Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 995 Standardisation of Thesauri found the 4 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

13490   1990-2-354thesauri standardisation995
LINCE: a proposal for standardisation of database access languages (Lang.: por). - In: Cienc.Inform.Vol.17.No.2.1988.p.141-145.

15511   thesauri standardisation995
Liu, Zheng; Ji, Shanshan. – [Research on data models of thesaurus standard] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 57(2013)2, pp. 103-108.

15910   thesauri standardisation995
Zeng, Xinhong. – [SKOS specializations and guides for Chinese controlled vocabularies] (Lang.: chi). - In: Digital library forum, 2014(4). – Available at http://d.g.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical_sztsglt201404003.aspx

2023   2000-0299thesauri standardisationmultilingual systems problems995;791
Riesthuis, G.J.A. – Multilingual subject access and the Guidelines for the establisment and development of multilingual thesauri (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.131-135.



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