Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 949 Authority control found the 153 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

2333   2000-0610authority control949
Barrett, H. – Authority / thesaurus at Department of Health Library (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue Index, (1998)108,p.47-50.

2463   2001-0121authority control949
Snyman, M.M.M., Van Rensburg, M.J. – Reengineering name authority control (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 17(1999)5,p.313-322.

2639   2001-0297authority control949
Yu, A.J. – The future of authority control for CJK name headings (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Hong Kong Library Association, (1999)17,p.79-86. »» Authority control of Chinese, Japanese and Korean name headings in the Library of Congress (USA). Complains the lack of vernacular script

2800   2001-0458authority control949
Dimec, Z. – Vsi različni, vsi enakopravni : sprememba osnovnih načel normativne kontrole [All different, all equal: changing basic principles of the authority control] (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnica, 45(2001)1/2, p.55-69.

2801   2001-0459authority control949
Structures of corporate name headings : final report of the Working group on the revision of FSCH (IFLA Section on Cataloguing) / comp.and introd.by T.Heijligers ; working group members: I.De Pineda, T.Heijligers, N.TlKasparova, R.Rinn, B.Tillett, M.Witt (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 30(2001)3, p.50-54. * Only Foreword and Introduction of the report. Full report: www.ifla.org/VII/s13/scatn/final2000.htm

2802   2001-0460authority control949
Lewis, N., Seago, K. – Rola centralnej kartoteki hasel wzorcowych [The importance of union authority files] (Lang.: pol). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 28(1999)4, p.117-134.

2803   2001-0461authority control949
Hoffmann, H. – What's in a name? : Pitfalls of outsourcing authority control (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia, 25(1999)1/4, p.94-98.

2804   2001-0462authority control949
Scott, P. – Authority control and the local catalogue (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia, 25(1999)1/4, p.105-113.

3158   2002-0180authority control949
Tillett, B.B. – Authority control at the international level (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 44(2000)3, p.168-172.

3159   2002-0181authority control949
Paterson, D.E. – A perspective on indexing slaves' names (Lang.: eng). - In: The American archivist, 64(2001)1, p.132-142.

3320   2002-0341authority control949
Bourdon, F. – Functional requirements and numbering of authority records (FRANAR): to what extent can authority control be supported by technical means? (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 31(2002)1, p. 6-9.

3465   2003-0140authority control949
Cordeiro, M.I. – From library authority control to network authoritative metadata sources (Lang.: eng). - In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.131-139.

3466   2003-0141authority control949
Jeng, L.H. – What authority? Why control?. [Historical Archive] (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 34(2002)4,p.91-97.

3467   2003-0142authority control949
Tillett, B.B. – Authority control on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the Bicentennial Conference on Bibliographic Control for the new Millennium.2001. – pp. 574. – Available at http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/bibcontrol/tillett_paper.html – ISBN: 0844410462.

3513   2004-0040authority control949
Waithe, M.E., Vintro, M.E. – Posthumously plagiarizing Oliva Sabuco: an appeal to cataloging librarians (Lang.: eng). - In: Historical aspects of cataloging and classification - New York : Haworth Information Press, 2003. - p.525-540.

3659   2004-0185authority control949
Kaiser, M., Lieder, H.J., Majcen, K., Vallant, H. – New ways of sharing and using authority information : the LEAF project (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 9(2003)9 [Electr.]. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november03/lieder/11lieder.html

3921   2004-0445authority control949
Tillett, B.B. – Authority control : state of the art and new perspectives (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.23-41.

3922   2004-0446authority control949
Buizza, P. – Bibliographic control and authority control from Paris Principles to the present (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classifica­tion Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.117-133.

4062   2005-32-1-0138authority control949
Bourdon, F. – Modeliser les données d'autorité [Modelling authority files] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France, 46(2001)5, p.117-119.

4205   2005-32-2-0280authority control949
Lavrenova, O.A. – National Authority File of the Russian Geographic Names (Lang.: eng). - In: World Library and Information Congress: 71th IFLA General Conference and Council Libraries - A voyage of discovery August 14th - 18th 2005, Oslo, Norway.015-E [electron.], – Available at http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla71/papers/015e-Lavrenova.pdf

4206   2005-32-2-0281authority control949
Kulygina, N. – Authority control in a multilanguage catalogue: Russian experience (Lang.: eng). - In: World Library and Information Congress: 71th IFLA General Conference and Council Libraries - A voyage of discovery August 14th - 18th 2005, Oslo, Norway.148-E [electron.], – Available at http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla71/papers/148e-Kulygina.pdf

4207   2005-32-2-0282authority control949
Messmer, G. – The German Name Authority File (PND) in the Bavarian Union Catalogue : principles, experiences, and costs (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 39(2004)1/2, p.421-427.

