Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 241 General and theoretical Problems of Relationships found the 63 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

346   1997-3-0345relationships problems • 241
Courtial, J.-P. – Le rôle des mots d'indexation dans la mise en évidence de la dynamique d'un domaine scientifique : exemples de l'ethnopsychiatrie et de l'autisme [The role played by index terms to demonstrate the dynamics of a scientific field : examples : ethnopsychiatry and autism] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste : sciences de l'information 34(1997)3. p.135-141.

822   1998-0198relationships problems • 241
Hetzler, B., Harris, W.M., Havre, S., Whitney, P. – Visualizing the full spectrum of document relationships (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.168-175.

823   1998-0199relationships problems • 241
Green, R. – Attribution and relationality (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.328-335.

1536   1999-0330relationships problems • 241
Jochum, U. – Eine Theorie der Verweisung [A theory of cross references] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek. Forschung und Praxis, 22(1998)2, p.235-243. »» Influence of the semantics of references (in formal and subject cataloguing)on the structures of catalogues

1785   2000-0061relationships problems • 241
Bean, C.A. – Mapping down : semantic and structural relationships in user-designated broader-narrower term pairs (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.301-305.

3202   2002-0223relationships problems • 241
Barrière, C. – Hierarchical refinement and representation of the causal relation (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 8(2002)1, p. 91-111.

3203   2002-0224relationships problems • 241
Bertrand-Gastaldy, S. – (Book review of) Relationships in the organization of knowledge / ed.by C.A.Bean and R.Green - Dordrecht ; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001 – ix, 232 p. - (Information and knowledge management; v.2) - ISBN: 0792368134 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)4, p. 208-210.

3348   2003-0022relationships problems • 241
Relationships in the organization of knowledge / ed. by C.A. Bean and R. Green (Lang.: eng). - Dodrecht, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2001. (Information Science and Knowledge Management). * Contents: from 2003-0023 to 2003-0036

3349   2003-0023relationships problems • 241
Green, R. – Relationships in the organization of knowledge: an overview (Lang.: eng). - In: Relationships in the organization of knowledge / ed. by C.A. Bean and R. Green - Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001 - p.3-18.

4243   2005-32-4-0318relationships problems • 241
Oster, U. – Classifying domain-specific intraterm relations : a schema-based approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 12(2006)1, p.1-17.

4840   2007-0036relationships problems • 241
Neelameghan, A. – Ontological categories and semantic relationships (semantic relationships in knowledge organization - update 2) (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Studies, 13(2007)1. p.61-64.

5041   2007-0270relationships problems • 241
Ryoo, J., Saiedian, H. – A framework for classifying and developing extensible architectural views (Lang.: eng). - In: Information and Software Technology, 48(2006)7, p.456-470.

5673   2008-0218relationships problems • 241
Aussenac-Gilles, N., Jacques, M.-P. – Designing and evaluating patterns for relation acquisition from texts with CAMÉLÉON (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 14(2008)1, p.45-73.

5674   2008-0219relationships problems • 241
Mazzocchi, F., Plini, P. – Refining thesaurus relational structure: implications and opportunities (Lang.: eng). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation [see 2008-0171], p.24-34.

5675   2008-0220relationships problems • 241
Sierra, G., Alarcón, R., Aguilar, C., Bach, C. – Definitional verbal patterns for semantic relation extraction (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 14(2008)1, p.74-98.

5929   2009-0049relationships problems • 241
Nasharuddin, N. A., et al. – Visualizer for concept relations in an automatic meaning extraction system (Lang.: eng). - In: VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 38(2008)2, p.232-240.

6653   2009-0773relationships problems • 241
Neelameghan, A. – Tamil figures of speech: categorization (Lang.: eng). - In: Information studies, 15(2009)3, pp. 141-164.

7650   relationships problems • 241
Boteram, Felix, Hubrich, Jessica . – Specifying intersystem relations: requirements, strategies, and issues (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 37(2010)3, pp. 216-222.

8084   relationships problems • 241
Po, L., Sorrentino, S. – Automatic generation of probabilistic relationships for improving schema matching (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 36(2011)2, pp.192-208.

8782   relationships problems • 241
Po, L., Sorrentino, S. – Automatic generation of probabilistic relationships for improving schema matching (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems: semantic integration of data, multimedia and services, 36(2011)2, pp. 192-208.

9013   relationships problems • 241
Szostak, Rick. – Classifying relationships (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)3, pp. 165-178.

9014   relationships problems • 241
Szostak, Rick. – Towards a classification of relationships (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)2, pp. 83-94.

9450   relationships problems • 241
Noruzi, Alireza. – FRBR and Tillett's taxonomy of bibliographic relationships (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)6, pp. 409-416.

9808   relationships problems • 241
Hjørland, Birger. – Citation analysis: a social and dynamic approach to knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 49(2013)6, pp. 1313-1325.

11196   1990-2-122relationships problems • 241
Johansen, Th. – Methods of subject-structure display (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.17.No.1.1990.p.2-7.

15778   relationships problems • 241
Rafferty, Pauline. – Genette, intertextuality, and knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 351-358 (06.14-05-19/22).

