KO events 2012

2012-01-05/04-00    online Ontology Summit. 7
2012-01-31    Paris Qu'est-ce qu'un architecte de l'information?
2012-02-07/10    Toronto iConference: culture, design, society
2012-02-16/18    Djerba Information systems and economic intelligence. 5
2012-03-11/17    Delhi CICLing: Intelligent text processing and computational linguistics. 13
2012-03-15/16    Milan I nuovi alfabeti della biblioteca
2012-03-21/25    New Orleans Information architecture summit
2012-03-22/23    Düsseldorf DGI-Konferenz. 2: Social Media und Web Science
2012-03-29    London On Location: organizing and using geospatial information
2012-04-12/13    Gaithersburg Ontology Summit. 7. Conclusion
2012-04-12    Florence Comunicare significato: Information literacy e thesauri
2012-04-24    Darmstadt Darmstädter Technologietag. 7: Meet the semantic enterprise
2012-04-26/27    London Five years on [libraries and the semantic Web]
2012-05-10/11    Milan Summit italiano di architettura dell'informazione. 6
2012-05-15/18    Palma ELAG. 2012: Libraries everywhere
2012-05-21/27    Istanbul LREC: Language resources and evaluation. 8
2012-05-22    Istanbul LREC. 8. Terminology and knowledge representation
2012-05-23/23    Marco Island Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference. 25
2012-05-25/26    Salerno AssITerm. 22: Lessici istituzionali e terminologie specialistiche
2012-05-27    Toronto Open data in a semantic Web perspective
2012-05-27/31    Heraklion Extended Semantic Web Conference. 9
2012-05-29/06-01    Kuala Lumpur Geospatial Information and Documents Workshop
2012-06-03/07    San Francisco Semantic Technology & Business Conference
2012-06-05/08    Annecy Terminologie & ontologie: théories et applications. 2012
2012-06-06/08    Strasbourg Classifications in linguistics
2012-06-07/08    Montreal Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics. 1
2012-06-13/15    Craiova Web intelligence, mining and semantics
2012-06-15/16    Paris RJC. 15: Au carrefour des disciplines
2012-06-15/16    Milwaukee Ethics of information organization. 2
2012-06-17/18    Florence Global interoperability and linked data in libraries
2012-06-18    Madrid Linking and opening vocabularies
2012-06-19    Madrid Creating SKOS vocabularies to help interdisciplinary vocabulary engineering
2012-06-19/22    Madrid TKE: Terminology and knowledge engineering. 10
2012-06-21    Kuching International Malindo Workshop. 6
2012-06-25/29    Paris Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des connaissances. 23
2012-06-26/29    Beirut Square of opposition. 3
2012-06-28    Wrocław Natural language processing and cognitive science. 9
2012-07-02/04    Nantes Logical aspects of computational linguistics. 7
2012-07-05    Cologne Was ist Wissensorganisation?
2012-07-10/13    Bangalore International Conference on Trends in Knowledge and Information Dynamics
2012-07-12/15    Washington Wikimania. 8
2012-07-16/19    Las Vegas Information and knowledge engineering
2012-07-16    London "I think, therefore I classify"
2012-07-17    Playa Vista Deep knowledge representation challenge. 2
2012-07-22/25    Graz ICBO: International Conference on Biomedical Ontology. 3
2012-07-24/27    Graz FOIS: Formal ontologies in information systems. 7
2012-08-06/09    Mysore International ISKO Conference. 12
2012-08-11/17    Helsinki WLIC. 78. Classification and Indexing Section
2012-08-17/18    Tallinn Subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic Web (IFLA)
2012-08-22/24    Düsseldorf Concept types and frames in language, cognition, and science
2012-08-24/25    Dublin Management and dissemination of toponymic data online
2012-09-03/07    Kuching DC. 2012: Metadata for meeting global challenges
2012-09-04    London The shape of knowledge: improving the visual representation of KO
2012-09-05/07    México Encuentro de catalogación y metadatos. 7
2012-09-05/07    Graz I-Semantics. 8
2012-09-09/12    Wrocław Well-founded everyday ontologies. 1
2012-09-10/11    Beijing VORTE: Vocabularies, ontologies and rules for the enterprise. 7
2012-09-10    Rome KO in musei, teatri e archivi multimediali
2012-09-11/12    Rome Ontologies, databases, and applications of semantics. 11
2012-09-20/29    Rome Europe's Information Architecture Summit. 8
2012-09-27    Paphos Semantic digital archives. 2 (TPDL 2012)
2012-09-27    Paphos European NKOS Workshop. 11 (TPDL 2012)
2012-09-30/10-05    Carnac Le document numérique à l'heure du web de données
2012-10-02    Zaragoza Ibersid. 17. KO sessions
2012-10-08/12    Galway EKAW: Knowledge engineering and knowledge management. 18
2012-10-11/14    Fuengirola Concept lattices and their applications. 9
2012-10-23/26    Fairfax Semantic technology for intelligence, defense and security. 7
2012-10-24/26    Éveux École d'automne en recherche d'information et applications. 2012
2012-10-26    Baltimore Classification research: past, prospect, and pinnacles (ASIST)
2012-10-26/30    Baltimore ASIS&T Annual Meeting. 75
2012-10-29/31    Marseille Rencontres de la Société francophone de classification [automatique]. 2012
2012-11-02/04    Arlington The role of AI research in innovating scientific processes
2012-11-03/04    Hammamet Maghreb ISKO Conference. 2
2012-11-05/07    Jülich WissKom. 2012: Vernetztes Wissen: Daten, Menschen, Systeme
2012-11-11/15    Boston International Semantic Web Conference. 11
2012-11-19/20    Lyon Architecture de l'information
2012-11-25/29    Sorrento SITIS. 8. Internet-based computing and systems
2012-11-26/29    Moscow UDC methodological seminar. 6: Universal classifications for scientific knowlege: UDC, BBC, GRNTI
2012-11-26/28    Cologne Semantic Web in libraries. 2012
2012-11-28    London Images in focus
2012-11-28/30    Cádiz Metadata and semantics research. 6
2012-12-06    Washington Semantic search: magnet for the needle in the search haystack (CENDI-NKOS)
2012-12-08/15    Mumbai International Conference on Computational Linguistics. 24


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