Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 226 Descriptors, Keywords, Subject Headings: Properties and Functions found the 74 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

26   1997-1-0026descriptors • 226
Tarszkiewicz, B. – Haslo korporatywne Co? Kiedy? Jak? [Corporate subject headings - what? when? where?] (Lang.: pol). - In: Poradnik bibliotekarza Vol.10 1995, p.22-26.

649   1998-0026descriptors • 226
Klaus, H. – Anregungen zu einer Schlagwort-Verwaltung in elektronischen Bibliothekskatalogen [Suggestions for subject headings administration in electronic library catalogues] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst 1996(30)12,p. 2028-2040.

818   1998-0194descriptors • 226
Witt, M. – Au sujet des mots-clés [On the subject of keywords] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bulletin d'Information de l'Association des Bibliothecaires Français, (1997)3,p.121-123.

1011   1998-0387descriptors • 226
Lu, S.J. – A study on Chinese subject headings (Lang.: chi). - In: Bulletin of the Lbrary Association of China, (1997)59,p.25-42.

4836   2007-0030descriptors • 226
Neelameghan, I.A., Raghavan, K.S. – Semantics of relationships in Knowledge Organization: update 1 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information studies, 12 (2006)2, p.15-122.

5285   2007-0522descriptors • 226
Buizza, P. – (Book review of) Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze. Nuovo soggettario: guida al sistema italiano di indicazzazione per soggetto, prototipo del thesaurus - Milan: Bibliografica, 2007 [National Central Library of Florence. New subject headings: a guide to the Italian system of subject description, prototype of a thesaurus] (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 35(2007)1, p.58-60.

5286   2007-0523descriptors • 226
Soonja Lee Koh, G. – Capturing the intended messages of subject headings as exemplified in The List of Korean Subject Headings (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing & Bibliographic Control, 36(2007)2, p.27-36.

5287   2007-0524descriptors • 226
Ojala, M. – Finding and using the magic words: keywords, thesauri, and free text search (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 31(2007)4, p.40-42.

5288   2007-0525descriptors • 226
Shimada, M. – The revision of the National Diet Library List of Subject Headings (NDLSH), and its future (Lang.: jap). - In: Journal of Information Science and Technology Association (Joho no Kagaku to Gijutsu), 57(2007)2, p.73-78.

5668   2008-0213descriptors • 226
Rotaru, D. – Constituirea Listei de vedete de subiect enciclopedice româneşti (LIVES-RO) - Programul RAMEAU [Building the encyclopedic list of subject headings in Romanian (LIVES-RO) – the RAMEAU Program] (Lang.: rom). - In: Informare şi documentare: lucrări ale sesiunilor profesional : 2007, p.63-65.Bucureşti, Editura Bibliotecii Naţionale a României, 2007.

5669   2008-0214descriptors • 226
Šauperl, A., Rozman, D. – Subject cataloguing at the crossroads : with or without subject heading strings? (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnice za prihodnost : napredek in sodelovanje : zbornik referatov [ Libraries for the future : development and collaboration: proceedings / Professional conference of Union of associations of Slovene Librarians], Portorož, October 22-23, 2007; ed. M. Ambrožič, p.129-150.Ljubljana, Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije, 2007. – ISBN: 9789616683012.

6413   2009-0533descriptors • 226
Kettunen, Kimmo. – Reductive and generative approaches to management of morphological variation of keywords in monolingual information retrieval: an overview (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 65(2009)2, pp.267-290.

6925   descriptors • 226
Flachmann, Holger. – Schlagwortarbeit im HBZ-Verbund: Struktur, Leistung, Perspektiven [Working with subject headings in the HBZ Library Network [ -Westphalia]: structures, achievements, prospects] ] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare 60(2007)4, pp. 37-40.

7879   descriptors • 226
Li, G. et al. – An effective 3-in-1 keyword search method over heterogeneous data sources (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 36(2011)2, pp. 248-266.

8080   descriptors • 226
Codognotto, Piera. – Parola chiave: "Violenza sessuale" [Keyword: Ò€œsexual violenceÒ€] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche oggi, 28(2010)10, pp. 14-19.

8081   descriptors • 226
Fumani, Mohammad Reza. – Key word versus key phrase in manual indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Chinese librarianship, 30(2010), pp. 1-12.

