Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 211 Theory of Classification Systems and Thesauri found the 176 items below.       [new search]

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211997-1-0021KOS theory 211
Mandel, C.A., Wolven, R. Intellectual access to digital documents: joining proven principles with new technologies (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly Vol.22, No. 4 1996, p.25-42.

221997-1-0022KOS theory 211
Esteban, M.A. Los lenguajes documentales ante el paso de la organizacion de la realidad y el saber a la organizacion del conocimiento [Documentary languages: from the organization of reality and empirical knowledge to knowledge organization] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire Vol.1, No.2 1995, p.43-71.

1671997-2-0166KOS theory 211
Marco, J., Navarro, A. On some contributions of the cognitive sciences and epistemology to a theory of classification (Lang.: eng). - In: International Information Communication and Education 14(1955)2. p.178-191.

3561997-3-0355KOS theory 211
Coates, E.J. Classification in information retrieval : the twenty years following Dorking (Lang.: eng). - In: From classification to knowledge organization : Dorking revisited or past is prelude : a collection of reprints to commemorate the forty year span between the Dorking Conference (First international study conference on classification research 1957) and the Sixth International study conference on classification research (London, UK) 1997 [see 1997-3-353] p.11-20. Orig. publ. in Journal of Documentation 34(1978)4, p.288-299

4771997-4-0478KOS theory 211
Esteban, M.A. El marco disciplinar de los lenguajes documentales [The disciplinary frame of indexing languages] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire 2 (1996)1. p.93-107.

4781997-4-0479KOS theory 211
Hurt, C.D. Classification and subject analysis : looking to the future at a distance (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly 24 (1997)1/2. p.97-112.

8061998-0182KOS theory 211
Sukiasyan, E. Classification systems in their historical development : problems of typology and terminology (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.72-79. Discusses the history of classification systems from enumerative ordinal classification to facet classifications

8071998-0183KOS theory 211
Satija, M.P. Classification : some fundamentals, some myths, some realities (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)1/2,p.32-35.

10081998-0384KOS theory 211
Maturana, M.T.I. Beneficios de la utilización de lenguajes controlados en el analisis y recuperación de información [Benefits of the use of controlled languages in information analysis and retrieval] (Lang.: spa). - In: Investigación Bibliotecologica: Archivonomia, Bibliotecologica, e Información, 11(1997)23,p.32-45.

12321999-0027KOS theory 211
Principles underlying subject heading languages (SHLs)/ ed. by M. I. Lopes and J. Beall ; Working group on Principles Underlying Subject Heading Languages ; approved by the Standing Committee of the IFLA Section on Classification and Indexing (Lang.: eng). - München, K.G. Saur, 1999. (UBCIM Publications New Series). »» Principles of 11 subject heading languages from USA (LCSH), Germany (RSWK), Portugal, Iran, Canada (twice), Norway, Spain, Poland, France (Rameau), Russia

15271999-0321KOS theory 211
Wozniak, J. Cechy dobrego jezyka informacy jnowyszukiwawczego [Features of a good information retrieval language] (Lang.: pol). - In: Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej, (1998)2, p.3-17.

17712000-0047KOS theory 211
Broughton, V. Structural, linguistic and mathematical elements in indexing languages and search engines : implications for the use of index languages in electronic and non-LIS environments (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.206-212.

17722000-0048KOS theory 211
Carlyle, A. Exploring bibliographic classification in new environments (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 8th ASIS SIG/CR Classification research workshop, Washington, D.C., 1997 / ed. by E.N. Efthimiadis. - Medford, NJ: Information Today, 1997, p.90-91.

17732000-0049KOS theory 211
Beghtol, C. A whole, its kinds, and its parts (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.313-319.

22072000-0483KOS theory 211
Welty, C.A., Jenkins, J. Formal ontology for subject (Lang.: eng). - In: Data Knowledge Engineering, 31(1999),p.155-181.

23692001-0027KOS theory 211
Schwarz, I., Umstätter, W. Die vernachlässigten Aspekte des Thesaurus : dokumentarische, pragmatische, semantische und syntaktische Einblicke [The neglected aspects of thesauri: documentation, semantics, syntactics and pragmatics] (Lang.: ger). - In: nfd Information: Wissenschaft und Praxis, 50(1999)4,p.197-203.

25052001-0163KOS theory 211
Olson, H.A. Cultural discourses of classification : indigenous alternatives to the tradition of Aristotle, Durkheim, and Foucault (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Classification Research, Volume 10, p.91-106. [see 2001-0141].

26582001-0316KOS theory 211
Rozman, D. Načela za predmetno označevanje - iskanje enotnosti v raznolikosti [Principles underlying subject headings - seeking unity in diversity] (Lang.: slo). - In: Digitalna knjižnica : Strokovno posvetovanje : Randenci, 10.do 12.oktober 2001, p.181-187.

28272001-0485KOS theory 211
Ruchimskaya, E.M. Yavlenie variativnosti estestevennogo yazyka i sposoby ee ustraneniya v verbal'nykh IPYA [Natural language variations and their handling in information retrieval languages] (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya.Series 1, (2000)2, p.24-26.

30012002-0026KOS theory 211
Field, M. Why classification is sexy (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Association Record, 101(1999)10, p.580-582.

31852002-0206KOS theory 211
Tennis, J.T. Subject ontogeny : subject access through time and the dimensionality of classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 54-59.

