Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 215 Characteristics and Kinds of Thesauri found the 14 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

4087   2005-32-2-0163kinds of thesauri215
Gilchrist, A. – Thesauri, taxonomies and ontologies : an etymological note (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 59(2003)1, p.7-18.

5471   2008-0014kinds of thesauri215
Mountain, L. – Synonym success – thanks to the thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 51(2008)4, pp.318-325.

6410   2009-0530kinds of thesauri215
Da Silva, Daniela Lucas, Souza, Renato Rocha, Almeida, Maurício Barcellos. – Ontologias e vocabulários controlados: comparação de metodologias para construção [Ontologies and controlled vocabularies: comparison of methodologies for construction] (Lang.: por). - In: Ciencia da informacao, 37(2008)3, pp.60-75.

10787   1994-0857kinds of thesauri215
Zhang, Qi-yu. – On post-controlled vocabulary (Lang.: chi). - In: Libr.& Inform.Serv. (PR China). (1994)1,p.1-4. The paper sets forth the principle and degree of control ofa post-controlled vocabulary, its compiling features and methods (including their differences in control). A structural pattern is proposed called 'classification schedule of terms + alphabetic/permuted display', and retrieval with a post-controlled vocabulary is explained. (Acc.to author)

10788   1994-0858kinds of thesauri215
Zhou, Mingliang. – On the control of descriptor quantities in thesauri (Lang.: chi). - In: Inform.& Pract. (PR China). (1994)4, p.31-35.

11508   1993-0603215, 751
Jones, S.. – A thesaurus data model for an intelligent retrieval system (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Inform.Sci.Vol. 19 No. 3. 1993. p.167-78.

3004   2002-0029kinds of thesaurisoftware for thesauri215;276
Alonso, M.A.L. – Los tesauros conceptuales como herramienta de precision en los sistemas de organizacion cientifica [Conceptual thesauri as precision tools in scientific organisation systems] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecologia, 22(1999)1,p.21-35.

11509   1993-0604215.356
Pollard, R.. – A hypertext-based thesaurus as a subject browsing aid for bibliographic databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& ManagementVol. 29 No. 3. 1993. p.345-357.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

1751997-2-0174indexing principleskinds of thesauri311;215
Van der Vet, P.E. – Online met kennis. On-line with knowledge (Lang.: dut). – In: Online informatie konferentie Nederland 23-24 april 1996 : Lezingen. - Den Haag : NBLC, 1996. - p.115-124. Description of the Condorcet project aiming at more flexible search possibilities by using ontologies

8301998-0206facet analysiskinds of thesauri325;215
Spiteri, L.F. – The use of facet analysis in information retrieval thesauri : an examination of selected guidelines for thesaurus construction (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 25(1997)1, p.21-37.

8311998-0207facet analysiskinds of thesauri325;215
Braslavskii, P.I., Gol'dstein, S.L., Tkachenko, T.Y. – Tezaurus kak sredstvo opisanii sistem znanii (Lang.: rus). – In: Nauchno-Teknichecheskaya Informatsiyaly, 2(1997)11, p.16-22.

8502online retrieval problemskinds of thesauri751;215
Kubik, T. – Role of thesauri in the information management in the web-based services and systems (Lang.: eng). – In: Lecture notes in computer science, 6560(2011), pp. 25-49.

19382000-0214multilingual systems problemskinds of thesauri791;215
Schmitz-Esser, W. – Modèlisation, au moyen d'un thésaurus encyclopédique et plurilingue, des connaissances présentées au cours de l'Exposition Mondialede l'an 2000 [Modelling, by means of a encyclopedic multilingual thesaurus, of knowledge presented at the World Exhibition of the year 2000] (Lang.: fre). – In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 57-69.

8572users requirementskinds of thesauri982;215
Smith, C. A. – Consumer language, patient language, and thesauri: a review of the literature (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Medical Library Association, 99(2011)2, pp. 135-144.

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