Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 05 Periodicals and Serials in Knowledge Organization found the 50 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

14392   1995-0239serials • 05
Curras, E. – Concordance and discordance in knowledge organization of today and its intersection with the world of information (Lang.: ). -

14393   1995-0240serials • 05
Marijuan, P.C. – The social accumulation of knowledge: an interdisciplinary approach (Lang.: ). -

14394   1995-0241serials • 05
Bernad, J.A. – Knowledge analysis and representation: contributions from Cognitive Psychology (Lang.: ). -

14395   1995-0242serials • 05
Esteban, M.A. – Epistemological principles of documentary classification (Lang.: ). -

14396   1995-0243serials • 05
Martin, B.; Cinca, C.S. – Principles of artificial neural networks: hardware and software (Lang.: ). -

14397   1995-0244serials • 05
Garcia Marco, J. – Friendly interfaces for bibliographic retrieval (Lang.: ). -

14398   1995-0245serials • 05
Esteban, M.A. – The First Meeting on Knowledge Organization and Scientific Information, Zaragoza, Nov.1992 (Lang.: ). -

14968   1996-0763serials • 05
Garcia, A.L.. – Research in information science: towards an interdisciplinary adjustment (Lang.: ). -

14969   1996-0764serials • 05
Aguado, P.M.. – Expert systems and information retrieval: examples of applications (Lang.: ). -

14970   1996-0765serials • 05
Colina, J.. – An informetric algorithm for evaluation of search vocabularies (Lang.: ). -

14971   1996-0766serials • 05
Esteban, M.A.. – Documentary languages: from the organization of reality and empirical knowledge to Knowledge Organization (Lang.: ). -

14972   1996-0767serials • 05
Galindo, F.; Lasala, P.. – Methodology for developing juridical expert systems: the example of the ARPO-2 prototype (Lang.: ). -

14973   1996-0768serials • 05
Garcia Marco, J.. – Towards a model of intervention in knowledge transfer processes (Lang.: ). -

10097   1995-069905, 388-825
Le Saux, A. (comp.). – Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France: Index 1956-1993 (Lang.: fre). - Paris, BBF-ENS-SIB, 1994. – pp. 156. – ISBN: 2910227030. Cumulative index in two parts: the articles and communications are listed in chronological order in part one and in the alphabetical order of authors and subjects in part two with reference to part one

10240   1990-077505.814
RSWK Mitteilungen [Information Bulletin on the RSWK (German Rules for Subject Cataloging)] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Dt.Bibl.Inst, 1988. – pp. 10 . The Commission of the German Library Institute for Subject Analysis and Catalogue Management publishes in intervals its RSWK Mitteilungen as an annex to its journal Bibliotheksdienst.So far 6 numbers have appeared sind 1988.No.6 is devoted to the treat ment of school-books and books for professional education schools

10241   1993-077505.814
RSWK Mitteilungen [Information Bulletin on the RSWK (German Rules for Subject Cataloging)] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Dt.Bibl.Inst., 1988. – pp. 10 . The Commission of the German Library Institute for Subject Analysis and Catalogue Management publishes in intervals its RSWK Mitteilungen as an annex to its journal Bibliotheksdienst. So far 6 numbers have appeared sind 1988. No.6 is devoted to the treatment of school-books and books for professional education schools.

10237   1996-0762journals • 051
SCIRE. Representación y Organización del Conocimiento [Knowing. Representation and Organization of Knowledge] (Lang.: spa). - Zaragoza, Spain, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1995. – pp. 138. – ISSN:11353716. The No.2 of this new journal of the Spanish ISKO Chapter contains the following 6 articles after an Editorial by its Editor, Dr. J.Garcia Marco, each article has an abstract in Spanish and one in English:

10597   1994-0707journals • 051
Knowledge Organization, formerly International Classification. International Journal devoted to Concept Theory, Classification, Indexing, and Knowledge Representation (Lang.: eng, fre, ger). - In: Vol. 20, Nr.1 - ..Frankfurt, INDEKS Verlag, 1993 - .. Until Vol.19, 1992, No.4, this journal appeared under the title International Classification. It is a quarterly and has become the organ of the International Society for Knowledge Organization in 1989.

