Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for issue 2021-06 found the 103 items below.       [new search]

18846 - bibliography of persons019; 924
Reinitzer, Sigrid. - [book review of:] Karl F. Stock, Rudolf Heilinger, Marylène Stock: Personalbibliographien österreichischer Frauen in Kultur, Wissenschaft und Politik. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2020 (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 73(2020)2, pp. 324-325. - Available at http://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v73i2.4296

18893 - bibliography of persons019; 924
Stock, Karl F.; et al.. - Personalbibliographien österreichischer Frauen in Kultur, Wissenschaft und Politik [Personal bibliographies of Austrian women in culture, science and politics] (Lang.: ger). - 2020.0. - pp. 914.0. - 978-3-85125-760-1.

18916 - UDC042; 348
Kragelj, Matjaž; Kljajić Borštnar, Mirjana. - Automatic classification of older electronic texts into the Universal Decimal Classification–UDC (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation 77(2020)3, pp. 755-776.

18885 - standards on concepts09.12; 998
Glagla-Dietz, Stephanie; Habermann, Nicole. - Standardnummern für Personen [Standard numbers for individuals] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 32(2020)2, pp. 20-25. - Available at http://d-nb.info/1218796596/34

18818 - information science111; 121
Moraes, Sonia Cristina Bocardi de . - Pragmatismo peirceano e a concepção de informação: contribuições à Ciência da Informação e a Organização da Informação [Peirce’s pragmatism and the information conception: contributions to Information Science and the Information Organization] (Lang.: por). - Marília, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2020.0. - Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/moraes_scb_dr_mar.pdf

18850 - information science111; 196
Heyder, Nannette; Schackmann, Elmar. - 20 Jahre Digibib: Suchen, finden, entdecken unter einem Dach [20 years of Digibib: Searching, finding, discovering under one roof] (Lang.: ger). - In: ProLibris, 25(2020)1, pp. 30-33. - Available at http://www.bibliotheken-nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Bilder/ProLibris/2020-1_ProLibris-1_DS_web_-_tw._geschwaerzt.pdf

18882 - information science111; 934
Niemeyer, Sandra. - Mehr als eine Bibliothek: Wissensorganisation von morgen in der TIB Hannover [More than a library: Knowledge organization of tomorrow at the German National Library of Science and Technology [Hanover]] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, 72(2020)5, pp. 290-294. - Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/2020-05.pdf

18897 - systems analysis143; 127
Kim, Juseop; Yoon, Heenam; Kwon, Yong-su; Kim, Suntae . - Metadata Design for Ecological Research Data: Focused on DCAT (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society 51(2020)4, pp. 249 - 278.

18910 - systems approach144; 343
Benoît, Gerald. - Searching Covid‐19 by linguistic register: Parallels and warrant for a new retrieval model (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18896 - neural networks147; 166
Gupta, Brij Mohan; Dhawan, Surinder Mohan . - Indian Research on Artificial Neural Networks: A Bibliometric Assessment of Publications Output during 1999-2018 (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology 10(2020)4, pp. 29 - 46.

18915 - KM - earth sciences149; 162; 82-3
Yan, An; Huang, Caihong; Lee, Jian‐Sin; Palmer, Carole. - Cross‐disciplinary data practices in earth system science: Aligning services with reuse and reproducibility priorities (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18845 - KM149; 757
Spichtinger, Daniel; Blumesberger, Susanne. - FAIRe Daten und Anforderungen an das Datenmanagement in vergleichender Perspektive: Horizon 2020 und FWF Policies (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 73(2020)2, pp. 207-216. - Available at http://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v73i2.3504

18855 - KM149; 757
Böker, Elisabeth; et al.. - Kooperation im Forschungsdatenmanagement: Dimensionen der Vernetzung im Forschungsdatenmanagement am Beispiel der baden-württembergischen Landesinitiative bw2FDM [Cooperation in research data management: Dimensions of networking in research data management using the example of the bw2FDM state initiative in Baden-Württemberg] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 7(2020)4, pp. 1-12. - Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/5636

18861 - KM149; 757
Kalová, Tereza. - Creating needs-based metadata and research data management services: Exploring the requirements of scientists (Lang.: eng). - In: Young Information Scientist 5(2020), pp. 31-46. - Available at http://doi.org/10.25365/yis-2020-5-3

