Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 715 Formalisation of Natural Language. Artificial Intelligence. Expert Systems in General found the 57 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

703   1998-0080language formalisation • 715
Dubey, Y.P. – Expert systems and their application in library and information science (Lang.: ). - In: DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology 1996(16)4,p. 3-7.

704   1998-0081language formalisation • 715
Singh, D.K.; Singh, B.K. – Expert systems and their application in library and information systems (Lang.: ). - In: DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology 1996(16)4,p. 9-12.

705   1998-0082language formalisation • 715
Williams, J.G.; Sochats, K. – Application of expert agents/assistants in library and information systems (Lang.: ). - In: DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology 1996(16)4,p. 19-32.

1080   1998-0456language formalisation • 715
Arteméva, I.L., Gavrilova, T.L., Kleschev, A.S. – Logicheskie modeli vtorogo poryadka dlya predmetnykh oblastei [Second order logical models of subject areas] (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-Technicheskaya Informatsiya. Series 2, 2(1997)6,p.14-30. Mathematical model of expert systems considered as knowledge bases represented through semantic networks. Includes assumptions about subject areas and their components

2245   2000-0521language formalisation • 715
El-Korany, A., [et al.]. – An approach for automating the verification of KADS-based expert systems (Lang.: eng). - In: New View of Applied Expert Systems, 4(1998),p.107-123.

5096   2007-0329language formalisation • 715
Ahn, H., Kim, K., Han, I. – Global optimization of feature weights and the number of neighbors that combine in a case-based reasoning system (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert Systems, 23(2006)5, p.290-301.

5097   2007-0330language formalisation • 715
Triska, R. – Artificial intelligence, classification theory and the uncertainty reduction process (Lang.: eng). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.479-483.

5346   2007-0583language formalisation • 715
Ahn, H., Kim, K., Han, I. – Global optimization of feature weights and the number of neighbors that combine in a case-based reasoning system (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert Systems, 23(2006)5, p.290-301.

5987   2009-0107language formalisation • 715
Dhanapal, R. – An intelligent information retrieval agent (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-Based Systems, 21(2008)6, p.466-470.

5988   2009-0108language formalisation • 715
Wei, L., Shuguang, H. – Design and implementation of organization expert search system (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 27(2008)5, p.657-663.

6705   2009-0825language formalisation • 715
Mestl, Thomas, et al. – Time challenges - challenging times for future information search (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib magazine, 15(2009)5/6. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/may09/mestl/05mestl.html

6706   2009-0826language formalisation • 715
Roussinov, Dmitri, Turetken, Ozgur. – Exploring models for semantic category verification (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 34(2009)8, pp. 673-685.

6973   language formalisation • 715
Nguyen, Philip H. P., et al. – Meta-relation and ontology closure in conceptual structure theory (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial intelligence and law, 17(2009)4, pp. 291-320.

7914   language formalisation • 715
Kettunen, K., McNamee, P., Baskaya, F . – Using syllables as indexing terms in full-text information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications, 219(2010), pp.225-232.

8123   language formalisation • 715
Conrad, Jack G. – E-discovery revisited: the need for artificial intelligence beyond information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial intelligence and law, 18(2010)4, pp. 321-345.

8305   language formalisation • 715
Silva, Joao, et al. – From symbolic to sub-symbolic information in question classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial intelligence review, 35(2011)2, pp. 137-154.

10138   1990-1-230language formalisation • 715
Jüttner, G.; Güntzer, U. – Methoden der künstlichen Intelligenz für Information Retrieval [Methods of artificial intelligence for information retrieval] (Lang.: ger). - München, DE, K.G.Saur, 1988. – pp. 254 . – ISBN: 3598107846.

10643   1993-0295language formalisation • 715
Frappalo, C.. – Artificial intelligence and text retrieval: a current perspective on the state of the art (Lang.: eng). - In: Williams, M.E.(Ed.)13th Natl.Inform.Meeting. 1992. p.113-114.Medford, NJ, Learned Inform.,

10909   1990-0968language formalisation • 715
Kirsh, D. – Foundations of AI: The big issues (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence.Vol.47.No.1-3.1991.p.3-30. Five fundamental issues are discussed and explained with their implications

10911   1990-0969language formalisation • 715
Lenat, D.B.; Feigenbaum, E.A. – On the threshold of knowledge (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence.Vol.47.No.1-3.1991.p.185-250. Three major findings and hypotheses of AI are discussed: 1) The Knowledge Principle, 2) the Breadth Hypothesis, and 3) AI as empirical inquiry

10912   1990-0970language formalisation • 715
Smith, B.C. – The owl and the electronic encyclopedia (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence.Vol.47.No.1-3.1991.p.251-288. A critical comment on the article by D.B.Lenat and E.A.Feigenbaum, see entry above

11023   1990-1-228language formalisation • 715
Dascal, M. – Artificial Intelligence and philosophy: the knowledge of representation (Lang.: eng). - In: Syst.Res.Vol.6.No.1.1989.p.39-52.

