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ISKO STAC working group on Subject Access MetadataISKO STAC has set up an international working group to develop a set of guidelines for specifying subject access metadata requirements for procurement of library management systems (LMS). This arises from the observation that such platforms do not typically make effective use of subject metadata or other KOS elements to support search and discovery services. The purpose of the guidelines is to ensure that an LMS enables library users to get maximum value from access metadata such as classification schemes and controlled vocabularies. These represent considerable intellectual effort by cataloguers and indexers but are often overlooked during the procurement process (and sometimes in system design). Although the recommendations are focusing on federated library search systems, they are relevant in many other information systems, such as archives, museums, for open education resources, for research data etc.
If you work in an academic or research library, please consider participating in our survey. We are looking for a single response per library: https://forms.office.com/e/dyxG2jxAde
At a later stage of the consultation we will be asking for the views of users, terminology service providers and vendors. If you are interested in participating later on, please contact David Haynes, chair of the working group: d.haynes@napier.ac.uk
© ISKO 2023 : last updated 2025.01.28 |