18864 - KM149; 757
Rat für Informationsinfrastrukturen . - Datendienste nachhaltig gestalten: Ein Diskussionsimpuls zur Weiterentwicklung von Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen [Making data services sustainable: A discussion impulse for the further development of research data infrastructures] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 23(2020)3, pp. 312-314. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2020-03-nachrichtenbeitrag-rfii.pdf

18869 - KM149; 757
Blumesberger, Susanne. - Forschungsdatenmanagement gestern, heute und morgen zwischen FAIR, CARE und EOSC: Ein Praxisbericht der Universität Wien [Research data management yesterday, today and tomorrow between FAIR,CARE and EOSC: A practical report from the University of Vienna] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 23(2020)5, pp. 500-508. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2020-05-fachbeitrag-blumesberger.pdf

18871 - KM149; 757
Strauch, Annette. - 9. Eurasische Konferenz für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken und Forschungsdatenmanagement [9th Eurasian Conference on Academic Libraries and Research Data Management (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, Sept 30 - Oct 02, 2020)] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 23(2020)6, pp. 643-646. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2020-06-reportage-strauch.pdf

18865 - KM149; 757; 934
Strauch, Annette. - FAIR-Lösungen zur Datenspeicherung und Veröffentlichung von Forschungsdaten im Kontext der NFDI und der EOSC an der Universitätsbibliothek Hildesheim [FAIR [Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable] solutions for data storage and publication of research data in the context of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) at the Hildesheim University Li] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 23(2020)4, pp. 365-373. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2020-04-fachbeitrag-strauch.pdf

18886 - KM149; 959
Voges, Ramon; Wendler, André. - Vom Zettelkasten zum interaktiven Notizbuch: Das Datenlabor der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek [From note box to interactive notebook: The data laboratory of the German National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 32(2020)2, pp. 26-28. - Available at http://d-nb.info/1218796596/34

18904 - structure of science162; 166
Agarwal, Naresh; Islam, Md Anwarul. - Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology: Analysis of two decades of published research (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18917 - structure of science162; 169
Lemke, Steffen; Mazarakis, Athanasios; Peters, Isabella. - Conjoint analysis of researchers' hidden preferences for bibliometrics, altmetrics, and usage metrics (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 72(2021)6, pp. 777-792.

18906 - development of knowledge164; 165
Zhang, Li; Yan, Xiaoran; Mabry, Patricia; Martinson, Brian; Valente, Thomas; Lu, Wei; Liu, Xiaozhong. - Initial bibliometric investigation of NIH mentored K to R transition (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18908 - development of knowledge164; 165
López‐Hernández, María‐Ángeles; Domínguez‐Delgado, Rubén; Tenorio‐Vázquez, Irene. - Bibliometric analysis of the Cibermov database on cyber‐activism (2007‐2018) (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18911 - development of knowledge164; 165
Ma, Jinxuan; Lund, Brady. - The evolution of LIS research topics and methods from 2006 to 2018: A content analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18838 - development of knowledge164; 166
Santos, Elisângela Vilela dos; Silva, Fábio Mascarenhas . - Análise da representação da informação na Web of Science: um estudo a partir do domínio de nutrição [Analysis of the information representation in the web of science: a study of nutrition field] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Informação, 25(2020)4, pp.477-498. - Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/39868/pdf

18902 - control of knowledge165; 167
Jiang, Ming; D'Souza, Jennifer; Auer, Sören; Downie, J. Stephen . - Targeting precision: A hybrid scientific relation extraction pipeline for improved scholarly knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18913 - control of knowledge165; 167
Hemsley, Jeff; Qin, Jian; Bratt, Sarah E.. - Data to knowledge in action: A longitudinal analysis of GenBank metadata (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18832 - structure of literature166; 168; 864
Santos, Raimundo; Silveira, Murilo; Melo, Rinaldo Ribeiro de. - Práticas de citação na Organização e Representação do Conhecimento no Brasil [Citation practices in Knowledge Organization and Representation in Brazil] (Lang.: por). - In: Encontros Bibli: Revista eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência Da informação, 26(2021), pp.01-22 . - Available at http://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/eb/article/view/78062/45514

