Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 93 Organization of Classification and Indexing on a National and International Level. Shared Classification Indexing. Centralised Classification and Indexing found the 115 items below.       [new search]

  This topic is also covered in articles from ISKO Encyclopedia of KO:

Items on this class as the base theme

4958   2007-0184KO organization93
Subba Rao, S. – Indigenous knowledge organization: an Indian scenario (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Information Management, 26(2006)3, p.224-233.

16479   KO organizationKOS in special environments93;218
Boiger, Wolfgang. – Entity Facts – ein neuer Dienst der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek [Entity Facts – a new service of the German National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online, 18(2015)4, pp. 329-338.

1685   1999-0480KO organization principles931
Hiller, E. – Scatter and save! : An evaluation of the adoption of centralised classification and outsourcing (Lang.: eng). - In: Against the Grain, 11(1999)2, p.18,20,22.

2312   2000-0589KO organization principles931
Weaver, M., [et al.]. – Centralised classification of library materials - a benchmarking study (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and Information Research News, 23(1999)74,p.23-32.

2621   2001-0279KO organization principles931
Reddy, E.R., Pradeep, C. – Internet and Z39.50 : a virtual union catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: CALIBER 99 : Academic libraries in the Internet : proceedings of the 6th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research, Nagpur, India, 18-20 February 1999 / ed. y P.S.G. Kumar and C.P. Vashishth. - Ahmedabad: Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), 1999, p.151-158.

2622   2001-0280KO organization principles931
Cremer, M., Neuroth, H. – Eine Zukunftswerkstatt des Katalogisierens? : Das CORC-Project: Erfahrungen an der SUB Göttingen [A future workshop of cataloguing?: The CORC project: experiences at the State and University Library Göttingen] (Lang.: ger). - In: Buch und Bibliothek, 52(2000)3,p.245-248. »» The CORC-Project (Cooperative Online Resource Catalog) of the OCLC

2945   2001-0603KO organization principles931
Senecal, K. – The twofold promise of the CORC project (Lang.: eng). - In: OCLC Systems and Services, 16(2000)2, p.84-90.

2946   2001-0604KO organization principles931
Liu, V. – Cooperative Online Resource Catalog (CORC): a community college's experience (Lang.: eng). - In: Community and Junior College Libraries, 9(2000)3, p.5-22.

2947   2001-0605KO organization principles931
Testal, C.G. – Corc : hacia la biblioteca digital [Corc: towards the digital library] (Lang.: spa). - In: Profesional de la Informacion, 9(2000)4, p.17-20.

8372   KO organization principles931
Andrew, Paige G. – End of the line?: A case study of a cataloging department achieving BIBCO status (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 49(2011)4, pp. 311-322.

8373   KO organization principles931
Preston, C. A. – Cooperative e-Book cataloging in the OhioLINK Library Consortium (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 49(2011)4, pp. 257-276.

2623   2001-0281KO organization principlesOPAC931;752.2
Andresen, L. – Z39.50 update (Lang.: eng). - In: DF Revy, 23(2000)2,p.48-50.

7295   international KO cooperations932
Banush, D. – Cooperative cataloging at the intersection of tradition and transformation: possible futures for the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly 48(2010)2/3, pp. 247-257 .

7296   international KO cooperations932
Schuitema, J.E. – The future of cooperative cataloging: curve, fork, or impasse? (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly 48(2010)2/3, pp. 258-270.

7297   international KO cooperations932
Sellberg, R. – Cooperative cataloging in a post-OPAC world (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly 48(2010)2/3, pp. 237-246.

7298   international KO cooperations932
Turner, A.H. – OCLC WorldCat as a cooperative catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)2/3, pp. 271-278.

7570   international KO cooperations932
Tolkoff, Ilana. – The path toward global interoperability in cataloging (Lang.: eng). - In: Information technology and libraries, 29(2010)1, pp. 30-33.

12367   1995-0981international KO cooperations932
McGarry, D. – International cooperation in subject analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Cat. & Bibliogr. Control. Vol. 23. No. 4. 11994. p.77-81. A survey on the activities of IFLA's Section on Classification and Indexing during a range of IFLA conferences is given, showing its role in international cooperation and Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC). Particular reference is given to the UDC, DD. C and the LCSH

12836   1996-1326international KO cooperations932
McGarry, D.. – International Cooperation in Subject Analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Cat.& Bibliogr.Control. Vol. 23, No. 4. 1994. p.77-78.

