Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 88 Classification and Indexing in Subject Fields (Manual and With Computers) found the 270 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

17487   indexing in • 88
Yi Zhang, Guangquan Zhang, Donghua Zhu, Jie Lu . – Scientific evolutionary pathways: Identifying and visualizing relationships for scientific topics (Lang.: eng). - In: JASIST, 68(2017)8, pp. 1925-1939.

9157   indexing in • mathematics • facet analysis • 88-12;325
Ion, Patrick, Sperber, Wolfram. – Some facets of knowledge management in mathematics (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 365-366 (

8545   indexing in • mathematics • automatic classification • 88-12;348
Sperber, Wolfram, Ion, Patrick D.F. – Content analysis and classification in mathematics (Lang.: eng). - In: Classification & ontology, [see 06.11-9-19/20], pp. 129-144.

6582   2009-0702conceptology • psychology in KO • indexing in • information sciences • 88-2/5;88-8
Granata, G. – I settori scientifico-disciplinari: una proposta per l'ordinamento delle raccolte nelle biblioteche universitarie [The Scientific-disciplinary Fields: a proposal for collection arrangement in university libraries] (Lang.: ita). - In: ISKO Italia. Documenti, 2007. – Available at http://www.iskoi.org/doc/filosofia3.htm Paper presented at the seminar Classificare le scienze umane: il caso filosofia, Padua, 2 February 2007

7782   indexing in • electronics • 88-24
Beloozerov, V. N., Γ…Β aburova, N. N . – KlassifikacionniÒ€ℒe sistemiÒ€ℒ kak sredstvo poiska informacii po fizike poluprovodnikov [Classification systems as information retrieval tools in the physics of semi-conductors field] (Lang.: rus). - In: Bibliosfera, 3 (2008), pp. 34-42.

11898   1994-1129indexing in • 88-254
Royce Rose J.; Gasteiger, J.. – HORACE: an automatic system for the hierarchical classification of chemical reactions (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Chem.Inf.Comput.Sci.. 34(1994)1,p.74-90.

6082   2009-0202conceptology • quality data • 88-26/27
Newsom, C., Lundgren, J., Poehlmann, N. M. – Genre terms for Chemistry and Engineering: not just for literature anymore (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 46(2008)4, p.412-424.

11899   1994-1130indexing in • 88-263
Bush, B.L.; Sheridan, R.P.. – PATTY: a programmable atom typer and language for automatic classification of atoms in molecular databases (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Chem.Inform.Comput.Sci.. 33(1993)5,p.756-762.

12488   1996-0314indexing in • 88-265
Hendrickson, J.B.; Sander, T.. – COGNOS: A Beilstein-type system for organizing organic reactions (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Chem.Inform.& Comupt.Sci. Vol. 35, No. 2. 1995. p.251-260. Description of a logical system to organize and index organic reactions, implemented in the COGNOS program to search reaction databases for literature precedents. (Author, abbr.)

12355   1995-0960indexing in • 88-267
Lambert, N. – Plastic spaceships (Lang.: eng). - In: Searcher. Vol. 2. No. 9. 1994. p.43-9. The new enhanced polymer indexing system of Derwent World Patents Index is examined in detail. Further desirable new features are pointed out

17725   indexing in • earth sciences • 88-3
Adila et al. (21!). – The GeoLink modular oceanography ontology (Lang.: eng). - Dayton OH, Wrights State University, 2015. – Available at http://daselab.cs.wright.edu/pub/2015-geolink-ontology.pdf

18655   indexing in • earth sciences • 88-3; 219
Kim, Jeong-Hyen. – [A Comparative Analysis of Cataloging Records Related to East Sea in the National Libraries of the Various Countries] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 50(2019)4, pp.1257 - 76.Korean Library And Information Science Society,

6083   2009-0203indexing in • astronomy • 88-31
Ibekwe-SanJuan, F. – The impact of geographic location on the development of a specialty field: a case study of Sloan Digital Sky Survey in Astronomy (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 35(2008)4, p.239-250.

7554   indexing in • astronomy • 88-31
Gray, Alasdair J.G. et al. – Finding the right term: retrieving and exploring semantic concepts in astronomical vocabularies (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 46(2010)4, pp. 470-478.

12489   1996-0315indexing in • 88-327, 147
Miller, D.M.; Kaminsky, E.J., Rana, S.. – Neural network classification of remote-sensing data (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers and Geosciences. p.377-386. Neural nets offer the potential to classify databases upon a rapid match to overall patterns using previously calculated weighting factors, rather than point-by-point comparisons involving algorithmic logic applied to individual data values. The paper describes an example of the use of artificial neural networks to classify remotely sensed data, determining that the networks can provide a useful level of categorization. (Authors, abbr.)

5591   2008-0136indexing in • geosciences • 88-33
Deliiska, B. – Thesaurus and domain ontology of Geoinformatics (Lang.: eng). - In: Transactions in GIS, 11(2007)4, pp.637-651.

6084   2009-0204indexing in • geosciences • 88-33
Lin, H.-Y. – Efficient and compact indexing structure for processing of spatial queries in line-based databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Data & Knowledge Engineering, 64(2008)1, p.365-380.

6085   2009-0205indexing in • geosciences • 88-33
Mehri-e-Sedighi. – Use of Geographical Information System (GIS) in the cataloging of documents: a case study of earthquake documents collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)3, p.454-465.

10539   1996-1299indexing in • geology • 88-36
Baclawski, D.K.. – Inexpensive map and thesis cataloging for the small geology library. A case study of 'The perils of Pauline' on a PC (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.27th Meeting Geoscience Inform.Soc., Oct.26-29, 1992, Cincinnati, OH. p.119-124.Alexandria, VA, Amer.Geol.Inst., 1993.

8908   indexing in • geography • 88-39
Khodaei, A. – SKIF-P: a point-based indexing and ranking of web documents for spatial-keyword search (Lang.: eng). - In: Geoinformatica, 16(2012)3, pp. 563-596.

12176   1995-0649indexing in • geography • 88-39
Woodruff, A.G.; Plaunt, C. – GIPSY: automated geographic indexing of text documents (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 45. No. 9. 1994. p.645-55. An algorithm is presented which automatically extracts geopositional coordinated index terms from text to support georeferenced document indexing and retrieval. Under this algorithm, words and phrases containing geographic place names or characteristics. are extracted from a text document and used as input to database function which use spatial reasoning to approximate statistically the geoposition being referenced in the text

11304   1990-2-341indexing in • geography • 88-39, 758-39
Hill, L.L. – Geographic indexing for bibliographic databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Resource Sharing & Inf.Network.Vol.4.No.2.1989.p.1-12.

12177   1995-0650indexing in • history • 88-39, 88-69
Salzberg, B. – On indexing spatial and temporal data (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Systems. Vol. 19. No. 6. 1994. p.447-465.

12490   1996-0316indexing in • history • 88-39, 88-69
Salzberg, B.. – On indexing spatial and temporal data (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Systems. Vol. 19, No. 6. 1994. p. 447-465.

15461   indexing in • geography • semantic networks • 88-39;725
Bidney, Marcy; Clair, Kevin. – Harnessing the geospatial Semantic Web: toward place-based information organization and access (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52(2014)1, pp. 69-76.

12819   1996-1300indexing in • systems theory • 88-4, -51/4
Jones, R.M.. – Book review of Blake, D., Clarke, M., McCarthy, A.: Indexing the medical and biological sciences. London: Soc.of Indexers 1995. 61 p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Learned Publishing. Vol. 9, No. 1. 1996. p.52-3.

451   1997-3-0452indexing in • biological sciences • special KOS • biological sciences • 88-4;64
Schultz, J.L., Wilks, E.S. – Improved indexing of Chemical Abstracts Services post-treated polymers (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 37(1997)3. p.436-442.

452   1997-3-0453indexing in • biological sciences • special KOS • biological sciences • 88-4;64
Schultz, J.L., Wilks, E.S. – Hierarchical polymer registration and source-based / structure-based correlative search capability via a 'hub concept (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 37(1997)3. p.425-435.

5428   2007-0669conceptology • psychology in KO • 88-4/5
Acosta, S. – Classification of life (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Media Connection, 25(2007)4, p.95.

6086   2009-0206indexing in • biology • 88-41
Hjørland, B. – (Book review of) Ereshefsky, M. The poverty of the Linnaean hierarchy: a philosophical study of biological taxonomy - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007 - X, 316p. - ISBN: 9780521038836 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 35(2008)4, p.255-259.

5191   2007-0424indexing in • biology • UDC • 88-41;42
Erceg, M. – Klasifikacija biotehnologije unutar sheme UDK u nacionalnoj i sveuäœilišnoj knjižnici [Classification of biotechnology according to UDC in the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.65-73.

13552   1990-1-442indexing in • 88-416
Eremeeva, I.G. – A uniform approach to the classification of the literature of biochemistry using a graphic technique (Lang.: rus). - In: Optimiiz.inf.-bibl.tekhnol.1988.p.119-125.Novosibirsk, SU,

13260   1995-0651indexing in • 88-442
Rohlfien, K. – Sacherschließung der Monographien, Serienwerke und Stücktitel der Entomologischen Bibliothek mit dem Literaturverwaltungssystem VCH-BIBLIO [Subject indexing of monographs and series of the Entomological Library with VCH-BIBLIO] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.Ges.Bibl.wes.u.Dok.Landb. No. 50. 1994. p.18-23.