18890 - structure of literature166; 998
Harringer, Claus. - Multiple Persönlichkeiten in Zeiten digitaler Publikationsformen: Ein Erfahrungsbericht zur "Open Researcher and Contributer ID" (ORCID) [Multiple personalities in times of digital publication forms: A Field Report on the "Open Researcher and Contributer ID" (ORCID)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 71(2020)4, pp. 177-184. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2020-2091

18905 - development of fields168; 169
Jiao, Chenyue; Darch, Peter T.. - The role of the data paper in scholarly communication (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18833 - new technology177; 982
Tauil, Júlio César Silveira; Castro, Fabiano Ferreira de. - Cloud Services na perspectiva da Ciência da Informação: uma análise focada no uso de metadados [Cloud services from the perspective of information science: an analysis focused on the use of metadata] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Informação, 26(2021)1, pp.459-482 . - Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/39478/pdf

18868 - state-of-the-art182; 183
Auer, Sören; Sens, Irina; Stocker, Markus. - Erschliessung wissenschaftlicher Literatur mit dem Open Research Knowledge Graph [Indexing scientific literature with the Open Research Knowledge Graph] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 23(2020)5, pp. 491-499. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2020-05-fachbeitrag-auer.pdf

18828 - KO research in countries189; 199
Araújo, Paula Carina de; Bufrem, Leilah Santiago . - Bases intelectuais da elite de pesquisadores brasileiros no domínio da organização do conhecimento [The intellectual foundation of the elite of Brazilian researchers on knowledge organization domain] (Lang.: eng). - In: Transinformação, 33(2021). - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/2318-0889202133e200068__

18826 - history of systems construction192; 184; 186
Lima, Gercina Ângela de. - Gênesis da classificação: uma análise de conteúdo a partir da definição [Genesis of classification: a content analysis based on the definition] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 26(2021)1, pp. 197 - 237. - Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/4402

18883 - KOS management213; 911
Kusber, Eberhard. - Ständige Aktualisierung von ASB [Allgemeine Systematik für Öffentliche Bibliotheken] und KAB [Klassifikation für Allgemeinbibliotheken] [Constant updating of ASB [General classification for public libraries] and KAB [Classification for general libraries]] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, 72(2020)10, pp. 524-525. - Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/Heft10-20.pdf

18843 - thesauri - biological sciences214; 328; 78-4
Araújo, Webert Júnio; Lima, Gercina Ângela de. - Panorama das ontologias do domínio agrícola: estudo a partir da Análise de Conteúdo [Overview of the agricultural domain ontologies: a study based on Content Analysis] (Lang.: por). - In: Ciência da Informação, 49(2020)2, pp.138-149. - Available at http://revista.ibict.br/ciinf/article/view/5079/5251

18823 - thesauri214; 753
Castro, Fabiano Ferreira de; Arakaki, Ana Carolina Simionato. - Revisitando ontologia e metadados à luz dos ambientes informacionais digitais [Revisiting ontology and metadata in the light of digital informational environments] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 25(2020)4, pp. 3-23 . - Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3229

18841 - thesauri214; 753
Reis, Marcia Cristina dos; Ferneda, Edberto . - Utilização de ontologias na Recuperação de Informação: principais abordagens, problemas e propostas de melhorias [Use of ontologies on information retrieval: main approaches, problems and proposals for improvements ] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Sociedade: estudos, 31(2021)1, pp. 1–36. - Available at http://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/ies/article/view/50273

18831 - facets225; 189
Santarem, Eduardo; Moreira, Walter; Pereira, Clayton Martins. - Classificação facetada: proposta de categorias fundamentais para organizar teses e dissertações em uma biblioteca digital [Faceted classification: proposal of fundamental categories to organize thesis and dissertations in a digital library] (Lang.: por). - In: Encontros Bibli: Revista eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência Da informação, 26(2021), pp.1-21 . - Available at http://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/eb/article/view/79427

18830 - facets225; 239
Campos, Maria Luiza de Almeida; Rocha, Laura . - Análise da estrutura classificatória dos portfólios de projetos da Embrapa: uma aplicação da Teoria da Classificação Facetada [Analysis of the classification structure of Embrapa's project portfolios: an application of the Faceted Classification Theory] (Lang.: por). - In: Em questão, 27(2021)2, pp.240-266. - Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/105456

