Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 032 Glossaries Containing Knowledge Organization Sections found the 10 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

9957   1993-0429glossaries containing KO sections032
Watters, C.. – Dictionary of information science and technology (Lang.: eng). - San Diego, CA, Academic Press, 1992. – pp. 300. – ISBN: 012738510X.

9969   1990-2-004glossaries containing KO sections032
Burger, E. – Dictionary of Information Science (Lang.: eng, ger, fre). - Amsterdam,NL, Elsevier Sci, 1989. – pp. 903. – ISBN: 0444989048.

9973   1995-0216glossaries containing KO sections032
Prytherch, R. (Comp.). – Harrod's Librarians's Glossary, 8th Edition (Lang.: eng). - Aldershot, U.K, Gower Publ, 1995. – pp. 712. – ISBN: 0566075334. The new edition (7th was in 1990) comprises 9000 terms used in information management, library science, publishing, the book trades and archive management

10227   1993-0001glossaries containing KO sections032
Benito, M.. – Bibliotekstermer. Svenska-Engelska, Franska, Spanska, Finska (Lang.: swe, eng, fre). - 1992. – pp. 72. – ISBN: 9197010324.

10509   1990-2-005glossaries containing KO sections032
Schulze, Hans H. – Computer-Enzyklopädie - Lexikon und Fachwörterbuch für Datenverarbeitung und Telekommunikation.4 Bde [Computer Encyclopedia - a lexicon and dictionary for dataprocessing and telecommunication.4 vols] (Lang.: ger, eng). - Reinbek b.Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1989. – pp. ca 2900.

11472   1993-0428glossaries containing KO sections032
Krommer-Benz, M.. – Book review of Jung, H., Jung, U.O.H.: The dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations in applied linguistics and language learning. Frankfurt, etc.: Peter Lang 1991. 802 p. (Lang.: eng). - In: FachspracheVol. 14 No. 3-4. 1992. p.181-182.

13144   1993-0426glossaries containing KO sections032
Logistische Fachbegriffe [Logistical terms] (Lang.: ger). - In: Materialamt der Bundeswehr (Informationsschrift). 1992. p.57-58.Sankt Augustin, DE,

13145   1993-0427glossaries containing KO sections032
Bauer, Roland. – Book review of Wennrich, P.: International dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms of electronics, electrical engineering, computer technology, and information processing. München, etc. Saur 1992. 960 p. (Lang.: ger). - In: FachspracheVol. 15 No. 1-2. 1993. p.85-87.

13336   1990-2-003glossaries containing KO sections032
Bies, W. – Book review of Sauppe, E.: Wörterbuch des Bibliothekswesens.de-en, en-de.München: Saur 1988.XX,428p (Lang.: ger, eng). - In: Lebende Sprachen.Vol.35.No.1.1990.p.40-41.

10512   1995-0008032.872
Olderr, St. (Comp.). – Reverse symbolism dictionary: symbols listed by subject (Lang.: eng). - In: Jefferson,NC, London. McFarland (Shelwing,Ltd. UK distributor). 1992.– pp. IX,181. Usually a dictionary lists words and their meanings. A reverse symbols dictionary gives the meaning of the symbol followed by the symbol itself.



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