, systems theory, and the making of a wired hospital: a history of Technicon Medical Information System, 1964–1987 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)6, pp. 1281-1294.

8522   conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Chapman, B. E., et al. – Document-level classification of CT pulmonary angiography reports based on an extension of the ConText algorithm (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of biomedical informatics, 44(2011)5, pp. 728-737.

8523   conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Garla, Vijay, et al. – The Yale cTAKES extensions for document classification: architecture and application (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 18(2011)5, pp.614-620.

8524   conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Golbeck, Jennifer, Emmerling, Beth. – An experimental study of social tagging behavior and image content (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 62(2011)9, pp. 1750-1760.

8525   conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Hirschman,Lynette et al. – MITRE system for clinical assertion status classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 18(2011)5, pp. 563-567.

8878   conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Mancini, F., et al. – Use of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) in Portuguese for categorizing web-based healthcare content (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of biomedical informatics, 44(2011)2, pp. 299-309.

8879   conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Richter, R.R., Austin, T.M. – Using MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) to enhance PubMed search strategies for evidence-based practice in physical therapy (Lang.: eng). - In: Physical therapy, 92(2012)1, pp. 124-132.

9342   conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Swieboda, W., Krasuski, A., Nguyen, H.S. – Exploring and linking biomedical resources through multidimensional semantic spaces (Lang.: eng). - In: BMC Bioinformatics, 13(2012)Suppl 1, p. S6.

9343   conceptologysystems theory82-51/4
Xiang, Y., et al. – k-Neighborhood decentralization: a comprehensive solution to index the UMLS for large scale knowledge discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of biomedical informatics, 45(2012)2, pp. 323-336.

9344   conceptologysystems theoryonline retrieval problems82-51/4;751
Golder, Su, Loke, Yoon K. – The performance of adverse effects search filters in MEDLINE and EMBASE (Lang.: eng). - In: Health information and libraries journal, 29(2012)2, pp. 141-151.

9345   conceptologysystems theorytagging82-51/4;835
Lee, Danielle H., Schleyer, Titus. – Social tagging is no substitute for controlled indexing: a comparison of Medical Subject Headings and CiteULike tags assigned to 231,388 papers (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology; 63(2012)9, pp. 1747-1757.

8526   conceptologysystems theorycitation indexing82-51/4;864
Aljaber, B. et al. – Improving MeSH classification of biomedical articles using citation contexts (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of biomedical informatics, 44(2011)5, pp. 881-896.

6541   2009-0661data indexingtheoretical medicine82-52
Poikonen, Tuula, Vakkari, Pertti. – Lay persons' and professionals' nutrition-related vocabularies and their matching to a general and a specific thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)2, pp.232-243.

5793   2008-0338conceptologyconcept formation82-52/54
Abdou, S., Savoy, J. – Searching in MEDLINE: query expansion and manual indexing evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 44(2008)2, p.781-789.

9346   data indexingsocial sciences82-6
La Barre, Kathryn A, Tilley, Carol L. – The elusive tale: leveraging the study of information seeking and knowledge organization to improve access to and discovery of folktales (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(2012)4, pp. 687-701.

16279   data indexingsocial sciences82-6
Kaindl, Annemarie. – Die digitalen Klosterkataloge Herzog Maximilians I. von Bayern: Ein bayerischer Zentralkatalog des 17. Jahrhunderts im virtuellen Raum [The digital monastery catalogues of Duke Maximilian I of Bavaria: A Bavarian union catalogue of the 17th century in the virtual space] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 9(2015)2, pp. 134-137. – Available at http://www.bibliotheksforum-bayern.de/fileadmin/archiv/2015-2/PDF-Einzelbeitraege/BFB_0215_15_Kaindl_V04.pdf

18156   data indexingsocial sciences82-6
Brandt, Mariana Baptista . – Ethical Aspects in the Organization of Legislative Information  (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 45(2018)1, pp. 3-12. – Available at http://DOI:10.5771/0943-7444-2018-1-3

15444   conceptologyKO problems82-6/7
Schumann, Natascha; Watteler, Oliver. – Forschungsdaten in den Sozialwissenschaften [Research data in the social sciences] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 60(2013)6, pp.307-315.

7753   data indexingsociology82-61
Johnson, Matt. – Transgender subject access: history and current practice (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 48(2010)8, pp. 661-683.

8880   data indexingsociology82-61
Goswami, Sarbani, Bandyopadhyay, Ratna, Panigrahi, Pijushkani. – Designing a classification scheme on women’s studies in India (Lang.: eng). - In: Focus on international library and information work, 42(3) 2011, 84-87.

5567   2008-0110data indexingsocial politics82-65
Watson, I., Savitch, N. – Knowledge for practice (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Scotland, 5(2007) p.13.

7754   data indexinglaw82-66
Custer, Joseph A. – The universe of thinkable thoughts versus the facts of empirical research (Lang.: eng). - In: Law library journal, 102(2010)2, pp. 251-268.

7953   data indexinglaw82-66
Duffield, Claire, Fallon, Sarah, Stopford, Jean. – LIM meets LJI: an article on an abstract (Lang.: eng). - In: Legal information management, 10(2010)3, pp. 187-190.

8162   data indexinghistory82-69
Signore, O. – Representing knowledge in archaeology: from cataloguing cards to semantic web (Lang.: eng). - In: Archeologia e calcolatori, 20(2009), pp. 111-128.

10345   1990-1-410data indexingeconomical sciences82-7
Brenner, W. – Entwurf betrieblicher Datenelemente.Ein Weg zur Integration von Informationssystemen [Design and integration of business data elements into an information system] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Springer Verl, 1988. – pp. 211.

9110   data indexingbuilding82-75
Lehmanns, Anne, Fraysse, Patrick, Liquete, Vincent. – Modes de répresentation et de circulation de l’“information verteâ€Â, le cas de l’architecture [Ways of representing and circulating “green informationâ€Â, the example of architecture] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 367-379 (08.21).

16513   data indexinginformation sciences82-8
Stoppe, Sebastian. – Neue Wege in der Informationsversorgung: Das Beispiel Fachinformationsdienst Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft [New ways of information provision: "Specialized Information Service Media and Communication Studies" as an example] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 2(2015)4, pp. 108-118. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2015H4S108-118

18073   data indexinghumanities82-9
Lisena, Pasquale; et al.. – Improving (Re-)usability of musical datasets: An overview of the DOREMUS project (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)2, pp. 194–205. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0023

18074   data indexinghumanities82-9
Nurmikko-Fuller, Terhi; et al.. – Building prototypes aggregating musicological datasets on the semantic web (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)2, pp. 206–221. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0025

18076   data indexinghumanities82-9
Münzmay, Andreas. – Lesen und Schreiben im digitalen Dickicht: Musikwissenschaft, Digital Humanities und die hybride Musikbibliothek [Reading and writing in the digital thicket: Musicology, digital humanities, and the hybrid music library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)2, pp. 236–246. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0031

18077   data indexinghumanities82-9
Hausmann, Christiane. – "Bach digital: Ein "work in progress" der digitalen Musikwissenschaft" [Bach digital: Work in progress for digital musicology] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)2, pp. 247–254. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0033

18082   data indexinghumanities82-9
Veit, Joachim; Richts, Kristina. – Stand und Perspektiven der Nutzung von MEI [Music Encoding Initiative] in der Musikwissenschaft und in Bibliotheken [Current status and perspectives of MEI usage in musicology and in libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)2, pp. 292–301. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0026

18214   data indexinghumanities82-9
Oberli, Lisa. – Visuelle Explorationen der Vergangenheit: Bericht über das CERL-Seminar Visual approaches to cultural heritage an der ETH-Bibliothek, Zürich, 14. März 2018 [Visual exploration of the past: Report on the CERL seminar, Visual approaches to cultural heritage, held at the ETH Library, Zurich, 14 March 2018 ] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 21(2018)4, pp. 360-364. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2018-04-reportage-oberli.pdf

18450   data indexinghumanities82-9
Wuttke, Ulrike; Spiecker, Claus; Neuroth, Heike. – PARTHENOS – Eine digitale Forschungsinfrastruktur für die Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften [PARTHENOS – A digital research infrastructure for eHumanities and eHeritage] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 43(2019)1, pp. 11-20. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2019-2020

18474   data indexinghumanities82-9
Daniel, Silvia; Herr, Wiebke. – Neuentdeckungen für die historische Forschung: Ãœber Historicum.Net - Fachinformationsdienst Geschichtswissenschaft [New discoveries for historical research: On Historicum.Net, the specialized information service for history] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheks-Magazin, 14(2019)1, pp. 53-56. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/pdf/publikationen/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2019_1.pdf

18463   data indexinghumanities82-9; 169
Cremer, Fabian; Klaffki, Lisa; Steyer, Timo. – Redaktionssache Forschungsdaten: Ein Servicekonzept zur Forschungsdatenpublikation in den Geisteswissenschaften [Research data publication: A matter for an editorial board? A service concept for research data publication in the humanities] (Lang.: ger ). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 43(2019)1, pp. 118-25. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2019-2018

18464   data indexinghumanities82-9; 169
Strotmann, Vivian. – Die Bibliographische Datenbank zur Geschichtsschreibung im Osmanischen Europa (15. bis 18. Jh.): Ein kooperatives Projekt zur Präsentation von Forschungsdaten [The bibliographical database for the historiography of Ottoman Europe (15th to 18th century): A cooperative project for the presentation of research data] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 43(2019)1, pp. 162-166. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2019-2017

18854   data indexinghumanities82-9; 918
Herrmann, J. Berenike; et al.. – Ein grosser Berg Daten? Zur bibliothekswissenschaftlichen Dimension des korpusliteraturwissenschaftlichen Digital Humanities-Projekts "High Mountains – Deutschschweizer Erzählliteratur 1880–1930" [A big amount of data? On the library science dimension of the corpus literary digital humanities project "High Mountains - German-Swiss Narrative Literature 1880-1930"] (Lang.: ger). - In: 027.7 Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur, 8(2021)1, n.pag.. – Available at http://doi.org/10.21428/1bfadeb6.6e2feff6

9347   conceptologyconceptologyUDC82-91/2;42
Chitoroagă, Valentina. – Modificări structurale privind Clasa 2 – Religie. Teologie [Structural changes in Class 2 – Religion. Theology] (Lang.: rom). - In: Buletinul Comisiei Catalogare-Indexare, 2(2011), pp. 6-8.

5159   2007-0392data indexingliterature82-92
Pogorelec, A., Sauperl, A. – The alternative model of classification of belles-lettres in libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)4, p.204-214.

5160   2007-0393data indexingliterature82-92
Yuefang, H., Yintao, C. – Differences between the DDC and the CLC in classifying works of literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Illinois Libraries, 86(2007)4, p.5-10.

6542   2009-0662data indexingliterature82-92
Picci, Denise. – L'indicazione della narrativa: esperienze a confronto [Fiction indexing: a comparison of different experiences] (Lang.: ita). - In: Bollettino AIB, 48(2008)1, pp.25-43.

7480   data indexingliterature82-92
Moraru, V. – Clasificarea publicaÅ£iilor: literatură: aspecte practice [Documents classification: literature: practical aspects] (Lang.: rom). - In: Buletinul FundaÅ£iei Urechia. GalaÅ£i: Biblioteca “V. A Urechiaâ€Â, 7(2009)10, pp. 100-115.

5395   2007-0632data indexingliteratureDDC82-92;43
Hu Yuefang, Chen Yintao. – Differences between the DDC and the CLC in classifying works of literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Illinois Libraries, 86(2007)4, p.5-10.

9348   data indexingliteratureDDC82-92;43;48*156
Chang, Yu-Wei. – [A comparison of literature classification schemes in Dewey Decimal Classification and New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of library and information science sesearch, 6(2012)2, pp. 115-137..

6031   2009-0151data indexingmusic82-93
Jinhee You, Sanghyun Park, Inbum Kim. – An efficient frequent melody indexing method to improve the performance of query-by-humming systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 34(2008)6, p.777-798.

6310   2009-0430data indexingculture science82-96
López-Huertas, María J. – Cultural impact on knowledge representation and organization in a subject domain (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 340-346.

6543   2009-0663data indexingphilosophy82-97
Mohor, Jenő. – A poliszémia kezelése a tezauruszokban: a filozófiai szakszókincs esete [The mangement of polysemes in thesauri: the case of philosophical terms] (Lang.: hun). - In: Konyvtari Figyelo, 18(2008)1, p.165.

6770   2009-0890data indexingphilosophy82-97
Bettella, Cristana, Carrara, Massimiliano. – Classification: on philosophers and librarians (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 36(2009)2/3, pp. 88-91.

6771   2009-0891data indexingphilosophy82-97
Davies, Richard. – Should philosophy books be treated as fiction? (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 36(2009)2/3, pp.121-129.

6772   2009-0892data indexingphilosophy82-97
De Gaetano, Maria Angelica. – Looking at the library, seeing philosophy (Trieste, Italy) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 36(2009)2/3, pp. 160-168.

6773   2009-0893data indexingphilosophy82-97
Frigerio, Laura. – From disorder to order: a challenge for the philosopher and the librarian (Milan, Italy) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 36(2009)2/3, pp. 150-159.

9349   conceptologyKO historyUDC82-98/9;42
MuÅŸat, Rodica. – Particularităţi ale clasificării: Clasa 2 ÅŸi reprezentarea subiectelor religioaase în Clasificarea Zecimală Universală [Class 2 and the representation of religious subjects in the Universal Decimal Classification] (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca, 23(2012)6, pp. 172-177 .

5158   2007-0391data indexing820
Gáncsné Nagy, E., Lengyel, M. – Következetes tartalmi feltárás szoftvercsere mellett?: A KŐZTAURUSZ használata a györi Kisfaludy Károly Megyei Könyvtárban [Applying the comprehensive Hungarian thesaurus to the new ILS of the Kisfaludy Károly County Library in Györ] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudományos és Müszaki Tájékoztatás, 53(2006)7-8, p.343-348. – Available at http://tmt.omikk.bme.hu/show_news.html?sid=9603ccf3a69739c584bdcbad58fca67c&id=4493&issue_id=474

6544   2009-0664data indexing820
Rosati, L. – Classificare per innovare: la classificazione come investimento e scoperta [Classifying to innovate: classification as investment and discovery] (Lang.: ita). - In: Rete pubblica: il dialogo tra pubblica amministrazione e cittadino: linguaggi e architettura dell'informazione, a cura di F. Venier, pp.91-100.Perugia, Guerra, 2007.

11068   1990-1-408data indexing820
Fand, J. – Data indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: CD-ROM New Papyrus: Curr.and Future State Art.1986.p.231-236.Redmond, Wash,

12897   1990-1052data indexing820
Muzard, J.; Falardeau, E., Strobel, M.G. – La decouverte de la connaissance a partir de donnees numeriques: le systeme STATEX [Knowledge discovery from numerical data: the STATEX system] (Lang.: fre). - In: ICO.Quebec, Canada.Vol.4.No.1-2.1992.p.27-35.

13458   1993-0373data indexing820
Hoffman, E.; Langerman, S.. – Problems of numeric data in the natural and social sciences (Lang.: jew). - In: Bull.Isr.Soc.Spec.Libr.Inf.Ct.Vol. 18 No. 2. 1992. p.6-10.

13905   1993-0054data indexing820
Wolff, Ch.. – Manipulation von Graphen als Retrievalwerkzeug für Faktendaten [Manipulation of graphs as retrieval tools for factual data] (Lang.: ). -

15250   data indexing820
Scholze, Frank. – Forschungsdaten sammeln und strukturieren: Ein Thema auf dem Kongress Bibliothek und Information in Leipzig 2013 [Collecting and structuring research data: An issue at the conference "Bibliothek und Information", 2013] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 16(2013)3, pp. 223-224.

15442   data indexing820
Blatecky, Alan; Guédon, Jean-Claude; Pires, Carlos Morais. – Scientific data infrastructures: transforming science, education, and society (Lang.: eng). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 60(2013)6, pp.325-331.

15443   data indexing820
Enke, Harry; Klar, Jochen. – Forschungsdaten in der Gruppendomäne – Zwischen individuellen Anforderungen und übergreifenden Infrastrukturen [Research data in the group domain: individual requests and overall infrastructures] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 60(2013)6, pp.316-324.

15613   data indexing820
Lee, Dong Joon;Stvilia, Besiki. – Developing a data identifier taxonomy (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52 (2014)3, pp. 303-336..

15842   data indexing820
Kim, Suntae. – [Schema class inheritance model for research data management and search] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean society for Information Management, 31(2014)2, pp. 41-56.

16005   data indexing820
Dallmeier-Tiessen, Sünje; Mele, Salvatore. – Integrating data in the scholarly record: community-driven digital libraries in high-energy physics (Lang.: eng). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. 61(2014)4/5, pp. 220-223..

16006   data indexing820
Han, Na-eun; Kim, Seonghee. – [Comparative analysis on digital curation process in foreign academic libraries] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 45(2014)2, pp. 93-116.. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3487695

16007   data indexing820
Kim, Jihyun. – [A study on research data management services of research university libraries in the U.S.] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 25(2014)3, pp. 165-189.. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3509688

16008   data indexing820
Nielsen, Hans Jørn; Hjørland, Birger. – Curating research data: the potential roles of libraries and information professionals (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 70(2014)2, pp. 221-240.

16009   data indexing820
Sturges, Paul; Bamkin, Marianne; Anders, Jane H. S.; Hussain, Azhar. – Zugang zu Forschungsdaten: Die Notwendigkeit von Richtlinien für Data Sharing bei Fachzeitschriften; Das JoRD-Projekt der Universität Nottingham [Access to research data: the need for journal data sharing policies; The JoRD project of the University of Nottingham] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie. 17(2014)5, pp. 421-430.

16171   data indexing820
Ockenfeld, Marlies. – FIZ Karlsruhe setzt auf Forschungsdatenverwaltung [FIZ Karlsruhe focuses on research data management] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 17(2014)6, pp. 586-588. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2014-06-reportage-ockenfeld.pdf Report on a meeting on research data management, Karlsruhe, 15 September 2014

16322   data indexing820
Illig, Steffen. – on den SSG zu den FID – eine kritische Reflexion von Anspruch und Wirklichkeit [From SSG (Special Subject Collections) to FID (Specialized Information Service): A critical consideration of aspiration and reality] (Lang.: ger). - In: Perspektive Bibliothek, 4(2015)1, pp. 5-28. – Available at http://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/bibliothek/article/view/21644/pdf

16512   data indexing820
Lindstädt, Birte . – Forschungsdatenmanagement als überregionale Aufgabe der Informationsversorgung - was kann eine Zentrale Fachbibliothek wie ZB MED Leibniz-Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften leisten? [Research data management as a nation-wide duty of information provision - what can a central specialized library such as ZB MED Leibniz Information Centre for Life Sciences achieve?] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 2(2015)4, pp. 73-77. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2015H4S73-77

16522   data indexing820
Meyer-Doerpinghaus, Ulrich; Troeger, Beate. – Forschungsdatenmanagement als Herausforderung für Hochschulen und Hochschulbibliotheken [Research data management as a challenge for universities and university libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 2(2015)4, pp. 65-72. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2015H4S65-72

16677   data indexing820
Shim, Wonsik . – êµ­ê°€ ì°¨ì›ÂìÂËœ 연구ë°ì´터 관리체계 구축ì„ 위한 로드맵 제안 [Developing a Roadmap for National Research Data Management Governance - Based on the Analysis of United Kingdom’s Case -] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE,49(2015)4, pp.355-378.

16696   data indexing820
Hapke, Henrike. – Data Librarian: Das moderne Berufsbild [Data librarian: The modern job profile] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online, 19(2)2016, pp. 159-164. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2016-02-fachbeitrag-hapke.pdf

16700   data indexing820
Hänger, Christian; Kaldenberg, Bettina; Klein, Annette; Leichtweiss, Angela. – Was bringt die „Nächste Generation“? Der Einsatz des Unified Resource Management Systems Alma an der UB Mannheim [What does the "next generation" bring? Using the unified resource management system, Alma, at the Mannheim university library [Germany]] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online, 19(3)2016, pp. 235-244. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2016-03-fachbeitrag-haenger.pdf

16705   data indexing820
Pappenberger, Karlheinz. – bwFDM-Communities – Wissenschaftliches Datenmanagement an den Universitäten Baden-Württembergs [bwFDM-Communities – research data management by researchers in Baden-Wuerttemberg] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 40(1)2016, pp. 21-25. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2016-0017

16714   data indexing820
Tröger, Beate. – Forschungsdatenmanagement an der Universität Münster [Research data management at the University of Münster [Germany]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 50(7)2016, pp. 616-622.

16715   data indexing820
Kraft, Angelina; Razum, Matthias; Potthoff, Jan; Porzel, Andrea; Engel, Thomas Engel; Lange, Frank L. – Archivierung und Publikation von Forschungsdaten: Die Rolle von digitalen Repositorien am Beispiel des RADAR-Projekts [Archiving and publishing of research data: The role of digital repositories, taking the example of the RADAR project] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 50(7)2016, pp. 623-635.

16716   data indexing820
Lindstädt, Birte. – Management und Publikation von Forschungsdaten – Serviceleistungen einer wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek [Management and publication of research data – Services of a scientific library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 50(7)2016, pp. 636-648.

16717   data indexing820
Dross, Patrick; Linne, Monika Linne. – Sicheres und einfaches Data Sharing mit SowiDataNet: dokumentieren – veröffentlichen – nachnutzen [Secure and simple Data Sharing with SowiDataNet: documenting – publishing – reusing] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 50(7)2016, pp. 649-660.

16735   data indexing820
Bauer, Bruno. – Forschungsdaten – ein neuer Aufgabenbereich (auch) für Bibliotheken [Research data – a new field of activity (also) for libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: GMS Medizin  Bibliothek  Information, 15(3)2015, Doc16. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3205/mbi000343

16738   data indexing820
Steiner, Katrin. – Forschungsdatenmanagement und Informationskompetenz: Neue Entwicklungen an Hochschulbibliotheken Neuseelands [Research Data Management and Information Literacy: New Developments at New Zealand University Libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 35(4)2015, pp. 230-236.

16786   data indexing820
Krause, Evamaria. – Elektronische Laborb?cher im Forschungsdatenmanagement - Eine neue Aufgabe f?r Bibliotheken? [Electronic laboratory notebooks in research Data Management - A new task for libraries?] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 36(2016)2, pp. 78-87. Traditionally, the research process in science and medicine has been documented in paper-based laboratory notebooks. Nowadays there is an increasing interest in electronic laboratory notebooks (ELNs) at universities, as ELNs are adapting more and more to the requirements of academic research. This article introduces the approaches taken to establish an ELN service at three universities in the United States and Scotland, as well as ELN projects in Germany. It points out ELN interfaces with aspects of storing, re-using, publishing, and long-term archiving of research data and discusses possible roles for libraries.

16810   data indexing820
Sch?pfel, Joachim; Prost, H?l?ne. – Research Data Management in social sciences and humanities: A survey at the University of Lille (France) (Lang.: eng). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas,(2016)29.. – Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe29/09schoepfel/

17190   data indexing820
Min Song. – Metrics and Data-driven Knowledge Discovery (Lang.: kor). - In: Proceedings of the thirty seventh academic conference on Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 37(2016), pp. 7-26.Korean Society for Library and Information Science, – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE06671517

18153   data indexing820
Cleverley, Paul Hugh; Muir, Laura Joy. – Using Knowledge Organization Systems to Automatically Detect Forward-looking Sentiment in Company Reports to Infer Social Phenomena (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 45(2018)1, pp. 152-169. – Available at http://DOI:10.5771/0943-7444-2018-2-152

18498   data indexing820
Sünkler, Sebastian; et al.. – Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Software zur automatisierten Kontrolle des Lebensmittelmarktes im Internet mit informationswissenschaftlichen Methoden [Development and application of software for automated control of the food market on the Internet using information science methods] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 70(2018)1, pp. 33-45. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2019-0005

18664   data indexing820
Choi, Wonyoung; Choi, Sangmin; Kwak, Seing-Jin. – [Assessment for Overseas Construction Information Classification Using Collaborative Filtering] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 53(2019)4, pp. 11361 - 372.Korean Society for Library and Information Science,

18748   data indexing820
Gehrke, Alexander; et al.. – Erkennung von handschriftlichen Unterstreichungen in Alten Drucken [Recognition of handwritten underlines in historical printings] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 43(2019)3, pp. 447-452. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2019-2083

16751   data indexingconferences820;06
Traub, Imola Dora; Sánchez Solis, Barbara; Budroni, Paolo. – Forschungsdaten und zeitgemässe Aufarbeitung durch Policies – 2. internationaler LEARN Workshop zum Thema ‚Forschungsdatenmanagement‘ (Wien, 6. April 2016) [Research data and modern processing by policies - 2nd international LEARN workshop on research data management (Vienna, 6 April 2016)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 69(1)2016, pp. 142-150. – Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1406

10592   1993-03728200
Barth, A.. – Future requirements on retrieval systems for factual databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Squaring the information circle. Symposium, Nancy, 13-15 May 1991. 1991. p.38-51.Paris, ICSTI,

16240   823
Eungi Kim. – Remnants of Culture in Journal Article Titles (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 46(2015)1, pp. 345-372.. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3678644

18853   825; 918
Markus, Katharina. – Metadatenschemata für Forschungsdaten: Generische Standards und Spezifika in der Biologie und den Ingenieurwissenschaften [Metadata schemas for research data: Generic standards and specifics in biology and engineering] (Lang.: ger). - In: Perspektive Bibliothek, 9(2020)1, pp. 41-93. – Available at http://doi.org/10.11588/pb.2020.1.77851

18158   828
Hider, Philip. – The Search Value Added by Professional Indexing to a Bibliographic Database (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 44(2017)8, pp. 23-32. – Available at http://DOI:10.5771/0943-7444-2018-1-23

3740   2004-0266title indexing problems831
Porras Navalón, M.P., Verdugo Alonso, M.A. – El an lisis terminológico de los títulos de los artículos científicos como metodología para estudiar la evolución de las construcciones sociales: el caso de la discapacidad [The terminological analysis of the titles of scientific articles as methodology to study the evolution of social constructions: the case of disability] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.755-760.

5396   2007-0633title indexing problems831
Kelsey, P.J. – The Financial Counseling and Planning Indexing Project: establishing a correlation between indexing, total citations, and library holdings (Lang.: eng). - In: Financial Counseling and Planning, 18(2007)1, p.19-24.

13546   1990-1-411title indexing problems831
Bobkova, N.S.; Kurchaeva, V.K. – Titles of papers in scientific and technical periodicals: a typology (Lang.: rus). - In: Otrasl.terminol.i ee struktur.-tipol.opisanie.1988.p.150-158.Voronesh, SU,

15251   title indexing problems831
Kruschwitz, Udo; Lungley, Dierdre; Albakour, M-Dyaa; Song, Dawei. – Deriving query suggestions for site search (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)10, pp. 1975-1994.

951   1998-0327title indexing problemsonline systems831;752
Sullenger, P. – Periodical title searching in online catalogues (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Review, 23(1997)3,p.21-26.

2426   2001-0084information value of titles832
Sharada, B.A. – Identification and interpretation of metaphors in document titles (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Science with a Slant to Documentation and Information Studies, 36(1999)1,p.27-33.

4010   2005-32-1-0086information value of titles832
Roe , E.M. – Abstracts and Indexes to Branded Full Text : What's in a Name? (Lang.: eng). - In: The History and Heritage of Scientific and Technological Information Systems: Proceedings of the 2002 Conference / ed. by W. Boyd Rayward and Mary Ellen Bowden. Information Today, Inc., Medford, New Jersey, 2004. (ASIS & T Monograph Series), p.100-109. – Available at http://www.chemheritage.org/events/asist2002/08-roe.pdf

4011   2005-32-1-0087information value of titles832
Weinberg, B.H. – Predecessors of Scientific Indexing Structures in the Domain of Religion (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2001)4, p.178-180. – Available at http://www.chemheritage.org/events/asist2002/11-weinberg .pdf

11070   1990-1-412information value of titles832
Noel-Tod, A. – What's in a name?.The statute book and popular titles (Lang.: eng). - In: Law Librarian.Vol.20.No.1.1989.p.29-34.

11440   1993-0374information value of titles832
Keller, B.. – Subject content through title: A masters theses matching study at Indiana State University (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol. 15 No. 3. 1992. p.69-92.

12142   1995-0604information value of titles832
Bachir, I.; Buxton, A. – The use of topic sentences for evaluating the representativeness of Arabic article titles (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Inform.Sci. Vol. 19. No. 6. 1993. p.455-465. The study showed that Arabic titles appear to provide good representations of their articles. Between 70% and 88% of the substantive words in titles matched substantive words in the corresponding topic sentences

952   1998-0328information value of titlesdescriptors832;226
Voorbij, H. – Een goede titel behoeft geen trefwoord, of toch wel? : een vergelijkend onderzoek titelwoorden-trefwoorden [A good title has no need of subject headings, or does it?: a comparative study of title keywords against subject headings] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 1(1997)11, p.23-27. In 56 percent of the (random selected) titles subject headings provided additional useful information. 88 percent of the titles could be found via subject headings, 57 percent through titles words

953   1998-0329information value of titlesdescriptors832;226
Voorbij, H. – Titelwoorden - trefwoorden : een vergelijkend onderzoek [Title words - Subject headings: a comparative research] (Lang.: dut). - Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 1997. – pp. 46.

1135   1998-0511information value of titlesdescriptors832;226
Xu, H., Lancaster, F.W. – Redundancy and uniqueness of subject access points in online catalogs (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources & Technical Services, 42(1998)1,p.61-66. Reports considerable overlap among subject access points provided by title, subject heading and classification notation fields. OPAC's improve precision more than recall

1445   1999-0239information value of titlesdescriptors832;226
Voorbij, H. – Title keywords and subject descriptors : a comparison of subject search entries of books in the humanities and social sciences (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation , 54(1998)4,p.466-476.

601   1997-4-0602information value of titlesterm values832;342
Leiva, I.G., Munoz, J.V.R. – Analisis de los descriptores de diferentes areas del conocimiento indizadas en bases de dator del CSIC : aplication a la indizacion automatica [Descriptors analysis on different knowledge areas in CSIC databases. Application on automatic indexing] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista Espanola de Documentacion cientifica 20 (1997)2. p.150-160.

11888   1994-1110title indexing methods833
Bachir, I.; Buxton, A.. – The use of topic sentences for evaluating the representativeness of Arabic article titles (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science. 19(1993)6,p.455-465.

1136   1998-0512tables of contents834
Ihadjadene, M. – Les tables de matières dans les catalogues en ligne : opportunités, méthodes et couts [Contents tables in online catalogues: opportunities, methods and costs] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français, (1998)178,p.85-88.

10418   1990-1-413tables of contents834
Chizhakovskij, V.A. – Automatic recognition of thema and rhema in the titles of scientific and technical articles (Lang.: rus). - Kishinev,SU, 1988. – pp. 38.

1137   1998-0513tables of contentssemi-automatic indexing methods834;344
Jett, M., Reuse, B., Kessling, G. – Implementation of an online database for tables of contents of books (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 16(1998)2,p.123-130.

433   1997-3-0433tables of contentsevaluation criteria834;392
Cavanagh, A.K. – A comparison of the retrieval performance of multi-disciplinary table-of-contents databases with conventional specilised databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Academic and Research Libraries 28(1997)2. p.142-154.

4640   2006-33-3-0244tagging835
Peterson, E. – Beneath the metadata : Some philosophical problems with folksonomy (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 12(2006)12 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november06/peterson/11 peterson .html

4921   2007-0123tagging835
Matusiak, K.K. – Towards user-centred indexing in digital image collections (Lang.: eng). - In: OCLC Systems and Services, 22(2006)4, p.283-299.

4922   2007-0124tagging835
Suster, M. – Folksonomy (Lang.: eng). - In: AIIM E-Doc Magazine, 20(2006)6, p. 31-38.

5161   2007-0394tagging835
Noruzi, A. – Folksonomies: (un)controlled vocabulary? (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)4, p.199-203.

5162   2007-0395tagging835
Snipes, P. R. – Folksonomy vs. Minnie Earl and Melville (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Media Connection, 25(2007)7, p.54-56.

5163   2007-0396tagging835
Spiteri, L. – The structure and form of folksonomy tags: the road to the public library catalogue (Lang.: eng). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.459-467.

5164   2007-0397tagging835
Wang, X., Baui, R., Liao, J. – Chinese Weblog pages classification based on folksonomy and support vector machines (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4476 (2007), p.309-322.

5397   2007-0634tagging835
Abbas, J. – In the margins: reflections on scribbles, knowledge organization and access (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 34(2007)2, p.72-77.

5398   2007-0635tagging835
Francis, E., Quesnel, O. – Indexation collaborative et folksonomies [Gemeinschaftliche Indexierung und Folksonomien. / Indizacion colaborativa y folksonomias. / Collaborative indexing and folksonomies] (Lang.: fre). - In: In Documentaliste - Sciences de l'Information, vol. 44(2007)1, p 58-63.

5399   2007-0636tagging835
Munk, T.B., Mørk, K. – Folksonomy, the power law & the significance of the least effort (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 34(2007)1, p.16-33.

5568   2008-0111tagging835
Munk, T.B., Mørk, K. – Folksonomies, tagging communities and tagging strategies: an empirical study (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 34(2007)3, pp.115-127.

5796   2008-0341tagging835
Peterson, E. – Parallel systems: the coexistence of subject cataloging and folksonomy (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Philosophy & Practice (Annual volume 2008), p.1-5.

5797   2008-0342tagging835
Sinclair, J., Cardew-Hall, M. – The folksonomy tag cloud: when is it useful? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 34(2008)1, p.15-29.

6032   2009-0152tagging835
Bruce, R. – Descriptor and folksonomy concurrence in Education related scholarly research (Lang.: eng). - In: Webology, 5(2008)3. – Available at http://www.webology.ir/2008/v5n3/a59.html

6311   2009-0431tagging835
Benvenuti, N. – Social tagging e biblioteche [Social tagging and libraries] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche oggi, 25(2007)3, pp. 35-42.

6312   2009-0432tagging835
Betti, D., Bussolon, S., Rosati, L. – La classificazione fatta dai cittadini: il caso Trentinosociale.it [Classification made by citizens: the Trentinosociale.it case] (Lang.: ita). - In: Rete pubblica: il dialogo tra pubblica amministrazione e cittadino: linguaggi e architettura dell'informazione, a cura di F. Venier.Perugia: Guerra, 2007, pp. 125-156,

6313   2009-0433tagging835
Carcillo, F., Rosati, L. – Dalla classificazione per i cittadini alla classificazione dei cittadini: il caso TaggaTO [From classification for citizens to classification by citizens: the TaggaTO case] (Lang.: ita). - In: Rete pubblica: il dialogo tra pubblica amministrazione e cittadino: linguaggi e architettura dell'informazione, a cura di F. Venier.Perugia: Guerra, 2007, pp. 113-124,

6314   2009-0434tagging835
Corrado, Edward M., Moulaison, Heather Lea. – Social tagging and communities of practice: two case studies (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp.313-319.

6315   2009-0435tagging835
Demšar, Blaž, et al. – Folksonomije [Folksonomies] (Lang.: slo). - In: Šolska knjižnica, 19(2009)1, pp.15-23.

6316   2009-0436tagging835
George, Nicolas L., et al. – A case study of tagging patterns in del.icio.us (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp.164-169.

6317   2009-0437tagging835
Gnoli, C. – Come mi vuoi, libero o controllato? [How do you want me, free or controlled?] (Lang.: ita). - In: AIDA informazioni, 25(2007)1-2, pp. 123-126.(Organizzazione della conoscenza; 3). – Available at http://www.aidainformazioni.it/indici/tuttonline/2007-12.pdf

6318   2009-0438tagging835
Kapucu, Aysegul, Hoeppner, Athena, Dunlop, Doug. – Getting users to library resources: a Delicious alternative (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of electronic resources librarianship, 20(2008)4, pp. 228-242.

6319   2009-0439tagging835
Kipp, Margaret E.I. – Searching with tags: do tags help users find things? (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 320-325.

6320   2009-0440tagging835
Qijn, Jian. – Controlled semantics versus social semantics: an epistemological analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 229-234.

6321   2009-0441tagging835
Sanders, Dinah. – Tag -- you're it!: user tagging lets patrons set their own terms (Lang.: eng). - In: American Libraries, 39(2008)11, pp. 52-54.

6322   2009-0442tagging835
Santoro, M. – Questa sera si cataloga a soggetto: breve analisi delle folksonomies in prospettiva bibliotecaria [Tonight we index: a short analysis of folksonomies in a library perspective] (Lang.: ita). - In: Bibliotime, 10(2007)2. – Available at http://didattica.spbo.unibo.it/bibliotime/num-x-2/santoro.htm

6545   2009-0665tagging835
Cosh, K.J., Burns, R., Daniel, T. – Content clouds: classifying content in Web 2.0 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library review, 57(2008)9, pp.722-729.

6546   2009-0666tagging835
Goh, Dion Hoe-Lian, et al. – Resource discovery through social tagging: a classification and content analytic approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)3, pp.568-583.

6547   2009-0667tagging835
Peterson, E. – Patron preferences for folksonomy tags: research findings when both hierarchical subject headings and folksonomy tags are used (Lang.: eng). - In: Evidence based library and information practice, 4(2009)1, pp.53-56.

6548   2009-0668tagging835
Rolla, Peter J. – User tags versus subject headings: can user-supplied data improve subject access to library collections? (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 53(2009)3, pp.174-184.

6549   2009-0669tagging835
Steele, Thomas D. – The new cooperative cataloging (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech, 27(2009)1, pp.78-81. – Available at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/lht/lht.jsp

6550   2009-0670tagging835
Westcott, J., Chappell, A., Lebel, C. – LibraryThing for libraries at Claremont (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech, 27(2009)1, pp.13-29. – Available at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/lht/lht.jsp

6774   2009-0894tagging835
Horváth Péter. – A folkszonómiák [(Book review of) Neal, Diane. - Folksonomies and image tagging: seeing the future?] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudományos és Műszaki Tájékoztatás, 56(2009)4. 2009. – Available at http://tmt.omikk.bme.hu/show_news.html?sid=d12710e7283c87cc746669927abeddd7&issue_id=503&id=5120

6775   2009-0895tagging835
Wolfram, D., Olson, H.A., Bloom, R. – Measuring consistency for multiple taggers using vector space modeling (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)10, pp. 1995-2003.

7006   tagging835
Tsui, Eric, et al. – A concept–relationship acquisition and inference approach for hierarchical taxonomy construction from tags (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 46(2010)1, pp. 44-57.

7007   tagging835
Visser, Marijke A. – Tagging : an organization scheme for the Internet (Lang.: eng). - In: Information technology & libraries, 29(2010)1, pp. 34-39.

7079   tagging835
Eckert, Kai, Hänger, Christian, Niemann, Christof. – Tagging and automation: challenges and opportunities for academic libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Library hi tech, 27(2009)4, pp. 557-569.

7080   tagging835
Lawson, K. G. – Mining social tagging data for enhanced subject access for readers and researchers (Lang.: eng). - In: The journal of academic librarianship, 35(2009)6, pp. 574-582.

7081   tagging835
Peters, Isabella. – Folksonomies: indexing and retrieval in Web 2.0 (Lang.: eng). - Berlin, de Gruyter, Saur, 2009. – pp. 443. – ISBN: 978-3598251795.

7250   tagging835
Huvila, Isto. – Aesthetic judgements in folksonomies as criteria for organising knowledge (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 308-315.

7251   tagging835
Lund, W., Washburn, A. – Patrons cataloging? The role and quality of patron tagging in item description (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the national conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, 14(2009), pp. 263-271.

7252   tagging835
Smiraglia, Richard P. – Perception, knowledge organization and noetic affective tagging (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 64-70.

7253   tagging835
Toro Tamayo, Luis Carlos. – Sistema para el Etiquetado de Discursos Orales (AVOCES): selección y definición de categorías [A system for the Tagging of Oral Discourses (AVOCES): selection and definition of categories] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento 15(2009)2, pp. 63-81.

7481   tagging835
Ding, Y. et al. – Perspectives in social tagging (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)12, pp. 2388-2401.

7482   tagging835
Ding, Y. et al. – Upper tag ontology for integrating social tagging data (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)3, pp. 505-521 .

7483   tagging835
Huang, A. W-C., Chuang, T-R. – Social tagging, online communication and Peircean semiotics: a conceptual framework (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)3, pp. 340-357.

7484   tagging835
Johnson Lim, Soon Chong, Liu, Ying, Lee, Wing Bun. – Multi-facet product information search and retrieval using semantically annotated product family ontology (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 46(2010)4, pp. 479-493.

7485   tagging835
Kim, H-L., Decker, S., Breslin, J.G. – Representing and sharing folksonomies with semantics (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 36(2010)1, pp. 57-72.

7486   tagging835
Le Deuff, Olivier. – Culture documentaire et folksonomie: l'indexation à l'ère industrielle et collaborative [Information culture and social tagging -- indexing in the industrial and collaborative age] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste: sciences de l'information, 47(2010)1, pp. 45-47.

7487   tagging835
McFadden, S. – Collaborative tagging: traditional cataloging meets the “Wisdom of Crowds" (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials librarian, 58(2010)1/4, pp. 55-60.

7488   tagging835
Peters, Isabella, Stock, Wolfgang G. – "Power tags" in information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech, 28(2010)1, pp. 81-93.

7489   tagging835
Thomas, M., Caudle, D. M., Schmitz, C. – To tag or not to tag? (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech 27(2009)3, pp. 411-433.

7490   tagging835
Yang, C., Liao, H-J. – Using the Robots.txt and Robot metatags to implement online copyright and related amendment (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech, 28(2010)1, pp. 94-106.

7755   tagging835
Budzak, Danny. – Adventures in tagging: local history in East London (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 62(2010)4/5, pp. 502-513.

7756   tagging835
DemÅ¡ar, B. et al. – Folksonomije [Folksonomies] (Lang.: slo). - In: Å olska knjižnica, 19(2009)1, pp. 15-23.

7757   tagging835
Matthews, Brian . – An evaluation of enhancing social tagging with a knowledge organization system (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 62(2010)4/5, pp. 447-465.

7758   tagging835
Thomas, M., Caudle, D.M., Schmitz, C. – Trashy tags: problematic tags in LibraryThing (Lang.: eng). - In: New library world, 111(2010)5/6, pp. 223-235.

7954   tagging835
Abel, Fabian et al. – Leveraging search and content exploration by exploiting context in folksonomy systems (Lang.: eng). - In: New review of hypermedia & multimedia, 16(2010)1/2, pp. 33-70.

7955   tagging835
Anfinnsen, Svein, Ghinea, Gheorghita, de Cesare, Sergio. – Web 2.0 and folksonomies in a library context (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of information management, 31(2011)1, pp. 63-70.

7956   tagging835
Hargood, Charlie, Millard, David E., Weal, Mark J. – Capturing the semiotic relationship between terms (Lang.: eng). - In: New review of hypermedia & multimedia, 16(2010)1/2, pp. 71-84.

7957   tagging835
Heuwing, Ben. – Social Tagging in Bibliotheken: Erfahrungen an der Universitätsbibliothek Hildesheim [Social tagging in libraries: experiences at Hildesheim University library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 61(2010)6/7, pp. 407-411.

7958   tagging835
Jensen, Jill Bauhs. – Folksonomies for digital resources (Lang.: eng). - In: PNLA quarterly, 74(2010)3, pp. 23-38.

7959   tagging835
Kipp, Margaret E.I., Campbell, D. Grant. – Searching with tags: do tags help users find things? (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 37(2010)4, pp. 239-255.

7960   tagging835
Knautz, Kathrin. – Tag-Cluster: Semantische Suche in Tag-Clouds [Tag-Cluster: semantic search in tag clouds] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 13(2010)3, pp. 237-252.

7961   tagging835
Makani, Joyline, Spiteri, Louise. – The dynamics of collaborative tagging: an analysis of tag vocabulary application in knowledge representation, discovery and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information & knowledge management, 9(2010)2, pp. 93-103.

7962   tagging835
Mardani, Amir Hossein . – [Folksonomy: by users, for users] (Lang.: per). - In: Faslname-Ye Ketab/Library and information studies, 20(2010)3, pp. 239-260.

7963   tagging835
(Book review of) Peters, Isabella. Folksonomies: indexing and retrieval in Web 2.0. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2009. vi, 443 pp. ISBN 9783598251795; 3598251793 (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 61(2010)8, pp. 469-470.

7964   tagging835
Schilling, Virginia. – The catalogers' revenge: unleashing the semantic web (Lang.: eng). - In: PNLA quarterly, 74(2010)3, pp. 9-23.

8163   tagging835
Dann, Stephen. – Twitter content classification (Lang.: eng). - In: First Monday, 15(2010)12. – Available at http://firstmonday.org/htbi/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/2745

8164   tagging835
Feinberg, Melanie. – Expressive bibliography: personal collections in public space (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 38(2011)2, pp. 123-134.

8165   tagging835
Kim, H. H. – Toward video semantic search based on a structured folksonomy (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(2011)3, pp. 478-92.

8166   tagging835
Kipp, M. – User, author and professional indexing in context: an exploration of tagging practices on CiteULike (Lang.: eng). - In: Canadian journal of information and library science, 35(2011)1, pp. 17-48 .

8167   tagging835
Mai, Jens-Erik. – Folksonomies and the new order: authority in the digital disorder (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 38(2011)2, pp. 114-122.

8168   tagging835
Niemann, Christof. – Intelligenz im Chaos: Erste Schritte zur Analyse des kreativen Potenzials eines Tagging-Systems [Intelligence in chaos: first steps towards the analysis of the creative potential of a tagging system] (Lang.: ger). - In: The ne(x)t generation, pp. 220-225. (06.09-09-15/18).

8169   tagging835
Peters, Isabella. – Folksonomies: indexing and retrieval in web 2.0 (Lang.: eng). - Berlin, De Gruyter; Saur, 2009. – pp. 443.(Knowledge & information: studies in information science, 1). – ISBN: 9783598251795.

8170   tagging835
Wartena, Christian. – Tagvarianten Semantisch Getemd [Tag variants semantically tamed] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie professional, (2010)3, pp. 20-23.

8336   tagging835
Hänger, Christian, Krätzsch, Christine, Niemann, Christof. – Was vom Tagging übrig blieb: Erkenntnisse und Einsichten aus zwei Jahren Projektarbeit [The remains of tagging: findings and insights from a two year project [at the University of Mannheim Library] (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 45 (2011)5, pp. 465-478.

8527   tagging835
Kipp, Margaret E.I. – Controlled vocabularies and tags: an analysis of research methods (Lang.: eng). - In: Expanding our horizons, evaluating our parameters, [See 06.11-06-16\17], pp. 23-32.

8708   tagging835
Badke, William. – Tagging your research results (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 35(2011)4, pp. 51-53.

8709   tagging835
Park, Heejin. – A conceptual framework to study folksonomic interaction (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 38(2011)6, pp. 515-529.

8710   tagging835
Peters, Isabella. – Folksonomies: Nutzergerechte Schlagwörter als Indexierungswerkzeug für die Massen [Folksonomies: customised subject terms as an indexing tool for mass use] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 64(2011)3/4, pp. 444-459.

8711   tagging835
Shiri, Ali. – (Book review of) Peters, Isabella. Folksonomies: indexing and retrieval in Web 2. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2009. 443pp. ISBN 978-3-598-25179-5 (Lang.: eng). - In: The Canadian journal of information and library science/La Revue canadienne des sciences de l'information et de bibliotheconomie, 35(2011)2, pp. 208-209.

8712   tagging835
Voorbij, Henk. – Catalog enrichment by LibraryThing tags (Lang.: eng). - In: Informatie professional, 6(2011), pp. 14-17.

8881   tagging835
Anfinnsen, S., Ghinea, G., de Cesare, S. – Web 2.0 and folksonomies in a library context (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of information management, 31(2011)1, pp. 63-70.

8882   tagging835
Glassey, O. – Folksonomies: spontaneous crowd sourcing with online early detection potential? (Lang.: eng). - In: Futures, 44(2012)3, pp. 257-264.

8883   tagging835
Goh, Dion H., Lee, Chei Sian. – Perceptions, quality and motivational needs in image tagging human computation games (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 37(2011)5, 515-531.

8884   tagging835
Hsieh, W. T., et al. – A collaborative desktop tagging system for group knowledge management based on concept space (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert systems with applications, 39(2012)2, pp. 9513-9523.

8885   tagging835
Nocera, Antonino, Ursino, Domenico. – An approach to providing a user of a "social folksonomy" with recommendations of similar users and potentially interesting resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 24(2011)8, pp. 1277-1296.

8886   tagging835
Razikin, Khasfariyati, et al. – Social tags for resource discovery: a comparison between machine learning and user-centric approaches (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 37(2011)4, pp. 391-404.

8887   tagging835
Shiri, Ali. – (Book review of) Peters, Isabella. Folksonomies: indexing and retrieval in Web 2.0. Berlin, De Gruyter/Saur, 2009. 443pp. ISBN 978-3-598-25179-5 (Lang.: eng). - In: The Canadian journal of information and library science/La revue canadienne des sciences de l'information et de bibliothéconomie, 35(2011)2, pp. 208-209.

9111   tagging835
Besagni, Dominique et al. – Références scientifiques en ligne: folksonomies et activité des groupes [Scientific online references: folksonomies and group activities] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 295-317 (08.21).

9112   tagging835
Choi, Yunseon. – Usefulness of social tagging in organizing and providing access to the web: an analysis of indexing consistency and quality. Dissertation. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011. (Lang.: eng). - 2011 ed. –

9113   tagging835
Datian, Bi, Changbo, Qiu, Guangqing, Teng . – [A study on knowledge organization of folksonomy based on concept lattice] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(2011)10, pp.1078-1085.

9114   tagging835
Durieux, Valérie. – Le collaborative tagging ou l’organisation des resources médicales en ligne pour les internautes [Collaborative tagging or the organization of online medical resources for medical students] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 319-330 (08.21).

9115   tagging835
Ercegovac, Zorana. – Digital image tagging: a case study with seventh grade students (Lang.: eng). - In: School libraries worldwide, 18(2012)1, pp. 97-110.

9116   tagging835
George, Nicolas L. – Effects of differing definitions of folksonomy on research in knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 335-336 (

9117   tagging835
Hsu, Ming-Hung, Chen, Hsin-Hsi. – Efficient and effective prediction of social tags to enhance web search (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(2011)8, pp. 1473-1487.

9118   tagging835
Jackson, Thomas W., Smith, Stephen. – Retrieving relevant information: traditional file systems versus tagging (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of enterprise information management, 25(2011)1, pp.79 – 93.

9119   tagging835
Jacob, Elin K., George, Nicolas L., Arave, Gary. – And the winner is…the perils and pitfalls of rank order analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 135-136 (

9120   tagging835
Johannesson, Kristin. – Intersectional perspectives on collaborative tagging (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 385-386 (

9121   tagging835
Lykke, Marianne et al. – Tagging behaviour with support from controlled vocabulary (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 41-50 (

9122   tagging835
Spiteri, Louise F. – Faceted navigation of social tagging applications (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 333-334 (

9350   tagging835
Keilty, Patrick. – Tagging and sexual boundaries (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)5, PP. 320-324.

9351   tagging835
Khoo, M., et al. – Towards digital repository interoperability: the Document Indexing and Semantic Tagging Interface for Libraries (DISTIL) (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, 7489(2012) pp. 439-444.

9352   tagging835
Peters, Isabella, Schumann, Laura, Terliesner, Jens. – Folksonomy-basiertes Information Retrieval unter der Lupe [Folksonomy-based information retrieval under the microscope] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 63(2012)4, pp. 273-280.

9353   tagging835
Sajus, Bertrand. – Le tagging sémantique du corpus Histoire des arts: à la croisée du 2.0 et du 3.0 [The semantic tagging of Art History corpora: at the crossroads of 2.0 and 3.0] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste - sciences de l'information, 49(2012)2, pp.12-15.

9354   tagging835
Å piranec, Sonja, Borovac, Mislav. – Expert vs. novices dimensions of tagging behaviour in an educational setting (Lang.: eng). - In: Information world journal, 13(2012)1, pp. 1-16. – Available at http://bd.org.tr/index.php/bd/article/view/2/22

9537   tagging835
Keilty, Patrick. – Super tagging in the development of sexual nomenclature and social organization online (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in classification research online, 23(2013)1, pp. 17-20. – Available at http://journals.lib.washington.edu/index.php/acro/article/view/14229 Paper presented at the 23rd ASIST SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, October 26, 2012, Baltimore, MD, USA

9538   tagging835
Watters, Carolyn; Nizam, Naureen. – Knowledge organization on the web: the emergent role of social classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

9539   tagging835
Zhuang, Xiaozhe; Wu, Dan. – [Comparison and analysis of book tagging systems] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 56(2012)5, pp. 73-77.

9676   tagging835
Guan, Fengting. – [Analysis on current China folksonomy based on the bibliometrics] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library tribune, 32(2012)4, pp. 94-100.

9677   tagging835
Syn, Sue Yeon; Spring, Michael B. – Finding subject terms for classificatory metadata from user-generated social tags (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(2013)5, pp. 964-980.

9678   tagging835
Wu, Dan; Wang, Yanni. – [The standardization of social tagging: a study on tagging academic articles] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library, (2012)1, pp. 85-88.

9857   tagging835
Chen, Wei. – [The study of social tagging based on users involved in information organization] (Lang.: chi). - In: Researches on library science, (2012)6, pp. 79-82.

9859   tagging835
Gerolimos, Michalis. – Tagging for libraries: a review of the effectiveness of tagging systems for library catalogs (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of library metadata, 13(2013)1, pp. 36-58.

9860   tagging835
Huang, Ruhua; Liu, Liu. – [The optimization scheme of WorldCat tagging system] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information, (2012)5, pp. 16-20.

9861   tagging835
Huang, Ruhua; Ren, Qixiang. – [Survey and analysis of WorldCat’s popular tags [sic]] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information, (2012)5, pp. 7-10.

9863   tagging835
Luo, Lin; Liang, Guisheng. – [Visual analysis of folksonomy studies] (Lang.: chi). - In: Document, information & knowledge, (2013)1, pp. 101-106.

9864   tagging835
Park, Heejin. – [An explorative study on the social metadata in academic libraries] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 24(2013)2, pp. 231-246.

9865   tagging835
Tian, Mei. – [Application of folksonomy in personal knowledge management] (Lang.: chi). - In: Modern information, (2012)5, pp. 88-91.

9866   tagging835
Wang, Yinhong. – [Research on the library information organization based on folksonomy] (Lang.: chi). - In: Researches on library science, (2012)8, pp. 47-50.

9867   tagging835
Wu, Dan; Xu, Xiaomei. – [A comparative study of users’ tagging behaviors in libraries and book sharing websites] (Lang.: chi). - In: Document, information & knowledge, (2013)1, pp. 85-93.

9868   tagging835
Zhang, Yunzhong. – [Semantic relations appearance in folksonomy: folksonomy local ontology] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 56(2012)20.

15252   tagging835
Masó-Maresma, G.; Sebastià-Salat, M. – The integration of folksonomies within a thesaurus in a social science Web portal: SIDBRINT (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research, 18(2013)3, paper S04. – Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/18-2/paperS04.html In the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-22 August, 2013.

15254   tagging835
Noorhidawati, A.; Hanum, N.F.; Zohoorian-Fooladi, N. – Social tagging in a scholarly digital library environment: users' perspectives (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research, 18(2013)3, paper C43. – Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/18-3/colis/paperC43.html In the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-22 August, 2013.

15256   tagging835
Tramullas, Jesús; Garrido, Piedad; Sánchez Casabón, Ana I. – Análisis comparativo de herramientas para marcadores sociales [Comparative analysis of social bookmarking tools] (Lang.: spa). - In: 20 Años del Capítulo Español de ISKO ( pp. 567-579.

15257   tagging835
Xu, Chen; Ma, Benjiang; Chen, Xiaohong; Ma, Feicheng. – Social tagging in the scholarly world (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)10, pp. 2045-2057.

15445   tagging835
Bollen, Dirk; Halpin, Harry. – An experimental analysis of suggestions in collaborative tagging (Lang.: eng). - In: Web intelligence & agent systems. 11(2013)1, pp. 41-53.

15448   tagging835
Massoni, Luis Fernando Herbert et al. – Folksonomias na Organização do Conhecimento: tags atribuídas a artigos sobre Medicina [Folksonomies in knowledge organization: assigned tags to medical literature] (Lang.: por). - In: Complexidade e organização do conhecimento: desafios de nosso século. Rio de Janeiro: ISKO-Brasil; Marília: FUNDEPE, pp. 171-176.

15449   tagging835
Yedid, Nadina. – Introducción a las folksonomías: definición, características y diferencias con los modelos tradicionales de indización [Introduction to folksonomies: definition, characteristics and differences with traditional indexing models] (Lang.: spa). - In: Información, cultura y sociedad. [online], 29(2013), pp. 13-26. – Available at http://www.scielo.org.ar/pdf/ics/n29/n29a02.pdf

15450   tagging835
Yoo, Donghee; Choi, Keunho; Suh, Yongmoo; Kim, Gunwoo. – Building and evaluating a collaboratively built structured folksonomy (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 39(2013)5, pp. 593-607.

15451   tagging835
Wang, Cuiying. – [Analysis on the application status of folksonomy in university libraries] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 57(2013)8, pp. 62-66.

15452   tagging835
Xu, Zhiwei; Zhen, Jianyu. – [Review on the characteristic of social tags and its research progress] (Lang.: eng). - In: Library development, 5(2013), pp. 88-91.

15614   tagging835
Alves, Roberta Caroline Vesu; Moreira, Walter; Moraes, João Batista Ernesto de . – Representação de conteúdo em rede social de leitores: análise da folksonomia para compreensão das perspectivas de representação de conteúdo de obras literárias (Lang.: por). - In: Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciência da informação, 14., Florianópolis. Proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (06.13-10-29/11-01). – Available at http://enancib2013.ufsc.br/index.php/enancib2013/XIVenancib/paper/view/322/424

15615   tagging835
Li, Lei; Wang, Mian; Zhang, Chengzhi. – [Quality evaluation of social tagging based on the type of tags] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 57(2013)23, pp. 11-16..

15616   tagging835
Li, Lei; Zhang, Chengzhi . – [Survey on quality evaluation of social tags] (Lang.: chi). - In: New technology of library and information service, (2013)11, pp. 22-29..

15617   tagging835
Lu, Chao; Zhang, Chengzhi. – [Comparative study on books social tags of Chinese-English translation] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 57(2013)23, pp. 17-23.

15618   tagging835
Lu, Kun; Kipp, Margaret E.I.. – Understanding the retrieval effectiveness of collaborative tags and author keywords in different retrieval environments: An experimental study on medical collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 65(2014)3, pp. 483-500..

15619   tagging835
Luo, Pengcheng; Chen, Chong. – [Resource organization systems from folksonomy to hierarchical: constructing the tag tree by exploiting clustering information] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 57(2013)22, pp. 120-125..

15620   tagging835
Marchiori, Patricia Zeni; Appel, Andre Luiz; Bettoni, Eduardo Michellotti; Tsunoda, Denise Fukumi; A. – Elementos da teoria da representação social em sistemas [Elements of social representation theory in collaborative tagging systems] (Lang.: por). - In: Transinformação, 26(2014)1, pp. 27-37.. – Available at http://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/seer/index.php/transinfo/article/view/2236/1808

15621   tagging835
Mata, Priscila Oliveira da; Moura, Maria Aparecida. – Os spams e a polifonia informacional: práticas de indexação social e o comportamento linguageiro dos spammers em sites de compartilhamento de vídeos (Lang.: por). - In: Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciência da informação, 14., Florianópolis. Proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (06.13-10-29/11-01). . – Available at http://enancib2013.ufsc.br/index.php/enancib2013/XIVenancib/paper/viewFile/64/145

15622   tagging835
Segundo, Jose Eduardo Santarem; Siqueira, Cinthia Scaldelai. – Aplicación teórico-conceptual de folksonomías asistidas para la recuperación de información [Application of theoretical-conceptual assisted folksonomies for information retrieval] (Lang.: por). - In: Scire, 19(2013)2, pp. 77-82..

15623   tagging835
Silva, Márcio Bezerra da; Miranda, Zeny Duarte de . – Estudo sobre a adoção da folksonomia em sistemas de informação: uma proposta de hibridismo (Lang.: por). - In: Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciência da informação, 14., Florianópolis. Proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (06.13-10-29/11-01).

15624   tagging835
Tai, Yang-fang; Jia Jun-zhi; He, Pei-feng. – [Analysis and design of the controlled vocabulary based optimization system of folksonomy] (Lang.: chi). - In: Information science, 32(2014)2, pp. 112-117..

15625   tagging835
Teng, Guangqing et al.. – [Study on semantic closeness of user tags in folksonomy] (Lang.: chi). - In: New technology of library and information service, (2013)12, pp. 48-54..

15626   tagging835
Xing, Wen-ming; Si, Li; Chen, Hong-yan. – [Quality strategies of folksonomy in library information organization] (Lang.: chi). - In: Information science, 32(2014)1, pp. 14-17..

15845   tagging835
Luo, Lin; Liang, Guisheng; Cai, Jun. – [Book recommendation system based on folksonomy in library] (Lang.: chi). - In: New technology of library and information service, (2014)4, pp. 14-19.

15846   tagging835
Mahesh, Kavi. – Highly expressive tagging for knowledge organization in the 21st century (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 274-280 (06.14-05-19/22).

15847   tagging835
Pinède, Nathalie; Lespinet.Najib, Véronique. – Visualiser des Corpus Structurés de Liens Hypertextes sous forme de Nuages de Tags : Atouts et Limites (Lang.: fre). - In: Contextes, langues et cultures dans l’organisation des Connaissances, pp. 44-63 (06.13-10-10/11)..

15848   tagging835
Vignoli, Richele Grenge; Almeida, Patrícia Ofélia Pereira de; Catarino, Maria Elisabete. – Folksonomias como ferramenta da organização e representação da informação [Folksonomies as tool of organization and representation of information] (Lang.: por). - In: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, 12(2): 120-135. . – Available at http://www.sbu.unicamp.br/seer/ojs/index.php/rbci/article/view/4066/pdf_65

15850   tagging835
Wu, Huijuan; Xu, Baoxiang. – [Research on the self-organization evolution of social tagging system] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 58(2014)2, pp. 132-137.

15851   tagging835
Yi, Ming et al. . – [Evolution of knowledge push network based on social network in social tagging system] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of library science in China, (2014)2, pp. 50-66.

15852   tagging835
Yu, Chun. – [Comparative study on the application of social tagging in American and Chinese academic libraries] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of academic libraries, 32(2014)1, pp. 83-89.

16010   tagging835
Artini, Michele; Atzori, Claudio; La Bruzzo, Sandro. – High-performance annotation tagging over Solr full-text indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Information technology & libraries, 33(2014)3, pp. 22-44.

16012   tagging835
Luo, Lin; Liang, Guisheng; Cai, Jun. – [Book recommendation system based on folksonomy in library] (Lang.: chi). - In: New technology of library and information service, 4(2014), pp. 14-19. – Available at http://lib.cqvip.com/qk/93371X/201404/49278101.html

16015   tagging835
Shi, Guanglian; Zhang, Min; Zheng, Weiwei. – [Advances in applied research of formal concept analysis in Folksonomy] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 58(2014)9, pp. 136-142. – Available at http://lib.cqvip.com/qk/92987X/201409/49940605.html

16016   tagging835
Short, Jessica. – Take ten to tag! Smithsonian gardens public tagging initiative (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 31(2014)4, pp. 319-331.

16152   tagging835
du Preez, Madely. – Taxonomies, folksonomies, ontologies: what are they and how do they support information retrieval?  (Lang.: eng). - In:  The Indexer, 33(2015)1, pp. 29-37.

16212   tagging835
García Rodríguez, Araceli; Gómez Díaz, Raquel; Cordón García, José Antonio; Alonso Arévalo, Julio . – Donde viven las etiquetas: el etiquetado en los blogs de literatura infantil y juvenil [Where the tags are: tagging in blogs that specialize in literature for children and young adults] (Lang.: spa). - In: BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, 33(2014). – Available at http://bid.ub.edu/es/33/garcia2.htm

16248   tagging835
Pérez Sanchidrián, Elaine; Campos Posada, Raúl; Campos Posada, Gloria Elisa. – Etiquetado social: un modelo de representación de la información en la blogosfera [Social tagging: a model for representing information in the blogosphere (orig.)] (Lang.: spa). - In: Biblios 56(2015), pp.19-27. – Available at http://biblios.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/biblios/article/view/187/207

16263   tagging835
Fühles-Ubach, Simone; Albers, Miriam; Brenner, Simon. – Kataloganreicherung durch Social Cataloging: Lohnt sich das? [Catalogue enrichment by social cataloging: Is it worth it? ] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 18(2015)1, pp. 22-31.

16363   tagging835
Laplante, Audrey . – Tagged At First Listen: An Examination Of Social Tagging Practices In A Music Recommender System (Lang.: p). - In: Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, 20(2015)1, pp. 33-54. – Available at http://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/eb/article/view/1518-2924.2015v20nesp1p33/28636

16572   tagging835
Lohmann, Steffen. – Conceptualization and Visualization of Tagging and Folksonomies (Lang.: eng). - Duisburg/Essen, Germany, Universität Duisburg-Essen , 2014. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:464-20140918-133322-3

16612   tagging835
Strötgen, Jannik. – Domain-sensitive temporal tagging for event-centric information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - Heidelberg, Germany, Universität Heidelberg, 2015.

16648   tagging835
Sousa, Raquel Juliana Prado Leite de; Benetti, Marina. – Indexação social no Skoob: a descrição do livro “O Mundo de Sofia†a partir de tags e resenhas [Social indexing in the Skoob: the description of the book ‘Sophie’s world’ from tags and reviews ] (Lang.: port ). - In: Informação&Informação, 21(2016)1, pp. 520-541. – Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/17139

16686   tagging835
Baek, Ji-Won . – ë„서관 목ë¡Âê³¼ 사회젠목ë¡Â엠대한 비굠연구 [A Comparative Study on the Library and Social Cataloging : Focusing on the Cataloging Rules] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN BIBLIA SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE,26(2015)4, pp.221-244.

16829   tagging835
Bauer, Mareike Fenja. – Personal Information Management mit dem Notizverwaltungs-Tool Evernote: tagging- vs. Ordner-Strategie [Personal Information Management Using the Note Management Tool Evernote: tagging vs. Folder Strategy] (Lang.: ger). - In: Young Information Scientist, 1(2016), pp. 45-57. – Available at http://yis.univie.ac.at/index.php/yis/article/view/1445

17193   tagging835
Garc?a Jim?nez, Antonio. – Organizaci?n del Conocimiento para la Documentaci?n en periodismo. Situaci?n y prospectiva [Knowledge organization for journalism documentation: state of the art and prospective] (Lang.: sp). - In: Scire,Vol.22, N.2, 2016.Espa?a, Universidad de Zaragoza, – pp. 21-28. – Available at http://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/scire/article/view/4327

17241   tagging835
Bullard, Julia. – Warrant as a means to study classification system design (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 73(2017)1, pp.75-90. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JD-06-2016-0074

17256   tagging835
Liu, Zhe; Jansen, Bernard J.. – ASK: A taxonomy of accuracy, social, and knowledge information seeking posts in social question and answering (Lang.: eng). - In: JASIST, 68(2017)2, pp. 333-347.

17298   tagging835
Yedid Nadina. – An?lisis pr?ctico de folksonom?as: el caso de los gestores bibliogr?ficos sociales [Practical Analysis of Folksonomies: The Case of The Reference Management Software] (Lang.: spa). - In: Informaci?n cultura y sociedad, 35(diciembre 2016), pp. 31-64.Argentina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2016. – Available at http://www.scielo.org.ar/pdf/ics/n35/n35a03.pdf

17436   tagging835
Neunerdt, Melanie. – Part-of-Speech tagging and detection of social media texts (Lang.: eng). - Aachen, Apprimus Verlag, 2016. – pp. V, 123. Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, 2015

17437   tagging835
Santos, Raimundo Nonato Ribeiro dos; Neves, Dulce Am?lia de Brito; Freire, Isa Maria . – Organiza??o da informa??o em blogs: An?lise do uso de etiquetas no blog De Olho na CI [The organization of information on blogs: Analysis of the use of tags in the blog De Olho na CI] (Lang.: por). - In: Ponto de Acesso, 11(2017)1, pp. 2-19. – Available at http://portalseer.ufba.br/index.php/revistaici/article/view/21438/14662

17583   tagging835
Amaral, Adriana; Salvador, Tarciso . – Folksonomy in segmented social networking sites (SSNS) in books: an exploratory study of the Goodreads interface (Lang.: eng). - In: RBBD: Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação 16(2018)2. – Available at http://periodicos.sbu.unicamp.br/ojs/index.php/rdbci/article/view/8650424/pdf_1

17652   tagging835
Lee, Danielle H.; Schleyer, Titus. – Social tagging is no substitute for controlled indexing: a comparison of medical subject headings and CiteUlLike tags assigned to 231,388 papers (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 63(2012)9, pp. 1747-1757.Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012. – pp. 10. – Available at http://https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/asi.22653 ISSN: 15322890

17670   tagging835
Conradi, Elise. – To_be_classified: a facet analysis of a folksonomy (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Architecture, 2(2010)2, pp. 5-24.Michigan, USA, Information Architecture Institute, 2010. – pp. 19. – Available at http://http://journalofia.org/volume2/issue2/ ISSN: 19037260

17727   tagging835
Basile, Valerio; Peroni, Silvio; Tamburini, Fabio; Vitali, Fabio. – Topical tags vs non-topical tags: towards a bipartite classification? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 41(2015)4 pp. 486–505.Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE Publications , 2015. – pp. 20. – Available at http://http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0165551515585283

17998   tagging835
Bruhn, Christopher; Syn, Sue Yeon. – Pragmatic thought as a philosophical foundation for collaborative tagging and the Semantic Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 74(2018)3, pp.575-587. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1108/JD-07-2017-0101

18173   tagging835
Santos, Thais Helen do Nascimento. – A taxonomia e a folksonomia na representação da informação de fotografias [The taxonomy and folksonomy in the representation of photographs information] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 23(2018)1, pp. 89-103. – Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3224/2065

18174   tagging835
Santos, Raimunda Fernanda dos; Corrêa, Renato Fernandes . – Análise das definições de folksonomia: em busca de uma síntese [Analysis of folksonomy definitions: in search of a synthesis] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 23(2018)2, pp. 1-32. – Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/2571/2077

18176   tagging835
Almeida, Patrícia . – Etiquetagem colaborativa nas bibliotecas: o caso da Literatura [Collaborative tagging in libraries: Literature as a case study] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 23(2018)2, pp. 50-70. – Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/2741/2079

18186   tagging835
Amaral, Adriana; Salvador, Tarciso . – Folksonomia em sites de redes sociais segmentadas (SRSS) em livros: um estudo exploratório da interface do Goodreads [Segmented folksonomy in social networking sites: an exploratory research from the Goodreads interface] (Lang.: por). - In: RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, 16(2018)2, pp. 397-413. – Available at http://periodicos.sbu.unicamp.br/ojs/index.php/rdbci/article/view/8650424/pdf

18205   tagging835
Mochón-Bezares, Gonzalo; Méndez-Rodríguez, Eva; Sorli-Rojo, Ãngela. – Etiquetado social y blog-scraping como alternativa para la actualización de vocabularios controlados. Aplicación práctica a un tesauro de Biblioteconomía y Documentación [Social tagging and blog-scraping as an alternative for updating controlled vocabularies: Practical application to a library and information science thesaurus] (Lang.: spa). - In: Información, cultura y sociedad (2017)37. – Available at http://http://www.scielo.org.ar/pdf/ics/n37/n37a02.pdf

18369   tagging835
Spiteri, Louise F.. – Extending the scope of library discovery systems via hashtags (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 557-564.

18384   tagging835
Ã…dland, Marit Kristine; Lykke, Marianne. – Tags on healthcare information websites (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 684-692.

18421   tagging835
Barbosa, Fernanda; Krebs, Luciana Monteiro; Sousa, Rodrigo Silva Caxias de . – Folksonomia: análise de etiquetagem de imagens da National Geographic Brasil no Instagram [Folksonomy: National Geographic Brazil image tagging analysis on Instagram] (Lang.: port). - In: Informação&Informação, 23(2018)3, pp. 342-361. – Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/31990/pdf

18570   tagging835
Sundström, Admeire da Silva Santos; Moraes,João Batista Ernesto de . – Bookshelf tour: categorização do conhecimento a partir do discurso coletivo dos booktubers [Bookshelf tour: the categorization of knowledge from the colletive discourse of booktubers] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Questão, poro Alegre, 25(2019)2, pp. 13-38. – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/82898/51964

18595   tagging835
Almeida Patricia de. – Tendencias europeas en la indización por asunto de ficción narrativa  [European trends in indexing by subject of narrative fiction] (Lang.: sp). - In: Anales de Documentación, 21 (2019) 1.España, Universidad de Murcia, 2019.0. – Available at http://doi.org/10.6018/analesdoc.22.1.339791

18596   tagging835
Caldera-Serrano, Jorge. – Social  classification  of  the  audiovisual  information  in  the  televisive  repositories:  automatizing  the  internal  classification  and  bring  the  contents closer to the audience [Clasificación social de información audiovisual de los repositirios televisivos: automatizando  la  clasificación  interna  y  acercamiento  de  los  contenidos  a  los  cybertelespectadores] (Lang.: en). - In: Cuadernos de Documentación Multimedia 30 (2019), pp.145-154.España, Universidad Complutense, 2019.0. – Available at http://doi.org/10.5209/CDMU.62981

18696   tagging835
Silva, Bruno Felipe de Melo; Correa, Renato Fernandes. – Aplicação da folksonomia assistida na construção de corpus de referência em Ciência da Informação [Application of assisted folksonomy in the construction of a reference corpus in Information Science] (Lang.: port). - In: Em questão, 26(2020)2, pp. 413-436. – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/90123

18945   tagging835
Assis, Juliana . – Folksonomias e pós-verdade: desafios para a organização do conhecimento [Folksonomies and post-truth: challengesforth e knowledg e organization] (Lang.: port). - In: LIINC Em revista, 17 (2021)1, p.e5706. – Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__revista.ibict.br/liinc/article/view/5706/5279

17711   taggingDDC835;043
Golub, Koraljka; Lykke, Marianne; Tudhope, Douglas. – Enhancing social tagging with automated keywords from the Dewey decimal classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 70(2014)5, pp. 801-828.Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014. – pp. 27. – Available at http://https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/JD-05-2013-0056 ISSN: 00220418

8171   taggingLCSH835;044.8
Dancs, Szabolcs. – Kontrollált és nem kontrollált szótárak összekapcsolásának lehetÅ‘ségei (az LCSH és a Delicious példáján keresztül) [Possibilities of controlled and noncontrolled vocabularies] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudományos és Műszaki Tájékoztatás, 57(2010)10, pp. 438-440. (Book review of) Yi, Kwan, Chan, Lois Mai. Linking folksonomy to Library of Congress subject headings: an exploratory study In Journal of Documentation, 65(2009)6, pp. 872-900

16017   taggingconceptual models835;124
Xiong, Huixiang; Deng, Min; Guo, Siyuan. – [Research on the construction and implementation of tag topic maps] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 58(2014)7, pp. 107-112. – Available at http://lib.cqvip.com/qk/92987Xi/201407/49544152.html

15843   taggingcategories835;125
Hajibayova, Lala; Jacob, Elin K. – Investigation of levels of abstraction in user-generated tagging vocabularies: a case of wild or tamed categorization? (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 397-404 (06.14-05-19/22).