18752   international KO cooperations932
Tausch, Arno. – Die Integration der Bibliotheken Algeriens und Tunesiens in die Strukturen der internationalen Sozialwissenschaften [Integrating the libraries of Algeria and Tunisia into the structures of international social sciences] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 54(2020)2, pp. 115-140. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2020-0023

12837   1996-1327932.77.99
Schmitz, K.-D.. – MARTIF. A new ISO Standard for the interchange of terminological data (Lang.: eng). - In: TermNet News, No. 50-51. 1995. p.4-5.

5218   2007-0451international KO activities933
Steer, M.J. – (Book review of) Beghtol, C., Williamson, N. J. - Knowledge Organisation and Classification in International Information Retrieval - New York & London: Haworth Press, 2003 - 243p. - (Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, v. 37, no. 1 / 2) - ISBN: 789031124 (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & Index, 154 (2006), p.14-15.

9718   international KO activities933
International agreement of indexing societies (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 151-152. The agreement, reached in July 2012 in Brighton, England, is between the Society of Indexers, the American Society for Indexing, the Indexing Society of Canada, the Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers, the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers, and the China Society of Indexers.

11161   1990-1093international KO activities933
Danzig, P.B.; Li, S.H., Obraczka, K. – Distributed indexing of autonomous Internet services (Lang.: eng). - In: Computing Systems.Vol.5.No.4.1992.p.433-460.

11100   1990-1-464933.76
Czerni, S. – International cooperation in lexicography (Lang.: eng). - In: Neoterm.No.9-10.1988.p.12-16.

5853   2008-0399KO in Europe934
Žumer, M., Clavel-Merrin, G. – TEL-ME-MOR: investigating subject access tools and practices of European national libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation, p.110-119.

6358   2009-0478KO in Europe934
Zágorec-Csuka, Judit. – Knjižnièarstvo na Madžarskem [Librarianship in Hungary] (Lang.: slo). - In: Organizacija znanja, 13(2008)4.

7299   KO in Europe934
Žumer, Maja, Clavel-Merrin, Genevieve. – TEL-ME-MOR: investigating subject access tools and practices of European national libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation (, pp. 110-119.

10274   1995-0982KO in Europe934
Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut. – Informationen zu den regionalen und überregionalen Verbundsystemen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 4. aktualisierte Aufl [Information on the regional and supraregional library networks in the Federal Republic of Germany. 4th updated ed] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, 1995. – pp. 124.

10616   1993-0401KO in Europe934
Goossens, P.. – Multilingual bibliographic access via subject in Europe (Lang.: eng). - In: New tools for a new identity. European Conf., Brussels, May 9-11, 1990. 1991. p.206-214.München, K.G.Saur Verlag,

13213   1994-1144KO in Europe934
Zerbst, H.-J.. – Gegenwärtiger Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen der Sacherschliessung. Auswertung einer Umfrage an deutschen wissenschaftlichen und öffentlichen Bibliotheken [Present state and trends in subject cataloguing: Evaluation of a survey at German scientific and public libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. 27(1993)10,p.1526-1539.

16266   KO in Europe934
Walker, Kizer. – Re-Envisioning Distributed Collections in German Research Libraries – A View from the U.S.A. (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 39(2015),1, pp. 7-12.

10617   1993-0402KO in Europe934 CH
Calvel-Merrin, G.. – Multilingual subject access in Switzerland (Lang.: eng). - In: New tools for a new identity. European Conf., Brussels, May 9-11, 1990. 1991. p.215-235.München, K.G.Saur Verlag,

10817   1990-1-465KO in Europe934 NL
Edelenbos, P.J.; Nieulande, D.D.M.van, Pirovano, H. – Integration of subject analysis in archives, libraries and information (Lang.: dut). - In: Open.Vol.20.No.12.1988.p.422-428.

13554   1990-1-466KO in Europe934 SU
Isaeva, T.V. – Role of Union Republic State Libraries in introducing BBK in centralized library systems (Lang.: rus). - In: Sov.Bibl.1985.p.83-94.

