Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 112 Structures in General found the 26 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

792   1998-0168structures • 112
Albrechtsen, H., Jacob, E.K. – The role of classificatory structures as boundary objects in information ecologies (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.1-3.

995   1998-0371structures • 112
Jaenecke, P. – Knowledge organization due to theory formation (Lang.: eng). - In: Organización del Conociemto en Sistemas de Información y Documentación, 2(1997),p.39-55. Theory formation is regarded as a process of domain-internal knowledge organization

1224   1999-0019structures • 112
Albrechtsen, H., Jacob, E.K. – The dynamics of classification as boundary objects for cooperation in the electronic library (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Trends , 47(1998)2,p.293-312. »» On the possible role of classification schemes in the production of knowledge in organizations

2499   2001-0157structures • 112
Davenport, E. – Implicit orders : documentary genres and organizational practice (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Classification Research, Volume 10, p.39-63. [see 2001-0141].

4078   2005-32-2-0154structures • 112
Van den Broek, G.J. – Het gevaar van de Confusion des genres [The danger of the Confusion des genres] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 9(2005)9, p.18-27.

4826   2007-0020structures • 112
Kawamura, K. – Typology of interdisciplinarity and classificatory structures (Lang.: jap). - In: Technical Processing and Documentation Forum Series, 16(2007)4, p.8-16.

5637   2008-0182structures • 112
Rabl, C. – Das Nichtwissen in der Wissensorganisation. Über die verschiedenen Arten "nicht zu wissen" und ihre Bedeutung für die Wissensorganisation [Ignorance in Knowledge Organization. Types of ignorance and their importance for Knowledge Organization] (Lang.: ger). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation [see 2008-0171], p.7-11.

7108   structures • 112
Mitgutsch, Konstantin. – InkompatibilitƃĀ¤t in der Wissensorganisation. ĆƒÅ“ber die productive NegativitƃĀ¤t im Lernprozess? [Incompatibility in knowledge organization: on productive negativisms in learning processes] (Lang.: ger). - In: KompatibilitƃĀ¤t, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation (, pp.194-201.

7836   structures • 112
Narayana, G. J. – Knowledge and information: perspectives and prospects (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Ess Ess Publications, 2010. – pp. 629. – ISBN: 9788170006077.

8404   structures • 112
Scharnhorst, Andrea et al. – The evolution of knowledge and its representation in classification schemes (Lang.: eng). - In: Classification & ontology, [see 06.11-9-19/20], pp. 267-282.

8983   structures • 112
Couzinet, Viviane. – LĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢organisation des connaissances au regard des sciences de lĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢information et de la communication, une exception franƃĀ§aise? [Knowledge organization with reference to information science and communication, a French exception?] (Lang.: fre). - In: LĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢organisation des connaissances, pp. 35-50 (08.21).

8984   structures • 112
Vickery, Brian. – Structure and function in retrieval languages (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 175-189 (

12577   1996-0933structures • 112
Peruzzi, A.. – Action of structures, structure of actions (Lang.: eng). - In: Axiomathes. Vol. 6, No. 3. 1995. p.325-348.

18701   structures • 112
Barros, Thiago Henrique Bragato; Sousa, Renato Tarciso Barbosa de. – OrganizaĆ§Ć£o do Conhecimento e Arquivologia: abordagens metodolĆ³gicas [Knowledge Organization and archival science: methodological approaches] (Lang.: port). - In: InformaĆ§Ć£o & InformaĆ§Ć£o, 24(2019)2, pp. 76-92. – Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/38290

18929   structures • 112
Oliveira, Lais Pereira de. – Bases conceituais e formativas do tratamento temĆ”tico da informaĆ§Ć£o no Brasil [Conceptual and educational bases of subject representation in Brazil] (Lang.: port). - MarĆ­lia, Programa de PĆ³s-GraduaĆ§Ć£o em CiĆŖncia da InformaĆ§Ć£o da Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2021. – Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__repositorio.unesp.br/handle/11449/210936

18632   structures • 112; 23
Santos, JosĆ© Carlos Francisco dos. – Interoperabilidade de vocabulĆ”rios controlados em periĆ³dicos cientĆ­ficos eletrĆ“nicos: um estudo de caso de compatibilizaĆ§Ć£o sistemĆ”tica por meio dos padrƵes de Hearst. [Interoperability of controlled vocabularies in electronic scientific journals: a case study of systematic compatibility through Hearst standards.] (Lang.: por). - MarĆ­lia, Programa de PĆ³s-graduaĆ§Ć£o em CiĆŖncia da InformaĆ§Ć£o/Instituto Brasileiro de InformaĆ§Ć£o em CiĆŖncia e Tecnologia/Universidade Fede, 2020. – Available at http://https://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/santos_jcf_dr_mar.pdf

15129   structures • conceptual models • 112;124
Fedeli, Gian Carlo. – Metaphors of order and disorder: from the tree to the labyrinth and beyond (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)6, pp. 375-383.