6347   2009-0467indexing in • agriculture • 88-46
Salisbury, Lutishoor, Mills, Carolyn. – Analysis of BioOne journal collections: their quality, indexing coverage, and scholarly content (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of agricultural & food information, 10(2009)2, pp. 113-123.

8217   indexing in • agriculture • 88-46
Fumani, M.R.F.Q. – The Persian Agrovoc in an indexing context (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)1, pp. 23-30.

11157   1990-1082indexing in • agriculture • 88-46
Edwards, Sh. – Indexing practices at the National Agricultural Library (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol.16.No.3.1993.p.89-97.

13261   1995-0652indexing in • forestry • 88-47
Bauer, A. – Sacherschließung in der Bibliothek der Fachhochschule Eberswalde, insbesondere seit Einsatz des SISIS-Systems [Subject indexing in the library of the Eberswalde Fachhochschule, especially since introduction of the SISIS-System] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.Ges.Bibl.wes.Dok.Landbau. No. 50. 1994. p.34-36. The system makes use of the Forestry Decimal Classification and the UDC, supplemented by descriptors

3900   2004-0424indexing in • ecology • domain classification • 88-49;178
Gazan, R. – Metadata as a realm of translation: merging knowledge domains in the design of an environmental information system (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)3/4, p.182-190.

8909   indexing in • ecology • thesauri • 88-49;214
Ziemba, L., Cornejo, C., Beck, H. W. – A water conservation digital library using ontologies (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic library 29(2011)2, pp. 200-211.

4943   2007-0156indexing in • human sciences • 88-5
Marzal, M. A., Calzada-Prado, J., Ruiz, M. J. C., Cervero, A. C. – Development of a controlled vocabulary for learning objects' functional description in an educational repository vocabulary (Lang.: eng). - In: International conference on Dublin Core and metadata applications; Metadata for knowledge and learning: DC-2006, Manzanillo, Mexico, 2006; ed. by M. Dekker, L. Feria. Colima, Universidad de Colima, 2006, p.253.

10030   1996-1301indexing in • human biology • 88-51
ARMA International Standards Vital Records TF. – Vital Records - a guideline (2nd ed.) (Lang.: eng). - Prairie Village, KS, ARMA International, 1993. – pp. 29. – ISBN: 0933887140. The manual defines a vital record and discusses the selection and classification of vital records. Records protection methods are outlined and 14 appendices contain forms for use in a vital records program. A glossary of terms and an annotated bibliography are also included.

4027   2005-32-1-0103conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
McLeod, L., Thain, A., Wales, A. – Influence of strategic direction for NHS Scotland knowledge services on indexing policy for the NHS Scotland e-library (Lang.: eng). - In: Health Information and Libraries Journal, 22(2005)1, p.44.

5835   2008-0381conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Huuskonen, S., Vakkari, P. – Students’ search process and outcome in Medline in writing an essay for a class on evidence-based medicine (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 64(2008)2, p.287-303.

6087   2009-0207conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Hjørland, B. – (Book review of) Cooper, R. Classifying madness: a philosophical examination of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Berlin, Springer, 2005. vii, 172p.(Philosophy & medicine, vol. 86). ISBN: 9781402033445 (Also available as electronic "kindle" book from Amazon.com) (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 35(2008)4, p.259-263.

6088   2009-0208conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
de la Calle, G., Garcia-Remesal, M., Maojo, V. – A method for indexing biomedical resources over the Internet (Lang.: eng). - In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 136(2008), p.163-168.

6089   2009-0209conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Glover, S. – Practitioner Commentary on Toth B, Muir Gray JA, Fraser V, Ward R. National electronic Library for Health: progress and prospects. Health Libraries Review 2000, 17, 46-50 (Lang.: eng). - In: Health Information & Libraries Journal, 25(2008)suppl., p.45-46.

6090   2009-0210conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Hersh, W. – Ubiquitous but unfinished: grand challenges for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Health Information & Libraries Journal, 25(2008)suppl., p.90-93.

6091   2009-0211conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Kools, M., et al. – The effects of headings in information mapping on search speed and evaluation of a brief health education text (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 34(2008)6, p.833-844.

6348   2009-0468conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Yi, Kwan, Beheshti, Jamshid. – A hidden Markov model-based text classification of medical documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)1, pp. 67-81.

6583   2009-0703conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Greenberg, S.J., Gallagher, P.E. – The great contribution Index Medicus, index-catalogue, and indexcat (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Medical Library Association, 97(2009)2, pp.108-113.

6584   2009-0704conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Trieschnigg, D., et al. – MeSH Up: effective MeSH text classification for improved document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Bioinformatics, 25(2009)11, pp.1412-1418.

6818   2009-0938conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Wilczynski, Nancy L., Haynes, R. Brian. – Consistency and accuracy of indexing systematic review articles and meta-analyses in Medline (Lang.: eng). - In: Health information & libraries journal, 26(2009)3, pp. 203-210.

7021   conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Jin Zhang, Lu An. – Visual component plane analysis for the medical subjects based on a transaction log (Lang.: eng). - In: Canadian journal of information & library sciences, 34(2010)1, pp. 83-111.

8218   conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Chen, Hao. – [Application of "China Library Classification, 4th ed" in medical libraries] (Lang.: chi). - In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese journal of medical library and information science, 19(2010)2, pp. 52-53.

8219   conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Ge, Hong-mei et al. – [Comparison of biomedical book classification in well-known foreign publisher and certain suggestions for its improvement] (Lang.: chi). - In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese journal of medical library and information science, 19(2010)1, pp. 35-36.

8910   conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Qi, Sheng-lan. – [Classification of clinical books on integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine] (Lang.: chi). - In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese journal of medical library and information science, 20(2011)5, pp. 41-42.

9158   conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Ste Marie, Janyne. – Medical indexing in the United States (Lang.: eng). - In: Key words, 19(2011)2, pp. 52-58.

11305   1990-2-342conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Berrut, C. – Indexing medical reports: The RIME approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Processing & Management.Vol.26.No.1.1990.p.93-109.

11452   1993-0391conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Baud, R.; Alphay, L., Rassinoux, A.-M., Wagner, J.. – Natural language processing and GALEN (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol. 19 No. 4. 1992. p.193-194.

12178   1995-0653conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Lennie, F.; Nickerson, A. – Indexing medical works (Lang.: eng). - In: Key Words. Vol. 2. No. 2. 1994. p.1, 11-16.

12863   1990-1083conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Koskinen, M.; Tahtinen, H. – Description of contents of medical journals in FINUC-S database (Lang.: fin). - In: Signum.Vol.25.No.5.1992.p.137.

12870   1996-0317conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Neuvonen, U.. – Supporting top research or a national health bee: contents description in medicine for different target groups (Lang.: fin). - In: Signum. Vol. 28, No. 6. 1995. p.137-138.

18569   conceptology • systems theory • 88-51/4
Santos, Fatima Cristina Lopes; Mollica, Maria Cecilia MagalhΓ£es; Guedes, VΓ’nia Lisboa Silveira. – CoerΓͺncia na representação temΓ‘tica de artigos cientΓ­ficos na Γ‘rea de saΓΊde pΓΊblica [Coherence in the thematic representation of scientific articles in the public health area] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em CiΓͺncia da Informação, 24(2019)3, pp. 214-232. – Available at http://poraldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3727/2318

12179   1995-0654conceptology • 88-51/4, 872
Orphanoudakis, S.C.; Chronaki, C., Kostomanolakis, S. – I2C: a system for the indexing, storage, and retrieval of medical images by content (Lang.: eng). - In: Medical Informatics. Vol. 19. No. 2. 1994. p.109-122.

9159   conceptology • systems theory • thesauri • 88-51/4;214
Yi, M. – Effective medical resources searching using an ontology-driven medical information retrieval system: H1N1 case study (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic library, 30(2012)2, pp. 248-263.

296   1997-2-0295conceptology • systems theory • maintenance software • 88-51/4;277
Tuttle, M.S., Nelson, S.J. – A poor precedent (Lang.: eng). - In: Methods of Information in Medicine 35(1996)3. p.211-217. On the maintenance of controlled vocabularies in the field of medical science

297   1997-2-0296conceptology • systems theory • maintenance software • 88-51/4;277
Rector, A.L. – Faithfullness or comparabilit (Lang.: eng). - In: Methods of Information in Medicine 35(1996)3. p.218-219. On the maintenance of controlled vocabularies in the field of medical science

298   1997-2-0297conceptology • systems theory • maintenance software • 88-51/4;277
Cimino, J.J. – Formal description and adaptive mechanisms for changes in controlled medical vocabularies (Lang.: eng). - In: Methods of Information in Medicine 35(1996)3. p.202-210. On the maintenance of controlled vocabularies in the field of medical science

15269   conceptology • systems theory • special NLP • 88-51/4;737
Liu, Rey-Long. – A passage extractor for classification of disease aspect information (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)11, pp. 2265-2277.

8911   conceptology • 88-51/4*380
Chiaravalloti, Maria Teresa, Pasceri, Erika, Taverniti, Maria. – URT Ò€œIndexing and classification systemsÒ€: projects and biomedical knowledge standards (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 39(2012)1, pp. 3-12.

8360   conceptology • 88-51/4*840
Ste. Marie, Janyne. – Medical indexing in the United States (Lang.: eng). - In: Key words, 19(2011)2 pp. 52-54, 58.