15844   taggingkinds of concepts835;126
Hajibayova, Lala; Jacob, Elin K.. – User-generated genre tags through the lens of genre theories (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 390-396 (06.14-05-19/22).

9858   taggingKO problems835;171
Fox, Melodie J.; Reece, Austin. – The impossible decision: social tagging and Derrida’s deconstructed hospitality (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 40(2012)4, pp. 260-265. Paper presented at the 4th North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, sponsored by ISKO-Canada, United States, 13-14 June, 2013, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

8713   taggingthesauri835;214
Huixiang, Xiong, Zuofang, Liao, Qing, Cai. – [A comparative analysis of typical tag ontology models] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(2011)5, pp. 479-486.

7008   taggingfacets835;225
Spiteri, Louise F. – Incorporating facets into social tagging applications: an analysis of current trends (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)1, pp. 94-109.

16245   taggingnatural vs. controlled languages835;294
Lee, Danielle H.. – Comparative Analysis of Index Terms and Social Tags (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 49(2015)2, pp. 291-311.. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3715355

15627   taggingKOS comparative analysis835;295
Jia, Junzhi; Li, Ting. – Tushu biaoqian yu shumujilu de duibi fenxi (Lang.: chi). - In: Information studies: theory and application, 36(2013)11, pp. 123-128.

7491   taggingsubject analysis835;32
Kakali, Constantia, Papatheodorou, Christos. – Exploitation of folksonomies in subject analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Library & information science research, 32(2010)3, pp.192-202.

7759   taggingsubject analysis835;32
Kakali, C., Papatheodorou, C. – Exploitation of folksonomies in subject analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and information science research, 32(2010)3, pp. 192-202.

8172   taggingfacet analysis835;325
Wang, Peng, Li, Ying, Wang, Lin. – [Improvement in faceted classification-based folksonomy] (Lang.: chi). - In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese journal of medical library and information science, 19(2010)6, pp. 34-36.

8528   taggingfacet analysis835;325
Yi-Chen Chen, Muh-Chyun Tang. – [An evaluation of a faceted structure for book tagging: an experimental study] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of educational media & library sciences, 48(2011)4, pp. 445-487.

9123   taggingfacet analysis835;325
Conradi, Elise. – Modelling a folksonomy with the postulational approach to facet analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 337-338(

16011   taggingautomatic classification835;348
Lu, Quan; Chen, Jing; Ding, Heng. – [Automatic image emotion categorization and annotation based on social tags] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 58(2014)12, pp. 118-123. – Available at http://www.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?filename=TSQB201412024&dbname=cjfdtotal&dbcode=CJFD&urlid=&yx=&v=MTg2NTFtRnl2bFZyL0lNVDdhYkxHNEg5WE5yWTlIWUlSOGVYMUx1eFlTN0RoMVQzcVRyV00xRnJDVVJMNmVaK2Q=

7760   taggingLCSH835;448
Yi, Kwan. – A semantic similarity approach to predicting Library of Congress subject headings for social tags (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)8, pp. 1658-1672.

7761   taggingLCSH835;448
Yi, K., Chan, L.M. – Linking folksonomy to Library of Congress Subject Headings: an exploratory study (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 65(2009)6, pp. 872-901.

8173   taggingLCSH835;448
Lu, Caimei, Park, Jung-ran, Hu, Xiaohua. – User tags versus expert-assigned subject terms: a comparison of LibraryThing Tags and Library of Congress Subject Headings (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 36(2010)6, pp. 763-779.

6323   2009-0443taggingKOS for special purposes835;489
Maker, Richard. – Reader centred classification of adult fiction in public libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Australasian public libraries and information services (APLIS), 21(2008)4, pp. 168-171.

8337   taggingconceptologysystems theory835;541/4
Kipp, Margaret E.I. – Tagging of biomedical articles on CiteULike: a comparison of user, author and professional indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 38(2011)3, pp. 245-261.

9536   taggingnatural language and metalanguage835;712
Fox, Melodie J. – Communities of practice, gender and social tagging (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

16013   taggingNLP methods835;733
Ma, Feicheng; Li, Yating. – Utilising social network analysis to study the characteristics and functions of the co-occurrence network of online tags (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 38(2014)2, pp.232-247.

9124   taggingdata indexingeducation835;82-56
Dreschler, Michèle. – Practiques du social bookmarking dans le domaine d’education: quels bénéfices pour les formateurs? [Social bookmarking practices in education: what are the advantages for the creators] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 331-341 (08.21).

8338   taggingNBM indexing problems835;871
Rafferty, Pauline. – Informative tagging of images: the importance of modality in interpretation (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 38(2011)4, pp. 283-298.

9862   taggingNBM indexing problems835;871
Konkova, Elena; Göker, AyÅŸe; Butterworth, Richard; MacFarlane, Andrew. – Social tagging: exploring the image, individual, group and game (Lang.: eng). - 2013. – Available at http://www.iskouk.org/conf2013/papers/KonkovaPaper.pdf Paper presented at Knowledge Organization – Pushing the Boundaries, ISKO UK biennial conference, 8th-9th July 2013, London.

15447   taggingNBM indexing problems835;871
Konkova, Elena; Göker, Ayse; Butterworth, Richard; MacFarlane, Andrew . – Social tagging: exploring the image, the tags, and the game (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, Org. 41(2014)1, pp.57-65. Paper presented at the ISKO-UK Biennial Conference, “Knowledge organization: pushing the boundaries,†United Kingdom, 8-9 July, 2013, London.

15628   taggingNBM indexing problems835;871
Jörgensen, Corinne; Stvilia, Besiki; Wu, Shuheng . – Assessing the relationships among tag syntax, semantics, and perceived usefulness (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(2014)4, pp. 836-849..

15629   taggingNBM indexing problems835;871
Klavans, Judith L.; LaPlante, Rebecca; Golbeck, Jennifer. – Subject matter categorization of tags applied to digital images from art museums (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(2014)1, pp. 3-12..

17479   taggingaudio indexingdescriptors835;877;226
Ziwon Hyung, Joon-Sang Park, Kyogu Lee. – Utilizing context-relevant keywords extracted from a large collection of user-generated documents for music discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)5, pp. 1185-1200.

4770   2006-33-4-0373taggingmuseum indexing835;878
Trant, J. – Exploring the potential for social tagging and folksonomy in art museums : proof of concept (Lang.: eng). - In: The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 12(2006)1, p.83-105.

15253   taggingvarious NBM indexing835;879
Mota, Francisca Rosaline Leite; Silva, Bruno Felipe de Melo. – Representação da informação no contexto da saúde: um estudo da linguagem de indexação adotada pelo Flickr [Information representation on the web: a study of the indexing language adopted by Flickr] (Lang.: por). - In: Desafios e perspectivas científicas para a organização e representação do conhecimento na atualidade (06.11-10-20/22), pp. 91-94.

15255   taggingvarious NBM indexing835;879
Schlesselman-Tarango, Gina. – Searchable signatures: context and the struggle for recognition (Lang.: eng). - In: Information technology & libraries, 32(2013)3, pp. 5-19.

6033   2009-0153taggingconceptologysystems theory835;88-51/4
Sun, B. D. – Folksonomy and health information access: how can social bookmarking assist seekers of online medical information? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 8(2008)1, p.119-126.

15446   taggingindexing infine arts835;88-94
Klavans, Judith L.; LaPlante, Rebecca; Golbeck, Jennifer . – Subject matter categorization of tags applied to digital images from art museums (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 65(2014)1, pp. 3-12.

6324   2009-0444taggingKO metadata835;918
Goodrum, Abby, et al. – The creation of keysigns: American sign language metadata (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 283-288.

7965   taggingKO metadata835;918
Catarino, M.E., Baptista, A.A. – Relating folksonomies with Dublin Core (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of metadata semantics and ontologies, 5(2010)4, pp. 285-295.

16014   taggingKO groups835;925
Moura, Maria Aparecida. – Emerging discursive formations, folksonomy and Social Semantic Information Spaces (SSIS): the contributions of the theory of integrative levels in the studies carried out by the Classification Research Group (CRG) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 41(2014)4, pp. 304-310.

15849   taggingbibliographic description835;946
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1446   1999-0240information value of terms836
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6034   2009-0154information value of terms836
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9679   information value of terms836
Muresan, Smaranda; Klavans, Judith L. – Inducing terminologies from text: a case study for the consumer health domain (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(2013)4, pp. 727-744.

11133   1990-1053title indexes in838-263
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11441   1993-0375conceptologysystems theory838-51/4
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7762   primary literature indexingdata indexingculture sciencenatural language and metalanguage84;82-96;712
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1138   1998-0514research indexing841
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4174   2005-32-2-0249research indexing841
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8888   research indexing841
Hammond, Sarah. – Indexing conferences at the British Library (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 165(2011) pp. 9-12.

15630   research indexing841
Boyack, Kevin W.; Patek, Michael; Ungar, Lyle H.; Yoon, Patrick; Klavans, Richard. – Classification of individual articles from all of science by research level (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of informetrics, 8(2014)1, pp.1-12..

16309   research indexing841
Bauer, Bruno; et al.. – E-Infrastructures Austria 2014: Bericht über das erste Jahr des Hochschulraumstrukturmittelprojekts für den koordinierten Aufbau und die kooperative Weiterentwicklung von Repositorieninfrastrukturen [e-Infrastructures Austria 2014: Report on the first year of the higher education area structural funding project for the coordinated establishment and coordinated development of repository infrastructures] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 68(2015)1, pp. 91-118. – Available at http://hdl.handle.net/10760/25467

15631   research indexingautomatic classification841;348
Wang, Xiaoyue et al.. – [An automatic classification system of mass online academic literatures] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 57(2013)16, pp. 117-122..

3281   2002-0303research indexingevaluation criteriaindexing problems841;392;811
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271   1997-2-0270patent indexing842
Lambert, N. – Online statistical techniques as patent search tools : Part 1: patent indexing, patent citations (Lang.: eng). - In: Database 19(1996)1. p.74-78.

272   1997-2-0271patent indexing842
Rampelmann, J. – Classification tools at the EPO (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information 18(1996)3. p.149-154.

434   1997-3-0434patent indexing842
Bates, S. – Chemical structures searching in Derwent online databases (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information (1996)Supplement PATLIB 96 Proceedings 1996. p.33-41.

1447   1999-0241patent indexing842
De Vries, H.J. – The classification of standards (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)3,p.79-89. »» Inventory of classifications of standards with a discussion of their applicability. Based on new insights other possible classifications of standards are suggested

2756   2001-0414patent indexing842
Gore, B. – Model schemes for DWPI access in PATLIB libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 22(2000)1/2, p.13-18. »» Derwent World Patents Index

2925   2001-0583patent indexing842
Wiewicke, K., Eckert, T. – Lean online Patent-information : eine kostengunstige Inhouse Archiv Variante [Lean online patent information: an economical inhouse archive solution] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, (2000) (Apr), p.157-161.

2926   2001-0584patent indexing842
Froissart, C., Lallich-Boidin, G. – The thechnical document : unicity and plurality (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)3,p.123-128.

4771   2006-33-4-0374patent indexing842
Philipp, M. – Patent filing and searching : is deflation in quality the inevitable consequence of hyperinflation in quantity? (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 28(2006)2, p.117-121.

4923   2007-0125patent indexing842
Foglia, P. – Patentability search strategies and the reformed IPC: a patent office perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 29(2007)1, p.33-53.

4924   2007-0126patent indexing842
Li , Y., Shawe-Taylor, J. – Advanced learning algorithms for cross-language patent retrieval and classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43 (2007)5, p.1183-1199.

4925   2007-0127patent indexing842
Tseng, Y.-H., Lin, C.-J., Lin, Y.-I. – Text mining techniques for patent analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management; 43(2007)5, p.1216-1247.

5400   2007-0637patent indexing842
Blanchard, A. – Understanding and customizing stopword lists for enhanced patent mapping (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 29(2007)4, p.308-316.

5401   2007-0638patent indexing842
Kang, In-Su, et al. – Cluster-based patent retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)5, p.1173-1182.

5402   2007-0639patent indexing842
Kim, Jae-Ho, Choi, Key-Sun. – Patent document categorization based on semantic structural information (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)5, p.1200-1215.

5403   2007-0640patent indexing842
Li, Y., Shawe-Taylor, J. – Advanced learning algorithms for cross-language patent retrieval and classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)5, p.1183-1199.

5798   2008-0343patent indexing842
Gamber, T., Friedrich-Nishio, M., Grupp, H. – Science and technology in standardization: a statistical analysis of merging knowledge structures (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 74(2008)1, p.89-108.

6035   2009-0155patent indexing842
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6325   2009-0445patent indexing842
Dereli, Türkay, Durmuşoğlu, Alptekin. – Patenting activities in Turkey: the case of the textile industry (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 31(2009)2, pp.123-130.

6551   2009-0671patent indexing842
Staresinic, M., Boh, B. – Patent informatics: the issue of relevance in full-text patent document searches (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)1, pp.157-172.

6776   2009-0896patent indexing842
Landwich, Paul, et al. – Supporting patent retrieval in the context of innovation-processes by means of information dialogue (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 31(2009)4, pp. 315-322.

7254   patent indexing842
He, C., Loh, H. T. – Pattern-oriented associative rule-based patent classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert systems with applications, 37(2010)3, pp. 2395-2404.

7255   patent indexing842
Vrochidis, S. et al. – Towards content-based patent image retrieval: a framework perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information 32(2010)2, pp. 94-106.

7492   patent indexing842
Radauer, Alfred, Walter, Lothar. – Elements of good practice for providers of publicly funded patent information services for SMEs – selected and amended results of a benchmarking exercise (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 32(2010)3, pp. 237-245.

7493   patent indexing842
Scott, Jeremy. – Does the EPO really care about the quality of patent information? (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 32(2010)3, pp. 233-236.

7494   patent indexing842
Vrochidis, S. et al. – Towards content-based patent image retrieval: a framework perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 32(2010)2, pp. 94-106.

7763   patent indexing842
Libmann, Francois. – Cherry picking for patent codes (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 34(2010)5, pp. 38-41.

7764   patent indexing842
Scott, Jeremy. – Does the EPO really care about the quality of patent information? (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 32(2010)3, pp. 233-236.

7765   patent indexing842
Wu, C. H., Ken, Y., Huang, T. – Patent classification system using a new hybrid genetic algorithm support vector machine (Lang.: eng). - In: Applied soft computing, 10(2010)4, pp. 1164-1177.

7966   patent indexing842
Muto, Akira, Murano, Yuko, Suzuki, Chika. – [Theory and practical use of European Patent Classification: search tool leading the world toward international harmonization] (Lang.: jap). - In: Joho Kanri, 53(2010)5, pp. 241-255.

8174   patent indexing842
Chen, Yen-Liang, Chiu, Yu-Ting. – An IPC-based vector space model for patent retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 47(2011)3, pp. 309-322.

8175   patent indexing842
Lim, Hyojeong, Park, Yongtae. – Identification of technological knowledge intermediaries (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 84(2010)3, pp. 543-561.

8176   patent indexing842
List, Jane. – An A to X of patent citations for searching (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 32(2010)4, pp. 306-312.

8177   patent indexing842
Liu, D. R., et al. – Hybrid-patent classification based on patent-network analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(2011)2, pp. 246-256.

8339   patent indexing842
Liu, Duen-Ren, Shih, Meng-Jung. – Hybrid-patent classification based on patent-network analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 62(2011)2, pp. 246-256.

8529   patent indexing842
Duen-Ren, Liu, Shih Meng-Jung. – Hybrid-patent classification based on patent-network analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 62(2011)2, pp. 246-256.

8714   patent indexing842
Schramm, Reinhard. – Patentinformation und Patentrecht: Strategien im Angesicht der Globalisierung [Patent information and patent law: strategies in the face of globalization] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 62(2011)4, pp. 177-182.

8889   patent indexing842
Ferraro, Gabriela, Wanner, Leo. – Towards the derivation of verbal content relations from patent claims using deep syntactic structures (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 24(2011)8, pp. 1233-1244.

8890   patent indexing842
Wolter, Bernd. – It takes all kinds to make a world – some thoughts on the use of classification in patent searching (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 34(2012)1, pp. 8-18.

8891   patent indexing842
Wongel, Heiko, Farassopoulos, Antonios. – Changes to the IPC effective from January 2011 (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 34(2012)1, pp. 4-7.

9355   patent indexing842
Sasaki, K. – Indexing by intellectual document analysis and its significance focusing on patent document analysis for CA (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information processing and management, 55(2012)7, pp. 472-480.

9540   patent indexing842
Chen, Yen-Liang; Chang, Yuan-Che. – A three-phase method for patent classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 48(2012)6, pp. 1017-1030.

10253   1990-1-414patent indexing842
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10600   1996-1276patent indexing842
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11071   1990-1-417patent indexing842
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12143   1995-0605patent indexing842
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12144   1995-0606patent indexing842
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13008   1995-0942patent indexing842
Bedecarrax, C.; Coupet, P., Amsellen, P., Huot, C. – Présentation de la station MARS de classification et d'analyse: application à l'analyse automatique de reférences bibliographiques de brevets WPI [Presentation of station MARS of classification and analysis: application of automatic analysis of bibliographic patent references] (Lang.: fre). - In: Rev.Francaise Bibliométrie. No. 12. 1993. p.388-401.

13087   1990-1-415patent indexing842
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13547   1990-1-416patent indexing842
Korennoj, A.A.; Ignatev, V.A., Skolenko, A.V., Bojko, V.P. – Use of patent information clustering to forecast developmental trends in engineering and technology (Lang.: rus). - In: Naukoved.i informat.(Kiev).No.30.1988.p.18-23.

13549   1990-1-419patent indexing842
Slutskin, A.A.; Borisova, I.N., Marshak, N.A.Lukanin, V.I. – Bibliographic descriptions of patent documents: the analysis of information content and ways to enhance it (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-tekhn.inform.,Ser.1.No.12.1988.p.15-17.

13550   1990-1-420patent indexing842
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13582   1990-2-328842, 487
Slutskin, A.A.; Marshak, N.A., Borisova,I.N., Lukanin, V.A. – Increasing the effectiveness of patent search based on bibliographic description (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-tekhn.inform.,Ser.1.No.4.1989.p.11-13.

4772   2006-33-4-0375patent indexingautomatic classification842;348
Loh, H.T., He, C., Shen, L. – Automatic classification of patent documents for TRIZ users (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 28(2006)1, p.6-13.

4773   2006-33-4-0376patent indexingautomatic classification842;348
Richter, G., MacFarlane, A. – The impact of metadata on the accuracy of automated patent classification (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 27(2005)1, p.13-26.

5569   2008-0112patent indexingKOS for patents842;487
Adams, S. – English-language support tools for the use of Japanese F-term patent subject searching online (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 30(2008)1, pp.5-20.

734   1998-0111patent indexingspecial KOSpure chemistry842;626
Downs, G.M.; Barnard, J.M. – Chemical patents and structural information: the Sheffield research in context (Lang.: ). - In: Journal of Documentation 1998(54)1,p. 106-120.

2287   2000-0563patent indexingNBM indexing problems842;871
Designs image search of the UK register (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 20(1998)3/4,p.197-202.

13548   1990-1-418842+487
Shchegolev, I.N. – Using the SAPFIRI computerised system for subject searching of patents (Lang.: rus). - In: Vopr.izobretatel'stva.No.9.1988.p.39-42.

13551   1990-1-4218428-42+487.98
Barkova, L.S.; Brodinskij, M.D., Vajsberg, A.M.et al. – Computer-based patent IR system for applied microbiology (Lang.: rus). - In: Aktual.probl.pat.-inf.obespech.golov.org.MNTK i KP NTP CEV.Vses.semin., Moskva, 27-29 sent.1988: Tez.dokl.1988.p.71-72.Moskva,SU,

954   1998-0330biography indexing843
Schmidmaier, D. – Uton az eletrajzi vilagarchivum fele (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudomanyos es Muszaki Tajekoztatas, 44(1997)7/8,p.276-278.

10431   1994-1111biography indexing843
Bell, H.K.; Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives. – (Lang.: eng). - In: Society of Indexers Occasional Papers. 1.London, Society of Indexers, 1992. – pp. 42. This booklet is partly based on articles previously published in journals by the author. It contains the following 9 chapters: Narrative texts and stories of lives - The great ones (Wheatley winners, etc.) - First read your book (analysis and annotation, coverage) - Naming names (alternative forms, errors, etc.) - Coming to terms (qualities, language, standardization) - All in order: Subheadings arrangement - Mighty main characters - Presentation and layout - Reference works. References and notes.Index.

12145   1995-0607biography indexing843
Fugmann, R. – Book review of Bell, H.K.: Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives. London: Soc.of Indexers 1992. 42 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 1. 1995. p.46-47.

273   1997-2-0272news indexing844
Smith, G. – Zugang zu Zeitungsbestnden und Zeitungsinhalt in einer Zeit des Wandels [Access to newspaper collections and the content of newspapers in a time of change] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst 30(1996)3. p.453-461.

3282   2002-0304news indexing844
Zarri, G.P. – Indexing and querying of narrative documents, a knowledge representation approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 93-99.

3283   2002-0305news indexing844
Oliveira, M.O.E.de. – Knowledge representation from Amazonian narratives : culture and oral tradition (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 546-551.

3693   2004-0219news indexing844
Knecht, A., Frigeni, M., Hernández, A., Tedde, L. – La transción a la democracia en España: el archivo emerográfico del profesor Juan J. Linz (1973-1983) [Spain's democratic transition: Professor Juan J. Linz's newspaper archive (1973-1983)] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091.

6777   2009-0897news indexing844
Blanco-Garcia, Juan-Carlos. – Notes on documentation for El Pais newspaper (Lang.: spa). - In: Profesional de la informacion, 18(2009)3, pp. 323-325.

7256   news indexing844
Knecht Cristóbal, Almudena. – La búsqueda de la innovación en proyectos bibliotecarios: el valor de la colaboración interdisciplinar [Innovation in library services: the value of interdisciplinary collaboration] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento 14(2008)2, pp.107-118.

7766   news indexing844
Bouras, C., Tsogkas, V. – Noun retrieval effect on text summarization and delivery of personalized news articles to the user's desktop (Lang.: eng). - In: Data and knowledge engineering, 69(2010)7, pp. 664-677.

8340   news indexing844
Mamakis, G., Malamos, A.G., Ware, J.A. – An alternative approach for statistical single-label document classification of newspaper articles (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 37(2011)3, pp. 293-303.

8530   news indexing844
Mamakis, G., Malamos, A.G., Ware, J.A. – An alternative approach for statistical single-label document classification of newspaper articles (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science 37(2011)3, pp. 293-303.

8715   news indexing844
Rocha, Rocio, Cobo, Angel. – Feature selection strategies for automated classification of digital media content (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 37(2011)4, pp. 418-428.

9869   news indexing844
Han, Chunlei. – The National Index to Chinese Newspapers and Periodicals (NICNP) in the digital age (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2013)2, pp. 50-53.

10058   1996-1278news indexing844
Morris, C.D.; Morris, St.R.. – How to index your local newspaper using WordPerfect or Microsoft Word for Windows (Lang.: eng). - Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlimited, 1995. – pp. 167. – ISBN: 1563083051. The book was reviewed by C.D.Bertelsen in Keywords 4(1996)No.3-4, p.34.

11072   1990-1-422news indexing844
Beare, G. – Local newspaper indexing projects and products (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.16.No.4.1989.p.227-233.

11295   1990-2-329news indexing844
Gee, R. – Newspaper cuttings: alternative to indexing? (Lang.: eng). - In: Local Studies Librarian.Vol.7.No.2.1988.p.7-11.

12804   1996-1277news indexing844
Kilcullen, M; Spohn, M.. – Indexing a local newspaper using dBASE IV (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 20, No. 1. 1996. p.16-17.

12940   1993-0376news indexing844
Benamou, N.; Canivez, L.. – Analyse automatique d'une banque de données de presse [Automatic analysis of a press database] (Lang.: fre). - In: Les systèmes d'informations élaborées. Journées, Ile-Rousse, 5-7 June 1991. p.23-33.

16798   news indexing844
Hubrich, Jessica; Lieder, Hans-J?rg. – Die Zeitschriftendatenbank und die Digitalisierung historischer Zeitungen in Deutschland [The [German] periodicals database and the digitization of historical newspapers in Germany] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 28(2016)2, pp. 22-28. – Available at http://d-nb.info/1115809814/34

16823   news indexing844
Ilsen, Almut. – Ein Schatz wird gehoben - digitalisierte volltexterschlossene Zeitungen sowie ein Werkstattbericht zum Portal ?DDR-Presse? [Digitized fully indexed newspapers, and a report on work in progress on GDR newspapers] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 63(2015)2, pp. 59-69. Digitisation and full text indexing are turning newspapers into attractive research resources. Their significantly more user-friendly search possibilities in comparison to analogue newspapers and their use within the field of digital humanities are described. This is followed by a brief outline of the current state of newspaper digitisation in the international and national context. The main section includes a detailed workshop report on the DFG ?DDR-Zeitungsportal? project carried out by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State Library) covering an array of topics ranging from legal issues, scanning, layout, text and entities recognition through to presentation and links to other content. Finally, ongoing and planned future projects are mentioned in which newspaper corpora serve as research data for computer linguistic analyses.

17194   news indexing844
Merch?n S?nchez-Jara, Javier; Pelosi Pelosi,Sofia. – Organizaci?n de contenidos e innovaciones estructurales en los diarios en l?nea: el caso de El Mundo [Content organization and structural innovations in online journals: the case of "El Mundo" (Spain)] (Lang.: sp). - In: Ibersid. N. 10-2 (2016).Universidad de Zaragoza, – pp. 97-104. – Available at http://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/ibersid/article/view/4329

11134   1990-1054844 Af
Afolabi, M. – Indexing African newspapers and magazines (Lang.: eng). - In: New Library World.Vol.94.No.1106.1993.p.14-20.

11135   1990-1055news indexing844 IN
Tyagi, K.G.; Lai, M., Singh, M. – Indexing of Indian newspapers: brief survey (Lang.: eng). - In: IASLIC Bull.Vol.35.No.1.1990.p.17-23.

11297   1990-2-331news indexing844 NI
Okorafor, E.E. – Newspaper indexing in Nigerian libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.17.No.1.1990.p.35-38.

11296   1990-2-330844, 977
Nelson, D.W. – Newspaper indexing with microcomputers: the Washington State experience (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference Services Review.Vol.17.No.4.1989.p.91-96.

735   1998-0112news indexingliterature reviewstextbooks on book indexing844;02;07.85
Mcleod, J. – Book review of Morris, C.D. ; Morris, S.R. - How to index your local newspaper using WordPerfect or Microsoft Word for Windows. Englewood, Col. Libraries Unlimited Co, 1995. 167 p. ISBN 1563083051 (Lang.: ). - In: Education for Information 1997(15)3,p. 251-253.

15632   news indexingreviews of KO inmass communication844;028-86
Xue, Chunxiang; Zhang, Yufang. – [Research review on Chinese text classification in the news field] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 57(2013)14, pp. 134-139..

9125   news indexingthesauri844;214
Howard, James, Oliver, Silver. – Enhancing the BBC’s news and sports coverage with an ontology-driven architecture (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 327-328 (

2588   2001-0246news indexingsearch engines844;757
Watanabe, Y., [et al.]. – Retrieving related TV news reports and newspaper articles (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 14(1999)5,p.40-44.

8531   news indexingNBM indexing problemsautomatic classification844;871;348
Bravo, ÃÂngel Rodríguez, Manchón, Lluís Mas. – Inventario de palabras clave temáticas para la clasificación automática de noticias de television [An inventory of key thematic terms for the automatic classification of television news bulletins] (Lang.: spa). - In: Anales de documentación, 14(2) 2011. 24pp. – Available at http://revistas.um.es/analesdoc/article/view/123271/125011

2589   2001-0247news indexingpicture indexing844;872
Houghton, R. – Named faces : putting names to faces (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 14(1999)5,p.45-50.

5404   2007-0641news indexingKO metadata844;918
Cuvillier, J. – Indexing grey resources: considering usual behavior of library users and the use of Dublin Core metadata via a database of specialized vocabulary (Lang.: eng). - In: Publishing Research Quarterly, 23(2007)1, p.78-88.

16   1997-1-00168448
Kuyper-Rushing, L. – Book review of L.M. Chang: Library of Congress Subject Heading: principles and application. 3rd ed. Englewood: Libaries Unlimiterd, 1995 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly Vol.23, No. 1 1996, p.127-130.

5570   2008-0113serials indexing845
Glaser, R. – To classify or alphabetize: the arrangement of print periodicals in academic libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Review, 33(2007)2, pp.91-96.

5571   2008-0114serials indexing845
Topham, J. – Accessing the content of nineteenth-century periodicals: the Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical project (SciPer) (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials, 20(2007)1, pp.20-26.

5799   2008-0344serials indexing845
Kemp, R. – Catalog/Cataloging changes and Web 2.0 Functionality: new directions for serials (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Librarian, (2008)4, p.91-112.

6036   2009-0156serials indexing845
Leibowitz, F. R., Arthur, M. A. – Risky business: outsourcing serials cataloging (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Librarian, 54(2008)3/4, p.253-260.

6037   2009-0157serials indexing845
Walker, M. A., McKee, E. C. – Evolution of a state periodical index: converting an in-house index to a MARC-based database on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Librarian, 55(2008)1/2, p.184-209.

6326   2009-0446serials indexing845
Barlow, C. – Serials indexing: from journals to databases (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 27(2009)1, pp. 2-6.

6778   2009-0898serials indexing845
Abrahamse, Benjamin. – Cataloging matters for digital preservation (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials librarian, 57(2009)1/2, pp. 48-50.

6779   2009-0899serials indexing845
Chen, Xiaotian, Wynn, Stephen. – E-Journal cataloging in an age of alternatives: a survey of academic libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials librarian, 57(2009)1/2, pp. 96-110.

7257   serials indexing845
Müller, Christoph et al. – Kataloganreicherung und Zeitschriftenerschliessung mit MyBib eDoc und C-3 am Ibero-Amerikanischen Institut, Preussischer Kulturbesitz: Neue Verfahren zur Optimierung der bibliografischen Nachweissituation in einer grossen Spezialbibliothek [Using MyBib eDoc and C-3 for catalogue enrichment and analytical cataloguing of journals at the Ibero-American Institute of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation: new techniques for the optimization of bibliographic control in a large special library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 44(2010)3/4, pp. 276-283.

7767   serials indexing845
Walker, Christopher H. – Record authentication as a barrier: reflections on returning to CONSER (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 48(2010)2/3, pp. 161-168.

7967   serials indexing845
Cramer, Elizabeth, Orkiszewski, Paul. – Cataloging serials for special collections: the challenges and delights of the W.L. Eury Appalachian Collection (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials librarian, 59(2010)1, pp. 101-110.

8341   serials indexing845
Beccaria, Mike et al. – Can't we write a little script for this? Managing serials data and xISSN (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials librarian, 60(2011)1-4, pp. 181-185.

8342   serials indexing845
Brubaker, Jana, et al. – From alphabetized to classified: reorganizing a large periodicals collection (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials review, 37(2011)1, pp. 26-28.

10032   1995-0943serials indexing845
Clendenen, J. – ASI Newsletter/Key Words: index. Issues 61-110 and Vol.1, Issues 1-9 Mar/Apr 1983-Nov/dec 1993 (Lang.: eng). - Aransas, TX, Amer.Soc.Indexers, 1994. – pp. VII,24. – ISBN: 093654726X. This index was reviewed by Michael Robertson in Indexer 19(1995)No.4, p.310

11136   1990-1057serials indexing845
Riemer, J.J. – The work of the CONSER subject and classification task force (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Librarian.Vol.22.No.1/2.1992.p.101-22.

11298   1990-2-332serials indexing845
Romaniuk, E. – Macintosh-based keyword access to IEEE serial publications (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Technol.& Liibr.Vol.7.No.4.1988.p.411-416.

11889   1994-1113serials indexing845
Valauskas, E.J.. – Indexing magazines with bibligraphic software on the Macintosh (Lang.: eng). - In: Database. 17(1994)3,p.101-4.

12146   1995-0608serials indexing845
Urdang, L. – Indexing a periodical: 'Verbatim' (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1995. p.202-204. Offers some observations on the indexing of 'Verbatim, The Language quarterly'

12147   1995-0609serials indexing845
Valauskas, E.J. – Indexing magazines with bibliographic software on the Macintosh (Lang.: eng). - In: Database. Vol. 17. No. 3. 1994. p.101-104.

13433   1994-1112serials indexing845
Tanaka, Y.. – Indexing system for foreign periodical contents. an experiment at Ritsumeikan University (Lang.: jap). - In: Toshokan Zasshi/Libr.J.. 88(1994)1,p.38-40.

15258   serials indexing845
Zhang, Lin. – [Analysis of subject classification and interdisciplinary structure based on journal hybrid clustering] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and Information Service, 2013, 57(3), 78-84.

15453   serials indexing845
Zhang, Lin. – [Analysis of subject classification and interdisciplinary structure based on journal hybrid clustering] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 57(2013)3, pp. 78-84.

15853   serials indexing845
Kwon, Sun-Young. – [A study on the application to network analysis on the importance of author keyword based on the position of keyword] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean society for Information Management, 31(2014)2, pp. 121-142.

15854   serials indexing845
Kwon, Sun-Young. – [A study on the factors influencing semantic relation in building a structured glossary] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean society for Library and Information Science, 48(2014)2, pp. 353-378.

18328   serials indexing845
Hashtroudi, Negin Shokrzadeh; Zeinolabedini, Mohsen Haji. – Feasibility of implementing PRESSoo model in organizing Persian serials (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 212-223.

12148   1995-0610845, 851
Wellisch, H.H. – Book and periodical indexing: Perspectives on ... indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 45. No. 8. 1994. p.620-627.

3424   2003-0099serials indexingOPAC845;752.2
Geisselmann, F. – Access methods in a database of e-journals (Lang.: eng). - In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.43-49.

6327   2009-0447serials indexingconceptologysystems in subjectsdata indexinglabour science845;82-51/48;82-57
Slaviero, G. – Spogli di periodici di turismo e infermieristica in ACNP: un'esperienza di catalogazione e indicizzazione [Analytical indexing of tourism and nursing serials in the ACNP catalogue: an experience of cataloguing and indexing]] (Lang.: ita). - In: Bibliotime, 10(2007)1. – Available at http://didattica.spbo.unibo.it/bibliotime/num-x-1/slaviero.htm

2757   2001-0415serials indexingjournal indexing845;855
Weinberg, B.H. – Indexes to the journals of the American Jewish Historical Society : significance, coverange, and format (Lang.: eng). - In: Judaica Librarianship, 10(1999/'00)1/2, p.14-17.

2758   2001-0416serials indexingjournal indexing845;855
Menk, B. – Indexing a local newspaper on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Computing, 18(1999)2, p.151-159.

1139   1998-0515serials indexingvarious NBM indexing845;879
Rentschler, C. – Indexing electronic journals (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Librarian, 33(1998)3/4,p.319-324.

3093   2002-0115serials indexingvarious NBM indexing845;879
Quinn, B. – Mainstreaming electronic journals through improved indexing : prospects for the social sciences (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Review, 25(1999)2, p.23-34.

3092   2002-0114serials indexingbibliographic description845;946
Sigrist, B., Heise, A. – Cataloging and retrieving e-journals in the Zeitschriftendatenbank, the German serials database (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Librarian, 39(2000)1, p.65-74.

7968   serials indexingbibliographic description845;946
Curran, Mary. – Print serials workflow in RDA: a draft workflow for RDA toolkit based on JSC's sample workflow for a simple book (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials librarian, 59(2010)3/4, pp. 244-262.

10748   1990-1056845.323
Green, E. – Content analysis of the articles of the ISLIC Bulletin (Lang.: afr). - In: Bull.Isr.Soc.Spec.Libr.Inf.Cen.Vol.19.No.2.1993.p.37-40.

11442   1993-0377845.925
Riemer, J.J.. – The work of the CONSER subject and classification task force (Lang.: eng). - In: Ser.Libr.Vol. 22 No. 1-2. 1992. p.101-122.

8178   theses indexing846
Wolverton, Robert E., Hoover, Lona, Fowler, Robert. – Subject analysis of theses and dissertations: a survey (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 28(2011)2, pp. 201-222.

8343   theses indexing846
McCutcheon, Sevim. – Basic, fuller, fullest: treatment options for electronic theses and dissertations (Lang.: eng). - In: Library collections, acquisitions, & technical services, 35(2011)2/3, pp. 64-68.

12480   1996-0304theses indexing846
Lee-Smeltzer, J.; Hackleman, D.. – Access to OSU theses and dissertations in Kerr Library: how they are used ... or are they? (Lang.: eng). - In: Techn.Serv. Quart. Vol. 12, No. 4. 1995. p.25-43. Report on the result of two surveys conducted at the Oregon State University (OSU) Library to assess usage of OSU theses and dissertations and how they are accessed and to determine whether other methods of providing subject access would be advisable. The study concluded with stating that for an effective retrieval full subject analysis would be a necessity.

16098   theses indexing846
Middleton, Cedar C.; Dean, Jason W.; Gilbertson, Mary A. . – A Process for the Original Cataloging of Theses and Dissertations (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 53(2015)2, pp. 234-246.

16659   theses indexing846
Ahn, Hyerim ; Park, Ji-Hong . – 저잠ì¸용 네트워í¬ì—Âì„œ 명ë§Â성 지표ìÂËœ 차별ëÂÅ“ ì˜Â향력 측정기준엠관한 연구 [The Distinct Impact Dimensions of the Prestige Indices in Author Citation Networks] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management,33(2016)2, pp.61-76.

16799   theses indexing846
Weisbrod, Dirk. – Forschungsdaten in Dissertationen [Research data in dissertations] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 28(2016)2, pp. 29-30. – Available at http://d-nb.info/1115809814/34

9126   theses indexingconceptologypsychology in KO846;82-1/5
Clavier, Viviane, Paganelli, Céline. – L’indexation de documents scientifiques: prise en compte des connaissances liées au positionnement de l’auteur [The indexing of scientific documents: taking account of knowledge from the position of the author’s standing] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 171-181 (08.21).

9356   theses indexingconceptologypsychology in KO846;82-1/5
Clavier, Viviane, Paganelli, Céline. – Including authorial stance in the indexing of scientific documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)4, pp. 292-299.

5405   2007-0642theses indexingindexing inagriculture846;88-46
Hoover, L. L. – Agriculture and food related theses and dissertations available on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 7(2006)2/3, p.87-108.

6552   2009-0672theses indexingKO metadata846;918
De Azevedo Lourenço, Cíntia, Alvarenga, Lídia. – Metadata standard of theses and dissertations according to the entity-relationship model (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 36(2009)1, pp.30-45.

8344   theses indexingKO metadata846;918
Maurer, Margaret Beecher, McCutcheon, Sevim, Schwing, Theda. – Who's doing what? Findability and author-supplied ETD metadata in the library catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 49(2011)4, pp. 277-310.

602   1997-4-0603archive indexing847
Decavele, J. – Archivaris versus historicus. The archivist versus the historian (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliotheek- en archiefgids 73 (1997)3. p.82-86. On the changing role of the archivist who becomes more and more a specialist for the preservation and listing of material instead of a scholar exploiting his collections for historical research

1448   1999-0242archive indexing847
Hudon, M. – Indexation et langages documentaires dans les milieux archivistiques à l'ère des nouvelles technologies de l'information [Indexing and documentary languages in archival environments in the era of new information technologies] (Lang.: fre). - In: Archives (Quebec), 29(1997/'98)1,p.75-98.

1642   1999-0437archive indexing847
Ryan, D. – From 5 by 3 to CEA : archival indexing at the milennium's end (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 21(1999)4, p.164-168.

1952   2000-0228archive indexing847
Craig, B.L. – Rethinking official knowing and its practices : the British Treasury's Registry between the Two World Wars (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.213-218.

2427   2001-0085archive indexing847
Hausserman, ., Ksoll-Marcon, M., Schnelling-Reinicke, I. – Bewertung und Klassifizierung von Unterlagen der offentlichen Verwaltung am Beispiel von Mittelbehorden : Referate der Fachgruppe 1 auf dem 69 Deutschen Archivtag in Münster, 1 Oct 1998 [Appraisal and classification of governmental files in the regions: working session of state archivists during the 69th congress of the Federation of German Archivists in Münster, 1st Oct 1998] (Lang.: ger). - In: Archivar, 52(1999)2,p.208-216.

3284   2002-0306archive indexing847
Hutchinson, T. – Punti di accesso agli archivi per soggetto : L'esperienza nord amaricana [Access points to subject-based archives: the North American experience] (Lang.: ita). - In: Archivi and Computer, 7(1997)6, p. 375-385.

3425   2003-0100archive indexing847
Bearman, D., Lytle, R. – The power of the principle of provenance (Lang.: eng). - In: Context. Interpretatiekaders in de archvistiek. Jaarboek 2000. Amsterdam: Stichting Archiefpublicaties, 2000, p.29-43.

5165   2007-0398archive indexing847
Vanderborght, J. – De NDC weg ermee [The NDC - get rid of it!] (Lang.: fle). - In: Bibliotheek -en Archiefgids, 82(2006)6, p.11-15.

6038   2009-0158archive indexing847
Ortiz, M. G., Vivas Moreno, A. – Ensayo de Organización de la Documentación con Ventual: Propuesta de Cuadro de Clasificación [Essay on the organization of monastic-conventual archives: proposal for a a general model of organization] (Lang.: spa). - In: Perez Anales de Documentacion, 11(2008), p.165-181.

7495   archive indexing847
Craig, Barbara L. – Twilight of a Victorian registry: the Treasury’s paper room before 1920 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 37(2010)2, pp. 139-148.

7496   archive indexing847
Vassallo, Salvatore. – Descrizioni archivistiche e web semantico: un connubio possibile? [Archival description and semantic web: a possible marriage?] (Lang.: ita). - In: JLIS.it: Italian journal of library and information science. Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia, archivistica e scienza dell’informazione 1(2010)1. – Available at http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/article/view/27

8345   archive indexing847
Maier, Shannon Bowen. – MPLP and the catalog record as a finding aid (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of archival organization, 9(2011)1, pp. 32-44.

8346   archive indexing847
Wisser, K. M. – Archival cataloging and the archival sensibility (Lang.: eng). - In: RBM, 12(2011)1, pp. 34-40.

8532   archive indexing847
Barros,Thiago Henrique Bargato, de Moraes, JoÄÂo Batista Ernesto. – The discursive construction of archival science: conceptual foundations (Lang.: eng). - In: Expanding our horizons, evaluating our parameters, [See 06.11-06-16\17], pp. 196-206.

8533   archive indexing847
Buchanan, S.A. – Special collections and archives code (SPAC): preserving provenance in a bibliographic catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 49(2011)5, pp. 349-360.

8534   archive indexing847
Coustaty, M. et al. – Towards historical document indexing: extraction of drop cap letters (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal on document analysis and recognition, 14(2011)3, pp. 243-254.

8535   archive indexing847
Hirschmann, R. – After the prize: indexing at the Einstein Papers Project (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)3, pp. 98-109.

8716   archive indexing847
Azimi, Habibollah, Nazi, Ayoob. – The status of cataloguing manuscripts in large libraries in Iran (Lang.: eng). - In: Library collections, acquisitions, & technical services, 35(2011)4, pp. 106-117.

8892   archive indexing847
Rodríguez, Sonia Trontiño. – Da crítica diplomática à análise tipológica: abordagens e ténicas de análise documental [From diplomatics criticism to contemporary diplomatics analysis: approaches and techniques of documentary analysis] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimento, 17(2011)1, pp. 65-72. Abstract in English

9127   archive indexing847
Abdoulahi, Alfadoulou, Hassoun, Mohamed, Lebourgeous, Franck. – Enjeux et mutations à l’ère numerique: le cas du projet de numérisation des manuscripts du Tombouctou [Stakes and changes in the digital era: the case of the project of digitizing of the manuscripts of Timbuktu] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 195-205 (08.21).

9128   archive indexing847
Begault, Béatrice. – Pratiques des professionals de l’information et archive ouvert: application à un depot institutional [Experiences of information professionals with open archives: applied to an institutional depository] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 259-268 (08.21).

9129   archive indexing847
Bestre, Emma, Chartron, Ghislaine. – Difficiles convergences des archives ouvertes en SIC [Difficult convergences of open archives in SIC] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 247-257 (08.21).

9357   archive indexing847
Zhang, Jane. – Archival context, digital content and the ethics of digital archival representation (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)5, pp. 332-339.

10146   1996-1281archive indexing847
Schmid, G.. – Bestandserschließung im Literaturarchiv. Arbeitsgrundsätze des Goethe- und Schiller-Archivs in Weimar [Subject indexing in the literature-archive. Principles for the work in the Goethe and Schiller archives in Weimar] (Lang.: ger). - München, etc., K.G.Saur, 1996. – pp. 277. – ISBN: 359822088X. The book was reviewed by W.Bies in Knowl.Org. 23(1996)No.3 and 4.

10251   1990-1059archive indexing847
Klauß, H. – Methodische und arbeitspraktische Oeberlegungen zur Erschließung eines handschriftlichen Nachlasses [Methodical and practical considerations for subject analysis of left papers in manuscript form] (Lang.: ger). - KOln, DE, FHBD, 1992. – pp. 10.

10552   1995-0611archive indexing847
Chabin, M. – CLASSELS: une méthode de classement des documents vivants intégrant les préoccupations de la mémoire longue de l'entreprise [CLASSELS: a classification method for live documents integrating long memory of a firm] (Lang.: fre). - In: Gérer les mémoires de l'entreprise: archives et documentation, Paris, 20 avril 1994.Paris, Assoc.de Doc.et de Bibliothecaires Spec, 1994.

10825   1995-0947archive indexing847
Vallaey, W. – Inventarisatie van grafische archivalia uit het stadsarchief van Roeselare [Cataloguing of graphic archive material in the Roeselare municipal archive] (Lang.: dut). -

11137   1990-1058archive indexing847
Dooley, J.M. – Subject indexing in context (Lang.: eng). - In: Amer.Archivist.Vol.55.No.2.1992.p.344-354.

12342   1995-0945archive indexing847
Cross, J.; McCurley, M. – Clemson University Thurmond Speeches Series Indexing Project (Lang.: eng). - In: American Archivist. Vol. 57. No. 2. 1994. p.352-363. The Speeches Series of the Senator Strom Thurmond Collection contains over 100 cubic feet of material spanning more than 50 years of public service. Because of the need for improved access, the project named in the title was initiated, using the AMC MARC. format for indexing

12343   1995-0946archive indexing847
Dooley, J.M. – Subject indexing in context (Lang.: eng). - In: American Archivist. Vol. 55. No. 2. 1992. p.344-354. Integration of archival materials catalogued in the USMARC AMC format into online catalogues has given a new urgency to the need for direct subject access. Not only topical subjects should be considered but also proper names, forms of material, time peri. ods, geographic places, occupations, and functions. More consistent subject access to archives and manuscripts than currently being achieved should be provided. (Author, abbr.)

12481   1996-0305archive indexing847
Dale, T.. – Selecting an indexing scheme (Lang.: eng). - In: Records Management Bull, No. 69. 1995. p.3-5. Discussion of problems concerning the indexing for records management.

12898   1990-1060archive indexing847
Reydellet, C. – Les archives judiciaires contemporaines et leur indexation [Modern legal archives and their indexing] (Lang.: fre). - In: Gaz.arch.No.158/9.1992.p.277-282.

13257   1995-0612archive indexing847
Trugenberger, V. – EDV-Programme zur Archivalienerschließung. Kriterienkatalog des EDV-Ausschusses der Archivreferentenkonferenz des Bundes und der Länder. Einführung und Textabdruck [Computer programs for indexing in archives] (Lang.: ger). - In: Archivar. Vol. 47. No. 2. 1994. p.283-.

13399   1996-1279archive indexing847
Caroli, P.. – The Crown Archives held at the Turin State Records Office: computerising the card index system (Lang.: ita). - In: Archivi & Computer, No. 4. 1995. p.357-8.

13400   1996-1280archive indexing847
MacNeil, H.. – The construction of subject indexing systems for archives (Lang.: ita). - In: Archivi & Computer, No. 4. 1995. p.325-335.

13460   1995-0944archive indexing847
Bliksrud, K. – Research archives in the Norwegian Institute in Rome (Lang.: nor). - In: Synopsis. Vol. 26. No. 2. 1995. p.91-2. A wealth of material left by the Norwegian art historian and archaeologist Hans Peter l'Orange on the late Roman antiquity and the early middle ages after his death in Rome is being catalogued and indexed to form an archive with bibliographies for each s. ubject area

15259   archive indexing847
Foster, Jonathan; Benford, Steve; Price, Dominic. – Digital archiving as information production: using experts and learners in the design of subject access (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 69(2013)6, pp. 773-785.

16243   archive indexing847
Myoung-Gyu Lee. – A Study on the Classification Scheme of Cultural Resource in ACIA (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 49(2015)1, pp. 319-340.. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3671859

16623   archive indexing847
Reyes Marcos, Daniela. – Catalogación, tratamiento y análisis de los grabados tipográficos publicados en La Rioja (1889 y 1900) [Cataloging, processing and analysis of typographical old master prints of La Rioja (1889 and 1900)] (Lang.: spa). - La Rioja, Spain, Universidad de La Rioja, 2014. – Available at http://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/tesis/44084.pdf

16706   archive indexing847
Mayr, Michaela; Predikaka, Andreas. – Nationale Grenzen im World Wide Web: Erfahrungen bei der Webarchivierung in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek [National boundaries within the world wide web: Experiences in webarchiving at the Austrian National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 40(1)2016, pp. 90-95.

17184   archive indexing847
P?trequin, Anne-Marie; Kern, Gilliane. – En l'absence de documents ?crits: comment trouver des traces du pass?, les faire parler et les conserver [In the absence of written documents: how to find traces of the past, make them talk and keep them] (Lang.: fre). - In: Arbido, (2016)3, pp. 38-41.

17177   archive indexing847
St?heli, Urban. – Archivnetzplan: Ein neues Findmittel f?r die Online-Suche in Archivbest?nden [Archive network plan: A new finding tool for the online search in archives] (Lang.: ger). - In: Informationswissenschaft: Theorie, Methode und Praxis, 4(2016)1, pp. 266-278. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.18755/iw.2016.20

17178   archive indexing847
Sumpf, Simone. – Erschliessung digitaler Archivalien in literarischen Nachl?ssen: Am Beispiel des Archivs Christian Haller im Schweizerischen Literaturarchiv (SLA) [Indexing of digital archival material in literary estates: the example of the Christian Haller Archive in the Swiss Literary Archives (SLA)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Informationswissenschaft: Theorie, Methode und Praxis, 4(2016)1, pp. 304-316. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.18755/iw.2016.22

17175   archive indexing847
Walter, Mathias. – Archives de l'environnement et environnement d'archives: D?ploiement de la norme de description des fonctions ISDF dans le contexte vaudois et dans le domaine de l'environnement [Archives of the environment and the environment of archives: Deployment of the standard description of the ISDF functions in the context of the Canton of Vaud [Switzerland] and in the domaine of the environment] (Lang.: fre). - In: Informationswissenschaft: Theorie, Methode und Praxis, 4(2016)1, pp. 209-223. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.18755/iw.2016.16

17172   archive indexing847
Decurtins, Sandro. – Erschliessungskonzept Staatsarchiv Graub?nden: Ueberlegungen zur Erstellung eines Erschliessungskonzepts [Thoughts on the creation of an indexing plan for the Grisons State Archives [Switzerland]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Informationswissenschaft: Theorie, Methode und Praxis, 4(2016)1, pp. 136-163. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.18755/iw.2016.11

17232   archive indexing847
Bod?, Ernesto Carlos. – Mem?ria, mudan?a lingu?stica versus recupera??o em documentos de arquivo no longo prazo [Memory, linguistic changes versus retrieval into archival documents in long term] (Lang.: por). - In: Dissertation.Bras?lia, Universidade de Bras?lia, 2016. – pp. 209. – Available at http://repositorio.unb.br/handle/10482/21760

17215   archive indexing847
Medeiros, Graziela Martins de; Br?scher, Marisa; Vianna, William Barbosa . – A indexa??o de assunto em documentos arquiv?sticos: converg?ncias e diverg?ncias em artigos cient?ficos internacionais [Subject indexing in archival documents: convergences and divergences in international articles] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 23(2017)1, pp. 129-153. – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/EmQuestao/article/view/65586/39206

17283   archive indexing847
Sales, Rodrigo de. – Classifica??es bibliogr?ficas e classifica??es arquiv?sticas: diferen?as e semelhan?as na organiza??o do conhecimento na organiza??o do conhecimento [Library classification and archive classification: diferences and similarities in knowledge organization] (Lang.: por). - In: Scire: Representaci?n y Organizaci?n del Conocimiento, 22(2016)1,en-jun,pp. 65-77.Universidad de Zaragoza, – Available at http://ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/scire/article/view/4301

17291   archive indexing847
Malverdes, Andr?; Lopez, Andr? Porto Ancona. – A fotografia e seus tent?culos: interpreta??es poss?veis no universo dos arquivos [Photography and its tentacles: possible interpretations in the universe files] (Lang.: por). - In: InCID: Revista de Ci?ncia da Informa??o e Documenta??o, 8(2017)1, pp. 24-45. – Available at http://www.revistas.usp.br/incid/article/view/103427/127731

17296   archive indexing847
Vital, Luciane Paula. – Representa??o tem?tica de documento arquiv?stico: as contribui??es do modelo conceitual FRSAD [Thematic representation in archival documents: contributions from the conceptual model FRSAD] (Lang.: por). - Florian?polis, Brazil, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2017. – pp. 191. – Available at http://tede.ufsc.br/teses/PCIN0142-T.pdf

17438   archive indexing847
M?ller, Christa; Mokre, Jan; Hintersonnleitner, Michael. – AKON - Ansichtskarten Online [AKON - Ansichtskarten Online: The Digital Postcard portal of the Austrian National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 41(2017)2, pp. 149-155. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2017-0031

17439   archive indexing847
Kern, Gilliane; Remize, Michel; Texier, Bruno. – Les ?data? ? l'honneur: extraits du magazine Archimag [The data in the spotlight: excerpts from the magazine Archimag] (Lang.: fre). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. – Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3021

17440   archive indexing847
Cervantes, Br?gida Maria Nogueira; Suenaga, Cynthia Maria Kiyonaga; Rodrigues, Maria Rosemary . – Os conceitos no tratamento da informa??o arquiv?stica: unidade basilar para a compreens?o do conte?do documental [Concepts in Treatment of Archival Information: basic unit for the comprehension of documentary content] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 22(2017)n. esp., pp. 131-51. – Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3237/1915

17577   archive indexing847
Vital, Luciane Paula; Medeiros, Graziela Martins de; Brascher, Marisa. – Classificação e descrição arquivística como atividades de organização e representação da informação e do conhecimento [Archival classification and description as activities of organizational and representation of information and knowledge] (Lang.: por). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends 11(2017)4, pp.40-46. – Available at http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/7507/4787

17578   archive indexing847
Sousa, Renato Tarciso Barbosa de; Araújo Junior, Rogério Henrique de . – A indexação e criação de taxonomias para documentos de arquivo: proposta para a expansão do acesso e integração das fontes de informação [Indexing and creating taxonomies for records: a proposal to expand the access and integration of information sources] (Lang.: por). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends 11(2017)4, pp.47-56. – Available at http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/7508/4788

18048   archive indexing847
Park, Jun-Hyeong; Park, Ji-Won; Han, Hui-Lyeong; Jeong, Ji-Na; Kim, Yong . – The Development of Digital Art Archives Using CollectiveAccess for Local Arts Organization : A Case of J Art Association (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 48(2017)3, pp.303-331. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07248024

18178   archive indexing847
Linden, Leolíbia Luana; Bräscher, Marisa . – O tratamento temático da informação em instrumentos normativos de descrição arquivística [Information subject treatment in archival description instrument] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Questão, 24(2018)3, pp. 96-124. – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/78396/48918

18298   archive indexing847
Han, Seunghee. – An Analysis of News Report Characteristics on Archives & Records Management for the Press in Korea : Based on 1999~2018 News Big Data (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korea Society for Information Management, 35(2018)3, pp. 41-75.. – Available at http://http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07538602

18301   archive indexing847
Kang, Hyen Min. – A Study on the Description of Archives Name by Controlled Access Point in Ontology (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korea Society for Information Management, 35(2018)3, pp. 147-164.. – Available at http://http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07538606

18321   archive indexing847
Troitiño, Sonia. – Different parameters for Knowledge Organization in archives (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 160-166.

18416   archive indexing847
Vital, Luciane Paula; Medeiros, Marisa Brascher Basilio . – Representação temática de documento arquivístico: Em busca de especificidades [Temathic representation of archival document: Searching for specificities] (Lang.: port). - In: Em Questão, 25(2019)1, pp. 345-367. – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/79870/50205

18469   archive indexing847
Parschik, Thomas. – Die Katalogisierung der Günderrode-Sammlung: Ein Projekt zur Erfassung Alter Drucke in der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt [Cataloguing the Günderrode Collection: A project for the registration of old prints in the Darmstadt University and State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 53(2019)2, pp. 120-133. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2019-0020

18471   archive indexing847
15 Millionen Bilder für die Ewigkeit: Der STERN schenkt der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek sein Fotoarchiv [15 million pictures for eternity: The STERN magazine donates its [analogue] photographic archive to the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 53(2019)5, pp. 321-333. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2019-0041

18472   archive indexing847
Bauer-Eberhardt, Ulrike; Schreiber, Carolin. – Projekt zur Tiefenerschliessung illuminierter Handschriften französischer Provenienz an der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [A project for the in-depth indexing of illuminated manuscripts of French provenance at the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 13(2019)1, pp. 36-39. – Available at http://www.bibliotheksforum-bayern.de/fileadmin/archiv/2019-1/BFB-1-19_009_Projekt_zur_Tiefenerschliessung_illuminierter_Handschriften.pdf

18473   archive indexing847
Bauer-Eberhardt, Ulrike; Schreiber, Carolin. – Tiefenerschliessung illuminierter Handschriften französischer Provenienz [In-depth indexing of illuminated manuscripts of French provenance] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheks-Magazin, 14(2019)1, pp. 81-85. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/pdf/publikationen/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2019_1.pdf

12482   1996-0306science methodology847, 198-62/63
Dwyer, C.M.; Newkirk, J.G.. – Trapped in time: changing perceptions as reflected in the subject indexing of pre-1960 US Federal Government publications related to homelessness (Lang.: eng). - In: J. Government Inform. Vol. 22, No. 2. 1995. p.131-141. Report on a project on 'Homelessness' conducted at the university libraries of the State University of New York at Albany. Examination of the difficulties encountered and the possible solution of searching the Public Affairs Information Service.

13583   1990-2-333847, 812
Larina, V.G.; Khorosheva, T.V. – Catalogue maintenance in USSR state archives (Lang.: rus). - In: Sov.arkh.No.3.1989.p.80-83.

1643   1999-0438archive indexingliterature reviews847;02
Piggott, M. – Book review of Hunnisett, R.F. Indexing for editors. - London: British Records Association, 1997. - 145 p. - (Archives and the users ; 2) - ISBN: 0900222026 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1998)2, p.101-102.

16699   archive indexingconferences847;06
Chaplinskaya-Sobol, Irina; Wesner, Hendrik. – Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten: Bericht von der nestor-School im Februar 2016 [Long-term preservation of research data: Report on the nestor school, February 2016] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online, 19(2)2016, pp. 202-203. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2016-02-reportage-chaplinskaya-sobol.pdf

7969   archive indexinginformation science847;111
Rios, Elaine Rosa, de Novais Cordeiro, Rosa Inês. – Plano de classificação de documentos arquivísticos e a teoria da classificação: uma interlocução entre domínios do conhecimento [Document classification plans in archives and classification theory: a dialogue among knowledge domains] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em ciencia da informacao, 15(2010)2, pp. 123-139.

8893   archive indexingfacet analysisinformation use847;325;981
Mas, Sabine, Maurel, Dominique , Alberts, Inge. – Applying faceted classification to the personal organisation of electronic records: insights into the user experience (Lang.: eng). - In: Archivaria, 72(2011), pp. 29-59.

9130   archive indexingmark-up languages847;357
Eito-Brun, Ricardo. – Integration of SKOS and SRU in a distributed collaboration environment for archival material description (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 375-384 (

435   1997-3-0435archive indexingthesauri for archives847;484
Ribeiro, F. – Subject indexing and authority control in archives : the need for subject indexing in archives and for an indexing policy using controlled language (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Society of Archivists 17(1996)1. p.27-54.

955   1998-0331archive indexingspecial KOS847;6824
Lacasse, D., Lechasseur, A. – De record group au fond d'archives : normalisation du classement et de la desription d  rchives gouvernmentales aux Archives nationales du Canada [From record group to archival fonds: standardization of the classification and description of government archives at the National Archives of Canada] (Lang.: fre). - In: Archives (Qeubec), 28(1996/'97)3/4,p.57-79.

1140   1998-0516archive indexingspecial KOS847;6824
Cook, T. – What is past is prologue : a history of archval ideas since 1898, and the future paradigm shift (Lang.: eng). - In: Archivaria, (1997)43,p.17-63. Analyses of the history of thought about access to archives since the publication of the Dutch Manual (1898). Suggests that a new paradigm is emerging

1141   1998-0517archive indexingspecial KOS847;6824
Duff, W.M., Hansworth, K.M. – Advancing archival description : a model for rationalising North American descriptive standards (Lang.: eng). - In: Archives & Manuscripts, 25(1997)2p.194-217.

2428   2001-0086archive indexingspecial KOS847;6824
Cook, T. – Archival science and postmodernism : new formulations for old concepts (Lang.: eng). - In: Archival Science, 1(2001)1,p.3-24.

3426   2003-0101archive indexingspecial KOS847;6824
Menne-Haritz, A. – Access - the reformulation of an archival paradigm (Lang.: eng). - In: Archival Science, 1(2001)1,p.57-82.

2117   2000-0393archive indexingonline systems ininformation sciences847;758-82
Mortimer, I. – ARCHON and the indexes to the National Register of Archives : past, present and future (Lang.: eng). - In: Program, 33(1999)3,p.225-233.

4337   2005-32-4-0412archive indexingonline systems infine arts847;758-94
Müller, P. – Vollregest, Findbuch oder Informationssystem : anmerkungen zu Geschichte und Perspektiven der archivischen Erschliessung [Summary, inventory or information system: remarks on the history and perspectives of the giving access to archives] (Lang.: eng). - In: Der Archivar, 58(2005)1, p.6-15. »» Review article

956   1998-0332archive indexingKO metadata847;918
Cox, R.J. – Access in the digital information age and the archival mission : the United States (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Society of Archivist, 19(1998)1,p.25-40.

2429   2001-0087archive indexingKO metadata847;918
Cox, R.J. – Searching for authority : archivists and electronic records in the new world at the Fin-de-Siècle (Lang.: eng). - In: Firstmonday, 5(2000)1, 19 p. – Available at http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/isue5_1/cox/ index.html

3427   2003-0102archive indexingKO metadata847;918
Wallace, D.A. – Archiving Metadata Forum : report from the Recordkeeping Metadata Working Meeting, June 2000 (Lang.: eng). - In: Archival Science, 1(2001)4, p.253-269.

3428   2003-0103archive indexingKO metadata847;918
Hedstrom, M. – Recordkeeping Metadata : Presenting the results of a working meeting (Lang.: eng). - In: Archival Science, 1(2001)4,p.243-251.

3429   2003-0104archive indexingKO metadata847;918
Cunningham, A. – Six degrees of separation : Australian metadata initiatives and their relationships with international standards (Lang.: eng). - In: Archival Science, 1(2001)4,p.2271-283.

8179   archive indexingKO metadata847;918
Sakaguchi, Takahiro. – [Arrangement, description and metadata in the archival community] (Lang.: jap). - In: Journal of Information Science and Technology Association (Joho no Kagaku to Gijutsu), 60(2010)9, pp. 384-389.

3794   2004-0321archive indexingarchival description847;943
Cook, M. – The management of information from archives (Lang.: eng). - 2 ed. – Abingdon (UK), Ashgate, 1999. – pp. 288. – ISBN: 0566079933.

4338   2005-32-4-0413archive indexingarchival description847;943
Evans, J., McKemmish, S., Bhoday, K. – Create once, use many times : the clever use of recordkeeping metadata for multiple archival purposes (Lang.: eng). - In: Archival Science, 5(2005)1, p.17-42.

4339   2005-32-4-0414archive indexingarchival description847;943
Gilliland, A., Rouche, N., Lindberg, L., Evans, J. – Towards a 21st century metadata infrastructure supporting the creation, preservation and use of trustworthy records : developing the InterPARES 2 Metadata Schema Registry (Lang.: eng). - In: Archival Science, 5(2005)1, p.43-78.

6039   2009-0159archive indexingarchival description847;943
Kutzner, E. – Paradigmenwechsel: von Papritz zu ISAD(G) und EAD [Paradigm Shift: From Papritz to ISAD(G) and EAD] (Lang.: ger). - In: Archivar, 61(2008)3, p.268-275.

1142   1998-0518primary document indexing in848
Pritchard, J.A.T. – Developments in document management systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Management Report, (1998)3,p.15-18.

1143   1998-0519primary document indexing in848
Hodgetts, J. – Setting up a records centre (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Management Report, (1997)81,p.19-22.

1144   1998-0520primary document indexing in848
Records management in the pharmaceutical sector (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Management Report, (1997)81,p.3-15,23.

1145   1998-0521primary document indexing in848
Rammell, E. – The trials of clinical records management : making sense of GCP (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Management Report, (1997)81,p.3-5.

1146   1998-0522primary document indexing in848
Horsman, P.J., Ketelaar, F.C.J., Thomassen, T.H.P.M. – Tekst en context van de Handleiding voor het ordenen en beschrijven van archieven van 1898 [Text and context of the [Dutch]Manual for the ordening and description of archives of 1898] (Lang.: dut). - Hilversum, Verloren, 1998. – pp. Cx, 164. Ill - Contains articles on the genesis of the Dutch manual, and its translations into other languages

3094   2002-0116primary document indexing in848
McLean, R.J. – Developing and maintaining an effective records management programme (Lang.: eng). - In: ISO Bulletin, (2000)2, p.22-25. »» About ISO 15489

4926   2007-0128primary document indexing in848
Moeller, R. – Improving regulatory compliance using effective content protection Controls (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing Information, 14(2007)2, p.4-6.

5166   2007-0399primary document indexing in848
Foscarini, F. – Records classification and function: an archival perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)4, p.188-198.

6040   2009-0160primary document indexing in848
Jones, P. – The role of virtual folders in developing an electronic document and records management system: meeting user and records management needs (Lang.: eng). - In: Records Management Journal, 18(2008)1, p.53-60.

6553   2009-0673primary document indexing in848
Lortal, Gaëlle, Todirascu-Courtier, Amalia, Lewkowicz, Myriam. – AnT&CoW share, classify and elaborate documents by means of annotation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of digital information management, 6(2008)1, pp.61-70.

6780   2009-0900primary document indexing in848
Mas, S. – Caracteristiques de schemas de classification personnels de documents administratifs electroniques: elements d'analyse et de discussion [Characteristics of schemas of classification for persons for electronic administrative documents] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentation et bibliothèques, 55(2009)1, pp. 5-18.

7009   primary document indexing in848
McKenna, Frank. – Do you really need a taxonomy/classification scheme with a records management system? Why are we still doing it the old way? (Lang.: eng). - In: Records management bulletin, 152(2009), pp. 12-17.

7010   primary document indexing in848
Spree, U. – Wissensorganisation und Records Management: was ist der State of the Art? [Knowledge orgainization and records management. What is the state of the art?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), 60(2009)6/7, pp. 339-44, 346-354.

7082   primary document indexing in848
Saffady, William. – Managing electronic records (Lang.: eng). - 4th ed. – Lenexa, KA; London, ARMA International; Facet, 2009. – ISBN: 9781856046992.

7258   primary document indexing in848
Delgado Gómez, Alejandro. – El arte digital como estudio de caso de los problemas asociados a la conservación de documentos de archivo en el actual entorno tecnológico [Digital art as a case study of the problems associated with the preservation of records in the current technological environment] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento 14(2008)2, pp.65-85.

7259   primary document indexing in848
Hauer, Manfred, Leissung, Uwe, Rädler, Karl. – Query-Expansion durch Fachthesauri Erfahrungsbericht zu dandelon.com, Vorarlberger Parlamentsinformationssystem und vorarlberg.at [Query expansion by means of specialized thesauri: Lessons learned from dandelon.com, the Vorarlberg parliamentary information system, and vorarlberg.at] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensspeicher in digitalen Räumen (, pp. 103-110.

7497   primary document indexing in848
Skare, Roswitha. – Complementarity - a concept for document analysis? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 65(2009)5, pp. 834-840.

7498   primary document indexing in848
Vednere, G. – Crossing the IT hurdle: a practical approach to implementing records management technology (Lang.: eng). - In: Records management journal, 19(2009)2, pp. 98-106.

7499   primary document indexing in848
Wilhelm, P. – An evaluation of MoReq2 in the context of national EDRMS standard developments in the UK and Europe (Lang.: eng). - In: Records management journal, 19(2009)2, pp. 117-134.

7768   primary document indexing in848
Milne, Christopher. – Developing information architecture through records management classification techniques (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 62(2010)4/5, pp. 366-386.

8180   primary document indexing in848
Toebak, Peter. – Das Dossier, Nicht die Klassifikation als Herzstuck des Records Management [Dossier, not classification is the heart of records management] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 60(2010)8, pp. 443-446.

8347   primary document indexing in848
Henttonen, Pekka, Kettunen, Kimmo. – Functional classification of records and organisational structure (Lang.: eng). - In: Records management journal, 2(2011)2, pp. 86-103.

8348   primary document indexing in848
Schneider, René. – (Book review of) Peter M. Toebak. Records Management: Gestaltung und Umsetzung. Baden, Hier + Jetzt, Verl. für Kultur und Geschichte, 2010 [Records Management: design and implementation] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 58 (2011)2, p.108.

8536   primary document indexing in848
Henttonen, P., Kettunen, K. – Functional classification of records and organisational structure (Lang.: eng). - In: Records management journal, 21(2011)2, pp. 86-103.

8537   primary document indexing in848
Rock, David . – Capture, imaging, and classification - moving beyond paper-based data (Lang.: eng). - In: Records management bulletin, 161(2011), pp. 12-14.

9131   primary document indexing in848
Iron Mountain opens one of Europe's largest document scanning and indexing centres (Lang.: eng). - In: Records management bulletin, 165(2012), p. 41.

9132   primary document indexing in848
Caswell, Michelle . – Using classification to convict the Khmer Rouge (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 68(2012)2, pp.162 – 184.

9358   primary document indexing in848
Gunnlaugsdottir, Johanna. – Functional classification scheme for records: FCS: a way to chart documented knowledge in organizations (Lang.: eng). - In: Records management journal, 22(2012)2, pp. 116-129.

16018   primary document indexing in848
Choi, Jae-Hee. – [Reciprocal relation between ‘history from below’ and archives : with reference to the history workshop movement in England] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean biblia society for Library and Information Science, 25(2014)3, pp. 139-163.. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3509687

16687   primary document indexing in848
Lee, Hui-Jun ; Chung, Yeon-Kyoung . – 지방ìžÂ치단체 기ë¡Â관리기준표ìÂËœ 개선방안엠관한 연구 [A Study on Improving Records Management Standard Tables for Local Governments : Focused on the Construction and Architecture] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN BIBLIA SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE,27(2016)1, pp.5-25.

16843   primary document indexing in848
Fern?ndez Mart?n, Patricia. – La norma ISO 15489-1 en alem?n y espa?ol: una comparaci?n interling??stica [The Standard ISO 15489-1 in German and Spanish: an Interlinguistic Comparison] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista general de informaci?n y documentaci?n (2016)26-1, pp. 249-271. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5209/rev_RGID.2016.v26.n1.53045

17894   primary document indexing in848
Henttonen, Pekka. – Dimensions of contextual records management classifications (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)7, pp. 477-485.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. – pp. 9. ISSN: 09437444

11073   1990-1-423primary document indexing inpublic administration848-63
Stwalley, L. – A microcomputer catalog for municipal documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Government Publ.Rev.Vol.16.No.1.1989.p.63-72.

13300   1996-0308primary document indexing in848-63, 06
Harnier, H.v.. – Fortbildung: Sacherschließung/RSWK in Behördenbibliotheken [Further education: Subject cataloguing/RSWK in Office Libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 29, No. 2. 1995. p.350-352. Report on a seminar held by Dr.B. Lorenz, University Library of Regensburg for office librarians from municipal libraries and the like in the application of the Rules for Subject Cataloguing RSWK.

13299   1996-0307primary document indexing in848-63, 814
Harnier, H.v.. – RSWK- und SWD-Anwendung in Parlaments- und Behördenbibliotheken [Application of RSWK and SWD in parliament and office libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.AG Parlaments-u.Behördbib, No. 78. 1995. p.3-7.

12805   1996-1282primary document indexing in848-921
Dixon, Y.. – Indexing for children (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 20, No. 1. 1996. p.8-10, 15.

12806   1996-1283primary document indexing in848-921
Imholtz, A.A.Jr.. – Indexer nascitur, not fit - Lewis Carroll as indexer again (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 20, No. 1. 1996. p.11-13.

16471   primary document indexing inconferences848;06
Pret, Raquel Luise; Cordeiro, Rosa Inês de Novais. – A indexação como ferramenta da gestão de documentos nos arquivos [Indexing as a tool for document management in archives] (Lang.: por). - In: Desafíos y oportunidades de las Ciencias de la Información y la Documentación en la era digital: actas del VII Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2015 (Madrid, 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2015). – Available at http://edicic2015.org.es/ucmdocs/actas/art/186-Pret_indexacao-arquivos.pdf

2927   2001-0585primary document indexing inonline systems ininformation sciences848;758-82
Salminen, A., Lyytikainen, V., Tiitinen, P. – Putting documents into their work context in document analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing Management, 36(2000)4,p.623-641.

6554   2009-0674primary document indexing inspecial terminologypublic administration848;78-63
Belcastro, P. – Forma e contenuto nella terminologia della gestione documentale: ipotesi per la costruzione di un glossario specialistico [Form and content in terminology of documentary administration: hypotheses for the construction of a specialist glossary] (Lang.: ita). - In: Terminologia, analisi testuale e documentazione nella città digitale [see 2009-0507], pp. 251-264. – Available at http://www.aidainformazioni.it/indici/tuttonline/2008-12.pdf

3285   2002-0307primary document indexing inKO metadata848;918
Smith, M. – DFAS : the distributed finding aid search system (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 6(2000)1 [electr]. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january00/01smith.html

16785   primary document indexing inarchival description848;943
Su-Hyun Park, Myoung-Gyu Lee. – [A Study on the Improvement of the Classification System on Archives and Records Management Studies in KDC] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN BIBLIA SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 27(2016)3, pp. 25-50. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07016359

436   1997-3-0437various primary document indexing849
Kim, Y. – A method for the classification and retrieval problem of reusable software (Lang.: eng). - In: information Processing & Management 33(1997)4. p.513-522.