13555   1990-1-467KO in Europe934 SU
Rozenshild, L.K. – Results of introduction of central classification into the BEN CLS (Lang.: rus). - In: Intensif.inf.bibl.obespech.fundam.nauch.issled.na sovrem.etape.1988.p.101-106.Moskva,SU,

13585   1990-2-350KO in Europe934 SU
Vanskaja, G.P.; Gavrilina, N.V., Ivanova, O.A. – Once more on centralized cataloguing (Lang.: rus). - In: Sov.bibliotekoved.No.3.1989.p.49-53.

1686   1999-0481KO in Europe934-de
Junger, U. – Überlegungen zur Weiterentwicklung der Sacherschliessung im Gemeinsamen Bibliotheksverbund /BBV [Considerations on the further development of the subject indexing in the North German Library Network GBV] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek. Forschung und Praxis, 22(1998)2, p.252-255.

10375   1995-0983934, 812
Crawford, J.C.; Thom, L., Powles, J.A. – A survey of subject access to academic library catalogues in Great Britain (Lang.: eng). - London, British Library, 1992. – pp. 26.(BLRD Report 6073). Results of a questionnaire action. 86 out of 110 questionnaires were returned. All 86 universities and polytechnics had OPACs progressing well with the MARC format widely used. Subject access was usually based on the LCSH oor inhouse indexing systems. Al. most half of the OPACs had no separate subject searching possibilities based on subject terms

6118   2009-0238KO in EuropeDDC934;43
Umstätter, W. – DDC in Europa: Hat der Einsatz in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek unsere Zunft weitergebracht? Hat unsere Klientel etwas davon? [DDC in Europe: has the effort in the German National Library furthered our trade? Does our clientele gain anything thereby?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 42(2008)11, p.1194-1221.

16530   934.076
Gabriel Júnior, Rene Faustino. – Geração de indicadores de produção e citação científica em revistas de Ciência da Informação: estudo aplicado à base de dados BRAPCI [Generating scientific production and citation indicators in Information Science Journals: an applied study in the database BRAPCI] (Lang.: por). - Marília, São Paulo, Brasil, Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 2014. – Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/gabriel_junior_rf_do_mar.pdf

16531   934.076
Martins, Gracy Kelli. – Institucionalização cognitiva e social da Organização e Representação do Conhecimento na Ciência da Informação no Brasil [Cognitive and social institutionalization of knowledge organization and representation in Information Science in Brazil] (Lang.: por). - Marília, São Paulo, Brasil, Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 2014. – Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/martins_gk_do_mar.pdf

12977   1994-1145934.77 FR
Humbley, J.. – La terminologie en France [Terminology in France] (Lang.: fre). - In: TermNet News. (1993)42/43,p.39-41. Short report on a new association (TLS), on new publications, on colluquies held in France, etc.

15285   934(276)
Herr, Wiebke. – VD 16, 17 und 18: Retrospektive nationalbibliographische Verzeichnung vor dem Hintergrund sich verändernder technischer Rahmenbedingungen [VD 16, 17 and 18: Retrospective national bibliographies in the light of changing technical conditions] (Lang.: ger). - In: Perspektive Bibliothek. 1(2012)2, pp. 106-136. – Available at http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/ojs/index.php/bibliothek/article/view/9459/3326

16040   934(276)
Müller, Astrid B.. – Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek präsentiert erste Vollversion: Acht Millionen Datensätze von mehr als 100 Einrichtungen online [The German digital library presents its first full version: Eight million records from more than 100 institutions are online] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB – Forum Bibliothek und Information, 66 (2014)6, pp. 421-422. – Available at http://www.b-u-b.de/pdfarchiv/Heft-BuB_06_2014.pdf

15286   934(642)
Buturuga, M.; Radu, L. – Bibliografierea nationala retrospectiva in Biblioteca Academiei Romane [Retrospective national bibliography at the Romanian Academy Library] (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca: revista de bibliologie si stiinta informarii, 24(2013)2, pp. 44-46.

6597   2009-0717934(705)
Šavli, Daniela, Šauperl, Alenka, Zabukovec, Vlasta. – Lastnosti knjižniènih katalogov za otroke v osnovni šoli [Characteristics of library catalogues for primary school children] (Lang.: slo). - In: Šolska knjižnica, 19(2009)2/3, pp.97-105.

6598   2009-0718934(705)
Štular Sotošek, Karmen. – Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - dLib.si in sorodni multimedijski portali [The Digital Library of Slovenia - dLib.si and related multimedia portals] (Lang.: slo). - In: Šolska knjižnica, 19(2009)2/3, pp.118-125.

