Become a member of ISKO! Being a member allows for closer contact with both national and international networks of people active in the field of knowledge organization. It is possible to participate directly in experimentation and research activities, and to suggest directions for further developments. The environment is informal and open to contributions from diverse disciplines, countries, and occupations.

Benefits of membership include:

  • free online access to the Knowledge Organization journal, including its complete back-file from 1974;
  • free online access to the proceedings of all past ISKO conferences, in a series known as Advances in Knowledge Organization;
  • 20% discounts on ISKO publications and all other library and information science titles ⇗ published by Ergon Verlag;
  • discounts on participation in conferences of ISKO and some of its regional Chapters;
  • participation in the activities of the regional Chapter through which you join.

Membership fees starting with January 2024 are as follows:

  • individual members: CAD (Canadian dollars) 100.00
  • individuals in developing countries: CAD 35.00
  • students: CAD 30.00
  • retired members: CAD 50.00
  • retired member in developing countries: CAD 35.00
  • institutions: CAD 200.00
  • institutions in developing countries: CAD 100.00

Honorary membership may be granted by the ISKO Board of Directors or by an ISKO Chapter for extraordinary service and contributions to the organization. The Honorary Membership dues for these individuals are paid by the body awarding the honorary status.

Starting with the 2024 membership, ISKO does not offer an option for a print copy of Knowledge Organization

In calculating the 2023 Chapter membership dues remittance amount to ISKO International, Chapters will use the 1 October 2022 rate of 1 EUR = 1.355 CAD.

Joining Procedure and Policy

To join ISKO you must apply to one of the regional Chapters, which generally accept payment in the currency applicable locally. You may choose which Chapter to join, independently of your own nationality, language or location. For example, residents of Switzerland may choose to join the French or the German Chapter, or the Canada/US chapter if they so wish. Similarly residents of France can make any of those same choices, or the Maghreb or the Brazil Chapter or any other. All the necessary contact details can be found on our Chapters page.

A membership discount applies to developing countries (according to the IMF list ⇗), and eligibility is judged by the country in which the applicant lives, not on the basis of Chapter choice. Thus a resident of Kenya who joins the UK Chapter is entitled to the developing country discount, but someone living in France who joins the Maghreb Chapter is not. Should the IMF decide that a country has moved from "developing" to "developed" status, ISKO will phase in an increase in fees for members from that country to the regular level over a period of three years.

All Chapter administrations do their best to welcome ISKO members from any country who want to participate in their activities. Generally it is possible for a member to be on the mailing list of any number of Chapters, while paying membership fees via only one.

Enquiries about membership may be sent to any of the Chapter representatives listed, or to the ISKO Treasurer by email <treasurer@isko.org>.

While membership fees are collected by the Chapter administrations, only a proportion is retained for use by the Chapter. The larger portion is remitted to the international secretariat to finance production of Knowledge Organization and other international activities. Chapter Treasurers should send such payments to the international bank account (please contact her for details).

Personal data will be treated according to ISKO privacy policy.


© ISKO : Last updated 2024.06.17