31862002-0207KOS theory 211
Poli, R. Framing information (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 225-231. »» Distinction between semiotic, semantic and ontological classifications

31872002-0208KOS theory 211
Williamson, N.J. Knowledge integration and classification schemes (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 332-337.

31882002-0209KOS theory 211
Qin, J. Evolving paradigms of knowledge represenatation and organization : a comparative study of classification, XML/DTD, and ontology (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 465-471.

31892002-0210KOS theory 211
Mai, J.E. Is classification theory possible? : Rethinking classification research (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 472-478.

31902002-0211KOS theory 211
Andersen, J. Communication technologies and the concept of knowledge organization : a medium-theory perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 29(2002)1, p. 29-39.

35162004-0043KOS theory 211
Beghtol, C. Naïve classification systems and the global information society (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 19-22.

35172004-0044KOS theory 211
Beghtol, C. Classification for information retrieval and classification for knowledge discovery : relationships between "Professional" and "Naive" classifications (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)2, p.64-73.

37522004-0279KOS theory 211
Mai, J.E. Classification in context : relativity, reality, and represenation (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)1, p.39-48.

37532004-0280KOS theory 211
Hjorland, B., Nicolaisen, .J. Scientific and scholarly classifications are not naive : a comment to Begthol (=Beghtol) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)1, p.55-.

38312004-0356KOS theory 211
Neelameghan, A. Classification, Theory of (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. by M.A. Drake. - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. - Vol. 1, p. 546-560.

39472005-32-1-0024KOS theory 211
Fox, R. Cataloging our information architecture (Lang.: eng). - In: OCLC Systems and Services, 21(2004)1, p.23-29.

39482005-32-1-0025KOS theory 211
Nicolaisen, .J., Hjorland, B. A rejoinder to Beghtol (2004) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)3, p.199-201.

42272005-32-4-0302KOS theory 211
Tennis, J.T. Experientialist epistemology and classification theory : embodied and dimensional classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)2, p.79-92.

42282005-32-4-0303KOS theory 211
Vickery, B. Structure and function in retrieval languages (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 62(2006)1 p.7-20. * First published in Journal of Documentation, 27(1971)2, p.69-82

42292005-32-4-0304KOS theory 211
Giczi, A.B. Az osztályozás és a káoszelmélet : A rendszer-, a káosz-, az osztályozás- és az információelmélet találkozása a tudományok dobozai között [Chaos theory and classification] (Lang.: hun). - In: Könyvtári Figyelo (Library Review) New Series 14, 50(2004)1, p.59-82.

44202006-33-2-0024KOS theory 211
Bagheri, M. Development of thesauri in Iran (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 25(2005)1, p.19-22.

44212006-33-2-0025KOS theory 211
Beghtol, C. The global learning society and the iterative relationship between theory and practice in knowledge organization systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society [see 2006-33-2-0003], p.159-164.

45652006-33-3-0169KOS theory 211
Denda, K. Beyond subject headings (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 49(2006)4, p.266-275.

46972006-33-4-0300KOS theory 211
Sparck Jones, K. Revisiting classification for retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 61(2005)5, p.598-601.

46982006-33-4-0301KOS theory 211
Sparck Jones, K. Some thoughts on classification for retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 61(2005)5, p.571-581.

46992006-33-4-0302KOS theory 211
Hjorland, B., Pedersen , K.N. A substantive theory of classification for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 61(2005)5, p.582-597.

50232007-0252KOS theory 211
Horvath, Z. Taxonómia: az egyezményes nyelvek szerepe és rokonságai: útközben a szemantikus webhez [Taxonomy: the role and relations of standardised languages. Towards the semantic web] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudományos és Müszaki Tájékoztatás 53(2006)5, p.211-223. Available at http://tmt.omikk.bme.hu/show_news.html?id=4410&issue_id=472

50242007-0253KOS theory 211
Guzman Luna, J.A., Torres Pardo, D., Lopez Garcia, A. N. Desarrollo de una ontologia en el contexto de la web semantica a partir de un tesauro documental tradicional [Development of an ontology in the context of the semantic web: the migration of the traditional documentary thesaurus] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecologia, 29(2006)2, p.79-94.

52732007-0510KOS theory 211
Dalbin, S. Thesaurus et informatique documentaires: partenaires de toujours? [Dokumentarische Thesauri und dokumentarische Informatik: Partner fur immer? / Tesauros e informatica documentales: socios desde siempre? / The thesaurus and the digital library: still partners?] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste - Sciences de l'Information, 44(2007)1, p.42-55.

52742007-0511KOS theory 211
Dalbin, S. Thesaurus et informatique documentaires: des Noces d'Or [Dokumentarischen Thesauri und dokumentarische Informatik: die Goldene Hochzeit. / Tesauros e informatica documentales: Bodas de oro. / Information languages and the thesaurus: celebrating their golden anniversary] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste - Sciences de l'Information, 44(2007)1.

52752007-0512KOS theory 211
Hjørland, B. Information: objective or subjective/situational? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)10, p.1448-1457.

56512008-0196KOS theory 211
Hjørland, B. Core classification theory: a reply to Szostak (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 64(2008)3, p.333-342.

56522008-0197KOS theory 211
Szostak, R. Classification, interdisciplinarity and the study of science (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation 64(2008)3, p. 319-332.