7300   934*276
Gillitzer, Berthold. – Der Empfehlungsdienst BibTip: Ein flächendeckendes Angebot im Bibliotheksverbund Bayern [The BibTip Recommender Service: a consortium-wide option for the libraries of the Bavarian Library Network] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online 13(2010)1, pp. 47-49.

7301   934*276
Gömpel, Renate, Junger, Ulrike, Niggemann, Elisabeth. – Veränderungen im Erschliessungskonzept der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek [The German National Library's policy changes concerning cataloguing and indexing] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken. 22(2010)1, pp. 20-22. – Available at http://www.db.de/service/pdf/dialog_2010_1_veraenderungen_erschliessungskonzept.pdf

7302   934*276
Meyer, Anke. – Das neue Service- und Katalogportal der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek [The new portal for services and catalogues of the German National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 20(2008)2, pp. 4-8. – Available at http://files.d-nb.de/pdf/dialog_08_02_vollt.pdf

7303   934*276
Meyer, Anke, Svensson, Lars G. – Web 2.0 in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek [Web 2.0 in the German National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 21(2009)2, pp. 4-9. – Available at http://files.d-nb.de/pdf/dialog_09_2_vollt.pdf

9170   934*276
Ullrich, Hanna, Ruppert, Ato. – Katalogplus, die Freiburger Lösung zur Kombination von lokalem Katalog und globalem RDS-Index [Katalogplus, the combination of a local catalogue and a global RDS-Index in the University Library of Freiburg (Germany)] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 32(2012)1, pp. 26-30.

9171   934*276
Ullrich, Hanna, Ruppert, Ato. – Katalogplus, die Freiburger Lösung zur Kombination von lokalem Katalog und globalem RDS-Index [Katalogplus, the combination of a local catalogue and a global RDS-Index in the University Library of Freiburg (Germany)] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 32(2012)1, pp. 26-30.

8927   934*380
Lucarelli, Anna, Paradisi, Federica. – The contribution of the Italian National Bibliographic Agency to the development of tools for subject indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Alexandria, 21(2011)3, pp. 25-40.

9172   934*528
Damen, Jos. – 130,000 unique objects visible in the Netherlands collection (Lang.: eng). - In: Informatie professional, 1-2(2012), pp. 19-21.

8553   934*643
Edwards, Chloè. – Soviet classifications and situated knowledges (Lang.: eng). - In: Expanding our horizons, evaluating our parameters, [See 06.11-06-16\17], pp. 13-22.

5854   2008-0400conceptologypsychology in KO934/5
Alakuş, M. – A Turkish treasure trove (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 26(2008)1, p.8-13.

7028   KO in Asia935
Guishu Liang. – [A history and background of the integration of classification and subject headings in China] (Lang.: chi). - In: Toshokan Jouhou Media Kenkyuu/Library, information & media studies, 5(2007)2, pp. 1-8.

8002   KO in Asia935
Ahmad, Hafiz Khubaib. – The Pakistan National Bibliography: a source of bibliographical control in Pakistan (Lang.: eng). - In: International cataloguing and bibliographic control, 39(2010)4, pp. 75-76.

8234   KO in Asia935
Classification/Thesaurus/Indexing Group . – Sinmonbukai (SIG): Bunrui/Shisorasu/Indexing Bukai no Katsudo [Activities of Classification/Thesaurus/Indexing Group] (Lang.: jap). - In: Journal of Information Science and Technology Association (Joho no Kagaku to Gijutsu), 60(2010)5, pp. 194-198.

17240   KO in Asia935
Chaikhambung, Juthatip; Tuamsuk, Kulthida. – Knowledge classification on ethnic groups in Thailand (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quartely, 55(2017)2, . – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2016.1271074

15668   bibliographic records935(156);944
Liao, Yongxia. – [Practice and thinking on FRBRization of the Chinese National Bibliography] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 57(2013)17, pp. 102-108..

9547   935(376)
Prebor, Gila; Zitter, Nachum. – Classification and indexing in Yeshiva libraries: analysis of the systems, their sources and development (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)8, pp. 830-851.

5219   2007-0452KO in Africa936
Ndakotsu, T.M. – Classifying Africa (Lang.: eng). - In: African Research and Documentation, 101 (2006) p.39-42.