4208   2005-32-2-0283authority control949
MacEwan, A. – Project InterParty : from library authority files to e-commerce (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 39(2004)1/2, p.429-442.

4209   2005-32-2-0284authority control949
Patton, G.E. – FRANAR : a conceptual model for authority data (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.91-104.

4210   2005-32-2-0285authority control949
Bourdon, F. – Modeling authority data for libraries, archives and museums : a project in progress at AFNOR (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 39(2004)1/2, p.505-516.

4372   2005-32-4-0447authority control949
Wolverton, Jr., R.E. – Authority control in academic libraries in the United States : a survey (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 41(2005)1, p.111-131.

4676   2006-33-3-0280authority control949
Wolverton, Jr., R.E. – Becoming an authority on authority control : An annotated bibliography of resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources and Technical Services50(2006)1, p.10-15.

4981   2007-0207authority control949
Ottoson, P-G. – Authority file information in archives (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 35(2006)1, p.7-10.

4982   2007-0208authority control949
Patton, G.E. – FRAR: extending FRBR concepts to authority data (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 35(2006)2, p.41-45.

4983   2007-0209authority control949
Pulis, N.V. – ‘First time use’ (FTU) name headings, authority control and NACO (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Management, 27(2006)8, p.562-575.

4984   2007-0210authority control949
Zeng, M.L. – Sharing and use of subject authority data (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 35(2006)3, p.52-54.

5228   2007-0461authority control949
Agustín Lacruz, M. C., García Marco, F.J., Yubero Cortés, A. – La representación de la interdisciplinariedad en los puntos de acceso alfabéticos de materias de las bibliotecas españolas [The representation of interdisciplinarity in alphabetical access points for material in Spanish libraries] (Lang.: spa). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.353-363.

5229   2007-0462authority control949
Bennett, R., Hengel-Dittrich, C., O’Neill, E.T., Tillett, B.B. – VIM (virtual international authority file): linking the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek and Library of Congress Name Authority Files (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 36, (2007)1, p.12-18.

5445   2007-0688authority control949
Chihaia, L., Chipcea, E., Covaci, M. – Fişierul de autoritate pentru nume de persoane: ghid practic de utilizare în Aleph 500 [Authority files for personal names: a practical guide to their use in Aleph 500] (Lang.: rom). - In: Iaşi: Biblioteca Centrală Universitară „Mihai Eminescu", 2005.

5446   2007-0689authority control949
Chihaia, L., Popa, M. – Fişier de autoritate pentru nume de colectivitate în Aleph 500.16.02 [Authority file for corporate body names in Aleph 500.16.02] (Lang.: rom). - In: Iaşi: Biblioteca Centrală Universitară, „Mihai Eminescu", 2006.65 p,

5447   2007-0690authority control949
Galvez, C., Moya-Anegón, F. – Approximate personal name-matching through finite-state graphs (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 58(2007)13, p.1960-1976.

5613   2008-0158authority control949
In search of a new model (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Journal, 133(2008) pp.6-9.

6125   2009-0245authority control949
Hong, G. – The development and current status of authority control at the National Library of China (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 46(2008)3, p.269-280.

6126   2009-0246authority control949
Tartaglia, S. – Controllo d'autorità e linguaggi di indicizzazione per soggetto [Authority control and subject indexing] (Lang.: ita). - In: Authority control : definizione ed esperienze internazionali : atti del convegno internazionale, Firenze, 10-12 febbraio 2003; p.277-288.Firenze: Firenze university press; Roma: Associazione italiana biblioteche, 2003, – ISBN: 888453111X. a cura di Mauro Guerrini e Barbara B. Tillett ; con la collaborazione di Lucia Sardo

6365   2009-0485authority control949
Dumitrasconiu, Constanta. – Fisiere de autoritate : instrumente de control bibliographic : teza de doctorat [Authority files : instruments for bibliographic control : doctoral thesis] (Lang.: rom). - Bucharest, Universitatea din Bucuresti. Facultatea de Litere, 2008. – pp. 304.

6366   2009-0486authority control949
Hill, Amanda. – What’s in a name? Prototyping a name authority service for UK repositories (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 196-202.

6605   2009-0725authority control949
Blake, Kristen, Samples, Jacquie. – Creating organization name authority within an electronic resources management system (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 53 (2009)2, pp.94-107.

6843   2009-0963authority control949
Folkner, Cheri A., Glackin, Barbara C. – Idaho participation in NACO: the effect on Idaho corporate name authority control (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 53(2009)3, pp. 197-207.

7036   authority control949
Burke, Susan K., Shorten, Jay. – Name authority work today: a comparison of types of academic libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 54(2010)1, pp. 4-20.

7310   authority control949
Hengel-Dittrich, Christel. – Das Projekt Gemeinsame Normdatei – GND [Project GND (common authority file)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 22(2010)1, pp. 35-38.

