Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 88-9 Classification and Indexing Language, Literature, Music, Arts, Philosophy, Religion found the 91 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

1169   1998-0545indexing in • humanities • 88-9
Rothera, H. – Framing the subject : a subject indexing model for electronic bibliographic databases in the humanities (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and Information Research News, 22(1998)71,p.24-33.

6585   2009-0705indexing in • humanities • 88-9
Neelameghan, A., Raghavan, K.S. – A knowledge organizing system for humanistic disciplines with enhanced capabilities: case studies (Lang.: eng). - In: Information studies, 15(2009)2, pp.75-94.

16028   indexing in • humanities • 88-9
Hedeland, Hanna; Jettka, Daniel; Lehmberg, Timm. – Vernetzung statt Vereinheitlichung: Digitale Forschungsinfrastrukturen in den Geisteswissenschaften [Networking instead of unification: digital research infrastructures in the humanities] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 17(2014) 5, pp. 446-455.

16440   indexing in • humanities • 88-9
Ok Nam Park. – [The Study on Design of Korean Classical Literature Ontologies for Popularization] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Biblia Society For Library And Information Science, 26(2015)3, pp. 267-290. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE06518333

18566   indexing in • humanities • 88-9
Barros, Camila Monteiro de; CafΓ©, LΓ­gia Maria Arruda; Laplante, Audrey. – As contribuiçáes da autonarrativa da experiΓͺncia semiΓ³tica musical para a organização do conhecimento [Contributions of music semiotic experiences self-narrative to knowledge organization] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação e Sociedade: Estudos, 29(2019)2, pp. 101-124. – Available at http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ies/article/view/34919/22775

18877   indexing in • humanities • 88-9; 942
Kunze, Petra . – Kooperative Erschliessung und Digitalisierung als Dienstleistung fΓΌr historische Forschungsprojekte und digitale Editionen [Collaborative digital cataloguing and indexing as public service for historical research and digital editing projects] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 55(2021)1, pp. 42-51. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2021-0009

12181   1995-0657indexing in • 88-912
McLaughlin, M.Ch. – Indexing Irish grammars (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 2. 1994. p.93-98.

10049   1995-0658indexing in • 88-918
Joachim, M.D. – Languages of the world: cataloging issues and problems (Lang.: eng). - Binghampton, NY, Haworth Press, 1993. – pp. 292. – ISBN: 1560245204. The contents of this book has also been published as Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 17(1993)No.1-2

5200   2007-0433indexing in • literature • 88-92
Kovač, T. – Vsebinski opis leposlovja v NUK [Subject cataloguing of the works of fiction at the National and University Library] (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnica, 50(2006)1/2, p.163-170. – Available at http://revija-knjiznica.zbds-zveza.si/Izvodi/K0601/kovac.pdf

5201   2007-0434indexing in • literature • 88-92
Ločniškar-Fidler, M. – Leposlovje ni le na papirju [Fiction is not just in print form] (Lang.: slo). - In: Šolska Knjižnica, 16(2006)1, p.25-30.

5202   2007-0435indexing in • literature • 88-92
Shenton, A. K. – The role of "reactive classification" in relation to fiction collections in school libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship, 12(2006)2, p.127-146.

5203   2007-0436indexing in • literature • 88-92
Trott, B., Novak, V. – A house divided? Two views on genre separation (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference and User Services Quarterly, 46(2006)2, p.33-38.

5204   2007-0437indexing in • literature • 88-92
Vernitski, A. – Developing an intertextuality-oriented fiction classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 39(2007)1, p.41-52.

5836   2008-0382indexing in • literature • 88-92
Šauperl, A., Harej, V., Merčun, T., Jesenovec, T.; Kastelic, J.K., Plestenjak, B., Vimer Kovaček, U. – Enhancement of subject description of fiction with annotations images (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnica, 51(2007)3-4, p.97-115.