9173   KO in Africa936
Busayo, I.O. – Perception and utilization of Library of Congress On-Line Cataloging Tool by academic librarians in Nigerian universities (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of instructional media, (2012)2, pp. 123-130.

8554   KO in Africaindexing inagriculture936;88-46
Bernaoui, Radia, Hassoun, Mohamed. – Knowledge awareness and standards in agricultural research in Algeria: prerequisites for a national information system of high added value (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 38(20121)5, pp. 414-424.

5604   2008-0149KO in America937
Rettig testifies on LC cataloguing (Lang.: eng). - In: American Libraries, 38(2007)11, p.12.

5855   2008-0401KO in America937
Marcum, D. B. – The Library of Congress and cataloging's future (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 45(2008)3, p.3-15.

6599   2009-0719KO in America937
Shiri, Ali, Chase-Kruszewski, Sarah. – Knowledge organisation systems in North American digital library collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library and information systems, 43(2009)2, pp.121-139.

7029   KO in America937
Shiri, Ali, Chase-Kruszewski, Sarah. – Knowledge organisation systems in North American digital library collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library & information systems, 43(2009)2, pp. 121-139.

7304   KO in America937
Charbonneau, M.D. – Program for cooperative cataloging: the Indiana experience (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly 48(2010)2/3, pp. 113-125.

8928   KO in America937
Martínez Tamayo, Ana María, Bava, Leslie, Kessler, María Inés. – Las funciones de la clasificación en los catálogos en línea de bibliotecas universitarias argentines [The functions of classification in Argentinian university library online catalogues] (Lang.: eng). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimento, 17(2011)1, pp. 73-79. Abstract in English

9174   KO in America937
Sullivan, D. – Cataloging at Yale: tools & resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 29(2012)2, pp. 160-161. – Available at http://www.library.yale.edu/cataloging/tools.htm /

8003   KO in Americaindexing937;331
Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes, Gil Leiva, Isidoro. – Políticas de indexação na América Latina [Indexing policies in Latin America] (Lang.: por). - In: Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación, (2009), pp. 155-162. Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese.

6119   2009-0239937(036)
MacRitchie, J. – Australians on indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Library Journal 57(2008)2, p.182-183.

8004   937*076
Oliveira, Ely Francina Tannuri, Grácio, Maria Cláudia Cabrini, Segundo, José Eduardo Santarém. – Redes brasileiras de colaboração cientifica em Organização e Representação de Conhecimento: análise de coautorias dos Encontros Nacionais de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação (ENANCIBs) [Scientific collaboration networks in knowledge organization and representation: a co-authorship analysis of the Encontros Nacionais de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação (ENANCIBs) in Brazil] (Lang.: por). - In: Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación, (2009), pp. 163-168. Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese.

6600   2009-0720KO in Australasia938
Obradovic, K. – Souping up the engine: making the most of the catalogue at the University of Auckland Library (Lang.: eng). - In: The electronic library, 26(2008)5, pp.619-629.

16041   938(554)
Small, Dave; Fithian, Nancy. – INNZsight: index New Zealand in focus (Lang.: eng). - In: The indexer, 32(2014)3, pp. 97-103.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

Abraão Pando, Daniel; de Almeida, Carlos Cândido. – Knowledge organization in the context of postmodernity from the theory of classification perspective (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)2, pp. 113-117.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. – pp. 5. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Chart

7357KOS in special environments218;934(380)
Filograno, Anna. – Applicazione del Thesaurus Regionale Toscano: dall'attivita` di indicizzazione alle attività di front office:alcune riflessioni [Applying the Thesaurus Regionale Toscano: from indexing to front office work: some considerations] (Lang.: ita). – In: I workshop di Teca: 8 focus per le biblioteche; ed. by Waldemaro Morgese & Maria A. Abenante. Rome, AIB, 2010, 373pp., pp. 337-340.

Oberhauser, Otto. – Praktische Lösungen für lokale Systematiken (3) : Automatisierte Anzeige der Klassenbenennungen [Practical solutions for local classification schemes (3): Automated display of classification headings] (Lang.: ger). – In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 60(2007)4, pp. 30-36.

50352007-0264descriptorsKO in Asia226;935
Shimada, M. – The revision of the National Diet Library List of Subject Headings (NDLSH), and its future (Lang.: jap). – In: Journal of Information Science and Technology Association (Joho no Kagaku to Gijutsu), 57(2007)2, p.73-78.