603   1997-4-0604various primary document indexing849
Beany, S., Carpenter, L. – The indexing and retrieval of digital items (Lang.: eng). - In: Information services & use 16 (1996)3/4. p.209-221.

736   1998-0113various primary document indexing849
King, K. – A DIP into tourist information: tourist information leaflet retrieval using a traditional database and a document imaging system (Lang.: ). - In: Information Management Report 1997(Dec.),p. 10-12.

737   1998-0114various primary document indexing849
Kim, Y. – A method for the classification and retrieval problem of reusable software resources (Lang.: ). - In: Information Processing & Management 1997(33)4,p. 513-522.

3705   2004-0231various primary document indexing849
Eíto Brun, R. – Applicación de técnicas de recuperación de información y organización del conocimiento en los repositorios software: tendencias y visión retrospectiva [Information retrieval and knowledge organization in software libraries: bibliographic review and historical trends] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.447-454.

3714   2004-0240various primary document indexing849
Manuel Burgos, J., Galve, J., García, J. – Un modelo bidimensional para la organización [A bidimensional model for the organization of programming knowledge] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.523-527.

6041   2009-0161various primary document indexing849
Hasegawa, S. – CSA illustrata (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Kensaku, 29(2008)1-2, p.39-47.

6042   2009-0162various primary document indexing849
Lundy, M. W. – Provenance evidence in bibliographic records: demonstrating the value of best practices in special collections cataloging (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources & Technical Services, 52(2008)3, p.164-172.

6781   2009-0901various primary document indexing849
Xinmin, Zhang, Xianchun, Luo. – Some thought on China's Government Information Openness Catalog (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 28(2009)3, pp. 437-442.

7500   various primary document indexing849
Valente, C. – Cataloging and archiving state government publications (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)4, pp. 315-329.

8538   various primary document indexing849
He, C. L., Lam, L., Suen, C. Y. – Rejection measurement based on linear discriminant analysis for document recognition (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal on document analysis and recognition, 14(2011)3, pp. 263-272.

8894   various primary document indexing849
Fu, J., Lee, S. – A multi-class SVM classification system based on learning methods from indistinguishable Chinese official documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert systems with applications, 39(2012)3, pp. 3127-3134.

8895   various primary document indexing849
Park, Seolji, Neal, Diane Rasmussen. – A new wave of government information management: the development of a function-based classification structure in a Canadian government organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of library metadata, (2012)1, pp.23-38.

9870   various primary document indexing849
Batch, Yamen; Yusof, Maryati Mohd; Noah, Shahrul Azman. – ICDTag: a prototype for a web-based system for organizing physician-written blog posts using a hybrid taxonomy-folksonomy approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of medical internet research, 15(2013)2, pp.17.

9871   various primary document indexing849
West, Wendy. – Tag, you're it: enhancing access to graphic novels (Lang.: eng). - In: portal: libraries & the academy, 13(2013)3, pp. 301-324.

10580   1990-2-334various primary document indexing849
Tillmanns,St. – Inhaltliche Erschließung bibliographisch unselbständiger Literatur in Öffentlichen Bibliotheken der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Analyse der Fachliteratur und Untersuchungen in ausgewählten Bibliotheken [Indexing of bibliographically dependent literature in public libraries of the Federal Republic of Germany.Analysis of the special literature] (Lang.: ger). - Köln, FH Bibl.u.Dokw, 1988. (Diplomarbeit Öffentl.Biblioth).

11138   1990-1061various primary document indexing849
Hernon, P.; Metoyer-Duran, C. – Problem statements: an exploratory study of their function, significance, and form (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Inform.Sci.Res.Vol.15.No.1.1993.p.71-92.

11139   1990-1062various primary document indexing849
Chang, Y.F.; Eastman, C.M. – An information retrieval system for reusable software (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management.Vol.29.No.5.1993.p.601-614.

12344   1995-0948various primary document indexing849
Cockton, P. – Cataloguing the nineteenth century British parliamentary papers. An introduction to the subject catalogue of the House of Commons parliamentary papers, 1801-1900 (Lang.: eng). - In: Government Publ.Rev. Vol. 20. No. 4. 1993. p.413-420.

1449   1999-0243various primary document indexingthesauri for archives849;484
Tyckoson, D. – Enhanced information or false advertising? : indexing material not included in the library collection (Lang.: eng). - In: Technicalities , 17(1997)9,p.8-9,13.

112   1997-1-0111book indexing problems851
Calvert, D. – Deconstructing indexing standards (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer Vol.20, No.2 1996, p. 74-78. Comparison of British Standard BS3700:1988 and the forthcoming ISO999

113   1997-1-0112book indexing problems851
Frame, A. – Indexers and publishers: their views on indexers and indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer Vol.20, No.2 1996, p. 58-68.

274   1997-2-0273book indexing problems851
Clarke, M. – Retrieving information from scientific periodicals (Lang.: eng). - In: Learned Publishing 9(1996)4. p.219-223. Considers the indexing of scientific and medical periodicals

275   1997-2-0274book indexing problems851
Booth, P.F. – Good practice in indexing : the new edition of international standard ISO 999 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 20(1997)3. p.114. 1 ref.

276   1997-2-0275book indexing problems851
Frame, A. – Indexers and publishers : their views on indexers and indexing, part 2 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 20(1997)3. p.131-134.

277   1997-2-0276book indexing problems851
Kleinberg, I. – For want of an alphabetical index : some notes toward a history of the back-of-the-book index in nineteenth century America (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 20(1997)3. p.156-159.

437   1997-3-0438book indexing problems851
Mathews, P.L. – Indexing children's books : summary of research (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 20(1997)3. p.120.

1147   1998-0523book indexing problems851
Mandelbaum, E.P. – Back-of-book indexes : standardization and variation across the disciplines (Lang.: eng). - Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, 1996. * MSLS thesis

1953   2000-0229book indexing problems851
Weinberg, B.H. – Book indexes in France : medieval specimens and modern practice (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2000)1,p.2-13.

1956   2000-0232book indexing problems851
Batchelor, J. – Indexing after the millennium 7 : relieving information poverty (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.107.

2590   2001-0248book indexing problems851
Browne, G. – The definite article : acknowledging The in index entries (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2001)3,p.119-122.

2591   2001-0249book indexing problems851
Booth, P. – Indexing : the manual of good practice (Lang.: eng). - Munich, Saur, 2001. – pp. Xiv, 489. – ISBN: 3598115369.

3096   2002-0118book indexing problems851
Bell, H., Blake, D. – An open letter to the Panel judging the Wheatley Medal [with reply] (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue and Index, (2000)135, p.5.

3097   2002-0119book indexing problems851
Malan, C. – Kortpad na inligting [Short cut to information] (Lang.: afr). - In: Cape Librarian, 44(2000)1, p.47.

3887   2004-0412book indexing problems851
Beare, G. – What is an index? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 24(2004)1, p.6-9.

4012   2005-32-1-0088book indexing problems851
Weinberg, B.H. – Index structures in early Hebrew Biblical word lists : preludes to the first Latin concordances (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library and information systems, 39(2004)1, p.4-24.

4175   2005-32-2-0250book indexing problems851
Dienelt, O. – London : ein Workshop über Indexing [London: a workshop on indexing] (Lang.: eng). - In: BuB: Forum für Bibliothek und Information, 55 (2003)4, p.224. »» Report on a workshop organized by the Society of Indexers

4176   2005-32-2-0251book indexing problems851
Zedelmaier, H. – Facilitas inveniendi : zur Pragmatik alphabetischer Buchregister [Facilitas inveniendi: Pragmatics of alphabetical book indexes] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissenssicherung, Wissensordnung und Wissensverarbeitung: das europäische Modell der Enzyklopädien / Hrsg. von Theo Stammen und Wolfgang E. J. Weber. Berlin: Akademie-Verl., 2004. (Colloquia Augustana, Bd. 18), ISBN: 3-05-003776-8, p.S. 191-203.

4641   2006-33-3-0245book indexing problems851
Index it Right! : Advive from the experts, volume 1 / ed. by E.L. Zafran (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Today, 2005. – ISBN 1573872377.

4774   2006-33-4-0377book indexing problems851
Schmidmaier, D.T. – Book indexes : experiences and expectations in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 25(2006)2, p.83-86. – Available at http://www.theindexer.org/files/25-2-schmidmaier.pdf

4775   2006-33-4-0378book indexing problems851
Diepeveen, C. – Continal European indexing : then and now (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 25(2006)2, p.74-79.

4927   2007-0129book indexing problems851
Bosschieter, P. – Back-of-the-book indexing in the Netherlands today (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 25(2006)2, p.86-88.

4928   2007-0130book indexing problems851
Lennie, F.S. – (Book review of) Indexing specialties: scholarly books; ed. M. Towery & E.L. Zafran. Information Today & American Soc. of Indexers, 2005. 122p (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 25(2006)1, p.62-63.

4929   2007-0131book indexing problems851
Lennie, F.S. – (Book review of) Index it right! Advice from experts, Vol. 1; ed. E.L. Zafran. Information Today & American Soc. of Indexers, 2005. 176 p (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 25(2006)1, p.62-63.

4930   2007-0132book indexing problems851
Schmidmaier, D. – Book indexes: experiences and expectations in the German Democratic Republic (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 25(2006)2, p.83-85.

4931   2007-0133book indexing problems851
Sylvester, J. – How to index a book. IndX Ltd, 2005 (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 25(2006)1, p.61.

5167   2007-0400book indexing problems851
Abbott, N. J., Calvert, D. – Psychology and neuroscience of indexing: what goes on in the mind of the indexer? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 25(2007)3, p.154-160.

5168   2007-0401book indexing problems851
Halliday, J. – Professionalism and the indexer (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 25(2007)3, p.167-168.

5169   2007-0402book indexing problems851
Jacobs, C. – Ethical places, ethical spaces: stopping to listen (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 25(2007)3, p.161-166.

5572   2008-0115book indexing problems851
Evans, D. – (Book review of) Mulvany, N. C.: Indexing Books 2. ed. - Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2005 - 315p. - ISBN: 9780226552767 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical Communication, 54(2007)1, pp.125-126.

5573   2008-0116book indexing problems851
Weinberg, B.H. – Known orders: unusual locators in indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 25(2007)4, pp.243-252.

5800   2008-0345book indexing problems851
Crystal, D. – Reverse indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 26(2008)1, p.14-17.

5801   2008-0346book indexing problems851
Dai Liqun. – Book indexing in China (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 26(2008)1, p.3-7.

5802   2008-0347book indexing problems851
Hall, A. – Marketing your indexing business (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 6(2008)2, p.46-59.

5803   2008-0348book indexing problems851
Houppert, A. M. – Strategies for sizing an index, Part Two: after the index is completed (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 16(2008)2, p.47-48.

5804   2008-0349book indexing problems851
Zafran, E. – Pick it up or pass it up? (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 16(2008)2, p.45-55.

6043   2009-0163book indexing problems851
Abrams, W. – The indexer facing the cryptic text: a folly index as inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, presented as a cautionary example of over-indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 26(2008)2, p.68-71.

6044   2009-0164book indexing problems851
Dartnall, J. – Are indexes worth it? Evidence from book reviews (Lang.: eng). - In: Learned Publishing, 21(2008)4, p.325-327.

6045   2009-0165book indexing problems851
Fourie, I. – Book Indexing: a reflection on the contrasting complexities and ease of conceptualization and how we can deepen our understanding (Lang.: eng). - In: Mousaion, 26(2008)1, p.111-125.

6046   2009-0166book indexing problems851
Hurwitz, S. – How we index, then and now (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 26(2008)3, p.111-13.

6047   2009-0167book indexing problems851
Phipps, C. – Indexing, the art of (Lang.: eng). - In: The London Library Magazine, 2(2008-2009), p.20-21.

6048   2009-0168book indexing problems851
Walls, M. – Indexes: tools for the recreational reader (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words ,16(2008)4, p.120, 123.

6049   2009-0169book indexing problems851
Weihs, J. – Libraries, librarians, indexes, and indexing: should we care? (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 26(2008)2, p.79-82.

6328   2009-0448book indexing problems851
Rhoades, G. – Diacritics for indexers (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 26(2008)4, pp. 146-147.

6329   2009-0449book indexing problems851
Weaver, C.G. – The little extras: a customer service approach to indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 27(2009)1, pp. 9-16.

6555   2009-0675book indexing problems851
Stephen, Christopher. – From print to web: indexing for accessibility (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 27(2009)2, pp.76-79.

7011   book indexing problems851
Bell, Hazel K. – Interim indexes and their fate (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)1, pp. 24-25.

7083   book indexing problems851
M. E. M. – Wot, no index? - or the death of the 'Washington read' (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)1, pp. 18-23.

7260   book indexing problems851
Breitenstein, Mikel. – Indexing models as social systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation (, pp. 18-23.

7501   book indexing problems851
Baker, V. – Authors as collaborators: scholarly works and indexer/author relations (Lang.: eng). - In: Key words, 18(2010)1, pp. 16-18.

7970   book indexing problems851
Lennie, Frances S. – The visual appeal of indexes: an exploration (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)2, pp. 60-67.

8349   book indexing problems851
Cóil, Róisín Nic. – Irish prefixes and the alphabetization of personal names (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)2, pp. C1-C6.

8350   book indexing problems851
Moore, Donald. – The indexing of Welsh personal names (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)2, pp. C7-C14.

8351   book indexing problems851
Moore, Donald. – The indexing of Welsh place-names (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)2, pp. C15-C19.

9133   book indexing problems851
Wyman, Pilar. – The challenging future of indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Key words, 19(2011)1, pp. 28-33.

9541   book indexing problems851
Hedden, Heather. – Back of the book indexing and thesaurus creation: a comparison (Lang.: eng). - In: Key words, 20(2012)2, pp. 49-51.

9680   book indexing problems851
Browne, Glenda; Coe, Mary. – Ebook navigation: browse, search and index (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2012)1, pp. 26-33.

9681   book indexing problems851
Gutierrez, Ruby Meraz. – Scholarly publications in Latin America: where, oh index, art thou? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2013)1, pp. 12-17.

9682   book indexing problems851
Mcguire, Hugh. – A publisher’s job is to provide a good API for books: you can start with your index (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2013)1, pp. 36-38.

11074   1990-1-424book indexing problems851
Nwodo, C.O.; Otokunefor, H.C. – Indexing of books in Nigeria: some observations (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.16.No.4.1989.p.249-250.

11140   1990-1063book indexing problems851
Bell, H. – Vive la difference! The survival of the softest (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.18.No.4.1993.p.231-236. Discusses the differences between indexing printed and electronic texts, and between technical and "soft" types

11141   1990-1064book indexing problems851
Bowman, J.H. – One index or two? Some observations on integrated indexes to classical Greek texts (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.18.No.4.1993.p.225-30. Should Greek words go into a separate index? Description of principal features and problems and advantages of an integrated index

11142   1990-1065book indexing problems851
Newbrough, C. – The user-friendly index (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords.Vol.1.No.1.1992.p.6-9.

11890   1994-1114book indexing problems851
Diodato, V.. – User preferences for features in back of book indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 45(1994)7,p.529-536.

12151   1995-0615book indexing problems851
Fugmann, R. – Book review of Mulvany, N.C.: Indexing books. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press 1994. XIII,320p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 21. No. 3. 1994. p.161.

12346   1995-0950book indexing problems851
Gross, P.H. – Mediations on indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Small Press. Vol. 12. No. 4. 1994. p.52-5. Comments on the problems of bad book indexes

12852   1994-1115book indexing problems851
R.; Fugmann. – Book indexing: the classificatory approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)1, p.29-31.

15633   book indexing problems851
Russell, Mary. – Footnotes, endnotes and the indexer (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)1, pp.18-22..

16019   book indexing problems851
Mrva-Montoya, Agata; O'Reilly, Bronwyn; Chandran, Deepak; Pipe, Richard. – Dynamic indexing: Infogrid Pacific and Sydney University Press join forces (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)3, pp. 109-113.

1450   1999-0244book indexing problemsliterature reviews851;02
Fugmann, R. – Book review of Anderson, J.D.: Guidelines for indexes and related information retrieval devices. - Bethesda, MA: NISO, 1997. - 52 p. - (NISO Technical report; 2. ISSN 1081-8006 ) - (NISO-TR02-1997 ) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)3,p.118-119.

1644   1999-0439book indexing problemsliterature reviews851;02
Fugmann, R. – Book review of Weinberg, B.H.: Can you recommend a good book on indexing? - Medford, NJ: Information today, 1998. - xiii, 161 p. - ISBN: 1573870412 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)2, p.107-109.

1954   2000-0230book indexing problemsliterature reviews851;02
Piggott, M. – (Book review of)Weinberg, B.H.: Can you recommend a good book on indexing?: collected reviews on the organization of information. - Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 1998. - 161 p. - ISBN: 1573870412 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.147-148.

1955   2000-0231book indexing problemsliterature reviews851;02
Lathrop, L. – (Book review of)Weinberg, B.H.: Can you recommend a good book on indexing?: collected reviews on the organization of information. - Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 1998. - 161 p. - ISBN: 1573870412 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical Communication, 46(1999)2,p.259-261.

2592   2001-0250book indexing problemsliterature reviews851;02
Bell, H. – (Book review of) The August Indexer: proceedings from the Second International Conference, 27-29 August 1999, Hobart, Australia, Tasmania, Australia. - Melbourne: Australian Society of Indexers, 2000. - ISBN: 095780590X (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2001)3,p.162.

2759   2001-0417book indexing problemsliterature reviews851;02
Davis, R. – (Book review of) Lathrop, L.: An indexer's guide to the Internet. - 2nd ed. - Medford, NJ: Information Today : American Society of Indexers, 1999. - 89 p. - ISBN: 1573870781 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2000)1, p.51.

3095   2002-0117book indexing problemsliterature reviews851;02
Bottrill, K. – (Book review of) Booth, P.: Indexing: the manual of good practice – London: Bowker-Bauer, 2000 - ISBN: 3598115369 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information World Review, (2001)175, p.66.

3430   2003-0105book indexing problemsliterature reviews851;02
Shere, T. – (Book review of) Booth, P.F.: Indexing: the manual of good practice. - München: K.G. Saur, 2001 – xiv,489 p. - ISBN: 3598115369 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 23(2001)1, p.52.

4505   2006-33-2-0109book indexing problemsliterature reviews851;02
Bridge, N. – (Book review of) Stauber, D.M.: Facing the text: content and structure in book indexing. Eugene, Or.: Cedar Row Press, 2004. 374 p. ISBN 0974834505 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)3, p.135-136.

2760   2001-0418book indexing problemshistory of indexing851;193
Weinberg, B.H. – Book indexes in France : medieval specimens and modern practices (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2000)1, p.2-13.

7502   book indexing problemssemi-automatic indexing methods851;344
Fumani, Mohammad Reza, Falahati Qadimi. – Inter-indexer consistency (IIC) in a Persian context (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)1, pp. 12-17.

738   1998-0115book indexing problemsindex specifications851;815
Exner, F. – Indexing integrated manuals sets at Northern Telecom (Lang.: ). - In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science 1997(23)4,p. 20-24.

3431   2003-0106book indexing problemsjournal indexing851;855
Klement, S. – Open-system versus closed-system indexing : a vital distinction (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 23(2002)1, p.23-31. »» On the difference between indexing of books and of journals

2430   2001-0088book indexing problemsvarious NBM indexingliterature reviews851;879;02
Chandonnet, G. – (Book review of) Beyond book indexing: how to get started in Wen indexing, and other computer-based media / ed. by D. Brenner, M. Rowland. - Phoenix, AZ: American Society of Indexers / Information Today, 2000. - 149 p. - ISBN: 1573870811 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.180-181.

2431   2001-0089book indexing problemsvarious NBM indexingliterature reviews851;879;02
Novellino, M.S.F. – (Book review of) Dynamism and stability in knowledge organization: proceedings of the Sixth International ISKO Conference, 101-13 July, 2000, Toronto, Canada / ed. by C. Beghtol, L.C. Howarth, N.J. Williamson. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000. - 424 p. - (Advances in Knowledge Organization ; 7) - ISBN: 3933563607 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)4,p.236-238.

2761   2001-0419book indexing problemsconceptologysystems theoryliterature reviews851;88-51/4;02
Halliday, J. – (Book review of) Wyman, P.: Indexing specialities: medicine - Medford, NJ: Information Today : American Society of Indexers, 1999 – 119 p. - ISBN: 157387082X (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2000)1, p.51.

2928   2001-0586book indexing problemsconceptologysystems theoryliterature reviews851;88-51/4;02
Owen, D.J. – (Book review of) Wyman, P.: Indexing specialities: medicine - Medford, NJ: Information Today : American Society of Indexers, 1999 – 119 p. - ISBN: 157387082X (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 88(2000)3, p.280-281.

1148   1998-0524book indexing problemsKO professional questions851;912
Ingham, E. – So now you're on your own (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Association Record, 100(1998)8,p.420-421.

10140   1995-0619851.07
Kunze, H. – Über das Registermachen. 4.erw.u.verb.Aufl [On making indexes] (Lang.: ger). - München etc, K.G.Saur Verlag, 1992. – pp. 83. – ISBN: 3598110901. A book review of this title appeared (in German) in Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 40(1993)No.5, p.442-443 by Gisela Ewert

12149   1995-0613851.07
Booth, P.F. – Book review of Mulvany, N.C.: Indexing books. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press 1994. XIII,320p (Lang.: eng). -

12150   1995-0614851.07
Fetters, L.K. – Book review of Mulvany, N.C.: Indexing books. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press 1994. XIII,320p (Lang.: eng). - In: Key words. Vol. 2. No. 5. 1994. p.10-11.

12152   1995-0616851.07
Milstead, J. – Book review of Mulvany, N.C.: Indexing books. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press 1994. XIII,320p (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management. Vol. 31. No. 2. 1995. p.249-250.

12153   1995-0617851.07
Washington-Blair, A. – Book review of Mulvany, N.C.: Indexing books. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press 1994. XIII,320p (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Journal. Vol. 119. No. 1. 1994. p.178.

12154   1995-0618851.07
Piggot, M. – Book review of Mulvany, N.C.: Indexing books. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press 1994. XIII,320p (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 2. 1994. p.142.

12347   1995-0951851.07
Piggott, M. – Book review of Fetters, L.K.: Handbook of indexing techniques: a guide for beginning indexers. Fetters InfoManagement Ct., 1994. XVII,72p (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1995. p.231.

12348   1995-0952851.07
Weinberg, B.H. – Book review of Mulvany, N.C.: Indexing books. Chicago and London: Univ.of Chicago Press 1994. XIII,320p (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 46. No. 1. 1995. p.65-73. An in-depth review

12349   1995-0953851.07
Wellisch, H.H. – (Book review of same title as under 0952) (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Quart. Vol. 65. No. 1. 1995. p.137-140.

12807   1996-1284851.07
Bell, H.K.. – Book review of Mulvany, N.C.; Indexing books. University of Chicago Press 1994. 320p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Logos. Vol. 6, No. 4. 1995. p.222-3.

11891   1994-1116851.173
Kilgour, F.G.. – Lack of indexes in works on information science (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 44(1993)6,p.364.

12808   1996-1285851.99
Calvert, D.. – Deconstructing indexing standards (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 20, No. 2. 1996. p.74-78. Discusses the usefulness, practicality and clarity of standards for indexing with particular reference to the differences between BS3700:1988 and the forthcoming ISO999.

5805   2008-0350entries in book indexing852
Marshall, L. – The usefulness of chronological arrangement for subheadings in book indexes: an examination of the literature (Part Two) (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 16(2008)2, p.56-59.

11143   1990-1066entries in book indexing852
Wellisch, H.H. – Function of words in subheadings (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords.Vol.1.No.4.1993.p.8-9.

278   1997-2-0277book indexing methods853
Moys, E.M. – Classified v. specified indexing : a re-examination in principle (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 20(1997)3. p.135-136, 153-155.

2593   2001-0251book indexing methods853
Walker, A. – Indexing commomplace books : John Locke's method (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2001)3,p.14-18.

2762   2001-0420book indexing methods853
Crystal, D. – Quote index unquote (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2000)1, p.14-20.

4177   2005-32-2-0252book indexing methods853
Stauber, D.M. – Facing the text : content and structure in book indexing (Lang.: eng). - Uogene, OR, Cedar Row Press, 2004. – pp. 374. – ISBN: 0974834505.

5574   2008-0117book indexing methods853
Chi, E. H. et al. – ScentIndex and ScentHighlights: productive reading techniques for conceptually reorganizing subject indexes and highlighting passages (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Visualization, 6(2007)1, pp.32-47.

5575   2008-0118book indexing methods853
Lennie, F.S. – (Book review of) Browne, G., Jermey, J.: Indexing companion -Melbourne & New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007 - Xii, 249p. - ISBN: 9780521689885 (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 25(2007)3, pp.214-215.

5806   2008-0351book indexing methods853
Evans, R. – Indexing computer books: getting started, Part 1 (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 16(2008)2, p.60-66. Also pub. in Information (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), 58(2007)8, p.425-32.

5807   2008-0352book indexing methods853
Schwerpunktthema Intellektuelles Indexieren [Crucial aspects of intellectual indexing] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), 58(2007)8, p.389-440.

6050   2009-0170book indexing methods853
Reed, P. – Golden Gate Chapter report [Indexing olympics] (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 16(2008)4, p.117.

6051   2009-0171book indexing methods853
So you want to learn indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 16(2008)3, p.78-102.

6556   2009-0676book indexing methods853
Adams, Clifford A. – (Book review of) Leise, Fred, Mertes, Kate, Badgett, Nan. - Indexing for editors and authors: a practical guide to understanding indexes, Medford, N.J., Information Today, 2008. x, 148 pp - ISBN: 9781573873345 (pbk.) (Lang.: eng). - In: Learned publishing, 22(2009)3, pp.248-249.

6782   2009-0902book indexing methods853
Zhang Qiyu. – Term selection: the key to successful indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 27(2009)30, pp. 98-100.

7012   book indexing methods853
Browne, Glenda. – Classified versus specific entry in book indexes: guidelines for decision making (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)1, pp. 6-11.

7503   book indexing methods853
Hudson, Ann. – (Book review of) The indexing companion workbook: book indexing, [by Glenda Browne] Melbourne; New York, Cambridge University Press, 2007. xii, 249pp. ISBN: 9780521689885 (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)1, p. 46.

8181   book indexing methods853
Perlman, Janet, Zafran, Enid L., eds. – Index it right! Advice from the experts (Lang.: eng). - Medford, N.J, Information Today, 2010. – pp. 170. – ISBN: 1573873969; ISBN: 9781573873963.

8182   book indexing methods853
Uschtrin, S., Fassbender, J. – The art of indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)1, pp. 13-18.

12809   1996-1286book indexing methods853
Brackney, M.. – On sorting index headings: quandaries and queries (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords. Vol. 3, No. 5. 1995. p.1, 24-25.

13684   1990-1067book indexing methods853
Hoest, T. – Clusters as subject index to books (Lang.: swe). - In: Tidskr.Dok.(Sweden).Vol.47.No.4.1992.p.115-118.

3633   2004-0159book indexing methodsliterature reviews853;02
Jacobs, C. – (Book review of) Software for indexing; ed. by Schroeder, S. - Medford, NJ: Information today, in association with the American Society of Indexers, 2003. - 275 p. - ISBN: 1573871664 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)2, p.114-115.

1645   1999-0440book indexing methodsvarious NBM indexing853;879
Fetters, L. – A book-style index for the web : the University of Texas Policies and Procedures Website (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1998)2, p.85-89.

1149   1998-0525book indexing methodsKO curricula853;952
Manley, S., Harwood, N. – Bringing it home : learning to index books by correspondence (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 20(1997)4,p.189-191.

1957   2000-0233book indexing methodsindexing standardisation853;997
Bakewell, K.G.B. – Indexing after the millennium 6 : Standards and good practice (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.106.

3432   2003-0107book indexing characteristics854
Van der Meij, H. – Styling the index : is it time for a change? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 28(2002)3, p.243-251.

5170   2007-0403book indexing characteristics854
Bell, H. K. – Subject indexes to poetry: historical: (See Patriotism.) (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 38(2007)3, p.162-168.

5406   2007-0643book indexing characteristics854
Kunze, H., Dahlberg, I. – (Book review of) Fugmann, R. - Die Buchregister: Methodische Grundlagen und praktikische Anwendungen [The book index: methodological foundations and practical applications] - Frankfurt: Frankfurt am Ma DGI, 2006 - 136p. - (Reihe Informationswissenschaft der DGI, Bd. 10) - ISBN: 9783925474590; 3925474595 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 34(2007)1, p.60-61.

5407   2007-0644book indexing characteristics854
Matthews, D. – Indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Author, 18(2007)2, p.61-62.

6557   2009-0677book indexing characteristics854
Leise, Fred, Mertes, Kate, Badgett, Nan. – Indexing for editors and authors : a practical guide to understanding indexes (Lang.: eng). - Medford, N.J, Information Today, 2008. – pp. X, 148. – ISBN:9781573873345 (pbk.).

7504   book indexing characteristics854
Schiebel, Edgar et al. – An advanced diffusion model to identify emergent research issues: the case of optoelectronic devices (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 83(2010)3, pp. 765-781.

9359   book indexing characteristics854
Humphreys, Nancy K. – The world's oldest profession: indexing? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 49(2011)4, pp. 161-165.

12155   1995-0620book indexing characteristics854
Diodato, V. – Duplicate entries versus see cross-references in back-of-book indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 2. 1994. p.83-87.

5576   2008-0119book indexing characteristicshistory of indexing854;193
Blake, D. – Some thoughts on the early days of indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 25(2007)4, pp.230-231.

1958   2000-0234book indexing characteristicsonline retrieval problems854;751
Stelmach, M. – The application of index entries to search and retrieval of books and book content (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.127-131.

604   1997-4-0605journal indexing855
Riesthuis, G.J.A. – Een register op het tijdschrift Het Boek [An index for the journal Het Boek] (Lang.: dut). - In: Van pen tot laser : 31 opstellen over boek en schrift aangeboden aan Ernst Braches bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam in oktober van het jaar 1995. Amsterdam : De Buitenkant, 1996. ISBN: 907038678X p.227-235.

1150   1998-0526journal indexing855
Pizzetti, F. – Indici della Rivista delle biblioteche e degli archivi (1888-1926) [The indexes of the Rivista delle biblioteche e degli archivi (1888-1926)] (Lang.: ita). - In: Bibliotecario, (1997)2,p.133-287.

1451   1999-0245journal indexing855
Trofimova, N. – Vorbereitung der Indizes zu den vorrevolutionaren Periodika anhand der Zeitung St Petersburgische Vedomosti [Preparation of indexes to prerevolutionary periodicals with reference to the newspaper "St Peterburgische Vedomosti"] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie , 46(1999)1,p.42-50.

7971   journal indexingvarious NBM indexing855;879
Hogan, Brian F. – Digital journal indexing: electrified or electrocuted? Problems, practicalities and possibilities: the case of the CCHA and/et la SCHÉC (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)4, pp. 154-162.

438   1997-3-0439special book indexing856
Sule, N.N. – Indexing of newspapers in Nigeria : the Guardian experience (Lang.: eng). - In: International Information Communication & Education 15(1996)2. p.185-194.

1646   1999-0441special book indexing856
Williams, P.L., Bakewell, K.G.B. – Indexing children's information books (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 21(1999)4, p.174-179.

1960   2000-0236special book indexing856
Williams, P.L., Bakewell, K.G.B. – Indexes to children's information books : a study of the provision and quality of book indexes for children at National Curriculum Key Stage 2 (Lang.: eng). - London, British Library, 1997. – pp. 159.(British Library. Research and Innovation Report ; 129). – ISBN: 071239737X.

2288   2000-0564special book indexing856
Williams, P.L., Bakewell, K.G.B. – Children and indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: New Library World, 100(1999)1150,p.201-206.

2594   2001-0252special book indexing856
Matthews, D. – Indexing published letters (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2001)3,p.135-141.

3286   2002-0308special book indexing856
Bell, H.K. – Kiss and tell and index (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)4, p. 180-181.

11075   1990-1-425special book indexing856
Garfield, E. – ISI's Index to Scientific Book Contents: cataloguing composite books chapter by chapter (Lang.: eng). - In: Curr.Cont.:Phys.,Chem.,&Earth.Vol.27.No.6.1987.p.3-8.

11144   1990-1068special book indexing856
Rodberg, L.R. – Textbook indexes: many uses, many users (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords.Vol.1.No.4.1993.p.1.

12350   1995-0954special book indexing856
Vickers, J.A. – A Marshland index - or 'Indexing for the Hell of it' (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 4. 1995. p.276-278. Expresses the author's appreciation of the fiction of S.L.Bensusan, and describes his voluntary compilation of an index to it

605   1997-4-0606special book indexingbibliography of special indexing systems856;017
Das, R.K. – Bibliography of indexes to Bengali periodicals (Lang.: eng). - In: IASLIC bulletin 41 (1996)2. p.75-83.

1959   2000-0235special book indexingliterature reviews856;02
Wellisch, H.H. – (Book review of)Bell, H.K.: Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives. - London: Society of Indexers, 1998. - 65 p. - ISBN: 1871577187 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.148-149.

13210   1994-1117856.814
Kommission d. DBI f. Erschließung u. Kat.Managemt.. – 6. Diskussionsentwurf zur Behandlung der Schul- und Berufsschulbücher, Stand: April 1993 [6th Discussion Draft for the Cataloguing of Schoolbooks and books for Professional Schools] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. 27(1993)No.6, Beilage. - 10 p..

11443   1993-0378856.977
Hall, G.. – Multi-volume indexing of an economics series (Lang.: eng). - In: IndexerVol. 18 No. 3. 1993. p.153-155.

1647   1999-0442automatic book indexing857
Mulvany, N.C. – Software tools for indexing : revisited (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 21(1999)4, p.160-163. »» Comparison of the embedded indexing programs of Word, FrameMaker, PageMaker, RoboHELP with the dedicated indexing program Macrex

1961   2000-0237automatic book indexing857
Bell, H.K. – Perilous powers in authorial hands (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.122-123. »» About the danger of automatic indexing software in the hand of authors who do not understand the principles of indexing

2763   2001-0421automatic book indexing857
Mauer, P. – Embedded indexing : pros and cons for the indexer (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2000)1, p.27-28.

2764   2001-0422automatic book indexing857
Anderson, C.R. – Indexing with a computer : past and present (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2000)1, p.23-24.

2765   2001-0423automatic book indexing857
Ross, J. – The impact of technology on indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2000)1, p.25-26.

3287   2002-0309automatic book indexing857
Mulvany, N.C. – Software tools for indexing : revisited (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)4, p. 160-163.

4178   2005-32-2-0253automatic book indexing857
Nazarenko, A., Ait El Mekki, T. – Une mesure de pertinence pour le tri de l'information dans un index de de livre [A pertinency measure for the sorting of the information in a back-of-the-book index] (Lang.: fre). - In: Actes de la conférence annuelle sur Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), Fes, Morroco, 2004, p.1-10.

4179   2005-32-2-0254automatic book indexing857
Nazarenko, A., Ait El Mekki, T. – Building back-of-the-book indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 11(2005)1, p.199-224.

4340   2005-32-4-0415automatic book indexing857
American Society of Indexers. – Software for indexing / edited by Sandi Schroeder (Lang.: eng). - Wheat Ridge, CO, American Society of Indexers, 2003. – pp. Xvi, 275. – ISBN: 1573871664.

5808   2008-0353automatic book indexing857
Brown, F. – Indexing without context: some thoughts about the new world of DITA and content management systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 16(2008)2, p.49-51.

5809   2008-0354automatic book indexing857
Diepeveen, C. – Indexing software (Lang.: eng). - In: Information (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) 58(2007)8, p.413-20.

6052   2009-0172automatic book indexing857
Human versus computerised indexing, Society of Indexers article (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing Information, 15(2008)7, p.18-20.

6330   2009-0450automatic book indexing857
Zafran, Enid. – The numbers game (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 17(2009)1, pp.13-14.

6783   2009-0903automatic book indexing857
Wang Yanxiang. – Indexing software in China: past, present and future (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 27(2009)3, pp. 124-127.

7505   automatic book indexing857
Haskins, L. – Demystifying IndexDeconstructor (Lang.: eng). - In: Key words, 18(2010)1, pp. 20-26.

7506   automatic book indexing857
Jermey, Jon. – Automated indexing: feeding the AutoComplete monster (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)2, pp.74-75.

7507   automatic book indexing857
Maislin, Seth. – PDF Index Generator (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)1, pp.47-48.

8183   automatic book indexing857
Hirschmann, R. – Patterns and hidden meanings: the dawn of automated indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)1, pp. 19-22.

8352   automatic book indexing857
Bealle, J. – Saving time with regular expressions (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)2, pp. 70-72.

11299   1990-2-335automatic book indexing857
Korycinski, C.; Newell,A.F. – Natural-language processing and automatic indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.17.No.1.1990.p.21-28.

11892   1994-1118automatic book indexing857
Lamb, D.A.; Lamb, M.A.. – Separation of concerns for indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Electron.Publ.. 6(1993)1,p.23-34. The paper describes a general facility for multi-level indexes usable in any document formatter that can produce a secondary output file recording page numbers where references occur.

12483   1996-0309automatic book indexing857
Lathrop, L.. – Indexing with Doc-To-Help. An overview (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words. Vol. 3, No. 1. 1995. p.1, 27, 30. Review of a Word for Windows utility that converts index entries and table-of-contents entries in printed documents to hypertext links in online help files. It is a product by WexTechSystems, an add-on product for Microsoft Word.

12810   1996-1287automatic book indexing857
Tong, R.; Kelm, E.J.. – Text categorization: computer-based indexing of electronic documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords. Vol. 3, No. 4. 1995. p.7-9.

13001   1995-0621automatic book indexing857
Tsioli, M.; Corsini, S. – Indexation libres anciens Brunet-Parguez [Brunet-Parguez indexing of ancient books] (Lang.: fre). - In: ARBIDO-Bull. Vol. 9. No. 4. 1994. p.17-18.

12351   1995-0955857, 19
Matthew, H.C.G. – Indexing Gladstone: from 5x3' cards to computer and database (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 4. 1995. p.257-264. The Gladstone diaries (1825-1896) consist of 13 volumes of text recording much of the political and cultural history of the nineteenth century. Its index, which is in three parts published in a separate volume of 862 pages, was compiled using 'Ingres'. database software so as to allow readers easily to find the 20,500 people, the 22,000 book and periodical titles, the 550 cabinets, the 3000 letters and the mass of political and personal detail which the Diaries contain. (Author)

12352   1995-0956857, 844
Moys, E.M. – Computer-assisted indexing of looseleaf supplements (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 4. 1995. p.283-286. Summarizes publishing practice and suggests a computer-assisted method of compiling supplementary indexes and dealing with withdrawals

5577   2008-0120book indexing in858
George, A.S. – Indexing botanical and horticultural texts (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 25(2007)4, pp.253-254.

114   1997-1-0113conceptologyconcept formation858-51/54
Errington, L. – Book review of D. Blake: Indexing the medical and biological sciences. London: Society of indexers, 1995. 61 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer Vol.20, No.1 1996, p.47.

9683   book indexing inhistory858-69
Bell, Hazel K. – Biographies as soft, narrative texts (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 141-146.

9684   book indexing inhistory858-69
Curran, Susan. – Navigating the English friend (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 119-124.

9685   book indexing inhistory858-69
Davis, Madeline. – Dramatis personae (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 132-135.

9686   book indexing inhistory858-69
Phipps, Christopher. – An indexer’s life of Johnson (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 114-119.

9687   book indexing inhistory858-69
Sassen, Catherine. – Biography indexes reviewed (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 136-140.

9688   book indexing inhistory858-69
Walker, Alan. – Indexing political memoirs: neutrality and partiality (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 125-130.

9689   book indexing inhistory858-69
Walker, Alan. – Political memoirs: an international comparison of indexing styles (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 64-75.

10064   1995-0957book indexing inhistory858-69
Fisher, Janet. – An index to historical fiction for children and young people (Lang.: eng). - Aldershot, GB, Scolar Press, 1994. – pp. XVI,192. – ISBN: 1859280781. The book was also published by Ashgate Publ.Co. in Brookfield, VT, USA. It is reviewed by A.McCaarthy in Indexer, 19(1995)No.4, p.311

11145   1990-1069book indexing in858-692
Jackson, J.N. – Every-name indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Keywords.Vol.1.No.1.1992.p.1-20.

3098   2002-0120book indexing infine artsliterature reviews858-94;02
Stahl, J. – (Book review of) Jones, L.S.: Art information and the Internet: how to find it, how to use it - Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1999 – 292 p. - ISBN: 1573561622 (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Libraries Journal, 24(1999)3, p.44-45.

11146   1990-1070book indexing inphilosophy858-97
Ramesh Babu, B. – User preferences for indexes in philosophical books: a survey (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Review.Vol.41.No.1.1992.p.47-55.

9134   psychology in KO858*2/5
Greulich, Walter. – Scientific texts and the indexer (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)3, pp. 114-122.

7013   858*92
Johnstone, Julie. – Poetry and the indexing thereof: the role of the Scottish Poetry Library (SPL) (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)1, pp. 2-5.

9135   858*92
Bell, Hazel K. – Subject indexing of poetry -- could we? Should we? (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)2, pp. 56-63.

6331   2009-0451858*99
Andrews, P., et al. – Notes on the indexing of biblical and related materials (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 26(2008) 4, pp. C51-C56.

7972   858*99
MacCulloch, Diarmaid. – Christian history: 3,000 years and an author's indexing thereof (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)3, pp. 108-109.

439   1997-3-0440book indexing evaluation859
Lavallee, C.R. – Indexation manuelle et indexation assisté par ordinateur : comparaison de la performance de deux index d'une monographie [Manual and automated indexing: a comparison of the performance of two indexes of a monograph] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentation et Bibliotheque 42(1996)4. p.175-178.

1962   2000-0238book indexing evaluation859
Wyman, P. – Medical indexes reviewed (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.124-126.

4013   2005-32-1-0089book indexing evaluation859
Lee, D. – Judging indexes : the criteria for a good index (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2001)4, p.191-194.

5171   2007-0404book indexing evaluation859
Berson, J. S. – The 'sin of classification' and an example thereof (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 25(2007)3, p.187-190.

6053   2009-0173book indexing evaluation859
Shuttleworth, C. – Indexes reviewed (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 26(2008)3, p.138-42.

6332   2009-0452book indexing evaluation859
Johncocks, B. – Indexing by numbers: is there scope for metrics in index evaluation? (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 26(2008)4, pp. 158-162.

6333   2009-0453book indexing evaluation859
Sassen, C. – Indexes in books awarded the Pulitzer Prize for general nonfiction, 1962-2008 (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 17(2009)1, pp. 26-31.

7084   book indexing evaluation859
Sassen, Catherine. – Reference book indexes reviewed (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)1, pp. 26-29.

11147   1990-1071book indexing evaluation859
Liddy, E.D. – The art of back-of-the-book indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual Rev.OCLC Res.1991-2.p.34-36. An index quality study was undertaken to find out whether differences were discernable among indexes according to the status who created them

11148   1990-1072book indexing evaluation859
Ramesh Babu, B. – An investigation into the treatment of personal names in book indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: IASLIC Bull.Vol.36.No.2.1991.p.77-80.

12156   1995-0622book indexing evaluation859
Diodato, V. – User preferences for features in back of book indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 45. No. 7. 1994. p.529-536.

12157   1995-0623book indexing evaluation859
Robertson, M. – Foreign concepts: Indexing and indexes on the continent (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1995. p.160-172.

957   1998-0333dictionary indexing861
Akaichi, J., Losfeld, G. – Domain knowledge organization for encyclopaedia design : an object oriented approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.409-412.

5172   2007-0405dictionary indexing861
Levinson, D. – Anthropology, taxonomies, and publishing (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 30(2006)4, p.28-30.

12158   1995-0624dictionary indexing861
Crystal, D. – Some indexing decisions in the Cambridge encyclopedia family (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1995. p.177-183. The paper explains the reasoning behind the extensive index in The Cambridge factfinder, describes the automatic indexing of the encyclopedia database, and discusses the relative merits of word-by-word and letter-by-letter indexing in this genre.(Author. abbr.)

12484   1996-0310dictionary indexing861
Hüser, C.; Reichenberger, K., Rostek, L., Streitz, N.. – Knowledge-based editing and visualization for hypermedia encyclopedias (Lang.: eng). - In: Comm.ACM. Vol. 38, No. 4. 1995. p.49-51.

12811   1996-1288dictionary indexing861
Weinberg, B.H.. – The body of a reference work in relation to its index: an analysis of Wordsmanship (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 20, No. 1. 1996. p.18-22.

17705   dictionary indexing861
Haider, Jutta; Sundin, Olof. – Changing orders of knowledge? encyclopaedias in transition (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture Unbound - Journal of Current Cultural Research, 6(2014)3, pp. 475-481.Linköping, SE, Linköping University Electronic Press, 2014. – Available at http://http://www.cultureunbound.ep.liu.se

17749   dictionary indexing861
Rivano Eckerdal, Johanna; Sundin, Olof. – Relocating the owl of wisdom: encyclopaedias in a life-historical perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Nordisk tidsskrift for informationsvitenskab- og kulturformidling, 4(2015)3, pp. 21-34.Lund, SE, Lund University, 2015. – pp. 13. – Available at http://http://portal.research.lu.se/portal/en/publications/relocating-the-owl-of-wisdom(09f9e5df-51b2-4129-9997-950bfd0383d3).html

12812   1996-1289bibliography indexing862
Hulseberg, A.. – Literary research in women's studies: an analysis of indexing sources (Lang.: eng). - In: Feminist Collections. Vol. 16, No. 4. 1995. p.13-17. Four indexing sources relevant to momen's studies are examined among which 2 on CDROM: the Modern Language Association International Bibliography, and the General Literature Index. The Humanities Index is an online database and 1 print source was Women studies Abstracts. Coverage and search facilities are discussed.

18157   bibliography indexing862
Castanha, Renata Cristina Gutierres; Wolfram, Dietmar. – The Domain of Knowledge Organization: A Bibliometric Analysis of Prolific Authors and Their Intellectual Space (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 45(2018)1, pp.13-22. – Available at http://DOI:10.5771/ 0943-7444-2018-1-13

6784   2009-0904abstract indexing863
Blatt, Eli M. – Differentiating, describing, and visualizing scientific space: a novel approach to the analysis of published scientific abstracts (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 80(2009)2, pp. 385-406.

7973   abstract indexing863
Koltay, Tibor. – Abstracts and abstracting: a genre and set of skills for the twenty-first century (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge, Chandos, 2010. – pp. 236. – ISBN 9781843345176.

10376   1994-1119abstract indexing863
Gorman, G.E.; Mills, J.J.. – Guide to current indexing and abstracting services in the Third World (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Bowker-Saur, 1992. – pp. 278. The volume provides a guide to the contents of more than 120 indexing and abstracting services from the Third World.

5173   2007-0406abstract indexingindexing inmatter science863;88-22
Kuppahalli, C. – Content organization of a subject in a classification scheme and organizing knowledge in the digital environment ontology (Lang.: eng). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.423-429.

115   1997-1-0114citation indexing864
Kajberg, L. – A citation analysis of LIS serial literature published in Denmark 1957-1986 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation Vol.52, No.1 1996, p. 69-85.

279   1997-2-0278citation indexing864
Cullars, J.M. – Citation characteristics of French and German fine arts monographs (Lang.: eng). - In: Library quarterly 66(1996)2. p. 138-160.

280   1997-2-0279citation indexing864
Christensen, F.H., Ingwersen, P. – Online citation analysis : a methodological approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics 37(1996)1. p. 39-62.

1151   1998-0527citation indexing864
Akin, L. – Methods for examining small literatures : explication, physical analysis, and citation patterns (Lang.: eng). - In: Library & Information Science Research, 20(1998)3,p.251-270.

1152   1998-0528citation indexing864
Rosenberg, V. – An assessment of ISI's new Web of Science : ISI's service brings citation indexing to new and advanced researchers (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Today, 15(1998)3,p.21,61.

1153   1998-0529citation indexing864
Weinberg, B.H. – The earliest Hebrew citation indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 48(1997)4,p.318-330.

1154   1998-0530citation indexing864
Wouters, P. – Citation Index of the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 38(1997)1,p.39-55.Influence of Science Citation Index on the science system,

1452   1999-0246citation indexing864
Ding, Y. – Visualization of intellectual structure in information retrieval : author cocitation analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: International Forum on Information and Documentation , 23(1998)1,p.25-36.

1453   1999-0247citation indexing864
Zhang, Y. – The impact of Internet-based electronic resources on formal scholarly coomunication in the area of library and information science : a citation analyis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science , 24(1998)4,p.241-254.

1454   1999-0248citation indexing864
Szava-Kovats, E. – Non-indexed indirect-collective citedness (NIICC ) (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of of the American Society for Information Science , 49(1998)5,p.477-481.

1455   1999-0249citation indexing864
Garfield, E. – From citation indexes to informatics : is the tail now wagging the dog? (Lang.: eng). - In: Libri , 48(1998)2,p.67-80.

1648   1999-0443citation indexing864
Wormell, I. – Infometrics exploring databases as analytical tools (Lang.: eng). - In: Database, 21(1998)5, p.24-25.

1649   1999-0444citation indexing864
Rui, C., Hong, Y. – Study on the law of scattering distribution of scientific information : demonstration analysis from document level to content level (1): overall research frame (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 18(1999)1, p.79-84.

1650   1999-0445citation indexing864
Feicheng, M., Rui, C. – Study on the law of scattering distribution of scientific information : demonstration analysis from document level to content level (1): scattering distribution of document unit by frequency - rank analysis of Bradford's Law (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 18(1999)2, p.171-182.

1963   2000-0239citation indexing864
Bradshaw, S., Hammond, K. – Constructing indices from citations in collections of research papers (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.741-750.

2118   2000-0394citation indexing864
Basu, A. – On the theoretical foundations of Bradford's Law (Lang.: eng). - In: Internation Information Communication & Education, 17(1998)2,p.185-195.

2289   2000-0565citation indexing864
Feicheng, M., Rui, C. – Study on the law of scattering distribution of scientific information : demonstration analysis from document level to content level (3): Leimkuhle function modeling of scattering analysis of document unit (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 18(1999)3,p.270-277.

2290   2000-0566citation indexing864
Feicheng, M., Rui, C. – Study on the law of scattering distribution of scientific information : demonstration analysis from document level to content level (4): scattering distribution of knowledge unit by taking Bradford's frequency rank analysis as the frame of reference (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 18(1999)4,p.376-383.

2595   2001-0253citation indexing864
Ding, Y., Chowdhury, G.G., Foo, S. – Bibliometric cartography of information retrieval research by using co-word analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 37(2001)6,p.817-842.

2596   2001-0254citation indexing864
Herubel, J.P.V.M. – Historical bibliometrics : its purpose and significance to the history of disciplines (Lang.: eng). - In: Libraries and Culture, 34(1999)4,p.380-388.

2597   2001-0255citation indexing864
Bradshaw, S., Hammond, K. – Using citations in facilitate precise indexing and automatic index creation in collections of research papers (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-Based Systems, 14(2001)1/2,p.29-35.

3099   2002-0121citation indexing864
Van der Meer Martens, B. – Do citation systems represent theories of truth? (Lang.: eng). - In: Informations Research, 6(2001)2. – Available at http://www.shef.ac.uk/~is/publications/infres/6-2/ paper92a.html »» Arranged according to subjects the bibliography lists 79 references,mostly with terse abstracts

3433   2003-0108citation indexing864
Boyack, K.W., Wylie, B.N., Davidson, G.S. – Domain visualization using VxInsightr for science and technology management (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)9, p.764-774.

3434   2003-0109citation indexing864
Glänzel, W., Moed, H.F. – Journal impact measures in bibliometric research (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 53(2002)2,p.171-193. * State-of-the-art report

3435   2003-0110citation indexing864
Ahlgren, P., Jarneving, B., Rousseau, R. – Requirements for a cocitation similarity measure, with special reference to Pearson's correlation coefficient (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Tecgnology, 54(2003)6,p.550-560.

3634   2004-0160citation indexing864
Larsen, B. – Exploiting citation overlaps for information retrieval : generating a boomerang effect from the network of scientific papers (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 54(2002)2, p.155-178.

3692   2004-0218citation indexing864
Carrizo Sainero, G., Pindado Villaverde, A.M. – Propuesta de normalización para el tratamiento bibliográfico de documentos no contemplados en la norma ISO 690-1987 [How to deal with works out of the scope of ISO 690-1987: a proposal for standarization] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.335-341.

3795   2004-0322citation indexing864
Nederhof, A.J., Visser, M.S. – Quantitative deconstruction of citation impact indicators : Waxing field impact but waning journal impact (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)6, p.658-672.

3796   2004-0323citation indexing864
Meadows, A.J. – The citation characteristics of astronomical research literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)6, p.597-600.

3797   2004-0324citation indexing864
Leydesdorff, L. – Clusters and maps of science journals based on bi-connected graphs in Journal Citation Reports (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)4, p.371-427.

4014   2005-32-1-0090citation indexing864
Meadows, J. – The immediacy effect - then and now (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)6, p.601-608.

4015   2005-32-1-0091citation indexing864
Christoffersen, M. – Identifying core documents with a multiple evidence relevance filter (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 61(2004)3, p.385-394.

4180   2005-32-2-0255citation indexing864
Allen, R.B., Wu, Y. – Metrics for the scope of a collection (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)12, p.1243-1249.

4181   2005-32-2-0256citation indexing864
Sombatsompop, N., Markpin, T. – Making an equality of ISI impact factors for different subject fields (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)7, p.676-683.

4182   2005-32-2-0257citation indexing864
Nisonger, T.E. – The benefits and drawbacks of impact factor for journal collection management in libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: The Serials Librarian, 47(2004)1/2, p.57-75.

4341   2005-32-4-0416citation indexing864
Leydesdorff, L. – Can scientific journals be classified in terms of aggregated journal-journal citation relations using the Journal Citation Reports? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)5, p.601-613.

4506   2006-33-2-0110citation indexing864
Knothe, G. – Comparative citation analysis of duplicate or highly related publications (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)13, p.1830-1839.

4508   2006-33-2-0112citation indexing864
Zuccala, A. – Author cocitation analysis is to intellectual structure as Web colink analysis Is to . . . ? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)11, p.1487-1502.

4642   2006-33-3-0246citation indexing864
Bar-Ilan, J. – An ego-centric citation analysis of the works of Michael O. Rabin based on multiple citation indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 42(2006)6, p.1553-1566.

4643   2006-33-3-0247citation indexing864
Zhao, D. – Towards all-author co-citation analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 42(2006)6, p.1578-1591.

4932   2007-0134citation indexing864
Egghe, L. – (Book review of) Solamito, A. - Probabilities for encountering genius, basic, ordinary or insignificant papers based on the cumulative nth citation distribution (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 70(2007)1, p.167-181.

4933   2007-0135citation indexing864
Egghe, L., Rousseau, R., Rousseau, S. – TOP-curves (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)6, p.777-785.

4934   2007-0136citation indexing864
Egghe, L. – Untangling Herdan's law and Heaps' law: mathematical and informetric arguments curves (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)5, p.702-709.

4935   2007-0137citation indexing864
Haridasan, S. – Citation analysis of scholarly communication in the journal ‘Knowledge Organization’ (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 56(2007)4, p.299-310.

4936   2007-0138citation indexing864
Shibata, N., Kajikawa, Y., Matsushima, K. – Topological analysis of citation networks to discover the future core articles (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)6, p.872-882.

5174   2007-0407citation indexing864
Morán Suárez, M.A., Gallego Lorenzo, J., Rodríguez López, C., Santos de Paz, L. – El impacto de las sciencias sociales en los distribuidores de revistas electrónicas suscritos por la Universidad de Léon [The impact of the social sciences on the distributors of electronic journals subscribed to by the University of Leon] (Lang.: spa). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.557-566.

5175   2007-0408citation indexing864
Nicolaisen, J., Hjørland, B. – Practical potentials of Bradford’s law: a critical examination of a received view (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 63(2007)3, p.359-377.

5176   2007-0409citation indexing864
Olmeda Gómez, C., Perianes-Rodríguez, A., Ovalle-Perandones, M.A. – Mapas de ciencias multidisciplinares: la biología molecular en la Comunidad de Madrid [Maps of multidisciplinary sciences: molecular biology in Madrid] (Lang.: spa). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.311-319.

5177   2007-0410citation indexing864
Reyes-Barragán, M.J., Guerrero-Bote, V.P., Moya-Anegón, F. – Colaboración interregional e intraregional en España (1990-2002) [Inter-regional and intraregional collaboration in Spain, 1990-2002] (Lang.: spa). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224],p.331-339.

5178   2007-0411citation indexing864
Rostaing, H., Barts, N., Léveillé, V. – Bibliometrics: representation instrument of the multidisciplinary positioning of a scientific area. Implementation for an Advisory Scientific Committee (Lang.: eng). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224],p.341-350.

5179   2007-0412citation indexing864
Schroeder, R. – Pointing users toward citation searching: using Google Scholar and Web of Science (Lang.: eng). - In: Libraries & the Academy, 7(2007)2, p.243-248.

5408   2007-0645citation indexing864
Bornmann, L., Daniel, H-D. – Multiple publication on a single research study: does it pay? The influence of number of research articles on total citation counts in biomedicine (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)8, p.1100-1108.

5409   2007-0646citation indexing864
Kousha, K., Thelwall, M. – How is science cited on the Web? A classification of google unique Web citations (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 58(2007)11, p.1631-1644.

5410   2007-0647citation indexing864
Rousseau, R. – On Egghe’s construction of Lorenz curves (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)10, p.1551-1552.

5411   2007-0648citation indexing864
Sawyer, S., Huang, H. – Conceptualizing information, technology and people: comparing information science and information systems literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)10, p.1436-1448.

5412   2007-0649citation indexing864
Schneider, J.W., Borlund, P. – Matrix comparison: motivation and important issues for measuring the resemblance between proximity measures or ordination results. Parts 1 & 2 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)11, p.1586-95; 1596-1610.

5413   2007-0650citation indexing864
Vanclay, J.K. – On the robustness of the h-index (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)11, p. 1547-1550.

5414   2007-0651citation indexing864
Zanotto, E. D. – The scientists pyramid (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 69(2006)1, p.175-181.

5578   2008-0121citation indexing864
Thomson launches new ISI Web of Knowledge platform (Lang.: eng). - In: Advanced Technology Libraries, 36(2007)10, p.2.

5579   2008-0122citation indexing864
Bade, D. – Relevance ranking is not relevance ranking or, when the user is not the user, the search results are not search results (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information Review, 31(2007)6, pp.831-844.

5580   2008-0123citation indexing864
Moed, H. F. – The effect of open access on citation impact: an analysis of ArXiv's condensed matter section (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)13, pp.2047-2054.

5810   2008-0355citation indexing864
Antonakis, J., Lalive, R. – Quantifying scholarly impact: IQp versus to Hirsch h (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 59(2008)6, p.956-969.

5811   2008-0356citation indexing864
Bar-Ilan, J. – Infometrics at the beginning of the 21st century: a review (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Informetrics, 2 (2008)1, p.1-52.

5812   2008-0357citation indexing864
Barnett, G.A., Fink, E.I. – Impact of the Internet and scholar age distribution on academic citation age (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 59(2008)4, p.526-534.

5813   2008-0358citation indexing864
Boormann, L., Daniel, H.-D. – What do citation counts measure? A review of studies on citing behaviour (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 64(2008)1, p.45-80.

5814   2008-0359citation indexing864
Egghe, L., et al. – An h-index weighted by citation impact (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 44(2008)2, p.770-780.

5815   2008-0360citation indexing864
Eom, S. – All author cocitation analysis and first author cocitation analysis: a comparative empirical investigation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Informetrics, 2 (2008)1, p.53-64.

5816   2008-0361citation indexing864
Mayr, P., Mutsche, P., Petras, V. – Reducing semantic complexity in distributed digital libraries: treatment of term vagueness and document re-ranking (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 57(2008)3, p.213-224.

5817   2008-0362citation indexing864
Miguel, S., Moya-Anegón, F., Herrero-Solana, V. – El análisis de co-citas como método de investigación en Bibliotecología y Ciencia de Ia Informació [Analysis of co-citations as a method of investigation in Librarianship and Information Science] (Lang.: spa). - In: Investigacion Bibliotecologica, 21(2007), p.139-155.

5818   2008-0363citation indexing864
Montesi, M., Owen, J. M. – Research journal articles as document genres: exploring their role in knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 64(2008)1, p.143-167.

5819   2008-0364citation indexing864
Ohly, H.P. – Bibliometric mining: added value from document analysis and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation [see 2008-0171], p.181-186.

5820   2008-0365citation indexing864
Reedijk, J., Moed, H.F. – Is the impact of journal impact factors decreasing? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 64(2008)2, p.183-192.

5821   2008-0366citation indexing864
Tian, Y., Wen, C., Hong, S. – Global scientific production on GIS research by bibliometric analysis from 1997 to 2006 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Informetrics, 2 (2008)1, p.65-74.

5822   2008-0367citation indexing864
Turk, N. – Citation impact of Open Access journals (Lang.: eng). - In: New Library World, 109(2008)1/2, p.65-74.

5823   2008-0368citation indexing864
Van Raan, A.F.J. – Bibliometric statistical properties of the 100 largest European research universities: prevalent scaling rules in the science system (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 59(2008)3, p.461-475.

6054   2009-0174citation indexing864
Chen, C. M. – Classification of scientific networks using aggregated journal-journal citation relations in the journal Citation Reports (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)14, p.2296-2304.

6055   2009-0175citation indexing864
Egghe, L., et al. – The influence of the broadness of a query of a topic on its h-index: models and examples of the h-index of N-grams (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)10, p.1688-1693.

6056   2009-0176citation indexing864
Egghe, L. – The Influence of transformations on the h-Index and the g-Index (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)8, p.1304-1312.

6057   2009-0177citation indexing864
Egghe, L. – Mathematical theory of the h- and g-index in Case of fractionalcCounting of authorship (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)10, p.1608-1616.

6058   2009-0178citation indexing864
Ipeirotis, P.G., Gravano, L. – Classification-aware hidden-Web text database selection (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 26(2008)2, p.61-66.

6059   2009-0179citation indexing864
Jacso, P. – Testing the calculation of a realistic h-index in Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science for F. W. Lancaster (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Trends, 56(2008)4, p.784-815. Part of a special issue on The evaluation and transformation of information systems: Essays honoring the legacy of F. W. Lancaster

6060   2009-0180citation indexing864
Luey, B. – Robert Hauptman: documentation: a history and critique of attribution, commentary, glosses, marginalia, notes, bibliographies, works-cited lists, and citation indexing and analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Publishing Research Quarterly, 24(2008)3, p.225-226.

6061   2009-0181citation indexing864
Meho, L. I., et al. – Citation counting, citation ranking, and h-index of human-computer interaction researchers: a comparison of Scopus and Web of Science (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)11, p.1711-1726.

6062   2009-0182citation indexing864
Sevukan, R., Jaideep Sharma. – Bibliometric analysis of research output of Biotechnology faculties in some Indian central universities (Lang.: eng). - In: DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 28(2008)6, p.11-20.

6063   2009-0183citation indexing864
Rong, T. – Citation Characteristics and Intellectual Acceptance of Scholarly Monographs (Lang.: eng). - In: College & Research Libraries, 69(2008)4, p.356-369.

6334   2009-0454citation indexing864
De Bellis, Nicola. – Bibliometrics and citation analysis: from the Science Citation Index to cybermetrics (Lang.: eng). - Lanham, MD, Scarecrow Press, 2009. – pp. 450. – ISBN: 0810867133 ; 9780810867130.

6335   2009-0455citation indexing864
Liu, Yuxian, Rousseau, Ronald. – Properties of Hirsch-type indices: the case of library classification categories (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 79(2009)2, pp. 235-248.

6336   2009-0456citation indexing864
Petraits, Ellen. – Design abstracts retrospective profiles (Lang.: eng). - In: Art libraries journal, 34(2009)2, pp. 46-47.

6337   2009-0457citation indexing864
Šercar, Tvrtko M. – Hirschev h- in M-kazalnik za napoved znanstvene kariere [Hirsch H- and M-index for scientific career prediction] (Lang.: slo). - In: Organizacija znanja, 13(2008)1. – Available at http://splet02.izum.si/cobiss-oz/news.jsp?apl=/2008_1/ar02.jsp

6558   2009-0678citation indexing864
Althouse, B.M., et al. – Differences in impact factor across fields and over time (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)1, pp.27-34.

6559   2009-0679citation indexing864
Burrell, Q.L. – Some comments on ‘A proposal for a dynamic-h-type index’ by Rousseau and Ye (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)2, pp.418-419. Original article pub. JASIST, 59(2008)11, pp.1853-1855.

6560   2009-0680citation indexing864
Egghe, I. – A model for the size-frequency of coauthor pairs (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)13, pp. 2133-2138.

6561   2009-0681citation indexing864
Harzing, A.-W., van der Wal, R. – A Google Scholar h-index for journals: an alternative metric to measure journal impact in economics and business (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)1, pp.41-46.

6562   2009-0682citation indexing864
Kousha, K., Thelwall, M. – Assessing the impact of disciplinary research on teaching: an automatic analysis of online syllabuses (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)13, pp.2060-2069.

6563   2009-0683citation indexing864
Levitt, J.M., Thelwall, M. – Is multidisciplinary research more highly cited? A macrolevel study (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)12, pp.1973-1984.

6564   2009-0684citation indexing864
Leydesdorff, L., Rafols, I. – A global map of science based on the ISI subject categories (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)2, pp.348-362.

6565   2009-0685citation indexing864
Lin, P-C., Chou, Y-H. – Perceived usefulness, ease of use and usage of citation database interfaces: a replication (Lang.: eng). - In: The electronic library, 27(2009)1, pp.31-42.

6566   2009-0686citation indexing864
Norris, M., Oppenheim, C., Rowland, F. – The citation advantage of open-access articles (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)12, pp.1963-1972.

6567   2009-0687citation indexing864
Osareh, F., McCain, K.W. – The structure of Iranian chemistry research, 1990-2006: an author cocitation analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)13, pp.2146-2155.

6568   2009-0688citation indexing864
Rousseau, R., Jin, B. – The age dependent h-type AR2-index: basic properties and a case study (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)14, pp.2305-2311.

6569   2009-0689citation indexing864
Tsay, M-y. – Subject change between citing and cited literature on digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: The electronic library, 26(2008)5, pp.702-715.

6785   2009-0905citation indexing864
Arakiki, M., Willett, P. – Webometric analysis of departments of librarianship and information science: a follow-up study (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)2, pp. 143-152.

6786   2009-0906citation indexing864
Bensman, Stephen J., Leydesdorff, Loet. – Definition and identification of journals as bibliographic and subject entities: librarianship versus ISI journal citation reports methods and their effect on citation measures (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)6, pp. 1097-1117.

6787   2009-0907citation indexing864
Bornmann, L., Mutz, R., Daniel, H-D. – Do we need the h index and its variants in addition to standard bibliometric measures? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)6, pp. 1286-1288.

6788   2009-0908citation indexing864
Camacho-Minano, M.-d-M., Nunez-Nickel, M. – The multi-layered nature of reference selection (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)4, pp. 754-777.

6789   2009-0909citation indexing864
Costas, R., et al. – Scaling rules in the science system: influence of field-specific citation characteristics on the impact of individual researchers (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)4, pp. 740-753.

6790   2009-0910citation indexing864
Gianoli, E., Molina-Montnegro, M.A. – Insights into the relationship between the h-index and self-citations (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)6, 1283-1285.

6791   2009-0911citation indexing864
Jacsó, P. – Errors of omission and their implications for computing scientometric measures in evaluating the publishing productivity and impact of countries (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)2, pp. 376-385.

6792   2009-0912citation indexing864
Jeong, S., Lee, S., Kim, H-G. – Are you an invited speaker? A bibliometric analysis of elite groups for scholarly events in bioinformatics (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)6, pp. 1118-1130.

6793   2009-0913citation indexing864
Lariviere, V., Gingras, Y., Archambault, E. – The decline in the concentration of citations, 1900-2007 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)3, pp. 858-862.

6794   2009-0914citation indexing864
Levitt, J.M., Thelwall, M. – Citation levels and collaboration within library and information science (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)3, pp. 434-442.

6795   2009-0915citation indexing864
Leydesdorff, Loet, Sun, Y. – National and international dimensions of the triple-helix in Japan: university-Industry-government versus international coauthorship relations (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)4, pp. 778-788.

6796   2009-0916citation indexing864
Lopez-Illescas, C., de Moya Anegon, F., Moed, H.F. – Comparing bibliometric country-by-country rankings from the Web of Science and Scopus: the effect of poorly cited journals in oncology (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)2, pp. 244-256.

6797   2009-0917citation indexing864
Mukherjee, B. – Do open-access journals in library and information science have any scholarly impact? A bibliometric study of selected open-access journals using Google Scholar (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)3, pp. 581-594.

6798   2009-0918citation indexing864
Nah, W., et al. – A bibliometric evaluation of research performance in different subject categories (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)6, pp. 1138-1143.

6799   2009-0919citation indexing864
Rafols, Ismael, Leydesdorff, Loet. – Content-based and algorithmic classifications of journals: perspectives on the dynamics of scientific communication and indexer effects (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)9, pp. 1823-1835.

6800   2009-0920citation indexing864
Shibata, N., et al. – Comparative study on methods of detecting research fronts using different types of citation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)3, pp. 571-580.

6801   2009-0921citation indexing864
Thijs, Bart, Glanzela, Wolfgang. – A structural analysis of benchmarks on different bibliometrical indicators for European research institutes based on their research profile (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 79(2009)2, pp. 377-388.

6802   2009-0922citation indexing864
White, H.D., et al. – Libcitations: a measure for comparative assessment of book publications in the humanities and social sciences (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)6, pp. 1083-1096.

6803   2009-0923citation indexing864
Woeginger, G.J. – Generalizations of Egghe’s index (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)6, pp.1267-1273.

7014   citation indexing864
Glaenzel, Wolfgang, Debackere, Koenraad. – Messen von wissenschaftlicher Kommunikation und Forschungsleistung: Möglichkeiten und Beschränkungen bibliometrischer Methoden [Measurement of scholarly communication and research output: potential and limits of bibliometrical methods] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare. 58(2005)2, pp. 9-20.

7261   citation indexing864
Hayer, Leopold. – Lazarsfeld zitiert: Eine bibliometrische Analyse [Citations of [Paul F.] Lazarsfeld: A bibliometric analysis] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare 61(2008)2, pp. 14-20.

7262   citation indexing864
Ohly, H. Peter. – Bibliometric mining: added value from document analysis and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation (, pp. 181-186.

7263   citation indexing864
Ohly, H. Peter. – Interrelations and dynamics in thematic networks: how to present bibliometric outcome? (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp.371-376.

7508   citation indexing864
Archambault, E. et al. – Comparing bibliometric statistics obtained from the Web of Science and Scopus (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)7, pp. 1320-1326.

7509   citation indexing864
Brown, R.J.C. – A simple method for excluding self-citation from the h-index: the b-index (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)6, pp. 1129-1137.

7510   citation indexing864
Cronin, B., Meho, L.I. – Receiving the French: a bibliometric snapshot of the impact of ‘French theory’ on information studies (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)4, pp. 398-414.

7511   citation indexing864
Ding, Y. et al. – PageRank for ranking authors in co-citation networks (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)11, pp. 2229-2243.

7512   citation indexing864
Egghe, L., Liang, L., Rousseau, R. – A relation between h-index and impact factor in the power-law model (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)11, pp. 2362-2365.

7513   citation indexing864
Haque, A-u., Ginsparg, P. – Positional effects on citation and readership in arXiv (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)11, pp. 2203-2217.

7514   citation indexing864
Hu, X. – Loads of special authorship functions: linear growth in the percentage of equal first authors and corresponding authors (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)11, pp. 2378-2381.

7515   citation indexing864
Hellqvist, B. – Referencing in the humanities and its implications for citation analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)2, pp. 310-319.

7516   citation indexing864
Jacsó, P. – Calculating the h-index and other bibliometric and scientometric indicators from Google Scholar with the Publish or Perish software (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)6, pp. 1189-1200.

7517   citation indexing864
Jacsó, P. – Five year impact factor data in the Journal Citation Reports (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)3, pp. 603-614.

7518   citation indexing864
Jan van Eck, N., Waltman, L. – How to normalize co-occurrence data? An analysis of some well known similarity measures (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)8, pp. 1635-1651.

7519   citation indexing864
Kousha, K., Thelwall, M. – Google Book Search: citation analysis for social sciences and humanities (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)8, pp. 1537-1549.

7520   citation indexing864
Leydersdorff, L. – How are new citation-based journal indicators adding to the bibliometric toolbox? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)8, pp. 1327-1336.

7521   citation indexing864
Leydesdorff, L., de Moya-Anegon, F., Guerrero-Bote, V. P. – Journal maps on the basis of Scopus data: a comparison with the Journal Citations Reports of the ISI (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)2, pp. 352-369.

7522   citation indexing864
Leydersdorff, L., Probst, C. – The delineation of interdisciplinary specialty in terms of a journal set: the case of communication studies (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)8, pp. 1709-1718.

7523   citation indexing864
Leydesdorff, L., Salah, A. A. A. – Maps on the basis of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index: the journals ‘Leonardo and art journal’ versus ‘Digital humanities’ as a topic (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)4, pp. 787-801.

7524   citation indexing864
Li, J., Willett, P. – ArticleRank: a RankPage- based alternative to numbers of citations for analysing citation networks (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 61(2009)6, pp. 605-618.

7525   citation indexing864
Liu, Y., Rousseau, R. – Knowledge diffusion through publications and citations: a case study using ESI-fields as unit of diffusion (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)7, pp. 1337-1348.

7526   citation indexing864
MacRoberts, M. H., MacRoberts, B. R. – Problems of citation analysis: a study of uncited and seldom-cited influences (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)1, pp. 1-11.

7527   citation indexing864
Meho, L. I., Sugimoto, C. R. – Assessing the scholarly impact of information studies: a tale of two citation databases – Scopus and Web of Science (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)12, pp. 2499-2508.

7528   citation indexing864
Minguillo, D. – Towards a new way of mapping scientific fields: authors’ competence for publishing in scholarly journals (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)4, pp. 772-786.

7529   citation indexing864
Nwagwu, W.E. – Cybernating the academe: centralized scholarly ranking and visibility of scholars in the developing world (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 36(2010)2, pp. 228-241.

7530   citation indexing864
Papavlasopoulos, Sozon et al. – A non-linear index to evaluate a journal’s scientific impact (Lang.: eng). - In: Information sciences, 180(2010)11, pp. 2156-2175.

7531   citation indexing864
Piazzini, Tessa. – Gli indicatori bibliometrici: riflessioni sparse per un uso attento e consapevole [Bibliometric indicators: spread reflections for a focusing and conscious use] (Lang.: ita). - In: JLIS.it: Italian journal of library and information science. Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia, archivistica e scienza dell’informazione 1(2010)1. – Available at http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/article/view/24

7532   citation indexing864
Riahinia, N. – A citation study of MA dissertations in the library and information field in universities in Tehran (Lang.: eng). - In: Library review, 59(2010)1, pp. 56-64.

