KO events 2015

2015-01-05/08    Grand Hyatt Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 48
2015-01-06/08    Noida Emerging trends and technologies in libraries and information services. 4
2015-02-18/20    Paris Quo vadis, terminologia?
2015-02-19    London The Great Debate: "the traditional thesaurus has no place in modern IR"
2015-02-21    many cities World Information Architecture Day. 2015
2015-03-04/05    Amsterdam Evolution and variation of classification systems
2015-03-18/20    Paris CORIA: Conférence en recherche d'information et applications
2015-03-19/20    Cambridge The total archive: dreams of universal knowledge from the Encyclopaedia to big data
2015-03-23/25    Santa Barbara GeoVoCamp. SB 2015
2015-03-24    London Findability and information management in the corporate workplace
2015-03-27    Oxford Philosophy of information and information processing
2015-04-09/11    Yekaterinburg Analysis of Images, Social Networks, and Texts. 4
2015-04-13    Lidingö Användarmöte-konferens för Dewey
2015-04-14/20    Cairo Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics. 16
2015-04-15    London Organizing digital information and knowledge
2015-04-15    London Bliss Classification Association AGM
2015-04-19/24    Barcelona Knowledge extraction and semantic annotation. 2015
2015-04-20    Bologna Italian ISKO Meeting. 7
2015-04-22/26    Minneapolis Information Architecture Summit. 2015
2015-05-15    Pavia The laws of thought: Frege on logic, thinking and conceptual analysis
2015-05-18/19    Notre Dame VoCamp ND 2015
2015-05-22/23    Osijek ASIS&T European Workshop. 2015: Information, tehnology and the user
2015-05-25    Rome Informazione & Documentazione: conoscenze, competenze, prospettive professionali
2015-05-27/29    Pretoria Southern African Knowledge Management Summit. 2015
2015-05-28/29    Milwaukee Milwaukee Conference on Ethics in KO. 3
2015-05-31/06-04    Portorož European Semantic Web Conference. 12
2015-06-02/03    Chambéry TOTh. Construction d'ontologies à des fins terminologiques
2015-06-03/07    Vienna International Society for Information Studies Summit. 1
2015-06-03/05    Ottawa Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Information Science. 43
2015-06-04/05    Chambéry TOTh: Terminology & ontology: theories and applications. 2015
2015-06-04/05    Denver *Sem: Lexical and computational semantics. 4
2015-06-08/09    Singapore Innovations in knowledge organization
2015-06-08/15    Telč Lexicom: workshop in lexicography, corpus linguistics and lexical computing. 2015
2015-06-12    Nancy International Workshop on Natural Language Generation from the Semantic Web. 1
2015-06-13/16    Boston SLA Annual Conference. 2015. Taxonomy Division programs
2015-06-16    Passau German ISKO Conference. 14
2015-06-17/19    Passau NLDB: Application of Natural Language to Information Systems. 20
2015-06-18/19    Los Angeles North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization. 5
2015-06-21/27    Bar Harbor Spatial ontologies for e-science
2015-06-22/25    Caen Traitement automatique des langues naturelles. 22
2015-06-25/26    London Digital asset management. 2015
2015-06-25    Poznań DBPedia Community Meeting. 4
2015-06-29/07-03    Rennes Journées francophones d'ingénierie des connaissances. 26
2015-07-00    Buenos Aires International Workshop on Modular Ontologies. 9
2015-07-05/11    Bertinoro Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web. 11
2015-07-13/14    London UK ISKO Conference. 4
2015-07-13/15    Limassol Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics. 5
2015-07-15/19    Mexico City Wikimania. 11
2015-07-20/22    Sydney DOCAM. 12: Documents unbounded
2015-07-20/23    Bloomington Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation. 22
2015-07-25    Buenos Aires What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence? 4
2015-07-25/31    Buenos Aires International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2015
2015-07-26/30    Lisbon International Conference on Biomedical Ontology. 6
2015-08-03/07    Barcelona Type theory and lexical semantics
