KO events 2011

2011-01-11/13    Kolkata Digital library management
2011-01-12/14    Oxford Computational semantics. 9
2011-02-10/17    online Taxonomy uses webinar series
2011-02-14/16    Gurgaon Digital libraries and knowledge organization
2011-03-15    Avignon RISE: Recherche d'information sémantique. 3
2011-04-01    Venice Italian ISKO Meeting. 5
2011-04-08    Lyon Comparative epistemology of information & communication in scientific disciplines
2011-04-14    London Public access to information? (ISKOUK)
2011-04-18/21    Dublin European conference on information retrieval. 33
2011-05-02/06    Nicosia Formal concept analysis. 9
2011-05-05    Milan La rivincita del contenuto (Italian IA summit)
2011-05-11/12    Pula Semantica & family [in patent documentation]
2011-05-11    Rome Le ontologie per l'organizzazione della conoscenza
2011-05-13/14    Hammamet Maghreb ISKO Conference. 1
2011-05-17/20    Chambéry Journées francophones d'ingénierie des connaissances. 22
2011-05-24/27    Annecy TOTh: Terminologie et ontologie: théories et applications. 5
2011-05-25/27    Sogndal Web intelligence, mining and semantics. 11
2011-05-26    Rome AssITerm. 21: Terminologie e ontologie
2011-05-27    Paris Référentiels et données d'autorité à l'heure du Web sémantique
2011-05-29/06-02    Heraklion Extended Semantic Web Conference. 8
2011-06-09/10    Toulouse Ingénierie de l'information médicale. 1
2011-06-16/17    Toronto North American Symposium on KO. 3
2011-06-23    Portland Relational models of semantics
2011-06-27/28    Lille French ISKO Conference. 8
2011-06-29/07-01    Montpellier Logical aspects of computational linguistics
2011-06-30/07-01    Ferrol Spanish ISKO Conference. 10
2011-07-03/05    Aarhus Computing and philosophy
2011-07-04    London NKOS special session
2011-07-04/05    London UK ISKO Conference. 2: Facets of KO
2011-07-11/15    Cologne International terminology summer school
2011-07-16    Barcelona LHD. 11: Discovering meaning on the go in large heterogeneous data
2011-07-18    Barcelona Automated reasoning about context and ontology evolution
2011-07-23    Nancy CLMPS. 14. Ontology between philosophy and computer science
2011-07-25/30    Buffalo International Conference on Biomedical Ontology. 2
2011-08-01/05    Ljubljana Lexical resources
2011-08-04/06    Manila International Malindo workshop. 5
2011-08-04/07    Haifa Wikimania. 7
2011-08-16    San Juan WLIC. 77. 149: Classification and Indexing Section programme
2011-08-21/24    San Diego Mining data semantics
2011-08-29/09-02    Toulouse DEXA: Database and expert systems applications. 22
2011-09-01/05    Pilsen Text, speech and dialogue
2011-09-07/09    Graz International Conference on Semantic Systems. 7
2011-09-10/16    Borovets Recent advances in natural language processing. 8
2011-09-15    London Strength in numbers: Going local, global, and mobile with Dewey
2011-09-19/20    The Hague UDC Seminar. Classification and ontology
2011-09-19/21    Szczecin Advances in semantic information retrieval. 1
2011-09-20/23    Zakopane Forum on scholarly and technical information. 11
2011-09-21/23    Ciudad de México Encuentro de catalogación y metadatos. 6
2011-09-21/23    The Hague Dublin Core and metadata applications
2011-09-22/24    Prague European Information Architecture Summit. 7
2011-09-26/27    online CIG e-forum on Reclassification
2011-09-28/29    Berlin European NKOS Workshop. 10 (TPDL)
2011-09-28/30    Orléans Rencontres de la Société francophone de classification [automatique]. 18
2011-09-29/10-03    Kos Integrated information
2011-09-29/10-02    Cottbus German-Polish ISKO Conference. 13 [postponed]
2011-10-03/05    Zaragoza IberSID: Information and documentation systems. 16: KO & KR
2011-10-09/13    New Orleans ASIST 2011. Track 2: Knowledge organization
2011-10-10/13    Srinagar All India IASLIC Conference. 28
2011-10-12    New Orleans ASIST SIG/CR workshop. Classification, collections, and curation
2011-10-12/14    Izmir Metadata and semantics research conference
2011-10-13    Seriate Organizzare la conoscenza (Bergamo scienza)
2011-10-17/19    Jachranka Computational linguistics applications
2011-10-17/21    Nancy Concept lattices and their applications. 8
2011-10-19/21    Grenoble Modèles et analyse des réseaux
2011-10-20/22    Brasilia Brazilian ISKO Conference. 1
2011-10-23/27    Bonn International Semantic Web Conference. 10
2011-11-01    London Interoperability in the health sector
2011-11-03    online Ontologies and standards. 2
2011-11-06/07    Oran TradeTAL. 5: Wordnet Arabic, Portail Web arabe
2011-11-07    Nancy. ATILF Universal semantic primes surface in human languages
2011-11-07/09    Paris Terminology and artificial intelligence. 9
2011-11-21    Lisbon The definition in terminology (TOTh)
2011-11-25/27    Poznań Language and Technology Conference. 5
2011-11-28/30    Hamburg Semantic Web in libraries
2011-11-29/12-01    London Online Information. 2011 [15-25% discount for ISKO members]
2011-12-04/06    Hangzhou Joint International Semantic Technology Conference. 1
2011-12-05    Perth Australian Ontology Workshop. 7
2011-12-07/09    London Semantic Web applications and tools for the life sciences. 4
2011-12-08    Paris L'accès à l'information dans tous ses états
2011-12-13    Paris Introduction illustrée au Web sémantique
2011-12-18/20    Dubai AIRS: Asian Information Retrieval Societies Conference. 7


© ISKO 2011-2016; last update 2016.08.03 by CG