10674   1995-0238journals • 051
Garcia Marco, F.J. (Ed.). – SCIRE. Representacion y Organizacion del Conocimiento [Representation and Organization of Knowledge] (Lang.: spa). - Zaragoza, ES, Libreria General, 1995. This new journal is published by the Spanish ISKO Chapter being thus the first chapter having a journal of its own. This first number contains an Editorial by the Editor, F.J.Garcia Marco as well as six articles presented at the first regional ISKO Confe. rence in Spain, Nov.4-5, 1993. It can be obtained from: Coop.de Artes Graficas, Libreria General, Petro Cerbuna 23, ES-50009 Zaragoza. Subscription USD 20 (personal), USD 40 (institutional). Editorial offices: Dr.F.J.Garcia Marco, Fac.de Filosofia y Letr. as, Universidad de Zaragoza, C/Pedro Curbuna 12, E-50.001 Zaragoza, Spain. The articles of no.1 are:

11718   1994-0706journals • 051
Chung, Y.-K.. – Core international journals of classification systems. An application of Bradford's Law (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.75-83. Core journals of the field between 1981-1990 have been determined on the basis of the literature evaluation found in the Classification Literature service of the journal International Classification.

13676   1995-0700051 es
SCIRE. Representation y Organizacion del Conocimiento [To Know. Representation and Organization of Knowledge] (Lang.: spa). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.94. Information on the new Spanish journal in the field of knowledge organization as well as also on the proceedings volumes of the Spanish ISKO Chapter

1515   1999-0309journals • literature reviews • 051;02
Satija, M.P. – Book review of Ranganathan Research Bulletin. Supplement to the Herald of Library Science (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.57. »» New journal devoted to Ranganathan studies

12375   1996-0015051.918
Cataloging and Classification Quarterly (CCQ) to establish a Home Page on the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22, No. 3/4. 1995. p.171. The Home Page gives the tables of contents, abstracts, editorials and professional news and helps users to order entire articles from the Haworth Document Delivery Service (HDDS).

10577   1995-0038newsletters • 052
Williamson, N. (Ed.). – Classification Issues for Knowledge Organization (Lang.: eng). - The Hague, NL, Feder.Int.d'Inform. et de Doc., 1995. This newsletter will appear regularly as a section of the FID News Bulleting 4 times a year in January, April, July/August and December. This first number contains the same news as also published already in FID/CR News 37 of Knowledge Organization 21(1994)No.4, p.229-230. Future issues will also contain news from ISKO.

10282   1995-0701serials for KOS • 054
Rundbrief zu den Regensburger Aufstellungssystematiken [Newsletter on the Regensburg Shelf-Listing System] (Lang.: ger). - 1995. – pp. 12. Published by the University Library Regensburg, Germany, Coordination Center for the Classification Network. This issue provides the following information: News on activities of the coordination center, Changes in the Classification System, Info on how t. o access the System by WWW, List of all the 34 volumes so far published of the Regensburg Classification System, and Bibliography of the special tools to work with the System

10707   1996-0538serials for KOS • 054
Russian State Library. – Bulletin LBC (Lang.: eng). - Moskva, Russian State Library, 1992. In October 1995 the first three issues of this new publication on the Russian Library Bibliographical Classification were distributed, beginning with No.1 in 1992, Nos. 2 and 3 in 1993 and containing information on the changes taking place in this systemas well as further information on its environment, such as its collaborators, its computerization, etc.

10454   1994-11900543
Dewey Decimal Classification. DC&. Additions, Notes, and Decisions. Vol.5,, No.5, April 1994 (Lang.: eng). - Albany, NY, Forest Press, 1994. – pp. 54. The new issue contains a short description of the new DDC editor, Mrs. Joan Mitchell, an announcement concerning "Electronic Dewey", the new CD-ROM version of DDC20 (available for USD 400), and of 3 new publications (the DDC Workbook for Small Libraries, the DDC20 Teaching Tool, and the Guide for the DDC). Shows also teaching tools for children. Reports on the Editorial Policy Committee meetings working on DDC21. Also a feature of J.Mitchell is included: "Dewey behind the scenes" and other items. The update of the changes and corrections for DDC20 takes the rest of the issue."

10043   1995-0039055.31
Leach; A. (Ed.). – Key Words. the Newsletter of the American Society of Indexers (Lang.: eng). - In: Vol.1, nr.1 -.Arkansas, TX, American Society of Indexers, 1992. – ISBN: 10641211. The newsletter replaces the ASI Newsletter and is published (since July/Aug. 1992) six times a year. Annual subscription is USD 30. It is free for ASI members.