15270   indexing in • theoretical medicine • NLP software • 88-52;734
Rosemblat, Graciela; et al. – Extending SemRep to the public health domain (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)10, pp. 1963-1974.

8361   indexing in • special medicine • 88-53
Petrelli, D., et al. – Highly focused document retrieval in aerospace engineering: user interaction design and evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: ASLIB proceedings, 63(2011)2/3, pp. 148-167.

5193   2007-0426indexing in • psychology • UDC • 88-55;42
Gornik, A., Erceg, M. – Klasifikacija psihologije i psihijatrije unutar sheme UDK u praksi nacionalne i sveuäœilišne knjižnice [Classification of psychology and psychiatry according to UDC in the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.50-64.

6092   2009-0212indexing in • education • 88-56
Learning architecture: issues in indexing Australian education in a Web 2.0 world (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer 26(2008)4, p.163-168, 169.

10082   1990-1084indexing in • education • 88-56
Classer les documents en education: plan de classement, typologie de contenu [Document classing in education: Classification plan and contents typology] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, INR Pedagogique, 1991. – pp. 36.(Ressources et communication). – ISBN: 2734203016.

3901   2004-0425indexing in • labour science • domain classification • 88-57;178
Hartel, J. – The serious leisure frontier in library and information sci­ence : hobby domains (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 30(2003)3/4, p.228-238.

7783   indexing in • labour science • UDC • 88-57;42
Momm, Christiane Fabíola, Lessa, Rafael Orivaldo. – Sistema de classificação bibliogrÑfica e a conceituação do turismo: uma visão da CDU [Bibliographic classification system and the concept of tourism: a vision of the UDC] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em ciencia da informacao, 14(2009)2, pp. 141-154.

17776   indexing in • sport science • 88-58
Kaltman, Eric; Wardrip-fruin, Noah; Mastroni, Mitch; Lowood, Henry; De groat, Greta; Edwards, Glynn; Barrett, Marcia; Caldwell, Christy. – Implementing controlled vocabularies for computer game platforms and media formats in SKOS (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Library Metadata, 16(2016)1, pp. 1-22.London, UK, Taylor & Francis Online, 2016. – pp. 22. – Available at http://https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19386389.2016.1167494?journalCode=wjlm20

12942   1993-0392indexing in • 88-58, 872
Lubkov, M.. – L'Equipe: images de l'épopée sportive [The Equipe: images of the sport epic] (Lang.: fre). - In: Archimag No. 56. 1992. p.33-35.

120   1997-1-0119indexing in • social sciences • 88-6
Chapple-Sokol, A. – Indexing editorial cartoons (Lang.: eng). - In: Special Libraries Vol.87, No.1, 1996, p.21-31.

6349   2009-0469indexing in • social sciences • 88-6
Szostak, Rick, Gnoli, Claudio. – Classifying by phenomena, theories and methods: examples with focused social science theories (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 203-209.

8362   indexing in • social sciences • 88-6
Levitt, Jonathan M., Thelwall, Mike, Oppenheim, Charles. – Variations between subjects in the extent to which the social sciences have become more interdisciplinary (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(2011)6, pp. 1118-1129.

10234   1995-0655indexing in • social sciences • 88-6
Social Sciences Index: a Quarterly Author and Subject Index to Publications (Lang.: eng). - New York, NY, H.W.Wilson Co, 1994. – ISSN 00944920. This index is published four times a year. As from 1994 the number of journals indexed has increased from 339 to 415

15462   indexing in • social sciences • 88-6
Marcondes, Carlos H.. – UMLS como suporte ao processamento semÒntico de artigos em ciΓƒΒͺncias biomédicas [The UMLS as a supporting tool to the semantic processing of biomedical articles] (Lang.: por). - In: Complexidade e organização do conhecimento: desafios de nosso século. Rio de Janeiro: ISKO-Brasil; Marília: FUNDEPE, pp. 160-164.

18561   indexing in • social sciences • 88-6
MartΓ­nez-Arellano, Filiberto Felipe; HernΓ‘ndez-Pacheco, Federico; ChΓ‘vez-HernΓ‘ndez, EfrΓ©n. – Classification and Subject Indexing Issues at a Mexican Library Specializing in Law Research (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, (2019), pp.1-15. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2018.1547938

18572   indexing in • social sciences • 88-6
Ferreira, Ana Carolina; Maculan, Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos . – Metodologia para a anΓ‘lise de assunto de acΓ³rdΓ£os no contexto do controle externo: proposta de um modelo de leitura tΓ©cnica [Methodology for the analysis of rulings in the context of external control: proposal for a technical reading model] (Lang.: por). - In: Em QuestΓ£o, poro Alegre, 25(2019)3, pp. 92-131. – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/84881/52762

2774   2001-0432indexing in • social sciences • bibliography • 88-6;941
Line, M.B. – Social science information : the poor relation (Lang.: eng). - In: IFLA Journal, 26(2000)3, p.177-179.

5194   2007-0427indexing in • sociology • UDC • 88-61;42
Lešaja, J. – Klasifikacija sociologije i srodnih znanstvenih podruäœja unutar sheme UDK [Classification of sociology and related disciplines according to UDC] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.36-49.

12820   1996-1302indexing in • politics • 88-62
Braun, J.; Hopkins, L.R.. – Collection-level cataloging, indexing, and preservation of the Hoover Institution Pamphlet Collection on Revolutionary Change in 20th Century Europe (Lang.: eng). - In: Techn.Serv.Quart. Vol. 12, No. 4. 1995. p.1-8.

10605   1996-1303indexing in • 88-623
Hlava, M.M.K.; Hainebach, R.. – Machine-aided indexing: European Parliament study and results (Lang.: eng). - In: Williams, M.E. Proc.17th Natl.Online Meeting, 14-16 May 1996, New York. p.137-158.Medford, NJ, Information Today, Inc., 1996.

1168   1998-0544indexing in • finance • various NBM indexing • 88-64;879
Quintana, Y. – Knowledge-based information filtering of financial information (Lang.: eng). - In: National Online Meeting 1997: Proceedings of the 18th National Online Meeting, New York, 13-15 May 1997 / ed. by M.E. Williams. - Medford, NJ: Information Today, 1997, p.279-285.

5195   2007-0428indexing in • social politics • 88-65
Svenda-Radeljak, K. – Primjena Univerzalne Decimalne Klasifikacije u knjižnici studija socijalnog rada pri pravnom fakultetu u Zagrebu [The use of the Universal Decimal Classification in the library of social work studies at the faculty of law in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.142-148.

3902   2004-0426indexing in • social politics • domain classification • 88-65;178
Zins, C., Guttman, D. – Domain analysis of social work : An example of an integrated methodological approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Know­ledge Organization, 30(2003)3/4, p.196-212.

7283   indexing in • law • 88-66
Nentwich, Michael. – Knowledge Base Law Γ’β‚¬β€œ eine neuartige Wissensbasis im juristischen Bereich [Knowledge Base Law Γ’β‚¬β€œ a novel base of knowledge for the juristical domain] (Lang.: ger). - In: KompatibilitÀt Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation (, pp. 274-283.

9160   indexing in • law • 88-66
Bibee, Abigail. – Technical services law librarian (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 28(2011)4, pp. 462-463.

10068   1994-1131indexing in • law • 88-66
Moys, E.M.; Coles, A.P.; Greenhalgh, M.; Wynne, B. (Eds.). – Indexing legal materials (Lang.: eng). - In: Soc.of Indexers Occ.Papers. 2.London, GB, Society of Indexers, 1993. – pp. VII,86. – ISBN: 1871577144. The booklet comprises 8 chapters on the following topics: History of law indexing - Types of law books and their users - Structure and design of indexes - Selecting and analyzing subjects - Indexing terms - Form of entries and references - Indexing EC materials - Cases and statutes. Conclusion. Index of works cited. Index. 8 illustrations are included, e.g. a sample of a table of statutes, a sample page of a classified index, of a specific index, etc.

10537   1996-0318indexing in • law • 88-66
Wirth, L.. – Cataloging in the law firm (Lang.: eng). - In: Kehoe,P.E. et al. Law Librarianship. A handbook for the electronic age. 1995. p.396-411.Littleton, CO, Amer.Assoc.of Law Libraries,

11085   1990-1-443indexing in • law • 88-66
Green, A. – Some issues in legal indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Law Librarian.Vol.20.No.1.1989.p.7-13.

11086   1990-1-445indexing in • law • 88-66
Sainsbury, I. – Cataloguing and classification practice in law libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Law Librarian.Vol.20.No.2.1989.

11087   1990-1-446indexing in • law • 88-66
Smith, N. – Indexing legal journals (Lang.: eng). - In: Law Librarian.Vol.20.No.1.1989.p.1-6.

12180   1995-0656indexing in • law • 88-66
Brunt, D. – Book review of Moys, E.M. (Ed.): Indexing legal materials. London: Society of Indexers 1993. 74p (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Index. No. 113. 1994. p.11.

13091   1990-1-444indexing in • law • 88-66
Paschek, G.F. – Verschlagwortung juristischer Literatur nach RSWK [Indexing of legal literature according to the rules for subject cataloguing] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.Arb.Gem.Jurist.Bibl.u.Dok.Vol.17.No.3.1987.p.140-161.

15463   indexing in • law • 88-66
Balan, Dorina. – Etape operationale ΓƒΒn indexarea resurselor din domeniul dreptului [Operational stages in indexing legal documents] (Lang.: rom). - In: Buletinul FundaΓ…Β£iei Urechia. GalaΓ…Β£i: Axis Libri, 11(2013)14, pp. 63-68.

