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Knowledge organization literature. Selected items
Your search for
class 88-8 Classification and Indexing in Science of Science, Information Science, Computer Science, Communication Science, Semiotics
found the 12 items below.
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Items on this class as the base theme
Pérez Ortiz, Guadalupe; Gónzalez Lozano, Francisco. – El Archivo del Seminario Metropolitano San Atón de Badajoz: organización de sus fondos documentales [The archive of the saint Aton’s Metropolitan Seminary (Badajoz, Spain): organization of its archival holdings ] (Lang.: spa). - In: Ibersid, 8(2014), pp. 55-66.. – Available at Eckelmann, S. – Die Erschliessung historischer Quellen zur Geschichte des Buch- und Bibliothekswesens [Classing and indexing of historical sources for the study of the history of the book and the history of libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie Vol.43, No.1 1996, p.1-8. GarcÃÂa Gutiérrez, Antonio. – Análisis documental de noticias de prensa en sistemas de información factual [Document analysis of news items for factual information systems ] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista Española de Documentación CientÃÂfica, 37(2014)2, e046, pp. 1-15. – Available at Mizermont, L.; Salleras, B. – Application du thesaurus au plan de classement des dossiers de presse dans le cadre d une informatisation [Application of a thesaurus to the project for classifying press dossiers in an information science framework] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, INTD, 1990. – pp. 95.((Mem.: Sci.Inf.)). Lindley, D.; McDonald, C.; Tsang, P.. – Classifying newswire databases using hierarchical cluster analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 93. London, 7-9 Dec.1993. - Oxford, GB: Learned Information, Ltd., 1993. p.149-159.
Further items on this class as a particular theme Yukimo Kobashio, N., Santos, R.N.M. – Information organization and representation by graphic devices: an interdisciplinary approach (Lang.: eng). – In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.293-299. Bearman, D.. – Vocabulary control (Lang.: eng). – In: Archives & Museum Informatics. 7(1993)4,p.6-8. Description of a workshop on vocabulary control given for the continuing education programme at Texas University at Austin, Nov.1993.Iivonen, M., Kivimäki, K. – Common entities and missing properties : similarities and differences in the indexing of concepts (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)3,p.90-102. »» Comparison of the indexing in Library and Information Abstracts and in a Finnish database for Library and Information Science (KINF)Sabzwari,G.A. – Are we concerned with professional problems? (Lang.: eng). – In: Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal, 39(2008)3, p.1. Sluga, M. – Google and information resources in library and information science: a comparative analysis (Lang.: slo). – In: Knjižnica, 51(2007)3-4, p.23-40. White, H.D., McCain, K.W. – Visualizing a discipline : an author co-citation analysis of information, 1972-1995 (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American society for information science, 49(1998)4, p.327-355. Granata, G. – I settori scientifico-disciplinari: una proposta per l'ordinamento delle raccolte nelle biblioteche universitarie [The Scientific-disciplinary Fields: a proposal for collection arrangement in university libraries] (Lang.: ita). – In: ISKO Italia. Documenti, 2007. – Available at Paper presented at the seminar Classificare le scienze umane: il caso filosofia, Padua, 2 February 2007
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