636   1998-0013structures • KO research in • 112;188
Rada, R.; Liu, Z. – Connecting educational information spaces (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization 1997(24)3,p. 154-162. >>Connections between online textbooks and other sources of information, on CD-ROM or in the World Wide Web via a thesaurus or references to web sides

9778   structures • design principles • 112;232
Asundi, A. Y. – Principles for helpful sequence and deduction of knowledge organization systems: an exploratory study (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science theory and practice, 1(2013)2, pp. 6-15.

18699   structures • descriptor relationships • 112;244
Almeida, MaurĆ­cio Barcellos; Emygdio, Jeanne Louize. – Uma investigaĆ§Ć£o teĆ³rica sobre relaƧƵes semĆ¢nticas partitivas e sua aplicaĆ§Ć£o em sistemas de organizaĆ§Ć£o do conhecimento [A theoretical investigation about partwhole semantic relations and its application in Knowledge Organization Systems] (Lang.: port). - In: InformaĆ§Ć£o & InformaĆ§Ć£o, 24(2019)2, pp. 31-37. – Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/37989

18700   structures • descriptor relationships • 112;244
Moreira, Walter. – RelaƧƵes conceituais como elementos constitutivos essenciais dos sistemas de organizaĆ§Ć£o do conhecimento [Conceptual relationships as essential constituent elements of Knowledge Organization Systems] (Lang.: port). - In: InformaĆ§Ć£o & InformaĆ§Ć£o, 24(2019)2, pp. 1-30. – Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/37989

637   1998-0014structures • linguistics and KO • 112;711
Solov'eva, E.A. – O edinoi modeli ponyatiinykh znanii, sistemu terminov i predmetnoi oblasti [A single model of knowledge, terminology and subject area] (Lang.: ). - In: Naucho-Teknicheskaya Informatsiya. Series 2 19971,p. 1-6.

793   1998-0169structures • language formalisation • 112;715
Mylopoulos, J., Jurisica, J., Yu, E. – Computational mechanisms for knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.125-132. >>Knowledge organization techniques used in computer science, in areas such as artificial intelligence, databases and software engineering



Further items on this class as a particular theme

18692information science • structures • 111;112
MartĆ­nez-Ɓvila, Daniel; San Segundo, Rosa. – A aplicaĆ§Ć£o do crowdsourcing e o modelo de Bazaar no desenvolvimento de classificaƧƵes de bibliotecas: uma avaliaĆ§Ć£o da ClassificaĆ§Ć£o Open Shelves [The application of crowdsourcing and the Bazaar model to the development of library classifications: an assessment of the Open Shelves Classification] (Lang.: port). – In: TransinformaĆ§Ć£o, 32(2020). – Available at http://www.scielo.br/pdf/tinf/v32/2318-0889-tinf-32-e200014.pdf

18928information science • structures • 111;112
Nascimento, Francisco Arrais. – Nomear, classificar, existir: um estudo das prĆ”ticas discursivas como contribuiĆ§Ć£o para a organizaĆ§Ć£o do conhecimento produzido por comunidades LGBTQIAP+ [Naming, classifying, existing: a study of the discursive practices as a contribution to the knowledge organization produced by LGBTQIAP + communities] (Lang.: port). – MarĆ­lia, Programa de PĆ³s-GraduaĆ§Ć£o em CiĆŖncia da InformaĆ§Ć£o da Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2021. – Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__repositorio.unesp.br/handle/11449/211026

18684information science • structures • database semantics • 111;112;727
Lima, Gercina Ƃngela de. – OrganizaĆ§Ć£o e representaĆ§Ć£o do conhecimento e da informaĆ§Ć£o na web: teorias e tĆ©cnicas [Organization and Representation of Knowledge and Information on the Web: theories and techniques] (Lang.: port). – In: Perspectivas em CiĆŖncia da InformaĆ§Ć£o, 25(2020)special number, pp. 57-97. – Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/4299

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