16026   indexing in • law • 88-66
Hewitt, A. R.. – Legal indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Legal information management, 14(2014)3, pp. 233-239.

2300   2000-0576indexing in • law • special KOS • law • 88-66;666
Gestdottir, A. – Efnisord i logfraedi [Subject indexing for law and the compilation of a legal thesaurus] (Lang.: ice). - In: Bokasafnid, (1999)23,p.48-49.

2773   2001-0431indexing in • law • online systems in • law • 88-66;758-66
Pietrosanti, E., Graziadio, B. – Advanced techniques for legal document processing and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence and Law, 7(1999)4, p.341-361.

11158   1990-1085indexing in • 88-663
Corbett, M. – Indexing and searching in statutory text (Lang.: eng). - In: Law Library J.Vol.84.No.4.1992.p.759-67.

9161   indexing in • military science • 88-68
Forder, Michael. – Military indexing: men and machines (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 29(2011)3, pp. C1-C8.

8725   indexing in • military science • UDC • 88-68;42
Fesel, M., Γ…Β auperl, A. – VojaΓ…Β‘ke knjiΓ…ΒΎnice v Sloveniji [Military libraries in Slovenia] (Lang.: slo). - In: Organizacija Znanja, 15(2010)1/2, pp. 25-31. – Available at http://home.izum.si/cobiss/OZ/2010_1-2/Html/clanek_03.html

3441   2003-0116indexing in • history • 88-69
Beghtol, C. – The Iter Bibliography : International standard subject access to medieval and renaissance materials (400-1700) (http://iter.utoronto.ca) (Lang.: eng). - In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.74-80.

5196   2007-0429indexing in • history • 88-69
Nyström, P. – Disciplinarity, inter-disciplinarity and post-disciplinarity: changing disciplinary patterns in the history discipline (Lang.: eng). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.123-132.

15464   indexing in • history • 88-69
Mertes, Kate. – Holding hands with the past: indexing historical documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2013)3, pp. 95-105.

5192   2007-0425indexing in • history • UDC • 88-69;42
Gabriel, D.-M. – Primjena UDK pri klasifikaciji knjižniäœne graäe iz arheologije i srodnih znanstvenih podruäœja u nacionalnoj i sveuäœilišnoj knjižnici [Classification of archaeology and related disciplines according to UDC: the practice of the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.100-117.

5197   2007-0430indexing in • history • UDC • 88-69;42
Gabriel, D.-M. – Primjena UDK pri klasifikaciji knjižniäœne graäe iz arheologije i srodnih znanstvenih podruäœja u nacionalnoj i sveuäœilišnoj knjižnici [Classification of archaeology and related disciplines according to UDC : the practice of the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.100-117.

5198   2007-0431indexing in • history • UDC • 88-69;42
Purgarić-Kužić, B. – Povijesni sadržaji i Univerzalna Decimalna Klasifikacija u nacionalnoj i sveuäœilišnoj knjižnici [History as a subject and the Universal Decimal Classification in the practice of the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.118-131.

3643   2004-0169indexing in • history • NBM indexing problems • 88-69;871
Rath, T.M., Manmatha, R., Lavrenko, V. – A search engine for historical manuscript images (Lang.: eng). - In: SIGIR'04. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval [see 2004-0005], p. 369-376.

12821   1996-1304indexing in • 88-692, 925
Rydings, T.. – The Society of Indexers Genealogical Group (Lang.: eng). - In: Local Studies Librarian. Vol. 14, No. 2. 1995. p.24-6.

16532   indexing in • economical sciences • 88-7
Cavati Sobrinho, Heliomar. – A representação documentÑria do domínio da Economia: anÑlise de estruturas de representação em linguagens documentÑrias e documentos específicos de economia [The documental representation in the domain of Economy: an analysis of the structures of the representation in indexing languages and in specific documents ] (Lang.: por). - Marília, São Paulo, Brasil, Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 2014. – Available at http://http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/cavati_sobrinho_h_do_mar.pdf

18568   indexing in • economical sciences • 88-7
Lopes, PatrΓ­cia; Lima, Gercina Angela. – EstratΓ©gias de organização, representação e gestΓ£o de trilhas de aprendizagem: uma revisΓ£o sistemΓ‘tica de literatura [Strategies for organization, representation and management of learning paths ] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em CiΓͺncia da Informação, 24(2019)2, pp. 165-195. – Available at http://poraldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3862/2286

3299   2002-0320conceptology • conceptology • 88-71/2
Van der Walt, M.S. – An integrated model for the organization of electronic information/knowledge in small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs)in South Africa (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 211-217.

4513   2006-33-2-0117conceptology • conceptology • conceptology • conceptology • 88-71/2;758-71/2
Afolabi, B., Thiery, O. – Using users' expectations to adapt business intelligence systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society [see 2006-33-2-0003], p.247-254.

13352   1990-1086indexing in • 88-765
Bertone, M. – Cataloguing textile patrimony (Lang.: ita). - In: Indicizzazione.Vol.11.No.1-2.1991.p.131-136.

5199   2007-0432indexing in • transport technology • 88-78
Goyannes Dill Orrico, E., González de Gómez, M.N., Correia de Oliveira, C.I. – On identity in the organization of interdisciplinary scientific information: challenges of the knowledge society (Lang.: eng). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.233-243.

16027   indexing in • information sciences • 88-82
Pérez Ortiz, Guadalupe; Gónzalez Lozano, Francisco. – El Archivo del Seminario Metropolitano San Atón de Badajoz: organización de sus fondos documentales [The archive of the saint AtonÒ€ℒs Metropolitan Seminary (Badajoz, Spain): organization of its archival holdings ] (Lang.: spa). - In: Ibersid, 8(2014), pp. 55-66.. – Available at http://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/ibersid/article/view/4125/3780

121   1997-1-0120indexing in • 88-825
Eckelmann, S. – Die Erschliessung historischer Quellen zur Geschichte des Buch- und Bibliothekswesens [Classing and indexing of historical sources for the study of the history of the book and the history of libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie Vol.43, No.1 1996, p.1-8.

15866   indexing in • mass communication • 88-86
García Gutiérrez, Antonio. – AnÑlisis documental de noticias de prensa en sistemas de información factual [Document analysis of news items for factual information systems ] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista Española de Documentación Científica, 37(2014)2, e046, pp. 1-15. – Available at http://redc.revistas.csic.es/index.php/redc/article/view/849/1114

10501   1990-1087indexing in • 88-865
Mizermont, L.; Salleras, B. – Application du thesaurus au plan de classement des dossiers de presse dans le cadre d une informatisation [Application of a thesaurus to the project for classifying press dossiers in an information science framework] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, INTD, 1990. – pp. 95.((Mem.: Sci.Inf.)).

11900   1994-1132indexing in • 88-865, 258-865
Lindley, D.; McDonald, C.; Tsang, P.. – Classifying newswire databases using hierarchical cluster analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 93. London, 7-9 Dec.1993. - Oxford, GB: Learned Information, Ltd., 1993. p.149-159.

1169   1998-0545indexing in • humanities • 88-9
Rothera, H. – Framing the subject : a subject indexing model for electronic bibliographic databases in the humanities (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and Information Research News, 22(1998)71,p.24-33.

6585   2009-0705indexing in • humanities • 88-9
Neelameghan, A., Raghavan, K.S. – A knowledge organizing system for humanistic disciplines with enhanced capabilities: case studies (Lang.: eng). - In: Information studies, 15(2009)2, pp.75-94.

16028   indexing in • humanities • 88-9
Hedeland, Hanna; Jettka, Daniel; Lehmberg, Timm. – Vernetzung statt Vereinheitlichung: Digitale Forschungsinfrastrukturen in den Geisteswissenschaften [Networking instead of unification: digital research infrastructures in the humanities] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 17(2014) 5, pp. 446-455.

16440   indexing in • humanities • 88-9
Ok Nam Park. – [The Study on Design of Korean Classical Literature Ontologies for Popularization] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Biblia Society For Library And Information Science, 26(2015)3, pp. 267-290. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE06518333

18566   indexing in • humanities • 88-9
Barros, Camila Monteiro de; CafΓ©, LΓ­gia Maria Arruda; Laplante, Audrey. – As contribuiçáes da autonarrativa da experiΓͺncia semiΓ³tica musical para a organização do conhecimento [Contributions of music semiotic experiences self-narrative to knowledge organization] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação e Sociedade: Estudos, 29(2019)2, pp. 101-124. – Available at http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ies/article/view/34919/22775

18877   indexing in • humanities • 88-9; 942
Kunze, Petra . – Kooperative Erschliessung und Digitalisierung als Dienstleistung fΓΌr historische Forschungsprojekte und digitale Editionen [Collaborative digital cataloguing and indexing as public service for historical research and digital editing projects] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 55(2021)1, pp. 42-51. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2021-0009

12181   1995-0657indexing in • 88-912
McLaughlin, M.Ch. – Indexing Irish grammars (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 2. 1994. p.93-98.

