Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 042 Universal Decimal Classification. found the 60 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

18916UDC 042; 348
Kragelj, Matjaž; Kljajić Borštnar, Mirjana. Automatic classification of older electronic texts into the Universal Decimal Classification–UDC (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation 77(2020)3, pp. 755-776.

18714UDC database semantics 042;727
Tomoyose, K; Arakaki, A. A Classificação Decimal Universal (CDU) na web semântica [The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) in the Semantic Web: analysis of UDC Summary Linked Data] (Lang.: port). - In: InCID: Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação, 10(2019)2, pp. 138-157. Available at http://www.revistas.usp.br/incid/article/view/161278/158779

52502007-0483UDC complete editions 042.1
Universal'naja destjatičnaja klasifikacija (UDK): T. 5: 61 Medicinske nauki [Universal Decimal Classification: Volume 5: 61 Medical sciences] (Lang.: rus). - 4 ed. In: Editor in chief Ju. M.Arskij. pp. 305. (Publication No: UDC-PO51)

52512007-0484UDC complete editions 042.1
Universal'naja destjatičnaja klasifikacija (UDK): T.8: 66 Himničeskaja tehnologija. Himničeskaja prom'išlenost' . Piščevaja prom'išlennost'. Metallurgija. Rodstvenn'ie otrasli [Universal Decimal Classification: Volume 8: 66: Chemical technology] (Lang.: rus). - 4 ed. In: Editor in chief Ju. M.Arskij.Moscow, VINITI; RAN, 2007. pp. 310. ISBN: 5945770310.

63782009-0498UDC complete editions 042.1
UDK: Universal’naja destjatiènaja klassifikacija. Tom IX: 67/69 Razlièn’e otrasli prom’išlennosti i remesel. Stroitel’stvo [Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): vol. 9: 67/69 Various industries and trades. Building trade]. 4th full ed. in Russian language; ed. Yurij M. Arskyi, et al] (Lang.: rus). - 4 ed. Moscow, VINITI RAN, 2008. pp. 270. ISBN: 9785945770379. Publication no: UDC-P052

7606UDC complete editions 042.1
UDK: Universal’naja desjatičnaja klassifikacija: tom X: 7/9 Iskusstvo. Sport. Filologija. Geografija. Istorija [UDC: Universal Decimal Classification: Vol 10: 7/9 Arts. Sport. Philology. Geography. History] (Lang.: eng). - 4th full ed ed. Moscow, VINITI RAN, 2009. pp. 187. ISBN 978-5-94577-055-3. Translated from English and edited by Ju. M. Arskij [et al].

9207UDC complete editions 042.1
UDK. Universal’naya desyatichnaya klassifikaciya: 4 izdanie na russkom yazwke, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe: Tom. 1. Vspomogatel’nwe tablicw. 0 Nauka i znanie. Organizaciya. Informacionnwe texnologii. Informaciya. Documentaciya. Bibliotechnoe delo. Uchrezenhya. Preparation of edition T.S. Astaxova et al. [UDC. Universal Decimal Classification: 4th Russian edition, corrected and amplified. Vol. 1 Auxiliary tables. 0 Science and Knowledge. Organization. Information Technology. Documentation. Librarianship. Associations] (Lang.: eng). - Moscow, Rossijkaja Akademija Nauk, Vserossijskij Institut Naučnoj i Tehničeskoj Informacii (VINITI RAN), 2011. pp. 286. ISBN: 978-5-94577-055-3.

105551990-0765UDC complete editions geography 042.1-en-39
UDC Auxiliary Table 1(e): Pt.3: Common Auxiliaries of place (5/9), Asia, Africa, the Americas, Pacific and circumpolar territories (Lang.: eng). - Milton Keynes, GB, Brit.Stand.Inst, 1993.

105561993-0765UDC complete editions geography 042.1-en-39
UDC Auxiliary Table 1(e): Pt.3: Common Auxiliaries of place (5/9), Asia, Africa, the Americas, Pacific and circumpolar territories (Lang.: eng). - Milton Keynes, GB, Brit.Stand.Inst, 1993. (BS1000: Auxiliaries).

105571995-0016UDC complete editions 042.1-en-397
UDC Auxiliary Table 1(e): Common auxiliaries of place (5/9), Asia, SAfrica, the Americas, Pacific and circumpolar territories (Lang.: eng). - Milton Keynes, GB, Brit.Standard.Inst., 1993.

