KO events 2018

2018-01-05    online NLM Webinar. 2018 MeSH Highlights
2018-01-10/12    Strasbourg Nommer l'humain: descriptions, catégorisations, enjeux
2018-01-18    London Classification as world view?
2018-01-19    online NNLM Webinar. MeSH changes and PubMed searching
2018-01-26    Singapore Solving business problems with search based apps
2018-01-29    Rome ArCo: Architettura della conoscenza: Meetup. 1
2018-01-31/02-02    Laguna Hills IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing. 12
2018-02-05/06    Udine Seminario sulle classificazioni bibliografiche. 1: Dewey
2018-02-08    Florence Biblioteca, catalogo, informazione: giornata di studi in onore di Diego Maltese
2018-02-17/,24    Udine Seminario sulle classificazioni bibliografiche. 2: Colon
2018-02-21/23    Greater Noida IEEE International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technologies in LIS. 5
2018-03-02    Duisburg DVMD-Frühjahrssymposium. 2: Klassifikationen und Gesundheitsstatistik
2018-03-12    Krakow Integration ISKO PL Day
2018-03-19    London Knowledge organization and ethics
2018-03-21/25    Chicago Information Architecture Summit. 2018
2018-03-22/24    Mannheim DTT-Symposion. 16: Terminologie und Text
2018-03-23    Pittsburgh Viable vocabularies
2018-03-24    Chicago Annual Taxonomist Congress. 3 (IA Summit)
2018-03-25/29    Rome International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management. 10
2018-03-25/28    Sheffield iConference. 2018
2018-03-26/29    Grenoble European Conference on Information Retrieval. 2018
2018-04-05    Milwaukee The role of machine learning for KO
2018-04-13    Rome La penombra della conoscenza: classificazione e matematica in S.R. Ranganathan
2018-04-26/27    Bern European DDC Users Group annual meeting. 2018
2018-05-04    Florence Architecta Day. 2018: SEO architetture
2018-05-07/12    Miyazaki Language resources and evaluation. 11
2018-05-14/18    Rennes Conférence en recherche d'information et applications. 15 + TALN
2018-05-17/19    Salerno AssITerm. 28: Terminologie e risorse linguistiche per comunicare in Europa
2018-05-22    Wallingford Linked Open Data Professional Development Workshop
2018-05-28/06-01    México Congreso internacional sobre metadatos. 2018
2018-05-29    London KO Meetup: Change management and KO
2018-05-30/06-01    Regina Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science. 46
2018-06-03/07    Fort Worth Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. 2018
2018-06-03/07    Heraklion Extended Semantic Web Conference. 15
2018-06-05/08    Chambéry TOTh: Terminology and ontology: theories and applications. 2018
2018-06-12/15    Berlin Bibliothekartag. 107
2018-06-13/15    Paris International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems. 2018
2018-06-14/16    Brest /gʁafematik/. 2018: Graphemics in the 21st century: from graphemes to knowledge
2018-06-20/21    Lille MUSSI. 2018: Médiations des savoirs: la mémoire dans la construction documentaire
2018-06-23    New Orleans Dewey Update Breakfast (ALA. 2018)
2018-06-26    London Semantic enhancement, discovery and the ISKO digital strategy
2018-07-02/06    Nancy Journées francophones d'ingénierie des connaissances. 29
2018-07-08/12    Ann Arbor ACM. SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. 2018
2018-07-09/12    Porto International ISKO Conference. 15
2018-07-18/22    Cape Town Wikimania. 2018
2018-07-24/27    Bogotá Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation. 25
2018-07-24    London IA, UX and taxonomy in digital agencies (KO Meetup)
2018-08-07/09    Bangalore 125th Anniversary of SR Ranganathan: Exploring the horizons of LIS
2018-08-11/12    Sofia Formal grammar. 23
2018-08-17/19    Changchun Knowledge science, engineering and management. 11
2018-08-24/30    Kuala Lumpur WLIC. 84. Subject Analysis and Access Session: Transforming libraries via automatic indexing
