Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 794 Translation of Classification Systems and Thesauri found the 11 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

8871   KOS translation794
Neelameghan, A., Lalitha, S. K. – English-Tamil bilingual thesaurus hyperlinked to an online Tamil-English lexicon to support classical Tamil studies: application of Winisis and GSDL (Lang.: eng). - In: Information studies, 17(2011)4, pp. 225-242.

9333   KOS translation794
Gupta, P., Barron-Cedeno, A., Rosso, P. – Cross-language high similarity search using a conceptual thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, 7488(2012), pp. 67-75.

9334   KOS translation794
ProkopÄÂik, Marija. – Daugiakalbių tezaurų rengimas ir adaptavimas: Lietuvos duomenų archyvo Lida atvejis [Construction and use of multilingual thesauri: the case of the LIDA Lithuanian data archive] (Lang.: lit). - In: Informacijos Mokslai / Information sciences, 57(2011), pp. 55-73.

12793   1996-1260794, 43, 44, 273
Soltani, P.. – Translation and expansion of classification systems in the Arab countries and Iran (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Cat.& Bibliogr.Control. Vol. 25, No. 1. 1996. p.13-15.

1636   1999-0430KOS translationUDC794;42
Frâncu, V. – Language barriers and bridges : a comparative study on three UDC editions (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and Corrections to the UDC, 19(1997)p.19-26.

3627   2004-0153KOS translationDDC794;43
Kwasnik, B.H., Chun, Y.L. – Translation of classifications : issues and solutions as exemplified in the Korean Decimal Classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 193-198.

6395   2009-05157942
Singh, Pramod Kumar. – Library cataloguing in computer age (Lang.: eng). - Delhi, RajBhasha Pustak Pratishthan, 2008. – pp. Viii, 272. – ISBN: 8188613014.

6894   7942
Oberhauser, Otto. – (Book review of) Walther Umstätter and Roland Wagner-Döbler. Einführung in die Katalogkunde: vom Zettelkatalog zur Suchmaschine. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2005. xi, 172 p. ISBN 978-3-7772-0506-9 [Introduction to library catalogues: from card catalogues to search engines] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 58(2005)3, pp. 100-102. – Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/7411/

7053   7942
Academic library cataloging practices benchmarks. 2009 ed (Lang.: eng). - New York, Primary Research Group, c2008. – 1574401068; 9781574401066.

8592   7946
Chaudhary, S. K. – Library cataloguing (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, A. P. H. Publishing Corporation, 2011. – pp. 272. – ISBN: 9788131311103.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

62262009-0346DDCKOS translation43;794
Mitchell, Joan S., Rype, Ingebjorg, Svanberg, Magdalena. – Mixed translation models for the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system (Lang.: eng). – In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 98-104.

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