7533   citation indexing864
Shifman, L., Thelwall, M. – Assessing global diffusion with Web memetics: the spread and evolution of a popular joke (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)12, pp. 2567-2576.

7534   citation indexing864
Wu, Q. – The w-index: a measure to assess scientific impact by focusing on widely cited papers (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)3, pp. 609-624.

7535   citation indexing864
Zandian, F. et al. – An evaluation of alert services: quantity versus quality (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library and information systems, 44(2010)1, pp. 5-12.

7536   citation indexing864
Zhang, C-T. – Relationship of the h-index, g-index and e-index (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)3, pp. 625-628.

7974   citation indexing864
De Oliveira, Ely Francina Tannuri, Grácio, Cláudia Cabrini, Silva, Ana Cláudia C. – Investigadores de mayor visibilidad en organización y representación del conocimiento: un studio desde el análisis de cocitaciones [The most visible researchers in knowledge organization and representation: a co-citation study] (Lang.: por). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conociemento, 16(2010)2, pp. 39-45. Portuguese title: “Pesquisadores de maior visibilidade em organização e representação do conhecimento: um estudo a partir da análise de cocitaçõesâ€Â. Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese.

8184   citation indexing864
Abramo, G., D’Angelo, C.A., Viel, F. – A robust benchmark for the h- and g- indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)6, pp. 1275-1280.

8185   citation indexing864
Ball, Rafael, Gorski, Martin. – Bibliometrie - das Mass aller Dinge? [Bibliometrics - the measure of all things?] (Lang.: ger). - In: The ne(x)t generation, pp. 96-107. (06.09-09-15/18).

8186   citation indexing864
Chen, T.T., Yen, D.C. – CoCiteSeer: a system to visualize large cocitation networks (Lang.: eng). - In: The electronic library, 8(2010)4, pp. 477-491.

8187   citation indexing864
Costas, R., van Leewen, T.N., Bordons, M. – A bibliometric classificatory approach for the study and assessment of research performance at the individual level: the effects of age on productivity and impact (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)8, pp. 1564-1581.

8188   citation indexing864
De Moura, Ana Maria Mielniczuk, Caregnato, Sonia Elisa. – Co-classificação entre artigos e patentes: um estudo da interação entre C & T na biotecnologia brasileira [Co-classification between articles and patents: a study of interaction within S & T in Brazilian biotechnology] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & sociedade: estudos, 20(2010)2. – Available at http://www.ies.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ies/issue/archive

8189   citation indexing864
Ding, Y. – Semantic web: who is who in the field: a bibliometric analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 36(2010)3, pp. 335-356.

8190   citation indexing864
Garcia-Perez, M.A. – Accuracy and completeness of publication and citation records in the Web of Science, PsychINFO and Google Scholar: a case study for the computation of h indices in psychology (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)10, pp. 2070-2086.

8191   citation indexing864
Ivanović, Dragan, Surla, DuÅ¡an, Racković, MiloÅ¡. – A CERIF data model extension for evaluation and quantitative expression of scientific research results (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 86(2011)1, pp. 155-172.

8192   citation indexing864
Lancho-Barrantes, B.S., Guerrero-Bote, V.P., Moya-Anegon, F. – What lies behind the averages and significance of citation indicators in different disciplines? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 36(2010)3, pp. 371-382.

8193   citation indexing864
Martins, Waister Silva et al. – Assessing the quality of scientific conferences based on bibliographic citations (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 83(2010)1, pp. 133-155.

8194   citation indexing864
Norris, M, Oppenheim,C . – The h-index: a broad review of a new bibliometric indicator (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 66(2010)5, pp. 681-704.

8195   citation indexing864
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Lee, Jae Yun; Chung, EunKyung. – A comparative analysis on multiple authorship counting for author co-citation analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Korean society for Information Management, 31(2014)2, pp. 57-77.

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Zhao, Rongying; Wu, Shengnan. – The network pattern of journal knowledge transfer in library and information science in China (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 41(2014)4, pp. 276-287.

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Vandenbark, R. Todd; Wical, Stephanie H.. – Combining Citation Studies and Usage Statistics to Build a Stronger Collection (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources & Technical Services, 59(2015)1, pp. 33-42..

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Kotze, Antoinette. – Growing with indexing and the role of citation databases: ISAP shows the way  (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 33(2015)2, pp. 77-80.

16196   citation indexing864
Young Man Ko; Bee-Yeon Kim; Hye-Ryoung Min. – A Study on a Conceptual Taxonomy of Author Keywords of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Art and Sport in the Korea Citation Index (KCI) by Analysis of its Meaning and Lexical Morpheme (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 48(2014)4, pp. 297-322.. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3538462

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Leiss, Caroline; Lemke, Dorothea. – Zitieren – ein Thema für Bibliotheken! Zitierleitfaden, Zitierkurs und mehr an der Universitätsbibliothek der TU München [Citing - an issue for libraries! Citation guide, citation training and more at the University Library of the Munich University of technology Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 2(2015)4, pp. 226-236. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2015H4S226-236

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Kim, Hong-Ryul . – êµ­ë‚´ 문헌정보학분야 학술지ìÂËœ ìƒÂ호ì¸용관계 분선[Citation Analysis of Scholarly Journals of Library & Information Science Field in Korea] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management,32(2015)4, pp.7-27.

16651   citation indexing864
Lee, Jae Yun . – 문헌ë™시ì¸용 분ì„Âì„ 통한 한국 문헌정보학ìÂËœ 연구 ì „ì„  파악 [Identifying the Research Fronts in Korean Library and Information Science by Document Co-citation Analysis] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management,32(2015)4, pp.77-106.

16652   citation indexing864
Lee, Jae Yun; Choi, Sanghee . – 논문 ì¸용 ì˜Â향력 측정 지수ìÂËœ 편향성엠대한 연구 [Discipline Bias of Document Citation Impact Indicators : Analyzing Articles in Korean Citation Index] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management,32(2015)4, pp.205-221.

16653   citation indexing864
Jin, Seol A ; Song, Min . – 토íâ€Â½ 모ë¸맠기반 ì •ë³´í•™ 분야 학술지ìÂËœ 학제성 측정 연구 [Topic Modeling based Interdisciplinarity Measurement in the Informatics Related Journals] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management,33(2016)1, pp.7-32.

16663   citation indexing864
Kim, Jo-Ah ; Lee, Jae Yun . – ì¸용 ì´미지 구축잠íâ€â€žÃ«Â¡Å“파ì¼ë§Âì„ ì´용한 êµ­ë‚´ 여성학 분야 연구 ì „ì„  분선[Analyzing the Research Fronts of Women’s Studies in Korea Using Citation Image Makers Profiling] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management,33(2016)2, pp.201-225.

16670   citation indexing864
Lee, Jong-Wook ; Bak, Hye-Rin . – 문헌정보학 분야 êµ­ì œ 학술지 논문 계량분ì„Âì„ 통한 êµ­ë‚´ 연구잠특성 연구 [Characteristics of Korean Researchers through Bibliometric Analysis of Papers Published in International LIS Journals] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society,47(2016)1, pp.217-242.

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Yoon, JungWon ; Chung, EunKyung ; Byun, Jihye . – An Identification of the Image Retrieval Domain from the Perspective of Library and Information Science with Author Co-citation and Author Bibliographic Coupling Analyses (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE,49(2015)4, pp.99-124.

16672   citation indexing864
Song, Min-Sun . – 한국학 분야ìÂËœ 지신구조 분선연구 [A Study on the Intellectual Structure Analysis in Korean Studies] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE,49(2015)4, pp.125-157.

16676   citation indexing864
Yang, Kiduk ; Lee, Jongwook ; Choi, Wonchan . – Looking Beyond the Numbers (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE,49(2015)4, pp.241-264.

16688   citation indexing864
Lim, Ji Young ; Chung, EunKyung . – 심장혈관학 분야ìÂËœ 지ì Â구조 규명엠관한 연구 [A Comparative Analysis on Cardiovascular Research in Korea and the United States] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN BIBLIA SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE,27(2016)1, pp.111-134.

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Boram Lee, EunKyung Chung. – [A Study on Interdisciplinary Structure of Big Data Research with Journal-Level Bibliographic-Coupling Analysis] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 33(2016)3, pp. 133-154. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07016650

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Lee, Seongsin. – [A Study on the Library Marketing Research Trends through Keyword network analysis : Comparative Analysis of Korea and Other Countries] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 50(2016)3, pp. 383-402. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07002366

17186   citation indexing864
Kim, Jo-Ah ; Lee, Jae Yun . – A Co-citation Analysis of Core Research Papers on the Korean Wave (Lang.: kor). - In: Proceedings of the twenty third academic conference on Korea Society for Information Management, (2016), pp. 15-18.Korea Society for Information Management, – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07000939

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Lee, Boram . – An Identification on Big Data Application Fields by Utilizing Journal Bibliographic Coupling Analysis (Lang.: kor). - In: Proceedings of the twenty third academic conference on Korea Society for Information Management, (2016), pp. 19-22.Korea Society for Information Management, – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07000940

17188   citation indexing864
Choi, Hyung Wook . – An Analysis of Characteristics of Interdisciplinary Journals by Examining Co-Author Network (Lang.: kor). - In: Proceedings of the twenty third academic conference on Korea Society for Information Management, (2016), pp. 23-27.Korea Society for Information Management, – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07000941

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Jae Yun Lee; Soojung Kim . – [A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends on Disaster in Korea] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 33(2016)3, pp. 103-124. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07087582

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Jae Yun Lee. – [Comparative Analysis on the Relationships between the Centralities in Co-authorship Networks and Research Performance Considering the Number of Co-authors] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 33(2016)3, pp. 175-199. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07087585

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17327   citation indexing864
Klavans, Richard; Boyack, Kevin W. . – Which Type of Citation Analysis Generates the Most Accurate Taxonomy of Scientific and Technical Knowledge? (Lang.: eng). - In: JASIST, 68(2017)4, pp. 984-998. – Available at http://10.1002/asi.23734

17551   citation indexing864
Klein, Annette. – Von der Schneeflocke zur Lawine: Möglichkeiten der Nutzung freier Zitationsdaten in Bibliotheken [From the snowflake to the avalanche: POptions for using free citation data in libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 4(2017)4, pp. 127-136. – Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2017H4S127-136

17977   citation indexing864
Kim, Munui; Baek, Injun; Song, Min. – Topic diffusion analysis of a weighted citation network in biomedical literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2017)2, pp. 329-342. – Available at http://doi:10.1002/asi.23960

17978   citation indexing864
Mir, Tariq Ahmad; Ausloos, Marcel. – Benford's law: A "sleeping beauty" sleeping in the dirty pages of logarithmic tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2017)3, pp. 349-358. – Available at http://doi:10.1002/asi.23845

17979   citation indexing864
Ye, Fred Y; Bornmann, Lutz . – "Smart girls" versus "sleeping beauties" in the sciences: The identification of instant and delayed recognition by using the citation angle (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2017)3, pp. 359-367. – Available at http://doi:10.1002/asi.23846

17980   citation indexing864
Zhai, Yujia; Ding Ying; Wang, Fang. – Measuring the diffusion of an innovation: A citation analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2017)3, pp. 368-379. – Available at http://doi:10.1002/asi.23898

17983   citation indexing864
MacRoberts, Michael H.; MacRoberts, Barbara R.. – The mismeasure of science: Citation analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2017)3, pp. 474-482.

17985   citation indexing864
Colavizza, Giovanni; Boyack Kevin W.; van Eck Nees Jan; Waltman Ludo. – The Closer the Better: Similarity of Publication Pairs at Different Cocitation Levels (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2017)3, pp. 600-609.

17986   citation indexing864
Perez-Molina, Edurago. – The role of patent citations as a footprint of technology (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2017)4, pp. 610-618. – Available at http://doi:10.1002/asi.23979

17990   citation indexing864
Ahlgren, Per; Colliander, Cristian; SjögÃ¥rde Peter . – Exploring the relation between referencing practices and citation impact: A large-scale study based on Web of Science data (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2017)5, pp. 728-743. – Available at http://doi:10.1002/asi.23986

17995   citation indexing864
Didegah, Fereshteh; Bowman Timonthy D.; Holmberg, Kim. – On the differences between citations and altmetrics: An investigation of factors driving altmetrics versus citations for finnish articles (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2017)6, pp. 832-843. – Available at http://doi:10.1002/asi.23934

18003   citation indexing864
Kwak, Chul-Wan . – Subject Association Analysis of Big Data Studies : Using Co-citation Networks (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 35(2018)1, pp.13-32. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07409109

18017   citation indexing864
Lee, Jae Yun; Choi, Sanghee . – Bibliometric Analysis of the Changes of Korean LIS Journals’ States with Journal Coupling Analysis (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 34(2017)2, pp.81-95. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07196047

18029   citation indexing864
Kim, Sungwon. – The Impacts of Author’s Demographic Properties and Research Fields on Citing Internet Based Resources in LIS Field (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN BIBLIA SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 28(2017)3, pp.197-215. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07242987

18031   citation indexing864
Roh, Yoon-Ju; Kim, Seong-Hee . – A Study on the Hyperlink Network Analysis of Library Web Sites (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN BIBLIA SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 28(2017)2, pp.99-117. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07195595

18038   citation indexing864
Lee, Danielle . – The Impacts of Authorship on the Future Citations of Conference Articles in ‘Information Science’ Field (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 51(2017)2, pp.117-132. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07178200

18146   citation indexing864
Sugimoto, Cassidy R. (ed.). – Theories of informetrics and scholarly communication: A Festschrift in honor of Blaise Cronin (Lang.: eng). - 1st ed. ed. – Berlin, De Gruyter, 2016. – pp. XI, 426. – 978-3-11-029803-1. electronic version: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201605265992 (ISBN 978-3-11-038823-7)

18217   citation indexing864
Tüür-Fröhlich, Terje. – Open Citations – Die Transparenzforderungen der San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) [Open Citations: The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) demands transparency in quantitative evaluation] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 69(2018)4, pp. 183–189. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2018-0032

18272   citation indexing864
Park, Hyoungjoo; You, Sukjin; Wolfram, Dietmar. – Informal data citation for data sharing and reuse is more common than formal data citation in biomedical fields (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2018)11, pp. 1346-1354.. – Available at http://10.1002/asi.24049

18273   citation indexing864
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18290   citation indexing864
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18470   citation indexing864
Thomas, Linda; Lietz, Christian. – Massnahmen zur Erhöhung der Sichtbarkeit des wissenschaftlichen Outputs: Ergebnisse der zweiten bibliometrischen Output-Analyse durch die Universitätsbibliothek Potsdam [Measures for increasing the visibility of scholarly output: Results of the second bibliometric output analysis conducted by the Potsdam University Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 53(2019)5, pp. 296-306. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2019-0040

11300   1990-2-336864, 343
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11150   1990-1074864, 348
Garfield, E.; Sher, I.H. – KeyWords Plus - algorithmic derivative indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.Vol.44.No.5.1993.p.298-9.

12160   1995-0626864, 387
Bor-shung Tsai. – Mapping metrics for subject-object coordinated field recognition and representation (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Sci.Slant Doc.Inf.Stud. Vol. 30. No. 3. 1993. p.91-102. A sample microcomputer software program, using concise IBM BASICA LOGO language, provides a formula and a skeleton for micro-networking and mapping the essential objects, a cumulative repository of advantageous learning experiences and knowledge. These o. bjects are pre-definable through citation analysis within a particular subject field. These objects become progressive and inheritable through a hierarchical chaining mechanism. A machine readable map is thus generated. It can be used as an independent. research indicator for mapping a particular subject field. (Author, abbr.)

18276   citation indexing864; 166
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2766   2001-0424citation indexingliterature reviews864;02
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3288   2002-0309acitation indexingroles864;245
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2432   2001-0090citation indexingLCSH864;448
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2433   2001-0091citation indexingLCSH864;448
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4507   2006-33-2-0111citation indexingInternet gatewaysliterature reviews864;752.3;02
Benoit, G. – (Book review of) Thelwall, M: Link Analysis: An Information Science Approach. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2004. 269 p. ISBN: 0120885530 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)13, p.1830-1839.

1964   2000-0240citation indexingsearch engines864;757
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3100   2002-0122citation indexingsearch engines864;757
He, Y., Hui, S.C. – Mining a web database for author co-citation analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Mabagement, 38(2002), p.491-508.

4776   2006-33-4-0379citation indexingsearch engines864;757
Schwartz, F., Fang, Y.C. – Citation data analysis on hydrogeology (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)4, p.518-525.

5415   2007-0652citation indexingsearch engines864;757
Schneider, J.W. – Concept symbols revisited: naming clusters by parsing and filtering of noun phrases from citation contexts of concept symbols (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 68(2006)3, p.573-593.

7537   citation indexingsearch engines864;757
Bar-Ilan., J., Peritz, B. C. – A method for measuring the evolution of a topic on the Web: the case of informetrics (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)9, pp.1730-1740.

4777   2006-33-4-0380citation indexingsearch enginesonline queries864;757;754
White, H.D. – Combining bibliometrics, information retrieval, and relevance theory : Part 1: First examples of a synthesis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)4, p.536-559.

4778   2006-33-4-0381citation indexingsearch enginesonline queries864;757;754
White, H.D. – Combining bibliometrics, information retrieval, and relevance theory : Part 2: Some implications for information science (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)4, p.583-605.

6570   2009-0690citation indexingspecial terminologyclinical medicine864;78-54
Gorraiz, J., Schloegl, C. – A bibliometric analysis of pharmacology and pharmacy journals: Scopus versus Web of Science (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 34(2008)5, pp.715-725.

5581   2008-0124citation indexingdata indexingpure chemistry864;82-26
Brown, C. – The role of Web-based information in the scholarly communication of chemists: citation and content analyses of American Chemical Society journals (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)13, pp. 2055-2065.

8718   citation indexingconceptologysystems theory864;82-51/4
Williams, R. B. – Citation systems in the biosciences: a history, classification and descriptive terminology (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 67(2011)6, pp. 995-1014.

5582   2008-0125citation indexingdata indexinginformation sciences864;82-82
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5583   2008-0126citation indexingpatent indexing864;842
Guan, J., He, Y. – Patent-bibliometric analysis on the Chinese science technology linkages (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 72(2007)3, pp.403-425.

1456   1999-0250citation indexingvarious NBM indexing864;879
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7976   citation indexingconceptologyconcept formation864;88-1/54
Mahdi, A.E., Joorabchi, A. – A citation-based approach to automatic topical indexing of scientific literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 36(2010)6, pp. 798-811.

1651   1999-0446citation indexingindexing ininformation sciences864;88-82
White, H.D., McCain, K.W. – Visualizing a discipline : an author co-citation analysis of information, 1972-1995 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American society for information science, 49(1998)4, p.327-355.

16772   citation indexingKO metadata864;918
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16656   citation indexingarchival description864;943
Sohn, Hye In ; Nam, Young Joon . – 기ë¡Â관리학 분야 êµ­ë‚´ 학술지ìÂËœ 연구ë™향엠관한 연구 [A Study on the Research Trends of Archives Management in Korea : Focused on the Journal of Records Management & Archives Society of Korea and The Korean Journal of Archival Studies] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management,33(2016)1, pp.85-110.

12162   1995-0630864.253
Sumner, R.G.jr. – Utilizing the age of references to control the exhaustivity of the reference representation in information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management. Vol. 31. No. 1. 1995. p.29-45.

10658   1993-03798648-825
Nisonger, T.E.; Harter, S.P., Aiwei Weng. – Subject relationships between cited and citing documents in library and information science (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.55th ASIS Ann.Meeting, Piittsburgh, Oct.26, 1992. 1992. p.13-19.Medford, NJ, Learned Inform.,

10338   1994-1121catalog indexing865
Ash, L.; Miller, William. – Subject collections. (Lang.: eng). - 7th ed. ed. – London, GB, R.R.Bowker, 1993. – pp. 2,500 . This latest edition includes entries from over 18,000 collections in more than 11,000 institutional libraries, allowing specialists to track down interlending material on any subject and in any location throughout the US and Canada. The collections are listed under more than 37,000 LC Subject Headings.

16021   catalog indexing865
Joorabchi, Arash; Mahdi, Abdulhussain E.. – Towards linking libraries and Wikipedia: automatic subject indexing of library records with Wikipedia concepts (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 40(2014)2, pp. 211-221.

1965   2000-0241classifications indexing866
Buckland, M.K., Chen, A., Gebbie, M., Kim, Y., Norgard, B. – Variation by subdomain in indexes to knowledge organization systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.48-54.

13467   1990-1-429universal classifications indexing867
Sadowska, J. – Systematic indexes to subject catalogues (Lang.: pol). - In: Zag.inform.nauk./OIN PAN.No.2.1987.p.81-92.

4644   2006-33-3-0248universal classifications indexingDDC867;43
Miksa, F. – The DDC relative index (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 42(2006)3/4, p.65-95.

9874   various secondary literature indexing869
Park, Jin-Hee. – [Comparative analysis of the component elements of contents in my shelf service models] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 44(2013)2, pp.117-136.

17565   various secondary literature indexing869
Ferreira, Ana Carolina; Maculan, Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos . – Análise de assunto de acórdãos jurisprudenciais [Subject analysis of court decisions ] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Questão 24(2018)1, pp. 85-116. – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/EmQuestao/article/view/71902/44025

15265   NBM indexing87
Vermeij, Hermine. – (Book review of) Neal, Diane Rasmussen (ed.). Indexing and retrieval of non-text information. Berlin: De Gruyter Saur, 2012. 431 pp. ISBN: 9783110260571 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)8, pp. 945-946.

17399   NBM indexing87
Maia, Manuela Eug?nio; Oliveira, Bernardina Maria Juvenal Freire de; Neves, Dulce Am?lia de Brito . – Aprecia??o sobre a indexa??o de cordel a partir do contexto de mapa conceitual [Evaluation about the cordel indexing from the concept map context] (Lang.: por). - In: Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documenta??o, 13(2017)1, pp. 15-42. – Available at http://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/470/585

11444   1993-038087.213
Veltman, K.H.. – Electronic media and visual knowledge (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 1. 1993. p.47-54.

116   1997-1-0115NBM indexing problems871
Lansdale, M.W., Scrivener, S.A.R., Woodcock, A. – Developing practice with theory in HCI: applying models of spatial cognition for the design of pictorial databases (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of human-computer studies Vol.44, No.6 1996, p. 777-800.

117   1997-1-0116NBM indexing problems871
Andrade, J.M.F. d’. – PROFOTO (Lang.: eng). - In: International preservation news Vol.12, 1996, June, p. 19-21. Description a project of the Brazilian National Library to catalogue, index and preserve its photographic collections. A special thesaurus was developed

281   1997-2-0280NBM indexing problems871
Lu, G. – An approach to image retrieval based on shape (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science 23(1997)2. p.119-127.

282   1997-2-0281NBM indexing problems871
Chaffey, D.J. – Design and implementation factors in image retrieval across a wide area network : a commercial example (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Information Management 16(1996)5. p.381-390.

283   1997-2-0282NBM indexing problems871
Harrison, H.W. – Cataloguing visual images : the view from LC (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Documentation 15(1996)2. p.13-16. Cataloguing and indexing of images in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress

284   1997-2-0283NBM indexing problems871
Jorgensen, C. – Indexing images : testing an image description template (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Baltimore, Maryland, 21-24 Oct 1966. Ed. by S. Hardin (1996). - Medford, NJ : Information Today, Inc. for American Society for Information Science, p.209-213.

440   1997-3-0441NBM indexing problems871
Chang, S.-F., Smith, J.R., Meng, J. – Efficient techniques for feature-based image / video access and manipulation (Lang.: ). - In: Heidorn, P.B., Sandore, B. Digital image access and retrieval. Proceedings of the 1996 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, 24-26 Mar 1996 (1997). Urbana-Champaign, IL.: Illinois University at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Library and Information Science, 1997. p.86-99.

441   1997-3-0442NBM indexing problems871
Lunin, L.F. – The big picture : selection and design issues for image information systems (Lang.: ). - In: Heidorn, P.B., Sandore, B. Digital image access and retrieval. Proceedings of the 1996 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, 24-26 Mar 1996 (1997). Urbana-Champaign, IL.: Illinois University at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Library and Information Science, 1997. p.42-56.

442   1997-3-0443NBM indexing problems871
Besser, H. – Image databases : the first decade, the present, and the future (Lang.: ). - In: Heidorn, P.B., Sandore, B. Digital image access and retrieval. Proceedings of the 1996 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, 24-26 Mar 1996 (1997). Urbana-Champaign, IL.: Illinois University at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Library and Information Science, 1997. p.11-28.

443   1997-3-0444NBM indexing problems871
Jain, R. – Visual information retrieval in digital libraries (Lang.: ). - In: Heidorn, P.B., Sandore, B. Digital image access and retrieval. Proceedings of the 1996 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, 24-26 Mar 1996 (1997). Urbana-Champaign, IL.: Illinois University at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Library and Information Science, 1997. p.68-85.

444   1997-3-0445NBM indexing problems871
Mehrotra, R. – Content-based image modeling and retrieval (Lang.: ). - In: Heidorn, P.B., Sandore, B. Digital image access and retrieval. Proceedings of the 1996 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, 24-26 Mar 1996 (1997). Urbana-Champaign, IL.: Illinois University at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Library and Information Science, 1997. p.57-67.

445   1997-3-0446NBM indexing problems871
Forsyth, D.A. [et al.]. – Finding pictures of objects in large collections of images (Lang.: ). - In: Heidorn, P.B., Sandore, B. Digital image access and retrieval. Proceedings of the 1996 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, 24-26 Mar 1996 (1997). Urbana-Champaign, IL.: Illinois University at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Library and Information Science, 1997. p.118-139.

446   1997-3-0447NBM indexing problems871
Gudivada, V.N., Raghavan, V.R. – Modeling and retrieving images by content (Lang.: eng). - In: information Processing & Management 33(1997)4. p.427-452.

606   1997-4-0607NBM indexing problems871
Aalberg, T. – Enhetlig tilgang til samlinger med visuell informasjon : hovedfagprosjekt ved NTNU, Institutt for dataknikk og informasjonvitenskap [Uniform access to collections with visual information : main subject project at NTNU, Institute for data technology and information science] (Lang.: nor). - In: Synopsis 28 (1997)2. p.75-80.

607   1997-4-0608NBM indexing problems871
Sciasco, E.D., Celentano, A. – Similarity evaluation in image retrieval using the Hough transform (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of computing and information technology 4 (1996)3. p.199-204.

608   1997-4-0609NBM indexing problems871
Jelonek, J., Stefanowski, J. – Feature subset selection for classification of histological images (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial intelligence in medicine 9 (1997)3. p.227-239.

739   1998-0116NBM indexing problems871
Agostini, F. – Optimisation des access dans un catalogue plurimedia [Optimising access in a multimedia catalogue] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothecaires Français 1997174,p. 160-164.

740   1998-0117NBM indexing problems871
Rorvig, M.E.; Wilcox, M.E. – Visual access tools for special collections (Lang.: ). - In: Information Technology and Libraries 1997(16)3,p. 99-107.

958   1998-0334NBM indexing problems871
Pacey, M. – New Brunswick Illustration Index (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Libraries Journal, 22(1997)4,p.41-44.

959   1998-0335NBM indexing problems871
Garc¡a Marco, F.J., Agust¡n Lacruz, C. – Cognitive models in pictorial image retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.264-269.

960   1998-0336NBM indexing problems871
Rasmussen, E.M. – Indexing images (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. Volume 32 / ed. by M.E. Williams. Medford: Information Today Inc. for American Society for Information Science, 1998, p.169-196. Review article on manual and automatic indexing of image collections. Distinction between concept-based and content-based indexing

1155   1998-0531NBM indexing problems871
Agnew, B. – Multi-media indexing over the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Storage and retrieval for image and video databases V. ed. by I.K. Sethi and R.C. Jain., p.72-83.

1156   1998-0532NBM indexing problems871
Benois-Pineau, J. – Query by synthrsized sketch in an architectural database (Lang.: eng). - In: Storage and retrieval for image and video databases V. ed. by I.K. Sethi and R.C. Jain., p.361-367.

1157   1998-0533NBM indexing problems871
Besser, H. – Image databases : the first decade, the present, and the future (Lang.: eng). - In: Digital image : access & retrieval; ed. by P.B. Heidorn and B. Sandore. Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and Information Scinece, 1997, p. 11-28.

1158   1998-0534NBM indexing problems871
Tagare, H.D. – Medical image databases : a content-based retrieval approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 4(1997)3,p.184-198.

1159   1998-0535NBM indexing problems871
Dikovich, W., Wilhelm, G. – KAT-ZOOM : der neue image-Katalog der ONB im Internet [KAT-ZOOM: the new image catalogue of the ONB on the Internet] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereiniging Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 50(1997)3/4,p.50-57. Two catalogues of the Austrian National Library

1457   1999-0251NBM indexing problems871
Lissalde, C. – Indigo base, la banque d'images fixes numerisées de l'ORSTOM [Indigo base, ORSTOM's digital still photo bank] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste , 35(1998)1,p.43-50.

1458   1999-0252NBM indexing problems871
Hansen, J.F. – Billedbasen : en nyskabelse fra Det kongelige Bibliotek [The picture base: an innovation from the Royal Library] (Lang.: dan). - In: DF Revy , 21(1998)2,p.55-56.

1459   1999-0253NBM indexing problems871
Blanc, O. – La banque d'images textile du Musée des Tissus de Lyon : l'étoffe numérique [The textiles image bank at the Lyons Museum of Fabrics: digital material] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français , (1998)178,p.11-13. »» This database can be searched on each field or with a specially developed thesaurus

1460   1999-0254NBM indexing problems871
Sundt, C.L. – The quest for access to images : images and development (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Librarianship , 22(1998),p.87-106.

1461   1999-0255NBM indexing problems871
McRae, L. – The core categories for visual resources : a progress report (Lang.: eng). - In: VRA Bulletin , 24(1997)3,p.25-27.

1652   1999-0447NBM indexing problems871
Crystal, M. – Suirvivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation : an introduction to its indexing methodology (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1998)2, p.85-89.

1653   1999-0448NBM indexing problems871
Thivolle, L. – Apport de la méthode d'analyse iconographique d'Erwin Panofsky pour l'analyse documentaire des images [Contribution of Erwin Panofsky's iconographical analysis to the documentary analysis of images] (Lang.: fre). - In: Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 23(1998)1/2, p.31-49.

1654   1999-0449NBM indexing problems871
Encinas, J., et al. – Indexing and classification of images in large organisations (Lang.: eng). - In: Libri, 49(1999)1, p.16-25.

1655   1999-0450NBM indexing problems871
Dodds, D. – Integrating access to distributed images : the Electronic Library Image Service for Europe (ELISE)project (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Libraries Journal, 24(1999)1, p.40-42.

1966   2000-0242NBM indexing problems871
Heidorn, P.B. – The identification of index terms in natural language object descriptions (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.472-481.

1967   2000-0243NBM indexing problems871
Patrick, T.B., Sievert, M.C., Popescu, M. – Text indexing of images based on graphical image content (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.675-680.

1968   2000-0244NBM indexing problems871
Vieira, L. – Modèle d'analyse pour une classification du document iconographique [Analyse model for a classification of iconographic documents] (Lang.: fre). - In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 275-284.

1969   2000-0245NBM indexing problems871
Jacobs, C. – If a picture is worth a thousand words, then (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.119-121.

2291   2000-0567NBM indexing problems871
Turner, J.M., Roulier, J.F. – La description d'images fixes et en mouvement par deux groupes linguistiques, anglophone et francophone, au Quebec [The description of fixed and moving images by two linguistic groups, English speaking and French speaking, in Quebec] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentation et Bibliothèques, 45(1999)1,p.17-22.

2292   2000-0568NBM indexing problems871
Rorvig, M.E., Turner, C.H., Moncada, J. – The NASA Image Collection Visual Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)9,p.794-798.

2293   2000-0569NBM indexing problems871
Frost, C. – The challenge of image conference (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia Information Technology, 25(1999)2,p.160-162.

2294   2000-0570NBM indexing problems871
Wang, J.Z., [et al.]. – Semantics-sensitive retrieval for digital picture libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 5(1999)11. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november99/wang/ 11wang.html

2295   2000-0571NBM indexing problems871
O'Reilly, C. – ELISE 2 project : exploitation of results and tasks undertaken by different partners (Lang.: eng). - In: Exploit Interactive, (1999)2. – Available at http://www.exploit-lib.org/issue2/elise2/

2434   2001-0092NBM indexing problems871
O'Connor, B.C., O'Connor, M.K. – Categories, photographs predicaments : exploratory research on representing pictures for access (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science, 25(1999)6,7 p. – Available at http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Aug-99/o_connor.html

2435   2001-0093NBM indexing problems871
Birdsey, C.L., Golding, A., Jacobson, R.E. – The effect of digital indexing systems on the accessibility of photographic collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Archives and Museum Informatics, 13(1999),p.181-190.

2598   2001-0256NBM indexing problems871
Weedman, J. – Local practice and the growth of knowledge : decisions in subject access to digitized images (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Classification Research, Volume 10, p.125-146. [see 2001-0141].

2599   2001-0257NBM indexing problems871
Chen, H.S. – An analysis of image retrieval tasks in the field of art history (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 37(2001)5,p.701-720.

2600   2001-0258NBM indexing problems871
Marshall, F. – COMPASS at the British Museum : tailoring content for particular audiences (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia Information and Technology, 27(2001)1,p.56-63.

3102   2002-0124NBM indexing problems871
Lin, S.H. – An introduction to face recognition technology (Lang.: eng). - In: Informing Science, 3(2000)1, p.1-7. – Available at http://inform.nu/Articles/Vol3/v3n1p1-7

3103   2002-0125NBM indexing problems871
Goodrum, A.A. – Image information retrieval : an overview of current research (Lang.: eng). - In: Informing Science, 3(2000)2, p.63-67. – Available at http://inform.nu/Articles/Vol3/v2n1p63-67

3104   2002-0126NBM indexing problems871
Bradley, P. – Finding images on the Internet (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (2000)25. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue25/search-engines/

3105   2002-0127NBM indexing problems871
Enser, P. – Visual image retrieval : seeking the alliance of concept-based and content-based paradigms (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 26(2000)4, p.199-210.

3106   2002-0128NBM indexing problems871
Ruan, L. – Providing better subject access to nonprint fire emergency materials for Illinois firefighters (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 31(2001)3/4, p.213-135.

3289   2002-0310NBM indexing problems871
Naumis Peña, C. – Images and words (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 120-126.

3290   2002-0311NBM indexing problems871
Ciocca, G., Schettini, R. – A relevance feedback mechanism for content-based image retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 35(1999)5, p. 605-632.

3636   2004-0162NBM indexing problems871
Neelameghan, A., Iyer, H. – Information organization to assist knowledge discovery : case studies with non-bibliographic databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 36(2003)1/2, p.115-130.

3637   2004-0163NBM indexing problems871
Fan, J., Gao, Y., Luo, H., Xu, G. – Automatic image automation by using concept-sentive salient objects for image content representation (Lang.: eng). - In: SIGIR'04. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval [see 2004-0005], p. 353-360.

3638   2004-0164NBM indexing problems871
Rafferty, P., Hidderley, R. – A survey of image retrieval tools (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 303-308.

3888   2004-0413NBM indexing problems871
Wacker, A., Koch, T. – "Die Arbeitslosen von Marienthal" - Ein Klassiker der Sozialforschung als multimediale Lehreinheid ["Die Arbeitslosen von Marienthal" - A classical study of social research as multimedial study uni] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation in ko­operatieven Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen [see 2004-0335], p.83-92.

3889   2004-0413aNBM indexing problems871
Rautenstrauch, C. – Tele-Tutoring : Zur Didaktik des kommunikat­iven Handels im virtuellen Lernraum [Tele-tutoring: About the di­dactics of communicative proceeding in the virtual learning space] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation in kooperatieven Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen [see 2004-0335], p.93-103.

4016   2005-32-1-0092NBM indexing problems871
Jespersen, H.P., Jespersen, J.K. – The Problem of subject access to visual materials (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences, 42(2004)1, p.37-48.

4017   2005-32-1-0093NBM indexing problems871
Kanevsky, D., Maes , S.H. – System and method for indexing and querying audio archives (Lang.: eng). - In: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 116(2004)6, p.32-59.

4342   2005-32-4-0417NBM indexing problems871
Rafferty, P., Hidderley, R. – Indexing multimedia and creative works : the problems of meaning and interpretation (Lang.: eng). - Abington, Ashgate, 2005. – pp. 224. – ISBN: 0754632547.

4509   2006-33-2-0113NBM indexing problems871
García Marco, F.J. – Understanding the categories and dynamics of multimedia information : a model for analysing multimedia information (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society [see 2006-33-2-0003], p.395-404.

4645   2006-33-3-0249NBM indexing problems871
Rukoz, M., Manouvrier, M., Jomier , G. – Delta-distance: A family of dissimilarity metrics between images represented by multi-level feature vectors (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Retrieval, 9(2006)6, p.633-655.

4937   2007-0139NBM indexing problems871
Caldera-Serrano, J. – Terminological control of ‘anonymous groups’ for catalogues of audiovisual television documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 38(2006)3, p.187-196.

4938   2007-0140NBM indexing problems871
Rafferty, P., Hidderley, R. – Indexing multimedia and creative works: the problems of meaning and interpretation (Lang.: eng). - Aldershot, Ashgate, 2005. – pp. 224. Reviews by: *Barker, P. (0141)- The Electronic Library, 24(2006)4, p.569-570. *Batley, S. (0142)- Journal of Library & Information Science, 38(2006)2, 130-131. *Faulkner, H. (0143)- The Indexer, 24(2005) 4, p. 242. *Sill, L. A. (0144)- Libraries, Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 29(2005)4, p. 448-449

5180   2007-0413NBM indexing problems871
Brunt, R.M. – An indexing needle in an intelligence haystack: methodological approaches in exploring the documentation of British military intelligence (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Librarianship & Information Science, 39(2007)2, p.92-98.

5181   2007-0414NBM indexing problems871
Kirkegaard, B. – (Book review of) Hsieh-Lee, I. - Organizing audio-visual and electronic resources for access: a cataloguing guide. 2nd ed - Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2006 - Xix, 376p (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Library and Information Science, 39(2007)2, p.114-115.

5416   2007-0653NBM indexing problems871
Chatterjee, K., Chen, S.-C. – A novel indexing and access mechanism using affinity hybrid tree for content-based image retrieval in multimedia databases (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Semantic Computing, 1(2007)2, p.147-170.

5417   2007-0654NBM indexing problems871
Dmitry, M., Bovbel, E. – Indexing and retrieval scheme for content-based multimedia applications (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4629(2007), p.162-169.

5418   2007-0655NBM indexing problems871
Hsieh-Lee, I. – Organizing audio-visual and electronic resources for access: a cataloguing guide. 2nd ed (Lang.: eng). - Westport, CN, Libraries Ulimited, 2006. – pp. Xix, 376. Book reviews by: *Hillson, B. (0656), Lang: eng, Reference and User Services Quarterly, 46(2007)3, p.105-106; *Seabrook, N. (0657), Lang: eng ,Library Review, 56(2007)7, p.629-631

5584   2008-0127NBM indexing problems871
Chen, N., Blostein, D. – A survey of document image classification: problem statement, classifier architecture and performance evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 10(2007)1, pp.1-16.

5585   2008-0128NBM indexing problems871
Dmitry, M., Bovbel, E. – Indexing and retrieval scheme for content-based multimedia applications (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4629(2007), pp.162-169.

5586   2008-0129NBM indexing problems871
Shin, C., Kaplan, B. – Indexing and retrieval of scanned document images on the Internet (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007, pp. 81-87.

5824   2008-0370NBM indexing problems871
Jansen, B.J. – Searching for digital images on the web (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 64(2008)1, p. 81-101.

5825   2008-0371NBM indexing problems871
Jia, Z., Amselag, L., Gros, P. – Content-based image retrieval from a large image database (Lang.: eng). - In: Pattern Recognition, 41(2008)5, p.1479-1495.

5826   2008-0372NBM indexing problems871
Kranjc, T., Maver, J. – Subject search of images (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnica, 51(2007)3-4, p.41-66.

5827   2008-0373NBM indexing problems871
Subramanyam Rallabandi, V. P.; Sett, S. K. – Knowledge-based image retrieval system (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-Based Systems, 21(2008)2, p.89-100.

5828   2008-0374NBM indexing problems871
Wan, G., Liu, Z. – Content-based information retrieval and digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Information technology & libraries, 27(2008)1, p.41-47.

5829   2008-0375NBM indexing problems871
Weihs, J., Howarth, L. C. – Designating materials: from 'germane terms' to element types (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 45(2008)4, p.3-24.

6064   2009-0184NBM indexing problems871
Caldera-Serrano, J. – Changes in the management of information in audio-visual archives following digitization: current and future outlook (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 40(2008)1, p.13-20.

6065   2009-0185NBM indexing problems871
Carr, J. – Building bubbles and indexing images (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Today, 25(2008)9, p.26.

6066   2009-0186NBM indexing problems871
Tsai, C.-F., Yen, D. C. – Sensitivity analysis of mapping local image features into conceptual categories (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)2, p.255-273.

6067   2009-0187NBM indexing problems871
Zhou, X. M., Ang, C. H., Ling, T. W. – Indexing for multipoint interactive similarity retrieval in iconic spatial image databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 19(2008)1, p.24-38.

6571   2009-0691NBM indexing problems871
Valle, E., Cord, M., Philipp-Foliguet, S. – High-dimensional descriptor indexing for large multimedia databases (Lang.: eng). - In: CIKM - International Conference, 17(2008)2, pp.1238-1246.

6804   2009-0924NBM indexing problems871
Gelernter, Judith. – Image indexing in article component databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)10, pp. 1965-1976.

6805   2009-0925NBM indexing problems871
Heeren, Willemijn, et al. – Easy listening: spoken document retrieval in CHoral (Lang.: eng). - In: Interdisciplinary science reviews, 34(2009)2/3, pp. 236-252.

6806   2009-0926NBM indexing problems871
Weihs, Jean. – (Book review of) Hsieh-Yee, Ingrid. - Organizing audiovisual and electronic resources for access: a cataloging guide 2. ed. - Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2006 - 376p. - ISBN: 9781591580515 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 53(2009)3, pp. 208-209.

6807   2009-0927NBM indexing problems871
Wiehs, Jean. – (Book review of) Olson, Nancy B., Bothmann, Robert L., Schomberg, Jessica J. -Cataloging of audiovisual materials and other special materials: a manual based on AACR2 and MMC 21 – 5. ed. - Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2008 - 311p. - ISBN: 9781591586357 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 53(2009)3, pp. 208-209.

6808   2009-0928NBM indexing problems871
Yoon, JungWon. – Towards a user-oriented thesaurus for non-domain-specific image collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 45(2009)4, pp. 452-468.

7015   NBM indexing problems871
Ménard, Elaine. – Image retrieval: a comparative study on the influence of indexing vocabularies (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 36(2009)4, pp. 200-213.

7016   NBM indexing problems871
Prieto-Velasco, Juan Antonio, López-Rodríguez, Clara Inés. – Managing graphic information in terminological knowledge bases (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 15(2009)2, pp. 179-213.

7017   NBM indexing problems871
Turner, James, M. – From ABC to http: the effervescent evolution of indexing for audiovisual materials (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)1, pp. 83-93.

7085   NBM indexing problems871
Olson, Nancy B., Bothmann, Robert L., Schomberg, Jessica J. – Cataloging of audiovisual materials and other special materials: a manual based on AACR2 and MARC 21 (Lang.: eng). - 5th ed. – Westport, CN; Oxford, Libraries Unlimited, 2008. – ISBN: 1591586356 (pbk.); ISBN: 9781591586357 (pbk.).

7264   NBM indexing problems871
Akbari, M., Azimi, R. – Document image database indexing with pictorial dictionary [7546-156] (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings. SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering 7546(2010)2, p. 7546 2R.

7265   NBM indexing problems871
Batko, M. – Building a web-scale image similarity search system (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia tools and applications 47(2010)3, pp. 599-629.

7266   NBM indexing problems871
Bossert, Klaus, Flores-Herr, Nicolas, Hannemann, Jan. – CONTENTUS (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken 21(2009)1, pp.14-20. – Available at http://files.d-nb.de/pdf/dialog_1_2009.pdf

7267   NBM indexing problems871
Chiang, J.Y., Jenq, Y.-R. – Content-based image retrieval using fractal orthonormal basis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science and engineering 25(2009)4, pp. 1255-1266.

7268   NBM indexing problems871
Iyer, Hemelata, Rorissa, Abebe. – Representative images for browsing large image collections: a cognitive perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp.412-416.

7269   NBM indexing problems871
Muneesawang, P. – A new learning algorithm for the fusion of adaptive audio–visual features for the retrieval and classification of movie clips (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of signal processing systems - signal image and video technology, 59(2010)2, pp. 177-188.

7538   NBM indexing problems871
Akbari, M., Azimi, R . – Document image database indexing with pictorial dictionary [7546-156] (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings: SPIE The International Society For Optical Engineering, 7546(2010)2, pp. 7546 2R.

7539   NBM indexing problems871
Batko, M. – Building a web-scale image similarity search system (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia tools and applications, 47(2010)3, pp.599-629 .

7540   NBM indexing problems871
Caldera-Serrano, Jorge. – Thematic description of audio-visual information on television (Lang.: eng). - In: b proceedings, 62(2010)2, pp. 202-209.

7541   NBM indexing problems871
Al-Jarrah, M.A., Al-Omari, F.A. – Enhancing large image database indexing and retrieval performance through integrating database structure with image features (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of intelligent systems technologies and applications, 9(2010)1, pp. 15-33 .

7542   NBM indexing problems871
Quénot, G. – Content-based search in multilingual audiovisual documents using the International Phonetic Alphabet (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia tools and applications, 48(2010)1, pp. 123-140.

7543   NBM indexing problems871
Vadivel, A., Sural, S. Majumdar, A. K. – Image retrieval from the web using multiple features (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)6, pp. 1169-1188.

7769   NBM indexing problems871
Idarrou, A, et al. – Classification of multi-structured documents: a comparison based on media image (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, 6134(2010), pp. 428-438.

7770   NBM indexing problems871
JungWon Yoon. – Utilizing quantitative users' reactions to represent affective meanings of an image (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)7, pp. 1345-1359.

7771   NBM indexing problems871
Town, Chris, Harrison, Karl. – Large-scale grid computing for content-based image retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 62(2010)4/5, pp. 438-446.

7772   NBM indexing problems871
Winget, M. – Describing art: an alternative approach to subject access and interpretation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 65(2009)6, pp. 958-976.

7977   NBM indexing problems871
Guldogan, E., Gabbouj, M. – System profiles in content-based image indexing and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Signal image and video processing, 4(2010)4, pp. 463-480.

7978   NBM indexing problems871
Hafner, Ralph. – Eine Systematik für die Medienwissenschaft [A classification scheme for media studies] (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 44(2010)12, pp. 1136-1144.

7979   NBM indexing problems871
Janakiraman, C. – Library cataloguing and multimedia library (Lang.: eng). - Delhi, Pacific Books International, 2011. – pp. 272. – ISBN: 9789380472232.

7980   NBM indexing problems871
JungWon Yoon, O'Connor, Brian. – Engineering an image-browsing environment: re-purposing existing denotative descriptors (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 66(2010)5, pp. 750-774.

7981   NBM indexing problems871
López Yepes, Alfonso, Cámara Bados, Victor. – Canales web y mediatecas en linea como instrumentos de producción, recuperación y diffusión en ciencias de la información [Web channels and online mediathecas as tools for the production, retrieval and dissemination of research in information science] (Lang.: spa). - In: Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación, (2009), pp. 169-179.

7982   NBM indexing problems871
Neugebauer, Tomasz. – Image indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)3, pp. 98-103.

8203   NBM indexing problems871
Bordogna, G., Pagani, M. – A flexible content-based image retrieval model and customizable system for the retrieval of shapes (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)5, pp. 907-926.

8204   NBM indexing problems871
Hayakawa, Misa, Matsumoto, Koichi, Uda, Norihiko. – [Classifying terms used in Taoist charms appearing in "Dao-fa Hui-yuan"] (Lang.: jap). - In: Library, information and media studies, 8(2010)1, pp. 57.

8205   NBM indexing problems871
Westman, S., et al. – Development and evaluation of a multifaceted magazine image categorization model (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(2011)2, pp. 295-313.

8355   NBM indexing problems871
Chitrakala, G., Manjula, D. – Statistical modeling for the detection, localization and extraction of text from heterogeneous textual images using combined feature scheme (Lang.: eng). - In: Signal image and video processing 5(2011)2, pp. 165-183.

8356   NBM indexing problems871
Chung, E., et al. – Image needs in the context of image use: an exploratory study (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 37(2011)2, pp.163-177.

8357   NBM indexing problems871
Martinet, Jean, Chiaramella, Yves, Mulhern, Philippe. – A relational vector space model using an advanced weighting scheme for image retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 47(2011)3, pp. 391-414.

8358   NBM indexing problems871
Shulman, James. – Words ... will not stay in place: cataloging and sharing image collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)2, pp. 25-32.

8539   NBM indexing problems871
Rahman, M. M., Antani, S.K. et al. – A query expansion framework in image retrieval domain based on local and global analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 47(2011)5, pp. 676-691.

8719   NBM indexing problems871
Rai, Pankaj Kumar . – Encyclopaedia of cataloguing of non-book materials (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2011. – pp. 2v. – ISBN: 9788126146796 .

8896   NBM indexing problems871
Caicedo, J. C., et al. – Multimodal representation, indexing, automated annotation and retrieval of image collections via non-negative matrix factorization (Lang.: eng). - In: Neurocomputing, 76(2012)1, pp. 50-60.

8897   NBM indexing problems871
Escalante, H. J., Montes, M., Sucar, E. – Multimodal indexing based on semantic cohesion for image retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information retrieval, 15(2012)1, pp. 1-32.

8898   NBM indexing problems871
Raieli, Roberto. – The semantic hole: enthusiasm and caution around multimedia information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 39(23012)1, 13-22.

8899   NBM indexing problems871
Walsh, J.A. – Images of God and friends of God: the holy icon as document (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(2012)1, pp. 185-194.

8900   NBM indexing problems871
Zhu, Quisha, et al. – Utilizing context information to enhance content-based image classification (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of multimedia data engineering and management, 2(2011)3, pp. 34-51.

9140   NBM indexing problems871
Maghrebi, Hanène. – Les techniques d’indexation sociale: pour une extension sémantique de la representation des informations multimedia [Techniques of social indexing: a semantic extension for representing multimedia information] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 281-294 (08.21).

9141   NBM indexing problems871
Maghrebi, Hanène. – A user-centred approach towards a semantic multimedia information system (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 387-388 (

9142   NBM indexing problems871
Meghdadi, Amir H., Peters, James F. – Perceptual tolerance neighborhood-based similarity in content-based image retrieval and classification (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of intelligent computing and cybernetics, 5(2012)2, pp.164 – 185.

9143   NBM indexing problems871
Ménard, Elaine. – Formulation de requêtes pour le repérage d’images [The framing of requests for the identification of images] (Lang.: fre). - In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 269-279 (08.21).

9144   NBM indexing problems871
Ménard, E., Smithglass, M. – Digital image description: a review of best practices in cultural institutions (Lang.: eng). - In: Library hi tech, 30(2012)2, pp. 291-309.

9145   NBM indexing problems871
Mudge, S. – Cataloging ethnographic audiovisual field collections (Lang.: eng). - In: MLA technical report: directions in music cataloging 32(2012), pp. 89-110.

9361   NBM indexing problems871
Bărbulescu, Mihaela. – Mediul virtual ÅŸi noile servicii oferite de către bibliotecă [Virtual environment and new services provided by the library] (Lang.: rom). - In: Axis Libri, 5(2012)14, pp. 8-9.

9362   NBM indexing problems871
Clippingdale, Simon, Fujii, Mahito. – Video face tracking and recognition with skin region extraction and deformable template matching (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of multimedia data engineering and management, 3(2012)1, pp. 36-48.

9363   NBM indexing problems871
Juraschko, Bernd. – Die Wiener Klassifikation als Instrument für Bildbeschreibungen in Museen und Bibliotheken [The Vienna Classification [= International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks] as a tool for image descriptions in museums and libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS: Library ideas, 8(2012)2, pp. 80-85. – Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe21/08juraschko.htm

9364   NBM indexing problems871
Mekhaldi, D. – A multimodal alignment framework for spoken documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia tools and applications, 61(2012)2, pp. 353-388.

9690   NBM indexing problems871
Ménard, Elaine. – TIIARA for an IDOL: an adventure in indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2013)1, pp. 2-11.

9691   NBM indexing problems871
Russell, Mary. – Indexing quilt patterns (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 85-90.

9875   NBM indexing problems871
Fauzi, Fariza; Belkhatir, Mohammed. – Multificated conceptual image indexing on the world wide web (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 49(2013)2, pp. 420-440.

11078   1990-1-430NBM indexing problems871
Mason, D.C.; Corr, D.G., Cross, A.et al. – The use of digital map data in the segmentation and classification of remotely-sensed images (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.J.Geogr.Inform.Syst.Vol.2.No.3.1988.p.195-215.

11151   1990-1075NBM indexing problems871
Coll, J.H.; Coll, R. – Tables and graphs: A classification scheme for display presentation variables and a framework for research in this area (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management.Vol.29.No.6.1993.p.745-750.

11152   1990-1076NBM indexing problems871
Sabourn, M.; Mitchie, A. – Modeling and classification of shape using a Kohonen associative memory with selective multiresolution (Lang.: eng). - In: Neural Networks.Vol.6.No.2.1993.p.275-284.

11153   1990-1077NBM indexing problems871
Saund, E. – Putting knowledge into a visual shape representation (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence.Vol.54.No.1-2.1992.p.71-119.

11894   1994-1122NBM indexing problems871
Di Nubila, B.. – Concept-based indexing and retrieval of multimemdia documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science. 20(1994)3,p.185-196.

12163   1995-0631NBM indexing problems871
Svenonius, E. – Access to nonbook materials: the limits of subject indexing for visual and aural languages (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 45. No. 8. 1994. p.600-606. An examination of some non-book materials with respect to an aboutness model of indexing leads to the conclusion that there are instances that defy subject indexing. These occur not so much because of the nature of the medium per se but because it is bei. ng used for non-documentary purposes, or, where being used for such purposes, the subject referenced is non-lexical. (Author)

12486   1996-0312NBM indexing problems871
Lohse, G.I.; Biolsi, K., Walker, N., Rueter, H.H.. – A classification of visual representations (Lang.: eng). - In: Comm. ACM. Vol. 37, No. 12. 1994. p.36-49.

15266   NBM indexing problems871
Ceynowa, Klaus; Brantl, Markus. – Innovationen aus der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek: Bildähnlichkeitssuche und 3D-Interaktion [Innovations at the Bavarian State Library: image similarity search and 3D interaction] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 7(2013)3, pp. 162-165. – Available at http://www.bibliotheksforum-bayern.de/index.php?id=119

15454   NBM indexing problems871
Caldera-Serrano, Jorge. – Diseño de herramienta documental para la representación e identificación de información connotada en documentación audiovisual televisiva [Design of a documentary audiovisual tool for the representation and identification of connoted information in audiovisual TV documentation] (Lang.: spa). - In: Globalização, ciência, informação: atas [Proceedings] VI Encontro Ibérico EDICIC 2013. ISBN 978-972-36-1339-1. – Available at http://www.youblisher.com/p/745142-VI-Encontro-Iberico-EDICIC-2013-Globalizacao-Ciencia-Informacao/

15455   NBM indexing problems871
Klenczon, Wanda; Rygiel, PaweÅ‚. – Librarian cornered by images, or how to index visual resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52(2014)1, pp. 42-61.

15634   NBM indexing problems871
Chung, SunYoung; Chung, Eunkyung. – [An exploratory investigation on visual cues for emotional indexing of image] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 48(2014)1, pp. 53-73..

15635   NBM indexing problems871
Ménard, Elaine; Dorey, Jonathan . – TIIARA: a new bilingual taxonomy for image indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 41(2014)2, pp. 113-122..

15636   NBM indexing problems871
Orth, Gabriela Previdello; Lara, Marilda Lopes Ginez de. – Redes e agentes da arte digital: iniciativas para o tratamento da informação (Lang.: por). - In: Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciência da informação, 14., Florianópolis. Proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (06.13-10-29/11-01). – Available at http://enancib2013.ufsc.br/index.php/enancib2013/XIVenancib/paper/viewFile/481/131

15637   NBM indexing problems871
Zabala-Vázquez, Jon; Sánchez-Galán, María-Begoña. – Documentos publicitarios en archivos fílmicos: importancia, escenario actual y dificultad de análisis (Lang.: spa). - In: El profesional de la información, 23(2014)1, pp. 36-43..

15856   NBM indexing problems871
Lichtenstein, Anna; Plank, Margret; Neumann, Janna. – TIB's portal for audiovisual media: combining manual and automatic indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52 (2014)5, pp. 562-577.

16022   NBM indexing problems871
Rafferty, Pauline; Albinfalah, Fawaz. – A tale of two images: the quest to create a story-based image indexing system (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 70(2014)4, pp.605-621.

16118   NBM indexing problems871
Ilik, Violeta. – Visual Representation of Academic Communities through Viewshare (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources & Technical Services, 59(2015)1, pp. 43-52..

16153   NBM indexing problems871
Dearnley, Joan. – Words and pictures – indexing art books: some practical experience  (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 33(2015)2, pp.  1C-8C.

16164   NBM indexing problems871
Beaudoin, Joan; Ménard, Elaine. – Objects of Human Desire: The Organization of Pornographic Videos on Free Websites (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 41(2014)6, pp. 90-101.

16217   NBM indexing problems871
Fernández Mellado, Rebeca. – El tratamiento documental del cartel cinematográfico [Documentary Treatment of Movie Poster (orig.)] (Lang.: spa). - In: Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, 37(2014), pp. 11-57. – Available at http://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DCIN/article/view/46819/43931

16374   NBM indexing problems871
Pato, Paulo Roberto Gomes . – Icon, Index And Symbol, Foundations To Read And Organize Information In Images (Lang.: por). - In: Informação: além das nuvens, expandindo as fronteiras da Ciência da Informação: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, (2014), pp. 488-508. – Available at http://enancib2014.eci.ufmg.br/documentos/anais/anais-gt2

16396   NBM indexing problems871
Silva, Daniela Lucas; Souza, Renato Rocha . – Analysis Of Ontologies For Representing Multimedia Documents On The Web (Lang.: por). - In: Informação: além das nuvens, expandindo as fronteiras da Ciência da Informação: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, (2014), pp. 914-934.

16443   NBM indexing problems871
Oliveira, Rafael Alves de; Vital, Luciane Paula. – Análise e indexação de imagens na rede Flickr [ Analysis and index of images on Flickr network] (Lang.: por). - In: Em questão, 21(2015)2, pp. 7-30. – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/EmQuestao/article/view/50968/33977

16578   NBM indexing problems871
Stegmaier, Florian. – Unified Retrieval in Distributed and Heterogeneous Multimedia Information Systems (Lang.: eng). - Passau, Germany, Universität Passau , 2014. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:739-opus-27317

16582   NBM indexing problems871
Negrini, Michela. – 1001stories+ : An effective and affordable multi-media, multi-format communication framework for cultural heritage institutions (Lang.: eng). - Lugano/Mendrisio, Switzerland, Università della Svizzera italiana , 2014. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:ch:rero-006-113642

16583   NBM indexing problems871
Springmann, Michael. – Building blocks for adaptable image search in digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - Basel, Switzerland, Universität Basel, 2014. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:ch:bel-bau-diss107707

16602   NBM indexing problems871
Mühling, Markus. – Visual Concept Detection in Images and Videos (Lang.: eng). - Marburg, Germany, Philipps-Universität Marburg , 2015. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-z2014-04834

16624   NBM indexing problems871
Khodadadzadeh, Mahdi. – Nuevas técnicas de clasificación probabilística de imágenes hiperespectrales [New probabilistic classification techniques for hyperspectral images (orig.)] (Lang.: eng). - Extremadura, Spain, Universidad de Extremadura, 2015. – Available at http://dehesa.unex.es:8080/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10662/3411/TDUEX_2015_Khodadadzadeh.pdf?sequence=1

16625   NBM indexing problems871
García Dópido, Inmaculada. – Nuevas técnicas de clasificación de imágenes hiperespectrales [New Techniques for Hyperspectral Image Classification (orig.)] (Lang.: eng). - Extremadura, Spain, Universidad de Extremadura, 2014. – Available at http://dehesa.unex.es:8080/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10662/930/TDUEX_2014_Garcia_Dopido.pdf?sequence=1

16640   NBM indexing problems871
Mardegan, José Carlos; Cervantes, Brígida Maria Nogueira. – A organização da informação nos sites das TVs universitárias públicas brasileiras [The organization of information on the websites of Brazilian public universities televisions] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Questão, 22(2016)1, pp. 90-112. – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/EmQuestao/article/view/54069

16662   NBM indexing problems871
Lee, Jee Yeon ; Kam, Miah ; Han, Nam Gi ; Song, Hanna . – êµ­ë‚´ HCI 분야 문헌정보학 연구ìÂËœ ì—­í•  분ì„Âê³¼ 방향성 ê³ ì°° [Analysis of the Role of Library and Information Science Related Research Efforts in Korean Human Computer Interaction Subject Field] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management,33(2016)2, pp.177-200.

16720   NBM indexing problems871
Brantl, Markus. – Das International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF): Ein neuer Standard für interoperable Bildrepositorien [The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF): A new standard für interoperable image repositories] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 10(1)2016, pp. 10-12. – Available at http://www.bibliotheksforum-bayern.de/fileadmin/archiv/2016-1/005-Das-International-Image-Interoperability-Framework-IIIF.pdf

16722   NBM indexing problems871
Brantl, Markus. – Das International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF): Neuer Standard für Zusammenarbeit, Nutzerfreundlichkeit und Forschung [The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF): A new standard for co-operation, user-friendliness and research] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksmagazin, (1)2016, pp. 24-27. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/imageswww/pdf-dateien/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2016-1.pdf

16783   NBM indexing problems871
Hyun-Hee Kim, Yong-Ho Kim. – [Understanding Topical Relevance of Multimedia based on EEG Techniques] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 50(2016)3, pp. 361-381. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07002365

16787   NBM indexing problems871
Brantl, Markus; Eichinger, Ralf; Wolf, Thomas. – Ein neuer offener Standard f?r Bildrepositorien - das International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) im Einsatz an der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [A new open standard for image repositories: The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) in use at the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 36(2016)2, pp. 105-113. Since the beginnings of the digitization of cultural heritage objects in the late 1990s, numerous technical solutions have been developed to meet demands for an adequate web-presentation of digital assets from archives, libraries, and museums. Most of the viewers are confined to a single institution, providing access only to a limited number of locally built applications, and are more or less incompatible with others. The IIIF standard, developed in 2011, has set out to change this situation. IIIF defines a series of publicly accessible application programming interfaces in order to facilitate the structuring, exchange, and visualization of digital objects for all cultural heritage institutions. Used together with an IIIF-compliant viewer such as Mirador, the IIIF APIs provide a previously unattained level of interoperability, allowing institutions to share their digital content in unprecedented ways for research and scholarship. This article describes the options and possibilities of the IIIF standard, and of Mirador as a viewer and research tool, and shows how both are being implemented at the Bavarian State Library for the presentation of its 1.2 million digitized books.

16789   NBM indexing problems871
Kirchner, Felix; et al.. – OCR bei Inkunabeln - Offizinspezifischer Ansatz der Universit?tsbibliothek W?rzburg [OCR processing of incunabula: The printshop-specific approach of the University Library of W?rzburg] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 36(2016)3, pp. 178-188. In the context of the Kallimachos project at the University of W?rzburg, the textual base for digital editions of incunabula is obtained via OCR. The corpus of texts to be worked on consists of German, French, and Latin opera. This article shows how problems with OCR of incunabula can be tackled with already existing methods and programs. The developed method focuses on setting up a type-specific OCR training to be reused with different medieval printings from one printshop. Following this method we achieved letter accuracies of up to 95 percent and word accuracies of up to 73 percent.

16794   NBM indexing problems871
Stern, Thomas. – It's a kind of magic: Visualisierte Sch?tze im Foyer der SLUB Dresden [Visualized treasures in the foyer of the Saxony State and University Library at Dresden] (Lang.: ger). - In: BIS - Das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen, 9(2016)2, pp. 94-95. – Available at http://bibliotheksmagazin.de/fileadmin/groups/bismagazin/pdf/bis02_2016.pdf

16795   NBM indexing problems871
Seige, Leander. – Grenzenlose Bilderwelt: Die UB Leipzig f?hrt erste Dienstleistungen auf der Basis von IIIF ein [Unlimited world of images: The Leipzig University Library introduces its first services based upon the IIIF standard] (Lang.: ger). - In: BIS - Das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen, 9(2016)2, pp. 112-113. – Available at http://bibliotheksmagazin.de/fileadmin/groups/bismagazin/pdf/bis02_2016.pdf

17174   NBM indexing problems871
Scherrer, Adrian. – Ueberlieferungsbildung in der Grauzone: Die Bedeutung der Kontextualisierung audiovisueller Dokumente am Beispiel der Piratenradios [Tradition building in the twilight zone: The importance of the contextualization of audiovisual documents by the example of pirate radios] (Lang.: ger). - In: Informationswissenschaft: Theorie, Methode und Praxis, 4(2016)1, pp. 195-208. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.18755/iw.2016.15

17182   NBM indexing problems871
Staub, Herbert. – Die Schweizer Mediendatenbank SMD: ein Outsourcing-Projekt aus dem letzten Jahrhundert [The Swiss media database SMD: an outsourcing project from the last century] (Lang.: ger). - In: Arbido, (2016)2, pp. 34-35. – Available at http://arbido.ch/assets/files/arbido_2016_2_low_161127_132447.pdf

17156   NBM indexing problems871
Baierer, Konstantin; Zumstein, Philipp. – Verbesserung der OCR in digitalen Sammlungen von Bibliotheken [Improving OCR in digital collections of libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: 027.7 Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur, 4(2016)2, pp. 72-83. – Available at http://0277.ch/ojs/index.php/cdrs_0277/article/view/155

17163   NBM indexing problems871
Franke-Maier, Michael; Harbeck, Matthias. – Superman = Persepolis = Naruto? Herausforderungen und Probleme der formalen und inhaltlichen Vielfalt von Comics und Comicforschung f?r die Regensburger Verbundklassifikation [Challenges and problems of the formal and content diversity of comics and comic research for the Regensburg Classification] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib - das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 3(2016)4, pp. 186-201. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2016H4S186-201

17316   NBM indexing problems871
Smiraglia, Richard P. – Ethos, Geopolitical Realities, and the Digital Realm-An Editorial (Lang.: eng). - In: KO, 44(2017)4, pp. 251-264. – Available at http://www.ergon-verlag.de/isko_ko/downloads/ko_44_2017_4_a.pdf

17441   NBM indexing problems871
Rannharter, Nina; Teetor, Sarah. – Challenges of building and maintaining an image database: A use case based on the digital research archive for Byzantium (DiFAB) (Lang.: eng). - In: Mitteilungen der V?B, 70(2017)2, pp. 208-224. – Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1749

17442   NBM indexing problems871
Padilha, Renata Cardozo; Caf?, L?gia Maria Arruda. – A interoperabilidade sem?ntica entre acervos de museus: discutindo o caso dos Museus da Imagem e do Som [The semantic interoperability between collections of museums: discussing the case of the Museums of the Image and Of the sound] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 23(2017)1, pp. 113-128. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.19132/1808-5245231.113-128

17469   NBM indexing problems871
Wagner, Markus. – Integrating Explicit Knowledge in the Visual Analytics Process (Lang.: eng). - Vienna, Vienna University of Technology, 2017. – pp. 346. – Available at http://resolver.obvsg.at/urn:nbn:at:at-ubtuw:1-100388

17472   NBM indexing problems871
Weyand, Tobias. – Visual discovery of landmarks and their details in large-scale image collections (Lang.: eng). - Aachen, Shaker, 2016. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:82-rwth-2017-002035 Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, 2016

17509   NBM indexing problems871
Ingram, Caroline. – Audiovisuelle Forschungsdaten: Ein Leitfaden Â… [[How to cope with] Audiovisual research data] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 21(2018)1, pp. 36-41. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2018-01-nachrichtenbeitrag-ingram.pdf

17517   NBM indexing problems871
Baiter, Johannes . – Internetpräsentation von digitalen Bildern: Neue Wege mit Mirador, Viewer und Forschungstool [Internet presentation of digital images: New paths with Mirador, Viewer and Forschungstool] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheks-Magazin, 12(2017)3, pp. 41-43. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/pdf/publikationen/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2017_3.pdf

17576   NBM indexing problems871
Zafalon, Zaira Regina; Dal'Evedove, Paula Regina; Benetti, Marina . – Representação documental de vitrais sacros: proposta metodológica [Documentary representation of sacred stained glass: methodology proposal] (Lang.: por). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends 11(2017)3, pp.79-90. – Available at http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/6469/4648

17679   NBM indexing problems871
Fauzi, Fariza; Belkhatir, Mohammed. – Multifaceted conceptual image indexing on the world wide web (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 49(2013)2, pp. 420-440.New York, USA, ScienceDirect , 2013. – pp. 20. – Available at http://https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306457312000945

17714   NBM indexing problems871
Fabbrizzi, Andrea. – An atlas of classification. signage between open shelves, the web and the catalogue (Lang.: it). - In: Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, 5(2014)2.Firenze, IT, Università di Firenze, 2014. – pp. 22. – Available at http://https://www.jlis.it/article/view/10068 ISSN: 20381026

17906   NBM indexing problems871
Konkova, Elena; MacFarlane, Andrew; Göker, AyÅŸe. – Analysing creative image search information needs (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)1, pp. 13-21.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. – pp. 9. ISSN: 09437444; 4 Charts

17921   NBM indexing problems871
MacFarlane, Andrew. – Knowledge organisation and its role in multimedia information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)3, pp. 180-183.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. – pp. 4. ISSN: 09437444

17923   NBM indexing problems871
García-Marco, Francisco-Javier. – Enhancing the visibility and relevance of thesauri in the web: searching for a hub in the linked data environment (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)3, pp. 193-202.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. – pp. 10. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Diagram, 2 Charts

17969   NBM indexing problems871
Jansson, Ina-Maria. – Organization of user-generated information in image collections and impact of rhetorical mechanisms (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2017)7, pp. 515-528.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2017. – pp. 14. ISSN: 09437444; 4 Charts

18079   NBM indexing problems871
Lemmers, Frédéric. – Digitizing sound archives at Royal Library of Belgium: Challenges and difficulties encountered during a major digitization project (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)2, pp. 263–271. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0035

18081   NBM indexing problems871
Liebl, Christian. – Zur Edition historischer Tonaufnahmen – ein Praxisbericht [On the edition of historical sound recordings – reflections and workflows] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)2, pp. 284–291. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0001

18083   NBM indexing problems871
Keil, Klaus; Pugin, Laurent. – Das Internationale Quellenlexikon der Musik, RISM: Ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt zum Nutzen und als Aufgabe für Forschung und Bibliotheken [The International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM): A joint project of research institutions and libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)2, pp. 309–318. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0042

18084   NBM indexing problems871
Diet, Jürgen. – Optical Music Recognition in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [Optical music recognition in the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)2, pp. 319–323. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0030

18085   NBM indexing problems871
Burghardt, Manuel. – Digital Humanities in der Musikwissenschaft: Computergestützte Erschliessungsstrategien und Analyseansätze für handschriftliche Liedblätter [Digital humanities in musicology: Toward computer-based transcription and analysis of handwritten music scores] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)2, pp. 324–332. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0032

18181   NBM indexing problems871
Cordeiro, Rosa Inês de Novais . – O delineamento de uma pesquisa em imagens e audiovisuais na Ciência da Informação: o “tagueamento†como quarta dimensão [The delineation of an image and audiovisuals research in Information Science: tagging as the fourth dimension] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação&Informação, 23(2018)1, pp. 06-30. – Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/32581/23228

18254   NBM indexing problems871
Rölli, Daniela. – Die Online-Publikation einer Fotosammlung am Beispiel des Archivs der Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung bfu [The online publishing of a photo collection using the example of the archive of the advice center for accident prevention bfu] (Lang.: ger). - In: Informationswissenschaft: Theorie, Methode und Praxis, 5(2018)2, pp. 304-314. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.18755/iw.2018.32

18322   NBM indexing problems871
Brito, Marcilio de; El Hadi, Widad Mustafa; Žumer, Maja; Vieira, Simone Bastos; Brito, Marcos de. – Document representation with images: an experimental milestone (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 167-175.

18340   NBM indexing problems871
Gil-Leiva, Isidoro; Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes; Ortuño, Pedro Manuel Díaz; dos Reis, Daniela Majorie. – Is the massive incorporation of e-books into university libraries devaluing the technical processes related to the assigning of subject headings and classification codes? (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 314-320.

18373   NBM indexing problems871
Gracioso, Luciana de Souza; Silveira, Letícia Reis da; Simões, Maria da Graça; Costa, Luzia Sigoli Fernandes. – Image organization on the Web: an analysis from the perspective of cultural heritage of rural farms in Brazil (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 588-596.

18559   NBM indexing problems871
Rafferty, Pauline. – Disrupting the Metanarrative: A Little History of Image Indexing and Retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 46(2019)1, pp.4-14. – Available at http://doi.org/10.5771/0943-7444-2019-1-4

18587   NBM indexing problems871
Carvalho, Cláudia Pereira de Jesus; Almeida, Carlos Cândido de . – Coleções de multimeios: reflexões sobre o tratamento temático da informação a partir do conceito de tradução intersemiótica [Collections of multimedia: reflections on the thematic treatment of information from intersemiotic translation concept ] (Lang.: por). - In: Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, 15(2019)3. – Available at http://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/1269/1155

18687   NBM indexing problems871
Dias, Célia da Consolação. – Representação temática de imagens: reflexões acerca dos subsídios da indexação manual e do reconhecimento de imagens [Thematic representation of images: reflections on manual indexing and image recognition subsidies] (Lang.: port). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 25(2020)special number, pp. 125-149. – Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/4301

18689   NBM indexing problems871
Silva Lemos, Daniela Lucas da; Rocha Souza, Renato. – Representação de recursos multimídia na web: uso e reúso de padrões de anotação [Multimedia resource representation in the web: use and reuse of annotation standards] (Lang.: port). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 25(2020)special number, pp. 202-232. – Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/4305/2355

18791   NBM indexing problems871
Pauser, Josef. – [book review of] Gedeon Borsa: Catalogus librorum sedecimo saeculo impressorum qui in Bibliotheca Nationali Austriae asservantur / Katalog der Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, vol. XIII-XIV. Baden-Baden, 2016-2017 [Catalog of 16th century prints in the Austrian National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 73(2020)1, pp. 178-183. – Available at http://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v73i1.3325

18873   NBM indexing problems871; 875
Heftberger, Adelheid. – Eine lohnende Mammutaufgabe: Rahmenbedingungen der digitalen Filmbenutzung im Bundesarchiv [A mammoth task but worthwhile: General conditions for digital film access in the German Bundesarchiv] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 44(2020)3, pp. 404-410. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2020-2035

18874   NBM indexing problems871; 875
Pustu-Iren, Kader; et al.. – Videomining in historischem Material – ein Praxisbericht: Projekt „Visuelle Informationssuche in Video-Archiven“ (VIVA) [Video mining on historical footage - A practical experience report: Project “Visual Information Search in Video Archives†(VIVA)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 44(2020)3, pp. 436-444. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2020-2034

18875   NBM indexing problems871; 875
Plank, Margret. – Improving the user experience with audiovisual content: The project "Europeana Media" (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 44(2020)3, pp. 445-453. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2020-2032

1462   1999-0256NBM indexing problemsliterature reviews871;02
Turner, J.M. – Book review of: Digital image access & retrieval / ed. by P.B. Heidorn, B. Sandore. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1997. - 191 p. - ISBN: 0878451005 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(1998)8,p.766-777.