18381rolesKO in Europe245;934
Pennington, Diane Rasmussen; Cagnazzo, Laura. – Relationship status: libraries and linked data in Europe (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 662-665.

9454KOS revision274;935(156)
Lee, Changsoo. – [Feature analysis of a Chinese library classification] (Lang.: kor). – 5th ed. – In: Journal of Korean library and information science society, 43(2012)3, pp. 101-120.

18378systems reconciliationKO in Europe286;934
Siwecka, Dorota. – Knowledge Organization systems used in European national libraries towards interoperability of the semantic Web (Lang.: eng). – In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 633-643.

131891994-0898indexingKO in Europe331;934 DE
Hilberer; Th.. – Kooperative Sacherschließung nach den RSWK im Nordrhein-Westfälischen Bibliotheksverbund - Ein Praxisbericht [Cooperative subject analysis according to the Rules for the Subject Catalogue (RSWK) in the North-Rhine-Westfalian Library Network - a Practice Report] (Lang.: ger). – In: Mitt.Blatt Bibl.NRW. 44(1994)2,p.194-209.

7665automatic online indexingcatalogingKO in Africa347;942;936
Adeleke, A. A., Olorunsola, R. – ICT and library operations: more on the online cataloguing and classification tools and techniques in Nigerian libraries (Lang.: eng). – In: Electronic library, 28(2010)3, pp. 453-462.

6952automatic classification348;934(040)
Oberhauser, Otto. – Automatisches Klassifizieren und Bibliothekskataloge [Automatic classification and the library catalogue] (Lang.: ger). – In: Bibliothek Technik Recht: Festschrift für Peter Kubalek zum 60 Geburtstag; ed. by Hans Hrusa & Peter Kubalek.Vienna, Manz, 2005, pp. 119-131. – Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/4833/

9485KOS standards413;935(156)
Wang, Jun; Pu, Shuqing. – [A study and design on the standard for the networked knowledge organization system] (Lang.: chi). – In: Journal of library science in China, 38(2012)4, 39-45.

7714UDCauthority control42;949;934*203
Balíková, Marie. – The role of UDC classification in the Czech subject authority file (Lang.: eng). – In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 31(2009) pp. 253-274.

7201special KOSnon-christian religion698;935*586
Idrees, H., Mahmood, K. – Classification of Islamic literature in Pakistani libraries: a survey (Lang.: eng). – In: Library review, 59(2010)3, pp. 149-164.

15981999-0392online retrieval problemsKO organization principles751;931
David, A.A., Bueno, D. – User modelling and cooperative information retrieval in information retrieval systems (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.30-45.

8836online retrieval problemsKO in Asia751;935
Si, Li, Shi, Ruoyao, Chen, Bijuan. – An investigation and analysis of the application of Web 2.0 in Chinese university libraries (Lang.: eng). – In: Electronic library, 29(2011)5, pp. 651-668.

65022009-0622online systems752;934(705)
Poliènik-Èermelj, Tereza. – Evidentiranje elektronskih virov, dostopnih na daljavo, v COBISS [Checking of remotely accessible electronic sources in COBISS system] (Lang.: slo). – In: Šolska knjižnica, 19(2009)2/3, pp.143-154.

Oberhauser, Otto. – Praktische Lösungen für lokale Systematiken (2) : Ein einfaches Interface für den Online-Katalog [Practical solutions for local classification schemes: a hierarchical interface for the online catalogue] (Lang.: ger). – In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 60(2007)3, pp. 40-47.

7228Internet gateways752.3;937*484;934*724
García Pérez, Jesús Francisco. – El derecho de autor y la industria editorial en México y España: influencia y comportamiento en el entorno virtual [Author rights and the publishing industry in Mexico and Spain: influences and behaviour in the virtual environment] (Lang.: spa). – In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento 14(2008)2, pp. 119-130.

7233online access753;934*616
Nosek, Anna, PÄ™dich, Marcin, Zimnoch, Katarzyna. – Multidimensional analysis of the information structure of public libraries’ websites in the Podlasie region (Poland) (Lang.: eng). – In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 341-348.

6998search engines757;934(040)
Oberhauser, Otto. – Implementierung und Parametrisierung klassifikatorischer Recherchekomponenten im OPAC [Implementing and parameterizing some features for classification-based searching in the OPAC] (Lang.: ger). – In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 58(2005)1, pp. 22-37.