61952009-0315KOS theory 211
Gnoli, C. C'era una volta un soggetto [Once upon a time a subject] (Lang.: ita). - In: AIB notizie, 19(2007)7-8, p. 7. Available at http://www.aib.it/aib/editoria/n19/0707.htm3

61962009-0316KOS theory 211
Gnoli, C. Come mi vuoi, disciplinata o fenomenale? [How do you want me, disciplined or phenomenal?] (Lang.: ita). - In: AIDA informazioni, 25(2007)3-4, pp. 87-90.(Organizzazione della conoscenza; 4). Available at http://www.aidainformazioni.it/indici/tuttonline/2007-34.pdf

61972009-0317KOS theory 211
Szostak, R. Interdisciplinarity and the classification of scholarly documents by phenomena, theories, and methods (Lang.: eng). - In: ISKO Italia. Documenti. Available at http://www.iskoi.org/doc/interdisciplinarity.ppt Keynote address at the 3rd ISKO Italy-UniMIB meeting, Milan, 22 June 2007

7136KOS theory 211
Feinberg, Melanie. An integrative approach to the design of knowledge organization systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 152-158.

7137KOS theory 211
Szostak, Rick. Universal and domain-specific classifications from an interdisciplinary perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 71-77.

7346KOS theory 211
Hjørland, Birger. Answer to Professor Szostak (concept theory) (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)5, pp. 1078-1080.

7347KOS theory 211
Jacob, Elin K. Proposal for a classification of classifications built on Beghtol’s distinction between “naïve classification” and “professional classification” (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 37(2010)2, pp. 111-120.

7348KOS theory 211
Szostak, Rick. Comment on Hjørland's concept theory (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)5, pp. 1076-1077.

7639KOS theory 211
Amirhosseini, Maziar. Theoretical base of quantitative evaluation of unity in a thesaurus term network based on Kant's epistemology (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 37(2010)3, pp.185-202.

8767KOS theory 211
Koltay, Tibor. Izquierdo Alonzo, Mónica, Fernández, Luis Miguel: referálással kapcsolatos tanulmányok perspektívái: a modellek és elméleti megközelítések integrált szemlélete [Izquierdo Alonzo, Mónica Fernández, Luis Miguel: perspectives of reports essays: integrated aspects of models and theoretical approaches] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudományos és műszaki tájékoztatás, 58 (2011)6, pp. 275-279.

9604KOS theory 211
Dong, Yongmei. [Analysis on the classification of intangible cultural heritage resources] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)9, pp. 35-38.

126051996-0980KOS theory 211
Lopes, M.I.. Principles underlying subject heading languages: an international approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Cat.& Bibliogr.Control. Vol. 25, No. 1. 1996. p.10-.

133541993-0118KOS theory 211
Negrini, G.. In tema di linguaggi documentari [Regarding documentary languages] (Lang.: ita). - In: IndicizzazioneVol. 6 No. 1-2. 1991. p.48-59.

134951995-0365KOS theory 211
Lara, M.L.G.de. Some contributions of semiology and semiotics to the analysis of indexing languages (Lang.: por). - In: Ciencia da Informacao. Vol. 22. No. 3. 1993. p.223-226.

15159KOS theory 211
Agenjo Bullón, Xavier; Hernández Carrascal, Francisca. SKOS desde el punto de vista epistemológico [SKOS from an epistemological point of view] (Lang.: spa). - In: 20 Años del Capítulo Español de ISKO ( pp. 229-247.

15160KOS theory 211
Dorina, Balan. (Book review of) Frâncu, Victoria. Limbaje de indexare: structură, compatibilitate, multilingvism = Indexing languages: structure, compatibility, multilingualism. Galaţi: Axis Libri, 2011. 179 pp. ISBN 9786068324005 (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca: revista de bibliologie si stiinta informarii, 24(2013)8, pp. 255-256.

15161KOS theory 211
Tennis, Joseph. Metaphors of time and installed knowledge organization systems: Ouroboros, Architectonics, or Lachesis? (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research, 18(2013)3, paper C38. Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/18-3/colis/paperC38.html In the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-22 August, 2013.

15536KOS theory 211
Martínez-Ávila, Daniel; Chaves Guimarães, José Augusto . Library classifications criticisms: universality, poststructuralism and ethics (Lang.: eng). - In: Scire, 19(2013)2, pp. 21-26..

15756KOS theory 211
Tennis, Joseph T. Load bearing or levittown? The edifice metaphor in conceptualizing the ethos of classification work (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 222-227 (06.14-05-19/22).

15937KOS theory 211
Hanief Bhat, Mohammad; Mohammad Shafi, Sheikh. Taxonomies in knowledge organisation -- need, description and benefits (Lang.: eng). - In: Annals of library & information studies, 61(2014)2, pp. 102-111.

16445KOS theory 211
Aganette, Elisângela Cristina; Almeida, Maurício Barcellos. "Avanços teórico-empíricos na comparação entre Teoria da Ontologia Aplicada e Teoria da Terminologia " [Empirical-theoretical advances in the comparison between Theory of Applied ontology and Theory of Terminology] (Lang.: por). - In: Encontros Bibli, 20(2015)44, pp. 3-24. Available at http://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/eb/article/view/1518-2924.2015v20n44p3/30425

16636KOS theory 211
Garcia Marco, Francisco Javier. The evolution of thesauri and the history of knowledge organization: between the sword of mapping knowledge and the wall of keeping it simple (Lang.: eng). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Studies: Research Trends, 10(2016)1, pp. 1-11. Available at http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/5786

16682KOS theory 211
Kim, Sungwon . 분류체계 인용순 및 적용에 대한 연구 [A Research on Citation Order of Classification Scheme and Its` Application] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE,50(2016)2, pp.101-118.