2018-08-24/30    Kuala Lumpur IFLA World Library and Information Congress. 84
2018-08-28/31    Bertinoro Design of experimental search & information retrieval systems. 2018
2018-09-03/05    Lima International Conference on Information Management and Big Data. 5
2018-09-08/12    Nuremberg General assembly of BETH. 47: Subject indexing in the digital age
2018-09-10/13    Porto DC. 2018: Open knowledge
2018-09-10/13    Porto Theory and practice of digital libraries. 22
2018-09-10/13    Vienna Semantics. 2018
2018-09-11/12    Atlanta ICD-10-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting
2018-09-13/14    Stockholm Stranded encyclopedias: enciclopedic dreams and practices c. 1600-2000
2018-09-13    Porto European NKOS Workshop. 18 (TPDL-DCMI)
2018-09-14/16    Tbilisi Terminology: heritage and modernity. 1
2018-09-17/21    Cape Town Formal ontology in information systems. 10
2018-09-20    Lisbon Terminology & ontology for knowledge management
2018-09-25/28    Grenoble Lexicologie, terminologie, traduction. 13: Lexique(s) et genre(s) textuel(s)
2018-09-27/28    The Hague Research information systems and classification: revisiting the NARCIS classification
2018-09-29/10-05    Heraklion CIDOC Conference of the International Council of Museums. 26
2018-10-00    Nantes Formal Ontologies Meet Industry. 9 (CARV)
2018-10-01/03    Zaragoza IberSID: encuentros internacionales sobre sistemas de información y documentación. 23
2018-10-01/03    São Paulo OntoBras: Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil
2018-10-04    The Hague Digging into data: humanities and KO
2018-10-16/17    London Taxonomy Boot Camp London. 2018
2018-10-16    Berlin Decentralized subject indexing: a case from television
2018-10-16/18    Yichang International Workshop on Text Data Science. 1
2018-10-23/26    Limassol International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research. 12
2018-10-26/27    Genova Summit italiano di architettura dell'informazione. 12: Everyday IA
2018-10-29    Chihuahua CICI. 2018: Metadatos y organisación de la información
2018-10-30/31    Limassol International Conference on Discovery Science. 21
2018-11-01/02    Hammamet Journées francophones sur les ontologies. 7
2018-11-05/06    Washington Taxonomy Boot Camp. 2018
2018-11-06    Seattle Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval. 12
2018-11-10/14    Vancouver Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 81
2018-11-10    Vancouver ASIS&T-CR Workshop: Culture, community and voice in KOSs
2018-11-12/16    Nancy EKAW: International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. 21
2018-11-13/14    Lecce LifeWatch Working Meeting. 1: Metadata, controlled vocabularies and ontologies
2018-11-19/20    Cagliari Indicizzazione della fiction e gestione di thesauri
2018-11-22/23    Donostia EAFT Terminology Summit. 2018
2018-11-25/26    Béjaïa Maghreb ISKO Symposium. 6: KO in the perspective of digital humanities
2018-11-25/29    Guangzhou IEEE Information Theory Workshop. 2018
2018-11-26/28    Bonn Semantic Web in libraries. 2018
2018-11-26/27    Hyderabad KO in academic libraries
2018-11-28    online SKOS: visión general y modelado de vocabularios controlados
2018-11-28/30    Hanoi Multi-disciplinary International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 12
2018-12-05    Oslo+online Fantastic futures: can AI learn Dewey and assist our patrons?
2018-12-06    Marseille Journée d'étude TOTh 2018: Organisations et entreprises: perspectives terminologiques
2018-12-07/09    Galway European Association for Digital Humanities conference. 1
2018-12-10/12    Turin Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics. 1
2018-12-11    Cambridge Jack Mills Lecture. 2018: The classification of music


© ISKO 2011-2018; last update 2018.01.16 by CG