7311   authority control949
Salaba, Athena. – Use and users of subject authority data (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp.385-391.

7583   authority control949
Bălan, D., Bararu, M. – FiÅŸierul de autoritate Nume de persoană: între deziderat ÅŸi realitate [Authority files for names of person: between wish and reality] (Lang.: rom). - In: Buletinul FundaÅ£iei Urechia. GalaÅ£i: Biblioteca “V. A. Urechiaâ€Â, 6(2008) 9, pp. 87-99.

7584   authority control949
Bălan, D., Bararu, M. – FiÅŸierul de autoritate Nume de persoană: atribute, reguli ÅŸi principii [Authority files for names of person: attributes, rules and principles] (Lang.: rom). - In: Buletinul FundaÅ£iei Urechia. GalaÅ£i: Biblioteca “V. A Urechiaâ€Â, 7(2009)10, pp. 116-126.

7812   authority control949
Balíková, M. – VÄ›cné autority a Web 2.0 [Subject authorities and Web 2.0] (Lang.: cze). - – Available at http://www.sdruk.cz/sec/2009/b3/balikova_vecne_autority_web2-0.pdf Paper presented at the Conference Knihovny souÄÂasnosti 2009, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 23-25 June 2009

7813   authority control949
Finn, Mary. – Batch-load authority control cleanup using MarcEdit and LTI (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 26(2009)1, pp. 44-50.

7814   authority control949
Kreyche, Michael, Lisius, Peter H., Park, Amey. – The DeathFlip Project: automating death date revisions to name headings in bibliographic records (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 48(2010)8, pp. 684-695.

7815   authority control949
Lisius, Peter H. et al. – Integrating Enhance and NACO work into pre-professional experiences: a successful strategy for all (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 48(2010)6/7, pp. 610-617.

7816   authority control949
Sandner, Margit. – NSW online: Elektronisches Tool zur "Liste der fachlichen Nachschlagewerke [NSW online: an electronic tool to support terminology work for authority files] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 22(2010)2, pp. 53-62.

8017   authority control949
Herrero Pascual, Cristina, Diaz Ortuño, Pedro. – Gestión de un fichero de autoridades en el marco de la biblioteca digital de historia del pensamiento político “Saavedra Fajardo†[Managing an authority file in the digital library of history of political thought “Saavedra Fajardoâ€Â] (Lang.: spa). - In: Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación, (2009), pp. 209-215.

8244   authority control949
Behrens-Neumann, Renate, Pfeifer, Barbara. – Die Gemeinsame Normdatei - ein Kooperationsprojekt [The "Gemeinsame Normdatei" [Universal Authority File] - a collaborative project] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 23(2011)1, pp. 37-40.

8245   authority control949
Pellack, L. J., Kappmeyer, L. O. – The ripple effect of women's name changes in indexing, citation, and authority control (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(2011)3, pp. 440-448.

8564   authority control949
Behrens-Neumann, Renate, Feifer, Barbara. – Die Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) - ein Projekt entwickelt sich weiter [The "Gemeinsame Normdatei" [Universal Authority File] - the project evolves] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken. 23(2011)2 pp.15-17.

8565   authority control949
Connaway, L. S., Dickey, T.J. – Publisher names in bibliographic data: an experimental authority file and a prototype application (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 53(2011)4, pp. 182-194.

8740   authority control949
Marshall, Linnea. – Using Internet resources to research dates of birth and death of relatively obscure individuals for inclusion in name authority records (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)1, pp. 17-32.

8946   authority control949
Andreani, Vanessa, Roy, Thibault, Lebarbe, Thomas. – Named entity normalization: combining normalization rules, endogenous resources and user-oriented process (Lang.: eng). - In: The Canadian journal of information and library science/La Revue canadienne des sciences de l'information et de bibliothéconomie, 35(2011)3, pp. 229-263.

8947   authority control949
Behrens-Neumann, Renate. – Die Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) - Ein Projekt kommt zum Abschluss [The "Gemeinsame Normdatei" [Universal Authority File] - the project approaches its completion] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 24(2012)1, pp. 25-28.

8948   authority control949
Manz, Giulia. – Analysis and reflections on VIAF, Virtual International Authority File (Lang.: eng). - In: JLIS.it: Italian journal of library and information science. Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia, archivistica e scienza dell’informazione, 1(2010)2, pp. 357-381. – Available at http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/article/view/4520 Text in Italian & English

8949   authority control949
Ungváry, Rudolf. – A besorolási adatcsere-formátum bôvülése. A legutóbbi két évtized fejleménye [Extension of the authority data exchange format. Developments in the last two decades] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudomanyos es Muszaki Tajekoztatas, 58(2011)9, pp. 371-386.