105591996-0004UDC complete editions 042.1-en-397
UDC Auxiliary table 1(e): Common auxiliaries of place (5/9), Asia Africa, The Americas, Pacific and circumpolar territories (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, British Standards Institution, 1993.

104171990-1-011UDC complete editions 042.1-sh
Jugoslovenski Bibliografski Institut. Univerzalna Decimalna Klasifikacija: Prvo srpskohrvatsko potpuno izdanje [Serbo-croat Full UDC edition.Section 626/627 Hydrotechnology (contains an alphabetical index)] (Lang.: ser). - Belgrade, YU, Jugosl.Bibl.Ins, 1989. pp. 38.

49932007-0219UDC medium editions 042.2
Vukadin, L.J. Pregled hrvatskih izdanja UDK s posebnim osvrtom na prijevod srednjeg izdanja [Overview of Croatian editions of UDC with a special emphasis on the translation of the medium edition] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.1-18.

52522007-0485UDC medium editions 042.2
Universalioji dešimtainė klasifikacija (UDK) : lentelės mokslinėms bibliotekom [Universal Decimal Classification: standard edition] (Lang.: lit). - Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka, 2006. ISBN: 9955541563.

56242008-0169UDC medium editions 042.2
Coordinação Editorial: Regina Coeli S. Fernández. Classificação Decimal Universa (Lang.: por). - 2 ed. Brasília, Ministerio de Ciẽncia e Tecnología, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciẽncia e Tecnologia, 2007. pp. Vol 1. 1257 p. - Vol 2. 603.(Edição-Padrão Internacional em Língua Portuguesa). Vol 1. ISBN 9788570130754 - Vol 2. ISBN 9788570130747. Volume 1. Tabelas sistemáticas - Volume 2. Indice alfabético. - (UDC-P053)

63792009-0499UDC medium editions 042.2
Universal’na desjatkova klasifikacija (UDK): dopomižni tablici; tr. & ed. by M. J. Akhverdova at al [Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)] (Lang.: ukr). - 2, corr. and ext. ed. In: Kiev, Knižkova palata Ukraini im Ivana Fedorova, 2008. ISBN: 9789666470983; 9789666470990; 9789666471003; 9789666471010. 4 vols. (Publication no: UDC-P069) - Auxiliary tables and classes 0-6

7607UDC medium editions 042.2
Universalna desjatkova klasifikacija (UDK): Osnovna tablicja: 6 Prikladni nauki. Medicina. Tehnika: osnovni dilennja. 63/65 Silske, lisove, ribne ta mislivske gospodarstvo. Komunalno-pobutove gospodarstvo. Organizacija virobnictva, torgivli, ... [Main table: 6 Applied sciences. Medicine. Technology: general subdivision. 63/65 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and animal husbandry. Organization of transport, communication and publishing industry. Marketing] (Lang.: eng). - 2nd ed. Kiev, Knižkova palata Ukraïni imeni Ivana Fedorova, 2009. pp. 152. ISBN 978-966-647-155-3. End of title: ...transportu, zvjazku, poligrafiï. Buhgalterija. Reklama. Translated from English and edited by M. J. Akhverdova.

7608UDC medium editions 042.2
Universalna desjatkova klasifikacija (UDK): Osnovna tablicja: 66/69 Himična tehnologija. Himična promislovist. Rizni galuzi promislovosti ta remesla. Budivelna promislovist [66/69 Chemical technology. Chemical industry. Various industries, trades and crafts. Building trade] (Lang.: eng). - 2nd ed. Kiev, Knižkova palata Ukraïni imeni Ivana Fedorova, 2009. pp. 264. ISBN 978-966-647-100-3. Translated from English and edited by M. J. Akhverdova.

7609UDC medium editions 042.2
Universalna desjatkova klasifikacija (UDK): Osnovna tablicja: 7/9 Mistectvo. Igri. Sport. Movoznavstvo. Hudožnja literatura. Literaturoznavstvo. Geografija. Istorija [7/9 The arts. Recreation. Entertainment. Sport. Linguistics. Literature.Geography. History] (Lang.: ukr). - 2nd ed. Kiev, Knižkova palata Ukraïni imeni Ivana Fedorova, 2009. pp. 148.(Publication No UDC-P069). ISBN 978-966-647-155-3.