10049   1995-0658indexing in • 88-918
Joachim, M.D. – Languages of the world: cataloging issues and problems (Lang.: eng). - Binghampton, NY, Haworth Press, 1993. – pp. 292. – ISBN: 1560245204. The contents of this book has also been published as Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 17(1993)No.1-2

5200   2007-0433indexing in • literature • 88-92
Kovač, T. – Vsebinski opis leposlovja v NUK [Subject cataloguing of the works of fiction at the National and University Library] (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnica, 50(2006)1/2, p.163-170. – Available at http://revija-knjiznica.zbds-zveza.si/Izvodi/K0601/kovac.pdf

5201   2007-0434indexing in • literature • 88-92
Ločniškar-Fidler, M. – Leposlovje ni le na papirju [Fiction is not just in print form] (Lang.: slo). - In: Šolska Knjižnica, 16(2006)1, p.25-30.

5202   2007-0435indexing in • literature • 88-92
Shenton, A. K. – The role of "reactive classification" in relation to fiction collections in school libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship, 12(2006)2, p.127-146.

5203   2007-0436indexing in • literature • 88-92
Trott, B., Novak, V. – A house divided? Two views on genre separation (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference and User Services Quarterly, 46(2006)2, p.33-38.

5204   2007-0437indexing in • literature • 88-92
Vernitski, A. – Developing an intertextuality-oriented fiction classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 39(2007)1, p.41-52.

5836   2008-0382indexing in • literature • 88-92
Šauperl, A., Harej, V., Merčun, T., Jesenovec, T.; Kastelic, J.K., Plestenjak, B., Vimer Kovaček, U. – Enhancement of subject description of fiction with annotations images (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnica, 51(2007)3-4, p.97-115.

7784   indexing in • literature • 88-92
Stopa, A. – Niektóre trudnosci klasyfikowania dziel literatury pieknej [Some problems in the classification of fiction] (Lang.: pol). - In: Poradnik Bibliotekarza, 1(2009), pp. 7-10.

10499   1996-0320indexing in • literature • 88-92
Roth, Ch.. – Konzepte zur Inhaltserschließung Schöner Literatur und ihre Benutzerbilder [Concepts for contents analysis of Belles Lettres and its users] (Lang.: ger). - Hamburg, DE, FHS, FB Bibliothek u.Information, 1994. – pp. 92.(Diplomarbeit/Thesis).

10581   1990-2-343indexing in • literature • 88-92
Brüning, Ch. – Schlagworterschließung von Belletristik in Öffentlichen Bibliotheken.Eine Untersuchung der Methoden unter besondererBerücksichtigung der RSWK-Anwendung [Indexing of belles-lettres in public libraries.An investigation of methods with special regard of an application of the RSWK] (Lang.: ger). - Köln, FH Bibl.u.Dokw, 1988. (Diplomarbeit Öffentl.Bibl).

11453   1993-0393indexing in • literature • 88-92
Bell, H.. – On the indexability of butterflies (Lang.: eng). - In: LogosVol. 3 No. 3. 1992. p.149-52.

11901   1994-1133indexing in • literature • 88-92
Denehy, C.C.. – Subject cataloguing of fiction (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia. 19(1993)3/4,p.183-193.

12491   1996-0319indexing in • literature • 88-92
Copeland, J.H.. – Accessing French fiction in academe: a case study in 'bibliocide' (Lang.: eng). - In: Current Studies in Librnship. Vol. 19, No. 1/2. 1995. p.24-9.

15271   indexing in • literature • 88-92
Antonio, Deise Maria; Moraes, João Batista Ernesto de. – AnÑlise documental de obras de ficção: a indexação na perspectiva do percurso gerativo de sentido [Subject analysis in fictions: indexing under the perspective generative path of sense] (Lang.: por). - In: Desafios e perspectivas científicas para a organização e representação do conhecimento na atualidade (06.11-10-20/22), pp. 45-48.

15465   indexing in • literature • 88-92
Aagaard, Harriet; Viktorsson, Elisabet. – Subject headings for fiction in Sweden: a cooperative development (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52(2014)1, pp. 62-68.

15647   indexing in • literature • 88-92
Duncan, Dennis. – As if we were reading a good novel': fiction and the index from Richardson to Ballard (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)1, pp. 2-11..

15648   indexing in • literature • 88-92
Jenner, Lynn; Flath, Tordis. – The index of heightened sensations': collaboration between a skilled indexer and a creative writer to produce a special-purpose index (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)1, pp. 12-15..

12182   1995-0659indexing in • 88-92, 692
Stebelman, S. – Vocabulary control and the humanities: a case study of the MLA International Bibliography (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference Librarian. No. 47. 1994. p.61-78. Examins the history of the MLA International Bibliography database and how its adaptations, both semantic and technological, have transformed information retrieval within the disciplines it covers. (Author, abbr.)

5205   2007-0438indexing in • literature • UDC • 88-92;42
Sekne, M. – Neke dvojbe u klasifikaciji književnosti prema UDK i njihova interpretacija u praksi nacionalne i sveuäœilišne knjižnice [Some issues in the classification of literature according to UDC and their interpretation in the practice of the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.87-99.

8726   indexing in • literature • UDC • 88-92;42
Kovač, T. – Vsebinska obdelava knjiΓ…ΒΎničnega gradiva: klasifikacija knjiΓ…ΒΎevnosti z dodajanjem sploΓ…Β‘nih privesnih vrstilcev za kraj [Subject indexing of library material: classification of literature adding common auxiliaries of place] (Lang.: slo). - In: KnjiΓ…ΒΎničarske novice, 19(2009)12, p. 3.

8727   indexing in • literature • UDC • 88-92;42
Moraru, V. – Clasificarea publicaΓ…Β£iilor: literaturΓ„Ζ’: aqspecte practice [Documents classification: literature: practical aspects] (Lang.: rom). - In: Buletinul FundaΓ…Β£iei Urechia, 7(2009)10, pp. 100-115.

6093   2009-0213indexing in • literature • KOS for libraries • 88-92;485
Maker, R. – Reader centred classification of adult fiction in public libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services, 21(2008)4, p.168-171.

10821   1993-039indexing in • 88-921
Velter, J.. – Naar aanleiding van inhoudelijke ontsluiting van literatuur in een openbare bibliotheek [The construction of a thematic catalogue] (Lang.: dut). - In: Bibl.-archiefgidsVol. 67 No. 3. 1991. p.310-319.

12864   1990-1088indexing in • 88-921
Laakso, J.; Puukko, O. – Classification of fiction by topic in the light of experiments carried out in two public libraries (Lang.: fin). - In: Kirjastotiede ja Informatiika.Vol.11.No.2.1992.p.61-65.

11454   1993-0395indexing in • 88-923
Pickering, O.. – Creating the BSMSV database: Cataloguing and indexing earlier English verse (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Librarianship Inf.Sci.Vol. 24 No. 4. 1992. p.211-216.

299   1997-2-0298indexing in • 88-928
Sunaga, K., Tokuyama, G. – Analysis of indexing terms in the field of Japanese classic literature (Lang.: jap). - In: ULIS 14(1995)2. p.95-113.

5837   2008-0383indexing in • music • 88-93
Cary, P. – Music Index Online (Lang.: eng). - In: Notes, 64(2008)3, p.555-63.

10354   1990-1-448indexing in • music • 88-93
Smiraglia, R.P. – Music cataloging.The bibliographic control of printed and recorded music in libraries (Lang.: eng). - Englewood, CO, Libraries Unltd, 1989. – pp. 222.

11088   1990-1-447indexing in • music • 88-93
Perry, H. – Musical bumps: indexing musical terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer.Vol.16.No.4.1989.p.251-53.

11902   1994-1134indexing in • music • 88-93
Temperley, N.. – The problem of definitive identification in the indexing of hymn tunes (Lang.: eng). - In: Music Ref.Serv.Quart.. 2(1993)3/4,p.227-240.

12183   1995-0660indexing in • music • 88-93
Crofts, S.J. – Where's that tune? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1994. p.189-191. Discusses features of indexes to collections of traditional music, considering specific difficulties that may be encountered by indexers and users

12356   1995-0961indexing in • music • 88-93
Cassaro, J.P. – Music cataloguing and the future (Lang.: eng). - In: Fontes Artis Musicae. Vol. 41. No. 3. 1994. p.245-250. The following issues need to be resolved to meet the needs of the users: amount of information, local system capabilities, subject searching, the process of cataloguing in general. Problems in these areas are identified. (Author, abbr.)

12357   1995-0963indexing in • music • 88-93
Myers, J.A. – Music: special characteristics for indexing and cataloguing (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 4. 1995. p.269-274. Describes how the indexing and cataloguing of music can be affected by issues of subject access, format, genre, responsibility, language, alternate titles, excerpts, and the use of computer databases. (Author)

13275   1995-0962indexing in • music • 88-93
Friederici, C.U. – Franz Wolfgang Bulau: eine vergessene Persönlichkeit des Hamburger Musiklebens [Franz Wolfgang Bulau: a forgotten personality of Hamburg musical life] (Lang.: ger). - In: Forum Musikbibliothek. No. 1. 1995. p.39-44. Report on the indexing by form and subject of the collections of chamber music, orchestral works, critical writings and letters of Bulau (1883-1940) at the Hamburg State and University Library

13276   1995-0964indexing in • music • 88-93
Sigel, G. – Schlagwortvergabe bei Musikalien und Musiktonträgern auf der Grundlage der RSWK-Musik, Entwurf 1991 [Subject cataloguing of musical scores and musical sound records based on the rules for subject cataloguing for music, draft of 1991] (Lang.: ger). - In: Forum Musikbibliothek. No. 2. 1995. p.135-140.