9188   authority control949
Barrionuevo Almuzara, Leticia, Alvite Díez, Maria Luisa, Rodríguez Bravo, Blanca. – A study of authority control in Spanish university repositories (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)2, pp. 95-103.

9189   authority control949
Behrens-Neumann, Renate. – Das Projekt Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) [The project "Gemeinsame Normdatei" [Universal Authority File]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. 59(2012)2, pp. 96-100.

9190   authority control949
Sandner, Margit. – Normdateiarbeit und Sacherschliessungspraxis im Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbund an der Schwelle zur Gemeinsamen Normdatei (GND) [Authority control and subject indexing in the Austrian Library Network at the advent of the "Gemeinsame Normdatei" [Universal Authority File] ] (Lang.: ger). - In: Die neue Bibliothek pp. 294-299(

9395   authority control949
Ueda, Hiroshi, Murakami, Harumi, Tatsumi, Shoji. – Toward automatic creation of name authority records (Lang.: eng). - In: TP&D Forum series, 20(2012), pp. 18-34.

9396   authority control949
Ungváry, Rudolf. – A besorolási adatcsere-formátum bÅ‘vülése. A legutóbbi két évtized fejleménye [Extension of the authority data exchange format. Developments in the last two decades] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudományos és Műszaki Tájékoztatás, 58(2011)9, pp. 371-386. – Available at http://tmt.omikk.bme.hu/show_news.html?id=5539&issue_id=530

9580   authority control949
Collin, Doris; Dirx, Carsten. – Die Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie: Umstieg auf die Gemeinsame Normdatei [The Rhineland-Palatinatian bibliography: changing to the universal authority file] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 46(2012)12, pp. 988-995. – Available at http://www.zlb.de/aktivitaeten/bd_neu/heftinhalte2012/ErschlieAYung011212_BD.pdf

9582   authority control949
Hao, Jiashu; Wang, Guangping. – [A discussion on semantic description and linkage for Chinese name authority] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 56(2012)14, pp.47-51.

9583   authority control949
MacEwan, Andrew; Angjeli, Anila; Gatenby, Janifer. – The International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI): the evolving future of name authority control (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2012)1-3, pp. 55-71.

9751   authority control949
Burke, Susan K.; Shorten, Jay. – Name authority work in public libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 365-388.

9752   authority control949
El-Sherbini, Magda. – Bibliotheca Alexandrina's model for Arabic name authority control (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 57(2013)1, pp. 4-17.

9753   authority control949
Lee, Deborah. – Collaborative authorities: introducing the UK NACO funnel project (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 30-36.

9756   authority control949
Niu, Jinfang. – Evolving landscape in name authority control (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 404-419.

9758   authority control949
Wiechmann, Brigitte. – Die Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND): Rückblick und Ausblick [The Universal Authority File (GND): review and outlook] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 24(2012)2, pp. 20-22. – Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog201202Volltext.pdf

9759   authority control949
Zhu, Qingqing; Sun, Fengling. – [Research on FRAD and Chinese name authority control] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the National Library of China, (2012)2, pp. 19-22.

9940   authority control949
Lisius, Peter . – PCC practice for assigning uniform titles for television programs: principle versus practice (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)5, pp. 550-579.

9941   authority control949
Tomasi, Francesca. – Le edizioni digitali come nuovo modello per dati di autorità concettuali. [Digital editions as a new model of conceptual authority data] (Lang.: ita). - In: Italian journal of library & information science, 4(2013)2, pp. 21-44.

9942   authority control949
Wu, Shuheng; Stvilia, Besiki; Lee, Dong Joon. – Authority control for scientific data: the case of molecular biology (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of library metadata, 12(2012)2/3, pp. 61-82.

15304   authority control949
Deng, Fuquan. – [Standard heading of foreign individual authors] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, 2013, no. 2, pp. 32-33+38.

15305   authority control949
Kempf, Andreas Oskar; Zapilko, Benjamin. – Normdatenpflege in Zeiten der Automatisierung: Erstellung und Evaluation automatisch aufgebauter Thesaurus-Crosskonkordanzen [Authority data maintenance in times of automation: creation and evaluation of automatically established cross-concordances between controlled vocabularies] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 64(2013)4, pp. 199–208.

15306   authority control949
Kimura, Maiko. – [Differences in descriptions of Chinese personal and corporate name authority data: a comparison between China, Japan and South Korea] (Lang.: jap). - In: Library and information science, 69(2013), pp. 19-46.

15692   authority control949
Becker, Nikola. – DFG-Projekt "Historische Bio-Bibliographien als OPAC-Bausteine" an den Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Probleme bei der Erschliessung mittelalterlicher Personennamen [DFG project "Historical Bio-Bibliographies as OPAC Components" at the Monumenta Germaniae Historica – difficulties in indexing medieval personal names] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014)1, pp. 131–142..