8578UDC medium editions 042.2
MDT - Medzinárodné desatinné triedenie [online edition] [UDC - Universal Decimal Classification] (Lang.: slo). - Bratislava, Slovenská národná knižnica, 2010. Available at

8579UDC medium editions 042.2
Universalioji dešimtainė klasifikacija (UDK): lentelės mokslinėms bibliotekoms. D. 21: 8. Kalba. Kalbotyra. Grožinė literatūra [Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): Schedules for use in research libraries. Vol. 21: 8. Language. Linguistics. Literature] (Lang.: lit). - Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka, 2010. pp. 135.(UDCC Publication Number: P083). ISBN: 978- 609-405-017-6.

9208UDC medium editions 042.2
MDT – Medzinárodné desatinné triedenie [online edition] [UDC – Universal Decimal Classification] (Lang.: slo). - Bratislava, Slovenská národná knižnica, 2010. Available at

9209UDC medium editions 042.2
Universalna desiatkova klasyfikatssiya (UDK): elektronne vydannia na CD-ROM: zi zminamy ta dopovnenniamy stanom na 2006 rik [Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): electronic edition on CD-ROM with extensions and corrections for 2006; tr. from the English by the Book Chamber of the Ukraine; ed. M. Akhverdova et al.] (Lang.: ukr). - Kiev, Knyzhkova palata Ukranyiny, 2010. (UDCC publication number P069 CD).

117171994-0697042.2 en
Williamson; N.. Book review of Universal Decimal Classification. International Mediium Edition. English Text, Ed.2. London: British Standards Institution 1993. 2 vols. Systematic Tables. Alphabetical Subject Index (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.103-104.

99751995-0017UDC medium editions 042.2-en
Universal Decimal Classification. International Medium Edition, ed.2 (Lang.: eng). - In: British Standard. 1000 M.Milton Keynes, GB, Brit.Standards Institution, 1993. pp. 2 vols. ISBN: 0580225534; 0580225542. Vol.1: Systematic Tables, Vol.2: Alphabetic Subject Index

99761996-0005UDC medium editions KO history 042.2-en-0/9
Universal Decimal Classification. International Medium Edition. Vol.1: Systematic Tables, Vol.2: Alphabetical Subject Index, 2nd ed. (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, British Standards Institution, 1993. pp. 316. ISBN: 0580225542.

100901995-0019UDC medium editions 042.2-fr
Classificatin Decimale Universelle: Edition Moyenne Internationale [Universal Decimal Classification: International Medium Edition] (Lang.: fre). - 2 éd. ed. Liège, BE, Editions du CEFAL, 1993. pp. 628. ISBN: 2871300372. The volumes contain as a Pt.1 the systematic tables of classes 6-9 and as a Pt.2 the index to these tables. In 1990 the Editions CLPCF in Liège had already published the auxiliary tables (1A-1K) and the systematic tables 0-5 as well as their index (ISBN 2-87130-024-0).

15131999-0307UDC short editions 042.3
Universal Decimal Classification : pocket edition (Lang.: eng). - London, British Standards Institution, 1999. pp. 288. ISBN: 0580330451. 18 cm. »» Ca 4000 notations; with introduction and index

33272003-0001UDC short editions 042.3
Classificación Decimal Universal (CDU) : Edición abreviada de Norma UNE 50001:2000 / tradución del Master Reference File realizada por le Centro de Información y Documentación Científica (CINDOC) ; adaptada por Rosa San Segundo Manuel [Universal Decimal Classification: abbridged ed. of norm UNE 50001:2000] (Lang.: spa). - Madrid, AENOR, 2001. pp. Xxxii, 779.

52532007-0486UDC short editions 042.3
Universal'naja destjatičnaja klasifikacija (UDK): Vtoroe sokraščenn'ie tablic'i [Universal Decimal Classification: Abridged Tables Editor in chief Ju. M. Arskij] (Lang.: rus). - pp. 150.

63802009-0500UDC short editions 042.3
Universal'naja destjaticnaja klasifikacija (UDK): vtoroe sokra šcenn'ie tablic'i; ed. Yurij M. Arskyi [Universal Decimal Classification: abridged Tables] (Lang.: rus). - 3 ed. Moscow, VINITI RAN, 2008.