18837 - facets225; 982
da Silva, Márcio Bezerra; Miranda, Zeny Duarte de. - Investigação panorâmica sobre a adoção de estruturas facetadas no viés da arquitetura da informação [Panoramic investigation on the adoption of faceted structures within the view of information architecture] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Informação, 25(2020)4, pp.452-476. - Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/40430/pdf

18842 - descriptors form229; 871
Souza, José Jullian Gomes de; Cajazeira, Paulo Eduardo Silva Lins . - Proposta de representação temática para o documento audiovisual jornalístico universitário [Thematic representation proposal for the university journalistic audiovisual document] (Lang.: por). - In: Ciência da Informação, 49(2020)2, pp.103- 116. - Available at http://revista.ibict.br/ciinf/article/view/5223/5249

18836 - preconditions for construction231; 236
Almeida, Maria Fabiana Izidio de; Moreira, Walter; Davanzo, Luciana; Vitoriano, Marcia Cristina de Carvalho Pazin. - Identificação de elementos para construção do vocabulário controlado: contribuições do diagnóstico de arquivo  [Identification of elements for construction of controlled vocabulary: contributions of records survey] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Informação, 26(2021)1, pp.601-631. - Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/38986__

18819 - indexing theory31; 216
Ferreira, Ana Carolina . - Metodologia de revisão e atualização de tesauros aplicada ao Tesauro de Contas de Minas Gerais: abordagem da pesquisa-ação Thesaurus: action-research approach [Thesaurus review and update methodology applied to the Minas Gerais Accounts ] (Lang.: por). - UFMG, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão e Organização do Conhecimento da UFMG, 2020.0. - Available at http://repositorio.ufmg.br/bitstream/1843/34850/1/Metodologia_de_revis**Ao_e_atualiza**Co_de_tesauros.pdf

18880 - data analysis322; 324
Brettschneider, Peter. - Text und Data-Mining: Juristische Fallstricke und bibliothekarische Handlungsfelder [Text and data mining: Legal pitfalls and new fields of action for libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 55(2021)2, pp. 104-126. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2021-0020

18876 - subject analysis323; 324; 917
Auer, Sören; et al.. - Improving access to scientific literature with knowledge graphs (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 44(2020)3, pp.516-529. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2020-2042

18821 - subject analysis323; 344
Souza, Marcos de . - O comportamento de termos da Ciência da Informação por meio da modelagem de tópicos [The behavior of Information Science terms through topic modeling] (Lang.: por). - UFMG, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão e Organização do Conhecimento da UFMG, 2020.0. - Available at http://hdl.handle.net/1843/34292

18898 - comparative analysis329; 944
Kim, Jeong-Hyen. - A Comparative Analysis of Cataloging Records Related to Taekwondo in the National Libraries of the Various Countries (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society 52(2021)1, pp. 55 - 77.

18856 - semi-automatic indexing methods344; 347
Mödden, Elisabeth; et al.. - Der Weg zur Gründung der AG Erschliessung ÖB-DNB und die Entwicklung eines maschinellen Verfahrens zur Verschlagwortung der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur mit GND-Vokabular [The way to the foundation of the 'AG Erschliessung ÖB-DNB' and the development of an automatic procedure for the indexing of children's and youth literature with GND [Integrated Authority File] vocabulary ] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 7(2020)4, pp. 1-9. - Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/5637

18858 - semi-automatic indexing methods344; 347
Pielmeier, Sarah; et al.. - Online-Workshop "Computerunterstützte Inhaltserschliessung" 2020 [Online Workshop "Computer-Assisted Content Indexing" 2020 ] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 8(2020)1, pp. 1-10. - Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/5685

18914 - semi-automatic indexing methods344; 348
Wang, Hao; Zhang, Wei; Deng, Sanhong; Zhang, Baolong. - An ontology automation construction scheme for Chinese e‐government thesaurus optimizing (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18912 - semi-automatic indexing methods344; 835
Holstrom, Chris. - The effects of suggested tags and autocomplete features on social tagging behaviors (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18834 - UDC42; 753
Castro, Italo Rodrigues; Lima, Gercina Ângela Borém de Oliveira. - Uso da Classificação Decimal Universal para a recuperação da informação em ambientes digitais: uma revisão sistemática da literatura [Use of the Universal Decimal Classification for the recovery of information in digital environments: a systematic review of literature] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Informação, 26(2021)1, pp.550-573. - Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/40573__

