Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 985 Use of Thesauri found the 9 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

3664   2004-0190use of thesauri985
Shiri, A.A., Revie, C. – End-user interaction with thesauri : an evaluation of cognitive overlap in search selection (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 233-238.

16165   use of thesauri985
Hajibayova, Lala; Jacob, Elin K.. – Factors Influencing User-Generated Vocabularies: How Basic are Basic Level Terms? (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 41(2014)6, pp. 102-112.

17862   use of thesauri985
Hajibayova, Lala; Jacob, Elin K.. – Factors influencing user-generated vocabularies: how basic are basic level terms? (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)2, pp. 102-112.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. – pp. 11.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

8041998-0180psychological basesuse of thesauriKOS theory151;985;211
Béguin, A. – Thesaurus usage and mental development (Lang.: eng). – In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.270-276.

15947KOS in special environmentsuse of thesauri218;985
Borchert, Friederike; Keidel, Petra. – Und sie bewegt sich doch! Der Einsatz eines Thesaurus zur Unterstützung der Sacherschliessung in einem Discoverysystem [And yet it moves! Using a thesaurus to support subject access in a discovery system] (Lang.: ger). – In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 17(2014) 5, pp. 456-463.

136731994-0936use of thesauri42.984 ES;985 ES
Castellote, P.B.. – Classification and indexing in Spanish libraries (Lang.: spa). – In: IFLA Council and General Conference, Barcelona, 22-28 Aug.1993. Booklet 4,p.28-33.

62782009-0398online systemsuse of thesaurispecial KOSmatter science755;985;622
Shiri, Ali, Chambers, Thane. – Information retrieval from digital libraries: assessing the potential utility of thesauri in supporting users' search (Lang.: eng). – In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 184-189.

41662005-32-2-0241online systems evaluationuse of thesauri759;985
Greenberg, J. – User comprehension and searching with information retrieval thesauri (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 37(2004)3/4, p.103-120.

15700use of classificationsuse of thesauri984;985
Gil Urdiciain, Blanca; Ríos Hilario, Ana Belén . – Tendencias de utilización de sistemas de representación del conocimiento en las bibliotecas públicas y universitarias españolas [Trends in the use of knowledge representation systems in Spanish public and academic libraries] (Lang.: spa). – In: Scire, 19(2013)2, pp. 27-32..

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