1463   1999-0257NBM indexing problemsliterature reviews871;02
Craft, S. – Book review of: Kennedy, A.R., Chapman, S.: Digital imaging for libraries and archives. - Ithica, NY: Cornell University Library. Department of Preservation and Conservation, 1996. - 207 p. - ISBN: 0916582023 (Lang.: eng). - In: Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 17(1998)3,p.85-86.

2120   2000-0396NBM indexing problemsliterature reviews871;02
Stephenson, C. – (Book review of) Digital image access retrieval / ed. by P.B. Heidorn, B. Sandore. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1997. - 191 p. - ISBN: 0878451005 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Academic Librarianship, 24(1998)5,p.408-409.

2929   2001-0587NBM indexing problemsliterature reviews871;02
Tanner, S. – (Book review of) Berinstein, P.: Finding images online: online user's guide to image searching in cyberspace - Witon, CN: Pemberton Press, 1996 – 295 p. - ISBN: 0892583460 (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 18(2000)1, p.69-70.

18731   NBM indexing problemsKOS use871;217
Becker, Denny. – Citizen Science in Archiven: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Crowdsourcing bei der archivischen Erschliessung von Fotografien [Citizen science in archives: Possibilities and limits of crowdsourcing in the archiving of photographs] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 40(2020)1, pp. 30-39. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2020-1004

285   1997-2-0284NBM indexing problemsKOS evaluation principleshypermedia871;291;356
Beaulieu, M., Mellor, V. – The Micro Gallery : an evaluation of the hypertext system in the National Gallery (Lang.: eng). - In: New review of Hypermedia and Multimedia (1995)1. p.233-260.

3101   2002-0123NBM indexing problemsaboutness871;321
Dimitrova, N. – Multimedia content analysis and indexing for filtering and retrieval applications (Lang.: eng). - In: Informing Science, 2(1999)4, p.87-100. – Available at http://inform.nu/Articles/Vol2/v2n4p87-100

1464   1999-0258NBM indexing problemssemi-automatic indexing methods871;344
Rowe, N.C., Frew, B. – Automatic caption localization for photographs on World Wide Web pages (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management , 34(1998)1,p.95-107.

9146   NBM indexing problemsautomatic classification871;348
Petre, Raluca-Diana, Zaharia, Titus. – 3D model-based semantic categorization of still image 2D objects (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of multimedia data engineering and management, 2(2011)4, pp. 19-37.

9365   NBM indexing problemsclustered files871;353
Yildizer, Ela, et al. – Integrating wavelets with clustering and indexing for effective content-based image retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge based systems, 31(2012), pp. 55-66.

447   1997-3-0448NBM indexing problemsDDCLCC871;43;44
Lawal, L.D. – The effective organization and utilization of non-print resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review 46(1997)3-4. p.210-215. Use of DDC and LCC for the classifying of non-print material

448   1997-3-0449NBM indexing problemsKOS for special purposes871;489
Brown, P. [et al.]. – The democrating indexing of images (Lang.: eng). - In: Review of hypermedia and multimedia 2(1996). p.107-120.

1656   1999-0451NBM indexing problemsconceptologysystems theory871;651/4
Tang, L.H.Y., Hanka, R., Ip, H.H.S. – A review of intelligent content-based indexing and browsing of medical images (Lang.: eng). - In: Health Informatics Journal, 5(1999)1, p.40-49.

2601   2001-0259NBM indexing problemsconceptologysystems theory871;651/4
Nitzsche, J. – Inhaltserschliessung von medizinischen Internetquellen und Multimediaprodukten [Content analysis of medical internet and multimedia resources] (Lang.: ger). - In: nfd Information: Wissenschaft und Praxis, 52(2001)2,p.79-87.

9876   NBM indexing problemsconceptologysystems theory871;651/4
Kim, Sujin. – An exploratory study of user-centered indexing of published biomedical images (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Medical Library Association, 101(2013)1, pp. 73-76.

2296   2000-0572NBM indexing problemsonline retrieval problems871;751
Eakins, J.P. – Techniques for image retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and Information Briefings, (1998)85,p.1-15.

3291   2002-0312NBM indexing problemsonline retrieval problemsliterature reviews871;751;02
Bruza, P.D. – (Book review of) Maubury, M.T.: Intelligent multimedia information retrieval - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997 - 478 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 14(1998)1/2, p. 235-236.

2930   2001-0588NBM indexing problemsonline retrieval problemsdata indexinggeography871;751;82-39
Zhu, B., Chen, H. – Validating a geographical image retrieval system (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)7, p.625-634.

3292   2002-0313NBM indexing problemsonline systems871;752
Iyer, H., Keefe, J.M. – The WordNet as an auxilary resource to search visual image database in architecture (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 186-190.

2931   2001-0589NBM indexing problemsonline systems871;755
Martinez, K., Perry, S., Cupitt, J. – Object browsing using the Internet Imaging Protocol (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 33(2000)1/6, p.803-810.

7544   NBM indexing problemsonline systems871;755
Lazarinis, F. – Developing a web tool for searching and viewing collections of high-quality cultural images (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library and information systems, 44(2010)1, pp. 28-38.

1465   1999-0259NBM indexing problemssearch engines871;757
Noack, M. – Image mining : Stand der entwicklung auf dem Gebiet von Image-Retrieval-Systemen [Image mining: the state of development in the field of image retrieval systems] (Lang.: ger). - In: nfd Information: Wissenschaft und Praxis , 49(1998)2,p.73-76.

3436   2003-0111NBM indexing problemssearch engines871;757
Choi, Y., Rasmussen, E.M. – Searching for images : the analysis of users' queries for image retrieval in American history (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(2003)6,p.498-511.

4343   2005-32-4-0418NBM indexing problemssearch engines871;757
Clough, P., Sanderson, M. – User experiments with the Eurovision cross-language image retrieval system (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)5, p.697-708.

4344   2005-32-4-0419NBM indexing problemssearch engines871;757
Nicholson, S., Sierra, T., Eseryel, U.Y., Park, J.H., Barkow, P., Pozo, E.J., Ward , J. – How much of it is real? Analysis of paid placement in Web search engine results (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)4, p.448-461.

4345   2005-32-4-0420NBM indexing problemssearch engines871;757
Bradley, P. – Image search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (2005)45 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue45/search-engines/

4646   2006-33-3-0250NBM indexing problemssearch engines871;757
Lu, T.C., Chang, C.C. – Color image retrieval technique based on color features and image bitmap (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 43(2007)2, p.461-472.

7545   NBM indexing problemsconceptologysystems theory871;78-51/4
Qian, X. et al. – Optimal embedding for shape indexing in medical image databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Medical image analysis, 14(2010)3, pp. 243-254.

8540   NBM indexing problemsmultilingual systems problems871;791
Quénot, G. – Content-based search in multilingual audiovisual documents using the International Phonetic Alphabet (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia tools and applications, 48(2010)1, pp. 123-140.

9147   NBM indexing problemsbilingual KOS871;795
Ménard, Elaine, Smithglass, Margaret. – Babel revisited: a taxonomy for ordinary images indexing in a bilingual retrieval context (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 329-330 (

6338   2009-0458NBM indexing problemsmultilingual KOS871;796
Ménard, Elaine. – Indexing and retrieving images in a multilingual world (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 77-83.

6068   2009-0188NBM indexing problemsmultilingual IR871;797
Menard, E. – Indexing and retrieving images in a multilingual world (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances In Knowledge Organization, 11(2008), p.77-83.

6572   2009-0692NBM indexing problemsmultilingual IR871;797
Ménard, Elaine. – Images: indexing for accessibility in a multi-lingual environment -- challenges and perspectives (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 27(2009)2, pp.70-76.

7773   NBM indexing problemsmultilingual IR871;797
Ménard, Elaine. – Ordinary image retrieval in a multilingual context: a comparison of two indexing vocabularies (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 62(2010)4/5, pp. 428-437.

9148   NBM indexing problemsmultilingual IR871;797
Fluhr, Christian. – Crosslingual access to photo databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Next generation search engines, pp. 78-91(08.757).

6809   2009-0929NBM indexing problemstagging871;835
Chung, EunKyung, Yoon, JungWon. – Categorical and specificity differences between user-supplied tags and search query terms for images: an analysis of Flickr tags and Web image search queries (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research, 14(2009)3, Special Section pp.1-19.

6810   2009-0930NBM indexing problemstagging871;835
Daly, Ellen, Ballantyne, Neil. – Ensuring the discoverability of digital images for social work education: an online "tagging" survey to test controlled vocabularies (Lang.: eng). - In: Webology, 6(2009)3, pp. 1-16.

8206   NBM indexing problemstagging871;835
Bar-Ilan, J. et al. – The effects of background information and social interaction on image tagging (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)5, pp. 940-951.

8207   NBM indexing problemstagging871;835
Ma, Aiyesha, Sethi, Ishwar, Patel, Nilesh. – Multi-label classification method for multimedia tagging (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of multimedia data engineering and management, 1(2010)3, pp. 57-75.

8901   NBM indexing problemstagging871;835
Sun, Aixin, et al. – Tag-based social image retrieval: an empirical evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 62(2011)12, pp. 2364-2381.

18397   NBM indexing problemstagging871;835
Rondot, Camille; Chevry-Pébayle, Emmanuelle. – Enhancement of digital heritage through digital social networks (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 804-811.

5419   2007-0658NBM indexing problemsarchive indexing871;847
Conduit, N., Rafferty, P. – Constructing an image indexing template for the Children's Society: users' queries and archivists' practice (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 63(2007)6, p.898-919.

8209   NBM indexing problemsvideo indexing871;875
Safadi, B., Tong, Y., Quenot, G. – Incremental multiple classifier active learning for concept indexing in images and videos (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, 6523 (2011), pp. 240-250.

1657   1999-0452NBM indexing problemsvarious NBM indexing871;879
Jacso, P. – Searching for images by similarity online (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 22(1998)6, p.99-102.

3890   2004-0414NBM indexing problemsindexing inecology871;88-49
Budin, G. – Mehrsprachige Wissensorganisation für den Aufbau von eLearning Systemen für Ökologie : Erfahrungsberichte zu den Pro­jekten "Logos Gaias" und "Media Nova Naturae" [Multilingual knowledge organization for the construction of e-learning systems for ecology. reports on the projects "Logos Gaias" and "Media Nova Naturae"] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation in kooperatieven Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen [see 2004-0335], p.105-121.

9149   NBM indexing problemsconceptologysystems theory871;88-51/4
Wang, Xin et al. – Role of domain knowledge in developing user-centered medical-image indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(2012)2, pp. 225-241.

4346   2005-32-4-0421NBM indexing problemsKO metadata871;918
Gil Urdiciain, B., Pérez Agüera, J.R., Sánchez Jiménez, R. – Gestión de documenatación multimedia con Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language [Multimedia documents management with the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 10(2004)2, p.87-97.

7270   NBM indexing problemsKO metadata871;918
Lepsky, Klaus, Müller, Thomas, Wille, Jens. – Metadata improvement for image information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp.316-321.

7983   NBM indexing problemsKO metadata871;918
Kim, Sujin, Lamkin, Shannon, Duncan, Pam. – Caption-based topical descriptors for microscopic images as published in academic papers (Lang.: eng). - In: Health information & libraries journal, 27(2010)3, pp. 235-243.

9366   NBM indexing problemsKO metadata871;918
Allinson, J. – OpenART: open metadata for art research at the Tate (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 38(2012)3, pp. 43-48.

9367   NBM indexing problemsKO metadata871;918
Stvilia, B., Jorgensen, C., Wu, S. – Establishing the value of socially-created metadata to image indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and information science research, 34(2012)2, pp. 99-109.

3107   2002-0129NBM indexing problemsbibliographic description871;946
Chung, H.H. – User-friendly audiovisual material cataloging at Westchester County Public Library System (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 31(2001)3/4, p.313-325.

3891   2004-0415NBM indexing problemsKO teaching871;953
Adomssent, M. – Gestaltungspotenziale kollaborativer Wissensnet­zwerke in "Lernende Verwaltungen" am Beispiel des praxisbezogen­en Online-Kurses "Projektmanagement" der Universität Lüneburg [Collaborative knowledge networks in "learning administrations" discussed with the online course "project management" as example] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation in kooperatieven Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen [see 2004-0335], p.123-132.

3892   2004-0416NBM indexing problemsKO teaching871;953
Wendt, A. – Standardisierungen im E-Learning-Bereich zur Unter­stützung der automatisierten Komposition von Lernmaterialien [Standardisation in the field of e-learning for support of automated arranging of teaching materials] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisa­tion in kooperatieven Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen [see 2004-0335], p.133-141.

3893   2004-0417NBM indexing problemsKO teaching871;953
Mruck, K., Niehoff, M., Mey, G. – Forschungsunterstützung in koop­erativen Lernumgebungen : Das Beispiel der "Projekwerkstatt Qualit­ativen Arbeitens" als Offline- und Online Begleitkonzept [Research support in cooperative learning environments: The example of the "Project workshop qualitative working" as offline and online cover concept] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation in kooperatieven Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen [see 2004-0335], p.143-150.

3894   2004-0418NBM indexing problemsKO teaching871;953
Rogalla, I., Prehn, M. – Arbeitsprozessorientierte Weiterbildung : Prozess-Systematik als Basis für Informationsaneignung, Wissenser­werb und Kompetenzentwicklung [Work based further education: systematization of processes as basis for the acquirement of know­ledge and development of competence] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensor­ganisation in kooperatieven Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen [see 2004-0335], p.151-159.

1658   1999-0453NBM indexing problemsinformation use871;981
Collins, K. – Providing subject access to images : a study of user queries (Lang.: eng). - In: American Archivist, 61(1998)1, p.36-55.

286   1997-2-0285NBM indexing problemsusers requirements871;982
Mostafa, J, Dillon, A. – Design and evaluation of a user interface supporting multiple image query models (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Baltimore, Maryland, 21-24 Oct 1966. Ed. by S. Hardin (1996). - Medford, NJ : Information Today, Inc. for American Society for Information Science, p.52-57. Describes the ViewFinder interface, which supports queries based on verbal or visual clues and has high success rates. ViewFinder is developed as a client to a database system

1466   1999-0260NBM indexing problemsusers requirements871;982
Jensen, J. – User centered design and usability testing interfaces for museum applications (Lang.: eng). - In: Spectra , 24(1997)3,p.40-45.

1467   1999-0261NBM indexing problemsusers requirements871;982
Collins, K. – Providing subject access to images : a study of user queries (Lang.: eng). - In: American Archivist , 61(1998)1,p.36-55.

18667   NBM indexing problemsterm standardisation871;992
Kim, Jinmook. – [A Study on Designing Metadata Standard for Building AI Training Dataset of Landmark Images] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 54(2020)2, pp. 05419 - 434.Korean Society for Library and Information Science,

13089   1990-1-431871+814
Scharmann, U. – Sacherschließung von AV-Medien nach RSWK [Subject analysis of AV media according to the German subject catalogung rules] (Lang.: ger). - In: AV-INFO.No.6.1988.p.3-10.

5587   2008-01308712
Stamou, G., Kollias, S. – Multimedia content and the semantic web (Lang.: eng). - NJ: Wiley, Chichester & Hoboken, 2005. – pp. Xii, 392. – ISBN: 970470857533. Reviews by: *C. Leal. (2008-0131) - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 43(2007)3/4, pp. 237-239; *A-K. Park. (2008-0132) - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)6, pp.1438-1439

118   1997-1-0117picture indexing872
Aldrich, M.J. – Document image processing (Lang.: eng). - In: Information management & technology Vol.29, No.1 1996, p. 32-34.

287   1997-2-0286picture indexing872
Comment indexer l'image fixe? [How to index images?] (Lang.: fre). - In: Archimag (1995)86. p.33-36.

288   1997-2-0287picture indexing872
Kopf, B., Szemethy, H.D. – Zum Bilderdatenbanksystem "ImageFinder Cultura" am Institut für Klassische Archäologie der Universität Wien [On "ImageFinder Cultura" a database system for images at the Institute for classical archeology of the University of Vienna] (Lang.: ger). - In: Fakten, Daten, Zitate 15(1995)3/4. p.1-10.

289   1997-2-0288picture indexing872
Treat, H., Ho, E., Vo, M., Jang, J.S., Hall, L., Tung, F., Petkovic, D. – Searching images using Ultimedia Manager (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Services & Use 16(1996)1. p.15-24.

741   1998-0118picture indexing872
Bouchon, C. – Le classement méthodique de la collection des gravures et de photographes de la Biblioth`eque des arts décoratifs [The methodical classification of the collection of engravings and photographs of the Bibliotheque des arts décoratifs] (Lang.: fre). - In: Art Libraries Journal 1997(22)3,p. 33-38.

1970   2000-0246picture indexing872
Charbonneau, N., Robert, M. – La description des photographes [The description of photographs] (Lang.: fre). - In: Archives (Quebec), 30(1998-1999)1,p.25-43.

2436   2001-0094picture indexing872
Campbell, D. – Picture that : Australia in the forefront (Lang.: eng). - In: FirstMonday, 6(2001)1,4 p. – Available at http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue6_1/campbell/

2602   2001-0260picture indexing872
Cawkell, T. – Image indexing and retrieval by content (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Services and Use, 20(2000)1,p.49-58.

2767   2001-0425picture indexing872
Stumm, D. – When is a forest fire a bushfire? : Towards an Australian Pictorial Thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia, 25(1999)1/4, p.140-146.

2768   2001-0426picture indexing872
Urch, K., Balke, W.T. – Erfahrungen in der Digitalisierung und Erschliessung einer historischen Wappensammlung [Experience in the digitization and developemnt of a historic collection of heraldic images] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 20(2000)1, p.30-36, 38-39.

3108   2002-0130picture indexing872
Saltzman, A.B. – Art slide retrieval : one library's solution (Lang.: eng). - In: MC Journal: The Journal of Academic Media Librarianship, 8(2002)2, electr. – Available at http://wings.buffalo.edu/publications/mcjrnl/ v8n2/art.pdf

3437   2003-0112picture indexing872
Ornager, S. – Image archives in newspaper editorial offices : a service activity (Lang.: eng). - In: Vocabulary as a Central concept in digital libraries : interdisciplinary concepts, challenges, and opportunities : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (COLIS3), Dubrovbik, Croatia,23-26 May 1999 / ed. by T. Arpanac et al. - Zagreb: Lokve, 1999. - ISBN: 9536003376 – p.269-280.

3438   2003-0113picture indexing872
Burke, M.A. – Personal construct theory as a research tool in library and information science : case study: development of a user-driven classification of photographs (Lang.: eng). - In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.107-113.

4510   2006-33-2-0114picture indexing872
Hollink, L., Schreiber, A.T., Wielinga, B.J., Worring, M. – Classification of user image descriptions (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 61(2004)5, p.601-626.

4511   2006-33-2-0115picture indexing872
Shah, B., Raghavan, V., Dhatric, P., Zhao, X.Q. – A cluster-based approach for efficient content-based image retrieval using a similarity-preserving space transformation method (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)12, p.1694-1707.

4939   2007-0145picture indexing872
Yang, S., Kim, S. K., Seo, K. S., Ro, Y. M., Kim, Ji-Yeon, Seo, Y. S. – Semantic categorization of digital home photo using photographic region templates (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007) 2, p.503-514.

5182   2007-0415picture indexing872
Robinson, E.S.A. – (Book review of) White, M., Perratt, P., Lawes, L. - Artists' books: a cataloguers' manual, on behalf of ARLIS/UK & Ireland Cataloguing and Classification Committee - London: ARLIS/UK & Ireland - Viii, 93p. - ISBN: 955244501 (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 36(2007)1, p.24.

5420   2007-0659picture indexing872
Fielding, E. – Unlocking the garage: a web portal for car enthusiasts (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 25(2007)4, p.453-464.

5421   2007-0660picture indexing872
Rorissa, A. – Relationships between perceived features and similarity images: a test of Tversky’s contrast model (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)10, p.1401-1419.

5422   2007-0661picture indexing872
Yang, S. et al. – Semantic categorization of digital home photo using photographic region templates (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)2, p.503-514.

5830   2008-0376picture indexing872
Punitha, P., Guru, D.S. – Symbolic image indexing and retrieval by spatial similarity: an approach based on B-tree (Lang.: eng). - In: Pattern Recognition, 41(2008)6, p.2068-2085.

6069   2009-0189picture indexing872
Blackburn, H., et al. – Photo identity crisis: creating a classification and organization method for unidentified photographic archives (Lang.: eng). - In: Education Libraries, 31(2008)2, p.31-38.

6339   2009-0459picture indexing872
Grillo, M. – Indicizzazione semantica di bandi, manifesti e fogli volanti: una proposta [Subject indexing of announcements, posters, leaflets: a proposal] (Lang.: ita). - In: Piccoli scritti di biblioteconomia per Luigi Crocetti: 10 marzo 2007-10 marzo 2008, eds. P. Innocenti, C. Cavallaro.pp. 121-145.Rome, Vecchiarelli, 2008.

6340   2009-0460picture indexing872
Kjellman, Ulrika. – Visual knowledge organization: towards an international standard or a local institutional practice? (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 289-294.

6573   2009-0693picture indexing872
Angjeli, Anila et al. – Semantic Web and vocabulary interoperability: an experiment with illumination collections (Lang.: eng). - In: International cataloguing and bibliographic control, 38(2009)2, pp.25-29.

6574   2009-0694picture indexing872
Shi, Y.-x., Yi, T.-t., Tan, Y. – Indexing and retrieval of JPEG images based on color clusters (Lang.: chi). - In: Natural Science Journal - Xiangtan University, 30(2008)4, pp.126-129.

7774   picture indexing872
Stewart, Brian. – Getting the picture: an exploratory study of current indexing practices in providing subject access to historic photographs (Lang.: eng). - In: The Canadian journal of information and library science/La Revue canadienne des sciences de l'information et de bibliotheconomie, 34(2010)3, pp. 297-327.

7984   picture indexing872
Philipp-Foliguet, S. et al. – Artwork 3D model database indexing and classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Pattern recognition, 44(2011)3, pp. 588-597.

7985   picture indexing872
Pupim, Eliana Kátia, Madio, Telma Campanha de Carvalho. – Arquivos de fotógrafos profissionais de eventos socais: um estudo de caso [Archives of professional photographer firms specialized in social events: a case study] (Lang.: eng). - In: Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación, (2009), pp. 197-208. Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese.

7986   picture indexing872
Silva, Irisneide de Oliveira Souza, Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes, Dal Evedove, Paula Regina. – El tratamiento del contenido informativo de la fotografía en la archivistica: algunas reflexiones [The treatment of photographic information content in archival management] (Lang.: por). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conociemento, 16(2010)2, pp. 79-84. Portuguese title: “O tratamento de conteúdo informacional da fotografia na arqivística: algumas reflexesâ€Â. Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese.

9150   picture indexing872
Irene Ragaller, Pauline Rafferty. – Biases in the classification of Welsh art material: dispersion, dilettantism and depreciation (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 64(2012)3, pp.262 – 273.

10551   1996-1292picture indexing872
Hidderley, R. et al.. – Capturing iconology: a study in retrieval modelling and image indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.2nd Electronic Library & Visual Inform.Res.Conf., ELVIRA 2, De Montfort University, Milton Keynes, UK, May 1995. p.79-91.London, Aslib, 1995.

10724   1993-0385picture indexing872
Ornager, S.. – The image as an information ressource (Lang.: eng). - In: Adler, K. et al. Technology and competence. Proc.8th Nordic Conf.on Inform.& Doc., Helsingborg, 1921 May 1992. 1992. p.17-21.Stockholm, Tekniska Litts.,

10740   1995-0632picture indexing872
Austin, D.L. – An image is not an object: but it can help (Lang.: eng). - In: Helal,A.H. et al. Proc.16th Int.Essen Symposium. Resource sharing. 18-21 Oct.1993. p.277-296.Essen, Universitätsbibliothek, 1994. The index structure used in a project to provide access to photographs contained in the Conway Library Microfiches is the key to shared access for both images and objects. It contains data elements extracted from USMARC and UNIMARC formats. Since all fie. lds of information do not need to reside with the primmary document record, the basic structure of each microfiche index record can be adapted and expanded by other users to include information appropriate to the needs of a museum, a slide collection, a. scholar, and a cultural heritage documentation project. Vocabulary standards must also be established before such cooperation can occur. (Author, abbr.)

11080   1990-1-434picture indexing872
Krause, M.G. – Intellectual problems of indexing picture collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Audiovisual Librarian.Vol.14.No.2.1988.p.73-81.

11081   1990-1-436picture indexing872
Scott, S. – Keywords and Dewey (Lang.: eng). - In: Audiovisual Librarian.Vol.15.No.1.1989.p.42-44.

11154   1990-1078picture indexing872
Giesecke, M. – Book review of Tufte, E.R.: Envisioning information.Cheshire, CR: Graphics Press 1990 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol.20.No.1.1993.p.61-62.

11155   1990-1079picture indexing872
Walker, S.F. – Fractal imaging technology (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Reviews.Vol.42.No.2.1993.p.35-8. Describes a project to store and index 44,000 images in the George Washington Wilson Collection in the Queen Mother Library, University of Aberdeen

11446   1993-0383picture indexing872
Keung, C.H.C.; Hibler,l D., Mwara, N.. – Picture retrieval by content description (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Inf.Sci.Vol. 18 No. 2. 1992. p.111-119.

11447   1993-0384picture indexing872
Olsen, K.A.; Korfhage, R.R., Sochats, K.M., Spring, M.B. et al.. – Visualization of a document collection: The Vibe System (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& ManagementVol. 29 No. 1. 1993. p.69-81.

11448   1993-0386picture indexing872
Rabitti, f.; Savino, P.. – Automatic image indexation and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: RIAO 91: Computer-aided information retrieval. Conf., Barcelona, April 2-5, 1991Vol. 2. 1991. p.864-884.

11895   1994-1124picture indexing872
Cawkell, A.E.. – Picture databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Inf.Serv.Use. 13(1993)1,p.47-53. The paper is about Image Processing and Picture Management as two major branches of electronic imaging. Image Processing is used to describe operations which modify a picture or an image in some way such as by "electronic cleaning" (enhancement, contrast or colour...) or by using a range of operations (concerned with pattern-matching, object segregation, detection, segregation...). Picture Management means arranging for pictures to be retrieved from a database.

11896   1994-1125picture indexing872
Emerson, J.. – Production-level document imaging calls for thoughtful indexing schemes (Lang.: eng). - In: IMC J., USA. 30(1994)1,p.27-28.

12166   1995-0635picture indexing872
Grimshaw, A. – LANSLIDE. Slide indexing at St.Albans School of Art and Design, University of Hertfordshire (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Management & Technol. Vol. 27. No. 2. 1994. p.65, 70, 87.

12167   1995-0636picture indexing872
Holt, B.; Hartwick, L. – Quick, who pained fish?: Searching a picture database with the QBIC project at UC Davis (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Serv.Use. Vol. 14. No. 2. 1994. p.79-90. The University of California at Davis's Department of Art and Art History is using QBIC (Query by Image Content), a visual query software program currently under development by IBM, to determine how effectrive it may prove in retrieving art images based. on what they look like, rather than relying on text indexing

12169   1995-0638picture indexing872
Layne, S.S. – Some issues in the indexing of images (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 45. No. 8. 1994. p.583-88.

12813   1996-1290picture indexing872
Chapple-Sokol, A.. – Indexing editorial cartoons (Lang.: eng). - In: Special Libr. Vol. 87, No. 1. 1996. p.21-31.

12814   1996-1293picture indexing872
Robertson, J.. – The 'Historic Picture Postcard Collection' at the Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library, University of Virginia (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture in Libr. Vol. 3, No. 2. 1995. p.59-66.

12815   1996-1294picture indexing872
Shakir, H.S.; Nagao, M.. – Context-sensitive processing of semantic queries in an image database system (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management. Vol. 32, No. 5. 1996. p.573-600.

12892   1990-1-433picture indexing872
Deltenre, A. – Quelques aspects de la problématique d'un système documentaire consacré à l'image [Some aspects of the problems of a picture documentation system] (Lang.: fre). - In: Cahiers de la Documentation.No.2.1989.p.31-44.

12941   1993-0382picture indexing872
Cluzeau-Ciry, M.. – L'indexation des images [The indexing of images] (Lang.: fre). - In: Archimag No. June. 1992. p.14-15.

13024   1996-1291picture indexing872
Guilbaud, E.. – Comment indexer l'image fixe? [How to index a picture] (Lang.: fre). - In: Archimag, No. 86. 1995. p.33-36.

13090   1990-1-435picture indexing872
Pieper, R. – Entwicklung eines Retrieval-Systems als Alternative zur Indexierung [Information retrieval system design as an alternative to indexing] (Lang.: ger). - In: Archiv u.Wirtschaft.Vol.22.No.1.1989.p.16-21.

13211   1994-1123picture indexing872
Pasternak, B.. – Konvertierung und inhaltliche Kategorisierung von Papierzeichnungen - eine anwendungsübergreifende wissensbasierte Architektur [Conversion and subject categorization of paper drawings - an application-oriented knowledge-based architecture] (Lang.: ger). - In: Künstliche Intelligenz. (1994)2,p.57-.

15267   picture indexing872
Wu, Yejun. – Indexing historical, political cartoons for retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)5, pp. 283-294.

15638   picture indexing872
Dias, Célia da Consolação; Lourenço, Cintia de Azevedo. – Representação descritiva no domínio da historia da arte: uma proposta para a construção de um banco de dados e uma biblioteca digital (Lang.: por). - In: Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciência da informação, 14., Florianópolis. Proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (06.13-10-29/11-01). – Available at http://enancib2013.ufsc.br/index.php/enancib2013/XIVenancib/paper/viewFile/187/416

15639   picture indexing872
Pato, Paulo Roberto Gomes; Manini, Miriam Paula. – Polissemia da imagem, indexação e recuperação da informação (Lang.: por). - In: Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciência da informação, 14., Florianópolis. Proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (06.13-10-29/11-01).. – Available at http://enancib2013.ufsc.br/index.php/enancib2013/XIVenancib/paper/viewFile/43/409

16023   picture indexing872
Doucet, Anne-Vinciane. – Análisis de contenido de fotografías científicas de la naturaleza: propuesta de una plantilla [Analysis of the content of nature scientific photographs: proposal of a pattern ] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista General de Información y Documentación, 24(2014)1, pp. 135-153. – Available at http://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RGID/article/view/135-153/42441

16024   picture indexing872
Sassen, Catherine. – Art book indexes reviewed (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)3, pp. 104-108.

16364   picture indexing872
Agustín Lacruz, Maria del Carmen . – Reading Photographic Images Oriented Documentary Representation (Lang.: p). - In: Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, 20(2015)1, pp. 55-88. – Available at http://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/eb/article/view/1518-2924.2015v20nesp1p55

16554   picture indexing872
Nascimento, Niraldo José do. – Intertextualidade, Ciência da Informação e a criação de sentido em fotografias : o caso de Formiga (MG) [Intertextuality, Information Science and creation of meaning on photographs: the Formiga (MG) case] (Lang.: por). - Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil, Universidade de Brasília, 2015. – Available at http://repositorio.unb.br/handle/10482/18767

16634   picture indexing872
Capone, Vera Lucia Punzi Barcelos; Cordeiro, Rosa Inês de Novais. – Análise e indexação da paisagem: o Arquivo Fotográfico Ilustrativo dos Trabalhos Geográficos de Campo do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística ["Landscape analysis and indexing: Arquivo Fotográfico Ilustrativo dos Trabalhos Geográficos de Campo from the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics)"] (Lang.: port ). - In: TransInformação, 28(2016)1, pp. 115-125. – Available at http://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/seer/index.php/transinfo/article/view/2608

16646   picture indexing872
Mendonça, Roseane Souza de; Pinho, Fabio Assis. – Memória institucional por meio da organização documental de fotografias [Institutional memory through documentary organization of pictures] (Lang.: por). - In: InCID: Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação, 7(2016)1, pp. 90-110. – Available at http://www.revistas.usp.br/incid/article/view/90094

17173   picture indexing872
Keller, Katrin. – Der Fotobestand des Thomas-Mann-Archivs an der ETH-Bibliothek Z?rich: Bestandesbeschreibung und Konzeption der Erschliessung und Digitalisierung [The photographic stock of the Thomas Mann Archive at the ETH Zurich Library: description of the holdings and conception of the indexing and digitization] (Lang.: ger). - In: Informationswissenschaft: Theorie, Methode und Praxis, 4(2016)1, pp. 243-265. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.18755/iw.2016.19

17716   picture indexing872
Friedman, Alon; Smiraglia, Richard P.. – The relationship between research method and visual display: a study of conference proceedings in the field of knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Research, 19(2014)4.BorÃ¥s, SE, University of BorÃ¥s, 2014. – pp. 18. – Available at http://http://www.informationr.net/ir/19-4/paper651.html ISSN: 13681613

18315   picture indexing872
Albuquerque, Ana Cristina de; Cavalcante, Luciane de Fátima Beckman. – Classification of photographs: methodological concepts in Archival Science, Library Science and Museum Science (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 112-119.

18392   picture indexing872
Andrianasolo, Nathanaëla; Chifu, Adrian-Gabriel; Fournier, Sébastien; Ibekwe-SanJuan, Fidelia. – Challenges to Knowledge Organization in the era of social media: the case of social controversies (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 754-761.

18413   picture indexing872
Feitosa, Kézia de Lira; Salcedo, Diego Andres . – Selos comemorativos brasileiros: Uma proposta de representação do conhecimento [Brazilian commemorative stamps: A proposal to Knowledge representation] (Lang.: port). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 24(2018)1, pp. 232-251. – Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3592/2266

18757   picture indexing872
Ceynowa, Klaus. – Etwas tolleres gab es damals nicht! Das Stern-Fotoarchiv an der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [There wasn't anything more exciting back then! The Stern Photo Archive at the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksmagazin, 15(2020)1, pp. 13-22. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/pdf/publikationen/bibliotheksmagazin/bm_2020_1.pdf

12487   1996-0313872, 874
Torre, D.S.. – KSR: Keywording for subject retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Documentation. Vol. 14, No. 2. 1995. p.29-35. Description of a project dealing with the problem of subject retrieval in visual resources collections. Applicable components of available systems were adapted and combined with other needed elements in order to establish an efficient system. The devolopment of the system has been based on cataloguing procedures at Yale's slide and photograph collections.

12164   1995-0633872, 88-544
Di Nubila, B.; Gagliardi, I., Macchi, D., Milanesi, L. et al. – Concept-based indexing and retrieval of multimedia documents (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Inform.Sci. Vol. 20. No. 3. 1994. p.185-196. A concept-based indexing of the description of the images (in medical articles, radiological ward) is proposed based on Farradane's work. A first prototype of a multimedia information retrieval system has been implemented with the goal of validating the. ethod in the specific application

3895   2004-0419picture indexingliterature reviews872;02
Turner, J. – (Book review of) Jörgensen, C.: Image retrieval: theory and research. - Lanham, MD : Scarecrow Press, 2003 - xii, 340 p. - ISBN: 0810847345 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 31(2004)2, p.114-115.

3896   2004-0420picture indexingliterature reviews872;02
Enser, P. – (Book review of) Jörgensen, C.: Image retrieval: theory and research. - Lanham, MD : Scarecrow Press, 2003 - xii, 340 p. - ISBN: 0810847345 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)3, p.321-323.

4018   2005-32-1-0094picture indexingconceptologysystems theory872;651/4
Baatz, S. – Medical science and medical informatics : The visible human project, 1986-2000 (Lang.: eng). - In: The History and Heritage of Scientific and Technological Information Systems: Proceedings of the 2002 Conference / ed. by W. Boyd Rayward and Mary Ellen Bowden. Information Today, Inc., Medford, New Jersey, 2004. (ASIS & T Monograph Series), p.110-117. – Available at http://www.chemheritage.org/events/asist2002/09-baatz.pdf

7775   picture indexingonline systemsinformation use872;752;981
Choi, Youngok, Hsieh-Yee, Ingrid. – Finding images in an online public access catalogue: analysis of user queries, subject headings, and description notes (Lang.: eng). - In: The Canadian journal of information and library science/La Revue canadienne des sciences de l'information et de bibliotheconomie, 34(2010)3, pp. 271-295.

2603   2001-0261picture indexingsearch engines872;757
Favela, J., Meza, V. – Image-retrieval agent : integrating image content and text (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 14(1999)5,p.36-39.

3439   2003-0114picture indexingsearch engines872;757
Castelli, V. – Progressive search and retrieval from image databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, (2002)71,p.284-309.

15640   picture indexingindexing ingeography872;88-39
Capone, Vera Lucia Punzi Barcelos; Cordeiro, Rosa Inês de Novais. – O arquivo fotográfico ilustrativo dos trabalhos geográficos de campo do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE): proposta de uma matriz para análise documentária da paisagem (Lang.: por). - In: Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciência da informação, 14., Florianópolis. Proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (06.13-10-29/11-01). – Available at http://enancib2013.ufsc.br/index.php/enancib2013/XIVenancib/paper/viewFile/226/420

1659   1999-0454picture indexingKO work organization872;916
Schroeder, K.A. – Indexing training and workflow on large digitization projects (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1998)2, p.67-69.

2604   2001-0262picture indexingKO metadata872;918
NISO seeking comments : metadata for still images (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Retrieval and Library Automation, 36(2001)10,p.11.

2605   2001-0263picture indexingbibliographic description872;946
Graham, M.E. – The cataloguing and indexing of images : time for a new paradigm? (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Libraries Journal, 26(2001)1,p.22-27.

12165   1995-0634872.01
Casey, D.D. – Scouting new horizons: an annotated bibliography introducting subject access in visual image databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Illinois Libraries. Vol. 76. No. 4. 1994. p.240-2.

11445   1993-0381872.242
Cassi, L.. – Relational tools to manage pictorial information (Lang.: eng). - In: Interlending & Document SupplyVol. 18 No. 5. 1992. p.375-98.

11449   1993-0387872.247
Cassi, I.; Mussio, P., Padula, M., Protti, M., Tonolli, G.. – Relational tools to manage pictorial information (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Inform.Sci.Vol. 18 No. 5. 1992. p.375-398.

10633   1990-2-339conceptologyscience and KO872/6
Blake, V.L.P.; Suprenant, T. – The role of semiotics in the indexing of graphic materials (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings.National Online Meeting,New York, NY, May 9-11, 1989.1989.p.49-56.Medford, NJ, Learned Inform,

11079   1990-1-432872+355
Chen, Ching-chih; Miranda, S., Seidel, S. – The new concept of HYPERBASE and its experimentation on the 'First Emperor of China' videodisc (Lang.: eng). - In: Microcomp.Inform.Management.Vol.5.No.4.1988.p.217-246.

6575   2009-0695microform indexingbibliographic records873;944
Knowlton, Steven A. – How the current draft of RDA addresses the cataloging of reproductions, facsimiles, and microforms (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 53(2009)3, pp.159-165.

1160   1998-0536slides indexing874
De Coster, G. – De ontsluiting van partijarchief : ervaringen met een archiefconglomeraat van Antwerpse politieke verenigingen [Indexing the archives of a political party: experiences with a collective archive of political parties in Antwerp] (Lang.: dut). - In: Bibliotheek- en Archiefgids, 74(1998)1,p.6-15.

11082   1990-1-437slides indexing874
Prins, J. – The classified slide collection and subject access - a practical approach using existingtools (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Documentation.Vol.8.1989.p.23-24.

12168   1995-0637slides indexing874
Holt, B.; Hartwick, L. – Retrieving art imagesby image content: The UC Davis QBIC Project (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib Proc. Vol. 46. No. 10. 1994. p.243-248.

961   1998-0337video indexing875
Hidderley, R., Rafferty, P. – Democratic indexing : an approach to the retrieval of film (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 2nd British-Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies, Edinburgh, 1997 / ed. by M. Beaulieu, E. Davenport and N.O. Pors. - London: Taylor Graham, 1997, p.90-102.

962   1998-0338video indexing875
Goodrum, A.A. – A cognitive approach to representing moving image documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.256-263.

1971   2000-0247video indexing875
Ding, W., Soergel, D., Marchionini, G. – Performance of visual, verbal, and combined video surrogates (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.651-664.

1973   2000-0249video indexing875
Tse, T., Vegh, S., Marchionini, G., Shneiderman, B. – An exploratory study of video browsing user interface designs and research methodologies : effectiveness in information seeking tasks (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.681-692.

1974   2000-0250video indexing875
Hudon, M., Turner, J.M., Devin, Y. – How many terms are enough? : Stability and dynamism in vocabulary management for moving image collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.333-338.

2932   2001-0590video indexing875
Terris, O. – What you don't see and don't hear : subject indexing moving images (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia Information and Technology, 26(2000)1, p.59-62.

3109   2002-0131video indexing875
Dönderler, M.E., Ulusoy, Ö., Güdükbay, U. – A rule-based video database system architecture (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Sciences, 143(2002), p.13-45.

3293   2002-0314video indexing875
Pejtersen, A.M., Albrechtsen, H. – Models for collaborative integration of knowledge (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 412-421.

3639   2004-0165video indexing875
Bertino, E., Fan, J.P., Ferrari, E., Hacid, M.S., Elmagarmid, A.K., Zhu, X.Q. – A hierarchical access control model for video database systems (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 21(2003)2, p.155-191.

3640   2004-0166video indexing875
Albrechtsen, H., Andersen, H.H.K., Cleal, B., Pejtersen, A.M. – Categorical complexity in knowledge integration : empirical evaluation of a cross-cultural film research collaboratory (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 13-18.

4347   2005-32-4-0422video indexing875
Smeaton, A.F. – Indexing, browsing, and searching of digital video (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 38(2004)1, p.371-407. »» Review article

4940   2007-0146video indexing875
Iyer, H., Lewis C. D. – Prioritization strategies for video storyboard keyframes articles (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)6, p.802-822.

5183   2007-0416video indexing875
Giuliani, É. – Un Ocean d'images.(French)/Ein Ozean (Ocean) von Bildern: Standardisierunng, Kooperation, Netze.(German)/An Ocean of pictures: standardization, cooperation, networks.(English)/Un océano (Ocean) de imágenes: normalización, cooperación, redes.(Spanish) (Lang.: ). - In: Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France, 52 (2007), p.12-16.

5184   2007-0417video indexing875
Smeaton, A. F. – Techniques used and open challenges to the analysis, indexing and retrieval of digital video (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Systems, 32(2007)4, p.545-559.

5423   2007-0662video indexing875
Balkhatir, M., Charhad, M. – A conceptual framework for automatic text-based indexing and retrieval in digital video collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4653(2007), p.392-403.

5831   2008-0377video indexing875
Ločniškar-Fidler, M., Kovač, T. – Subject cataloging of videofilms (Lang.: slo). - In: Šolska knjižnica, 18(2008)1-2, p.21-37.

5832   2008-0378video indexing875
Ločniškar-Fidler, M., Kovač, T. – Subject description of video films (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnice za prihodnost : napredek in sodelovanje : zbornik referatov [Libraries for the future : development and collaboration : proceedings / Professional conference of Union of associations of Slovene Librarians], Portorož, October 22-23, 2007; ed. M. Ambrožič, p.151-172.Ljubljana, Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije, 2007. – ISBN: 9789616683012.

5833   2008-0379video indexing875
Zhang, Y., Li, Y. – A user-centered functional metadata evaluation of moving image collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 59(2008)8, p.1331-1346.

6070   2009-0190video indexing875
Turner, J. M., et al. – Audio description text for indexing films (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 37(2008)3, p.52-56.

6341   2009-0461video indexing875
Loèniškar-Fidler, Mateja, Kovaè, Tatjana. – Vsebinski opis videofilmov [Subject cataloguing of videofilms] (Lang.: slo). - In: Šolska knjižnica, 18(2008)1/2, pp. 21-37.

6342   2009-0462video indexing875
Schmidt, Stefanie, Stock, Wolfgang G. – Collective indexing of emotions in images: a study in emotional information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)5, pp. 863-876.

6576   2009-0696video indexing875
Turner, James M. – (Book review of) Martha M. Lee. - Moving image cataloguing: how to create and how to use a moving image catalog -Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2007 - Xiv, 271p. - ISBN: 9781591584384 (Lang.: eng). - In: In Knowledge organization, 36(2009)1, pp.60-61.

7271   video indexing875
Adami, N. – Embedded indexing in scalable video coding (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia tools and applications, 48(2010)1, pp. 105-121.

7272   video indexing875
Badii, A. et al. – Semi-automatic knowledge extraction, representation and context-sensitive intelligent retrieval of video content using collateral context modelling with scalable ontological networks (Lang.: eng). - In: Signal processing image communications, 24(2009)9, pp. 759-773.

7273   video indexing875
López Yepes, Alfonso. – Filmotecas y archivos fílmicos en línea: producción, difusión, interconexión y posicionamiento en Internet [Moving image archives and online movie archives: production, dissemination, interconnection and Internet positioning] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento 14(2008)2, pp. 41-64.

7274   video indexing875
Piro, P. – Combining spatial and temporal patches for scalable video indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia tools and applications, 48(2010)1, pp. 89-104.

7546   video indexing875
Albertson, D. – Analysing user interaction with the ViewFinder video retrieval system (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)2, pp. 238-252.

7547   video indexing875
Caldera-Serrano, Jorge. – Group connotation in the analysis of the images in motion used in television departments (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of librarianship & information science, 42(2010)1, pp.70-75.

7548   video indexing875
Muneesawang, P. – A new learning algorithm for the fusion of adaptive audio–visual features for the retrieval and classification of movie clips (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of signal processing systems -signal image and video technology, 59(2010)2, pp. 177-188.

8210   video indexing875
Evans, G., et al. – Creating an un-library catalog: a case study in managing satellite collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 55(2011)1, pp. 45-53.

8211   video indexing875
Goyani, M.M., Dutta, S.K., Raj, P. – Key frame detection based semantic event detection and classification using heirarchical [sic] approach for cricket sport video indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Communications in computer and information science, 131(2011), pp. 388-397.

8212   video indexing875
Intner, Sheila S., et al. – Subject access to films & videos (Lang.: eng). - 2nd ed. – Westport, CN, Libraries Unlimited, 2010. – pp. 246. – ISBN: 9781591589372.

8213   video indexing875
Scopsi, Claire. – Usages, formats, traitement documentaire [Online video: uses, formats, classification uses, formats, classification] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste:sciences de l'information, 47(2010)4, pp. 26-29.

8720   video indexing875
Kucuek, Dilek, Yazici, Adnan. – Exploiting information extraction techniques for automatic semantic video indexing with an application to Turkish news videos (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 24(2011)6, pp. 844-857.

8902   video indexing875
Nodler, H. – A haystack full of needles: scholarly access challenges in museum video archives (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 38(2012)3, pp. 32-37.

9990   1993-0388video indexing875
Maillet, L.. – Subject control of film and video: A comparison of three methods (Lang.: eng). - Chicago, IL, Amer.Libr.Assoc, 1991. – pp. 146.(ALA Studies in Librnship 11). – ISBN: 0838905536.

10036   1995-0640video indexing875
Fidel, R.; Hahn, T.B., Rasmussen, E.M., Smith, P.J. (Eds.). – Challenges in indexing electronic text and images (Lang.: eng). - Medford, NJ, Learned Inform, 1994. – pp. IX,306.(ASIS Monograph Series). – ISBN: 0938734768. The book was reviewed by E.Svenonius in Inform.Process.& Management 31(1995)No.2, p.259-260

11156   1990-1080video indexing875
Palmer, J.W. – An evaluation of OCLC s EPIC as a resource for subject access to videos (Lang.: eng). - In: RQ (Reference Quarterly).Vol.32.No.2.1992.p.218-229.

11450   1993-0389video indexing875
Ponce, B.S.. – Book review of 0389 (Lang.: eng). - In: Collection ManagementVol. 16 No. 2. 1992. p.132-133.

11897   1994-1127video indexing875
Green, E.-L.; Klasen, L.. – Indexing and information retrieval of moving images: experiences from a large television information database (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 93. London, 7-9 Dec.1993. - Oxford, GB: Learned Information, Ltd., 1993. p.129-136.

12170   1995-0639video indexing875
Book review of Cawkell, A.E.: Indexing collections of electronic images: a review. London: British Library Research & Development Department 1993. 43p (Lang.: eng). - In: Program. Vol. 28. No. 4. 1994. p.445-446.

12354   1995-0959video indexing875
Bailey, Ch.W. – Book review of Fidel, R. et al: Challenges in indexing electronic text and images. Medford, NJ: Learned Information 1994. 306p (Lang.: eng). - In: College & Res.Libraries. Vol. 56. No. 3. 1995. p.282-3.

12816   1996-1295video indexing875
Turner, J.. – Indexing film and video images for storage and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Serv.& Use. Vol. 14, No. 3. 1994. p.225-236.

12817   1996-1296video indexing875
Weimer, K.H.. – The nexus of subject analysis and bibliographic description: the case of multipart videos (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart. Vol. 22, No. 2. 1996. p.5-18.

12893   1990-1-438video indexing875
Loyer, F.; Virlogeux, E. – Le classement des cassettes video [Classification of video cassettes] (Lang.: fre). - In: Inter-CDI.No.98.1989.p.46-47.

15268   video indexing875
Duque, Cláudio Gottschlag; Sousa, Emilio Evaristo de. – Uso de ontologia para recuperação da informação disponibilizada em vídeos por meio de indexação multimodal [Use of ontology for information retrieval available on videos through the multidomal indexing] (Lang.: por). - In: Desafios e perspectivas científicas para a organização e representação do conhecimento na atualidade (06.11-10-20/22), pp. 60-66.

17555   video indexing875
Bohn, Anna; Kietzmann, Eva; Schild, Magret. – Digitaler Zugang zu Filmen und Fachinformation online: Bericht vom Arbeitstreffen des Arbeitskreises Filmbibliotheken [Digital online access to movies and specialized information: Report on a meeting of the working party of film libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 4(2017)4, pp. 230-241. – Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2017H4S230-241

18419   video indexing875
Sundström, Admeire da Silva Santos; Moraes, João Batista Ernesto de; Albuquerque, Ana Cristina . – Filme de ficção para a Ciência da Informação: Um estudo sobre as abordagens de organização e representação temática [Fiction film for Information Science: A study on thematic organization and representation approaches] (Lang.: port). - In: Encontros Bibli: Revista Eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, 24(2019)54, pp. 124-134 . – Available at http://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/eb/article/view/1518-2924.2019v24n54p124/38077

18432   video indexing875
Santos, Francisco Edvander Pires; Farias, Maria Giovanna Guedes; Feitosa, Luiz Tadeu; Cavati Sobrinho, Heliomar. – Definição de metadados e critérios de indexação para documentário em repositório audiovisual [Defining metadata and indexing criteria to describe documentary on audiovisual repository] (Lang.: port). - In: Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, 14(2018)3, pp. 237-261. – Available at http://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/1092/1089

18754   video indexing875
Arndt, Tracy; et al.. – Reference Evil: Bibliografische Herausforderungen bei Videospielen [Reference Evil: Video Games as Bibliographic Challenges] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 54(2020)5, pp. 345-362. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2020-0045

742   1998-0119video indexingconceptual models875;124
Burke, R. – Conceptual indexing and active retrieval of video for interactive learning environments (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge-based Systems 1996(9)8,p. 491-499.

4019   2005-32-1-0095video indexingKM875;149
Sarnowski, D. – Informationsdienstleistungen und multimediale Wissensorganisation für die Filmwissenschaft und den Medienstandort Babelsberg, Oder: Was hat Big Bother mit einer Hochschulbibliothek zu tun? [Information services and multimedial knowledge organization for the sience of film and the media location Babelsberg, or What has Big Bother to do with an academic library?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Edutainment [see 2005-32-1-0003], p.206-216.

7776   video indexingpattern recognition875;255
Su, J. H. et al. – Effective content-based video retrieval using pattern-indexing and matching techniques (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert systems with applications, 37(2010)7, pp. 5068-5085.

8903   video indexingsemi-automatic indexing methods875;344
Na, Jin-Cheon, et al. – A sentiment-based digital library of movie review documents using Fedora (Lang.: eng). - In: Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science/La Revue canadienne des sciences de l'information et de bibliothéconomie, 35(2011)3, pp. 307-337.

16025   video indexingthesaurus-base automatic indexing875;346
Plank, Margret; Strobel, Sven. – Semantische Suche nach wissenschaftlichen Videos: Automatische Verschlagwortung durch Named Entity Recognition [Semantic searching for scientific videos: automatic assignment of subject heading by means of Named Entity Recognition] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. 61(2014)4/5, pp. 254-258.

3695   2004-0221video indexingspecial KOSperforming arts875;695
Del Castillo, D., Jiménez Piano, M., López de Prado, R. – El sistema de clasificación de la FIAF para documentos no fílmicos de cine y televisión: cuestiones específicas de compatibilidad para la recuperación de información en cinematografía [FIAF classification system for non-film cinema and television documents: specific issues abour compatibility for information retrieval in cinematography] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.357-363.

528   1997-4-0529video indexingNLP methods875;733
Zhang, H.J., Low, C.Y., Smoliar, S.W., Lu, J.H. – Video parsing, retrieval and browsing : an integrated and content-based solution (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.503-512. Orig. publ. in: Proceedings of ACM multimedia '95. New York: ACM, 1995. p.15-24

527   1997-4-0528video indexingonline retrieval problems875;751
Sparck Jones, K., Jones, G.J.F., Foote, J.T., Young, S.J. – Experiments in spoken document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.493-502. Orig. publ. in:Information processing and management 32(1996) p.399-419

3440   2003-0115video indexingonline retrieval problems875;751
Hertzum, M. – Requests for information from a film archive : a case study of multimadia retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 59(2003)2,p.168-186.

1972   2000-0248video indexingonline systemsKO metadata875;752;918
Goodrum, A., Spink, A. – Visual information seeking : a study of image queries on the world wide web (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.665-674.

4348   2005-32-4-0423video indexingsearch engines875;757
Torra, V., Lanau, S., Miyamoto, S. – Image clustering for the exploration of video sequences (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)4, p.577-584.

290   1997-2-0289video indexingmultilingual systems problems875;791
Turner, J.M. – Cross-language transfer of indexing concepts for storage and retrieval of moving images : preliminary results (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Baltimore, Maryland, 21-24 Oct 1966. Ed. by S. Hardin (1996). - Medford, NJ : Information Today, Inc. for American Society for Information Science, p.214-217.

3111   2002-0133video indexingaudio indexing875;877
Yee, M.M. – Two genre and form lists for moving image and broadcast materials : a comparison (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 31(2001)3/4, p.237-295.

17467   video indexingKO metadata875;918
Piguet, Michel. – Abgleich von Film-Metadaten [Analyzing film metadata] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 20(2017)4, pp. 310-314. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2017-04-nachrichtenbeitrag-piguet.pdf

3110   2002-0132video indexingbibliographic description875;946
Weitz, J. – Videorecording cataloging : problems and pointers (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 31(2001)2, p.53-88.

8541   video indexingauthority control875;949
Emanuel, M. – A fistful of headings: name authority control for video recordings (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 49(2011)6, pp. 484-499.

291   1997-2-0290cartography indexing876
Yegorova, N.B., Gonsovsky, Y. – Automated systems for cartographic information retrieval used in cartographic information service department of the mapping production association "Kartographia" (Lang.: eng). - In: Inspel 30(1996)2. p.210-215.

1468   1999-0262cartography indexing876
Babik, W. – Knowledge representation in map collections for information retrieval systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Liber Quarterly 9(1999)2. – Available at http://www.konbib.nl/kb/skd/liber/articles /babik11.htm

1660   1999-0455cartography indexing876
Babik, W. – Materialy kartograficzne jako zrodlo informacji [Cartographic materials as the source of information] (Lang.: pol). - In: Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej, (1992)1, p.3-36.

1975   2000-0251cartography indexing876
Hill, L.L., Zheng, Q. – Indirect geospatial referencing through place names in the digital library : Alexandria digital library experience with developing and implementing gazetteers (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.57-69.

2297   2000-0573cartography indexing876
Minamoto, S. – A study of map classification with focus on the Manual of Map Library Classification Classification and Cataloguing (1978) (Lang.: jap). - In: Annals of Japan Society of Library Science, 45(1999)1,p.35-43.

4020   2005-32-1-0096cartography indexing876
Eibl, M., Mandl, T. – Die Qualität von Visualisierungen : Eine Methode zum Vergleich zweidimensionaler Karten [The quality of visualizations: a method for the comparison of two-dimensional maps] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Edutainment [see 2005-32-1-0003], p.89-115.

5424   2007-0663cartography indexing876
Mangan, E. – Cartographic materials: a century of cataloging at Library of Congress and beyond (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Map & Geography Libraries, 3(2007)2, p.23-44.

5588   2008-0133cartography indexing876
Buscaldi, D., Rosso, P., Sanchis, E. – A WordNet-based indexing technique for geographical information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4730(2007), pp. 954-957.

6071   2009-0191cartography indexing876
Towery, M. – Cartographers, indexers, and mapping information (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 16(2008)3, p.100-102. Winner of the H. W. Wilson indexing award

6343   2009-0463cartography indexing876
Ungváry Rudolf, Pászti, László. – A földrajzi nevek és szerepük az információkeresésben [Geographical names and their role in information retrieval: international developments, problems and experiences with Köztaurusz and Geotaurusz] (Lang.: hun). - In: Könyvtári figyelő, 54(2008)3, pp. 395-428. – Available at http://www.ki.oszk.hu/kf/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.137

6577   2009-0697cartography indexing876
Buchel, Ohla, Hill, Linda L. – Treatment of georeferencing in knowledge organization systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Pioneering North American Contributions to Knowledge Organization [see 2009-0508]. – Available at http://dlist.sir.arizona.edu/2631/

6578   2009-0698cartography indexing876
Janowicz, K., Kessler, C. – The role of ontology in improving gazetteer interaction (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of geographical information science, 22 (2008)10, pp.1129-1157.

6811   2009-0931cartography indexing876
Hjørland, Birger. – (Book review of) Kavouras, Marinos, Kokla, Margarita. - Theories of geographic concepts: ontological approaches to semantic integration - Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2007 - 352p. - ISBN: 9780849330896 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 36(2009)2/3, pp. 178-180.

6812   2009-0932cartography indexing876
McCool, Matthew, St. Amant, Kirk. – Field dependence and classification: implications for global information systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)6, pp. 1258-1266.

7018   cartography indexing876
Buchel, Olha, Hill, Linda L. – Treatment of georeferencing in knowledge organization systems: North American contributions to integrated georeferencing (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 37(2010)1, pp. 72-78.

8359   cartography indexing876
Smits, Jan, Fell, Todd. – Early printed atlases: shaping Plato's 'forms' into bibliographic description (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of map & geography libraries, 7(2011)2, pp. 184-210.

8542   cartography indexing876
Xie, B., Agam, G. – Boosting based text and non-text region classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings, SPIE The International Society For Optical Engineering, 7874(2011), pp. 7874-7887.

8904   cartography indexing876
Oehrli, Markus, et al. – MapRank: geographical search for cartographic materials in libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib magazine, 17(2011)9/10, pp. 1-14.

9692   cartography indexing876
Wu, Bihua. – [Comparative study on the international and domestic description of the scale information of cartographic materials] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)7, pp. 19-22, 27.

10387   1994-1128cartography indexing876
Lefrère, L.. – Contribution au développement d'outils pour l'analyse automatique de documents cartographiques [Contribution to tools development for automatic analysis of topographical documents] (Lang.: fre). - Rouen, FR, Univ.de Rouen, 1993, – pp. 301. Doctoral Thesis

10538   1996-1297cartography indexing876
Blair, N.L.. – Improving bibliographical access to published geologic mapping by using online map indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.29th Meeting Geoscience Inform.Soc., Oct.24-27, 1995, Seattle, WA.p.79-82.Alexandria, VA, Amer.Geol.Inst., 1995.

12171   1995-0641cartography indexing876
Conversion of Map Catalogues. Barcelona, August 1993 (Lang.: eng). - In: Inspel. Vol. 28. No. 1. 1884. p.7-199. The entire issue is devoted to cataloguing of maps and cartographic data, altogether in 24 contributions. The introduction is by Pierre-Yves Duchemin

13648   1990-1-439cartography indexing876
Vasin, Yu.G.; Dimitriev, S.A.,Kobrin, R.Yu.et al. – Information terminology support system for a map data bank (Lang.: rus, eng). - In: Autom.Doc.& Math.Linguistics.Vol.23.No.1.1989.p.82-96.

15857   cartography indexing876
Mesenburg, Peter; Neuheuser, Hanns Peter. – Spatial Turn im Archiv- und Bibliothekswesen: Rechnergestützte Genauigkeitsanalyse von grossmassstäbigen Manuskriptkarten der Barockzeit [A spatial turn in archives and libraries: computer-supported analysis of accuracy of large-scaled manuscript maps of the Baroque period] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 34(2014)2, pp. 86-98.

16250   cartography indexing876
Puebla Martínez, Manuel E.; Perea Ortega, José M.; Simón Cuevas, Alfredo. – Integración de técnicas browsing con ontologías en un modelo de recuperación de información geográfica [Use of browing techniques with ontologies in a geographical information retrieval model] (Lang.: spa). - In: Ciencias de la Información 46(2015)1, pp. 53-11. – Available at http://cinfo.idict.cu/index.php/cinfo/article/view/674/518

16330   cartography indexing876
Scheven, Esther. – Geokoordinaten in Bibliotheksdaten. Grundlage für innovative Nachnutzung [Geographic coordinates in library data: A basis for an innovative re-use] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 2(2015)1, pp. 35-46. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2015H1S35-46

16587   cartography indexing876
Abdalla, Amin. – Personal geographic information management (Lang.: eng). - Vienna, Austria, Technische Universität Wien , 2015. – Available at http://media.obvsg.at/p-AC12392871-2001

16589   cartography indexing876
Lampoltshammer, Thomas Josef. – Natural language-based modelling, processing, and interaction in geographic information systems (Lang.: eng). - Salzburg, Austria, Universität Salzburg , 2015.

16594   cartography indexing876
Vockner, Bernhard. – Enhancing discovery in geoportals: Geo-enrichment, semantic enhancement, and recommendation strategies for geo-information discovery (Lang.: eng). - Salzburg, Austria, Universität Salzburg , 2014.

16721   cartography indexing876
Crom, Wolfgang. – Alte Landesaufnahmen als Web Map Service [Old cartographic surveys as web map service] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksmagazin, (1)2016, pp. 18-23. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/imageswww/pdf-dateien/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2016-1.pdf

16731   cartography indexing876
Scheven, Esther. – Geografische Koordinaten und Bibliotheksdaten – Regelwerke und Anwendungen [Geographic coordinates and library data - codes and applications] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 28(1)2016, pp. 30-38. – Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog20161Volltext.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

17364   cartography indexing876
Zimmermann, Georg. – Neue Perspektiven f?r historische Karten: Virtuelles Kartenforum 2.0: Komfortable Recherche und 3D-Darstellung [New perspectives for historical maps: Virtual Map Forum 2.0; comfortable research and 3D representation ] (Lang.: ger). - In: BIS - Das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen, 10(2017)1, pp. 24-27. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa2-79329

17867   cartography indexing876
Bishop, Bradley Wade; oulaison, Heather Lea; Burwell, Christin Lee. – Geographic knowledge organization: critical cartographic cataloging and place-names in the geoweb (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)4, pp. 199-210.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. – pp. 12. ISSN: 09437444

8543   cartography indexingmark-up languagesmultilingual KOS876;357;536;796
Ma, X. et al. – A SKOS-based multilingual thesaurus of geological time scale for interoperability of online geological maps (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers and geosciences, 37(2011)10, pp. 1602-1615.

1661   1999-0456cartography indexingLCC876;44
Moore, S. – Navigating the G schedule (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 27(1999)3/4, p.375-384. »» About class G of the Library of Congress Classification * Also publ. in Maps and related cartographic materials : cataloging, classification and bibliographic control / ed. by P.G. Andrew and M.L. Larsgaard. -Binghamton, NY : Haworth Press, 1999, p. 375-384

1662   1999-0457cartography indexingLCSH876;448
Weimer, K.H. – Subject analysis for cartographic materials (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 27(1999)3/4, p.385-404. »» About applying the Library of Congress Subject Headings for cartographic materials.* Also publ. in Maps and related cartographic materials : cataloging, classification and bibliographic control / ed. by P.G. Andrew and M.L. Larsgaard. -Binghamton, NY : Haworth Press, 1999, p. 385-404

6579   2009-0699cartography indexingonline retrieval problems876;751
Ungváry, Rudolf, Pászti, László. – A földrajzi nevek és szerepük az információ- keresésben Nemzetközi fejlődés, problémák és tapasztalatok a Köztauruszban és Geotauruszban [Geographical names and their role in information retrieval: international developments, problems and experiences with Köztaurusz and Geotaurusz] (Lang.: hun). - In: Konyvtari Figyelo, 18(2008)3, pp.395-428.

963   1998-0339cartography indexingonline systems876;752
Westmancoat, J. – The new British Library Maps file - how to get the best from a Blaise Search (Lang.: eng). - In: Select Newsletter, 21(1997)Winter,p.4-5.

1976   2000-0252cartography indexingsearch engines876;757
Lu, L. – Knowledge discovery in spatial cartographic information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Trends, 48(1999)1,p.249-263.

2298   2000-0574cartography indexingNBM indexing problems876;871
Ramsey, M.C., [et al.]. – A collection of visual thesauri for browsing large collections of geographic images (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)9,p.26-34.

3641   2004-0167cartography indexingvarious NBM indexing876;879
Amitay, E., Har'El, N., Sivian, R., Soffer, A. – Web-a-Where : geotagging web content (Lang.: eng). - In: SIGIR'04. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval [see 2004-0005], p. 273-280.

6580   2009-0700cartography indexingKO metadata876;918
Beamer, Ashley. – Map metadata: essential elements for search and storage (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library and information systems, 43(2009)1, pp.18-35.

6581   2009-0701cartography indexingKO metadata876;918
Kowal, Kimberly C., Martyn, Christophe. – Descriptive metadata for digitization of maps in books: a British Library project (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 53(2009)2, pp.108-120.

6344   2009-0464cartography indexingrecord structure876;945
Thomas, Leah M., Chavez, Deanna M. – When to use the 533 or 534 fields: identifying and cataloging map reproductions (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of map & geography libraries, 5(2009)1, pp. 72-107.

17739   87629
Special issue on classification (Lang.: eng). - In: CILIP Catalogue and Index, 188(2017).London, UK, CILIP - Cataloguing and Indexing Group, 2017. – Available at http://https://archive.cilip.org.uk/cataloguing-indexing-group/catalogue-index/catalogue-index-issue-188-september-2017

119   1997-1-0118audio indexing877
McLane, A. – Music as information (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual review of information science and technology Vol.31, 1996, p.225-262. Review article on indexing and information retrieval of music scores

449   1997-3-0450audio indexing877
Hafner, A. – HARMONICA : concerted action on music information in libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: IASA Journal (1997)9. p.9-12.

609   1997-4-0610audio indexing877
Vind, T. – The Danish music information system : the design of a Web gateway to Danish music resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Information services & use 17 (1997)2/3. p.151-154.

1663   1999-0458audio indexing877
Burger, M. – Indexing traditional African musical instruments (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 21(1999)4, p.169-172.

4021   2005-32-1-0097audio indexing877
Pachet, F., La Burthe, A., Zils, A., Aucouturier, J.J. – Popular music access : The Sony music browser (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)12, p.1037-1044.

4022   2005-32-1-0098audio indexing877
Uitdenbogerd, A.L., Zobel, J. – An architecture for effective music information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)12, p.1053-1057.

4023   2005-32-1-0099audio indexing877
Chung, W.Y., Zhang, Y.W., Huang, Z., Wang, G., Ong, T.H., Chen, H. – Internet searching and browsing in a multilingual world : An experiment on the Chinese Business Intelligence Portal (CBizPort) (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)9, p.818-831.

4941   2007-0147audio indexing877
Weber, L., Schomberg, J. – Access plus security: compact disc classification and packaging at Minnesota State University, Mankato (Lang.: eng). - In: Music Reference Services Quarterly, 9(2007)2, p.49-54.

5185   2007-0418audio indexing877
Riley, J., Dalmau, M. – The IN Harmony project: developing a flexible metadata model for the description and discovery of sheet music (Lang.: eng). - In: The electronic library, 25(2007) 2, p.132-147.

5186   2007-0419audio indexing877
Weber, L. – Access plus security: compact disc classification and packaging at Minnesota State University (Lang.: eng). - In: Music Reference Services Quarterly, 9(2005)2, p.49-54.

6072   2009-0192audio indexing877
Cruz-Alcázar, P.P., Vidal, E. – Two grammatical inference applications in music processing (Lang.: eng). - In: Applied Artificial Intelligence, 22(2008)1/2, p.53-76.

6813   2009-0933audio indexing877
Lo, Yu-Lung, Lee, Chu-Hui, Wang, Chun-Hsiung. – Scalable multi-feature index structure for music databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Information sciences, 179(2009)15, pp. 2662-2675.

7275   audio indexing877
Kovalević, A. – Adaptive content-based music retrieval system (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia tools and applications 47(2010)3, pp. 525-544.

7276   audio indexing877
Laurier, C. – Indexing music by mood: design and integration of an automatic content-based annotator (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia tools and applications 48(2010)1, pp. 161-184.

7549   audio indexing877
Gentili-Tedeschi, Massimo. – Music in Italy: catalogues and cataloguing rules for an extraordinary heritage (Lang.: eng). - In: International cataloguing and bibliographic control, 39(2010)2, pp. 28-29.

7550   audio indexing877
KovaLević, A. – Adaptive content-based music retrieval system (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia tools and applications, 47(2010)3, pp. 525-544.

7551   audio indexing877
Laurier, C. – Indexing music by mood: design and integration of an automatic content-based annotator (Lang.: eng). - In: Multimedia tools and applications, 48(2010)1, pp. 161-184.

7777   audio indexing877
Inskip, Charles, MacFarlane, Andy, Rafferty, Pauline. – Organising music for movies (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 62(2010)4/5, pp. 489-501.

7987   audio indexing877
Kelly, Elizabeth. – Music indexing and retrieval: current problems (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 28(2010)4, pp. 163-166.

8721   audio indexing877
Lee, Deborah. – Classifying music performance: the application of music theories to concert programmes (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 38(2011)6, pp. 530-540.

8722   audio indexing877
Lorimer, Nancy. – Unlocking historical audio collections: collaborative cataloging and batch searching of 78 rpm recordings (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 29(2012)1, pp.1-12.

9151   audio indexing877
Santini, Rose Marie. – Collaborative classification of popular music on the internet and its social implications (Lang.: eng). - In: OCLC systems & services, 27(2011)3, pp. 210-247.

9368   audio indexing877
Damm, D., et al. – A digital library framework for heterogeneous music collections: from document acquisition to cross-modal interaction (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal on digital libraries, 12(2012)2-3, pp. 53-71.

10336   1995-0644audio indexing877
Decobert, L.; Ebtinger, M.-J. – Réalisation d'un modèle d'indexation et de recherche des composantes vocales et instrumentales des oeuvres musicales sur le logiciel documentaire. JBL-DOC Microfiche [Production of an indexing model and research into the vocal and instrumental components of musical works with the JBL-DOC software] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, Inst.Natl.Techn.Doc., Mém, 1992. – pp. 198.

12172   1995-0642audio indexing877
Turner, J. – Indexing film and video images for storage and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Serv.& Use. Vol. 14. No. 3. 1994. p.225-36. Paper presented at the Electronic Imaging and Visual Arts Conference held at the National Gallery, London, UK in July 1994

12173   1995-0643audio indexing877
Elliker, C. – Classification schemes for scores: analysis of structural levels (Lang.: eng). - In: Notes. Vol. 50. No. 4. 1994. p.1269-1320. A wide range of classification schemes were investigated to find out whether there are other elements in musical scores besides forms and genres and/or instrumentation taken care of in such schemes. It is concluded that the traditional arrangement of MED. IUM + FORM/GENRE + CHARACTER continues to achieve widespread applicatin and that this formula may be dominant also in the future

12174   1995-0645audio indexing877
Feiten, B.; Gunzel, S. – Automatic indexing of a sound database using self-organizing neural sets (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Music Journal. Vol. 18. No. 3. 1994. p.53-65.

12175   1995-0646audio indexing877
Temperley, N. – The problem of definitive identification in the indexing of hymn tunes (Lang.: eng). - In: Music Reference Serv.Quart. Vol. 2. No. 3/4. 1993. p.227-240. The goal of the project described was to compile an index of printed sources of hymn tunes with English-language texts from the Reformation to 1820. Each tune is identified in the index by an incipit of ten notes in numerical code. The article describes. also some of the difficulties encountered in cataloguing the many tunes for the index

15641   audio indexing877
Santis, Rodrigo De; Souza, Rosali Fernandez de. – Classifying popular songs: possibilities and challenges (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 41(2014)2, pp. 181-187.. Note: Paper presented at the 2nd ISKO-Brazil Conference, Rio de Janeiro, May 28-30, 2013

16306   audio indexing877
Hofer, Christiane . – Eine Schallplatte ist (k)ein (Papier-)Printmedium – Archivierung und Dokumentation historischer Tonträger [Records are not books: Preservation, archiving and digitization of historic sound carriers] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 68(2015)1, pp. 37-44. – Available at http://hdl.handle.net/10760/25103

16378   audio indexing877
Sousa, Ana Claudia Medeiros de; Albuquerque, Maria Elizabeth Baltar Carneiro de . – From Music To The Collection's Organization An Analysis On Information's Representation Of The José Alberto Kaplan's Library (Lang.: p). - In: Informação: além das nuvens, expandindo as fronteiras da Ciência da Informação: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, (2014), pp. 564-583. – Available at http://enancib2014.eci.ufmg.br/documentos/anais/anais-gt2

16410   audio indexing877
Holden, Christopher. – The Definition of the work entity for pieces of recorded sound (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly,53(2015)8, pp. 873-894. – Available at http://catalogingandclassificationquarterly.com/

16622   audio indexing877
Antequera Antequera, Mª Carmen. – Catalogación sistemática y análisis de las técnicas extendidas en el violín en los últimos treinta años del ámbito musical español [Systematic cataloging and analysis of extended techniques for violin in the last thirty years in the Spanish music scene] (Lang.: spa). - La Rioja, Spain, Universidad de La Rioja, 2015. – Available at http://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/tesis/45374.pdf

16709   audio indexing877
Diet, Jürgen. – Stand und Perspektiven der ViFaMusik im Rahmen des neuen Fachinformationsdienstes Musikwissenschaft [Present situation and perspectives concerning the virtual specialist library for musicology (ViFaMusik) within the new information service musicology] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 50(2)2016, pp. 188-198.