8441   descriptors • 226
Dutta, Bidyarthi, Sen, B.K. – An analytical model to interpret continuous expansion of universe of subjects (Lang.: eng). - In: Annals of library and information science, 58, 2011, 49-54.

8442   descriptors • 226
Guo, Jingchi, Huang, Jie. – Subject headings and subject search: a comparative analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Chinese librarianship: an international electronic journal, 31(2011). 18pp. – Available at http://iclc.us/cliej/cl31.htm

8443   descriptors • 226
McTavish, Jill, Fortier, Alexandre. – A domain-analytic perspective on sexual health in LCSH and RVM (Lang.: eng). - In: Expanding our horizons, evaluating our parameters, [See 06.11-06-16\17], pp. 83-93.

8779   descriptors • 226
Yi, Sangyoon, Choi, Jinho. – The organization of scientific knowledge: the structural characteristics of keyword networks (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 90(2012)3, pp. 1015-1026.

11951   1995-0140descriptors • 226
Rogers, M.N.. – Are we on equal terms? Subject headings concerning women in LCSH, 1975-1991 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources & Technical Services. 37(1993)2,p.181-196. Investigated the way terms related to the feminine gender were given in the volumes of the Library of Congress Subject Headings.

12849   1995-0139descriptors • 226
Gopinath, M.A.. – Descriptors and their role in information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Sci.Slant Doc.Inf.Stud.. 30(1993)3,p.118-123.

13473   1993-0126descriptors • 226
Bkazial, M.. – Subject headings and adequate subject characteristics (Lang.: pol). - In: Zag.Inf.NaukVol. 58 No. 1. 1991. p.155-175.

13487   1996-0987descriptors • 226
Sadowska, J.. – Subject headings of the National Library. Utilise? Change? Reject? (Lang.: pol). - In: Bibliotekarz, No. 4. 1995. p.12-15.

13650   1990-2-115descriptors • 226
Risko, A. – Linguistic interpretation of subject headings (Lang.: slo). - In: Kniz.a ved.inform.Vol.21.No.3.1989.p.99-103.

16540   descriptors • 226
Renault, Leonardo Vasconcelos . – O ato colecionador [The collection act] (Lang.: por). - Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2015. – Available at http://http://www.bibliotecadigital.ufmg.br/dspace/handle/1843/BUBD-9ZLPDN

16669   descriptors • 226
Kim, Eungi . – Γ¬ΒΛœΓ­β€’β„’ Γ¬Β β‚¬Γ«β€žΒΓ¬β€”ΒΓ¬β€žΕ“ Γ¬β€šΒ¬Γ¬Ε‘Β©Γ«ΒΛœΓ«Ε β€ Γͺ¡¬ì‘°ì  Γ¬Β΄Λ†Γ«Β‘ΒΓ¬ΒΛœ Γ¬β€ Ε’Γ­β€˜Ε“Γ¬Β Ε“Γ«β€œΒ€Γ¬β€”Β Γͺ´€í‒œ Γ«ΒΆβ€žΓ¬β€žΒ [Abstracts in Medical Science Journals: An Analysis of Subheadings in Structured Abstracts] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society,47(2016)1, pp.199-216.

16776   descriptors • 226
Kim, Jeong-Hyen. – [A Comparative Analysis of Cataloging Record Related to Korea in the National Libraries of the Main Developing Countries - Focused on 12 Europe and South America Countries] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 47(2016)2, pp. 01-25. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE06703354

17321   descriptors • 226
Losee, Robert M. . – Improving Collection Browsing: Small World Networking and Gray Code Ordering (Lang.: eng). - In: CCQ, 55(2017)4 . – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2017.1292415

17778   descriptors • 226
Burek, Patryka; Loebe, Frankb; Herre, Heinricha. – Fuel: representing function structure and function dependencies with a UML profile for function modeling (Lang.: eng). - In: Applied Ontology, 11(2016)2, pp. 155-203.Amsterdam, IOS Press , 2016. – pp. 48. – Available at http://https://content.iospress.com/articles/applied-ontology/ao167 ISSN: 15700844

10796   1994-0863-1994-0864descriptors • compound descriptors • 226;227
Zhang, Qi-yu; Kunz, M.. – A probe into the Chinese keyword way. Zerlegungskontrolle als Teil der terminologischen Kontrolle in der SWD [Term analysis control as part of the terminological control in the Standard Subject File] (Lang.: chi, ger). - In: Libr.Tribune (PR China). (1993)1,p.3-7. Dialog Bibl.. 6(1994)2,p.14-23.