16355   relationships problems • 241
Almeida, Mauricio Barcellos; Baracho, Renata Abrantes . – A Theoretical Investigation About The Notion Of Parts And Wholes: Mereological And Meronymic Relations (Lang.: p). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, 8(2014)1/2 . – Available at http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/4247/3086

16458   relationships problems • 241
Viana, Claudio Muniz . – Da concepção ao projeto de execução: a gΓƒΒͺnese documental dos arquivos de arquitetura [From design project to the executive project: the documentary genesis of the architectural records] (Lang.: por). - In: PontodeAcesso 9(2015)2 ,pp. 123-155. – Available at http://www.portalseer.ufba.br/index.php/revistaici/article/view/8328/9847

17221   relationships problems • 241
Weiss, Leila Cristina; Br?scher, Marisa. – Rela??es sem?nticas em tesauros: contribui??es da abordagem pragm?tica [Semantic relationships in thesauri: pragmatic approach contributions] (Lang.: por). - In: InCID: Revista de Ci?ncia da Informa??o e Documenta??o, 7(2016)n. esp, pp. 136-155. – Available at http://www.revistas.usp.br/incid/article/view/99277/118539

17708   relationships problems • 241
Galton, Antony. – On generically dependent entities (Lang.: eng). - In: Applied Ontology, 9(2014)2, pp. 129-153.Amsterdam, IOS Press , 2010. – pp. 24. – Available at http://https://content.iospress.com/articles/applied-ontology/ao133 ISSN: 15700844

18002   relationships problems • 241
TallerΓ₯s, Kim; Dahl, JΓΈrn Helge B.; Pharo, Nils . – User conceptualizations of derivative relationships in the bibliographic universe (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 74(2018)4, pp.894-916. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1108/JD-10-2017-0139

11197   1990-2-123241, 723, 255
Kozlova, I.V. – A probabilistic-statistical model of index terms' semantic relations in a problem-oriented database (Lang.: eng). - In: Avtomatiz.inform.bibl.protsessov v vyssh.shk.1989.p.41-46.Moskva, SU,

824   1998-0200relationships problems • KOS typology • 241;212
Kolmayer, E., Lavandier, J., Roger, D. – Conceptual maps : users navigation through paradigmatic and syntagmatic links (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.372-378.

3363   2003-0037relationships problems • KOS conceptual structures • 241;221
Speel, P.H., Schreiber, G., Van Joolingen, W., Van Heijst, G., Beijer, G. – Conceptual modeling for knowledge-based system (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, (2002)71,p.16-42.

2836   2001-0494relationships problems • hierarchy • 241;224
Tudhope, D., Harith, H., Jones, C. – Augmenting thesaurus relationships : possibilities for retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Digital Information, 1(2000)8. – Available at http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/Articles/v01/i08/Tudhope/

4439   2006-33-2-0043relationships problems • hierarchy • 241;224
Bean, C.A. – Hierarchical relationships used in mapping between knowledge structures (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society [see 2006-33-2-0003], p.389-394.

347   1997-3-0346relationships problems • indexing principles • aboutness • indexing in • human sciences • 241;311;321;88-5
Green, R. – The role of relational structures in indexing for the humanities (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization 24(1997)2. p.72-83. Plea for frame-based indexing for the humanities

480   1997-4-0481relationships problems • indexing principles • aboutness • indexing in • human sciences • 241;311;321;88-5
Green, R. – The role of relational structures in indexing for the humanities (Lang.: eng). - In: Information services & use 17 (1997)2/3. p.85-100. Plea for frame-based indexing for the humanities

7364   relationships problems • text compression • 241;736
Mengle, Saket S. R., Goharian, Nazli. – Detecting relationships among categories using text classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)5, pp. 1046-1061.

481   1997-4-0482relationships problems • online systems • 241;752
Hartwieg, G. – Ordnung ist gut, Kontext ist besser - zur Sacherschliessung im OPAC [Order is good, context is better - on the subject cataloguing for the OPAC] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis 21 (1997)3. p.339-342. Discussion on the importance of context-relations compared with the ordering relations broader and narrower term

652   1998-0029relationships problems • online systems • 241;752
Greenberg, J. – Reference structures: stagnation, progress, and future (Lang.: ). - In: Information Technology and Libraries 1997(16)3,p. 108-119.

1016   1998-0392relationships problems • online access • semantics problems • 241;753;721
Gödert, W., Lepsky, K. – Semantische Umfeldsuche in Information Retrieval. Semantic context searching in information retrieval [Semantische Umfeldsuche in Information Retrieval. Semantic context searching in information retrieval] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 45(1998)4,p.401-423.

5291   2007-0528relationships problems • lexicon problems • 241;761
Mortchev-Bouveret, M. – Fonctions lexicales pour le typage de relations syntagmatiques et paradigmatiques : une approche lexicographique du terme [Lexical functions for the characterisation of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations : a lexicographic approach to terms] (Lang.: fre). - In: Terminology, 12 (2006)2, p.235-259.