7610UDC short editions 042.3
UDK: Universal’naja destjatičnaja klasifikacija: sokraščënnoe izdanie [UDC: Universal Decimal Classification: abridged edition] (Lang.: eng). - 4th ed. Moscow, VINITI RAN, 2009. pp. 186. ISBN 978-5-94577-063-8. Translated from English and edited by Ju. M. Arskij; T. S. Astahova; O. A. Antoškova.

7611UDC short editions 042.3
Universaluri atciladi klasifikacia (uak – UDC): shemoklebuli cxrilebi [Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): abridged tables] (Lang.: eng). - Tiflis, Georgian Library Association, 2009. pp. 114. ISBN 978-9941-0-1339-. Ed. Irakli Garibashvili.

8580UDC short editions 042.3
UDK: Univerzal’naja desjatičnaja klassifikacija: sokraščeennoe izdanie [UDC: Universal Decimal Classification: Abridged edition]. 5th improved and extended ed. Editor-in-chief: Ju. M. Arskij] (Lang.: rus). - Moscow , Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk, Vserossijskij Institut Naučnoj i Tehničeskoj Informacii (VINITI RAN), 2010. pp. 198.(UDCC Publication Number: P077). ISBN: 978-5-94577-048-5.

100911995-0218UDC short editions 042.3
UDC Consortium. Classification Décimale Universelle: édition abrégée [Abridged UDC edition] (Lang.: fre). - 5 ed. Liège, Belgium, Editions du CEFAL, 1994. pp. 223. ISBN: 2871300445. The volume has a preface by André Canonne

15141999-0308UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Revised UDC tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 19(1997)p.77-145; 20(1998)p.75-106; 21(1999)p.123-160. »» Contains among others a table for general auxiliaries of properties

26432001-0301UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Revised UDC tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 22(2000), p.77-181, 23(2001), p.69-154. »» Contains among others new or revised tables for religion, management, United States and South-America

52542007-0487UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
UDK Täiendusvihik. Online edition. Translated and edited by Katrin Karus and Sirje Nilbe [UDC update according to the Extensions and Corrections to the UDC 20 - 27] (Lang.: est). - Tallin, Eesti Raamatukoguhoidjate Ühing; ELNET Konsortsium, 2007. pp. 58. Available at http://www2.nlib.ee/ERY/liigit_marks_toimk/UDK_TV.pdf

52552007-0488UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Universal'naja destjatičnaja klasifikacija (UDK): izmenenenija i dopolnenija: v'ipusk 4. Prepared by Rossijskaja akademija nauk, VINITI. Editor in chief: Ju. M. Arskij [Universal Decimal Classification: corrections and extensions: issue 4] (Lang.: rus). - Moscow, VINITI; RAN, 2006. pp. 145.

52562007-0489UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Universal'na desjatkova klasifikacija (UDK): zmini ta dop.(1998-1999, 2001-2002). M. I. Ahverdova [ed.] [Universal Decimal Classification: corrections and extensions] (Lang.: ukr). - In: Kiev: Knižkova palata Ukraini, 2006.2006. pp. 199. ISBN: 9666470659.

56252008-0170UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Revised UDC tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC 29(2007), p.97-157.

63812009-0501UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Revised UDC tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 30(2008), pp.81-147. Contains, among other things, new or revised tables for language auxiliaries, geographical auxiliaries, literature and history

63822009-0502UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Library of Congress classification. H. Social sciences; prepared by the Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library Services, Library of Congress (Lang.: eng). - 2008 ed ed. Washington, D.C, Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, 2008.

63832009-0503UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Library of Congress classification. PJ-PK. Oriental philology and literature, Indo-Iranian philology and literature; prepared by the Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library Services, Library of Congress (Lang.: eng). - 2008 ed ed. Washington, D.C, Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, 2008.

63842009-0504UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Library of Congress classification. PQ. French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese literatures; prepared by the Cataloging Policy and Support Office Library Services, Library of Congress (Lang.: eng). - 2008 ed ed. Washington, D.C, Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, 2008.

63852009-0505UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Library of Congress classification. R. Medicine; prepared by the Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library Services (Lang.: eng). - 2008 ed ed. Washington, D.C, Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, 2008.