18903 - social sciences taxonomies56; 818
Cheng, Yi‐Yun; Ludäscher, Bertram. - Reconciling taxonomies of electoral constituencies and recognized tribes of indigenous Taiwan (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18862 - language formalisation715; 947
Plüss, Rebekka; Sieber, Christian. - Digitalisierungsprojekte des Staatsarchivs Zürich mit Einsatz von Machine-Learning-Verfahren [Digitization projects of the Zurich State Archives using machine learning methods] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 40(2020)3, pp. 218-228. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2020-2018

18895 - text semantics726; 757
Hoppe, Thomas. - Semantische Suche: Grundlagen und Methoden semantischer Suche von Textdokumenten [Semantic search: Basics and methods of semantic search of text documents] (Lang.: eng). - Vienna, Vienna University of Technology, 2020.0. - pp. 206.0. - Available at http://media.obvsg.at/AC16069630-2001 Doctoral Dissertation

18894 - spoken retrieval739; 751
Vakulenko, Svitlana. - Knowledge-based conversational search (Lang.: eng). - Vienna, Vienna University of Technology, 2019.0. Doctoral Dissertation

18820 - online retrieval problems751; 759
Felipe, Eduardo Ribeiro. - A expansão de queries sobre terminologias biomédicas: uma comparação de artefatos de representação do conhecimento para Recuperação de Informações [The query expansion on biomedical terminologies: a comparison of knowledge representation artifacts for Information Retrieval] (Lang.: por). - UFMG, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão e Organização do Conhecimento da UFMG, 2020.0. - Available at http://hdl.handle.net/1843/34313

18884 - online retrieval problems751; 759
Schaarwächter, Michael. - Wiedergefunden? Erfahrungsbericht über ein RFID-UHF-Pilotprojekt zur Ortung von Beständen [Retrieved? Report on the findings of an RFID-UHF pilot project for locating library holdings] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, 72(2020)12, pp. 705-712. - Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/2020-12.pdf

18887 - online retrieval problems751; 917
Nordhausen, Thomas; Hirt, Julian. - Navigieren im Dschungel: Empfehlungen zur Auswahl der Fachdatenbanken für eine systematische Literaturrecherche [Navigating in the jungle: Recommendations for selecting databases for systematic literature searching] (Lang.: ger). - In: GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information, 20(2020)1/2, Doc08. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3205/mbi000465

18849 - online systems752; 753
Andrae, Magdalena; et al.. - Empfehlungen für die Sichtbarkeit von Open Access-Publikationen in der Suchmaschine des Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbundes [Recommendations for the visibility of open access publications in the search engine of the Austrian Library Network] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 73(2020)3/4, pp. 567-593. - Available at http://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v73i3-4.5101

18879 - online systems752; 932
Tausch, Arno . - Die Bibliotheken der Welt per Mausklick abfragen? Eine aktualisierte Liste internationaler Verbundkataloge [Accessing the libraries of the world with just one mouse click? An updated list of international union catalogues] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 55(2021)1, pp. 63-86. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2021-0011

18888 - online access753; 166
Draheim, Christina; et al.. - Die Rechercheplattform PubPharm [The search platform PubPharm] (Lang.: ger). - In: GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information, 20(2020)3, Doc30. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3205/mbi000487

18899 - online access - human sciences753; 733; 78-5
You, Sukjin. - The MeSH-Term Query Expansion Models using LDA Topic Models in Health Information Retrieval (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society 52(2021)1, pp. 79 - 108.