15693   authority control949
Kim, Song-le, Chung, Yeon Kyoung. – [A comparative study on authority records for Japanese writers in Japan and the united states of America] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 48(2014)1, pp. 149-170..

15694   authority control949
Myers, John. – (Book review of) Jin, Qiang. Demystifying FRAD: functional requirements for authority data. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2012. 134 pp. ISBN: 9781598844962 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52(2014)2, pp. 256-257..

16085   authority control949
Jia, Junzhi; Shi, Yanqing. – Zhongwen mingcheng guifan wendang yu VIAF de guanlian (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the national library of China, 6(2014), pp. NA.

16086   authority control949
Kimura, Maiko. – Differences in representations of Japanese name authority data among CJK countries and the Library of Congress (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 50(2014)5, pp. 733-751.

16091   authority control949
Ilik, Violeta. – Cataloger Makeover: Creating Non-MARC Name Authorities (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 53(2015)3-4, pp. 382-398.2015. – Available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01639374.2014.961626#abstract

16205   authority control949
Mihwa Lee. – A Study on the Applicability of ISNI for Authority Control (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 31(2014)3, pp. 133-151.. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3543009

16536   authority control949
Milani, Suellen Oliveira. – Bias na representação de assunto: uma discussão de oposições binárias nos Functional Requirements for Subject Authorithy Data (FRSAD) [Bias in subject representation: a discussion about binary oppositions in the context of the Functional Requirements for Subject Authorithy Data (FRSAD) ] (Lang.: por). - Marília, São Paulo, Brasil, Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 2014. – Available at http://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/milani_so_do_mar.pdf

17230   authority control949
Oliveira, Adriana Carla Silva de. – Desvendando a autoralidade colaborativa na e-science sob A ?tica dos direitos de propriedade intelectual [Collaborative authority into e-science through intellectual property rights's optics] (Lang.: por). - In: Dissertation.Jo?o Pessoa, Brazil, Universidade Federal da Para?ba, 2016. – pp. 297. – Available at http://tede.biblioteca.ufpb.br:8080/handle/tede/8849

17237   authority control949
Maltese, Vincenzo; Giunchiglia, Fausto. – Foundation of digital universities (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quartely, 55(2017)1, . – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2016.1245231

17290   authority control949
Romanetto, Luiza de Menezes Santos, Pl?cida Leopoldina Ventura A. da Costa Alves, Rachel Cristina Ves?. – The virtual international authority file - VIAF and aggregation of values by authority metadata (Lang.: eng). - In: RDBCI: Revista Digital Biblioteconomia e Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 15(2017)3. – Available at http://periodicos.sbu.unicamp.br/ojs/index.php/rdbci/article/view/8647488/pdf_1

18075   authority control949
Bicher, Katrin; Wiermann, Barbara. – "Normdaten zu "Werken der Musik" und ihr Potenzial für die digitale Musikwissenschaft" [Authority files for musical works and their potential for digital musicology] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2018)2, pp. 222–235. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2018-0043

18194   authority control949
Garzón-Farinós, Fernanda; Peset Mancebo, Fernanda. – Los registros de autoridades personales de la comunidad bibliotecaria revisitados en la web semántica [Personal Authorities of the Librarian Community of Practice Revisited for Semantic Web] (Lang.: spa). - In: Anales De Documentación, 21(1). – Available at http://doi.org/10.6018/analesdoc.21.1.301521

18199   authority control949
Garzón-Farinós, Fernanda; Peset Mancebo, Fernanda. – Normativas interoperables sobre control de autoridades para bibliotecas digitales semánticas [Interoperable standards on authority control. Trends for semantic digital libraries] (Lang.: spa). - In: Investigación bibliotecológica, 32(2018)76. – Available at http://oi.org/10.22201/iibi.24488321xe.2018.76.58018

18478   authority control949
Fischer, Barbara Katharina. – Von der Kunst des Findens: Warum Museen und Archive sich für die Normdaten der Bibliotheken interessieren [On the art of finding: Why museums and archives are interested in the authority data of libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, 69(2018)10, p. 580-582. – Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/2018-10.pdf

18485   authority control949
Kett, Jürgen; Fischer, Barbara K.. – GNDCon 2018: Eine erste Convention zur Öffnung der Gemeinsamen Normdatei [GNDCon 2018: A first convention to open the Integrated Authority File [GND]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 31(2019)1, pp. 51-53. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:101-20190218142

18513   authority control949
Fischer, Barbara Katharina, Kett, Jürgen. – Das andere G in GND: Von der integrierten Normdatei zum Community-Projekt; Bericht über die GNDCon vom 3. bis 4. Dezember 2018 in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek in Frankfurt am Main [From the integrated authority file to a community project: Report on the GNDCon, 3-4 November 2018 at the German National Library, Frankfurt am Main] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 66(2019)2, pp. 82-86. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3196/186429501966249

