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Your search for
class 919 MARC Format for Classification Data. Classification Data in MARC
found the 8 items below.
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Items on this class as the base theme
Concise UNIMARC Classification Format (20001031) (Lang.: eng). - The Hague, IFLA, 2000. pp. 38. Available at Calk, J., Persing, B. From catalog card to MARC : USMARC bibliographic self defence (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Librarian, 38(2000)3/4, p.349-355. Avram, H.D. Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) program (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. by M.A. Drake. - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. - Vol. 3, p.1712-1730. »» LCMARC, MARC21 and derivatesDunsire, Gordon; Willer, Mirna; PeroΓ
ΒΎiΓβ‘, Predrag. Representation of the UNIMARC bibliographic data format in resource description framework (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2-6, 2013. Available at Boiger, Wolfgang. Entwicklung und Implementierung eines MARC21-MARCXML-Konverters in der Programmiersprache Perl [Development and implementation of a MARC21-MARCXML converter in the Perl programming language] (Lang.: ger). - In: Perspektive Bibliothek, 4(2015)2, pp. 33-59. Available at Niknia, M.; Emrani, E.. Mapping and Valuation Iran MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging) Data Elements with FRBR Entities and User Tasks (Lang.: eng). - In: Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 29(2014)2, pp. 477-503.
Further items on this class as a particular theme Riesthuis, G.J.A. Some thoughts about the format of the Master Reference File database (Lang.: eng). In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 23(2000), p.15-22. Beall, Julianne, Mitchell, Joan S. History of the representation of the DDC in the MARC Classification Format (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)1, pp. 48-63.
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