16710   audio indexing877
Eichholz, Nina. – Erschliessung, Digitalisierung und Internetpräsentation im Projekt „Die Notenbestände der Dresdner Hofkirche und der Königlichen Privat-Musikaliensammlung aus der Zeit der sächsisch-polnischen Union“ der SLUB Dresden [Indexing, digitisation and Internet presentation of the SLUB Dresden project “The note collections of the Dresden Cathedral and the Royal Private Music Collection from the time of the Saxon-Polish unionâ€Â] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 50(2)2016, pp. 210-225.

16711   audio indexing877
Scheibe, Michaela. – Liedflugdrucke aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum – neue Perspektiven der Erschliessung [Song leaflets from the German-speaking region – new perspectives of indexing] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 50(2)2016, pp. 226-238.

16723   audio indexing877
Eckhardt, Wolfgang; Neumann, Julia; Schwinger, Tobias; Staub, Alexander. – Das DFG­Projekt „Kompetenzzentrum Forschung und Information Musik“ (KoFIM) an der SBB­PK: Neue Methoden der Tiefenerschliessung von Musikautographen [The DFG-project "Centre of excellence [for] music research and information" at the Berlin State Library: New methods of deep indexing of music autographs] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksmagazin, (1)2016, pp. 36-42. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/imageswww/pdf-dateien/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2016-1.pdf

17359   audio indexing877
Diet, J?rgen; Pulimootil, Sanu. – Bayerische Staatsbibliothek startet Projekt zur automatischen Erkennung von Musiknoten [Bavarian State Library launches project for automatic recognition of music notes] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksmagazin, (2017)1, pp. 36-38. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/pdf/publikationen/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2017_1.pdf

17360   audio indexing877
Schnell, Dagmar. – ... To make the fullest use of: Internationale Vernetzung von Bildquellen zur Musik [International networking of pictorial sources on music] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksmagazin, (2017)1, pp. 47-49. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/pdf/publikationen/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2017_1.pdf

17362   audio indexing877
Diet, J?rgen . – Start der Fortsetzungsphase beim Fachinformationsdienst Musikwissenschaft [Start of the continuation phase at the Specialist Information Service for Musicology] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksmagazin, (2017)2, pp. 50-51. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/pdf/publikationen/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2017_2.pdf

17474   audio indexing877
Smiraglia, Richard P; Graf, Ann M. . – From Music Cataloging to the Organization of Knowledge: An Interview with Richard P. Smiraglia (Lang.: eng). - In: CCQ, 55(2017)5, pp. 269-288. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2017.1312653

17484   audio indexing877
Xiao Hu, Noriko Kando . – Task complexity and difficulty in music information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - JASIST, 68(2017)7, pp. 1711-1723,

17485   audio indexing877
Xiao Hu, Yi-Hsuan Yang. – The mood of Chinese Pop music: Representation and recognition (Lang.: eng). - JASIST, 68(2017)8, pp. 1899-1910,

17505   audio indexing877
Münch, Vera. – Wie finden Sie die Melodie? [How to find the melody [on Optical Music Recognition]] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 20(2017)5, pp. 409-414. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2017-05-reportage-muench.pdf

17851   audio indexing877
Lee, Deborah; Robinson, Lyn. – The heart of music classification: toward a model of classifying musical medium (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 74(2018)5, pp. 258-277.Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2018. – pp. 20. – Available at http://https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/JD-08-2017-0120?journalCode=jd ISSN: 00220418

18284   audio indexing877
Boutard, Guillaume; Feron, Francois-Xavier. – Documenting acousmatic music interpretation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 75(2019)1, pp. 99-119.. – Available at http://10.1108/JD-03-2018-0037

18433   audio indexing877
Café, Lígia Maria Arruda; Barros, Camila Monteiro de . – Abordagens metodológicas das pesquisas sobre organização da informação musical [Methodological approaches in researches regarding information organization of music ] (Lang.: port). - In: Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, 14(2018)3, pp. 304-323. – Available at http://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/1126/1072

18437   audio indexing877
Silva, Juliana Rocha de Faria. – Diretrizes para organização de informação musical brasileira [Guidelines for organizing Brazilian musical information] (Lang.: port). - In: Dissertation.Brasília, Universidade de Brasília, 2017.0. – pp. 288. – Available at http://repositorio.unb.br/handle/10482/31859

1161   1998-0537audio indexingdescriptors877;226
Winter, K. – Sacherschliessung für Musikalien und Tontrager nach dem RSWK-Musik-Entwurf [Subject cataloguing for musical scores and sound recordings according to the RSWK-Musik-draft version] (Lang.: ger). - In: Forum Musikbibliothek, (1998)1, p.28-36.

9152   audio indexingfacet analysis877;325
Lee, Deborah. – Faceted music: towards a model of music classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 339-351 (

2606   2001-0264audio indexingautomatic classification877;348
Höthker, K., Hörnel, D., Anagnostopoulou, C. – Investigating the influence of representations and algorithms in music classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers and the Humanities, 35(2001)1,p.65-79.

8723   audio indexingUDC877;42
Jamar, N. – Predlog za postavitev gradiva po UDK v knjižnici Glasbene Å¡ole Jesenice [Proposal for the systematic book arrangement according to the UDC in the library of the Music School Jesenice] (Lang.: slo). - In: KnjižniÄÂarske novice, 20(2010)3, p. 3 .

8724   audio indexingUDC877;42
KovaÄÂ, T. – Vsebinska obdelava knjižniÄÂnega gradiva: vrstilci UDK za postavitev notnega gradiva po zasedbi [Subject indexing of library material: shelf arrangement of music scores according to organization of music ensembles] (Lang.: slo). - In: KnjižniÄÂarske novice, 19(2009)8, p. 3.

2769   2001-0427audio indexingUDCOPAC877;42;752.2
Adcock, L. – Building a virtual music library : towards a convergence of classification within Internet-based catalogues (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)2, p.66-74.

16151   audio indexingsemantic networks877;725
Kelly, Elizabeth Joan. – Linked Data and music: current projects and opportunities  (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 33(2015)1, pp. 2-7.

7019   audio indexingonline retrieval problems877;751
Schiller, Robert. – Vom Nutzen der inhaltlichen Erschliessung von Musikalien für die Formalsuche [On the benefits of printed music subject indexing for descriptive information searching] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 60(2007)3, pp. 22-32.

4024   2005-32-1-0100audio indexingInternet gateways877;752.3
Dovey, M.J. – Overview of the OMRAS project : Online music retrieval and searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)12, p.1100-1107.

4025   2005-32-1-0101audio indexingInternet gateways877;752.3
Haus, G., Longari, M., Pollastri, E. – A score-driven approach to music information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)12, p.1045-1052.

8905   audio indexingsearch engines877;757
Schedl, Markus, et al. – A music information system automatically generated via web content mining techniques (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 47(2011)3, pp. 426-439.

8208   audio indexingtagging877;835
Rafailidis, Dimitrios, Nanopoulos, Alexandros, Manolopoulos, Yannis. – Building tag-aware groups for music high-order ranking and topic discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of multimedia data engineering and management, 1(2010)3, pp. 1-18.

7778   audio indexingKO work organization877;916
Nelson, Mac. – The cello music cataloger as program builder (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 48(2010)6/7, pp. 634-644.

9153   audio indexingKO metadata877;918
Debaecker, Jean, Mustafa el Hadi, Widad. – Music indexing and retrieval: evaluating the social production of music metadata and its use (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 353-363 (

3112   2002-0134audio indexingbibliographic description877;946
Simpkins, T. – Cataloging popular music recordings (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 31(2001)2, p.1-35.

3113   2002-0135audio indexingbibliographic description877;946
Freeborn, R.B. – Cataloging non-music sound recordings (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 31(2001)2, p.37-51.

3897   2004-0421audio indexingauthority controlorder877;949;11
Gentili-Tedeschi, M., Riva, F. – Authority control in the field of mu­sic : names and titles (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 39(2004)1/2, p.399-412.

156   1997-2-01558771
Eisele, H. – Book review of: Galinski, Ch., Goebel. J.W. (eds.): Guide to terminology agreements. Vienna: TermNet, 1996. 48 p (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 21(1997)1. p.50.

743   1998-0120museum indexing878
Smith, D.A. – Intellectual control of ephemera: a museum's perspective (Lang.: ). - In: Popular Culture in Libraries 1996(4)1,p. 63-70.

744   1998-0121museum indexing878
Régimbeau, G. – Accèss thématiques aux oeuvres d'art contemporaines [Thematic access to contemporary objects of art] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste 35(1998)1,p. 15-23.

964   1998-0340museum indexing878
Balckaby, J., Sandore, B. – Building integrated museum information retrieval systems : practical approaches to data otganization and access (Lang.: eng). - In: Archives and Museum Informatics, 11(1997)2,p.117-146.

3898   2004-0422museum indexing878
Marty, P.F. – Museum informatics (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. by M.A. Drake – New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. - Vol. 3, p.1906-1913.

4026   2005-32-1-0102museum indexing878
Sieglerschmidt, J. – Das Museum als Interface [The Museum as Interface] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Edutainment [see 2005-32-1-0003], p.264-.

4647   2006-33-3-0251museum indexing878
Chi, Y.L., Hsu, T.Y., Yang, W.P. – Ontological techniques for reuse and sharing knowledge in digital museums (Lang.: eng). - In: The Electronic Library, 24(2006)2, p.147-159.

4682   2006-33-4-0283museum indexing878
Ortiz-Repiso, V., Bazán, V., Ponsati, A., Cottereau , M. – How researchers are using the OPAC of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research Library Network (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 24(2006)2, p.190-211.

4779   2006-33-4-0382museum indexing878
Chi, Y.L., Hsu, T.Y., Yang , W.P. – Ontological techniques for reuse and sharing knowledge in digital museums (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 24(2006)2, p.147-159.

5187   2007-0420museum indexing878
Uralman, N. H. – 21. yuzyila girerken bir bilgi kurumu olarak muze [Museum as an information institution towards to 21st century] (Lang.: tur). - In: Bilgi Dunyasi / Information World, 7(2006)2, p.250-266.

5425   2007-0664museum indexing878
Baca, M. et al. – Cataloging cultural objects : a guide to describing cultural works and their images (Lang.: eng). - Chicago, IL, American Library Association, 2006. – pp. Xiii, 396. – ISBN: 0838935648; 9780838935644. Book reviews by: *Chapman, J.W. (0665), Lang:eng, Technicalities, 27(2007)2, p.15-16; *Frosch, P. (0666), Lang: eng, Library Journal, 132(2007)3, p.152

5426   2007-0667museum indexing878
Leman, S. – Let op uw woorden: thesauri in de dagelijkse museumpraktijk [Take care of your words: thesauri in day-to-day practice in museums] (Lang.: dut). - In: Bibliotheek- en Archiefgids, 83(2007)1, p.36-38.

5427   2007-0668museum indexing878
Uralman, N. H. – 21. yuzyila girerken bir bilgi kurumu olarak muze [The museum as an information institution in the 21st century] (Lang.: tur). - In: Bilgi Dunyasi / Information World, 7(2006)2, p 250-266.

6345   2009-0465museum indexing878
Srinivasan, Ramesh, et al. – Blobgects: digital museum catalogs and diverse user communities (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology 60(2009)4, pp. 666-678.

6814   2009-0934museum indexing878
Larsen, Jack Lenor. – The LongHouse proposal for objects classified by mediums (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)9, pp.1907-1914.

7020   museum indexing878
Dubin, D., et al. – Preserving meaning, not just objects: semantics and digital preservation (Lang.: eng). - In: Library trends, 57(2009)3, pp. 595-610.

7277   museum indexing878
Coburn, Erin et al. – The Cataloging Cultural Objects experience: codifying practice for the cultural heritage community (Lang.: eng). - In: IFLA journal 36(2010)1, 16-29.

7278   museum indexing878
Murguia, Eduardo Ismael. – Collecting and knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp.391-397.

7279   museum indexing878
Sardá Sánchez, Raquel, Sánchez Hernández, Maria F. – Los procesos de catalogación y difusión de la información en el Museo Cerralbo de Madrid [Information cataloguing and dissemination processes at the Museum Cerralbo (Madrid, Spain)] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento 14(2008)2, pp. 153-160.

7552   museum indexing878
Mochida, Makoto. – [Cataloging & application of collections in university museums: a case study of Hokkaido University museum] (Lang.: jap). - In: Toshokan-Kai/The library world, 61(2010)6, pp. 634-638.

7988   museum indexing878
Varniené-Janssen, Regina. – Methodological and organisational aspects of digitisation and bibliographic accesss of the cultural heritage: a Lithuanian approach (Lang.: eng). - In: International cataloguing and bibliographic control, 39(2010)4, pp. 67-74.

8214   museum indexing878
Pattuelli, M. Cristina. – Modeling a domain ontology for cultural heritage resources: a user-centered approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 62(2011)2, pp. 314-342.

11083   1990-1-440museum indexing878
Scott, D.W. – Museum data bank research report: the Yogi and the registrar (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Trends.Vol.37.No.2.1988.p.130-141.

11084   1990-1-441museum indexing878
Summers, J.E.; Summers, E.G. – The computerized cataloguing of historic watercraft: a case study in infomation retrieval in museology (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.Vol.40.No.4.1989.p.253-261.

11303   1990-2-340museum indexing878
Smither, R. – 'Is Briannia a personality?': some questions arising while indexing the Imperial War Museum's collection (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.17.No.1.1990.p.7-11.

11451   1993-0390museum indexing878
Will, L.. – The indexing of museum objects (Lang.: eng). - In: IndexerVol. 18 No. 3. 1993. p.157-160.

16391   museum indexing878
Monteiro, Juliana; Lara, Marilda Ginez Lopes de . – The Notion Of Museum Documentation At The Spectrum Standard And The CIDOC/ICOM (Lang.: por). - In: Informação: além das nuvens, expandindo as fronteiras da Ciência da Informação: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, (2014), pp. . 812-829. – Available at http://enancib2014.eci.ufmg.br/documentos/anais/anais-gt2

16393   museum indexing878
Ballesté, Adriana Olinto; Almeida, Alea de . – Organization And Representation Of Information In The Virtual Museum Of Musical Instruments – MVIM (Lang.: por). - In: Informação: além das nuvens, expandindo as fronteiras da Ciência da Informação: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, (2014), pp. 848-868. – Available at http://enancib2014.eci.ufmg.br/documentos/anais/anais-gt2

16592   museum indexing878
Guttenbrunner, Mark. – Establishing and verifying authentic performances of digital objects: A framework and process for evaluating digital preservation actions (Lang.: eng). - Vienna, Austria, Technische Universität Wien , 2014. – Available at http://media.obvsg.at/p-AC11602219-2001

16633   museum indexing878
Brulon, Bruno. – Re-interpretando os objetos de museu: da classificação ao devir [Re-interpreting museum objects: From classification to becoming] (Lang.: por). - In: TransInformação, 28(2016)1, pp. 107-114. – Available at http://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/seer/index.php/transinfo/article/view/2643

17486   museum indexing878
Minkov, Einat; Kahanov, Keren; Kuflik, Tsvi. – Graph-based recommendation integrating rating history and domain knowledge: Application to on-site guidance of museum visitors (Lang.: eng). - In: JASIST, 68(2017)8, pp. 1911-1924. – Available at http://doi/10.1002/asi.23837/full

17514   museum indexing878
Dührkohp, Frank. – Erfassen – Veröffentlichen – Forschen. Perspektiven zur Erschließung von musealen Objekten im bibliothekarischen Kontext [Recording – Publishing – Researching. Perspectives concerning the indexing of museum objects in a library context] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 52(2018)1, pp. 16-25. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2018-0005

17520   museum indexing878
Frentz, Hanns-Peter. – Das Bildportal der Kultureinrichtungen [The image portal of the cultural institutions] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheks-Magazin, 13(2018)1, pp. 71-74. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/pdf/publikationen/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2018_1.pdf

17746   museum indexing878
Klimaszewski, Cheryl. – Third-party classification: exposing likeness between satellites dishes, troll figurines and mass-produced bedspreads in a romanian local museum (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 72(2016)1, pp. 156-171.Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016. – pp. 15. – Available at http://https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/JD-02-2015-0030?journalCode=jd ISSN: 00220418

17965   museum indexing878
Turner, Hannah. – Organizing knowledge in museums: a review of concepts and concerns (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2017)7, pp. 472-484.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2017. – pp. 13. ISSN: 09437444

17966   museum indexing878
Fortier, Alexandre; Ménard, Elaine. – Laying the ground for DOLMEN: offering a simple standardization starts with understanding what museums do (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2017)7, pp. 485-493.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2017. – pp. 9. ISSN: 09437444; 3 Charts

17968   museum indexing878
Hajibayova, Lala; Latham, Kiersten F.. – Exploring museum crowdsourcing projects through Bourdieu’s lens (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2017)7, pp. 506-514.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2017. – pp. 9. ISSN: 09437444

17972   museum indexing878
Katona, Júlia Magdolna. – The cultural and historical contexts of ornamental prints published in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Europe: a case study for the standardized description of museum objects (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2017)7, pp. 559-577.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2017. – pp. 19. ISSN: 09437444; 6 Color Photographs, 9 Charts

18182   museum indexing878
Maimone, Giovana Deliberali . – Representação informacional de documentos artísticos em ambiente museológico: uma análise exploratória sob o ponto de vista da integração departamental [Informational representation of artistic documents in a museum environment: an exploratory analysis from the point of view of department integration] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação&Informação, 23(2018)1, pp. 109-131. – Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/30430/23233

18190   museum indexing878
Padilha, Renata Cardozo . – A representação do objeto museológico na época de sua reprodutibilidade digital [The representation of the museological object at the time of its digital reproducibility] (Lang.: por). - In: Dissertation.Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2018. – pp. 256. – Available at http://tede.ufsc.br/teses/PCIN0169-T.pdf

18436   museum indexing878
Padilha, Renata Cardozo. – A representação do objeto museológico na época de sua reprodutibilidade digital [The representation of the museological object at the time of its digital reproducibility] (Lang.: port). - In: Dissertation.Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2018.0. – pp. 256. – Available at http://tede.ufsc.br/teses/PCIN0169-T.pdf

18567   museum indexing878
Marcondes, Carlos Henrique Marcondes. – Proposta de uma classificação geral de objetos museológicos [Proposal of a general classification schema for museum objects] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 24(2019)2, pp. 103-123. – Available at http://poraldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3155/2282

18786   museum indexing878
Kuster, Thomas. – [book review of] Patrick Poch: Porträtgalerien auf Papier. Sammeln und Ordnen von druckgrafischen Porträts am Beispiel Kaiser Franz' I. von Österreich und anderer fürstlicher Sammler. Köln, 2018 [Portrait galleries on paper: Collecting and arranging print portraits using the example of Emperor Franz I of Austria and other princely collectors] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 72(2019)1, pp. 214-218. – Available at http://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v72i1.2287

18940   museum indexing878
Britto, Clovis Carvalho. – Teoria do efeito de teoria: reflexões sobre a organização do conhecimento no campo das Museologias contemporâneas [Theory of theory effect: reflections on the organization of knowledge in the field of contemporary museologies ] (Lang.: port). - In: Em questão, 27(2021)4, pp.387-412. – Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/110057

9369   museum indexingintegrated thesauri878;216
Spree, Ulrike, Lindenthal, Jutta, Knaack, Andje. – Wortnetz Kultur: Ein Thesaurusprojekt zur kollaborativen Erschliessung von Fachinformationen des kulturellen Erbes [Wortnetz Kultur: A thesaurus project for the collaborative indexing of cultural heritage] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 63(2012)1, pp. 23–36.

5834   2008-0380museum indexingKOS conceptual structures878;221
Isaac, A., Schlobach, S., Matthezing, H., Zinn, C. – Integrated access to cultural heritage resources through representation and alignment of controlled vocabularies (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 57(2008)3, p.187-199.

7779   museum indexingfacet analysis878;325
Ménard, Elaine, Mas, Sabine, Alberts, Inge. – Faceted classification for museum artefacts: a methodology to support web site development of large cultural organizations (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 62(2010)4/5, pp. 523-532.

8215   museum indexingfacet analysis878;325
Menard, Elaine, Mas, Sabine, Alberts, Inge. – Faceted classification for museum artefacts: a methodology to support web site development of large cultural organizations (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings: new information perspectives, 62(2010)4-5, pp. 523-532.

4349   2005-32-4-0424museum indexingonline systems infine arts878;758-94
Marty, P.F., Rayward, W.B., Twidale, M.B. – Museum informatics (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 37(2003)1, p.259-294. »» Review article

17857   museum indexingKO metadata878;918
Rinn, Meghan R.. – Nineteenth-century depictions of disabilities and modern metadata: a consideration of material in the p. t. barnum digital collection (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies, 5(2018)Art.1.New Haven, CT, Yale University, 2018. – pp. 18. – Available at http://https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/jcas/vol5/iss1/1/

6346   2009-0466museum indexingarchival description878;943
Ahren, Amelia. – "Every bit informs another": framework analysis for descriptive practice and linked information (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 118-123.

292   1997-2-0291various NBM indexing879
Weinberg, B.H. – Complexity in indexing systems abandonment and failure : implications for organizing the Internet (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Baltimore, Maryland, 21-24 Oct 1966. Ed. by S. Hardin (1996). - Medford, NJ : Information Today, Inc. for American Society for Information Science, p.84-90. Why are sophisticated systems for the structured representation of knowledge like hierarchical classifications and thesauri with features for the representation of term relationships not more used? The suggested structure for indexing the Internet and other large electronic collections are based on that of back-of-the-book: specific headings with coined modifications

293   1997-2-0292various NBM indexing879
Vigneau, A. – Les documents informatiques : pour une classification efficace [Electronic records : towards a effective classification] (Lang.: fre). - In: Archives (Quebec) 27(1996)3. p.29-51.

294   1997-2-0293various NBM indexing879
Wright, J.C. – How to index online (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 20(1997)3. p.115-120. Covers some of the decisions that should be made and information-gathering that should be done before beginning to index an electronic document (CD-ROM, Web site etc.)

295   1997-2-0294various NBM indexing879
Shumaker, L.E. – Indexing the California Home Page (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer 20(1997)3. p.127-129.

610   1997-4-0611various NBM indexing879
Rusch-Feja, D. – Informationsvermittlung, Informationsretrieval und Informationsqualiat im Internet [Processing, retrieval and quality of Internet information] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift fr Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 43 (1996)4. p.329-360.

611   1997-4-0612various NBM indexing879
Nicholson, S. – Indexing and abstraction on the World Wide Web : an examination of six web databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Information technology and libraries (1997). p.73-81.

745   1998-0122various NBM indexing879
Beany, S.; Carpenter, L. – La description et la recherche des documents electroniques [Description and research of electronic documents] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothecaires Français 1997174,p. 135-140.

965   1998-0341various NBM indexing879
McKierman, G. – Beyond bookmarks : a review of frameworks, features, and functionalities of schemes for organizing the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Internet Feference Services Quarterly, 3(1998)1,p.69-82.

966   1998-0342various NBM indexing879
MacLennan, A. – Interesting times (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 47(1998)1/2, p.106-109. On the inadequate control of access to Internet sources

1162   1998-0538various NBM indexing879
Zhao, D. – Managing electronic information : Web page, subject folder, and OnWeb catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: National Online Meeting 1997: Proceedings of the 18th National Online Meeting, New York, 13-15 May 1997 / ed. by M.E. Williams. - Medford, NJ: Information Today, 1997, p.381-392. Classifying of Internet resources on a Web site

1163   1998-0539various NBM indexing879
Rolph, W.D. – Indexing and searching technologies for the Texas Instrument Intranet (Lang.: eng). - In: Texas Instruments Technical Journal, 14(1997)4,p.40-43.

1164   1998-0540various NBM indexing879
Notess, G.R. – New features of the Web indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 21(1997)5,p.52-55.

1165   1998-0541various NBM indexing879
Rentschler, C. – Indexing electronic journals (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 16(1998)3,p.177-179.

1469   1999-0263various NBM indexing879
Ede, Stuart. – Digital indigestion - is there a cure? (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control , 28(1999)1,p.3-7.

1470   1999-0264various NBM indexing879
Valauska, Edward J. – Digital information and the Internet : the special case of electronic journals (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control , 28(1999)1,p.14-17.

1471   1999-0265various NBM indexing879
Griffiths, A. – Setting up a subject directory of Web sites : a case study of Management Links (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Management , 20(1999)1/2,p.12-18.

1472   1999-0266various NBM indexing879
Clark, J. – Identifying useful Websites (Lang.: eng). - In: Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian , 17(1998)1,p.91-93.

1473   1999-0267various NBM indexing879
Chowdhury, G.C. – The Internet and information retrieval research : a brief review (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation , 55(1999)2,p.209-225.

1664   1999-0459various NBM indexing879
Tröger, Beate. – Und wie halten Sie es mit der Internet-Erschliessung? : Bibliothekarische Gretchenfragen von IBIS bis Gerhard [And how about subjectindexing of the Internet?: Questions for libraries from IBIS to GERHARD] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 32(1998)11, p.1922-1930. »» Subject indexing by German libraries (IBIS)and by a German harvester (GERHARD)

1665   1999-0460various NBM indexing879
Bates, M.J. – Indexing and access for digital libraries and the Internet : human, database, and domain factors (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(1998)13, p.1185-1205.

1977   2000-0253various NBM indexing879
Quinn, B. – Mainstreaming electronic journals through improved indexing : prospects for the social sciences (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials review, 25(1999)2,p.23-34. »» An overview in how far electronic journals are indexed in the major social sciences abstract services

1978   2000-0254various NBM indexing879
MacCall, S.L., Cleveland, A.D., Gibson, I.E. – Outline and preliminary evaluation of the classical digital library model (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.33-46. »» Searching large collections of internet resources automatically indexed with keywords is compared with searching in resources selected by LIS profesionals and indexed with classical techniques as classifications and subject headings

1979   2000-0255various NBM indexing879
Liefooghe, P. – Catalogue of the Belgian Internet landscape (Lang.: eng). - In: Informatiewetenschap 1998, p.147-164.

1980   2000-0256various NBM indexing879
Hocine, A., Lo, M., Smadhi, S. – Information retrieval on the Web : an approach using a base of concepts and XML (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000, p.64-70.

2121   2000-0397various NBM indexing879
Lim, E. – Southeast Asian subject gateways : an examination of their classification practices (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 29(2000)3,p.45-48.

2122   2000-0398various NBM indexing879
McKierman, G. – Points of view : conventional and "neo-conventional" access and navigation in digital collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Internet Cataloging, 2(1999)1,p.23-41.

2123   2000-0399various NBM indexing879
Vrînceanu, N., Stan, M. – Indexarea ,si regåsirea documentelor digitale [Indexing and retrieval of digital documents] (Lang.: rom). - In: Buletin asociaţia bibliotecarilor din învăţământ România, 11(2000)2,p.25-28.

2437   2001-0095various NBM indexing879
Chan, L.M. – Exploiting LCSH, LCC, and DDC to retrieve networked resources : issues and challenges (Lang.: eng). - – Available at http://lcweb.loc.gov.catdir/bibcontrol/ chan_paper.html

2607   2001-0265various NBM indexing879
Lobo, D.O. – Metodos y technicas para la indizacion y recuperacion de los recursos de la World Wide Web [Methods and techniques for indexing and retrieving World Wide Web resources] (Lang.: spa). - In: Boletin de la Asociacion Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, 14(1999)57,p.11-22.

2608   2001-0266various NBM indexing879
Lanza, S.R. – Bookmarks : our unruly, unmanageable friends (Lang.: eng). - In: Searcher, 9(2001)3,p.48-53.

2770   2001-0428various NBM indexing879
Dumais, S., Chen, H. – Hierarchical classification of Web content (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of ACM SIGIR 23rd International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval / ed.by N.J.Belkin, P.Ingwersen and M.K.Leong. - New York : ACM Press, 2000, p.256-263.

2933   2001-0591various NBM indexing879
Koch, T. – Az internetforrasok toketesebb leirasahoz, szervezesehez es keresesehez alkalmas osztalyozasi rendszerek hasznalata [The use of improved classification systems for the description management and searching of Internet sources] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudomanyos es Muszaki Tajekoztatas, 47(2000)3, p.119-128.

3294   2002-0315various NBM indexing879
Henninger, M. – What makes a good Web index? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)4, p. 182-183.

3731   2004-0257various NBM indexing879
Pérez Lorenzo, B., Morales García, A.M., García López, F., Monje Jiménez, T. – La organizacíon del conocimiento en los portales de Internet: estudio de los principales proveedores de contenides [The organization of the knowledge in the portals of the main suppliers of information] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.663-678.

3798   2004-0325various NBM indexing879
Denner, L., Van der Walt, M.S. – The organization of electronic information in selected small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in South Africa (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 312004)1, p.4-25.

3899   2004-0423various NBM indexing879
Mai, J.E. – Classification of the Web : challenges and inquiries (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 31(2004)2, p.92-97.

4512   2006-33-2-0116various NBM indexing879
Belam, M. – Toepassing van een taxonomie bij een grote website : BBC [Taxonomy application at a large web site: BBC] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 9(2005)2, p.20-23, 38.

4780   2006-33-4-0384various NBM indexing879
Laguens García, J.L. – Tesauros y lenguajes controlados en Internet (Lang.: eng). - In: Anales de Documentación, 9(2006), p. 105-121.

5188   2007-0421various NBM indexing879
Abels, S., Hahn, A. – Empirical study on usage of electronic product classification systems in e-commerce organizations in Germany (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, 4(2006)1, p.33-47.

5189   2007-0422various NBM indexing879
Lourdi, I., Papatheodorou, C., Nikolaidu, M. – A multi-layer metadata schema for digital folklore collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 33(2007)2, p.197-213.

5589   2008-0134various NBM indexing879
An, X. – Records management in China: a critique by Dr Xiaomi An (Lang.: eng). - In: Records Management Bulletin, 137(2007), pp. 18-23.

5590   2008-0135various NBM indexing879
Leydier, Y., Lebourgeois, F., Emptoz, H. – Text search for medieval manuscript images (Lang.: eng). - In: Pattern Recognition, 40(207)12, pp.3552-3567.

6073   2009-0193various NBM indexing879
Cosh, K. J., Burns, R., Daniel, T. – Content clouds: classifying content in Web 2.0 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 57(2008)9, p.722-729.

6074   2009-0194various NBM indexing879
Bryans, D. – Theatre programmes, the indexing of (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 26(2008)3, p.118-120.

6075   2009-0195various NBM indexing879
Hanner, D. – A model retrospective newspaper index (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words, 16(2008)3, p.85-89, 106.

6076   2009-0196various NBM indexing879
Montesi, M., et al. – Classifying web genres in context: A case study documenting the web genres used by a software engineer (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 44(2008)4, p.1410-1430.

6077   2009-0197various NBM indexing879
Sabre, J. M., Hamburger, S. – A case for item-level indexing: the Kenneth Burke Papers at the Pennsylvania State University (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Archival Organization, 6(2008)1-2, p.24-46.

6078   2009-0198various NBM indexing879
Staff, C. – Bookmark category Web page classification using four indexing and clustering approaches (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 5149(2008), p.345-348.

6079   2009-0199various NBM indexing879
van der Velden, M. – Organising development knowledge: towards situated classification work on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Webology, 5(2008)3. – Available at http://www.webology.ir/2008/v5n3/a60.html

6815   2009-0935various NBM indexing879
Mori, Sara. – Integrare competenze: un’esperienza di catalogazione di fogli volanti [To integrate competences: an experience in cataloguing fly sheets] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche oggi, 7(2009)6, pp. 44-46.

6816   2009-0936various NBM indexing879
Pinciroli, Chiara. – Gestione e catalogazione di una collezione di e-book accademici [The management and cataloguing of a collection of academic e-books] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche oggi, 27(2009)6, pp. 50-52.

6817   2009-0937various NBM indexing879
Seymour, Deni J. – Special ethical and scholarship considerations for the archaeological grey literature (Lang.: eng). - In: The grey journal, 5(2009)2, pp. 89-96.

7280   various NBM indexing879
Bolfarini Tognoli, Natália, Chaves Guimarães, José Augusto. – Postmodern archival science and contemporary diplomatics: new approaches for archival knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp.405-411.

7281   various NBM indexing879
Bragato Barros, Thiago Henrique, De Moraes, João Batista. – From archives to archival science: elements for a discursive construction (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp.398-404.

7282   various NBM indexing879
Jayaraman, U., Prakash, S., Gupta, P. – An efficient technique for indexing multimodal biometric databases (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of biometrics 1(2009)4, pp. 418-441.

7553   various NBM indexing879
Belolan, N. – “L'imagerie sucreeâ€Â: challenges in cataloging and researching nineteenth-century French candy wrappers (Lang.: eng). - In: Art documentation, 29(2010)1, pp. 16-22.

7780   various NBM indexing879
Riemer, John J. – The expansion of cataloging to cover the digital object landscape (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 48(2010)6/7, pp. 551-560.

7781   various NBM indexing879
Wu, Annie, Mitchell, Anne M. – Mass management of e-book catalog records: approaches, challenges, and solutions (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 54(2010)3, pp. 164-174.

8216   various NBM indexing879
Weber, Mary Beth, Austin, Fay A. – Describing electronic, digital and other media using AACR2 and RDA: a how-to-do-it manual and CD-ROM for librarians (Lang.: eng). - London, Facet Publishing, 2011. – pp. 256. – ISBN: 9781856046848. With CD ROM

8544   various NBM indexing879
Martin, K.E. et al. – Consortial cataloging guidelines for electronic resources: i-share survey and recommendations (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 49(2011)5, pp. 361-386.

9154   various NBM indexing879
Bonome, María G. – Analysis of knowledge organization systems as complex systems: a new approach to deal with changes in the web (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)2, pp. 104-110.

9155   various NBM indexing879
Smith, S.L. – Creating provider-neutral records for E-books (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 50(2012)4, pp. 304-315.

9156   various NBM indexing879
Sorrell, E. – Providing access to E-audiobooks: help from the non-cataloger (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 50(2012)4, pp.293-303.

9693   various NBM indexing879
Davis, Nikki. – Material culture and the rise of quilt indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 80-84.

9694   various NBM indexing879
Kingsley, Ilana. – Creation, placement and design of website indexes on university websites in the United States (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2013)1, pp. 18-25.

9695   various NBM indexing879
Ramsden, Michael. – Indexing wine (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 90-95.

9696   various NBM indexing879
Zhao, Jian. – [Comparative study on search engines, subject directories and folksonomies] (Lang.: chi). - In: Information science, 30(2012)3, pp. 377-380, 413.

9877   various NBM indexing879
Bianchi, Elisa; Camboni, Maria Clotilde; Lazzarini, Elena. – L'uso del sistema Nuovo Soggettario per l'indicizzazione semantica di risorse web: problemi e proposte [The use of the Nuovo Soggettario for semantic indexing of web resources: issues and proposals] (Lang.: ita). - In: Italian journal of library & information science, 4(2013)2, pp. 1-20. – Available at http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/article/view/8828/8058

9881   various NBM indexing879
Qian, Min; Gan, Liren. – [Experimental study of users’ experience of website classification system] (Lang.: chi). - In: Information studies: theory & application, 36(2012)9, pp.103-108.

9882   various NBM indexing879
Xie, Xinzhou; Jin, Xuehui; Zhang, Jing; Jin, Xiaohong. – [Review of network information resource classification] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of intelligence, 31(2012)2, pp. 141-147.

10275   1995-0647various NBM indexing879
Gödert, W. – Multimedia-Enzyklopädien auf CD-ROM. Eine vergleichende Analyse von Allgemeinenzyklopädien [Multimedia encyclopedias on CD-ROM. A comparative analysis of general encyclopedias] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Dt.Bibliotheksinstitut, 1994. – pp. 125.(Inform.Mittel f.Bibl., Beih.1). In a first art the general characteristics of the encyclopedias are described. Pt.2 presents 7 products from 5 publishers (compton, Grolier, Software Toolworks, Microsoft Encarta, Bertelsmann) and Pt.3 evaluates the new media. On p.43-125 pictures from t. he different CDs are shown as referred to in the text of Pt.1

12818   1996-1298various NBM indexing879
Senecal, R.. – CD-ROM indexes in the visual and performing arts (Lang.: eng). - In: Online & CD Notes, No. Nov. 1994. p.5-6.

13106   1990-1081various NBM indexing879
Klassifizierung von Disketteninhalten der Stadtbibliothek Wetzlar [Classification of the contents of disks of the Wetzlar municipal library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksinfo.Vol.2.1992.p.675-679.

15456   various NBM indexing879
Boruna, Adriana. – Accesibilizarea informatiei digitale: între necesitate si posibilitate [Making digital content accessible to everyone: between necessity and possibility] (Lang.: eng). - In: Revista Româna de Biblioteconomie si Stiinta Informarii, 8(2012)1, pp. 39-54.

15457   various NBM indexing879
Bute, Mihaela. – Facilitarea accesului la informatie: resursele electronice [Facilitating access to information: electronic resources] (Lang.: rom). - In: Axis Libri. GalaÅ£i, 6(2013)19, pp. 12-13.

15458   various NBM indexing879
EglÄ«te, Elita; StÅ«rmane, Aiva; Jankevica-Balode, MÄÂrÄ«te. – Subject metadata development for digital resources in Latvia (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52(2014)1, pp. 20-31.

15459   various NBM indexing879
Nilbe, Sirje; Tarkpea, Tiiu. – Using the Estonian subject thesaurus in the digital environment (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52(2014)1, pp. 32-41.

15460   various NBM indexing879
Pisanski, Jan; Pisanski, Tomaž; Žumer, Maja. – A new approach to complex web site organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 39(2013)6, pp. 805-814.

15642   various NBM indexing879
Carreras Riopedre, Yurelkys de los Angeles; Rey Alvarez, Juan Manuel . – Indexación de metadatos en bibliotecas digitales mediante protocolos de comunicación [Indexing of metadata in digital libraries using communication protocols] (Lang.: spa). - In: Ciencias de la Información, 44(2013)3, pp. 51-54.. – Available at http://cinfo.idict.cu/cinfo/article/view/591/461

15643   various NBM indexing879
Montejo-Ráez, Arturo; Martínez-Cámara, Eugenio; Martín-Valdivia, M. Teresa; Ureña-López, L. Alfonso. – A knowledge-based approach for polarity classification in twitter (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(2014)2, pp. 414-425..

15644   various NBM indexing879
Oh, Heung-Seon; Myaeng, Sung-Hyon. – Utilizing global and path information with language modelling for hierarchical text classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 40(2014)2, pp. 127-145..

15645   various NBM indexing879
Souza, Elisabete Gonçalves de; Costa, Wellington Freire Cunha. – Aplicação do modelo conceitual FRBR em repositórios institucionais: um estudo de caso (Lang.: eng). - In: Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciência da informação, 14., Florianópolis. Proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (06.13-10-29/11-01). – Available at http://enancib2013.ufsc.br/index.php/enancib2013/XIVenancib/paper/viewFile/516/435

15646   various NBM indexing879
Uhlmann, Sandro. – Automatische Beschlagwortung von deutschsprachigen Netzpublikationen mit dem Vokabular der Gemeinsamen Normdatei (GND) [Automatic subject indexing of German language web publications using the vocabulary of the Universal Authority File (GND)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 25(2013)2, pp. 26-36..

15859   various NBM indexing879
Dartnall, Jean. – Indexing organizations (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)2, pp. 67-70.

15860   various NBM indexing879
Faulkner, Kate. – Tears, drama and meeting minutes: an indexing experience (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)2, pp. 71-75.

15861   various NBM indexing879
Jermey, Jon. – Technical note: macros for genealogical indexing in Microsoft Word (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)2, pp. 76-77.

15863   various NBM indexing879
Mustafa El Hadi, Widad; Favier, Laurence. – Bridging the gaps between knowledge organization and digital humanities (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 477-485 (06.14-05-19/22).

15864   various NBM indexing879
Reddan, Nick. – The registry of deeds index project Ireland (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)2, pp. 64-67.

15865   various NBM indexing879
Song, Min. – An ontology-based approach to sentiment classification of mixed opinions in online restaurant reviews (Lang.: eng). - In: Conference papers of the Korean biblia society for Library and Information Science, 2014/5, pp. 73-89.

16220   various NBM indexing879
Caldera-Serrano, Jorge. – Externalización de la gestión documental audiovisual en las televisiones por medio de productoras audiovisuales y agencias de noticias [Outsourcing audiovisual documentary management on television by audiovisual producers and news agencies] (Lang.: esp). - In: TransInformação, 27(2015)2, pp. 145-156. – Available at http://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/seer/index.php/transinfo/article/view/2925/1963

16526   various NBM indexing879
Martins, Rúbia. – O valor probatório do documento eletrônico: análise interdisciplinar entre a arquivologia e o direito ["The probative value of the electronic documents: interdisciplinary analysis between Archivology and Law"] (Lang.: por). - Marília, São Paulo, Brasil, Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 2015. – Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/martins_r_do_mar.pdf

16548   various NBM indexing879
Innarelli, Humberto Celeste. – Gestão da preservação de documentos arquivísticos digitais: proposta de um modelo conceitual [Management of the digital records preservation: conceptual model proposal] (Lang.: por). - São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil, Universidade de São Paulo, 2015. – Available at http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/27/27151/tde-27052015-101628/pt-br.php

17518   various NBM indexing879
Hug, Marius; Mathieu, Christian. – Das bewegte Buch: Ein Konzept zur Digitalisierung dynamischer Buchobjekte [The moving book: A concept for digitizing dynamic book objects] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheks-Magazin, 13(2018)1, pp. 12-16. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/pdf/publikationen/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2018_1.pdf

3114   2002-0136various NBM indexingliterature reviews879;02
Wiley, D.L. – (Book review of) Browne, G., Jermey, J.: Website indexing: ebhancing access to information within websites - Blackwood, SA (Australia): Auslib Press, 2001 - 103 p. - ISBN: 359811504 (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 25(2001)6, p.94.

3115   2002-0137various NBM indexingliterature reviews879;02
Bertuca, D.J. – (Book review of) Browne, G., Jermey, J.: Website indexing: ebhancing access to information within websites - Blackwood, SA (Australia): Auslib Press, 2001 - 103 p. - ISBN: 359811504 (Lang.: eng). - In: Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 6(2001)1, p.91-93.

4942   2007-0148various NBM indexingtextbooks879;07
Mitchell, A.M., Surratt, B.E. – Cataloguing and organizing digital resources (Lang.: eng). - London, Facet Publishing, 2005. – pp. 236. Reviews by: *Bouchet, L-L. (0149)- Australian Library Journal, 55 (2006)2, p.175-176. *Bowman, J.H. (0150)- Education for Information, 24 (2006)1, p.75-77. *Eden, B.L. (0151)- Technology Electronic Reviews, 13(2006)2. URL: www.lita.org/ala/lita/litapublications/ter/tertechnology.htm *Johncocks, B. (0152)- The Indexer, 24(2005)4. *Shen Yuezeng (0153)- Technical services quarterly, 23(2006)4 p.106-108. *Strader, C.R. (0154)- Libraries, Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 30(2006)1/2, p.131-132. *Yeates, R. (0155)- Program, 40(2006)1, p. 100-102

4350   2005-32-4-0425various NBM indexingmath KO theory879;131
Garcés, P.J., Olivas, J.A., Romero, F.P. – Concept-matching IR systems versus word-matching information retrieval systems : considering fuzzy interrelations for indexing Web pages (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)4, p.565-576.

16097   various NBM indexingKO history879;19
de Groat, Greta . – A History of Video Game Cataloging in U.S. Libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 53(2015)2, pp. 135-156.

2438   2001-0096various NBM indexingKOS theoryconceptologysystems theory879;211;651/4
Zims, C., Guttmann, D. – Structuring Web bibliographic resources : an exemplary subject classification scheme (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.143-159.

2771   2001-0429various NBM indexingKOS typologyrecord structure879;212;945
Lee-Smeltzer, J. – Finding the needle : controlled vocabularies, resource discovery, and Dublin Core (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services, 24(2000), p.205-215.

9880   various NBM indexingKOS in special environments879;218
Hlava, Marjorie M.K.. – Using a taxonomy for your database or website: a look behind the scenes (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 39(2013)5, pp. 48-51.

9879   various NBM indexingfacets879;225
Green, Rebecca; Huang, Xiaoli. – Classification of digital content, media, and device types (Lang.: eng). - 2013. – Available at http://www.iskouk.org/conf2013/papers/GreenPaper.pdf Paper presented at Knowledge Organization – Pushing the Boundaries, ISKO UK biennial conference, 8th-9th July 2013, London.

15862   various NBM indexingfacets879;225
Lu, Chih-Hwei; Shieh, Jiann-Cherng; Hsiao, Chieh. – [University library website labels construction based on the concepts of faceted classification] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of library and information science research, 8(2014)2, pp. 197-237. – Available at http://lac3.glis.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php?id=327

6080   2009-0200various NBM indexingweightsautomatic classification879;246;348
Tan, J., Yang, X., Yi, L. – An improved approach to term weighting in automatic Web page classification (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 27(2008)1, p.56-61.

9878   various NBM indexingrelationship representation879;249
Evans, Daniel; Jenkins, Alisa. – Joined up thinking: linking and sharing science museum collections and content (Lang.: eng). - 2013. – Available at http://www.iskouk.org/conf2013/papers/EvansPaper.pdf Paper presented at Knowledge Organization – Pushing the Boundaries, ISKO UK biennial conference, 8th-9th July 2013, London.

5190   2007-0423various NBM indexingKOS evaluation in879;298
Abels, S., Hahn, A. – Reclassification of electronic product catalogs: the "Apricot" approach and its evaluation results (Lang.: eng). - In: Informing Science, 9(2006), p.31-47.

1474   1999-0268various NBM indexingsemi-automatic indexing methods879;344
Hartman, J.H., Proebsting, T.A., Sundaram, R. – Index-based hyperlinks (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems , 29(1997)8,p.1129-1135.

1476   1999-0270various NBM indexingautomatic classification879;348
McKiernan, G.M. – Automated categorisation of Web resources : a profile of selected projects, research, products, and services (Lang.: eng). - In: New Review of Information Networking 2(1996),p.15-40.

3642   2004-0168various NBM indexingautomatic classification879;348
Shen, D., Chen, Z., Yang, Q., Zeng, H.J., Zhang, B., Lu, Y., Ma, W.Y. – Web-page classification through summarization (Lang.: eng). - In: SIGIR'04. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval [see 2004-0005], p. 242-249.

6081   2009-0201various NBM indexingautomatic classification879;348
Devi, M. I., Rajaram, R., Selvakuberan, K. – Generating best features for web page classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Webology, 5(2008)1. – Available at http://www.webology.ir/2008/v5n1/a52.html

1166   1998-0542various NBM indexinghypermedia879;356
Pastor Sánchez, J.A., Pérez, T.S. – Exposoción conceptual y aplicación de un modelo para la Organización del Conocimiento en Internet : el Hipertexto Documental [Conceptual exposition and application of a model for organizing knowledge in the Internet: the documentary hypertext] (Lang.: spa). - In: Organización del Conociemto en Sistemas de Información y Documentación, 2(1997),p.2247-269.

2299   2000-0575various NBM indexinghypermedia879;356
Hellweg, H. – Die GESIS Socio-Guide : ein kooperatives Link-Verwaltungs-System [The GESIS Socio-Guide: a co-operative Link-Management-system] (Lang.: ger). - In: Globalisierung und Wissensorganisation[see 2000-0457], p.291-298.

4351   2005-32-4-0426various NBM indexinglibrary KOS879;411
Vizine-Goetz, D. – Classification schemes for Internet resources revisited (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Internet Cataloging, 5(2002)5, p.5-18.

967   1998-0343various NBM indexingDDC879;43
Vizine-Goetz, D. – OCLC investigates using classification tools to organize Internet data (Lang.: eng). - In: OCLC Newsletter, (1997)226,p.14-18.

1477   1999-0271various NBM indexingDDC879;43
Mitchell, J.S. – Flexible structures in the Dewey Decimal Classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Studies , 4(1998)4,p.212-216. * Paper presented to the 5th International Conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO), Lille (France), Aug. 1998 »» Discusses how a general library classification such as the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)can be transformed into a general knowledge organization tool for the worldwide electronic information environment

1475   1999-0269various NBM indexingDDCLCSH879;43;448
Vizine-Goetz, D. – From book classification to knowledge organization : improving Internet resource description and discovering (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science 24(1997)1,p.24-27. »» Use of Dewey Decimal Classification and Library of Congress Subject Headings in OCLC's FirstNet Internet database

450   1997-3-0451various NBM indexinguniversal KOS proposals879;481
Peereboom, M. – Dwerg tussen reuzen? : het Nederlandse Basisclassificatie Web [A dwarf amongst giants? : the Dutch Basic Classification of Web resources] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie professional 1(1997)3. p.15-18.

15858   various NBM indexingsemantic networks879;725
Biagetti, Maria Teresa. – Digital libraries and semantic searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 486-492 (06.14-05-19/22).

1666   1999-0461various NBM indexingonline retrieval problems879;751
Fondin, H. – La recherche d'information dans les mémoires électroniques : l'enjeu documentaire [The search for information in electronic memories: a documentary risk] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste, 36(1999)4/5, p.242-248.

2934   2001-0592various NBM indexingonline retrieval problems879;751
MacDougall, S. – Signposts on the information superhighway : indexes and access (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Internet Cataloging, 2(2000)3/4, p.61-79.

3295   2002-0316various NBM indexingInternet gateways879;752.3
Zins, C. – Models for classifying Internet resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 29(2002)1, p. 20-28.

4781   2006-33-4-0385various NBM indexingInternet gateways879;752.3
Tramullas, J., Garrido, P. – Weblogs Content Classification Tools: performance evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings I Internacional Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies, Mérida (Spain), p. 532-536. – Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/00007880/01/183 .pdf

4782   2006-33-4-0386various NBM indexingInternet gateways879;752.3
Medeiros, N. – The future of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (Lang.: eng). - In: OCLC Systems and Services, 21(4), p. 8-12.

968   1998-0344various NBM indexingsearch engines879;757
Walt, M. van der. – The structure of classification schemes used in Internet search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.379-387.

1667   1999-0462various NBM indexingsearch engines879;757
Tan, W. – Subject access on Internet : highlights of the metasearch engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences, 36(1998)1, p.20-29.

3296   2002-0317various NBM indexingsearch engines879;757
Assadi, H., Beauvisage, T. – A comparative study of six French-language web directories (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 271-278.

3297   2002-0318various NBM indexingsearch engines879;757
Kwasnik, B.H. – Commercial Websites and the use of classification schemes : the case of Amazon.com (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 279-285.

3298   2002-0319various NBM indexingsearch engines879;757
Serrano Cobos, J., Quintero Orta, A. – Design, development and management of an information recovery system for an Internet Website : from documentary theory to practice (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 286-290.

969   1998-0345various NBM indexingsearch enginesKO metadata879;757;918
Kent, R.E. – Organizing conceptual knowledge online : metadata interoperability and faceted classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.388-395.

1167   1998-0543various NBM indexingonline systems evaluation879;759
Rodriguez i Gairin, J.M. – Impact assessment of information in Internet: Altavista, the Citation Index of the Web (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista Española de Documentación Cientifica, 20(1997)2,p.175-181.

1981   2000-0257various NBM indexingmultilingual systems problems879;791
Chan, L.M., Lin, X., Zeng, M. – Structural and multilingual approaches to subject access on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: 65th IFLA Council and General Conference August 20-28, 1999. Booklet 4, p.16-26. * Paper 012-117-E. Also available on the Web: www.ifla.org

1982   2000-0258various NBM indexingmultilingual systems problems879;791
Yee, M.M. – Guidelines for OPAC displays (Lang.: eng). - In: 65th IFLA Council and General Conference August 20-28, 1999. Booklet 4, p.58-66. * Paper 098-131-E. Also available on the Web: www.ifla.org

2935   2001-0593various NBM indexingmultilingual systems problems879;791
Chan, L.M., Lin, X., Zeng, M. – Structural and multilingual approaches to subject access on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: IFLA Journal, 24(2000)4,p.144-149.

8906   various NBM indexingserials indexing879;845
West, Wendy L., Miller, Heather S., Wilson, Kristen. – Electronic journals: cataloging and management practices in academic libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials review, 37(2011)4, pp.267-274.

612   1997-4-0613various NBM indexingcitation indexing879;864
Sieverts, E. – Citatie-zoeken op het Web [Citation searching on the Web] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie professional 1 (1997)6. p.18-19.

8907   various NBM indexingKO profession problems879;911
Sapon-White, R.E. – Kindles and Kindle E-books in an academic library: cataloging and workflow challenges (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources and technical services, 56(2012)1, pp. 45-52.

970   1998-0346various NBM indexingKO metadata879;918
Glassel, A.D., Wells, A.T. – Scout Report Signpost : design and development for access to cataloged Internet resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Internet resources, 1(1998)3,p.15-45. Cataloguing Internet data with traditional tools as Library of Congress Classification and Library of Congress Subject Headings combined with metadata standards as the Dublin Core

1478   1999-0272various NBM indexingKO metadata879;918
Berghel, H. – The client side of the world wide web (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science , (1999)64,p.39-51. »» Review article

1479   1999-0273various NBM indexingKO metadata879;918
Oder, N. – Cataloging the Net : can we do it? (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Journal , 123(1998)16,p.47-51. »» The author discusses attemps and standards for organizing and indexing the Internet

3733   2004-0259various NBM indexingKO metadata879;918
Prieto Castro, E. – Organización del conocimiento de los recursos gratuitos de Internet: el caso de documentación jurídica en las bibliotecas universitarias españolas [Knowledge management of free internet resources: law related information in academic libraries in Spain] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.691-708.

2772   2001-0430various NBM indexingKO organization principles879;931
Hickey, T., Vizine-Goetz, D. – The role of classification in CORC (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 99.Proceedings of the 23rd International Online Information Meeting, London, 7-9 December 1999.Oxford: Learned Information Europe Ltd, 1999, p.247-250.

2609   2001-0267various NBM indexingcataloging879;942
McDonald, J., Ghaphery, J. – Do we have this in full-text? : Providing access to content in full-text aggregated databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Against the Grain, 12(2000)2,p.28,30.

3116   2002-0138various NBM indexingbibliographic description879;946
Olson, N.B. – Cataloging remote electronic resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 31(2001)2, p.101-137.

3117   2002-0139various NBM indexingbibliographic description879;946
Hawkins, L. – Cataloging Web based integrating resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Review, 27(2001)3/4, p.93-96.

13259   1995-0648systems theory879.387, 651/4
Bhattacharjee, E. – Die CD-ROM-Retrieval-Software Knowledge Finder (Lang.: ger). - In: COGITO. No. 1. 1995. p.46-47. Knowledge Finder integrated fully the Thesaurus Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and includes further devices to facilitate access to medical knowledge. It runs on DOS, Windows, and Macintosh, has a Cross-Platform-Portability and is also configured for la. rge networks with a high performance

17487   indexing in88
Yi Zhang, Guangquan Zhang, Donghua Zhu, Jie Lu . – Scientific evolutionary pathways: Identifying and visualizing relationships for scientific topics (Lang.: eng). - In: JASIST, 68(2017)8, pp. 1925-1939.

9157   indexing inmathematicsfacet analysis88-12;325
Ion, Patrick, Sperber, Wolfram. – Some facets of knowledge management in mathematics (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 365-366 (

8545   indexing inmathematicsautomatic classification88-12;348
Sperber, Wolfram, Ion, Patrick D.F. – Content analysis and classification in mathematics (Lang.: eng). - In: Classification & ontology, [see 06.11-9-19/20], pp. 129-144.

6582   2009-0702conceptologypsychology in KOindexing ininformation sciences88-2/5;88-8
Granata, G. – I settori scientifico-disciplinari: una proposta per l'ordinamento delle raccolte nelle biblioteche universitarie [The Scientific-disciplinary Fields: a proposal for collection arrangement in university libraries] (Lang.: ita). - In: ISKO Italia. Documenti, 2007. – Available at http://www.iskoi.org/doc/filosofia3.htm Paper presented at the seminar Classificare le scienze umane: il caso filosofia, Padua, 2 February 2007

7782   indexing inelectronics88-24
Beloozerov, V. N., Å aburova, N. N . – Klassifikacionni’e sistemi’ kak sredstvo poiska informacii po fizike poluprovodnikov [Classification systems as information retrieval tools in the physics of semi-conductors field] (Lang.: rus). - In: Bibliosfera, 3 (2008), pp. 34-42.

11898   1994-1129indexing in88-254
Royce Rose J.; Gasteiger, J.. – HORACE: an automatic system for the hierarchical classification of chemical reactions (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Chem.Inf.Comput.Sci.. 34(1994)1,p.74-90.

6082   2009-0202conceptologyquality data88-26/27
Newsom, C., Lundgren, J., Poehlmann, N. M. – Genre terms for Chemistry and Engineering: not just for literature anymore (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 46(2008)4, p.412-424.

11899   1994-1130indexing in88-263
Bush, B.L.; Sheridan, R.P.. – PATTY: a programmable atom typer and language for automatic classification of atoms in molecular databases (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Chem.Inform.Comput.Sci.. 33(1993)5,p.756-762.

12488   1996-0314indexing in88-265
Hendrickson, J.B.; Sander, T.. – COGNOS: A Beilstein-type system for organizing organic reactions (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Chem.Inform.& Comupt.Sci. Vol. 35, No. 2. 1995. p.251-260. Description of a logical system to organize and index organic reactions, implemented in the COGNOS program to search reaction databases for literature precedents. (Author, abbr.)

12355   1995-0960indexing in88-267
Lambert, N. – Plastic spaceships (Lang.: eng). - In: Searcher. Vol. 2. No. 9. 1994. p.43-9. The new enhanced polymer indexing system of Derwent World Patents Index is examined in detail. Further desirable new features are pointed out

17725   indexing inearth sciences88-3
Adila et al. (21!). – The GeoLink modular oceanography ontology (Lang.: eng). - Dayton OH, Wrights State University, 2015. – Available at http://daselab.cs.wright.edu/pub/2015-geolink-ontology.pdf

18655   indexing inearth sciences88-3; 219
Kim, Jeong-Hyen. – [A Comparative Analysis of Cataloging Records Related to East Sea in the National Libraries of the Various Countries] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 50(2019)4, pp.1257 - 76.Korean Library And Information Science Society,

6083   2009-0203indexing inastronomy88-31
Ibekwe-SanJuan, F. – The impact of geographic location on the development of a specialty field: a case study of Sloan Digital Sky Survey in Astronomy (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 35(2008)4, p.239-250.

7554   indexing inastronomy88-31
Gray, Alasdair J.G. et al. – Finding the right term: retrieving and exploring semantic concepts in astronomical vocabularies (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 46(2010)4, pp. 470-478.

12489   1996-0315indexing in88-327, 147
Miller, D.M.; Kaminsky, E.J., Rana, S.. – Neural network classification of remote-sensing data (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers and Geosciences. p.377-386. Neural nets offer the potential to classify databases upon a rapid match to overall patterns using previously calculated weighting factors, rather than point-by-point comparisons involving algorithmic logic applied to individual data values. The paper describes an example of the use of artificial neural networks to classify remotely sensed data, determining that the networks can provide a useful level of categorization. (Authors, abbr.)

5591   2008-0136indexing ingeosciences88-33
Deliiska, B. – Thesaurus and domain ontology of Geoinformatics (Lang.: eng). - In: Transactions in GIS, 11(2007)4, pp.637-651.

6084   2009-0204indexing ingeosciences88-33
Lin, H.-Y. – Efficient and compact indexing structure for processing of spatial queries in line-based databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Data & Knowledge Engineering, 64(2008)1, p.365-380.

6085   2009-0205indexing ingeosciences88-33
Mehri-e-Sedighi. – Use of Geographical Information System (GIS) in the cataloging of documents: a case study of earthquake documents collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)3, p.454-465.

10539   1996-1299indexing ingeology88-36
Baclawski, D.K.. – Inexpensive map and thesis cataloging for the small geology library. A case study of 'The perils of Pauline' on a PC (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.27th Meeting Geoscience Inform.Soc., Oct.26-29, 1992, Cincinnati, OH. p.119-124.Alexandria, VA, Amer.Geol.Inst., 1993.

8908   indexing ingeography88-39
Khodaei, A. – SKIF-P: a point-based indexing and ranking of web documents for spatial-keyword search (Lang.: eng). - In: Geoinformatica, 16(2012)3, pp. 563-596.

12176   1995-0649indexing ingeography88-39
Woodruff, A.G.; Plaunt, C. – GIPSY: automated geographic indexing of text documents (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 45. No. 9. 1994. p.645-55. An algorithm is presented which automatically extracts geopositional coordinated index terms from text to support georeferenced document indexing and retrieval. Under this algorithm, words and phrases containing geographic place names or characteristics. are extracted from a text document and used as input to database function which use spatial reasoning to approximate statistically the geoposition being referenced in the text

11304   1990-2-341indexing ingeography88-39, 758-39
Hill, L.L. – Geographic indexing for bibliographic databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Resource Sharing & Inf.Network.Vol.4.No.2.1989.p.1-12.

12177   1995-0650indexing inhistory88-39, 88-69
Salzberg, B. – On indexing spatial and temporal data (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Systems. Vol. 19. No. 6. 1994. p.447-465.

12490   1996-0316indexing inhistory88-39, 88-69
Salzberg, B.. – On indexing spatial and temporal data (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Systems. Vol. 19, No. 6. 1994. p. 447-465.

15461   indexing ingeographysemantic networks88-39;725
Bidney, Marcy; Clair, Kevin. – Harnessing the geospatial Semantic Web: toward place-based information organization and access (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52(2014)1, pp. 69-76.

12819   1996-1300indexing insystems theory88-4, -51/4
Jones, R.M.. – Book review of Blake, D., Clarke, M., McCarthy, A.: Indexing the medical and biological sciences. London: Soc.of Indexers 1995. 61 p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Learned Publishing. Vol. 9, No. 1. 1996. p.52-3.

451   1997-3-0452indexing inbiological sciencesspecial KOSbiological sciences88-4;64
Schultz, J.L., Wilks, E.S. – Improved indexing of Chemical Abstracts Services post-treated polymers (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 37(1997)3. p.436-442.

452   1997-3-0453indexing inbiological sciencesspecial KOSbiological sciences88-4;64
Schultz, J.L., Wilks, E.S. – Hierarchical polymer registration and source-based / structure-based correlative search capability via a 'hub concept (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 37(1997)3. p.425-435.

5428   2007-0669conceptologypsychology in KO88-4/5
Acosta, S. – Classification of life (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Media Connection, 25(2007)4, p.95.

6086   2009-0206indexing inbiology88-41
Hjørland, B. – (Book review of) Ereshefsky, M. The poverty of the Linnaean hierarchy: a philosophical study of biological taxonomy - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007 - X, 316p. - ISBN: 9780521038836 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 35(2008)4, p.255-259.

5191   2007-0424indexing inbiologyUDC88-41;42
Erceg, M. – Klasifikacija biotehnologije unutar sheme UDK u nacionalnoj i sveuäœilišnoj knjižnici [Classification of biotechnology according to UDC in the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.65-73.

13552   1990-1-442indexing in88-416
Eremeeva, I.G. – A uniform approach to the classification of the literature of biochemistry using a graphic technique (Lang.: rus). - In: Optimiiz.inf.-bibl.tekhnol.1988.p.119-125.Novosibirsk, SU,

13260   1995-0651indexing in88-442
Rohlfien, K. – Sacherschließung der Monographien, Serienwerke und Stücktitel der Entomologischen Bibliothek mit dem Literaturverwaltungssystem VCH-BIBLIO [Subject indexing of monographs and series of the Entomological Library with VCH-BIBLIO] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.Ges.Bibl.wes.u.Dok.Landb. No. 50. 1994. p.18-23.

6347   2009-0467indexing inagriculture88-46
Salisbury, Lutishoor, Mills, Carolyn. – Analysis of BioOne journal collections: their quality, indexing coverage, and scholarly content (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of agricultural & food information, 10(2009)2, pp. 113-123.

8217   indexing inagriculture88-46
Fumani, M.R.F.Q. – The Persian Agrovoc in an indexing context (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)1, pp. 23-30.

11157   1990-1082indexing inagriculture88-46
Edwards, Sh. – Indexing practices at the National Agricultural Library (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol.16.No.3.1993.p.89-97.

13261   1995-0652indexing inforestry88-47
Bauer, A. – Sacherschließung in der Bibliothek der Fachhochschule Eberswalde, insbesondere seit Einsatz des SISIS-Systems [Subject indexing in the library of the Eberswalde Fachhochschule, especially since introduction of the SISIS-System] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.Ges.Bibl.wes.Dok.Landbau. No. 50. 1994. p.34-36. The system makes use of the Forestry Decimal Classification and the UDC, supplemented by descriptors

3900   2004-0424indexing inecologydomain classification88-49;178
Gazan, R. – Metadata as a realm of translation: merging knowledge domains in the design of an environmental information system (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)3/4, p.182-190.

8909   indexing inecologythesauri88-49;214
Ziemba, L., Cornejo, C., Beck, H. W. – A water conservation digital library using ontologies (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic library 29(2011)2, pp. 200-211.

4943   2007-0156indexing inhuman sciences88-5
Marzal, M. A., Calzada-Prado, J., Ruiz, M. J. C., Cervero, A. C. – Development of a controlled vocabulary for learning objects' functional description in an educational repository vocabulary (Lang.: eng). - In: International conference on Dublin Core and metadata applications; Metadata for knowledge and learning: DC-2006, Manzanillo, Mexico, 2006; ed. by M. Dekker, L. Feria. Colima, Universidad de Colima, 2006, p.253.

10030   1996-1301indexing inhuman biology88-51
ARMA International Standards Vital Records TF. – Vital Records - a guideline (2nd ed.) (Lang.: eng). - Prairie Village, KS, ARMA International, 1993. – pp. 29. – ISBN: 0933887140. The manual defines a vital record and discusses the selection and classification of vital records. Records protection methods are outlined and 14 appendices contain forms for use in a vital records program. A glossary of terms and an annotated bibliography are also included.

4027   2005-32-1-0103conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
McLeod, L., Thain, A., Wales, A. – Influence of strategic direction for NHS Scotland knowledge services on indexing policy for the NHS Scotland e-library (Lang.: eng). - In: Health Information and Libraries Journal, 22(2005)1, p.44.

5835   2008-0381conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Huuskonen, S., Vakkari, P. – Students’ search process and outcome in Medline in writing an essay for a class on evidence-based medicine (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 64(2008)2, p.287-303.

6087   2009-0207conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Hjørland, B. – (Book review of) Cooper, R. Classifying madness: a philosophical examination of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Berlin, Springer, 2005. vii, 172p.(Philosophy & medicine, vol. 86). ISBN: 9781402033445 (Also available as electronic "kindle" book from Amazon.com) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 35(2008)4, p.259-263.

6088   2009-0208conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
de la Calle, G., Garcia-Remesal, M., Maojo, V. – A method for indexing biomedical resources over the Internet (Lang.: eng). - In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 136(2008), p.163-168.

6089   2009-0209conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Glover, S. – Practitioner Commentary on Toth B, Muir Gray JA, Fraser V, Ward R. National electronic Library for Health: progress and prospects. Health Libraries Review 2000, 17, 46-50 (Lang.: eng). - In: Health Information & Libraries Journal, 25(2008)suppl., p.45-46.

6090   2009-0210conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Hersh, W. – Ubiquitous but unfinished: grand challenges for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Health Information & Libraries Journal, 25(2008)suppl., p.90-93.

6091   2009-0211conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Kools, M., et al. – The effects of headings in information mapping on search speed and evaluation of a brief health education text (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 34(2008)6, p.833-844.

6348   2009-0468conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Yi, Kwan, Beheshti, Jamshid. – A hidden Markov model-based text classification of medical documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)1, pp. 67-81.

6583   2009-0703conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Greenberg, S.J., Gallagher, P.E. – The great contribution Index Medicus, index-catalogue, and indexcat (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Medical Library Association, 97(2009)2, pp.108-113.

6584   2009-0704conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Trieschnigg, D., et al. – MeSH Up: effective MeSH text classification for improved document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Bioinformatics, 25(2009)11, pp.1412-1418.

6818   2009-0938conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Wilczynski, Nancy L., Haynes, R. Brian. – Consistency and accuracy of indexing systematic review articles and meta-analyses in Medline (Lang.: eng). - In: Health information & libraries journal, 26(2009)3, pp. 203-210.

7021   conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Jin Zhang, Lu An. – Visual component plane analysis for the medical subjects based on a transaction log (Lang.: eng). - In: Canadian journal of information & library sciences, 34(2010)1, pp. 83-111.

8218   conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Chen, Hao. – [Application of "China Library Classification, 4th ed" in medical libraries] (Lang.: chi). - In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese journal of medical library and information science, 19(2010)2, pp. 52-53.

8219   conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Ge, Hong-mei et al. – [Comparison of biomedical book classification in well-known foreign publisher and certain suggestions for its improvement] (Lang.: chi). - In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese journal of medical library and information science, 19(2010)1, pp. 35-36.

8910   conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Qi, Sheng-lan. – [Classification of clinical books on integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine] (Lang.: chi). - In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese journal of medical library and information science, 20(2011)5, pp. 41-42.

9158   conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Ste Marie, Janyne. – Medical indexing in the United States (Lang.: eng). - In: Key words, 19(2011)2, pp. 52-58.

11305   1990-2-342conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Berrut, C. – Indexing medical reports: The RIME approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Processing & Management.Vol.26.No.1.1990.p.93-109.

11452   1993-0391conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Baud, R.; Alphay, L., Rassinoux, A.-M., Wagner, J.. – Natural language processing and GALEN (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol. 19 No. 4. 1992. p.193-194.

12178   1995-0653conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Lennie, F.; Nickerson, A. – Indexing medical works (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words. Vol. 2. No. 2. 1994. p.1, 11-16.

12863   1990-1083conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Koskinen, M.; Tahtinen, H. – Description of contents of medical journals in FINUC-S database (Lang.: fin). - In: Signum.Vol.25.No.5.1992.p.137.

12870   1996-0317conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Neuvonen, U.. – Supporting top research or a national health bee: contents description in medicine for different target groups (Lang.: fin). - In: Signum. Vol. 28, No. 6. 1995. p.137-138.

18569   conceptologysystems theory88-51/4
Santos, Fatima Cristina Lopes; Mollica, Maria Cecilia Magalhães; Guedes, Vânia Lisboa Silveira. – Coerência na representação temática de artigos científicos na área de saúde pública [Coherence in the thematic representation of scientific articles in the public health area] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 24(2019)3, pp. 214-232. – Available at http://poraldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3727/2318

12179   1995-0654conceptology88-51/4, 872
Orphanoudakis, S.C.; Chronaki, C., Kostomanolakis, S. – I2C: a system for the indexing, storage, and retrieval of medical images by content (Lang.: eng). - In: Medical Informatics. Vol. 19. No. 2. 1994. p.109-122.

9159   conceptologysystems theorythesauri88-51/4;214
Yi, M. – Effective medical resources searching using an ontology-driven medical information retrieval system: H1N1 case study (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic library, 30(2012)2, pp. 248-263.

296   1997-2-0295conceptologysystems theorymaintenance software88-51/4;277
Tuttle, M.S., Nelson, S.J. – A poor precedent (Lang.: eng). - In: Methods of Information in Medicine 35(1996)3. p.211-217. On the maintenance of controlled vocabularies in the field of medical science

297   1997-2-0296conceptologysystems theorymaintenance software88-51/4;277
Rector, A.L. – Faithfullness or comparabilit (Lang.: eng). - In: Methods of Information in Medicine 35(1996)3. p.218-219. On the maintenance of controlled vocabularies in the field of medical science

298   1997-2-0297conceptologysystems theorymaintenance software88-51/4;277
Cimino, J.J. – Formal description and adaptive mechanisms for changes in controlled medical vocabularies (Lang.: eng). - In: Methods of Information in Medicine 35(1996)3. p.202-210. On the maintenance of controlled vocabularies in the field of medical science

15269   conceptologysystems theoryspecial NLP88-51/4;737
Liu, Rey-Long. – A passage extractor for classification of disease aspect information (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)11, pp. 2265-2277.

8911   conceptology88-51/4*380
Chiaravalloti, Maria Teresa, Pasceri, Erika, Taverniti, Maria. – URT “Indexing and classification systemsâ€Â: projects and biomedical knowledge standards (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 39(2012)1, pp. 3-12.

8360   conceptology88-51/4*840
Ste. Marie, Janyne. – Medical indexing in the United States (Lang.: eng). - In: Key words, 19(2011)2 pp. 52-54, 58.

15270   indexing intheoretical medicineNLP software88-52;734
Rosemblat, Graciela; et al. – Extending SemRep to the public health domain (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)10, pp. 1963-1974.

8361   indexing inspecial medicine88-53
Petrelli, D., et al. – Highly focused document retrieval in aerospace engineering: user interaction design and evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: ASLIB proceedings, 63(2011)2/3, pp. 148-167.

5193   2007-0426indexing inpsychologyUDC88-55;42
Gornik, A., Erceg, M. – Klasifikacija psihologije i psihijatrije unutar sheme UDK u praksi nacionalne i sveuäœilišne knjižnice [Classification of psychology and psychiatry according to UDC in the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.50-64.

6092   2009-0212indexing ineducation88-56
Learning architecture: issues in indexing Australian education in a Web 2.0 world (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer 26(2008)4, p.163-168, 169.

10082   1990-1084indexing ineducation88-56
Classer les documents en education: plan de classement, typologie de contenu [Document classing in education: Classification plan and contents typology] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, INR Pedagogique, 1991. – pp. 36.(Ressources et communication). – ISBN: 2734203016.

3901   2004-0425indexing inlabour sciencedomain classification88-57;178
Hartel, J. – The serious leisure frontier in library and information sci­ence : hobby domains (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)3/4, p.228-238.

7783   indexing inlabour scienceUDC88-57;42
Momm, Christiane Fabíola, Lessa, Rafael Orivaldo. – Sistema de classificação bibliográfica e a conceituação do turismo: uma visão da CDU [Bibliographic classification system and the concept of tourism: a vision of the UDC] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em ciencia da informacao, 14(2009)2, pp. 141-154.

17776   indexing insport science88-58
Kaltman, Eric; Wardrip-fruin, Noah; Mastroni, Mitch; Lowood, Henry; De groat, Greta; Edwards, Glynn; Barrett, Marcia; Caldwell, Christy. – Implementing controlled vocabularies for computer game platforms and media formats in SKOS (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Library Metadata, 16(2016)1, pp. 1-22.London, UK, Taylor & Francis Online, 2016. – pp. 22. – Available at http://https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19386389.2016.1167494?journalCode=wjlm20

12942   1993-0392indexing in88-58, 872
Lubkov, M.. – L'Equipe: images de l'épopée sportive [The Equipe: images of the sport epic] (Lang.: fre). - In: Archimag No. 56. 1992. p.33-35.

120   1997-1-0119indexing insocial sciences88-6
Chapple-Sokol, A. – Indexing editorial cartoons (Lang.: eng). - In: Special Libraries Vol.87, No.1, 1996, p.21-31.

6349   2009-0469indexing insocial sciences88-6
Szostak, Rick, Gnoli, Claudio. – Classifying by phenomena, theories and methods: examples with focused social science theories (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 203-209.