18525   authority control949
Kasprzik, Anna; Kett, Jürgen . – Vorschläge für eine Weiterentwicklung der Sacherschliessung und Schritte zur fortgesetzten strukturellen Aufwertung der GND [Proposals for further development of subject indexing and steps to continue the structural upgrading of the Integrated Authority File (GND)] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 5(2018)4, pp. 127-140. – Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2018H4S127-140

18536   authority control949
Steeg, Fabian; Pohl, Adrian; Christoph, Pascal. – lobid-gnd: Eine Schnittstelle zur Gemeinsamen Normdatei für Mensch und Maschine [lobid-gnd: A human and machine interface to the Integrated Authority File (GND)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Informationspraxis, 5(2019)1, 25 p. (pdf). – Available at http://doi.org/10.11588/ip.2019.1.52673

18597   authority control949
Garzón-Farinós, Fernanda ; Peset Mancebo, Fernanda. – Normativas interoperables sobre control de autoridades para bibliotecas digitales semánticas [Interoperable standards on authority control. Trends for semantic digital libraries] (Lang.: spa). - In: Investigación bibliotecológica, 32(2018) 76, pp, 167-188.México, Universidad Autónoma, 2018.0. – Available at http://doi.org/10.22201/iibi.24488321xe.2018.76.58018

18611   authority control949
Oh, Sanghee; Kwak, Seung-Jin; Lee, Seungmin. – êµ­ë‚´ 분야별 ì¸ëª…ì •ë³´ 관리를 위한 ì €ìžì‹ë³„ì²´ê³„ì¸ ISNI í™œìš©ì— ê´€í•œ 연구 : 국립중앙ë„ì„œê´€ì˜ ISNI-Korea 컨소시엄 참여기관과 ë¹„ì°¸ì—¬ê¸°ê´€ì„ ëŒ€ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ í•œ 집단면담 연구방법 ì´ìš© [A Study on the Application of ISNI for the Personnel Information Management: Having Focused Group Interviews with Participants and non-Participants in the ISNI-Korea Consortium managed by National Library of Korea] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 50(2019)2, pp.121-147.kor, Korean Library And Information Science Society, – Available at http://http://www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/articleDetail?nodeId=NODE08749701

18612   authority control949
Kim, Jeong-Hyen. – A Comparative Analysis of Cataloging Records Related to Dokdo in the National Libraries of the Various Countries [Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 50(2019)2, pp.1-23.kor, Korean Library And Information Science Society, – Available at http://http://www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/articleDetail?nodeId=NODE08749696

18723   authority control949
Dreyer, Britta; et al.. – Die Rolle der ORCID iD in der Wissenschaftskommunikation: Der Beitrag des ORCID-Deutschland-Konsortiums und das ORCID-DE-Projekt [The role of ORCID iD in science communication: The contribution of the ORCID Germany consortium and the ORCID DE project] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 39(2019)2, pp. 112-121. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2019-2004

18724   authority control949
Höhner, Kathrin; Becker, Hans-Georg. – Die ORCID-Integration der Technischen Universität Dortmund [The ORCID integration of the Dortmund University of Technology] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 39(2019)2, pp. 122-129. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2019-2005

18734   authority control949
Le Provost, Aline; Nicolas, Yann. – IdRef, Paprika and Qualinka: A toolbox for authority data quality and interoperability (Lang.: eng). - In: ABI Technik, 40(2020)2, pp. 158-168. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2020-2006

18745   authority control949
Förster, Frank. – Zuweisung von Katalogdatensätzen an Personennormdatensätze mittels Wahrscheinlichkeiten [Assignment of catalog records to personal names authority records using probabilities] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 23(2020)2, pp. 138-148. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2020-02-fachbeitrag-foerster.pdf

18763   authority control949
Fischer, Barbara K.; Kett, Jürgen. – Leipziger Einsichten zur Öffnung der GND: Bericht vom GND4C-Forum in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek [Leipzig insights into the opening of the Integrated Authority File (GND): Report from the GND4C forum at the German National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 31(2019)2, pp. 53-56. – Available at http://d-nb.info/1196978506/34

18790   authority control949
Marín-Arraiza, Paloma. – ORCID in the Open Science scenario: Opportunities for academic libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 72(2019)2, pp. 478-493. – Available at http://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v72i2.2811

18921   authority control949
Montero O'Farrill; Pérez Pérez, José Luis; De la Vara Garrido, Maylén Beatriz; De la Vara Garrido, Niurka; Reyes Hernández,  Flor Marí. – Control de autoridades de los nombres propios: Los encabezamientos de materia en el Repositorio Institucional Nínive [Authorities’s control of proper names: The subject headlines in the Repositorio Institucional Nínive] (Lang.: spa). - In: Información, cultura y sociedad, 43(2020)2, pp. 191-207.2020. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.34096/ics.i43.8090

