KO events in Greece

2024-11-20/22    Athens IC Metadata and Semantics Research. 18
2024-05-26/30    Heraklion Extended Semantic Web Conference. 2024
2023-11-06/10    Athens International Semantic Web Conference. 22
2023-09-02/08    Rhodes Principles of knowledge representation and reasoning. 20
2023-09-02/04    Rhodes International Workshop on Description Logics. 36
2023-06-12/15    Thessaloniki ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. 2023
2022-05-29/06-02    Hersonissos Extended Semantic Web Conference. 19
2021-06-06/10    Hersonissos European Semantic Web Conference. 2021
2019-08-24/30    Athens IFLA WLIC. 85. Art libraries & subject analysis and access sections
2019-08-24/30    Athens IFLA World Library and Information Congress. 85
2019-08-22    Thessaloniki IFLA WLIC. 85. Metadata specialists in the machine age
2018-09-29/10-05    Heraklion CIDOC Conference of the International Council of Museums. 26
2018-06-03/07    Heraklion Extended Semantic Web Conference. 15
2017-10-24/25    Rhodes Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics. 16
2017-09-21    Thessaloniki European NKOS Workshop. 17 (TPDL)
2017-09-17/21    Thessaloniki Theory and practice of digital libraries. 21
2016-09-19/22    Athens International Conference on Integrated Information. 6
2016-05-29/06-02    Anissaras European Semantic Web Conference. 13
2014-07-02/04    Thessaloniki Conference of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy. 14
2014-05-25/29    Anissaras European Semantic Web Conference. 11
2013-11-19/22    Thessaloniki Metadata and Semantics Research Conference. 7
2013-03-24/30    Samos CICLing: Intelligent text processing and computational linguistics. 14
2012-05-27/31    Heraklion Extended Semantic Web Conference. 9
2011-09-29/10-03    Kos Integrated information
2011-05-29/06-02    Heraklion Extended Semantic Web Conference. 8
2010-05-30/31    Heraklion Ontology repositories and editors for the semantic Web
2009-10-01    Corfu  NKOS workshop
2007-10-11/12    Corfu  Metadata and semantics research

Additional information on events can be sent to webmaster@isko.org


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