7784   indexing in • literature • 88-92
Stopa, A. – Niektóre trudnosci klasyfikowania dziel literatury pieknej [Some problems in the classification of fiction] (Lang.: pol). - In: Poradnik Bibliotekarza, 1(2009), pp. 7-10.

10499   1996-0320indexing in • literature • 88-92
Roth, Ch.. – Konzepte zur Inhaltserschließung Schöner Literatur und ihre Benutzerbilder [Concepts for contents analysis of Belles Lettres and its users] (Lang.: ger). - Hamburg, DE, FHS, FB Bibliothek u.Information, 1994. – pp. 92.(Diplomarbeit/Thesis).

10581   1990-2-343indexing in • literature • 88-92
Brüning, Ch. – Schlagworterschließung von Belletristik in Öffentlichen Bibliotheken.Eine Untersuchung der Methoden unter besondererBerücksichtigung der RSWK-Anwendung [Indexing of belles-lettres in public libraries.An investigation of methods with special regard of an application of the RSWK] (Lang.: ger). - Köln, FH Bibl.u.Dokw, 1988. (Diplomarbeit Öffentl.Bibl).

11453   1993-0393indexing in • literature • 88-92
Bell, H.. – On the indexability of butterflies (Lang.: eng). - In: LogosVol. 3 No. 3. 1992. p.149-52.

11901   1994-1133indexing in • literature • 88-92
Denehy, C.C.. – Subject cataloguing of fiction (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia. 19(1993)3/4,p.183-193.

12491   1996-0319indexing in • literature • 88-92
Copeland, J.H.. – Accessing French fiction in academe: a case study in 'bibliocide' (Lang.: eng). - In: Current Studies in Librnship. Vol. 19, No. 1/2. 1995. p.24-9.

15271   indexing in • literature • 88-92
Antonio, Deise Maria; Moraes, João Batista Ernesto de. – AnÑlise documental de obras de ficção: a indexação na perspectiva do percurso gerativo de sentido [Subject analysis in fictions: indexing under the perspective generative path of sense] (Lang.: por). - In: Desafios e perspectivas científicas para a organização e representação do conhecimento na atualidade (06.11-10-20/22), pp. 45-48.

15465   indexing in • literature • 88-92
Aagaard, Harriet; Viktorsson, Elisabet. – Subject headings for fiction in Sweden: a cooperative development (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52(2014)1, pp. 62-68.

15647   indexing in • literature • 88-92
Duncan, Dennis. – As if we were reading a good novel': fiction and the index from Richardson to Ballard (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)1, pp. 2-11..

15648   indexing in • literature • 88-92
Jenner, Lynn; Flath, Tordis. – The index of heightened sensations': collaboration between a skilled indexer and a creative writer to produce a special-purpose index (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)1, pp. 12-15..

12182   1995-0659indexing in • 88-92, 692
Stebelman, S. – Vocabulary control and the humanities: a case study of the MLA International Bibliography (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference Librarian. No. 47. 1994. p.61-78. Examins the history of the MLA International Bibliography database and how its adaptations, both semantic and technological, have transformed information retrieval within the disciplines it covers. (Author, abbr.)

5205   2007-0438indexing in • literature • UDC • 88-92;42
Sekne, M. – Neke dvojbe u klasifikaciji književnosti prema UDK i njihova interpretacija u praksi nacionalne i sveuäœilišne knjižnice [Some issues in the classification of literature according to UDC and their interpretation in the practice of the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.87-99.

8726   indexing in • literature • UDC • 88-92;42
Kovač, T. – Vsebinska obdelava knjiΓ…ΒΎničnega gradiva: klasifikacija knjiΓ…ΒΎevnosti z dodajanjem sploΓ…Β‘nih privesnih vrstilcev za kraj [Subject indexing of library material: classification of literature adding common auxiliaries of place] (Lang.: slo). - In: KnjiΓ…ΒΎničarske novice, 19(2009)12, p. 3.