819   1998-0195descriptors • paradigmatic relationships • word/sentence meaning • 226;242;722
Hudon, M. – A preliminary investigation of the usefulness of semantic relations and of standardized definitions for the purpose of specifying meaning in a thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.139-145.

8274   descriptors • weights • 226;246
An, Xin, Wu, Qing. – Co-word analysis of the trends in stem cells field based on subject heading weighting (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 88(2011)1, pp. 133-144.

7359   descriptors • cluster analysis • special terminology • sport science • information use • 226;252;78-58;981
Zhang, J., Wolfram, D., Wang, P. – Analysis of keywords of sports-related queries using visualization and clustering (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)8, pp. 1550-1571.

7646   descriptors • facet analysis • 226;325
PurgariÄ‑-KuΓ…ΒΎiÄ‑, Branka . – Faceted application of subject terminology (FAST) - nova stremljenja u predmetnom označivanju mreΓ…ΒΎne graΓ„β€˜e [Faceted application of subject terminology (FAST) - the new subject access system suitable for web environment] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 52(2009)1-4, pp.63-74.

1012   1998-0388descriptors • automatic online indexing • 226;347
Hirawa, M. – Role of keywords in the network searching era (Lang.: jap). - In: Igaku Toshokan, 45(1998)2,p.222-227.

6650   2009-0770descriptors • mark-up languages • 226;357
Li, G., et al. – SAIL: Structure-aware indexing for effective and progressive top-k keyword search over XML documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Information sciences, 179(2009)21, pp. 3745-3762.

7152   descriptors • mark-up languages • 226;357
Li, G. et al. – SAIL: Structure-aware indexing for effective and progressive top-k keyword search over XML documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Information sciences, 179(2009)21, pp. 3745-3762.

1013   1998-0389descriptors • LCSH • 226;448
Gerhard, K.H., Su, M.C., Rubens, C.C. – An empirical examination of subject headings for women's studies core materials (Lang.: eng). - In: College & Research Libraries, 59(1998)2,p.130-138.

6926   descriptors • LCSH • theses indexing • 226;448;846
Strader, C. R. – Author-assigned keywords versus Library of Congress Subject Headings: implications for the cataloging of electronic theses and dissertations (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 53(2009)4, pp. 243-50.

9448   descriptors • LCSH • theses indexing • 226;448;846
Schwing, Theda; McCutcheon, Sevim; Maurer, Margaret Beecher. – Uniqueness matters: author-supplied keywords and LCSH in the library catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)8, pp. 903-928.

820   1998-0196descriptors • online systems • 226;752
Wang, D. – Cataloger appraises keyword searching in WorldCat (Lang.: eng). - In: OCLC Newsletter, (1997)227, p.36.

6927   descriptors • OPAC • 226;752.2;934(040)
Oberhauser, Otto. – Praktische Lâsungen für lokale Systematiken (3) : Automatisierte Anzeige der Klassenbenennungen [Practical solutions for local classification schemes (3): Automated display of classification headings] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 60(2007)4, pp. 30-36.

8082   descriptors • online access • 226;753
Li, G. et al. – An effective 3-in-1 keyword search method over heterogeneous data sources (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 36(2011)2, pp. 248-266.

4837   2007-0031descriptors • special terminology • 226;78
Gil-Leiva, I., Alonso-Arroyo, A. – Keywords given by authors of scientific articles in database descriptors (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)8, p.1175-1187.

5034   2007-0263descriptors • data indexing • materials science • general reviews • 226;82-38;021
Kajikawa, Y., Abe, K., Noda, S. – Filling the gap between researchers studying different materials and different methods: a proposal for structured keywords (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 32(2007)6, p.511-524.

5925   2009-0045descriptors • KO metadata • 226;918
Mann, T. – Will Google's keyword searching eliminate the need for LC cataloging and classification? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Library Metadata, 8(2008)2, p.159-168.