15466   indexing in • music • 88-93
Belford, Rebecca. – Evaluating library discovery tools through a music lens (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 58(2014)1, pp. 49-72.

15649   indexing in • music • 88-93
Belford, Rebecca. – Evaluating library discovery tools through a music lens (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 58(2014)1, pp. 49-72..

10711   1996-0321indexing in • music • 88-93, 398-93
Downie, J.S.. – The MusiFind Music Information Retrieval Project, Phase III: Evaluation of indexing options (Lang.: eng). - In: Olson, H.A.; Ward, D.B. Connectedness; Information, Systems, People, Organizations. Proc. CAIS/ACSI'95. Proc.23rd Ann.Conf.Canadian Assoc.Inform.Sci. University of Alberta. 1995. p.135-146.Edmonton, Alberta, School of Libr.& Inform.Stud.,University,

4648   2006-33-3-0252indexing in • music • DDC • 88-93;43
Nero, L.M. – Classifying the popular music of Trinidad and Tobago (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 42(2006)3/4, p.119-133.

4649   2006-33-3-0253indexing in • music • DDC • 88-93;43
Heiner-Freiling, M. – DDC German-The Project, the Aims, the Methods: New Ideas for a Well-Established Traditional Classification System (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 42(2006)3/4, p.147-162.

2936   2001-0594indexing in • music • LCSH • 88-93;448
Hemmasi, H., Young, J.B. – LCSH for music : historical and empirical perspectives (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 29(2000)1/2, p.135-157.

13014   1996-0322indexing in • 88-936, 88-963
Ginouves, V.. – L'indexation du son inédit, ou comment constituer une base ethnographique (Lang.: fre). - In: Archimag, No. 85. 1995. p.57-59.

3119   2002-0141indexing in • fine arts • 88-94
Rogiest, P. – De kunstbibliotheek van het KMSKA en haar inhoudelijke ontsluiting [The KMSKA art library and subject access to its collections] (Lang.: dut). - In: Bibliotheek- en Archiefgids, 76(2000)4, p.8-17.

8220   indexing in • fine arts • 88-94
Garofalo, Denise A. – Sherman's art cataloging, etc. http://artcataloging.net/... (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 28(2011)1, pp. 107-108.

10267   1995-0965indexing in • fine arts • 88-94
Jaucquin, V. – L'indexation dans les banques de données iconographiques: étude comparative [Indexing in iconographic databases: a comparative study] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, INTD, 1994. – pp. 117.(DESS Mémoire 24-25). After showing the specialities in documenting photographs the indexing in the iconographic databases of 9 photocollection libraries (photothèques) is presented

11306   1990-2-344indexing in • fine arts • 88-94
Roberts, H. – 'Do you have any pictures of.?' subject access to works of art in visual collections and book reproductions (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Documentation.Vol.7.No.3.1988.p.87-90.

12184   1995-0661indexing in • fine arts • 88-94
Weinberg, B.H. – Book review of Petersen, T., Barnett, P.J.: Guide to indexing and cataloguing with the Art & Architecture Thesaurus; New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press 1994. XVI,397p (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 46. No. 2. 1995. p.152-160.

11455   1993-0396indexing in • 88-94, 872
Rorvig, M.E.. – A method for automatically abstracting visual documents (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.Vol. 44 No. 1. 1992. p.40-56.

5206   2007-0439indexing in • fine arts • UDC • 88-94;42
Vukadin, A. – Problemi klasifikacije graäe iz povijesti umjetnosti prema shemi UDK [Classification of art history according to UDC: some problems and issues] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.74-86.

8728   indexing in • fine arts • UDC • 88-94;42
Nijhoff, Michiel. – Optimism and enthusiasm -- and doubts: from UDC towards hybrid cataloguing in the library of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (Lang.: eng). - In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 50-52.

3118   2002-0140indexing in • fine arts • picture indexing • 88-94;872
Millar, R. – The little collection that could : building an online index (Lang.: eng). - In: Art Libraries Journal, 24(1999)3, p.25-29.

11159   1990-1089indexing in • 88-945, 819
Giral, A.; Taylor, A.G. – Indexing overlap and consistency between the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals and the Architectural Periodicals Index (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Resources & Techn.Serv.Vol.37.No.1.1993.p.19-44.

12185   1995-0662indexing in • 88-966, 879
Carter, C.E. – Accessing ethnic group information on CD-ROM: the case of Southeast Asians (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference Librarian. No. 45/46. 1994. p.171-184.

12186   1995-0663indexing in • 88-969
Hanworth, R. – On indexing 'The heritage of North Cyprus': a personal approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1955. p.205-207. An account of how and why tha author set about indexing a 'popular' work kon a country's history and archaeology

12187   1995-0664indexing in • 88-969
Lavell, Ch. – A database of radiocarbon dates for archaeology (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1995. p.173-176. Describes the formation of a finding aid for published radiocarbon dates for archaeological sites, first (in the 1970's) by manual methods, latterly by computer database

13262   1995-0665indexing in • philosophy • 88-97
Büchel, G. – Maschinelle Erschließung und Repräsentation von Terminologiebeständen am Beisiel von G.W.F.Hegel: 'Wissenschaft der Logik' [Automatic indexing and representation of terminology holdings using the example of G.W.F.Hegel's 'Science of Logic'] (Lang.: ger). - In: Sprache und DV. Vol. 16. No. 2. 1992. p.3-14. Description of a development project. The appendix gives a list of automatically recognized terms in Hegel's work

5207   2007-0440indexing in • philosophy • UDC • 88-97;42
Gornik, A. – Kako klasificirati filozofiju unutar sheme UDK? Problem ii rješenja iz prakse nacionalne i sveuäœilišne knjižnice [How to classify philosophy according to UDC? Problems and solutions in the practice of the national and university library in Zagreb] (Lang.: cro). - In: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 49(2006)3/4, p.19-35.

9370   indexing in • non-christian religion • 88-98
Idrees, Haroon. – Library classification systems and organization of Islamic knowledge: current global scenario and optimal solution (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 56(2012)3, pp.171-182.

5208   2007-0441indexing in • non-christian religion • DDC • 88-98;43
Tapper, J. – Dewey does a number on Wicca (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Journal, 131(2006), Suppl., p.16.

6094   2009-0214indexing in • non-christian religion • DDC • 88-98;43
Sulistyo-Basuki, L., Mulyani, A. S. – Indonesian librarians’ efforts to adapt and revise the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)’s notation 297 on Islam (Lang.: eng). - In: Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 13(2008)2, p.89-101.

11089   1990-1-449indexing in • 88-984
Weinberg, B.H. – From copy cataloging to derived bibliographic records.Cataloging and its automation in American Judaica Researching libraries from the sixties through the eighties (Lang.: eng). - In: Judaica Librarianshiip.Vol.4.No.2.1988.p.118-122.

6095   2009-0215indexing in • christian religion • 88-99
Neelameghan, A. – Multiple names of Hindu deities: representation in thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Studies, 14(2008)2, p.67-69.

6096   2009-0216indexing in • christian religion • 88-99
Notes on the indexing of biblical and related materials (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer 26(2008)4, p.C5/1-C5/6.

13301   1996-0323indexing in • christian religion • 88-99
Weisweiler, H.. – Zeitschriftenerschließung: Der Tübinger 'Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst Theologie' in neuer Form [Journal Cataloguing. The Tübingen Documentation Service Theology in a new form] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 29, No. 2. 1995. p.353-354. Reports on the Current-Contents-Service of the University Library in Tübingen devoted to Theology which has changed its look since 1995 and its substance including also its indexes. It has also grown in size, including also retrospective data. The database will be available soon in electronic form. Collaboration exists with the American Theological Library Association.

1170   1998-0546indexing in • christian religion • online systems in • christian religion • 88-99;758-99
Die Sacherschliessung in der Datenbank Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst Theologie [The subject indexing in the Periodicals' contents in theology databank] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 32(1998)9,p.1573-1577.

17693   indexing in • bibliographic control • various universal KOS • formal sciences • 88;94;048-1
Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana M.; Waisse, Silvia; H. M. Ferraz, MΓ‘rcia. – From shelves to cyberspace: organization of knowledge and the complex identity of history of science (Lang.: eng). - In: Isis 104, (2013)3, pp. 551-560.New York, NY, The University of Chicago Press, 2013. – pp. 10. – Available at http://http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/673274?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

12345   1995-094988851
Anon. – Is the writing on the pall? Will indexing survive the end of the millenium? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 4. 1995. p.248. It is envisaged that the information distribution on CD-ROM in time may take over the role of books with the consequence that there will no longer be a perceived need for indexes

18320   889
Crippa, Giulia. – Developing a field of knowledge through bibliography: art history in the 16th century (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp.Β 152-159.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

17914conferences • 06;88-51/4
de Andrade, Julietti; Lopes Ginez de Lara, Marilda. – Interoperability and mapping between knowledge organization systems: metathesaurusβ€”unified Medical language system of the national library of medicine (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)2, pp. 107-112.WΓΌrzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. – pp. 6. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Charts

8987conceptual models • indexing in • history • 124;88-69
Visser, J. Sophie. – Knowledge and its organization as multiple facets, forms and functions: an example of cultural-historical landscapes (Lang.: eng). – In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 389-396 (

50162007-0245math in • indexing in • energy science • indexing in • information sciences • 138;88-28;88-82
Yukimo Kobashio, N., Santos, R.N.M. – Information organization and representation by graphic devices: an interdisciplinary approach (Lang.: eng). – In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.293-299.