16683KOS theory 211
Bae, Sung Jung ; Kim, Tae Young ; Oh, Hyo-Jung ; Kim, Yong . 교육대학교의 표준 기록관리기준표 개발에 관한 연구 [A Study on the Development of the Records Management Standard Table for College of Education : Focused on J College of Education] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE,50(2016)2, pp.119-145.

16768KOS theory 211
Rivero Amador, Soleidy; Díaz Pérez, Maidelyn; López Huertas Pérez, María José; Armas Peñas, Dayron. Patrones para la organización del conocimiento en los Sistemas de Información Curricular. Un caso de estudio [A case study of knowledge organization patterns within Curricular Information Systems] (Lang.: spa). - In: Investigación Bibliotecológica,30(2016)68, pp.92-107. Available at http://www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/ibi/article/view/54597/48540

17625KOS theory 211
Broughton, Vanda. Essential classification (Lang.: eng). - 2nd ed. ed. London, UK, Facet Publishing, 2015. pp. 336. Available at http://http://www.facetpublishing.co.uk/title.php?id=300310#.WsSIADMh3IU 9781783300310.

17920KOS theory 211
Tudhope, Douglas; Binding, Ceri. Still quite popular after all those years-- the continued relevance of the information retrieval thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)3, pp. 174-179.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444

17948KOS theory 211
da Graça Simões, Maria; de Freitas, M. Cristina V.; Rodríguez-Bravo, Blanca. Theory of classification and classification in libraries and archives: convergences and divergences (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)7, pp. 530-538.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 9. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Chart

18760KOS theory 211
Petras, Vivien. Aktueller Überblick und theoretischer Einstieg: Theorie und Praxis der Klassifikationen; [book review of] Alex, H.; Bee, G.; Junger, U. (eds.) Klassifikationen in Bibliotheken: Theorie - Anwendung - Nutzen. Berlin, 2018 [Current overview and theoretical introduction: theory and practice of classifications; [book review of] Alex, H.; Bee, G.; Junger, U. (eds.) Klassifikationen in Bibliotheken: Theorie - Anwendung - Nutzen. Berlin, 2018] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, 71(2019)4, pp. 230-231. Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/2019-04.pdf

18778KOS theory 211
Müller-Heiden, Barbara. [book review of] Alex, H.; Bee, G.; Junger, U. (eds.) Klassifikationen in Bibliotheken: Theorie - Anwendung - Nutzen. Berlin, 2018. [Classifications in libraries: Theory - application - benefit] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 70(2019)5/6, pp. 315-317. Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2019-2054

18955KOS theory 211
Park, Ziyoung; Gnoli, Claudio; Morelli, Daniele P.. The Second Edition of the Integrative Levels Classification: Evolution of a KOS (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Data and Information Science ,5(2020)1, pp. 39-50. Available at http://www.sciendo.com/article/10.2478/jdis-2020-0004

135971993-0600211, 711
Ruchimskaya, E.M.. The nature of information retrieval languages (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchn.-tekhn.bibl. No. 1. 1993. p.56-61.

17702000-0046KOS theory literature reviews 211;02
Jacobs, C. (Book review of)How classifications work: problems and challenges in an electronic age / Ed. by G.C. Bowker, S.L. Star. - In: Library trends 47(1998)2,p.185-340 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.168-169.

47002006-33-4-0303KOS theory literature reviews 211;02
Oberhauser, O. (Book review of) Bertram, J.: Einführung in die inhaltliche Erschliessung: Grundlagen Methoden Instrumente. Würzburg: Ergon, 2005. 315 p. ISBN 3899134427 (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 59(2006)1, p.63-66.

47012006-33-4-0304KOS theory literature reviews 211;02
Oberhauser, O. (Book review of) Batley, S. Classification in Theory and Practice. Oxford: Chandos, 2005. xi, 181 p. ISBN 1843340836, 1843340941 (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 59(2006)1, p.58-60.

23702001-0028KOS theory conferences 211;06.00-11-12
Soergel, D. ASIS&T SIG/CR 2000 : classification for user support and learning (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.165-172.

38322004-0357KOS theory information science 211;111
Day, J.E. Natural classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. by M.A. Drake. - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. - Vol. 3, p.2114-2125.

28282001-0486KOS theory KO activities 211;113
Williamson, N.J. Classification research news (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)3,p.141-148.

9794KOS theory bases of concepts 211;121
Cavaleri, Pietro. La biblioteca crea significato: thesaurus, termini e concetti [The library creating meaning: thesaurus, terms, concepts] (Lang.: ita). - Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 2013. pp. 287. 8870757285.

25062001-0164KOS theory systems approach 211;144
Curras, E. Dokumentacna klasifikacia z hladiska vedeckych principov systemov [Document classification from the viewpoint of system analysis] (Lang.: slo). - In: Kniznice a Informacie, 31(1999)12,p.449-453.