18492   authority control949; 917
Tüür-Fröhlich, Terje. – "Eine ""autoritative"" Datenbank auf dem Prüfstand: Der Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) und seine Datenqualität" ["Scrutinizing an ""authoritative"" database: The data quality of the Social Science Citation Index"] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 69(2018)5/6, pp. 265-275. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2018-0050

18878   authority control949; 998
Voges, Ramon . – Typographie trifft GND: Digitalisierung und Erschliessung des Nachlasses von Jan Tschichold mit Normdaten [Typography meets GND [Integrated Authority File]: Digitizing and cataloguing the estate of Jan Tschichold via standard data] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 55(2021)1, pp. 52-62. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2021-0010

18900   authority control949; 998
Lee, Mihwa. – A Study on Considerations in the Authority Control to Accommodate LRM Nomen (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society 52(2021)1, pp. 109-128.

9581   authority controlbases of concepts949;121
Furner, Jonathan. – FRSAD and the ontology of subjects of works (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 494-516.

9755   authority controlKOS elements949;22
Liu, Sha; Si, Li. – [Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) and its impact] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)3, pp. 19-24.

15896   authority controlKOS elements949;22
Melo, Maria Antônia Fonseca; Bräscher, Marisa. – Requisitos Funcionais para Dados de Autoridade Assunto (FRSAD): entidades, atributos e relacionamentos [Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD): entities, attributes and relationships] (Lang.: eng). - In: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, 12(2): 102-119. . – Available at http://www.sbu.unicamp.br/seer/ojs/index.php/rbci/article/view/4076

9757   authority controldescriptors form949;229
Song, Leping. – [A general overview of vocabulary control in document databases] (Lang.: eng). - In: Library, (2012)5, pp. 76-80.

7817   authority controlLCSHLCC949;448;44
Miller, David. – The SACO program in the lives of our institutions (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 48(2010)2/3, pp. 194-220.

15504   authority controlsemantic networks949;725
Leiva-Mederos, Amed; Senso, José A.; Domínguez-Velasco, Sandor; Hípola, Pedro. – AUTHORIS: a tool for authority control in the Semantic Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Library hi tech, 31(2013)3, pp. 536-553.

17235   authority controlsemantic networks949;725
Carlson, Scott; Seely, Amber. – Students' viewpoint: what onsitutes presence in na online classroom? (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quaterly, 55(2017)1, . – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2016.1245693

2464   2001-0122authority controlKOS-based access949;756
DiLauro, T., Choudhury, G.S., Patton, .M., Warner, J.W., Brown, E.W. – Automated name authority control and enhanced searching in the Levy collection (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 7(2001)1, 10 p. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january01/dilauro/ 04dilauro.html

3468   2003-0143authority controlindexing problems949;811
Ayres, F.H. – Authority control simply does not work (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification Quarterly, 32(2001)2, p.49-59.

8566   authority controlcartography indexing949;876
Wiesenmüller, Heidrun, Maylein, Leonhard, Pfeffer, Magnus. – Mehr aus der Schlagwortnormdatei herausholen: Implementierung einer geographischen Facette in den Online-Katalogen der UB Heidelberg und der UB Mannheim [Making the most of the [German] subject authority file: Implementing a geographical facet in the catalogues of the Heidelberg and Mannheim University Libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie 14(2011)3, pp. 245-252.

8950   authority controlaudio indexing949;877
946;877. – The development of Resource Description & Access and its impact on music material (Lang.: eng). - In: Notes, 68(2012)3, pp. 526-534.

6844   2009-0964authority controlconceptologysystems theory949;88-51/4
Sharifabadi, S. Rezaei, Khosravi, A., Zeinolabedini, M. Haji. – A study on the feasibility of subject authority control of web-based Persian medical databases: an Iranian experience (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of information science and technology, 7(2009)2, pp. 1-14.

2805   2001-0463authority controlKO metadata949;918
Hearn, S. S. – Metadata structures and authority control (Lang.: eng). - In: Technicalities, 19(1999)6, p.7-9.

7037   authority control949;934(040)
Oberhauser, Otto, Labner, Josef. – Praktische Lösungen für lokale Systematiken (1) : Die neue lokale Multi-Klassifikations-Normdatei der Verbundzentrale [Practical solutions for local classification schemes (1): The new multi-classification authority file maintained by the head office of the Austrian Library Network] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 60(2007)3, pp. 33-39.

