KO events in Japan

2025-11-02/06    Nara International Semantic Web Conference. 24
2019-09-01/07    Kyoto ICOM General Conference. 2019: Museums as cultural hubs: the future of tradition
2018-05-07/12    Miyazaki Language resources and evaluation. 11
2016-12-11/16    Osaka International Conference on Computational Linguistics. 26
2016-12-09    Tsukuba Metadata modeling and knowledge representation for research data (NKOS)
2016-12-05/09    Tsukuba International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries. 18
2016-10-17/21    Kobe International Semantic Web Conference. 15
2013-10-14/19    Nagoya International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. 6

Additional information on events can be sent to webmaster@isko.org


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