8727   indexing in • literature • UDC • 88-92;42
Moraru, V. – Clasificarea publicaΓ…Β£iilor: literaturΓ„Ζ’: aqspecte practice [Documents classification: literature: practical aspects] (Lang.: rom). - In: Buletinul FundaΓ…Β£iei Urechia, 7(2009)10, pp. 100-115.

6093   2009-0213indexing in • literature • KOS for libraries • 88-92;485
Maker, R. – Reader centred classification of adult fiction in public libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services, 21(2008)4, p.168-171.

10821   1993-039indexing in • 88-921
Velter, J.. – Naar aanleiding van inhoudelijke ontsluiting van literatuur in een openbare bibliotheek [The construction of a thematic catalogue] (Lang.: dut). - In: Bibl.-archiefgidsVol. 67 No. 3. 1991. p.310-319.

12864   1990-1088indexing in • 88-921
Laakso, J.; Puukko, O. – Classification of fiction by topic in the light of experiments carried out in two public libraries (Lang.: fin). - In: Kirjastotiede ja Informatiika.Vol.11.No.2.1992.p.61-65.

11454   1993-0395indexing in • 88-923
Pickering, O.. – Creating the BSMSV database: Cataloguing and indexing earlier English verse (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Librarianship Inf.Sci.Vol. 24 No. 4. 1992. p.211-216.

299   1997-2-0298indexing in • 88-928
Sunaga, K., Tokuyama, G. – Analysis of indexing terms in the field of Japanese classic literature (Lang.: jap). - In: ULIS 14(1995)2. p.95-113.

5837   2008-0383indexing in • music • 88-93
Cary, P. – Music Index Online (Lang.: eng). - In: Notes, 64(2008)3, p.555-63.

10354   1990-1-448indexing in • music • 88-93
Smiraglia, R.P. – Music cataloging.The bibliographic control of printed and recorded music in libraries (Lang.: eng). - Englewood, CO, Libraries Unltd, 1989. – pp. 222.

11088   1990-1-447indexing in • music • 88-93
Perry, H. – Musical bumps: indexing musical terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.16.No.4.1989.p.251-53.

11902   1994-1134indexing in • music • 88-93
Temperley, N.. – The problem of definitive identification in the indexing of hymn tunes (Lang.: eng). - In: Music Ref.Serv.Quart.. 2(1993)3/4,p.227-240.

12183   1995-0660indexing in • music • 88-93
Crofts, S.J. – Where's that tune? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1994. p.189-191. Discusses features of indexes to collections of traditional music, considering specific difficulties that may be encountered by indexers and users

12356   1995-0961indexing in • music • 88-93
Cassaro, J.P. – Music cataloguing and the future (Lang.: eng). - In: Fontes Artis Musicae. Vol. 41. No. 3. 1994. p.245-250. The following issues need to be resolved to meet the needs of the users: amount of information, local system capabilities, subject searching, the process of cataloguing in general. Problems in these areas are identified. (Author, abbr.)

12357   1995-0963indexing in • music • 88-93
Myers, J.A. – Music: special characteristics for indexing and cataloguing (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 4. 1995. p.269-274. Describes how the indexing and cataloguing of music can be affected by issues of subject access, format, genre, responsibility, language, alternate titles, excerpts, and the use of computer databases. (Author)

13275   1995-0962indexing in • music • 88-93
Friederici, C.U. – Franz Wolfgang Bulau: eine vergessene Persönlichkeit des Hamburger Musiklebens [Franz Wolfgang Bulau: a forgotten personality of Hamburg musical life] (Lang.: ger). - In: Forum Musikbibliothek. No. 1. 1995. p.39-44. Report on the indexing by form and subject of the collections of chamber music, orchestral works, critical writings and letters of Bulau (1883-1940) at the Hamburg State and University Library

13276   1995-0964indexing in • music • 88-93
Sigel, G. – Schlagwortvergabe bei Musikalien und Musiktonträgern auf der Grundlage der RSWK-Musik, Entwurf 1991 [Subject cataloguing of musical scores and musical sound records based on the rules for subject cataloguing for music, draft of 1991] (Lang.: ger). - In: Forum Musikbibliothek. No. 2. 1995. p.135-140.