10381   1996-0016055.77
TERMNET News. Journal of International Cooperation in Terminology (Lang.: eng). - Vienna, Austria, TermNet, 1995. – pp. 28. Starting with the June 1995 issue, the journal has a new editor, Prof.Sue Ellen Wright from Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA. It has also a new cover design and includes new features such as the Newsletters of the Association for Terminology and Knowledge Transfer (GTW) and the International Institute for Terminology Research (IITF). Further new additions to TermNet News include the insertion of the bibliographies Biblioterm (BIT) and StandardTerm (STT), here the Nos.BIT 54 and STT have been inserted with their own page numbering. BiblioTerm lists Mono- and Multilingual Specialized Vocabularies and StandardTerm lists Terminology Standards. TermNet News includes also the Infoterm Newsletter.

10554   1994-0708serials on special KO fields • 056
Moore, N.L.. – LISA Plus (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Bowker-Saur, 1994. LISA PLUS is the CD-ROM to Library and Information Science Abstractswith over 120,000 records from LISA which currently abstracts over 350 periodicals from over 60 countries and in over 20 different languages. Coverage is to increase in 1994. New disks cumulate information dating back to 1969.

13837   1990-2-040serials on special KO fields • 056
Quirchmayr, G. – Representing legal knowledge in information systems (Lang.: ). -

13838   1990-2-041serials on special KO fields • 056
Zarri, G.P. – Knowledge acquisition for large knowledge bases using nataural language analysis technique (Lang.: ). -

13839   1990-2-042serials on special KO fields • 056
Black, W.J.; Johnson, F.C. – A practical evaluation of two rule-based automataic abstracting techniques (Lang.: ). -

13840   1990-2-043serials on special KO fields • 056
Neale, I.M.; Morris, A. – Knowledge acquisition for expert systems: a brief review (Lang.: ). -

13841   1990-2-044serials on special KO fields • 056
Yannakoudakis, E.J.; Ayres, F.H., Hugill, J.A.W. – An expert system for quality control in cataloguing and document identification (Lang.: ). -

10464   1994-1189056.12
AXIOMATHES. Journal of the Center for Middle-European Philosophical Studies (Lang.: eng, ita). - Trento, Italy, University. Dept.of Sociology & Soc.Sci., 1993. – pp. 64. From 1993 (vol. 4) the journal appears under the new name AXIOMATHES. Its editor is Roberto Poli. The Advisory Board has: L.Albertazzi, Trento; E. Morscher (Salzburg); J.Perzanowski (Torun & Krakow); G.Piana (Milano), K.Schuhmann (Utrecht); B.Smith (Buffalo); J.Wolenski (Krakow). Each issue contains an editorial, articles, critical notes, book reviews, free presentations, and information. The main directions are: phhenomenology, analytical philosophy, and Polish philosophy of the first decades of this century.

10268   1994-1191056.21
Quaderni del Laboratorio Thesauri [Issues of the Thesaurus Laboratory"] (Lang.: ita). - Firenze, IFNIA, 1990. – pp. 118. The first volume of this irregular series is by Daniela Danesi on "Le variabili del Thesaurus. Gestione e struttura". It contains 8 chapters and some tables, presented by Milvia Priano. The chapters deal with the definition of a thesaurus, its nature and functioning, its elements, problems of software, its construction, its internal variabilities, its models and standardizatioon. It concludes with a bibliography of some 70 essential references.

10719   1990-1-026056.35
Baird, P.(Ed.). – Hypermedia (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Taylor Graham, 1989.

10720   1990-2-039056.757
Expert Systems for Information Management (Lang.: eng). - London, Taylor Graham, 1989.

10280   1996-0769056.77
Terminovedenie [Terminology Research] (Lang.: rus). - Moskva, Moskovskij Licej, 1993. – pp. 128. Review of the issues having appeared in 1994 by Y. Lyukshin in Neoterm (1995)No.25/6. The periodical was founded by the Russian Terminological Society (RossTerm) in 1993. It appears 3 times annually.

10339   1994-1192056.77
Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied issues in specialized communication (Lang.: eng). - Amsterdam, J. Benjamins, 1994. – pp. 200 . Editors of this new journal (Vol.1, nr.1) on terminology are Helmi Sonneveld and Kurt Loening, both of TopTerm. Juan Sager helps as consultant. Two issues per year are planned, starting 1994, with a total of approx. 400 pages. Vol.2 has been announced for Hfl.208. The publisher's announcement states that this new journal will encompass terminology in general in theory and practice and in specialized fields. Each issue is to contain in-depth articles, research reports, short notes, reviews of new books and software, as well as reports on the activities of national and specialized terminology organizations."

