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Your search for
class 842 Classification and Indexing of Patents, Standards and Similar Documents
found the 64 items below.
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Lambert, N. Online statistical techniques as patent search tools : Part 1: patent indexing, patent citations (Lang.: eng). - In: Database 19(1996)1. p.74-78. Rampelmann, J. Classification tools at the EPO (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information 18(1996)3. p.149-154. Bates, S. Chemical structures searching in Derwent online databases (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information (1996)Supplement PATLIB 96 Proceedings 1996. p.33-41. De Vries, H.J. The classification of standards (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)3,p.79-89. »» Inventory of classifications of standards with a discussion of their applicability. Based on new insights other possible classifications of standards are suggestedGore, B. Model schemes for DWPI access in PATLIB libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 22(2000)1/2, p.13-18. »» Derwent World Patents IndexWiewicke, K., Eckert, T. Lean online Patent-information : eine kostengunstige Inhouse Archiv Variante [Lean online patent information: an economical inhouse archive solution] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, (2000) (Apr), p.157-161. Froissart, C., Lallich-Boidin, G. The thechnical document : unicity and plurality (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)3,p.123-128. Philipp, M. Patent filing and searching : is deflation in quality the inevitable consequence of hyperinflation in quantity? (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 28(2006)2, p.117-121. Foglia, P. Patentability search strategies and the reformed IPC: a patent office perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 29(2007)1, p.33-53. Li , Y., Shawe-Taylor, J. Advanced learning algorithms for cross-language patent retrieval and classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43 (2007)5, p.1183-1199. Tseng, Y.-H., Lin, C.-J., Lin, Y.-I. Text mining techniques for patent analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management; 43(2007)5, p.1216-1247. Blanchard, A. Understanding and customizing stopword lists for enhanced patent mapping (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 29(2007)4, p.308-316. Kang, In-Su, et al. Cluster-based patent retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)5, p.1173-1182. Kim, Jae-Ho, Choi, Key-Sun. Patent document categorization based on semantic structural information (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)5, p.1200-1215. Li, Y., Shawe-Taylor, J. Advanced learning algorithms for cross-language patent retrieval and classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)5, p.1183-1199. Gamber, T., Friedrich-Nishio, M., Grupp, H. Science and technology in standardization: a statistical analysis of merging knowledge structures (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 74(2008)1, p.89-108. Hoen, B.; Geßmann, S. Die Schönheit Der Chance. Erschließungs-Standards Im Landesarchiv Nrw [The Beauty of Opportunity. Indexing Standards in the National Archive NRW] (Lang.: ger). - In: Archivar, 61(2008)1, p.69-73. Dereli, Türkay, Durmuşoğlu, Alptekin. Patenting activities in Turkey: the case of the textile industry (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 31(2009)2, pp.123-130. Staresinic, M., Boh, B. Patent informatics: the issue of relevance in full-text patent document searches (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)1, pp.157-172. Landwich, Paul, et al. Supporting patent retrieval in the context of innovation-processes by means of information dialogue (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 31(2009)4, pp. 315-322. He, C., Loh, H. T. Pattern-oriented associative rule-based patent classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert systems with applications, 37(2010)3, pp. 2395-2404. Vrochidis, S. et al. Towards content-based patent image retrieval: a framework perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information 32(2010)2, pp. 94-106. Radauer, Alfred, Walter, Lothar. Elements of good practice for providers of publicly funded patent information services for SMEs รขโฌโ selected and amended results of a benchmarking exercise (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 32(2010)3, pp. 237-245. Scott, Jeremy. Does the EPO really care about the quality of patent information? (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 32(2010)3, pp. 233-236. Vrochidis, S. et al. Towards content-based patent image retrieval: a framework perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 32(2010)2, pp. 94-106. Libmann, Francois. Cherry picking for patent codes (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 34(2010)5, pp. 38-41. Scott, Jeremy. Does the EPO really care about the quality of patent information? (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 32(2010)3, pp. 233-236. Wu, C. H., Ken, Y., Huang, T. Patent classification system using a new hybrid genetic algorithm support vector machine (Lang.: eng). - In: Applied soft computing, 10(2010)4, pp. 1164-1177. Muto, Akira, Murano, Yuko, Suzuki, Chika. [Theory and practical use of European Patent Classification: search tool leading the world toward international harmonization] (Lang.: jap). - In: Joho Kanri, 53(2010)5, pp. 241-255. Chen, Yen-Liang, Chiu, Yu-Ting. An IPC-based vector space model for patent retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 47(2011)3, pp. 309-322. Lim, Hyojeong, Park, Yongtae. Identification of technological knowledge intermediaries (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 84(2010)3, pp. 543-561. List, Jane. An A to X of patent citations for searching (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 32(2010)4, pp. 306-312. Liu, D. R., et al. Hybrid-patent classification based on patent-network analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(2011)2, pp. 