8362   indexing insocial sciences88-6
Levitt, Jonathan M., Thelwall, Mike, Oppenheim, Charles. – Variations between subjects in the extent to which the social sciences have become more interdisciplinary (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(2011)6, pp. 1118-1129.

10234   1995-0655indexing insocial sciences88-6
Social Sciences Index: a Quarterly Author and Subject Index to Publications (Lang.: eng). - New York, NY, H.W.Wilson Co, 1994. – ISSN 00944920. This index is published four times a year. As from 1994 the number of journals indexed has increased from 339 to 415

15462   indexing insocial sciences88-6
Marcondes, Carlos H.. – UMLS como suporte ao processamento semântico de artigos em ciências biomédicas [The UMLS as a supporting tool to the semantic processing of biomedical articles] (Lang.: por). - In: Complexidade e organização do conhecimento: desafios de nosso século. Rio de Janeiro: ISKO-Brasil; Marília: FUNDEPE, pp. 160-164.

18561   indexing insocial sciences88-6
Martínez-Arellano, Filiberto Felipe; Hernández-Pacheco, Federico; Chávez-Hernández, Efrén. – Classification and Subject Indexing Issues at a Mexican Library Specializing in Law Research (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, (2019), pp.1-15. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2018.1547938

18572   indexing insocial sciences88-6
Ferreira, Ana Carolina; Maculan, Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos . – Metodologia para a análise de assunto de acórdãos no contexto do controle externo: proposta de um modelo de leitura técnica [Methodology for the analysis of rulings in the context of external control: proposal for a technical reading model] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Questão, poro Alegre, 25(2019)3, pp. 92-131. – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/84881/52762

2774   2001-0432indexing insocial sciencesbibliography88-6;941
Line, M.B. – Social science information : the poor relation (Lang.: eng). - In: IFLA Journal, 26(2000)3, p.177-179.

5194   2007-0427indexing insociologyUDC88-61;42
Lešaja, J. – Klasifikacija sociologije i srodnih znanstvenih podruäœja unutar sheme UDK [Classification of sociology and related disciplines according to UDC] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.36-49.

12820   1996-1302indexing inpolitics88-62
Braun, J.; Hopkins, L.R.. – Collection-level cataloging, indexing, and preservation of the Hoover Institution Pamphlet Collection on Revolutionary Change in 20th Century Europe (Lang.: eng). - In: Techn.Serv.Quart. Vol. 12, No. 4. 1995. p.1-8.

10605   1996-1303indexing in88-623
Hlava, M.M.K.; Hainebach, R.. – Machine-aided indexing: European Parliament study and results (Lang.: eng). - In: Williams, M.E. Proc.17th Natl.Online Meeting, 14-16 May 1996, New York. p.137-158.Medford, NJ, Information Today, Inc., 1996.

1168   1998-0544indexing infinancevarious NBM indexing88-64;879
Quintana, Y. – Knowledge-based information filtering of financial information (Lang.: eng). - In: National Online Meeting 1997: Proceedings of the 18th National Online Meeting, New York, 13-15 May 1997 / ed. by M.E. Williams. - Medford, NJ: Information Today, 1997, p.279-285.

5195   2007-0428indexing insocial politics88-65
Svenda-Radeljak, K. – Primjena Univerzalne Decimalne Klasifikacije u knjižnici studija socijalnog rada pri pravnom fakultetu u Zagrebu [The use of the Universal Decimal Classification in the library of social work studies at the faculty of law in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.142-148.

3902   2004-0426indexing insocial politicsdomain classification88-65;178
Zins, C., Guttman, D. – Domain analysis of social work : An example of an integrated methodological approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Know­ledge Organization, 30(2003)3/4, p.196-212.

7283   indexing inlaw88-66
Nentwich, Michael. – Knowledge Base Law – eine neuartige Wissensbasis im juristischen Bereich [Knowledge Base Law – a novel base of knowledge for the juristical domain] (Lang.: ger). - In: Kompatibilität Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation (, pp. 274-283.

9160   indexing inlaw88-66
Bibee, Abigail. – Technical services law librarian (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 28(2011)4, pp. 462-463.

10068   1994-1131indexing inlaw88-66
Moys, E.M.; Coles, A.P.; Greenhalgh, M.; Wynne, B. (Eds.). – Indexing legal materials (Lang.: eng). - In: Soc.of Indexers Occ.Papers. 2.London, GB, Society of Indexers, 1993. – pp. VII,86. – ISBN: 1871577144. The booklet comprises 8 chapters on the following topics: History of law indexing - Types of law books and their users - Structure and design of indexes - Selecting and analyzing subjects - Indexing terms - Form of entries and references - Indexing EC materials - Cases and statutes. Conclusion. Index of works cited. Index. 8 illustrations are included, e.g. a sample of a table of statutes, a sample page of a classified index, of a specific index, etc.

10537   1996-0318indexing inlaw88-66
Wirth, L.. – Cataloging in the law firm (Lang.: eng). - In: Kehoe,P.E. et al. Law Librarianship. A handbook for the electronic age. 1995. p.396-411.Littleton, CO, Amer.Assoc.of Law Libraries,

11085   1990-1-443indexing inlaw88-66
Green, A. – Some issues in legal indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Law Librarian.Vol.20.No.1.1989.p.7-13.

11086   1990-1-445indexing inlaw88-66
Sainsbury, I. – Cataloguing and classification practice in law libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Law Librarian.Vol.20.No.2.1989.

11087   1990-1-446indexing inlaw88-66
Smith, N. – Indexing legal journals (Lang.: eng). - In: Law Librarian.Vol.20.No.1.1989.p.1-6.

12180   1995-0656indexing inlaw88-66
Brunt, D. – Book review of Moys, E.M. (Ed.): Indexing legal materials. London: Society of Indexers 1993. 74p (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Index. No. 113. 1994. p.11.

13091   1990-1-444indexing inlaw88-66
Paschek, G.F. – Verschlagwortung juristischer Literatur nach RSWK [Indexing of legal literature according to the rules for subject cataloguing] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.Arb.Gem.Jurist.Bibl.u.Dok.Vol.17.No.3.1987.p.140-161.

15463   indexing inlaw88-66
Balan, Dorina. – Etape operationale în indexarea resurselor din domeniul dreptului [Operational stages in indexing legal documents] (Lang.: rom). - In: Buletinul FundaÅ£iei Urechia. GalaÅ£i: Axis Libri, 11(2013)14, pp. 63-68.

16026   indexing inlaw88-66
Hewitt, A. R.. – Legal indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Legal information management, 14(2014)3, pp. 233-239.

2300   2000-0576indexing inlawspecial KOSlaw88-66;666
Gestdottir, A. – Efnisord i logfraedi [Subject indexing for law and the compilation of a legal thesaurus] (Lang.: ice). - In: Bokasafnid, (1999)23,p.48-49.

2773   2001-0431indexing inlawonline systems inlaw88-66;758-66
Pietrosanti, E., Graziadio, B. – Advanced techniques for legal document processing and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence and Law, 7(1999)4, p.341-361.

11158   1990-1085indexing in88-663
Corbett, M. – Indexing and searching in statutory text (Lang.: eng). - In: Law Library J.Vol.84.No.4.1992.p.759-67.

9161   indexing inmilitary science88-68
Forder, Michael. – Military indexing: men and machines (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)3, pp. C1-C8.

8725   indexing inmilitary scienceUDC88-68;42
Fesel, M., Å auperl, A. – VojaÅ¡ke knjižnice v Sloveniji [Military libraries in Slovenia] (Lang.: slo). - In: Organizacija Znanja, 15(2010)1/2, pp. 25-31. – Available at http://home.izum.si/cobiss/OZ/2010_1-2/Html/clanek_03.html

3441   2003-0116indexing inhistory88-69
Beghtol, C. – The Iter Bibliography : International standard subject access to medieval and renaissance materials (400-1700) (http://iter.utoronto.ca) (Lang.: eng). - In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.74-80.

5196   2007-0429indexing inhistory88-69
Nyström, P. – Disciplinarity, inter-disciplinarity and post-disciplinarity: changing disciplinary patterns in the history discipline (Lang.: eng). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.123-132.

15464   indexing inhistory88-69
Mertes, Kate. – Holding hands with the past: indexing historical documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2013)3, pp. 95-105.

5192   2007-0425indexing inhistoryUDC88-69;42
Gabriel, D.-M. – Primjena UDK pri klasifikaciji knjižniäœne graäe iz arheologije i srodnih znanstvenih podruäœja u nacionalnoj i sveuäœilišnoj knjižnici [Classification of archaeology and related disciplines according to UDC: the practice of the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.100-117.

5197   2007-0430indexing inhistoryUDC88-69;42
Gabriel, D.-M. – Primjena UDK pri klasifikaciji knjižniäœne graäe iz arheologije i srodnih znanstvenih podruäœja u nacionalnoj i sveuäœilišnoj knjižnici [Classification of archaeology and related disciplines according to UDC : the practice of the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.100-117.

5198   2007-0431indexing inhistoryUDC88-69;42
Purgarić-Kužić, B. – Povijesni sadržaji i Univerzalna Decimalna Klasifikacija u nacionalnoj i sveuäœilišnoj knjižnici [History as a subject and the Universal Decimal Classification in the practice of the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.118-131.

3643   2004-0169indexing inhistoryNBM indexing problems88-69;871
Rath, T.M., Manmatha, R., Lavrenko, V. – A search engine for historical manuscript images (Lang.: eng). - In: SIGIR'04. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval [see 2004-0005], p. 369-376.

12821   1996-1304indexing in88-692, 925
Rydings, T.. – The Society of Indexers Genealogical Group (Lang.: eng). - In: Local Studies Librarian. Vol. 14, No. 2. 1995. p.24-6.

16532   indexing ineconomical sciences88-7
Cavati Sobrinho, Heliomar. – A representação documentária do domínio da Economia: análise de estruturas de representação em linguagens documentárias e documentos específicos de economia [The documental representation in the domain of Economy: an analysis of the structures of the representation in indexing languages and in specific documents ] (Lang.: por). - Marília, São Paulo, Brasil, Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 2014. – Available at http://http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/cavati_sobrinho_h_do_mar.pdf

18568   indexing ineconomical sciences88-7
Lopes, Patrícia; Lima, Gercina Angela. – Estratégias de organização, representação e gestão de trilhas de aprendizagem: uma revisão sistemática de literatura [Strategies for organization, representation and management of learning paths ] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 24(2019)2, pp. 165-195. – Available at http://poraldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3862/2286

3299   2002-0320conceptologyconceptology88-71/2
Van der Walt, M.S. – An integrated model for the organization of electronic information/knowledge in small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs)in South Africa (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 211-217.

4513   2006-33-2-0117conceptologyconceptologyconceptologyconceptology88-71/2;758-71/2
Afolabi, B., Thiery, O. – Using users' expectations to adapt business intelligence systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society [see 2006-33-2-0003], p.247-254.

13352   1990-1086indexing in88-765
Bertone, M. – Cataloguing textile patrimony (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione.Vol.11.No.1-2.1991.p.131-136.

5199   2007-0432indexing intransport technology88-78
Goyannes Dill Orrico, E., González de Gómez, M.N., Correia de Oliveira, C.I. – On identity in the organization of interdisciplinary scientific information: challenges of the knowledge society (Lang.: eng). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.233-243.

16027   indexing ininformation sciences88-82
Pérez Ortiz, Guadalupe; Gónzalez Lozano, Francisco. – El Archivo del Seminario Metropolitano San Atón de Badajoz: organización de sus fondos documentales [The archive of the saint Aton’s Metropolitan Seminary (Badajoz, Spain): organization of its archival holdings ] (Lang.: spa). - In: Ibersid, 8(2014), pp. 55-66.. – Available at http://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/ibersid/article/view/4125/3780

121   1997-1-0120indexing in88-825
Eckelmann, S. – Die Erschliessung historischer Quellen zur Geschichte des Buch- und Bibliothekswesens [Classing and indexing of historical sources for the study of the history of the book and the history of libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie Vol.43, No.1 1996, p.1-8.

15866   indexing inmass communication88-86
García Gutiérrez, Antonio. – Análisis documental de noticias de prensa en sistemas de información factual [Document analysis of news items for factual information systems ] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista Española de Documentación Científica, 37(2014)2, e046, pp. 1-15. – Available at http://redc.revistas.csic.es/index.php/redc/article/view/849/1114

10501   1990-1087indexing in88-865
Mizermont, L.; Salleras, B. – Application du thesaurus au plan de classement des dossiers de presse dans le cadre d une informatisation [Application of a thesaurus to the project for classifying press dossiers in an information science framework] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, INTD, 1990. – pp. 95.((Mem.: Sci.Inf.)).

11900   1994-1132indexing in88-865, 258-865
Lindley, D.; McDonald, C.; Tsang, P.. – Classifying newswire databases using hierarchical cluster analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 93. London, 7-9 Dec.1993. - Oxford, GB: Learned Information, Ltd., 1993. p.149-159.

1169   1998-0545indexing inhumanities88-9
Rothera, H. – Framing the subject : a subject indexing model for electronic bibliographic databases in the humanities (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and Information Research News, 22(1998)71,p.24-33.

6585   2009-0705indexing inhumanities88-9
Neelameghan, A., Raghavan, K.S. – A knowledge organizing system for humanistic disciplines with enhanced capabilities: case studies (Lang.: eng). - In: Information studies, 15(2009)2, pp.75-94.

16028   indexing inhumanities88-9
Hedeland, Hanna; Jettka, Daniel; Lehmberg, Timm. – Vernetzung statt Vereinheitlichung: Digitale Forschungsinfrastrukturen in den Geisteswissenschaften [Networking instead of unification: digital research infrastructures in the humanities] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 17(2014) 5, pp. 446-455.

16440   indexing inhumanities88-9
Ok Nam Park. – [The Study on Design of Korean Classical Literature Ontologies for Popularization] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Biblia Society For Library And Information Science, 26(2015)3, pp. 267-290. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE06518333

18566   indexing inhumanities88-9
Barros, Camila Monteiro de; Café, Lígia Maria Arruda; Laplante, Audrey. – As contribuições da autonarrativa da experiência semiótica musical para a organização do conhecimento [Contributions of music semiotic experiences self-narrative to knowledge organization] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação e Sociedade: Estudos, 29(2019)2, pp. 101-124. – Available at http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ies/article/view/34919/22775

18877   indexing inhumanities88-9; 942
Kunze, Petra . – Kooperative Erschliessung und Digitalisierung als Dienstleistung für historische Forschungsprojekte und digitale Editionen [Collaborative digital cataloguing and indexing as public service for historical research and digital editing projects] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 55(2021)1, pp. 42-51. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2021-0009

12181   1995-0657indexing in88-912
McLaughlin, M.Ch. – Indexing Irish grammars (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 2. 1994. p.93-98.

10049   1995-0658indexing in88-918
Joachim, M.D. – Languages of the world: cataloging issues and problems (Lang.: eng). - Binghampton, NY, Haworth Press, 1993. – pp. 292. – ISBN: 1560245204. The contents of this book has also been published as Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 17(1993)No.1-2

5200   2007-0433indexing inliterature88-92
Kovač, T. – Vsebinski opis leposlovja v NUK [Subject cataloguing of the works of fiction at the National and University Library] (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnica, 50(2006)1/2, p.163-170. – Available at http://revija-knjiznica.zbds-zveza.si/Izvodi/K0601/kovac.pdf

5201   2007-0434indexing inliterature88-92
Ločniškar-Fidler, M. – Leposlovje ni le na papirju [Fiction is not just in print form] (Lang.: slo). - In: Šolska Knjižnica, 16(2006)1, p.25-30.

5202   2007-0435indexing inliterature88-92
Shenton, A. K. – The role of "reactive classification" in relation to fiction collections in school libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship, 12(2006)2, p.127-146.

5203   2007-0436indexing inliterature88-92
Trott, B., Novak, V. – A house divided? Two views on genre separation (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference and User Services Quarterly, 46(2006)2, p.33-38.

5204   2007-0437indexing inliterature88-92
Vernitski, A. – Developing an intertextuality-oriented fiction classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 39(2007)1, p.41-52.

5836   2008-0382indexing inliterature88-92
Šauperl, A., Harej, V., Merčun, T., Jesenovec, T.; Kastelic, J.K., Plestenjak, B., Vimer Kovaček, U. – Enhancement of subject description of fiction with annotations images (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnica, 51(2007)3-4, p.97-115.

7784   indexing inliterature88-92
Stopa, A. – Niektóre trudnosci klasyfikowania dziel literatury pieknej [Some problems in the classification of fiction] (Lang.: pol). - In: Poradnik Bibliotekarza, 1(2009), pp. 7-10.

10499   1996-0320indexing inliterature88-92
Roth, Ch.. – Konzepte zur Inhaltserschließung Schöner Literatur und ihre Benutzerbilder [Concepts for contents analysis of Belles Lettres and its users] (Lang.: ger). - Hamburg, DE, FHS, FB Bibliothek u.Information, 1994. – pp. 92.(Diplomarbeit/Thesis).

10581   1990-2-343indexing inliterature88-92
Brüning, Ch. – Schlagworterschließung von Belletristik in Öffentlichen Bibliotheken.Eine Untersuchung der Methoden unter besondererBerücksichtigung der RSWK-Anwendung [Indexing of belles-lettres in public libraries.An investigation of methods with special regard of an application of the RSWK] (Lang.: ger). - Köln, FH Bibl.u.Dokw, 1988. (Diplomarbeit Öffentl.Bibl).

11453   1993-0393indexing inliterature88-92
Bell, H.. – On the indexability of butterflies (Lang.: eng). - In: LogosVol. 3 No. 3. 1992. p.149-52.

11901   1994-1133indexing inliterature88-92
Denehy, C.C.. – Subject cataloguing of fiction (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia. 19(1993)3/4,p.183-193.

12491   1996-0319indexing inliterature88-92
Copeland, J.H.. – Accessing French fiction in academe: a case study in 'bibliocide' (Lang.: eng). - In: Current Studies in Librnship. Vol. 19, No. 1/2. 1995. p.24-9.

15271   indexing inliterature88-92
Antonio, Deise Maria; Moraes, João Batista Ernesto de. – Análise documental de obras de ficção: a indexação na perspectiva do percurso gerativo de sentido [Subject analysis in fictions: indexing under the perspective generative path of sense] (Lang.: por). - In: Desafios e perspectivas científicas para a organização e representação do conhecimento na atualidade (06.11-10-20/22), pp. 45-48.

15465   indexing inliterature88-92
Aagaard, Harriet; Viktorsson, Elisabet. – Subject headings for fiction in Sweden: a cooperative development (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52(2014)1, pp. 62-68.

15647   indexing inliterature88-92
Duncan, Dennis. – As if we were reading a good novel': fiction and the index from Richardson to Ballard (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)1, pp. 2-11..

15648   indexing inliterature88-92
Jenner, Lynn; Flath, Tordis. – The index of heightened sensations': collaboration between a skilled indexer and a creative writer to produce a special-purpose index (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)1, pp. 12-15..

12182   1995-0659indexing in88-92, 692
Stebelman, S. – Vocabulary control and the humanities: a case study of the MLA International Bibliography (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference Librarian. No. 47. 1994. p.61-78. Examins the history of the MLA International Bibliography database and how its adaptations, both semantic and technological, have transformed information retrieval within the disciplines it covers. (Author, abbr.)

5205   2007-0438indexing inliteratureUDC88-92;42
Sekne, M. – Neke dvojbe u klasifikaciji književnosti prema UDK i njihova interpretacija u praksi nacionalne i sveuäœilišne knjižnice [Some issues in the classification of literature according to UDC and their interpretation in the practice of the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.87-99.

8726   indexing inliteratureUDC88-92;42
KovaÄÂ, T. – Vsebinska obdelava knjižniÄÂnega gradiva: klasifikacija književnosti z dodajanjem sploÅ¡nih privesnih vrstilcev za kraj [Subject indexing of library material: classification of literature adding common auxiliaries of place] (Lang.: slo). - In: KnjižniÄÂarske novice, 19(2009)12, p. 3.

8727   indexing inliteratureUDC88-92;42
Moraru, V. – Clasificarea publicaÅ£iilor: literatură: aqspecte practice [Documents classification: literature: practical aspects] (Lang.: rom). - In: Buletinul FundaÅ£iei Urechia, 7(2009)10, pp. 100-115.

6093   2009-0213indexing inliteratureKOS for libraries88-92;485
Maker, R. – Reader centred classification of adult fiction in public libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services, 21(2008)4, p.168-171.

10821   1993-039indexing in88-921
Velter, J.. – Naar aanleiding van inhoudelijke ontsluiting van literatuur in een openbare bibliotheek [The construction of a thematic catalogue] (Lang.: dut). - In: Bibl.-archiefgidsVol. 67 No. 3. 1991. p.310-319.

12864   1990-1088indexing in88-921
Laakso, J.; Puukko, O. – Classification of fiction by topic in the light of experiments carried out in two public libraries (Lang.: fin). - In: Kirjastotiede ja Informatiika.Vol.11.No.2.1992.p.61-65.

11454   1993-0395indexing in88-923
Pickering, O.. – Creating the BSMSV database: Cataloguing and indexing earlier English verse (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Librarianship Inf.Sci.Vol. 24 No. 4. 1992. p.211-216.

299   1997-2-0298indexing in88-928
Sunaga, K., Tokuyama, G. – Analysis of indexing terms in the field of Japanese classic literature (Lang.: jap). - In: ULIS 14(1995)2. p.95-113.

5837   2008-0383indexing inmusic88-93
Cary, P. – Music Index Online (Lang.: eng). - In: Notes, 64(2008)3, p.555-63.

10354   1990-1-448indexing inmusic88-93
Smiraglia, R.P. – Music cataloging.The bibliographic control of printed and recorded music in libraries (Lang.: eng). - Englewood, CO, Libraries Unltd, 1989. – pp. 222.

11088   1990-1-447indexing inmusic88-93
Perry, H. – Musical bumps: indexing musical terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.16.No.4.1989.p.251-53.

11902   1994-1134indexing inmusic88-93
Temperley, N.. – The problem of definitive identification in the indexing of hymn tunes (Lang.: eng). - In: Music Ref.Serv.Quart.. 2(1993)3/4,p.227-240.

12183   1995-0660indexing inmusic88-93
Crofts, S.J. – Where's that tune? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1994. p.189-191. Discusses features of indexes to collections of traditional music, considering specific difficulties that may be encountered by indexers and users

12356   1995-0961indexing inmusic88-93
Cassaro, J.P. – Music cataloguing and the future (Lang.: eng). - In: Fontes Artis Musicae. Vol. 41. No. 3. 1994. p.245-250. The following issues need to be resolved to meet the needs of the users: amount of information, local system capabilities, subject searching, the process of cataloguing in general. Problems in these areas are identified. (Author, abbr.)

12357   1995-0963indexing inmusic88-93
Myers, J.A. – Music: special characteristics for indexing and cataloguing (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 4. 1995. p.269-274. Describes how the indexing and cataloguing of music can be affected by issues of subject access, format, genre, responsibility, language, alternate titles, excerpts, and the use of computer databases. (Author)

13275   1995-0962indexing inmusic88-93
Friederici, C.U. – Franz Wolfgang Bulau: eine vergessene Persönlichkeit des Hamburger Musiklebens [Franz Wolfgang Bulau: a forgotten personality of Hamburg musical life] (Lang.: ger). - In: Forum Musikbibliothek. No. 1. 1995. p.39-44. Report on the indexing by form and subject of the collections of chamber music, orchestral works, critical writings and letters of Bulau (1883-1940) at the Hamburg State and University Library

13276   1995-0964indexing inmusic88-93
Sigel, G. – Schlagwortvergabe bei Musikalien und Musiktonträgern auf der Grundlage der RSWK-Musik, Entwurf 1991 [Subject cataloguing of musical scores and musical sound records based on the rules for subject cataloguing for music, draft of 1991] (Lang.: ger). - In: Forum Musikbibliothek. No. 2. 1995. p.135-140.

15466   indexing inmusic88-93
Belford, Rebecca. – Evaluating library discovery tools through a music lens (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 58(2014)1, pp. 49-72.

15649   indexing inmusic88-93
Belford, Rebecca. – Evaluating library discovery tools through a music lens (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 58(2014)1, pp. 49-72..

10711   1996-0321indexing inmusic88-93, 398-93
Downie, J.S.. – The MusiFind Music Information Retrieval Project, Phase III: Evaluation of indexing options (Lang.: eng). - In: Olson, H.A.; Ward, D.B. Connectedness; Information, Systems, People, Organizations. Proc. CAIS/ACSI'95. Proc.23rd Ann.Conf.Canadian Assoc.Inform.Sci. University of Alberta. 1995. p.135-146.Edmonton, Alberta, School of Libr.& Inform.Stud.,University,

4648   2006-33-3-0252indexing inmusicDDC88-93;43
Nero, L.M. – Classifying the popular music of Trinidad and Tobago (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 42(2006)3/4, p.119-133.

4649   2006-33-3-0253indexing inmusicDDC88-93;43
Heiner-Freiling, M. – DDC German-The Project, the Aims, the Methods: New Ideas for a Well-Established Traditional Classification System (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 42(2006)3/4, p.147-162.

2936   2001-0594indexing inmusicLCSH88-93;448
Hemmasi, H., Young, J.B. – LCSH for music : historical and empirical perspectives (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 29(2000)1/2, p.135-157.

13014   1996-0322indexing in88-936, 88-963
Ginouves, V.. – L'indexation du son inédit, ou comment constituer une base ethnographique (Lang.: fre). - In: Archimag, No. 85. 1995. p.57-59.

3119   2002-0141indexing infine arts88-94
Rogiest, P. – De kunstbibliotheek van het KMSKA en haar inhoudelijke ontsluiting [The KMSKA art library and subject access to its collections] (Lang.: dut). - In: Bibliotheek- en Archiefgids, 76(2000)4, p.8-17.

8220   indexing infine arts88-94
Garofalo, Denise A. – Sherman's art cataloging, etc. http://artcataloging.net/... (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 28(2011)1, pp. 107-108.

10267   1995-0965indexing infine arts88-94
Jaucquin, V. – L'indexation dans les banques de données iconographiques: étude comparative [Indexing in iconographic databases: a comparative study] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, INTD, 1994. – pp. 117.(DESS Mémoire 24-25). After showing the specialities in documenting photographs the indexing in the iconographic databases of 9 photocollection libraries (photothèques) is presented

11306   1990-2-344indexing infine arts88-94
Roberts, H. – 'Do you have any pictures of.?' subject access to works of art in visual collections and book reproductions (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Documentation.Vol.7.No.3.1988.p.87-90.

12184   1995-0661indexing infine arts88-94
Weinberg, B.H. – Book review of Petersen, T., Barnett, P.J.: Guide to indexing and cataloguing with the Art & Architecture Thesaurus; New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press 1994. XVI,397p (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 46. No. 2. 1995. p.152-160.

11455   1993-0396indexing in88-94, 872
Rorvig, M.E.. – A method for automatically abstracting visual documents (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.Vol. 44 No. 1. 1992. p.40-56.

5206   2007-0439indexing infine artsUDC88-94;42
Vukadin, A. – Problemi klasifikacije graäe iz povijesti umjetnosti prema shemi UDK [Classification of art history according to UDC: some problems and issues] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.74-86.

8728   indexing infine artsUDC88-94;42
Nijhoff, Michiel. – Optimism and enthusiasm -- and doubts: from UDC towards hybrid cataloguing in the library of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (Lang.: eng). - In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 50-52.

3118   2002-0140indexing infine artspicture indexing88-94;872
Millar, R. – The little collection that could : building an online index (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Libraries Journal, 24(1999)3, p.25-29.

11159   1990-1089indexing in88-945, 819
Giral, A.; Taylor, A.G. – Indexing overlap and consistency between the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals and the Architectural Periodicals Index (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Resources & Techn.Serv.Vol.37.No.1.1993.p.19-44.

12185   1995-0662indexing in88-966, 879
Carter, C.E. – Accessing ethnic group information on CD-ROM: the case of Southeast Asians (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference Librarian. No. 45/46. 1994. p.171-184.

12186   1995-0663indexing in88-969
Hanworth, R. – On indexing 'The heritage of North Cyprus': a personal approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1955. p.205-207. An account of how and why tha author set about indexing a 'popular' work kon a country's history and archaeology

12187   1995-0664indexing in88-969
Lavell, Ch. – A database of radiocarbon dates for archaeology (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1995. p.173-176. Describes the formation of a finding aid for published radiocarbon dates for archaeological sites, first (in the 1970's) by manual methods, latterly by computer database

13262   1995-0665indexing inphilosophy88-97
Büchel, G. – Maschinelle Erschließung und Repräsentation von Terminologiebeständen am Beisiel von G.W.F.Hegel: 'Wissenschaft der Logik' [Automatic indexing and representation of terminology holdings using the example of G.W.F.Hegel's 'Science of Logic'] (Lang.: ger). - In: Sprache und DV. Vol. 16. No. 2. 1992. p.3-14. Description of a development project. The appendix gives a list of automatically recognized terms in Hegel's work

5207   2007-0440indexing inphilosophyUDC88-97;42
Gornik, A. – Kako klasificirati filozofiju unutar sheme UDK? Problem ii rješenja iz prakse nacionalne i sveuäœilišne knjižnice [How to classify philosophy according to UDC? Problems and solutions in the practice of the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.19-35.

9370   indexing innon-christian religion88-98
Idrees, Haroon. – Library classification systems and organization of Islamic knowledge: current global scenario and optimal solution (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 56(2012)3, pp.171-182.

5208   2007-0441indexing innon-christian religionDDC88-98;43
Tapper, J. – Dewey does a number on Wicca (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Journal, 131(2006), Suppl., p.16.

6094   2009-0214indexing innon-christian religionDDC88-98;43
Sulistyo-Basuki, L., Mulyani, A. S. – Indonesian librarians’ efforts to adapt and revise the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)’s notation 297 on Islam (Lang.: eng). - In: Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 13(2008)2, p.89-101.

11089   1990-1-449indexing in88-984
Weinberg, B.H. – From copy cataloging to derived bibliographic records.Cataloging and its automation in American Judaica Researching libraries from the sixties through the eighties (Lang.: eng). - In: Judaica Librarianshiip.Vol.4.No.2.1988.p.118-122.

6095   2009-0215indexing inchristian religion88-99
Neelameghan, A. – Multiple names of Hindu deities: representation in thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Studies, 14(2008)2, p.67-69.

6096   2009-0216indexing inchristian religion88-99
Notes on the indexing of biblical and related materials (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer 26(2008)4, p.C5/1-C5/6.

13301   1996-0323indexing inchristian religion88-99
Weisweiler, H.. – Zeitschriftenerschließung: Der Tübinger 'Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst Theologie' in neuer Form [Journal Cataloguing. The Tübingen Documentation Service Theology in a new form] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 29, No. 2. 1995. p.353-354. Reports on the Current-Contents-Service of the University Library in Tübingen devoted to Theology which has changed its look since 1995 and its substance including also its indexes. It has also grown in size, including also retrospective data. The database will be available soon in electronic form. Collaboration exists with the American Theological Library Association.

1170   1998-0546indexing inchristian religiononline systems inchristian religion88-99;758-99
Die Sacherschliessung in der Datenbank Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst Theologie [The subject indexing in the Periodicals' contents in theology databank] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 32(1998)9,p.1573-1577.

17693   indexing inbibliographic controlvarious universal KOSformal sciences88;94;048-1
Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana M.; Waisse, Silvia; H. M. Ferraz, Márcia. – From shelves to cyberspace: organization of knowledge and the complex identity of history of science (Lang.: eng). - In: Isis 104, (2013)3, pp. 551-560.New York, NY, The University of Chicago Press, 2013. – pp. 10. – Available at http://http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/673274?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

12345   1995-094988851
Anon. – Is the writing on the pall? Will indexing survive the end of the millenium? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 4. 1995. p.248. It is envisaged that the information distribution on CD-ROM in time may take over the role of books with the consequence that there will no longer be a perceived need for indexes

18320   889
Crippa, Giulia. – Developing a field of knowledge through bibliography: art history in the 16th century (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 152-159.

6097   2009-0217indexing in languagesearth sciences89-639-3
Boulaknadel, S. – Impact of term-indexing for Arabic document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5039(2008), p.380-384.

15867   89(ara)
Abdoulahi, Alfadoulou ; Lebourgeois, Franck. – Caractéristiques particulières des manuscrits en langue arabe d’Afrique de l’ouest (Tombouctou) à prendre en compte dans les outils techniques (Lang.: fre). - In: Contextes, langues et cultures dans l’organisation des Connaissances, pp. 220-237 (06.13-10-10/11)..

15868   use of indexing practices89(ara);983
Soualah, Mohammed Ourabah; Hassoun, Mohammed. – Apport des Annotations d'Utilisateurs pour l'Accès en Ligne aux Manuscrits Arabes Anciens Numérisés (Lang.: fre). - In: Contextes, langues et cultures dans l’organisation des Connaissances, pp. 197-219 (06.13-10-10/11)..

17332   891
Mata, Priscila Oliveira da; Moura, Maria Aparecida. – Pr?tica spammer e semiose: implica??es nos processos de organiza??o e circula??o da informa??o em ambientes colaborativos [English title: Spamming practice and semiosis: implications for organizational processes and information flow in collaborative environments] (Lang.: por). - In: Encontros Bibli, 22(2017)49, pp. 19-32. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1518-2924.2017v22n49p19

17331   891; 149
Cunha, Jos? Humberto da Cruz; Ara?jo J?nior, Rog?rio Henrique de . – Taxonomia de distor??es cont?beis [English title: Taxonomy of accounting distorsions] (Lang.: por). - In: Encontros Bibli, 22(2017)49, pp. 127-141. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1518-2924.2017v22n49p127

1983   2000-0259online retrieval problems89Chi;751
Arsenault, C. – Testing the impact of syllable aggregation in romanized fields of Chinese language bibliographic records (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.143-149.

1984   2000-0260translation in89Chi;798
He, S. – Conceptual equivalence and representational difference in terminology translation of English computer terms in simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.150-156.

2610   2001-0268cataloging89Chi;942
Hu, J. – Chinese romanization in Library of Congress (Lang.: eng). - In: Illinois Libraries, 81(1999)4,p.250-251.

2611   2001-0269cataloging89Chi;942
Hu, J. – Transactional analysis : problems in cataloging Chinese names (Lang.: eng). - In: Illinois Libraries, 82(2000)4,p.251-260.

3300   2002-0321indexing in languages89JAP
Ogawa, Y., Matsuda, T. – Overlapping statistical segmentation for effective indexing of Japanese text (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Managament, 35(1999)4, p. 463-480.

3301   2002-0322indexing in languages89KOR
Lee, J.H., Cho, H.Y., Park, H.R. – n-Gram-based indexing for Korean text retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Managament, 35(1999)4, p. 427-441.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

8258library classificationstagging041;835
Zins, Chaim, Santos, Plácida L.V.A.C. – Mapping the knowledge covered by library classification systems (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62(2011)5, pp. 877-901.

Vaidya, Praveenkumar; Harinarayana, N. S.. – The comparative and analytical study of LibraryThing tags with Library of Congress subject headings (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)1, pp. 35-43.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. – pp. 9. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Color Photograph, 3 Charts, 2 Graphs

Kipp, Margaret E. I.; Beak, Jihee; Graf, Ann M.. – Tagging of banned and challenged books (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 276-283.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. – pp. 8. ISSN: 09437444; 4 Charts

Baca, Murtha; Gill, Melissa. – Encoding multilingual knowledge systems in the digital age: the Getty vocabularies (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)4, pp. 232-243.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. – pp. 12. ISSN: 09437444; 6 Color Photographs, 2 Diagrams

de Andrade, Julietti; Lopes Ginez de Lara, Marilda. – Interoperability and mapping between knowledge organization systems: metathesaurus—unified Medical language system of the national library of medicine (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)2, pp. 107-112.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. – pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Charts

Svensson, Lars G.. – Open Data on the Web – Workshop vom 23. bis 24. April 2013 in London [Open Data on the Web – Workshop in London, 23-24 April 2013 [conference report]] (Lang.: ger). – In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 60(2013)6, pp.347-351.

Desrichard, Y. – (Book review of) Indice, index, indexation, actes du colloque international organisé les 3 et 4 novembre 2005 à l'Université Lille-3 - Paris: ADBS éd, 2006 - 304p. - ISBN: 2843650887 (Lang.: fre). – In: Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France, 51(2006)6, p.108-109.

Managing large indexing projects, 1994 (Lang.: eng). – Port Aransas, TX, ASI Admin.Office, 1994. 3 Papers from the 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Indexers, May 23, 1992. Includes 'Indexing Encyclopedias and Multivolume Works' by J.Blakeslee, 'Newspaper Indexing' by Candace Peterson, and 'Periodical Indexing, Design, Management, and Pricing' by Nancy Mulvany and Dorothy Thomas.

12181999-0013textbooks on indexingindexing problemsliterature reviews07.3;811;02
Turkulin, B. – Book review of Mikacic, M.: Teorijski osnove sustava za predmetno oznacivanje [Theoretical foundations of a system for subject designation]. - Zagreb, Croatia: Hrvatsko Bibliotekarsko Drustvo, 1996. - 435 p. - ISBN: 9536001039 (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)4,p.222-225.

20382000-0314textbooks on applied indexingindexing problemsbibliography07.81;07.94;811;941
Intner, S.S., Weihs, J., [et al.]. – Special libraries : a cataloging guide (Lang.: eng). – Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlimited, 1998. – pp. Xiv, 425. – ISBN: 0872879550.

24972001-0155archive indexingarchival descriptionliterature reviews07.84;847;943;02
James, S. – (Book review of) Fox, M.J., Wilkerson, P.L., Warren, S.R.: Introduction to archival organization and description. - Los Angeles, CA.: Getty Trust Publications, 1999. - 58 p. - ISBN: 0892365455 (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Review, 49(2000)3/4,p.203-204.

29892002-0014archive indexingarchival descriptionliterature reviews07.84;847;943;02
Greenberg, J. – (Book review of) Fox, M.J., Wilkerson, P.L., Warren, S.R.: Introduction to archival organization and description - Los Angeles, CA.: Getty Trust Publications, 1999 - 58 p - ISBN: 0892365455 (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 44(2000)2, p.106-107.

50072007-0236information scienceNLP softwaretagging111;734;835
Kishida, K. – Effectiveness and functionality of controlled vocabulary in the Internet age (Lang.: jap). – In: Journal of Information Science and Technology Association (Joho no Kagaku to Gijutsu), 57(2007)2, p.62-67.

61742009-0294conceptual modelstagging124;835
Smiraglia, Richard P. – Noesis: perception and everyday classification (Lang.: eng). – In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 249-255.

17634conceptual modelstagging124;835
Yoon, Kyunghye. – Conceptual syntagmatic associations in user tagging (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 63(2012)5, pp. 923-935.Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012. – pp. 12. – Available at http://https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/asi.22601 ISSN: 15322890

8987conceptual modelsindexing inhistory124;88-69
Visser, J. Sophie. – Knowledge and its organization as multiple facets, forms and functions: an example of cultural-historical landscapes (Lang.: eng). – In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 389-396 (

17656concepts inindexing methodsdata indexing128;313;82
Buizza, Pino. – Indexing concepts and/or named entities (Lang.: eng). – In: Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, 2(2011)2.Firenze, IT, Università di Firenze, 2011. – pp. 20. – Available at http://https://www.jlis.it/article/view/4707 ISSN: 20381026

7335math KO theorysyntactic analysistagging131;743;835
Han, L., Yan, H. – A fuzzy biclustering alogorithm for social annotations (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)4, pp. 426-438.

42242005-32-4-0299math ininformation sciencescitation indexing138-82;864
Frandsen, T.F., Rousseau, R., Rowlands, I. – Diffusion factors (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Documentation, 62(2006)1 p.58-72.

38212004-0346math incitation indexing138;864
Hertzel, D.H. – Bibliometrics history (Lang.: eng). – In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. by M.A. Drake. - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. - Vol. 1, p.288-328.

50162007-0245math inindexing inenergy scienceindexing ininformation sciences138;88-28;88-82
Yukimo Kobashio, N., Santos, R.N.M. – Information organization and representation by graphic devices: an interdisciplinary approach (Lang.: eng). – In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.293-299.

7340KMarchive indexing149;847
Best, D.P. – The future of information management (Lang.: eng). – In: Records management journal, 20(2010)1, pp. 61-71.

37282004-0254KMNBM indexing problems149;871
López Yepes, A., Pérez Agüera, J.R., Sánchez Jiménez, R. – Un modelo para el diseño de sistemas din micos de gestión de información multimedia [A model for dynamic multimedia information management systems design] p.645-650 (Lang.: ). – In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091.

18665structure of literaturedata indexingeconomical sciences166;82-7
Kim, Byungkyu; You, Beom-Jong. – [Study on Determining Core Journals and Network Analysis in the Field of Disaster & Safety] (Lang.: kor). – In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 53(2019)4, pp. 11373 - 397.Korean Society for Library and Information Science,

18659structure of literaturedata indexinginformation sciences166;82-8
Kim, Heesop; Kang, Bora. – [Analysis of Research Topics among Library, Archives and Museums using Topic Modeling] (Lang.: kor). – In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 50(2019)4, pp.12339 - 358.Korean Library And Information Science Society,

18656structure of literaturedata indexing166;820
Lee, Soo-Sang. – [A Study on the Analysis of Centrality and Brokerage Measures of Journal Citation Network - Focusing on KCI Journals -] (Lang.: kor). – In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 50(2019)4, pp. 1277 - 100.Korean Library And Information Science Society,

18663structure of literaturedata indexing166;820
Kim, Hea-JIn. – [Detection of Knowledge Structure of Korean Studies Using Document Co-citation Analysis: the Difference between Self-perception and Others’ Perception] (Lang.: kor). – In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 51(2020)1, pp. 03179 - 200.Korean Library And Information Science Society,

18330KO for science developmentdata indexingsocial sciences167;82-6
Sun, Guangyuan; Khoo, Christopher S. G. . – A Framework to represent variables and values in Social Science research data sets to support data curation and reuse (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 231-239.

8601KO problemsmuseum indexing171;878
Wu, Shao-Chun. – [A comparison between library cataloging and museum cataloging from the viewpoint of the differences in management philosophy] (Lang.: chi). – In: Journal of librarianship and information studies, 3(2011)1, pp. 50-64.

15350new methodstagging176;835
Ma, Xiaoyue; Cahier, Jean-Pierre. – An exploratory study on semantic arrangement of VDL-based iconic knowledge tags (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization, 41(2014)1, pp. 14-29.

18368new technologybiography indexing177;843
Zeng, Marcia Lei; Chen, Sophy Shu-Jiun. – Derivative interpretation of biographical sketches (bios) supporting innovative information (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 549-556.

18391new technologypicture indexing177;872
Mariz, Anna Carla Almeida; Melo, Raquel Oliveira; Mariz, Thales Almeida. – Challenges of organization and retrieval of photographs on social networks on the Internet (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 746-753.

18383KO research in countriessubject analysis inNBM indexing problems189;328;871
Soto-Hernández, Silvano; Naumis-Peña, Catalina. – Subject access of Mexican television news broadcasts on the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 674-683.

8121998-0188general structuresUDCsubject catalogs21;42;812
Matei, D. – Contra CZU : propuneri pentru o reforma a accesului după subject în cataloagele româneşti [In opposition to the UDC: suggestions for a reform of the subject access in Romanian catalogues] (Lang.: rom). – In: Revista Bibliotecii Naţionale, 3(1997)2 p. 18-20. Strong and weak points of the use of UDC and of subject headings for Romanian catalogues

6481998-0025KOS theoryindexing methodsbook indexing problems211;313;851
Fugmann, R. – Bridging the gap between database indexing and book indexing (Lang.: ). – In: Knowledge Organization 1997(24)4,p. 205-212.

22092000-0485KOS theoryvarious NBM indexing211;879
Guarino, N., Masolo, C., Vetere, G. – OntoSeek : Content-based access to the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 14(1999)3,p.70-80.

10091998-0385KOS managementarchive indexing213;847
ISAAR (CPF): International Standard Archival Authority Record for corporate bodies, persons and families (Lang.: eng). – In: Archivaria, (1997)43,p.213-241. Content and purpose of the standard and how to use it

38342004-0359KOS managementarchive indexing213;847
Vitali, S. – Authority control of creators and the second edition of ISAAR (CPF), International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.185-199.

8433thesauriconceptologysystems theory214;82-51/4
Bentes Pinto, Virginia, de Holanda Campos, Henvy, Oliveira Ferreira, Jefferson Leite. – Una visión general sobre las imágenes del área de la salud: una propuesta de construcción de una ontología [A general idea on concepts concerning health: proposal for the construction of an ontology] (Lang.: spa). – In: Anales de documentación, 14(2) 2011, 19pp. – Available at http://revistas.um.es/analesdoc/article/view/137401/125061

Shu-Chuan Liao et al. – PORE: a personal ontology recommender system for digital libraries (Lang.: eng). – In: The electronic library, 27(2009)3, pp.496-508.

Dotsika, F. – Uniting formal and informal descriptive power: reconciling ontologies with folksonomies (Lang.: eng). – In: International journal of information management, 29(2009), pp. 407-415.

Zhang, Yunzhong. – [Research on the integration mechanism of ontology and folksonomy] (Lang.: chi). – In: Information studies: theory and application, 35(2012)2, pp. 35-40.

Silva, Fabiano Couto Corrêa da; Sales, Rodrigo de (org.). – Cenários da organização do conhecimento: linguagens documentárias em cena (Lang.: por). – Brasília, Brazil, Thesaurus, – pp. 296. – ISBN13: 9788540900226.

Zacklad, Manuel. – Classification, thésaurus, ontologies, folksonomies : comparaisons du point de vue de la recherche ouverte d'information (roi) (Lang.: fr). – In: Archive Ouverte en Sciences de L'Information et de la Communication.Villeurbanne, FR, Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe, 2007. – pp. 16. – Available at http://https://archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr/sic_00202440 Conference paper

7876thesauripicture indexing214;872
Badii, A. et al. – Using a network of scalable ontologies for intelligent indexing and retrieval of visual content (Lang.: eng). – In: Studies in computational intelligence, (2010), pp. 233-248.

30032002-0028thesaurivarious NBM indexing214;879
Ding, Y. – A review of ontologies with the Semantic Web in view (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Information Science, 27(2001), p.377-384.

16398vocabulary selectiondata indexingsocial sciences223;82-6
Lima, Fanny do Couto Ribeiro de . – Mining Of Texts For Automatic Extraction Phrases Nominal: Trends And Strategies For Recovery Of Legal Information (Lang.: por). – In: Informação: além das nuvens, expandindo as fronteiras da Ciência da Informação: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, (2014), pp. 955-974.

64122009-0532facetsdata indexingtechnology225;82-73
Wild, Peter J., Giess, Matt D., McMahon, Chris A. – Describing engineering documents with faceted approaches: observations and reflections (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of documentation, 65(2009)3, pp.420-445.

50292007-0258facetsdata indexinginformation sciences225;82-82
Davies, S. – Mediating knowledge across the activities of information science (Lang.: eng). – In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.381-388.

17967facetsmuseum indexing225;878
Szostak, Rick. – A grammatical approach to subject classification in museums (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization,43(2017)7, pp. 494-505.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2017. – pp. 12. ISSN: 09437444

17822000-0058facetsvarious NBM indexing225;879
Ellis, D., Vasconcelos, A. – Ranganathan and the Net : using facet analysis to search and organise the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Aslib Proceedings, 51(1999)1,p.3-10.

33412003-0015facetsvarious NBM indexing225;879
Devadason, F.J. – Faceted indexing application for organizing and access internet resources (Lang.: eng). – In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.148-159.

9803facetsvarious NBM indexing225;879
Pontes, Flavio Vieira; Lima, Gercina Angela Borem de Oliveira. – A organizacao do conhecimento em ambientes digitais: aplicacao da teoria da classificacao facetada [Knowledge organization in digital environments: faceted classification theory applied] (Lang.: por). – In: Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao, 17(2012)4, pp.18-40.

6926descriptorsLCSHtheses indexing226;448;846
Strader, C. R. – Author-assigned keywords versus Library of Congress Subject Headings: implications for the cataloging of electronic theses and dissertations (Lang.: eng). – In: Library resources & technical services, 53(2009)4, pp. 243-50.

9448descriptorsLCSHtheses indexing226;448;846
Schwing, Theda; McCutcheon, Sevim; Maurer, Margaret Beecher. – Uniqueness matters: author-supplied keywords and LCSH in the library catalog (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)8, pp. 903-928.

50342007-0263descriptorsdata indexingmaterials sciencegeneral reviews226;82-38;021
Kajikawa, Y., Abe, K., Noda, S. – Filling the gap between researchers studying different materials and different methods: a proposal for structured keywords (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Information Science, 32(2007)6, p.511-524.

12381999-0033design principlesvarious primary document indexing232;849
Ebert, C., Baisch, E. – Knowledge-based classification techniques for software quality management (Lang.: eng). – In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science , (1999)64,p.188-210. »» Review article

18395construction methodsmuseum indexing233;878
Padua, Mariana Cantisani; Jorente, Maria José Vicentini; Nakano, Natalia. – Design Science as a methodology for the development of Knowledge Organization Systems in museological entities (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 786-794.

7361thesaurus constructionNBM indexing problems235;871
Hollink, L. – Thesaurus enrichment for query expansion in audiovisual archives (Lang.: eng). – In: Multimedia tools and applications, 49(2010)1, pp. 235-257.

7155thesaurus construction for purposesdata indexingspecial medicine236;82-53
Raghavan, K.S., Sajana, C. – Neuron: modelling ontology for neurosurgery (Lang.: eng). – In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 208-215.

35302004-0057computer supported constructionKOS theoryNBM indexing problems237;211;871
Sacco, G.M. – Accessing multimedia infobases through dynamic taxonomies (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 97-102.

33472003-0021computer supported constructionindexing in languages237;89CHI
Yang, C.C., Luk, J. – Automatic generation of English/Chinese thesaurus based on a parallel corpus in laws (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(2003)7,p.671-682.

3471997-3-0346relationships problemsindexing principlesaboutnessindexing inhuman sciences241;311;321;88-5
Green, R. – The role of relational structures in indexing for the humanities (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization 24(1997)2. p.72-83. Plea for frame-based indexing for the humanities

4801997-4-0481relationships problemsindexing principlesaboutnessindexing inhuman sciences241;311;321;88-5
Green, R. – The role of relational structures in indexing for the humanities (Lang.: eng). – In: Information services & use 17 (1997)2/3. p.85-100. Plea for frame-based indexing for the humanities

9809paradigmatic relationshipssyntagmatic relationshipscitation indexing242;243;864
Zhang, Guo; Ding, Ying; Milojević, StaÅ¡a. – Citation content analysis ( CCA): A framework for syntactic and semantic analysis of citation content (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)7, pp. 1490-1503.

7365weightssearch enginescitation indexing246;757;864
Liu, Xinhai et al. – Weighted hybrid clustering by combining text mining and bibliometrics on a large-scale journal database (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)6, pp. 1105-1119.

8783relational datadata indexinggeosciences247;82-33
Sacco, G. M., et al. – Dynamic taxonomies applied to a web-based relational database for geo-hydrological risk mitigation (Lang.: eng). – In: Computers and geosciences, 39(2012), pp. 182-187.

54842008-0027cluster analysisNBM indexing problems252;871
Curtis, D. et al. – Using sequential clustering for unsupervised classification of unconstrained document images (Lang.: eng). – In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007, pp.88-94.

7158pattern recognitionvideo indexing255;875
Su, J.H. et al. – Effective content-based video retrieval using pattern-indexing and matching techniques (Lang.: eng). – In: Expert systems with applications 37(2010)7, pp. 5068-5085.

10191998-0395codes for purposesvarious NBM indexing267;879
Shadle, S.C. – A square peg in a round hole : applying AACR2 to electronic journals (Lang.: eng). – In: Serials Librarian, 33(1998)1/2,p.147-166.

8789revision methodsconceptologysystems theory273;88-51/4
Guo, Dong-mei, Chen, Xin-hong, Wang, Lin-lin. – [The revision of class H31 in the 5th Edition of Chinese Library Classification] (Lang.: chi). – In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese journal of medical library and information science, 20(2011)5, pp. 38-40.

35352004-0062compatibility in indexingvideo indexing283;875
Hudon, M. – Conceptual compatibility in controlled language tools used to index and access the content of moving image collections (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 221-226.

8791mappingdata indexinglaw285;82-66
Peruginelli, Ginevra. – Concepts mapping in the legal domain: some reflections (Lang.: eng). – In: Legal information management, 11(2011)4, pp. 268-271.

66612009-0781mappingdata indexingphilosophy285;82-97
Hiebert, Jean T. – Beyond mark and park: classification mapping as a collection development tool for psychiatry/psychology (Lang.: eng). – In: Collection management, 34(2009)3, pp. 182-193.

54872008-0030mappingcitation indexingdata indexingtheoretical medicine285;864;82-52
Taylor, M. K., Gebremichael, M. D., Wagner, C. E. – Mapping the literature of health care management (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA), 95(2007)2, pp. E-58-E-65.

18375systems reconciliationmuseum indexing286;878
Simionato, Ana Carolina; Arakaki, Felipe Augusto; Santos, Plácida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa. – Integrating libraries, archives, museums and art galleries with Linked Data: initiatives study (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 606-612.

117751994-0886indexing principlesindexing in311;88-828
Bearman, D.. – Vocabulary control (Lang.: eng). – In: Archives & Museum Informatics. 7(1993)4,p.6-8. Description of a workshop on vocabulary control given for the continuing education programme at Texas University at Austin, Nov.1993.

7369aboutnesscitation indexing321;864
Mart, Susan Nevelow. – The relevance of results generated by human indexing and computer algorithms: a study of West's Headnotes and Key Numbers and LexisNexis's Headnotes and Topics (Lang.: eng). – In: Law library journal, 102(2010)2, pp. 221-249.

100801994-0897subject analysispicture indexing323;872
Gervereau; L.. – Voir, comprendre, analyser les images. To see, to understand, to analyse pictures (Lang.: fre). – Paris, Ed.La Découverte, 1994. – pp. 191. – ISBN: 2707123188.

37202004-0246subject analysisindexing inchemical technology323;88-27
Sanz Casado, E., Martín Moreno, C., García-Zorita, C., Lascurín, M.L. – Aplicación en la gestión de bibliotecas especializadas de la interdisciplinariedad observada en la actividad científica [Application of the interdisciplinary observed in scientific research in specialised library management] (Lang.: ). – In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.573-579.

18402content analysismuseum indexing324;878
Akinruli, Samuel Ayobami; Akinruli, Luana Carla Martins Campos. – Memories in dispute, and reconfigurations of cultural heritage: for an Ethnography of museums (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 848-855.

8452facet analysisNBM indexing problems325;871
Madalli, Devika P., Prasad, A.R.D. – Analytico synthetic approach for handling knowledge diversity in media content analysis (Lang.: eng). – In: Classification & ontology, [see 06.11-9-19/20], pp.229-239.

8341998-0210abstractingvarious NBM indexing326;879
Wheatley, A., Armstrong, C.J. – Metadata, recall and abstracts : can abstracts ever be reliable indicators of document value? (Lang.: eng). – In: Aslib Proceedings, 49(1997)8, p.206-213.

7371abstractingconceptologyKO problems326;88-6/7
Hartley, J., Betts, L. – Common weaknesses in traditional abstracts in the social sciences (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)10, pp. 2010-2018.

18592subject analysis inindexing insocial sciences328;88-6
Reis, Daniela Majorie Akama dos. – A leitura documentária de bibliotecários jurídicos: um estudo realizado a partir de aspectos da semiose e teoria da inferência observados na estrutura textual de doutrina [Documentary reading to Law libraries: A study based on aspects of semiosis and inference theory observed in the textual structure of doctrine] (Lang.: por). – In: Dissertation.Marília, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2019.0. – pp. 212.0. – Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/reis_dma_do_mar.pdf

3691997-3-0369indexingonline systemsvarious NBM indexing331;752;879
Desai, B.C. – Supporting discovery in virtual libraries (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Retrieval 48(1997)3 p.190-204. Indexing and searching on Internet information resources

17179indexing methodsarchive indexing333;847
Graf, Nicole. – Sie wussten mehr! Vielen Dank! Offenes Crowdsourcing im Bildarchiv der ETH-Bibliothek [They knew more! Thank you so much! Open crowdsourcing in the archive of the ETH-Library] (Lang.: ger). – In: Arbido, (2016)2, pp. 9-12. – Available at http://arbido.ch/assets/files/arbido_2016_2_low_161127_132447.pdf

17180indexing methodsNBM indexing problems333;871
Ganter, Cathrin. – Bilderschliessung mittels Tagging- und Crowdsourcing-Projekten [Image indexing by means of tagging and crowdsourcing projects] (Lang.: ger). – In: Arbido, (2016)2, pp. 12-14. – Available at http://arbido.ch/assets/files/arbido_2016_2_low_161127_132447.pdf

16105classing and indexingapplied KO problems34;81
Fox, Violet. – Cataloging News (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 53(2015)1, pp. 123-133.

50522007-0281automatic indexingserials indexing341;845
Gutiérrez García, B., Rodríguez Yunta, L., Román Román, A. – Bases de datos bibliográficas y clasificación de revistas científicas: problemas de la interisciplinariedad para la automatización de procesos [Bibliographic databases and the classification of learned journals: problem of interdisciplinarity for automating procedures ontology] (Lang.: spa). – In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.411-421.

42542005-32-4-0329automatic indexingvarious NBM indexing341;879
Golub, K. – Automated subject classification of textual web documents (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Documentation, 62(2006)3, p.350-371.

47142006-33-4-0317automatic indexingvarious NBM indexing341;879
Golub, K. – Automated subject classification of textual Web pages, based on a controlled vocabulary : challenges and recommendations (Lang.: eng). – In: The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 12(2006)1, p.29-49.

54942008-0037automating indexing methodspatent indexing343;842
Schierz, A.C. – Monitoring knowledge: a text-based approach (Lang.: eng). – In: Terminology, 13(2007)2, pp.125-154.

6651998-0042automating indexing methodsserials indexing343;845
Gilyarevsky, R.; Uzilevsky, G.; Moudrov, E. – An automatic statistical classification of different types of journals (Lang.: ). – In: International Forum on Information and Documentation 1997(22)3,p. 24-37. On the European Classification System (ECLA)used at the European Patent Office (The Hague)

8511998-0227automating indexing methodsvarious NBM indexing343;879
Larouk, O. – Modelling users need : schemas of interrogation and filtering of answers from the WEB in co-operative mode (Lang.: eng). – In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.106-115.

7893semi-automatic indexing methodsconceptologysystems theory344;82-51/4
Lourenco, A. et al. – BioDR: semantic indexing networks for biomedical document retrieval (Lang.: eng). – In: Expert systems with applications, 37(2010)4, pp. 3444-3453.

6946semi-automatic indexing methodsdata indexinglaw344;82-66
Roitblat, Herbert L., Kershaw, Anne, Oot, Patrick. – Document categorization in legal electronic discovery: computer classification vs. manual review (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)1, pp. 70-80.

7376semi-automatic indexing methodsdata indexinglaw344;82-66
Schweighofer, E. – Semantic indexing of legal documents (Lang.: eng). – In: Lecture notes in computer science, 6036(2010), pp. 157-169.

8458semi-automatic indexing methodsprimary literature indexing344;84
Mynarz, J., Skuta, C. – Integration of an automatic indexing system within the document flow of a grey literature repository (Lang.: eng). – In: Grey journal, 7(2011)2, pp. 65-71.

66672009-0787semi-automatic indexing methodsserials indexingindexing inspecial medicine344;845;88-53
Narukawa, Cristina Miyuki, Leiva, Isidoro Gil, Lopes Fujita, Mariângela Spotti. – Indexação automatizada de artigos de periódicos científicos: análise da aplicação do software SISA com uso da terminologia DeCS na área de Odontologia [Automatic indexing of scientific periodical articles: analysis of the application of SISA software and the DeCS terminology in dentistry] (Lang.: por). – In: Informação & sociedade: estudos, 19(2009)2, pp. 99-118.

7178semi-automatic indexing methodsNBM indexing problems344;871
Choi, J.Y., De Neve, W., Ro, Y.M. – Towards an automatic face indexing system for actor-based video services in an IPTV environment (Lang.: eng). – In: IEEE transactions on consumer electronics 56(2010)1, pp. 147-155.

7179semi-automatic indexing methodsNBM indexing problems344;871
Hwang, S. Y., Yang, W. S., Ting, K. D. – Automatic index construction for multimedia digital libraries (Lang.: eng). – In: Information processing and management, 46(2010)3, pp. 295-307.

7377semi-automatic indexing methodsNBM indexing problems344;871
Hwang, S. Y. et al. – Automatic index construction from multimedia digital libraries (Lang.: eng). – In: Information processing & management, 46(2010)3, pp. 295-307.

8101semi-automatic indexing methodsNBM indexing problems344;871
Doroudi, Fariborz, Alipour, Narges Muhammad. – [Digital image retrieval according to automated methods and technologies in web environment and databases] (Lang.: per). – In: Faslname-Ye Ketab/Library and information studies, 20(2010)3, pp. 99-114.

8102semi-automatic indexing methodsNBM indexing problems344;871
Kousha, Kayvan, Thelwall, Mike, Rezaie, Somayeh. – Can the impact of scholarly images be assessed online? An exploratory study using image identification technology (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)9, pp. 1734-1744.

26712001-0329semi-automatic indexing methodsvarious NBM indexingInternet gateways344;879;752.3
Robbins, F. – An exploration of the application of classification systems as a method of resource delivery on the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloguing Australia, 25(1999)1/4, p.60-65.

15187semi-automatic indexing methodsconceptologysystems theory344;88-51/4
Jeong, So-Na; Lee, Choon Shil. – [An analysis of KoreaMed MeSH check tags] (Lang.: kor). – In: Proceedings of the Korean Society for Information Management Conference 20 (2013), pp. 105-111. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Journal/ArticleDetail/3250790

12581999-0053semi-automatic indexing methodsindexing inlaw344;88-66
Yeap, W.K. – Computing rich semantic models of text in legal domains (Lang.: eng). – In: Information and Communications Technology Law , 7(1998)2,p.135-143.

7664semi-automatic indexing methodsindexing inlaw344;88-66
Schweighofer, E. – Semantic indexing of legal documents (Lang.: eng). – In: Lecture notes in computer science, 6036(2010), pp.157-169.

59472009-0067automatic online indexingautomatic book indexing347;857
Coyle, K. – Machine indexing (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Academic Librarianship, 34(2008)6, p.530-531.

441997-1-0044automatic classificationDDCvarious NBM indexing348;43;879
Shafer, K. – Scorpion project axplores using Dewey to organize the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: OCLC newsletter No. 222 1996, p. 20-21. Using DDC for automatic indexing and classifying of Internet sources

12631999-0058automatic classificationDDCvarious NBM indexing348;43;879
Shafer, K. – Scorpion helps catalog the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science 24(1997)1,p.28-29. »» Using Dewey Decimal Classification for automatic indexing and classifying of Internet sources

35512004-0078automatic classificationDDCvarious NBM indexing348;43;879
Shafer, K.E. – Evaluating Scorpion results (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Library Administration, 34(2001)3/4, p.237-244. »» Using Dewey Decimal Classification for automatic indexing and classifying of Internet sources

5311997-4-0532automatic classificationNLP methodsnews indexing348;733;844
Hayes, P.J., Knecht, L.E., Cellio, M.J. – A news story categorization system (Lang.: eng). – In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.518-526. Orig. publ. in: Proceedings of the second conference on applied natural language processing association for compatational linguistics. San Francisco: Association for computational linguistics, 1988. p.9-17

7897automatic classificationconceptologysystems theory348;82-51/4
Zou, J., Le, D., Thoma, G. R. – Locating and parsing bibliographic references in HTML medical articles (Lang.: eng). – In: International journal on document analysis and recognition, 13(2010)2, pp. 107-119.

8291automatic classificationconceptologysystems theory348;82-51/4
Sun, Y. H., Hsieh, C. C., Chen, C. H. – The application of automatic document classification to cancer staging for esophageal pathological reports (Lang.: eng). – In: Gastroenterology, 140(2011)5. Supp.1, pp. S-1050.

64492009-0569automatic classificationconceptologyconcept formation348;82-51/54
Hyunki Kim, Su-Shing Chen. – Associative Naive Bayes classifier: automated linking of gene ontology to Medline documents (Lang.: eng). – In: Pattern recognition, 42(2009)9, pp.1777-1785.

66742009-0794automatic classificationdata indexinglaw348;82-66
Ashley, Kevin D., Bruninghaus, Stefanie. – Automatically classifying case texts and predicting outcomes (Lang.: eng). – In: Artificial intelligence and law, 17(2009)2, pp. 125-165.

8625automatic classificationdata indexingbuilding348;82-75
Mahfouz, T. – Unstructured construction document classification model through support vector machine (SVM) (Lang.: eng). – In: Computing in civil engineering: proceedings of the 2011 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, ed. Y. Zhu & R.R. Issa, Reston, VA., American Society of Civil Engineers, 2011. ISBN: 9780784411827, pp. 126-133.

57032008-0248automatic classification348;827
Golub, K., Hamon, T., Ardo, A. – Automated classification of textual documents based on a controlled vocabulary in engineering (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 34(2007)4, p.247-263.

55012008-0044automatic classificationserials indexing348;845
Automated cataloguing of journal articles TOCRoSS update (Lang.: eng). – In: Multimedia Information & Technology, 33(2007)3, p.89.

7380automatic classificationvideo indexing348;875
Ionescu, Bogdan et al. – A content-driven system architecture for tackling automatic cataloging of animated movie databases (Lang.: eng). – In: International journal of digital library systems, 1(2010)2, pp. 1-23.

12641999-0059automatic classificationvarious NBM indexing348;879
Efthimiadis, E.N., Carlyle, A. – Organizing Internet resources : metadata and the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science 24(1997)1,p.4-5.

42602005-32-4-0335automatic classificationvarious NBM indexing348;879
Calado, P., Cristo, M., Gonçalves, M.A., de Moura, E.S., Ribeiro-Neto, B., Ziviani , N. – Link-based similarity measures for the classification of Web documents (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)2, p.208-221.

15190math of file organizationcatalog indexing352;865
Maylein, Leonhard; Langenstein, Annette. – Neues vom Relevanz-Ranking im HEIDI-Katalog der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg [An update on relevance ranking in the HEIDI catalogue at Heidelberg University Library] (Lang.: ger). – In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 16(2013)3, pp.190-199.

8561998-0232hypermedianews indexing356;844
Saarela, J. [et al.]. – Logical structure of a hypermedia newspaper (Lang.: eng). – In: Informtion Processing & Management, 33(1997)5,p.599-614.

22232000-0499hypermediaNBM indexing problems356;871
Ng, E.H. – Step by step guideline for designing and documenting the navigation structure of multimedia hypertext systems (Lang.: eng). – In: Information Management and Computer Security, 7(1999)2,p.88-94.

18072000-0083hypermediavarious NBM indexing356;879
Shipman III, F.M., Furuta, R., Brenner, D., Chung, C., Hsieh, H. – Guided paths through Web-based collections : design, experiences, and adaptations (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)3,p.260-272.

8806reclassification problems371;88.94
Lawes, Elizabeth, Olsson, Tania. – Reclassification at Chelsea College of Art & Design Library (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 34-40.

7901reclassification to LCCdata indexinglaw375;82-66
Lin, Katherina R., Murphy, Erin. – Reflections on a JX Reclassification Project (Lang.: eng). – In: Law library journal, 102(2010)4, pp. 459-466.

7902reclassification projectsdata indexinglaw377;82-66
Bird, Ruth. – Re-classification on a grand scale: Moys at the Bodleian Law Library (Lang.: eng). – In: Legal information management, 10(2010)3, pp.213-216.

9480reclassification projects377;89(chi)
Liu, Maggie; Kwok, Lolita; Chan, Kylie. – Why change to the Chinese classification scheme?: a case study in an academic library (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)8, pp. 852-868.

12671999-0062evaluation criteriaindexing ininformation sciences392;88-82
Iivonen, M., Kivimäki, K. – Common entities and missing properties : similarities and differences in the indexing of concepts (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)3,p.90-102. »» Comparison of the indexing in Library and Information Abstracts and in a Finnish database for Library and Information Science (KINF)

57082008-0253comparison of indexing systems396;827
Mejer, J. J., Conkling, T. W. – Google Scholar's coverage of the engineering literature: an empirical study (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Academic Librarianship, 34(2008)3, p.196-201.

12701999-0065comparison of indexing systemsvarious NBM indexingKO metadata396;879;918
Armstrong, C.J. – Why metadata could offer an answer to the quality question (Lang.: eng). – In: Assignation , 16(1999)2,p.1-3.

3801997-3-0380comparison of indexesvarious NBM indexing399;879
Tegenbos, J. – My kingdom for an agent? : evaluation of autonomy, an intelligent search agent for the Internet (Lang.: eng). – In: Online and CD-ROM Review 21(1997)3. p.139-148.

3811997-3-0381comparison of indexesvarious NBM indexing399;879
Perkins, M. – Why don't search engines work better? (Lang.: eng). – In: Information Outlook 1(1997)5. p.40-41.

8661998-0242universal KOSapplied KO problems41;81
Satija, M.P. – Book review of Shearer, J., Thomas, A.R. (Eds.): Cataloguing and classification: trends, transformation, teaching and training. New York; London: Haworth Press, 1997. - 210 p. - ISBN 0789003392 (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)1/2,p.49. Book also publ. as Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 24(1997)1/2

8641998-0240new universal KOSvarious NBM indexing415;879
McIlwaine, I. – Knowledge classifications, bibliographic classifications and the Internet (Lang.: eng). – In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.97-105.

7710UDConline systemsdata indexingbiological sciences42;755;82-4
Smirnova, O. V. – UDK kak instrument indeksirovanija dokumentov po fundamental’ni’m naukam: opi’t Nacional’noj biblioteki Belarusi [UDC as a document indexing tool for the field of fundamental sciences: experience of the National Library of Belarus] (Lang.: eng). – In: NauÄÂno-tehniÄÂeskaja informacija, Serija 1(2009)9, pp. 36-40.

33752003-0050UDCKOS-based accessvarious NBM indexing42;756;879
McIlwaine, I.C. – The UDC and the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.170-176.

7711UDCdata indexingbiological sciences42;82-4
Smirnova, O. V. – Indeksirovanie dokumentov po problemam toÄÂnni’h i estestvenni’h nauk [Indexing of documents with issues in exact and natural sciences] (Lang.: eng). – In: NaÄÂno-tehniÄÂeskaja informacija, Serija 1(2009)9, pp. 5-6.

7712UDCdata indexingagriculture42;82-46
Pirumova. L. N. – Otraslevi’e raboÄÂie tablici’ UDK dlja APK kak instrument sistematizatora [UDC working tables for agroindustrial branch as a tool of library systematization] (Lang.: rus). – In: Materliali’ nauÄÂno-praktiÄÂeskoj konferencii “SoverÅ¡enstvovanie informacionno-biblioteÄÂnogo obsluživanija APKâ€Â, Moscow, 20-23 October 2008 g. Moscow, 2009, pp. 201-213.

62202009-0340UDCconceptologysystems theoryBliss42;82-51/4;45
McIlwaine, I.C., Williamson, Nancy J. – Medicine and the UDC: the process of restructuring (Lang.: eng). – In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 50-55.

7713UDCdata indexingeducation42;82-56
VrhovÅ¡ek, D . – Vsebinska obdelava knjižniÄÂnega gradiva: spremembe vrstilcev UDK v skupini 37 [Subject indexing of library material: changes in the UDC class 37] (Lang.: slo). – In: KnjižniÄÂarske novice, 19, 1 (2009), p. 3.

Å auperl, Alenka. – UDC and folksonomies (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization, 37(2010)4, pp. 307-317.

Rozman, D. – UDK i folksonomije [UDC and folksonomies] (Lang.: slo). – In: KnjižniÄÂarske novice, 21(2011)1-2, p. 3.

26952001-0353UDCaudio indexingKOS for special purposes42;877;489
Wessels, V. – The MIRACLE and the blind musician (Lang.: eng). – In: Extensions and Corrections to the UDC, 22(2000), p.40-42.

8666UDCindexing incybernetics42;88-17
Shapsheva, N. P. – Proect razvitiya klassa UDK 007 Kibernetika [Draft development of the class UDC 007 Cybernetics] (Lang.: rus). – In: Nauchno-tehnicheskaya informaciya, Serija 1(2010)12, pp. 22-26.

8667UDCconceptologypsychology in KO42;88-2/5
Beloozerov, V. N., et al. – Metodicheskaya rabota VINITI po sistemam klassifikacii NTI [VINITI methodological activities on classification systems for scientific and technological information] (Lang.: rus). – In: Novye tehnologiiv informacionnobibliotechnom obespechenii nauchnyh issledovanij: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov, 2010, pp. 254-261.

8668UDCindexing inmatter scienceindexing inenergy science42;88-22;88-28
Beloozerov, V. N., Shaburova, N. N. – Razvitie tezaurusa klassifikacionnyh rubrik po fizike poluprovodnikov [Development of the thesaurus of classification subject headings in the physics of semiconductors] (Lang.: rus). – In: Novye tehnologiiv informacionno-bibliotechnom obespechenii nauchnyh issledovanij: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov 2010, pp. 262-272.

8669UDCindexing inmatter scienceindexing inenergy science42;88-22;88-28
Shaburova, N. N., Beloozerov, V. N. – UDK v sisteme klassificacij dlya indeksirovaniya dokumentov po fizike poluprovodnikov [UDC in the system of classifications for document indexing in the physics of semiconductors] (Lang.: rus). – In: Nauchno-tehnicheskaya informaciya, serija 1(2010)9, pp. 34-44.

8670UDCindexing inhuman biology42;88-51
Rozman, D. – Vsebinska obdelava knjižniÄÂnega gradiva: biotehnologija – nova skupina v UDK [Subject indexing of library material: biotechnology – a new class in UDC ] (Lang.: slo). – In: KnjižniÄÂarske novice, 19(2009)9, p. 3.

Agheorghiesei, M. – Ondexarea lingvisticii (81) conform noii structuri CZU în Biblioteca de Litere [Indexing linguistics according to the new structure of class 8 in the Library of Letters] (Lang.: rom). – In: Biblos, 6(1998) p. 29-33. Practical indexing issues with the restructured class 8 of the UDC

Frâncu, V. – In sprijinul configuraţiei actuale a Clasei 8 - Lingvistică - Literatură a Classificării Zecimale Universale [In support of the actual configuration of class 8 – Linguistics. Literature] (Lang.: rom). – In: Biblioteca, 9(1998)4 p. 112-115.

8813UDCindexing infine arts42;88-94
White, Maria. – Brackets and flying commas: UDC in Tate Library (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp.13-17.

8816DDCrevision methodsmultilingual IRNBM indexing problems43;273;797;871
Sharada, B. A., Kumari, Suman. – Modification of DDC for organizing multilingual and multimodal collections (Lang.: eng). – In: Information studies, 17(2011)4, pp. 243-262.

33772003-0052DDCKOS-based accessvarious NBM indexing43;756;879
McIlwaine, I.C. – The UDC and the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.177-182.

5641997-4-0565DDCindexing problems43;811
Caraco, A. – Respect des traditions ou analyse des besoins? [Respect for tradition or analysis of needs?] (Lang.: fre). – In: Bulletin des bibliothèques de France 42 (1997)5. p.56-59.