18859 - search engines757; 917; 179
Böhler, Nikki. - Eine moderne Supermacht: Offene Daten [A modern superpower: Open data] (Lang.: ger). - In: Arbido, (2020)4, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/ausgaben-artikel/2020/dematerialisation/eine-moderne-supermacht-offene-daten

18863 - search engines757; 917; 179
Pianos, Tamara; Hajra, Arben . - Automatisch erzeugte Author Profiles als Grundlage für eine Themenseite zur Corona-Krise [Automatically generated author profiles as a basis for a special topic page on the Corona crisis] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 41(2021)1, pp. 13-20. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2021-0004

18909 - search engines757; 917; 179
Niu, Jinfang. - Diffusion and adoption of Linked Data among libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18881 - online systems in758; 877
Lutz, Bernhard. - musiconn – das neue Portal des Fachinformationsdienstes Musikwissenschaft [musiconn – the new portal of the specialized information service for musicology] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheks-Magazin, 15(2020)3, pp. 82-84. - Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/pdf/publikationen/bibliotheksmagazin/bm_2020_3.pdf

18824 - multilingual KOS796; 797
Biscalchin, Ricardo; Moreira, Walter. - Construção de vocabulários multilíngues: perspectivas culturais [Construction of multilingual vocabulary: cultural perspectives] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 25(2020)4, pp. 47-67. - Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3690__

18907 - multilingual IR797; 918
Burke, Mary; Zavalina, Oksana. - Descriptive richness of free‐text metadata: A comparative analysis of three language archives (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 57(2021)1.

18918 - multilingual IR797; 981
Steichen, Ben; Lowe, Ryan. - How do multilingual users search? An investigation of query and result list language choices (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 72(2021)6, pp.759-776.

18889 - translation in - human sciences798; 78-5
Wollnik-Korn, Gabriele; et al.. - Die Zukunft des Deutschen MeSH: Vom Übersetzungsprozess zum Terminologie-Service [The future of German MeSH: From translation process to terminology service] (Lang.: ger). - In: GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information, 20(2020)3, Doc29. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3205/mbi000486

18816 - indexing problems811; 726; 283
Branco, Luciana Beatriz Piovezan Rio. - Interoperabilidade semântica entre linguagens de indexação para bibliotecas universitárias [Semantic interoperability between indexing languages for university libraries] (Lang.: por). - Marília, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2020.0. - Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/riobranco_lbp_dr_mar.pdf

18839 - indexing problems811; 726; 283
Campos, Maria Luiza de Almeida; Barbosa, Nilson Theobald. - Interoperabilidade semântica: proposta metodológica para o mapeamento semântico entre SOCs em sistemas heterogêneos [Semantic interoperability: methodological proposal for the semantic mapping between KOS in Heterogeneous Systems] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Sociedade: estudos, 30(2020)4, pp.1-21. - Available at http://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/ies/article/view/57046

18825 - indexing problems811; 815
Oliveira, Lais Pereira de ; Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes; Dal'Evedove, Paula Regina; Martínez-Ávila, Daniel . - Política de indexação em periódicos da Ciência da Informação: um estudo das diretrizes para atribuição de palavras-chave aos artigos [Indexing policy of journals on Information Science: a study of the guidelines for assignment of keywords to articles] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 25(2020)4, pp. 140-169. - Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3876__

18829 - indexing problems811; 815
Lima, Gercina Ângela de; Gomes, Rainner Finelli. - Política de indexação nos estudos publicados na área de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação: uma revisão sistemática de literatura [Indexing policy in studies published in the area of ??Librarianship and Information Science: a systematic literature review] (Lang.: por). - In: Em questão, 27(2021)1, pp.210-236. - Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/103507/59110

18848 - indexing problems811; 818
Suchenwirth, Leonhard. - Sacherschliessung in Zeiten von Corona: Neue Herausforderungen und Chancen [Subject cataloguing in times of corona: New challenges and opportunities] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 73(2020)3/4, pp. 496-503. - Available at http://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v73i3-4.5332

18835 - indexing problems811; 89
Cruz, Maria Carolina Andrade; Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes. - O uso de linguagem de indexação por bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras [The use of indexing languages by brazilian university libraries] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Informação, 26(2021)1, pp.574-600. - Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/39542__

18851 - subject indexes in818; 924
Kovce, Philip. - [book review of:] Sam, Martina Maria: Rudolf Steiners Bibliothek: Verzeichnis einer Büchersammlung. Basel: Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 2019. 1264 pp. ISBN 978-3-7274-5331-1 [Rudolf Steiner's library: Directory of a book collection] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 67(2020)1, pp. 70-72. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3196/1864295020671129