9754   authority controlbibliographic description949;946
Lin, Ming. – [Language/script used in catalogue and authorized access points] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of academic libraries, (2012)3, pp. 74-79.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

15375descriptors formauthority control229;949
Barité, Mario; Fernández Molina, Juan Carlos. – Aproximación sistemática al concepto de “control de vocabulario†[Systematic approach to the concept of “vocabulary controlâ€Â] (Lang.: por). – In: Complexidade e organização do conhecimento: desafios de nosso século. Rio de Janeiro: ISKO-Brasil; Marília: FUNDEPE, pp. 86 - 92.

45702006-33-3-0174codes for purposesauthority control267;949
Aliprand, J.M. – Scripts, languages, and authority control (Lang.: eng). – In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 49(2006)4, p.243-249.

15388author-editor indexingauthority control317;949
Bridge, Noeline (ed.). – Indexing names (Lang.: eng). – Medford, New Jersey, Information Today, 2012. – pp. 392 . – ISBN: 9781573874502.

7714UDCauthority control42;949;934*203
Balíková, Marie. – The role of UDC classification in the Czech subject authority file (Lang.: eng). – In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 31(2009) pp. 253-274.

41332005-32-2-0208special KOSfine artsmuseum indexingauthority control694;878;949
Baca, M. – Fear of authority? : authority control and thesaurus building for art and material culture information (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.143-151.

18402000-0116special KOSchristian religionauthority control699;949
Geuns, A. – How can you index Mother Theresa? : the pitfalls of cataloguing specific terms of the Roman Catholic church (Lang.: eng). – In: Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries, 6(1999)1,p.15-20.

7430online systemsauthority control752;949
Birrell, D., Dunsire, G., Menzies, K. – Match Point: duplication and the scholarly record. The Online Catalogue and Repository Interoperability Study (OCRIS), and its findings on duplication and authority control in OPACs and IRs (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)5, pp. 377-402.

8541video indexingauthority control875;949
Emanuel, M. – A fistful of headings: name authority control for video recordings (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 49(2011)6, pp. 484-499.

38972004-0421audio indexingauthority controlorder877;949;11
Gentili-Tedeschi, M., Riva, F. – Authority control in the field of mu­sic : names and titles (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 39(2004)1/2, p.399-412.

39042004-0428KO metadataauthority control918;949
Borhinha, J. – Authority control in the world of metadata (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.105-116.

39152004-0439catalogingauthority control942;949
Fabian, C. – The CERL thesaurus file (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 39(2004)1/2, p.413-420.

9549catalogingauthority control942;949
Sun, Gengxin; Liu, Sha. – [FRSAD's impact on cataloging theory and practice] (Lang.: chi). – In: Library and information service, 56(2012)19, pp. 38-42, 47.

41952005-32-2-0270archival descriptionauthority control943;949
Pitti, D.V. – Creator description: encoded archival context (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.201-226.

39182004-0442bibliographic recordsauthority control944;949
Weber, J. – Authority Control of Works : Cataloging's Chimera? (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.227-236.

41982005-32-2-0273bibliographic recordsauthority control944;949
Smiraglia, R.P. – Authority control of works : cataloging's Chimera? (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.291-308.

8930bibliographic recordsauthority control944;949
Speciale, Antonio. – The FRAD model (Lang.: ita). – In: JLIS.it: Italian journal of library and information science. Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia, archivistica e scienza dell’informazione, 1(2010)2, pp. 409-424. – Available at http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/article/view/4521 Text in English & Italian

9924bibliographic recordsauthority control944;949
Taniguchi, Shoichi. – Event-aware FRBR and FRAD models: are they useful? (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of Documentation, 69(2013)3, pp. 452-472.

9568bibliographic recordsauthority control944;949;934(191)
Willer, Mirna; Barbarić, Ana. – FRBR/FRAD and Eva Verona's cataloging code: toward the future development of Croatian cataloging code (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 542-563.

7809record structureUDCmappingauthority control945;42;285;949
San Segundo, Rosa. – Using MARC classification format for UDC and mappings to other KO systems for an enriched authority file (Lang.: eng). – In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 31(2009) pp. 285-291.

39192004-0443record structureauthority control945;949
Willer, M. – UNIMARC format for authority records : its scope and issues for authority control (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classi­fication Quarterly, 38(2004)3/4, p.153-184.

7581record structureauthority control945;949
UNIMARC manual authorities format; ed. by Mirna Willer (Lang.: eng). – Munich, K. G. Saur, 2009. – pp. 309.(IFLA series on bibliographic control, v. 38).

15684record structureauthority control945;949
Rho, Jee-Hyun; Lee, Mihwa. – [A study on the revision of KORMARC-authority format by reflecting the international trends of authority control] (Lang.: kor). – In: Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 25(2014)1, pp. 61-84..

9575bibliographic descriptionbibliographic recordsauthority control946;944;949
Riva, Pat; Oliver, Chris. – Evaluation of RDA as an implementation of FRBR and FRAD (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 564-586.

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