15466   indexing in • music • 88-93
Belford, Rebecca. – Evaluating library discovery tools through a music lens (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 58(2014)1, pp. 49-72.

15649   indexing in • music • 88-93
Belford, Rebecca. – Evaluating library discovery tools through a music lens (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 58(2014)1, pp. 49-72..

10711   1996-0321indexing in • music • 88-93, 398-93
Downie, J.S.. – The MusiFind Music Information Retrieval Project, Phase III: Evaluation of indexing options (Lang.: eng). - In: Olson, H.A.; Ward, D.B. Connectedness; Information, Systems, People, Organizations. Proc. CAIS/ACSI'95. Proc.23rd Ann.Conf.Canadian Assoc.Inform.Sci. University of Alberta. 1995. p.135-146.Edmonton, Alberta, School of Libr.& Inform.Stud.,University,

4648   2006-33-3-0252indexing in • music • DDC • 88-93;43
Nero, L.M. – Classifying the popular music of Trinidad and Tobago (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 42(2006)3/4, p.119-133.

4649   2006-33-3-0253indexing in • music • DDC • 88-93;43
Heiner-Freiling, M. – DDC German-The Project, the Aims, the Methods: New Ideas for a Well-Established Traditional Classification System (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 42(2006)3/4, p.147-162.

2936   2001-0594indexing in • music • LCSH • 88-93;448
Hemmasi, H., Young, J.B. – LCSH for music : historical and empirical perspectives (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 29(2000)1/2, p.135-157.

13014   1996-0322indexing in • 88-936, 88-963
Ginouves, V.. – L'indexation du son inédit, ou comment constituer une base ethnographique (Lang.: fre). - In: Archimag, No. 85. 1995. p.57-59.

3119   2002-0141indexing in • fine arts • 88-94
Rogiest, P. – De kunstbibliotheek van het KMSKA en haar inhoudelijke ontsluiting [The KMSKA art library and subject access to its collections] (Lang.: dut). - In: Bibliotheek- en Archiefgids, 76(2000)4, p.8-17.

8220   indexing in • fine arts • 88-94
Garofalo, Denise A. – Sherman's art cataloging, etc. http://artcataloging.net/... (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 28(2011)1, pp. 107-108.

10267   1995-0965indexing in • fine arts • 88-94
Jaucquin, V. – L'indexation dans les banques de données iconographiques: étude comparative [Indexing in iconographic databases: a comparative study] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, INTD, 1994. – pp. 117.(DESS Mémoire 24-25). After showing the specialities in documenting photographs the indexing in the iconographic databases of 9 photocollection libraries (photothèques) is presented

11306   1990-2-344indexing in • fine arts • 88-94
Roberts, H. – 'Do you have any pictures of.?' subject access to works of art in visual collections and book reproductions (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Documentation.Vol.7.No.3.1988.p.87-90.

12184   1995-0661indexing in • fine arts • 88-94
Weinberg, B.H. – Book review of Petersen, T., Barnett, P.J.: Guide to indexing and cataloguing with the Art & Architecture Thesaurus; New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press 1994. XVI,397p (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 46. No. 2. 1995. p.152-160.

11455   1993-0396indexing in • 88-94, 872
Rorvig, M.E.. – A method for automatically abstracting visual documents (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.Vol. 44 No. 1. 1992. p.40-56.

5206   2007-0439indexing in • fine arts • UDC • 88-94;42
Vukadin, A. – Problemi klasifikacije graäe iz povijesti umjetnosti prema shemi UDK [Classification of art history according to UDC: some problems and issues] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.74-86.

8728   indexing in • fine arts • UDC • 88-94;42
Nijhoff, Michiel. – Optimism and enthusiasm -- and doubts: from UDC towards hybrid cataloguing in the library of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (Lang.: eng). - In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 50-52.

3118   2002-0140indexing in • fine arts • picture indexing • 88-94;872
Millar, R. – The little collection that could : building an online index (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Libraries Journal, 24(1999)3, p.25-29.

