Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 865 Classification and Indexing of Library Catalogues found the 3 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

10338   1994-1121catalog indexing865
Ash, L.; Miller, William. – Subject collections. (Lang.: eng). - 7th ed. ed. – London, GB, R.R.Bowker, 1993. – pp. 2,500 . This latest edition includes entries from over 18,000 collections in more than 11,000 institutional libraries, allowing specialists to track down interlending material on any subject and in any location throughout the US and Canada. The collections are listed under more than 37,000 LC Subject Headings.

16021   catalog indexing865
Joorabchi, Arash; Mahdi, Abdulhussain E.. – Towards linking libraries and Wikipedia: automatic subject indexing of library records with Wikipedia concepts (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 40(2014)2, pp. 211-221.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

15190math of file organizationcatalog indexing352;865
Maylein, Leonhard; Langenstein, Annette. – Neues vom Relevanz-Ranking im HEIDI-Katalog der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg [An update on relevance ranking in the HEIDI catalogue at Heidelberg University Library] (Lang.: ger). – In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 16(2013)3, pp.190-199.

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