11669   1993-0968language formalisation • 715
Kirsh, D.. – Foundations of AI: The big issues (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 47. No. 1-3. p.3-30. Five fundamental issues are discussed and explained with their implications.

11671   1993-0969language formalisation • 715
Lenat, D.B.; Feigenbaum, E.A.. – On the threshold of knowledge (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 47. No. 1-3. p.185-250. Three major findings and hypotheses of AI are discussed: 1) The Knowledge Principle, 2) the Breadth Hypothesis, and 3) AI as empirical inquiry.

11672   1993-0970language formalisation • 715
Smith, B.C.. – The owl and the electronic encyclopedia (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 47. No. 1-3. p.251-288. A critical comment on the article by D.B.Lenat and E.A.Feigenbaum, see entry above.

12300   1995-0855language formalisation • 715
Horton, F.W.Jr. – Some speculations on knowing, learning and artificial intelligence (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Forum Inform.Doc. Vol. 20. No. 1. 1995. p.8-15. Provocative opinions offered to start and enliven a dialogue between representatives from the field of artificial intelligence and library and information science

12741   1996-1179language formalisation • 715
Krämer, S.. – Mind, symbolism, formalism: Is Leibniz a precursor of Artificial Intelligence? (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 2. 1996. p.84-87.

12742   1996-1180language formalisation • 715
MacLennan, A.. – Book review of Steels, L., Brooks, R.(Eds.): The Artificial Life Route to Artificial Intelligence: Building Embodied, Situated Agents. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawreence Erlbaum 1995. 288p. (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 47, No. 6. 1996. p.482-3.

12743   1996-1181language formalisation • 715
Nissan, E.; Shimony, S.E.. – Tambalocoque: for a formal account of the gist of a scholarly argument (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 23, No. 3. 1996. p.135-146.

13242   1995-0470language formalisation • 715
Neumaier, O. – Was hat 'Künstliche Intelligenz' mit Ethik zu tun? [In what sense has Artificial Intelligence to deal with Ethics?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Conceptus. Vol. 27. No. 70. 1994. p.41-76. The relevance of ethical considerations for AI is discussed in two respects: on the one hand with regard to the consequences one has to coe with when dealing with computer systems that are considered 'intelligent' and, on the other had with questions of. responsibility which arises when such systems are used

13322   1996-1178language formalisation • 715
Hoffmann, A.. – Auf der Suche nach den Prinzipien der künstlichen Intelligenz [Searching for the principles of Artificial Intelligence] (Lang.: ger). - In: Künstl.Intelligenz, No. 6. 1995. p.35-41.

16576   language formalisation • 715
Jochim, Charles. – Natural language processing and information retrieval methods for intellectual property analysis (Lang.: eng). - Stuttgart, Germany, UniversitÀt Stuttgart , 2014. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:93-opus-96346

17196   language formalisation • 715
Vila Suero, Daniel. – Un marco para la generaci?n , el acceso y la explotaci?n de dastos bibliotecarios basados en la ontolog [A framework for ontology-Based Library data generation, access and esplotation] (Lang.: sp). - In: Database Teseo.Espa?a, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid, 7/27/2016. – Available at http://www.educacion.gob.es/teseo/mostrarRef.do?ref=1294842

17425   language formalisation • 715
Santos, Jadson; Andrade, Felipe; Jorge, Eduardo Manuel de Freitas; Jo?o Batista, Hugo Saba. – Redes complexas de hom?nimos para an?lise sem?ntica textual [Homonyms's Complex Networks to Semantic Analysis Textual] (Lang.: por). - In: Informa??o&Informa??o, 22(2017)1, pp. 293-305. – Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/24769/21060

18960   language formalisation • 715
Xiaoxia Wang; Xiaozhong Xu; Jiarui Zhang; Yue Zhu; Yuhang Fan; Pengjing Xu. – Research on Intelligent Construction Algorithm of Subject Knowledge Thesaurus Based on Literature Resources (Lang.: eng). - In: 2021 4th International Symposium on Big Data and Applied Statistics (ISBDAS 2021), 21-23 May 2021 ,1955(2021), pp. 012038 (10 pp.).

18862   language formalisation • 715; 947
PlΓΌss, Rebekka; Sieber, Christian. – Digitalisierungsprojekte des Staatsarchivs ZΓΌrich mit Einsatz von Machine-Learning-Verfahren [Digitization projects of the Zurich State Archives using machine learning methods] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 40(2020)3, pp. 218-228. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2020-2018

1303   1999-0098language formalisation • literature reviews • 715;02
Wijnands, P. – Book review of Otman, G.: Les réprésentations sémantiques en terminologie. - Paris; Milan; Barcelona: Masson, 1996. - viii,216 p. - ISBN: 2225853886 (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology , 4(1997)1,p.168-171.