9015   relationships problems • bibliographic description • 241;946
Morse, T. – Mapping relationships: examining bibliographic relationships in sheet maps from Tillett to RDA (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 50(2012)4, pp. 225-248.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

8426thesauri • relationships problems • 214;241
Poli, Roberto. – Ontology as categorical analysis (Lang.: eng). – In: Classification & ontology, [see 06.11-9-19/20], pp. 145-157.

8427thesauri • relationships problems • notation • 214;241;26
Soegel, Dagobert. – Towards a relation ontology for the Semantic Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Classification & ontology, [see 06.11-9-19/20], p.159.

16838integrated thesauri • relationships problems • 216;241
Weiss, Leila Cristina; Br?scher, Marisa. – Rela??es sem?nticas em tesauros: contribui??es da aboRDAgem pragm?tica [Semantic relationships in thesauri: pragmatic approach contributions] (Lang.: por). – In: InCID: Revista de Ci?ncia da Informa??o e Documenta??o, 7(2016)1, pp. 136-155. – Available at http://www.revistas.usp.br/incid/article/view/99277

12341999-0029KOS conceptual structures • preconditions for construction • relationships problems • 221;231;241
Byrne, C.C., McCracken, S.A. – An adaptive thesaurus empoying semantic distance, relational inheritance and nominal compound interpretation for linguistic support of information retrieval (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Information Science , 25(1999)2,p.113-131.

15291999-0323KOS conceptual structures • relationships problems • 221;241
Schmitz-Esser, W. – Thesaurus and beyond : an advanced formula for linguistic engineering and information retrieval (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.10-22. »» A new approach to thesaurus design and construction. Propose a number of new standard relations

12351999-0030hierarchy • relationships problems • 224;241
Bean, C. – The semantics of hierarchy (Lang.: eng). – In: Information Studies , (19984,p.217-219. * Paper presented to the 5th International Conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO), Lille (France), Aug. 1998

12361999-0031hierarchy • relationships problems • 224;241
Bean, C. – The semantics of hierarchy (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1984),p.158-160. * Paper presented to the 5th International Conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO), Lille (France), Aug. 1998

22132000-0489preconditions for construction • relationships problems • mark-up languages • 231;241;357
Umstätter, W. – Wissensorganisation mit Hilfe des semiotischen Thesaurus - auf der Basis von SGML bzw. XML [Knowledge organization with the help of the semiotic thesaurus - based on SMGL resp. XML] (Lang.: ger). – In: Globalisierung und Wissensorganisation[see 2000-0457], p.237-249.

15411999-0335co-ordinate indexing • relationships problems • 334;241
Bodoff, D., Kambil, A. – Partial coordination. : I. The best of pre-coordination and post-coordination (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(1998)14, p.1254-1269.

15421999-0336co-ordinate indexing • relationships problems • 334;241
Kambil, A., Bodoff, D. – Partial coordination. : II. A preliminary evaluation and failure analysis (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(1998)14, p.1270-1282.

62152009-0335hypermedia • facets • relationships problems • online access • 356;225;241;753
Lima, Gercina Ângela Borém Oliveira. – Hypertext model - HTXM: a model for hpertext organization of documents (Lang.: eng). – In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 177-183.

8711998-0247UDC • relationships problems • 42;241
Dumitrăşconiu, C. – Relaţia in Clasificarea Zecimală Universală : Tabela 1(b) [On the relation in the UDC: Tabel 1(b)] (Lang.: rom). – In: Biblioteca, 9(1998)1 p. 13-15. On the irreversible relation (double colon)

8299DDC • relationships problems • 43;241
Green, Rebecca. – See-also relationships in the Dewey Decimal Classification (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization 38(2011)4, pp. 335-341.

8481DDC • relationships problems • 43;241
Green, Rebecca. – See-also relationships in the Dewey Decimal Classification (Lang.: eng). – In: Expanding our horizons, evaluating our parameters, [See 06.11-06-16\17], pp. 41-51. Also pub. in Knowledge organization, 38(2011)4, pp. 333-241

62242009-0344DDC • classing • relationships problems • 43;332;241
Green, Rebecca. – Making visible hidden relationships in the Dewey Decimal Classification: how relative index terms relate to DDC (Lang.: eng). – In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 8-14.

33862003-0061grammatical problems • relationships problems • 745;241
Bean, C.A., Green, R. – Improving subject retrieval with frame representation (Lang.: eng). – In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.114-121.

9431998-0319dictionary construction • thesaurus construction • relationships problems • 763;235;241
Rahmstorf, G. – Concept structures for large vocabularies (Lang.: eng). – In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.198-204.

14241999-0218multilingual systems problems • relationships problems • 791;241
Neelameghan, A. – Lateral relations and links in multicultural, multimedia databases in the spiritual and religious domeins : some observations (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)4,p.147-152. * Paper presented to the 5th International Conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO), Lille (France), Aug. 1998

9551bibliographic records • relationships problems • 944;241
Arsenault, Clément; Noruzi, Alireza. – Analysis of work-to-work bibliographic relationships through FRBR: a Canadian perspective (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 641-652.

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