12851999-0080DDCsubject indexes in43;818
Martin, G.S. – The DDC in the Asia-Pacific Region (Lang.: eng). – In: Dewey Decimal Classification : Edition 21 and International Perspectives : papers from a workshop at the IFLA Conference Beijing, China, August 29, 1996 / ed. by L.M. Chan and J.S. Mitchell. - Albany: Forest Press, 1997 , p.59-66.

12861999-0081DDCsubject indexes in43;818-cn
Dongbo, W. – The Dewey Decimal Classification in China (Lang.: eng). – In: Dewey Decimal Classification : Edition 21 and International Perspectives : papers from a workshop at the IFLA Conference Beijing, China, August 29, 1996 / ed. by L.M. Chan and J.S. Mitchell. - - Albany: Forest Press, 1997 , p.67-76.

62252009-0345DDCdata indexinghistory43;82-69
Melozzi, I. – Classificare l'inclassificabile: l'Olocausto nella CDD: considerazioni sull'espansione della classe 940.5318 [Classifying the unclassifiable: Holocaust in DDC: considerations on the expansion of class 940.5318] (Lang.: ita). – In: Biblioteche oggi, 26(2008)4, pp. 33-38. – Available at http://www.bibliotecheoggi.it/content/20080403301.pdf

62272009-0347DDCdata indexingmusic43;82-93
Centra, A. – DDC 780: considerazioni e proposte all'edizione 21 [DDC 780: considerations and proposals concerning edition 21] (Lang.: ita). – In: Nuovi annali della Scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari, 15(2001), pp. 241-262.

8482DDCconceptologyKO history43;82-98/9
Luppino, Giuseppe . – (Book review of) Delfitto, Silvia. La religione nella Dewey Decimal Classification: l'espansione della classe 200. Città del Vaticano, Lateran University Press, 2010. 232 pp. ISBN 978-88-4650-688-7 (Lang.: eng). – In: Bollettino AIB, 51(2011)1/2, p. 137. – Available at http://aib.it/aib/boll/2011n1/2.htm

26992001-0357DDCvarious NBM indexing43;879
Saeed, H., Chaudry, A. S. – Potential of bibliographic tools to organize knowledge on the Internet : the use of Dewey Decimal Classification scheme for organizing web-based information resources (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)1, p.17-26.

59692009-0089DDCindexing ininformation sciences43;88-82
Sabzwari,G.A. – Are we concerned with professional problems? (Lang.: eng). – In: Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal, 39(2008)3, p.1.

8817DDCconceptologypsychology in KO43;88-94/5
Cripps, Jill. – Dewey and the visual arts: some thoughts on the scheme and its application (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 5-12.

45922006-33-3-0196LCCindexing problems44;811
Subrahmanyam, B. – Library of Congress Classification Numbers : Issues of consistency and their implications for Union Catalogs (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Resources and Technical Services50(2006)2, p.110-119.

7386LCCdata indexingmusic44;82-93
Lisius, Peter H. – (Book review of) Smiraglia, Richard P., ed. Shelflisting music: guidelines for use with the Library of Congress Classification: M. 2nd ed. Lanham, MD, The Scarecrow Press, 37 pp. ISBN 9780810854185 (Lang.: eng). – In: Technical services quarterly, 27(2010)3, pp. 327-328.

62282009-0348LCCdata indexingphilosophy44;82-97
Bettella, C., et al. – LCC in dissolvenza e la Biblioteca del Dipartimento di filosofia dell'Università di Padova (1997-2007) [Fading-out LCC and the Library of the Philosophy Department at Padua University, 1997-2007] (Lang.: ita). – In: ISKO Italia. Documenti. – Available at http://www.iskoi.org/doc/filosofia7.ppt Paper presented at the seminar Classificare le scienze umane: il caso filosofia, Padua, 2 February 2007

66902009-0810LCCdata indexingphilosophy44;82-97
Bettella, Cristiana., et al. – Declassifying the Library of Congress Classification: the case of the Department of Philosophy Library at the University of Padova (Padua Italy) (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization, 36(2009)2/3, pp. 130-140. For Italian version see 2009-0348

44582006-33-2-0062LCCcartography indexing44;876
Eíto Brun, R. – Uncovering hidden clues about geo-graphic visualization in LCC (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society [see 2006-33-2-0003], p.77-84.

8818LCCindexing infine arts44;88-94
Bunting, Lynda, Matosian, Ani. – Classifying photography (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 44-49.

8819LCCindexing infine arts44;88-94
Clarke, Sherman. – Class N, or, Classifying the fine arts using the Library of Congress classification (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 22-25.

8820LCCindexing infine artsrevision methods44;88-94;273
Lee, Deborah. – Dealing with adaptation: the Courtauld classification scheme (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp.26-33.

59712009-0091LCCindexing inchristian religion44;88-99
Gregory, S. – Union Theological College Library, Belfast (Lang.: eng). – In: Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries, 15(2008)2, p.14-17.

38512004-0376LCSHInternet gatewaysindexing problems448;752.3;811
Cristán, A.L. – SACO and subject gateways (Lang.: eng). – In: Cata­loging and Classification Quarterly, 39(2004)1/2, p.309-322.

Wilk, D., Rotenberg, S., Schacham, S., Hoffman, G., Liebman, S. – Problems in the use of the Library of Congress Subject Headings as the basis for Hebrew Subject Headings in the Bar-Ilan University library (Lang.: eng). – In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 30(2001)3, p.43-46.

8823Blissindexing infine arts45;88-94
Perkins, Alex. – Classifying art with Bliss (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 18-21.

38532004-0378general thesauriindexing problems483;811
Tartaglia, S. – Authority control and subject indexing languages (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 39(2004)1/2, p.365-377.

38542004-0379general thesauriindexing problems483;811
Di Geso, M.L. – Subject indexing in the Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 39(2004)1/2, p.379-388.

37752004-0302general thesaurinews indexing483;844
Retti, G., Stehno , B. – The Laurin thesaurus : A large, multilingual, electronic thesaurus for newspaper clipping archives (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)4, p.289-301.

38552004-0380general thesauribibliographic recordsindexing problems483;944;811
Lucarelli, A. – Semantic authority control and new soggettario (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 39(2004)1/2, p.353-364. »» On renewal of the Subject Headings for Italian libraries

10581998-0434thesauri for archivesarchive indexing484;847
Esteban Navarro, M.A. – Principios, reglas y técnica para la gestión de cuadros de classificación de fondos de archivo [Principles, rule and techniques for classifying archive repositories] (Lang.: spa). – In: Organización del Conociemto en Sistemas de Información y Documentación, 2(1997),p.107-126. Principles and rules for the building and maintenance of classifications for archives, from the analysis of the lexical matter (representing the administrative structure or functions of a entity)and its function for the arrangement of the records to its mode of production

10591998-0435thesauri for archivesarchive indexing484;847
Esteban Navarro, M.A. – Principios, reglas y técnica para la gestión del vocabularion y la estructura de los lenguajes documentales [Principles, rule and techniques for managing indexing languages vocabulary and structure] (Lang.: spa). – In: Organización del Conociemto en Sistemas de Información y Documentación, 2(1997),p.126-147. Principles and rules for the building and maintenance of information languages

18312000-0107thesauri for archivesarchive indexing484;847
Garrod, P. – Use of the UNESCO Thesaurus for archival subject indexing at UK NDAD (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Society of Archivists, 21(2000)1,p.37-54.

8861998-0262KOS for librariessubject indexes in485;818
Wozniak, J. – Authority file of KABA Language : Part 1. Proper names (Lang.: eng). – Warsawa, Wydawnictwo SBP, 1994. – pp. 162.(Nauka-Dydaktyka-Praktyka ; 8).

25302001-0188KOS for librariessubject indexes in485;818
Glowacka, T. – Jezyk hasel przedmiotowych KABA po szesciu latach istnienia [KABA subject headings system - 6 years of its development] (Lang.: pol). – In: Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej, (1999)2,p.40-52.

9633KOS for librariesindexing inlinguistics485;88-91
An, Xiaoli. – [Multi-dimension indexing of bilingual textbooks based on auxiliary tables] (Lang.: chi). – In: Library development, (2012)8, pp. 34-36.

25332001-0191KOS for patentspatent indexing487;842
Adams, S. – Comparing the IPC and the US classification systems for the patent searcher (Lang.: eng). – In: World Patent Information, 23(2001)1,p.15-23.

25342001-0192KOS for patentspatent indexingpatent systems evaluation487;842;297
Adams, S. – Using the International Patent Classification in an online environment (Lang.: eng). – In: World Patent Information, 22(2000)p.291-300.

2101997-2-0209KOS for special purposesvarious NBM indexing489;879
Blake, P. – Leading edge : Verity keeps it in the family (Lang.: eng). – In: Information World Review (1997)122. p.15-16. Verity Search 97 software searches and indexes e-mail, attachments, folders and documents on local and network disk drives. It can also search the Internet and monitor changes to particular documents or pages. The search technology includes fuzzy logic and natural language

17642medicine taxonomiesdata indexinghuman sciences55;82-5
Pasceri, Erika. – Analyzing rare diseases terms in biomedical terminologies (Lang.: eng). – In: Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, 3(2012)1.Firenze, IT, Università di Firenze, 2012. – Available at http://https://www.jlis.it/article/view/4783 ISSN: 20381026

17643medicine taxonomiesdata indexinghuman sciences55;82-5
Tennis, J.T.. – The strange case of eugenics: a subject's ontogeny in a longâ€lived classification scheme and the question of collocative integrity (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 63(2012)71, pp. 1350-1359.Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012. – pp. 9. – Available at http://https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/asi.22686 ISSN: 15322890

7190citation indexing588;864
Tanaka, Michiko. – Domain analysis of computational science: fifty years of a scientific computing group (Lang.: eng). – In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 248-253.

39742005-32-1-0050special KOSpure chemistryjournal indexing626;855
Lynch, M.F. – Introduction of Computers in Chemical Structure Information Systems, or What Is Not Recorded in the Annals (Lang.: eng). – In: The History and Heritage of Scientific and Technological Information Systems: Proceedings of the 2002 Conference / ed. by W. Boyd Rayward and Mary Ellen Bowden. Information Today, Inc., Medford, New Jersey, 2004. (ASIS & Monograph Series), p.137-148. – Available at http://www.chemheritage.org/events/asist2002/12-lynch.pdf

17970special KOSbiological sciencesmuseum indexing64;878
Van Allen, Adrian. – Bird skin to biorepository: making materials matter in the afterlives of natural history collections (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization,43(2017)7, pp. 529-544.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2017. – pp. 16. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Color Photographs

17971special KOSbiological sciencesmuseum indexingtransfer of data in KO64;878;917
Thomer, Andrea; Cheng, Yi-Yun; Schneider, Jodi; Twidale, Michael; Ludäscher, Bertram. – Logic-based schema alignment for natural history museum databases (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization,43(2017)7, pp. 545-558.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2017. – pp. 14. ISSN: 09437444; 5 Diagrams

17674special KOShuman sciencestagging65;835
Iyer, Hemalata; Bungo, Lucy. – An examination of semantic relationships between professionally assigned metadata and user-generated tags for popular literature in complementary and alternative medicine (Lang.: eng). – In: IR Information Research, 16(2011)3.BorÃ¥s, SE, University of BorÃ¥s, 2011. – Available at http://http://www.informationr.net/ir/16-3/paper482.html ISSN: 13681613

17669special KOSsocial sciencestagging66;835
Keshet, Yael. – Classification systems in the light of sociology of knowledge (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Documentation, 67(2010)1, pp. 144-158.Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2011. – pp. 14. – Available at http://https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/00220411111105489 ISSN: 00220418

8901998-0266special KOSarchive indexing6824;847
Gagnon-Arguin, L. – Analyse documentaire 2 : problématique actuelles rélatives a l'analyse documentaire [Documentary analysis 2: current problems relating to documentary analysis] (Lang.: fre). – In: Archives (Qeubec), 28(1996/'97)3/4,p.23-41.

27112001-0369special KOSmuseum indexing6828;878
Spinazze, A.T., Willey, P., Gill, T. – CIMI Consortium- the organization of museum intelligence (Lang.: eng). – In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 30(2001)1, p.5-7.

17730special KOShumanitiesNBM indexing problems69;871
Huang, Xiaoli; Soergel, Dagobert; Klavans, Judith L.. – Modeling and analyzing the topicality of art images (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66(2015)8, pp. 1616-1644.Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015. – pp. 28. – Available at http://https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/asi.23281 ISSN: 15322890

12991999-0094special KOSmusicmultilingual systems problemsaudio indexing693;791;877
De Heinzelin, D., d'Hautcourt, F., Pols, R. – Un nouveau thésaurus multilingue informatisé relatif aux instruments de musique [A new computerized multilingual thesaurus for musical instruments] (Lang.: fre). – In: Documentaliste , 35(1998)2,p.106-108.

9657special KOSmusictagging693;835
Milne, Andrew. – Folksonomies and music classification: sourcing controlled vocabularies from the crowd (Lang.: eng). – In: Catalogue & index, 168(2012), pp. 19-22.

38572004-0382special KOSmusicaudio indexing693;877
Abrahamsen, K.T. – Indexing of musical genres : An epistemological perspective (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)3/4, p.144-169.

15422special KOSfine artstagging694;835
Rossetti, Alyx. – Subject access and ARTstor: preliminary research and recommendations for the development of an expert tagging program (Lang.: eng). – In: Art documentation: bulletin of the art libraries society of north America, 32(2013)2, pp. 284-300.

41332005-32-2-0208special KOSfine artsmuseum indexingauthority control694;878;949
Baca, M. – Fear of authority? : authority control and thesaurus building for art and material culture information (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.143-151.

35802004-0107special KOSperforming artspicture indexing695;872
García Jiménez, A., del Valle Gastaminza, F. – From thesauri to ontologies : a case study in a digital world (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 227-232.

7912linguistics and KOmuseum indexingindexing inhistory711;878;88-69
Vlachidis, Andreas et al. – Excavating grey literature: a case study on the rich indexing of archaeological documents via natural language-processing techniques and knowledge-based resources (Lang.: eng). – In: Aslib proceedings, 63(2010)4/5, pp. 466-475.

62512009-0371natural language and metalanguageconceptologysystems theory712;82-51/4
Neveol, Aurelie, et al. – Natural language processing versus content-based image analysis for medical document retrieval (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)1, pp. 123-134.

18666computational linguisticsdata indexingsocial sciences713;82-6
Kim, Yong Hwan. – [Application of Text Mining for Legal Information System: Focusing on Defamation Precedent] (Lang.: kor). – In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 54(2020)1, pp.02387 - 409.Korean Society for Library and Information Science,

18318semioticsdata indexinghumanities714;82-9
Barros, Camila Monteiro de; Café, Lígia Maria Arruda; Laplante, Audrey . – The Contribution of Semiotics to Knowledge Organization for music information (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 137-143.

36852004-0211semioticsNBM indexing problems714;871
Rafferty, P. – Semiotics and image retrieval: can semiotics help our understanding of the operation of meaning in images? (Lang.: ). – In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091.

8981998-0274word/sentence meaningvarious NBM indexing722;879
Burke, M.A. – Meaning, multimedia and the Internet : subject retrieval challenges and solutions (Lang.: eng). – In: Proceedings of the 2nd British-Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies, Edinburgh, 1997 / ed. by M. Beaulieu, E. Davenport and N.O. Pors. - London: Taylor Graham, 1997, p.61-78.

7722semantic analysisconceptologysystems theory723;82-51/4
Lourenco, A., et al. – BioDR: Semantic indexing networks for biomedical document retrieval (Lang.: eng). – In: Expert systems with applications, 37(2010)4, pp. 3444-3453.

15226semantic analysistagging723;835
Kim, Hyun-Hee. – [Comparing the use of semantic relations between tags versus latent semantic analysis for speech summarization] (Lang.: kor). – In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science 47(2013)3, pp.343-361.

9514semantic networksvarious primary document indexing725;849
Qian, Guofu. – [Government data online release based on linked data] (Lang.: chi). – In: Library and information service, 56(2012)5, pp. 123-127.

15429semantic networkscitation indexing725;864
Gao, Jinsong et al. – [Citation knowledge linking mode for linked data] (Lang.: eng). – In: New technology of library and information service, 29(2013)3, pp. 21-26.

15229semantic networksindexing inmusic725;88-93
Gracy, Karen; Zeng, Marcia Lei; Skirvin, Laurence. – Exploring methods to improve access to music resources by aligning library data with linked data: a report of methodologies and preliminary findings (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)10, pp. 2078-2099.

35862004-0113language processingindexing inhistory732;88-69
Chieu, H.L., Lee, Y.K. – Query based event extraction along a timeline (Lang.: eng). – In: SIGIR'04. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval [see 2004-0005], p. 425-432.

8311NLP methodsconceptologysystems theory733;82-51/4
Abi-Haidar, A., Rocha, L. M. – Collective classification of textual documents by guided self-organization in T-Cell cross-regulation dynamics (Lang.: eng). – In: Evolutionary intelligence, 4(2011)2, pp. 69-80.

59952009-0115NLP methodstheses indexing733;846
Ou, S., Khoo, C. S.-G., Goh, D. H. – Design and development of a concept-based multi-document summarization system for research abstracts (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Information Science, 34(2008)3, p.308-326.

15951999-0389NLP methodsarchive indexing733;847
Greenberg, J. – The applicability of natural language processing (NLP)to archival properties and objectives (Lang.: eng). – In: American Archivist, 61(1998)2, p.400-425.

30362002-0060NLP methodsindexing in languages733;89CHI
Pei, L. – Research on improvement of single Chinese character indexing method (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 18(1999)5, p.416-421.

30372002-0061NLP methodsindexing in languages733;89CHI
Juntao, Y. – Chinese character probabilistic retrieval model and its application (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 18(1999)5, p.399-403.

47412006-33-4-0344NLP methodsindexing in languages733;89CHI
Arsenault, C. – Retrieval issues for Chinese-language library resources : a North-American perspective (Lang.: eng). – In: The International and Library Review, 37(2005)2, p.107-116.

18482000-0124truncationmultilingual IR735;797;89jap
Rorvig, M., Smith, M.M., Uemura, A. – The N-gram hypothesis applied to matched sets of visualized Japanese-English technical documents (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.359-364. »» Use of topology for identification of related works

30422002-0065special NLPsemi-automatic indexing methodsindexing in languages737;344;89CHI
Xue, C., Guo, B. – Extracting method of signature words in Chinese text (Lang.: chi). – In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 19(2000)3, p.242-247.

30432002-0066special NLPindexing in languages737;89CHI
Xue, C., Guo, B. – Automatic analysis of Chinese text structure (Lang.: chi). – In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 19(2000)4, p.319-325.

7409syntactic analysisconceptologysystems theory743;82-51/4
Matwin, Stan et al. – A new algorithm for reducing the workload of experts in performing systematic reviews (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 17(2010)4, pp. 446-453.

67222009-0842grammatical formsprimary document indexing in744;848
Brouland, Myriel. – Quelques mots pour le dire [A few words to say it: keywords] (Lang.: fre). – In: Documentaliste - sciences de l'information, 46(2009)2, pp. 41-42.

7423online retrieval problemsaudio indexing751;877
Gaffney, M., Rafferty, P. – Making the long tail visible: social networking sites and independent music discovery (Lang.: eng). – In: Program: electronic library and information systems, 43(2009)4, pp. 375-391.

7216online retrieval problemsmuseum indexingthesauri751;878;214
Chianese, Angelo et al. – ARCHAEOLOGY 2.0: cultural e-learning tools and distributed repositories supported by SEMANTICA, a system for learning object retrieval and adaptive courseware generation for e-learning environments (Lang.: eng). – In: Wissensspeicher in digitalen Räumen (, pp. 171-178.

30532002-0076online retrieval problemsvarious NBM indexing751;879
Zhang, A. – Cataloguing Internet resources using the Voyager system (Lang.: eng). – In: OCLC Systems and Services, 16(2000)3, p.107-117.

64952009-0615online retrieval problemsconceptologysystems theory751;88-51/4
Atsuko, Matsuzaka. – Consideration of the actually used search words in the field of nursing focused on author keywords (Lang.: jap). – In: Joho Kanri, 51(2008)1, pp.30-40.

18807online systemsdata indexinghuman sciences752;82-5
Poley, Christoph. – Das Suchportal LIVIVO im Wandel der Zeit [The search portal LIVIVO [= ZB MED search portal for life sciences] through the ages] (Lang.: ger). – In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 66(2019)3, pp. 110-119. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3196/186429501966310

65012009-0621online systemstagging752;835
Metitieri, Fabio. – L'OPAC collaborativo, tra folksonomia e socialità [OPAC collaborative, and socializing between folksonomy] (Lang.: ita). – In: Biblioteche oggi, 27(2009)2, pp.7-12. – Available at http://www.bibliotecheoggi.it/content/n200902.html

8317online systemstagging752;835
Bates, Jo, Rowley, Jennifer. – Social reproduction and exclusion in subject indexing: a comparison of public library (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of documentation, 67(2011)3, pp. 431-448.

9121998-0288online systemsvarious NBM indexing752;879
Ardito, S.C. – The Internet : beginning or end of organized information? (Lang.: eng). – In: Searcher, 6(1998)1,p.52-57. Searching literature via Internet versus using the commercial, proprietary systems

18722000-0148online systemsvarious NBM indexing752;879
Desai, B.C., Shinghal, R., Shayan, N.R., Zhou, Y. – CINDI : a virtual library indexing and discovery (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Trends, 48(1999)1,p.209-233.

57722008-0317online systemsindexing ingeography752;88-39
Vandenburg, M. – Using Google maps as an interface for the library catalogue (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)1, p.33-40.

67332009-0853OPACtheses indexing752.2;846
Wong, I.S.M., Li, Y-O. – Creating a virtual union catalogue for Hong Kong dissertations and theses collections (Lang.: eng). – In: In : Electronic library, 27(2009)2, pp. 331-341.

27252001-0383OPACbibliographyvarious NBM indexing752.2;941;879
Sung, R.N. – Scott and the race for the South Pole : the heroic failure of cataloguing the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloguing Australia, 25(1999)1/4, p.44-50. »» Bibliographic control of Internet resources

27262001-0384OPACbibliographyvarious NBM indexing752.2;941;879
Delsey, T. – Unchartered territory : facilitating access to information resources in cyberspace (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloguing Australia, 25(1999)1/4, p.8-18752.3.

55412008-0084Internet gatewaysindexing problems752.3;811
Martinez Usero, J.A. – Directrius per millorar l'accessibilitat als recursos electronics en els serveis d'informacio publics [Guidelines for improving accessibility to electronic resources of public information services] (Lang.: cat). – In: Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentacio, 17(2007), p.1.

8146Internet gatewaystagging752.3;835
Weller, Katrin. – Knowledge representation in the social semantic web (Lang.: eng). – Berlin, De Gruyter; Saur, 2010. – pp. 442.(Knowledge & information: Studies in information science, 3). – ISBN: 9783598251801.

37352004-0261Internet gatewaysNBM indexing problems752.3;871
Tramullas, J. – Clasificaciones y portales tem ticos especializados. Estudio en recursos de información digital sobre ciencas sociales [Classifications and specialized subject gateways. A study in social sciences digital information resources] (Lang.: ). – In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.715-721.

62692009-0389Internet gatewaysNBM indexing problems752.3;871
Turner, James M. – Cultural markers and localizing the MIC site (Lang.: eng). – In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 56-62.

57742008-0319Internet gatewaysmuseum indexing752.3;878
Sieglerschmidt, J. – Convergence of Internet services in the cultural heritage sector - the long way to common vocabularies, metadata formats, ontologies (Lang.: eng). – In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation [see 2008-0171], p.154-160.

18742000-0150Internet gatewaysvarious NBM indexing752.3;879
Koch, T. – Quality-controlled subject gateways: definitions, typologies, empirical overview (Lang.: eng). – In: Online Information Review, 24(2000)1,p.24-34.

18752000-0151Internet gatewaysvarious NBM indexing752.3;879
Dempsey, L. – The subject gateway: experiences and issues based on the emergence of the Resource Discovery Network (Lang.: eng). – In: Online Information Review, 24(2000)1,p.8-23.

18762000-0152Internet gatewaysvarious NBM indexing752.3;879
Dempsey, L. – The subject gateway: experiences and issues based on the emergence of the Resource Discovery Network (Lang.: eng). – In: Online Information Review ; 24(2000)1,p.8-23.

27282001-0386Internet gatewaysvarious NBM indexing752.3;879
Hu, B. – Managing pathways to information resources on the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences, 37(1999)1, p.1-16.

32502002-0271Internet gatewaysvarious NBM indexing752.3;879
Herrera Morillas, J.L., Fernández Falero, M. – Information and resources about bibliographic heritage on the Web sites of the Spanish universities (Lang.: eng). – In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 291-297.

43072005-32-4-0382Internet gatewaysvarious NBM indexing752.3;879
López Carreño, R. – Grado de desarrollo de los portales periodísticos españoles de radio y televisión [Level of development of the Spanish television and radio Internet portals] (Lang.: spa). – In: Scire, 10(2004)2, p.115-122.

43082005-32-4-0383Internet gatewaysvarious NBM indexing752.3;879
Garcia Gómez, J.C. – Usabilidad de las páginas de inicio de los diarios digitales españoles [Usability analysis of the homepages of the Spanish digital newspapers] (Lang.: spa). – In: Scire, 10(2004)2, p.123-136.

37362004-0262Internet gatewaysindexing inhistory752.3;88-69
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43092005-32-4-0384Internet gatewaysindexing ineconomical sciences752.3;88-7
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15606Internet gatewaysindexing inmusic752.3;88-93
Götz, Franz Jürgen. – Eine neue Virtuelle Bibliothek für Libretti: Das Libretto-Portal der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [A new virtual library for libretti: the libretto portal of the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). – In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 8(2014)1, pp. 26-29..

15607Internet gatewaysindexing infine arts752.3;88-94
Effinger, Maria; Leiskau, Katja; Walzel, Annika-Valeska. – All-In-One – arthistoricum.net auf dem Weg zum Fachinformationsdienst Kunst [All-In-One – arthistoricum.net and its transition to a Scientific Information Service for Art] (Lang.: ger). – In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014)1, pp. 83–92..

48962007-0098Internet gateways752.3;89.zh
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9082online accessconceptologysystems theory753;82-51/4
Lykke, Marianne, Price, Susan L., Delcambre, Louis L.M. – How doctors apply semantic components to search in work-related in formation retrieval (Lang.: eng). – In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 119-128 (

51302007-0363online access753;829
East, J. W. – Subject retrieval from full-text databases in the humanities (Lang.: eng). – In: Libraries & the Academy, 7(2007)2, p.227-241.

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13511999-0146online accessvarious NBM indexing753;879
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4161997-3-0416online accessvarious NBM indexingusers requirements753;879;982
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13521999-0147online accesscomparison of indexes753;89ch;399
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13531999-0148online accesscomparison of indexes753;89ch;399
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13591999-0154online queriesmultilingual IRindexing evalutation problems754;797;391;89ch
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8848online queriestagging754;835
Jin, Yan'an, et al. – Topic-based ranking in folksonomy via probabilistic model (Lang.: eng). – In: Artificial intelligence review, 36(2011)2, pp. 139-151.

8849online queriescitation indexing754;864
Gómez-Núñez, Antonio, et al. – Improving SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) subject classification through reference analysis (Lang.: eng). – In: Scientometrics, 89(2011)3, pp.741-758.

41562005-32-2-0231online systemscitation indexing755;864
Leydesdorff, L. – Similarity measures, author cocitation analysis, and information theory (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)7, p.769-772.

17994online systemscitation indexing755;864
Vaughan, Liwen; Ninkov Anton. – A new approach to web co-link analysis (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2017)6, pp. 820-831. – Available at http://doi:10.1002/asi.24000

7455online systemsNBM indexingsocial sciences755;87-6
Papaioannou, Diana et al. – Literature searching for social science systematic reviews: consideration of a range of search techniques (Lang.: eng). – In: Health information & libraries journal, 27(2010)2, pp.114-122.

41572005-32-2-0232online systemsNBM indexing problems755;871
Jörgensen, C., Jörgensen, P. – Image querying by image professionals (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)12, p.1346-1359.

51352007-0368online systemsNBM indexing problems755;871
Moreiro González, J.A., Franco Álvarez, G., Garcia Martul, D. – Un vocabulario controlado para una hemerotecá: posibilidades y características de los topicsets [A controlled vocabulary for a newspaper library: possibilities and characteristics of topicsets] (Lang.: spa). – In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.225-232.

4191997-3-0419online systemsvarious NBM indexing755;879
Vaughan-Nichols, S.J. – Find it faster (Lang.: eng). – In: Internet World 8(1997)6. p.64-66.

57792008-0324online systemsindexing ininformation sciences755;88-82
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18952000-0171KOS-based accessindexing problems756;811
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47602006-33-4-0363KOS-based accessindexing problems756;811
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47612006-33-4-0364KOS-based accesscitation indexing756;864
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14001999-0195search enginesmultilingual IRspoken retrieval757;797;89fr;739
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65292009-0649search enginesconceptologysystems theory757;82-51/4
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6997search enginesconceptologysystems theory757;82-51/4
Hui Yang , et al. – A text mining approach to the prediction of disease status from clinical discharge summaries (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 16(2009)4, pp. 596-600.

8700search enginesconceptologysystems theory757;82-51/4
Haseena, Hassan Hamsa, Mathew, Abraham T., Paul, Joseph K. – Fuzzy clustered probabilistic and multi layered feed forward neural networks for electrocardiogram arrhythmia classification (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of medical systems, 35(2011)2, pp. 179-188.

7747search enginestagging757;835
Pera, M.S., Lund, W., Ng, Y-K. – A sophisticated library search strategy using folksonomies and similarity matching (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)7, pp. 1392-1406.

55612008-0104search enginespatent indexing757;842
Tseng, Y.-H., Lin, C.-J., Lin, Y.-I. – Text mining techniques for patent analysis (Lang.: eng). – In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)5, pp.1216-1247.

14011999-0196search enginesNBM indexing problems757;871
Mukherjea, S., Hirata, K., Hara, Y. – Towards a multimedia World-Wide Web information retrieval engine (Lang.: eng). – In: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems , 29(1997)8,p.1181-1191.

36112004-0138search enginesNBM indexing problems757;871
Pack, T. – Image searching across the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Online, 26(2002)1, p.30-34.

7238search enginesNBM indexing problems757;871
Schreer, O. – RUSHESâ€â€an annotation and retrieval engine for multimedia semantic units (Lang.: eng). – In: Multimedia tools and applications 48(2010)1, pp.23-49.

9381998-0314search enginesvarious NBM indexing757;879
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11131998-0489search enginesvarious NBM indexing757;879
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14021999-0197search enginesvarious NBM indexing757;879
Marchiori, M. – The quest for correct information on the Web : hyper search engines (Lang.: eng). – In: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems , 29(1997)8,p.1225-1235.

14031999-0198search enginesvarious NBM indexing757;879
Arocena, G.O., Mendelzon, A.O., Mihaila, G.A. – Applications of a Web query language (Lang.: eng). – In: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems , 29(1997)8,p.1305-1316. »» On WebSQL, high level declarative query language

19032000-0179search enginesvarious NBM indexing757;879
Eymard, G., Francony, J.-M. – Vers un serveur d'indexation et de recherche sur le WEB [Towards a server for indexing and searching on the Web] (Lang.: fre). – In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 325-335.

19062000-0182search enginesvarious NBM indexing757;879
García, L.S., Oliveira, S.M.M., Luz, G.M.S. – Knowledge organization for query elaboration and support for technical response by the Internet (Lang.: eng). – In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.189-192.

40012005-32-1-0077online systems ineducationpicture indexing758-56;872
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40022005-32-1-0078online systems inhistoryindexing inhistory758-69;88-69
Haber, P., Hodel, J. – Die History Toolbox der Universität Basel : Wie die Kulturwissenschaften mit dem Traum von der Bibliotheca Universalis umgehen [The Web History of the Basel University: How the culture sciences deal with the dream of the Bibliotheca Universalis] (Lang.: ger). – In: Wissensorganisation und Edutainment [see 2005-32-1-0003], p.225-233.

24162001-0074online systems inmusicaudio indexing758-93;877
Choudhury, G.S., DiLauro, T., Droettboom, M., Fujinaga, I., MacMillan, K. – Strike up the score : deriving searchable and playable digital formats from sheet music (Lang.: eng). – In: D-Lib Magazine, 7(2001)2,12 p. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/february01/choudhury/ 02choudhury.html

41642005-32-2-0239online systems inmusicaudio indexing758-93;877
Bainbridge, D., Dewsnip, M. – Searching digital music libraries (Lang.: eng). – In: Information Processing and Management, 41(2004)1, p.41-56.

41652005-32-2-0240online systems inmusicaudio indexing758-93;877
Yeh, J.Y., Ke, H.R., Yang, W.P., Meng, I.H. – Text summarization using a trainable summarizer and latent semantic analysis (Lang.: eng). – In: Information Processing and Management, 41(2004)1, p.75-95.

43312005-32-4-0406online systems inmusicindexing inmusic758-93;88-93
Downie, J.S. – Music information retrieval (Lang.: eng). – In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 37(2003)1, p.295-340. »» Review article

25792001-0237online systems innews indexing758;844
Williams, P., Nicholas, D. – Navigating the news net : how news consumers read the electronic version of a daily newspaper (Lang.: eng). – In: Libri, 51(2001)1,p.8-16.

25802001-0238online systems innews indexing758;844
Domingue, J., Motta, E. – PlanetOnto : from news publishing to integrated knowledge management support (Lang.: eng). – In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 15(2000)2,p.26-32.

18367online systems inarchive indexing758;847
Marcondes, Carlos H.. – Culturally relevant relationships: publishing and connecting digital objects in collections of archives, libraries, and museums over the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 539-548.

8511online systems evaluationconceptologysystems theory759;82-51/4
Baykoucheva, Svetla. – Comparison of the contributions of CAPLUS and MEDLINE to the performance of SciFinder in retrieving the drug literature (Lang.: eng). – In: Issues in science and technology librarianship, 66, 2011. – Available at http://www.istl.org/11-summer/refereed1.html

21102000-0386terms formcartography indexing772;876
Morehead, J. – The topography of names and places (Lang.: eng). – In: Reference Librarian, (1999)63,p.83-93. »» On geographical names databases

17852special terminologyhumanitiesdata indexinghumanities78-9;82-9
Wu, Shuheng; Fan, Yun. – Music literature indexing: comparing users' free-text queries and controlled vocabularies (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 56(2017)4, pp. 330-353.London, UK, Taylor & Francis Online, 2017. – pp. 25. – Available at http://https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01639374.2017.1422582 ISSN: 01639375

16096special terminologyhumanitiesaudio indexing78-9;877
Gentili-Tedeschi, Massimo. – Music Presentation Format: Toward a Cataloging Babel? (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 53(2015)3-4, pp. 399-413.

53902007-0627multilingual systems problemsNBM indexing problems791;871
Ménard, E. – Indexing and retrieving images in a multilingual world (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 34(2007)2, p.91-100.

14281999-0222multilingual IRautomatic indexingindexing evalutation problems797;341;391;89ch
Robertson, S.E., Huang, X. – Okapi Chinese text retrieval experiments at TREC-6 (Lang.: eng). – In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998)p.137-142.

14331999-0227multilingual IRindexing evalutation problems797;391;89ch
Wilkinson, R. – Chinese document retrieval at TREC-6 (Lang.: eng). – In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998)p.25-29.

14341999-0228multilingual IRspoken retrievalindexing evalutation problems797;739;89ch;391
Mateev, B., Munteanu, E., Sheridan, P., Wechsler, M., Schäuble, P. – Routing, Chinese, cross-language and spoken document retrieval (Lang.: eng). – In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998),p.623-635.

14371999-0231multilingual IRonline access797;753;89en;89ch
Gey, F.C., Chen, A. – Phrase discovery for English and cross-language retrieval at TREC-6 (Lang.: eng). – In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998),p.637-.

14381999-0232multilingual IRonline systemsspoken retrieval797;755;739;89ch
Nie, J.Y., Chevallet, J.P., Bruandet, M.F. – Between terms and words for European Language IR and between words and bigrams for Chinese IR (Lang.: eng). – In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998),p.697-709.

32802002-0302multilingual IRnews indexing797;844
Garcia Jiménez, A., Diaz Esteban, A., Gervás, P. – Knowledge organization in a multilingual system for the personalization of digital news services : how to integrate knowledge (Lang.: eng). – In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 386-392.

67652009-0885multilingual IRNBM indexing problems797;871
Hoi, S.C.H. – Cross-language and cross-media image retrieval: an empirical study at ImageCLEF2007 (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in multilingual and multimodal information retrieval [see 2009-0739], pp. 538-545.

7245multilingual IRNBM indexing problems797;871
Quénot, G. – Content-based search in multilingual audiovisual documents using the International Phonetic Alphabet (Lang.: eng). – In: Multimedia tools and applications 48(2010)1, pp. 123-140.

19512000-0227multilingual IRvarious NBM indexing797;879
Bian, G., Chen, H. – Cross-language information access to multilingual collections on the Internet (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)3,p.281-296.

7949multilingual IRindexing inliterature797;88-92
Tonkin, Humphrey. – Navigating and expanding the MLA International Bibliography (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of scholarly publishing, 41(2010)3, pp. 340-353.

9856indexing problemssubject indexes in811;818
Naumis, Catalina. – Subject indexing trends in libraries of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)5, pp. 491-509.

15838indexing problemstagging811;835
Hedden, Heather. – Tagging versus indexing (Lang.: eng). – In: The indexer, 32(2014)2, pp. 81-82 (06.14-05-19/22).

9673indexing problemsbook indexing problems811;851
McMaster, Max. – Same publication + many indexers = ??? (Lang.: eng). – In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 98-100.

40082005-32-1-0084indexing problemscitation indexing811;864
Tsay, M.Y. – Literature growth, journal characteristics, and author productivity in subject indexing, 1977 to 2000 (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)1, p.64-73.

16224indexing problemscitation indexing811;864
Piovezan, Luciana Beatriz; Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes. – Análise de cocitação de autores: uma aplicação em estudos de indexação [Authors’ co-citation analysis: an application on subject indexing studies] (Lang.: por). – In: Em questão: Revista da Faculdade de Biblioteconomia e Comunicação da UFRGS, 21(2015)1, pp. 110-129 . – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/EmQuestao/article/view/48016/33747

38832004-0408indexing problemsindexing infine arts811;88-94
Baca, M. – Fear of authority? : Authority control and thesaurus build­ing for art and material culture information (Lang.: eng). – In: Cata­loging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.143-151.

7750subject catalogsdata indexingmusic812;82-93
Ribić, R. – StruÄÂni katalog muzikalija u Biblioteci Fakulteta muziÄÂke umetnosti u Beogradu [Systematic catalogue in the Library of the Faculty of Musical Art in Belgrade] (Lang.: ser). – In: Bibliotekar, 50(2008)3/4, pp. 123-141.

9345conceptologysystems theorytagging82-51/4;835
Lee, Danielle H., Schleyer, Titus. – Social tagging is no substitute for controlled indexing: a comparison of Medical Subject Headings and CiteULike tags assigned to 231,388 papers (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology; 63(2012)9, pp. 1747-1757.

8526conceptologysystems theorycitation indexing82-51/4;864
Aljaber, B. et al. – Improving MeSH classification of biomedical articles using citation contexts (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of biomedical informatics, 44(2011)5, pp. 881-896.

9124taggingdata indexingeducation835;82-56
Dreschler, Michèle. – Practiques du social bookmarking dans le domaine d’education: quels bénéfices pour les formateurs? [Social bookmarking practices in education: what are the advantages for the creators] (Lang.: fre). – In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 331-341 (08.21).

8338taggingNBM indexing problems835;871
Rafferty, Pauline. – Informative tagging of images: the importance of modality in interpretation (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization, 38(2011)4, pp. 283-298.

9862taggingNBM indexing problems835;871
Konkova, Elena; Göker, AyÅŸe; Butterworth, Richard; MacFarlane, Andrew. – Social tagging: exploring the image, individual, group and game (Lang.: eng). – 2013. – Available at http://www.iskouk.org/conf2013/papers/KonkovaPaper.pdf Paper presented at Knowledge Organization – Pushing the Boundaries, ISKO UK biennial conference, 8th-9th July 2013, London.

15447taggingNBM indexing problems835;871
Konkova, Elena; Göker, Ayse; Butterworth, Richard; MacFarlane, Andrew . – Social tagging: exploring the image, the tags, and the game (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization, Org. 41(2014)1, pp.57-65. Paper presented at the ISKO-UK Biennial Conference, “Knowledge organization: pushing the boundaries,†United Kingdom, 8-9 July, 2013, London.

15628taggingNBM indexing problems835;871
Jörgensen, Corinne; Stvilia, Besiki; Wu, Shuheng . – Assessing the relationships among tag syntax, semantics, and perceived usefulness (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(2014)4, pp. 836-849..

15629taggingNBM indexing problems835;871
Klavans, Judith L.; LaPlante, Rebecca; Golbeck, Jennifer. – Subject matter categorization of tags applied to digital images from art museums (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(2014)1, pp. 3-12..

17479taggingaudio indexingdescriptors835;877;226
Ziwon Hyung, Joon-Sang Park, Kyogu Lee. – Utilizing context-relevant keywords extracted from a large collection of user-generated documents for music discovery (Lang.: eng). – In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)5, pp. 1185-1200.

47702006-33-4-0373taggingmuseum indexing835;878
Trant, J. – Exploring the potential for social tagging and folksonomy in art museums : proof of concept (Lang.: eng). – In: The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 12(2006)1, p.83-105.

15253taggingvarious NBM indexing835;879
Mota, Francisca Rosaline Leite; Silva, Bruno Felipe de Melo. – Representação da informação no contexto da saúde: um estudo da linguagem de indexação adotada pelo Flickr [Information representation on the web: a study of the indexing language adopted by Flickr] (Lang.: por). – In: Desafios e perspectivas científicas para a organização e representação do conhecimento na atualidade (06.11-10-20/22), pp. 91-94.

15255taggingvarious NBM indexing835;879
Schlesselman-Tarango, Gina. – Searchable signatures: context and the struggle for recognition (Lang.: eng). – In: Information technology & libraries, 32(2013)3, pp. 5-19.

60332009-0153taggingconceptologysystems theory835;88-51/4
Sun, B. D. – Folksonomy and health information access: how can social bookmarking assist seekers of online medical information? (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 8(2008)1, p.119-126.

15446taggingindexing infine arts835;88-94
Klavans, Judith L.; LaPlante, Rebecca; Golbeck, Jennifer . – Subject matter categorization of tags applied to digital images from art museums (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 65(2014)1, pp. 3-12.

7762primary literature indexingdata indexingculture sciencenatural language and metalanguage84;82-96;712
Vlachidis, Andreas; Binding, Ceri; Tudhope, Douglas; May, Keith. – Excavating grey literature: a case study on the rich indexing of archaeological documents via natural language-processing techniques and knowledge-based resources (Lang.: eng). – In: Aslib proceedings, 62(4/5) 2010, pp. 466-475.

32812002-0303research indexingevaluation criteriaindexing problems841;392;811
Shoman, S., Kedar, R. – The subject cataloging of monographs with the use of a thesaurus (Lang.: eng). – In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 173-180.

22872000-0563patent indexingNBM indexing problems842;871
Designs image search of the UK register (Lang.: eng). – In: World Patent Information, 20(1998)3/4,p.197-202.

8531news indexingNBM indexing problemsautomatic classification844;871;348
Bravo, ÃÂngel Rodríguez, Manchón, Lluís Mas. – Inventario de palabras clave temáticas para la clasificación automática de noticias de television [An inventory of key thematic terms for the automatic classification of television news bulletins] (Lang.: spa). – In: Anales de documentación, 14(2) 2011. 24pp. – Available at http://revistas.um.es/analesdoc/article/view/123271/125011

25892001-0247news indexingpicture indexing844;872
Houghton, R. – Named faces : putting names to faces (Lang.: eng). – In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 14(1999)5,p.45-50.

63272009-0447serials indexingconceptologysystems in subjectsdata indexinglabour science845;82-51/48;82-57
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27572001-0415serials indexingjournal indexing845;855
Weinberg, B.H. – Indexes to the journals of the American Jewish Historical Society : significance, coverange, and format (Lang.: eng). – In: Judaica Librarianship, 10(1999/'00)1/2, p.14-17.

27582001-0416serials indexingjournal indexing845;855
Menk, B. – Indexing a local newspaper on the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Computing, 18(1999)2, p.151-159.

11391998-0515serials indexingvarious NBM indexing845;879
Rentschler, C. – Indexing electronic journals (Lang.: eng). – In: Serials Librarian, 33(1998)3/4,p.319-324.

30932002-0115serials indexingvarious NBM indexing845;879
Quinn, B. – Mainstreaming electronic journals through improved indexing : prospects for the social sciences (Lang.: eng). – In: Serials Review, 25(1999)2, p.23-34.

9126theses indexingconceptologypsychology in KO846;82-1/5
Clavier, Viviane, Paganelli, Céline. – L’indexation de documents scientifiques: prise en compte des connaissances liées au positionnement de l’auteur [The indexing of scientific documents: taking account of knowledge from the position of the author’s standing] (Lang.: fre). – In: L’organisation des connaissances, pp. 171-181 (08.21).

9356theses indexingconceptologypsychology in KO846;82-1/5
Clavier, Viviane, Paganelli, Céline. – Including authorial stance in the indexing of scientific documents (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)4, pp. 292-299.

54052007-0642theses indexingindexing inagriculture846;88-46
Hoover, L. L. – Agriculture and food related theses and dissertations available on the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 7(2006)2/3, p.87-108.

7381998-0115book indexing problemsindex specifications851;815
Exner, F. – Indexing integrated manuals sets at Northern Telecom (Lang.: ). – In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science 1997(23)4,p. 20-24.

34312003-0106book indexing problemsjournal indexing851;855
Klement, S. – Open-system versus closed-system indexing : a vital distinction (Lang.: eng). – In: Indexer, 23(2002)1, p.23-31. »» On the difference between indexing of books and of journals

24302001-0088book indexing problemsvarious NBM indexingliterature reviews851;879;02
Chandonnet, G. – (Book review of) Beyond book indexing: how to get started in Wen indexing, and other computer-based media / ed. by D. Brenner, M. Rowland. - Phoenix, AZ: American Society of Indexers / Information Today, 2000. - 149 p. - ISBN: 1573870811 (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.180-181.

24312001-0089book indexing problemsvarious NBM indexingliterature reviews851;879;02
Novellino, M.S.F. – (Book review of) Dynamism and stability in knowledge organization: proceedings of the Sixth International ISKO Conference, 101-13 July, 2000, Toronto, Canada / ed. by C. Beghtol, L.C. Howarth, N.J. Williamson. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000. - 424 p. - (Advances in Knowledge Organization ; 7) - ISBN: 3933563607 (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)4,p.236-238.

27612001-0419book indexing problemsconceptologysystems theoryliterature reviews851;88-51/4;02
Halliday, J. – (Book review of) Wyman, P.: Indexing specialities: medicine - Medford, NJ: Information Today : American Society of Indexers, 1999 – 119 p. - ISBN: 157387082X (Lang.: eng). – In: Indexer, 22(2000)1, p.51.

29282001-0586book indexing problemsconceptologysystems theoryliterature reviews851;88-51/4;02
Owen, D.J. – (Book review of) Wyman, P.: Indexing specialities: medicine - Medford, NJ: Information Today : American Society of Indexers, 1999 – 119 p. - ISBN: 157387082X (Lang.: eng). – In: Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 88(2000)3, p.280-281.

16451999-0440book indexing methodsvarious NBM indexing853;879
Fetters, L. – A book-style index for the web : the University of Texas Policies and Procedures Website (Lang.: eng). – In: Indexer, 21(1998)2, p.85-89.

7971journal indexingvarious NBM indexing855;879
Hogan, Brian F. – Digital journal indexing: electrified or electrocuted? Problems, practicalities and possibilities: the case of the CCHA and/et la SCHÉC (Lang.: eng). – In: The indexer, 28(2010)4, pp. 154-162.

51732007-0406abstract indexingindexing inmatter science863;88-22
Kuppahalli, C. – Content organization of a subject in a classification scheme and organizing knowledge in the digital environment ontology (Lang.: eng). – In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.423-429.

55812008-0124citation indexingdata indexingpure chemistry864;82-26
Brown, C. – The role of Web-based information in the scholarly communication of chemists: citation and content analyses of American Chemical Society journals (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)13, pp. 2055-2065.

8718citation indexingconceptologysystems theory864;82-51/4
Williams, R. B. – Citation systems in the biosciences: a history, classification and descriptive terminology (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of documentation, 67(2011)6, pp. 995-1014.

55822008-0125citation indexingdata indexinginformation sciences864;82-82
Meho, L.I., Yang, K. – Impact of data sources on citation counts and rankings of LIS faculty: Web of Science versus Scopus and Google Scholar (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)13, pp. 2105-2125.

55832008-0126citation indexingpatent indexing864;842
Guan, J., He, Y. – Patent-bibliometric analysis on the Chinese science technology linkages (Lang.: eng). – In: Scientometrics, 72(2007)3, pp.403-425.

14561999-0250citation indexingvarious NBM indexing864;879
Neth, M. – Citation analysis and the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Art Documentation 17(1998)1,p.29-33.

7976citation indexingconceptologyconcept formation864;88-1/54
Mahdi, A.E., Joorabchi, A. – A citation-based approach to automatic topical indexing of scientific literature (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of information science, 36(2010)6, pp. 798-811.

16511999-0446citation indexingindexing ininformation sciences864;88-82
White, H.D., McCain, K.W. – Visualizing a discipline : an author co-citation analysis of information, 1972-1995 (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American society for information science, 49(1998)4, p.327-355.

29302001-0588NBM indexing problemsonline retrieval problemsdata indexinggeography871;751;82-39
Zhu, B., Chen, H. – Validating a geographical image retrieval system (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)7, p.625-634.

68092009-0929NBM indexing problemstagging871;835
Chung, EunKyung, Yoon, JungWon. – Categorical and specificity differences between user-supplied tags and search query terms for images: an analysis of Flickr tags and Web image search queries (Lang.: eng). – In: Information research, 14(2009)3, Special Section pp.1-19.

68102009-0930NBM indexing problemstagging871;835
Daly, Ellen, Ballantyne, Neil. – Ensuring the discoverability of digital images for social work education: an online "tagging" survey to test controlled vocabularies (Lang.: eng). – In: Webology, 6(2009)3, pp. 1-16.

8206NBM indexing problemstagging871;835
Bar-Ilan, J. et al. – The effects of background information and social interaction on image tagging (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)5, pp. 940-951.

8207NBM indexing problemstagging871;835
Ma, Aiyesha, Sethi, Ishwar, Patel, Nilesh. – Multi-label classification method for multimedia tagging (Lang.: eng). – In: International journal of multimedia data engineering and management, 1(2010)3, pp. 57-75.

8901NBM indexing problemstagging871;835
Sun, Aixin, et al. – Tag-based social image retrieval: an empirical evaluation (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 62(2011)12, pp. 2364-2381.

18397NBM indexing problemstagging871;835
Rondot, Camille; Chevry-Pébayle, Emmanuelle. – Enhancement of digital heritage through digital social networks (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 804-811.

54192007-0658NBM indexing problemsarchive indexing871;847
Conduit, N., Rafferty, P. – Constructing an image indexing template for the Children's Society: users' queries and archivists' practice (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Documentation, 63(2007)6, p.898-919.

8209NBM indexing problemsvideo indexing871;875
Safadi, B., Tong, Y., Quenot, G. – Incremental multiple classifier active learning for concept indexing in images and videos (Lang.: eng). – In: Lecture notes in computer science, 6523 (2011), pp. 240-250.

16571999-0452NBM indexing problemsvarious NBM indexing871;879
Jacso, P. – Searching for images by similarity online (Lang.: eng). – In: Online, 22(1998)6, p.99-102.

38902004-0414NBM indexing problemsindexing inecology871;88-49
Budin, G. – Mehrsprachige Wissensorganisation für den Aufbau von eLearning Systemen für Ökologie : Erfahrungsberichte zu den Pro­jekten "Logos Gaias" und "Media Nova Naturae" [Multilingual knowledge organization for the construction of e-learning systems for ecology. reports on the projects "Logos Gaias" and "Media Nova Naturae"] (Lang.: ger). – In: Wissensorganisation in kooperatieven Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen [see 2004-0335], p.105-121.

9149NBM indexing problemsconceptologysystems theory871;88-51/4
Wang, Xin et al. – Role of domain knowledge in developing user-centered medical-image indexing (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(2012)2, pp. 225-241.

15640picture indexingindexing ingeography872;88-39
Capone, Vera Lucia Punzi Barcelos; Cordeiro, Rosa Inês de Novais. – O arquivo fotográfico ilustrativo dos trabalhos geográficos de campo do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE): proposta de uma matriz para análise documentária da paisagem (Lang.: por). – In: Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciência da informação, 14., Florianópolis. Proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (06.13-10-29/11-01). – Available at http://enancib2013.ufsc.br/index.php/enancib2013/XIVenancib/paper/viewFile/226/420

31112002-0133video indexingaudio indexing875;877
Yee, M.M. – Two genre and form lists for moving image and broadcast materials : a comparison (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 31(2001)3/4, p.237-295.

22982000-0574cartography indexingNBM indexing problems876;871
Ramsey, M.C., [et al.]. – A collection of visual thesauri for browsing large collections of geographic images (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)9,p.26-34.

36412004-0167cartography indexingvarious NBM indexing876;879
Amitay, E., Har'El, N., Sivian, R., Soffer, A. – Web-a-Where : geotagging web content (Lang.: eng). – In: SIGIR'04. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval [see 2004-0005], p. 273-280.

8208audio indexingtagging877;835
Rafailidis, Dimitrios, Nanopoulos, Alexandros, Manolopoulos, Yannis. – Building tag-aware groups for music high-order ranking and topic discovery (Lang.: eng). – In: International journal of multimedia data engineering and management, 1(2010)3, pp. 1-18.

8906various NBM indexingserials indexing879;845
West, Wendy L., Miller, Heather S., Wilson, Kristen. – Electronic journals: cataloging and management practices in academic libraries (Lang.: eng). – In: Serials review, 37(2011)4, pp.267-274.

6121997-4-0613various NBM indexingcitation indexing879;864
Sieverts, E. – Citatie-zoeken op het Web [Citation searching on the Web] (Lang.: dut). – In: Informatie professional 1 (1997)6. p.18-19.

65822009-0702conceptologypsychology in KOindexing ininformation sciences88-2/5;88-8
Granata, G. – I settori scientifico-disciplinari: una proposta per l'ordinamento delle raccolte nelle biblioteche universitarie [The Scientific-disciplinary Fields: a proposal for collection arrangement in university libraries] (Lang.: ita). – In: ISKO Italia. Documenti, 2007. – Available at http://www.iskoi.org/doc/filosofia3.htm Paper presented at the seminar Classificare le scienze umane: il caso filosofia, Padua, 2 February 2007

11681998-0544indexing infinancevarious NBM indexing88-64;879
Quintana, Y. – Knowledge-based information filtering of financial information (Lang.: eng). – In: National Online Meeting 1997: Proceedings of the 18th National Online Meeting, New York, 13-15 May 1997 / ed. by M.E. Williams. - Medford, NJ: Information Today, 1997, p.279-285.

36432004-0169indexing inhistoryNBM indexing problems88-69;871
Rath, T.M., Manmatha, R., Lavrenko, V. – A search engine for historical manuscript images (Lang.: eng). – In: SIGIR'04. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval [see 2004-0005], p. 369-376.

31182002-0140indexing infine artspicture indexing88-94;872
Millar, R. – The little collection that could : building an online index (Lang.: eng). – In: Art Libraries Journal, 24(1999)3, p.25-29.

16681999-0463KO professional questionsbook indexing problems912;851
Halliday, J. – Indexing as a career : development issues (Lang.: eng). – In: Indexer, 21(1998)2, p.64-66.

7989KO work descriptionsvarious NBM indexing913;879
Selden, Karen. – Linking globally, coping locally: cataloging Internet resources at the University of Colorado Law Library (Lang.: eng). – In: Law library journal, 102(2010)4, pp. 439-455.

7992KO work organizationvarious NBM indexing916;879
Martin, Kristin E., Mundle, Kavita. – Notes on operations: cataloging e-books and vendor records: a case study at the University of Illinois at Chicago (Lang.: eng). – In: Library resources & technical services, 54(2010)4, pp. 227-237.

34432003-0118KO metadataspecial KOSeducationindexing ineducation918;656;88-56
Slavic, A. – General library classification in learning material metadata : the application in IMS/LOM and CDMES metadata schemas (Lang.: eng). – In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.97-104.

7471998-0124KO metadatasubject catalogs maintenance918;813
Clayton, L. – A step by step guide to content management (Lang.: ). – In: Digital publishing strategies 1997(2)3,p. 9.

7798KO metadatatagging918;835
Ibekwe-SanJuan, Fidelia. – Semantic metadata annotation: tagging Medline abstracts for enhanced information access (Lang.: eng). – In: Aslib proceedings, 62(2010)4/5, pp. 476-488.

8734KO metadatatagging918;835
Van Hooland, Seth, Rodriguez, Eva Mendez, Boydens, Isabelle. – Between commodification and engagement: on the double-edged impact of user-generated metadata within the cultural heritage sector (Lang.: eng). – In: Library trends, 59(2011)4, pp. 707-720.

58492008-0395KO metadatatheses indexing918;846
McCutcheon, S., Kreyche, M., Maurer, M. B., Nickerson, J. – Morphing metadata: maximizing access to electronic theses and dissertations (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)1, p.41-57.

11841998-0560KO metadataarchive indexing918;847
Reed, B. – Metadata : core record or core business (Lang.: eng). – In: Archives & Manuscripts, 25(1997)2,p.218-241. Role of metadata associated with records management and recordkeeping processes in an archival context

11851998-0561KO metadataNBM indexing problems918;871
Owen, C. – Metadata for music and movies (Lang.: eng). – In: Audiovisual Librarian, 24(1998)1,p.47-50.

46542006-33-3-0258KO metadataNBM indexing problems918;871
Park, J.R. – Semantic interoperability and metadata quality : An analysis of metadata item records of digital image collections (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)1, p.20-34.

7564KO metadataNBM indexing problems918;871
Otto, J.J. – A sound strategy for preservation: adapting audio engineering society technical metadata for use in multimedia repositories (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)5, pp. 403-422.

19892000-0265KO metadatavideo indexing918;875
Hunter, J., Armstrong, L. – A comparison of schemas for video metadata representation (Lang.: eng). – In: Computer Networks, 31(1999)11/16,p.1431-1451.

1221997-1-0121KO metadatavarious NBM indexing918;879
Woodward, J. – Cataloging and classifying on the Internet (Lang.: eng). – In: Annual review of information science and technology Vol.31, 1996, p.189-220.

3041997-2-0303KO metadatavarious NBM indexing918;879
B.S. Brunelle. – Smart systems, smart searches (Lang.: eng). – In: Online Information 96 : Proceedings of the 20th International Online Information Meeting, London, 3-5 December (1996). - Oxford : Learned Information Europe Ltd., 1996. p.387-390.

3051997-2-0304KO metadatavarious NBM indexing918;879
Dodd, D.G. – Grass-roots cataloging and classification : food for thought from World Wide Web subject oriented hierarchocal lists (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Resources & Technical Services 40(1996)3. p.275-286. Compares the approaches taken by non-librarians to provide access to materials on the Internet with the use of Library of Congress Subject Headings or broad Library of Congress Classification and Dewey Decimal Classification schemes. Difference between the hierarchical browse and the analytical search approaches

9741998-0350KO metadatavarious NBM indexing918;879
Chung, S.M., Lee, J. – Information discovery on the Internet (Lang.: eng). – In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, .Vol. 62(1998)p.146-157. Review article

9751998-0351KO metadatavarious NBM indexing918;879
Lucas, H. – Representing WWW navigational data : a graphical methodology to support qualitative analysis (Lang.: eng). – In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.402-408.

11861998-0562KO metadatavarious NBM indexing918;879
Marchiori, M. – The limits of Web metadata, and beyond (Lang.: eng). – In: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 30(1998)1/2,p.1-9.

56002008-0145KO metadatavarious NBM indexing918;879
Cumming, J. – Purposeful data: the roles and purposes of recordkeeping metadata (Lang.: eng). – In: Records Management Journal, 17(2007)3, pp.186-201.

56012008-0146KO metadatavarious NBM indexing918;879
Frendo, R. – Disembodied information: metadata, file plans and the intellectual organization of records (Lang.: eng). – In: Records Management Journal, 17(2007)3, pp.157-169.

54342007-0677KO metadataconceptologysystems theory918;88-51/4
Michon, J. – Biomedicine and the Semantic Web: a knowledge model for visual phenotype (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 43(2007)3/4, p.149-160.

54352007-0678KO metadataindexing inclinical medicine918;88-54
Ferraioli, L. – An exploratory study of metadata creation in a health care agency (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 40(2005)3/4, p.75-102.

54362007-0679KO metadataindexing inclinical medicine918;88-54
Hatfield, A.J., Kelley, S.D. – Case study: lessons learned through digitizing the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research Collection (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Medical Library Association; 95(2007)3, p.267-270.

8371KO metadataindexing inliterature918;88-92
Paling, Stephen. – Developing a metadata element set for organizing literary works: a survey of the American literary community (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization, 38(2011)3, pp. 262-277.

68222009-0942KO historical personsColoncitation indexing922;46;864
Harinarayana, N.S., Raju, N. Vasantha. – Citation analysis of SRR's works: a look through the window of Google Scholar (Lang.: eng). – In: Information studies, 15(2009)3, pp. 165-178.

46562006-33-3-0260KO historical personsindexing problems922;811
Coleman, A.S. – William Stetson Merrill and Bricolage for Information Studies (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Documentation62(2006)4, p.462-481.

65962009-0716KO historical personscitation indexing922;864
Smiraglia, Richard P. – Modulation and specialization in North American knowledge organization: visualizing pioneers (Lang.: eng). – In: Pioneering North American contributions to knowledge organization [see 2009-0508]. – Available at http://dlist.sir.arizona.edu/2630/

16811999-0476KO groupsbook indexing problems925;851
Bell, H.K. – History of indexing societies : Part IV: 1978-82 (Lang.: eng). – In: Indexer, 21(1998)2 p.70-72. »» History of the Society of Indexers (Great Britain)

3091997-2-0308KO groupsbook indexing problemsKO history925;851;19
Bell, H.K. – History of indexing societies : Part I: SI: the first ten years (Lang.: eng). – In: Indexer 20(1997)3. p.160-164. History of the Society of Indexers (Great Britain)

27832001-0441KO groupsbook indexing problemsKO history925;851;19
Bell, H.K. – History of indexing societies : Part 6: 1988-91 (Lang.: eng). – In: Indexer, 22(2000)1 p.35-38. »» History of the Society of Indexers (Great Britain) and other societies of indexers

27842001-0442KO groupsbook indexing problemsKO history925;851;19
Piggott, M. – How the Index Society began and ended (Lang.: eng). – In: Indexer, 22(2000)1 p.33-35.

8554KO in Africaindexing inagriculture936;88-46
Bernaoui, Radia, Hassoun, Mohamed. – Knowledge awareness and standards in agricultural research in Algeria: prerequisites for a national information system of high added value (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization, 38(20121)5, pp. 414-424.

21342000-0410bibliographyindexing problems941;811
Riesthuis, G.J.A. – Ontsluiting van documenten [Cataloguing and indexing of documents] (Lang.: dut). – In: Handboek Informatiewetenschap voor Bibliotheek en Archief / onder red. van G.M. van Trier, D.W.K. Jansen, H.Prins [1999], IV F 100-1 - IV F 100-4167.

16901999-0485bibliographyvarious NBM indexing941;879
Byrum, J.D., Myers-Hayer, P. – Inclusion of information covering electronic resources in national bibliographies : results of a survey conducted May-June 1998 (Lang.: eng). – In: International Catalouing and Bibliographic Control, 29(2000)1, p.4-7.

16911999-0486bibliographyvarious NBM indexing941;879
Tillett, B.B. – Problems and solutions in cataloging electronic resources (Lang.: eng). – In: International Catalouing and Bibliographic Control, 29(2000)1, p.14-15.

21352000-0411bibliographyvarious NBM indexing941;879
Heazlewood, J., Dell'Oro, J., Harari, L., Hills, B., Leask, N., Sefton, A., Waugh, A., Wilkinson, R. – Electronic records : problems solved? (Lang.: eng). – In: Archives & Manuscripts: the journal of the Australian Society of Archvists, 27(1999)1,p.96-113.

35032004-0030bibliographyindexing in languages941;89
Lincoln, T. – Cultural reassertion of Alaska native languages and cultures: libraries' responses (Lang.: eng). – In: Historical aspects of cataloging and classification - New York : Haworth Information Press, 2003. - p.265-290.

35112004-0038bibliographyindexing in languages941;89
Haddad, P. – Cataloging and classification of Pacific and Asian language materials at the National Library of Australia (Lang.: eng). – In: Historical aspects of cataloging and classification - New York : Haworth Information Press, 2003. - p.483-489.

8374catalogingdata indexinglaw942;82-66
Holborn, Guy. – Cataloguing: AACR2 and all that (Lang.: eng). – In: Legal information management, 10(2010)1, pp. 18-23.

9910catalogingserials indexing942;845
Gao, Fang Huang; Tennison, Heather; Weber, Janet . – Demystifying serials cataloging: a book of examples (Lang.: eng). – Santa Barbara, CA, Libraries unlimited, 2012. – pp. 345. – ISBN 1598845969.

9912catalogingserials indexing942;845
Randall, Kevin. – (Book review of) Gao, Fang Huang; Tennison, Heather; Weber, Janet A. Demystifying serials cataloging: a book of examples. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2012. 345 pp., ISBN 9781598845969 (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 51(2013)7, pp. 830-833.

9913catalogingmuseum indexing942;878
Zoller, Gabriela; DeMarsh, Katie. – For the record: museum cataloging from a library and information science perspective (Lang.: eng). – In: Art documentation: bulletin of the Art Libraries Society of North America, 32(2013)1, pp. 54-70.

15287catalogingindexing inmusic942;88-93
Talkner, Katharina. – I've got the RISM and you've got the music!: Moderne Wege zur effizienten Erschliessung musikalischer Nachlässe [I’ve got the RISM and you’ve got the music!: Modern ways for the efficient cataloguing of musical estates] (Lang.: ger). – In: Perspektive Bibliothek, 2(2013)2, pp. 75-103. – Available at http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/ojs/index.php/bibliothek/article/view/11244/5105

17081999-0503archival descriptionarchive indexing943;847
Czeck, R.L.H. – Archival MARC records and finding aids in the context of end-user subject access to archival collections (Lang.: eng). – In: American Archivist, 61(1998)2, p.426-440.

29572001-0615archival descriptionarchive indexing943;847
Krawczyk, B. – Cross reference heaven : the abandonment of the fonds as the primary level of arrangement for Ontario government records (Lang.: eng). – In: Archivaria, (1999)48, p.131-153.

16827bibliographic recordsbibliographic descriptionindexing problems944;946;811
Wiesenm?ller, Heidrun. – Sacherschliessung unter FRBR und RDA in Theorie und Praxis [subject indexing according to FRBR and RDA in theory and practice] (Lang.: ger). – In: o-bib - das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 3(2016)3, pp. 24-53. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2016H3S24-53

23212000-0598record structureindexing problems945;811
The national bibliography of a small Country in International Context / B. Stoklasova ; with a part on subject cataloging by M. Balikova (Lang.: eng). – In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 29(2000)4,p.62-65.

48022006-33-4-0406record structureindexing problems945;811
Slavic, A. – Interface to classification : some objectives and options (Lang.: eng). – In: Extensions and Corrections to the UDC, 28(2006), p.24-45.

31492002-0171bibliographic descriptiongeographydata indexinggeography946-39;82-39
Davis, H.O., Chervinko, J.S. – Map cataloging and classification : the basic who, what, and where (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 27(1999)1/2, p.9-37.

27982001-0456bibliographic descriptionsubject catalogs rulesliterature reviews946;814;02
Fountain, J.F. – (Book review of) Ganendran, J.: Learn subject access. - 2nd ed. - Canberra (Aus.): DocMatrix, 1998. - 111 p. - (Library Education Series) - ISBN: 1876283106 (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services, 24(2000)p,515-517.

15296bibliographic descriptionsubject indexes in946;818
Han, Mi-Kyung. – [A comparative analysis of classical data in KCR4 and CCR2] (Lang.: kor). – In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science 47(2013)3, pp. 275-293.

17161bibliographic descriptionsubject indexes in946;818
Pfeifer, Barbara; Polak-Bennemann, Renate. – Zusammenf?hren was zusammengeh?rt - Intellektuelle und automatische Erfassung von Werken nach RDA [Combine what is common - Intellectual and automatic cataloguing of works according to RDA] (Lang.: ger). – In: o-bib - das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 3(2016)4, pp. 144-155. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2016H4S144-155

16310bibliographic descriptionresearch indexing946;841
Neuböck, Inge. – 2015 – Das Jahr der RDA – Ein erster Statusbericht [2015, the year of the RDA: A first status report] (Lang.: ger). – In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 68(2015)1, pp. 131-134.

9930bibliographic descriptionserials indexing946;845
Kuhagen, Judith; Mering, Margaret. – RDA and serials: theoretical and practical applications (Lang.: eng). – In: Serials Librarian, 64(2013)1-4, pp. 5-14.

9934bibliographic descriptionvarious primary document indexing946;849
Å auperl, Alenka. – Four views of a novel: characteristics of novels as described by publishers, librarians, literary theorists, and readers (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)6, pp. 624-654.

31402002-0162bibliographic descriptionNBM indexing problems946;871
Olson, N.B. – Cataloging kits (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 31(2001)3/4, p.151-157.

31412002-0163bibliographic descriptionNBM indexing problems946;871
Weihs, J. – A somewhat personal history of nonbook cataloging (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 31(2001)3/4, p.159-188.

8016bibliographic descriptionNBM indexing problems946;871
Falk, Patricia, Hunker, Stefanie Dennis. – Cataloguing outside the box: a practical guide to cataloguing special collections materials (Lang.: eng). – Cambridge, Chandos, 2010. – pp. 260. – ISBN: 9781843345534.

68422009-0962bibliographic descriptionaudio indexing946;877
Insom, G. – The music archives in the abbey of Montecassino and the Library of S. Domenico in Ortona: multifunctional activity for a high-quality cataloguing (Lang.: eng). – In: Fontes artis musicae, 56(2009)1, pp. 36-50.

8242bibliographic descriptionaudio indexing946;877
Ellensohn, Reinhard. – Die musikspezifischen Teile der RDA: Ein erster Annäherungsversuch [The music-specific parts of RDA: a first approach] (Lang.: ger). – In: The ne(x)t generation, pp. 273-278. (06.09-09-15/18).

31422002-0164bibliographic descriptionmuseum indexing946;878
Olson, N.B. – Cataloging three-dimensional artefacts and realia (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 31(2001)3/4, p.139-150.

23312000-0608bibliographic descriptionvarious NBM indexing946;879
Goz, A. – Az Interneten elerheto informacioforrasok katalogizalasa [Cataloging of information sources available on the Internet] (Lang.: hun). – In: Tudomanyos es Muszaki Tajekoztatas, 45(1998)8/9,p.315-330.

34682003-0143authority controlindexing problems949;811
Ayres, F.H. – Authority control simply does not work (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and classification Quarterly, 32(2001)2, p.49-59.

8566authority controlcartography indexing949;876
Wiesenmüller, Heidrun, Maylein, Leonhard, Pfeffer, Magnus. – Mehr aus der Schlagwortnormdatei herausholen: Implementierung einer geographischen Facette in den Online-Katalogen der UB Heidelberg und der UB Mannheim [Making the most of the [German] subject authority file: Implementing a geographical facet in the catalogues of the Heidelberg and Mannheim University Libraries] (Lang.: ger). – In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie 14(2011)3, pp. 245-252.

8950authority controlaudio indexing949;877
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68442009-0964authority controlconceptologysystems theory949;88-51/4
Sharifabadi, S. Rezaei, Khosravi, A., Zeinolabedini, M. Haji. – A study on the feasibility of subject authority control of web-based Persian medical databases: an Iranian experience (Lang.: eng). – In: International journal of information science and technology, 7(2009)2, pp. 1-14.

17141999-0509KO curriculaarchive indexing952;847
Valtonen, M., et al. – RECPRO : developing a European records management programme (Lang.: eng). – In: Records Management Journal, 8(1998)3, p.55-61. »» European wide curriculum for electronic records management

17151999-0510KO curriculaarchive indexing952;847
Westwood, S. – Records management education and training at Liverpool : a year of change at LUCAS (Lang.: eng). – In: Records Management Journal, 8(1998)3, p.39-53.

17161999-0511KO curriculaarchive indexing952;847
Shepherd, E. – Partnerships in professional education : a study in archives and records management (Lang.: eng). – In: Records Management Journal, 8(1998)3, p.19-37.

8741KO curriculacitation indexing952;864
Gumpenberger, Christian, et al. – ESSS 2011: Scientometrische Ausbildung an der Universität Wien [ESSS 2011: Training in scientometrics at the University of Vienna [2nd European Summer School for Scientometrics, 11-16 September, 2011)] (Lang.: ger). – In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare. 64 (2011) 3/4, pp. 484-488.

21732000-0449KO curriculaNBM indexing problems952;871
Hastings, S.K., O'Connor, M., Russell, T. – Digital image managers for the new Millennium : a museum/university collaboration (Lang.: eng). – In: Microform & Imaging Review, 28(1999)2,p.46-50.

8021information useaudio indexingfacet analysis981;877;325
Snyder, Tracey. – Music materials in a faceted catalog: interviews with faculty and graduate students (Lang.: eng). – In: Music reference services quarterly, 13(2010)3/4, pp. 66-95.

61352009-0255users requirementsknowledge acquisitionNBM indexing problems982;156;871
Rorissa, A. – User-generated descriptions of individual images versus labels of groups of images: a comparison using basic level theory (Lang.: eng). – In: Information Processing & Management, 44(2008)5, p.1741-1753.

61362009-0256users requirementsonline retrieval problemsvideo indexing982;751;875
Petrelli, D., Auld, D. – An examination of automatic video retrieval technology on access to the contents of an historical video archive (Lang.: eng). – In: Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 42(2008)2, p.115-136.

8024users requirementstagging982;835
Hassan-Montero, Yusef, Herrero-Solana, Victor, Guerrero-Bote, Vicente. – Usabilidad de los tag-clouds: studio mediante eye-tracking [Tag clouds usability: eye tracking study] (Lang.: spa). – In: Scire: representación y organización del conociemento, 16(2010)1, pp. 31-41.

7602users requirementsaudio indexing982;877
Lee, Jin Ha. – Analysis of user needs and information features in natural language queries seeking music information (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)5, pp. 1025-1045.

63772009-0497users requirementsconceptologysystems theory982;88-51/4
Chu, A., et al. – "Partnering with Seniors for Better Health": computer use and Internet health information retrieval among older adults in a low socioeconomic community (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Medical Library Association, 97(2009)1, pp. 12-20.

15509use of indexing practicestagging983;835
Chen, Ya-Ning; Ke, Hao-Ren. – An analysis of users' behaviour patterns in the organisation of information: a case study of CiteULike (Lang.: eng). – In: Online information review, 37(2013)4, pp. 638-656.

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