5035   2007-0264descriptors • KO in Asia • 226;935
Shimada, M. – The revision of the National Diet Library List of Subject Headings (NDLSH), and its future (Lang.: jap). - In: Journal of Information Science and Technology Association (Joho no Kagaku to Gijutsu), 57(2007)2, p.73-78.

11950   1995-0138226.982
Franz, L.; Powell, J.; Jude, S.; Drabenstott, K.M.. – End-user understanding of subdivided subject headings (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources & Technical Services. 38(1994)3,p.213-226.

11511   1993-0608226.99
Bloomfield, M.. – A look at subject headings: a plea for standardization (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalog.& Classif.Quart.Vol. 16 No. 1. 1993. p.119-123.

13635   1996-0988226.99
Ruchimskaya, E.M.. – Proposals for standardization of subject headings (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchn.-Tekhn.Biblioteki, No. 2. 1996. p.56-64.

10953   1990-1-083226+751
Taylor, A.G. – Research and theoretical considerations in authority control (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol.9.No.3.1989.p.29-56.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

17877conferences • 06;226
Smiraglia, Richard P.. – Bibliocentrism revisited: RDA and FRBR00 (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)5, pp. 296-301.WΓΌrzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. – pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Diagrams

17919KOS theory • descriptors • online retrieval problems • 211;226;751
Kempf, Andreas Oskar; Neubert, Joachim. – The role of thesauri in an open web: a case study of the stw thesaurus for economics (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)3, pp. 160-173.WΓΌrzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. – pp. 14. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Color Photograph, 2 Diagrams, 1 Chart, 1 Graph

16804integrated thesauri • descriptors • 216;226
Gastmeyer, Manuela; Wannags, Max-Michael; Neubert, Joachim. – Relaunch des Standard-thesaurus Wirtschaft - Dynamik in der Wissensrepr?sentation [Relaunch of STW thesaurus for Economics - Dynamics in Knowledge Representation] (Lang.: ger). – In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 67(2016)4, pp. 217-240. After more than 15 years of permanent updating, STW thesaurus for Economics has been completely revised during the last few years, subject by subject. Eventually, the result was published as version 9.0 in the summer of 2015. In the end, more than 750 thesaurus concepts had been added, and nearly 1100 (out of ca. 6000) concepts had been eliminated. In addition, entry terms have been adapted and the systematic structure has been improved. Against this background, the authors give a description how radical subject domain changes are reflected in thesaurus vocabulary, which requirements have to be met by thesaurus maintenance software, and how changes of vocabulary can be published and be held available as Linked Data.

16814integrated thesauri • descriptors • 216;226
Schenk, Jasmin. – Konzept Gender thesaurus: Zur Bedeutung einer gemeinsamen Dokumentationssprache f?r Forschung und Informationseinrichtungen [Gender thesaurus conception: On the significance of sharing a specific gender-sensitive documentary language] (Lang.: ger). – In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung ?sterreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 69(2016)2, pp. 221-235. – Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1628

16826integrated thesauri • descriptors • 216;226
Kessler, Kristof; et al.. – PubPharm - Der Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie [PubPharm - The Specialised Information Service (SIS) for Pharmacy] (Lang.: ger). – In: o-bib - das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 3(2016)3, pp. 1-23. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2016H3S1-23

25152001-0173natural vs. controlled languages • descriptors • 294;226
Sclafani, F. – Controlled subhect heading searching versus keyword searching (Lang.: eng). – In: Technicalities, 19(1999)9,p.7,13-15.

7896automatic classification • descriptors • 348;226
Klassen, M., Paturi, N. – Web document classification by keywords using random forests (Lang.: eng). – In: Communications in computer and information science, 88(2010)2, pp. 256-261.

