Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 47 On the Library Bibliographical Classification found the 6 items below.       [new search]

  This topic is also covered in articles from ISKO Encyclopedia of KO:

Items on this class as the base theme

16488   BBK47
Drei grosse deutsche Verbünde und Ex Libris arbeiten gemeinsam an einer auf Alma basierenden Common Bibliographic Data Zone [Three big German library networks and Ex Libris collaborate to create an Alma-based Common Bibliographic Data Zone] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 49(2015)9, pp. 934-937.

13570   1990-2-21847.22
Sadovaya, A.N. – Perfecting common auxiliaries of race and nationality in the BBC (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauch.katalogiz.lit.i org.katalogov.1988.p.81-94.Moskva, SU,

13571   1990-2-21947.274
Fadiceva, E.N. – The adaptation of the Soviet Library-Bibliographical Classification in the GDR (Lang.: rus). - In: Bibliotekoved.bibliogr.rub.No.120.1989.p.53-57.

13572   1990-2-22047.489
Sapocnik, E. – The LBC tables for children's libraries (Lang.: rus). - In: Bibliotekar' (Moskva).No.2.1989.p.48-49.

13594   1993-026347.984
Goltvinskaya, T.S.. – Use of the Library Bibliographic Classification in foreign countries. The 4th International Conference, Moscow, Oct.9-13, 1989 (Lang.: rus). - In: Bibliotekoved.bibliogr.rub. No. 129. 1991. p.107-113.

13119   1990-2-22147.989
Helbig, G. – Das Projekt "Klassifikation für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken" [The project "Classification for Scientific Libraries"] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zbl.Bibl.wes.Vol.104.No.5.1990.p.213-216.



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