2015-08-08/09    Barcelona Formal grammar. 20
2015-08-12    Copenhagen Global and local knowledge organization
2015-08-12/15    Niagara Falls Computational intelligence in bioinformatics and computational biology
2015-08-15/21    Cape Town IFLA World Library and Information Congress. 81
2015-08-15/21    Cape Town IFLA Classification & Indexing session: Dynamic subject access
2015-08-16/21    Beijing Association for Computational Linguistics Annual Meeting. 53
2015-09-01/05    São Paulo DCMI. 2015: Metadata and Ubiquitous Access to Culture, Science and Digital Humanities
2015-09-02/04    Cusco Annual International Symposium on Information Management and Big Data. 2
2015-09-08/11    Coimbra EPIA. 15. Text mining and applications track
2015-09-08/11    Futuroscope Semantic Web for cultural heritage. 1
2015-09-09/11    Manchester Metadata and Semantics Research Conference. 9
2015-09-11    Porto Linked data for knowledge discovery. 2 (ECML/PKDD)
2015-09-14/18    Poznań Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries. 19
2015-09-14/17    Bayonne  International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. 11
2015-09-15/17    Vienna International Conference on Semantic Systems. 11
2015-09-17/19    Marília Brazilian ISKO Conference. 3
2015-09-18    Poznań European NKOS Workshop. 14 (TPDL)
2015-09-21    Washington Building web taxonomies
2015-09-23/25    Zakopane Forum of Polish Society for Scientific Information. 13. ISKO PL session
2015-09-30/10-02    Zaragoza Ibersid: encuentros internacionales sobre sistemas de información y documentación. 20
2015-10-07/10    Palisades International Conference on Knowledge Capture. 8
2015-10-07    London KO in learning and teaching
2015-10-07/09    Mons KnoweScape Conference. 3
2015-10-08    Florence Il nome delle cose: il linguaggio come punto di incontro tra archivi, biblioteca e musei
2015-10-19/23    Melbourne ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. 24
2015-10-21    Rome Le utopie di Paul Otlet e l'Italia
2015-10-23/24    Darmstadt Begriffsanalyse, Klassifikation, Ontologien
2015-10-23/24    Bologna Italian Information Architecture Summit. 2015
2015-10-28/29    Brighton Putting knowledge spaces into action: complex systems for science policy
2015-10-29/30    Lisbon UDC Seminar. 2015: Classification and authority control
2015-11-02/06    Larnaca Shapes 3.0: The shape of things
2015-11-02/03    Washington Taxonomy Boot Camp. 2015
2015-11-04/06    Granada Terminology and artificial intelligence. 2015
2015-11-05/06    Strasbourg French ISKO Conference. 10
2015-11-06    London Tony Kent Strix Annual Lecture. 2015: ST Dumais
2015-11-06    Cremona Elementi di Classificazione Colon
2015-11-06/10    Saint Louis ASIS&T Annual Meeting. 2015
2015-11-07    Saint Louis ASIST. Classification research workshop. 2015
2015-11-11/13    Yichang Joint International Semantic Technology. 5
2015-11-13/14    Hammamet Maghreb ISKO International Symposium. 5
2015-11-18/20    Fairfax Semantic Technologies for Intelligence, Defense, and Security. 10
2015-11-19/20    Murcia Spanish-Portuguese ISKO Conference. 2
2015-11-23/27    Bangkok Signal image technology & Internet-based systems. 11
2015-11-23/25    Hamburg Semantic Web in Libraries. 2015
2015-11-25/26    London Innovations in search & information retrieval
2015-11-26/27    Paris Geographic information retrieval. 9
2015-11-27    Singapore Planning for a knowledge portal
2015-11-27/29    Poznań Language and Technology Conference. 7
2015-11-30/12-02    Reston GeoVoCamp: Spatial Ontology Community of Practice Workshop. 9
2015-12-01    Paris Intelligence artificielle et recherche d'information
2015-12-03    Luxembourg Terminologie et normes
2015-12-09/12    Seoul Asian Digital Library Conference. 17
2015-12-09/11    Hyderabad Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration. 3
2015-12-09    Seoul Asian NKOS Workshop. 1 (ICADL)
2015-12-14/16    Nîmes Fouille de grands graphes. 6
2015-12-20/21    Phuket Information science and management engineering. 2015


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