3471997-3-0346relationships problems • indexing principles • aboutness • indexing in • human sciences • 241;311;321;88-5
Green, R. – The role of relational structures in indexing for the humanities (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization 24(1997)2. p.72-83. Plea for frame-based indexing for the humanities

4801997-4-0481relationships problems • indexing principles • aboutness • indexing in • human sciences • 241;311;321;88-5
Green, R. – The role of relational structures in indexing for the humanities (Lang.: eng). – In: Information services & use 17 (1997)2/3. p.85-100. Plea for frame-based indexing for the humanities

8789revision methods • conceptology • systems theory • 273;88-51/4
Guo, Dong-mei, Chen, Xin-hong, Wang, Lin-lin. – [The revision of class H31 in the 5th Edition of Chinese Library Classification] (Lang.: chi). – In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese journal of medical library and information science, 20(2011)5, pp. 38-40.

117751994-0886indexing principles • indexing in • 311;88-828
Bearman, D.. – Vocabulary control (Lang.: eng). – In: Archives & Museum Informatics. 7(1993)4,p.6-8. Description of a workshop on vocabulary control given for the continuing education programme at Texas University at Austin, Nov.1993.

37202004-0246subject analysis • indexing in • chemical technology • 323;88-27
Sanz Casado, E., Martín Moreno, C., García-Zorita, C., Lascurín, M.L. – Aplicación en la gestión de bibliotecas especializadas de la interdisciplinariedad observada en la actividad científica [Application of the interdisciplinary observed in scientific research in specialised library management] (Lang.: ). – In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.573-579.

7371abstracting • conceptology • KO problems • 326;88-6/7
Hartley, J., Betts, L. – Common weaknesses in traditional abstracts in the social sciences (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)10, pp. 2010-2018.

18592subject analysis in • indexing in • social sciences • 328;88-6
Reis, Daniela Majorie Akama dos. – A leitura documentΓ‘ria de bibliotecΓ‘rios jurΓ­dicos: um estudo realizado a partir de aspectos da semiose e teoria da inferΓͺncia observados na estrutura textual de doutrina [Documentary reading to Law libraries: A study based on aspects of semiosis and inference theory observed in the textual structure of doctrine] (Lang.: por). – In: Dissertation.MarΓ­lia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2019.0. – pp. 212.0. – Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/reis_dma_do_mar.pdf

66672009-0787semi-automatic indexing methods • serials indexing • indexing in • special medicine • 344;845;88-53
Narukawa, Cristina Miyuki, Leiva, Isidoro Gil, Lopes Fujita, Mariângela Spotti. – Indexação automatizada de artigos de periódicos científicos: análise da aplicação do software SISA com uso da terminologia DeCS na área de Odontologia [Automatic indexing of scientific periodical articles: analysis of the application of SISA software and the DeCS terminology in dentistry] (Lang.: por). – In: Informação & sociedade: estudos, 19(2009)2, pp. 99-118.

15187semi-automatic indexing methods • conceptology • systems theory • 344;88-51/4
Jeong, So-Na; Lee, Choon Shil. – [An analysis of KoreaMed MeSH check tags] (Lang.: kor). – In: Proceedings of the Korean Society for Information Management Conference 20 (2013), pp. 105-111. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Journal/ArticleDetail/3250790

12581999-0053semi-automatic indexing methods • indexing in • law • 344;88-66
Yeap, W.K. – Computing rich semantic models of text in legal domains (Lang.: eng). – In: Information and Communications Technology Law , 7(1998)2,p.135-143.

7664semi-automatic indexing methods • indexing in • law • 344;88-66
Schweighofer, E. – Semantic indexing of legal documents (Lang.: eng). – In: Lecture notes in computer science, 6036(2010), pp.157-169.

8806reclassification problems • 371;88.94
Lawes, Elizabeth, Olsson, Tania. – Reclassification at Chelsea College of Art & Design Library (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 34-40.

12671999-0062evaluation criteria • indexing in • information sciences • 392;88-82
Iivonen, M., Kivimäki, K. – Common entities and missing properties : similarities and differences in the indexing of concepts (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)3,p.90-102. »» Comparison of the indexing in Library and Information Abstracts and in a Finnish database for Library and Information Science (KINF)

8666UDC • indexing in • cybernetics • 42;88-17
Shapsheva, N. P. – Proect razvitiya klassa UDK 007 Kibernetika [Draft development of the class UDC 007 Cybernetics] (Lang.: rus). – In: Nauchno-tehnicheskaya informaciya, Serija 1(2010)12, pp. 22-26.

8667UDC • conceptology • psychology in KO • 42;88-2/5
Beloozerov, V. N., et al. – Metodicheskaya rabota VINITI po sistemam klassifikacii NTI [VINITI methodological activities on classification systems for scientific and technological information] (Lang.: rus). – In: Novye tehnologiiv informacionnobibliotechnom obespechenii nauchnyh issledovanij: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov, 2010, pp. 254-261.

8668UDC • indexing in • matter science • indexing in • energy science • 42;88-22;88-28
Beloozerov, V. N., Shaburova, N. N. – Razvitie tezaurusa klassifikacionnyh rubrik po fizike poluprovodnikov [Development of the thesaurus of classification subject headings in the physics of semiconductors] (Lang.: rus). – In: Novye tehnologiiv informacionno-bibliotechnom obespechenii nauchnyh issledovanij: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov 2010, pp. 262-272.

8669UDC • indexing in • matter science • indexing in • energy science • 42;88-22;88-28
Shaburova, N. N., Beloozerov, V. N. – UDK v sisteme klassificacij dlya indeksirovaniya dokumentov po fizike poluprovodnikov [UDC in the system of classifications for document indexing in the physics of semiconductors] (Lang.: rus). – In: Nauchno-tehnicheskaya informaciya, serija 1(2010)9, pp. 34-44.

8670UDC • indexing in • human biology • 42;88-51
Rozman, D. – Vsebinska obdelava knjiΓ…ΒΎničnega gradiva: biotehnologija Γ’β‚¬β€œ nova skupina v UDK [Subject indexing of library material: biotechnology Γ’β‚¬β€œ a new class in UDC ] (Lang.: slo). – In: KnjiΓ…ΒΎničarske novice, 19(2009)9, p. 3.

8721998-0248UDC • conceptology • conceptology • 42;88-91/2
Agheorghiesei, M. – Ondexarea lingvisticii (81) conform noii structuri CZU în Biblioteca de Litere [Indexing linguistics according to the new structure of class 8 in the Library of Letters] (Lang.: rom). – In: Biblos, 6(1998) p. 29-33. Practical indexing issues with the restructured class 8 of the UDC

8731998-0249UDC • conceptology • conceptology • 42;88-91/2
Frâncu, V. – In sprijinul configuraţiei actuale a Clasei 8 - Lingvistică - Literatură a Classificării Zecimale Universale [In support of the actual configuration of class 8 – Linguistics. Literature] (Lang.: rom). – In: Biblioteca, 9(1998)4 p. 112-115.

8813UDC • indexing in • fine arts • 42;88-94
White, Maria. – Brackets and flying commas: UDC in Tate Library (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp.13-17.

59692009-0089DDC • indexing in • information sciences • 43;88-82
Sabzwari,G.A. – Are we concerned with professional problems? (Lang.: eng). – In: Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal, 39(2008)3, p.1.

8817DDC • conceptology • psychology in KO • 43;88-94/5
Cripps, Jill. – Dewey and the visual arts: some thoughts on the scheme and its application (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 5-12.

8818LCC • indexing in • fine arts • 44;88-94
Bunting, Lynda, Matosian, Ani. – Classifying photography (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 44-49.

8819LCC • indexing in • fine arts • 44;88-94
Clarke, Sherman. – Class N, or, Classifying the fine arts using the Library of Congress classification (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 22-25.

8820LCC • indexing in • fine arts • revision methods • 44;88-94;273
Lee, Deborah. – Dealing with adaptation: the Courtauld classification scheme (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp.26-33.

59712009-0091LCC • indexing in • christian religion • 44;88-99
Gregory, S. – Union Theological College Library, Belfast (Lang.: eng). – In: Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries, 15(2008)2, p.14-17.

8823Bliss • indexing in • fine arts • 45;88-94
Perkins, Alex. – Classifying art with Bliss (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp. 18-21.

9633KOS for libraries • indexing in • linguistics • 485;88-91
An, Xiaoli. – [Multi-dimension indexing of bilingual textbooks based on auxiliary tables] (Lang.: chi). – In: Library development, (2012)8, pp. 34-36.

7912linguistics and KO • museum indexing • indexing in • history • 711;878;88-69
Vlachidis, Andreas et al. – Excavating grey literature: a case study on the rich indexing of archaeological documents via natural language-processing techniques and knowledge-based resources (Lang.: eng). – In: Aslib proceedings, 63(2010)4/5, pp. 466-475.

15229semantic networks • indexing in • music • 725;88-93
Gracy, Karen; Zeng, Marcia Lei; Skirvin, Laurence. – Exploring methods to improve access to music resources by aligning library data with linked data: a report of methodologies and preliminary findings (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)10, pp. 2078-2099.

35862004-0113language processing • indexing in • history • 732;88-69
Chieu, H.L., Lee, Y.K. – Query based event extraction along a timeline (Lang.: eng). – In: SIGIR'04. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval [see 2004-0005], p. 425-432.