6999search engines757;934(040)
Oberhauser, Otto. – Klassifikatorische Erschliessung und Recherche im Österreichischen Verbundkatalog [Searching and displaying classificatory information in the Austrian Union Catalogue] (Lang.: ger). – In: B.I.T.online - Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 8(2005)2, pp. 123-132. – Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/7236/

27722001-0430various NBM indexingKO organization principles879;931
Hickey, T., Vizine-Goetz, D. – The role of classification in CORC (Lang.: eng). – In: Online Information 99.Proceedings of the 23rd International Online Information Meeting, London, 7-9 December 1999.Oxford: Learned Information Europe Ltd, 1999, p.247-250.

8229KO metadataKO in Asia918;935
Taniguchi, Shoichi, Tokita, Takuya . – Shoshi Joho to Metadata: Riron, Tsuru no Waga Kuni ni Okeru Hatten [Bibliographic information & metadata: a review of theories and tools development in Japan] (Lang.: jap). – In: Toshokan-Kai/The library world, 61(2010)5, pp. 572-580.

23112000-0588international KO groupsinternational KO activities926;933
Green, R., Mai, J.E., McIlwaine, I.C. – The Sixth International ISKO Conference (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)1/2,p.55-64. »» Summaries of papers and themes

56052008-0150bibliographyKO in America941;937
Oder, N. – LC report begins to emerge (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Journal, 132(2007)20, pp.18-19.

9561bibliographic records944;934(380)
Petrucciani, Alberto. – From the FRBR model to the Italian cataloging code (and vice versa?) (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 603-621.

9567bibliographic records944;934(392)
Tokita, Takuya, et al. – Identifying works of Japanese classics for construction of FRBRized OPACs (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 670-687.

9559bibliographic records944;934(410)
Lee, Hyewon; Park, Ziyoung. – FRBRizing bibliographic records focusing on identifiers and role indicators in the Korean cataloging environment (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 688-704.

9568bibliographic recordsauthority control944;949;934(191)
Willer, Mirna; Barbarić, Ana. – FRBR/FRAD and Eva Verona's cataloging code: toward the future development of Croatian cataloging code (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 542-563.

8012record structure945;934*040+276
Leibrecht, Veronika. – The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek reports: Germany and Austria’s migration project ‘Moving to MARC 21’ (Lang.: eng). – In: Alexandria, 21(2009)1, pp. 25-33.

7810record structureKO in Asia945;935
Ghaebi, Amir, Shamsbod, Mahmood, Karimi-Mansoorabad, Elham. – Investigation of MARC use in Iranian academic libraries (Lang.: eng). – In: Electronic library, 28(2010)5, pp.702-708.

15691bibliographic descriptioninternational KO cooperations946;932
Bartholmei, Stephan; Schulze, Francesca. – Die Weiterentwicklung der Deutschen digitalen bibliothek [The advancement of the German digital library] (Lang.: ger). – In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 25(2013)2, pp. 7-12.. – Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog20132volltext.pdf

16058bibliographic description946;934(276)
Behrens-Neumann, Renate. – Paradigmenwechsel in der Erfassung [A paradigm shift in cataloguing [report on RDA implementation at the German National Library]] (Lang.: ger). – In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 61(2014) 4/5, pp. 300-306..

7037authority control949;934(040)
Oberhauser, Otto, Labner, Josef. – Praktische Lösungen für lokale Systematiken (1) : Die neue lokale Multi-Klassifikations-Normdatei der Verbundzentrale [Practical solutions for local classification schemes (1): The new multi-classification authority file maintained by the head office of the Austrian Library Network] (Lang.: ger). – In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 60(2007)3, pp. 33-39.

7040KO user instruction959;934(040)
Oberhauser, Otto, Labner, Josef. – Entwurf und Implementierung einer neuen Multi-Klassifikations-Normdatei für den Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbund [Design and implementation of a new multi-classification authority file for the Austrian Library Network] (Lang.: ger). – In: B.I.T.online - Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 9 (2006)4, pp. 293-302. – Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/8308/

9585information usespecial KOSagriculture981;646;936(012)
Bernaoui, Radia; Hassoun, Mohamed. – User expectations, reality and delineation of agricultural information systems in the Maghreb (Lang.: eng). – In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

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