7720   language formalisation • hierarchy • 715;224
Rahman, M. K., Chow, T. W. – Content-based hierarchical document organization using multi-layer hybrid network and tree-structured features (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert systems with applications, 37(2010)4, pp. 2874-2881.

2389   2001-0047language formalisation • language processing • 715;732
McKevitt, P., Partridge, D., Wilks, Y. – Why machines should analyse intention in natural language dialogue (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 51(1999)5,p.947-989.

532   1997-4-0533language formalisation • NLP methods • 715;733
Rau, L.F. – Conceptual information extraction and retrieval from natural language input (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.527-533. Orig. publ. in: RIAO 88. Paris : Centre des Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaire, 1988. p.424-437

533   1997-4-0534language formalisation • NLP methods • 715;733
Marsh, E. – A production rule system for message summarisation (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.534-537. Orig. publ. in: Proceedings of the American association for artificial intelligence. Cambridge, MA: AAAI Press/MIT Press, 1984. p.243-246

64   1997-1-0063language formalisation • search engines • 715;757
Narasimhamurthi, N. – Intelligent information retrieval: an introduction (Lang.: eng). - In: Information studies Vol.2, No.2 1996,p.75-84. Applicability of artificial intelligence to online information retrieval

410   1997-3-0410language formalisation • search engines • 715;757
Lancaster, F.W. – Artificial intelligence, expert systems and the digital library (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information, Communication, and Library Science 3(1996)2. p.3-14.

1081   1998-0457language formalisation • search engines • 715;757
Zainab, A.N., De Silva, S.M. – Expert systems in library and information services : publication trends, authorship patterns and expressiveness of published titles (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 24(1998)5,p.313-336. Overview of 679 references on expert systems in library and information services

3234   2002-0255language formalisation • search engines • 715;757
Jones, K.S. – Information retrieval and artificial intelligence (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence, 114(1999)1/2, p. 257-281.

3582   2004-0109language formalisation • search engines • 715;757
Zhang, L., Pan, Y., Zhang, T. – Focused named entity recognition using machine learning (Lang.: eng). - In: SIGIR'04. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval [see 2004-0005], p. 281-288.

13066   1990-1-227715.95
Das KI-Angebot in Österreich [Artificial Intelligence taught at Austrian universities] (Lang.: ger). - In: Künstl.Intelligenz.No.3.1989.p.41-46.

11024   1990-1-229715+757
Hsieh, C.; Hall, W. – Survey of artificial intelligence and expert systems in library and information science literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Technol.& Librs.Vol.8.No.2.1989.p.209-214.

13420   1990-2-245conceptology • information sciences • 7158-51/4,-68,-82
Kumagai, N. – Application of Artificial Intelligence (Lang.: jap). - In: Online Kensaku.Vol.10.No.3.1989.p.107-116.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

7931998-0169structures • language formalisation • 112;715
Mylopoulos, J., Jurisica, J., Yu, E. – Computational mechanisms for knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). – In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.125-132. >>Knowledge organization techniques used in computer science, in areas such as artificial intelligence, databases and software engineering

7354thesauri • language formalisation • 214;715
Zheng, H-T., Borchert, C., Kim, H-G. – Exploiting corpus-related ontologies for conceptualizing document corpora (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)11, pp. 2287-2299.

8141998-0190KOS comparison • language formalisation • 219;715
O'Leary, D.E. – Using AI in knowledge management : knowledge bases and ontologies (Lang.: eng). – In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, (1998)May/June,p.34-39.

26622001-0320facets • language formalisation • 225;715
Binwal, J.C., Lalhmachhuana. – Knowledge representation : concept, techniques and the analytico-synthetic paradigm (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)1, p.5-16.

26742001-0332hypermedia • language formalisation • search engines • 356;715;757
Subbotin, M.M. – Intellektual'nye tekhnologii poiska i obrabotki tekstovoi informatsii kak instrument podderzhki analiticheskoi deyatel'nosti [Application of artificial intelligence tools to processing of text information for analytical studies] (Lang.: rus). – In: Nauchno-Teknicheskaya Informatsiya. Series 1, (1999)11, p.5-10.

26942001-0352UDC • language formalisation • 42;715
Srimurugan, A. – An expert system for generation of UDC class numbers : an investigation (Lang.: eng). – In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 23(2000), p.25-30.

10731998-0449special KOS • law • language formalisation • 666;715
Lopéz Alonso, M.A. – Adquisición intelligente del conocimiento jurídico [Intelligent acquisition of juridical knowledge] (Lang.: spa). – In: Organización del Conociemto en Sistemas de Información y Documentación, 2(1997),p.225-240.

9371998-0313search engines • language formalisation • 757;715
Silva, S.M. De. – A review of expert systems in library and information science (Lang.: eng). – In: Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 2(1997)2, p.57-92. A overview of 422 publishhed sources on expert systems in library and information science

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