246-256. Liu, Duen-Ren, Shih, Meng-Jung. Hybrid-patent classification based on patent-network analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 62(2011)2, pp. 246-256. Duen-Ren, Liu, Shih Meng-Jung. Hybrid-patent classification based on patent-network analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 62(2011)2, pp. 246-256. Schramm, Reinhard. Patentinformation und Patentrecht: Strategien im Angesicht der Globalisierung [Patent information and patent law: strategies in the face of globalization] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 62(2011)4, pp. 177-182. Ferraro, Gabriela, Wanner, Leo. Towards the derivation of verbal content relations from patent claims using deep syntactic structures (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 24(2011)8, pp. 1233-1244. Wolter, Bernd. It takes all kinds to make a world รขโฌโ some thoughts on the use of classification in patent searching (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 34(2012)1, pp. 8-18. Wongel, Heiko, Farassopoulos, Antonios. Changes to the IPC effective from January 2011 (Lang.: eng). - In: World patent information, 34(2012)1, pp. 4-7. Sasaki, K. Indexing by intellectual document analysis and its significance focusing on patent document analysis for CA (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information processing and management, 55(2012)7, pp. 472-480. Chen, Yen-Liang; Chang, Yuan-Che. A three-phase method for patent classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 48(2012)6, pp. 1017-1030. Batovskaya, T.I.; Blinnikov, V.I., Aleksandrov, L.V. Classification of discoveries during the development and analysis of inventions (Lang.: rus). - In: Chernogolovka: Otd.-nie instituta khim.fiz.AN SSSR.1988. pp. 10. Nuyts, A.. A new dimension in patent indexing and searching. The use of navigation tools (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.1995 Int.Chem.Inform.Conf., Nimes, FR, 23-25 Oct.1995. p.78-88.Calne, England, Infonortics Ltd., 1995. Lawson, W.S. CASSIS/CD-ROM - a project report (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Inform.Vol.11.No.2.1989.p.68-70. Shen Jialian. Technical subjects analysis of Chinese patents according to the Intrenational Patent Classification (IPC) (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Classif. Vol. 16. No. 2. 1994. p.116-118. Wittmann, A. Classifying and indexing of patent documents: a retired patent documentalist looks back (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information. Vol. 16. No. 4. 1994. p.233-5. Bedecarrax, C.; Coupet, P., Amsellen, P., Huot, C. Présentation de la station MARS de classification et d'analyse: application à l'analyse automatique de reférences bibliographiques de brevets WPI [Presentation of station MARS of classification and analysis: application of automatic analysis of bibliographic patent references] (Lang.: fre). - In: Rev.Francaise Bibliométrie. No. 12. 1993. p.388-401. Geisler, W. Zu einigen Veränderungen von Inhalt und Form russisch-sprachiger Erfindungsbeschreibungen [On some changes in contents and form of Russian-language patent descriptions] (Lang.: ger). - In: Informatik.Vol.36.No.3.1989.p.112-113. Korennoj, A.A.; Ignatev, V.A., Skolenko, A.V., Bojko, V.P. Use of patent information clustering to forecast developmental trends in engineering and technology (Lang.: rus). - In: Naukoved.i informat.(Kiev).No.30.1988.p.18-23. Slutskin, A.A.; Borisova, I.N., Marshak, N.A.Lukanin, V.I. Bibliographic descriptions of patent documents: the analysis of information content and ways to enhance it (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-tekhn.inform.,Ser.1.No.12.1988.p.15-17. Vil'chinskii, S.S. The semantic peculiarities of patent documentation (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-tekhn.inform.,Ser.2.No.5.1988.p.18-20. Slutskin, A.A.; Marshak, N.A., Borisova,I.N., Lukanin, V.A. Increasing the effectiveness of patent search based on bibliographic description (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-tekhn.inform.,Ser.1.No.4.1989.p.11-13. Loh, H.T., He, C., Shen, L. Automatic classification of patent documents for TRIZ users (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 28(2006)1, p.6-13. Richter, G., MacFarlane, A. The impact of metadata on the accuracy of automated patent classification (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 27(2005)1, p.13-26. Adams, S. English-language support tools for the use of Japanese F-term patent subject searching online (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 30(2008)1, pp.5-20. Downs, G.M.; Barnard, J.M. Chemical patents and structural information: the Sheffield research in context (Lang.: ). - In: Journal of Documentation 1998(54)1,p. 106-120. Designs image search of the UK register (Lang.: eng). - In: World Patent Information, 20(1998)3/4,p.197-202. Shchegolev, I.N. Using the SAPFIRI computerised system for subject searching of patents (Lang.: rus). - In: Vopr.izobretatel'stva.No.9.1988.p.39-42. 13551 1990-1-421 | 8428-42+487.98 | Barkova, L.S.; Brodinskij, M.D., Vajsberg, A.M.et al. Computer-based patent IR system for applied microbiology (Lang.: rus). - In: Aktual.probl.pat.-inf.obespech.golov.org.MNTK i KP NTP CEV.Vses.semin., Moskva, 27-29 sent.1988: Tez.dokl.1988.p.71-72.Moskva,SU,
Further items on this class as a particular theme Schierz, A.C. Monitoring knowledge: a text-based approach (Lang.: eng). In: Terminology, 13(2007)2, pp.125-154. Adams, S. Comparing the IPC and the US classification systems for the patent searcher (Lang.: eng). In: World Patent Information, 23(2001)1,p.15-23. Adams, S. Using the International Patent Classification in an online environment (Lang.: eng). In: World Patent Information, 22(2000)p.291-300. Tseng, Y.-H., Lin, C.-J., Lin, Y.-I. Text mining techniques for patent analysis (Lang.: eng). In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)5, pp.1216-1247. Guan, J., He, Y. Patent-bibliometric analysis on the Chinese science technology linkages (Lang.: eng). In: Scientometrics, 72(2007)3, pp.403-425.
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