10238   1996-0770056.79
Interpreting. International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting (Lang.: eng). - Amsterdam/Philadelph, J. Benjamins Publ.Co., 1996. – pp. 250. – ISSN13846647. Editors are Barbara Moser-Mercer (Univ.of Geneva) and Dominic W. Massaro (Dept.of Psychology, UCSC) with the help of an editorial board and 12 consulting editors. The journal aims at researchers, teachers, students and professional interpreters. It contains original articles, research reports, scholarly notes and book reviews. Online catalogue and order form available via gopher://Benjamins.titlenet.com:6400.

10587   1996-0771056.918
Journal of Internet Cataloging (Lang.: eng). - Binghampton, NY, Haworth Press, 1996. The journal focusses on the bibliographic control of Internet resources. In addition to descriptions of new programs and technology, and reviews of software, innovative Internet sites, and books, the journal publishes full-length research and review articles on topics such as: subject analysis and classification of Internet resources; managerial/administrative issues dealing with policy or planning; organizatinal issues treating methods for accessing networked electronic resources; and research on userbehaviour and on social theories of information organization and access.

10726   1990-2-045serials with bearings on KO • 057
UNITARIO (Lang.: ger). - Bensheim, DE, Unitario Press, 1990.

10713   1990-0776serials in • linguistics • 058-91
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) (Lang.: eng). - Arlington, VA, SilverPlatter, 1992. This abstracts service is based on the evaluation of 2000 serials worldwide and covers not only articles but also books, occasional papers and monographs, technical reports and dissertations and citations to book reviews.The database was started in 1973 .It contained 120,000 records in 1992.A detailed classification scheme is used of 77 subject categories in 29 areas.The CD-ROM service is available from SilverPlatter Information Inc., 1005 N.Glebe Road, Suite 605, Arlington, VA, 22201, USA and 10 Bar ley Mow Passage, Chiswick, London W4 4PH, England

10715   1993-0776serials in • linguistics • 058-91
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) (Lang.: eng). - Arlington, VA, SilverPlatter, 1992. (CD-ROM issue). His abstracts service is based on the evaluation of 2000 serials worldwide and covers not only articles but also books, occasional papers and monographs, technical reports and dissertations and citations to book reviews. The database was started in 1973. It contained 120,000 records in 1992. A detailed classification scheme is used of 77 subject categories in 29 areas. The CD-ROM service is available from SilverPlatter Information Inc., 1005 N.Glebe Road, Suite 605, Arlington, VA, 22201, USA and 10 Barley Mow Passage, Chiswick, London W4 4PH, England.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

17690universal classifications • serials • 04;05
Ciapuscio, G.; ColΓ­n, M.; Correia, M.; DomΓ¨nech, O.; Kilian, C.; Makri, J.; Santiago, M; Torres-Moreno, J.M. (Eds.). – Debate terminolΓ³gico. 2013 (Lang.: spa). – In: Debate TerminolΓ³gico, 10(2013).Barcelona, ES, Institut Universitari de LingΓΌΓ­stica Aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, EspaΓ±a, 2013. – Available at http://http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/riterm/issue/view/No.%2010%2C%20Nov.%202013/showToc ISSN: 18131867

17692universal classifications • serials • 04;05
Asundi, A.Y. . – KO from libraries to the web: jubilee issue (Lang.: eng). – In: SRELS Journal of Information Management - History and Contributions: A Golden Jubilee (Review), 50(2013)5.Bangalore, IN, Informatics Publishing Limited, 2013. – Available at http://http://www.srels.org/index.php/sjim/article/view/43806

17846library classifications • journals • 041;051
Catalogue & index, issue 189 (Lang.: eng). – In: Catalogue and Index 189(2017).London, UK, CILIP - Cataloguing and Indexing Group, 2017. – Available at http://https://www.cilip.org.uk/members/group_content_view.asp?group=201298&id=707476 ISSN: '00087629

17820new universal KOS • journals • 415;051
Barbalet, Suzanne; Cunningham, Nathan. – New tricks? a pilot project using UDC at the UK data archive (Lang.: eng). – In: Catalogue and Index 186(2017).London, UK, CILIP - Cataloguing and Indexing Group, 2017. – Available at http://https://archive.cilip.org.uk/cataloguing-indexing-group/catalogue-index/catalogue-index-issue-186-march-2017

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