17752000-0051KOS theory classification history 211;191
Mathe, B. Kaleidoscopic classifications : redefining information in a world culrural context (Lang.: eng). - In: Inspel, 33(1999)1,p.54-60.

17692000-0045KOS theory classification history information science 211;191;111
Hjorland, B., Albrechtsen, H. An analysis of some trends in classification research (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.131-139.

22082000-0484KOS theory KOS conceptual structures 211;221
Schmitz-Esser, W. Gedankenraumreisen - neue Thesaurusstrukturen, multimadial präsentiert, machen Anregung, Spielen, Lernen, Finden möglich für jedermann [Travelling in spaces of thoughts - new structures for thesauri, multimedial presented, make stimulation, playing, learning, finding possible for everybody] (Lang.: ger). - In: Globalisierung und Wissensorganisation[see 2000-0457], p.197-210.

35182004-0045KOS theory KOS conceptual structures 211;221
Jacob, E.K. The structure of context : implications of structure for the creation of context in information systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 85-90.

17919KOS theory descriptors online retrieval problems 211;226;751
Kempf, Andreas Oskar; Neubert, Joachim. The role of thesauri in an open web: a case study of the stw thesaurus for economics (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)3, pp. 160-173.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 14. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Color Photograph, 2 Diagrams, 1 Chart, 1 Graph

6481998-0025KOS theory indexing methods book indexing problems 211;313;851
Fugmann, R. Bridging the gap between database indexing and book indexing (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization 1997(24)4,p. 205-212.

42302005-32-4-0305KOS theory library KOS literature reviews 211;411;02
Albrechtsen, H. (Book review of) Szostak, R.: Classifying science : phenomena, data, theory, method, practice. - Dordrecht: Springer, 2004. - 286 p. - ISBN: 1402030940 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)2, p.93-95.

42312005-32-4-0306KOS theory library KOS literature reviews 211;411;02
Gilchrist, A. (Book review of) The thesaurus: review, renaissance and revision / ed. by Roe, S.K., Thomas, A.R. - Binghamton: The Haworth Information Press, 2004. - 209 p. - ISBN: 0789019787 (hardcover) ISBN: 0789019795 (paperback) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)2, p.93-95.

35192004-0046KOS theory library classification 211;414
Mai, J.E. The future of general classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 36(2003)1/2, p.3-12.

45662006-33-3-0170KOS theory library classification 211;414
Dal Porto, S., Marchitelli, A. The functionality and flexibility of traditional classification schemes applied to a content management system (CMS) : Facets, DDC, JITA (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)1, p.35-44.

3421997-3-0341KOS theory UDC KOS testing 211;42;293
Niculescu, Z. Taxonomia Clasei 6 Stiinţe aplicate: Clasificarea Zecimală Universală [Taxonomy of Class 6 Applied Sciences: the Universal Classification] (Lang.: rom). - Bucureşti, ABBPR, 1996. pp. 224. ISBN: 9739735428. Study of the structure, flexibility and adaptability of Class 6 of the UDC in the context of the conceptual and paradigmatic evolution of the applied sciences, medicine and technology. Also discussion of classification theory

40852005-32-2-0161KOS theory DDC 211;43
Olson, H.A. Sameness and difference : a cultural foundation of classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 45(2001)1, p.115-122.

28292001-0487KOS theory LCSH 211;448
Hoerman, H.L., Furniss, K.A. Turning practice into principles : a comparison of the IFLA Principles underlying subject heading languages (SHLs) And the principles underlying the Library of Congress Subject Headings system (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 29(2000)1/2, p.31-52.

35202004-0047KOS theory semiotics 211;714
Priss, U. A semiotic-conceptual framework for knowledge representation (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 91-96.

44222006-33-2-0026KOS theory semantics problems 211;721
Tsai, C.C., Chou, Y.J. The role of core and anchored concepts in knowledge recall : a study of knowledge organization of learning thermal physics (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)4, p.143-158.

16476KOS theory semantic networks conferences 211;725;06
Campos, Linair Maria; Barbosa, Nilson Theobald. Aplicação de dados abertos ligados baseada em ontologia: apoio para o relato de experimentos em um domínio científico e sua análise [Application of linked open date based on ontology: support for the report of experiments in scientific domain and its application] (Lang.: por). - In: Desafíos y oportunidades de las Ciencias de la Información y la Documentación en la era digital: actas del VII Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2015 (Madrid, 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2015). Available at http://edicic2015.org.es/ucmdocs/actas/art/179-Campos_dados-abertos.pdf

33372003-0011KOS theory online retrieval problems 211;751
Olson, H.A., Schlegl, R. Standardization, objectivity, and user focus : a meta-analysis of subject access critiques (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalog and Classification Quarterly, 32(2001)2, p.61-80.

37542004-0281KOS theory online retrieval problems 211;751
Rodríguez Muñoz, J.V. Información, Tecnología y complejidad. v.2.0 [Information, technology and complexity, v.2.0] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 9(2003)1, p.23-36.

42322005-32-4-0307KOS theory online retrieval problems 211;751
Gilchrist, A. Structure and function in retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 62(2006)1 p.21-29.

17918KOS theory online retrieval problems 211;751
Hjørland, Birger. Does the traditional thesaurus have a place in modern information retrieval? (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)3, pp. 145-159.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 15. ISSN: 09437444

17742000-0050KOS theory search engines 211;757
Kwasnik, B.H. The role of classification in knowledge representation and discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Trends, 48(1999)1,p.22-47.