11159   1990-1089indexing in • 88-945, 819
Giral, A.; Taylor, A.G. – Indexing overlap and consistency between the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals and the Architectural Periodicals Index (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Resources & Techn.Serv.Vol.37.No.1.1993.p.19-44.

12185   1995-0662indexing in • 88-966, 879
Carter, C.E. – Accessing ethnic group information on CD-ROM: the case of Southeast Asians (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference Librarian. No. 45/46. 1994. p.171-184.

12186   1995-0663indexing in • 88-969
Hanworth, R. – On indexing 'The heritage of North Cyprus': a personal approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1955. p.205-207. An account of how and why tha author set about indexing a 'popular' work kon a country's history and archaeology

12187   1995-0664indexing in • 88-969
Lavell, Ch. – A database of radiocarbon dates for archaeology (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1995. p.173-176. Describes the formation of a finding aid for published radiocarbon dates for archaeological sites, first (in the 1970's) by manual methods, latterly by computer database

13262   1995-0665indexing in • philosophy • 88-97
Büchel, G. – Maschinelle Erschließung und Repräsentation von Terminologiebeständen am Beisiel von G.W.F.Hegel: 'Wissenschaft der Logik' [Automatic indexing and representation of terminology holdings using the example of G.W.F.Hegel's 'Science of Logic'] (Lang.: ger). - In: Sprache und DV. Vol. 16. No. 2. 1992. p.3-14. Description of a development project. The appendix gives a list of automatically recognized terms in Hegel's work

5207   2007-0440indexing in • philosophy • UDC • 88-97;42
Gornik, A. – Kako klasificirati filozofiju unutar sheme UDK? Problem ii rješenja iz prakse nacionalne i sveuäœilišne knjižnice [How to classify philosophy according to UDC? Problems and solutions in the practice of the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.19-35.

9370   indexing in • non-christian religion • 88-98
Idrees, Haroon. – Library classification systems and organization of Islamic knowledge: current global scenario and optimal solution (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 56(2012)3, pp.171-182.

5208   2007-0441indexing in • non-christian religion • DDC • 88-98;43
Tapper, J. – Dewey does a number on Wicca (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Journal, 131(2006), Suppl., p.16.

6094   2009-0214indexing in • non-christian religion • DDC • 88-98;43
Sulistyo-Basuki, L., Mulyani, A. S. – Indonesian librarians’ efforts to adapt and revise the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)’s notation 297 on Islam (Lang.: eng). - In: Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 13(2008)2, p.89-101.

11089   1990-1-449indexing in • 88-984
Weinberg, B.H. – From copy cataloging to derived bibliographic records.Cataloging and its automation in American Judaica Researching libraries from the sixties through the eighties (Lang.: eng). - In: Judaica Librarianshiip.Vol.4.No.2.1988.p.118-122.

6095   2009-0215indexing in • christian religion • 88-99
Neelameghan, A. – Multiple names of Hindu deities: representation in thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Studies, 14(2008)2, p.67-69.

6096   2009-0216indexing in • christian religion • 88-99
Notes on the indexing of biblical and related materials (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer 26(2008)4, p.C5/1-C5/6.

13301   1996-0323indexing in • christian religion • 88-99
Weisweiler, H.. – Zeitschriftenerschließung: Der Tübinger 'Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst Theologie' in neuer Form [Journal Cataloguing. The Tübingen Documentation Service Theology in a new form] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 29, No. 2. 1995. p.353-354. Reports on the Current-Contents-Service of the University Library in Tübingen devoted to Theology which has changed its look since 1995 and its substance including also its indexes. It has also grown in size, including also retrospective data. The database will be available soon in electronic form. Collaboration exists with the American Theological Library Association.