7612UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
UDK: Universal’naja desjatičnaja klassifikacija: izmenija i dopolnenija: vï’pusk 5 [UDC: Universal Decimal Classification: changes and extensions: issue 5] (Lang.: eng). - Moscow, VINITI RAN, 2009. pp. 109. ISBN 978-5-94577-044-7. Translated and edited by Ju. M. Arskij; R. S. Giljarevskij; T. S. Astahova.

7613UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Revised UDC tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 31(2009) pp. 51-159.

8581UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Universalna desiatkova klasyfikatsiya (UDK): elektronne vydannia na CD-ROM: zi zminamy ta dopovnenniamy stanom na 2006 rik [Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): electronic edition on CD-ROM with extensions and corrections for 2006] (Lang.: ukr). - Kiev, Knyzhkova palata Ukrayiny, 2010. (UDCC Publication No. UDCP069CD). ISBN 978-966-647-158-4 (PDF).

8582UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Chunakova, N. Ohliad zmin ta dopovnen do tablyts UDK za 2007-2008 roky [Overview of Extensions and Corrections to the UDC tables for 2007-2008] (Lang.: ukr). - In: Visnyk Knyzhkovoyi Palaty, 10 (2010), pp. 17-20.

9210UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Revised UDC tables (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 33(2011), pp. 55-243. Includes revisions to Area Table for France, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sudan, Brazil, Common auxiliaries of Time, 58 Botany, 592/599 Systematic Zoology

99501995-0019UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Extensions and Corrections to the UDC, 1993. Series 15, 1993. (Lang.: eng). - The Hague, UDC Consortium, 1993. pp. 129. ISBN: 00145424.

105761996-0006UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Extensions and Corrections to the UDC, Vol.17 (1995) (Lang.: eng). - The Hague, NL, Fed.Intern.Inform.Doc. (FID), 1995. In addition to miscellaneous amendments the new volume contains a completely new table for Computer Science prepared by Y. Nakamura, T. Ishikawa, M. Kubo, A. Buxton, and P.Strachan, a reallocation and adaptation of the current Class 389 Metrology, prepared by G. Robinson, and a reworking and systematizing of the special auxiliaries in the field of Arts (Class 7) prepared by I.C.McIlwaine with the assistance of the Tate Gallery, London and the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.

105821990-1-012UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Fédération Intern.d`Inform.et de Document.(FID). Extensions and Corrections to the UDC 1986/1988.Series 13, No.3 (Lang.: eng). - The Hague, NL, FID, 1989.

141561994-0698UDC Extensions and corrections 042.5
Williamson; N.. Book review of Extensions and Correctionns to the UDC, 1993. The Hague: UDC Consortium 1993. Series 15, Sept.1993. - 129p. (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.104-105.

108061996-0754UDC Extensions and corrections conceptology 042.5-cs-91/2
Kovac, T.; Vrhovsek, D.. Extensions and corrections to the UDC for linguistics and literature and to the common auxiliaries of place (Lang.: cze). - In: Knjiznica. Vol. 39, No. 4. 1995. p.115-149.

Mills, W.. Universal Decimal Classification for use in Polar libraries (4th edition, revised 1994) (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge, GB, Scott Polar Research Institute, 1994. pp. 162. A revised and adapted version for use in libraries on Polar subjects. The schedules are not derived from the UDC Master Reference File.

Further items on this class as a particular theme

33282003-0002various universal KOS UDC short editions UDC 048;042.3;42
Frâncu, V. Tezur interdisciplinar multilingv pentru uzul bibliotecilor : Româna, engleza, franceza [Interdisciplinary multilingual thesaurus for use in libraries: romanian, english, french] (Lang.: rom, eng, fre). Bucuresti, Asociatia Bibliotecarilor din Invatamânt România, 2003. pp. Vii, 402.(Biblioteca ABIR ; 16). ISBN: 9738596211. »» Thesaurus based on a short edition of the UDC

18366KOS comparative analysis UDC Bliss Cl. 295;042;045
Smiraglia, Richard P.; Szostak, Rick . Converting UDC to BCC: comparative approaches to interdisciplinarity (Lang.: eng). In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 530-538.

37682004-0295UDC UDC 42;042
López, A. AENOR y la offerta de productos CDU (Lang.: spa). In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 26(2004), p.29-32.

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