22092000-0485KOS theory various NBM indexing 211;879
Guarino, N., Masolo, C., Vetere, G. OntoSeek : Content-based access to the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 14(1999)3,p.70-80.

Further items on this class as a particular theme

31652002-0187conferences 06.01-11-02/08;211
Justice, A. 12th American Society for Information Science Technology, Special Interest Group/Classification Research.Classification Research Workshop (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 29(2002)1, p. 40-44.

17312000-0008conferences 06.97-03-02/04;211;02
Novellino, M.S. (Book review of)Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications od Data Processing, March 2-4, 1997 / ed. by P.A. Cochrane, E.H. Johnson. - Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.170-172.

21822000-0458conferences 06.97-03-02/04;211;02
Wheeler, W.J. (Book review of) Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, March 2-4, 1997 / ed. by P.A. Cochrane, E.H. Johnson. - Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 43(1999)3,p.184-185.

23432001-0001conferences 06.97-03-02/04;211;02
Weihs, J. (Book review of) Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, March 2-4, 1997 / ed. by P.A. Cochrane, E.H. Johnson. - Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. - 176 p. - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). In: Technicalities, 19(1999)4,p.10.

24822001-0140conferences 06.97-03-02/04;211;02
Narayanan, K.S. (Book review of) Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, March 2-4, 1997 / ed. by P.A. Cochrane, E.H. Johnson. - Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. - 176 p. - (Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing ; 34) - ISBN: 087845103X (Lang.: eng). In: Serials Review, 26(2000)1,p.77-78.

24832001-0141conferences 06.99-11-1/5;211
Advances in classification research. Volume 10: Proceedings of the 10th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop / Editors: H.Albrechtsen, J.E. Mai (Lang.: eng). Melford, NJ, Information Today, Inc. for the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2001. pp. X, 149. * For the papers, see 2001-[0157, 0158, 0163, 0170, 0171, 0174, 0178, 0256]

24882001-0146textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging 07.1;111;211;942
Svenonius, E. The intellectual foundation of information organization (Lang.: eng). Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press, 2000. pp. Xviii, 255. ISBN: 0262194333. 24 cm

23462001-0004textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Arms, C.R. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: D-Lib Magazine, 7(2001)1,3 p. Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january01/01bookreview.html

23472001-0005textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Andersen, J. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Documentation, 3(2001)57,p.312-315.

23482001-0006textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Hudon, M. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Library and Information Science Research, 23(2001)1,p.93-102.

23492001-0007textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Campbell, G. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.173-175.

24892001-0147textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Line, M.B. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Ariadne, (2000)25. Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue25/review/

24902001-0148textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Bowker, G.C. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Information Processing and Management, 37(2001)5,p.763-764.

24912001-0149textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Winston, M. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: College and Research Libraries, 62(2001)2,p.203-206.

28112001-0469textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Hirtle, P.B. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 1(2001)3, p.358-159.

28122001-0470textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Willer, M. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000 - xviii, 255 p - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 30(2001)4, p.78-79.

33302003-0004textbooks on KO foundations information science KOS theory cataloging literature reviews 07.1;111;211;942;02
Henriksen, T. (Book review of) Svenonius, E.: The intellectual foundation of information organization. - Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000. - xviii, 255 p. - ISBN: 0262194333 (Lang.: eng). In: Information Research: an International Electronic Journal, 7(2002)2 [electr.]. Available at http://informationr.net/ir/reviews/revs047.html

24932001-0151KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Bakewell, K.G. (Book review of) Marcella, R., Maltby, A.: The future of classification. - Aldershot: Gower, 2000. - 160 p. - ISBN: 0566079925 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 32(2000)4,p.218-219.

28132001-0471KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Forgette, R.E.A. (Book review of) The future of classification / ed.by R.Marcella, A.Maltby - Aldershot: Gower, 2000 – 160 p. - ISBN: 0566079925 (Lang.: eng). In: Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 25(2001), p.238-239.

28142001-0472KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Hjørland, B. (Book review of) The future of classification / ed.by R.Marcella, A.Maltby - Aldershot: Gower, 2000 – 160 p. - ISBN: 0566079925 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)1,p.57.

28152001-0473KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Petrou, A.D. (Book review of) Saving the time of the library user through subject access innovation: papers in honor of Pauline Atherton Cochrane / ed. by W.J. Wheeler. - Urbana-Champaign, IL.: GSLIS Publications Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. - 217 p. - ISBN: 0878451080 (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)1,p.58-60.

29812002-0006KOS theory literature reviews 07.2;211;02
Clarke, S.G.D. (Book review of) The future of classification / ed.by R.Marcella, A.Maltby - Aldershot: Gower, 2000 - 160 p. - ISBN: 0566079925 (Lang.: eng). In: Managing Information, 7(2000)6, p.75.

40722005-32-2-0148textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory 07.21;211
Bertram, J. Einführung in die inhaltliche Erschliessung : Grundlagen - Methoden - Instrumente [Introduction to subject indexing: basis - methods - instruments] (Lang.: ger). Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2005. pp. 315.(Content and Communication, 2). ISBN: 3899134427.

40732005-32-2-0149textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory 07.21;211
Olson, H.A. The power to name : locating the limits of subject representation in libraries (Lang.: eng). Berlin, Springer, 2002. pp. 276. ISBN: 1402007760.

