Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 051 Knowledge Organization Journals found the 9 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

10237   1996-0762journals051
SCIRE. Representación y Organización del Conocimiento [Knowing. Representation and Organization of Knowledge] (Lang.: spa). - Zaragoza, Spain, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1995. – pp. 138. – ISSN:11353716. The No.2 of this new journal of the Spanish ISKO Chapter contains the following 6 articles after an Editorial by its Editor, Dr. J.Garcia Marco, each article has an abstract in Spanish and one in English:

10597   1994-0707journals051
Knowledge Organization, formerly International Classification. International Journal devoted to Concept Theory, Classification, Indexing, and Knowledge Representation (Lang.: eng, fre, ger). - In: Vol. 20, Nr.1 - ..Frankfurt, INDEKS Verlag, 1993 - .. Until Vol.19, 1992, No.4, this journal appeared under the title International Classification. It is a quarterly and has become the organ of the International Society for Knowledge Organization in 1989.

10674   1995-0238journals051
Garcia Marco, F.J. (Ed.). – SCIRE. Representacion y Organizacion del Conocimiento [Representation and Organization of Knowledge] (Lang.: spa). - Zaragoza, ES, Libreria General, 1995. This new journal is published by the Spanish ISKO Chapter being thus the first chapter having a journal of its own. This first number contains an Editorial by the Editor, F.J.Garcia Marco as well as six articles presented at the first regional ISKO Confe. rence in Spain, Nov.4-5, 1993. It can be obtained from: Coop.de Artes Graficas, Libreria General, Petro Cerbuna 23, ES-50009 Zaragoza. Subscription USD 20 (personal), USD 40 (institutional). Editorial offices: Dr.F.J.Garcia Marco, Fac.de Filosofia y Letr. as, Universidad de Zaragoza, C/Pedro Curbuna 12, E-50.001 Zaragoza, Spain. The articles of no.1 are:

11718   1994-0706journals051
Chung, Y.-K.. – Core international journals of classification systems. An application of Bradford's Law (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization. 21(1994)2,p.75-83. Core journals of the field between 1981-1990 have been determined on the basis of the literature evaluation found in the Classification Literature service of the journal International Classification.

13676   1995-0700051 es
SCIRE. Representation y Organizacion del Conocimiento [To Know. Representation and Organization of Knowledge] (Lang.: spa). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 2. 1995. p.94. Information on the new Spanish journal in the field of knowledge organization as well as also on the proceedings volumes of the Spanish ISKO Chapter

1515   1999-0309journalsliterature reviews051;02
Satija, M.P. – Book review of Ranganathan Research Bulletin. Supplement to the Herald of Library Science (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.57. »» New journal devoted to Ranganathan studies

12375   1996-0015051.918
Cataloging and Classification Quarterly (CCQ) to establish a Home Page on the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22, No. 3/4. 1995. p.171. The Home Page gives the tables of contents, abstracts, editorials and professional news and helps users to order entire articles from the Haworth Document Delivery Service (HDDS).



Further items on this class as a particular theme

17846library classificationsjournals041;051
Catalogue & index, issue 189 (Lang.: eng). – In: Catalogue and Index 189(2017).London, UK, CILIP - Cataloguing and Indexing Group, 2017. – Available at http://https://www.cilip.org.uk/members/group_content_view.asp?group=201298&id=707476 ISSN: '00087629

17820new universal KOSjournals415;051
Barbalet, Suzanne; Cunningham, Nathan. – New tricks? a pilot project using UDC at the UK data archive (Lang.: eng). – In: Catalogue and Index 186(2017).London, UK, CILIP - Cataloguing and Indexing Group, 2017. – Available at http://https://archive.cilip.org.uk/cataloguing-indexing-group/catalogue-index/catalogue-index-issue-186-march-2017

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