18852 - subject indexes in818; 946; 934
Behrens, Renate. - RDA in Europe – ein Erfahrungsaustausch: Bericht über das virtuelle Satellite Meeting der european RdA interest Group am 15. September 2020 [RDA in Europe - an exchange of experiences: Report on the virtual satellite meeting of the European RDA Interest Group on September 15, 2020.] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 68(2021)1, pp. 47-50. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3196/186429502068167

18891 - data indexing - human sciences82-5
Husfeldt, Vera; et al.. - Das erweiterte Potenzial von Bildungsdaten [The expanded potential of educational data] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 71(2020)(5/6), pp. 298-302. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2020-2087

18854 - data indexing - humanities82-9; 918
Herrmann, J. Berenike; et al.. - Ein grosser Berg Daten? Zur bibliothekswissenschaftlichen Dimension des korpusliteraturwissenschaftlichen Digital Humanities-Projekts "High Mountains – Deutschschweizer Erzählliteratur 1880–1930" [A big amount of data? On the library science dimension of the corpus literary digital humanities project "High Mountains - German-Swiss Narrative Literature 1880-1930"] (Lang.: ger). - In: 027.7 Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur, 8(2021)1, n.pag.. - Available at http://doi.org/10.21428/1bfadeb6.6e2feff6

18853825; 918
Markus, Katharina. - Metadatenschemata für Forschungsdaten: Generische Standards und Spezifika in der Biologie und den Ingenieurwissenschaften [Metadata schemas for research data: Generic standards and specifics in biology and engineering] (Lang.: ger). - In: Perspektive Bibliothek, 9(2020)1, pp. 41-93. - Available at http://doi.org/10.11588/pb.2020.1.77851

18873 - NBM indexing problems871; 875
Heftberger, Adelheid. - Eine lohnende Mammutaufgabe: Rahmenbedingungen der digitalen Filmbenutzung im Bundesarchiv [A mammoth task but worthwhile: General conditions for digital film access in the German Bundesarchiv] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 44(2020)3, pp. 404-410. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2020-2035

18874 - NBM indexing problems871; 875
Pustu-Iren, Kader; et al.. - Videomining in historischem Material – ein Praxisbericht: Projekt „Visuelle Informationssuche in Video-Archiven“ (VIVA) [Video mining on historical footage - A practical experience report: Project “Visual Information Search in Video Archives” (VIVA)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 44(2020)3, pp. 436-444. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2020-2034

18875 - NBM indexing problems871; 875
Plank, Margret. - Improving the user experience with audiovisual content: The project "Europeana Media" (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 44(2020)3, pp. 445-453. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2020-2032

18877 - indexing in - humanities88-9; 942
Kunze, Petra . - Kooperative Erschliessung und Digitalisierung als Dienstleistung für historische Forschungsprojekte und digitale Editionen [Collaborative digital cataloguing and indexing as public service for historical research and digital editing projects] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 55(2021)1, pp. 42-51. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2021-0009

18822 - KO work descriptions - humanities913; 82-9
Silva, Camila Aparecida da . - Esquema de metadados para descrição de obras de arte em museus brasileiros: uma proposta [Metadata schema for the description of works of art in Brazilian museums: a proposal] (Lang.: por). - USP, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da USP, 2020.0. - Available at http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/27/27151/tde-01032021-162722/publico/CamilaAparecidadaSilvaVC.pdf

18827 - KO work descriptions - humanities913; 82-9
Silva, Camila Aparecida da; Lara, Marilda Lopes Ginez de. - Esquema básico de metadados para representação descritiva de obras de arte em museus brasileiros [Basic metadata scheme for the descriptive representation of works of art in Brazilian museums] (Lang.: por). - In: Transinformação, 33(2021). - Available at http://doi.org/10.1590/2318-0889202133e200050__

18847 - KO metadata918; 942
Schubert, Bernhard. - Formalerschliessung trotz COVID-19 – (wie) geht das? Einschränkungen und Lösungsansätze [Descriptive cataloguing despite COVID-19 – (how) does that work? Restrictions and approaches] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 73(2020)3/4, pp. 479-487. - Available at http://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v73i3-4.5372