23512001-0009textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory literature reviews 07.21;211;02
Satija, M.P. (Book review of) Subject indexing systems : concepts, methods and techniques / ed. by S.B. Ghosh, Satpathy, J.N. - Calcutta: Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC), 1998. - iii, 397 p (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.177-178.

40742005-32-2-0150textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory literature reviews 07.21;211;02
Hudon, M. (Book review of) Broughton, V.: Essential Classification. - New York, NY: Neal-Schuman, 2004. - 324 p.- ISBN: 1555705073 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)1, p.47-49.

42212005-32-4-0296textbooks on KO general questions KOS theory literature reviews 07.21;211;02
Henriksen, T. (Book review of) Broughton, V.: Essential Classification. - New York, NY: Neal-Schuman, 2004. - 324 p.- ISBN: 1555705073 (Lang.: eng). In: Information research: an international electronical journal, 10(2005)3 [electron]. Available at http://informationr.net/ir/reviews/revs168.html

29862002-0011textbooks on IR online retrieval problems KOS theory 07.75;751;211
Maniez, J. Actualité des langages documentaires : fondements théoriques de la recherche d'information [Actality of information languages: theoretical foundation of information retrieval] (Lang.: fre). Paris, ADBS Editions, 2002. pp. 396.(Collections Sciences de l'Information, série Etudes et techniques). ISBN: 2843650607.

4711997-4-0472information science KOS theory 111;211
Manecke, H.J. Klassifikation [Classification] (Lang.: ger). In: Buder, M., Rehfeld, W.. Seeger, T., Strauch, D. (Eds.). Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation. 4th. ed. - München : K.G. Saur, 1997. ISBN: 3598113099. P.141-159.

34822004-0009information science KOS theory 111;211
Albrechtsen, H. Classification schemes for collection mediation : cognitive work analysis and work centered design (Lang.: eng). Aalborg, Aalborg University, 2003. pp. Viii, 162.

34832004-0010information science KOS theory 111;211
Gnoli, C. Naturalism vs. pragmatism in knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 263-268.

34842004-0011information science KOS theory 111;211
Hjorland, B. Fundamentals of knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)2, p.87-111.

37492004-0276information science KOS theory 111;211
Beghtol, C. A proposed ethical warrant for global knowledge representation and organization systems (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Documentation, 58(2002)5, p.507-532.

38102004-0336information science KOS theory 111;211
Grove, A. Taxonomy (Lang.: eng). In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. By M.A. Drake. - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. - Vol. 4, p.2770-2777.

38112004-0337information science KOS theory 111;211
San Segundo, R. A new conception of representation of knowledge (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 31(2004)2, p.106-111.

40752005-32-2-0151information science KOS theory 111;211
Beghtol, C. Ethical decision-making for knowledge representation and organization systems for global use (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)9, p.903-912.

40762005-32-2-0152information science KOS theory 111;211
Given, L.M., Olson, H.A. Knowledge organization in research : a conceptual model for organizing data (Lang.: eng). In: Library and Information Science Research, 25(2003)2, p.157-176.

40772005-32-2-0153information science KOS theory 111;211
Slone, D.J. Internet search approaches : the influence of age, search goals, and experience (Lang.: eng). In: Library and Information Science Research, 25(2003)4, p.403-418.

12231999-0018information science KOS theory facets 111;211;225
Star, S.L. Grounded classification : grounded theory and faceted classification (Lang.: eng). In: Library Trends , 47(1998)2,p.218-232. »» Comparison between gronded theory (a qualitative social science research methodology of Glaser and Strauss)and facet classification (Ranganathan)

38122004-0337ainformation science KOS theory online retrieval problems literature reviews 111;211;751;02
Shiri, A. (Book review of) Knowledge Organization and International Informa­tion Retrieval / ed. by N.J. Williamson and C. Beghtol. - Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 37, 1/2 2003 – ISSN: 01639374 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 31(2004)2, p.116-117.

38132004-0338information science KOS theory online retrieval problems literature reviews 111;211;751;02
Campbell, G. (Book review of) Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment: proceedings of the IFLA Satellite Meeting held in Dublin, OH, 14-16 August 2001 and sponsored by the IFLA Classi­fication and Indexing Section, the IFLA Information Technology Section and OCLC / ed. by I.C. McIlwaine. - München: K.G. Saur, 2003. - ix, 193 p. - ISBN: 3958116349 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 31(2004)2, p.117-118.

21932000-0469categories KOS theory information science 125;211;111
Barite, M.G. The notion of "category": its implications in subject analysis and in the construction and evaluation of indexing languages (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)1/2,p.4-10.

54652008-0008math KO theory KOS theory 131;211
Ma, H.-n., Wu, J.-n., Pan, D.-h. An approach to fuzzy query expansion based on synonymy thesaurus (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 47(2007)3, pp.439-443.

8041998-0180psychological bases use of thesauri KOS theory 151;985;211
Béguin, A. Thesaurus usage and mental development (Lang.: eng). In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.270-276.

9785classification problems KOS theory 172;211
Mai, Jens-Erik. Ethics, values and morality in contemporary library classifications (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge organization, 40(2012)4, pp. 242-253.

9789research on systems KOS theory 184;211
Alexander, Fran. Assessing information taxonomies using epistemology and the sociology of science (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of documentation, 68(2012)5, pp. 725-743.