64952009-0615online retrieval problems • conceptology • systems theory • 751;88-51/4
Atsuko, Matsuzaka. – Consideration of the actually used search words in the field of nursing focused on author keywords (Lang.: jap). – In: Joho Kanri, 51(2008)1, pp.30-40.

57722008-0317online systems • indexing in • geography • 752;88-39
Vandenburg, M. – Using Google maps as an interface for the library catalogue (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)1, p.33-40.

37362004-0262Internet gateways • indexing in • history • 752.3;88-69
Henriques, R., Worcman, K. – A experiência do Museu da Pessoa: organizaçao da memória socialáem formato digital [The Museum of the Person's experience: social memory organization in digital format] (Lang.: ). – In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.723-727.

43092005-32-4-0384Internet gateways • indexing in • economical sciences • 752.3;88-7
Fernández Sánchez, E. – El portal Tecnociencia : un sistema de información Científica en Ciencia y Tecnología [Tecnociencia: a scientific information Internet portal in Science and Technology] (Lang.: spa). – In: Scire, 10(2004)2, p.147-154.

15606Internet gateways • indexing in • music • 752.3;88-93
Gâtz, Franz Jürgen. – Eine neue Virtuelle Bibliothek für Libretti: Das Libretto-Portal der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [A new virtual library for libretti: the libretto portal of the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). – In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 8(2014)1, pp. 26-29..

15607Internet gateways • indexing in • fine arts • 752.3;88-94
Effinger, Maria; Leiskau, Katja; Walzel, Annika-Valeska. – All-In-One Γ’β‚¬β€œ arthistoricum.net auf dem Weg zum Fachinformationsdienst Kunst [All-In-One Γ’β‚¬β€œ arthistoricum.net and its transition to a Scientific Information Service for Art] (Lang.: ger). – In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014)1, pp. 83Γ’β‚¬β€œ92..

57792008-0324online systems • indexing in • information sciences • 755;88-82
Sluga, M. – Google and information resources in library and information science: a comparative analysis (Lang.: slo). – In: Knjižnica, 51(2007)3-4, p.23-40.

40022005-32-1-0078online systems in • history • indexing in • history • 758-69;88-69
Haber, P., Hodel, J. – Die History Toolbox der Universität Basel : Wie die Kulturwissenschaften mit dem Traum von der Bibliotheca Universalis umgehen [The Web History of the Basel University: How the culture sciences deal with the dream of the Bibliotheca Universalis] (Lang.: ger). – In: Wissensorganisation und Edutainment [see 2005-32-1-0003], p.225-233.

43312005-32-4-0406online systems in • music • indexing in • music • 758-93;88-93
Downie, J.S. – Music information retrieval (Lang.: eng). – In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 37(2003)1, p.295-340. »» Review article

7949multilingual IR • indexing in • literature • 797;88-92
Tonkin, Humphrey. – Navigating and expanding the MLA International Bibliography (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of scholarly publishing, 41(2010)3, pp. 340-353.

38832004-0408indexing problems • indexing in • fine arts • 811;88-94
Baca, M. – Fear of authority? : Authority control and thesaurus build­ing for art and material culture information (Lang.: eng). – In: Cata­loging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.143-151.

60332009-0153tagging • conceptology • systems theory • 835;88-51/4
Sun, B. D. – Folksonomy and health information access: how can social bookmarking assist seekers of online medical information? (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 8(2008)1, p.119-126.

15446tagging • indexing in • fine arts • 835;88-94
Klavans, Judith L.; LaPlante, Rebecca; Golbeck, Jennifer . – Subject matter categorization of tags applied to digital images from art museums (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 65(2014)1, pp. 3-12.

54052007-0642theses indexing • indexing in • agriculture • 846;88-46
Hoover, L. L. – Agriculture and food related theses and dissertations available on the Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 7(2006)2/3, p.87-108.

27612001-0419book indexing problems • conceptology • systems theory • literature reviews • 851;88-51/4;02
Halliday, J. – (Book review of) Wyman, P.: Indexing specialities: medicine - Medford, NJ: Information Today : American Society of Indexers, 1999 – 119 p. - ISBN: 157387082X (Lang.: eng). – In: Indexer, 22(2000)1, p.51.

29282001-0586book indexing problems • conceptology • systems theory • literature reviews • 851;88-51/4;02
Owen, D.J. – (Book review of) Wyman, P.: Indexing specialities: medicine - Medford, NJ: Information Today : American Society of Indexers, 1999 – 119 p. - ISBN: 157387082X (Lang.: eng). – In: Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 88(2000)3, p.280-281.

51732007-0406abstract indexing • indexing in • matter science • 863;88-22
Kuppahalli, C. – Content organization of a subject in a classification scheme and organizing knowledge in the digital environment ontology (Lang.: eng). – In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.423-429.

7976citation indexing • conceptology • concept formation • 864;88-1/54
Mahdi, A.E., Joorabchi, A. – A citation-based approach to automatic topical indexing of scientific literature (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of information science, 36(2010)6, pp. 798-811.

16511999-0446citation indexing • indexing in • information sciences • 864;88-82
White, H.D., McCain, K.W. – Visualizing a discipline : an author co-citation analysis of information, 1972-1995 (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American society for information science, 49(1998)4, p.327-355.

38902004-0414NBM indexing problems • indexing in • ecology • 871;88-49
Budin, G. – Mehrsprachige Wissensorganisation für den Aufbau von eLearning Systemen für Ökologie : Erfahrungsberichte zu den Pro­jekten "Logos Gaias" und "Media Nova Naturae" [Multilingual knowledge organization for the construction of e-learning systems for ecology. reports on the projects "Logos Gaias" and "Media Nova Naturae"] (Lang.: ger). – In: Wissensorganisation in kooperatieven Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen [see 2004-0335], p.105-121.

9149NBM indexing problems • conceptology • systems theory • 871;88-51/4
Wang, Xin et al. – Role of domain knowledge in developing user-centered medical-image indexing (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(2012)2, pp. 225-241.

15640picture indexing • indexing in • geography • 872;88-39
Capone, Vera Lucia Punzi Barcelos; Cordeiro, Rosa InΓƒΒͺs de Novais. – O arquivo fotogrÑfico ilustrativo dos trabalhos geogrÑficos de campo do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE): proposta de uma matriz para anÑlise documentÑria da paisagem (Lang.: por). – In: Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciΓƒΒͺncia da informação, 14., Florianópolis. Proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (06.13-10-29/11-01). – Available at http://enancib2013.ufsc.br/index.php/enancib2013/XIVenancib/paper/viewFile/226/420

65822009-0702conceptology • psychology in KO • indexing in • information sciences • 88-2/5;88-8
Granata, G. – I settori scientifico-disciplinari: una proposta per l'ordinamento delle raccolte nelle biblioteche universitarie [The Scientific-disciplinary Fields: a proposal for collection arrangement in university libraries] (Lang.: ita). – In: ISKO Italia. Documenti, 2007. – Available at http://www.iskoi.org/doc/filosofia3.htm Paper presented at the seminar Classificare le scienze umane: il caso filosofia, Padua, 2 February 2007

34432003-0118KO metadata • special KOS • education • indexing in • education • 918;656;88-56
Slavic, A. – General library classification in learning material metadata : the application in IMS/LOM and CDMES metadata schemas (Lang.: eng). – In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.97-104.

54342007-0677KO metadata • conceptology • systems theory • 918;88-51/4
Michon, J. – Biomedicine and the Semantic Web: a knowledge model for visual phenotype (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 43(2007)3/4, p.149-160.

54352007-0678KO metadata • indexing in • clinical medicine • 918;88-54
Ferraioli, L. – An exploratory study of metadata creation in a health care agency (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 40(2005)3/4, p.75-102.

54362007-0679KO metadata • indexing in • clinical medicine • 918;88-54
Hatfield, A.J., Kelley, S.D. – Case study: lessons learned through digitizing the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research Collection (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Medical Library Association; 95(2007)3, p.267-270.

8371KO metadata • indexing in • literature • 918;88-92
Paling, Stephen. – Developing a metadata element set for organizing literary works: a survey of the American literary community (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization, 38(2011)3, pp. 262-277.

8554KO in Africa • indexing in • agriculture • 936;88-46
Bernaoui, Radia, Hassoun, Mohamed. – Knowledge awareness and standards in agricultural research in Algeria: prerequisites for a national information system of high added value (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization, 38(20121)5, pp. 414-424.

15287cataloging • indexing in • music • 942;88-93
Talkner, Katharina. – I've got the RISM and you've got the music!: Moderne Wege zur effizienten Erschliessung musikalischer NachlÀsse [IÒ€ℒve got the RISM and youÒ€ℒve got the music!: Modern ways for the efficient cataloguing of musical estates] (Lang.: ger). – In: Perspektive Bibliothek, 2(2013)2, pp. 75-103. – Available at http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/ojs/index.php/bibliothek/article/view/11244/5105

68442009-0964authority control • conceptology • systems theory • 949;88-51/4
Sharifabadi, S. Rezaei, Khosravi, A., Zeinolabedini, M. Haji. – A study on the feasibility of subject authority control of web-based Persian medical databases: an Iranian experience (Lang.: eng). – In: International journal of information science and technology, 7(2009)2, pp. 1-14.

63772009-0497users requirements • conceptology • systems theory • 982;88-51/4
Chu, A., et al. – "Partnering with Seniors for Better Health": computer use and Internet health information retrieval among older adults in a low socioeconomic community (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the Medical Library Association, 97(2009)1, pp. 12-20.

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