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class 761 General and theoretical Problems
found the 43 items below.
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Baayen, H., Sproat, R. Estimating lexical priors for low-frequency morphological ambigous forms (Lang.: eng). - In: Computational linguistics Vol.22, No.2 1996, p. 155-166. Painter, D. Dictionary as database (Lang.: eng). - In: Information management & technology 29(1996)2. p. 66-68. Putting the Oxford English Dictionary on to CD-ROMPilke, N. Two lexicographical traditions without contact (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology science & Research, 8(1997)1/2,p.5-20. Robinson, R.L., Stubbs, K.L. Dictionaries (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. by M.A. Drake. - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. - Vol. 2, p.850-872. »» Overview of the main one-language and multi-language dictionariesGrabar, N., Zweigenbaum, P. Lexically-based terminology structuring (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 10(2004)1, p.23-53. The structure of the linguistic world of concepts and its representation in dictionaries / E. Wüster ; selected and translated by J.C. Sager (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 10(2004)2, p.281-306. * Translation of Die Struktur der Sprachlichen Begriffswelt. Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), Bad Godesberg, 1959. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1963. p.415-443Majsuradze,Yu.F.(Ed). Theory and practice of scientific and technical lexicography: Collected papers (Lang.: rus). - Moskva, SU, Russ.Yaz, 1988. pp. 304. Bindi, R.; Calzolari,N.; Monachini,M.; Pirrelli,V.; Zampolli. Corpora and computational lexica. Integration of different methodologies of lexical knowledge acquisition. Literary & Ling.Computing. 9(1994)1,p.29-46 (Lang.: eng). - Picht, H. Lexicography - LSP Lexicograpby - Terminography (Lang.: eng). - In: IITF Journal. Vol. 6. No. 1. 1995. p.19-38. Zobel, J.; Dart, P.. Finding approximate matches in large lexicons (Lang.: eng). - In: Software: Pract.& Experience. Vol. 25, No. 3. 1995. p.331-345. It is shown how to use string matching techniques in conjunction with lexicon indexes to find approximate matches in a large lexicon. (Authors, abbr.)Rakhilina, E.V.. Lexical meaning and coomunicative structure: a statement of problems (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauch.-tekhn.inform., Ser.2. (1992)6, ,p.27-30. Considers the level of sentences and text and the level of compounds.Grinev, S.V. Terminography: theoretical principles (Lang.: ). - Zhdanova, G.S.; Mel'nikova, M.:, Tsveetkova, V.A. An approach to the developments of a system of dictionaries (Lang.: ). - Lejchik, V.M. Terminological dictionaries: an attempt of classification (Lang.: ). - Dolgov, I.A.; Sergeev, Yu.A. Lexicographic description of term collocations (Lang.: ). - Nikitina, S.E. Toward the problem of term description in a systematic explanatory terminological dictionary (Lang.: ). - Shajkevich, A.Ya.; Ubin, I.I. Translator's and scientist's view of the bilingual terminological dictionary (Lang.: ). - Smirnov, I.P. Terminological inventory collections (Lang.: ). - Ubin, I.I. An automatic dictionary as a means of automation of lexicographic work (Lang.: ). - Akhmedzhanov, M.S.; Zhelannova, I.I., Korolev, E.I.et al. Lingware for a computerised term databank (Lang.: ). - Gorodetskij, B.Yu.; Zajtseva, O.V., Zevakhin, T.S., Saburova, I.G. Term databank: New technology in lexicography (Lang.: ). - Tijts, M.; Kull', R. An Estonian term databank: Objectives and perspectives (Lang.: ). - Mel'nikova, M.M.; Cherkasova, G.M., Potapov, I.I.et al. Lexical field structure of basic dictionaries in chemistry and chemical engineering (Lang.: ). - Siforov, V.I.; Chapovskij, A.L. Progress in scientific-technical terminology at the present stage of the scientific and technological revolution (Lang.: ). - Averbukh, K.Ya. Terminography: Traditional and specific aspects (Lang.: ). - Volkova, N.I.; Smirnova, V.P. On creating a disciplinary fund of terms (Lang.: ). - Mushtenko, G.A. Development of a terminological dictionary: Seloection of the vocabulary (Lang.: ). - Gaudin, F.. Terminologie et transfert de connaissances: ナ propos de dictionnaires scientifiques (Lang.: ). - Alves, Ieda Maria; Jesus, Ana Maria Ribeiro de; Oliveira, Luciana Pissolato de; Pereira, Eliane SimΓΒ΅. Os estudos lexicais em diferentes perspectivas, v. 2 (Lang.: por). - SΓΒ£o Paulo, Brazil, FFLCH/USP, 2010. pp. 213. ISBN13: 9788575061725. A selection of papers presented at the Fifth Colloquium on The Lexical Studies in Different Perspectives, held at the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras d CiΓΒͺncias Humanas, Universidade de SΓΒ£o Paulo, Brazil, in 05th and 06th November 2009.Anguiano PeΓΒ±a, Gilberto; Naumis PeΓΒ±a, Catalina. ExtracciΓΒ³n de candidatos a tΓΒ©rminos de un corpus de la lengua general [Extraction of candidate terms from a corpus of non-specialized, general language] (Lang.: spa). - In: InvestigaciΓΒ³n BibliotecolΓΒ³gica,29(2015)67, pp.19-45. Available at Siegel, Melanie. [book review of:] M?ller-Spitzer, Carolin; Klosa, Annette: Internetlexikografie - Ein Kompendium. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016. [Internet lexicography - A compendium] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 68(2017)2/3, pp. 199-200. Available at Blake, G.E.; Bray, T., Tompa, F.W. Shortening the OED: experience with a grammar-defined database (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Transact.on Inform.Syst.Vol.10.No.3.1992.p.213-232. Blake, G.E.; Bray, T., Tompa, F.W.. Shortening the OED: experience with a grammar-defined database (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Transact.on Inform.Syst.. Vol. 10. No. 3. p.213-232. Hass, S.W.. Covering the vocabulary of technical abstracts using standard and specialized dictionaries (Lang.: eng). - In: Interlending & Document SupplyVol. 18 No. 5. 1992. p.363-73. Stavri, P.Z. Book review of: Automating the lexicon : research and practice in a multilingual environment / ed. by D.E. Walker, A. Zampolii, N. Calzolari. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. - 413 p. - ISBN: 0198239505 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(1998)1,p.380-381. Boulanger, J.C., Sager, J.C. (Book review of) A practical guide to lexicography. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2003. - (Terminology and Lexigraphy Reseach and Practice, 6) ISBN: 9027223300 (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 10(2004)2, p.315-. Byrum, Jr., J.D. Recommendations for urgently needed improvement of OPAC and the role of the National Bibliographic Agency in achieving it (Lang.: eng). - In: World Library and Information Congress: 71th IFLA General Conference and Council Libraries - A voyage of discovery August 14th - 18th 2005, Oslo, Norway.124-E [electron.], Available at Paducheva, E.V. Semanticheskie roli i problema sokhraneniya invariante pri leksicheskoi derivatsii The role of semantics and the issues of invariant conservation in lexical derivation (Lang.: ). - In: Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya. Series 2 19971,p. 18-30. Gómez González-Jover, A. Meaning and anisomorphism in modern lexicography (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 12 (2006)2, p.215-234. Temmerman, R. Why traditional terminology theory impedes a realistic description of categories and terms in the life sciences (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology ; 5(1998/1999)1,p.77-92.
Further items on this class as a particular theme Baayen, R.H., Lieber, R. Word frequency distributions and lexical semantics (Lang.: eng). In: Computers and the Humanities, 31(1997)4,p.281-291. >>Relation between meaning, lexical productivity and frequency of useMortchev-Bouveret, M. Fonctions lexicales pour le typage de relations syntagmatiques et paradigmatiques : une approche lexicographique du terme [Lexical functions for the characterisation of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations : a lexicographic approach to terms] (Lang.: fre). In: Terminology, 12 (2006)2, p.235-259. Hermans, A. Analyse de la valeur des dictionaires spécialisés [Evaluation of specialized dictionaries] (Lang.: fre). In: Cahiers de la Documentation 50(1996)3. p.72-74.
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