1170   1998-0546indexing in • christian religion • online systems in • christian religion • 88-99;758-99
Die Sacherschliessung in der Datenbank Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst Theologie [The subject indexing in the Periodicals' contents in theology databank] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 32(1998)9,p.1573-1577.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

8721998-0248UDC • conceptology • conceptology • 42;88-91/2
Agheorghiesei, M. – Ondexarea lingvisticii (81) conform noii structuri CZU în Biblioteca de Litere [Indexing linguistics according to the new structure of class 8 in the Library of Letters] (Lang.: rom). – In: Biblos, 6(1998) p. 29-33. Practical indexing issues with the restructured class 8 of the UDC

8731998-0249UDC • conceptology • conceptology • 42;88-91/2
Frâncu, V. – In sprijinul configuraţiei actuale a Clasei 8 - Lingvistică - Literatură a Classificării Zecimale Universale [In support of the actual configuration of class 8 – Linguistics. Literature] (Lang.: rom). – In: Biblioteca, 9(1998)4 p. 112-115.

8813UDC • indexing in • fine arts • 42;88-94
White, Maria. – Brackets and flying commas: UDC in Tate Library (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp.13-17.

8817DDC • conceptology • psychology in KO • 43;88-94/5
Cripps, Jill. – Dewey and the visual arts: some thoughts on the scheme and its application (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 5-12.

8818LCC • indexing in • fine arts • 44;88-94
Bunting, Lynda, Matosian, Ani. – Classifying photography (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 44-49.

8819LCC • indexing in • fine arts • 44;88-94
Clarke, Sherman. – Class N, or, Classifying the fine arts using the Library of Congress classification (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 22-25.

8820LCC • indexing in • fine arts • revision methods • 44;88-94;273
Lee, Deborah. – Dealing with adaptation: the Courtauld classification scheme (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp.26-33.

59712009-0091LCC • indexing in • christian religion • 44;88-99
Gregory, S. – Union Theological College Library, Belfast (Lang.: eng). – In: Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries, 15(2008)2, p.14-17.

8823Bliss • indexing in • fine arts • 45;88-94
Perkins, Alex. – Classifying art with Bliss (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 18-21.

9633KOS for libraries • indexing in • linguistics • 485;88-91
An, Xiaoli. – [Multi-dimension indexing of bilingual textbooks based on auxiliary tables] (Lang.: chi). – In: Library development, (2012)8, pp. 34-36.

15229semantic networks • indexing in • music • 725;88-93
Gracy, Karen; Zeng, Marcia Lei; Skirvin, Laurence. – Exploring methods to improve access to music resources by aligning library data with linked data: a report of methodologies and preliminary findings (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)10, pp. 2078-2099.

15606Internet gateways • indexing in • music • 752.3;88-93
Gâtz, Franz Jürgen. – Eine neue Virtuelle Bibliothek für Libretti: Das Libretto-Portal der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [A new virtual library for libretti: the libretto portal of the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). – In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 8(2014)1, pp. 26-29..

15607Internet gateways • indexing in • fine arts • 752.3;88-94
Effinger, Maria; Leiskau, Katja; Walzel, Annika-Valeska. – All-In-One Γ’β‚¬β€œ arthistoricum.net auf dem Weg zum Fachinformationsdienst Kunst [All-In-One Γ’β‚¬β€œ arthistoricum.net and its transition to a Scientific Information Service for Art] (Lang.: ger). – In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014)1, pp. 83Γ’β‚¬β€œ92..

43312005-32-4-0406online systems in • music • indexing in • music • 758-93;88-93
Downie, J.S. – Music information retrieval (Lang.: eng). – In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 37(2003)1, p.295-340. »» Review article

7949multilingual IR • indexing in • literature • 797;88-92
Tonkin, Humphrey. – Navigating and expanding the MLA International Bibliography (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of scholarly publishing, 41(2010)3, pp. 340-353.

38832004-0408indexing problems • indexing in • fine arts • 811;88-94
Baca, M. – Fear of authority? : Authority control and thesaurus build­ing for art and material culture information (Lang.: eng). – In: Cata­loging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.143-151.

15446tagging • indexing in • fine arts • 835;88-94
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