18844 - KO metadata918; 993
Castro, Fabiano Ferreira de; Alves, Rachel Cristina Vesú . - Cloud Services e o padrão PREMIS: rumos para a preservação digital [Cloud Services and the PREMIS: standard directions for digital preservation] (Lang.: por). - In: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Documentação 19(2021), pp. 1-20. - Available at http:// periodicos.sbu.unicamp.br/ojs/index.php/rdbci/article/view/8661384/25826

18860 - archival description943; 947
Merzaghi, Michele; Ohnesorge, Krystyna W.. - Neue Wege in der archivischen Erschliessung – Scopriamoli assieme [New paths in archival cataloguing – Let's discover them together] (Lang.: ger). - In: Arbido, (2020)4, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/ausgaben-artikel/2020/dematerialisation/neue-wege-in-der-archivischen-erschliessung-scopriamoli-assieme

18866 - bibliographic records944; 947; 982
Becker, Hans-Georg. - Der Katalog als virtueller Navigationsraum [The catalogue as a virtual navigation space] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 23(2020)4, pp. 381-388. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2020-04-fachbeitrag-becker.pdf

18872 - bibliographic record display947; 982
Geith, Uwe; Krass, Thomas. - Open Access im Blick! Mehr Sichtbarkeit von Open-Access-Publikationen in der Bibliothek – Projekt visOA [Open Access at a glance! More visibility of open access publications in the library – The visOA project] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 44(2020)2, pp. 176-182. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2020-2088

18878 - authority control949; 998
Voges, Ramon . - Typographie trifft GND: Digitalisierung und Erschliessung des Nachlasses von Jan Tschichold mit Normdaten [Typography meets GND [Integrated Authority File]: Digitizing and cataloguing the estate of Jan Tschichold via standard data] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 55(2021)1, pp. 52-62. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2021-0010

18900 - authority control949; 998
Lee, Mihwa. - A Study on Considerations in the Authority Control to Accommodate LRM Nomen (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society 52(2021)1, pp. 109-128.

18840 - KO education problems951; 953
Lima, Gercina Ângela de. - O ensino da análise de assunto: em busca de uma metodologia [The teaching of subject analysis: in search of a methodology] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Sociedade: estudos, 30(2020)4, pp.1–23. - Available at http://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/ies/article/view/57182/32591

18892 - KO teaching953; 958
Bertram, Jutta. - Ein Online-Lehrkonzept für die Inhaltserschliessung [An online teaching concept for content indexing] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 72(2021)(2/3), pp. 119-127. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2020-2116

18870 - information use981; 864
Tunger, Dirk; Ahnert, Carolin; Schlindwein, Birgid. - Die bibliometrische Anwendercommunity an Bibliotheken im deutschen Sprachraum und der Einsatz von Bibliometrie als Dienstleistung in Bibliotheken [The bibliometric user community at libraries in the German-speaking world and the use of bibliometrics as a service in libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 23(2020)5, pp. 509-519. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2020-05-fachbeitrag-tunger.pdf

18867 - information use981; 982
Trötscher, Hans Peter; Oetjen, Henning. - F.A.Z.-BIBLIOTHEKSPORTAL: Das Primat der Nutzerorientierung [F.A.Z.-BIBLIOTHEKSPORTAL: The Primacy of User Orientation] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 23(2020)4, pp. 426-428. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2020-04-sponsored-troetscher.pdf

18857 - information use981; 983
Pfeifenberger, Regina; Otto, Wolfgang. - Ich habe mich noch nicht mit Pollux beschäftigt: Eine Zufriedenheits- und Bedarfsanalyse des Fachinformationsdienstes Politikwissenschaft [I haven't dealt with Pollux yet: A satisfaction and needs analysis of the Specialized Information Service for political science] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 8(2020)1, pp. 1-14. - Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/5680

18901 - information use981; 989
Lee, Eun-Ju; Rho, Jee-Hyun. - An Analysis of the Users’ Needs on the Korean National Bibliography (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society 52(2021)1, pp. 179-202.

18817 - users requirements982; 489
Bonfeti, Cristiane Lucy Rodolfo . - Princípios e diretrizes para o desenvolvimento de interfaces de busca para crianças [Principles and guidelines for the development of search interfaces for children] (Lang.: por). - Marília, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2020.0. - Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/bonfeti_clr_dr_mar-1.pdf

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