36812004-0207history of systems construction KOS theory 192;211
Glazier, J.D., Glazier, R.R. Cultural roots of modern classification (Lang.: ). In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.211-215.

15543thesauri KOS theory 214;211
Moreira, Walter . Teoría de la clasificación y ontologías: en busca del diálogo necesario [Classification theory and ontologies: looking for the necessary dialogue] (Lang.: por). In: Scire, 19(2013)2, pp. 69-76..

35302004-0057computer supported construction KOS theory NBM indexing problems 237;211;871
Sacco, G.M. Accessing multimedia infobases through dynamic taxonomies (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 97-102.

8291998-0205indexing principles KOS theory literature reviews 311;211;02
Harvey, R. Book review of From classification to knowledge organization: Dorking revisited or past is prelude/ ed. by A. Gilchrist. - The Hague: FID 1997. - 185 p. - (FID Publication ; 714) - ISBN 9266007141 (Lang.: eng). In: Australian Library Journal, 46(1997)4,p.423-424.

10231998-0399indexing principles KOS theory literature reviews 311;211;02
Furner, J. Book review of From classification to knowledge organization: Dorking revisited or past is prelude / ed. by A. Gilchrist. - The Hague: FID 1997. - 185 p. - (FID Publication ; 714) - ISBN 9266007141 (Lang.: eng). In: Managing Informationl, 5(1998)1/2,p.43.

15381999-0332indexing principles KOS theory literature reviews 311;211;02
Satija, M.P. Book review of From classification to knowledge organization: "Dorking revisited" or "past is prelude" / ed. by A. Gilchrist. - The Hague: FID, 1997. - 185 p. - (FID Publication ; 714) - ISBN: 92660071415 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.56-57.

23762001-0034aboutness KOS theory 321;211
Campbell, G. Queer theory and the creation of contextual subject access tools for gay and lesbian communities (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.122-131.

15391999-0333aboutness KOS theory reviews in special KO fields information sciences 321;211;026-82
McIlwaine, I., Williamson, N.J. International trends in subject analysis research (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.23-29.

8701998-0246UDC KOS theory 42;211
Riesthuis, G.J.A. Zoeken met woorden : Hergebruik van onderwerpsontsluiting [Searching with words: re-use of subject indexing] (Lang.: dut). Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Leerstoelgroep Boek-, Archief- en Informatatiewetenschap, 1998. pp. viii, 186.(BBI-reeks ; 6). Theory of information languages. Decomposition of UDC-notations. - * Doctoral dissertation University of Amsterdam

15751999-0369UDC KOS theory 42;211
Riesthuis, G.J.A. Searching with words : re-use of subject indexing (Lang.: eng). In: Extensions and Corrections to the UDC, 21(1999)p.24-32.

28572001-0515LCSH KOS theory 448;211
Svenonius, E. LCSH : semantics, syntax and specificity (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 29(2000)1/2, p.17-30.

44732006-33-2-0077online retrieval problems KOS theory 751;211
Kwasnik, B.H., Chun, Y.L., Crowston, K., D'Ignazio, J., Rubleske, J. Challenges in ceating a taxonomy of genres of digital documents (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society [see 2006-33-2-0003], p.225-231.

24382001-0096various NBM indexing KOS theory conceptology systems theory 879;211;651/4
Zims, C., Guttmann, D. Structuring Web bibliographic resources : an exemplary subject classification scheme (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.143-159.

45172006-33-2-0121KO profession problems KOS theory 911;211
Van der Walt, M.S. Ethics in indexing and classification (Lang.: eng). In: Wissensorganisation und Verantwortung [see 2006-33-2-0002], p.115-121.

45182006-33-2-0122KO profession problems KOS theory 911;211
Winschiers, H., Fendler, J., Paterson. Nachhaltige Wissensorganisation durch kulturelle Synthese [Lasting knowledge organization by means of cultural synthesis] (Lang.: ger). In: Wissensorganisation und Verantwortung [see 2006-33-2-0002], p.122-128.

49652007-0191bibliographic records KOS theory 944;211
Cantara, L. Encoding controlled vocabularies for the Semantic Web using SKOS Core (Lang.: eng). In: OCLC Systems and Services, 22(2006)2, p.111-115.

9558bibliographic records KOS theory 944;211
Le Boeuf, Patrick. Foreword [of the special issue The FRBR Family of Conceptual Models: Toward a Linked Future, ed. by Richard P. Smiraglia] (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 355-359.

9566bibliographic records KOS theory 944;211
Smiraglia, Richard P. Introduction [to the special issue The FRBR Family of Conceptual Models: Toward a Linked Future, ed. by Richard P. Smiraglia]: be careful what you wish for: lacunae in the FRBR family of models (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 360-368.

11991998-0575KO teaching KOS theory 953;211
García Marco, F.J. Implicaciones teóricas y didácticas de la técnica de los mapas conceptuales para la enseñanza del análisis de contenido y de los lenguajes documentales [Theoretical and pedagogical implications of the conceptual maps technique for teaching of content analysis and indexing languages] (Lang.: spa). In: Organización del Conociemto en Sistemas de Información y Documentación, 2(1997),p.175-186. General factors influencing learning to use UDC. Analysis of different UDC guides and handbooks. Proposal how a good handbook should be organized

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