Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 88-2 Classification and Indexing in Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Energy found the 13 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

6582   2009-0702conceptology • psychology in KO • indexing in • information sciences • 88-2/5;88-8
Granata, G. – I settori scientifico-disciplinari: una proposta per l'ordinamento delle raccolte nelle biblioteche universitarie [The Scientific-disciplinary Fields: a proposal for collection arrangement in university libraries] (Lang.: ita). - In: ISKO Italia. Documenti, 2007. – Available at http://www.iskoi.org/doc/filosofia3.htm Paper presented at the seminar Classificare le scienze umane: il caso filosofia, Padua, 2 February 2007

7782   indexing in • electronics • 88-24
Beloozerov, V. N., Γ…Β aburova, N. N . – KlassifikacionniÒ€ℒe sistemiÒ€ℒ kak sredstvo poiska informacii po fizike poluprovodnikov [Classification systems as information retrieval tools in the physics of semi-conductors field] (Lang.: rus). - In: Bibliosfera, 3 (2008), pp. 34-42.

11898   1994-1129indexing in • 88-254
Royce Rose J.; Gasteiger, J.. – HORACE: an automatic system for the hierarchical classification of chemical reactions (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Chem.Inf.Comput.Sci.. 34(1994)1,p.74-90.

6082   2009-0202conceptology • quality data • 88-26/27
Newsom, C., Lundgren, J., Poehlmann, N. M. – Genre terms for Chemistry and Engineering: not just for literature anymore (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 46(2008)4, p.412-424.

11899   1994-1130indexing in • 88-263
Bush, B.L.; Sheridan, R.P.. – PATTY: a programmable atom typer and language for automatic classification of atoms in molecular databases (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Chem.Inform.Comput.Sci.. 33(1993)5,p.756-762.

12488   1996-0314indexing in • 88-265
Hendrickson, J.B.; Sander, T.. – COGNOS: A Beilstein-type system for organizing organic reactions (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Chem.Inform.& Comupt.Sci. Vol. 35, No. 2. 1995. p.251-260. Description of a logical system to organize and index organic reactions, implemented in the COGNOS program to search reaction databases for literature precedents. (Author, abbr.)

12355   1995-0960indexing in • 88-267
Lambert, N. – Plastic spaceships (Lang.: eng). - In: Searcher. Vol. 2. No. 9. 1994. p.43-9. The new enhanced polymer indexing system of Derwent World Patents Index is examined in detail. Further desirable new features are pointed out



Further items on this class as a particular theme

50162007-0245math in • indexing in • energy science • indexing in • information sciences • 138;88-28;88-82
Yukimo Kobashio, N., Santos, R.N.M. – Information organization and representation by graphic devices: an interdisciplinary approach (Lang.: eng). – In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.293-299.

37202004-0246subject analysis • indexing in • chemical technology • 323;88-27
Sanz Casado, E., Martín Moreno, C., García-Zorita, C., Lascurín, M.L. – Aplicación en la gestión de bibliotecas especializadas de la interdisciplinariedad observada en la actividad científica [Application of the interdisciplinary observed in scientific research in specialised library management] (Lang.: ). – In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.573-579.

8667UDC • conceptology • psychology in KO • 42;88-2/5
Beloozerov, V. N., et al. – Metodicheskaya rabota VINITI po sistemam klassifikacii NTI [VINITI methodological activities on classification systems for scientific and technological information] (Lang.: rus). – In: Novye tehnologiiv informacionnobibliotechnom obespechenii nauchnyh issledovanij: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov, 2010, pp. 254-261.

8668UDC • indexing in • matter science • indexing in • energy science • 42;88-22;88-28
Beloozerov, V. N., Shaburova, N. N. – Razvitie tezaurusa klassifikacionnyh rubrik po fizike poluprovodnikov [Development of the thesaurus of classification subject headings in the physics of semiconductors] (Lang.: rus). – In: Novye tehnologiiv informacionno-bibliotechnom obespechenii nauchnyh issledovanij: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov 2010, pp. 262-272.

8669UDC • indexing in • matter science • indexing in • energy science • 42;88-22;88-28
Shaburova, N. N., Beloozerov, V. N. – UDK v sisteme klassificacij dlya indeksirovaniya dokumentov po fizike poluprovodnikov [UDC in the system of classifications for document indexing in the physics of semiconductors] (Lang.: rus). – In: Nauchno-tehnicheskaya informaciya, serija 1(2010)9, pp. 34-44.

51732007-0406abstract indexing • indexing in • matter science • 863;88-22
Kuppahalli, C. – Content organization of a subject in a classification scheme and organizing knowledge in the digital environment ontology (Lang.: eng). – In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.423-429.

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