7699UDC • descriptors • 42;226
Hys, J . – Reguly pragmatyczne Jezyka Hasel Przedmiotowych Biblioteki Narodowej i Uniwersalnej Klasyfikacji Dziesietnej na przykladzie ichstosowania w Przewodniku Bibliograficznym [Pragmatic principles of National Library of Poland subject headings and Universal Decimal Classification as exemplified with the application of these systems in Ò€œPolish National BibliographyÒ€] (Lang.: eng). – In: Przeglad Biblioteczny, 2(2009), pp. 190-200. – Available at http://www.ukrbook.net/UDC_n/st_6.pdf

7700UDC • descriptors • OPAC • 42;226;752.2
Γ…Β apΓ…Β‘eva, N. P. – Primenenie ključeviÒ€ℒh slov pri sistematizacii po UDK dlja èlektronnogo kataloga [The use of keywords in UDC systematic display in an electronic catalogue] (Lang.: rus). – In: Načno-tehničeskaja informacija, Serija 1(2009)9, pp. 22-26.

44652006-33-2-0069special KOS • sociology • descriptors • 661;226
Rodríguez Bravo, B. – The visibility of women in indexing languages (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society [see 2006-33-2-0003], p.413-422.

57712008-0316online systems • descriptors • 752;226
Papadakis, I., Stefanidakis, M., Tzali, A. – Visualizing OPAC subject headings (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)1, p.19-23.

51292007-0362online access • descriptors • 753;226
Garrett, J. – Subject headings in full text environments: the ECCO experiment (Lang.: eng). – In: College and Research Libraries, 68(2007)1, p.69-81.

8159search engines • descriptors • 757;226
Badia, Giovanna. – Google Scholar out-performs many subscription databases when keyword searching (Lang.: eng). – In: Evidence based library and information practice, 5(2010)3, pp. 39-41.

9501998-0326indexing problems • descriptors • 811;226
Revelli, C. I. – ntegrare o sostituire? : Un dilemma per le norme catalografiche [To amalgamate or to replace?: a dilemma for cataloguing] (Lang.: ita). – In: Biblioteche Oggi, 15(1997)8,50-57. Among other topics: keyword search versus subject search

9521998-0328information value of titles • descriptors • 832;226
Voorbij, H. – Een goede titel behoeft geen trefwoord, of toch wel? : een vergelijkend onderzoek titelwoorden-trefwoorden [A good title has no need of subject headings, or does it?: a comparative study of title keywords against subject headings] (Lang.: dut). – In: Informatie Professional, 1(1997)11, p.23-27. In 56 percent of the (random selected) titles subject headings provided additional useful information. 88 percent of the titles could be found via subject headings, 57 percent through titles words

9531998-0329information value of titles • descriptors • 832;226
Voorbij, H. – Titelwoorden - trefwoorden : een vergelijkend onderzoek [Title words - Subject headings: a comparative research] (Lang.: dut). – Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 1997. – pp. 46.

11351998-0511information value of titles • descriptors • 832;226
Xu, H., Lancaster, F.W. – Redundancy and uniqueness of subject access points in online catalogs (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Resources & Technical Services, 42(1998)1,p.61-66. Reports considerable overlap among subject access points provided by title, subject heading and classification notation fields. OPAC's improve precision more than recall

14451999-0239information value of titles • descriptors • 832;226
Voorbij, H. – Title keywords and subject descriptors : a comparison of subject search entries of books in the humanities and social sciences (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Documentation , 54(1998)4,p.466-476.

17479tagging • audio indexing • descriptors • 835;877;226
Ziwon Hyung, Joon-Sang Park, Kyogu Lee. – Utilizing context-relevant keywords extracted from a large collection of user-generated documents for music discovery (Lang.: eng). – In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)5, pp. 1185-1200.

11611998-0537audio indexing • descriptors • 877;226
Winter, K. – Sacherschliessung für Musikalien und Tontrager nach dem RSWK-Musik-Entwurf [Subject cataloguing for musical scores and sound recordings according to the RSWK-Musik-draft version] (Lang.: ger). – In: Forum Musikbibliothek, (1998)1, p.28-36.

29692001-0627bibliographic record display • descriptors • 947;226
Wool, G. – Filing and precoordination : how subject headings are displayed in an online catalogs and why it matters (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 29(2000)1/2, p.91-106.

7587descriptors • 957(380);226
Ricci, Marta. – L'officina del prototipo del nuovo Soggettario italiano [The workshop of the Italian Nuovo Soggettario prototype] (Lang.: ita). – In: I workshop di Teca: 8 focus per le biblioteche; ed. by Waldemaro Morgese & Maria A. Abenante. Rome, AIB, 2010. 373pp.

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